FCC Web Documents citing 6.21
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-960A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-960A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-960A1.txt
- assignment in the List and publish in a Special Section to its BR IFIC the information received under § 6.14 together with the names of any administrations identified under § 6.13 and § 6.19 with which the provisions of this Article have been successfully applied. The administration proposing the assignment may then notify the assignment in accordance with Article 8. 6.21. When the examination under § 6.19 leads to an unfavourable finding, the Bureau shall publish in a Special Section of its BR IFIC the information received under § 6.14 together with the names of any administrations with which the provisions of this Article have been successfully applied as well as the administrations with which they have not. 6.22. After addressing
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A8.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A8.txt
- RealEstate,Rental,Leasing 2.40 94.90 1.04 0.26 3.56 54 Prof.,ScientiÖc,Tech.Svcs. 2.77 93.57 1.57 0.47 4.29 55 Mgmt.ofCompanies 56 Admin.Support&Waste 1.36 95.74 1.03 0.38 2.76 Mgmt.&RemediationSvcs. 5.50 93.27 3.38 0.63 2.61 61 EducationalServices 3.55 90.60 3.10 0.65 5.25 62 HealthCare&SocialAssist. 4.14 85.88 4.14 0.44 9.20 71 Arts,Entertainment,Recreation 2.13 95.13 2.33 0.342.069 81 OtherServices(exceptpublic) 5.11 89.07 2.28 0.45 8.16 AllNon-FarmBusinesses 3.85 91.32 1.82 0.47 6.21 Focusingnextonthestatusofminorities,Table2providesthebreakdownofownership byraceandethnicityforprivatelyownedÖrmsacrossallnon-farmbusinesseswithpaid employees.Thereadershouldnotethatrespondentscouldreportmorethanonerace,so thepercentagesdonotnecessarilyaggregateto100.1Intheappendix,weagainprovide therawownershipbreakdownforbothprivateandpublicÖrmstogether(Table8).Again, wefocusonprivatelyheldÖrmsinordertoisolatethedemographiccomponent.Focusing inontheinformationcategoriesthatarethefocusofthisstudyrevealsthatownershipis signiÖcantlyconcentratedamongnon-minorities(whites)but,aswithgender,thepatterns arenotoutoflinewiththeeconomyatlarge.Again,whateverisdrivingtheseasymmetries isnotuniquetoÖrmsinthesethreelinesofbusiness,itisaneconomy-widephenomenon. 1About2%oftheoverallcensusrespondentsself-identifyasbelongingtomorethanonerace 7 Table3:DemographicsoftheU.S.Population Race HispanicWhiteBlackAm.IndAsian %inpopulation13.40 69.40 12.681.22 4.41 Forcomparison,Table3providesthebreakdownbyraceofthegeneralpopulationin 2002,usingdatafromtheU.S.Censuswebsite.Noteagainthatthenumbersdonotsumto 100%,sinceindividualsarefreetoself-identifyasbelongingtomorethanonerace.Itisclear thatbusinessownershipishighlyskewedtowardsnon-minorities(white,non-Hispanics)- onlyAsiansownashareoftheeconomycommensuratewiththeiroverallshareofthe population.WhileBlacksmakeup12.68%oftheoverallpopulation,theyownonly1.82% ofnon-farmbusinesses.Inthecaseofthethreemediaindustriesanalyzedhere,Blacksown aslightlylargershareofthesebusinessesthantheyownoftheeconomyasawhole,but stillmuchlessthantheirshareofthepopulation.Asiansownamorethanproportionate shareofTVstations,butareunder-representedinRadioandNewspapers,whileAmerican IndiansownaclosetoproportionateshareofNewspapers,butareunder-representedin RadioandTelevision.Hispanicsareunder-representedacrosstheboardbut,aswithevery othercategory,notmoresointheseindustriesthaninthepopulationofÖrmsatlarge.As isthecasewithfemaleownership,thedatarevealthatthesethreeindustriesarenotout oflinewiththeeconomyasawhole.Under-representationoffemalesandminoritiesisan economy-widephenomenon,itisnotindustryspeciÖc. 