Goto Section: 21.529 | 21.535

FCC 21.531
Revised as of May 5, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  22.531   Channels for paging operation.


   Link to an amendment published at  70 FR 19309 , Apr. 13, 2005.

   The following channels are allocated for assignment to base
   transmitters that provide paging service, either individually or
   collectively under a paging geographic area authorization. Unless
   otherwise indicated, all channels have a bandwidth of 20 kHz and are
   designated by their center frequencies in MegaHertz.

                      Low VHF Channels
   35.20           35.46          43.20         43.46
   35.22           35.50          43.22         43.50
   35.24           35.54          43.24         43.54
   35.26           35.56          43.26         43.56
   35.30           35.58          43.30         43.58
   35.34           35.60          43.34         43.60
   35.38           35.62          43.38         43.62
   35.42           35.66          43.42         43.66
                     High VHF Channels
  152.24           152.84         158.10        158.70
                        UHF Channels
931.0125           931.2625       931.5125      931.7625
931.0375           931.2875       931.5375      931.7875
931.0625           931.3125       931.5625      931.8125
931.0875           931.3375       931.5875      931.8375
931.1125           931.3625       931.6125      931.8625
931.1375           931.3875       931.6375      931.8875
931.1625           931.4125       931.6625      931.9125
931.1875           931.4375       931.6875      931.9375
931.2125           931.4625       931.7125      931.9625
931.2375           931.4875       931.7375      931.9875

   (a) The 43 MHz channels may be assigned under developmental
   authorizations, pursuant to the requirements of Sec. 22.411.

   (b) Channels 931.8875, 931.9125, and 931.9375 MHz may be assigned only
   to transmitters providing nationwide network paging service.

   (c) Upon application using FCC Form 601, common carriers may be
   authorized to provide one-way paging service using the leased
   subcarrier facilities of broadcast stations licensed under part 73 of
   this chapter.

   (d) Occasionally in case law and other formal and informal documents,
   the low VHF channels have been referred to as "lowband" channels, and
   the high VHF channels have been referred to as "guardband" channels.

   (e) Pursuant to the U.S.-Canada Interim Coordination Considerations
   for 929-932 MHz, as amended, only the following UHF channels may be
   assigned in the continental United States North of Line A or in the
   State of Alaska East of Line C, within the indicated longitudes:

   (1) From longitude W.73° to longitude W.75° and from longitude W.78°
   to longitude W.81°:

931.0125           931.1125       931.1875      931.2625
931.0375           931.1375       931.2125      931.8625
931.0625           931.1625       931.2375

   (2) From longitude W.81° to longitude W.85°:

931.0125           931.2125       931.3875      931.5875
931.0375           931.2375       931.4125      931.6125
931.0625           931.2625       931.4625      931.6375
931.1125           931.2875       931.4875      931.8625
931.1375           931.3125       931.5125
931.1625           931.3375       931.5375
931.1875           931.3625       931.5625

   (3) Longitudes other than specified in paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of
   this section:

931.0125           931.1625       931.2875      931.4125
931.0375           931.1875       931.3125      931.4625
931.0625           931.2125       931.3375      931.8625
931.1125           931.2375       931.3625
931.1375           931.2625       931.3875

   (4) At any longitude, with authorization condition requiring
   coordinated, shared use and equal access by licensees in both

931.4375           931.8875       931.9125      931.9375

   (f) For the purpose of issuing paging geographic authorizations, the
   paging geographic areas used for UHF channels are the MEAs, and the
   paging geographic areas used for the low and high VHF channels are the
   EAs (see Sec. 22.503(b)).

   [ 59 FR 59507 , Nov. 17, 1994, as amended at  59 FR 59954 , Nov. 21, 1994;
    62 FR 11635 , Mar. 12, 1997;  63 FR 68945 , Dec. 14, 1998;  64 FR 33784 ,
   June 24, 1999]

Goto Section: 21.529 | 21.535

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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