Goto Section: 90.307 | 90.311 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.309
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  90.309   Tables and figures.

   (a) Directions for using the tables. (1) Using the method specified in
    Sec. 1.958 of this chapter, determine the distances between the proposed land
   mobile base station and the protected co-channel television station and
   between the proposed land mobile base station and the protected adjacent
   channel television station. If the exact mileage does not appear in table A
   for protected co-channel television stations (or table B for channel 15 in
   New York and Cleveland and channel 16 in Detroit) or table E for protected
   adjacent channel television stations, the next lower mileage separation
   figure is to be used.

   (2) Entering the proper table at the mileage figure found in paragraph
   (a)(1) of this section, find opposite, a selection of powers that may be
   used for antenna heights ranging from 15 m (50 ft) to 152.5 m (500 ft)
   (AAT). If the exact antenna height proposed for the land mobile base station
   does not appear in the proper table, use the power figure beneath the next
   greater antenna height.

   (3) The lowest power found using the tables mentioned in paragraphs (a)(1)
   and (a)(2) of this section is the maximum power that may be employed by the
   proposed land mobile base station.

   (4) In determining the average elevation of the terrain, the elevations
   between 3.2 km (2 mi) and 16 km (10 mi) from the antenna site are employed.
   Profile graphs shall be drawn for a minimum of eight radials beginning at
   the antenna site and extending 16 km (10 mi). The radials should be drawn
   starting with true north. At least one radial should be constructed in the
   direction of the nearest cochannel and adjacent channel UHF television
   stations. The profile graph for each radial shall be plotted by contour
   intervals of from 12.2 m (40 ft) to 30.5 m (100 ft) and, where the data
   permits, at least 50 points of elevation (generally uniformly spaced) should
   be used for each radial. For very rugged terrain 61 m (200 ft) to 122 m (400
   ft) contour intervals may be used. Where the terrain is uniform or gently
   sloping, the smallest contour interval indicated on the topographic chart
   may be used. The average elevation of the 12.8 km (8-mile) distance between
   3.2 km (2 mi) and 16 km (10 mi) from the antenna site should be determined
   from the profile graph for each radial. This may be obtained by averaging a
   large number of equally spaced points, by using a planimeter, or by
   obtaining the median elevation (that exceeded by 50 percent of the distance)
   in sectors and averaging those values. In the preparation of the profile
   graphs, the elevation or contour intervals may be taken from U.S. Geological
   Survey Topographic Maps, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Maps, or Tennessee
   Valley Authority Maps. Maps with a scale of 1:250,000 or larger (such as
   1:24,000) shall be used. Digital Terrain Data Tapes, provided by the
   National Cartographic Institute, U.S. Geological Survey, may be utilized in
   lieu of maps, but the number of data points must be equal to or exceed that
   special above. If such maps are not published for the area in question, the
   next best topographic information should be used.

   (5) Applicants for base stations in the Miami, FL, urbanized area may, in
   lieu of calculating the height of average terrain, use 3 m (10 ft) as the
   average terrain height.

                        Table A_Base Station_Cochannel Frequencies (50 dB Prote
ction) Maximum Effective Radiated Power (ERP) \1\

      Antenna height in meters (feet) (AAT)
         Distance in kilometers (miles): \2\                      30.5
                           91.5       106       122       137      152.5
                                                       15 (50)    (100)   45 (1
50)  61 (200)  76 (250)    (300)     (350)     (400)     (450)     (500)
260 (162)...........................................     1,000     1,000     1,
000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000
257 (160)...........................................     1,000     1,000     1,
000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000       800
249 (155)...........................................     1,000     1,000     1,
000     1,000     1,000       875       775       700       625       575
241 (150)...........................................     1,000     1,000
950       775       725       625       550       500       450       400
233 (145)...........................................       850       750
650       575       500       440       400       350       320       300
225 (140)...........................................       600       575
475       400       350       300       275       250       230       225
217 (135)...........................................       450       400
335       300       255       240       200       185       165       150
209 (130)...........................................       350       300
245       200       185       160       145       125       120       100
201 (125)...........................................       225       200
170       150       125       110       100        90        80        75
193 (120)...........................................       175       150
125       105        90        80        70        60        55        50
\1\ The effective radiated power (ERP) and antenna height above average terrain
 (AAT) shall not exceed the values given in this table.
\2\ At this distance from transmitter site of protected UHF television station.

