FCC Web Documents citing 11.47
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- EAS operation. Section 11.43 is amended, by replacing the phrase ``Director, Office of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau,'' with ``Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau'', to read as follows: § 11.43 National level participation. Entities that wish to voluntarily participate in the national level EAS may submit a written request to the Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. Section 11.47(b) is amended, by replacing the phrase ``Director, Office of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau,'' with ``Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau'', to read as follows: § 11.47 Optional use of other communications methods and systems. * * * * * (b) Other technologies and public service providers, such as DBS, low earth orbiting satellites, etc., that wish to participate in
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-109A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-109A1.pdf
- a part of the State plan. A Local Area is a geographical area of contiguous communities or counties that may include more than one state. (c) The FCC Mapbook is based on the above plans. It organizes all broadcast stations and cable systems according to their State, EAS Local Area, and EAS designation. * * * * * Revise § 11.47(b) to read as follows: Other technologies and public service providers, such as low earth orbiting satellites, that wish to participate in the EAS may contact the FCC's Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau or their State Emergency Communications Committee for information and guidance. Revise § 11.51 (g) as follows: (g) Analog cable systems and digital cable systems with fewer than
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- the second year's estimates on the February 2001/November 2001 data. WTAP-TV states that WSAZ-TV's share of total viewing hours in noncable homes in Marietta falls below the required 3 percent minimum, within one standard error, as shown in the table below: Survey Households Share Standard Net Standard Year Studied Viewing Error Weekly Error Hours Circulation Feb. 00/ 20 0.10 0.11 11.47 12.42 Nov. 00 Feb. 01/ 21 0.74 0.67 7.06 5.38 Nov. 01 As a result, WTAP-TV requests that the Commission grant its petition so that it can assert its network nonduplication and syndicated exclusivity rights in the subject community. We find that, as required by the Commission, WTAP-TV has provided two sets of community-specific survey results for the community of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1524A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1524A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1524A1.txt
- for the Presidential message priority in the event of a national emergency. Legal Basis: 47 U.S.C. 151, 154 (i) and (o), 303(r), 544(g) and 606. Section Number and Title: 11.41 Participation in EAS. 11.42 Participation by communications common carriers. 11.43 National level participation. 11.44 EAS message priorities. 11.45 Prohibition of false or deceptive EAS transmissions. 11.46 EAS public service announcements. 11.47 Optional use of other communications methods and systems. SUBPART D - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS Brief Description: These rules describe procedures for monitoring key EAS sources. Once EAS has been activated, these rules set operation and transmission guidelines for national, state, and local level messaging. Need: These rules describe how a national, state, or local emergency is activated, and upon activation, provide
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- Virginia; Cinergy Communications Company provides service in Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee; Cinergy Metronet, Inc. provides fiber-based video, voice, and high-speed data services to rural communities in Indiana. Applicants state that the following individuals and entities hold a 10 percent or greater direct interest in Q-Comm: Al Cinelli and John Cinelli, both U.S. citizens, hold 50.59 percent and 11.47 percent voting interests, respectively; and Cinergy Telecommunications Holding Company, Inc. (``CTHCI''), a U.S-based holding company, holds a 32.74 percent voting interest. Cinergy Investments, Inc. (``CII''), a U.S.-based holding company, holds a 32.74 percent voting interest in Q-Comm indirectly through CTHCI; Cinergy Corp., a U.S.-based holding company, holds a 32.74 percent voting interest in Q-Comm indirectly through CII; and Duke Energy
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- TotalAdTime(minutes) 11.95 12.28 11.24 AdShare(percent) 0.21 0.21 0.20 Promotions TotalPromoTime(minutes) 5.79 5.91 5.53 PromoShare(percent) 0.10 0.10 0.09 Ads+Promos TotalAd+PromoTime(minutes) 17.75 18.19 16.77 TotalAd+PromoShare(percent) 0.31 0.31 0.29 RevenueandPrice TotalRevenuefromAllAds(000s) $22.83 $27.80 $11.99 AveragePriceper30-secondspot(000s) $31.31 $37.34 $18.17 Observations 4,437 2,127 2,310 Notes:Reportedinthetablearesamplestatisticsforthedatausedinouranalysisoftelevisionstation ownershipstructureonthequantityandqualityoftelevisionprogramming.Anobservationisabroadcast- television-station-year,thusthe(e.g.)newsprogrammingisthepercentageofquarterhoursofferingnews programmingacrossalltheprogramsofferedbythatstationbetween6:00p.m.and12:00a.m.EST(or theequivalent)duringeachofthetwoweeksperyearfor4years(cf.Table1)forwhichwehavedata.See Section??formoredetails.Source:Diwadi,Roberts,andWise(2007),TMS,andauthorcalculations. 44 Table16: SampleStatisticsforOwnershipAnalysis,Page2 ProgrammingVariables All"Big-4" Other Variable StationsStationsStations NewsProgramming AnyNews 18.95 28.43 10.22 NetworkNews 6.00 11.47 0.96 LocalNews 12.95 16.96 9.26 PublicAffairsProgramming 2.82 0.14 5.28 MinorityProgramming Spanish-LanguageProgramming 1.69 0.00 3.24 Children'sProgramming "Children'sProgramming" 0.79 0.00 1.52 GMoviesorTV-Y/TV-Y7TV 1.01 0.21 1.74 Eitheroftheabove 1.80 0.21 3.26 FamilyProgramming TY-GProgramming 13.11 4.55 20.98 Arts,Educational,orDocumentaryProgramming 6.64 1.06 11.79 Eitherofthetwoabove 19.75 5.61 32.77 AdultProgramming NC-17MoviesorTV-MA-S/TV-MA-LTV 0.47 0.00 0.90 ViolentProgramming "ViolentProgramming" 0.50 0.12 0.85 TV-PG-VTelevision 3.94 5.06 2.91 TV-14-VTelevision 4.08 6.13 2.20 TV-MA-VTelevision 0.16
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1994A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1994A2.txt
- newservicestothelistofservicedefinitions,eachoneencompassingseveraloftheexistingones; Option 3:introducinganewprovisionintheRRenablingsubstitutionbetweenassignmentsof specificservices; Option4:introducingcompositeservicesintheTableofFrequencyAllocations. WRC-07alsoadoptedarevisedversionofResolution951,callingforurgentstudiesinorderto developasappropriate,newconceptsandproceduresforenhancingtheRadioRegulationsto meetthedemandsofcurrent,emergingandfutureradioapplications,whiletakingintoaccount existingservicesandusage. Inparticular,itcallsforstudiesaimedat:a)evaluatingoptionsfor enhancingspectrummanagementsolutionsforincreasedflexibilityinmeetingnewdemands;b) developingapplicableconceptsandproceduresincludingsharingstudiesonaband-by-bandbasis tosupporttheseoptions;c)preparingrelevanttechnicalandregulatorysolutionsforconsideration andappropriateactionatWRC-l1. DISCUSSION:TheUnitedStatesrecognizestheimportanceofaspectrumregulatoryframework thatallowsflexiblespectrumuse,totheextentpracticable,soastoallowfortheevolutionof servicesandtechnologies,takingintoaccountexistingservicesandusage.Accordingly,the UnitedStateshas,consistentlyadopteddomesticservicerulestoaccommodateemerging technologies,or,invariousinstances,soughtchangesintheITURadioRegulationsinorderto accommodateneworevolvingsystems.Theseapproacheshaveallowedthetimelydeploymentof newtechnologies.Ineithercase,suchchangeshavebeensoughtaftercarefulevaluation,ona case-by-casebasis,ofthenewservice'srequirements,andtheirabilitytoco-existwithotherco- frequencysystems. U.S.VIEW:TheUnitedStatesisoftheviewthatsupportforproposalsforenhancingthe internationalregulatoryframeworkinspecificsituationsshouldbeevaluatedusingtheguidelines setforthinAnnex 2ofRes.951(WRC-07).TheUnitedStatesisalsooftheviewthatstudies shouldbeconductedonafrequencybandbyfrequencybandbasisconsistentwiththeguidelines 30 inthisAnnex.TheUnitedStatesmayconsidersupportingproposalsunderAgendaItem1.2ona casebycasebasis,takingintoaccounttheguidelinesintheAnnexestoResolution951.The UnitedStatesdoesnotsupportlarge-scalemodificationstotheinternationalregulatory frameworksinceitbelievesthatthecurrentregulatoryframework,includingtheWRCprocess,is sufficientlyflexibletoaccommodatenewtechnologies. 