FCC Web Documents citing 51.401
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1863A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1863A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1863A1.txt
- of proof upon the telephone company to justify continued exemption from these requirements. Additionally, these rules specifically identify the subscriber line threshold for LEC eligibility for exemptions, suspensions or modifications. Need: These rules ensure appropriate adjustments are made for smaller incumbent LECs in order to avoid applying unduly burdensome requirements. Legal Basis: 47 U.S.C. 251, 252. Section Number and Title: 51.401 State authority. 51.403 Carriers eligible for suspension or modification under section 251(f)(2) of the Act. 51.405 Burden of Proof. SUBPART -- G - RESALE Brief Description: The subpart implements section 251(b)(1) and 251(c)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, which governs the terms and conditions under which LECs offer telecommunications services to requesting telecommunications carriers for resale. Need:
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-96-325A1.pdf
- B-7 51.315 Combination of unbundled network elements. 51.317 Standards for identifying network elements to be made available. 51.319 Specific unbundling requirements. 51.321 Methods of obtaining interconnection and access to unbundled elements under section 251 of the Act. 51.323 Standards for physical collocation and virtual collocation. Subpart E - Exemptions, suspensions, and modifications of requirements of section 251 of the Act. 51.401 State authority. 51.403 Carriers eligible for suspension or modification under section 251(f)(2) of the Act. 51.405 Burden of proof. Subpart F - Pricing of interconnection and unbundled elements 51.501 Scope. 51.503 General pricing standard. 51.505 Forward-looking economic cost. 51.507 General rate structure standard. 51.509 Rate structure standards for specific elements. 51.511 Forward-looking economic cost per unit. 51.513 Proxies for forward-looking
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1996/fcc96325.pdf
- B-7 51.315 Combination of unbundled network elements. 51.317 Standards for identifying network elements to be made available. 51.319 Specific unbundling requirements. 51.321 Methods of obtaining interconnection and access to unbundled elements under section 251 of the Act. 51.323 Standards for physical collocation and virtual collocation. Subpart E - Exemptions, suspensions, and modifications of requirements of section 251 of the Act. 51.401 State authority. 51.403 Carriers eligible for suspension or modification under section 251(f)(2) of the Act. 51.405 Burden of proof. Subpart F - Pricing of interconnection and unbundled elements 51.501 Scope. 51.503 General pricing standard. 51.505 Forward-looking economic cost. 51.507 General rate structure standard. 51.509 Rate structure standards for specific elements. 51.511 Forward-looking economic cost per unit. 51.513 Proxies for forward-looking