FCC Web Documents citing 32.21
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-646A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-646A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-646A1.txt
- 0.032 3.94 0.00 * PctBedrock36 0.279 0.098 2.84 0.01 * Difficulty 0.114 0.057 2.02 0.04 * Climate 0.135 0.020 6.91 0.00 * PctTribalLand 0.002 0.001 2.79 0.01 * PctParkLand 0.006 0.004 1.65 0.10 * PctUrban 0.002 0.001 2.52 0.01 * Alaska 0.299 0.155 1.92 0.06 * Midwest 0.134 0.063 2.13 0.03 * Northeast 0.015 0.085 0.18 0.86 Constant 8.198 0.255 32.21 0.00 * N = 726 Pseudo R2 = 0.6234 Notes: An * indicates significance at the 0.10 level. P-values are based on Wald statistics. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 APPENDIX B Quantile Regression Cost Per Loop (CPL) $511 $595 $1,779 $801 WITTENBERG TEL CO 330973 WI 2,083 $672 $276 $389 $396 $606 $672 WOLVERINE TEL CO 310738
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.txt
- 489,072 7,471,621 15.28 6,145,653 12.57 1,325,968 2.71 Vermont 99,978 1,668,556 16.69 1,083,477 10.84 585,079 5.85 Virgin Islands 18,333 1,088,559 59.38 906,856 49.47 181,703 9.91 Virginia 1,177,229 25,703,391 21.83 19,694,011 16.73 6,009,380 5.10 Washington 1,014,798 18,228,661 17.96 12,541,962 12.36 5,686,699 5.60 West Virginia 282,455 8,216,886 29.09 5,030,750 17.81 3,186,136 11.28 Wisconsin 881,231 31,789,093 36.07 26,988,766 30.63 4,800,327 5.45 Wyoming 88,116 2,837,981 32.21 1,883,919 21.38 954,062 10.83 Totals 48,876,386 $2,205,513,186 $45.12 $1,477,164,705 $30.22 $728,348,481 $14.90 Activity through June 6, 2005. Because of the appeals process, funding commitments and disbursements can be made after the end of the program year. Also, disbursements may continue beyond the end of the program year in the event of delayed internal connections installation. Other adjustments and corrections may
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A13.txt
- Southeast - Tennessee TN 35,879 13,998 21,879 60.98 Sprint - Centel of Texas TX 57,838 32,438 25,400 43.92 Verizon - SW - Contel Texas TX 3,488 537 2,945 84.43 Verizon - SW Texas TX 128,498 51,259 77,175 60.06 SBC - Southwestern Bell - Texas TX 657,125 425,341 227,281 34.59 Sprint - United Telephone Company of Texas TX 35,720 24,216 11,504 32.21 Valor - Texas TX 115,980 99,437 16,544 14.26 Qwest - Utah UT 102,415 31,956 70,411 68.75 Verizon - New England - Vermont VT 21,951 9,782 12,170 55.44 Sprint - Centel of Virginia VA 55,742 28,711 27,032 48.49 Verizon - South - Contel - Virginia VA 70,790 25,811 44,977 63.54 Verizon - Virginia VA 275,701 81,920 193,736 70.27 Verizon - South
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A6.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A6.txt
- 489,072 7,471,621 15.28 6,145,653 12.57 1,325,968 2.71 Vermont 99,978 1,668,556 16.69 1,083,477 10.84 585,079 5.85 Virgin Islands 18,333 1,088,559 59.38 906,856 49.47 181,703 9.91 Virginia 1,177,229 25,703,391 21.83 19,694,011 16.73 6,009,380 5.10 Washington 1,014,798 18,228,661 17.96 12,541,962 12.36 5,686,699 5.60 West Virginia 282,455 8,216,886 29.09 5,030,750 17.81 3,186,136 11.28 Wisconsin 881,231 31,789,093 36.07 26,988,766 30.63 4,800,327 5.45 Wyoming 88,116 2,837,981 32.21 1,883,919 21.38 954,062 10.83 Totals 48,876,386 $2,205,513,186 $45.12 $1,477,164,705 $30.22 $728,348,481 $14.90 Activity through June 6, 2005. Because of the appeals process, funding commitments and disbursements can be made after the end of the program year. Also, disbursements may continue beyond the end of the program year in the event of delayed internal connections installation. Other adjustments and corrections may
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A1.pdf
- Tennessee TN 6,439,964 4,685,025 1,891,801 29.38 Embarq - United Telephone - Southeast - Tennessee TN 571,084 446,041 125,112 21.91 Embarq - Centel Telephone Co. of Texas TX 697,650 542,187 156,149 22.38 Verizon Southwest - Contel Texas TX 384,460 293,456 97,131 25.26 Verizon Southwest - Texas TX 5,169,792 3,789,275 1,468,457 28.40 AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Texas TX 24,537,123 16,542,712 7,902,330 32.21 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Texas TX 556,281 422,188 135,023 24.27 Windstream/Valor Telecom. of Texas - Texas TX 1,164,506 834,903 330,731 28.40 Qwest - Utah UT 2,965,785 2,049,527 935,700 31.55 Verizon New England - Vermont VT 1,031,271 675,440 353,464 34.27 Embarq - Central Telephone Company of Virginia VA 827,776 640,645 188,244 22.74 Verizon South - Contel/Virginia VA 1,528,589 1,126,141