31 DOCUMENTWAC/042(Ol.09.09) UnitedStatesofAmerica DRAFTPROPOSALSFORTHEWORKOFTHECONFERENCE WRC-11AgendaItem7: toconsiderpossiblechangesinresponsetoResolution86(Rev. Marrakesh,2002)ofthePlenipotentiaryConference:"Advancepublication,coordination, notificationandrecordingproceduresforfrequencyassignmentspertainingtosatellite networks",inaccordancewithResolution86(Rev.WRC-07) Backgroundinformation:Accesstothegeostationaryorbit(GSa)hasbecomeincreasingly difficultovertheyears,inlargepartduetodifficultiesinfullycoordinatingneworbitalpositions andapplyingtherelevantprovisionsoftheRadioRegulations.Ashighlightedatthemostrecent ITURadiocommunicationsBureau(BR)workshoponefficientuseofthespectrum/orbitresource andinITUadministrativecircularCRl301,ithasbeennotedthatsomeunusedfrequencyand GSa resourcesremainrecordedintheMasterInternationalFrequencyRegister,whichservesto worsenthisproblem.Assuch,improvingtransparencyintoactualusageoffrequencyandGSa resourcescouldhelptoimprovethissituation. Fornon-plannedsatellitebands,No.11.44oftheRadioRegulations(RR)requiresthatthe notifieddateofbringingintouseofanyassignmenttoaspacestationofasatellitenetworkshall notbelaterthansevenyearsfollowingthedateofreceiptoftherelevantcompleteinformation underRRNo.9.1or9.2,asappropriate.Additionally,thisprovisionstatesthatanyfrequency assignmentnotbroughtintousewithintherequiredperiodshallbecancelledbytheBR.When thenotifieddateofbringingintouseoffrequencyassignmentsisearlierthanthedateof submissionoftheNotificationrequest,theNotificationrequestitselfisconsideredbytheBRas confirmationthatthefrequencyassignmentshavebeenbroughtintouse.Furthermore,RRNo. 11.47clarifiestherequirementforadministrationstoinformtheBRoffrequenciesassignments broughtintouseforthecaseofassignmentsbeingNotifiedbeforebeingbroughtintouse. Therefore,itcanbeconsideredthattherearetwoseparaterequirements.Underthefirst,theBR mustreceivetheNotificationinformationforfrequencyassignmentsinanetworkbytheendof theregulatorylifetimeofthesatellitenetworkfiling,whereasunderthesecondtheBRmusthave beeninformedthatthefrequencyassignmentshaveactuallybeenbroughtintousebyadate certain. Thepotentialdifficultywiththecurrentprocessisthatitcanresultinuncertaintyfor administrationsastothestatusoffrequencyassignmentsforseveralreasons.Forexample,while administrationscanexaminetheSRSdatabasefordetailspertainingtonotifiedfrequency assignmentsthathavebeensubmittedtotheBR(PartI-S),orexaminedbytheBRandfoundto beinconformitywiththeRadioRegulations(PartII-S),theycannotreadilydeterminewhetheror notadministrationshaveinformedtheBRthatfrequencyassignmentshavebeenbroughtintouse, andifsothedateonwhichtheywerebroughtintouse.Thiscanresultinuncertaintyfor administrationsastotheprovisionalordefinitivestatusoffrequencyassignmentsintheMIFR,or whetheranadministrationhasmissedthedeadlineunderRRNo.11.44entirelyanditissimplya matteroftimebeforetheprovisionallynotifiedfrequencyassignmentsaresuppressed. Additionally,thereiscurrentlynospecificrequirementtoinformtheBRwithinaspecifiedtime limitthatfrequencyassignmentshaveactuallybeenbroughtintouse.Assuch,assignmentscan bebroughtintouseonagivendateandtheNotificationinformationfortheseassignmentscanbe 32 submittedtotheBRatanylaterdate,providedthatthedateofthatsubmissionisearlierthanthe endofthetimelimitfornotifyingthenetwork. Theuncertaintyassociatedwithfrequencyassignmentsandsatellitenetworksactuallybrought intousecanbeaddressedbyrequiringadministrationstoinformtheBRwithinaspecifiedtime periodthatfrequencyassignmentsassociatedwithasatellitenetworkhaveactuallybeenbrought intouseandbyhavingtheBRmakeinformationreceivedfromadministrationsregardingsuch bringingintousepubliclyavailable.TheBRhasestablished,onatrialbasis,twowebpagesfor providingsuchinformation:http://www.itu.int/ITU-Rlspace/snIllistinuse/fornon-plannedbands andhttp://www.itu.int/ITU-Rlspace/snIllistinuseplan/forplannedbands.TheBRshouldbe instructedtocontinuetobuildthelistofnetworkscontainedonthesepagesandtomakethese pagespermanent.Inaddition,itwouldalsobeusefulif,onthissamewebpage,ahyperlinkwere includedtotheResolution49informationassociatedwiththebringingintouseofthefrequency assignmentsinquestion. Inadditiontotheuncertaintyassociatedwithfrequencyassignmentsandsatellitenetworks actuallybroughtintouse,therecanalsobeuncertaintyassociatedwiththeAnnex2dataof Resolution49.ThisisduetothefactthatResolution49callsfordatatobesubmittedasearlyas possiblebeforetheendoftheregulatorylifetimeofthefiling,orasearlyaspossiblebefore satellitelaunchand,foravarietyofreasons,itispossibleforcertainofthesedataelementsto changeaftersuchinitialsubmissionofthedata.Suchchangesaddtotheuncertaintyassociated withtheGSaresourcesactuallybeingusedbyadministrations. InordertoaddresstheuncertaintiesassociatedwithResolution49data,itisproposedtomodify thisResolution.TheproposedchangesentailrequiringsubmissionofResolution49dataonly aftertheBRhasbeeninformedthatfrequencyassignmentshavebeenbroughtintouse.Inthis way,theResolution49datawouldbecomedefinitiveastherewillbecertaintyassociatedwiththe datacalledforinAnnex2oftheResolution(i.e.launchdate,launchprovider,nameofsatellite, frequencybandsonthesatellite,etc.). Proposal: USA/xxiI MOD Theuncertaintyassociatedwithfrequencyassignmentsandsatellitenetworksactuallybrought intousecouldbeaddressedasfollows: 11.44 Thenotifieddate20ofbringingintouseofanyassignmenttoaspacestationofa satellitenetworkshallbenotlaterthansevenyearsfollowingthedateofreceiptbytheBureauof 20 11.44.1 Inthecaseofspacestationfrequencyassignmentsthatarebroughtintousepriortothe completionofthecoordinationprocess,andforwhichtheResolution 49(Rev.WRC-12W)!I'.datahave beensubmittedtotheBureau,theassignmentshallcontinuetobetakenintoconsiderationforamaximum
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1736A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1736A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1736A1.txt
- Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit DA 10-1736 September 14, 2010 S. Edmund Johnson ABS-CBN International 2301 Columbia Blvd Richmond, CA 94804-5407 Re: Call Sign E000584 File Number: SES-MOD-20091229-01632 Dear Mr. Johnson: On December 29, 2009, ABS-CBN International (ABS-CBN) filed a modification application to the above captioned earth station, requesting authority to operate in the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.47-11.7 GHz frequency bands, in addition to its currently licensed operations. Pursuant to Section 25.112(a)(2) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R § 25.112(a)(1), we dismiss the application without prejudice to refiling. Section 25.112 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.112, requires the Commission to return, as unacceptable for filing, any earth station application that is not substantially complete, contains internal
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1736A1_Rcd.pdf
