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Modified:2004-03-21 20:00:01
Title:Hallikainen Instruments Kinematic Viscosity Bath Models 1087, 1115, and 1155
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KINEMATIC VISCOSITY BATHS The Hallikainen Kinematic Viscosity Baths er. intended for use in performing precision viscosity end density tests. They have been designed to meet the requirements of the petroleum industry for constant temperature baths covering . wide temperature rang. and having high accuracy and simple, sturdy construction. There pre three baths which together cwer the temperature range from -70°F to +400°F. The Low Tem- perature Beth operates from -70°F to ambient, using dry ice as coolant. The Medium Temperature Beth has . tem- perature rang. from ambient to 22O.F and the High Temperature Bath e rang. of from 200°F to 4OOOF. Each bath includes the Hallikainen-Shell THERMOTROL temperature controller to control the temperature of the bath liauid. This controller her . sensitivity of .OO I OC and incorporates proportional and reset control action. The THERMOTROL will control the temperature of the bath liquid to .OI'F or better at a point. The THERMOTROL is described in detail in . separate bulletin available on request.

LOW TEMPERATURE BATH Model 1087 her been developed for testing let fuels, etc. This beth uses dry ice for the cooling medium. The bath consists of e 2% gallon Pyrex glass Dewar into which three round heed or four rectangular head capil- lery type viscosity tuber may be suspended. A motor driven stirrer and pump er. else suspended into the bath through the top cwer. To the reer of this glass Dewar is (I 3% gallon steinlest steel Dewer. Into the liquid con- trined within this Dower is placed the dry ice used for cooling. The THERMOTROL is mounted in the base of the brth. In operrtion, liquid from the glass Dower is pumped through . steinless steel coil in the stainless steel Dewrr end beck to the glass Dewer. The THERMO- TROL governs the smount of fluid being pumped by operetlon of. solenoid velv. in the liquid line. Methanol is recommended for we es the brth medium in this bath. A heevy, clear plwtlc window is set into the steel shell surrounding the gleu Dewrr. The steel shell is painted with e silver grry hemmerton. l nemel. All piping and the solenoid velv. we mounted under the top cover to prevent frosting. Illumination of the bath is provided from the reer of the gletr Dewsr by means of two 40 wett rhowcere lamps.



Model I I I5 is designed for use in determining the viscosity of

lubricating oils and other products requiring constant temperature

baths in a range of ambient to ZZO'F. This bath consists of a seven

gallon Pyrex glass jar into which may be suspended five round head

or seven rectangular head capillary type viscosity tubes. Also sus-

pended from the cover are a motor driven stirrer with Hellikainen-

Shell Jet-Stir Impeller, a 1000 watt tubular heater and a 125 watt

control heater, a stainless steel cooling coil and a resistance ther-

mometer for the THERMOTROL temperature controller. The THER-

MOTROL is mounted in the bare. The glass iar is housed in a I6

gauge steel shell with a viewing window cut out in front. The steel

shell and the base are silver gray hemmertone finish. The bath is

illuminated from the bottom by a 40 watt showcase lamp mounted

in the base. An oil of very low viscosity, such as medicinal oil, is

recommended for the bath liquid.

Model 1115


Model I I55 has been designed for use in testing asphalts and other prod-

ucts requiring temperatures up to 4OO"F. This bath is similar to Model I I I5

except that it provider for the use of three round heed or four rectangular head

capillary type viscosity tuber and user a 3% gallon Pyrex glass iar which is

installed inside another glass jar I4 gallon capacity) for safety. This bath also

uses a THERMOTROL temperature controller mounted in the base. The tubular

type electric heaters in this bath total 1250 watts. The bath is illuminated from

the bottom by a 40 watt showcase lamp mounted in the base. The recommended

bath liquid is Dow Corning No. 550. 50 centistoke silicone oil.

GENERAL Model 1155 All kinematic viacority baths are designed for operation on a I I5 volt, 60 cycle AC source of power. Other voltages and frequencies can be supplied on special order.

When ordering, specify the type of openings required for the vircometer tubes, that is, whether round or rec- tangular. The vircometer tuber are not supplied with the baths as standard equipment but can be furnished if or- dered as extra items.

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