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A13.pdf
- Tennessee TN 6,439,964 4,685,025 1,891,801 29.38 Embarq - United Telephone - Southeast - Tennessee TN 571,084 446,041 125,112 21.91 Embarq - Centel Telephone Co. of Texas TX 697,650 542,187 156,149 22.38 Verizon Southwest - Contel Texas TX 384,460 293,456 97,131 25.26 Verizon Southwest - Texas TX 5,169,792 3,789,275 1,468,457 28.40 AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Texas TX 24,537,123 16,542,712 7,902,330 32.21 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Texas TX 556,281 422,188 135,023 24.27 Windstream/Valor Telecom. of Texas - Texas TX 1,164,506 834,903 330,731 28.40 Qwest - Utah UT 2,965,785 2,049,527 935,700 31.55 Verizon New England - Vermont VT 1,031,271 675,440 353,464 34.27 Embarq - Central Telephone Company of Virginia VA 827,776 640,645 188,244 22.74 Verizon South - Contel/Virginia VA 1,528,589 1,126,141
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301823A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301823A1.txt
- & PA) 53.22 47.02 50.748 50.748 56.61 55.146 45.38 37.78 25.62 38 Embarq Local Telephone Cos. - Midwest (MO, KS, MN, NE, WY, TX) 28.22 25.15 30.848 30.848 32.36 29.176 25.24 18.89 18.88 39 Embarq Local Telephone Cos. - North Carolina 34.06 34.94 46.088 46.088 50.82 51.626 45.89 36.64 22.23 40 Embarq Local Telephone Cos. - Northwest (OR & WA) 32.21 27.39 32.068 32.068 33.80 23.906 33.51 34.62 32.77 41 Embarq Local Telephone Cos. - Southeast (TN, VA & SC) 37.57 34.91 40.988 40.988 38.35 36.146 34.34 33.76 23.32 42 United Telephone Co. of Indiana, Inc. 55.12 58.90 64.248 64.248 71.95 68.806 46.47 41.75 38.21 43 United Telephone Co. of Ohio 60.45 53.29 50.398 50.398 46.30 39.016 31.50 30.89 20.03 %
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-305A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-305A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-305A1.txt
- follows: PART 32-UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Subpart A-Preface Sec. 32.1 Background. 32.2 Basis of the accounts. 32.3 Authority 32.4 Communications Act. Subpart B-General Instructions 32.11 Classification of companies. 32.12 Records. 32.13 Accounts-general. 32.14 Regulated accounts. 32.15 [Reserved] 32.16 Changes in accounting standards. 32.17 Interpretation of accounts. 32.18 Waivers. 32.19 Address for reports and correspondence. 32.20 Numbering convention. 32.21 Sequence of accounts. 32.22 Comprehensive interperiod tax allocation. 32.23 Nonregulated activities. 32.24 Compensated absences. 32.25 Unusual items and contingent liabilities. 32.26 Materiality. 32.27 Transactions with affiliates. Subpart C-Instructions for Balance Sheet Accounts 32.101 Structure of the balance sheet accounts. Nonregulated investments. 32.103 Balance sheet accounts for other than regulated-fixed assets to be maintained. 32.1120 Cash and equivalents. 32.1170 Receivables. 32.1171
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-149A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-149A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-149A1.txt
- follows: PART 32-UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Subpart A-Preface Sec. 32.1 Background. 32.2 Basis of the accounts. 32.3 Authority. 32.4 Communications Act. Subpart B-General Instructions 32.11 Classification of companies. 32.12 Records. 32.13 Accounts-general. 32.14 Regulated accounts. 32.15 [Reserved] 32.16 Changes in accounting standards. 32.17 Interpretation of accounts. 32.18 Waivers. 32.19 Address for reports and correspondence. 32.20 Numbering convention. 32.21 Sequence of accounts. 32.22 Comprehensive interperiod tax allocation. 32.23 Nonregulated activities. 32.24 Compensated absences. 32.25 Unusual items and contingent liabilities. 32.26 Materiality. 32.27 Transactions with affiliates. Subpart C-Instructions for Balance Sheet Accounts 32.101 Structure of the balance sheet accounts. 32.102 Nonregulated investments. 32.103 Balance sheet accounts for other than regulated-fixed assets to be maintained. 32.1120 Cash and equivalents. 32.1170 Receivables.