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 DA 10-1736 September 14, 2010 S. Edmund Johnson ABS-CBN International 2301 Columbia Blvd Richmond, CA 94804-5407 Re: Call Sign E000584 File Number: SES-MOD-20091229-01632 Dear Mr. Johnson: On December 29, 2009, ABS-CBN International (ABS-CBN) filed a modification application to the above captioned earth station, requesting authority to operate in the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.47-11.7 GHz frequency bands, in addition to its currently licensed operations. Pursuant to Section 25.112(a)(2) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R § 25.112(a)(1), we dismiss the application without prejudice to refiling.1 Section 25.112 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §25.112, requires the Commission to return, as unacceptable for filing, any earth station application that is not substantially complete, contains internal inconsistencies,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-372A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-372A2.txt
- basis of the unfavourable finding. The entry shall be changed from provisional to definitive recording in the Master Register only if the Bureau is informed that the new assignment has been in use, together with the assignment which was the basis for the unfavourable finding, for at least four months without any complaint of harmful interference being made (see Nos. 11.47 and 11.49). 11.41A Should the assignments that were the basis of the unfavourable finding under Nos. 11.32A or 11.33 not be brought into use within the period specified in Nos. 11.24, 11.25 or 11.44, as appropriate, then the finding of the assignments resubmitted under No. 11.41 shall be reviewed accordingly. 11.42 Should harmful interference be caused by an assignment recorded
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-372A2_Rcd.pdf
- basis of the unfavourable finding. The entry shall be changed from provisional to definitive recording in the Master Register only if the Bureau is informed that the new assignment has been in use, together with the assignment which was the basis for the unfavourable finding, for at least four months without any complaint of harmful interference being made (see Nos. 11.47 and 11.49). 11.41A Should the assignments that were the basis of the unfavourable finding under Nos. 11.32A or 11.33 not be brought into use within the period specified in Nos. 11.24,11.25 or 11.44, as appropriate, then the finding of the assignments resubmitted under No. 11.41 shall be reviewed accordingly. 11.42 Should harmful interference be caused by an assignment recorded under
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-372A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-372A3.txt
- the notified date of bringing into use of frequency assignments is earlier than the date of submission of the notification request, the Bureau considers the request itself to be confirmation that the frequency assignments have been brought into use. Otherwise, the notifying administration must inform the Bureau when it actually brings the system into use, in accordance with RR No. 11.47. The potential difficulty with the current process is that it can result in uncertainty for administrations as to the status of frequency assignments. While administrations can examine the space radiocommunications stations database for details pertaining to notified frequency assignments submitted to the Bureau, or examined by the Bureau and found to be in conformity with the Radio Regulations, they cannot
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-372A3_Rcd.pdf
- the notified date of bringing into use of frequency assignments is earlier than the date of submission of the notification request, the Bureau considers the request itself to be confirmation that the frequency assignments have been brought into use. Otherwise, the notifying administration must inform the Bureau when it actually brings the system into use, in accordance with RR No. 11.47. The potential difficulty with the current process is that it can result in uncertainty for administrations as to the status of frequency assignments. While administrations can examine the space radiocommunications stations database for details pertaining to notified frequency assignments submitted to the Bureau, or examined by the Bureau and found to be in conformity with the Radio Regulations, they cannot
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-712A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-712A2.txt
- (see sections 5/7/4B.3 and 5/7/4B.4. In its input to CPM11-2, the U.S. proposed the introduction of a new provision to the Radio Regulations containing a definition of bringing into use and a consequential change to Appendix 4, Item A.2.a. ADD 11.44J A frequency assignment to a GSO space station will be considered as having been brought into use (Nos.11.44 and 11.47), or as having been brought back into use (No. 11.49), if a GSO space station, with the capability of transmitting or receiving that frequency assignment, is deployed at the notified orbital location. The deployment may be made by the notifying administration, or on behalf of the notifying administration; however, the notifying administration shall have the responsibility to inform the Bureau
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-712A2_Rcd.pdf
- (see sections 5/7/4B.3 and 5/7/4B.4. In its input to CPM11-2, the U.S. proposed the introduction of a new provision to the Radio Regulations containing a definition of bringing into use and a consequential change to Appendix 4, Item A.2.a. ADD 11.44J A frequency assignment to a GSO space station will be considered as having been brought into use (Nos.11.44 and 11.47), or as having been brought back into use (No. 11.49), if a GSO space station, with the capability of transmitting or receiving that frequency assignment, is deployed at the notified orbital location. The deployment may be made by the notifying administration, or on behalf of the notifying administration; however, the notifying administration shall have the responsibility to inform the Bureau
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- CO.,INC. 3.87 -0.53 4.42 4.30 432023 C SHIDLER TEL. CO. 51.34 7.45 40.84 68.96 432025 C SOUTHWEST OKLAHOMA TEL. CO. 1.62 -4.53 6.44 9.52 432029 C TERRAL TEL. CO. 23.41 -2.07 26.02 25.72 432030 C TOTAH TELEPHONE CO. INC. -7.90 -2.61 -5.43 -16.79 432032 C VALLIANT TELEPHONE COMPANY -3.65 -4.86 1.27 -6.95 432034 C WYANDOTTE TELEPHONE COMPANY 0.25 4.50 -4.06 -11.47 432141 A SANTA ROSA TELEPHONE COOP. INC. 2.64 -0.14 2.78 -0.58 435215 C SOUTHWESTERN BELL-OKLAHOMA -8.77 -6.28 -2.66 0.00 OREGON Total 0.96 -3.80 4.95 -7.72 532226 C MIDVALE TEL. EXCH. INC. - OR 16.51 -7.66 26.18 38.83 532359 C BEAVER CREEK COOPERATIVE TEL. CO. 3.11 1.75 1.34 -0.98 532361 C CENTURYTEL OF EASTERN OREGON -2.68 -1.54 -1.15 -12.21 532362 C
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- CO.,INC. 3.87 -0.53 4.42 4.30 432023 C SHIDLER TEL. CO. 51.34 7.45 40.84 68.96 432025 C SOUTHWEST OKLAHOMA TEL. CO. 1.62 -4.53 6.44 9.52 432029 C TERRAL TEL. CO. 23.41 -2.07 26.02 25.72 432030 C TOTAH TELEPHONE CO. INC. -7.90 -2.61 -5.43 -16.79 432032 C VALLIANT TELEPHONE COMPANY -3.65 -4.86 1.27 -6.95 432034 C WYANDOTTE TELEPHONE COMPANY 0.25 4.50 -4.06 -11.47 432141 A SANTA ROSA TELEPHONE COOP. INC. 2.64 -0.14 2.78 -0.58 435215 C SOUTHWESTERN BELL-OKLAHOMA -8.77 -6.28 -2.66 0.00 OREGON Total 0.96 -3.80 4.95 -7.72 532226 C MIDVALE TEL. EXCH. INC. - OR 16.51 -7.66 26.18 38.83 532359 C BEAVER CREEK COOPERATIVE TEL. CO. 3.11 1.75 1.34 -0.98 532361 C CENTURYTEL OF EASTERN OREGON -2.68 -1.54 -1.15 -12.21 532362 C
