FCC Web Documents citing 76.609
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2190A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2190A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On June 25, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Comfort Inn, in Ouray, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2191A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2191A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On June 24, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed Holiday Inn, in Durango, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2192A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2192A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On June 25, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Timber Ridge Lodge, in Ouray, Colorado, utilized a MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2193A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2193A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On June 25, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Ridgway, in Ridgway, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical services.
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2194A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2194A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On June 21, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Best Western Rambler, in Walsenburg, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2195A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2195A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On August 6, 2010, and September 10, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Platte Valley Inn, in Julesburg, Colorado, utilized a MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1786A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1786A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' An investigation by the Portland Office revealed that Fireside Motel, in Yachats, Oregon, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical services. Specifically, the
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1787A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1787A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' An investigation by the Portland Office revealed that the Dublin House Motel, in Yachats, Oregon, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical services.
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-47A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-47A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On October 29, 2010, an investigation by the Portland Office revealed that Premier RV Resorts, in Lincoln City, Oregon, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-550A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-550A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On February 15, 2011, an investigation by the Atlanta Office revealed that Custom Cable, in Decatur, Alabama, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-704A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-704A1.pdf
- not notified the Commission as required. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of inspection, FCC agents from the Philadelphia Office conducted field strength measurements on the frequency 133.2625 MHz in front of the Smith Hall dormitory building and measured an emission of 518.4 microvolts per
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2152A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2152A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2152A1.txt
- 76.605 (Note 3) Note 3. 76.605 (Note 4) Note 4. 76.605 (Note 5) Note 5. 76.605 (Note 6) Note 6. 76.606 Closed Captioning. 76.607 Complaint Resolution (This section was renumbered as Section 76.1713 pursuant to the Commission's reorganization and renumbering of Section 76 as part of the 1998 Biennial Review - Multichannel Video and Cable Television Service, 65 FR 53610). 76.609 (d)(2) Measurements. 76.609 (e) Measurements. 76.609 (g) Measurements. 76.609 (h)(2) Measurements. 76.609 (j) Measurements. PART 78 SUBPART A - GENERAL Brief Description: The rules and regulations prescribe regulations, definitions and other pertinent rules relating to cable television relay service (CARS). Need: These rules set forth guidelines for the licensing and operation of fixed or mobile cable television relay service stations
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3184A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3184A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3184A1.txt
- until 30 days from the release of this Order, and that the date for replies to oppositions is extended to 50 days from the release of this order. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION W. Kenneth Ferree Chief, Media Bureau Letter dated July 3, 2003. We have not verified that the testing procedure was as prescribed by the Commission. See 47 C.F.R. § 76.609. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(2). This one of two audio factors in our signal quality standards that may afffect video signal quality. The other is the power level of the audio carrier relative to the visual carrier. See Cable Technical and Operational Requirements, 7 FCC Rcd 2021, 2025 (1992). Petition at 2. Id. at 9. Pace maintains that, subjectively, the vast
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-261A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-261A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-261A1.txt
- Micro Technology PLC Petition for Special and Interim Relief, DA 03-3184 (Oct. 10, 2003). These set-top boxes contain integrated security and are not ``Plug and Play'' boxes. Letter dated July 3, 2003. Given the voluntary disclosure of the violation, we have not verified the test results or that the testing procedure complied with the Commission's rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 76.609. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(2). This is one of two audio factors in our signal quality standards that may affect video signal quality. The other is the power level of the audio carrier relative to the visual carrier. See Cable Technical and Operational Requirements, 7 FCC Rcd 2021, 2025 (1992) (``Technical Requirements Order''). Petition at 9. Supplement of Pace Micro Technology
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2190A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2190A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2190A1.txt
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On June 25, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Comfort Inn, in Ouray, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2191A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2191A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2191A1.txt
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On June 24, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed Holiday Inn, in Durango, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2192A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2192A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2192A1.txt
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On June 25, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Timber Ridge Lodge, in Ouray, Colorado, utilized a MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2193A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2193A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2193A1.txt
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On June 25, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Ridgway, in Ridgway, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical services.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2194A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2194A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2194A1.txt
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On June 21, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Best Western Rambler, in Walsenburg, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2195A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2195A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2195A1.txt
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On August 6, 2010, and September 10, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Platte Valley Inn, in Julesburg, Colorado, utilized a MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-892A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-892A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-892A1.txt
- the signal quality of cable channels in 1992. See Cable Television Technical and Operational Requirements, Report and Order, 7 FCC Rcd 2021 (1992), aff'd in part and modified in part, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 7 FCC Rcd 8676 (1992). See 47 C.F.R. § 76.605. See 47 C.F.R. § 76.601 (testing requirement); 47 C.F.R. § 76.605 (technical standards); 47 C.F.R. § 76.609 (methods and requirements for performing the tests); 47 C.F.R. § 76.1704-1705 (recordkeeping requirements). See 47 C.F.R. § 76.601(b). See 47 C.F.R. § 76.1704(a). See 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(b). See RCN Corporation, Petition for Special Relief, File No. CSR-8166 (April 27, 2009) (``Petition for Special Relief''). See id. at 2. See id. at 1. See id. See Special Relief and Show
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1786A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1786A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1786A1.txt
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' An investigation by the Portland Office revealed that Fireside Motel, in Yachats, Oregon, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical services. Specifically, the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1787A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1787A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1787A1.txt
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' An investigation by the Portland Office revealed that the Dublin House Motel, in Yachats, Oregon, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical services.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-47A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-47A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-47A1.txt
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On October 29, 2010, an investigation by the Portland Office revealed that Premier RV Resorts, in Lincoln City, Oregon, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-550A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-550A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-550A1.txt
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On February 15, 2011, an investigation by the Atlanta Office revealed that Custom Cable, in Decatur, Alabama, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-704A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-704A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-704A1.txt
- not notified the Commission as required. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of inspection, FCC agents from the Philadelphia Office conducted field strength measurements on the frequency 133.2625 MHz in front of the Smith Hall dormitory building and measured an emission of 518.4 microvolts per
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-240991A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-240991A1.pdf
- Adelphia Cable Communications, operator of the cable system serving Hamburg/Buffalo, New York. On October 23, 2003, an agent of the Commission's Buffalo Office inspected the cable system in Hamburg/Buffalo, New York and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605 (a)(12): ``.... signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:....Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz, .... 20 uv/m.'' The agent detected and measured signal leakage in excess of 20 microvolts per meter allowed by the rules at the following locations in Hamburg/Buffalo, New York with the indicated field strength in microvolts per meter. 1. Comfort Inn, Commerce Place, Hamburg, NY 180 uv/m
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-240995A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-240995A1.pdf
- with the Enforcement Bureau's Philadelphia Office conducted signal leakage measurements of the Comcast cable system in Long Beach Island, New Jersey. During the inspection, the Philadelphia Office found that Comcast Cable was in violation of the following: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605 (a)(12): ``...signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:'' on frequencies over 54 up to and including 216 MHz the signal leakage limit is 20 micro-volts/meter at a distance of 3 meters. On the frequencies of 133.28 MHz and 115.25 MHz, at a distance of 3 meters from the cable system components and 3 meters above ground, the following cable system leaks were
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-242198A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-242198A1.pdf
- Rules, to Adelphia Cable Communications, operator of the cable system serving Harborcreek, Pennsylvania. On October 23, 2003, an agent of the Commission's Buffalo Office inspected the cable system in Harborcreek, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605 (a)(12): ``.... signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:....Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz, .... 20 uV/m.'' The agent detected and measured signal leakage in excess of 20 microvolts per meter allowed by the rules at the following locations in Harborcreek, Pennsylvania with the indicated field strength in microvolts per meter. 1. 4751 US Route 20, Harborcreek, PA 120 uV/m 2.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-242199A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-242199A1.pdf
- Time Warner Communications, operator of the cable system serving Rochester, New York. On November 20, 2003 an agent of the Commission's Buffalo Office inspected the cable system in Rochester, New York and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605 (a)(12): ``.... signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:....Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz, .... 20 uV/m.'' The agent detected and measured signal leakage in excess of 20 microvolts per meter allowed by the rules at the following locations in Rochester, New York with the indicated field strength in microvolts per meter. 1. Rustic Village Apartments, pole behind building 310 uV/m
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244163A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244163A1.pdf
- television system in Bogalusa, Louisiana, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz as follows: 141 µV/m Alleyway behind 509 Caswell Street 282 µV/m 1208 Davis Street 229 µV/m Corner East 4th Second
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244174A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244174A1.pdf
- system in Ponte Vedra, Florida and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605 (a)(12): As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz as follows: 1. Pole at 2637, A1A, S. Ponte Vedra Blvd. 232 µV/m 2. Pole at 2907, A1A, S. Ponte
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244175A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244175A1.pdf
- system in Daytona Beach, Florida and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605 (a)(12): As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz as follows: 1. Sun & Surf Motel, 726 N. Atlantic Avenue 728 µV/m 2. Turtle Inn, 3233 S. Atlantic Avenue
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-245216A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-245216A1.pdf
- Jersey and Camden, New Jersey and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605 (a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. On March 3, 2004, the FCC agent observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz: Pole at 2015 Pierce Avenue, Pennsauken, New Jersey 237.7 µV/m Pole at 108 North 23rd Street, Pennsauken,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248173A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248173A1.pdf
- system in New Roads, Louisiana, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection, signal leakage was observed on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz as follows: 112 µV/m Corner 5th Street and Poydras 218 µV/m 1309 Richey Street 98 µV/m 813 Lindsly Street 141
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248180A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248180A1.pdf
- Denver Office inspected Precis' cable television system in Kanab, Utah, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." On April 20, 2004, the agents observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: 1. Front of 159 East 100 South 101 µV/m 2. Pole near 165 East 400 South 97 µV/m 3.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248181A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248181A1.pdf
- inspected CUTV's cable television system serving Annabella and Jensen, Utah, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." On April 22, 2004, the agents observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: 1. Pedestal in front of 985 N. Main Street (Jensen) 1070 µV/m 2. Front of 210 South 100 East
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248185A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248185A1.pdf
- television system in Astoria, Oregon and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605 (a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters.'' On April 8, 2004, the FCC agent observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: Near 1350 Exchange Street, Astoria, OR 108 µV/m Pole 088010 near Irving Avenue and 20th Street, Astoria,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-252525A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-252525A1.pdf
- revealed violations of the commission's Rules in the following manner: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. The report received identified seventeen leaks observed on May 10, 2004 grossly exceeding the 20 microvolt per meter limit. The report further indicates the leaks were not repaired until sometime after the signing of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-253851A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-253851A1.pdf
- television system in Brenham, Texas, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz as follows: 67 µV/m Gossler Street, near rear of Trinity Medical Center building 106 µV/m 1001 S. Jackson Street 134
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-253857A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-253857A1.pdf
- television system in Imperial, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection, signal leakage was observed in Imperial, Texas on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz as follows: 785 uV/m In center of block bounded by Imperial, Grand, Washingon and FR 1053 853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-254044A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-254044A1.pdf
- system in Benton Harbor, Michigan, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: µv/m) Location 175 Pole behind 931 Jennings in alley 98 Pole behind 879 Ogden Avenue 100 Pole behind 791 Ogden Avenue 236 Pole next to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-254045A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-254045A1.pdf
- TV system in Charlotte, Michigan, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: µv/m) Location 63 Pole in front of 420 Horatio 55 Pole in front of 234 Cochran Avenue 247 Behind family residence at Apt. 216C, Butternut
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-254550A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-254550A1.pdf
- cable television system serving Laurel, Columbus and Big Timber, Montana, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On May 16 and 19, 2004, the agent observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: 1. Pole I-43 (Columbus) 140 µV/m 2. Pole I-47 (Columbus) 110 µV/m 3. Pole A1-6 (Columbus) 145
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-255964A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-255964A1.pdf
- system in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: µv/m) Location 136 Pole on right side of 2139 Elizabeth Street 145 Right side of 213 Betty Lane 45 In front of 410 East Grand
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256486A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256486A1.pdf
