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Modified:2021-09-25 18:01:47
Title:K. E. Hallikainen
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Body:K. E. Hallikainen

January 5, 1916 - July 19, 2001

Through his lifetime, K. E. Hallikainen (Hal) gathered many documents. I intend to to archive many of these documents on this site. This will be an ongoing project, so please check back now and then. In addition, I look forward to any comments I can add to the site. Please send comments to Thanks!


Birth Certificate

Bonita Cove - Dad's ashes were scattered here by the Eight Bells Society in 2001.

Cal Poly Alumni News - 1997

Hallikainen Family Society - a genealogy society in Finland devoted to the Hallikainen family. English Translation by Google.

Hallikainen Instruments

Ham Radio

1938 Amateur Radio Callbook - Search page for W6IWI

Margaret Hallikainen - Willamette National Cemetary

Milligan & Hallikainen PianoBoard - Milligan & Hallikainen was a predecessor to Hallikainen Instruments.

Most Dangerous Sea - This excerpt from the book (Most Dangerous Sea - A history of Mine Warfare, and an Account of U.S. Navy Mine Warfare Operations in World War II and Korea, Arnold S. Lott, Annapolis, Maryland: U.S. Naval Institute, 1959) tells of how a young Reserve Ensign named K. E. Hallikainen came up with the idea for the Mobile Degaussing Unit, a ship that degaussed (or demagnetized) other ships so they would not trigger magnetic mines.


Obituary from Contra Costa Times

Obituary from Helsingin Sanomat, translation to English by Risto Valve

ISA - Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society, formerly Instrument Society of America

Obituary - San Francisco Chronicle, 2001 July 31.

Twenty-One - United Finnish Kaleva Brothers and Sisters, No. 21, newsletter of August 2001.

Photo Gallery - The K. E. Hallikainen photograph collection (a start at scanning it)

Saturday Evening Post, March 23, 1957, cover, pages 68 and 69. This is a two page ad for Equitable Life Insurance that features an ad of KEH and kids in Tilden Park in Berkeley. I believe the people in the photo are, left to right, Dave, Harold, Carol Rockwell (our across the street neighbor in Kensington), Dad. Let me know of any corrections and comments. hh

Seaman's Protection Certificate issued to Kauko E. Hallikainen on October 25, 1934.


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