Goto Section: 1.923 | 1.925 | Table of Contents
FCC 1.924
Revised as of October 1, 2018
Goto Year:2017 |
§ 1.924 Quiet zones.
Areas implicated by this paragraph are those in which it is necessary
to restrict radiation so as to minimize possible impact on the
operations of radio astronomy or other facilities that are highly
sensitive to interference. Consent throughout this paragraph means
written consent from the quiet zone, radio astronomy, research, and
receiving installation entity. The areas involved and procedures
required are as follows:
(a) NRAO, NRRO. The requirements of this paragraph are intended to
minimize possible interference at the National Radio Astronomy
Observatory site located at Green Bank, Pocahontas County, West
Virginia, and at the Naval Radio Research Observatory site at Sugar
Grove, Pendleton County, West Virginia.
(1) Applicants and licensees planning to construct and operate a new or
modified station at a permanent fixed location within the area bounded
by N 39�°15′0.4″ on the north, W 78�°29′59.0″ on the east, N 37�°30′0.4″
on the south, and W 80�°29′59.2″ on the west must notify the Director,
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Post Office Box No. 2, Green
Bank, West Virginia 24944, in writing, of the technical details of the
proposed operation. The notification must include the geographical
coordinates of the antenna location, the antenna height, antenna
directivity (if any), the channel, the emission type and power.
(2) When an application for authority to operate a station is filed
with the FCC, the notification required in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section may be made prior to, or simultaneously with the application.
The application must state the date that notification in accordance
with paragraph (a)(1) of this section was made. After receipt of such
applications, the FCC will allow a period of 20 days for comments or
objections in response to the notifications indicated. If an applicant
submits written consent from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory
for itself or on behalf of the Naval Radio Research Observatory, the
FCC will process the application without awaiting the conclusion of the
20-day period. For services that do not require individual station
authorization, entities that have obtained written consent from the
National Radio Astronomy Observatory for itself or on behalf of the
Naval Radio Research Observatory may begin to operate new or modified
facilities prior to the end of the 20-day period. In instances in which
notification has been made to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory
prior to application filing, the applicant must also provide notice to
the quiet zone entity upon actual filing of the application with the
FCC. Such notice will be made simultaneous with the filing of the
application and shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (a)(1)
of this section.
(3) If an objection is received during the 20-day period from the
National Radio Astronomy Observatory for itself or on behalf of the
Naval Radio Research Observatory, the FCC will, after consideration of
the record, take whatever action is deemed appropriate.
(b) Table Mountain. The requirements of this paragraph are intended to
minimize possible interference at the Table Mountain Radio Receiving
Zone of the Research Laboratories of the Department of Commerce located
in Boulder County, Colorado.
(1) Licensees and applicants planning to construct and operate a new or
modified station at a permanent fixed location in the vicinity of
Boulder County, Colorado are advised to give consideration, prior to
filing applications, to the need to protect the Table Mountain Radio
Receiving Zone from interference. To prevent degradation of the present
ambient radio signal level at the site, the Department of Commerce
seeks to ensure that the field strengths of any radiated signals
(excluding reflected signals) received on this 1800 acre site (in the
vicinity of coordinates 40�°07′49.9″ North Latitude, 105�°14′42.0″ West
Longitude) resulting from new assignments (other than mobile stations)
or from the modification or relocation of existing facilities do not
exceed the values given in the following table:
Field Strength Limits for Table Mountain^1
Frequency range Field strength
(mV/m) Power flux density
Below 540 kHz 10 −65.8
540 to 1600 kHz 20 −59.8
1.6 to 470 MHz 10 −65.8
470 to 890 MHz 30 −56.2
890 MHz and above 1 −85.8
^1Note: Equivalent values of power flux density are calculated assuming
free space characteristic impedance of 376.7Ω (120πΩ).