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- C LAFOURCHE TELEPHONE COMPANY, L.L.C. 0.08 -5.55 5.97 3.52 270434 C CENTURYTEL OF EVANGELINE, LLC -3.31 -0.93 -2.40 -8.71 270435 C NORTHEAST LOUISIANA TEL. CO., INC. 0.26 -3.07 3.43 -0.20 270436 C CENTURY TEL. OF NORTH LOUISIANA, LLC -0.18 1.94 -2.08 -7.56 270438 C RESERVE TEL. CO. 1.60 -1.59 3.24 -2.04 270439 C CENTURYTEL OF RINGGOLD, LLC -1.65 -0.75 -0.90 -11.47 270440 C CENTURYTEL OF EAST LA, LLC -3.71 0.93 -4.59 -12.65 270441 C STAR TEL. CO., INC. 0.45 -4.22 4.88 0.78 270442 C CENTURYTEL OF SOUTHWEST LA, LLC -3.12 -2.21 -0.93 -6.53 275183 C SOUTH CENTRAL BELL-LA -0.03 -5.27 5.52 0.00 MAINE TOTAL 1.10 -4.82 6.22 15.59 100002 C OXFORD WEST TEL. CO. -4.19 -2.66 -1.57 -72.90 100003 C LINCOLNVILLE
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- C LAFOURCHE TELEPHONE COMPANY, L.L.C. 0.08 -5.55 5.97 3.52 270434 C CENTURYTEL OF EVANGELINE, LLC -3.31 -0.93 -2.40 -8.71 270435 C NORTHEAST LOUISIANA TEL. CO., INC. 0.26 -3.07 3.43 -0.20 270436 C CENTURY TEL. OF NORTH LOUISIANA, LLC -0.18 1.94 -2.08 -7.56 270438 C RESERVE TEL. CO. 1.60 -1.59 3.24 -2.04 270439 C CENTURYTEL OF RINGGOLD, LLC -1.65 -0.75 -0.90 -11.47 270440 C CENTURYTEL OF EAST LA, LLC -3.71 0.93 -4.59 -12.65 270441 C STAR TEL. CO., INC. 0.45 -4.22 4.88 0.78 270442 C CENTURYTEL OF SOUTHWEST LA, LLC -3.12 -2.21 -0.93 -6.53 275183 C SOUTH CENTRAL BELL-LA -0.03 -5.27 5.52 0.00 MAINE TOTAL 1.10 -4.82 6.22 15.59 100002 C OXFORD WEST TEL. CO. -4.19 -2.66 -1.57 -72.90 100003 C LINCOLNVILLE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.txt
- Comms Cos. dba Citizens Comms FCC Tariff 2 (CTC2) 29.13 37.756 16.14 20.67 17.30 24.05 15.74 14.29 56 Citizens Comms Cos. dba Citizens Comms FCC Tariff 3 (CTC3) 16.24 12.196 10.40 8.94 4.52 16.12 15.56 57 Citizens Comms Cos. dba Citizens Comms FCC Tariff 4 (CTC4) 49.91 42.796 35.38 23.31 13.08 30.94 58 Frontier Telephone of Rochester 14.03 55.896 10.67 11.47 12.32 18.91 16.77 18.37 59 Frontier Tier 2 Concurring Companies 50.77 11.456 38.49 33.34 38.12 38.95 43.42 45.45 60 Frontier Comms of Minnesota & Frontier Comms of Iowa 25.12 33.676 32.16 31.15 25.24 33.16 35.40 29.28 61 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC5) 40.37 4.90 0.86 (11.23) 62 Hawaiian Telecom 21.88 9.44716.96 15.30 16.72 17.87 17.62 15.64 63 Iowa Telecom Service Group
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- 5.44 9.65 351118 A CASCADE COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY 3.07 -1.86 5.02 11.85 351119 A CASEY MUTUAL TEL. CO. 11.37 -2.67 14.43 44.72 351121 A CENTER JUNCTION TEL. CO., INC. 22.11 0.00 22.11 54.18 351125 A CENTRAL SCOTT TEL. 1.84 -0.10 1.95 -17.44 351126 A CENTURYTEL OF CHESTER, INC. 17.55 -4.81 23.48 48.48 351127 C FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS OF IOWA, INC. -14.93 -3.91 -11.47 0.00 351129 C CITIZENS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE 3.74 -4.50 8.62 10.40 351130 A CLARENCE TEL. CO., INC. 1.14 -4.06 5.42 11.37 351132 C CLEAR LAKE INDP. TEL. CO. 0.82 -4.34 5.39 3.88 351133 A C-M-L TEL. COOP. ASSN. 15.28 -5.23 21.64 47.53 351134 C COLO TEL. CO. 32.88 -7.89 44.25 98.91 351136 A COON CREEK TEL. CO. 12.38 8.26 3.80
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A5.txt
- 5.44 9.65 351118 A CASCADE COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY 3.07 -1.86 5.02 11.85 351119 A CASEY MUTUAL TEL. CO. 11.37 -2.67 14.43 44.72 351121 A CENTER JUNCTION TEL. CO., INC. 22.11 0.00 22.11 54.18 351125 A CENTRAL SCOTT TEL. 1.84 -0.10 1.95 -17.44 351126 A CENTURYTEL OF CHESTER, INC. 17.55 -4.81 23.48 48.48 351127 C FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS OF IOWA, INC. -14.93 -3.91 -11.47 0.00 351129 C CITIZENS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE 3.74 -4.50 8.62 10.40 351130 A CLARENCE TEL. CO., INC. 1.14 -4.06 5.42 11.37 351132 C CLEAR LAKE INDP. TEL. CO. 0.82 -4.34 5.39 3.88 351133 A C-M-L TEL. COOP. ASSN. 15.28 -5.23 21.64 47.53 351134 C COLO TEL. CO. 32.88 -7.89 44.25 98.91 351136 A COON CREEK TEL. CO. 12.38 8.26 3.80
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284932A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284932A1.txt
- 20.67 17.30 24.05 15.74 14.29 51 Citizens Comms Cos. dba Citizens Comms FCC Tariff 3 (CTC3) 23.46 22 12.196 10.40 8.94 4.52 16.12 15.56 52 Citizens Comms Cos. dba Citizens Comms FCC Tariff 4 (CTC4) 56.69 57.95 42.796 35.38 23.31 13.08 30.94 56 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC5) 40.37 4.90 0.86 (11.23) 53 Frontier Telephone of Rochester 18.21 11.32 55.896 10.67 11.47 12.32 18.91 16.77 18.37 54 Frontier Tier 2 Concurring Companies 51.56 59.64 11.456 38.49 33.34 38.12 38.95 43.42 45.45 55 Frontier Comms of Minnesota & Frontier Comms of Iowa 34.9 47.18 33.676 32.16 31.15 25.24 33.16 35.40 29.28 57 Hawaiian Telecom 22.41 21.8810 9.44 7 16.96 15.30 16.72 17.87 17.62 15.64 58 Iowa Telecom Service Group 25.51 19.3610 17.306 17.585
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A1.pdf
- -4.28 0.00 TOTAL ARKANSAS 0.47 -5.07 5.84 3.30 401142 C CENTURYTEL OF NW ARKANSAS, LLC - RUSSELLVILLE -5.28 -5.77 0.53 -13.82 401143 C CENTURYTEL OF NW ARKANSAS, LLC-SILOAM SPRINGS -6.69 -7.09 0.43 -15.92 401144 C CENTURYTEL OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS, LLC -5.66 -7.88 2.40 -6.51 401144A C CENTURYTEL OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS, LLC -15.98 -4.18 -12.32 0.00 401691 C WINDSTREAM ARKANSAS, INC. 11.47 -3.88 15.97 INFINITE 401692 C ARKANSAS TELEPHONE COMPANY 4.18 -2.32 6.65 0.00 401697 C CENTRAL ARKANSAS TEL. COOP INC. 0.79 -3.48 4.42 2.68 401698 C CLEVELAND CTY TEL. CO. -0.69 -5.56 5.16 5.14 401699 C DECATUR TELEPHONE CO INC- ARKANSAS 5.63 0.74 4.86 20.28 401702 C SOUTH ARKANSAS TEL. CO.,INC. -4.79 -3.39 -1.45 -8.45 401704 C LAVACA TELEPHONE-AR 65.41 -6.51
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A5.pdf
- -4.28 0.00 TOTAL ARKANSAS 0.47 -5.07 5.84 3.30 401142 C CENTURYTEL OF NW ARKANSAS, LLC - RUSSELLVILLE -5.28 -5.77 0.53 -13.82 401143 C CENTURYTEL OF NW ARKANSAS, LLC-SILOAM SPRINGS -6.69 -7.09 0.43 -15.92 401144 C CENTURYTEL OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS, LLC -5.66 -7.88 2.40 -6.51 401144A C CENTURYTEL OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS, LLC -15.98 -4.18 -12.32 0.00 401691 C WINDSTREAM ARKANSAS, INC. 11.47 -3.88 15.97 INFINITE 401692 C ARKANSAS TELEPHONE COMPANY 4.18 -2.32 6.65 0.00 401697 C CENTRAL ARKANSAS TEL. COOP INC. 0.79 -3.48 4.42 2.68 401698 C CLEVELAND CTY TEL. CO. -0.69 -5.56 5.16 5.14 401699 C DECATUR TELEPHONE CO INC- ARKANSAS 5.63 0.74 4.86 20.28 401702 C SOUTH ARKANSAS TEL. CO.,INC. -4.79 -3.39 -1.45 -8.45 401704 C LAVACA TELEPHONE-AR 65.41 -6.51
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A1.txt
- -6.95 17.98 0.00 150125 A STATE TEL. CO. 8.84 -4.43 13.88 0.00 150128 C FRONTIER COMM. OF SYLVAN LAKE, INC. -8.50 -15.68 8.52 INFINITE 150129 C TOWNSHIP TEL. CO., INC. 0.23 -8.16 9.13 12.53 150131 C TRUMANSBURG TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. 8.75 -7.78 17.93 92.63 150133 C VERNON TEL. CO., INC. -12.97 -10.11 -3.19 0.00 150135 C WARWICK VALLEY TEL. CO.-NY -11.47 -7.36 -4.44 0.00 154532 C CITIZENS TEL CO OF NY DBA FRONTIER COMM -9.63 -8.54 -1.19 0.00 154533 C CITIZENS TEL CO OF NY DBA FRONTIER COMM -11.40 -7.64 -4.07 -100.00 154534 C CITIZENS TEL CO OF NY DBA FRONTIER COMM -12.32 -5.71 -7.01 -100.00 155130 C VERIZON NEW YORK INC. -3.05 -9.77 7.45 0.00 NORTH CAROLINA TOTAL -3.25 -6.29
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A5.txt
- -6.95 17.98 0.00 150125 A STATE TEL. CO. 8.84 -4.43 13.88 0.00 150128 C FRONTIER COMM. OF SYLVAN LAKE, INC. -8.50 -15.68 8.52 INFINITE 150129 C TOWNSHIP TEL. CO., INC. 0.23 -8.16 9.13 12.53 150131 C TRUMANSBURG TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. 8.75 -7.78 17.93 92.63 150133 C VERNON TEL. CO., INC. -12.97 -10.11 -3.19 0.00 150135 C WARWICK VALLEY TEL. CO.-NY -11.47 -7.36 -4.44 0.00 154532 C CITIZENS TEL CO OF NY DBA FRONTIER COMM -9.63 -8.54 -1.19 0.00 154533 C CITIZENS TEL CO OF NY DBA FRONTIER COMM -11.40 -7.64 -4.07 -100.00 154534 C CITIZENS TEL CO OF NY DBA FRONTIER COMM -12.32 -5.71 -7.01 -100.00 155130 C VERIZON NEW YORK INC. -3.05 -9.77 7.45 0.00 NORTH CAROLINA TOTAL -3.25 -6.29
