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Title:Hallikainen hi-lights - Volume 3, Number 11 - November 30, 1963
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Body:Time of Mourning. With the initial shock of President Kennedy's untimely death passing into history, the company is once again back on schedule; although it seems that we suffered almost a lost week. Not much was accomplished on r'riday, November 22nd with all of the radios going strong, we closed at three in the after- noon the following Monday (the national day of mourning), Thanksgiving holiday closed our doors on Thursday, and only a token staff came in on Friday ,to answer the telephones.

Traveiing Salesmen. Arthur Alston has been coming and going a great deal lately with em- phasis on the going, and he has gone again to join Mr. Schimbor in New York for the Chemical Industries Exposition December 2nd through 6th. Mr, Schimbor left on November 22nd to spend a week calling on our customers' main offices in Philadelphia and New York before turning his attention to the show.

Wedding Festivities. All of the women em- ployees here at the company honored Arlene Coate with a bridal shower at noon on Novem- -- ber ?. Since we had only the half-hour lunch period, Arlene spent the whole time opening gifts and didnPt get anything to eat; however, she did find out about several modern kitchen gadgets that she and many of the rest of us had never seen or heard of before. She was married November 15, and is now back at work using the name Mrs. Ronald Lee. The wedding was attended by about 225 people including eighteen of us from Hallikainen I& struments. Everyone agreed that it was a beautiful ceremony. The newlyweds went to the Monterey peninsula for their wedding trip.

Student Visa. Sun Yung Kim is no longer work- ing in our engineering department. Under her student visa from Korea she is allowed only 1% years work experience in the U.S., and she has completed that time. She will now con- tinue taking classes until her husband, who received his degree in architecture last June, has completed his 1% years of allowed full- time employment. Company Christmas Party! Come one come all: Eat, drink and be merry! The 1oca;ion of %he party and consequently the date bade both Fj?en changed, sincd we were lucky enough to be able to get the El Cerrito Veterans' Memorial Hall for-Friday evening, December 20th. With Hans Bockenkamp and Ken Harris as co-chairmen of the committee this year, the party promises to be a real gala affair. The committee has live music in the plans along with a buffet supper to be served after 11:OO P,M, There will be bar service and plenty of party snacks to keep you busy from 8 o*clo& on, so bring your favorite ladies and 1etl.s dance! The rah-rah-party people have already signed the sheet on the bulletin board. How about the rest of you? We hope to see everybody there, and we'd like to plan for everybody who might possibly come, so please sign up as soon as you know what your plans are.

Ho, Ho, Santa Claus! Calling all children! The Christmas party for children 12 years old and younger will be held as originally sched- uled in the conference room at the company on Sunday, December 15th. The party will start at 1:30 P.M. There will be special sur- prise entertainment, ice creams cookies and soda pop, and a visit from Santa Claus with a special gift for every child. Parents please sign the sheet on the bulletin board by December 6 with the names and ages of all children attending, so that Shnta's helpers will know how many to plan for. Shirley Ramacher and Rose Hendrickson are in charge of arrangements this year.

Born November-2, 1963. Marc Andre Kaufmann, son of former employee John Kaufmann now in Neuchatel, Switzerland where he and his family have returned to live.




How to get to El Cerrito VE'fERANS' MEMORIAL HALL HALLIKAINEN INSTRUMENTS CHRISTMAS PARTY Friday, Decembe?f 20, 1963, 8:00 P.M.

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