Goto Section: 101.4 | 101.7 | Table of Contents
FCC 101.5
Revised as of October 1, 2018
Goto Year:2017 |
ยง 101.5 Station authorization required.
(a) [Reserved]
(b) A separate application form must be filed electronically via ULS
for each Digital Electronic Message Service (DEMS) Nodal Station. No
license is required for a DEMS User Station or for a Multiple Address
System (MAS) remote or mobile station. Authority for a DEMS Nodal
Station licensee to serve a specific number of user stations to be
licensed in the name of the carrier must be requested on FCC Form 601
filed for the DEMS Nodal Station. Authority for any number of MAS
remotes and authority to serve MAS mobiles (to the extent this part
permits such operation) within a specified area will be included in the
authority for the MAS fixed master stations.
(c) [Reserved]
(d) For stations authorized under subpart H (Private Operational Fixed
Point-to-Point Microwave Service), subpart I (Common Carrier Fixed
Point-to-Point Microwave Service), and subpart L of this part (Local
Multipoint Distribution Service), construction of new or modified
stations may be initiated prior to grant of an authorization. As a
condition to commencing construction under this paragraph (d), the
Commission may, at any time and without hearing or notice, prohibit
such construction for any reason. Any construction conducted under this
paragraph is at the applicant's sole risk.
[ 61 FR 26677 , May 28, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 23164 , Apr. 29, 1997;
63 FR 68981 , Dec. 14, 1998; 68 FR 4955 , Jan. 31, 2003]
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Goto Section: 101.4 | 101.7
Goto Year: 2017 |
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