FCC Web Documents citing 7.18
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2730A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2730A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2730A1.txt
- POINT OF CONTACT PUBLIC INFORMATION FOR SECTION 255 COVERED ENTITIES WTB DOCKET NO. 96-198 The purpose of this Public Notice is to inform telecommunications manufacturers and service providers who are covered entities under Section 255 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved the information collections contained in Sections 6.18 and 7.18 of the Commission's rules on October 29, 2001. The valid control number for compliance with the designation of points of contact information contained in these sections is 3060-0833. On September 29, 1999, the Commission released a Report and Order and Further Notice of Inquiry (Report and Order) adopting a framework for implementing Section 255, which requires telecommunications equipment manufacturers and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1412A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1412A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1412A2.txt
- monthly. Biannually in March and September. N11 Code 8.0 Semi-annually; status monthly. Biannually in March and September. 555 Code 8.0 New assignments within 5 days; status, monthly. Biannually in March and September. Carrier Identification Code 6.18.6, 7.5, 3.9 Semi-annual incorporating Entity Usage 1 Access Reports; upon any new assignment. Status monthly. Biannually in March and September. Vertical Service Code 7.18.6, 8.0 Existing VSCs, new VSCs, and updates; status monthly. Biannually in March and September. Automatic Number Identification 8.0 Existing ANI, new ANI, and new assignments within 5 business days; status monthly. Biannually in March and September. Non-Dialable Toll Points 8.0 Semi-annual; status, monthly. Biannually in March and September. 809 Codes 8.0 Semi-annual; status monthly. Biannually in March and September. Numbering
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1978A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1978A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1978A1.txt
- 255; See 47 C.F.R. 6.1 & 7.1. See Implementation of Sections 255 and 251(a)(2) of the Communications Act of 1934, as enacted by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Report and Order and Further Notice of Inquiry, WT Docket No. 96-198, FCC 99-181, 16 FCC Rcd. 6417 (Sept. 29, 1999) (Report and Order). See 47 C.F.R. 6.18 & 7.18. PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 News Media Information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 1-888-835-5322 ! h h gd h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h PNG r v "r9 I'6 dY͆aX ; Wh X,aXy]\\.W`hva6l! v"]Vat-``````"m(c)x
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1653A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1653A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1653A1.txt
- 255; See 47 C.F.R. 6.1 & 7.1. See Implementation of Sections 255 and 251(a)(2) of the Communications Act of 1934, as enacted by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Report and Order and Further Notice of Inquiry, WT Docket No. 96-198, FCC 99-181, 16 FCC Rcd. 6417 (Sept. 29, 1999) (Report and Order). See 47 C.F.R. 6.18 & 7.18. PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 News Media Information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 1-888-835-5322 ! h gd ! h h h h h h h h h h h h PNG r v "r9 I'6 dY͆aX ; Wh X,aXy]\\.W`hva6l! v"]Vat-``````"m(c)x
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1485A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1485A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1485A1.txt
- 47 U.S.C. 255; See 47 C.F.R. 6.1 & 7.1. See Implementation of Sections 255 and 251(a)(2) of the Communications Act of 1934, as enacted by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, WT Docket No. 96-198, Report and Order and Further Notice of Inquiry, 16 FCC Rcd. 6417 (Sept. 29, 1999) (Report and Order). See 47 C.F.R. 6.18 & 7.18. PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 News Media Information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 1-888-835-5322 gd h h h h h h h h h h h h h PNG r v "r9 I'6 dY͆aX ; Wh X,aXy]\\.W`hva6l! v"]Vat-``````"m(c)x
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A5.txt
- Cross- ownership (1=yes) -0.1039 0.7480 0.9013 -2.1333***0.0100 0.1184 368.94 Cross-owned with TV Station in DMA (1=yes) 0.2034 0.3400 1.2255 -0.0422 0.8960 0.9586 32.30 Percentage of Other Market Stations with News Format 0.0016 0.8530 1.0016 0.0129 0.2310 1.0130 -1.18 Total Stations in the Market 0.0017 0.6660 1.0017 -0.0086 0.1540 0.9915 1.12 Market Median Commute Time -0.0238 0.4150 0.9764 0.0404 0.2350 1.0412 -7.18 Percentage of Market Population Male -0.0348 0.6480 0.9658 -0.1062 0.3410 0.8992 7.12 Percentage of Market Population Black or African American -0.0160** 0.0190 0.9842 -0.0131 0.3830 0.9870 -0.53 Percentage of Market Population Hispanic or Latino -0.0057 0.4040 0.9944 0.0036 0.6700 1.0036 -1.07 Percentage of Market Population Aged 18 to 24 -0.0825* 0.0610 0.9208 0.1148 0.1380 1.1216 -22.20** Percentage of Market Population
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-490A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-490A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-490A2.txt
- monthly. Biannually in March and September. N11 Code 8.0 Semi-annually; status monthly. Biannually in March and September. 555 Code 8.0 New assignments within five days; status monthly. Biannually in March and September. Carrier Identification Code 6.18.6, 7.5, 3.9 Semi-annual incorporating Entity Usage 1 Access Reports; upon any new assignment. Status monthly. Biannually in March and September. Vertical Service Code 7.18.6, 8.0 Existing VSCs, new VSCs, and updates; status monthly. Biannually in March and September. Automatic Number Identification 8.0 Existing ANI, new ANI, and new assignments within five business days; status monthly. Biannually in March and September. Numbering Resource Utilization Form 3.2, 6.0, 6.1.5, 8.0, 8.2.2 Semi-annually on February and August 1st. Code Relief Planning Report to NANC 5.1.5 Quarterly. Status
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1348A1_Rcd.pdf
- Entrant Professional Cable 15 Mbps / 15 Mbps National LVL 17 $42.71 n/a n/a Purchase: 39.53; Monthly Rental: 3.95 No n/a n/a Baltkom TV Entrant Business Plans Cable 20 Mbps / 20 Mbps National LVL 22.5 $56.53 n/a n/a Purchase: 39.53; Monthly Rental: 3.95 No n/a n/a Latvia Dautkom TV Entrant Silver Cable 2 Mbps / 512 kbps National LVL 7.18 $18.04 Connection fee: 18.15 none n/a No month to month w/ 18 month contract, free connection http://www.dautkom.lv/?lang=ru&id=1 6/ Dautkom TV Entrant Gold Cable 4 Mbps / 1 Mbps National LVL 10.25 $25.75 Connection fee: 18.15 none n/a No month to month w/ 18 month contract, free connection Dautkom TV Entrant Platinum Cable 10 Mbps / 2.5 Mbps National LVL 15.38
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1348A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1348A2.txt
- Entrant Professional Cable 15 Mbps / 15 Mbps National LVL 17 $42.71 n/a n/a Purchase: 39.53; Monthly Rental: 3.95 No n/a n/a Baltkom TV Entrant Business Plans Cable 20 Mbps / 20 Mbps National LVL 22.5 $56.53 n/a n/a Purchase: 39.53; Monthly Rental: 3.95 No n/a n/a Latvia Dautkom TV Entrant Silver Cable 2 Mbps / 512 kbps National LVL 7.18 $18.04 Connection fee: 18.15 none n/a No month to month w/ 18 month contract, free connection http://www.dautkom.lv/?lang=ru&id=16/ Dautkom TV Entrant Gold Cable 4 Mbps / 1 Mbps National LVL 10.25 $25.75 Connection fee: 18.15 none n/a No month to month w/ 18 month contract, free connection Dautkom TV Entrant Platinum Cable 10 Mbps / 2.5 Mbps National LVL 15.38 $38.64