- television system in Palacios, Texas, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz as follows: 71 µV/m Off East Bayshore Drive, first street to the right after crossing canal. 67 µV/m 1611 East
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256904A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256904A1.pdf
- (adjacent to South Lyon, Michigan), and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: µv/m) Location 91 Right side of 60046 11 Mile Road, South Lyon, Michigan 812 Pole behind 60844 11 Mile Road, South Lyon, Michigan Pursuant to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257951A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257951A1.pdf
- system in Port Clinton, Ohio, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: µv/m) Location 201.36 Pole in parking lot across from 140 Maple 94.186 Pole north of E Perry and Maple 37.92 Pole north side of E
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259068A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259068A1.pdf
- at Larimer County, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." On February 10, 2005, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Pole between houses numbered 2636 and 2626 Terry Lane Road 1514.8 µV/m Pursuant to Section 308(b) of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259069A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259069A1.pdf
- located at Arvada, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: Pole near 5380 Easley Rd. and 53rd Street 91.6 µV/m b. 47 C.F.R. § 76.612: "All cable
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259159A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259159A1.pdf
- located at Sedalia, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." On May 19, 2005, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: explain the violation, must contain a statement of the specific action(s) taken to correct the violation and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259807A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259807A1.pdf
- located at Frederick, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: In front of 543 Hawthorn Circle 323 µV/m Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259808A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259808A1.pdf
- located at Aguilar, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: Pole along Linden Street near Elm St. and Las Animas Ave. 267 µV/m Pursuant to Section 308(b)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260035A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260035A1.pdf
- located at Sandpoint, Idaho and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: d, and Section 1.89 of the Commission's Rules, Northland must submit a written statement concerning
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260036A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260036A1.pdf
- located at Newport, Washington and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following location: lain each violation, must contain a statement of the specific action(s) taken to correct each
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260119A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260119A1.pdf
- located at Moorcroft, Wyoming, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley back of 221 S. Yellowstone Avenue. 139 µV/m 2) Next to 407
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260120A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260120A1.pdf
- located at Upton, Wyoming, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Near intersection of East Street and Division Street. 54 µV/m 2) Next to 1304
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260408A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260408A1.pdf
- the Rules applies to all non-cable MVPDs. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules, provides that ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited to 20 microvolts at three meters for frequencies over 54 up to and including 216 MHz.'' An emission exceeding the field strength allowed by the Rules for the frequency of 121.2625 MHz was detected and measured at 201 microvolts, at three meters from the MVPD equipment room located at the Motel 6. 4. Subsequent violations
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260412A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260412A1.pdf
- located in Riverton, Wyoming, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley behind 1103 Westview Drive 61 µV/m 2) Inside the Super 8 Motel,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260413A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260413A1.pdf
- located in Monticello, Utah, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In back of San Juan County Public Safety Building, near the intersection of 1st
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260414A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260414A1.pdf
- located in Blanding, Utah, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In back of 718 300 West, near intersection of 700 North and 300 West
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260462A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260462A1.pdf
- located in Rangely, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley back of 304 S. Grand 89 µV/m 2) Pole near the intersection
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260544A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260544A1.pdf
- in Cut Bank, Montana and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On July 11, 2005, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following location: y explain each violation, must contain a statement of the specific action(s) taken to correct each violation
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260545A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260545A1.pdf
- located in Conrad, Montana and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On July 11, 2005, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: Pole behind 13 N. Virginia Street 165 µV/m Pole 13 at the end of S. Virginia Street.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260546A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260546A1.pdf
- located in Shelby, Montana and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On July 11, 2005, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: 916 Teton Ave. 60 µV/m Behind 875 Oilfield Ave. 120 µV/m Pole north of 415 Jimmy Ave.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260547A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260547A1.pdf
- located at Havre, Montana and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On July 11, 2005, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following location: Pole 703 Z1 at 1321 7th Ave. 162 µV/m Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications Act
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260735A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260735A1.pdf
- system located in Wrens, Georgia, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: ent concerning this matter within 20 days of release of this Notice. The response must
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260864A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260864A1.pdf
- at Newell, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to 317 8th Street. 54 µV/m 2) In alley next to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261722A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261722A1.pdf
- at Winner, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Alley in back of 509 Jefferson Street. 68 µV/m Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261723A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261723A1.pdf
- at Colome, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to 109 W. Sixth Street 68 µV/m 2) In alley back
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261724A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261724A1.pdf
- at Sturgis, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: On pole across the street from 2214 Junction Avenue 944 µV/m Pursuant to Section 308(b)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261725A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261725A1.pdf
- Belle Fourche, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: In front of yard next to 1020 Elkhorn Street 73 µV/m Pursuant to Section 308(b)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262095A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262095A1.pdf
- TV system in Leland, Michigan, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: µv/m) Location 244 Pole in front of 411 South Lake Leelanau Drive, Lake Leelanau, MI 91 Overhead cable on Union between Grand Avenue and 4th
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262096A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262096A1.pdf
- system in Torch Lake, Michigan, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: µv/m) Location 307 Second Pole in from US Route 31 on Leech Lane. Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262560A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262560A1.pdf
- at Burke, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) On pole by parking lot at 701 West 7th Street 92 µV/m Pursuant to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262561A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262561A1.pdf
- at Gregory, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 811 Rice Street 72 µV/m 2) Alley in back of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262665A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262665A1.pdf
- at Bonesteel, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley back of 405 Garrison Street 51 µV/m Pursuant to Section 308(b) of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263108A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263108A1.pdf
- television system located in Cleveland, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: 1) 406 S. College Avenue 736 µV/m 2) Cumming Ave. at Southline Street 131 µV/m 3) 106 Fostoria Street
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265635A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265635A1.pdf
- system located in La Grange, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: 1) 1049 Lower Line Street 69 µV/m 2) S. Reynolds between E. Morse and E. 102 µV/m Salm Streets
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265636A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265636A1.pdf
- at Limon, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to 1585 8th Street 102 µV/m 2) In alley behind 693
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265637A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265637A1.pdf
- at Hugo, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley next to 520 Sixth Avenue 82 µV/m Pursuant to Section 308(b) of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265638A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265638A1.pdf
- at Ordway, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley back of 608 Idaho 157 µV/m Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265639A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265639A1.pdf
- at Lamar, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to Tenth and Hickory Streets 70 µV/m 2) In alley behind
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265640A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265640A1.pdf
- at Walsh, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Near intersection of Spruce and Kansas Streets 340 µV/m 2) Near 437 Maplewood Street
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265677A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265677A1.pdf
- at Granada, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Near 500 W. Broderick Avenue and S. Inge Street 452 µV/m 2) In alley
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265678A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265678A1.pdf
- at Springfield, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley behind Pop's Liquors near 12th Avenue and Main Street 112 µV/m 2)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266084A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266084A1.pdf
- television system located in Bowie, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection, signal leakage was observed on the frequency 127.2625 MHz as follows: Signal Level (µV/m) Location 204 In front of 607 Lasalle Street, Bowie, Texas Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266085A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266085A1.pdf
- located in Cache and Indiahoma, Oklahoma, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: Signal Level (µV/m) Location 289 Where cable crosses East G Ave, between Buffalo & Elk, Cache, Oklahoma 1380 Behind
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266086A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266086A1.pdf
- at Edgemont, South Dakota, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) On pole in back of 601 H Street 1116 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266087A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266087A1.pdf
- at Spearfish, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) On pole near west parking lot of Great Western Goodyear store at 638 E.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266231A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266231A1.pdf
- located at Turlock, California, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Central Ave. and Service Road, Ceres, CA 81 µV/m 2) Driveway between 4619 and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266329A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266329A1.pdf
- system located in El Campo, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2600 MHz as follows: 1) 1310 Donna Drive 330 µV/m 2) 705 N. Merchant Street 115 µV/m 3) Alleyway at 209 E. Norris
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266444A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266444A1.pdf
- Nevada and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. 440 Valley View - Pole t166 87 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266563A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266563A1.pdf
- forth in Sections 76.605(a)(12) and 76.1804. 3. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[as] an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited to 20 microvolts at three meters for frequencies over 54 up to and including 216 MHz.'' An agent conducted field strength measurements at three meters from the MVPD equipment room located at the Econo Lodge on the frequency 133.2625 MHz and measured an emission of 310 microvolts, which exceeds the field strength allowed on that
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266564A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266564A1.pdf
- forth in Sections 76.605(a)(12) and 76.1804. 3. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[as] an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited to 20 microvolts at three meters for frequencies over 54 up to and including 216 MHz.'' An agent conducted field strength measurements at three meters from the MVPD equipment room located at the Orchard Park Inn on the frequency 133.2625 MHz and measured an emission of 560 microvolts, which exceeds the field strength allowed on
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266678A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266678A1.pdf
- television system located in Springtown, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection, signal leakage was observed on the frequency 127.2625 MHz as follows: Signal Level (µV/m) Location 196 In front of 409 Avenue A, Springtown, Texas Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266679A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266679A1.pdf
- City, Hobart, Mangum, and Sayre, Oklahoma, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: Signal Level (µV/m) Location 298 In alley behind 705 West D Ave., Elk City, Oklahoma 136 In alley behind
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267104A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267104A1.pdf
- system located in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection, signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: 1) Hampton Inn, 3103 E. Market Street 1009 µV/m Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of 1934,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267105A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267105A1.pdf
- at Fort Morgan, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley by 716 East 9th Avenue 133 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267219A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267219A1.pdf
- television system located in Madisonville, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: 1) 517 N. Woodrow Street 206 µV/m 2) 101 McIver Street 145 µV/m 3) 508 N. Shipp Street 84
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267713A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267713A1.pdf
- in Raton, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Pole in back of 123 S. 5th Street 135 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267714A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267714A1.pdf
- at Pine Bluffs, Wyoming, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Pole in back of 407 Chestnut Avenue 64 µV/m 2) Alley in back of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267715A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267715A1.pdf
- assignment, or KROE, 930 kHz, its secondary EAS assignment. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley behind 1427 Big Horn Ave. 161 µV/m 2) Alley behind Park Dr. between
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268232A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268232A1.pdf
- located at Monument, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley behind 535 Jefferson Street 161 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268428A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268428A1.pdf
- television system located in Odessa, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection, signal leakage was observed on the frequency 121.2625 MHz as follows: Signal Level (µV/m) Location 375 In alley behind 1704 Doran Drive, Odessa, Texas Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269815A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269815A1.pdf
- located in Vancouver, Washington and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Cable drop near 520 NE 104th Avenue
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269891A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269891A1.pdf
- entries made of transmitted or received required monthly tests. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Grandma's Mountain Home, 650 Hwy 73, Evergreen, CO 287 µV/m 47 C.F.R. § 76.612(a)(1): "All
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270272A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270272A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, Denver agents conducted field strength measurements near Room 121 of the Accor motel property, Motel 6, on the frequency 121.2625 MHz and measured an emission of 180 microvolts, which exceeds
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270273A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270273A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, Portland agents conducted field strength measurements at approximately three meters from the southwest entrance at the Extended Stay America on the frequency 121.2625 MHz and measured an emission of 320
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270452A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270452A1.pdf
- located at Holyoke, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) 744 S. Worley Avenue 69 µV/m 47 C.F.R. § 76.612(a)(1): "All cable television systems which
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270453A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270453A1.pdf
- located at Julesburg, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley back of 403 E. 3rd Street 55 µV/m 2) In alley back of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270454A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270454A1.pdf
- located at Fruita, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) 164 S. Maple Street 457 µV/m 2) H Motel near room # 18 (333 W.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270634A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270634A1.pdf