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301823A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301823A1.txt
- 10.40 8.94 4.52 16.12 52 Citizens Comms Cos. dba Citizens Comms FCC Tariff 4 (CTC4) 57.15 57.25 56.69 57.95 42.796 35.38 23.31 13.08 30.94 53 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC5) 10.76 40.37 4.90 0.86 (11.23) 54 Consolidated Communications of Fort Bend Company 15.45 55 Consolidated CommunicaTIONS OF Texas Company 25.09 56 Frontier Telephone of Rochester 51.98 10.84 18.21 11.32 55.896 10.67 11.47 12.32 18.91 57 Frontier Tier 2 Concurring Companies 35.45 48.89 51.56 59.64 11.456 38.49 33.34 38.12 38.95 58 Frontier Comms of Minnesota & Frontier Comms of Iowa 16.31 33.41 34.90 47.18 33.676 32.16 31.15 25.24 33.16 59 Hawaiian Telecom 23.43 21.43 22.41 21.8810 9.447 16.96 15.30 16.72 17.87 60 Illinois Consolidated Telephone Company 38.89 61 Iowa Telecom Service Group 35.15
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A1.txt
- 310675 A BARAGA TEL CO 0.06 -4.08 4.31 -71.62 310676 A BARRY COUNTY TEL CO -1.12 -3.14 2.09 -100.00 310677 C ISLAND TEL CO -0.62 -1.19 0.58 0.00 310678 A BLANCHARD TEL. CO. -2.26 -6.17 4.16 -92.03 310679 C BLOOMINGDALE TEL CO -26.05 -4.91 -22.23 -57.64 310682 C FRONTIER-MICHIGAN -5.15 -7.88 2.95 0.00 310683 C CARR TEL CO 3.16 -7.45 11.47 14.51 310685 C CHATHAM TEL CO - MI -4.98 -4.65 -0.34 -37.96 310688 A CLIMAX TEL CO -2.80 -6.72 4.20 -93.66 310689 C CENTURYTEL-UPPER MI -1.60 -5.21 3.80 -15.33 310691 C DEERFIELD FARMERS 9.27 -5.99 16.23 15.73 310692 A DRENTHE TEL CO 2.17 -8.31 11.43 32.50 310694 A FARMERS DBA CHAPIN 6.64 -3.66 10.69 25.71 310695 C FRONTIER NORTH-MI -11.26
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A5.txt
- 310675 A BARAGA TEL CO 0.06 -4.08 4.31 -71.62 310676 A BARRY COUNTY TEL CO -1.12 -3.14 2.09 -100.00 310677 C ISLAND TEL CO -0.62 -1.19 0.58 0.00 310678 A BLANCHARD TEL. CO. -2.26 -6.17 4.16 -92.03 310679 C BLOOMINGDALE TEL CO -26.05 -4.91 -22.23 -57.64 310682 C FRONTIER-MICHIGAN -5.15 -7.88 2.95 0.00 310683 C CARR TEL CO 3.16 -7.45 11.47 14.51 310685 C CHATHAM TEL CO - MI -4.98 -4.65 -0.34 -37.96 310688 A CLIMAX TEL CO -2.80 -6.72 4.20 -93.66 310689 C CENTURYTEL-UPPER MI -1.60 -5.21 3.80 -15.33 310691 C DEERFIELD FARMERS 9.27 -5.99 16.23 15.73 310692 A DRENTHE TEL CO 2.17 -8.31 11.43 32.50 310694 A FARMERS DBA CHAPIN 6.64 -3.66 10.69 25.71 310695 C FRONTIER NORTH-MI -11.26
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-331A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-331A1.txt
- 5.85 5.10 6.05 5.13 A.<10 circuits/Non- Dispatch/TN (days) 0.86 0.63 0.87 0.59 0.89 0.61 0.86 0.64 1.07 0.66 A.>=10 circuits/Dispatch/TN (days) 7.62 6.50 5.00 5.77 5.92 6.20 2 A.<10 circuits/Dispatch/TN (days) 3.58 3.47 5.13 5.56 4.90 4.14 6.43 2.85 5.47 4.74 A.<10 circuits/Non- Dispatch/TN (days) 1.53 0.98 1.15 1.03 1.18 0.62 1.57 0.70 1.27 0.57 A.>=10 circuits/Dispatch/TN (days) 12.42 22.92 11.47 8.00 13.76 11.99 3 A.>=10 circuits/Non- Dispatch/TN (days) 0.73 0.33 1.42 0.33 A. (Specials)/<10 circuits/Dispatch/TN (days) 22.19 7.25 23.09 23.30 26.36 8.44 30.07 7.00 1,4,5 A. (Specials)/<10 circuits/Non- Dispatch/TN (days) 5.42 1.50 6.44 2.67 12.57 3.00 14.70 7.33 15.08 3.60 1,2,3,4,5 A.<10 circuits/Dispatch/TN (days) 25.59 13.50 10.72 6.00 8.15 0.33 13.14 3,4 A.<10 circuits/Non-Dispatch/TN (days) 2.17 2.58 3.14 2.50 3.15
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-167A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-167A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-167A1.txt
- Enforcement Bureau, prior to implementation to ensure that they are consistent with national plans, FCC regulations, and EAS operation. 10. Section 11.43 is amended to read as follows: § 11.43 National level participation. Entities that wish to voluntarily participate in the national level EAS may submit a written request to the Director, Office of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau. 11. Section 11.47(b) is amended to read as follows: § 11.47 Optional use of other communications methods and systems. (b) Other technologies and public service providers, such as DBS, low earth orbiting satellites, etc., that wish to participate in the EAS may contact the FCC's Office of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau, or their State Emergency Communications Committee for information and guidance. Separate Statement
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-191A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-191A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-191A1.txt
- 11.46 to read as follows: § 11.46 EAS public service announcements. EAS Participants may use Public Service Announcements or obtain commercial sponsors for announcements, infomercials, or programs explaining the EAS to the public. Such announcements and programs may not be a part of alerts or tests, and may not simulate or attempt to copy alert tones or codes. Revise § 11.47 to read as follows: § 11.47 Optional use of other communications methods and systems. (a) Analog and digital broadcast stations may additionally transmit EAS messages through other communications means. For example, on a voluntary basis, FM stations may use subcarriers to transmit the EAS codes including 57 kHz using the RBDS standard produced by the National Radio Systems Committee (NRSC)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-191A1_Erratum.doc
- 11.46 to read as follows: § 11.46 EAS public service announcements. EAS Participants may use Public Service Announcements or obtain commercial sponsors for announcements, infomercials, or programs explaining the EAS to the public. Such announcements and programs may not be a part of alerts or tests, and may not simulate or attempt to copy alert tones or codes. Revise § 11.47 to read as follows: § 11.47 Optional use of other communications methods and systems. (a) Analog and digital broadcast stations may additionally transmit EAS messages through other communications means. For example, on a voluntary basis, FM stations may use subcarriers to transmit the EAS codes including 57 kHz using the RBDS standard produced by the National Radio Systems Committee (NRSC)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-06-35A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-06-35A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-06-35A1.txt
- EAS operation. Section 11.43 is amended, by replacing the phrase ``Director, Office of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau,'' with ``Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau'', to read as follows: § 11.43 National level participation. Entities that wish to voluntarily participate in the national level EAS may submit a written request to the Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. Section 11.47(b) is amended, by replacing the phrase ``Director, Office of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau,'' with ``Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau'', to read as follows: § 11.47 Optional use of other communications methods and systems. * * * * * (b) Other technologies and public service providers, such as DBS, low earth orbiting satellites, etc., that wish to participate in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-109A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-109A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-109A1.txt
