Goto Section: 87.147 | 87.151 | Table of Contents
FCC 87.149
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 |
Sec. 87.149 Special requirements for automatic link establishment (ALE).
Brief signalling for the purposes of measuring the quality of a radio
channel and thereafter establishing communication shall be permitted within
the 2 MHz–30 MHz band. Public coast stations licensed under part 80 of this
chapter providing high seas service are authorized by rule to use such
signalling under the following conditions:
(a) The transmitter power shall not exceed 100 W ERP;
(b) Transmissions must sweep linearly in frequency at a rate of at least 60
kHz per second, occupying any 3 kHz bandwidth for less than 50 milliseconds;
(c) The transmitter shall scan the band no more than four times per hour;
(d) Transmissions within 6 kHz of the following protected frequencies and
frequency bands must not exceed 10 �W peak ERP:
(1) Protected frequencies (kHz)
2091.0 4188.0 6312.0 12290.0 16420.0
2174.5 4207.5 8257.0 12392.0 16522.0
2182.0 5000.0 8291.0 12520.0 16695.0
2187.5 5167.5 8357.5 12563.0 16750.0
2500.0 5680.0 8364.0 12577.0 16804.5
3023.0 6215.0 8375.0 15000.0 20000.0
4000.0 6268.0 8414.5 16000.0 25000.0
4177.5 6282.0 10000.0
(2) Protected bands (kHz)
(e) The instantaneous signal, which refers to the peak power that would be
measured with the frequency sweep stopped, along with spurious emissions
generated from the sweeping signal, must be attenuated below the peak
carrier power (in watts) as follows:
(1) On any frequency more than 5 Hz from the instantaneous carrier
frequency, at least 3 dB;
(2) On any frequency more than 250 Hz from the instantaneous carrier
frequency, at least 40 dB; and
(3) On any frequency more than 7.5 kHz from the instantaneous carrier
frequency, at least 43 + 10log[10] (peak power in watts) db.
[ 62 FR 40308 , July 28, 1997]
Goto Section: 87.147 | 87.151
Goto Year: 2005 |
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