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Title:Hallikainen Instruments Constant Temperature Baths
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These baths have been desIgned for use in callbratlng thermometers, illled system temperature Instruments, or for other purposes when a +em;xrature controlled bath 1s requred To satisfy the many requirements in thermometer calibration, the baths have been separated Into various operattng ranges principally due to llmltatlons of the wallable bath mcdlums For example WORKING RANGE MODEL -15O.F to amblent Cooling by llquld mtrogen, etc -lco,F to 500 F Medium/Low temperature baths -4C F to amblent Cooling by automatic refrlgeratlon amblent to SC0 F Merl~um temperature baths 400 to 10(X3 F Medlum/Hlgh temperature baths 800 to 13CUF Hugh temperature baths

Bath mediums, thermometer reference standards. etc, are noi supplIed as standard equipment The folIowIng, how ever are suggestions for bath mediums. RANGE BATH MEDIUM -150-F to am~ienr "treon E-3" or "Freon ~ 11 1482" -100-F to ambient "Freon -.. 214" -4O:F to amblent A rmxture of ethylene glycol and water, methanol amblent to ZfJJ=F water amblent to 300-F Low v~scosjty meri\crnal 011 with flash pant above 300 F amblent to 5oO~F S,l,cone ON/ such a\ Dow Corrmng tiF-1 -0173, 100 centlstoke 400 to IOCO'F Heat treating salt, such ai E F Houghton G Co Drawtemp 275 800 to 13CO'F Heat tiea+,ng salt, such as E F Houghton G Co. Llqu'd Heat 235

Model 1124 Model 1162 Model 1178

HEATING SPECIFICATIONS All baths are electrically heated. Some use a combination of a special, fast acting, stainless steel, tubular immersion heater, and several low watt density strip heaters clamped to the outside of the bath tank wall. (The very low temperature baths cooled by liquid nitrogen use immersion heater only, see Table I.) The size, type, shape, and location of the heaters have been considered in order to minimize the bath temperature gradient. The quick heat heaters provided are automatically de-energized a few degrees below the bath set temperature, and may be reset manually. The medium/high temperature baths use only low watt density strip heaters clamped to the outside of the bath tank wall (see Table V) providing for quick heat, for control heat, and for auxiliary heat. The high temperature baths use helical chrome1 heaters mounted in insulating blocks and heat the bath tank by thermal radiation (see Table VI). ,

COOLING SPECIFICATIONS Depending upon the actual low temperature bath! cooling may be either by some liquefied gas (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc.), or by automatic refrigeration. In operation, cooling is continuous with temperature set point controlled by the temperature controller actuating electric heaters.

TEMPERATURE CONTROL The optimum performance of a controlled system depends upon many other factors than the controller itself. For example, the bath liquid must be thoroughly agitated to minimize the bath temperature gradients and facilitate rapid heat transfer. It is advisable to supply heat where heat losses would normally occur to further diminish temperature gradients. Timelag should be minimized in heaters as well as in the temperature sensing elements,

TEMPERATURE CONTROLLERS THERMOTROL The THERMOTROL temperature controller is considered standard equipment on all but the medium/high and high tem- perature baths. It is designed to function as an "on-off," proportional, or proportional with reset controller. A resistance thermometer is used as a sensing element. Because of its unique design and custom assembly, the THERMOTROL is not affected by variations in ambient temperature. The THERMOTROL is capable of controlling the bath temperature of a medium temperature bath at a point to better than i .004OF. when using water as the bath medium. The reset action of the controller will restore the bath temperature to the exact same set point temperature after an upset or load change, thus avoiding droop or overshoot common with proportional or on-off controllers. Normally, the THERMOTROL is mounted in the bath housing; however, it can also be supplied in a separate cabinet for external mounting. A detailed description of the THERMOTROL is given in a separate brochure which is available upon request.

DECADE THERMOTROL Similar to the standard THERMOTROL, with the exception that the coarse temperature setting is made by fixed increments through precision resistors selected by means of multi-position switches, whereas the standard THERMO- TROL employs multiturn potentiometers. This controller can also be supplied in a separate cabinet for external mounting.