- Portales, New Mexico, and observed the following violations: . 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) On pole near 1524 W. Ivy Street 941 µV/m 2) On pole near 1115
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270635A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270635A1.pdf
- test (RMT) being received or sent for December 2006. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Pole to South of 321 27 ½ Road 60 µV/m 2) Crystal Brook Townhomes, Building
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271069A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271069A1.pdf
- Lone Pine, California, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 341 E. Mt. View St. 148.5 µV/m Pole behind the post office close to 120
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272130A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272130A1.pdf
- located in Astoria, Oregon and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Northeast corner of Commercial St. and 6th
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272499A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272499A1.pdf
- television system located in Needles, California, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in §76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 127.2625 MHz as follows: 1) Measured 100 µV/m, near power pole, front of 112 Market Street, Needles, CA 47 C.F.R. § 11.52(d): ``Broadcast
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275710A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275710A1.pdf
- located at Wrightwood, California, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) 1790 Sparrow Road 160 µV/m 2) Between 1662 & 1670 Thrush Road 51 µV/m
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276505A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276505A1.pdf
- EAS waiver for equipment installation expired in March 2006. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to 117 1st Street, Marbleton, WY 55 µV/m 2) In alley by
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276506A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276506A1.pdf
- EAS waiver for equipment installation expired in March 2006. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in Back of Half Moon Lodge Hotel near N. Sublette Avenue and E. Pine
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280424A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280424A1.pdf
- located at Kemmerer, Wyoming, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 1114 Sage Avenue 100 µV/m 2) In back of 1426 Seventh
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280425A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280425A1.pdf
- located at Diamondville, Wyoming, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley next to 100 Diamondville Avenue 71 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281359A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281359A1.pdf
- located in Matamoras, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage at the following locations in Matamoras, Pennsylvania: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength (µV/m) Location 2/29/08 133.2625 51.2 412 5th Street 2/29/08 133.2625 351.3 907 Avenue R
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281522A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281522A1.pdf
- located at Hugo, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of motel next to Jean's Family Restaurant on US Highway 40/287 between
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281523A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281523A1.pdf
- located at Limon, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to 1081 8th Street 342 µV/m 2) In alley in back of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281524A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281524A1.pdf
- located at Strasburg, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Beside driveway entrance to Prairie Creeks Living Center, located at 56175 Sunset Avenue 153
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281525A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281525A1.pdf
- located at Kaneohe, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 46-316 Kupale St, Kaneohe - 91 uV/M 46-263 Heeia St, Kaneohe - 168 uV/M (Note: signal
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282147A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282147A1.pdf
- located at Moanalua, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1583 Ala Lani St. - 76 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282257A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282257A1.pdf
- located at Kailua, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Nowela Place, Kailua - 99 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act of 1934,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282963A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282963A1.pdf
- located at Mililani, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 95-118 Kipapa Dr. #411, Mililani - 220 uV/M Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283659A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283659A1.pdf
- at Raton, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Power pole near 1267 Young Street 218 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283660A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283660A1.pdf
- at Springer, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Power pole near 12th Street Intersection and Road C33 602 µV/m Pursuant to Section
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283661A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283661A1.pdf
- located at Trinidad, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 106 Third Street 237 µV/m 2) Alley in back of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283662A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283662A1.pdf
- located at Kaneohe, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 47-437 Hui Io St, Kaneohe (Ahuimanu) - 76 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290207A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290207A1.pdf
- located at Hauula, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 54-053 Waikulama St, Hauula - 91µV/m Greater Mt. Zion Holiness Church, Kam Hwy, Hauula - 199
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290946A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290946A1.pdf
- located at Kailua, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Pole 191163 between 1457 & 1463 Lekeona St, Kailua - 72.7 (V/m Pursuant to Section 403
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291386A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291386A1.pdf
- located in Honolulu, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 2100 Laukahi St, Honolulu (Waialae Iki) - 91 uV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293625A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293625A1.pdf
- Aberdeen and Hoquiam, Washington, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley back of 2711 Sumner Avenue, Hoquiam, WA 51 µV/m Pursuant to Section
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294215A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294215A1.pdf
- located in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following locations: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength (µV/m) Location 9/18/09 121.2625 116.1 350 Quail Hollow Lane, Bellefonte, PA 9/18/09 121.2625 121.6 115 Buffalo
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294714A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294714A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, Detroit agents conducted field strength measurements at approximately three meters from the southwest corner of the hotel at the Holiday Inn on the frequency 121.2625 MHz and measured an emission
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294715A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294715A1.pdf
- the allowable limits on MPVD system signal leakage. Specifically, Section 76.605(a)(12) provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, San Diego agents conducted field strength measurements more than three meters from the Clarion Inn property on the frequency 133.2625 MHz and measured an emission of 645 microvolts, which exceeds
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294809A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294809A1.pdf
- at Las Animas, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley next to 1140 4th Street 82 µV/m 2) Alley off 2nd Street between
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294810A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294810A1.pdf
- at Cheyenne Wells, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley on South 1st Street West between West 6th Street South and West
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294811A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294811A1.pdf
- located at Eads, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 1008 Maine Street 55 µV/m 2) Alley in back of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294812A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294812A1.pdf
- at Kit Carson, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley across from 405 Park 135 µV/m 47 C.F.R. § 76.612(a)(1): "All cable
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294813A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294813A1.pdf
- located at Limon, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 1085 Main Street 57 µV/m 2) Area next to 790
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295388A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295388A1.pdf
- located in Mill Valley, California, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agents measured signal nications Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 1.89 of the Commission's Rules, Comcast must submit a written statement concerning this matter within 20 days of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295591A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295591A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of inspection, an FCC agent conducted field strength measurements on the frequency 121.2625 MHz between Sections E and F in the rear of the Quality Inn and measured an emission of 2,041 microvolts
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295592A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295592A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the Denver agent conducted field strength measurements near the Luxury Inn motel property but over three meters from the source, on the frequency 121.2625 MHz and measured an emission of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295593A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295593A1.pdf
- located in Scranton, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following location: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength (µV/m) Location 12/17/09 121.2625 188 812 Mulberry Plaza Scranton, PA Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295595A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295595A1.pdf
- Chalfont Drive, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following location: Date Frequency (MHz) Field Intensity (µV/m) Location 12/03/2009 120.075 82.6 3527 Chalfont Drive, Philadelphia, PA Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295608A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295608A1.pdf
- at Springer, New Mexico, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley back of 208 Garfield Avenue 180 µV/m 47 C.F.R. § 76.612(a)(1): "All
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295610A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295610A1.pdf
- Las Vegas, New Mexico, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Near Trailer Space # 6, by corner of Mills Avenue and Dahlia Street 457
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295620A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295620A1.pdf
- at Socorro, New Mexico, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Power pole in front of 509 Bullock Blvd., near Bee Ct. 108 µV/m 2)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295624A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295624A1.pdf
- at Belen, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Power pole near 111A Jaramillo Road. 55 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295823A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295823A1.pdf
- from Comcast's cable system and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Less than and including 54 MHz, and over 216 MHz - 15 micro-volts per meter, measured at 30 meters." At the time of the investigation, the agent observed signal leakage at the following location: Date Frequency (MHz) Field Intensity (µV/m) Location 01/05/2010 469.25 33.0 Intersection of Montgomery Avenue & Paper Mill Road, Glenside, PA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295825A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295825A1.pdf
- at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Near 4401 San Andres Avenue, NE 91 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295826A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295826A1.pdf
- at Valencia, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Power pole by 3372 El Camino Real (Highway 47) 256 µV/m Pursuant to Section
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295828A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295828A1.pdf
- at Peralta, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Power pole near 03B Peralta Drive by El Camino Real (Highway 47) 76 µV/m
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295829A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295829A1.pdf
- Los Lunas, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Power pole near 546 Los Lentes Road SE 83 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295832A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295832A1.pdf
- located at Kaaawa, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Pole #2, intersection of Kaumaulu'uka and Olohu, Kaaawa - 53uV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296095A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296095A1.pdf
- in Bronx, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Less than and including 54 MHz, and over 216 MHz - 15 micro-volts per meter, measured at 30 meters." At the time of the investigation, the agent observed signal leakage at the following location: Date Frequency (MHz) Field Intensity (µV/m) Location 01/25/2010 127.26 154 630 E220 Street near Carpenter Avenue, Bronx, New York Pursuant
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296219A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296219A1.pdf
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that ``[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of inspection, an FCC agent conducted field strength measurements on the frequency 133.2625 MHz in the rear of the Holiday Inn and measured an emission of 100 microvolts per meter, which exceeds the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296221A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296221A1.pdf
- located in Monroeville, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following locations: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength (µV/m) Location 1/19/10 127.2625 501.2 2712 Mosside Blvd, Monroeville, PA 1/19/10 127.2625 89.1 2332 Monroeville Rd,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296222A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296222A1.pdf
- located in Hazleton, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following location: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength (µV/m) Location 01/28/2010 121.2625 330 19 Rt. 93 Hazleton, PA Coordinates 405853W/0760111N Pursuant to Section 403
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296223A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296223A1.pdf
- located in Kingston, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following location: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength (µV/m) Location 01/28/2010 121.2625 900 615 Wyoming Ave., Kingston, PA Kingston Commons Dorrance Street side Pursuant
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296224A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296224A1.pdf
- located in Bedford, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following locations: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength (µV/m) Location 1/20/10 127.2625 239.9 520 Pitts Street, Bedford, PA 40o 01' 18'' N 078o 30'
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296386A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296386A1.pdf
- located in Altoona, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage at the following locations: Date Frequency (MHz) Field Intensity (µV/m) Location 01/26/2010 121.2625 121.23 1st Street between 5th & 6th Avenue, Altoona, PA 01/26/2010 121.2625 288.34
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298072A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298072A1.pdf
- located at Carbondale, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Corner of Village Road and Wheel Drive 91 µV/m 47 C.F.R. § 76.612(a)(1): ``All cable
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298073A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298073A1.pdf
- located at Palolo, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Pole #88, in front of Palolo Elementary School - peaks of 320 µV/m Pursuant to Section
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298347A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298347A1.pdf
- and Laguna Beach, California, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: 30100 Crown Valley Parkway, Unit Q, Laguna Niguel, CA, at the rear of the building
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299100A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299100A1.pdf
- Wildwoods of New Jersey and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage at the following locations: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength (µV/m) Location 04/12/10 121.2625 179.89 Spruce Ave and Virginia Ave North Wildwood, NJ 04/12/10 121.2625 100.00
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299116A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299116A1.pdf
- at Rock Springs, Wyoming, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In front of 910 Ridge Avenue 136 µV/m 47 C.F.R. § 76.612(a)(1): "All cable
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299877A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299877A1.pdf
- located at Yuma, Arizona and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Cable box # 3052 in front of 314 µV/m 3076 W. 18th Street Pursuant
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299924A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299924A1.pdf
- located at Dolores, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) House next to 400 Riverside Avenue 82 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299925A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299925A1.pdf
- at Pagosa Springs, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 434 Lewis Street 117 µV/m 2) Near Faculty parking lot
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300284A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300284A1.pdf
- located at Mancos, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Near restaurant at corner of Main St. and Highway 160 55 µV/m Pursuant to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300285A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300285A1.pdf
- located at Silverton, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.275 MHz at the following location: 1) Near Front Entrance of Grand Imperial Hotel 180 µV/m 47 C.F.R. § 76.612(a)(1): "All
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300287A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300287A1.pdf
- system in Calipatria, California, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." Agents measured signal leakage in excess of 20 µV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz on the following date and location: 1) 125 E. Date Street, Calipatria, California 280 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300849A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300849A1.pdf
- system in Lebanon, New Jersey, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. '' At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 µV/m on 127.2625 MHz at the following location: Date Frequency (MHz) Field Intensity (µV/m) Location 07/22/2010 127.26 127 Pole #470 across
