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Title:Hallikainen hi-lights - Volume 4, Number 4 - April 30, 1964
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Body:Company Newspaper - Vol. 4, No. 4 - April 30, 1964 - Rosalie Andrews, Editor Soil Tester Demonstration: On Friday, May lst, the Direct Shear Soil Testing Machine was demonstrated before a group of key peo- ple at the California Division of Highways, Materials and Research Laboratories in Sacramento. The demonstration and the talk, conducted by Hugh O'Neill, lasted for an hour and a half, and was followed by an additional hour of questions and discussion. Ken Kole made all the arrangements for the demonstration, and says he is quite pleased with the response and the interest shown by the audience. We are all deeply grieved with the untimely passing of Vivian McCarthy who served with- the company since 1955 in the caoacitv of corporate secretary and also d forLover three

"Newrl Employee: Florence fYSherlockrl Fields is a recent addition to the accounting department. She is the lovely lady who spends much of her time tracking down materials of every sort to find out exact- ly how much has been used for a certain job. She also performs the important functions of determining job costs, costs of material labor, and she maintains the inventory for finished goods. Flo was born in Chicago, grew up and went to school there. Since her husband liked California so much, the two of them came West soon after they were married. Flo finished her schooling at Berkeley Evening High in 1950, and before joining Hallikainen Instruments, worked for a few years at Marchant's. Flo and her husband now live with their married daughter and their two grand- children, who consume a lot of Flo's free time and energy. Other than that, her hobbies are food and drink. Flo also en- joys singing a lively tune in the shower. years as a voting member of the Board of Directors. Her devotion to the company, as was demonstrated by eight and one half years of earnest effort and diligent ser- vice, will be long remembered.

Company Picnic Coming Soon! Ken Harris and his committee of Skip Bradford, George Hays, Arlene Lee and Rosalie Andrews have been working vigorously on the plans for what promises to be one of the best company pic- nics yet. It is scheduled for May 16 at Trails End in Redwood Regional Park in Oak- land. Everyone will gather for games and good fun at 11:OO A.M.; a delicious lunch supplied by the company will be served at 1:00 P.M. Games will continue on into the afternoon and prizes will be awarded to the winners. Since this is the company picnic, only members of immediate family are invited, or if you are single, you may bring your boyfriend or girlfriend. Sign up on the bulletin board in the shop so that an accurate count can be made and the food can be ordered accordingly. Bring your baseball bats and gloves, and don't miss the fun!

Hallikainen Instruments has invented a new instrument, the Hoorah-Super-Duper-Bingo- Weather-Adjustor. This marvelous new machine (for which we have the exclusive manufacturing rights) makes accurate readings of existing weather conditions, and further- more, can actually change the weather. The gala grand showing of this instrument is scheduled for May 16, at 11:OO A.M. at Trails End in Redwood Regional Park (which, by coincidence, just happens to be the date, time, and place of the company picnic). Should the weather be poor for picniclng, the machine will be instructed to remove all clouds from the sky, and to bring out the sun. Be sure you are there to witness this astounding new instrument in operation for the first time.

New Building News: The preliminary drawings for the new office building and plant to be located at National Court in Richmond have been submitted to the Richmond Re-develop- ment Agency for approval. Construction should begin this summer and, hopefully, we shall have moved in by the end of the year. Besides having more efficiently organized office and plant facilities, the new building will have sufficient parking space for all employees and enough room for the much desired volleyball court.

New Employee: Antti Fagerroos, our new assemblyman in the shop, entered the United States last spring under the Finnish quota. He was born and received his schooling in Pori, Finland, a small town which is about 150 miles from Helsinki. Antti was filled with "wanderlust" at an early age, and so he set out for Sweden where he made his home for eight years. While in Sweden, Antti worked for the telephone company and for a metal corporation doing many types of jobs. But still wishing to see more of the world, Antti departed from Scandinavia for a tour of Europe, and finally embarked for Canada. In Canada, he met and married a German girl. Since neither of them spoke the other's native language very well, they adopted Eng- lish as their language for conversing. And because they both disliked the climate in Canada, they decided to enter the United States.

Antti Fagerroos Antti and his wife both speak many languages. Together they enjoy traveling, fishing, hiking, camping, and photography. Jose Madero, who has the distinction of being the only part-time employee at Halli- kainen Instruments, since February 15. has been with the company Originally, he hails from Torreon, Mexico, although he spent his first five months in the United States in Price, Utah, where he attended Carbon College. Jose is presently a part-time student at Berkeley Trade and Technical College, taking courses in machine shop and drafting. He estimates that he will have finished his schooling in five or six more years. His goal is to be- come a machinist and to eventually obtain a degree in industrial engineering.

Jose Madero Jose's busy sdhedule does not permit him much leisure, but when he does have some free time, he goes to the movies. Since he wishes to improve his English, he enjoys striking up a conversation whenever the chance arises (especially with girls). Here at Hallikainen Instruments he is not getting as much practice in pronunciation as he had expected, because he and Al Beach converse in Spanish while they are working! After finishing his schooling, Jose plans to return to his home town Torreon, where 1000 of the town's population are members of the Madero family.

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