FCC Web Documents citing 23.14
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.txt
- Pursuant to section 54.709(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submitted projections of demand and administrative expenses for the third quarter of 2010. Accordingly, the projected demand and expenses are as follows: ($ millions) Program Demand Projected Program Support Admin. Expenses Application Of Interest Income True-Ups and Other Adjustment Total Program Collection Schools and Libraries 539.36 23.14 (3.04) (3.35) 556.11 Rural Health Care 33.08 3.59 (0.31) (0.88) 35.48 High-Cost 1,148.29 7.48 (0.04) (14.21) 1,141.52 Low Income 359.21 1.70 (0.03) (14.17) 346.71 TOTAL 2,079.94 35.91 (3.42) (32.61) 2,079.82 USAC Projections of Industry Revenues USAC submitted projected collected end-user telecommunications revenues for July through September 2010 based on information contained in the Third Quarter 2010 Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2738A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2738A1.txt
- 1 7.00 25.85 1.41 1.45 2.9% Cell 2 7.37 26.31 Cell 2 9.49 34.50 1.29 1.31 1.8% Cell 3 11.77 43.45 Cell 3 13.71 50.95 1.16 1.17 0.7% AVG.: 6.18 22.33 AVG.: 8.20 30.28 1.33 1.36 2.2% ATT/WC Verizon ATT/WC Verizon ATT/WC Verizon 2W BRI/2W BUL 2W BRI/2W BUL 2W BUL 2W BRI Cell 1 4.98 17.86 Cell 1 5.91 23.14 1.19 1.30 8.4% Cell 2 7.37 26.31 Cell 2 8.28 31.83 1.12 1.21 7.1% Cell 3 11.77 43.45 Cell 3 12.65 48.87 1.07 1.12 4.4% AVG.: 6.18 22.33 AVG.: 7.09 27.66 1.15 1.24 7.4% ATT/WC Verizon ATT/WC Verizon ATT/WC Verizon 4W DDS/4W CSS 4W DDS/4W CSS 4W BUL - CSS 4W DDS Cell 1 19.69 56.81 Cell 1 21.77 60.29
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.txt
- Pursuant to section 54.709(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submitted projections of demand and administrative expenses for the third quarter of 2010. Accordingly, the projected demand and expenses are as follows: ($ millions) Program Demand Projected Program Support Admin. Expenses Application Of Interest Income True-Ups and Other Adjustment Total Program Collection Schools and Libraries 539.36 23.14 (3.04) (3.35) 556.11 Rural Health Care 33.08 3.59 (0.31) (0.88) 35.48 High-Cost 1,148.29 7.48 (0.04) (14.21) 1,141.52 Low Income 359.21 1.70 (0.03) (14.17) 346.71 TOTAL 2,079.94 35.91 (3.42) (32.61) 2,079.82 USAC Projections of Industry Revenues USAC submitted projected collected end-user telecommunications revenues for July through September 2010 based on information contained in the Third Quarter 2010 Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269517A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269517A1.txt
- 2,639 13,649 19.33 Minnesota 942 13,407 7.03 720 5,697 12.64 Mississippi 420 6,664 6.30 325 3,799 8.55 Missouri 1,289 15,808 8.15 1,119 6,944 16.11 Montana 135 1,870 7.22 33 1,064 3.10 Nebraska 117 3,022 3.87 181 1,978 9.15 Nevada 276 6,069 4.55 763 2,380 32.06 New Hampshire 647 4,506 14.36 275 1,630 16.87 New Jersey 3,237 27,231 11.89 2,298 9,932 23.14 New Mexico 123 2,884 4.26 364 1,872 19.44 New York 5,549 45,860 12.10 6,641 19,832 33.49 North Carolina 1,502 20,361 7.38 1,502 10,723 14.01 North Dakota 15 769 1.95 29 480 6.04 Northern Marianas 0 0 NM 0 0 NM Ohio 2,237 28,526 7.84 1,450 13,269 10.93 Oklahoma 446 9,719 4.59 698 4,026 17.34 Oregon 483 7,930 6.09 791 3,644
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276876A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276876A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.26 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-260A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-260A1.txt