THERMODYNE The medium/high and the high temperature baths are supplied with THERMODYNE or decade THERMODYNE tem- perature controllers only. The THERMODYNE is similar to the THERMOTROL, except that the reset action is eliminated. In this application, it is used as a proportional controller with salt as a bath medium. A detailed description of the THERMODYNE is given in a separate brochure which is available upon request.

GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS LOW TEMPERATURE BATHS Cooling by Liquefied Gas, -150°F. to ambient (Table I) Depending on the bath medium and cooling liquid used, these baths are suitable for operation from -lOOoF. up to ambient. The exterior of the bath is a square housing made of heavy gauge bottom are fabricated of charcoal gray Johns-Mansville Colorlith. steel with a baked enamel finish. The top and The bath tanks are 12" in diameter and made of 16 gauge stainless steel with stainless steel drain including a valve and an overflow. The cooling coil is a helix of l/z" stainless steel tubing with Swag&k tube fittings for connection to liquefied gas cylinders, etc. Insulation used in these baths consists of Lockfoam B-302 and Styrafoam. Heating is through a loo0 watt tubular immersion heater with stainless steel sheath located in the lower portion of the bath tank.

A special stirrer (model 1117 Hallikanen-Shell JET-STIR Impeller) is used to agitate the bath medium, mini- mizing the over-all time constant and temperature gradients of the bath The hollow stirrer blades cause the bath liquid to flow radlaily out through the blades with a high velocity, as well as in directlons normal and tangential to the blade surfaces The stirrer is driven by a totally enclosed fan-cooled electric mixer motor with its own power cord and on-off /- switch. Cooling by Automatic Refrigeration, -40°F. to ambient (Table II)

The exteriors of these baths are similar to the above, except that the housing is rectangular in shape rather than square The automatic refrigeration compressor, etc, IS located in its own section to the rear of the actual bath itself. The 12" deep baths utilize a l/z HP air-cooled refrigerator compressor, whereas the 18" deep baths use a 1 HP water- cooled compressor. lnsulatlon used 15 3" -thick Styrafoam. Heating load on 12" baths is a maximum of 1650 watts and on the 18" baths is 3ooO watts. In the 12" bath, 250 watts of heating load 1s a tubular immersion heater with the balance of the load consisting of strip heaters clamped to the outslde of bath tank wall. In the 18" bath a 1003 watts rnmers~on heater is used.

Low/Medium Temperature Baths, -loOoF. to +5OO"F. (Table III)

In these baths, it may be desirable to replace bath liquid when changing from low to high temperature or vice versa. In order to secure good mixing and reduce gradients,the bath m&urn should have as low a viscosity as compatible with the operating temperature for which it is intended Presently, there does not appear to be any one bath medium suitable for the entire range of -llXl to +5C@F. Cooling is by liquefied gas, a cold eutectic, or some similar low temperature liquid. Heating is by means of a 250 watt tubular immersion heater and strip heaters clamped to the outslde of the bath tank wall An auxiliary heater switch IS provided that permits selection of different constant heats. The general construction of these baths is similar to the above, except that the insulation used is SILASTIC RTV

Medium Temperature Baths, ambient to 5OO"F., (Table IV1

In general, these baths are ldentlcal to the low/medium baths mentioned above, except for insulation and cooling coil. P The cooling coil is shorter and of a smaller diameter tube. The adjustable auxiliary heater switch is not used.

Medium/High Temperature Bath, 4W"F. to 1CGO"F. (Table V)

The general appearance of these baths is the same as that of the m&urn temperature baths, but with the following exceptIons: I. The inner tank 1s made of extra heavy, 8" Inside diameter, ductile cast iron, similar to ASTM A339-56, Grade 60-45-10, but formulated with a higher sillcon content to withstand the corrosive action of the molten salts nor- mally used as a bath m&urn and for resistance against scaling. 2. An additional auxiliary heater switch is provided that permits the selection of four different constant auxiliary heats to supplement the modulated controlled heat input. 3 These baths are not supplied with cooling coil, drain, or overflow. 4. For the rmxer impeller blades, a standard type impeller is used rather than the JET-STIR Impeller. 5. Insulation 1s Johns-Mansvllle Super%