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2346A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2346A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2346A2.txt
- \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof SEQ SectionNumber _Toc280005063 \\* ARABIC }}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof 7}}}\sectd \marglsxn1627\margrsxn1627\margtsxn2160\margbsxn2160\binfsxn7\binsxn7\sb kodd\pgnrestart\pgnlcrm\linex0\footery1440\sectdefaultcl\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof -}{\field{\*\fldinst {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof PAGEREF _Toc280005063 \\h }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof {\*\datafield 08d0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b02000000080000000e0000005f0054006f0063 003200380030003000300035003000360033000000}} }{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof 10}}}\sectd \marglsxn1627\margrsxn1627\margtsxn2160\margbsxn2160\binfsxn7\binsxn7\sb kodd\pgnrestart\pgnlcrm\linex0\footery1440\sectdefaultcl\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof \par }\pard\plain \ltrpar\s30\ql \li240\ri0\sb120\widctlpar\tqr\tldot\tx8976\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\ faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin240\itap0 \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof 7.18 Tools\tab }{\field{\*\fldinst {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof SEQ SectionNumber _Toc280005064 \\* ARABIC }}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof 7}}}\sectd \marglsxn1627\margrsxn1627\margtsxn2160\margbsxn2160\binfsxn7\binsxn7\sb kodd\pgnrestart\pgnlcrm\linex0\footery1440\sectdefaultcl\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof -} {\field{\*\fldinst {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof PAGEREF _Toc280005064 \\h }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof {\*\datafield 08d0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b02000000080000000e0000005f0054006f0063 003200380030003000300035003000360034000000}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof 10}}}\sectd \marglsxn1627\margrsxn1627\margtsxn2160\margbsxn2160\binfsxn7\binsxn7\sb kodd\pgnrestart\pgnlcrm\linex0\footery1440\sectdefaultcl\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof \par }\pard\plain \ltrpar\s33\ql \li677\ri0\widctlpar\tqr\tldot\tx8976\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto \adjustright\rin0\lin677\itap0 \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\rtlch\fcs1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-412A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-412A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-412A1.txt
- Description, Need and Legal Basis: See Subpart A above. Section Number and Title: 7.5 General obligations. 7.7 Product design, development, and evaluation. 7.9 Information pass through. 7.11 Information, documentation and training. SUBPART D-ENFORCEMENT Brief Description, Need and Legal Basis: See Subpart A above. Section Number and Title: 7.15 Generally. 7.16 Informal or formal complaints. 7.17 Informal complaints; form and content. 7.18 Procedure; designation of agents for service. 7.19 Answers to informal complaints. 7.20 Review and disposition of informal complaints. 7.21 Formal complaints, applicability of 1.720 through 1.736 of this chapter. 7.22 Formal complaints based on unsatisfied informal complaints. 7.23 Actions by the Commission on its own motion PART 13-COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATORS Brief Description: The Part 13 rules prescribe the manner and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A2.txt
- and _amp_tera. LVL 9.1 17.1544423.21428Connection fee: 24.2 n/a n/a No 10Plyavnieki. Purvciems. Riga. Zolitude. Ilguciems. Yugla. Imants. Vecmilgravis and _amp_tera. LVL 12.2 22.9982631.12245Connection fee: 24.2 n/a n/a No 1National LVL 6 11.3106215.30612Connection fee: 18.15 none n/a No 1Rugeli. Kryzhi. Cherepovo Lake Shunya st. Valnu. partlythe citycenter and the New Forshtadta. LVL 6 11.3106215.30612Connection fee: 18.15 none n/a No 0.512National LVL 7.18 13.5350418.31633Connection fee: 18.15 none n/a No 2National LVL 9 16.9659322.95918Connection fee: 18.15 none n/a No 3Rugeli. Kryzhi. Cherepovo Lake Shunya st. Valnu. partlythe citycenter and the New Forshtadta. LVL 9 16.9659322.95918Connection fee: 18.15 none n/a No 1National LVL 10.25 19.3223126.14796Connection fee: 18.15 none n/a No Federal Communications Commission DA 11-732 4National LVL 12 22.6212330.61225Connection fee: 18.15 none n/a No 8Rugeli.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-215526A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-215526A1.txt
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.txt
- 8.25 3.50 3.50 3.50 1.75 1.75 1.75 10.00 10.00 10.00 13.50 13.50 13.50 Hawaii 8.25 8.25 8.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 Idaho 6.50 8.25 8.25 0.00 3.50 3.50 0.00 1.75 1.75 6.50 10.00 10.00 6.50 13.50 13.49 Illinois 6.25 8.25 6.92 0.00 1.20 0.18 0.00 0.60 0.09 6.25 8.85 7.01 6.25 10.05 7.18 Indiana 7.28 8.25 7.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.28 8.25 7.52 7.28 8.25 7.52 Iowa 5.25 8.25 7.29 0.00 3.50 0.03 0.00 1.75 0.02 5.25 10.00 7.31 5.25 13.50 7.34 Kansas 5.25 8.25 7.25 3.28 3.50 3.50 1.64 1.75 1.75 6.89 10.00 9.00 10.17 13.50 12.50 Kentucky 7.09 8.25 8.11 0.00 3.50 2.44 0.00 1.75 1.22 7.09 10.00
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A4.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A4.txt
- 8.25 3.50 3.50 3.50 1.75 1.75 1.75 10.00 10.00 10.00 13.50 13.50 13.50 Hawaii 8.25 8.25 8.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 Idaho 6.50 8.25 8.25 0.00 3.50 3.50 0.00 1.75 1.75 6.50 10.00 10.00 6.50 13.50 13.49 Illinois 6.25 8.25 6.92 0.00 1.20 0.18 0.00 0.60 0.09 6.25 8.85 7.01 6.25 10.05 7.18 Indiana 7.28 8.25 7.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.28 8.25 7.52 7.28 8.25 7.52 Iowa 5.25 8.25 7.29 0.00 3.50 0.03 0.00 1.75 0.02 5.25 10.00 7.31 5.25 13.50 7.34 Kansas 5.25 8.25 7.25 3.28 3.50 3.50 1.64 1.75 1.75 6.89 10.00 9.00 10.17 13.50 12.50 Kentucky 7.09 8.25 8.11 0.00 3.50 2.44 0.00 1.75 1.22 7.09 10.00
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A5.txt
- -0.21 -1.87 1.69 -2.10 371526 C CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY - NE 7.06 -2.82 10.16 21.66 371530 A CONSOLIDATED TELCO, INC. 3.78 -1.66 5.53 6.90 371531 C CLARKS TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO. 4.23 0.41 3.80 3.58 371532 A CONSOLIDATED TELEPHONE COMPANY- NE -1.05 -3.19 2.21 -5.13 371534 C COZAD TELEPHONE COMPANY 69.06 -7.33 82.43 INFINITE 371536 C CURTIS TELEPHONE COMPANY 5.46 -2.37 8.01 7.18 371537 C DALTON TEL. CO.,INC. 13.62 -5.67 20.46 18.21 371540 C DILLER TELEPHONE COMPANY -1.06 -0.85 -0.21 -5.70 371542 C EASTERN NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY 4.42 2.83 1.54 -3.74 371553 C GLENWOOD TELEPHONE MEMBERSHIP CORP. 23.31 -4.10 28.59 34.67 371555 A HAMILTON TELEPHONE COMPANY 12.95 -1.19 14.31 63.99 371556 A HARTINGTON TEL. CO. 10.09 -3.48 14.05 INFINITE 371557 C HARTMAN TELEPHONE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A9.txt