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- NORTH INC. (COPA + COQS) 19,218 11,943 7,274 17,218 42.25 (845) 0 13GTE SYSTEMS OF THE SOUTH (COAL ONLY) 20,784 18,006 2,777 27,490 10.10 173 0 14GTE ARKANSAS, INC. (COAR + COSA) 32,026 25,287 6,739 34,416 19.58 156 0 15CONTEL OF MINNESOTA - GTMN 276 455 (180) 1,351 (13.31) 60 0 16CONTEL OF MINNESOTA - COMN 21,305 14,366 6,939 21,543 32.21 (1,076) 0 17GTE ALASKA, INC. (ALASKA GTE) 4,049 3,099 950 4,983 19.07 (110) 0 18GTE CALIFORNIA INC. (CALIFORNIA GTE) 460,561 352,778 107,783 748,387 14.40 (9,976) 0 19GTE FLORIDA INC. (FLORIDA GTE) 323,061 244,953 78,109 498,424 15.67 (5,404) 0 20GTE HAWAIIAN TELEPHONE CO. INC. (HAWAII GTE) 129,632 104,307 25,324 256,104 9.89 (1,501) 0 21GTE ILLINOIS + ALLTEL ILLINOIS (GTIL + GLIL)
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 1,323,705 1,053,343 270,362 20.42 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan MI 7,210,739 5,448,145 1,762,594 24.44 Qwest - Minnesota MN 3,251,530 2,286,316 965,212 29.68 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 2,507,453 1,846,261 661,192 26.37 SBC - Southwestern Bell - Missouri MO 3,928,877 2,696,569 1,232,308 31.37 Sprint - United Telephone Company of Missouri MO 391,315 289,738 101,579 25.96 Qwest - Montana MT 667,985 452,849 215,135 32.21 Aliant Telecommunications - Nebraska NE 413,781 305,223 108,558 26.24 Qwest - Nebraska NE 1,160,038 763,180 396,859 34.21 Sprint - Centel of Nevada NV 982,777 756,735 225,894 22.99 Verizon - Contel Nevada NV 65,713 40,409 25,304 38.51 SBC - Nevada Bell NV 494,709 348,007 146,702 29.65 Verizon - New England - New Hampshire NH 1,297,573 852,569 445,005 34.30 Verizon - New
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-4.pdf
- 489,072 7,471,621 15.28 5,762,070 11.78 1,709,551 3.50 Vermont 99,978 1,668,603 16.69 1,075,474 10.76 593,129 5.93 Virgin Islands 18,333 1,088,559 59.38 714,038 38.95 374,520 20.43 Virginia 1,177,229 25,992,185 22.08 19,360,431 16.45 6,631,755 5.63 Washington 1,014,798 18,338,634 18.07 12,091,284 11.91 6,247,351 6.16 West Virginia 282,455 8,142,023 28.83 4,776,986 16.91 3,365,037 11.91 Wisconsin 881,231 31,790,344 36.07 26,027,928 29.54 5,762,416 6.54 Wyoming 88,116 2,837,981 32.21 1,881,965 21.36 956,015 10.85 Totals 48,876,386 $2,195,719,369 $44.92 $1,345,787,219 $27.53 $849,932,150 $17.39 Source: Raw funding data provided by the Universal Service Administrative Company, rollups performed by Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, FCC. Activity through May 6, 2004. Because of the appeals process, funding commitments and disbursements can be made after the end of the program year. Also,
