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Title:Hallikainen hi-lights - Volume 6, Number 4 - August-October 1966
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Body:Company Newspaper - Vol. 6, No. 4

Yvonne Kirchenbauer, picnic chairman.

The 1966 annual company picnic was a record breaking day. The entire day was fog, rain, and disaster free. The weather was perfect.... the turnout exceeded any previous picnic and the food was delicious. The day was Saturday, August 13, 1966, and the locale was the setting of Curry Creek Park in Clayton Valley. Picnic time began at 11:OO a.m. The chief cook, Mr. Schimbor, started the fun rolling by commencing with preparations for lunch. The children ran, hopped, a-d tugged in five different competitive events.... with assorted prizes for each winner. And the grown-ups? They had as much fun as the youngsters. Among the many events for the adults were Bingo, Horse- shoe, Volleyball, and Swimming....with "delicious" prizes for i:le winners. August, September and October, 1966 Virginia Paoli, Editor

During the lunch period Mrs. Schimbor and Rollene Phillips served refreshments, which consisted of 168 hot doas, 40 pounds of potatoe salad, over 1X0 canned sok drinks, 200 ice cream bars, 120 cookies, and refreshing cool drinks for the adults. It is ture, we all had a sporting, eating, and drinking good time. Before dismissing this memorable after- noon to history, let us put into words our special thanks to Yvonne Kirchenbauer, the picnic chairman, for planning and working so hard to make our picnic a successful, happy event. Our thanks also go to George Kuehn and Larry Pease for the games; Mr. and Mrs. Schimbor and Rollene Phillips for lunch preparations; Tom Hale, John Pike, Herbert sisand 3 Gu;ld for calling thee ; al. t e c lldren that helped clean up, and to Mr. llallikainen for taking thepictures seen in this issue.

Last July Eero Vasankari completed ten full years wit- When Eero started with H. I. there were only a few men in the plant, therefore, he fulfilled numerous positions in the machine shop. Due to his ability and diligence he is now our Leadman in the Machine Shop. The Children's Christmas Party will be held in the office building of Hallikainer Instruments on Sunday, December 18, 1966, at 1:30 p.m.



Kira Loncheades, the charming new design draftswoman in the Engineering Department, was born and raised in Russia, but her family was forced to leave by the German government during the wartime. Kira studied drafting in Russia, and also re- ceived her degree in drafting there. She has held several positions as a drafts- woman in Russia, Germany, and America. Kj~ra and her husband, Victor, have three children; Andrey, Alex, and LOO. Andrey, the oldest son, is attending the University of California in Berkeley, Alex is a sophomore at Contra Costa Junior College, and Leo is a senior at Richmond High School. Kira enjoys spending her spare time writing poetry and listening to classi- cal music. She would also like to attend night school to improve her English. When Kira feels she has mastered this language, we may be fortunate enough to publish one of her poems in our own Hallikainen hi- lights. Kira says she likes America, and we are happy to have her with II. I. Arnold Hun, the new shipping clerk, was born, raised, and lives here in Richmond. Arnie as he prefers to be called, graduated from Harry Ells High School in 1963 and attended Contra Costa College 1% years. Before coming to work at Hallikainen Instruments, Amie was employed by Alpha Scientific Laboratories Tnc. For relaxation Arnie likes to go fish- ing, hunting, and riding on his motorcycle. Amie and his wife, Cathy Ann, have one child, Jennifer, age three months. + 2 c >k * .,< * I<

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The pleasant new Sales Secretary, Clara

NEW EMPLOYEES: (continued) Burrow, was born and raised in Idaho. After graduating from Lewis and Clark High School, Clara came to San Francisco and began work- ing at Treasure Island as secretary to the Navy Exchange Officer. Clara met her husband, Leroy, in San Francisco and was married in 1958. Clara resigned from her position with the Navy after fifteen years to devote more time to her little boy, Brian Scott, age 5. Clara also has two step-children, Ronald Lee, age 24, and Kenneth, age 18. Ronald is married and lives in El Sobrante: Kenneth is attending Utah State College on a four year athletic scholarship. Brian Scott, the youngest Burrow, recently took his first step toward his schooling, Clara entered Brian in Kindergarten in September. When Clara has spare time, she enjoys making quilts, mosaic pictures, and canning fruit. The Burrows are now living in Pinole Valley. ********

BITS ABOUT 'EM: RESIGNATIONS: Dick Leuba has resigned from H. I. to accept a position at the University of California Space Lab in Berkeley. Resigning in September was Melba Strickland and Herbert Liske. Melba has returned to Chico State to complete her college education as she wishes to become an English teacher. Herbert resigned from part time employment with H. I. to return to San Francisco State College full time.

HOSPITALIZED: Robert L. Ludlum was a patient at the Community Hospital in Martinez. Bob had an appendicitis attack September 12, 1966. He has returned to his desk and hopes to return to the volleyball court soon.

FAREWELT, TO OUR EDITOR: Rosyary Ktry has resxned to accent a uosltlon wit Warner Chilcott Lab.L We Will miss Rosemary and would like to take this opportunity to connnend her on her fine job as editor of Hallikainen hi-lights.

LUNCHEON WITH THE GIRLS: To the surprise and delight of the lady employees of H.I. Mr. Hallikainen "dropped in" the lunch- room last week, bringing his fish and chip lunch, to share mutual conversation and * relaxation.

TRAVELER: A wish came true to Al Jones, during the last week oi September he began his long hoped for vacation to England. While visiting England Al will visit many of his friends and family. Have fun Al.

YOUNGER THAN SPRINGTIME: Probably the youngest swimmer in the field at El Cerrlto Jnvitational was four-year-old Michele Chin, (John Chin's daughter) of the El Cerrito Cators, shown about


, z' ; to hit the drink freestyle relay. in the six and under girls'

next issue.)


Most of you may have discovered by now that H. I. has a new employee in the Admin- istration Department, as well as a new editor. This being my first attempt at editing and due to my liminations as a new employee, I would appreciate re- ceiving any news items, stories, and suggestions you may have. I came to work for H. I. on September 12, formerly I was employed four years with Title Insurance and Trust Company as an Escrow Officer. My husband, Rich, and I enjoy spending our spare time pheasant hunting, trout fishing, attending sports events, and water skiing. Recently we purchased our home in Pinole Valley.


HAS ANYONE NOTICED how everything falls apart when Mr. Hallikainen, Mr. Schimbor, Mr. Waner, Mr. Valley, and Mr. Clark are away? If you didn't notice our lobby, ask Barbara Goode about it! MORE PICTURES FROM THE COMPANY PICNIC

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