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- 7.41 10.00 9.67 7.41 13.50 13.16 North Dakota 1.75 8.25 8.24 0.00 3.50 1.84 0.00 1.75 0.92 1.75 10.00 9.17 1.75 13.50 11.01 N. Marianna Islands 8.25 8.25 8.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 Ohio 7.12 8.25 7.35 0.00 3.50 3.31 0.00 1.75 1.65 7.12 10.00 9.01 7.12 13.50 12.31 Oklahoma 6.96 8.25 7.18 0.00 3.50 0.55 0.00 1.75 0.28 6.96 10.00 7.45 6.96 13.50 8.01 Oregon 7.75 8.25 8.24 0.00 3.50 3.47 0.00 1.75 1.74 7.75 10.00 9.97 7.75 13.50 13.45 Pennsylvania 5.44 8.25 7.80 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.47 5.44 8.25 8.27 5.44 8.25 9.21 Puerto Rico 8.25 8.25 8.25 3.36 3.50 3.37 1.68 1.75 1.68 9.93 10.00 9.93 13.29 13.50
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A4.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A4.txt
- 7.41 10.00 9.67 7.41 13.50 13.16 North Dakota 1.75 8.25 8.24 0.00 3.50 1.84 0.00 1.75 0.92 1.75 10.00 9.17 1.75 13.50 11.01 N. Marianna Islands 8.25 8.25 8.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 Ohio 7.12 8.25 7.35 0.00 3.50 3.31 0.00 1.75 1.65 7.12 10.00 9.01 7.12 13.50 12.31 Oklahoma 6.96 8.25 7.18 0.00 3.50 0.55 0.00 1.75 0.28 6.96 10.00 7.45 6.96 13.50 8.01 Oregon 7.75 8.25 8.24 0.00 3.50 3.47 0.00 1.75 1.74 7.75 10.00 9.97 7.75 13.50 13.45 Pennsylvania 5.44 8.25 7.80 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.47 5.44 8.25 8.27 5.44 8.25 9.21 Puerto Rico 8.25 8.25 8.25 3.36 3.50 3.37 1.68 1.75 1.68 9.93 10.00 9.93 13.29 13.50
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- -6.06 7.59 12.94 351137 A COON VALLEY COOP. TEL. ASSN., INC. 4.07 -5.07 9.64 18.00 351139 A COOP. TEL. CO. 7.77 -0.75 8.58 20.50 351141 A CORN BELT TEL. CO. 0.58 -4.97 5.84 6.87 351146 A CUMBERLAND TEL. CO. 2.39 -6.63 9.67 17.27 351147 A DANVILLE MUT. TEL. CO. 2.44 -5.94 8.90 27.34 351149 A FARMERS MUTUAL COOPERATIVE TELEPHONE COMPANY 7.18 -2.05 9.43 20.27 3 - 214 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* IOWA (CONT.) 351150 A DIXON TEL. CO. 2.48 -3.27
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A9.txt
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.txt
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- 1.64 8.15 9.94 9.79 8.15 13.44 13.07 South Carolina 7.41 8.25 8.23 0.00 3.50 3.49 0.00 1.75 1.74 7.41 10.00 9.97 7.41 13.50 13.46 South Dakota 6.50 8.25 8.21 0.00 3.50 0.30 0.00 1.75 0.15 6.50 10.00 8.36 6.50 13.50 8.66 Tennessee 6.84 8.25 8.11 0.00 3.50 3.10 0.00 1.75 1.55 6.84 10.00 9.66 6.84 13.50 12.75 Texas 4.74 8.25 7.18 0.00 3.50 3.43 0.00 1.75 1.71 4.74 10.00 8.89 4.74 13.50 12.32 Utah 8.10 8.25 8.12 0.00 3.50 3.49 0.00 1.75 1.75 8.10 10.00 9.87 8.10 13.50 13.37 Vermont 8.15 8.25 8.17 0.00 3.50 3.50 0.00 1.75 1.75 8.15 10.00 9.92 8.15 13.50 13.42 Virgin Islands N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A4.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A4.txt
- 1.64 8.15 9.94 9.79 8.15 13.44 13.07 South Carolina 7.41 8.25 8.23 0.00 3.50 3.49 0.00 1.75 1.74 7.41 10.00 9.97 7.41 13.50 13.46 South Dakota 6.50 8.25 8.21 0.00 3.50 0.30 0.00 1.75 0.15 6.50 10.00 8.36 6.50 13.50 8.66 Tennessee 6.84 8.25 8.11 0.00 3.50 3.10 0.00 1.75 1.55 6.84 10.00 9.66 6.84 13.50 12.75 Texas 4.74 8.25 7.18 0.00 3.50 3.43 0.00 1.75 1.71 4.74 10.00 8.89 4.74 13.50 12.32 Utah 8.10 8.25 8.12 0.00 3.50 3.49 0.00 1.75 1.75 8.10 10.00 9.87 8.10 13.50 13.37 Vermont 8.15 8.25 8.17 0.00 3.50 3.50 0.00 1.75 1.75 8.15 10.00 9.92 8.15 13.50 13.42 Virgin Islands N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A5.txt
- WILSON TELEPHONE COMPANY INC. 15.85 -2.82 19.21 27.68 411852 C ZENDA TELEPHONE COMPANY INC. -9.62 -0.95 -8.76 -15.12 411957 C EMBARQ MISSOURI, INC.-KS (UTC) 4.55 -5.01 10.06 0.00 412030 C TOTAH COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 20.87 -4.45 26.50 37.22 415214 C SOUTHWESTERN BELL-KANSAS -1.76 -7.51 6.21 0.00 TOTAL KENTUCKY -1.28 -4.95 3.85 10.76 260396 A BALLARD RURAL TEL. COOP. CORP., INC. -2.13 -7.18 5.45 8.89 260398 A BRANDENBURG TEL. CO., INC. -2.59 -2.40 -0.19 0.00 260401 C DUO COUNTY TEL. COOP., INC. 1.29 -0.40 1.69 -1.18 260402 C WINDSTREAM KENTUCKY WEST, INC. (ALLTEL) 2.95 -3.72 6.92 0.00 260406 C FOOTHILLS RURAL TEL. COOP. CORP., INC. 27.26 1.24 25.70 96.87 260408 A GEARHEART COMM. DBA COALFIELDS TEL. CO. 0.04 -1.18 1.24 -50.70 260411 C
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A9.txt
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284926A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284926A1.txt
- 17.67 Kansas 561 7,503 7.48 843 3,623 23.27 Kentucky 664 10,943 6.07 1,117 5,729 19.50 Louisiana 824 10,019 8.22 1,561 6,734 23.18 Maine 504 2,406 20.95 430 1,565 27.48 Maryland 2,053 17,391 11.80 2,134 6,707 31.82 Massachusetts 3,832 28,618 13.39 2,281 8,100 28.16 Michigan 3,635 27,866 13.04 3,546 14,404 24.62 Minnesota 1,370 13,808 9.92 1,149 6,254 18.37 Mississippi 523 7,288 7.18 584 4,319 13.52 Missouri 1,633 17,063 9.57 1,706 7,594 22.47 Montana 232 2,069 11.21 66 1,204 5.48 Nebraska 172 3,408 5.05 332 2,421 13.71 Nevada 514 6,373 8.07 974 2,944 33.08 New Hampshire 786 4,636 16.95 397 1,735 22.88 New Jersey 3,759 26,939 13.95 3,188 11,095 28.73 New Mexico 241 3,163 7.62 584 2,165 26.97 New York 7,059 47,875 14.74
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284932A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284932A1.txt
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- 25.05 11.79 44.00 22.00 Pennsylvania Scranton Verizon 23.09 9.94 43.60 21.80 Rhode Island Providence Verizon 30.75 12.85 37.21 18.61 South Carolina Beaufort Embarq 24.05 7.77 32.30 16.15 Tennessee Memphis AT&T 23.59 7.74 45.44 22.17 Tennessee Nashville AT&T 23.59 7.74 45.44 22.67 Texas Brownsville AT&T 20.04 4.03 41.51 19.18 Texas Corpus Christi AT&T 21.76 3.61 41.47 19.18 Texas Dallas AT&T 23.01 7.18 41.51 19.18 Texas Fort Worth AT&T 21.62 5.59 41.32 19.18 Texas Houston AT&T 22.88 5.26 41.13 19.18 Texas San Antonio AT&T 20.66 4.99 41.13 19.18 Utah Logan Qwest 21.29 5.36 27.67 13.84 Virginia Richmond Verizon 31.05 9.44 45.60 22.80 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 28.72 11.94 45.06 21.60 Washington Everett Verizon 28.96 10.24 50.22 25.11 Washington Seattle Qwest 21.23 9.59 32.98 16.49
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A1.pdf
- - 30 Table 3.18 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2005 to 2006 by State or Jurisdiction State or Jurisdiction ALABAMA -3.54 -4.99 1.53 -31.30 ALASKA -1.36 -4.81 3.62 -2.62 AMERICAN SAMOA -9.91 -1.92 -8.15 0.00 ARIZONA -8.53 -6.95 -1.70 -6.11 ARKANSAS 0.47 -5.07 5.84 3.30 CALIFORNIA 0.86 -4.72 5.85 3.90 COLORADO -10.59 -6.98 -3.88 -0.80 CONNECTICUT 1.58 -7.18 9.44 0.00 DELAWARE 2.07 -7.42 10.25 0.00 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -8.19 -5.57 -2.77 0.00 FLORIDA -1.66 -6.69 5.39 38.08 GEORGIA -4.64 -5.65 1.07 -14.52 GUAM 2.58 -2.53 5.25 43.17 HAWAII -6.34 -7.10 0.81 23.40 IDAHO -18.04 -3.05 -15.46 -7.24 ILLINOIS -1.70 -6.92 5.61 7.05 INDIANA -1.07 -7.44 6.88 21.50 IOWA -4.93 -5.86 0.99 5.68 KANSAS -1.13 -7.23 6.58 0.83 KENTUCKY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A5.pdf
- - 30 Table 3.18 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2005 to 2006 by State or Jurisdiction State or Jurisdiction ALABAMA -3.54 -4.99 1.53 -31.30 ALASKA -1.36 -4.81 3.62 -2.62 AMERICAN SAMOA -9.91 -1.92 -8.15 0.00 ARIZONA -8.53 -6.95 -1.70 -6.11 ARKANSAS 0.47 -5.07 5.84 3.30 CALIFORNIA 0.86 -4.72 5.85 3.90 COLORADO -10.59 -6.98 -3.88 -0.80 CONNECTICUT 1.58 -7.18 9.44 0.00 DELAWARE 2.07 -7.42 10.25 0.00 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -8.19 -5.57 -2.77 0.00 FLORIDA -1.66 -6.69 5.39 38.08 GEORGIA -4.64 -5.65 1.07 -14.52 GUAM 2.58 -2.53 5.25 43.17 HAWAII -6.34 -7.10 0.81 23.40 IDAHO -18.04 -3.05 -15.46 -7.24 ILLINOIS -1.70 -6.92 5.61 7.05 INDIANA -1.07 -7.44 6.88 21.50 IOWA -4.93 -5.86 0.99 5.68 KANSAS -1.13 -7.23 6.58 0.83 KENTUCKY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A9.pdf
