Goto Section: 73.9008 | 73.9009 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.9009
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  73.9009   Manufacture for exportation.

   The requirements of this subpart do not apply to demodulators, covered
   demodulator products or peripheral TSP products manufactured in the United
   States solely for export.

Alphabetical Index—Part 73

    Rules Apply to All Services, AM, FM, and TV, Unless Indicated as
                    Pertaining to a Specific Service
                   [Policies of FCC are indicated (*)]

Acceptability of broadcast transmitters.  73.1660
Access, Prime time (TV).................  73.658
Action on applications..................  73.3591-73.3605
Adjacent channel and co-channel
 stations, Minimum mileage, separation
    FM..................................  73.207
    NCE-FM..............................  73.507
Administrative changes in
    FM..................................  73.212
    TV..................................  73.615
    Refusal to sell.....................  73.4005 (*)
    Sponsorship identification..........  73.1212
        See also ``Commercial''
Affiliation agreements and network        73.658
 program practices; territorial
 exclusivity in non-network program
 arrangements (TV).
Affiliation agreements, Networks/
    AM..................................  73.132, 73.3613, 73.4154 (*)
    FM..................................  73.232, 73.3613, 73.4154 (*)
    TV..................................  73.658, 73.3613
Agreement, United States-Mexico FM        73.504
 broadcast, Channel assignments under
Agreements, International broadcasting..  73.1650
Alarm and monitoring points, Automatic
 transmission system_
    AM..................................  73.146
    FM..................................  73.346
    NCE-FM..............................  73.546
Allocation, Engineering standards of      73.182
Allocation, Field strength measurements   73.186
 in; establishment of effective field at
 one mile (AM).
Allotments, Table of (FM)...............  73.202
AM antenna systems......................  73.45
AM broadcast channels, Classes of.......  73.21, 73.23, 73.25, 73.26,
                                           73.27, 73.29
AM definitions..........................  73.14
AM directional antenna field              73.61
AM: Scope of subpart....................  73.1
AM stereophonic broadcasting............  73.128
AM transmission system emission           73.44
AM transmission system fencing            73.49
    Major/minor: Renewal, assignment,     73.3578
    Matter of right.....................  73.3522
    Procedures..........................  73.3513
Ammeters, antenna and common point,       73.57
 Remote reading (AM).
Announcements required_
    Designation of application for        73.3594
    Donor...............................  73.503, 73.621, 73.1212
    Filing of broadcast applications....  73.3580
    Sponsorship.........................  73.1212
    Station I.D.........................  73.1201
Antenna base fences, (AM)...............  73.49
Antenna, directional, Field measurements  73.61
Antenna, directional, Field strength      73.151
 measurements to establish performance
 of (AM).
Antenna height and Power requirements_
    FM..................................  73.211
    NCE-FM..............................  73.511
    TV..................................  73.614
Antenna heights, Minimum, or field        73.189
 strength requirements (AM).
Antenna monitors (AM)...................  73.69
Antenna monitors, Requirements for        73.53
 authorization of (AM).
Antenna monitors, Sampling system for     73.68
Antenna resistance and reactance;         73.54
 measurements (AM).
Antenna site, Use of common_
    FM..................................  73.239
    TV..................................  73.635
Antenna testing during daytime (AM).....  73.157
Antenna structure, marking and lighting.  73.1213
Antenna system tolerances, Directional    73.62
Antenna system; Transmitter location      73.685
Antenna systems_
    AM..................................  73.45
    FM..................................  73.316
    NCE-FM..............................  73.510
    TV..................................  73.685
Antenna systems, Directional (AM).......  73.150
Antennas, Auxiliary.....................  73.1675
Antennas, Emergency.....................  73.1680
Application and report forms............  73.3500
    Acceptance..........................  73.3564
    Agreements for Conflict removal.....  73.3525
    AM station processing...............  73.3571
    Amendment of........................  73.3522
    AM and FM construction permits,       73.4015 (*)
     incomplete or defective.
    Amendments, renewal and assignment    73.3578
     or transfer of control.
    Assign or transfer unbuilt facility.  73.3535
    Assignment, Involuntary.............  73.3540
    Assignment, Voluntary...............  73.3540
    Call signs..........................  73.3550
    Conflicting.........................  73.3518
    Conflicts: other North American       73.3570
    Commission action required..........  73.3561
    Commission action not required......  73.3562
    Construction period.................  73.3598
    Construction permit extension.......  73.3534
    Construction permit forfeiture......  73.3599
    Contingent applications.............  73.3517
    Content.............................  73.3514
    Copies, number of; when to file.....  73.3512
    Defective...........................  73.3566
    Designation for hearing.............  73.3593
    Designation for hearing, public       73.3594
    Dismissal...........................  73.3568
    Emergency authorization.............  73.3542
    Existing station changes............  73.3538
    Facilities specifications...........  73.3516
    Filing location; number of copies...  73.3512
    FM, FM translator processing........  73.3573
    FM stations, Commercial.............  73.4017 (*)
    Forfeiture, construction permit.....  73.3599
    Formal; informal....................  73.3511
    Grant, Conditional..................  73.3592
    Grants without hearing..............  73.3591
    Hearing designation.................  73.3593
    Hearing status retention............  73.3605
    Inconsistent........................  73.3518
    Informal; Formal....................  73.3511
    International station processing....  73.3574
    License.............................  73.3536
    Modification and simultaneous         73.3601
     renewal of license.
