Goto Section: 64.4002 | 64.4004 | Table of Contents

FCC 64.4003
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  64.4003   Notification obligations of IXCs.

   To the extent that the information is reasonably available to an IXC, the
   IXC shall provide to a LEC the customer account information described in
   this section consistent with  Sec. 64.4004. Nothing in this section shall prevent
   an IXC from providing additional customer account information to a LEC to
   the  extent  that such additional information is necessary for billing
   purposes or to properly execute a customer's PIC Order.

   (a) IXC-submitted PIC Order. When a customer contacts an IXC to establish
   interexchange service on a presubscribed basis, the IXC selected must submit
   the customer's properly verified PIC Order (see 47 CFR 64.1120(a)) to the
   customer's LEC, instructing the LEC to install or change the PIC for the
   customer's line(s) to that IXC. The notification provided by the IXC to the
   LEC must contain all of the information necessary to properly execute the
   Order including but not limited to:

   (1) The customer's billing telephone number or working telephone number
   associated with the lines or terminals that are to be presubscribed to the

   (2) The date of the IXC-submitted PIC Order;

   (3)  The  jurisdictional scope of the PIC Order (i.e, intraLATA and/or
   interLATA and/or international); and

   (4) The carrier identification code of the submitting IXC.

   (b) Customer contacts IXC to cancel PIC and to select no-PIC status. When an
   end user customer contacts an IXC to discontinue interexchange service on a
   presubscribed basis, the IXC must confirm that it is the customer's desire
   to have no PIC and, if that is the case, the IXC must notify the customer's
   LEC. The IXC also is encouraged to instruct the customer to notify his LEC.
   An IXC may satisfy this requirement by establishing a three-way call with
   the customer and the customer's LEC to confirm that it is the customer's
   desire to have no PIC and, where appropriate, to provide the customer the
   opportunity  to  withdraw  any  PIC  freeze  that may be in place. The
   notification  provided by the IXC to the LEC must contain the customer
   account information necessary to properly execute the cancellation Order
   including but not limited to:

   (1) The customer's billing telephone number or working telephone number
   associated with the lines or terminals that are affected;

   (2) The date of the IXC-submitted PIC removal Order;

   (3) The jurisdictional scope of the PIC removal Order (i.e., intraLATA
   and/or interLATA and/or international); and

   (4) The carrier identification code of the submitting IXC.

   [ 70 FR 32263 , June 2, 2005;  70 FR 54301 , Sept. 14, 2005]

   Effective Date Notes:   1. At  70 FR 32263 , June 2, 2005,  Sec. 64.4003, was
   added.  This  text  contains  information collection and recordkeeping
   requirements and will not become effective until approval has been given by
   the Office of Management and Budget.

   2. At  70 FR 54301 , Sept. 14, 2005, in  Sec. 64.4003, the introductory text, (a)
   introductory text, (a)(2), (a)(3), (b) introductory text, (b)(2) and (b)(3)
   were corrected. This text contains information collection and recordkeeping
   requirements and will not become effective until approval has been given by
   the Office of Management and Budget.

Goto Section: 64.4002 | 64.4004

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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