Goto Section: 5.75 | 5.79 | Table of Contents

FCC 5.77
Revised as of December 4, 2012
Goto Year:2011 | 2013
  ยง  5.77   Change in equipment and emission characteristics.

   (a) A change may be made in a licensed transmitter without specific
   authorization from the Commission provided that the change does not
   result in operations inconsistent with any term of the outstanding
   authorization for the station involved.

   (b) Discrete changes in emission characteristics may be made without
   specific authorization from the Commission provided that the Commission
   is given written notification demonstrating that such changes will not
   exceed the maximum emissions envelope established in the existing
   authorization. Changes made pursuant to such notification that become a
   permanent part of the licensee's experimental program must be listed in
   the licensee's next application for renewal.

   (c) Prior authorization from the Commission is required before the
   following antenna changes may be made at a station at a fixed location:

   (1) Any change that will either increase the height of a structure
   supporting the radiating portion of the antenna or decrease the height
   of a lighted antenna structure.

   (2) Any change in the location of an antenna when such relocation
   involves a change in the geographic coordinates of latitude or
   longitude by as much as one second, or when such relocation involves a
   change in street address.

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Goto Section: 5.75 | 5.79

Goto Year: 2011 | 2013
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