High Temperature Baths, 800°F. to 1300°F. (Table VI)

The general appearance and construction of these baths is the same as for the m&urn/high temperature baths above, but with the followinq exceptions: The auxiliary heater switch is an on-off toggle switch and not of the four-posItIon type. The top of the bath is Johns-Manville Maranite The bottom of the bath is of Johns-Manvllle Transite. Heating IS accomplished by helical chrome1 electrical heaters which heat the bath tank by radlatlon.

f Bath Working Area

The working area of all the above baths is reached through a removable lid in the top cover. The removable IId 1s in the shape of a half circle and normally one-half the diameter of the bath tank.


220 volts AC 115 volts AC Tank-12" deep Tank-V deep

Model No. 1414 1415 Immersion Heat 1 cc0 Watts 1 cc0 watts Model No. 1418 1419 Immersion Heat I coo Watts 1 ooo watts

Housing -20" x 20" x 273/*" Overall height to top of mixer - 383/" Weight (shipping) -Approximately 160 Ibs. Tank Capacity -51/2 gallons

Model No. Immersion Heat Auxiliary Heat High Medium Medium/Low LOW Model No. Immersion Heat Auxiliary Heat High Medium Medium/Low LOW Model No. Immersion Heat Auxiliary Heat High Medium pofium/Low

Model No. Model No. Immersion Heat Immersion Heat Auxiliary Heat Auxiliary Heat High High Medium Medium Medium/Low Medium/Low LOW 220 volts AC Tank-18" deep

1416 1 cc0 watts 1420 I cc0 Watts

1424 1 ooo Watts

1428 1 CKX, Watts 115 volts AC Tank-18" deep CONTROLLER

Housing - 20" x 20" x 333/i" Overall height to top of mixer - 44%" Weight (shipping) -Approximately 175 Ibs. Tank Capacity -8y' gallons


115 volts AC Tank-12" deep Air Cooled

1282 250 Watts ,I l'o% " 350 n 70 " 1399 250 Watts /I g :;

262 " 1400 250 Watts I, E " 350 ,' 262 v 1401 250 Watts n ;zii " 350 u 262 n

Housing - 20" x 39" x 21 l/22" Overall height to top of mixer - 377/8" Weight (shipping) -Approximately 500 Ibs. Tank Capacity -51/ gallons 220 volts AC Tank-18" deep Water Cooled

1283 loo0 Watts

zoo0 "

1402 I ml watts

zoo0 " 1500 " ;g 1:

1403 1 ooo Watts

zoo0 " `$j 1: 375 " 1404 1 Cal watts

zoo0 " `gj :: 375 " CONTROLLER



Decade THERMOTROL Integral

Decade THERMOTROL External

Housing -220" x 40" x 331/" Overall height to top of mixer - 447/8" Weight (shipping) -Approximately 600 Ibs. Tank Capacity -8% gallons

tiodel No. >uick Heat bird Heat High Medium Medium/Low LOW Model No. &ick Heat Iontrol Heat High Medium Medium/Low Low Model No. ?uick Heat Control Heat High Medium Medium/Low Low Model No. &ick Heat Zontrol Heat High Medium ~o~ium/Low 220 volts AC 115 volts AC Tank-12" deer Tank-G!" deq 1388 1385 1400 watts 1050Watts 950 u 600 " 350 u 221 n 1389 14cQ Watts 950 u 600 " 350 n 221 u 1390 1400 Watts 950 ;: :Fi " 221 " 1391 l4co Watts 2; 1: 350 It 221 " LOWiviEDIUM TEMPERATURE BATHS TABLE Ill- -lOOoF. TO 500 F.

