Goto Section: 23.23 | 23.25 | Table of Contents

FCC 23.24
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  23.24   Correspondents and points of communication.

   Each instrument of authorization issued for fixed public or fixed public
   press service shall authorize communication to the points of communication
   and to the organizations, agencies, or persons specified therein only,
   except as provided by  Sec. 23.53: Provided, however, That in the event of a
   change in an organization, agency, or person specified or a change in the
   effective control of such organization, agency, or person, the licensee
   shall immediately notify the Commission of such change and shall file an
   application for modification of the instrument of authorization: And
   provided further, That where such change is occasioned by reason of
   circumstances beyond the control of the licensee, communication under the
   then outstanding instrument of authorization shall be permitted to continue
   pending consideration of and action upon the application for modification of
   the instrument of authorization.

Goto Section: 23.23 | 23.25

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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