Goto Section: 73.3543 | 73.3545 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.3544
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  73.3544   Application to obtain a modified station license.

   Where prior authority from the FCC is not required to make certain changes
   in the station authorization or facilities, but a modified station license
   must be obtained, the following procedures shall be used to obtain
   modification of the station license:

   (a) The changes specified in  Sec. 73.1690(c) may be made by the filing of a
   license application using the forms listed in  Sec. 73.3536(b)(1).

   (b) An informal application, see  Sec. 73.3511(b), may be filed with the FCC in
   Washington, DC, Attention: Audio Division (radio) or Video Services Division
   (television), Media Bureau, to cover the following changes:

   (1) A correction of the routing instructions and description of an AM
   station directional antenna system field monitoring point, when the point
   itself is not changed.

   (2) A change in the type of AM station directional antenna monitor. See
    Sec. 73.69.

   (3) A change in the location of the station main studio when prior authority
   to move the main studio location is not required.

   (4) The location of a remote control point of an AM or FM station when prior
   authority to operate by remote control is not required.

   (c) A change in the name of the licensee where no change in ownership or
   control is involved may be accomplished by written notification by the
   licensee to the Commission.

   [ 44 FR 38497 , July 2, 1979, as amended at  45 FR 20483 , Mar. 28, 1980;  50 FR 32416 , Aug. 12, 1985;  62 FR 51063 , Sept. 30, 1997;  63 FR 33878 , June 22,
   1998;  67 FR 13232 , Mar. 21, 2002]

Goto Section: 73.3543 | 73.3545

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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