- a part of the State plan. A Local Area is a geographical area of contiguous communities or counties that may include more than one state. (c) The FCC Mapbook is based on the above plans. It organizes all broadcast stations and cable systems according to their State, EAS Local Area, and EAS designation. * * * * * Revise § 11.47(b) to read as follows: Other technologies and public service providers, such as low earth orbiting satellites, that wish to participate in the EAS may contact the FCC's Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau or their State Emergency Communications Committee for information and guidance. Revise § 11.51 (g) as follows: (g) Analog cable systems and digital cable systems with fewer than
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-08-201A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-08-201A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-08-201A1.txt
- Part 4 - Disruptions to Communications - Sets forth requirements pertinent to the reporting of disruptions to communications and to the reliability and security of communications infrastructure. Part 10 - Commercial Mobile Alert System - Sets forth regulations regarding the Commercial Mobile Alert System. Part 11 - Emergency Alert System - Sets forth regulations regarding an Emergency Alert System. Section 11.47 provides for optional participation in the EAS by ``other communications methods and systems.'' Part 12 - Redundancy of Communications Systems - Sets forth regulations to ensure the resiliency, redundancy and reliability of communications systems, particularly 911 and E911 networks or systems. Part 20 - Commercial Mobile Radio Services - Section 20.3 contains definitions related to 911 and E911. Section 20.18
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-10-204A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-10-204A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-10-204A1.txt
- Part 4 - Disruptions to Communications - Sets forth requirements pertinent to the reporting of disruptions to communications and to the reliability and security of communications infrastructure. Part 10 - Commercial Mobile Alert System - Sets forth regulations regarding the Commercial Mobile Alert System. Part 11 - Emergency Alert System - Sets forth regulations regarding an Emergency Alert System. Section 11.47 provides for optional participation in the EAS by ``other communications methods and systems.'' Part 12 - Redundancy of Communications Systems - Sets forth regulations to ensure the resiliency, redundancy and reliability of communications systems, particularly 911 and E911 networks or systems. Part 20 - Commercial Mobile Radio Services - Section 20.3 contains definitions related to 911 and E911. Section 20.18
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2003/FCC-03-167A1.html
- Security, Enforcement Bureau, prior to implementation to ensure that they are consistent with national plans, FCC regulations, and EAS operation. 10. Section 11.43 is amended to read as follows: 11.43 National level participation. Entities that wish to voluntarily participate in the national level EAS may submit a written request to the Director, Office of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau. 11. Section 11.47(b) is amended to read as follows: 11.47 Optional use of other communications methods and systems. (b) Other technologies and public service providers, such as DBS, low earth orbiting satellites, etc., that wish to participate in the EAS may contact the FCC's Office of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau, or their State Emergency Communications Committee for information and guidance. Separate Statement of
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2005/FCC-05-191A1.html
- Revise 11.46 to read as follows: 11.46 EAS public service announcements. EAS Participants may use Public Service Announcements or obtain commercial sponsors for announcements, infomercials, or programs explaining the EAS to the public. Such announcements and programs may not be a part of alerts or tests, and may not simulate or attempt to copy alert tones or codes. 16. Revise 11.47 to read as follows: 11.47 Optional use of other communications methods and systems. (a) Analog and digital broadcast stations may additionally transmit EAS messages through other communications means. For example, on a voluntary basis, FM stations may use subcarriers to transmit the EAS codes including 57 kHz using the RBDS standard produced by the National Radio Systems Committee (NRSC) and
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/2002/fcc02331.pdf
- 5.85 5.10 6.05 5.13 A.<10 circuits/Non- Dispatch/TN (days) 0.86 0.63 0.87 0.59 0.89 0.61 0.86 0.64 1.07 0.66 A.>=10 circuits/Dispatch/TN (days) 7.62 6.50 5.00 5.77 5.92 6.20 2 A.<10 circuits/Dispatch/TN (days) 3.58 3.47 5.13 5.56 4.90 4.14 6.43 2.85 5.47 4.74 A.<10 circuits/Non- Dispatch/TN (days) 1.53 0.98 1.15 1.03 1.18 0.62 1.57 0.70 1.27 0.57 A.>=10 circuits/Dispatch/TN (days) 12.42 22.92 11.47 8.00 13.76 11.99 3 A.>=10 circuits/Non- Dispatch/TN (days) 0.73 0.33 1.42 0.33 A. (Specials)/<10 circuits/Dispatch/TN (days) 22.19 7.25 23.09 23.30 26.36 8.44 30.07 7.00 1,4,5 A. (Specials)/<10 circuits/Non- Dispatch/TN (days) 5.42 1.50 6.44 2.67 12.57 3.00 14.70 7.33 15.08 3.60 1,2,3,4,5 A.<10 circuits/Dispatch/TN (days) 25.59 13.50 10.72 6.00 8.15 0.33 13.14 3,4 A.<10 circuits/Non-Dispatch/TN (days) 2.17 2.58 3.14 2.50 3.15
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref02.pdf
- 13.99 37.41 18.71 New Jersey Phillipsburg Verizon 13.59 4.31 44.89 22.45 New Mexico Alamogordo Qwest 18.21 2.58 31.86 7.96 New York Binghamton Verizon 24.62 14.31 61.70 11.22 New York Buffalo Verizon 29.09 18.70 62.82 11.42 New York Massena Verizon 21.22 10.99 61.34 11.15 New York New York City Verizon 25.07 15.29 63.13 11.48 New York Ogdensburg Verizon 21.82 11.30 63.06 11.47 New York Rochester Frontier - Rochester 19.02 9.10 33.32 10.00 North Carolina Raleigh BellSouth 18.82 6.09 44.03 22.02 North Carolina Rockingham BellSouth 17.55 4.81 44.03 22.02 Ohio Canton SBC 19.95 9.45 36.50 0.00 Ohio Cincinnati Cincinnati Bell 23.54 11.18 25.70 0.00 Ohio Cleveland SBC 19.95 9.45 36.50 0.00 Ohio Columbus SBC 19.95 9.45 36.50 0.00 Ohio Toledo SBC 19.95 9.45
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref99.pdf
- North Carolina Rockingham BellSouth 15.69 4.55 44.03 22.02 Ohio Canton Ameritech 18.72 8.21 36.50 Ohio Cincinnati Cincinnati Bell 21.05 14.41 25.70 Ohio Cleveland Ameritech 18.72 8.21 36.50 Ohio Columbus Ameritech 18.72 10.63 36.50 Ohio Toledo Ameritech 18.72 8.21 36.50 Oregon Corvallis US West 19.88 8.85 12.36 6.18 Oregon Portland US West 21.19 10.10 12.36 6.18 Pennsylvania Allentown Bell Atlantic 17.48 11.47 40.00 20.00 Pennsylvania Ellwood City Bell Atlantic 16.60 9.18 40.00 20.00 Pennsylvania Johnstown GTE 21.94 16.48 55.86 27.93 Pennsylvania New Castle Bell Atlantic 14.90 9.27 40.00 20.00 Pennsylvania Philadelphia Bell Atlantic 18.56 10.77 40.00 20.00 Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Bell Atlantic 18.56 10.77 40.00 20.00 Pennsylvania Scranton Bell Atlantic 17.48 11.47 40.00 20.00 Rhode Island Providence Bell Atlantic 23.50 11.93 36.20 18.10
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror00.pdf
- 14.55 19.89 22.48 20CenturyTel of Wisconsin, Inc. 19.68 11.25 21.89 28.93 21Chillicothe Telephone Company, The 2/ 27.42 11.25 16.24 40.03 0.08 25.03 22Concord Telephone Co. 15.58 11.46 30.98 24.99 (423.81) 22.84 22.77 23El Paso Telephone Co. 1/ 2/ -4.84 3.27 251.20 (11.40) (305.07) (21.42) 24Farmers Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 1/ 13.26 11.61 8.17 21.61 18.25 19.48 25Fort Mill Telephone Company 15.04 11.47 17.20 31.41 71.25 41.43 26Gallatin River Communications, LLC 3/ 11.43 12.47 9.74 10.64 12.04 10.95 27Gulf Telephone Company 3/ 11.98 11.89 11.70 11.75 12.38 12.15 28Home Telephone Company, Inc. 12.30 11.60 28.97 10.99 8.27 10.52 29Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc 11.88 11.58 3.84 19.73 9.57 14.48 30Illinois Consolidated Telephone Company 11.77 11.43 11.65 11.65 11.65 12.58 31Lancaster Telephone Company 9.50 11.45
