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Title:Hallikainen Instruments Blending Units
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Body:FEATURES rllr\r"IOLci LY"" Lwlllpu'lcil II 111-,,,,e blending

No auxiliary services required

Robust Little maintenance skill required

Better service from bunkering installations Mobile units available

. lallikainen

PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION Fig.1 Schematic arrangement These devices have been developed for the in-lme blendmg of intermediate grades of fuel oil. Each unit operates ar a volumetric proportioning device by maintaining the same differential pressure across two orifices so that variation in volumetric ratio is attained simply by changing the orifice area ratio. They are robustly constructed and can be built directly into a pipeline system or mounted on a trailer and connected by hose. Fuel oils having viscosities, at pumping temperature, up to 4000 sec. Redwood No.1 may be handled.

In Fig.], the two oils which are to be blended in spec~t~c proportIons are pumped through pressure equalising valves Al and A2 the function of which is to maintain equal pressures at the points Bl and 82. It will be noted that these two valves have a common spindle sliding on ball bearings with a balancing diaphragm C attached to the spindle and acting as a seal between the two valve bodies. The pressures at points Bl and B2 are transmitted to each side of the diaphragm. If the pressure at BI tends to increase over that at 82, the diaphragm moves the spindle to increase the area of valve A2 (while reducing that of valve Al) until the two pressures are once more in balance.

The two oils then flow tnrough fixed orifice D and vanable onhce t to a mixing vane at the outlet F. As the pressure at F is common to both flow streams and as the upstream pressures at Bl and B2 are balanced, the ratio of flow through the orifices D and E will be directly proportional to their respective areas. By adjusting one in relation to the other it is thus possible to set the required blend ratio.

In order that this ratio shall be maintained with reasonable accuracy, steps must be taken to minim& the effects of viscosity variations at different flowing temperatures. The viscosity of fuel oil of 3500 sec. Redwood No.1 or more will vary greatly with change of temperature. The heavier oil is therefore passed through an orifice of a special design which provides a reasonably constant discharge coefficient even though the viscosity changes significantly.* The ratio of blending is then adjusted by regulating the flow of the lighter component through a variable orifice E which takes the form of a specially designed metering valve (Fig.?).

A setting chart provided with each unit gives the valve setting for any required blend, when the specific gravity at flowing temperature of each constituent fuel is known. The valve setting may readily be made by a handwheel. Piston position is gwen on a 3-digit counter on the assembly. The normal range for the blender is designed to comply with usual bunkering demands and to be sufficiently wide for all practical purposes. (See Specification). `WITIE: `The Measurement of the Flow of Viscous Fluid by Differential Pressure Methods' Z.V.D.I., IS May 1943.

Fig.2 - Detail of Metering Valve showing handwheel, counter and piston type valve plug. No auxiliary equipment or services such as clcctricity or compressed air are needed. The unit is entirely telf-acting.

It is robustly built and is capable of withstanding shock pulsations from reciprocating pumps

No parlicular maintenance skill is needed. Probition of means for flushing and draining are incorporated.

It enables bunkering installations to provide better service and wider range of oils \vithout expensive iiorage tanks, or the need for recirculating equipment.

Ensures accurate gross ronnage of final blend

,,___ -------------- ---.

In-line blending direct to ship's bunkers.

In-line blending direct to bulk lighters or small craft

In-line blending direct to road or rail vehicles

In-line blending direct to a tank through the normal connections and without re-circulation.


