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Title:Halinco hi-Lights - Volume 2, Number 4 - May 29, 1962
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Body:May 29, 1962 - Volume 2, Number 4 Personality Sketch. Let's Get Technical - by W. C, Breyer Calm, cool and col- Boiling Point Analyzers. The gasoline we use lectedj Eero Vasankari is the fellow who transferred from sheet metal to the machine in our cars. the lubricating oil that is used in the engine and the asphalt that paved our roads are all derived from the same product, crude oil. One of the most important proper- ties of each of these, different refinery pro- ducts ia the temperllture at which it boils, or turns to vapor. Gasoline contains many differ- ent components, each of which has a different boiling point. The temperature at which the lightest component boils away is called the Initial Boiling Point, and the temperature at which the heaviest component boils away is called the End Point temperature. Since each refinery product has a different Initial Boil- ing Point and End Point temperature, these pro- ducts are separated from the crude oil in a refinery by distillation. The tall, cylindrical towers you see when driving by a refinery are distillation towers. The temperature at the top of these towers is kept cool, about lOOoF. The middle of the tower is kept warmer, and the bottom of the tower is heated to about 600°F, The crude oil is heated and pumped into the bottom of the tower. The lighter vapors rise in the tower until they touch a surface that is cool enough so that the vapors will condense and can be drawn off by pumps. The products withdrawn from the top of the tower are raw gasolines, those from the middle al-e raw solvents and kerosines, and those from the bottom are road oils and lubricating oil stocks. Since some of these products are more valuable than others, it ia desirable to ex- tract the maximum possible amount of the more valuable products from the crude oil. All of the basic refinery products are separated by boiling points in the distillation towers, so it can be very profitable for a refinery to continuously measure boiling point. Instead of relying on infrequent and sometimes inaccurate laboratory tests, the refinery can install one of our Boiling Point Analyzers. The Boiling Point Analyzer will continuously draw a small sample from one of the refinery-product lines and analyze it for Initial Boiling Point or End Point temperature. The refinery operator can read the Analyzer result from a recorder and can adjust the temperature in the distil- lation tower for the most profitable operation. Because of the more accurate control possible when the Analyeer is used, additional profits of sometimes $200 a day are pO88ible. Plans for the Company Picnic. Temescal Bo'?l is reserved and the sia-UD sheet is on the bul- shop last Fall. Eero grew up in Vasankari, Finland, where one of his ancestors many genera ions back tJa8 the first resident. He learne I to work with machinery while he was in the Finnish army. In 1953 he claimed his American citizenship (his father was born here) and came to the U.S. He worked as a miner, carpenter and fisherman before coming to Hallikainen in July of 1956. Because of his even temperament and pleasant manner, his co-workers vote him the man in the shop least likely to have ulcers. He works quietly, steadily and precisely, and his work never needs to be turned back to him for correction. We wondered why he didn't ehow up at the stockholders' meeting April 14th, and he finally admitted that he was in San Jose playing his accordian in a quartet on the Scandanavian Hour on Radio Station KLOK . Besides keeping up with his music, Eero is an avid salmon fisherman. He and his bride of one year live in Berkeley.

letin board. This $ar* you bring yourself and your family and we bring the food. There will be organized activities for the kiddies, games for the older children and baseball and volley- ball for teen-agers and adults. A schedule of activities and a road map will be distributed later. Plan Saturday, June 23rd for a real fun time with the family. Please sign up by June 15th so that we can order enough food! Girls in Electronics! We didn't believe it, but here they are! Kathy Sims' pretty ' smile is brightening the corner of the elec- tronics department where she is working a8 an assembler. She is a local girl, grew up in El Cerrito and attended Harry Ells High in Richmond. She put her college plans aside, married and went to work for the Bank of America in Richmond; however, the savings depar$ment proved a bit dull, so she went to night school at McKinley in Berkeley and learned electronics assembly. This is her first job in electronics, and she is really enjoying it. After she and her husband bought their home in San Pablo, Kathy was spending most of her spare time making drapes, but now she is finished and they have time for bowling and water skiing again. Their nine month old daughter has grandma to take care of her while Kathy works. Smiling back at Kathy across the table in electronics is Fumiko Takashita. Fumi was born in Fresno, but her parents took her back to Japan when she was just 1% years old. She grew up in Hiroshima (was there when they dropped the bomb), and her mother and two brothers and a sister still live there. Fumi came to the U. S. in 1952 to see her sister in San Mateo. She spent her time learning English and doing odd jobs to earn money and learn American ways. At the time she married, her husband was a student of Business Administration at Cal, but he has since graduated and is working at the Oakland Department of Employment. Fuu.i then went to night school to learn elec- tronics assembly and was quite surprised when she came here and found her classmate, Kathy. Fumi spends her spare time sewing,

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