Table of Parts[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 47, Volume 2, Parts 20 to 39]
[Revised as of October 1, 1997]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 47CFR27]
[Page 378-405]
Subpart A--General Information
27.1 Basis and purpose.
27.2 Permissible communications.
27.3 Other applicable rule parts.
27.4 Terms and definitions.
27.5 Frequencies.
27.6 Service areas.
Subpart B--Applications and Licenses
27.11 Initial authorization.
27.12 Eligibility.
27.13 License period.
27.14 Construction requirements; Criteria for comparative renewal
27.15 Geographic partitioning and spectrum disaggregation.
Subpart C--Technical Standards
27.50 Power limits.
27.51 Equipment authorization.
27.52 RF safety.
27.53 Emission limits.
27.54 Frequency stability.
27.55 Field strength limits.
27.56 Antenna structures; air navigation safety.
27.57 International coordination.
27.58 Interference to MDS/ITFS receivers.
27.59 Environmental requirements.
27.61 Quiet zones.
27.63 Disturbance of AM broadcast station antenna patterns.
27.64 Protection from interference.
Subpart D--Competitive Bidding Procedures for WCS
27.201 WCS subject to competitive bidding.
27.202 Competitive bidding mechanisms.
27.203 Withdrawal, default and disqualification payments.
27.204 Bidding application and certification procedures; prohibition of
27.205 Submission of upfront payments.
27.206 Submission of down payment and filing of long-form applications.
27.207 Procedures for filing petitions to deny against WCS long-form
27.208 License grant, denial, default, and disqualification.
27.209 Designated entities; bidding credits; unjust enrichment.
27.210 Definitions.
Subpart E--Application, Licensing, and Processing Rules for WCS
27.301 Authorization required.
27.302 Eligibility.
27.303 Formal and informal applications.
27.304 Filing of WCS applications, fees, and numbers of copies.
27.305 [Reserved]
27.306 Miscellaneous forms.
27.307 General application requirements.
27.308 Technical content of applications.
27.310 Waiver of rules.
27.311 Defective applications.
27.312 Inconsistent or conflicting applications.
27.313 Amendment of applications for Wireless Communications Service
(other than applications filed on FCC Form 175).
27.314 Application for temporary authorizations.
27.315 Receipt of application; applications in the Wireless
Communications Service filed on FCC Form 175 and other
applications in the WCS Service.
27.316 Public notice period.
27.317 Dismissal and return of applications.
27.319 Ownership changes and agreements to amend or to dismiss
applications or pleadings.
27.320 Opposition to applications.
27.321 Mutually exclusive applications.
27.322 Consideration of applications.
27.323 [Reserved]
[[Page 379]]
27.324 Transfer of control or assignment of station authorization.
27.325 Termination of authorization.
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 301, 302, 303, 307, 309 and 332, unless
otherwise noted.
Source: 62 FR 9658, Mar. 3, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
Subpart A--General Information