- 17.66 06/01/8509/30/85 4.71 4.71 3.10 16.17 10/01/8505/31/86 4.33 4.33 3.10 15.38 06/01/8612/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/8706/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/8712/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/8811/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/8802/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/8903/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/8912/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/9006/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/9012/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/9106/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/9106/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/9206/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/9306/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/9406/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/9506/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/9606/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/9712/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/9806/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/9812/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82 01/01/9906/30/99 0.82 0.16 0.98 0.32 3.71 07/01/9912/31/99 0.37 0.10
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A1.txt
- -58.78 341038 C FRONTIER COMM. OF ILLINOIS, INC. -2.75 -18.91 19.93 0.00 341041 A KINSMAN MUTUAL TEL. CO. -24.31 -5.38 -20.01 -51.76 341043 C LA HARPE TEL. CO. 16.26 -5.84 23.47 25.46 341045 C LEAF RIVER TEL. CO. -3.47 -6.50 3.24 -4.45 341046 A LEONORE MUTUAL TEL. CO. -18.62 0.00 -18.62 -49.29 341047 C MCDONOUGH TEL. COOP., INC. 4.40 -2.59 7.18 5.76 341048 C MCNABB TEL. CO. 12.32 -5.58 18.95 0.00 341049 C MADISON TEL. CO. 14.28 -0.89 15.31 19.11 341049A C MADISON TEL. CO. -20.28 -5.09 -16.00 -44.30 341050 A MARSEILLES TEL. CO. OF MARS. 4.73 -9.23 15.38 0.00 341053 A METAMORA TEL. CO. 2.61 -5.32 8.38 217.57 341054 A>CMID CENTURY TEL. COOP., INC. 22.81 0.27 22.47 53.44 341054A C
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A5.txt
- -58.78 341038 C FRONTIER COMM. OF ILLINOIS, INC. -2.75 -18.91 19.93 0.00 341041 A KINSMAN MUTUAL TEL. CO. -24.31 -5.38 -20.01 -51.76 341043 C LA HARPE TEL. CO. 16.26 -5.84 23.47 25.46 341045 C LEAF RIVER TEL. CO. -3.47 -6.50 3.24 -4.45 341046 A LEONORE MUTUAL TEL. CO. -18.62 0.00 -18.62 -49.29 341047 C MCDONOUGH TEL. COOP., INC. 4.40 -2.59 7.18 5.76 341048 C MCNABB TEL. CO. 12.32 -5.58 18.95 0.00 341049 C MADISON TEL. CO. 14.28 -0.89 15.31 19.11 341049A C MADISON TEL. CO. -20.28 -5.09 -16.00 -44.30 341050 A MARSEILLES TEL. CO. OF MARS. 4.73 -9.23 15.38 0.00 341053 A METAMORA TEL. CO. 2.61 -5.32 8.38 217.57 341054 A>CMID CENTURY TEL. COOP., INC. 22.81 0.27 22.47 53.44 341054A C
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A9.txt
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301823A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301823A1.txt
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A1.txt
- CO -2.00 -4.63 2.75 -5.34 421887 C GRANBY TEL CO - MO -1.36 -5.53 4.42 -4.46 421888 C GRAND RIVER MUT-MO -3.96 -4.17 0.23 -17.90 421890 C GREEN HILLS TEL CORP 2.99 -2.73 5.88 1.37 421893 A CHOCTAW TELEPHONE CO 8.33 -6.94 16.42 49.34 421900 A KLM TEL CO 18.09 -1.02 19.31 65.20 421901 C KINGDOM TELEPHONE CO 3.93 -3.03 7.18 1.02 421908 C LE-RU TELEPHONE CO -2.01 -4.81 2.94 -4.57 421912 C MCDONALD COUNTY TEL 11.38 -5.00 17.25 19.17 421914 C MARK TWAIN RURAL TEL -3.49 -3.41 -0.08 -11.40 421917 C MID-MISSOURI TEL CO -5.49 -4.83 -0.70 -11.37 421920 C MILLER TEL CO - MO -4.99 -4.70 -0.30 -13.97 421927 C NEW FLORENCE TEL CO -21.91 -1.98 -20.34 -42.43 421928
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A5.txt
- CO -2.00 -4.63 2.75 -5.34 421887 C GRANBY TEL CO - MO -1.36 -5.53 4.42 -4.46 421888 C GRAND RIVER MUT-MO -3.96 -4.17 0.23 -17.90 421890 C GREEN HILLS TEL CORP 2.99 -2.73 5.88 1.37 421893 A CHOCTAW TELEPHONE CO 8.33 -6.94 16.42 49.34 421900 A KLM TEL CO 18.09 -1.02 19.31 65.20 421901 C KINGDOM TELEPHONE CO 3.93 -3.03 7.18 1.02 421908 C LE-RU TELEPHONE CO -2.01 -4.81 2.94 -4.57 421912 C MCDONALD COUNTY TEL 11.38 -5.00 17.25 19.17 421914 C MARK TWAIN RURAL TEL -3.49 -3.41 -0.08 -11.40 421917 C MID-MISSOURI TEL CO -5.49 -4.83 -0.70 -11.37 421920 C MILLER TEL CO - MO -4.99 -4.70 -0.30 -13.97 421927 C NEW FLORENCE TEL CO -21.91 -1.98 -20.34 -42.43 421928
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A9.txt
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311775A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311775A1.txt
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-330A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-330A1.txt
- 4.43 5.01 5.13 4.52 4.56 4.30 4.38 4.31 3.00 4.19a e 7 Resale Centrex no field work 1.00 2.87 3.20 3.09 2.69 1.45 1.42 1.58 1.08 1.68 7 Resale ISDN BRI field work 9.56 14.33 9.88 7.00 9.45 8.76 9.24a cde 7 Resale ISDN BRI no field work 2.99 15.00 3.19 4.81 2.46 1.88abcde 7 Resale PBX field work 8.68 7.18 6.17 7.99 1.33 6.58abcde 7 Resale PBX no field work 7.58 6.36 4.65 5.99 1.00 5.04abcde 7 Resale Residential POTS field work 0.76 1.59 0.73 1.59 0.83 1.51 0.80 1.67 0.68 1.44 7 Resale Residential POTS no field work 0.16 0.54 0.13 0.65 0.14 0.62 0.10 0.74 0.07 0.69 7 Resale VGPL/DS0 field work 13.04 6.0010.20 3.0012.92 10.67 9.87abcde 7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-331A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-331A1.txt
- 1.48 21.64 2.73 B. xDSL (ADSL, HDSL and UCL)/Dispatch/FL (hours) 40.09 4.89 38.47 5.50 39.73 5.21 61.70 4.63 28.65 4.50 B. xDSL (ADSL, HDSL and UCL)/Non- Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.80 2.11 2.10 1.28 4.06 1.16 8.03 1.37 1.66 1.71 B. UNE ISDN/Dispatch/FL (hours) 8.07 4.25 7.46 4.76 8.53 5.43 7.13 8.74 6.25 4.38 B. UNE ISDN/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.73 3.56 2.41 3.70 7.18 3.69 2.34 3.13 1.98 3.62 B. Line Sharing/Dispatch/FL (hours) 40.09 31.32 38.47 30.54 39.73 32.06 61.70 35.44 28.65 18.70 B. Line Sharing/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.80 10.43 2.10 14.37 4.06 6.86 8.03 9.19 1.66 7.10 B. 2W Analog Loop Design/Dispatch/FL (hours) 15.48 3.99 21.79 5.10 27.13 5.51 22.26 5.10 22.00 6.12 B. 2W Analog Loop Design/Non- Dispatch/FL (hours) 15.48 2.40 21.79 2.26
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fcc99181.pdf http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fcc99181.txt http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fcc99181.wp
- the District of Columbia, n whom service of all notices and processes and all orders, decisions, and requirements of the Commission may be made and to file such gnation with the secretary of the Commission. We emphasize that the contact designation required in this Order is in addition to the obligation er section 413. 287 See Appendix B, rules 6.18, 7.18. We encourage industry trade associations, such as CEMA, CompTel, TIA, CTIA, TRA, and USTA, to file information on behalf of their members if they so desire. The Commission would consider such group submissions to be in full compliance with requirement and would appreciate receiving such submissions both in hard copy and on a computer disk. 288 See., e.g., TIA comments