    Modify authorized-unbuilt facility..  73.3535
    Modified station license............  73.3544
    Multiple............................  73.3520
    Mutually exclusive applications for   73.3521
     LPTV and TV translator and booster
    Objections, informal, Filing of.....  73.3587
    Operation during repair of            73.3549
     defective, required equipment.
    Petitions to deny...................  73.3584
    Program delivery to foreign stations  73.3545
    Public notice, Designation for        73.3594
    Public notice of filing.............  73.3580
    Renewal.............................  73.3539
    Renewal and simultaneous              73.3601
     modification of license.
    Repetitious.........................  73.3519
    Replacement of construction permit..  73.3534
    Rounding of nominal power on (AM)...  73.31
    Signing of..........................  73.3513
    Special service authorizations......  73.3543
    Specification of facilities.........  73.3516
    Temporary authorization.............  73.3542
    Transfer and assignment procedures..  73.3597
    Transfer of control, Involuntary....  73.3541
    Transfer of control, Voluntary......  73.3540
    Transfer or assign unbuilt facility.  73.3535
    TV, LPTV, translator and TV booster   73.3572
    Unbuilt facilities: modify, assign    73.3535
     or transfer.
    Use of former main antenna as         73.3534
    Waiver procedure....................  73.3603
Applications for broadcast facilities,    73.37
 showing required (AM).
Assignment, FM Increasing availability    73.4107 (*)
Assignment of stations to channels (AM).  73.28
Assignment policies and procedures, FM..  73.4104 (*)
Assignments, Table of_
    FM..................................  73.202
    NCE-FM..............................  73.501
    TV..................................  73.606
Assignments, Channel, under the United    73.504
 States-Mexico_FM Broadcast Agreement
ATS-Automatic transmission system.......  73.1500
Attacks, Personal.......................  73.1920
Aural and visual TV transmitters,         73.653
 Operation of.
Aural baseband subcarriers, TV..........  73.665
Authorization of antenna monitors,        73.53
 Requirements for.
Authorization, Administrative changes
    FM..................................  73.212
    TV..................................  73.615
Authorizations, Experimental............  73.1510
Authorizations, Remote Control..........  73.1400
Authorizations, Special Field test......  73.1515
Authorizations, Special temporary (STA).  73.1635
Automatic transmission system (ATS).....  73.1500
Auxiliary antennas......................  73.1675
Auxiliary transmitters..................  73.1670
Availability of channels_
    FM..................................  73.203
    TV..................................  73.607
Availability to FCC of station logs and   73.1226
Barter agreements.......................  73.4045 (*)
Baseband subcarriers, Aural, TV.........  73.665
Blanketing interference_
    AM..................................  73.88
    FM..................................  73.318
Broadcast channels and stations, Classes  73.21, 73.22, 73.25, 73.26,
 of (AM).                                  73.27, 73.29
Broadcast day (definition)..............  73.1700
Broadcast facilities authorizations;      73.24
 showing required (AM).
Broadcast facilities, showing required    73.37
 for applications (AM).
Broadcast of FAA communications.........  73.4102 (*)
Broadcast of lottery information........  73.1211
Broadcast of taped, filmed or recorded    73.1208
Broadcast of telephone conversation.....  73.1206
Broadcast transmitters, Acceptability of  73.1660
Broadcasting agreements, International..  73.1650
Broadcasting emergency information......  73.1250
Broadcasting, Stereophonic_
    FM..................................  73.297
    NCE-FM..............................  73.596
Broadcasts by candidates for public       73.1940
Call letters_requests and assignments...  73.3550
Candidates for public office, Broadcast   73.1940
Carrier frequency departure tolerances..  73.1545
Carrier frequency measurements..........  73.1540
Certification of financial                73.4099(*)
Changes in authorizations,
    FM..................................  73.212
    TV..................................  73.615
Channel assignments under the United      73.504
 States-Mexico Broadcast Agreement (NCE-
Channels and stations, Classes of AM      73.21, 73.22, 73.25, 73.26,
 Broadcast.                                73.27, 73.29
Channel 6 Protection (NCE-FM)...........  73.525
Channels, Assignment of stations to (AM)  73.28
Channels available for assignment (NCE-   73.501
Channels, Availability of_
    FM..................................  73.203
    TV..................................  73.607
Channels, Classes of Educational, and     73.506
 stations operating thereon.