- 1.63 B. xDSL (ADSL, HDSL and UCL)/Dispatch/GA(hours) 55.62 5.14 66.87 3.56 44.06 8.84 32.41 4.30 B. xDSL (ADSL, HDSL and UCL)/Non- Dispatch/GA(hours) 3.38 1.35 4.77 2.56 2.65 2.13 1.59 2.40 B. UNE ISDN/Dispatch/GA(hours) 18.74 4.92 19.14 3.99 15.71 4.03 17.38 4.09 B. UNE ISDN/Non-Dispatch/GA(hours) 4.73 3.43 4.77 2.30 6.04 2.83 5.63 3.44 B. Line Sharing/Dispatch/GA(hours) 55.62 12.25 66.87 18.27 44.06 23.14 32.41 21.27 1 B. Line Sharing/Non-Dispatch/GA(hours) 3.38 5.63 4.77 3.53 2.65 6.88 1.59 13.46 B. 2W Analog Loop Design/Dispatch/GA(hours) 22.57 5.11 24.00 4.76 20.69 5.10 20.82 4.28 B. 2W Analog Loop Design/Non-Dispatch/GA(hours) 22.57 1.95 24.00 1.97 20.69 2.42 20.82 2.21 B. 2W Analog Loop Non-Design/Dispatch/GA(hours) 22.86 10.36 24.36 9.07 20.94 9.39 21.03 8.94 B. 2W Analog Loop Non-Design/Non- Dispatch/GA(hours) 5.91
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-57A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-57A1.txt
- 21.62 0 21.01 0 2,4,5 MR-3-03-2341% CPE/TOK/FOK - Missed Appointment 50 NA 16.67 0 33.33 1,3,4,5 MR-4 - Trouble Duration Intervals MR-4-01-2341Mean Time To Repair - Total 17.8224.1617.71 23.43 22.96 NA 16.4924.6920.320.73 1,2,4,5 MR-4-02-2341Mean Time To Repair - Loop Trouble 22.7624.16 23.9 22.63 22.81 NA 21.3629.9724.68 NA 1,2,4 MR-4-03-2341Mean Time To Repair - Central Office Trouble 11.31 NA 10.45 25.85 23.14 NA 11.1919.4215.920.73 2,4,5 MR-4-04-2341% Cleared (all troubles) within 24 Hours 77.59 50 78.1 50 75.42 NA 81.03 50 77.82 100 1,2,4,5 MR-4-07-2341% Out of Service > 12 Hours 42.94 NA 45.61 66.67 53.85 NA 50 10056.15 NA 2,4 MR-4-08-2341% Out of Service > 24 Hours 17.65 NA 26.32 33.33 23.63 NA 20.97 50 28.46 NA 2,4 MR-5 - Repeat Trouble
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.txt
- Pursuant to section 54.709(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submitted projections of demand and administrative expenses for the third quarter of 2010. Accordingly, the projected demand and expenses are as follows: ($ millions) Program Demand Projected Program Support Admin. Expenses Application Of Interest Income True-Ups and Other Adjustment Total Program Collection Schools and Libraries 539.36 23.14 (3.04) (3.35) 556.11 Rural Health Care 33.08 3.59 (0.31) (0.88) 35.48 High-Cost 1,148.29 7.48 (0.04) (14.21) 1,141.52 Low Income 359.21 1.70 (0.03) (14.17) 346.71 TOTAL 2,079.94 35.91 (3.42) (32.61) 2,079.82 USAC Projections of Industry Revenues USAC submitted projected collected end-user telecommunications revenues for July through September 2010 based on information contained in the Third Quarter 2010 Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/antenna/index.htm?job=uls_transaction&page=daily
- (09-03-10) 2.56 KB [96]Fri (09-04-10) 3.71 KB [97]Sat (08-29-10) 8.85 KB Amateur Radio Service Application Records [98]Sun (08-30-10) 0.16 KB [99]Mon (08-31-10) 24.88 KB [100]Tue (09-01-10) 64.08 KB [101]Wed (09-02-10) 23.84 KB [102]Thu (09-03-10) 40.48 KB [103]Fri (09-04-10) 31.49 KB [104]Sat (08-29-10) 21.55 KB License Records [105]Sun (08-30-10) 0.69 KB [106]Mon (08-31-10) 24.01 KB [107]Tue (09-01-10) 67.2 KB [108]Wed (09-02-10) 23.14 KB [109]Thu (09-03-10) 42.76 KB [110]Fri (09-04-10) 31.42 KB [111]Sat (08-29-10) 21.79 KB Antenna Structure Registration Application Records [112]Sun (08-30-10) 2.06 KB [113]Mon (08-31-10) 21.82 KB [114]Tue (09-01-10) 15.06 KB [115]Wed (09-02-10) 17.82 KB [116]Thu (09-03-10) 15.55 KB [117]Fri (09-04-10) 14.35 KB [118]Sat (08-29-10) 0.16 KB Registration Records [119]Sun (08-30-10) 2.02 KB [120]Mon (08-31-10) 19.37 KB [121]Tue (09-01-10) 30.86 KB
