Goto Section: 1.10008 | 1.10010 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.10009
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  1.10009   What are the steps for electronic filing?

   (a) Step 1: Register for an FCC Registration Number (FRN). (See Subpart W,
    Sec.  Sec. 1.8001 through 1.8004.)

   (1) If you already have an FRN, go to Step 2.

   (2) In order to process your electronic application, you must have an FRN.
   You may obtain an FRN either directly from the Commission Registration
   System (CORES) at, or through IBFS as part of
   your filing process. If you need to know more about who needs an FRN, visit
   CORES at

   (3) If you are a(n):

   (i) Applicant,

   (ii) Transferee and assignee,

   (iii) Transferor and assignor,

   (iv) Licensee/Authorization Holder, or

   (v) Payer, you are required to have and use an FRN when filing applications
   and/or paying fees through IBFS.

   (4) We use your FRN to give you secured access to IBFS and to pre-fill the
   application you file.

   (a) Step 2: Register with IBFS.

   (1) If you are already registered with IBFS, go to Step 3.

   (2) In order to complete and file your electronic application, you must
   register in IBFS, located at

   (3) You can register your account in:

   (i) Your name,

   (ii) Your company's name, or

   (iii) Your client's name.

   (4) IBFS will issue you an account number as part of the registration
   process. You will create your own password.

   (5) If you forget your password, send an e-mail to the IBFS helpline at or contact the helpline at (202) 418–2222 for assistance.

   (c) Step 3: Log into IBFS, select the application you want to file, provide
   the required FRN(s) and password(s) and fill out your application. You must
   completely fill out forms and provide all requested information as provided
   in parts 1, 25, 63 and 64 of this chapter.

   (1) You must provide an address where you can receive mail delivery by the
   United States Postal Service. You are also encouraged to provide an e-mail
   address. This information is used to contact you regarding your application
   and to request additional documentation, if necessary.

   (2) Reference to material on file. You must answer questions on application
   forms that call for specific technical data, or that require yes or no
   answers or other short answers. However, if documents or other lengthy
   showings are already on file with us and contain the required information,
   you may incorporate the information by reference, as long as:

   (i) The referenced information is filed in IBFS or, if manually filed, the
   information is more than one “8 1/2 inch by 11 inch” page.

   (ii) The referenced information is current and accurate in all material
   respects; and

   (iii) The application states where we can find the referenced information as
   well as:

   (A) The application file number, if the reference is to previously-filed

   (B) The title of the proceeding, the docket number, and any legal citation,
   if the reference is to a docketed proceeding.

   (a) Step 4: File your application. If you file your application successfully
   through IBFS, a confirmation screen will appear showing you the date and
   time of your filing and your submission ID. Print this verification for your
   records as proof of online filing.

   (b) Step 5: Pay for your application.

   (1) Most applications require that you pay a fee to us before we can begin
   processing your application. You can determine the amount of your fee in
   three ways:

   (i) You can refer to  Sec. 1.1107,

   (ii) You can refer to the International and Satellite Services fee guide
   located at, or

   (iii) You can run a draft Form 159 through IBFS, in association with a filed
   application, and the system will automatically enter your required fee on
   the form.

   (2) A complete FCC Form 159 must accompany all fee payments. You must
   provide the FRN for both the applicant and the payer. You also must include
   your IBFS Submission ID number on your FCC Form 159 in the box labeled “FCC
   Code 2.” In addition, for applications for transfer of control or assignment
   of license, call signs involved in the transaction must be entered into the
   “FCC Code 1” box on the FCC Form 159. (This may require the use of multiple
   rows on the FCC Form 159 for a single application where more than one call
   sign is involved.)

   (i) You may use a paper version of FCC Form 159, or

   (ii) You can generate a pre-filled FCC Form 159 from IBFS using your IBFS
   Submission ID. For specific instructions on using IBFS to generate your FCC
   Form 159, go to the IBFS Web site ( and click on the
   “Getting Started” button.

   (3) You have 3 payment options:

   (i) Pay by credit card (through IBFS or by regular mail),

   (ii) Pay by check, bank draft or money order, or

   (iii) Pay by wire transfer or other electronic payments.

   (4) You have 14 calendar days from the date you file your application in
   IBFS to submit your fee payment to Mellon Bank. Your FCC Form 159 must be
   stamped “received” by Mellon Bank by the 14th day. If not, we will dismiss
   your application.

   (5) If you send your Form 159 and payment to Mellon Bank in paper form, you
   should mail your completed Form 159 and payment to the address specified in
    Sec. 1.1107 of the Commission's rules. If you file electronically, do not send
   copies of your application with your payment and Form 159.

   (6) For more information on fee payments, refer to Payment Instructions
   found on the IBFS Internet site at

   (7) Step 5 is not applicable if your application is fee exempt.

Goto Section: 1.10008 | 1.10010

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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