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Modified:2004-03-24 20:26:16
Title:Hallikainen Instruments Systems Division
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Hallikainen Systems Division assumes TYPICAL ANALYZER INSTALLATIONS Installations may rdr~ge frorrl relatively total responsibility for the user's an- The diagrams on this page suggest sev- simple sample preparation and analyzer alyrer system installation. Its involve- era1 of the many types of custom ana- combinations to highly sophisticated ment begins with a thorough study of his lyzer installations that can be employed systems for stream monitoring and con- stream-control requirements. This pr pares the way for recommendations / analyzer locations keyed to location / lines, functions, and the location ar arrangement of output facilities and co trol centers. The Systems Division then assists e g~neers of the user's facility to dwelt specifications for each analyzer fun tion. It will request bids from approve manufacturers, prepare bid summarie purchase equipment, test it under sir ulated use conditions, deliver it to tt plant site, install it, start it up, and, desired, maintain it for a period of tin after startup. / COORDINATION OF FUNCTIONS En leering of the analyzer installation t gins with accurate specification of t sampling systems. Expert preparati and handling of the sample for each i alyzer determines, to a great degree, t swxess of the system. Installation covers the placement each analyzer (with or without shelte utility connections, and sample lin from the process stream to the analyi with all necessary sample preparati devices. Output and readout auxiliari are furnished to comply with the desir of the user. SELECTION OF EQUIPMENT In sele ~ng analyzers appropriate to the applic tion, objective criteria will be used. T Systems Division will not hesitate to PI chaseand install instrumentsconsider to be competitive to those manufactur by Hallikainen, if the user so desires. the final analysis, selections will be gc erned by the user's preferences. TRAINING OF PERSONNEL To co olete its responsibility to the user, t jystems Division will provide a traini program at the Hallikainen facility 1 operators and instrument maintenan people. Information on training PI grams will be provided on request.

BACKGROUND OF SYSTEMS DIVISION Systems Division is an entity within the framework of Hallikainen Instru- ments, since 1952 a leading manufac- turer of process control and analytical instrumentation for petroleum refin- eries and chemical process industries throughout the world. Today, the com- pany markets over 40 products, princi- pally to process industries. Hallikainen instruments maintains its central offices and principal manufac- %l `>dk.avIII'sm"`fqp~.~ _ ,-..,...,../ .~~`,. _ ., ,. Wring facility in Richmond, California. The plant provides approximately 25,. 000 square feet of manufacturing and storage space plus an additional 1,800 square-foot area equipped for the test- ing of analyzers. Corporate offices are housed in a separate 8,000 square-foot building. A special outdoor testing facility con- tributes importantly to the reputation for reliability earned by Hallikainen analyz- ers. Long.term tests performed under actual climatic conditions give ultimate assurance of performance-to-specifi. cation in the customer's installation, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION For ex- pert engineering consultation on your fa- cility process control requirements, you are invited to write or call Systems Divi- sion Manager, Hallikainen Instruments, Inc. at the address or telephone number provided below.


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