SPECIFICATION Pressure equalising valve: Double Ported design `A` bodies; stamtess steel trim; fully balanced piston type inner valve, screwed in seat rings: diaphragm assembly fitted with reinforced Neoprene diaphragm. Maximum pressure 150 Ih in'l. Maximum temperature 150 F. Iin impulse and purge connexions. Blend adjustment valve: Type 1500 - Single Ported design `A' body, stainless steel trim; taper plug valve plug, top and bottom guided; screwed in seat rings; micrometer setting scale on yoke. Type 1502.7 - Modified Single Ported design `A' body, with piston and sleeve type valve plug; sleeve cast iron; piston - mild steel piston ring phosphor bronze; piston rod - stainless steel; handwheel fitted with 3.digit counter to indicate piston position. Orifice plate: Stainless steel with anti-air lock bleed hole. Daniel Junior Orifice fittings are also available for some sizes. Details on application. General: Mild steel connecting piping to API Sp~c.5~L Grade A or B with flanges to ASTM Spec.AIXI ; mixing lane in outlet flange; mild steel impulse plplng fitted with Rushing taps, isolating valves and 6in dial differential pressure gauge: three welded on supporting feet for fixed unit. Mobile units can be supplied with two or four wheel trailers equipped with stabilizing jacks. Construction materials ItWll H.T. iron equalising valve bodies, diaphragm assembly, blending valve body and yoke Steel Carbon steel equalising valve bodies, diaphragm assembly, blending valve body and yoke. Extra Equipment: Bulk Meters which arc available for either inlet or outlet connections, provide facility for simultaneous metering and blending. Tight shutting butterfly valves can he fitted allowing the unit to remain primed between operations. Large mobile units can he supplied with a removable davit. This may he fitted up at either end of the decking for hoisting hose pipe connections up to the level of the unit's flanges. Connections are normally flanged ANSI I25 01 150 but adaptor spools can be supplied to suit other flange specifications. Strainers, thermometers and further isolating valves to permit single leg pumping, can he fitted to suit customers particular requirements.



f c A B

I STEP 2 E Instructions for using chart This chart is for determining capacities of all Hdikainen series blending units. When assembling data for use with this chart, the units of pressure and flow must correspond to those shown on the chart.

Pmeedure: To determine the siring coefficient when the known values are blend ratio (heavy/ light by weight), total mass flow in ton/h and the pressure loss across the unit in lb/in*, proceed as follows:

I If the blend ratio is other than 1, correct the given rate offlow by the following method: (a) Lay a straight edge on the Row rate on scale `B' and the blend ratio on scale `E' and mark the point of intersection with line `C. (b) Pivot straight edge on point of intersection on line `C' to 1 on blend ratio scale `E' and read off corrected flow rate on scale `B'.

Note: If the required blend ratio is I then omit step I and locate the flow directly on scale `B'.

2 Lay the straight edge on the differential pressure scale `A' and the corrected Row rate on scale `B' and read off the blending wit sizing coefficient on scale `D'. From the blending unit sizing coefficient table on the right, locate the nearest higher sizing coefficient (Cb). This will give you the blendin unit size required to fulfil the given conditions. NOMOGRAPH EQUATION


where: Q=Total mass Row in ton/h. dP= Pressure loss across the unit in lb/m". R=Blend ratio (heavy/ light by weight) Cb=Sizing coefficient,

Fig.4 Fig..5 D C I A i -f E , 1

All dimensions are in inches and are subject to change without notice

h&7 1" x 6" Blending Unit with Bulk Meters on inlet connections and manually operated rubber-lined Continental Butterfly valves on inlet and outlet connections. Note that Bulk Meter indicators, thermometer dials, and differential pressure gauge can be see", and all adjustments made, by an operator on trader decking. Two wheel trailer facilitates manoeuwing in limited space

ORDERING INFORMATION 1. Flow (Volume or weight per unit time) 2. Allowable Pressure Drop 3. Ratio of Blend (Maximum Minimum) 4. Component Characteristics (S.G. @ 60°F. Viscosity @ 100°F.) 5. Mobile or fixed unit 6. Flange ratings if other than standard 7. Extra Equipment required

Acknowledgment is made to the Shell Petroleum Co. L rd. for their collaboration in the development of this design and for services made ava;lable by Shell-Mex and B.P. at one of their installations for performance and calibration tests.


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