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?&job=transaction&page=daily
- (09-03-10) 2.56 KB [105]Fri (09-04-10) 3.71 KB [106]Sat (08-29-10) 8.85 KB Amateur Radio Service Application Records [107]Sun (08-30-10) 0.16 KB [108]Mon (08-31-10) 24.88 KB [109]Tue (09-01-10) 64.08 KB [110]Wed (09-02-10) 23.84 KB [111]Thu (09-03-10) 40.48 KB [112]Fri (09-04-10) 31.49 KB [113]Sat (08-29-10) 21.55 KB License Records [114]Sun (08-30-10) 0.69 KB [115]Mon (08-31-10) 24.01 KB [116]Tue (09-01-10) 67.2 KB [117]Wed (09-02-10) 23.14 KB [118]Thu (09-03-10) 42.76 KB [119]Fri (09-04-10) 31.42 KB [120]Sat (08-29-10) 21.79 KB Antenna Structure Registration Application Records [121]Sun (08-30-10) 2.06 KB [122]Mon (08-31-10) 21.82 KB [123]Tue (09-01-10) 15.06 KB [124]Wed (09-02-10) 17.82 KB [125]Thu (09-03-10) 15.55 KB [126]Fri (09-04-10) 14.35 KB [127]Sat (08-29-10) 0.16 KB Registration Records [128]Sun (08-30-10) 2.02 KB [129]Mon (08-31-10) 19.37 KB [130]Tue (09-01-10) 30.86 KB
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?job=transaction&page=daily
- (09-03-10) 2.56 KB [105]Fri (09-04-10) 3.71 KB [106]Sat (08-29-10) 8.85 KB Amateur Radio Service Application Records [107]Sun (08-30-10) 0.16 KB [108]Mon (08-31-10) 24.88 KB [109]Tue (09-01-10) 64.08 KB [110]Wed (09-02-10) 23.84 KB [111]Thu (09-03-10) 40.48 KB [112]Fri (09-04-10) 31.49 KB [113]Sat (08-29-10) 21.55 KB License Records [114]Sun (08-30-10) 0.69 KB [115]Mon (08-31-10) 24.01 KB [116]Tue (09-01-10) 67.2 KB [117]Wed (09-02-10) 23.14 KB [118]Thu (09-03-10) 42.76 KB [119]Fri (09-04-10) 31.42 KB [120]Sat (08-29-10) 21.79 KB Antenna Structure Registration Application Records [121]Sun (08-30-10) 2.06 KB [122]Mon (08-31-10) 21.82 KB [123]Tue (09-01-10) 15.06 KB [124]Wed (09-02-10) 17.82 KB [125]Thu (09-03-10) 15.55 KB [126]Fri (09-04-10) 14.35 KB [127]Sat (08-29-10) 0.16 KB Registration Records [128]Sun (08-30-10) 2.02 KB [129]Mon (08-31-10) 19.37 KB [130]Tue (09-01-10) 30.86 KB
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/weeklypn.htm?job=transaction&page=daily
- (09-03-10) 2.56 KB [105]Fri (09-04-10) 3.71 KB [106]Sat (08-29-10) 8.85 KB Amateur Radio Service Application Records [107]Sun (08-30-10) 0.16 KB [108]Mon (08-31-10) 24.88 KB [109]Tue (09-01-10) 64.08 KB [110]Wed (09-02-10) 23.84 KB [111]Thu (09-03-10) 40.48 KB [112]Fri (09-04-10) 31.49 KB [113]Sat (08-29-10) 21.55 KB License Records [114]Sun (08-30-10) 0.69 KB [115]Mon (08-31-10) 24.01 KB [116]Tue (09-01-10) 67.2 KB [117]Wed (09-02-10) 23.14 KB [118]Thu (09-03-10) 42.76 KB [119]Fri (09-04-10) 31.42 KB [120]Sat (08-29-10) 21.79 KB Antenna Structure Registration Application Records [121]Sun (08-30-10) 2.06 KB [122]Mon (08-31-10) 21.82 KB [123]Tue (09-01-10) 15.06 KB [124]Wed (09-02-10) 17.82 KB [125]Thu (09-03-10) 15.55 KB [126]Fri (09-04-10) 14.35 KB [127]Sat (08-29-10) 0.16 KB Registration Records [128]Sun (08-30-10) 2.02 KB [129]Mon (08-31-10) 19.37 KB [130]Tue (09-01-10) 30.86 KB
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.txt
- Pursuant to section 54.709(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submitted projections of demand and administrative expenses for the third quarter of 2010. Accordingly, the projected demand and expenses are as follows: ($ millions) Program Demand Projected Program Support Admin. Expenses Application Of Interest Income True-Ups and Other Adjustment Total Program Collection Schools and Libraries 539.36 23.14 (3.04) (3.35) 556.11 Rural Health Care 33.08 3.59 (0.31) (0.88) 35.48 High-Cost 1,148.29 7.48 (0.04) (14.21) 1,141.52 Low Income 359.21 1.70 (0.03) (14.17) 346.71 TOTAL 2,079.94 35.91 (3.42) (32.61) 2,079.82 USAC Projections of Industry Revenues USAC submitted projected collected end-user telecommunications revenues for July through September 2010 based on information contained in the Third Quarter 2010 Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.txt
