FCC Web Documents citing 73.314
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1038A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1038A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1038A1.txt
- on reconsideration undermines the Commission's important interest in the orderly authorization of broadcast services. New Life also argues that the Commission has repeatedly rejected the use of field-strength measurements against an applicant that has relied on the standard FM prediction methodology to demonstrate compliance with the Rules. In any event, New Life asserts that the November 2007 Report violates Section 73.314(a) of the Rules, which, it claims, states that field-strength measurements may be submitted only in the context of a ``rule making proceeding'' or ``upon the request of the Commission.'' , alternative methodologies will not be accepted. As discussed above, the staff has previously determined that terrain does not materially impede service to Cidra. We therefore will deny the Objection. Conclusion/Actions.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1293A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1293A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1293A1.txt
- HAAT of 33 meters. Chisholm Trail has thus demonstrated that Station's antenna is almost 30 meters higher than authorized and, as noted, Licensee has not challenged Chisholm Trail's allegation. However, Nolan's methodology for making field strength measurements of Station's signal, from which he concludes that Station is operating at excessive power, does not comport with the methodology prescribed by Section 73.314 of the Commission's Rules. Additionally, while Nolan alludes to field strength measurements of the Station's signal, he does not provide data sufficient for us to confirm his conclusions. Thus, we find that Chisholm Trail has established Licensee's operation of the Station is at variance with its licensed facilities with regard to antenna height, but has not established that the Station's
- http://transition.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/audio/amfmrule.html
- Determining operating power. [206]TEXT [207]PDF 73.277 Permissible transmissions. [208]TEXT [209]PDF 73.293 Use of FM multiplex subcarriers. [210]TEXT [211]PDF 73.295 FM subsidiary communications services. [ [212]Subcarriers / SCA ] [213]TEXT [214]PDF 73.297 FM stereophonic sound broadcasting. [215]TEXT [216]PDF 73.310 FM technical definitions. [217]TEXT [218]PDF 73.311 Field strength contours. [219]TEXT [220]PDF 73.312 Topographic data. [221]TEXT [222]PDF 73.313 Prediction of coverage. [223]TEXT [224]PDF 73.314 Field strength measurements. [225]TEXT [226]PDF 73.315 FM transmitter location. [227]TEXT [228]PDF 73.316 FM antenna systems. [229]TEXT [230]PDF 73.317 FM transmission system requirements. [231]TEXT [232]PDF 73.318 FM blanketing interference. [233]TEXT [234]PDF 73.319 FM multiplex subcarrier technical standards. [235]TEXT [236]PDF 73.322 FM stereophonic sound transmission standards. [237]TEXT [238]PDF 73.333 Engineering charts. [ [239]Propagation Curves ] Subpart C -- Noncommercial Educational FM Broadcast
- http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/audio/DA-10-1038A1.doc http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/audio/DA-10-1038A1.pdf
- on reconsideration undermines the Commission's important interest in the orderly authorization of broadcast services. New Life also argues that the Commission has repeatedly rejected the use of field-strength measurements against an applicant that has relied on the standard FM prediction methodology to demonstrate compliance with the Rules. In any event, New Life asserts that the November 2007 Report violates Section 73.314(a) of the Rules, which, it claims, states that field-strength measurements may be submitted only in the context of a ``rule making proceeding'' or ``upon the request of the Commission.'' , alternative methodologies will not be accepted. As discussed above, the staff has previously determined that terrain does not materially impede service to Cidra. We therefore will deny the Objection. Conclusion/Actions.
- http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/audio/DA-10-1293A1.doc http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/audio/DA-10-1293A1.pdf
- HAAT of 33 meters. Chisholm Trail has thus demonstrated that Station's antenna is almost 30 meters higher than authorized and, as noted, Licensee has not challenged Chisholm Trail's allegation. However, Nolan's methodology for making field strength measurements of Station's signal, from which he concludes that Station is operating at excessive power, does not comport with the methodology prescribed by Section 73.314 of the Commission's Rules. Additionally, while Nolan alludes to field strength measurements of the Station's signal, he does not provide data sufficient for us to confirm his conclusions. Thus, we find that Chisholm Trail has established Licensee's operation of the Station is at variance with its licensed facilities with regard to antenna height, but has not established that the Station's
- http://www.fcc.gov/ftp/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Databases/documents_collection/88-235.pdf
