Goto Section: 0.111 | 0.131 | Table of Contents
FCC 0.121
Revised as of October 1, 2018
Goto Year:2017 |
§ 0.121 Location of field installations.
(a) Field offices are located throughout the United States. For the
address and phone number of the closest office contact the Enforcement
Bureau or see the U.S. Government Manual.
(b) Protected field offices are located at the following geographical
coordinates (coordinates are referenced to North American Datum 1983
Allegan, Michigan, 42�°36′20.1″ N. Latitude, 85�°57′20.1″ W. Longitude
Belfast, Maine, 44�°26′42.3″ N. Latitude, 69�°04′56.1″ W. Longitude
Canandaigua, New York, 42�°54′48.2″ N. Latitude, 77�°15′57.9″ W.
Douglas, Arizona, 31�°30′02.3″ N. Latitude, 109�°39′14.3″ W. Longitude
Ferndale, Washington, 48�°57′20.4″ N. Latitude, 122�°33′17.6″ W.
Grand Island, Nebraska, 40�°55′21.0″ N. Latitude, 98�°25′43.2″ W.
Kenai, Alaska, 60�°43′26.0″ N. Latitude, 151�°20′15.0″ W. Longitude
Kingsville, Texas, 27�°26′30.1″ N. Latitude, 97�°53′01.0″ W. Longitude
Laurel, Maryland, 39�°09′54.4″ N. Latitude, 76�°49′15.9″ W. Longitude
Livermore, California, 37�°43′29.7″ N. Latitude, 121�°45′15.8″ W.
Powder Springs, Georgia, 33�°51′44.4″ N. Latitude, 84�°43′25.8″ W.
Santa Isabel, Puerto Rico, 18�°00′18.9″ N. Latitude, 66�°22′30.6″ W.
Vero Beach, Florida, 27�°36′22.1″ N. Latitude, 80�°38′05.2″ W. Longitude
Waipahu, Hawaii, 21�°22′33.6″ N. Latitude, 157�°59′44.1″ W. Longitude
[ 53 FR 29054 , Aug. 2, 1988, as amended at 61 FR 8477 , Mar. 5, 1996; 63 FR 68918 , Dec. 14, 1998; 64 FR 60718 , Nov. 8, 1999; 67 FR 13219 , Mar.
21, 2002; 69 FR 58097 , Sept. 29, 2004]
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Goto Section: 0.111 | 0.131
Goto Year: 2017 |
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