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300857A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300857A1.pdf
- Klamath Falls, Oregon, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605 (a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Cable drop near address 1778 Etna Street 113
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300858A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300858A1.pdf
- system in Phoenix, Arizona and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz on July 14, 2010, at the following locations: 1) In the alley between 4426 & 4430 N 50th Ave
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300925A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300925A1.pdf
- located at KMCAS, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1930 Campion Drive, sidewalk utility box - 91 uV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301190A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301190A1.pdf
- located at Julesburg, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Parking Lot in back of Flying J Truck Stop 664 µV/m 2) Alley in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301435A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301435A1.pdf
- located at Wray, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley in back of 503 Blake Street 58 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301436A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301436A1.pdf
- at Iroquois, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley in back of Country Butcher near the intersection of N. Ottawa and and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301437A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301437A1.pdf
- located at Holyoke, Colorado, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 720 S. Coleman Avenue 87 µV/m 2) Alley next to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301438A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301438A1.pdf
- at Huron, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley in back of 804 Frank Avenue SE 91 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301439A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301439A1.pdf
- at Armour, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In Back of Golden Living Center at the intersection of US Highway 281 and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301552A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301552A1.pdf
- located at Moanalua, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 3442 Taylor Street - 64 uV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act of 1934,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302532A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302532A1.pdf
- at Jamestown, North Dakota, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 1014 6th Avenue SE 126 µV/m 2) Alley in back
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302533A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302533A1.pdf
- at Stickney, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Near intersection of N. 4th Avenue & N. 2nd Street 637 µV/m Pursuant to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302537A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302537A1.pdf
- at Mammoth Lake, California, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: #16 Sierra Manor Apt. (back wall) 221 µV/m #20 Villa de los Pinos Apts., Chateaus
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302538A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302538A1.pdf
- located in Red Bluff, California, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agents measured signal n's Rules, Falcon must submit a written statement concerning this matter within 20 days of release of this Notice. The response must fully explain each violation,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303515A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303515A1.pdf
- system in Bridgeport, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter, on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz, at the following locations: 328 Hwy 182 (Canyon Rd.), Pole #:2889 1114
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303697A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303697A1.pdf
- system in Bishop, California, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Super 8, Main St. Bishop 150 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303698A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303698A1.pdf
- located in Independence, California, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 351 Market St. Independence, Pole #: CTC81517 63 µV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306453A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306453A1.pdf
- at Salt Lake, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1017 Puolo Drive - 101 uV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act of 1934,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307833A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307833A1.pdf
- located at Lamar, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Golden Arrow Motel, near Room 118, by Olive & Mullen Streets 73 µV/m 2)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-308800A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-308800A1.pdf
- at Tabor, South Dakota, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.25033 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley next to 117 W. Yankton Street 302 µV/m 47 C.F.R. § 76.612(a)(1): ``All
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-308941A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-308941A1.pdf
- located at Hauula, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Pole next to 54-187 Kawaeku - 126 uV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309446A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309446A1.pdf
- located at Greybull, Wyoming, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley in back of Budget Host Inn, near 13th Avenue North and N. 7th
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309447A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309447A1.pdf
- located at Mills, Wyoming, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley in back of Bayou Bar, 301 Platte Avenue 180 µV/m Pursuant to Section
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309448A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309448A1.pdf
- located at Kailua, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Drop and overhead lines near 1316 Akalani Loop: 55 uV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309450A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309450A1.pdf
- located in Enterprise, Oregon, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Corner of West Greenwood Street and South Depot
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309451A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309451A1.pdf
- in Yachats, Oregon, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605 (a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Fireside Motel's Village Gift Gallery, 1881 Hwy 101,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309452A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309452A1.pdf
- located in Waldport, Oregon, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency 121.2500 MHz at the following locations: 1) Underground drop box near the entrance of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309786A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309786A1.pdf
- for the three month period prior to the inspection. 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley/Street near 15 4th Avenue SW 82 µV/m As the nation's emergency warning system,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309793A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309793A1.pdf
- at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: In front of Hilton hotel, 1901 University Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102 - 65 uV/m. On
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309801A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-309801A1.pdf
- located in Cleveland, Texas, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Pole just south of 302 Charles Avenue 479 µV/m 2) Pole at southwest corner
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310094A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310094A1.pdf
- in Bay City, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) 2204 Smith Street 176 µV/m 2) 3rd Street, between Avenues C and D 105
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310096A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310096A1.pdf
- in Lebanon, Virginia, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a) (12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed the indicated signal leakage, on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz, at the following locations: 1) Highland Drive, between Lebanon Community Fellowship and Community Medical Care ------------------------------ 130
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310617A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310617A1.pdf
- in Franklin, Virginia, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a) (12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed the indicated signal leakage, on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz, at the following locations: 1) Pole between 429 and 425 Bracy St. ----------------------- 30 µV/m 2) Pole
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310618A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310618A1.pdf
- located at Honolulu, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1434 Laamia Street: 81.6 uV/m 972 Waiholo Street (near fire hydrant): 199 uV/m 3. Pursuant to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310865A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310865A1.pdf
- in Roswell, Georgia, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a) (12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, agents observed the indicated signal leakage, on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz, at the following location: 1) 185 Glenclairn Ct. ----------------------- 366 µV/m Pursuant to section 308(b) of the Communications
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310976A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310976A1.pdf
- in Government Camp, Oregon, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) A utility pole near the Falcon Crest Lodge
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311453A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311453A1.pdf
- in Corpus Christi, Texas, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Pole on street near 3200 Surfside Blvd between The Radisson Hotel and Blackbeard's Restaurant
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311454A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311454A1.pdf
- located at Laie, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 55-145 Poohaili Street: 72.7 uV/m 55-126 Puuahi Street: 97.7 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311567A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311567A1.pdf
- located in Angleton, Texas, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Pole behind parking lot of 215 East Lorraine St. 312 µV/m 2) Pole near
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-312301A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-312301A1.pdf
- located in Livingston, Texas and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 115 Branch Drive (pole across the street) 909 uV/m Corner of Walnut and Orr Streets
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-312658A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-312658A1.pdf
- located at Kalihi, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Intersection of Kalihi Street and Lehua Street: 90.6 uV/M 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-313204A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-313204A1.pdf
- located at Palolo, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 2530 Jasmine Street: 45.7 uV/M 2066 10th Avenue: 72.7 uV/M 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-313463A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-313463A1.pdf
- located at Milliken, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 420 Forest Street: 65.2 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act of 1934,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-313464A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-313464A1.pdf
- located at Mead, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 16362 11th Street: 103.8 uV/m 2651 Jarett Drive: 48.8 uV/m 16732 3rd Street: 65.2 uV/m 3.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-313466A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-313466A1.pdf
- located in Mecca, California, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: In front of Thunderbird Apartments, adjacent to pole# 1207613 D, 91770 66th Ave. Mecca, California -
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-313999A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-313999A1.pdf
- Fort Pierce, Florida, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a) (12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, agents observed the indicated signal leakage, on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz, at the following locations: 4203 Matanzas Avenue ----------------------- 397.64 µV/m Pole at 4804 Juanita Avenue------------------ 28.40 µV/m Pursuant
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-314011A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-314011A1.pdf
- in La Grange, Texas and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 610 Roitsch Street 397 uV/m Corner of Pecan and Jackson Streets 135 uV/m 247 S.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-314423A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-314423A1.pdf
- located at Kaimuki, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Kaimuki St. construction site near 16th Ave - 91 uV/m Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-263782A1.html
- installed so that the transmitting functions were available during system operation. 2.b. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency121.2625 MHz as follows: 1) 82 ?V/m@3m near SR-1100 in front of gray trailer under line splice 2) 104 ?V/m@3m near SR-1100 at pole
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-267219A1.html
- system located in Madisonville, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters." At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: 1) 517 N. Woodrow Street 206 uV/m 2) 101 McIver Street 145 uV/m 3) 508 N. Shipp Street 84
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-267715A1.html
- or KROE, 930 kHz, its secondary EAS assignment. b. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley behind 1427 Big Horn Ave. 161 uV/m 2) Alley behind Park Dr. between
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-269891A1.html
- made of transmitted or received required monthly tests. b. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Grandma's Mountain Home, 650 Hwy 73, Evergreen, CO 287 uV/m c. 47 C.F.R. S 76.612(a)(1):
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-270635A1.html
- (RMT) being received or sent for December 2006. c. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Pole to South of 321 27 . Road 60 uV/m 2) Crystal Brook Townhomes, Building
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-272499A1.html
- system located in Needles, California, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters." At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 127.2625 MHz as follows: 1) Measured 100 uV/m, near power pole, front of 112 Market Street, Needles, CA b. 47 C.F.R. S 11.52(d):
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-276505A1.html
- waiver for equipment installation expired in March 2006. b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to 117 1st Street, Marbleton, WY 55 uV/m 2) In alley by
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-276506A1.html
- waiver for equipment installation expired in March 2006. b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in Back of Half Moon Lodge Hotel near N. Sublette Avenue and E. Pine
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-276801A1.html
- on 102.1 MHz and WPSX on TV Channel 3. b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter (mV/m) on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 405807
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-277668A1.html
- received between August 31, 2007 and September 12, 2007. c. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter (mV/m) on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 40o
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-277917A1.html
- received between August 31, 2007 and September 12, 2007. c. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter (mV/m) on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 40o
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-300284A1.html
- at Mancos, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Near restaurant at corner of Main St. and Highway 160 55 uV/m 3. Pursuant
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-309786A1.html
- the three month period prior to the inspection. c. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley/Street near 15 4th Avenue SW 82 uV/m 3. As the nation's emergency warning
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-311713A1.html
- revealed that Cequel was monitoring only one EAS source. d. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) 40675 Silvertip Ln. (underground) 299.88 uV/m 2) Behind 41317
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2010/DA-10-2190A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On June 25, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Comfort Inn, in Ouray, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2010/DA-10-2191A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On June 24, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed Holiday Inn, in Durango, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2010/DA-10-2192A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On June 25, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Timber Ridge Lodge, in Ouray, Colorado, utilized a MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2010/DA-10-2193A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On June 25, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Ridgway, in Ridgway, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2010/DA-10-2194A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On June 21, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Best Western Rambler, in Walsenburg, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2010/DA-10-2195A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On August 6, 2010, and September 10, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Platte Valley Inn, in Julesburg, Colorado, utilized a MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2011/DA-11-1786A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. An investigation by the Portland Office revealed that Fireside Motel, in Yachats, Oregon, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical services. Specifically,
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2011/DA-11-1787A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. An investigation by the Portland Office revealed that the Dublin House Motel, in Yachats, Oregon, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2011/DA-11-47A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On October 29, 2010, an investigation by the Portland Office revealed that Premier RV Resorts, in Lincoln City, Oregon, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2011/DA-11-550A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On February 15, 2011, an investigation by the Atlanta Office revealed that Custom Cable, in Decatur, Alabama, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2011/DA-11-704A1.html
- notified the Commission as required. 6. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of inspection, FCC agents from the Philadelphia Office conducted field strength measurements on the frequency 133.2625 MHz in front of the Smith Hall dormitory building and measured an emission of 518.4 microvolts per
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-240991A1.html