2.2SourcesofAsymmetries Sincetheobservedownershipasymmetriesareeconomy-wide,theyareundoubtedlylinked tobroadsystematicfactors.Whilesomeofthispatternmaywellbeduetodiscrimination, themostdirectexplanationliesinunequalaccesstocapital(whichmayitselfberootedin discrimination,orotherlongstandingdisadvantages).Whyisaccesstocapitalimportant? ManybusinessesrequireindividualstosinksubstantialÖnancialinvestmentsuponentry. Thisislikelytobeespeciallytrueinmediaenterprises,giventherelativelyhighlevelsof Örmconcentration.Table9intheappendixshowsthesharesofthetop4,top8,top20, andtop50Örmsinfullsetofindustriesforwhichwehavedata.Theconcentrationratios intheinformationcategoryandspeciÖcallyinRadioandTVbroadcastingareveryhigh. 8 Table4:FamilyNetWorth(2004dollars,thousands) 1989 1992 1995 Ethnicgroup MedianMeanMedianMeanMedianMean Whitenon-Hispanic 104.2333.4 91.9292.9 94.3308.7 NonwhiteorHispanic 9.8 92.1 15.8102.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1454A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1454A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1454A1.txt
- 7 5.93 7.3 4 4 VA 114,300 33.53% 5 3.26 3.62 4 4 TUCSON (SIERRA VISTA) 67 AZ 468,900 100.00% 23 8.86 17.07 10 10 TULSA 61 KS 15,700 2.90% 0 1.5 2.24 0 0 OK 524,900 97.10% 15 12.13 13.96 11 10 TWIN FALLS 192 ID 66,400 100.00% 20 3.24 8.25 5 0 TYLER-LONGVIEW(LFKN&NCGD) 109 TX 272,700 100.00% 27 6.21 7.77 4 6 UTICA 171 NY 105,800 100.00% 16 5.83 7.62 4 0 VICTORIA 204 TX 32,100 100.00% 14 2.4 10.87 4 0 WACO-TEMPLE-BRYAN 89 TX 347,400 100.00% 35 14.32 15.97 7 8 WASHINGTON, DC (HAGRSTWN) 9 DC 267,500 11.09% 13 8 13.9 8 9 MD 955,600 39.60% 10 8.84 8.95 2 1 PA 6,200 0.26% 0 0.8 1.66 0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-412A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-412A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-412A1.txt
- development and evaluation. 6.9 Information pass through. 6.11 Information, documentation, and training. SUBPART D-ENFORCEMENT Brief Description, Need and Legal Basis: See Subpart A above. Section Number and Title: 6.15 Generally. 6.16 Informal or formal complaints. 6.17 Informal complaints; form and content. 6.18 Procedure; designation of agents for service. 6.19 Answers to informal complaints. 6.20 Review and disposition of informal complaints. 6.21 Formal complaints, applicability of 1.720 through 1.736 of this chapter. 6.22 Formal complaints based on unsatisfied informal complaints. 6.23 Actions by the Commission on its own motion. PART 7-ACCESS TO VOICEMAIL AND INTERACTIVE MENU SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT BY PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES SUBPART A-SCOPE-WHO MUST COMPLY WITH THESE RULES? Brief Description: Part 7 of the Commission's rules was adopted in 1999.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243941A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243941A1.txt
