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Title:Hallikainen hi-lights - Volume 6, Number 5 - November-December 1966
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Body:Company Newspaper Vol. 6, No. 5


Andy Guild completed five full years with the company as a Senior Engineer on November 1, 1966. Andy was born in Oakland but moved to Hawaii with his parents when he was five years old. He received his education in Hawaii and made his home there until he joined the Army. While stationed in Germany, Andy met his wife, Edith. The Guilds have been married 12 years. On completion of his service obliga- tion, Andy attended Indiana Institute of Technology. There he received his degree in Mechanical Engineering. Andy's first job in the bay area was with Shell Development in Emeryville. Andy spends much of his leisure time reading or working. x-x-******** November and December Virginia Paoli, Editor


Donna Carrington, the pretty young lady ready to greet YOU in the lobbv. is our new recehtionist a& billing clerk:' Donna is a local girl, born and raised here in Richmond. She graduated from Richmond High School in June of 1966, Tired of school and a desire to gain some practical experience in the business world, Donna decided to go to work for H. I. She spends much of her time relaxing at her father's ranch, riding horseback, and attempting her luck at water skiing. Donna is now residing in El Sobrante with her father and mother.

UNITED CRUSADE Special thanks are extended to all who cont>ibuted during the drive for the United Crusade. This year we had an over all high- er contribution than ever before.

The ceremony shown above, was held in the lobby of our office building as H. I. is the Northern California Section Head- quarters of Instrument Society of America. This ceremony was the presentation of a $5,000 check to Dr. Alan Searcy, Vice Chan- cellor of the University of California by Mrs. D. J. Pompeo. The new addition will bring the D, J. Pompeo Memorial Fellowship Fund to over $10,000. This fund was es- tablished in 1960 by the Northern California Section of the Instrument Society for the purpose of awarding scholarships in the field of Instrument Engineering. Mr. Pompeo (1901-1960) was founder and head of the Instrumentation Department of Shell Development Company, Emeryville, for 32 years. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the California Institute of Technology. During his years at Shell Development Company he was responsible for the develooment of 90 instruments. In sprihg of 1960 the Instrument Society of America recognized his long record of accomplishments by electing him a fellow of the Society, at which time he was only the third person to be so honored. A tireless worker for the Society, he organized several West Coast Sections and held national offices. He was very active in the Northern Califor- nia Section as a charter member and as a former president. The photograph shows Mrs. D. J. Pompeo giving the check to Dr. Alan Searcy. Standing left to ri~ght are: Bruce E. Powell, Chairman, D. J. Pompeo Fellowship Fund; Vigo N. Smith, President, Northern Califor- nia Section; K. E. IIallikainen, National Delegate, Northern California Section.

ISA Exhibit


The Instrument Society of America held their National Convention in New York the week of October 24, 1966. K. E. Hallikainen E. F. Schimbor, N. S. Warier, Jim Valley and Tom Clark attended this year. The show was held in the New York Coli- seum and reports are that it was a great

success, Our booth exhibited a Gravitrol, Smoke Density Analyzer, -100" Bath, Viscometer and Oxygen Analyzers. The exhibit at- tracted much favorable attention and we are sure to have good results. Also during the week in New York, Hallikainen Instruments held their annual sales breakfast in the Americana Hotel. Approximately twenty-five sales re- presentatives attended the meeting. Company business during the past year and for the future year was discussed.

"OLD T'LMERS DINNER" in honor of all empl.oyees with five years or more ser- vice was hel.d November 9, 1966. Congratulations to:

Ronald Bultena Talmage Nelson

John Chin Anthony Netto

Pieter Fredzess Julius Rosin

Barbara Goode E. F. Schimbor

Andrew Guild Heinrich Schuetz

Thomas Hale W. F. Stairs

X, E, Hallikainen Opal Taylor

Hor,st Hernnann Eero Vasankari

A.lfons Keil N. S. Waner

I`ll i ieung Fred Wolff

Richard Montgomery ***k+****


RESIGNATIONS: Resigning in November was Ralph Sehramm and Rollene Phillips. Ralph has accepted a position with American Air Lines and Rollene is now employed by Grey- hound Bus lines, HOSPITALIZED: Helen Van Slyke was a patient at the Alta Bates Hospital in Berkeley. Helen had a back operation and hopes to return as soon as possible,, Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Helen.

CONGRATULATIONS! to Dick LeBlanc on be- coming a grandfather for the first time. Claudia LeBlanc, Dicks daughter-in-law, gave birth to a 7 pound 2 ounce baby girl November 2, 1966. The little newcomer's name is Michelle LeBlanc.

N-1000 JOB for Shell Oil has been completed!!! Bob Ludlum has decided to take a nice long vacation and Larry Pease, with his new title of Applications Engineer, will become a new addition to the Sales Department.

TRAVELER: of November Fumiko Takeshita spent the month visiting her home country, Japan, Fumiko says she had a wonderful trip, and was happy to see her family and old friends.

VISTOR: G. C. Fairbanks, Director of Elliott- Automation Limited in London England, visited our facilities during the week of October 24.


Good cheer and a merry time was enjoyed by all attending the Company Adult Christmas Party held December 17 in the Bermuda Room at the Richmond Civic Auditorium. Pete Radovich and his group provided thexic, -consisted of a good assortment of waltzes, polkas, and schottisches, Our special thanks are extended to our chairman, Tom Hale, Shirley Ramacher for decorations, Ron Bultena and his two friends for handling the bar,

The Children's Christmas Party held on December 20 in the Company's office building was attended by approximately 41 happy children, The movies were delightful, the ice cream, cake and soda pop were the best ever, and

Frank Szantho made sure each child received a lovely gift. Also, the children were en- tertained with music by Pete Radovich and Jim Valley. INTRODUCING:

Special thanks are extended to Pamela Field for the excellent planning of p- and to those who lent their help.

HAPPY NEW Y E A R !!!!!!

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