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Modified:2004-03-24 08:20:15
Title:Hallikainen Instruments In-Line Viscometer Models 1431 and 1477
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Body:#allikainen IN-LINE VISCOMETER The Hallikainen IN-LINE VISCOMETER provides continuous monitoring of the absolute viscosity of a flowing fluid in a process line. Measurement is made at the process flowing temperature. Primarily used with Newtonian fluids, the Viscometer may also be used to test non-Newtonian products if the viscosity at a single shear rate is sufficient. A choice of outputs is available, including 3-15 psig pneumatic, 4.20 ma dc or 10.50 ma dc electrical signals,

APPLICATIONS Time-consuming laboratory sampling can now be replaced by actual on-stream continuous analy- sis. Fluids with lubricating proper- ties and viscosities up to 15,000 poise can be easily handled with the IN-LINE VISCOMETER. A few com- monlyencounteredapplicationsare: Oil Refineries: Measurement of column bot- toms and pitch streams. Synthetic Rubber and Polymer Manufacture: Polymer solution viscosity: Control reactor processing of synthetic rubber compound. Fuel Oil Viscosity: Control of fuel oil fluidity as supplied to the nozzles of a bumerforboilersandreactors.



Accurate: Convenient: On-stream analysis obviates the need for regularly scheduled laboratory tests and freestheoperatorfor other duties. Response to a change in product viscosity is nearly in- stantaneous (actu- ally, less than 10 seconds). No wasted Model 1477 product due to off-specification operation. Immediate detecrlon of viscosity variations makes prompt corrective action a reality. Measures the actual viscosity to i 1% of span with a repeatability of i 1% of the span. No need to provide a sample stream to the analyzer. The complete unit is installed in the line and forms a part of the process line. All components includ- ing filter, metering pump and capillary are housed in a modified ell with flanges for connection to the process line. Caoillary is accessible by removing the top cover plate.


Sample for the metering pump is drawn through a self-cleaning loo-mesh strainer. A constant flow rate is achieved with a precision metering pump driven by a synchronous motor. The sample fluid at the flowing temperature is forced through a capillary tube at a constant rate. The pressure drop across the capillary tube is converted to a pneumatic or electrical signal that is a linearfunction of theabsoluteviscosity.

Model 1431 COMPONENTS Housing: 3 inch pipe ell, flanged connections Filter: Same as the Model 147Z loo-mesh stainless steel screen Metering Similar type to that used in model 1477 except with higher temperature limi- Pump: tation. Transmitter: A differential pressure transmitter with chemical seals is used as the standard for this model-pneumatic output only. Code A uses Taylor Instruments type 206 transmitter-Code B Taylor type 226.

Model 1477 ._ COMPONENTS Housing: Consists of a modified steel ell with 4" pipe, 600 psig flanges for connection to the process line. All components (except the pump motor and transmitter) are mounted inside the ell. An access plate permits servicing of the internal parts of the viscometer. Filter:

Metering Pump: loo-mesh stainless steelscreen, I!&" diameter by43/4" long, provides protection for the pump and capillary. The filter can be removed for cleaning purposes through the top cover plate. Precision gear pump with critical parts machined to a tolerance of 25 micro- inches. Provides constant flow rate of 35.6 ml/min through the capillary when operating at 60 hz. Pump Motor: The gear pump is driven by a l/4 horsepower right-angle gear head motor at 120 RPM. Transmitter: Differential pressure with either pneumatic or electrical output as specified. Temperature Indication: A bimetallic dial thermometer is mounted in the top cover to indicate line tem- perature. A plugged hole is provided for adding a temperature compensation

Capillary Materials: sensor if required.

Stainless steel is standard with alternate materials available on special order.

Model 1431



Maximum Range (poise) Maximum Temp.

Maximum Pressure (psig) output

Instrument Connections

Utilities: Electrical


Outline Dimensions: Weight: Approximate Net Estimated Gross Model 1477 15,000



3-15 psi 4-20 ma dc lo-50 ma dc 4"-flange Model 1431 15,000

Code A 300°F Code E3 900°F 670

3-15 psi


115/230 volts 60 hz 115/230 volts 60 hz 6 amps 6 amps 700 watts max. 700 watts max. 20 psig supply 20 psig supply

15" x 26" x 35" 22" x 47" x 33"

250 Ibs. 450 Ibs. 340 Ibs. 600 Ibs.

CABLE- HALINCO T E L E X : 3 3 6 _ 3 0 1

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