Goto Section: 1.13 | 1.16 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.14
Revised as of October 1, 2011
Goto Year:2010 | 2012
  ยง  1.14   Citation of Commission documents.

   The appropriate reference to the FCC Record shall be included as part
   of the citation to any document that has been printed in the Record.
   The citation should provide the volume, page number and year, in that
   order (e.g., 1 FCC Rcd. 1 (1986). Older documents may continue to be
   cited to the FCC Reports, first or second series, if they were printed
   in the Reports (e.g., 1 FCC 2d 1 (1965)).

   [ 51 FR 45890 , Dec. 23, 1986]

Goto Section: 1.13 | 1.16

Goto Year: 2010 | 2012
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