- to Adelphia Cable Communications, operator of the cable system serving Hamburg/Buffalo, New York. 2. On October 23, 2003, an agent of the Commission's Buffalo Office inspected the cable system in Hamburg/Buffalo, New York and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. 76.605 (a)(12): ``.... signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:....Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz, .... 20 uv/m.'' The agent detected and measured signal leakage in excess of 20 microvolts per meter allowed by the rules at the following locations in Hamburg/Buffalo, New York with the indicated field strength in microvolts per meter. 1. Comfort Inn, Commerce Place, Hamburg, NY 180 uv/m
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-240995A1.html
- an agent with the Enforcement Bureau's Philadelphia Office conducted signal leakage measurements of the Comcast cable system in Long Beach Island, New Jersey. During the inspection, the Philadelphia Office found that Comcast Cable was in violation of the following: 47 C.F.R. 76.605 (a)(12): ``...signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:'' on frequencies over 54 up to and including 216 MHz the signal leakage limit is 20 micro-volts/meter at a distance of 3 meters. On the frequencies of 133.28 MHz and 115.25 MHz, at a distance of 3 meters from the cable system components and 3 meters above ground, the following cable system leaks were
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-242198A1.html
- Commission's Rules,1 to Adelphia Cable Communications, operator of the cable system serving Harborcreek, Pennsylvania. 2. On October 23, 2003, an agent of the Commission's Buffalo Office inspected the cable system in Harborcreek, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. 76.605 (a)(12): ``.... signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:....Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz, .... 20 uV/m.'' The agent detected and measured signal leakage in excess of 20 microvolts per meter allowed by the rules at the following locations in Harborcreek, Pennsylvania with the indicated field strength in microvolts per meter. 1. 4751 US Route 20, Harborcreek, PA 120 uV/m 2.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-242199A1.html
- to Time Warner Communications, operator of the cable system serving Rochester, New York. 2. On November 20, 2003 an agent of the Commission's Buffalo Office inspected the cable system in Rochester, New York and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. 76.605 (a)(12): ``.... signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:....Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz, .... 20 uV/m.'' The agent detected and measured signal leakage in excess of 20 microvolts per meter allowed by the rules at the following locations in Rochester, New York with the indicated field strength in microvolts per meter. 1. Rustic Village Apartments, pole behind building 310 uV/m
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-244163A1.html
- television system in Bogalusa, Louisiana, and observed the following violation(s): 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz as follows: 141 Alleyway behind 509 V/m Caswell Street 282 1208 Davis Street V/m 229 Corner East 4th Second V/m
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-244174A1.html
- system in Ponte Vedra, Florida and observed the following violations: 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605 (a)(12): As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz as follows: 1. Pole at 2637, A1A, S. Ponte Vedra Blvd. 232 V/m 2. Pole at 2907, A1A, S. Ponte
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-244175A1.html
- system in Daytona Beach, Florida and observed the following violations: 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605 (a)(12): As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz as follows: 1. Sun & Surf Motel, 726 N. Atlantic Avenue 728 V/m 2. Turtle Inn, 3233 S. Atlantic Avenue
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-245216A1.html
- Jersey and Camden, New Jersey and observed the following violations: 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605 (a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. On March 3, 2004, the FCC agent observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz: 2.a.i.1. Pole at 2015 Pierce Avenue, Pennsauken, New Jersey 237.7 V/m 2.a.i.2. Pole at 108 North 23rd
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-248173A1.html
- system in New Roads, Louisiana, and observed the following violation(s): 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection, signal leakage was observed on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz as follows: 112 V/m Corner 5th Street and Poydras 218 V/m 1309 Richey Street 98 V/m 813 Lindsly Street 141
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-248180A1.html
- Denver Office inspected Precis' cable television system in Kanab, Utah, and observed the following violation(s): 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." On April 20, 2004, the agents observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: 1. Front of 159 East 100 South 101 V/m 2. Pole near 165 East 400 South 97 V/m 3.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-248181A1.html
- inspected CUTV's cable television system serving Annabella and Jensen, Utah, and observed the following violation: 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." On April 22, 2004, the agents observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: 1. Pedestal in front of 985 N. Main Street (Jensen) 1070 V/m 2. Front of 210 South 100 East
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-248185A1.html
- television system in Astoria, Oregon and observed the following violation: 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605 (a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters.'' On April 8, 2004, the FCC agent observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: 2.a.i.1. Near 1350 Exchange Street, Astoria, OR 108 V/m 2.a.i.2. Pole 088010 near Irving Avenue and 20th
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-252525A1.html
- revealed violations of the commission's Rules in the following manner: 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. The report received identified seventeen leaks observed on May 10, 2004 grossly exceeding the 20 microvolt per meter limit. The report further indicates the leaks were not repaired until sometime after the signing of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-253851A1.html
- television system in Brenham, Texas, and observed the following violation: 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz as follows: 67 V/m Gossler Street, near rear of Trinity Medical Center building 106 1001 S. Jackson Street V/m 134
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-253857A1.html
- television system in Imperial, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection, signal leakage was observed in Imperial, Texas on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz as follows: 785 uV/m In center of block bounded by Imperial, Grand, Washingon and FR 1053 853
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-254044A1.html
- TV system in Benton Harbor, Michigan, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: v/m) Location Pole behind 931 175 Jennings in alley Pole behind 879 Ogden 98 Avenue Pole behind 791 Ogden 100 Avenue Pole next to 236
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-254045A1.html
- cable TV system in Charlotte, Michigan, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: v/m) Location 63 Pole in front of 420 Horatio 55 Pole in front of 234 Cochran Avenue 247 Behind family residence at Apt. 216C, Butternut
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-254550A1.html
- cable television system serving Laurel, Columbus and Big Timber, Montana, and observed the following violations: 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carriers by the cable television system, signal leakage shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On May 16 and 19, 2004, the agent observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: 1. Pole I-43 (Columbus) 140 V/m 2. Pole I-47 (Columbus) 110 V/m 3. Pole A1-6 (Columbus) 145
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-255964A1.html
- TV system in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: v/m) Location 136 Pole on right side of 2139 Elizabeth Street 145 Right side of 213 Betty Lane 45 In front of 410 East Grand
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-256486A1.html
- television system in Palacios, Texas, and observed the following violation: 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz as follows: 71 V/m Off East Bayshore Drive, first street to the right after crossing canal. 67 V/m 1611 East
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-256904A1.html
- Michigan (adjacent to South Lyon, Michigan), and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: v/m) Location 91 Right side of 60046 11 Mile Road, South Lyon, Michigan 812 Pole behind 60844 11 Mile Road, South Lyon, Michigan 3. Pursuant
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-257951A1.html
- TV system in Port Clinton, Ohio, and observed the following violation(s): 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: v/m) Location 201.36 Pole in parking lot across from 140 Maple 94.186 Pole north of E Perry and Maple 37.92 Pole north side of E
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-259068A1.html
- located at Larimer County, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." On February 10, 2005, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Pole between houses numbered 2636 and 2626 Terry Lane Road 1514.8 V/m 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b)
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-259069A1.html
- system located at Arvada, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: Pole near 5380 Easley Rd. and 53rd Street 91.6 V/m b. 47 C.F.R. 76.612: "All cable television
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-259159A1.html
- system located at Sedalia, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." On May 19, 2005, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Pole behind house numbered 4334 West Platte Avenue 101.6 ?V/m 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-259807A1.html
- system located at Frederick, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: In front of 543 Hawthorn Circle 323 V/m 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications Act
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-259808A1.html
- system located at Aguilar, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed the following signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz: Pole along Linden Street near Elm St. and Las Animas Ave. 267 V/m 3. Pursuant to Section
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260035A1.html
- system located at Sandpoint, Idaho and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: In the alley next to 114 fourth St. 80.5 ?V/m 205 Lincoln Ave. . 64.5
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260036A1.html
- system located at Newport, Washington and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following location: In the alley behind 718 4th Street. 126 ?V/m 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260119A1.html
- system located at Moorcroft, Wyoming, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley back of 221 S. Yellowstone Avenue. 139 V/m 2) Next to 407
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260120A1.html
- system located at Upton, Wyoming, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Near intersection of East Street and Division Street. 54 V/m 2) Next to 1304
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260408A1.html
- Rules applies to all non- cable MVPDs.3 Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules, provides that ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited to 20 microvolts at three meters for frequencies over 54 up to and including 216 MHz.''4 An emission exceeding the field strength allowed by the Rules for the frequency of 121.2625 MHz was detected and measured at 201 microvolts, at three meters from the MVPD equipment room located at the Motel 6. 4. Subsequent violations
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260412A1.html
- system located in Riverton, Wyoming, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley behind 1103 Westview Drive 61 V/m 2) Inside the Super 8 Motel,
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260413A1.html
- system located in Monticello, Utah, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In back of San Juan County Public Safety Building, near the intersection of 1st
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260414A1.html
- system located in Blanding, Utah, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1)In back of 718 300 West, near intersection of 700 North and 300 West 134
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260462A1.html
- system located in Rangely, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley back of 304 S. Grand 89 V/m 2) Pole near the intersection
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260544A1.html
- located in Cut Bank, Montana and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On July 11, 2005, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following location: On pole 7 S2 at 110 E Railroad Street 66 ?V/m 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260545A1.html
- system located in Conrad, Montana and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On July 11, 2005, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: Pole behind 13 N. Virginia Street 165 V/m Pole 13 at the end of S. Virginia Street.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260546A1.html
- system located in Shelby, Montana and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On July 11, 2005, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: 916 Teton Ave. 60 V/m Behind 875 Oilfield Ave. 120 V/m Pole north of 415 Jimmy Ave.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260547A1.html
- system located at Havre, Montana and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provisions requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' On July 11, 2005, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following location: Pole 703 Z1 at 1321 7th Ave. 162 V/m 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260735A1.html
- system located in Wrens, Georgia, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters.'' At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Drop for 404 Baltimore Road 148 ?V/m 2) Pole at corner of Phillips and
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-260864A1.html
- located at Newell, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to 317 8th Street. 54 V/m 2) In alley next to
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-261722A1.html
- located at Winner, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Alley in back of 509 Jefferson Street. 68 V/m 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-261723A1.html
- located at Colome, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to 109 W. Sixth Street 68 V/m 2) In alley back
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-261724A1.html
- located at Sturgis, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: On pole across the street from 2214 Junction Avenue 944 V/m 3. Pursuant to Section
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-261725A1.html
- at Belle Fourche, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: In front of yard next to 1020 Elkhorn Street73 V/m 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b)
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-262095A1.html
- cable TV system in Leland, Michigan, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: v/m) Location 244 Pole in front of 411 South Lake Leelanau Drive, Lake Leelanau, MI 91 Overhead cable on Union between Grand Avenue and 4th
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-262096A1.html
- TV system in Torch Lake, Michigan, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): ``As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:...Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz...20 micro-volt/meter measured at 3 meters...'' The agent measured signal leakage on 121.2625 MHz in excess of the limits as follows: (signal level: v/m) Location 307 Second Pole in from US Route 31 on Leech Lane. 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-262104A1.html
- located at Lincoln City, Oregon, and observed the following violation: a) 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) At pole number PPL0711PP on the east side of U.S. Hwy 101, across the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-262560A1.html
- located at Burke, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) On pole by parking lot at 701 West 7th Street 92 V/m 3. Pursuant
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-262561A1.html
- located at Gregory, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 811 Rice Street 72 V/m 2) Alley in back of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-262665A1.html
- located at Bonesteel, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley back of 405 Garrison Street 51 V/m 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b)
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-263108A1.html
- television system located in Cleveland, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): 2.a. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro- volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: 1) 406 S. College Avenue 736 V/m 2) Cumming Ave. at Southline Street 131 V/m 3) 106 Fostoria
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-263782A1.html
- installed so that the transmitting functions were available during system operation. 2.b. 47 C.F.R. 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency121.2625 MHz as follows: 1) 82 ?V/m@3m near SR-1100 in front of gray trailer under line splice 2) 104 ?V/m@3m near SR-1100 at pole
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-265635A1.html
- located in La Grange, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: 1) 1049 Lower Line Street 69 uV/m 2) S. Reynolds between E. Morse and E. 102 uV/m Salm Streets
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-265636A1.html
- at Limon, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to 1585 8^th Street 102 uV/m 2) In alley behind 693
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-265637A1.html
- at Hugo, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley next to 520 Sixth Avenue 82 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b)
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-265638A1.html
- at Ordway, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley back of 608 Idaho 157 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-265639A1.html
- at Lamar, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to Tenth and Hickory Streets 70 uV/m 2) In alley behind
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-265640A1.html
- at Walsh, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Near intersection of Spruce and Kansas Streets 340 uV/m 2) Near 437 Maplewood Street
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-265677A1.html
- at Granada, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Near 500 W. Broderick Avenue and S. Inge Street 452 uV/m 2) In alley
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-265678A1.html
- at Springfield, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley behind Pop's Liquors near 12^th Avenue and Main Street 112 uV/m 2)
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-265892A1.html
- located in Utica, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) LI Pole #23, NM
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266081A1.html
- in East Syracuse, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 5/25/06 121.2625 323 606
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266082A1.html
- located in Buffalo, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 6/6/06 133.2625 175 218
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266084A1.html
- system located in Bowie, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection, signal leakage was observed on the frequency 127.2625 MHz as follows: Signal Level (uV/m) Location 204 In front of 607 Lasalle Street, Bowie, Texas 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266085A1.html
- in Cache and Indiahoma, Oklahoma, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: Signal Level (uV/m) Location 289 Where cable crosses East G Ave, between Buffalo & Elk, Cache, Oklahoma 1380 Behind