- Pursuant to section 54.709(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submitted projections of demand and administrative expenses for the third quarter of 2010. Accordingly, the projected demand and expenses are as follows: ($ millions) Program Demand Projected Program Support Admin. Expenses Application Of Interest Income True-Ups and Other Adjustment Total Program Collection Schools and Libraries 539.36 23.14 (3.04) (3.35) 556.11 Rural Health Care 33.08 3.59 (0.31) (0.88) 35.48 High-Cost 1,148.29 7.48 (0.04) (14.21) 1,141.52 Low Income 359.21 1.70 (0.03) (14.17) 346.71 TOTAL 2,079.94 35.91 (3.42) (32.61) 2,079.82 USAC Projections of Industry Revenues USAC submitted projected collected end-user telecommunications revenues for July through September 2010 based on information contained in the Third Quarter 2010 Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.txt
- Pursuant to section 54.709(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submitted projections of demand and administrative expenses for the third quarter of 2010. Accordingly, the projected demand and expenses are as follows: ($ millions) Program Demand Projected Program Support Admin. Expenses Application Of Interest Income True-Ups and Other Adjustment Total Program Collection Schools and Libraries 539.36 23.14 (3.04) (3.35) 556.11 Rural Health Care 33.08 3.59 (0.31) (0.88) 35.48 High-Cost 1,148.29 7.48 (0.04) (14.21) 1,141.52 Low Income 359.21 1.70 (0.03) (14.17) 346.71 TOTAL 2,079.94 35.91 (3.42) (32.61) 2,079.82 USAC Projections of Industry Revenues USAC submitted projected collected end-user telecommunications revenues for July through September 2010 based on information contained in the Third Quarter 2010 Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.txt
- Pursuant to section 54.709(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submitted projections of demand and administrative expenses for the third quarter of 2010. Accordingly, the projected demand and expenses are as follows: ($ millions) Program Demand Projected Program Support Admin. Expenses Application Of Interest Income True-Ups and Other Adjustment Total Program Collection Schools and Libraries 539.36 23.14 (3.04) (3.35) 556.11 Rural Health Care 33.08 3.59 (0.31) (0.88) 35.48 High-Cost 1,148.29 7.48 (0.04) (14.21) 1,141.52 Low Income 359.21 1.70 (0.03) (14.17) 346.71 TOTAL 2,079.94 35.91 (3.42) (32.61) 2,079.82 USAC Projections of Industry Revenues USAC submitted projected collected end-user telecommunications revenues for July through September 2010 based on information contained in the Third Quarter 2010 Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.txt
- Pursuant to section 54.709(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submitted projections of demand and administrative expenses for the third quarter of 2010. Accordingly, the projected demand and expenses are as follows: ($ millions) Program Demand Projected Program Support Admin. Expenses Application Of Interest Income True-Ups and Other Adjustment Total Program Collection Schools and Libraries 539.36 23.14 (3.04) (3.35) 556.11 Rural Health Care 33.08 3.59 (0.31) (0.88) 35.48 High-Cost 1,148.29 7.48 (0.04) (14.21) 1,141.52 Low Income 359.21 1.70 (0.03) (14.17) 346.71 TOTAL 2,079.94 35.91 (3.42) (32.61) 2,079.82 USAC Projections of Industry Revenues USAC submitted projected collected end-user telecommunications revenues for July through September 2010 based on information contained in the Third Quarter 2010 Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1055A1.txt
