Table of Parts
§ 4.1 Scope, basis and purpose.
§ 4.2 Availability of reports filed under this part.
Reporting Requirements for Disruptions to Communications
§ 4.3 Communications providers covered by the requirements of this
§ 4.5 Definitions of outage, special offices and facilities, and 911
special facilities.
§ 4.7 Definitions of metrics used to determine the general
outage-reporting threshold criteria.
§ 4.9 Outage reporting requirements—threshold criteria.
§ 4.11 Notification and initial and final communications outage
reports that must be filed by communications providers.
§ 4.13 Reports by the National Communications System (NCS) and by
special offices and facilities, and related responsibilities of
communications providers.
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 154(o), 218, 219, 230, 256,
301, 302(a), 303(f), 303(g), 303(j), 303(r), 403, 621(b)(3), and
621(d), unless otherwise noted.
Source: 69 FR 70338, Dec. 3, 2004, unless otherwise noted.