FCC Web Documents citing 73.877
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310870A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310870A1.pdf
- the technical rules set forth elsewhere in this part or the terms of the station authorization, broadcast operation must be terminated within three hours.'' At the time of the inspection, KAVS-LP was operating as an unattended station, but did not have the capability to take the station off the air within three hours of any technical malfunction. 47 C.F.R. § 73.877(d): ``The licensee of each LPFM station must maintain a station log. Each log entry must include the time and date of observation and the name of the person making the entry. The following information must be entered in the station log: EAS weekly log requirements set forth in Section 11.61(a) . . . of this chapter.'' KAVS-LP failed to maintain
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-00-349A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-00-349A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-00-349A1.txt
- Section 73.872 is modified as follows: § 73.872 Selection procedure for mutually exclusive application. *** Local program origination. The applicant must pledge to originate locally at least eight hours of programming per day. For purposes of this criterion, local origination is the production of programming, by the licensee, within ten miles of the coordinates of the proposed transmitting antenna. Section 73.877 is modified as follows: § 73.877 Station Logs for LPFM stations. The (a) is removed at the outset of that paragraph, although the content of ``(a)'' remains, and the numbers are changed to letters. Section 73.1660 is modified as follows: §73.1660 Acceptability of broadcast transmitters. (a)(1) An AM, FM, or TV transmitter shall be verified for compliance with the requirements
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/2000/fcc00349.pdf
- 73.872 is modified as follows: § 73.872 Selection procedure for mutually exclusive application. *** (3) Local program origination. The applicant must pledge to originate locally at least eight hours of programming per day. For purposes of this criterion, local origination is the production of programming, by the licensee, within ten miles of the coordinates of the proposed transmitting antenna. Section 73.877 is modified as follows: § 73.877 Station Logs for LPFM stations. The (a) is removed at the outset of that paragraph, although the content of "(a)" remains, and the numbers are changed to letters. Section 73.1660 is modified as follows: §73.1660 Acceptability of broadcast transmitters. (a)(1) An AM, FM, or TV transmitter shall be verified for compliance with the requirements
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310870A1.html
- technical rules set forth elsewhere in this part or the terms of the station authorization, broadcast operation must be terminated within three hours." At the time of the inspection, KAVS-LP was operating as an unattended station, but did not have the capability to take the station off the air within three hours of any technical malfunction. d. 47 C.F.R. S: 73.877(d): "The licensee of each LPFM station must maintain a station log. Each log entry must include the time and date of observation and the name of the person making the entry. The following information must be entered in the station log: EAS weekly log requirements set forth in Section 11.61(a) . . . of this chapter." KAVS-LP failed to maintain
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/bc-chklsts/EB18LPFM06_2008.pdf
- rules for Low Power FM stations. However, a two year period was specified in the Commission's Report and Order, FCC 00-19, Paragraph 119. Therefore, LPFM stations must retain all required station logs and records for two years. Required station logs and records shall be made available for inspection or duplication at the request of the FCC or its representatives. [See 73.877 and 73.878] NOTE 2: The first and last name of the person making log entries is to be included on log entries. Initials would not be sufficient. An electronic signature is acceptable in lieu of a written signature for those making, or reviewing, entries in station logs and records which are maintained on digital media. 2. LOGS/RECORDS: Are required station
- http://transition.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/audio/amfmrule.html
- of LPFM station interests. [415]TEXT [416]PDF 73.860 Cross-ownership. [417]TEXT [418]PDF 73.865 Assignment and transfer of LPFM authorizations. [419]TEXT [420]PDF 73.870 Processing of LPFM broadcast station applications. [421]TEXT [422]PDF 73.871 Amendment of LPFM broadcast station applications. [423]TEXT [424]PDF 73.872 Selection procedure for mutually exclusive LPFM applications. [425]TEXT [426]PDF 73.873 LPFM license period. [427]TEXT [428]PDF 73.875 Modification of transmission systems. [429]TEXT [430]PDF 73.877 Station logs for LPFM stations. [431]TEXT [432]PDF 73.878 Station inspections by FCC; availability to FCC of station logs and records. [ [433]Inspection Fact Sheet ] [434]TEXT [435]PDF 73.879 Signal retransmission. [436]TEXT [437]PDF 73.881 Equal employment opportunities. Subpart H -- Rules Applicable to All Broadcast Stations [438]TEXT [439]PDF 73.1001 Scope. [440]TEXT [441]PDF 73.1010 Cross reference to rules in other parts. [442]TEXT