Channels, FM broadcast, Numerical         73.201
 designation of.
Channels, Restriction on use of (FM)....  73.220
Channels, TV, Numerical designation of..  73.603
Channels, unreserved, Noncommercial       73.513
 educational broadcast stations,
 operating on (NCE-FM).
Character evaluation of broadcast         73.4280 (*)
Charts, Engineering_
    AM..................................  73.190
    FM..................................  73.333
    TV..................................  73.699
Charts, Groundwave field strength (AM)..  73.184
Chief operators.........................  73.1870
Children's TV programs..................  73.4050 (*)
Cigarette advertising...................  73.4055 (*)
Citizen agreements......................  73.4060 (*)
Classes of AM broadcast channels and      73.21, 73.22, 73.25, 73.26,
 stations.                                 73.27, 73.29
Classes of noncommercial educational FM   73.506
 Stations and channels.
Classes of stations; power and antenna    73.211
 height requirements.
Classified ads..........................  73.1212
Co-channel and adjacent channel
 stations, Minimum separation_
    FM..................................  73.207
    NCE-FM..............................  73.507
Combination advertising rates; joint      73.4065 (*)
 sales practices.
Commercials Loud........................  73.4075 (*)
    See Also ``Advertising'' listings.
Common antenna site, use of_
    FM..................................  73.239
    TV..................................  73.635
Common point, and antenna ammeters,       73.57
 Remote reading (AM).
Communications services, Subsidiary_
    FM..................................  73.295
    NCE-FM..............................  73.593
    TV..................................  73.667
Comparative broadcast                     73.4082
 hearings_specialized formats(*).
Computation of interfering signal (AM)..  73.185
Computations, Reference points and
    FM..................................  73.208
    TV..................................  73.611
Construction Near or Installation On an   73.1692
 AM Tower.
Construction period.....................  73.3598
Construction permit, forfeited..........  73.3599
Contests, License-Conducted.............  73.1216
Contours, Field strength_
    FM..................................  73.311
    TV..................................  73.683
Contracts, Filing of....................  73.3613
Coverage, Prediction of_
    FM..................................  73.313
    TV..................................  73.684
Cross reference to rules in other Parts.  73.1010
Day, Broadcast (definition).............  73.1700
Daylight Savings time...................  73.1209
Daytime (definition)....................  73.1720
Daytime radiation, Limitation on (AM)...  73.187
Definitions, Subscription TV............  73.641
Definitions, Technical_
    AM..................................  73.14
    FM..................................  73.310
    TV..................................  73.681
Deny, Petitions to......................  73.3584
Determining operating power_
    AM..................................  73.51
    FM..................................  73.267
    NCE-FM..............................  73.567
    TV..................................  73.663
Direct broadcast satellites.............  73.4091 (*)
Directional antenna field measurements    73.61
Directional antenna system tolerances     73.62
Directional antennas, Field strength      73.151
 measurements to establish performance
 of (AM).
Directional antenna data, Modification    73.152
 of (AM).
Directional antenna monitoring points     73.158
Directional antenna systems (AM)........  73.150
Discontinuance of operation.............  73.1750
Distance and Reference points,
 computations of_
    FM..................................  73.208
    TV..................................  73.611
Distance separations, Minimum, between
    FM..................................  73.207
    NCE-FM..............................  73.507
    TV..................................  73.610
Distress sales and tax certificates,      73.4140*
 Minority ownership.
Doctrine, Fairness......................  73.1910
Dolbey encoder..........................  73.4094 (*)
Donor announcements (NCE-FM)............  73.503
Double billing..........................  73.1205
Drug lyrics.............................  73.4095 (*)
Dual-language broadcasting in Puerto      73.1210
 Rico, TV/FM.
EAS (Emergency Alert System.............  11.1-11.62
EAS signal test-automated systems.......  73.4097(*)
Editorials, Political...................  73.1930
Educational, Noncommercial FM stations    73.513
 on unreserved channels (NCE-FM).
Educational stations, Noncommercial (TV)  73.621
Effective field at one kilometer,         73.186
 Establishment of (AM).
Emergency antennas......................  73.1680
Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)........  73.901-73.962
Emergency Alert System (EAS)............  11.1-11.62
Emission limitations, AM transmission     73.44
Employment opportunities, Equal.........  73.2080
Employment report.......................  73.3612
Engineering charts_
    AM..................................  73.190
    FM..................................  73.333
    TV..................................  73.699
Engineering standards of allocation (AM)  73.182
Engineering, Standards of good practice   73.508
Equal employment opportunities..........  73.2080
Equipment performance measurements......  73.1590
Equipment tests.........................  73.1610
Establishment of effective field at one   73.186
 kilometer (AM).
Evaluation of broadcast applicant         73.4280 (*)
Exclusivity, Territorial (Network)_
    AM..................................  73.132
    FM..................................  73.232
    TV..................................  73.658
Experimental authorizations.............  73.1510
Experimental period, Operating during     73.72
 the (AM).
