Goto Section: 97.29 | 97.103 | Table of Contents

FCC 97.101
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  97.101   General standards.

   (a) In all respects not specifically covered by FCC Rules each amateur
   station must be operated in accordance with good engineering and good
   amateur practice.

   (b) Each station licensee and each control operator must cooperate in
   selecting transmitting channels and in making the most effective use of the
   amateur service frequencies. No frequency will be assigned for the exclusive
   use of any station.

   (c) At all times and on all frequencies, each control operator must give
   priority to stations providing emergency communications, except to stations
   transmitting communications for training drills and tests in RACES.

   (d) No amateur operator shall willfully or maliciously interfere with or
   cause interference to any radio communication or signal.

Goto Section: 97.29 | 97.103

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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