950 ,' al 'I 350 u 221 lr 1386 1050Watts

950 ; 600 350 n 221 " 1375 1050Watts

zg 1: 350 Ii 221 " 1387 1050 Watts

950 :;

% " 221 "

Housing - 17" x 17" x 241/" Overall height to top of mixer - 35%" Weight (shipping) - 150 pounds Tank Capacity -5% gallons P 220 volts AC Tank-l 8" deep 1395 2KoWatts

950 1: 600 350 = 221 lJ 1396 zoo0 Watts 950 n I, 2E " 221 n 1397 2OOOWatts 950 n I, ;!iE " 221 n 1398 zoo0 Watts 115 volts AC Tank-18" deep 1392 1050 watts

E " I, 350 " 221 " 1393 1050 Watts

950 " I, 2: `I 221 " 1381 1050 Watts

MEDIUM TEMPERATURE BATHS TABLE IV-AMBIENT TO 500°F. BATHS 220 volts AC I 115 volts AC Tank-12" deep 1120 Tank-12" deco 1124 1400 watts 1050 Watts 220 volts AC 115 volts AC rank-18" deep Tank-18" deep CONTROLLER



Housing - 17" x 17" x 301/" Overall height to top of mixer - 41 1/" Weight (shipping) - 165 pounds Tank Capacity --sl/ gallons

Model No.

Control Heat Quick Heat

Model No. Quick Heat Control Heat

Model No. Quick Heat r700 " ext. ' 250 r7@J " ext. " imm. I250 " imm. 1123 1127 1400 watts 1050 Watts I 7ca " ext. i " ext. 250 " imm. :Li " imm. 1136 1138 1400 Watts 1050 watts

Housing - 17" x 17" x 241/*" Overall height to top of mixer - 35%" Weight (shipping) - 140 pounds Tank Capacity -5g gallons Decade THERMOTROL Integral

Decade THERMOTROL External




Decade THERMOTROL Integral

Decade THERMOTROL External

Housing -17' x 17" x 301/" Overall height to top of mixer - 41 `/2" Weight (shipping) - 165 pounds Tank Capacity -81/2 gallons


tiodel No. Juick Heat lontrol Heat 4uxiliary Heat High Medium e$um/Low

Model No. &ck Heat Control Heat Auxiliary Heat High Medium Medium/Low

Model No. Quick Heat Control Heat Auxiliary Heat High Medium yo$ium /Low

Model No. Quick Heat Control Heat Auxiliary Heat High Medium Medium/Low LOW 220 volts AC Tank-W' deep 1162 2ccowps loo0 ;g 1: 2;: 1: 1174 2mwatts loo0 " 850 u I, ZFi " 206 `I 1166 2mwatts loo0 "

Housing -17"~17"~243/4" Overall height to top of mixer - 385/8" Weight (shipping) - 170 pounds Tank Capacity -21/ gallons Salt Required (one filling) 40 pounds 220 volts AC Tank-18" deep 1164


1500 I' lcxl `I I, E " 1176 2cmWatts loo0 " CONTROLLER



Decade THERMODYNE Integral

Decade THERMODYNE External

Housing -17"xl7"x303/4" Overall height to top of mixer - 445/," Weight (shipping) - 180 Ibs. Tank Capacity - 33/4 gallons Salt Required (one filling) 60 pounds

HIGH TEMPERATURE BATHS TABLE VI--8OOOF. TO 1300°F. I 220 volts AC I 220 volts AC Tank-12" Deep Tank-18" deep I CONTROLLERS I I 1173 22coWatts THERMODYNE 22al " lntearal I 1303 2200 Watts 2200 ,' 1175 2200 2200 w,tts 1413 2200 Watts 22cYJ v THERMODYNE External

Decade THERMODYNE Integral

Decade THERMODYNE External Model No. 1177 Control Heat 22coWatic Auxiliary Heat 2200 n Model No. 1302 Control Heat 22KlWatts Auxiliary Heat 2200 ,' Model No. 1178 Control Heat 22200 Watts Auxiliary Heat 2200 u Model No. 1412 Control Heat 22OOWatts Auxiliarv Heat 2200 " Housing - 17" x 17" x 35%" Ov&rall height to top of mixer - 391/4" Weight (shipping) - 180 pounds Tank Capacity -21/z gallons Salt Required (one filling) 40 pounds Housing - 17" x 17" x 31 3/8" Overall heioht to too of mixer - 451/4" I Weiqht (sLipping) 1190 pounds `_ Tank Capacity -33/4 gallons Salt Required (one filling) 60 pounds I

MODEL lOlO-ICE POINT BATH r- This bath consists of an unsilvered Dewar vessel, 5" I.D. x 163/4" inside depth It is fitted with an aluminum alloy thermometer holder with a capacity for 12 thermometers. To read the thermometers, the vessel and the thermometer holder are rotated by a handwheel. This bath is normally used to check thermometer ice pants to ware their continued adherence to previous standards. The required bench space for this equipment IS 10" wide x l&5/16" deep x 20%" high, .