                        Table B_Base Station_Cochannel Frequencies (40 dB Prote
ction) Maximum Effective Radiated Power (ERP) \1\

      Antenna height in meters (feet) (AAT)
         Distance in kilometers (miles): \2\                      30.5
                           91.5       106       122       137      152.5
                                                       15 (50)    (100)   45 (1
50)  61 (200)  76 (250)    (300)     (350)     (400)     (450)     (500)
209 (130)...........................................     1,000     1,000     1,
000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000
201 (125)...........................................     1,000     1,000     1,
000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000       850       750       725
193 (120)...........................................     1,000     1,000     1,
000     1,000       900       750       675       600       550       500
185 4(115)..........................................     1,000     1,000
800       725       600       525       475       425       375       350
177 (110)...........................................       850       700
600       500       425       375       325       300       275       225
169 (105)...........................................       600       475
400       325       275       250       225       200       175       150
161 (100)...........................................       400       325
275       225       175       150       140       125       110       100
153 (95)............................................       275       225
175       125       110        95        80        70        60        50
145 (90)............................................       175       125
100        75        50  ........  ........  ........  ........  ........
\1\ The effective radiated power (ERP) and antenna height above average terrain
 (AAT) shall not exceed the values given in this table.
\2\ At this distance from transmitter site of protected UHF television station.

   Table C_Mobile and Control Station_Distance Between Associated Base
               Station and Protected Cochannel TV Station
                           [50 dB protection]
   Effective radiated power (watts) of   -------------------------------
     mobile unit and control station        Kilometers         Miles
200.....................................             249             155
150.....................................             243             151
100.....................................             233             145
50......................................             217             135
25......................................             201             125
10......................................             188             117
5.......................................             180             112

   Table D_Mobile and Control Station_Distance Between Associated Land
         Mobile Base Station and Protected Cochannel TV Station
                           [40 dB protection]
   Effective radiated power (watts) of   -------------------------------
     mobile unit and control station        Kilometers         Miles
200.....................................             209             130
150.....................................             201             125
100.....................................             193             120
50......................................             185             115
25......................................             177             110
10......................................             169             105
5.......................................             161             100

                              Table E_Base Station Adjacent Channel Frequencies
 Maximum Effective Radiated Power (ERP) \1\

      Antenna height in meters (feet) (AAT)
        Distance in kilometers (miles): \2,3\                     30.5
                           91.5       106       122       137      152.5
                                                       15 (50)    (100)   45 (1
50)  61 (200)  76 (250)    (300)     (350)     (400)     (450)     (500)
108 (67)............................................     1,000     1,000     1,
000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000
106 (66)............................................     1,000     1,000     1,
000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000       750
104 (65)............................................     1,000     1,000     1,
000     1,000     1,000     1,000     1,000       825       650       600
103 (64)............................................     1,000     1,000     1,
000     1,000     1,000     1,000       775       625       500       400
101 (63)............................................     1,000     1,000     1,
000     1,000     1,000       650       450       325       325       225
99 (62).............................................     1,000     1,000     1,
000     1,000       525       375       250       200       150       125
98 (61).............................................     1,000     1,000
700       450       250       200       125       100        75        50
96 (60).............................................     1,000     1,000
425       225       125       100        75        50
\1\ The effective radiated power (ERP) and antenna height above average terrain
 (AAT) shall not exceed the values given in this table.
\2\ At this distance from transmitter site of protected UHF television station.
\3\ The minimum distance is 145 km (90 miles) where there are mobile units asso
ciated with the base station. See sec. 90.307(d).

             Table ``F''_Decibel Reduction/Power Equivalents
       dB reduction below 1 kW          ERP permitted (figures rounded)
                      1                             795
                      2                             630
                      3                             500
                      4                             400
                      5                             315
                      6                             250
                      7                             200
                      8                             160
                      9                             125
                     10                             100
                     11                              80
                     12                              65
                     13                              50
                     14                              40
                     15                              30
                     16                              25
                     17                              20
                     18                              15
                     19                              12
                     20                              10
                     21                               8
                     22                               6
                     23                               5
                     24                               4
                     25                               3
                     26                             2.5
                     27                               2
                     28                             1.5
                     29                            1.25
                     30                               1

   (b) Directions for Using the Figures. (1) Determine antenna height above
   average terrain. (According to  Sec. 90.309(a)(4).)

   (2) Locate this value on the antenna height axis.

   (3) Determine the separation between the LM antenna site and the nearest
   protected co-channel TV station. (According to  Sec. 73.611.)

   (4) Draw a vertical line to intersect the LM/TV separation curve at the
   distance determined in step 3 above. For distances not shown in the graph
   use linear interpolation.

   (5) From the intersection of the LM/TV separation curve draw a horizontal
   line to the power reduction scale.

   (6) The power reduction in dB determines the reduction below 1 kW that must
   be achieved.

   (7) See table F for dB/power equivalents.

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   (Section 0.231(d) of the Commission's Rules and secs. 4(i) and 303 of the
   Communications Act, as amended)

   [ 43 FR 54791 , Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at  49 FR 36107 , Sept. 14, 1984;  49 FR 49837 , Dec. 17, 1984;  58 FR 44958 , Aug. 25, 1993;  70 FR 19312 , Apr. 13,

Goto Section: 90.307 | 90.311

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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