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Title:Hallikainen hi-lights - Volume 7, Number 2 - April-May 1967
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Body:Company Newspaper FIVE YEAR EMPLOYEE: Vol. 7, No. 2 April and May, 1967 Virginia Paoli, Editor

RECREATION COMMITTEE REPORT: has been selected chauman of

On May 28th Fumiko Takeshita completed a full five years with Hallikalnen In- struments. &miko is one of our assemblers in the Electronics Department. She was born in Fresno, but went to Japan with her parents before she reached one year of age. Fumiko attended High School in Japan, and then returned to the United States where she met Ben Takeshita, and they were married a few years later. Before coming to work for H. I. Fumiko worked for Red Star Yeast Company, part time; then she attended training school to l.earn electronic assembling. Fumiko likes to spend her spare time sewing. company picnic to be held on Saturday, August 5th at the picturesque Turtle Rock. Lunch, games, and prizes are being planned; free for employees and their immediate families. More information will be posted at a later date. Now, we all should make a wish for good weather. (see the attached map for directions to picnic area)


Charles Komar, our new design drafts- man, in the Engineering Department, was born and raised in Budapest. After he graduated from High School he attended



the Technical University of Hungary, where he received his degree in architectual and structural engineering. Charles met his wife, Piroska, in Hungary and two months before leaving their country, they were married. In 1956, Charles and Piroska reached the United States. Idaho was the first home site for the Komars. Charles decided to come to the Bay Area because he felt there would be better job opportuni- ties. Before coming to work at H. I.. Charles was engaged in his own business as a general contractor. The Komars have three sons; Eric age 10, Andrew age 7 and Sebastian age 4.

Jerr Sullivan, our new electronic tech- nic&' orn In Detroit, Michigan and lived there until he enlisted in the United States Navy. The Navy sent Jerry to many foreign countries, but his home port was here in the Bay Area for the entire twenty years of his enlisted service. Jerry's classification in the Navy was interior communications electrician. H. I. is the first job Jerry has had since he retired from the Navy. The Sullivans have three children; Herbert age 9, Vickie age 7, and Terri; age 4. Jerry's interest away from Hallikainen Instruments is oil painting. He also helps coach the little league baseball players.

Our new technical writer, Gordon I-lo d, was born in Oakland. After gdom high school, he attended the United States Naval School of Electronics and later, the University of California at Berkeley. As a naval reservist, he was recalled into the Korean War for twenty-two months and served as an electronics technician. Since his discharge from the service in 1952, he has worked as an electronics engineer, applications engineer, product planning engineer, sales and contract administrator. More recently, he was Technical Publications Manager at Eldorado Electronics and Advertising Manager with E-H Research Laboratories. Among Cordon's many interestsare; snow

skiing, gardening, sailing, tennis and hiking. Gordon and his wife, Flo, live in Napa together with their two children; Phillip age 16, and Linda age 13.

INTRODUCING: Candy Nicholson, and Cordell C. Cose. [More about them in the next issue.) '


RESIGNATIONS: Mary K;~;s;;u;;;;n;t ;;;a;ka She will be visiting for awhile, then she intends to devote all her time to her family. PROMOTION: Dr. Richard Schimbor, Mr. Schimbor's son, a research chemist% the Shell Development Company's research center in Emeryville was recently appointed technolo- gist with Shell Chemical Company's industrial chemicals division in New York,

AWARDS: Joseph Ursini, Jr. (Joe Ursini's son) was awarded the grand award in the Richmond Public Schools Poster Contest, and received a defense savings bond donated by the Richmond High Twelve Club. In addition, Joe Jr. will receive a $5 first place award for first place at Richmond High School. The contest is sponsored by the Richmond Public Gchools Week Committee. First prize of $5 and second prize of $2.50 were awarded in each junior and senior high school.

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