(2) Advance consultation is recommended, particularly for applicants
that have no reliable data to indicate whether the field strength or
power flux density figures in the above table would be exceeded by
their proposed radio facilities. In general, coordination is
recommended for:
(i) Stations located within 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles) of the Table
Mountain Radio Receiving Zone;
(ii) Stations located within 4.8 kilometers (3 miles) transmitting with
50 watts or more effective radiated power (ERP) in the primary plane of
polarization in the azimuthal direction of the Table Mountain Radio
Receiving Zone;
(iii) Stations located with 16 kilometers (10 miles) transmitting with
1 kW or more ERP in the primary plane of polarization in the azimuthal
direction of Table Mountain Radio Receiving Zone;
(iv) Stations located within 80 kilometers (50 miles) transmitting with
25 kW or more ERP in the primary plane of polarization in the azimuthal
direction of Table Mountain Receiving Zone.
(3) Applicants concerned are urged to communicate with the Radio
Frequency Manager, Department of Commerce, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO
80305; Telephone: 303-497-4619, Fax: 303-497-6982, E-mail:, in advance of filing their
applications with the Commission.
(4) The FCC will not screen applications to determine whether advance
consultation has taken place. However, such consultation may avoid the
filing of objections from the Department of Commerce or institution of
proceedings to modify the authorizations of stations that radiate
signals with a field strength or power flux density at the site in
excess of those specified herein.
(c) Federal Communications Commission protected field offices. The
requirements of this paragraph are intended to minimize possible
interference to FCC monitoring activities.
(1) Licensees and applicants planning to construct and operate a new or
modified station at a permanent fixed location in the vicinity of an
FCC protected field office are advised to give consideration, prior to
filing applications, to the need to avoid interfering with the
monitoring activities of that office. FCC protected field offices are
listed in § 0.121 of this chapter.
(2) Applications for stations (except mobile stations) that could
produce on any channel a direct wave fundamental field strength of
greater than 10 mV/m (−65.8 dBW/m2 power flux density assuming a free
space characteristic impedance of 120π Ω) in the authorized bandwidth
at the protected field office may be examined to determine the
potential for interference with monitoring activities. After
consideration of the effects of the predicted field strength of the
proposed station, including the cumulative effects of the signal from
the proposed station with other ambient radio field strength levels at
the protected field office, the FCC may add a condition restricting
radiation toward the protected field office to the station
(3) In the event that the calculated field strength exceeds 10 mV/m at
the protected field office site, or if there is any question whether
field strength levels might exceed that level, advance consultation
with the FCC to discuss possible measures to avoid interference to
monitoring activities should be considered. Prospective applicants may
communicate with: Chief, Enforcement Bureau, Federal Communications
Commission, Washington, DC 20554.
(4) Advance consultation is recommended for applicants that have no
reliable data to indicate whether the field strength or power flux
density figure indicated would be exceeded by their proposed radio
facilities. In general, coordination is recommended for:
(i) Stations located within 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles) of the protected
field office;
(ii) Stations located within 4.8 kilometers (3 miles) with 50 watts or
more average effective radiated power (ERP) in the primary plane of
polarization in the azimuthal direction of the protected field offices.
(iii) Stations located within 16 kilometers (10 miles) with 1 kw or
more average ERP in the primary plane of polarization in the azimuthal
direction of the protected field office;
(iv) Stations located within 80 kilometers (50 miles) with 25 kw or
more average ERP in the primary plane of polarization in the azimuthal
direction of the protected field office;
(v) Advance coordination for stations transmitting on channels above
1000 MHz is recommended only if the proposed station is in the vicinity
of a protected field office designated as a satellite monitoring
facility in § 0.121 of this chapter.
(vi) The FCC will not screen applications to determine whether advance
consultation has taken place. However, such consultation may serve to
avoid the need for later modification of the authorizations of stations
that interfere with monitoring activities at protected field offices.
(d) Notification to the Arecibo Observatory. The requirements in this
section are intended to minimize possible interference at the Arecibo
Observatory in Puerto Rico. Licensees must make reasonable efforts to
protect the Observatory from interference. Licensees planning to
construct and operate a new station at a permanent fixed location on
the islands of Puerto Rico, Desecheo, Mona, Vieques or Culebra in
services in which individual station licenses are issued by the FCC;
planning to construct and operate a new station at a permanent fixed
location on these islands that may cause interference to the operations
of the Arecibo Observatory in services in which individual station
licenses are not issued by the FCC; or planning a modification of any
existing station at a permanent fixed location on these islands that
would increase the likelihood of causing interference to the operations
of the Arecibo Observatory must notify the Interference Office, Arecibo
Observatory, HC3 Box 53995, Arecibo, Puerto Rico 00612, in writing or
electronically (e-mail address:, of the technical
parameters of the planned operation. Carriers may wish to use the
interference guidelines provided by Cornell University as guidance in
designing facilities to avoid interference to the Observatory. The
notification must include identification of the geographical
coordinates of the antenna location (NAD-83 datum), the antenna height,
antenna directivity (if any), proposed channel and FCC Rule Part, type
of emission, and effective isotropic radiated power.
