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Title:Hallikainen hi-lights - Volume 5, Number 1 - January-February 1965
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Body:Company Newspaper - Vol. 5, No. 1 January

A DREAM COME TRUE: Ribbon cutting ceremonies and the reception that followed on the 26th of February marked the official opening of our new facilities. Mr. Fairbanks of Elliott- Automation, England; and his wife were present for the ceremonies as well as many other distinguished guests. Among those honoring us with their attendance were Mayor Carroll of Richmond along with other members of the Rich- mond City Council. Tours were conducted by members of the engineering, purchasing, sales, systems division and accounting staffs. After the tour guests were invited to enjoy champagne, hors d'oeuvres and the music of the Polecats.

Ribbon Cuti.jug, Tcb. 26, 1965

COMPANY ADDS SYSTEMS DIVISION: Mr. Ifallikainen has announced the formation of a Systems Division. This division of the company, under the management of Bob Ludlum, will engage in the engineering, installation and servicing of analyzers, including those of other manufacturers, as may be required for the continuous stream analyses of refineries and other process industries. Whereas the company previously has sold only individual instruments, the division will enable H.I. to supply complete automated systems of control instruments to - February, 1965 Kathryn Miller, Editor

monitor a particular refinery process from start to finish, including the central controls coordinated lines and layout details. The Systems Division's first contract in- volves most of the analyzers for the expansion at Shell Oil Co. refinery, Martinez.

BITS ABOUT 'EM: Monopoly in Sales Dept.: Tom Hale's smile is an inch broader these davs because he expects to be a "Daddy" for the second time in late summer. Union Contract: A new three year contract between the Tool and Die Craftsmen Union and H.I. has been signed. It's a Boy:Eero Vasankari is the proud father of a son, Eric, born on Feb. 21. New Horizons: .Ann Fraley has left for New York City where she plans to live and attend Colum- bia University Graduate School. Introducing: Four new employees have joined forces in the manufacturing building, Frank Inerbichler, Ernest Shanks, Ralph Hayes, and Joe Ursini. In the office Freda Swan is busy learning the ropes of Paula Brown's job. (More about them next issoef---- Employees' Reception: Friday evening, Feb. 19th employees and spouses attended a reception tour through the new offices and manufacturing building. Pride was "bustin" out all over and as usual when we are all together socially nobody was ready to go home when the time came. Get W&l Wish: -A speedy recovery to Fumiko Takeshita who is hospitalized with a foot infection. Down South: Arthur Alston and Forrest Watson participated in the American Chemical Eng. Exposition in Houston, Texas the first week of February. Girls Night Obt: The Ladies of the Company thoroughly enjoyed themselves on the night of Feb. 25 at Jewella Deffebach's home. The occasion was a double surprise baby shower for Arlene Lee and Paula Brown. The gal's babies will be surprised too when they arrive and find all the adorable gifts waiting for them.

NEW FACES: The character and situations described in this article are fact. Any resemblance to a fictional character or events is coincidental. Forrest Watson is a man whose friendly conversation, smile and enthusiasm gives only a small clue to his interesting and unique private life. This is his story. Forrest came west from Iowa at age 6 in the family Model "T" touring car. The trip in 1920 was a rugged one but filled with adverlture for a small boy. He remembers camping out along the rock bed "newt7 roads and the use of the 22 gauge to shoot rabbits for an occasional stew dinner. He also recalls the last leg of the journey from L.A. to San Francisco in four days of hard driving. When college years came Mr. Watson enrolled in the U. of Calif. and graduated with honors in Chemistry. Interest and knowledge in his field resulted in the invention and co-invention of 18 U.S. Patents in the areas related to specialty lubricants. To say Forrest is an active man during leisure hours would be a gross understatement. Mr. & Mrs. Watson were members of the Oakland Symphony in its early days. Now accompanied by their daughters they share their muscial interest and talents by making up a family orchestra. Mr. & Mrs. Watson and daughter also sing in their church choirs. Raising vegetables is another hobby of Forrest's. Both he and his son enjoy working in the several gardens at their home. In fact when Forrest ran out of garden space in his yard he sodded the roof of his garage and climbed a ladder each day to care for the plants growing there. Somehow, beside the above hobbies, Mr. Watson finds time for a side business called GOLF! He plavs an average of 25 times a month and has kept this pace f& the past 10 years. Proudly he admits to a hole in one in 1958, honest, there were witnesses, and a second hole in one in 1959 . witnesses this time but we believe him. His Berkeley home displays several trophies in evidence of his fine, game. An unusual fact is that he manages to break even on the sport's expenses by selling used golf balls. There's no overhead in this enter- prise as Forrest finds all the golf balls he sells. In the past two years he has found 12,400 balls! Since he often tees off from the first hole before dawn (he uses a flashlight and his good sense of hearing to keep track of his drive) it isn't being facetious to say it's the early bird who gets the balls! Shortly before taking the position of application's engineer at H.I. Mr. Watson retired after 28 years with Shell Develop- ment Company, Emeryville.

Forrest Watson Applications Engineer

FROM THE EDITOR: Sori abot the earors in Desemembors' nooze lether. I've suokin to my tipist and proffreeder consernigg the inscidant and thay asur me that thay conot promase tat it would't happin agin. All I can say is, "What a way to start the new yaer"!!

,. .,-ei . .,_lj . . -9 Mess,-:;. Fairbanks, Waner and Kaufmann

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