- Pursuant to section 54.709(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submitted projections of demand and administrative expenses for the third quarter of 2010. Accordingly, the projected demand and expenses are as follows: ($ millions) Program Demand Projected Program Support Admin. Expenses Application Of Interest Income True-Ups and Other Adjustment Total Program Collection Schools and Libraries 539.36 23.14 (3.04) (3.35) 556.11 Rural Health Care 33.08 3.59 (0.31) (0.88) 35.48 High-Cost 1,148.29 7.48 (0.04) (14.21) 1,141.52 Low Income 359.21 1.70 (0.03) (14.17) 346.71 TOTAL 2,079.94 35.91 (3.42) (32.61) 2,079.82 USAC Projections of Industry Revenues USAC submitted projected collected end-user telecommunications revenues for July through September 2010 based on information contained in the Third Quarter 2010 Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- 23.33 Tennessee Nashville 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62 15.76 15.76 15.70 17.73 17.99 19.38 19.44 22.13
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Income - Continued ($000) - 2005 Study Area State Code Subject to Separations Interstate Intrastate Percent Interstate Percent Rate of Return All Reporting Local Exchange Companies $79,876,336 $55,048,619 $28,799,447 36.06 10.72 Bell Operating Companies 70,960,826 48,383,734 26,471,607 37.30 9.18 Other Reporting Local Exchange Companies 8,915,510 6,664,885 2,327,840 26.11 21.92 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Northern Alabama AL 86,884 67,335 20,101 23.14 16.58 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC - Southern Alabama AL 133,587 98,389 36,058 26.99 21.35 BellSouth - Alabama AL 1,319,061 969,375 419,819 31.83 20.36 Verizon California - Contel - Arizona AZ 3,505 2,931 862 24.59 (41.28) Qwest - Arizona AZ 1,530,570 1,027,377 525,493 34.33 (3.97) AT&T - Southwestern Bell - Arkansas AR 411,451 276,845 129,028 31.36 29.39 Verizon California - Contel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- CANTON, LLC 6.57 -0.41 7.00 0.00 170156 A CITIZENS TEL. CO. OF KECKSBURG 15.15 -3.07 18.79 0.00 170161 A COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY -9.86 -5.45 -4.67 0.00 170162 A THE CONESTOGA TEL. AND TEL. CO. -7.68 -3.16 -4.67 0.00 170165 A DENVER AND EPHRATA TEL. & TEL. CO. -8.77 -4.31 -4.67 0.00 170168 C FRONTIER COMM. OF PA, LLC 16.02 -5.79 23.14 0.00 170169 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-PA 2.90 -1.21 4.16 0.00 3 - 224 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A13.txt
- GA 1,044,731 759,708 286,517 27.42 AT&T - BellSouth - Georgia GA 12,758,444 9,027,002 3,935,958 30.85 Verizon - Northwest - Idaho ID 463,321 336,902 133,655 28.85 Qwest - Idaho South ID 1,218,866 813,560 412,105 33.81 Qwest - Idaho North ID 78,741 53,264 25,958 32.97 Verizon North - Contel/Illinois IL 300,518 229,806 82,823 27.56 Verizon South - Illinois IL 114,465 84,974 26,487 23.14 Verizon North - Illinois IL 1,570,576 1,194,780 465,276 29.62 AT&T - Ameritech - Illinois Bell IL 12,659,757 9,468,108 3,404,003 26.89 Verizon North - Contel/Indiana IN 446,704 335,455 120,600 27.00 Verizon North - Indiana IN 2,026,303 1,512,358 582,746 28.76 AT&T - Ameritech - Indiana Bell IN 3,709,598 2,539,388 1,230,735 33.18 Embarq - United Telephone Company of Indiana IN 654,160 505,095 156,853