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireline_Competition/Orders/2002/fcc02118.pdf
- 10.37 11.29 MR-4-02-2120 Mean Time To Repair Loop Trouble - Res. 20.49 27.35 16.96 9.41 19.37 10.58 20.7 5.07 19.38 12.32 a,b,c,d,e MR-4-03-2110 Mean Time To Repair Central Office Trouble - Bus. 2.42 2.12 1.34 0.99 3.82 0.7 3.39 2.2 4.07 2.62 b,c MR-4-03-2120 Mean Time To Repair Central Office Trouble - Res. 4 1.02 4.66 NA 7.18 0.57 5.42 NA 6.05 NA a,c MR-4-04-2100 % Cleared (all troubles) within 24 Hours 73.36 93.33 81.24 98.36 77.24 94.12 71.12 95.92 78.18 95.52 MR-4-06-2100 % Out of Service > 4 Hours 75.66 42.59 80.36 37.78 79.97 41.94 82.35 40.74 81.7 69.23 MR-4-07-2100 % Out of Service > 12 Hours 54.06 22.22 50.58 13.33 54.5 29.03 59.67 29.63 55.48 46.15
- http://transition.fcc.gov/cgb/dro/trs_history_docket.html
- Section 255 Covered Entities, (Public Notice), WTB Docket 98-198, [353]DA 01-2730, 16 FCC Rcd 22,362, released December 19, 2001 In December 2001, the Commission informs telecommunications manufacturers and service providers who are covered entities under Section 255 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that the Office of Management and Budget approved information collections contained in Sections 6.18 and 7.18 of the Commission's rules on October 29, 2001. 291. In the Matter of Telecommunications Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities - Recommended TRS Cost Recovery Guidelines/Request by Hamilton Telephone Company for Clarification and Temporary Waivers, (Memorandum Opinion and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking), CC Docket 98-67, 16 FCC Rcd 22948, [354]FCC 01-371, released December 21, 2001
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fcc99181.pdf http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fcc99181.txt http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fcc99181.wp
- the District of Columbia, n whom service of all notices and processes and all orders, decisions, and requirements of the Commission may be made and to file such gnation with the secretary of the Commission. We emphasize that the contact designation required in this Order is in addition to the obligation er section 413. 287 See Appendix B, rules 6.18, 7.18. We encourage industry trade associations, such as CEMA, CompTel, TIA, CTIA, TRA, and USTA, to file information on behalf of their members if they so desire. The Commission would consider such group submissions to be in full compliance with requirement and would appreciate receiving such submissions both in hard copy and on a computer disk. 288 See., e.g., TIA comments
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/2002/fcc02331.pdf
- 1.48 21.64 2.73 B. xDSL (ADSL, HDSL and UCL)/Dispatch/FL (hours) 40.09 4.89 38.47 5.50 39.73 5.21 61.70 4.63 28.65 4.50 B. xDSL (ADSL, HDSL and UCL)/Non- Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.80 2.11 2.10 1.28 4.06 1.16 8.03 1.37 1.66 1.71 B. UNE ISDN/Dispatch/FL (hours) 8.07 4.25 7.46 4.76 8.53 5.43 7.13 8.74 6.25 4.38 B. UNE ISDN/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.73 3.56 2.41 3.70 7.18 3.69 2.34 3.13 1.98 3.62 B. Line Sharing/Dispatch/FL (hours) 40.09 31.32 38.47 30.54 39.73 32.06 61.70 35.44 28.65 18.70 B. Line Sharing/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.80 10.43 2.10 14.37 4.06 6.86 8.03 9.19 1.66 7.10 B. 2W Analog Loop Design/Dispatch/FL (hours) 15.48 3.99 21.79 5.10 27.13 5.51 22.26 5.10 22.00 6.12 B. 2W Analog Loop Design/Non- Dispatch/FL (hours) 15.48 2.40 21.79 2.26
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/strev-97.pdf
- LOUISIANA 67,156 29,098 38,058 2.30 1.00 1.30 MAINE 22,370 9,648 12,722 2.31 0.99 1.31 MARYLAND 910 47,296 (46,386) 0.02 1.13 (1.11) MASSACHUSETTS 12,015 59,637 (47,621) 0.22 1.11 (0.89) MICHIGAN 41,458 59,843 (18,385) 0.55 0.80 (0.24) MINNESOTA 41,770 37,072 4,698 1.21 1.07 0.14 MISSISSIPPI 28,343 17,587 10,756 1.79 1.11 0.68 MISSOURI 50,202 40,337 9,864 1.26 1.01 0.25 MONTANA 43,780 7,994 35,786 7.18 1.31 5.87 NEBRASKA 20,831 13,319 7,513 1.74 1.11 0.63 NEVADA 9,134 20,711 (11,577) 0.63 1.43 (0.80) NEW HAMPSHIRE 9,067 14,531 (5,463) 0.92 1.48 (0.56) NEW JERSEY 3,408 94,549 (91,141) 0.05 1.27 (1.22) NEW MEXICO 37,035 14,865 22,170 3.42 1.37 2.05 NEW YORK 96,991 156,709 (59,718) 0.64 1.03 (0.39) NORTH CAROLINA 42,608 60,579 (17,971) 0.76 1.08 (0.32) NORTH DAKOTA 22,292 6,012
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/strev-99.pdf
- 1,637 0.06 Louisiana 72,848 2.35 30,839 0.99 42,009 1.35 Maine 30,713 2.97 10,011 0.97 20,702 2.00 Maryland 2,394 0.05 48,742 1.06 -46,348 -1.01 Massachusetts 1,269 0.02 60,009 1.09 -58,741 -1.07 Michigan 39,571 0.50 63,497 0.81 -23,926 -0.31 Minnesota 48,094 1.31 40,120 1.09 7,975 0.22 Mississippi 133,052 7.81 18,872 1.11 114,180 6.70 Missouri 66,380 1.53 43,165 0.99 23,215 0.53 Montana 46,391 7.18 8,374 1.30 38,016 5.88 Nebraska 23,621 1.96 13,960 1.16 9,660 0.80 Nevada 14,680 0.93 20,016 1.27 -5,335 -0.34 New Hampshire 8,544 0.81 14,279 1.36 -5,736 -0.55 New Jersey 3,504 0.04 91,952 1.14 -88,447 -1.09 New Mexico 37,701 3.29 14,953 1.31 22,748 1.99 New York 53,021 0.34 159,102 1.03 -106,081 -0.69 North Carolina 34,304 0.56 65,174 1.07 -30,870 -0.51 North Dakota
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend100.pdf
- 17.66 06/01/8509/30/85 4.71 4.71 3.10 16.17 10/01/8505/31/86 4.33 4.33 3.10 15.38 06/01/8612/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/8706/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/8712/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/8811/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/8802/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/8903/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/8912/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/9006/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/9012/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/9106/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/9106/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/9206/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/9306/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/9406/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/9506/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/9606/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/9712/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/9806/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/9812/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82 01/01/9906/30/99 0.82 0.16 0.98 0.32 3.71 07/01/9912/31/99 0.37 0.10
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend199.pdf
- 17.66 06/01/8509/30/85 4.71 4.71 3.10 16.17 10/01/8505/31/86 4.33 4.33 3.10 15.38 06/01/8612/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/8706/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/8712/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/8811/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/8802/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/8903/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/8912/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/9006/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/9012/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/9106/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/9106/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/9206/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/9306/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/9406/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/9506/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/9606/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/9712/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/9806/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/9812/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82 01/01/9906/30/99 0.82 0.16 0.98 0.32 3.71 SOURCE: INDUSTRY ANALYSIS