Extension meters........................  73.1550
FAA communications, Broadcast of........  73.4102 (*)
Facilities, Automatic transmission
    AM..................................  73.142
    FM..................................  73.342
    NCE-FM..............................  73.542
Facilities authorizations; Broadcast;     73.24
 showing required (AM).
Fairness Doctrine.......................  73.1910
FCC Policies............................  73.4000 (*)
FCC, Station inspections by.............  73.1225
Fencing requirements, AM transmission     73.49
Fencing requirements, AM stations.......  73.49
Field measurements, AM directional        73.61
Field strength charts, Groundwave (AM)..  73.184
Field strength contours_
    FM..................................  73.311
    TV..................................  73.683
Field strength measurements:              73.186
 establishment of effective field.
Field strength measurements_
    FM..................................  73.314
    TV..................................  73.686
Field strength measurements in support    73.153
 of applications or evidence at hearing
Field strength measurements to establish  73.151
 performance of directional antennas
Field strength requirements or, Minimum   73.189
 antenna heights (AM).
Field test authorizations, Special......  73.1515
File, Political.........................  73.1940
File, Public............................  73.3526-73.3527
Filing of applications..................  73.3511-73.3550
Filing of contracts.....................  73.3613
Filmed, taped, or recorded material;      73.1208
 Broadcast of.
Financial qualifications_
    AM and FM...........................  73.4100 (*)
    TV..................................  73.4101 (*)
    Financial qualifications,             73.4099(*)
     Certification of.
    FM assignments, increasing            73.4107 (*)
Foreign broadcast stations_Permits to     73.3545
 furnish programs.
Forfeitures.............................  1.80
Format changes of stations..............  73.4110 (*)
Forms, Application and report...........  73.3500
FM and AM programming, Duplication of...  73.242
FM assignment policies and procedures...  73.4104 (*)
FM broadcast channels, Numerical          73.201
 designation of.
FM multiplex subcarriers, Use of........  73.293
FM multiplex subcarriers transmission     73.319
 technical standards.
FM subsidiary communications services...  73.295
    Communication services..............  73.295
FM transmitter site map submissions.....  73.4108
FM/TV dual-language broadcasting in       73.1210
 Puerto Rico.
Frequency measurement, Carrier..........  73.1540
Frequency departure tolerances, Carrier.  73.1545
General operating requirements            73.643
 (Subscription TV).
General requirements for type approval    73.692
 of modulation monitors (TV).
General requirements relating to logs...  73.1800
    Conditional.........................  73.3592
    Without hearing.....................  73.3591
Groundwave field strength charts (AM)...  73.184
Groundwave signals (AM).................  73.183
Hard Look Deficiencies and Amendments     73.3522(a)(6)
 (as modified) (FM).
Hearings, Designation of applications     73.3593
Hours, Specified........................  73.1730
Identification, Sponsorship; list         73.1212
 retention, related requirements.
Identification, Station.................  73.1201
Indicating instruments (requirements
    AM..................................  73.58
    FM..................................  73.258
    NCE-FM..............................  73.558
    TV..................................  73.688
Indicating instruments_specifications     73.1215
Information available on the Internet...  73.3617
Information, Broadcasting emergency.....  73.1250
Input power, Antenna; how determined      73.51
Inspection of program logs, Public......  73.1850
Inspections, Station, by FCC............  73.1225
Inspections, Transmission system........  73.1580
Installation On or Construction Near an   73.1692
 AM Tower.
Instruments, Indicating (requirements
    AM..................................  73.58
    FM..................................  73.258
    NCE-FM..............................  73.558
    TV..................................  73.688
Instruments, indicating_specifications    73.1215
Interference, Blanketing_
    AM..................................  73.88
    FM..................................  73.318
Interference, Protection from_
    FM..................................  73.209
NCE-FM..................................  73.509
TV......................................  73.612
Interference to Astronomy, Research and   73.1030
 Receiving installations, Notifications
Interfering signal, Computation of (AM).  73.185
International Broadcast stations........  73.701-73.793
    Definitions.........................  73.701
    Assignment and use of frequencies...  73.702
    Geographical zones and areas of       73.703
    Notification of filing of             73.1030
    Equipment tests.....................  73.712
    Program tests.......................  73.713
    Licensing requirements..............  73.731
    Authorizations......................  73.732
    Normal license period...............  73.733
    Operating power.....................  73.751
    Antenna systems.....................  73.753
    Frequency monitors..................  73.754
    Modulation monitors.................  73.755
    Transmission system requirements....  73.756
    Auxiliary transmitters..............  73.757
    Alternate main transmitters.........  73.758
    Modification of transmission systems  73.759
    Time of operation...................  73.761
    Station inspection..................  73.1225
    Station license and seasonal          73.1230
     schedules, posting of.
    International broadcast station       73.764
     operator requirements.