- Houston Sea ttle-Tacoma Minneapolis-St. Paul Tampa Cleveland Miami Phoenix Denver Sacramento Pittsburgh 0.5 0.1 a -1 19 'E.L -125 'E.L 6' 0.45 m 34.0 dBi 12.2 GHz BO-1 21 3 EIRP Topo with Mispointlng (L. Station Keeping (7 WW) 54.06 50.45 52.59 54.16 52.00 53.08 53.31 54.32 52.72 55.15 54.08 52.00 52.22 54.67 53.26 54.29 51.18 51.67 52.00 54.10 5180 6.21 5.83 5.82 6.17 5.75 6.11 5.85 5.66 5.98 6.12 6.03 5.95 6.00 5.88 5.98 6.20 6.09 6.15 5.87 Req. Single Entry CII (dB) 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 New Entrant Max. ElRP WW) 53.82 50.95 52.59 53.96 52.42 52.76 53.64 54.17 52.63 55.24 54.43 52.18
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.txt
- 0.96 -3.80 4.95 -7.72 Pennsylvania 2.82 -4.11 7.23 38.82 Puerto Rico -8.77 -3.65 -5.31 -28.31 Rhode Island -1.04 -7.74 7.26 0.00 South Carolina 1.54 -2.54 4.18 -4.90 South Dakota 4.90 -6.06 11.66 28.10 Tennessee 0.36 -2.60 3.04 -9.42 Texas -6.69 -5.60 -1.16 4.67 Utah -3.62 -2.22 -1.43 -4.52 Vermont 6.73 -1.77 8.66 17.01 Virgin Islands -0.83 0.46 -1.28 -7.72 Virginia 6.21 -3.66 10.24 32.56 Washington 1.93 -2.54 4.58 -2.44 West Virginia 0.34 -2.54 2.95 -28.04 Wisconsin -2.33 -4.06 1.81 20.78 Wyoming 1.67 -2.85 4.65 -6.87 Industry -0.33 -3.87 3.68 3.28 * Percentage changes from 2004 to 2005. Source: Calculated from National Exchange Carrier Association data. Unseparated High-Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A5.txt
- 0.96 -3.80 4.95 -7.72 Pennsylvania 2.82 -4.11 7.23 38.82 Puerto Rico -8.77 -3.65 -5.31 -28.31 Rhode Island -1.04 -7.74 7.26 0.00 South Carolina 1.54 -2.54 4.18 -4.90 South Dakota 4.90 -6.06 11.66 28.10 Tennessee 0.36 -2.60 3.04 -9.42 Texas -6.69 -5.60 -1.16 4.67 Utah -3.62 -2.22 -1.43 -4.52 Vermont 6.73 -1.77 8.66 17.01 Virgin Islands -0.83 0.46 -1.28 -7.72 Virginia 6.21 -3.66 10.24 32.56 Washington 1.93 -2.54 4.58 -2.44 West Virginia 0.34 -2.54 2.95 -28.04 Wisconsin -2.33 -4.06 1.81 20.78 Wyoming 1.67 -2.85 4.65 -6.87 Industry -0.33 -3.87 3.68 3.28 * Percentage changes from 2004 to 2005. Source: Calculated from National Exchange Carrier Association data. Unseparated High-Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- 0.27 -5.45 6.04 0.00 NEW MEXICO -2.04 -2.73 0.71 3.19 NEW YORK -32.56 -5.96 -28.28 10.23 NORTH CAROLINA -1.67 -5.06 3.57 -21.48 NORTH DAKOTA -1.06 -5.06 4.21 17.43 NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS 8.33 1.80 6.41 0.00 OHIO 0.32 -4.31 4.84 -17.47 OKLAHOMA -0.95 -5.15 4.43 -2.53 OREGON -3.32 -3.51 0.19 2.60 PENNSYLVANIA 1.89 -4.27 6.43 47.11 PUERTO RICO -1.89 -5.02 3.30 -6.21 RHODE ISLAND 4.55 -10.63 17.00 0.00 SOUTH CAROLINA -2.49 -3.50 1.05 5.12 SOUTH DAKOTA 0.72 -5.97 7.12 14.11 TENNESSEE -0.11 -3.75 3.79 1.41 TEXAS -0.01 -3.73 3.86 2.84 UTAH -3.16 -3.17 0.01 1.27 VERMONT 2.78 -1.74 4.60 4.30 VIRGIN ISLANDS -8.51 -0.38 -8.16 -25.01 VIRGINIA -2.55 -4.00 1.51 5.88 WASHINGTON -2.40 -3.04 0.66 -4.19 WEST VIRGINIA 5.59 -1.57 7.27 11.00
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A13.txt
- Kentucky ALLTEL - London KY (59) (45) (14) 23.73 Kentucky ALLTEL - Lexington KY (398) (296) (102) 25.63 Cincinnati Bell Telephone - Kentucky KY (39) (30) (17) 43.59 BellSouth - Kentucky KY (22,597) (22,663) 66 (0.29) BellSouth - Louisiana LA (37,496) (37,752) 256 (0.68) Verizon New England - Maine ME (7,063) (6,984) (79) 1.12 Verizon Maryland MD 39,451 41,901 (2,451) (6.21) Verizon New England - Massachusetts MA (22,925) (20,087) (2,838) 12.38 Verizon North - Michigan MI (14,698) (14,693) (5) 0.03 AT&T - Ameritech - Michigan Bell MI (90,202) (89,863) (339) 0.38 Qwest - Minnesota MN 19,139 19,406 (266) (1.39) BellSouth - Mississippi MS (34,770) (34,809) 39 (0.11) CenturyTel of Missouri - Central Missouri MO (60) (47) (13) 21.67 CenturyTel of Missouri
