FCC Web Documents citing 10.470
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-08-99A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-08-99A1.pdf
- CMAS Implementation Timeline. Subpart B-Election to Participate in Commercial Mobile Alert System Reserved. Subpart C-System Architecture Sec. 10.300 Alert Aggregator (reserved). 10.310 Federal Alert Gateway (reserved). 10.320 Provider Gateway Requirements. 10.330 Provider Infrastructure Requirements. Subpart D-Alert Message Requirements Sec. 10.400 Classification. 10.410 Prioritization. 10.420 Message Elements. 10.430 Character Limit. 10.440 Embedded Reference Prohibition. 10.450 Geographic Targeting. 10.460 Retransmission Frequency (reserved). 10.470 Roaming. Subpart E-Equipment Requirements Sec. 10.500 General Requirements. 10.510 Call Preemption Prohibition. 10.520 Common Audio Attention Signal. 10.530 Common Vibration Cadence. 10.540 Attestation Requirement. (reserved). Subpart A-General Information � 10.1 Basis. The rules in this part are issued pursuant to the authority contained in the Warning, Alert, and Response Network Act, Title VI of the Security and Accountability for Every
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1112A1.pdf
- than English; Availability of CMAS alerts while roaming: Subscribers receiving services pursuant to a roaming agreement will receive alert messages on the roamed- 4 upon network if the operator of the roamed-upon network is a Participating CMS provider and the subscriber's mobile device is configured for and technically capable of receiving alert messages from the roamed-upon network (47 C.F.R. � 10.470); and Preemption of calls in progress: CMAS alerts may not preempt a voice or data session in progress (47 C.F.R. � 10.510). Participating CMS Providers shall begin development and testing of the CMAS in a manner consistent with these rules no later than 10 months from the date that the Federal Alert Aggregator and Alert Gateway makes the Government Interface
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-08-99A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-08-99A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-08-99A1.txt
- CMAS Implementation Timeline. Subpart B-Election to Participate in Commercial Mobile Alert System Reserved. Subpart C-System Architecture Sec. 10.300 Alert Aggregator (reserved). 10.310 Federal Alert Gateway (reserved). 10.320 Provider Gateway Requirements. 10.330 Provider Infrastructure Requirements. Subpart D-Alert Message Requirements Sec. 10.400 Classification. 10.410 Prioritization. 10.420 Message Elements. 10.430 Character Limit. 10.440 Embedded Reference Prohibition. 10.450 Geographic Targeting. 10.460 Retransmission Frequency (reserved). 10.470 Roaming. Subpart E-Equipment Requirements Sec. 10.500 General Requirements. 10.510 Call Preemption Prohibition. 10.520 Common Audio Attention Signal. 10.530 Common Vibration Cadence. 10.540 Attestation Requirement. (reserved). Subpart A-General Information � 10.1 Basis. The rules in this part are issued pursuant to the authority contained in the Warning, Alert, and Response Network Act, Title VI of the Security and Accountability for Every