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror02.pdf
- 19.27 NA NA 53Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (Tariff 2) 43,573 31,614 11,959 57,862 20.67 NA NA 54Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (Tariff 3) 2,117 1,713 404 4,519 8.94 (220) NA 55Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (Tariff 4) 48,098 36,692 11,406 48,927 23.31 NA NA 56Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (Tariff 5) 2,955 2,756 199 4,061 4.90 (648) NA 57Frontier Telephone of Rochester, Inc. 47,901 34,542 13,359 116,508 11.47 NA NA 58Frontier Tier 2 Concurring Carriers 51,804 36,268 15,536 46,604 33.34 NA NA 59Frontier Communications of Minnesota & Iowa 33,052 22,358 10,694 34,327 31.15 NA NA 60Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc. (SAC 351167) 18,753 13,908 4,845 33,973 14.26 61Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc. (SAC 351170 & 351178) 29,440 19,942 9,497 46,390 20.47 62VALOR New Mexico #1193 10,209 7,589 2,621 16,506 15.88
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror03.pdf
- 17.81 20.04 54 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC1) 24.40 19.27 15.73 19.68 16.71 17.87 9.77 55 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC2) 16.14 20.67 17.30 24.05 15.74 14.29 13.25 56 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC3) 10.40 8.94 4.52 16.12 15.56 57 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC4) 35.38 23.31 13.08 30.94 58 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC5) 40.37 4.90 0.86 (11.23) 59 Frontier Telephone of Rochester 10.67 11.47 12.32 18.91 16.77 18.37 13.19 60 Frontier Tier 2 Concurring Companies 38.49 33.34 38.12 38.95 43.42 45.45 31.93 61 Frontier Communications of Minnesota & Iowa 32.16 31.15 25.24 33.16 35.40 29.28 28.26 62 Iowa Telecom Service Group 17.58 14.264 13.07 63 Iowa Telecom Systems Service Group 23.97 20.474 18.45 64 Valor New Mexico #1164 18.45 16.86 11.45 20.67 65 Valor
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- OF THE SOUTHWEST-OK 12.01 12.45 2.66 11.10 (41.52) 15.24 12.67 87GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTHWEST-TX 13.42 12.45 5.65 16.94 (87.90) 17.03 16.78 88GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTH-AL 13.05 12.44 16.50 8.16 340.52 19.51 13.28 89GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTH-GA 12.30 12.44 7.87 10.33 (9.52) 18.08 13.02 90GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTH-KY 11.89 12.44 9.83 12.05 (25.26) 11.47 11.71 91GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTH-NC 8.87 12.44 2.27 7.87 14.88 8.19 8.00 92GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTH-SC 10.04 12.44 4.42 7.50 69.12 11.82 8.33 93GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTH-TN 13.87 12.45 7.74 15.43 (57.26) 21.71 17.48 94GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTH-VA 17.20 12.45 44.47 11.34 (259.63) 30.31 17.64 95GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTH-WV 11.23
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend502.pdf
- InterstateIntrastate Total InterstateIntrastate Total of Total Alabama $1,083 $2,125 $3,208 $510 $290 $800 $1,593 $2,415 $4,008 1.37% Alaska 203 357 560 95 62 157 298 419 717 0.24 Arizona 1,665 2,231 3,896 699 377 1,075 2,364 2,608 4,972 1.70 Arkansas 648 1,165 1,812 312 191 503 960 1,356 2,315 0.79 California 7,932 18,337 26,269 3,724 3,584 7,308 11,656 21,921 33,577 11.47 Colorado 1,634 2,529 4,163 744 383 1,127 2,378 2,912 5,290 1.81 Connecticut 1,280 1,827 3,107 596 221 818 1,876 2,048 3,924 1.34 Delaware 318 389 708 120 47 167 439 436 875 0.30 District of Columbia 460 847 1,307 250 91 340 710 938 1,648 0.56 Florida 5,450 8,809 14,259 2,384 1,665 4,049 7,834 10,474 18,308 6.25 Georgia 2,650 4,393
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend504.pdf
- 17.81 20.04 54 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC1) 24.40 19.27 15.73 19.68 16.71 17.87 9.77 55 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC2) 16.14 20.67 17.30 24.05 15.74 14.29 13.25 56 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC3) 10.40 8.94 4.52 16.12 15.56 57 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC4) 35.38 23.31 13.08 30.94 58 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC5) 40.37 4.90 0.86 (11.23) 59 Frontier Telephone of Rochester 10.67 11.47 12.32 18.91 16.77 18.37 13.19 60 Frontier Tier 2 Concurring Companies 38.49 33.34 38.12 38.95 43.42 45.45 31.93 61 Frontier Communications of Minnesota & Iowa 32.16 31.15 25.24 33.16 35.40 29.28 28.26 62 Iowa Telecom Service Group 17.58 14.264 13.07 63 Iowa Telecom Systems Service Group 23.97 20.474 18.45 64 Valor New Mexico #1164 18.45 16.86 11.45 20.67 65 Valor
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend605.pdf
- 17.81 20.04 54 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC1) 24.40 19.27 15.73 19.68 16.71 17.87 9.77 55 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC2) 16.14 20.67 17.30 24.05 15.74 14.29 13.25 56 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC3) 10.40 8.94 4.52 16.12 15.56 57 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC4) 35.38 23.31 13.08 30.94 58 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (CTC5) 40.37 4.90 0.86 (11.23) 59 Frontier Telephone of Rochester 10.67 11.47 12.32 18.91 16.77 18.37 13.19 60 Frontier Tier 2 Concurring Companies 38.49 33.34 38.12 38.95 43.42 45.45 31.93 61 Frontier Communications of Minnesota & Iowa 32.16 31.15 25.24 33.16 35.40 29.28 28.26 62 Iowa Telecom Service Group 17.58 14.264 13.07 63 Iowa Telecom Systems Service Group 23.97 20.474 18.45 64 Valor New Mexico #1164 18.45 16.86 11.45 20.67 65 Valor
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend803.pdf
- 17.81 20.04 52 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (Tariff 1) 19.27 15.73 19.68 16.71 17.87 9.77 53 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (Tariff 2) 20.67 17.30 24.05 15.74 14.29 13.25 54 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (Tariff 3) 8.94 4.52 16.12 15.56 55 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (Tariff 4) 23.31 13.08 30.94 56 Citizens Telecommunications Cos. (Tariff 5) 4.90 0.86 (11.23) 57 Frontier Telephone of Rochester, Inc. 11.47 12.32 18.91 16.77 18.37 13.19 58 Frontier Tier 2 Concurring Companies 33.34 38.12 38.95 43.42 45.45 31.93 59 Frontier Communications of Minnesota & Iowa 31.15 25.24 33.16 35.40 29.28 28.26 60 Iowa Telecom Service Group (SAC 351167) 14.26 13.07 61 Iowa Telecom Systems Service Group (SAC 351170 & 351178) 20.47 18.45 62 Valor New Mexico #1164 15.88 11.45 20.67 63
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-3.pdf
- COMPANY 35.42 -2.82 39.35 67.64 391669 A MCCOOK COOPERATIVE TELEPHONE CO. 14.16 -1.59 16.00 56.55 391670 A MIDSTATE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 7.63 -1.30 9.05 27.26 391671 A WEST RIVER TELECOMMUNICATIONS COOP.(MOBRIDGE) 14.22 0.53 13.62 0.00 391674 A ROBERTS COUNTY TEL. COOP. ASSN. 4.47 0.65 3.79 3.89 391676 C SANTEL COMMUNICATIONS COOPERATIVE,INC.(SANBORN) 16.75 -1.26 18.25 44.82 391677 A SIOUX VALLEY TELEPHONE COMPANY 11.47 -0.81 12.38 64.77 391679 C STOCKHOLM-STRANDBURG TEL. CO. -7.20 -1.17 -6.10 -19.93 391680 C SULLY BUTTES TELEPHONE COOP. INC. 24.57 -1.60 26.60 80.56 391680A C SULLY BUTTES TELEPHONE COOP. INC. (QWEST) Exchanges acquired from 391680 QWEST CORP-SD 391682 A TRI-COUNTY TELCOM, INC. 0.99 -2.37 3.43 -0.28 391684 A UNION TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.56 -0.11 12.68 80.44 391685 C VALLEY TELECOMM. COOP.