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 19.41 19.41 19.88 19.51 19.90 20.99 21.72 22.42 22.41 23.33 23.25 23.59 Texas Brownsville 15.27 14.33 15.33 15.31 14.91 14.78 15.33 17.16 18.33 21.97 21.54 19.13 19.64 20.24 20.04 Texas Corpus Christi 17.00 15.93 15.89 15.90 16.22 17.15 17.17 16.23 17.32 27.39 25.77 20.48 21.03 21.66 21.76 Texas Dallas 18.97 17.99 18.00 17.92 17.47 18.07 17.97 19.45 20.64 28.10 26.79 23.14 23.72 24.36 23.01 Texas Fort Worth 17.77 16.70 16.73 16.62 16.17 16.75 16.89 19.17 19.66 25.82 25.05 21.49 22.08 22.70 21.62 Texas Houston 19.42 18.39 18.44 18.28 17.98 18.31 18.31 18.87 19.55 22.19 22.45 21.92 22.50 23.12 22.88 Texas San Antonio 17.52 16.58 16.56 16.42 16.37 16.35 16.35 17.05 18.13 19.83 20.04 19.71 20.26 20.87 20.66 Utah Logan 15.66 15.62
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- Verizon 22.10 17.46 0.07 40.00 3.45 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.29 18.08 0.05 33.83 3.45 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 23.80 15.65 0.12 32.30 4.00 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 23.08 14.38 0.06 41.50 5.50 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 22.41 14.13 0.06 41.50 5.50 Texas Brownsville SBC 19.13 13.83 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 20.48 15.18 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Dallas SBC 23.14 16.71 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Fort Worth SBC 21.49 15.35 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas Houston SBC 21.92 15.57 0.08 38.35 4.95 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.71 14.05 0.08 38.35 4.95 Utah Logan Qwest 21.41 19.34 0.10 25.00 4.75 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.43 24.64 0.19 38.50 1.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 30.59 21.80 0.16 40.00 2.50 Washington Everett Verizon 24.49 17.83 0.02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Atlantic 16.25 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 21.98 0.0700 79.50 1.50 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 24.22 0.1071 46.50 1.95 South Carolina Beaufort Sprint 38.04 24.36 0.1200 35.60 1.25 Tennessee Memphis BellSouth 54.95 40.53 0.1055 67.12 2.20 Tennessee Nashville BellSouth 52.35 38.69 0.1000 63.62 2.20 Texas Brownsville SBC 31.23 22.15 0.0800 68.99 2.75 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 32.48 23.14 0.0800 70.72 2.75 Texas Dallas SBC 37.51 27.12 0.0800 68.82 2.75 Texas Fort Worth SBC 33.35 23.43 0.0800 67.87 2.75 Texas Houston SBC 41.01 28.85 0.0800 70.32 2.75 Texas San Antonio SBC 33.82 23.94 0.0800 68.78 2.75 Utah Logan US West 30.14 53.00 2.75 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 72.53 20.80 0.0993 64.00 3.00 Virginia Smithfield GTE 29.98 20.46 0.1070 29.25
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- - 16.21 - - 16.21 121ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORPORATION 11.65 11.96 12.57 11.17 (15.91) 10.62 10.97 122SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.76 11.88 13.17 13.24 (17.02) 14.45 13.50 123TELEPHONE UTILITIES EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOC. 12.25 11.95 12.02 9.73 - 21.34 12.87 124UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF FLORIDA 12.11 11.95 10.10 12.71 50.52 12.20 12.66 125UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 14.03 11.94 9.55 23.14 16.98 14.43 18.69 126UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF NEW JERSEY 12.32 11.94 16.72 13.97 121.03 7.76 12.40 127CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 13.01 11.94 15.23 16.74 27.27 10.03 13.88 128UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 12.73 11.93 13.31 15.69 307.42 10.26 13.56 129UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 14.36 11.92 1.24 18.55 41.90 23.93 20.50 130UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14.35 11.