FCC Web Documents citing 78.101
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1664A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1664A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1664A1.txt
- applications, Clarity Media has outlined emergency shut down procedures for operations at the travel plazas in the event of conflict with BAS services. They have notified all BAS licensees within 83 kilometers of each proposed transmit location. Clarity Media requests waivers of provisions of Part 78 of the Commission's Rules, including Sections 78.1 (``Purpose''), 78.11 (``Permissible Service''), 78.18(a)(6) (``Frequency Assignments''), 78.101 (``Power Limitations''), 78.103(e) (``Emissions and Emission Limitations''), and 78.107 (``Equipment and Installation''). Clarity Media will also require a waiver of Section 78.13, (``Eligibility for License'') to operate this proposed multichannel digital television distribution system. Interested parties may file comments on this waiver request on or before September 22, 2006. Parties interested in submitting reply comments must do so on or
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1946A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1946A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1946A1.txt
- at three locations: Frazier Park, California; Ogden, Utah; and North Salt Lake, Utah. Clarity conducted its experiments in September and October 2005 and submitted a 6-month progress report on its findings. Following the report, Clarity submitted ten CARS applications along with this waiver request. Clarity requests waivers of Sections 78.1 (``Purpose''), 78.11 (``Permissible Service''), 78.18(a)(6) (``Frequency Assignments''), 78.36 (``Frequency Coordination''), 78.101 (``Power Limitations''), 78.103(e) (``Emissions and Emission Limitations''), and 78.107 (``Equipment and Installation''). Clarity would also require a waiver of Section 78.13 (``Eligibility for License'') to operate its proposed multichannel television distribution system. The Media Bureau issued a Public Notice seeking comment on Clarity's waiver requests. Fifteen comments and six reply comments were received. Generally, commenters representing broadcast interests oppose Clarity's
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-92A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-92A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-92A1.txt
- Because ATPC has been beneficial to efficient spectrum use in FS operations under Part 101, we propose to amend the Part 74 rules to state that TV BAS licensees may also use ATPC. We see no reason why the benefits of using ATPC should be limited to the TV BAS, and thus we also propose to modify sections 74.534 and 78.101 of our rules to allow licensees of aural BAS and CARS stations to use ATPC as well. 6. Interference to Geostationary Satellites In 1987, the Commission adopted rules to implement Article 27 of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations, which specifies EIRP limits and antenna pointing parameters for fixed terrestrial stations that share frequency bands with fixed satellite uplink
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-23A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-23A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-23A1.txt
- 101.113, 101.147(l). See 47 C.F.R. Part 74, Subpart F. Television translator relay stations may also be authorized to use frequencies in the band 6875-7075 MHz on a secondary basis to other BAS stations operating in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations. See 47 C.F.R. � 2.106, footnote NG118. See 47 C.F.R. � 78.18(a)(7). See 47 C.F.R. �� 74.602, 74.636, 78.101. See Establishment of Rules and Policies for the Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service in the 2310-2360 MHz Frequency Band, IB Docket No. 95-91, Report and Order, Memorandum Opinion and Order, and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 12 FCC Rcd 5754 (1997) ("SDARS R&O"), �� 127-137. We have authorized American Mobile Radio Corporation (now ``XM Radio'') and Satellite CD Radio, Inc.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-298A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-298A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-298A1.txt
- assignments that are least likely to result in mutual interference with other licensees in the same area. Applicants may consult local frequency coordination committees, where they exist, for information on frequencies available in the area. In selecting frequencies, consideration should be given to the relative location of receive points, normal transmission paths, and the nature of the contemplated operation. Section 78.101 is amended by revising the entry for 2,025-2,110 MHz in the table in paragraph (a) and adding a new paragraph (c) to read as follows: � 78.101 Power limitations. (a) * * * Frequency band (MHz) Maximum allowable transmitter power Maximum allowable EIRP 2 Mobile (W) Fixed (dBW) Mobile (dBW) 2,025 to 2,110 20.0 +35 6,425 to 6,525 20.0 +35
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/Orders/2000/fcc00233.doc
- Licensees must relocate Existing Licensees in the remaining Nielsen Designated Market Areas within three years. (6) Ten years after the date specified in subparagraph (e)(1), all Existing Licensees will become secondary in the 1990-2025 MHz band. Upon written demand by any MSS Licensee, Existing Licensees must cease all operations in the 1990-2025 MHz band within six months. 10. In Section 78.101(a), the table is amended by replacing "1,990 to 2,110" in the first line with "2,025 to 2,110." 11. In Section 78.103(e), replace the table with the following: Frequency band (MHz) | Maximum authorized band- width (MHz) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ 1,990 to 2,110................................. | 17 or 18.1 6,425 to 6,525................................. | 8 or 25. 6,875 to 7,125................................. | 25. 12,700 to 13,250.............................
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/engineering/part78.pdf
- � 78.55 Time of operation. � 78.57 Station inspection. � 78.59 Posting of station and operator licenses. Page 1of 51 Electronic Code of Federal Regulations: 5/6/2011 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid=89769c06679a5b34a150ce4987153f04&rg... � 78.61 Operator requirements. � 78.63 Antenna structure marking and lighting. � 78.65 Additional orders. � 78.67 Copies of rules. � 78.69 Station records. � 78.75 Equal employment opportunities. Subpart D-Technical Regulations � 78.101 Power limitations. � 78.103 Emissions and emission limitations. � 78.104 Authorized bandwidth and emission designator. � 78.105 Antenna systems. � 78.106 Interference to geostationary-satellites. � 78.107 Equipment and installation. � 78.108 Minimum path lengths for fixed links. � 78.109 Major and minor modifications to stations. � 78.111 Frequency tolerance. � 78.113 Frequency monitors and measurements. � 78.115 Modulation limits. Alphabetical