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- Contel - Texas TX 134,962 94,066 40,896 30.30 GTE - Southwest - Texas TX 1,234,040 890,258 343,782 27.86 SBC - Southwestern Bell - Texas TX 6,303,308 4,789,850 1,513,457 24.01 Sprint - Centel of Texas TX 140,659 94,930 45,729 32.51 Sprint - United Telephone Company of Texas TX 105,243 78,276 26,967 25.62 U S WEST - Utah UT 677,620 459,329 218,292 32.21 Bell Atlantic - New England - Vermont VT 249,376 177,945 71,431 28.64 Bell Atlantic - Virginia VA 2,147,057 1,525,968 621,088 28.93 GTE - South - Contel - Virginia VA 345,765 209,640 136,125 39.37 GTE - South - Virginia VA 23,807 16,322 7,485 31.44 Sprint - Centel of Virginia VA 191,466 148,127 43,338 22.63 Sprint - UTC - Southeast - Virginia
- http://www.fcc.gov/ftp/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Databases/documents_collection/88-235.pdf
- toRobstown,Texas.ItutilizesthestudiooftheTelecommunications CenteroftheDioceseofCorpusChristilocatedinCorpus Christiasanauxiliarystudio.TheRobstownstationisanaffiliate oftheCatholicTelecommunicationsNetworkofAmerica, (CTNA).CTNAprogrammingisreceivedatanddistributedfrom theCorpusChristifacility.DTCassertsthatitwouldachieve significantoperatingefficienciesifitcouldconsolidateitsoper- ationsattheCorpusChristifacility.DTCnotesthatsuchconsoli- dationisnotpossibleunderthepresentrulebecausetheCorpus Christifacilityis1.8milesoutsidetheRobstownstation's70dbu contour,butwouldbepossibleifa60dbucontourstandardwere adopted. 43DTCnotesthatthe70dbuand60dbucontoursforthe variousclassFMstationsextendapproximatelytothefollowing distances: FederalCommunicationsCommissionRecord FCC88-235 DTCPetitionforReconsiderationat5. 44DTCPetitionforReconsiderationat6.Asanalternative, DTCsuggestsliberalizingthewaiverprocessforeducationalFM stations.DTCstatesthata"waivershouldbepermittedifa stationcanshowthatbylocatingoutsideofitsprincipalcommunity contour,itwillcontinuetoofferreasonableaccessand provideprogrammingtomeetlocalneeds."Id.at9. 45SeeReportandOrder,2FCCRcdat3218. 46See52FR21685(1987)(codifiedat47C.F.R.§73.1125(x)(4) (1987)). 47SeeReportandOrder,2FCCRcdat3224n.10. 48See47C.F.R.Sections73.24(j),73.315(x)and73.685(x) (1987). 49See47C.F.R.Sections73.183and73.153(1987). 50AlthoughtherulespermitFMstationstousefieldstrength datatodeterminewhetherFMbroadcastserviceencompasses specificcommunities,see47CFRSections73.314and73.315(d) (1987),anentirecontourcannotbelocatedundertherulesby actualmeasurements. 51AsstatedintheReportandOrder,theprincipalcommunity contourfornoncommercialeducationalstationsisthatapplicable toFMcommercialstations.2FCCRcdat3224n.10.DTC questionswhetherthereferenceinnote10oftheReportand Order toSection73.315(x)todescribethecontourtobeusedby noncommercialeducationalFMstationsimposedaprincipalcity coveragerequirement.Itdidnot.Thatreferencewasmadesolely toindicatetheapplicablemainstudiolocationstandardforthe stations. 52FederalPaperworkReductionAct,44U.S.C.Sections 3501-3520(1984Supp.). Class 70dbu(miles) 60dbu(miles) A 8.43 15 B1 14.35 22.35 B andC2 20.21 32.21 Cl 30.96 44.94 C 41.88 57.08