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend200.pdf
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend298.pdf
- 17.66 06/01/8509/30/85 4.71 4.71 3.10 16.17 10/01/8505/31/86 4.33 4.33 3.10 15.38 06/01/8612/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/8706/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/8712/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/8811/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/8802/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/8903/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/8912/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/9006/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/9012/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/9106/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/9106/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/9206/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/9306/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/9406/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/9506/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/9606/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/9712/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/9806/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/9812/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82 SOURCE: FEDERAL-STATE JOINT BOARD MONITORING REPORT, MAY 1997, FILINGS
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend299.pdf
- 17.66 06/01/8509/30/85 4.71 4.71 3.10 16.17 10/01/8505/31/86 4.33 4.33 3.10 15.38 06/01/8612/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/8706/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/8712/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/8811/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/8802/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/8903/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/8912/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/9006/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/9012/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/9106/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/9106/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/9206/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/9306/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/9406/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/9506/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/9606/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/9712/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/9806/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/9812/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82 01/01/9906/30/99 0.82 0.16 0.98 0.32 3.71 07/01/9912/31/99 0.37 0.10
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend502.pdf
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend504.pdf
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend605.pdf
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend801.pdf
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend803.pdf
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-1.pdf
- 8.02 286 2.64 324 Michigan 3,438,605 519,669 1,859,744 4.63 5.54 6.30 366 3.39 416 Minnesota 1,812,266 208,226 979,404 4.46 5.64 6.29 185 1.71 210 Mississippi 884,147 136,158 341,793 4.60 6.96 7.72 92 0.85 104 Missouri 2,102,761 361,675 809,272 4.57 5.80 6.85 207 1.91 235 Montana 360,013 28,056 162,347 4.31 7.00 8.15 37 0.34 42 Nebraska 567,175 54,602 313,174 4.54 6.14 7.18 62 0.57 70 Nevada 740,530 184,464 406,162 4.14 5.13 5.93 77 0.71 87 New Hampshire 510,848 94,012 207,060 4.59 6.40 7.88 55 0.51 62 New Jersey 3,160,492 1,378,591 2,179,089 4.67 6.18 6.25 443 4.09 502 New Mexico 608,961 75,266 294,582 4.62 7.00 9.06 72 0.67 82 New York 5,694,828 1,062,958 3,466,530 4.64 6.36 7.99 731 6.75 829 North Carolina 3,261,123
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-7.pdf
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-2.pdf
- - 21.95 - 17.19 - Indiana 6.86 - 7.39 - 7.52 - 23.70 - 23.77 - 24.40 - Iowa 6.21 8.33 6.78 8.89 7.19 10.88 15.75 - 15.80 - 16.11 - Kansas 8.11 - 8.65 - 8.78 0.89 19.38 - 19.39 - 19.50 - Kentucky 7.89 - 7.37 - 9.21 - 18.05 - 18.65 - 21.57 - Louisiana 6.28 - 7.18 - 7.90 - 20.78 - 19.97 - 20.36 - Maine 7.98 6.92 8.98 6.91 9.73 6.91 22.31 22.38 22.31 22.38 22.22 22.40 Maryland 8.18 - 8.84 - 9.22 - 23.98 - 23.86 - 24.00 - Massachusetts 8.18 - 8.99 10.08 9.71 7.09 6.75 - 6.75 - 6.75 - Michigan 7.47 13.07 7.99 14.66 8.25 15.17 20.88 11.00 20.79 11.00 20.45
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-3.pdf
- 86,579,121 2,406,782 88,145,145 15,822,630 Wyoming 26,038,794 0 30,296,851 39,603 35,105,541 126,556 41,290,360 36,870 42,264,337 6,034,170 41,089,777 10,227,851 Industry 1,717,069,582 535,5362,236,497,762 2,609,3452,603,937,395 16,766,9912,893,563,683 55,744,7443,156,402,360 123,751,2943,215,738,018 243,957,915 Table 3.14 Total High-Cost Support Payment Projections By State or Jurisdiction - ILECs and CLECs (Dollars) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 3 - 27 Alabama $0.65 $0.01 $1.46 $0.26 $0.20 $0.73 $0.25 $3.56 Alaska 7.18 0.03 0.00 3.33 2.03 0.00 2.75 15.32 American Samoa 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.22 0.73 0.00 4.28 7.23 Arizona 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.17 0.52 0.33 2.03 Arkansas 2.73 0.01 0.00 0.81 1.34 0.34 0.46 5.70 California 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.12 0.02 0.34 Colorado 1.05 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.14 0.55 0.14 2.27 Connecticut 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.03
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-7.pdf
- 15.38 06/01/86 12/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/87 06/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/87 12/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/88 11/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/88 02/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/89 03/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/89 12/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/90 06/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/90 12/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/91 06/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/91 06/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/92 06/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/93 06/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/94 06/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/95 06/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/96 06/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/97 12/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/98 06/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/98 12/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr97-5.pdf