- 44FR69,933(1979).AccordCentralVirginia EducationalTelevisionCorp., 49RR2d435(1981)(waiverof mainstudiolocationrulegrantedtononcommercialeducational televisionstation). 36SeeNoncommercialEducationalFMBroadcastStations,12 FR1369(1947).Petitionersincorrectlycontendthattheserules didnotcontainamainstudiorequirement.Section3.557ofthese rulesprovidedthatastationmustreceiveCommissionauthority, throughformalapplication,fora"[c]hangeinlocationofmain studio,ifitisproposedtomovethemainstudiotoadifferent cityfromthatspecifiedinthelicense."12FRat1332. 37See,e.g.,NebraskaEducationalTelevisionCommission,4RR 2d771(1965). 38See,e.g.,GeorgiaStateBoardofEducation,70FCC2d948 (1979). 39See52.FR21685(1987)(codifiedat47C.F.R.§73.1125(x)(4) (1987)). 40CVCisthelicenseeoftworadiostations,anAMstationand aClassAFMstation,licensedtocommunitiesapproximately16 milesapart.CVCmaintainsthatthepresentruledoesnotpermit ittoco-locateitsstudiosattheAMstation'smainstudiosite becausetheprincipalcommunitycontouroftheFMstationdoes notextendoverthatsite. 41CVCPetitionforReconsiderationand/orClarificationat4. 42SeeReportandOrder2FCCRcdat3224n.10.DTCisthe licenseeofanoncommercialClassAeducationalstationlicensed toRobstown,Texas.ItutilizesthestudiooftheTelecommunications CenteroftheDioceseofCorpusChristilocatedinCorpus Christiasanauxiliarystudio.TheRobstownstationisanaffiliate oftheCatholicTelecommunicationsNetworkofAmerica, (CTNA).CTNAprogrammingisreceivedatanddistributedfrom theCorpusChristifacility.DTCassertsthatitwouldachieve significantoperatingefficienciesifitcouldconsolidateitsoper- ationsattheCorpusChristifacility.DTCnotesthatsuchconsoli- dationisnotpossibleunderthepresentrulebecausetheCorpus Christifacilityis1.8milesoutsidetheRobstownstation's70dbu contour,butwouldbepossibleifa60dbucontourstandardwere adopted. 43DTCnotesthatthe70dbuand60dbucontoursforthe variousclassFMstationsextendapproximatelytothefollowing distances: FederalCommunicationsCommissionRecord FCC88-235 DTCPetitionforReconsiderationat5. 44DTCPetitionforReconsiderationat6.Asanalternative, DTCsuggestsliberalizingthewaiverprocessforeducationalFM stations.DTCstatesthata"waivershouldbepermittedifa stationcanshowthatbylocatingoutsideofitsprincipalcommunity contour,itwillcontinuetoofferreasonableaccessand provideprogrammingtomeetlocalneeds."Id.at9. 45SeeReportandOrder,2FCCRcdat3218. 46See52FR21685(1987)(codifiedat47C.F.R.§73.1125(x)(4) (1987)). 47SeeReportandOrder,2FCCRcdat3224n.10. 48See47C.F.R.Sections73.24(j),73.315(x)and73.685(x) (1987). 49See47C.F.R.Sections73.183and73.153(1987). 50AlthoughtherulespermitFMstationstousefieldstrength datatodeterminewhetherFMbroadcastserviceencompasses specificcommunities,see47CFRSections73.314and73.315(d) (1987),anentirecontourcannotbelocatedundertherulesby actualmeasurements. 51AsstatedintheReportandOrder,theprincipalcommunity contourfornoncommercialeducationalstationsisthatapplicable toFMcommercialstations.2FCCRcdat3224n.10.DTC questionswhetherthereferenceinnote10oftheReportand Order toSection73.315(x)todescribethecontourtobeusedby noncommercialeducationalFMstationsimposedaprincipalcity coveragerequirement.Itdidnot.Thatreferencewasmadesolely toindicatetheapplicablemainstudiolocationstandardforthe stations. 52FederalPaperworkReductionAct,44U.S.C.Sections 3501-3520(1984Supp.). Class 70dbu(miles) 60dbu(miles) A 8.43 15 B1 14.35 22.35 B andC2 20.21 32.21 Cl 30.96 44.94 C 41.88 57.08
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/bickel/amfmrule.html
- Determining operating power. [206]TEXT [207]PDF 73.277 Permissible transmissions. [208]TEXT [209]PDF 73.293 Use of FM multiplex subcarriers. [210]TEXT [211]PDF 73.295 FM subsidiary communications services. [ [212]Subcarriers / SCA ] [213]TEXT [214]PDF 73.297 FM stereophonic sound broadcasting. [215]TEXT [216]PDF 73.310 FM technical definitions. [217]TEXT [218]PDF 73.311 Field strength contours. [219]TEXT [220]PDF 73.312 Topographic data. [221]TEXT [222]PDF 73.313 Prediction of coverage. [223]TEXT [224]PDF 73.314 Field strength measurements. [225]TEXT [226]PDF 73.315 FM transmitter location. [227]TEXT [228]PDF 73.316 FM antenna systems. [229]TEXT [230]PDF 73.317 FM transmission system requirements. [231]TEXT [232]PDF 73.318 FM blanketing interference. [233]TEXT [234]PDF 73.319 FM multiplex subcarrier technical standards. [235]TEXT [236]PDF 73.322 FM stereophonic sound transmission standards. [237]TEXT [238]PDF 73.333 Engineering charts. [ [239]Propagation Curves ] Subpart C -- Noncommercial Educational FM Broadcast
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/includes/63-amfmrule.htm
- Determining operating power. [159]TEXT [160]PDF 73.277 Permissible transmissions. [161]TEXT [162]PDF 73.293 Use of FM multiplex subcarriers. [163]TEXT [164]PDF 73.295 FM subsidiary communications services. [ [165]Subcarriers / SCA ] [166]TEXT [167]PDF 73.297 FM stereophonic sound broadcasting. [168]TEXT [169]PDF 73.310 FM technical definitions. [170]TEXT [171]PDF 73.311 Field strength contours. [172]TEXT [173]PDF 73.312 Topographic data. [174]TEXT [175]PDF 73.313 Prediction of coverage. [176]TEXT [177]PDF 73.314 Field strength measurements. [178]TEXT [179]PDF 73.315 FM transmitter location. [180]TEXT [181]PDF 73.316 FM antenna systems. [182]TEXT [183]PDF 73.317 FM transmission system requirements. [184]TEXT [185]PDF 73.318 FM blanketing interference. [186]TEXT [187]PDF 73.319 FM multiplex subcarrier technical standards. [188]TEXT [189]PDF 73.322 FM stereophonic sound transmission standards. [190]TEXT [191]PDF 73.333 Engineering charts. [ [192]Propagation Curves ] Subpart C -- Noncommercial Educational FM Broadcast