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266086A1.html
- Edgemont, South Dakota, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) On pole in back of 601 H Street 1116 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266087A1.html
- Spearfish, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) On pole near west parking lot of Great Western Goodyear store at 638 E.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266231A1.html
- located at Turlock, California, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Central Ave. and Service Road, Ceres, CA 81 uV/m 2) Driveway between 4619 and
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266329A1.html
- located in El Campo, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2600 MHz as follows: 1) 1310 Donna Drive 330 uV/m 2) 705 N. Merchant Street 115 uV/m 3) Alleyway at 209 E. Norris
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266444A1.html
- Nevada and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. 440 Valley View - Pole t166 87 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266563A1.html
- forth in Sections 76.605(a)(12) and 76.1804. 3. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[as] an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited to 20 microvolts at three meters for frequencies over 54 up to and including 216 MHz." An agent conducted field strength measurements at three meters from the MVPD equipment room located at the Econo Lodge on the frequency 133.2625 MHz and measured an emission of 310 microvolts, which exceeds the field strength allowed on that
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266564A1.html
- forth in Sections 76.605(a)(12) and 76.1804. 3. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[as] an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609 (h) and shall be limited to 20 microvolts at three meters for frequencies over 54 up to and including 216 MHz." An agent conducted field strength measurements at three meters from the MVPD equipment room located at the Orchard Park Inn on the frequency 133.2625 MHz and measured an emission of 560 microvolts, which exceeds the field strength allowed on
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266678A1.html
- system located in Springtown, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection, signal leakage was observed on the frequency 127.2625 MHz as follows: Signal Level (uV/m) Location 196 In front of 409 Avenue A, Springtown, Texas 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-266679A1.html
- Hobart, Mangum, and Sayre, Oklahoma, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: Signal Level (uV/m) Location 298 In alley behind 705 West D Ave., Elk City, Oklahoma 136 In alley behind
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-267104A1.html
- located in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection, signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: 1) Hampton Inn, 3103 E. Market Street 1009 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-267105A1.html
- Fort Morgan, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley by 716 East 9^th Avenue 133 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-267216A1.html
- Amherst and Buffalo, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 8/22/06 133.2625 220 761
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-267219A1.html
- system located in Madisonville, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters." At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 133.2625 MHz as follows: 1) 517 N. Woodrow Street 206 uV/m 2) 101 McIver Street 145 uV/m 3) 508 N. Shipp Street 84
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-267307A1.html
- located in Caneadea, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 8/25/06 133.2625 310 Rt
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-267713A1.html
- Raton, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Pole in back of 123 S. 5^th Street 135 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-267714A1.html
- Pine Bluffs, Wyoming, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Pole in back of 407 Chestnut Avenue 64 uV/m 2) Alley in back of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-267715A1.html
- or KROE, 930 kHz, its secondary EAS assignment. b. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley behind 1427 Big Horn Ave. 161 uV/m 2) Alley behind Park Dr. between
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-268232A1.html
- at Monument, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley behind 535 Jefferson Street 161 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-268428A1.html
- system located in Odessa, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters. At the time of inspection, signal leakage was observed on the frequency 121.2625 MHz as follows: Signal Level (uV/m) Location 375 In alley behind 1704 Doran Drive, Odessa, Texas 3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-268887A1.html
- South Ozone Park, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) Pole # 259 at
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-269028A1.html
- and East Hampton, New York, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) Pole # 10 at
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-269815A1.html
- in Vancouver, Washington and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Cable drop near 520 NE 104^th Avenue
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-269884A1.html
- in Ashford Hollow, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) Route 219, pole in
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-269891A1.html
- made of transmitted or received required monthly tests. b. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Grandma's Mountain Home, 650 Hwy 73, Evergreen, CO 287 uV/m c. 47 C.F.R. S 76.612(a)(1):
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-270272A1.html
- the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. 4. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, Denver agents conducted field strength measurements near Room 121 of the Accor motel property, Motel 6, on the frequency 121.2625 MHz and measured an emission of 180 microvolts, which exceeds
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-270273A1.html
- the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. 4. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, Portland agents conducted field strength measurements at approximately three meters from the southwest entrance at the Extended Stay America on the frequency 121.2625 MHz and measured an emission of 320
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-270452A1.html
- at Holyoke, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) 744 S. Worley Avenue 69 uV/m b. 47 C.F.R. S 76.612(a)(1): "All cable television systems
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-270453A1.html
- at Julesburg, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley back of 403 E. 3^rd Street 55 uV/m 2) In alley back of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-270454A1.html
- at Fruita, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) 164 S. Maple Street 457 uV/m 2) H Motel near room # 18 (333 W.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-270634A1.html
- New Mexico, and observed the following violations: . a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) On pole near 1524 W. Ivy Street 941 uV/m 2) On pole near 1115
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-270635A1.html
- (RMT) being received or sent for December 2006. c. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Pole to South of 321 27 . Road 60 uV/m 2) Crystal Brook Townhomes, Building
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-271069A1.html
- Lone Pine, California, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 341 E. Mt. View St. 148.5 uV/m Pole behind the post office close to 120
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-272130A1.html
- in Astoria, Oregon and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Northeast corner of Commercial St. and 6^th
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-272499A1.html
- system located in Needles, California, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz, and less than and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter measured at 3 meters." At the time of inspection signal leakage was observed on the frequency 127.2625 MHz as follows: 1) Measured 100 uV/m, near power pole, front of 112 Market Street, Needles, CA b. 47 C.F.R. S 11.52(d):
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-275710A1.html
- at Wrightwood, California, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) 1790 Sparrow Road 160 uV/m 2) Between 1662 & 1670 Thrush Road 51 uV/m
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-275723A1.html
- located in Middleport, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 7/12/07 133.2625 250 intersection
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-276505A1.html
- waiver for equipment installation expired in March 2006. b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to 117 1st Street, Marbleton, WY 55 uV/m 2) In alley by
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-276506A1.html
- waiver for equipment installation expired in March 2006. b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in Back of Half Moon Lodge Hotel near N. Sublette Avenue and E. Pine
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-276657A1.html
- system located in Norwich Connecticut, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 8/23/2007 133.2625 224 In
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-276798A1.html
- Queens Village, New York, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2600 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 8/3/07 133.2600 485
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-276800A1.html
- system located in Curwensville, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter (mV/m) on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 405806
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-276801A1.html
- on 102.1 MHz and WPSX on TV Channel 3. b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter (mV/m) on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 405807
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-277583A1.html
- in West Seneca, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 10/5/07 133.2625 345 60
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-277668A1.html
- received between August 31, 2007 and September 12, 2007. c. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter (mV/m) on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 40o
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-277917A1.html
- received between August 31, 2007 and September 12, 2007. c. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter (mV/m) on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 40o
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-278249A1.html
- located in St. Paul, Oregon, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 11/13/07 121.2625 137 Pole
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-280292A1.html
- system located in Maringouin, Louisiana and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 1/30/08 133.2625 729 Pole
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-280424A1.html
- at Kemmerer, Wyoming, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 1114 Sage Avenue 100 uV/m 2) In back of 1426 Seventh
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-280425A1.html
- at Diamondville, Wyoming, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley next to 100 Diamondville Avenue 71 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-280565A1.html
- system located in Greenville, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter (mV/m) on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Date Strength Location (MHz) (uV/m) 02/21/08
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-280566A1.html
- located at Haleiwa, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 66-457 Pikai St, Haleiwa Pole 4 1089 - 58 uV/M 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-280708A1.html
- located in Tonawanda, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 3/3/2008 133.2625 310 224
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-281359A1.html
- located in Matamoras, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage at the following locations in Matamoras, Pennsylvania: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 2/29/08 133.2625 51.2 412 5th Street 2/29/08 133.2625 351.3 907 Avenue R
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-281362A1.html
- system located in Metairie, Louisiana, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequencies of 121.2625 MHz and 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 3/19/2008 133.2625
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-281522A1.html
- at Hugo, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of motel next to Jean's Family Restaurant on US Highway 40/287 between
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-281523A1.html
- at Limon, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley next to 1081 8th Street 342 uV/m 2) In alley in back of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-281524A1.html
- at Strasburg, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Beside driveway entrance to Prairie Creeks Living Center, located at 56175 Sunset Avenue 153
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-281525A1.html
- located at Kaneohe, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1. 46-316 Kupale St, Kaneohe - 91 uV/M 2. 46-263 Heeia St, Kaneohe - 168 uV/M
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-282147A1.html
- located at Moanalua, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1583 Ala Lani St. - 76 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-282257A1.html
- located at Kailua, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Nowela Place, Kailua - 99 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-282963A1.html
- located at Mililani, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 95-118 Kipapa Dr. #411, Mililani - 220 uV/M 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-283659A1.html
- Raton, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Power pole near 1267 Young Street 218 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-283660A1.html
- Springer, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Power pole near 12th Street Intersection and Road C33 602 uV/m 3. Pursuant to
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-283661A1.html
- at Trinidad, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 106 Third Street 237 uV/m 2) Alley in back of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-283662A1.html
- located at Kaneohe, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 47-437 Hui Io St, Kaneohe (Ahuimanu) - 76 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-283840A1.html
- system located in Newburgh, NY, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 127.263 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 7/11/08 127.263 51
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-285086A1.html
- systems located in Erie, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 8/7/08 133.2625 210 105
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-285205A1.html
- located in New Rochelle, NY, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2375 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) At pole near
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-286435A1.html
- monitored Cox cable television system and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." Agents measured signal leakage in excess of 20 uV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz on the following dates and locations: Date Frequency Signal Strength Location (mm/dd/yy) (MHz) (uV/m) Metairie, LA (Pole on W. Napoleon Avenue 09/24/08
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-286644A1.html
- system located in Newark, NJ, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) At pole near
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-286911A1.html
- Loma Linda, California, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) 25219 Huron 126 uV/m 2) 11520 Cielo 143 uV/m 3) 25912 Hinkley 108 uV/m
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-289669A1.html
- located at Kahaluu, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1. 47-376 Mahakea St, Kahaluu - 91uV/m 2. 47-395 Ahaolelo Rd, Kahaluu (Kuahiwa Estates, end of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-290201A1.html
- in West Seneca, New York, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 4/7/2009 133.2625 180 Potter
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-290207A1.html
- located at Hauula, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1. 54-053 Waikulama St, Hauula - 91uV/m 2. Greater Mt. Zion Holiness Church, Kam Hwy, Hauula
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-290764A1.html
- located in Glen Burnie, MD and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Less than and including 54 MHz and over 216 MHz...... 15 micro-volts per meter, measured at 30 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 15 mV/m on the frequency of 331.275 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 04/13/09 331.275
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-290946A1.html
- located at Kailua, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. Pole 191163 between 1457 & 1463 Lekeona St, Kailua - 72.7 .V/m 3. Pursuant to
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-291386A1.html
- located in Honolulu, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. 2100 Laukahi St, Honolulu (Waialae Iki) - 91 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-292258A1.html
- television system in Yonkers, NY, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 7/13/09 121.2625 72
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-293625A1.html
- and Hoquiam, Washington, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley back of 2711 Sumner Avenue, Hoquiam, WA 51 uV/m 3. Pursuant to
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-294215A1.html
- located in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 9/18/09 121.2625 116.1 350 Quail Hollow Lane, Bellefonte, PA 9/18/09 121.2625 121.6 115 Buffalo
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-294714A1.html
- the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. 4. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, Detroit agents conducted field strength measurements at approximately three meters from the southwest corner of the hotel at the Holiday Inn on the frequency 121.2625 MHz and measured an emission
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-294715A1.html
- the allowable limits on MPVD system signal leakage. Specifically, Section 76.605(a)(12) provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, San Diego agents conducted field strength measurements more than three meters from the Clarion Inn property on the frequency 133.2625 MHz and measured an emission of 645 microvolts, which exceeds
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-294809A1.html
- Las Animas, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley next to 1140 4th Street 82 uV/m 2) Alley off 2nd Street between
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-294810A1.html
- Cheyenne Wells, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In alley on South 1st Street West between West 6th Street South and West
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-294811A1.html
- at Eads, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 1008 Maine Street 55 uV/m 2) Alley in back of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-294812A1.html
- Kit Carson, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley across from 405 Park 135 uV/m b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.612(a)(1): "All
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-294813A1.html
- at Limon, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 1085 Main Street 57 uV/m 2) Area next to 790
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295388A1.html
- located in Mill Valley, California, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agents measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Date Time Signal Strength Location (mV/m) 12/8/2009 3:30 PM 81.3
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295591A1.html
