FCC Web Documents citing 24.130
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-135A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-135A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-135A1.txt
- One 150 kHz channel paired with 50 kHz channel: Channel 31: 930.85-931.00 and 901.7-901.75 MHz. (5) One 100 kHz channel paired with 12.5 kHz channel: Channel 32: 940.90-941 and 901.8375-901.85 MHz. NOTE 1: Operations in markets or portions of markets which border other countries, such as Canada and Mexico, will be subject to on-going coordination arrangements with neighboring countries. Section 24.130 is removed and reserved. § 24.130 [Removed and Reserved] APPENDIX B FINAL REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY ANALYSIS (Third Report and Order) As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) was incorporated in Appendix D of the Narrowband PCS Second R&O/Second Further Notice in this proceeding. The Commission sought written public comment on the proposals in the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-135A1_Erratum.doc
- One 150 kHz channel paired with 50 kHz channel: Channel 31: 930.85-931.00 and 901.7-901.75 MHz. (5) One 100 kHz channel paired with 12.5 kHz channel: Channel 32: 940.90-941 and 901.8375-901.85 MHz. NOTE 1: Operations in markets or portions of markets which border other countries, such as Canada and Mexico, will be subject to on-going coordination arrangements with neighboring countries. Section 24.130 is removed and reserved. § 24.130 [Removed and Reserved] APPENDIX B FINAL REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY ANALYSIS (Third Report and Order) As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) was incorporated in Appendix D of the Narrowband PCS Second R&O/Second Further Notice in this proceeding. The Commission sought written public comment on the proposals in the
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/41/releases/fc000159.doc http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/41/releases/fc000159.pdf http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/41/releases/fc000159.txt
- kHz channels paired with 12.5 kHz channels: Channel 20: 930.75-930.80 and 901.8375-901.8500 MHz; Channel 21: 930.80-930.85 and 901.8500-901.8625 MHz; Channel 22: 930.85-930.90 and 901.8625-901.8750 MHz; Channel 25: 930.90-930.95 and 901.8750-901.8875 MHz; and, Channel 26: 930.95-931.00 and 901.8875-901.9000 MHz. (3) Two 50 kHz unpaired channels: Channel 23: 940.90-940.95 MHz; and Channel 24: 940.95-941.00 MHz. * * * * * 7. Section 24.130 is revised to read as follows: § 24.130 Paging response channels. The following eight 12.5 kHz unpaired channels are available for assignment on an MTA basis and shall be used only to provide mobile-to-base station communications: A: 901.9000-901.9125 MHz; B: 901.9125-901.9250 MHz; C: 901.9250-901.9375 MHz; D: 901.9375-901.9500 MHz; E: 901.9500-901.9625 MHz; F: 901.9625-901.9750 MHz; G: 901.9750-901.9875 MHz; and H: 901.9875-902.0000
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/41/releases/fc010135.doc http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/41/releases/fc010135.pdf http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/41/releases/fc010135.txt
- One 150 kHz channel paired with 50 kHz channel: Channel 31: 930.85-931.00 and 901.7-901.75 MHz. (5) One 100 kHz channel paired with 12.5 kHz channel: Channel 32: 940.90-941 and 901.8375-901.85 MHz. NOTE 1: Operations in markets or portions of markets which border other countries, such as Canada and Mexico, will be subject to on-going coordination arrangements with neighboring countries. Section 24.130 is removed and reserved. § 24.130 [Removed and Reserved] APPENDIX B FINAL REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY ANALYSIS (Third Report and Order) As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) was incorporated in Appendix D of the Narrowband PCS Second R&O/Second Further Notice in this proceeding. The Commission sought written public comment on the proposals in the
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/41/releases/fc970140.pdf http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/41/releases/fc970140.txt http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/41/releases/fc970140.wp
- to two paging response channels per geographic area. In the PCS Second MO&O, we amended this requirement to provide that the two response channels per market limit will expire two years after the date of initial license grant. PCS Second MO&O, 9 FCC Rcd at 4521, 12. 109 PCS Second MO&O, 9 FCC Rcd at 4520, 10. 110 47 C.F.R. 24.130(a). 111 Petitions for Reconsideration of the PCS Second MO&O, 9 FCC Rcd 4519 (1994), filed Oct. 7, 1994. In addition, we incorporate the record in response to the Petitions for Reconsideration: Oppositions to Petitions for Reconsideration, filed Nov. 3, 1994, by PageMart, Inc. ("PageMart"), Pegasus Communications, Inc. (Pegasus"), and PRTC; Replies to Oppositions to Petitions for Reconsideration, filed Nov. 14,
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/2000/fcc00159.doc
- kHz channels paired with 12.5 kHz channels: Channel 20: 930.75-930.80 and 901.8375-901.8500 MHz; Channel 21: 930.80-930.85 and 901.8500-901.8625 MHz; Channel 22: 930.85-930.90 and 901.8625-901.8750 MHz; Channel 25: 930.90-930.95 and 901.8750-901.8875 MHz; and, Channel 26: 930.95-931.00 and 901.8875-901.9000 MHz. (3) Two 50 kHz unpaired channels: Channel 23: 940.90-940.95 MHz; and Channel 24: 940.95-941.00 MHz. * * * * * 7. Section 24.130 is revised to read as follows: § 24.130 Paging response channels. The following eight 12.5 kHz unpaired channels are available for assignment on an MTA basis and shall be used only to provide mobile-to-base station communications: A: 901.9000-901.9125 MHz; B: 901.9125-901.9250 MHz; C: 901.9250-901.9375 MHz; D: 901.9375-901.9500 MHz; E: 901.9500-901.9625 MHz; F: 901.9625-901.9750 MHz; G: 901.9750-901.9875 MHz; and H: 901.9875-902.0000