MODEL loll-LOW TEMPERATURE BATH (-60°C. to +SO"C.) This bath 1s identical to Model 1010, except for the addition of a stirrer for agitating the Ilquid. It is normally used with a solvent and cooled by dry ice. The required space for this bath IS IO" wide x 18.15/16" deep x 241/2" high.

Model 14ocl

BATH PERFORMANCE /,- The following table lists conservative performance d& obtamed from the baths listed in this brochure

-`l&F 3 3%; 50°F 100°F 180°F 200°F 250°F

5CO"F 5CPF 950" F 13cO"F Bath Medium Methanol Ethylene Glycol G Water Silicone 011 (#ZOO) Ethylene Glycol G Water SIllcone 011 (#2co) water Water Water S~hcone 011 (F-1-0173) Medicinal or Light Viscosity Oil Silicone Oil (F-l -0173) Salt (#275) Salt (#275) Salt (#235) Model 1010 with Model 1009 Comparator Telescope (Tekscojw not included as standard)

Interior of Low Temperature Baths

k 15°F I Z°F 2.01 "F ?.O%PF -t 25°F Remarks Liquid N2 Cooling Automatic Refrigeration Automatic Refrigeration Automatic Refrigeration Automatic Refrigeration Automatic Refrigeration Cooling Water Required

Cooling Water Required

rt.01 OF + 03°F

ACCESSORIES ROTATING THERMOMETER HOLDERS FOR ETCHED STEM THERMOMETERS Rotating Thermometer Holders have been devised to hold a quantity of Etched Stem Thermometers so that a num- ber may be checked at one time. . . Model 1143 Model 1143-This holder is designed principally for use with the medium temperature baths. The holder is mounted on a Colorlith lid of the configuratIon and size to fit the top opening of the bath. The actual holder itself is made of aluminum alloy and is designed to hold 12 etched stem thermometers.

Model 1405 This holder is the same as Model 1143, except that it is fltted with addltional Maranite insulation below the Color- llth Ild. It is for use on low/medium baths only.

Model 1227 Model 1186 Model 1227 This holder IS slmllar to Model 1143, except that it 1s fltted with 3" urethane lnsulatlon below the Colorhth Ild it is for use on Model 1283, 1402, 1403, and 1404 baths. For liquefied gas cooled baths, use Model 1438, which 1s slmllar m constructlon. This IS for Models 1282, 1399, I4CQ 1401, 1414 through 1429.

This holder 1s for use with the medium/high temperature baths. It consists of eight stainless steel tubes mounted on a Transite block which rotates on a Transite lid of the proper sfze and configuration to fit the top opemng of the bath. Model for 12" deep baths is I l86Bl2, and for 18" deep baths the model number is 1186818.

Model 1287 Same as Model I I86 holder except with special insulating material. Used on high temperature baths only. Model 1287Al2 is for 12" deep baths and Model 1287Al8 for 18" deep baths. Model 1186


This Comparator Telescope is used primarily on baths when testing etched stem thermometers. The Comparator Telescope can be moved from bath to bath providing each bath is equipped with a telescoDe stand. The Comparator Telescope is fitted wit h a 10X Hygenlan eye-piece wath cross hairs, 80mm. focal length objec- tive and a focus adiustina rack and pinion. A direct headl&np wsh a six-volt transformer 1s standard equipment.

TELESCOPE STAND-Model 1161 This stand is available for mounting on all the baths described I" this brochure, except Models 1010 and 101 I. It 1s used to hold the Comparator Telescope and should be permanently mounted on each bath to which the Comparator Telescope will be appled. When ordered with a bath, It WIII be fastened to the bath at the factory before shipment. Model 1161

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