Table of Parts
   Subpart A—Terminology
   §  2.1   Terms and definitions.

   Subpart B—Allocation, Assignment, and Use of Radio Frequencies
   §  2.100   International regulations in force.
   §  2.101   Frequency and wavelength bands.
   §  2.102   Assignment of frequencies.
   §  2.103   Federal use of non-Federal frequencies.
   §  2.104   International Table of Frequency Allocations.
   §  2.105   United States Table of Frequency Allocations.
   §  2.106   Table of Frequency Allocations.
   §  2.107   Radio astronomy station notification.
   §  2.108   Policy regarding the use of the fixed-satellite allocations
   in the 3.6-3.7, 4.5-4.8, and 5.85-5.925 GHz bands.

   Subpart C—Emissions
   §  2.201   Emission, modulation, and transmission characteristics.
   §  2.202   Bandwidths.

   Subpart D—Call Signs and Other Forms of Identifying Radio Transmissions
   §  2.301   Station identification requirement.
   §  2.302   Call signs.
   §  2.303   Other forms of identification of stations.

   Subpart E—Distress, Disaster, and Emergency Communications
   §  2.401   Distress messages.
   §  2.402   Control of distress traffic.
   §  2.403   Retransmission of distress message.
   §  2.404   Resumption of operation after distress.
   §  2.405   Operation during emergency.
   §  2.406   National defense; free service.
   §  2.407   National defense; emergency authorization.

   Subparts F-G [Reserved]

   Subpart H—Prohibition Against Eavesdropping
   §  2.701   Prohibition against use of a radio device for eavesdropping.

   Subpart I—Marketing of Radio-frequency Devices
   §  2.801   Radiofrequency device defined.
   §  2.803   Marketing of radio frequency devices prior to equipment
   §  2.807   Statutory exceptions.
   §  2.811   Transmitters operated under part 73 of this chapter.
   §  2.813   Transmitters operated in the Instructional Television Fixed
   §  2.815   External radio frequency power amplifiers.

   Subpart J—Equipment Authorization Procedures

   General Provisions
   §  2.901   Basis and purpose.
   §  2.902   Verification.
   §  2.906   Declaration of Conformity.
   §  2.907   Certification.
   §  2.908   Identical defined.
   §  2.909   Responsible party.

   Application Procedures for Equipment Authorizations
   §  2.911   Written application required.
   §  2.913   Submittal of equipment authorization application or
   information to the Commission.
   §  2.915   Grant of application.
   §  2.917   Dismissal of application.
   §  2.919   Denial of application.
   §  2.921   Hearing on application.
   §  2.923   Petition for reconsideration; application for review.
   §  2.924   Marketing of electrically identical equipment having multiple
   trade names and models or type numbers under the same FCC Identifier.
   §  2.925   Identification of equipment.
   §  2.926   FCC identifier.

   Conditions Attendant to an Equipment Authorization
   §  2.927   Limitations on grants.
   §  2.929   Changes in name, address, ownership or control of grantee.
   §  2.931   Responsibility of the grantee.
   §  2.932   Modification of equipment.
   §  2.933   Change in identification of equipment.
   §  2.936   FCC inspection.
   §  2.937   Equipment defect and/or design change.
   §  2.938   Retention of records.
   §  2.939   Revocation or withdrawal of equipment authorization.
   §  2.941   Availability of information relating to grants.
   §  2.943   Submission of equipment for testing.
   §  2.944   Software defined radios.
   §  2.945   Sampling tests of equipment compliance.
   §  2.946   Penalty for failure to provide test samples and data.
   §  2.947   Measurement procedure.
   §  2.948   Description of measurement facilities.

   §  2.951   Cross reference.
   §  2.952   Limitation on verification.
   §  2.953   Responsibility for compliance.
   §  2.954   Identification.
   §  2.955   Retention of records.
   §  2.956   FCC inspection and submission of equipment for testing.

   Telecommunication Certification Bodies (TCBs)
   §  2.960   Designation of Telecommunication Certification Bodies (TCBs).
   §  2.962   Requirements for Telecommunication Certification Bodies.

   §  2.1031   Cross reference.
   §  2.1033   Application for certification.
   §  2.1035   [Reserved]
   §  2.1041   Measurement procedure.
   §  2.1043   Changes in certificated equipment.
   §  2.1046   Measurements required: RF power output.
   §  2.1047   Measurements required: Modulation characteristics.
   §  2.1049   Measurements required: Occupied bandwidth.
   §  2.1051   Measurements required: Spurious emissions at antenna
   §  2.1053   Measurements required: Field strength of spurious radiation.
   §  2.1055   Measurements required: Frequency stability.
   §  2.1057   Frequency spectrum to be investigated.
   §  2.1060   Equipment for use in the amateur radio service.

   Declaration of Conformity
   §  2.1071   Cross reference.
   §  2.1072   Limitation on Declaration of Conformity.
   §  2.1073   Responsibilities.
   §  2.1074   Identification.
   §  2.1075   Retention of records.
   §  2.1076   FCC inspection and submission of equipment for testing.
   §  2.1077   Compliance information.

   Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure
   §  2.1091   Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: mobile
   §  2.1093   Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: portable

   Subpart K—Importation of Devices Capable of Causing Harmful
   §  2.1201   Purpose.
   §  2.1202   Exclusions.
   §  2.1203   General requirement for entry into the U.S.A.
   §  2.1204   Import conditions.
   §  2.1205   Filing of required declaration.
   §  2.1207   Examination of imported equipment.

   Subpart L [Reserved]

   Subpart M—Advance Approval of Subscription TV Transmission Systems

   Advance Approval Procedure
   §  2.1400   Application for advance approval under part 73.

   Subpart N—[Reserved]

   Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 302a, 303, and 336, unless otherwise noted.

   Source: 28 FR 12465, Nov. 22, 1963, unless otherwise noted.

   Editorial Note: Nomenclature changes to part 2 appear at 63 FR 54077,
   Oct. 8, 1998.

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Subpart A—Terminology

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