- the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. 4. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of inspection, an FCC agent conducted field strength measurements on the frequency 121.2625 MHz between Sections E and F in the rear of the Quality Inn and measured an emission of 2,041 microvolts
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295592A1.html
- located in Scranton, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 12/17/09 121.2625 188 812 Mulberry Plaza Scranton, PA 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295593A1.html
- Chalfont Drive, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following location: Frequency Field Intensity Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 12/03/2009 120.075 82.6 3527 Chalfont Drive, Philadelphia, PA 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295608A1.html
- Springer, New Mexico, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In alley back of 208 Garfield Avenue 180 uV/m b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.612(a)(1):
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295610A1.html
- Vegas, New Mexico, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Near Trailer Space # 6, by corner of Mills Avenue and Dahlia Street 457
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295620A1.html
- Socorro, New Mexico, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Power pole in front of 509 Bullock Blvd., near Bee Ct. 108 uV/m 2)
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295624A1.html
- Belen, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Power pole near 111A Jaramillo Road. 55 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295823A1.html
- from Comcast's cable system and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Less than and including 54 MHz, and over 216 MHz - 15 micro-volts per meter, measured at 30 meters." At the time of the investigation, the agent observed signal leakage at the following location: Frequency Field Intensity Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) Intersection of Montgomery 01/05/2010 469.25 33.0 Avenue & Paper Mill Road, Glenside, PA
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295825A1.html
- Albuquerque, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Near 4401 San Andres Avenue, NE 91 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295826A1.html
- Valencia, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Power pole by 3372 El Camino Real (Highway 47) 256 uV/m 3. Pursuant to
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295828A1.html
- Peralta, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Power pole near 03B Peralta Drive by El Camino Real (Highway 47) 76 uV/m
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295829A1.html
- Lunas, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Power pole near 546 Los Lentes Road SE 83 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-295832A1.html
- located at Kaaawa, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. Pole #2, intersection of Kaumaulu'uka and Olohu, Kaaawa - 53uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-296095A1.html
- in Bronx, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Less than and including 54 MHz, and over 216 MHz - 15 micro-volts per meter, measured at 30 meters." At the time of the investigation, the agent observed signal leakage at the following location: Frequency Field Intensity Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 630 E220 Street near 01/25/2010 127.26 154 Carpenter Avenue, Bronx, New York 3.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-296219A1.html
- the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. 4. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of inspection, an FCC agent conducted field strength measurements on the frequency 133.2625 MHz in the rear of the Holiday Inn and measured an emission of 100 microvolts per meter, which exceeds the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-296221A1.html
- located in Monroeville, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 1/19/10 127.2625 501.2 2712 Mosside Blvd, Monroeville, PA 1/19/10 127.2625 89.1 2332 Monroeville Rd,
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-296222A1.html
- located in Hazleton, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 19 Rt. 93 Hazleton, PA 01/28/2010 121.2625 330 Coordinates 405853W/0760111N 3. Pursuant to Section
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-296223A1.html
- located in Kingston, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 615 Wyoming Ave., Kingston, PA 01/28/2010 121.2625 900 Kingston Commons Dorrance Street side 3.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-296224A1.html
- located in Bedford, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 520 Pitts Street, Bedford, PA 1/20/10 127.2625 239.9 40o 01' 18" N 078o 30'
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-296386A1.html
- located in Altoona, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed signal leakage at the following locations: Frequency Field Intensity Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 01/26/2010 121.2625 121.23 1st Street between 5th & 6th Avenue, Altoona, PA 01/26/2010 121.2625 288.34
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-297149A1.html
- system in Yonkers, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 3/16/10 121.2625 102
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-297150A1.html
- system in Freeport, New York, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) At pole #
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-298072A1.html
- at Carbondale, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Corner of Village Road and Wheel Drive 91 uV/m b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.612(a)(1): "All
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-298073A1.html
- located at Palolo, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. Pole #88, in front of Palolo Elementary School - peaks of 320 uV/m 3. Pursuant
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-298098A1.html
- in the Wellsboro, Pennsylvania area, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) Rt 6 drop
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-298099A1.html
- television system in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 4/22/10 121.2625 82
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-298102A1.html
- in the Clarendon, Pennsylvania area, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) Rt. 6 and
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-298347A1.html
- Laguna Beach, California, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: 30100 Crown Valley Parkway, Unit Q, Laguna Niguel, CA, at the rear of the building
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-299100A1.html
- Wildwoods of New Jersey and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agents observed signal leakage at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) Spruce Ave and Virginia Ave 04/12/10 121.2625 179.89 North Wildwood, NJ New Jersey Ave.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-299116A1.html
- Rock Springs, Wyoming, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) In front of 910 Ridge Avenue 136 uV/m b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.612(a)(1): "All
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-299877A1.html
- at Yuma, Arizona and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Cable box # 3052 in front of 314 uV/m 3076 W. 18th Street 3.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-299924A1.html
- at Dolores, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) House next to 400 Riverside Avenue 82 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-299925A1.html
- Pagosa Springs, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 434 Lewis Street 117 uV/m 2) Near Faculty parking lot
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-300284A1.html
- at Mancos, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Near restaurant at corner of Main St. and Highway 160 55 uV/m 3. Pursuant
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-300285A1.html
- at Silverton, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.275 MHz at the following location: 1) Near Front Entrance of Grand Imperial Hotel 180 uV/m b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.612(a)(1):
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-300287A1.html
- in Calipatria, California, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." Agents measured signal leakage in excess of 20 uV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz on the following date and location: 1) 125 E. Date Street, Calipatria, California 280 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-300849A1.html
- system in Lebanon, New Jersey, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 uV/m on 127.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Field Intensity Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 07/22/2010 127.26 127 Pole #470 across
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-300857A1.html
- Falls, Oregon, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605 (a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Cable drop near address 1778 Etna Street 113
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-300858A1.html
- in Phoenix, Arizona and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz on July 14, 2010, at the following locations: 1) In the alley between 4426 & 4430 N 50th Ave
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-300925A1.html
- located at KMCAS, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. 1930 Campion Drive, sidewalk utility box - 91 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-301190A1.html
- at Julesburg, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Parking Lot in back of Flying J Truck Stop 664 uV/m 2) Alley in
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-301431A1.html
- located in Wildwood, New Jersey, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 5606 Pacific
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-301432A1.html
- Sea Isle City, New Jersey, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 6801 S.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-301435A1.html
- at Wray, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley in back of 503 Blake Street 58 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-301436A1.html
- Iroquois, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley in back of Country Butcher near the intersection of N. Ottawa and and
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-301437A1.html
- at Holyoke, Colorado, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 720 S. Coleman Avenue 87 uV/m 2) Alley next to
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-301438A1.html
- Huron, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley in back of 804 Frank Avenue SE 91 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-301439A1.html
- Armour, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) In Back of Golden Living Center at the intersection of US Highway 281 and
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-301552A1.html
- located at Moanalua, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. 3442 Taylor Street - 64 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-301699A1.html
- Buffalo and Williamsville, New York, and observed the following violations: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz...... 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 9/2/2010 133.2625 150 2323
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-302532A1.html
- Jamestown, North Dakota, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Alley in back of 1014 6th Avenue SE 126 uV/m 2) Alley in back
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-302533A1.html
- Stickney, South Dakota, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Near intersection of N. 4th Avenue & N. 2nd Street 637 uV/m 3. Pursuant
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-302537A1.html
- Mammoth Lake, California, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. #16 Sierra Manor Apt. (back wall) 221 uV/m 2. #20 Villa de los Pinos
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-302538A1.html
- located in Red Bluff, California, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agents measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) 470 Brearcliffe Drive 71.1 uV/m 2) 1363 Deborah Drive
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-303514A1.html
- in Ocean City, New Jersey, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Date/Time Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength Location (uv/m) 3732 Central
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-303515A1.html
- in Bridgeport, California and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter, on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz, at the following locations: 1. 328 Hwy 182 (Canyon Rd.), Pole #:2889
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-303697A1.html
- in Bishop, California, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. Super 8, Main St. Bishop 150 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-303698A1.html
- in Independence, California, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. 351 Market St. Independence, Pole #: CTC81517 63 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-303988A1.html
- located in Sparks, Nevada and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agents measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations in Sparks, Nevada: 1) Alley near 20th Street, between G
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-305516A1.html
- system in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength Location (uV/m) Holly Alley
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-305517A1.html
- television system in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Date/Time Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength Location (uv/m) 238 Chestnut
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-305671A1.html
- television system in Coatesville, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength Location (uV/m) 215 Lumber
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-305672A1.html
- television system in Kutztown, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Signal Date/Time Frequency (MHz) Strength Location (uv/m) intersection of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-305848A1.html
- system in Clinton, New Jersey and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 132.2625 MHz at the following location: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength Location (uV/m) Pole #NJ667CTH,
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-306453A1.html
- at Salt Lake, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. 1017 Puolo Drive - 101 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-306468A1.html
- system in Hightstown, New Jersey and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following location: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength Location (uV/m) Pole #NJ40090H,
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-306589A1.html
- system in Du Bois, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Date Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength Location (uV/m) 04/26/2011 121.2625
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-306590A1.html
- system in State College, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Date (MHz) Strength Location (uV/m) Between 615
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-307309A1.html
- television system in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Date (MHz) Strength Location (uV/m) Mulberry Alley &
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-307310A1.html
- television system in Indiana, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Date (MHz) Strength Location (uV/m) Chestnut Street,
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-307833A1.html
- at Lamar, Colorado, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Golden Arrow Motel, near Room 118, by Olive & Mullen Streets 73 uV/m 2)
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-308258A1.html
- located in Carson City, Nevada, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: 1308 E. Robinson St. 92 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-308800A1.html
- Tabor, South Dakota, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.25033 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley next to 117 W. Yankton Street 302 uV/m b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.612(a)(1):
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-308941A1.html
- located at Hauula, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. Pole next to 54-187 Kawaeku - 126 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-309446A1.html
- at Greybull, Wyoming, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley in back of Budget Host Inn, near 13th Avenue North and N. 7th
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-309447A1.html
- at Mills, Wyoming, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley in back of Bayou Bar, 301 Platte Avenue 180 uV/m 3. Pursuant to
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-309448A1.html
- located at Kailua, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. Drop and overhead lines near 1316 Akalani Loop: 55 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-309450A1.html
- in Enterprise, Oregon, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency 127.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Corner of West Greenwood Street and South Depot
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-309451A1.html
- Yachats, Oregon, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605 (a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Fireside Motel's Village Gift Gallery, 1881 Hwy 101,
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-309452A1.html
- in Waldport, Oregon, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency 121.2500 MHz at the following locations: 1) Underground drop box near the entrance of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-309786A1.html
- the three month period prior to the inspection. c. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, an agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Alley/Street near 15 4th Avenue SW 82 uV/m 3. As the nation's emergency warning
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-309793A1.html
- at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. In front of Hilton hotel, 1901 University Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102 - 65 uV/m.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-309801A1.html
- in Cleveland, Texas, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Pole just south of 302 Charles Avenue 479 uV/m 2) Pole at southwest corner
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310090A1.html
- television system in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Date (MHz) Strength Location (uV/m) Drop from
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310091A1.html
- television system in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Date (MHz) Strength Location (uV/m) Cable feed
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310092A1.html
- television system in Pittston, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Field Intensity Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 09/15/2011 121.2625
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310093A1.html
- television system in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Field Intensity Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) Intersection of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310094A1.html
- Bay City, Texas, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) 2204 Smith Street 176 uV/m 2) 3rd Street, between Avenues C and D 105
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310096A1.html
- Lebanon, Virginia, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a) (12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed the indicated signal leakage, on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz, at the following locations: 1) Highland Drive, between Lebanon Community Fellowship and Community Medical Care ------------------------------ 130
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310105A1.html
- system located in Freedom, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: 1) 2400 Freedom Blvd (Pole 250936) 53 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310106A1.html