(1) In the Amateur radio service:
(i) The provisions of paragraph (d) of this section do not apply to
repeaters that transmit on the 1.2 cm or shorter wavelength bands; and
(ii) The coordination provision of paragraph (d) of this section does
not apply to repeaters that are located 16 km or more from the Arecibo
(2) In services in which individual station licenses are issued by the
FCC, the notification required in paragraph (d) of this section may be
made prior to, or simultaneously with, the filing of the application
with the FCC, and at least 20 days in advance of the applicant's
planned operation. The application must state the date that
notification in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section was made.
In services in which individual station licenses are not issued by the
FCC, the notification required in paragraph (d) of this section should
be sent at least 45 days in advance of the applicant's planned
operation. In the latter services, the Interference Office must inform
the FCC of a notification by an applicant within 20 days if the Office
plans to file comments or objections to the notification. After the FCC
receives an application from a service applicant or is informed by the
Interference Office of a notification from a service applicant, the FCC
will allow the Interference Office a period of 20 days for comments or
objections in response to the application or notification. If an
applicant submits written consent from the Interference Office, the FCC
will process the application without awaiting the conclusion of the
20-day period. For services that do not require individual station
authorization, entities that have obtained written consent from the
Interference Office may begin to operate new or modified facilities
prior to the end of the 20-day period. In instances in which
notification has been made to the Interference Office prior to
application filing, the applicant must also provide notice to the
Interference Office upon actual filing of the application with the FCC.
Such notice will be made simultaneous with the filing of the
application and shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (d) of
this section.
(3) If an objection to any planned service operation is received during
the 20-day period from the Interference Office, the FCC will take
whatever action is deemed appropriate.
(4) The provisions of paragraph (d) of this section do not apply to
operations that transmit on frequencies above 15 GHz.
(e) 420-450 MHz band. Applicants for pulse-ranging radiolocation
systems operating in the 420-450 MHz band along the shoreline of the
conterminous United States and Alaska, and for spread spectrum
radiolocation systems operating in the 420-435 MHz sub-band within the
conterminous United States and Alaska, should not expect to be
accommodated if their area of service is within:
(1) Arizona, Florida, or New Mexico;
(2) Those portions of California and Nevada that are south of latitude
37�°10′ N.;
(3) That portion of Texas that is west of longitude 104�° W.; or
(4) The following circular areas:
(i) 322 kilometers (km) of 30�°30′ N., 86�°30′ W.
(ii) 322 km of 28�°21′ N., 80�°43′ W.
(iii) 322 km of 34�°09′ N., 119�°11′ W.
(iv) 240 km of 39�°08′ N., 121�°26′ W.
(v) 200 km of 31�°25′ N., 100�°24′ W.
(vi) 200 km of 32�°38′ N., 83�°35′ W.
(vii) 160 km of 64�°17′ N., 149�°10′ W.
(viii) 160 km of 48�°43′ N., 97�°54′ W.
(ix) 160 km of 41�°45′ N., 70�°32′ W.
(f) 17.7-19.7 GHz band. The following exclusion areas and coordination
areas are established to minimize or avoid harmful interference to
Federal Government earth stations receiving in the 17.7-19.7 GHz band:
(1) No application seeking authority for fixed stations, under parts
74, 78, or 101 of this chapter, supporting the operations of
Multichannel Video Programming Distributors (MVPD) in the 17.7-17.8 GHz
band or to operate in the 17.8-19.7 GHz band for any service will be
accepted for filing if the proposed station is located within 20 km (or
within 55 km if the modification application is for an outdoor low
power operation pursuant to § 101.147(r)(14) of this chapter) of Denver,
CO (39�°43′ N., 104�°46′ W.) or Washington, DC (38�°48′ N., 76�°52′ W.).
