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Modified:2001-02-01 22:13:42
Title:Halinco hi-Lights - Volume 1, Number 3, July 28, 1961
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Body:Here it is! The name of our paper is HALING0 hi-LIGHTS. Many thanks to those whose sug- gestions stimulated more suggestions until we finally found one that seems to agree with everybody -- Halinco being our cable address and hi being our trade mark. This is a combin- ation of suggestions by Barbara Goode and Mr. Schimbor, revised by me and smiled upon by Mr. Hallikainen. VACATIONS are over! In case you want to know where everybody went on vacation, here it is (in alphabetical order). Bill Bagot took two short trips, one to Pinecrest and one to Bolinas. Al Beach got busy and built a fence around his patio at home. Ed Beal spent two weeks at his house in Clear Lake Highlands where he spends most of his week-ends as well. George Black spent his vacation at his cabin at Clear Lake. Hans Bockenkamp went to Clear tike to relax. Skip Bradford went all the way across the coun- try to Massachusetts visiting relatives along the way. Bill Breyer is back from his business trip and hasn't gone anywhere on vacation yet. Walter Brugmann stayed home and amused him- self in his hobby workshop. Ron Bultena went back to his home town in South Dakota. John (X&ns~;;td on the job and ran the Engineering Kay Crawford is visiting her par- ents at Cle& Lake. Paul DeFrates spent his time working on his racing motor cycle motors (other people drive them in the races). Your Editor stayed on the job and typed away at all of the things that Norm stacked on her desk before he left. Tom Fukuva kept the Purchasing Department open for business. Barbara Goode went to Tahoe and to Modesto Dallas Reservoir camping. Tom Hale painted his house. Mr. Hallikainen stayed at the office and kept an eajgle eye on things. Rose Hendrickson stayed home and rested. Horst Hermann spent his two weeks in San Diego as a guest of the US Army (reserve training, they called it), and Ken Horn went to Monterey Presidio -- same host, same reason. Charlene Jacobson stayed on the job and ran the switchboard. John Kaufmann took his family to Disneyland. Al Kell went to Los Angeles to visit relatives. Jim Kvasnicka went camping near Antioch. Dave LaField stayed on the job and kept the drawing board in operation. P. C. Leung stayed at home and put in a new lawn. Eric Liske kept busy at odd jobs earning money. Herb Liske kept the electronics and te@t departments open, but he is still planning to go to Mexico. Atlee Mayer stayed home and painted his house. Vivian McCarthy worked, is going on vacation later. Larry Mellott stayed home and relaxed. Monty Montgomery stayed on the job and did everything that the rest of us didn' t know how to do. Sparky Nelson went back to his home town in Oklahoma for a family reunion. Rich Netto went to Santa Cruz where he and his brother own an apricot ranch. Jack 0' Keefe already had his vacation, so he worked. Jack Reed got himself a job driving a truck. Julius Rosin went to Lassen and camped in the snow for a couple of days and then went to Tahoe to warm up. Wilson Pritchett stayed on the job and traced down functional problems in instruments. Al Schenkhuizen just rested. Henrv Schuetz managed to take a trip to LOS Angeles along with painting the Engineering Department and digging up the driveway to the Shipping Department. Steve Schulte stayed on the job and worked. Ed Schimbor tool: his vaca.tion late, so he is now relaxing at home. Bill Stairs and his family went to Monterey to enjoy the coastal scenery. Gerry Stanke stayed home and worked on his house. Georqe Seiji went to lake Almanor fishing. Eugen Steiert painted his house. Allen Sutliff fished by day and speared frogs by night up near Antioch. Opal Taylor spent a week living it up in Las Vegas. &e Wand- zilak lived it up in Reno. Norm Waner rent: edcabin at Donner Lake and spent most of his time fishing. Walt Wilson spent his va- cation recovering from hepatitis. John Wolf went to both Tahoe and Yosemite to enjoy the scenic wonders. Fred Wolff took a trip to Denver and when he got back repaired the foundation of his house. That' s it -- Bill Bagot is leaving us to go to work for the University Radiation Laboratory. We will really miss his unfailing good cheer in the office, but we wish him the best of success in his new job. If you walk through the shop on a Wednesday or Friday afternoon you will see Harold Halli- kainen at his workbench with his soldering iron and his pile of terminal strips. He Is putting solder on the connections on the strips for the Thermotrol. He likes to work here at the shop, but he is not old enough to be on the regular payroll, so his father has to pay him. He also likes school -- he is in fifth grade. When he is not working or going to school he and his friends exper- iment with scientific devices. He got a set of monophones and connected them to a friend' s house across the street, but they strung the wire too low over the sidewalk and created a hazard for passing pedestri- ans , so he had to take it down. His next project is a radio transmitter, but he has to be satisfied with sending signals only 50 feet because the FCC won't issue him a license. Life will be much more interesting for Harold when he is old enough to do the things he wants to do without tangling with the law. Right now he is looking forward to spending a week at Tahoe as soon as his father can take time off from business. The Liske brothers with some help kept the Bowling Team going during vacation. Last week Tom Hale had high game, 17 2, and this wee]: he brought his average up 23 points. Only four of the boys made it this week; Ron Bultena bowled a high game of 213, and with the help of George Seiji. and Herb Liske they won all four games. Good job, boys ! Keep up the spirit. The new system of time cards is keeping the boys in the shop busy shuffling pieces of paper through the slot. What next ! ! ! Next month, more news ---

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