- to the reception of fire communications on 151.2500 MHz. b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 1) 512 Carpenteria Rd (corner Rea Ave.) 235 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310108A1.html
- system located in Gilroy, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 1) 7290 Alexander St. 165 uV/m 2) 315 Old Gilroy St. 110 uV/m
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310109A1.html
- located in Clearlake, California and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: 75877 31st Ave. - Pole 8885 67 uV/m b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.612(a)(1):
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310110A1.html
- in Clearlake Riviera, California and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: Intersection of Point Lakeview Rd and Fairway Dr 63 uV/m (Near 10535 Point
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310111A1.html
- located in Lakeport, California and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: 410 Clearlake Ave. 89 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310112A1.html
- located in Nice, California and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: 3748 Manzanita Dr. 52 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310113A1.html
- in North Lakeport, California and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: 3515 Lakeshore Blvd. 106 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310114A1.html
- located in Monterey (N), California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 1) 10926 Pieri Court, Moss Landing, CA 63 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310115A1.html
- system located in Elko, Nevada and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 1) Behind 120 Fir St., Pole# 230340 alley 99 uV/m 3. Pursuant to
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310116A1.html
- system located in Eureka, Nevada and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 1) Clark St. and Sheridan St. Pole# 2400-5 50uV/m 2) Railroad St. and
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310117A1.html
- system located in McGill, Nevada and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 1) Behind 109A Ave. 458 uV/m 2) A Ave and 1st St., pole
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310118A1.html
- system located in Castroville, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 1) 11041 Geil St. (Pole 11061) 640 uV/m 2) 11449 Geil St. (Pole
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310119A1.html
- system located in Wells, Nevada and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 1) Behind 460 5th St., Pole# 41 58 uV/m 2) Behind Doyle's Service
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310120A1.html
- system located in Soledad, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 1) 156 Oak St. 99 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310121A1.html
- system located in Greenfield, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 490 S. El Camino Real 279 uV/m (Behind El Camino Real Science and
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310122A1.html
- to the reception of fire communications on 151.250 MHz. b. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 1) 45181 Crown Ave. 58 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310123A1.html
- located in Washoe (County), Nevada and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: Near intersections Pine Cone Road, Pine Cone Circle and Lakeshore Blvd (approximate address
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310124A1.html
- system located in Stateline, Nevada and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 1) 272 Ponderosa Dr. (near parking lot), Kingsbury 157 uV/m 3. Pursuant to
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310125A1.html
- in South Lake Tahoe, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at: 1) 1444 Matheson Dr. 81 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310306A1.html
- television system in Durant, Oklahoma, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, an agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Field Intensity Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) 09/06/2011 121.2625
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310617A1.html
- Franklin, Virginia, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a) (12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed the indicated signal leakage, on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz, at the following locations: 1) Pole between 429 and 425 Bracy St. ----------------------- 30 uV/m 2) Pole
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310618A1.html
- located at Honolulu, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1. 1434 Laamia Street: 81.6 uV/m 2. 972 Waiholo Street (near fire hydrant): 199 uV/m 3.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310732A1.html
- system in Sunbury, Pennsylvania and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: Frequency Signal Date (MHz) Strength Location (uV/m) At or near
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310864A1.html
- Sea Isle City, New Jersey, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 127.2625 MHz at the following location: Frequency Signal Strength Date Location (MHz) (uV/m) Landis Ave and 90th
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310865A1.html
- Roswell, Georgia, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a) (12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed the indicated signal leakage, on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz, at the following location: 1) 185 Glenclairn Ct. ----------------------- 366 uV/m 3. Pursuant to section 308(b) of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310976A1.html
- Government Camp, Oregon, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage in excess of 20 micro-volts per meter on the frequency 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) A utility pole near the Falcon Crest Lodge
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-311100A1.html
- in Point Pleasant, New Jersey, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters. " At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: Date/Time Frequency (MHz) Signal Strength Location (uv/m) River Ave
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-311453A1.html
- Corpus Christi, Texas, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Pole on street near 3200 Surfside Blvd between The Radisson Hotel and Blackbeard's Restaurant
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-311454A1.html
- located at Laie, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1. 55-145 Poohaili Street: 72.7 uV/m 2. 55-126 Puuahi Street: 97.7 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-311567A1.html
- in Angleton, Texas, and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) Pole behind parking lot of 215 East Lorraine St. 312 uV/m 2) Pole near
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-311706A1.html
- located in Gualala, California and observed the following violations: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) 39225 S. Highway 1 89 uV/m 3. Pursuant to
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-311707A1.html
- The Sea Ranch, California, and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) 314 Spinnaker Close 319 uV/m 2) 41374 Leeward Rd.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-311711A1.html
- system located in Crockett, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S:76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1) 1424 Pomona St. (corner of Pomona St. and Port
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-311712A1.html
- system located in Albany, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) 600 San Carlos Ave. 89.2 uV/m 2) 928 Key
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-311713A1.html
- revealed that Cequel was monitoring only one EAS source. d. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) 40675 Silvertip Ln. (underground) 299.88 uV/m 2) Behind 41317
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-312301A1.html
- in Livingston, Texas and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 115 Branch Drive (pole across the street) 909 uV/m Corner of Walnut and Orr Streets
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-312557A1.html
- in La Canada Flintridge, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 132.0066 MHz at the following locations: 1) 544 Starlight Crest Dr. 127 uV/m 2) 830 Greenridge
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-312658A1.html
- located at Kalihi, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. Intersection of Kalihi Street and Lehua Street: 90.6 uV/M 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-313204A1.html
- located at Palolo, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1. 2530 Jasmine Street: 45.7 uV/M 2. 2066 10th Avenue: 72.7 uV/M 3. Pursuant to Section
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-313206A1.html
- system located in Fremont, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: 1) 2371 Plumleigh Drive 321 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-313207A1.html
- system located in Newark, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: 1) 5676 Lafayette Avenue 153 uV/m 2) Corner of 36302 Barnard Street 99
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-313463A1.html
- located at Milliken, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. 420 Forest Street: 65.2 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the Communications Act of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-313464A1.html
- located at Mead, Colorado, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1. 16362 11th Street: 103.8 uV/m 2. 2651 Jarett Drive: 48.8 uV/m 3. 16732 3rd Street:
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-313466A1.html
- located in Mecca, California, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. In front of Thunderbird Apartments, adjacent to pole# 1207613 D, 91770 66th Ave. Mecca, California
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-313999A1.html
- Pierce, Florida, and observed the following violation(s): a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a) (12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, agents observed the indicated signal leakage, on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz, at the following locations: 1. 4203 Matanzas Avenue ----------------------- 397.64 uV/m 2. Pole at 4804 Juanita Avenue------------------ 28.40
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-314003A1.html
- located in Glen Ellen, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: 1) 15160 Burbank Dr. 91 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-314004A1.html
- system located in Healdsburg, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: 1) 540 Powell Ave. 108 uV/m 2) 810 Rose Ln. 64 uV/m 3.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-314005A1.html
- system located in Sonoma, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: 1) 18300 Barrett Ave. 108 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-314006A1.html
- areas of Sonoma County, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at: 1) 17715 Sunset Way 64 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403 of the
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-314011A1.html
- La Grange, Texas and observed the following violation: a. 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed signal leakage on the frequency of 133.2625 MHz at the following locations: 610 Roitsch Street 397 uV/m Corner of Pecan and Jackson Streets 135 uV/m 247 S.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-314044A1.html
- system located in Reedley, California and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent measured signal leakage in excess of 20 mV/m on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following locations: 1) Back alley of 1626 G St., pole # GTIO868
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-314423A1.html
- located at Kaimuki, Hawaii, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. S: 76.605(a)(12): "As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of the inspection, the agent observed leakage on the frequency of 121.2625 MHz at the following location: 1. Kaimuki St. construction site near 16th Ave - 91 uV/m 3. Pursuant to Section 403
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2010/DA-10-2190A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On June 25, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Comfort Inn, in Ouray, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2010/DA-10-2191A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On June 24, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed Holiday Inn, in Durango, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2010/DA-10-2192A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On June 25, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Timber Ridge Lodge, in Ouray, Colorado, utilized a MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2010/DA-10-2193A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On June 25, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Ridgway, in Ridgway, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2010/DA-10-2194A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On June 21, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Best Western Rambler, in Walsenburg, Colorado, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2010/DA-10-2195A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On August 6, 2010, and September 10, 2010, an investigation by the Denver Office revealed that Platte Valley Inn, in Julesburg, Colorado, utilized a MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2011/DA-11-1786A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. An investigation by the Portland Office revealed that Fireside Motel, in Yachats, Oregon, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical services. Specifically,
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2011/DA-11-1787A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. An investigation by the Portland Office revealed that the Dublin House Motel, in Yachats, Oregon, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized by aeronautical
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2011/DA-11-47A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On October 29, 2010, an investigation by the Portland Office revealed that Premier RV Resorts, in Lincoln City, Oregon, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2011/DA-11-550A1.html
- in the 108-137 MHz aeronautical band. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." 5. On February 15, 2011, an investigation by the Atlanta Office revealed that Custom Cable, in Decatur, Alabama, utilized a non-cable, MVPD system which was emitting radio carrier signals above allowed limits on frequency bands utilized
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2011/DA-11-704A1.html
- notified the Commission as required. 6. Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Rules provides that "[a]s an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in S: 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: Over 54 MHz up to and including 216 MHz - 20 micro-volts per meter, measured at 3 meters." At the time of inspection, FCC agents from the Philadelphia Office conducted field strength measurements on the frequency 133.2625 MHz in front of the Smith Hall dormitory building and measured an emission of 518.4 microvolts per
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/engineering/605.html
- segment at the blanking level of O IRE), shall not exceed 10 degrees. (12) As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Signal leakage Frequencies limit Distance in (micro-volt/ meters (m) meter) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Less than and including 54 MHz, and over 216 15 30 MHz.......................................... Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz........... 20 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (b) Cable television systems distributing signals by using methods such as nonconventional coaxial cable techniques, noncoaxial copper cable techniques,
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/engineering/605print.html
- segment at the blanking level of O IRE), shall not exceed 10 degrees. (12) As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Signal leakage Frequencies limit Distance in (micro-volt/ meters (m) meter) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Less than and including 54 MHz, and over 216 15 30 MHz.......................................... Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz........... 20 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (b) Cable television systems distributing signals by using methods such as nonconventional coaxial cable techniques, noncoaxial copper cable techniques,
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/engineering/611.html
- to the strand kilometers (strand miles) of plant tested divided by the total strand kilometers (strand miles) in the plant; Ri is the slant height distance (in meters) from leakage source i to a point 3000 meters above the center of the cable television system; Ei is the electric field strength in microvolts per meter (μV/m) measured pursuant to § 76.609(h) 3 meters from the leak i; and n is the number of leaks found of field strength equal to or greater than 50 μV/m pursuant to Section 76.609(h). The sum is carried over all leaks i detected in the cable examined; or (2) prior to carriage of signals in the aeronautical radio bands and at least once each calendar year,
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/engineering/611print.html
- to the strand kilometers (strand miles) of plant tested divided by the total strand kilometers (strand miles) in the plant; Ri is the slant height distance (in meters) from leakage source i to a point 3000 meters above the center of the cable television system; Ei is the electric field strength in microvolts per meter (μV/m) measured pursuant to § 76.609(h) 3 meters from the leak i; and n is the number of leaks found of field strength equal to or greater than 50 μV/m pursuant to Section 76.609(h). The sum is carried over all leaks i detected in the cable examined; or (2) prior to carriage of signals in the aeronautical radio bands and at least once each calendar year,
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/engineering/76print.html
- -- Forms and Reports [58]76.403 Cable television system reports. Subpart J -- Ownership of Cable Systems [59]76.501 Cross-ownership. [60]76.502 Time limits applicable to franchise authority consideration of transfer applications. [61]76.503 National subscriber limits. [62]76.504 Limits on carriage of vertically integrated programming. [63]76.505 Prohibition on buy outs. Subpart K -- Technical Standards [64]76.601 Performance tests. [65]76.605 Technical standards. [66]76.606 Closed captioning. [67]76.609 Measurements. [68]76.610 Operation in the frequency bands 108-137 and 225-400 MHz -- scope of application. [69]76.611 Cable television basic signal leakage performance criteria. [70]76.612 Cable television frequency separation standards. [71]76.613 Interference from a multichannel video programming distributor (MVPD). [72]76.614 Cable television system regular monitoring. [73]76.616 Operation near certain aeronautical and marine emergency radio frequencies. [74]76.617 Responsibility for interference. [75]76.618 Grandfathering.
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/engineering/part76.pdf
- limits applicable to franchise authority consideration of transfer applications. § 76.503 National subscriber limits. § 76.504 Limits on carriage of vertically integrated programming. § 76.505 Prohibition on buy outs. Page 2of 243 Electronic Code of Federal Regulations: 5/6/2011 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid=a0b1c7045abd9e3f08f6d3233a640e58&rg... Subpart K-Technical Standards § 76.601 Performance tests. § 76.602 Incorporation by reference. § 76.605 Technical standards. § 76.606 Closed captioning. § 76.609 Measurements. § 76.610 Operation in the frequency bands 108137 and 225400 MHz-scope of application. § 76.611 Cable television basic signal leakage performance criteria. § 76.612 Cable television frequency separation standards. § 76.613 Interference from a multichannel video programming distributor (MVPD). § 76.614 Cable television system regular monitoring. § 76.616 Operation near certain aeronautical and marine emergency radio frequencies. § 76.617