FCC Web Documents citing 27.301
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1998/fcc98025.pdf http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1998/fcc98025.txt http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1998/fcc98025.wp
- (to allow auction winners to file a 27.11 single application for all winning markets). 27.14(e) Construction requirements (add notification section). 27.14(e) 27.15 (b)(1) Coordinate data (NAD83 instead of NAD27). 27.15(b)(1) 27.59 Environmental requirements (change form numbers to 27.59 reflect ULS forms). 27.207 Procedures for filing petitions to deny against WCS long- 1.947 form applications (move to consolidated Part 1 rule). 27.301 Authorization required (move to consolidated Part 1 rule).1.911 27.303 Formal and informal applications (eliminate letter filings).No new rule 27.304 Filing of WCS applications, fees, and number of copies 1.914 (move to consolidated Part 1 rule). 27.306 Miscellaneous forms (move to consolidated Part 1 rule). 1.931, 1.945 27.307 General application requirements (eliminate ownership 1.911 information; move to consolidated Part 1 rule).
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/14/releases/fo9750.pdf http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/14/releases/fo9750.txt http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/14/releases/fo9750.wp
- mechanisms. 27.203Withdrawal, default and disqualification payments. 27.204Bidding application and certification procedures; prohibition of collusion. 27.205Submission of upfront payments. 27.206Submission of down payment and filing of long-form applications. 27.207Procedures for filing petitions to deny against long-form WCS applications. 27.208License grant, denial, default, and disqualification. 27.209Designated entities; bidding credits; unjust enrichment. 27.210Definitions. Subpart E -- Application, Licensing, and Processing Rules for WCS 27.301Authorization required. 27.302Eligibility. 27.303Formal and informal applications. 27.304Filing of WCS applications, fees, and numbers of copies. 27.305Reserved. 27.306Miscellaneous forms. Federal Communications Commission FCC 97-50 18 27.307General application requirements. 27.308Technical content of applications. 27.310Waiver of rules. 27.311Defective applications. 27.312Inconsistent or conflicting applications. 27.313Amendment of applications for Wireless Communications Service (other than applications filed on FCC Form 175). 27.314Application for temporary authorizations. 27.315Receipt
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/14/releases/wcsbip.pdf
- extra-trust business relationship to the grantor or the (ii) The parties to a joint venture are considered beneficiary, the stock interests held in trust will be to be affiliated with each other. deemed controlled by the grantor or beneficiary, as appropriate. Subpart E -- Application, Licensing, and Processing Rules for WCS It contains all the technical details and informational Sec. 27.301 Authorization required. No person shall use or operate any device for the transmission of energy or communications by radio in the Sec. 27.304 Filing of WCS applications, fees, and services authorized by this part except as provided in this numbers of copies. part. Sec. 27.302 Eligibility. (a) General. Authorizations will be granted upon proper application if: (1) The applicant is
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Orders/1997/fcc97050.pdf http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Orders/1997/fcc97050.txt http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Orders/1997/fcc97050.wp
- mechanisms. 27.203Withdrawal, default and disqualification payments. 27.204Bidding application and certification procedures; prohibition of collusion. 27.205Submission of upfront payments. 27.206Submission of down payment and filing of long-form applications. 27.207Procedures for filing petitions to deny against long-form WCS applications. 27.208License grant, denial, default, and disqualification. 27.209Designated entities; bidding credits; unjust enrichment. 27.210Definitions. Subpart E -- Application, Licensing, and Processing Rules for WCS 27.301Authorization required. 27.302Eligibility. 27.303Formal and informal applications. 27.304Filing of WCS applications, fees, and numbers of copies. 27.305Reserved. 27.306Miscellaneous forms. Federal Communications Commission FCC 97-50 18 27.307General application requirements. 27.308Technical content of applications. 27.310Waiver of rules. 27.311Defective applications. 27.312Inconsistent or conflicting applications. 27.313Amendment of applications for Wireless Communications Service (other than applications filed on FCC Form 175). 27.314Application for temporary authorizations. 27.315Receipt
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1998/fcc98025.pdf http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1998/fcc98025.txt http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1998/fcc98025.wp
- (to allow auction winners to file a 27.11 single application for all winning markets). 27.14(e) Construction requirements (add notification section). 27.14(e) 27.15 (b)(1) Coordinate data (NAD83 instead of NAD27). 27.15(b)(1) 27.59 Environmental requirements (change form numbers to 27.59 reflect ULS forms). 27.207 Procedures for filing petitions to deny against WCS long- 1.947 form applications (move to consolidated Part 1 rule). 27.301 Authorization required (move to consolidated Part 1 rule).1.911 27.303 Formal and informal applications (eliminate letter filings).No new rule 27.304 Filing of WCS applications, fees, and number of copies 1.914 (move to consolidated Part 1 rule). 27.306 Miscellaneous forms (move to consolidated Part 1 rule). 1.931, 1.945 27.307 General application requirements (eliminate ownership 1.911 information; move to consolidated Part 1 rule).
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/1998/da981687.pdf
- (9 24.829) should be consolidated with amendment procedures in 6 24.823. A-2 * -. l Procedures for assignments of authorization and transfers of control (5 24.839) should be streamlined. Specifically, the requirement to file the FCC Form 430 is uraecessary and is not required for the filing of other Part i4 applications. Part 27 WCS Remiabons l Application Procedures ($5 27.301 - 27.325): ae l Ownership/real party in interest requirements (4 27.307) require more information than necessary for application processing and to support a finding that an applicant is qualified to hold a license, and should be streamlined. l Procedures for ownership changes (5 27.3 19) are duplicative of other amendment procedures and should be combined with 3 27.3 13. .