    Determining operating power.........  73.765
    Modulation and bandwidth............  73.766
    Frequency tolerance.................  73.1545
    Antenna structure marking and         73.1213
    Discontinuance of operation.........  73.1750
    Logs................................  73.781
    Retention of logs...................  73.782
    Logs, by whom kept..................  73.1800
    Log form............................  73.1800
    Log corrections.....................  73.1800
    Station identification..............  73.787
    Service; Commercial or sponsored      73.788
    Sponsorship identification..........  73.1212
    Rebroadcasts........................  73.1207
    Equal employment opportunities......  73.2080
International broadcasting agreements...  73.1650
Letters received from the public,         73.1202
 Retention of.
License period, Station.................  73.1020
Licensee-conducted contests.............  73.1216
Licenses, station and operator, Posting   73.1250
Licensing, Acceptability of broadcast     73.640
 transmitters for (TV).
Licensing by lottery or random selection  1.1601-1.1623, 73.3572,
                                           73.3584, 73.3597
Licensing policies (Subscription TV)....  73.642
Licensing requirements and service (NCE-  73.503
Lighting and marking, Antenna structure.  73.1213
Limitation on daytime radiation (AM)....  73.187
Limited time............................  73.1725
Lists retention; Sponsorship              73.1212
 identification; related requirements.
Location, Main studio...................  73.1125
Location of transmitter_
    FM..................................  73.315
    TV..................................  73.685
Location, Station.......................  73.1120
Location, Transmitter and antenna system  73.685
    General requirements related to the   73.1800
    Station.............................  73.1820
    Program.............................  73.1810
    Program, Public inspection of.......  73.1850
    Retention of........................  73.1840
Logs and records, Availability to FCC...  73.1226
Lottery or random selection licensing...  1.1601-1.1623, 73.3572,
                                           73.3584, 73.3597
Lottery information, Broadcast of.......  73.1211
Main studio location....................  73.1125
Main transmitters.......................  73.1665
Maintenance and tests, Operation for....  73.1520
Marking and Lighting, Antenna structure.  73.1213
Measurements, Antenna resistance and      73.54
 reactance (AM).
Measurements, Carrier frequency.........  73.1540
Measurements, Equipment performance.....  73.1590
Measurements, Field strength, for         73.186
 establishment of effective field at one
 mile. (AM).
Measurements, Field strength in support   73.153
 of applications or evidence at hearings
Measurements, Field strength_
    FM..................................  73.314
    TV..................................  73.686
Measurements, Field strength, to          73.151
 establish performance of directional
 antennas (AM).
Measurements, Equipment performance.....  73.1590
Meters, Extension.......................  73.1550
Meters_specifications...................  73.1215
Mexican/U.S. Agreement..................  73.3570
Mexico_U.S. FM Broadcast Agreement,       73.504
 Channel Assignment under (NCE-FM).
Minimum antenna heights or field          73.189
 strength requirements (AM).
Minimum filing requirement (FM).........  73.3564(a)
Minimum operating schedule..............  73.1740
Minimum separations between stations_
    FM..................................  73.207
    NCE-FM..............................  73.507
    TV..................................  73.610
Minimum separation, Stations at spacings  73.213
 below (FM).
Minority ownership; tax certificates and  73.4140 (*)
 distress sales.
Misrepresentation in advertising bill-    73.1205
Mode and Operating power tolerances.....  73.1560
Modification of directional antenna data  73.152
Modification of facilities, Operation     73.1615
Modification of transmission systems....  73.1690
Modulation levels, AM, FM, and TV aural.  73.1570
Modulation monitoring equipment, Visual.  73.691
Monitoring and alarm points, Automatic
 transmission system_
    AM..................................  73.146
    FM..................................  73.346
    NCE-FM..............................  73.546
Monitoring equipment, Visual modulation.  73.691
Monitoring point locations..............  73.158
Monitors, Antenna (AM)..................  73.69
Monitors, antenna, Requirements for       73.53
 authorization of (AM).
Monitors, antenna, Sampling system for    73.68
Multiple ownership......................  73.3555
    Multiplex subcarrier transmission     73.319
     technical standards, FM.
Multiplex subscribers, Use of_
    FM..................................  73.293
    TV..................................  73.665
Multiplex subsidiary, Use of............  73.667
Multiplex transmission, Use of (AM).....  73.127
NARBA (North American Regional            73.3570
 Broadcasting Agreement).
Network, Affiliation agreements and       73.658
 program practices; territorial
 exclusivity in non-network program
 arrangements (TV).
Network/AM and FM station affiliation     73.4154 (*)
Network signals_adversely affecting       73.4157 (*)
 affiliate service.
Network/station affiliation agreements_
    AM..................................  73.132, 73.3613, 73.4154 (*)
    FM..................................  73.232, 73.3613, 73.4154 (*)
    TV..................................  73.658, 73.3613
Network syndication.....................  73.658
(Network), Territorial exclusivity_
    AM..................................  73.132
    FM..................................  73.232
    TV..................................  73.658
Nighttime service areas, Class II and     73.4160 (*)
 III AM Stations; computation.
