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Title:Halinco hi-Lights - Volume 2, Number 7 - August 31, 1962
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Body:Auguet 81, 1962 - yolusle2,Nuab8r7 - pugeone Bill Bayer d Resietotrol are the n8n temp8rature oont~31- 18r6. A efmple type'of temperature controller femiliar to ell of tu ie the th8nooetat ou the firrnace or ov8n in - hm8e. In iuduetry, physical ohaugee in titerlale at certain ten- peratureeplayanfqortantpertinthemallu- facture of meet products, 80 in proceeeiag a product each ae 8tael, molded plaetice, glaee end food, raintaining an exact temperature durfng a particular phaee of a process is fze- qu8ntly of vital ooueequ8uc8 to the eati8faol tory out-e of the iten. Temp8ratur8 eon- trollere accoaplieh We. Our temperature controllere, however, are most widely ue8d in laboratoriecr, reeeaxcb centers and calibratiou c8uters ae a standard for eettiug other iu- elmanente accurately. The Thermotrol looks about like a table model radio aud must be used in conjunction with a eeneiug 8&eewat located in the liquid or ov8u to be controlled, and a heater which wffl x8- epond to and rectify changes in teDlp8rature b8youd the desired Unite. With our control- lers we uee a r8eiatance thermaneter a8 a sensiug el8m8ut. These must be manufactured to exact ep8cificatione, as the precision of the whole eyetem depsade on the eensitivlty of the resistance thenmom8ter. It ie not an ortiary th83eKfr&8r, but ~0n8f8t6 of nmy turne of very fine wire with an electric &-rent running through. The resistance varfee with temperature, and the controller campar8e the reSigtanc8 of the 8lem8nt with whatever resistauce hae b88u eet by the dfale. If there $8 a diff8r8nce, the controller will change the heater output until the sensing element has a resistance equal to the resistance eet in the ContrOller. The outetanding feature of our temperature controllere ie their ability to control t8m- p8r&tU'8~WithinveZ'J'fine limit8. ourTh8rmo- trol end Thermdyne can control the temperature of a water tank (used for calibrating thenno- meters) to plus or mime two thousandths of bne degree, Our less expensive Reeietotrol is capable of plus or minus oue huudredth of one @gree temp8rature control. Thie fine control $8 uneurpaeeed by any of our ccmpetktore* in- qmumente. Ye sell meny of theee temperatwe controllere irletelled in our larger lnetruments, ae they are en important paxt of the eystenr in meet anelyeere. There ie aleo a large demand for them as separate iteme by cunpaniee such as Ford Motor Campany, Boeing Aircraft colspauy and the U.S. Cov8rncnent Bureau of Standards for use ti laboratories where the dependable high p2XCi8iOIl of Hallikalnen teeparatur@ coutrollere makee them au invaluable aid in research work. Fiveyear Qnuloyee with the rePutati& &&E%,`"Gmau buein8ee, &plet8d five yeare-with the caupany laet January 14th. Always deeply 8ngroeeed ia thought, he e8- not 8ven to SW p8ople, but don't ba fooled by this. h8ung knows who you ars, end if you inte- rupt hie preocc~patim, you diecover a charming emile and a delightful eenee of humor. He grew up in South ChSnn and then w8nt to Peiping to Teing Hua Unlvereity For his bachelora degree in Electrical Engin- eering. He had hfe own electrical canpany until bueinese becaPne too difficult in Canton and he @ok hie family to Hong Kong. They lived 6 yeare in Hong Kong before coming to the U.S. We hired teung "just off the boae' fran China, and it proved to be a etroke of good fortune Indeed. Ae haad of the test departmez?t, L8ung ie re eponeible for making sure that all of the inetrum8nte function properly befor thgr are shippea. He aleo works on research probleme and mathematical Ca&Xlati~e iu conjuuctiou with the Engineering D8partment and can alwaye be depended upon to coo18 up with a good idea to eolve the problem. Every morning we eee him pedaling to work on his bicycle (he 8njoye the 1S minutes exercise and leaves the car bane for his wife). II' his spare time he works In his shop at bane where he has just finished designing end building a completely traneietorieed esnpli- fi er for hie hi-fi set. The l;eunge live iu Bezicelqr. Thq, have a eon 16 and a daughter ll.