- 17.66 06/01/8509/30/85 4.71 4.71 3.10 16.17 10/01/8505/31/86 4.33 4.33 3.10 15.38 06/01/8612/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/8706/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/8712/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/8811/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/8802/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/8903/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/8912/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/9006/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/9012/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/9106/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/9106/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/9206/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/9306/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/9406/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/9506/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/9606/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 *The weighted average national charges are calculated from the charges of price cap companies and companies in the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) pool and excludes companies
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr98-7.pdf
- 17.66 06/01/8509/30/85 4.71 4.71 3.10 16.17 10/01/8505/31/86 4.33 4.33 3.10 15.38 06/01/8612/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/8706/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/8712/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/8811/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/8802/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/8903/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/8912/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/9006/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/9012/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/9106/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/9106/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/9206/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/9306/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/9406/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/9506/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/9606/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/9712/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/9806/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/9812/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82 * This table shows average rates (weighted by minutes
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr98-9.pdf
- Company AmeritechBell AtlanticBellSouth NYNEX Pacific SBC US West GTE Overall:Residential 1.24 7.51 1.39 17.12 10.82 6.75 5 7.34 Small Business 2.29 8.03 4.05 18.79 11.28 6.92 7.19 12.23 Large Business 8.35 11.19 5.38 17.9 8.41 2.92 8.33 4.18 Installations: Residential 3.60 5.90 6.27 13.46 7.75 4.80 4.08 7.34 Small Business 9.62 8.33 4.07 22.55 9.13 6.20 11.05 12.23 Large Business 7.18 13.61 NA 22.22 9.37 7.57 13.90 4.18 Repairs:Residential 8.63 12.21 10.87 22.52 17.06 8.18 10.82 10.76 Small Business 11.79 10.72 4.49 20.13 14.95 7.28 15.22 11.96 Large Business 9.22 19.05 NA 25.95 14.00 9.54 13.63 4.74 Business Office: Residential 4.89 4.55 5.88 12.46 9.31 7.26 5.68 2.60 Small Business 5.91 5.12 3.62 12.92 10.15 7.31 4.70 7.89 Large Business 11.24
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrd99-7.pdf
- 17.66 06/01/8509/30/85 4.71 4.71 3.10 16.17 10/01/8505/31/86 4.33 4.33 3.10 15.38 06/01/8612/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/8706/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/8712/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/8811/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/8802/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/8903/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/8912/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/9006/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/9012/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/9106/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/9106/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/9206/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/9306/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/9406/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/9506/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/9606/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/9712/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/9806/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/9812/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82 01/01/9906/30/99 0.82 0.16 0.98 0.32 3.71 07/01/9912/31/99 0.37 0.10
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrd99-9.pdf
- 5.04 5.93 5.55 Large Business 5.75 4.15 7.10 15.41 0.00 Please refer to text for notes and data qualifications 9 - 22 Table 9.4(c): Company Comparision -- 1998 Customer Perception Surveys Percentage of Customers Dissatisfied Company Ameritech Bell Atlantic BellSouth NYNEX Pacific SBC US West GTE Installations: Residential 7.71 3.86 6.84 4.42 7.15 4.98 4.77 7.39 Small Business 10.83 7.05 7.18 8.13 9.86 6.43 11.97 13.14 Large Business 10.77 11.04 3.88 7.88 8.33 6.28 NA 4.06 Repairs: Residential 12.39 12.28 10.19 12.69 15.57 7.59 7.65 11.00 Small Business 11.71 10.46 8.30 11.43 9.72 5.95 8.54 12.52 Large Business 12.60 14.58 5.38 13.25 9.57 8.03 NA 2.49 Business Office: Residential 8.91 5.35 7.60 6.76 6.76 6.32 2.14 2.13 Small Business 9.61 9.52
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrj99-7.pdf
- 17.66 06/01/8509/30/85 4.71 4.71 3.10 16.17 10/01/8505/31/86 4.33 4.33 3.10 15.38 06/01/8612/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/8706/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/8712/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/8811/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/8802/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/8903/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/8912/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/9006/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/9012/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/9106/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/9106/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/9206/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/9306/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/9406/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/9506/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/9606/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/9712/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/9806/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/9812/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82 01/01/9906/30/99 0.82 0.16 0.98 0.32 3.71 SOURCE: INDUSTRY ANALYSIS
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrj99-9.pdf
- 0.0 15. Other/Unknown 0.0 1.8 0.0 919.8 5.6 0.0 388.7 0.0 135.9 Please refer to text for notes and data qualifications 9 - 14 Table 9.4: Company Comparision -- 1998 Customer Perception Surveys Company Ameritech Bell Atlantic BellSouth NYNEXPacific SBCUS West GTE Percentage of Customers Dissatisfied Installations: Residential 7.71 3.86 6.84 4.42 7.15 4.98 4.77 7.39 Small Business 10.83 7.05 7.18 8.13 9.86 6.43 11.97 13.14 Large Business 10.77 11.04 3.88 7.88 8.33 6.28 NA 4.06 Repairs:Residential 12.39 12.28 10.19 12.69 15.57 7.59 7.65 11.00 Small Business 11.71 10.46 8.30 11.43 9.72 5.95 8.54 12.52 Large Business 12.60 14.58 5.38 13.25 9.57 8.03 NA 2.49 Business Office: Residential 8.91 5.35 7.60 6.76 6.76 6.32 2.14 2.13 Small Business 9.61 9.52 7.99
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs00-0.pdf