(2) Any application for a new station license to provide MVPD
operations in the 17.7-17.8 GHz band or to operate in the 17.8-19.7 GHz
band for any service, or for modification of an existing station
license in these bands which would change the frequency, power,
emission, modulation, polarization, antenna height or directivity, or
location of such a station, must be coordinated with the Federal
Government by the Commission before an authorization will be issued, if
the station or proposed station is located in whole or in part within
any of the following areas:
(i) Denver, CO area:
(A) Between latitudes 41�°30′ N. and 38�°30′ N. and between longitudes
103�°10′ W. and 106�°30′ W.
(B) Between latitudes 38�°30′ N. and 37�°30′ N. and between longitudes
105�°00′ W. and 105�°50′ W.
(C) Between latitudes 40�°08′ N. and 39�°56′ N. and between longitudes
107�°00′ W. and 107�°15′ W.
(ii) Washington, DC area:
(A) Between latitudes 38�°40′ N. and 38�°10′ N. and between longitudes
78�°50′ W. and 79�°20′ W.
(B) Within 178 km of 38�°48′ N., 76�°52′ W.
(iii) San Miguel, CA area:
(A) Between latitudes 34�°39′ N. and 34�°00′ N. and between longitudes
118�°52′ W. and 119�°24′ W.
(B) Within 200 km of 35�°44′ N., 120�°45′ W.
(iv) Guam area: Within 100 km of 13�°35′ N., 144�°51′ E.
Note to § 1.924(f): The coordinates cited in this section are specified
in terms of the “North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).”
(g) GOES. The requirements of this paragraph are intended to minimize
harmful interference to Geostationary Operational Environmental
Satellite earth stations receiving in the band 1670-1675 MHz, which are
located at Wallops Island, Virginia; Fairbanks, Alaska; and Greenbelt,
(1) Applicants and licensees planning to construct and operate a new or
modified station within the area bounded by a circle with a radius of
100 kilometers (62.1 miles) that is centered on 37�°56′44″ N, 75�°27′37″
W (Wallops Island) or 64�°58′22″ N, 147�°30′04″ W (Fairbanks) or within
the area bounded by a circle with a radius of 65 kilometers (40.4
miles) that is centered on 39�°00′02″ N, 76�°50′29″ W (Greenbelt) must
notify the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of
the proposed operation. For this purpose, NOAA maintains the GOES
coordination Web page at,
which provides the technical parameters of the earth stations and the
point-of-contact for the notification. The notification shall include
the following information: Requested frequency, geographical
coordinates of the antenna location, antenna height above mean sea
level, antenna directivity, emission type, equivalent isotropically
radiated power, antenna make and model, and transmitter make and model.
(2) Protection. (i) Wallops Island and Fairbanks. Licensees are
required to protect the Wallops Island and Fairbanks sites at all
(ii) Greenbelt. Licensees are required to protect the Greenbelt site
only when it is active. Licensees should coordinate appropriate
procedures directly with NOAA for receiving notification of times when
this site is active.
(3) When an application for authority to operate a station is filed
with the FCC, the notification required in paragraph (f)(1) of this
section should be sent at the same time. The application must state the
date that notification in accordance with paragraph (f)(1) of this
section was made. After receipt of such an application, the FCC will
allow a period of 20 days for comments or objections in response to the
(4) If an objection is received during the 20-day period from NOAA, the
FCC will, after consideration of the record, take whatever action is
deemed appropriate.
Note to § 1.924: Unless otherwise noted, all coordinates cited in this
section are specified in terms of the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD
[ 63 FR 68924 , Dec. 14, 1998, as amended at 67 FR 6182 , Feb. 11, 2002;
67 FR 13224 , Mar. 21, 2002; 67 FR 41852 , June 20, 2002; 67 FR 71111 ,
Nov. 29, 2002; 69 FR 17957 , Apr. 6, 2004; 70 FR 31372 , June 1, 2005; 71 FR 69046 , Nov. 29, 2006; 73 FR 25420 , May 6, 2008; 75 FR 62932 , Oct.
13, 2010; 80 FR 38823 , July 7, 2015]
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Goto Year: 2017 |
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