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/2000/fc00019a.doc
- with one of a different type or length which changes the transmitter operating power (TPO) from the authorized value, but not the ERP, must be reported in a license modification application to the Commission. (3) Changes in the hours of operation of stations authorized pursuant to time-share agreements in accordance with Section 73.872 of this Part. 30. A new Section 73.877 is added, as follows: §73.877 Station logs for LPFM stations. (a) The licensee of each LPFM station must maintain a station log. Each log entry must include the time and date of observation and the name of the person making the entry. The following information must be entered in the station log: (1) Any extinguishment or malfunction of the antenna
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/2000/fcc00349.doc http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/2000/fcc00349.pdf http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/2000/fcc00349.txt
- Section 73.872 is modified as follows: § 73.872 Selection procedure for mutually exclusive application. *** Local program origination. The applicant must pledge to originate locally at least eight hours of programming per day. For purposes of this criterion, local origination is the production of programming, by the licensee, within ten miles of the coordinates of the proposed transmitting antenna. Section 73.877 is modified as follows: § 73.877 Station Logs for LPFM stations. The (a) is removed at the outset of that paragraph, although the content of ``(a)'' remains, and the numbers are changed to letters. Section 73.1660 is modified as follows: §73.1660 Acceptability of broadcast transmitters. (a)(1) An AM, FM, or TV transmitter shall be verified for compliance with the requirements
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-310870A1.html
- technical rules set forth elsewhere in this part or the terms of the station authorization, broadcast operation must be terminated within three hours." At the time of the inspection, KAVS-LP was operating as an unattended station, but did not have the capability to take the station off the air within three hours of any technical malfunction. d. 47 C.F.R. S: 73.877(d): "The licensee of each LPFM station must maintain a station log. Each log entry must include the time and date of observation and the name of the person making the entry. The following information must be entered in the station log: EAS weekly log requirements set forth in Section 11.61(a) . . . of this chapter." KAVS-LP failed to maintain
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/bickel/amfmrule.html
- of LPFM station interests. [415]TEXT [416]PDF 73.860 Cross-ownership. [417]TEXT [418]PDF 73.865 Assignment and transfer of LPFM authorizations. [419]TEXT [420]PDF 73.870 Processing of LPFM broadcast station applications. [421]TEXT [422]PDF 73.871 Amendment of LPFM broadcast station applications. [423]TEXT [424]PDF 73.872 Selection procedure for mutually exclusive LPFM applications. [425]TEXT [426]PDF 73.873 LPFM license period. [427]TEXT [428]PDF 73.875 Modification of transmission systems. [429]TEXT [430]PDF 73.877 Station logs for LPFM stations. [431]TEXT [432]PDF 73.878 Station inspections by FCC; availability to FCC of station logs and records. [ [433]Inspection Fact Sheet ] [434]TEXT [435]PDF 73.879 Signal retransmission. [436]TEXT [437]PDF 73.881 Equal employment opportunities. Subpart H -- Rules Applicable to All Broadcast Stations [438]TEXT [439]PDF 73.1001 Scope. [440]TEXT [441]PDF 73.1010 Cross reference to rules in other parts. [442]TEXT
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/includes/63-amfmrule.htm
- of LPFM station interests. [368]TEXT [369]PDF 73.860 Cross-ownership. [370]TEXT [371]PDF 73.865 Assignment and transfer of LPFM authorizations. [372]TEXT [373]PDF 73.870 Processing of LPFM broadcast station applications. [374]TEXT [375]PDF 73.871 Amendment of LPFM broadcast station applications. [376]TEXT [377]PDF 73.872 Selection procedure for mutually exclusive LPFM applications. [378]TEXT [379]PDF 73.873 LPFM license period. [380]TEXT [381]PDF 73.875 Modification of transmission systems. [382]TEXT [383]PDF 73.877 Station logs for LPFM stations. [384]TEXT [385]PDF 73.878 Station inspections by FCC; availability to FCC of station logs and records. [ [386]Inspection Fact Sheet ] [387]TEXT [388]PDF 73.879 Signal retransmission. [389]TEXT [390]PDF 73.881 Equal employment opportunities. Subpart H -- Rules Applicable to All Broadcast Stations [391]TEXT [392]PDF 73.1001 Scope. [393]TEXT [394]PDF 73.1010 Cross reference to rules in other parts. [395]TEXT