Nominal Power, Rounding of (AM).........  73.31
Noncommercial educational channel         73.504
 assignments under the United States-
 Mexico FM Broadcast Agreement.
Noncommercial educational FM stations     73.506
 and channels.
Noncommercial educational FM stations     73.513
 operating on unreserved channels.
Noncommercial educational stations (TV).  73.621
Noncommercial nature_educational          73.4163 (*)
 broadcast stations.
Notifications concerning interference to  73.1030
 Radio Astronomy, Research and Receiving
Numerical designation of FM broadcast     73.201
Numerical designation of TV channels....  73.603
Objections (informal) to applications...  73.3587
Obscene language........................  73.4165 (*)
Obscene lyrics..........................  73.4170 (*)
Operating during the experimental period  73.72
Operating on unreserved channels,         73.513
 Noncommercial educational broadcast
 stations (NCE-FM).
Operating power, Determining_
    AM..................................  73.51
    FM..................................  73.267
    NCE-FM..............................  73.567
    TV..................................  73.663
Operating power and mode tolerances.....  73.1560
Operating requirements, General           73.643
 (Subscription TV operations).
Operating schedule, Minimum.............  73.1740
Operating schedule; time sharing (NCE-    73.561
Operation, Discontinuance of............  73.1750
Operation during modification of          73.1615
Operation for tests and maintenance.....  73.1520
Operation of TV aural and visual          73.653
Operation, Remote Control...............  73.1410
Operation, Time of......................  73.1705
Operation, Unauthorized.................  73.1745
Operator and station licenses, Posting    73.1230
Operators, Chief........................  73.1870
Operators, Transmitter duty.............  73.1860
Overlap, Prohibited.....................  73.509
Ownership, Multiple.....................  73.3555
Ownership report........................  73.3615
Payment disclosure: Payola, plugola,      73.4180 (*)
Performance measurements, Equipment.....  73.1590
Performance of directional antennas,      73.151
 Field strength measurements to
 establish (AM).
Performance requirements, AM              73.40
 transmission systems.
Permissible transmissions (FM)..........  73.277
Personal attacks........................  73.1920
Petitions to deny.......................  73.3584
Plans, State-wide (NCE-FM)..............  73.502
Points, Reference, and distance           73.611
 computations (TV).
Point-to-point emergency messages.......  73.1250
Policies, Licensing (TV)................  73.642
Policies of FCC.........................  73.4000 (*)
Political advertising by UHF translators  73.4195 (*)
Political advertising_sponsorship         73.1212
Political broadcasting and telecasting,   73.4185 (*)
 The law of.
Political candidate authorization notice  73.4190 (*)
 and sponsorship identification.
Political editorials....................  73.1930
Political file..........................  73.1940
Portable test stations..................  73.1530
Posting of station and operator licenses  73.1230
Power and antenna height requirements_
    FM..................................  73.211
    NCE-FM..............................  73.511
    TV..................................  73.614
Power and mode tolerances, Operating....  73.1560
Power, nominal, Rounding of (AM)........  73.31
Power, operating, determining_
    AM..................................  73.51
    FM..................................  73.267
    NCE-FM..............................  73.567
    TV..................................  73.663
Prediction of coverage_
    FM..................................  73.313
    TV..................................  73.684
Presunrise service authorization (PSRA)   73.99
 and Post sunset service authorization
Prime time access (TV)..................  73.658
Procedure Manual: ``The Public and        73.4210 (*)
Processing of applications..............  73.3561-73.3587
Program logs............................  73.1810
Program logs, Public inspection of......  73.1850
Program matter: Supplier identification.  73.4215 (*)
Prgoram practices, network, and           73.658
 Affiliation agreements; territorial
 exclusivity in non-network program
 arrangements (TV).
Program tests...........................  73.1620
Prohibited overlap......................  73.509
Proofs of performance, partial and        73.154
 skeleton, Field strength measurements
Protection from interference_
    FM..................................  73.209
    NCE-FM..............................  73.509
    TV..................................  73.612
Proxy statements and tender offers......  73.4266(*)
Public inspection file..................  73.3526-73.3527
Public inspection of program logs.......  73.1850
Public office, Broadcasts by candidates   73.1940
Puerto Rico TV/FM, dual-language          73.1210
 broadcasting in.
Quiet zone..............................  73.1030
Radiation characteristics, Vertical       73.160
Radiation, daytime, Limitation on (AM)..  73.187
Random selection or lottery licensing...  1.1601-1.1623, 73.23572,
                                           73.3584, 73.3597
Rebroadcasts............................  73.1207
Recorded, taped or filmed material;       73.1208
 Broadcast of.
