Goto Section: 3.20 | 3.22 | Table of Contents
FCC 3.21
Revised as of October 1, 2020
Goto Year:2019 |
ยง 3.21 Order of consideration.
(a) Accounting Authority applications will be processed on a
first-come, first-served basis. When applications are received on the
same day, the application with the earliest mailing date, as evidenced
by the postmark, will be processed first. Interim accounting
authorities seeking permanent certifications through the
"grandfathering" process will not compete with other applicants during
the first 60 days following the effective date of these rules which is
allowed for submission of their applications. After the
"grandfathering" process is completed, all other applicants will be
processed as in paragraph (a) of this section.
(b) At any given time, there will be no more than 25 certified
accounting authorities with a minimum of 15 "US" AAICs reserved for use
by accounting authorities conducting settlement operations within the
United States. The Commission will retain all valid applications
received after the maximum number of accounting authorities have been
approved and will inform such applicants that should an AAIC become
available for reassignment in the future, the Commission will
conditionally certify as an accounting authority the oldest of the
qualified pending applicants, as determined by the order of receipt.
Final certification would be conditional upon filing of an amended
application (if necessary). The Commission will inform the applicant of
his/her conditional selection in writing to confirm the applicant's
continued interest in becoming an accounting authority.
Goto Section: 3.20 | 3.22
Goto Year: 2019 |
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