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-11.pdf
- Colorado CO NA NA NA NA SBC - Southern New England Telephone - CT CT 1,317,929 924,255 394,284 29.92 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,153 811,798 369,428 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,307,603 980,053 29.82 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,772,563 762,007 30.07 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,075 289,405 105,756 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Qwest - Idaho ID NA NA NA NA Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160 45,447 17,717
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-11.pdf
- 23.02 Qwest - Colorado CO 1,696,317 1,184,315 512,180 30.19 SBC - SNET - CT CT 1,313,827 915,167 399,272 30.39 Verizon - Delaware DE 259,500 169,950 89,553 34.51 Verizon - District of Columbia DC 515,539 311,638 203,918 39.55 Verizon - Florida FL 1,181,122 811,774 369,419 31.28 BellSouth - Florida FL 3,286,442 2,308,068 979,588 29.81 Sprint - Florida FL 914,958 703,246 211,712 23.14 ALLTEL Georgia Communications GA 143,743 102,489 45,401 31.58 BellSouth - Georgia GA 2,534,071 1,776,816 757,753 29.90 Verizon - Hawaii HI 395,058 289,391 105,752 26.77 Verizon - NW - Idaho ID 86,627 54,496 35,089 40.51 Qwest - Idaho South ID 258,712 173,030 85,696 33.12 Qwest - Idaho North ID 14,480 9,721 4,761 32.88 Verizon - North - Contel Illinois IL 63,160
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- - Louisiana LA 1,634,040 1,272,098 361,942 22.15 Verizon - New England - Maine ME 492,087 348,006 144,081 29.28 Verizon - Maryland MD 2,207,922 1,569,984 637,937 28.89 Verizon - New England - Massachusetts MA 2,799,414 1,908,190 891,225 31.84 SBC - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI 3,426,738 2,630,329 796,410 23.24 Verizon - Contel of the South - Michigan MI 27,848 21,404 6,443 23.14 Verizon - North - Michigan MI 423,117 318,500 104,618 24.73 Qwest - Minnesota MN 1,375,825 943,290 432,537 31.44 BellSouth - Mississippi MS 1,076,286 857,514 218,772 20.33 Verizon - Midwest - Contel of Eastern Missouri MO 3,280 1,991 1,288 39.27 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Systems Missouri MO 29,041 20,147 8,895 30.63 Verizon - Midwest - Contel Missouri MO 207,712 158,331
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 28.60 46.63 Qwest - New Mexico NM 734,288 527,379 214,129 29.16 24.67 Verizon - New York NY 9,614,842 6,475,507 3,163,266 32.90 3.68 Citizens - Red Hook NY 11,377 7,250 4,127 36.27 41.39 Citizens - Upstate NY 205,196 151,526 53,670 26.16 33.62 Citizens - W. Counties NY 22,773 15,981 6,792 29.82 53.14 Citizens - Frontier of Rochester NY 546,829 423,300 126,527 23.14 23.03 ALLTEL - Carolina NC 206,983 153,194 54,670 26.41 12.75 BellSouth - North Carolina NC 2,223,118 1,606,178 659,890 29.68 18.11 Verizon - South - Contel - North Carolina NC 105,042 73,583 34,245 32.60 20.41 Verizon - South - North Carolina NC 197,664 137,506 73,698 37.28 28.24 Sprint - Carolina Tel. & Tel. of North Carolina NC 506,110 372,000 173,312 34.24