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-3.pdf
- 1.06 0.91 0.00 150085 C CROWN POINT TEL. CORP. 3.59 7.91 -4.00 -1.81 150088 A DELHI TELEPHONE COMPANY 5.19 -4.13 9.72 0.00 150089 C DEPOSIT TELEPHONE CO. INC. 2.43 0.12 2.30 0.00 150091 C DUNKIRK AND FREDONIA TEL. CO. -9.18 -0.92 -8.33 0.00 150092 C EDWARDS TELEPHONE CO. INC. -0.54 12.18 -11.34 -21.84 150093 C EMPIRE TELEPHONE CORP-NY 11.06 -0.37 11.47 0.00 3 - 184 Table 3.31 High-Cost Loop Support Percentage Changes from 2001 to 2002 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Loop Support NTS Revenue of Requirement Payments in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* NEW YORK Cont. 150095 C THE FISHERS ISLAND TEL. CO. 2.12 0.09 2.02 -100.00
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-4.pdf
- 36.02 11,916,885 12.88 Texas 4,163,447 236,834,195 56.88 182,532,687 43.84 54,301,508 13.04 Utah 484,677 5,657,109 11.67 4,602,527 9.50 1,054,583 2.18 Vermont 101,179 1,697,082 16.77 1,129,972 11.17 567,110 5.61 Virgin Islands 18,780 5,378,190 286.38 5,320,876 283.33 57,315 3.05 Virginia 1,163,091 21,410,170 18.41 17,501,178 15.05 3,908,992 3.36 Washington 1,009,200 18,457,563 18.29 13,638,371 13.51 4,819,192 4.78 West Virginia 282,885 8,202,490 29.00 4,958,978 17.53 3,243,512 11.47 Wisconsin 879,361 25,559,295 29.07 16,662,860 18.95 8,896,435 10.12 Wyoming 88,128 1,665,305 18.90 1,185,774 13.46 479,531 5.44 Totals 48,369,196 $2,209,203,752 $45.67 $1,625,681,395 $33.61 $583,522,357 $12.06 Activity through May 6, 2004. Because of the appeals process, funding commitments and disbursements can be made after the end of the program year. Also, disbursements may continue beyond the end of the program year in
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- 72.89 351191 A GRAND MOUND COOP. TEL. ASSN. 13.08 4.03 8.70 68.92 351195 A GRISWOLD COOP. TEL. CO. 11.90 1.68 10.05 71.87 351199 A HAWKEYE TEL. CO. 11.78 1.00 10.67 72.98 351202 A HOSPERS TEL. EXCHANGE, INC. 8.12 1.63 6.38 53.66 351203 A HUBBARD COOP. TEL. ASSN. 6.00 2.76 3.15 24.72 351205 A HUXLEY COOP. TEL. CO. 4.07 3.35 0.69 -11.47 351206 A IAMO TEL. CO.-IA 7.88 4.06 3.67 15.45 351207 C GTE MIDWEST, INC. - IA (CONTEL) -25.14 1.49 -26.24 0.00 351209 A INTERSTATE 35 TEL. CO. 18.12 5.96 11.48 80.19 351212 A JEFFERSON TEL. CO.-IA 11.05 3.10 7.71 0.00 351213 A JORDAN SOLDIER VAL COOP. TEL. CO. 23.07 9.97 11.91 86.39 351214 C KALONA COOP. TEL. CO. -0.15 3.01
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- Total Interstate Intrastate Total of Total Alabama $1,083 $2,125 $3,208 $510 $290 $800 $1,593 $2,415 $4,008 1.37% Alaska 203 357 560 95 62 157 298 419 717 0.24 Arizona 1,665 2,231 3,896 699 377 1,075 2,364 2,608 4,972 1.70 Arkansas 648 1,165 1,812 312 191 503 960 1,356 2,315 0.79 California 7,932 18,337 26,269 3,724 3,584 7,308 11,656 21,921 33,577 11.47 Colorado 1,634 2,529 4,163 744 383 1,127 2,378 2,912 5,290 1.81 Connecticut 1,280 1,827 3,107 596 221 818 1,876 2,048 3,924 1.34 Delaware 318 389 708 120 47 167 439 436 875 0.30 Dist. of Columbia 460 847 1,307 250 91 340 710 938 1,648 0.56 Florida 5,450 8,809 14,259 2,384 1,665 4,049 7,834 10,474 18,308 6.25 Georgia 2,650 4,393
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/QualSvc/qual00.pdf
- SBC SBC SBC Verizon Verizon Verizon Ameritech PacificSouthwestern North South GTE Percentage of Customers Dissatisfied Installations:Residential 12.84 7.29 16.43 9.69 6.75 5.52 4.86 4.88 Small Business 8.25 16.37 12.60 9.63 9.63 11.89 9.30 8.47 Large Business 6.51 NA 20.75 13.59 12.58 9.09 7.33 1.30 Repairs:Residential 18.76 7.88 26.53 16.63 9.57 14.60 15.52 12.02 Small Business 10.40 12.18 18.69 8.80 7.22 11.47 13.51 10.62 Large Business 6.45 NA 37.81 10.53 12.92 9.50 9.17 1.54 Business Office: Residential 11.75 2.97 12.20 10.01 7.06 8.72 7.11 8.09 Small Business 12.03 6.70 21.17 9.19 8.59 11.72 11.95 11.79 Large Business NA NA 27.41 12.43 8.63 8.49 10.82 0.81 Please refer to text for notes and data qualifications Table 1(e):Company Comparision -- 2000 Customer Perception Surveys
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/OMD/Orders/da000755.doc
- a minor editorial revision to Section 11.21 of the Rules to indicate that state and local area EAS plans must be reviewed and approved by the Chief of the Technical and Public Safety Division of the Commission's Enforcement Bureau, rather than the Chief of the Compliance and Information Bureau, prior to implementation. An editorial revision is also made to Section 11.47 of the Rules to change the reference to the FCC's EAS office to the Technical and Public Safety Division of the Enforcement Bureau. These revisions reflect the shift of responsibility for the EAS from the Commission's Compliance and Information Bureau, which has been eliminated, to the recently established Enforcement Bureau. III. PROCEDURAL MATTERS AND ORDERING CLAUSES As this Order merely
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1999/fcc99245.pdf
- Safety Administration (NHTSA), Traffic Safety Facts 1996, Rural Areas (last viewed Sept. 21, 1999) . According to the Department of Transportation Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS), the average Emergency Medical Service (EMS) crash notification time is almost twice as long in rural areas (8.95 minutes) as in urban areas (4.85 minutes). In addition, the average response time for rural areas, 11.47 minutes, is also almost twice that of urban areas (based on 1992 data). 5 NHTSA, Research Note, Rural and Urban Crashes - A Comparative Analysis, Aug. 1996, at 2. . PAGE 2 percent. During that same period, wireless 911 calls grew even more rapidly, from 1.805 million per year (59,180 per day) in 1996 to 2.943 million (98,097 per day)
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/2000/da000755.doc http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/2000/da000755.txt
- a minor editorial revision to Section 11.21 of the Rules to indicate that state and local area EAS plans must be reviewed and approved by the Chief of the Technical and Public Safety Division of the Commission's Enforcement Bureau, rather than the Chief of the Compliance and Information Bureau, prior to implementation. An editorial revision is also made to Section 11.47 of the Rules to change the reference to the FCC's EAS office to the Technical and Public Safety Division of the Enforcement Bureau. These revisions reflect the shift of responsibility for the EAS from the Commission's Compliance and Information Bureau, which has been eliminated, to the recently established Enforcement Bureau. III. PROCEDURAL MATTERS AND ORDERING CLAUSES As this Order merely
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2003/FCC-03-167A1.html
- Security, Enforcement Bureau, prior to implementation to ensure that they are consistent with national plans, FCC regulations, and EAS operation. 10. Section 11.43 is amended to read as follows: 11.43 National level participation. Entities that wish to voluntarily participate in the national level EAS may submit a written request to the Director, Office of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau. 11. Section 11.47(b) is amended to read as follows: 11.47 Optional use of other communications methods and systems. (b) Other technologies and public service providers, such as DBS, low earth orbiting satellites, etc., that wish to participate in the EAS may contact the FCC's Office of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau, or their State Emergency Communications Committee for information and guidance. Separate Statement of
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2005/FCC-05-191A1.html
- Revise 11.46 to read as follows: 11.46 EAS public service announcements. EAS Participants may use Public Service Announcements or obtain commercial sponsors for announcements, infomercials, or programs explaining the EAS to the public. Such announcements and programs may not be a part of alerts or tests, and may not simulate or attempt to copy alert tones or codes. 16. Revise 11.47 to read as follows: 11.47 Optional use of other communications methods and systems. (a) Analog and digital broadcast stations may additionally transmit EAS messages through other communications means. For example, on a voluntary basis, FM stations may use subcarriers to transmit the EAS codes including 57 kHz using the RBDS standard produced by the National Radio Systems Committee (NRSC) and