Recording telephone conversations.......  73.1206
Records and logs, Availability to FCC...  73.1226
Records, special technical..............  73.1835
Reference, Cross, to rules in other       73.1010
Reference points and distance
    FM..................................  73.208
    TV..................................  73.611
Reference to time.......................  73.1209
Remote control authorizations...........  73.1400
Remote control operation................  73.1410
Remote reading antenna and common point   73.57
 ammeters (AM).
Renewal period..........................  73.1020
Report and application forms............  73.3500
Requirements, Equipment and technical     73.644
 system performance (TV).
Requirements for authorization of         73.53
 antenna monitors (AM).
Requirements, Subscription TV, operating  73.643
Requirements, Power and antenna height_
    AM..................................  73.189
    FM..................................  73.211
    NCE-FM..............................  73.511
    TV..................................  73.614
Requirements, relating to logs, General.  73.1800
Requirements, Transmission system
    FM..................................  73.317
    TV..................................  73.687
Requirements, Transmission system         73.40
 performance (AM).
Responses and statements to Commission    73.1015
Restrictions on use of channels (FM)....  73.220
Retention of letters received from the    73.1202
Retention of logs.......................  73.1840
Rounding of nominal power (AM)..........  73.31
(Rules common to all broadcast            73.1001
 stations), Scope.
Rules in other Parts, Cross reference to  73.1010
Sampling systems for antenna monitors     73.68
Satellites, Direct broadcast............  73.4091 (*)
    FM..................................  73.293
    NCE-FM..............................  73.593
Schedule, Minimum operating.............  73.1740
Schedule; Operating, time sharing (NCE-   73.561
School closings.........................  73.1250
Scope of Subpart A (AM).................  73.1
Scope of Subpart E (TV).................  73.601
Scope of Subpart H (rules common to all   73.1001
 broadcast stations).
Separations (channel) (TV)..............  73.610
Separations, Minimum mileage, between co-
 channel and adjacent channel stations_
    FM..................................  73.217
    NCE-FM..............................  73.507
Separations, Stations at spacings below   73.213
 minimum (FM).
Service and licensing requirements (NCE-  73.503
Share time..............................  73.1715
Sharing time, Operating schedule (NCE-    73.561
Short-spacing agreements: FM stations...  73.4235 (*)
Showing required; Applications for        73.37
 broadcast facilities (AM).
Signal, Computation of interfering (AM).  73.185
Signal, Groundwave (AM).................  73.183
Site, common antenna, Use of_
    FM..................................  73.239
    TV..................................  73.635
Spacings, Stations below the minimum      73.213
 separations (FM).
Special antenna test authorizations (AM)  73.157
Special field test authorization........  73.1515
Special technical records...............  73.1835
Special temporary authorizations (STA's)  73.1635
Specifications_Indicating instruments     73.1215
Specified hours.........................  73.1730
Sponsorship identification list           73.1212
 retention; related requirements.
Sponsorship identification rules,         73.4242 (*)
 Applicability of.
STA's (Special temporary authorizations)  73.1635
Standard time...........................  73.1209
Standards, FM multiplex subcarrier,       73.319
Standards of allocation, Engineering      73.182
Standards of good engineering             73.508
Standards, Stereophonic transmission      73.322
Standards, Transmission.................  73.682
State-wide plans (NCE-FM)...............  74.502
Statements and responses to Commission    73.1015
Station and operator licenses, Posting    74.1230
Station identification..................  73.1201
Station inspections by FCC..............  73.1225
Station license period..................  73.1020
Station location........................  73.1120
Station log.............................  73.1820
Station, main studio location...........  73.1125
Station transferring....................  73.1150
Stations, Assignment of, to channels      73.28
Stations at spacings below the minimum    73.213
 separation (FM).
Stations, Noncommercial educational (TV)  73.621
Stations, Noncommercial educational FM,   73.513
 operating on unreserved channels.
Stereophonic sound broadcasting_
    AM..................................  73.128
    FM..................................  73.297
    NCE-FM..............................  73.597
    TV..................................  73.669
Stereophonic pilot                        73.4246 (*)
 subcarriers_monophonic programming.
Stereophonic sound transmission
    AM..................................  73.128
    FM..................................  73.322
    TV..................................  73.682
Studio location, Main...................  73.1125
Subcarrier multiplex, transmission
    FM..................................  73.319
Subcarrier, multiplex, Use of_
    FM..................................  73.293
    TV..................................  73.665
Subliminal perception...................  73.4250 (*)
Subpart A, Scope of (AM)................  73.1
Subpart E, Scope of (TV)................  73.601
Subpart H, Scope of (rules common to all  73.1001
 broadcast stations).
(Subscription TV operations),             73.641
Subsidiary Communications services_
    FM..................................  73.295
    NCE-FM..............................  73.595
    TV..................................  73.667
Subscription TV_
    Competing applications..............  73.4247 (*)
    Definitions.........................  73.641
    Licensing policies..................  73.642
    Operating requirements..............  73.643
    Transmission systems................  73.644
Syndication, network....................  73.658
Table of assignments_
    FM..................................  73.202
    TV..................................  73.606
Tables (Distance-degree conversions and   73.698
 separations) (TV).