- 17.66 06/01/8509/30/85 4.71 4.71 3.10 16.17 10/01/8505/31/86 4.33 4.33 3.10 15.38 06/01/8612/31/86 3.04 4.33 3.10 14.00 01/01/8706/30/87 1.55 4.33 3.10 12.41 07/01/8712/31/87 0.69 4.33 3.10 11.49 01/01/8811/30/88 0.00 4.14 3.10 10.56 12/01/8802/14/89 0.00 3.39 3.00 9.60 02/15/8903/31/89 0.00 3.25 3.00 9.46 04/01/8912/31/89 1.00 1.83 3.00 9.11 01/01/9006/30/90 1.00 1.53 2.50 7.78 07/01/9012/31/90 1.00 1.23 2.50 7.48 01/01/9106/30/91 1.00 1.14 2.40 7.18 07/01/9106/30/92 0.88 1.06 2.40 6.97 07/01/9206/30/93 0.79 0.95 2.40 6.76 07/01/9306/30/94 0.88 1.16 2.20 6.66 07/01/9406/30/95 0.84 1.08 2.10 0.28 6.89 07/01/9506/30/96 0.74 0.89 1.96 0.21 6.16 07/01/9606/30/97 0.72 0.89 1.95 0.17 6.04 07/01/9712/31/97 0.64 0.84 1.63 0.14 5.18 01/01/9806/30/98 0.68 0.23 1.29 0.21 4.04 07/01/9812/31/98 0.91 0.20 0.99 0.30 3.82 01/01/9906/30/99 0.82 0.16 0.98 0.32 3.71 07/01/9912/31/99 0.37 0.10
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- 1,630 0.06 Louisiana 72,848 2.35 30,848 0.99 42,000 1.35 Maine 30,713 2.97 10,013 0.97 20,700 2.00 Maryland 2,394 0.05 48,755 1.06 -46,360 -1.01 Massachusetts 1,269 0.02 60,025 1.09 -58,757 -1.07 Michigan 39,571 0.50 63,514 0.81 -23,943 -0.31 Minnesota 48,094 1.31 40,130 1.09 7,964 0.22 Mississippi 133,052 7.81 18,877 1.11 114,175 6.70 Missouri 66,380 1.53 43,176 0.99 23,204 0.53 Montana 46,391 7.18 8,376 1.30 38,014 5.88 Nebraska 23,621 1.96 13,964 1.16 9,657 0.80 Nevada 14,680 0.93 20,021 1.27 -5,341 -0.34 New Hampshire 8,544 0.81 14,283 1.36 -5,739 -0.55 New Jersey 3,504 0.04 91,976 1.14 -88,472 -1.09 New Mexico 37,701 3.29 14,957 1.31 22,744 1.99 New York 53,021 0.34 159,144 1.03 -106,123 -0.69 North Carolina 34,304 0.56 65,191 1.07 -30,887 -0.51 North Dakota
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 310691 C DEERFIELD FARMERS TEL. CO. 3.34 4.30 -0.92 4.44 310692 A DRENTHE TEL. CO. 10.85 1.82 8.86 152.78 310694 A FARMERS MUT. OF CHAPIN DBA CHAPIN TEL. CO. 12.20 3.90 7.99 120.40 310695 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-MI (GTE) 20.24 2.43 17.39 0.00 310702 C CENTURY TEL. OF MICHIGAN, INC. 2.91 2.00 0.89 13.29 310703 A KALEVA TEL. CO. 15.22 7.18 7.50 114.79 310704 C ACE TEL. CO. OF MI, INC. 8.22 3.02 5.05 59.32 310705 C CENTURY TELEPHONE OF NORTHERN MICHIGAN, INC. -19.75 1.17 -20.67 -39.78 310708 A LENNON TEL. CO. 18.52 10.61 7.15 INFINITE 310711 C MIDWAY TEL. CO. 8.66 4.09 4.39 13.62 310713 C HIAWATHA TEL. CO. -6.53 2.70 -8.99 -19.11 310714 C OGDEN TEL. CO. -0.21 1.28
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/QualSvc/qual98.pdf
- 0.0 0.0 15. Other/Unknown 0.0 1.8 0.0 919.8 5.6 0.0 388.7 0.0 135.9 Please refer to text for notes and data qualifications Table 3(d): Company Comparision -- 1998 Customer Perception Surveys Company Ameritech Bell Atlantic BellSouth NYNEX Pacific SBC US West GTE Percentage of Customers Dissatisfied Installations: Residential 7.71 3.86 6.84 4.42 7.15 4.98 4.77 7.39 Small Business 10.83 7.05 7.18 8.13 9.86 6.43 11.97 13.14 Large Business 10.77 11.04 3.88 7.88 8.33 6.28 NA 4.06 Repairs: Residential 12.39 12.28 10.19 12.69 15.57 7.59 7.65 11.00 Small Business 11.71 10.46 8.30 11.43 9.72 5.95 8.54 12.52 Large Business 12.60 14.58 5.38 13.25 9.57 8.03 NA 2.49 Business Office: Residential 8.91 5.35 7.60 6.76 6.76 6.32 2.14 2.13 Small Business 9.61 9.52
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/01socc.pdf
- Alabama 115.9 62.9 53.0 58.3 (5.4) (6.19) (4.18) (1.51) (11.88) 6.5AL Arizona 193.4 128.1 65.3 42.1 23.2 10.13 0.76 0.33 11.21 12.0AZ Arkansas 135.8 101.4 34.3 27.6 6.7 2.80 0.46 0.15 3.42 3.3AR California 2,600.0 1,993.6 606.4 411.7 194.7 58.30 30.04 28.31 116.65 78.0CA Colorado 448.7 121.1 327.7 247.6 80.1 43.46 9.43 13.19 66.08 14.0CO Connecticut 162.4 162.4 140.2 22.2 7.18 6.87 4.31 18.36 3.8CT Delaware 34.7 20.4 14.2 8.4 5.9 1.47 0.48 0.81 2.75 3.1DE District of Columbia 206.3 38.1 168.2 98.3 69.9 13.88 14.80 35.48 64.16 5.7DC Florida 894.2 558.6 335.6 237.4 98.1 21.65 1.68 8.73 32.06 66.1FL Georgia 320.7 194.1 126.6 82.8 43.8 13.74 3.78 7.86 25.37 18.4GA Hawaii 86.2 73.9 12.3 5.6 6.7 0.78 0.17 0.32 1.27
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/97socc.pdf
- DECEMBER 31, 1997--CONTINUED CAPITALIZATION 1/ INTEREST COVERAGE 2/ RETURN ON CARRIER DEBT EQUITY BEFORE TAX AFTER TAX INVESTMENT 3/ 28FRONTIER TELEPHONE OF ROCHESTER, INC. 7.50% 92.50% 25.62 16.71 14.32% GTE CORPORATION: 29CONTEL OF THE SOUTH, INC. d/b/a GTE SYSTEMS OF THE SOUTH 20.23% 79.77% 9.88 7.86 15.06% 30GTE CALIFORNIA INC. 35.47% 64.53% 9.26 6.48 14.96% 31GTE FLORIDA INC. 40.43% 59.57% 7.18 5.39 15.39% 32GTE HAWAIIAN TELEPHONE CO. INC. 41.28% 58.72% 3.10 2.08 6.50% 33GTE MIDWEST INC. 28.92% 71.08% 5.83 4.75 12.09% 34GTE NORTH INC. 37.90% 62.10% 9.11 6.55 16.80% 35GTE NORTHWEST INC. 38.89% 61.11% 7.33 5.18 13.81% 36GTE SOUTH INC. 35.79% 64.21% 8.12 5.98 13.84% 37GTE SOUTHWEST INC. 39.37% 60.63% 7.01 5.78 12.34% 38PUERTO RICO TELEPHONE CO. 0.04% 99.96% 454.49 336.77
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Consumer_Information/Public_Notices/2000/da000413.doc
- summary of the Report and Order, along with the rules adopted, 47 C.F.R. 6.1 - 6.23 and 7.1 - 7.23, was published in the Federal Register. See 64 FR 63235 (November 19, 1999). The Federal Register publication noted that the requirements contained in the Report and Order would become effective January 28, 2000, except for 47 C.F.R. 6.18 and 7.18, which would become effective upon approval of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of the modified collection requirements contained therein. These provisions provide that manufacturers of telecommunications equipment or customer premises equipment and providers of telecommunications services, as well as providers of voicemail or interactive menu service and any manufacturer of telecommunications equipment or customer premises equipment which performs
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireline_Competition/Orders/2002/fcc02118.pdf
- 10.37 11.29 MR-4-02-2120 Mean Time To Repair Loop Trouble - Res. 20.49 27.35 16.96 9.41 19.37 10.58 20.7 5.07 19.38 12.32 a,b,c,d,e MR-4-03-2110 Mean Time To Repair Central Office Trouble - Bus. 2.42 2.12 1.34 0.99 3.82 0.7 3.39 2.2 4.07 2.62 b,c MR-4-03-2120 Mean Time To Repair Central Office Trouble - Res. 4 1.02 4.66 NA 7.18 0.57 5.42 NA 6.05 NA a,c MR-4-04-2100 % Cleared (all troubles) within 24 Hours 73.36 93.33 81.24 98.36 77.24 94.12 71.12 95.92 78.18 95.52 MR-4-06-2100 % Out of Service > 4 Hours 75.66 42.59 80.36 37.78 79.97 41.94 82.35 40.74 81.7 69.23 MR-4-07-2100 % Out of Service > 12 Hours 54.06 22.22 50.58 13.33 54.5 29.03 59.67 29.63 55.48 46.15
- http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/dro/trs_history_docket.html
- Section 255 Covered Entities, (Public Notice), WTB Docket 98-198, [353]DA 01-2730, 16 FCC Rcd 22,362, released December 19, 2001 In December 2001, the Commission informs telecommunications manufacturers and service providers who are covered entities under Section 255 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that the Office of Management and Budget approved information collections contained in Sections 6.18 and 7.18 of the Commission's rules on October 29, 2001. 291. In the Matter of Telecommunications Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities - Recommended TRS Cost Recovery Guidelines/Request by Hamilton Telephone Company for Clarification and Temporary Waivers, (Memorandum Opinion and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking), CC Docket 98-67, 16 FCC Rcd 22948, [354]FCC 01-371, released December 21, 2001