Table of Parts
                      Subpart A--Traffic Damage Claims

   §  64.1   Traffic damage claims.

       Subpart B--Restrictions on Indecent Telephone Message Services

   §  64.201   Restrictions on indecent telephone message services.

       Subpart C--Furnishing of Facilities to Foreign Governments for
                        International Communications

   §  64.301   Furnishing of facilities to foreign governments for
   international communications.

     Subpart D--Procedures for Handling Priority Services in Emergencies

   §  64.401   Policies and procedures for provisioning and restoring
   certain telecommunications services in emergencies.
   §  64.402   Policies and procedures for the provision of priority
   access service by commercial mobile radio service providers.

         Subpart E--Use of Recording Devices by Telephone Companies

   §  64.501   Recording of telephone conversations with telephone

      Subpart F--Telecommunications Relay Services and Related Customer
              Premises Equipment for Persons With Disabilities

   §  64.601   Definitions and provisions of general applicability.
   §  64.602   Jurisdiction.
   §  64.603   Provision of services.
   §  64.604   Mandatory minimum standards.
   §  64.605   Emergency calling requirements.
   §  64.606   Internet-based TRS provider and TRS program certification.
   §  64.607   Furnishing related customer premises equipment.
   §  64.608   Provision of hearing aid compatible telephones by exchange
   §  64.609   Enforcement of related customer premises equipment rules.
   §  64.610   Establishment of a National Deaf-Blind Equipment
   Distribution Program.
   §  64.611   Internet-based TRS registration.
   §  64.613   Numbering directory for internet-based TRS users.

      Subpart G--Furnishing of Enhanced Services and Customer-Premises
     Equipment by Bell Operating Companies; Telephone Operator Services

   §  64.702   Furnishing of enhanced services and customer-premises
   §  64.703   Consumer information.
   §  64.704   Call blocking prohibited.
   §  64.705   Restrictions on charges related to the provision of
   operator services.
   §  64.706   Minimum standards for the routing and handling of emergency
   telephone calls.
   §  64.707   Public dissemination of information by providers of
   operator services.
   §  64.708   Definitions.
   §  64.709   Informational tariffs.
   §  64.710   Operator services for prison inmate phones.

     Subpart H--Extension of Unsecured Credit for Interstate and Foreign
          Communications Services to Candidates for Federal Office

   §  64.801   Purpose.
   §  64.802   Applicability.
   §  64.803   Definitions.
   §  64.804   Rules governing the extension of unsecured credit to
   candidates or persons on behalf of such candidates for Federal office
   for interstate and foreign common carrier communication services.

                       Subpart I--Allocation of Costs

   §  64.901   Allocation of costs.
   §  64.902   Transactions with affiliates.
   §  64.903   Cost allocation manuals.
   §  64.904   Independent audits.
   §  64.905   Annual certification.

    Subpart J--International Settlements Policy and Modification Requests

   §  64.1001   Requests to modify international settlements arrangements.
   §  64.1002   International settlements policy.

    Subpart K--Changes in Preferred Telecommunications Service Providers

   §  64.1100   Definitions.
   §  64.1110   State notification of election to administer FCC rules.
   §  64.1120   Verification of orders for telecommunications service.
   §  64.1130   Letter of agency form and content.
   §  64.1140   Carrier liability for slamming.
   §  64.1150   Procedures for resolution of unauthorized changes in
   preferred carrier.
   §  64.1160   Absolution procedures where the subscriber has not paid
   §  64.1170   Reimbursement procedures where the subscriber has paid
   §  64.1190   Preferred carrier freezes.
   §  64.1195   Registration requirement.

    Subpart L--Restrictions on Telemarketing, Telephone Solicitation, and
                            Facsimile Advertising

   §  64.1200   Delivery restrictions.
   §  64.1201   Restrictions on billing name and address disclosure.

                  Subpart M--Provision of Payphone Service

   §  64.1300   Payphone compensation obligation.
   §  64.1301   Per-payphone compensation.
   §  64.1310   Payphone compensation procedures.
   §  64.1320   Payphone call tracking system audits.
   §  64.1330   State review of payphone entry and exit regulations and
   public interest payphones.
   §  64.1340   Right to negotiate.

                     Subpart N--Expanded Interconnection

   §  64.1401   Expanded interconnection.
   §  64.1402   Rights and responsibilities of interconnectors.

      Subpart O--Interstate Pay-Per-Call and Other Information Services

   §  64.1501   Definitions.
   §  64.1502   Limitations on the provision of pay-per-call services.
   §  64.1503   Termination of pay-per-call and other information
   §  64.1504   Restrictions on the use of toll-free numbers.
   §  64.1505   Restrictions on collect telephone calls.
   §  64.1506   Number designation.
   §  64.1507   Prohibition on disconnection or interruption of service
   for failure to remit pay-per-call and similar service charges.
   §  64.1508   Blocking access to 900 service.
   §  64.1509   Disclosure and dissemination of pay-per-call information.
   §  64.1510   Billing and collection of pay-per-call and similar service
   §  64.1511   Forgiveness of charges and refunds.
   §  64.1512   Involuntary blocking of pay-per-call services.
   §  64.1513   Verification of charitable status.
   §  64.1514   Generation of signalling tones.
   §  64.1515   Recovery of costs.