Taped, filmed, or recorded material;      73.1208
 Broadcast of.
Tax certificates and distress sales;      73.4140(*)
 Minority sales.
Tax certificates: Issuance of...........  73.4255 (*)
Teaser announcements....................  73.4260 (*)
Technical definitions_
    AM..................................  73.14
    FM..................................  73.310
    TV..................................  73.681
Technical records, Special..............  73.1835
(Technical standards), Definitions (TV).  73.681
Telecommunications service on vertical    73.646
 blanking interval.
Telephone conversations, Broadcast of...  73.1206
Telephone conversation broadcasts         73.4625 (*)
 (network and like sources).
Television channels, Numerical            73.603
 designation of.
Temporary authorizations, Special         73.1635
Tender offers and proxy statements......  73.4266(*)
Territorial exclusivily in non-network    73.658
 program arrangements; Affiliation
 agreements and network program
 practices (TV).
Territorial exclusivity, (Network)_
    AM..................................  73.132
    FM..................................  73.232
    TV..................................  73.658
Test authorization, Special field.......  73.1515
Test stations, Portable.................  73.1530
Testing antenna during daytime (AM).....  73.157
Tests and maintenance, Operation for....  73.1520
Tests of equipment......................  73.1610
Tests, Program..........................  73.1620
Time brokerage..........................  73.4627 (*)
Time of operation.......................  73.1705
Time, Limited...........................  73.1725
Time, Reference to......................  73.1209
Time, Share.............................  73.1715
Time Sharing, Operating schedule (NCE-    73.561
Time, Unlimited.........................  73.1710
Tolerances, Carrier frequency departure.  73.1545
Tolerances, Directional antenna system    73.62
Tolerances, Operating power and mode....  73.1560
Tone clusters: Audio attention-getting    73.4275 (*)
Topographic data (FM)...................  73.3120
Tower lighting and painting.............  73.1213
Transferring a station..................  73.1150
Transmission standards, Changes in......  73.1695
Transmission standards (TV).............  73.682
Transmission system, Automatic (ATS)....  73.1500
Transmission system emission              73.44
 limitations, (AM).
Transmission system inspections.........  73.1580
Transmission system installation and      73.49
 safety requirements, AM.
Transmission system performance           73.40
 requirements (AM).
Transmission system requirements_
    FM..................................  73.317
    TV..................................  73.687
Transmission systems, Modification of...  73.1690
Transmission systems, subscription TV...  73.644
Transmissions, Permissible (FM).........  73.277
Transmitter duty operators..............  73.1860
Transmitter, Location_
    FM..................................  73.315
    TV..................................  73.685
Transmitter location and antenna system   73.685
Transmitters, Auxiliary.................  73.1670
Transmitters, broadcast, Acceptability    73.1660
Transmitters, Main......................  73.1665
Transmitters, TV, aural and visual,       73.653
 Operation of.
TV Channel 6 protection (NCE-FM)........  73.525
TV colorburst during black/white          73.4272 (*)
TV/FM dual-language broadcasting in       73.1210
 Puerto Rico.
Type approval of modulation monitors,     73.692
 General requirements (TV).
Unauthorized operation..................  73.1745
U.S./Mexican Agreement..................  73.3570
USA-Mexico FM Broadcast Agreement,        73.504
 Channel assignments under (NCE-FM).
Unlimited time..........................  73.1710
Unreserved channels, Noncommercial        73.513
 educational broadcast stations
 operating on (NCE-FM).
Use of channels, Restrictions on (FM)...  73.220
Use of common antenna site_
    FM..................................  73.239
    TV..................................  73.635
      Use of multiplex subcarriers_
    FM..................................  73.293
    TV..................................  73.665
Use of multiplex transmissions (AM).....  73.127
Vertical blanking interval,               73.646
 Telecommunication service on.
Vertical plane radiation characteristics  73.160
Visual and aural TV transmitters,         73.653
 Operation of.
Visual modulation monitoring equipment..  73.691
Want ads................................  73.1212
Zone, Quiet.............................  73.1030
    FM..................................  73.205
    NCE-FM..............................  73.505
    TV..................................  73.609

   [ 50 FR 38530 , Sept. 23, 1985;  50 FR 40395 , Oct. 3, 1985, as amended at  51 FR 34621 , 34622, Sept. 30, 1986;  52 FR 37316 , Oct. 6, 1987;  52 FR 47569 , Dec.
   15, 1987;  53 FR 2499 , Jan. 28, 1988;  58 FR 51250 , Oct. 1, 1993;  59 FR 67103 ,
   Dec. 28, 1994;  63 FR 33878 , June 22, 1998]
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                        Last updated: August 7, 2006

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