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Title:Hallikainen hi-lights - Volume 3, Number 7 - July 31, 1963
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Body:Company Newspaper - Vol, 4, No, 7 - July 31, 1963 ,VACATION ISSUE Ann Fraley, Editor

Welcome back! Vacations are over and it is nice to have the plant full of people again. Here we all are, almost in alphabetical order, with our activities during the vacation shut- down, The Arthur Alstons felt they had had their share of travel for this year, so they stayed home to see some of the local points of inter- est o Stan Alter went fishing with his brother in the Feather River country and then flew to Chicago to visit friends. He continued on to Wisconsin, attended a national Baptist church conference as a representative of his church and toured the state with a group before re- turning. Al Beach went camping and fishing in the mountains near Lassen and the town of Chester, The Hans Bockenkamos and the Julius Rosins camped at Lake Pillsbury with their boat and water skis and really relaxed. The onlv excitement was when the camp next to theirs- caught on fire (everybody was saved). Julius mentioned that the fishing was terrible, but nobody else seemed to notice. The Skip Bradfords also set up camp at Lake Pillsbury and spent the time enjoying the great outdoors. Roger Brown drove down to the resort town of San Filipe in Baja California and relaxed in true Mexican style. He also visited friends in Los Angeles on the way. The Walter Brugmanns used the time to brush up on their U.S. government course and all three of them passed the citizen- ship examination. With that completed they went to visit a friend in Grass Valley. Virginia Carpenter worked in accounting and caught up on everything that was waiting: for her when she came back from her leave of absence, John Chin took in all of the local points of interest including the zoo, the aquarium, Santa Cruz, Monterey, Tomales Bay and the beach with his family. Arlene Coate stayed on the job and caught up the sales department filing. Kay Crawford, it turns out, had a three week vaca- tion at their sheep ranch, Jo Deffebach stayed on the job to work with Opal Taylor who had to be here to make sure there were materials to get production rolling again. Your Editor spent the two weeks explaining to people who phoned, that the plant was on routine vacation shut-down. "No, we're not on strike, it's not a layoff and we have not gone out of business!" Some people are hard to convince. Pieter Fred- camped, swam in the icy Merced River and en- joyed the wonders of the valley. Tom Fckuya spent his time entertaining friends in the bay area. Barbara Goode enjoyed the luxury of being able to stay home with her family, Andy Guild went in for some real manual labor mixing cement and paving a walkway around his house. The Tom Hales .went to the Lair of the Bear at Pinecrest for a session of glor- ified camping (all meals served to you and disposable diapers for the five-month-old.) Mr.-Hallikainen took a week-end off work and took his three children to Tahoe camping. He let them buy anything they wanted to-eat and cook it themselves, so they finished up a dozen eggs at breakfast (it's usually a struggle to get them to eat one each). The Ken Harrises went to Las Vegas to see the shows and then took the children to Disney- land and other points of interest to the younger set. Rose Hendrickson and her daugh- ter went to Tahoe for a week-end and then Fred Sr. joined them for a trip to Santa Monica to visit relatives. The boys were all busy with their own activities this summer.. Horst Hermann stayed home and paint- ed his house. Martin Kaufmann stayed on the job and kept the rest of the accounting de- partment working. Al Keii stayed home and rested. Sun Yung Kim stayed on the job to answer the telephone in engineering. Ken Kole went to southern California to visit his daughters. Jim Kvasnicka stayed at home and took his children on one-day jaunts since Nellie didn't feel like going on a trip with a new baby. The P. C. Leungs went to Santa Cruz and came back via Big Basin. Larry Mellott didnPt go anywhere, just amused himself at the local points of inter- est. Monty Montgomery stayed home and took his children on daily outings. Sparky Nelson took his family to Missouri to visit rela- tives and old friends. Rich Netto decided that it was time he saw Disneyland since most everybody else had, so he and his family took in all of the usual spots in southern California and even included the San Diego zoo. Shirley Ramacher stayed on the job to get things caught up in engineering; however, spent most of her time assembling operating instructions for Mr, Schimbor's customers.

kept everybody else busy who stayed on the job, He will be leaving on August 2 to go to Moline, Illinois and attend his sonps wedding, Henry Schuetz spent his vacation gadding about in that new Cadillac of his, John Shackleford went to Berryessa fishing and then spent five days in L. A, After his visit to Marineland, he decided that the only safe place to cast a line is in a river or a lake, Flo Sheehan stayed in a friend's cot- tage at Oakhurst on the Fresno River where they fished, swam and sat in the shade. Kathy Sims cleaned and polished her house from top to bottom and took advantage of the opportun- ity to go shopping in San Francisco during the day wifh all of the ladies of leisure.. Bud Scngh went to Newport Beach and Balboa where he visited friends and learned to maneuver a Kayak. Bill Stairs spent his time taking his children on one-day outings to the zoo and the beach and the various picnic parks. The Gerry Stankes and the John Wolfs went to Lassen Park and then spent a week at a friend's cabin at Echo Lake, Eugen Steiert helped his brother (who doesn*t speak English yet) to find a job and then took it easy. Fumi Take- shfta spent part of the time at Tahoe and then made a dress for herself and for the flower girl to wear for her sisterss wedding. The Eero Vasankaris went fishing in the mountains in the area of Lassen and Redding, Norm Waner worked and will go on vacation later, Fred Wolff went to Yosemite and in the good old Naturfreund tradition hiked up to Nevada Falls. Mrs, Wolff and her friend turned back at Vernal Falls when they found out that the trail led under the spray and they would have to continue soaking wet! And that covers operations for this summer, Now we can all start saving for next yearss spree,

Editor?s Note, Last month we published two weeks late, this month we are on time. Wish us luck next month! New License. We have recently acquired a license to manufacture an instrument devel- oped for soil engineers by Hugh OqNefl Company, It is an R, Direct Shear Soil Testing Machine.

Our Traveling Good Humor Man. Arthur Alston has been off on two trips in the past month or so. First he went to Mississippi Gulf Refinery to start up an End Point Analyzer, Then on to Pascagoula to Standard Oil's new Bayou Cassotte Refinery to take part in a training program for Standard?s technical personnel. He lectured to several groups on our Viscometer, Acid Analyzer and Kinetic Vapor Pressure Analyzer, Arthur's second trip was to %exas where he visited the Gulf Oil Refinery at Fort Arthur and the Humble Oil Refinery at Baytown. Both of these calls were for the purpose of adjusting several End Point Analyzers,

She's Lovely, Sheqs Engaged! Arlene Coate came in last Friday with a dainty diamond sparkling on her ring finger. She plans to be married next April,

Secretariai Job, Kay`? Some people have trouble getting jobs, but Kay Crawford has problems getting rid of them. Kay thought that she quit June 28, but Ann Walkervs husband was transferred out of the area and she and her family left July 19 with only two weekOs notice. This left Mr. Schimbor without enough tim e to train a new girl to handle the job while he was away. Knowing Kayss good hearted nature, he phoned her long distance (never trust a salesman) and inveigled her back on the job to fill in until after his vacation. Welcome back, Kay. We trust that he will be able to let you go before the year is out.

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