             Subpart P--Calling Party Telephone Number; Privacy

   §  64.1600   Definitions.
   §  64.1601   Delivery requirements and privacy restrictions.
   §  64.1602   Restrictions on use and sale of telephone subscriber
   information provided pursuant to automatic number identification or
   charge number services.
   §  64.1603   Customer notification.
   §  64.1604   Prohibition on transmission of inaccurate or misleading
   caller identification information.
   §  64.1605   Effective date.

    Subpart Q--Implementation of Section 273(d)(5) of the Communications
            Act: Dispute Resolution Regarding Equipment Standards

   §  64.1700   Purpose and scope.
   §  64.1701   Definitions.
   §  64.1702   Procedures.
   §  64.1703   Dispute resolution default process.
   §  64.1704   Frivolous disputes/penalties.

          Subpart R--Geographic Rate Averaging and Rate Integration

   §  64.1801   Geographic rate averaging and rate integration.

    Subpart S--Nondominant Interexchange Carrier Certifications Regarding
         Geographic Rate Averaging and Rate Integration Requirements

   §  64.1900   Nondominant interexchange carrier certifications regarding
   geographic rate averaging and rate integration requirements.

    Subpart T--Separate Affiliate Requirements for Incumbent Independent
     Local Exchange Carriers That Provide In-Region, Interstate Domestic
       Interexchange Services or In-Region International Interexchange

   §  64.1901   Basis and purpose.
   §  64.1902   Terms and definitions.
   §  64.1903   Obligations of all incumbent independent local exchange

             Subpart U--Customer Proprietary Network Information

   §  64.2001   Basis and purpose.
   §  64.2003   Definitions.
   §  64.2005   Use of customer proprietary network information without
   customer approval.
   §  64.2007   Approval required for use of customer proprietary network
   §  64.2008   Notice required for use of customer proprietary network
   §  64.2009   Safeguards required for use of customer proprietary
   network information.
   §  64.2010   Safeguards on the disclosure of customer proprietary
   network information.
   §  64.2011   Notification of customer proprietary network information
   security breaches.

                           Subparts V-W [Reserved]

                   Subpart X--Subscriber List Information

   §  64.2301   Basis and purpose.
   §  64.2305   Definitions.
   §  64.2309   Provision of subscriber list information.
   §  64.2313   Timely basis.
   §  64.2317   Unbundled basis.
   §  64.2321   Nondiscriminatory rates, terms, and conditions.
   §  64.2325   Reasonable rates, terms, and conditions.
   §  64.2329   Format.
   §  64.2333   Burden of proof.
   §  64.2337   Directory publishing purposes.
   §  64.2341   Record keeping.
   §  64.2345   Primary advertising classification.

        Subpart Y--Truth-in-Billing Requirements for Common Carriers

   §  64.2400   Purpose and scope.
   §  64.2401   Truth-in-Billing Requirements.

      Subpart Z--Prohibition on Exclusive Telecommunications Contracts

   §  64.2500   Prohibited agreements.
   §  64.2501   Scope of limitation.
   §  64.2502   Effect of state law or regulation.

              Subpart AA--Universal Emergency Telephone Number

   §  64.3000   Definitions.
   §  64.3001   Obligation to transmit 911 calls.
   §  64.3002   Transition to 911 as the universal emergency telephone
   §  64.3003   Obligation for providing a permissive dialing period.
   §  64.3004   Obligation for providing an intercept message.

   Subpart BB--Restrictions on Unwanted Mobile Service Commercial Messages

   §  64.3100   Restrictions on mobile service commercial messages.

          Subpart CC--Customer Account Record Exchange Requirements

   §  64.4000   Basis and purpose.
   §  64.4001   Definitions.
   §  64.4002   Notification obligations of LECs.
   §  64.4003   Notification obligations of IXCs.
   §  64.4004   Timeliness of required notifications.
   §  64.4005   Unreasonable terms or conditions on the provision of
   customer account information.
   §  64.4006   Limitations on use of customer account information.

                 Subpart DD--Prepaid Calling Card Providers

   §  64.5000   Definitions.
   §  64.5001   Reporting and certification requirements.
   Appendix A to Part 64--Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) System
   for National Security Emergency Preparedness (NSEP)
   Appendix B to Part 64--Priority Access Service (PAS) for National
   Security and Emergency Preparedness (NSEP)

   Authority:   47 U.S.C. 154, 254(k), 227; secs. 403(b)(2)(B), (c), Pub.
   L. 104-104, 100 Stat. 56. Interpret or apply 47 U.S.C. 201, 218, 222,
   225, 226, 207, 228, and 254(k) unless otherwise noted.

   Source:   28 FR 13239, Dec. 5, 1963, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A--Traffic Damage Claims