He comes to us-with extensive &erfence and hae beea assigned to work with Mr. Bremeon and John Chin on the medical iuetrumente. .He He grew up in Pennsylvania whare his father was a Presbyterian minister. After gradu- ation frum high school, he went to Coyue Technical School in Chicago and studied 8ngineering. w.W. II brou@t him to Rare Ieland where ho worked for the Navy iu the 8ngineering deefgu departmeat. He liked ft eo well here that he decided to stay and hae worked for e8v8ral inetrum8nt vaniee in. this area, The past three years he epeat doing design drafting for the Hicroch~ca.l, Canpany here ia Berkeley. Stan does sane amateur photography for fun, builds gardea furuiture and enjoys camping with his family. tie Alters' hane in San Pablo is over 100 years old, as it was ou8 of the first houses in the area on a Spanish land grant. Stan's two daughtere are se&m at Sau Jose State, Barbara In Medical Technology and Nancy in Elem8ntary Edu8atioll.

-g%iif?& sizz&%zG:fz~ They may decide to remain there to live.

August 31, 1962 - page two

Promotion. Opal Taylor has taken over the job of Purchasing Agent since Howard Kirk left to accept a job'wiih the East Bay MUD. Opal has been with the company since September of 1960. She had previously worked for Thaler Pipe where, as assistant purchasing agent she had been work&g with the same line of valves and fittings that we use on our instruments. She started here as Production Clerk, was pro- moted to buyer and assistant to Howard, and in this job proved herself capable of handling ;this promotion to Purchasing Agent. Her prime qualification, I am told, is her ability to smile most charmingly at salesmen and get rid of them in short order.

Rae Zolman has moved down from engineering to be Opal's assistant and also carry the inter- office mail.

New Girl! Dee Fenster has taken over the job of getting the typing out for the engineerina departm ent. Her past accomplishments include growing up in Philadelphia, taking an academic course at Olney High, taking nurses' training for a year at Einstein Medical Center (which was enough to convince her that she would rather do something else), serving as a vol- unteer ambulance nurse, and working for three years at Minneapolis-Honeywell as a secretary in the sales engineering department. Three that she had so she and came all the plays on the company. For of popular her friend couldn't find two girls weeks ago the thought struck her never been west of Philadelphia, another girl started driving and way. Dee enjoys most sports and noon volleyball team here at the fun, she has a record collection show tunes and Calypso. She and live in Emeryville, because they another place that would rent to and a dog named flGumdropt'.

Custodians. Since Jack 0 `Keefe got a full- time job and decided to cut his working hours down to eight hours a day, he is no longer roller skating around the plant with his broom. We had to hire another janitor! Leslie Bowden is a local boy, went to Harry Ells High in Richmond and has completed a year of pre-law at Contra Costa College, He is now sweeping our floors to help finance the rest of his schooling. He is handsome, beautifully mannered and soft spoken -- sll of which is completely wasted on this empty building at night. Les is an avid fisherman and presently prefers trout fishing because he likes the mountains; however, he is just waiting for an opportunity to go salmon fishing, which he thinks might be even more interesting. He enjoys hunting also, and has a gun collection which includes an antique or two given to him by his father. He lives in Richmond with his parents and his sister. Congratulations to M.L.B.! A Hektoen

Dr, Harkins for their presentation of our Heart Massage Machine -and Portable Resua- citator at the Annual Meeting of the American Medical Association in Chicago. The 370 exhibits were judged, and medals were awarded to the three most outstanding for originality and excellence of presen- tation.

New Parents : The Eero Vasankaris have in- creased the Finnish-American population by one. Their baby daughter, Christine, was born August 10th -- a blue-eyed blonde, of course. The Erich Liskea are the proud parents of a baby boy, David Eric, born July 23rd. Erich left the assembly department last month to accept another job.

New Assembler. The new man in assembly is John Shackleford. Originally from Florida; he went tow school in Tampa and then joined the Navy. During his 9 years of active duty, he received his technical train- ing, sailed the seven seas and had duty stations in the Phillippines, Spain, Iceland, Texas and Maine. For the past year he has been working as a civilian in the overhaul and repair department of the Naval Air Sta- tion in Alameda. His varied interests in- clude leathercraft, coin collecting, histor- ical novels, auto mechanics, sports and eating interesting and different food in foreign restaurants. His next immediate project is to start night school at Oakland City College to accumulate credits toward a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is interested also in buying a ranch so that his two boys, now 3 and 6, can have the fun of spending their vacations in the country. John lives in Oakland and is a member of the active reserve in training in airways com- munications.

Who's Doing the Job? If Bill Breyer is looking a bit weary these days, it is from running the company single-&nded for two weeks while Mr. Schimbor was on vacation and Mr. Hallikainen was in the hospital for his unexpected surgery. However, E.F.S, is back taking charge of things again and K.E.H. is home in Orinda recuperating and obeying the doctor's orders. We expect him back September 4th in top shape.

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