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- 0.27 -5.45 6.04 0.00 NEW MEXICO -2.04 -2.73 0.71 3.19 NEW YORK -32.56 -5.96 -28.28 10.23 NORTH CAROLINA -1.67 -5.06 3.57 -21.48 NORTH DAKOTA -1.06 -5.06 4.21 17.43 NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS 8.33 1.80 6.41 0.00 OHIO 0.32 -4.31 4.84 -17.47 OKLAHOMA -0.95 -5.15 4.43 -2.53 OREGON -3.32 -3.51 0.19 2.60 PENNSYLVANIA 1.89 -4.27 6.43 47.11 PUERTO RICO -1.89 -5.02 3.30 -6.21 RHODE ISLAND 4.55 -10.63 17.00 0.00 SOUTH CAROLINA -2.49 -3.50 1.05 5.12 SOUTH DAKOTA 0.72 -5.97 7.12 14.11 TENNESSEE -0.11 -3.75 3.79 1.41 TEXAS -0.01 -3.73 3.86 2.84 UTAH -3.16 -3.17 0.01 1.27 VERMONT 2.78 -1.74 4.60 4.30 VIRGIN ISLANDS -8.51 -0.38 -8.16 -25.01 VIRGINIA -2.55 -4.00 1.51 5.88 WASHINGTON -2.40 -3.04 0.66 -4.19 WEST VIRGINIA 5.59 -1.57 7.27 11.00
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- 0.85 657 196 701 205 Missouri 3,483 1.82 1,405 419 1,500 439 Montana 468 0.24 189 56 201 59 Nebraska 1,079 0.56 435 130 465 136 Nevada 1,606 0.84 648 193 692 202 New Hampshire 917 0.48 370 110 395 115 New Jersey 7,269 3.79 2,933 874 3,131 916 New Mexico 1,025 0.54 414 123 442 129 New York 11,901 6.21 4,802 1,431 5,126 1,499 North Carolina 5,496 2.87 2,218 661 2,367 692 North Dakota 389 0.20 157 47 167 49 N. Mariana Islands NA NA NA NA NA NA Ohio 7,057 3.68 2,847 848 3,039 889 Oklahoma 2,001 1.04 807 241 862 252 Oregon 2,129 1.11 859 256 917 268 Pennsylvania 7,341 3.83 2,962 883 3,162 925 Puerto Rico 2,003
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A3.txt
- 0.85 657 196 701 205 Missouri 3,483 1.82 1,405 419 1,500 439 Montana 468 0.24 189 56 201 59 Nebraska 1,079 0.56 435 130 465 136 Nevada 1,606 0.84 648 193 692 202 New Hampshire 917 0.48 370 110 395 115 New Jersey 7,269 3.79 2,933 874 3,131 916 New Mexico 1,025 0.54 414 123 442 129 New York 11,901 6.21 4,802 1,431 5,126 1,499 North Carolina 5,496 2.87 2,218 661 2,367 692 North Dakota 389 0.20 157 47 167 49 N. Mariana Islands NA NA NA NA NA NA Ohio 7,057 3.68 2,847 848 3,039 889 Oklahoma 2,001 1.04 807 241 862 252 Oregon 2,129 1.11 859 256 917 268 Pennsylvania 7,341 3.83 2,962 883 3,162 925 Puerto Rico 2,003
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A5.txt
- INC. 0.05 -3.67 3.86 1.27 411847 C WHEAT STATE TELEPHONE, INC. 6.33 0.00 6.33 8.09 411849 C WILSON TELEPHONE COMPANY INC. 15.85 -2.82 19.21 27.68 411852 C ZENDA TELEPHONE COMPANY INC. -9.62 -0.95 -8.76 -15.12 411957 C EMBARQ MISSOURI, INC.-KS (UTC) 4.55 -5.01 10.06 0.00 412030 C TOTAH COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 20.87 -4.45 26.50 37.22 415214 C SOUTHWESTERN BELL-KANSAS -1.76 -7.51 6.21 0.00 TOTAL KENTUCKY -1.28 -4.95 3.85 10.76 260396 A BALLARD RURAL TEL. COOP. CORP., INC. -2.13 -7.18 5.45 8.89 260398 A BRANDENBURG TEL. CO., INC. -2.59 -2.40 -0.19 0.00 260401 C DUO COUNTY TEL. COOP., INC. 1.29 -0.40 1.69 -1.18 260402 C WINDSTREAM KENTUCKY WEST, INC. (ALLTEL) 2.95 -3.72 6.92 0.00 260406 C FOOTHILLS RURAL TEL. COOP. CORP., INC. 27.26
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A6.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A6.txt
- 69,936,059 40.15 25,487,848 14.63 44,448,211 25.52 Minnesota 839,243 22,400,539 26.69 18,744,442 22.33 3,656,097 4.36 Mississippi 494,954 40,745,024 82.32 30,093,310 60.80 10,651,714 21.52 Missouri 917,705 34,451,657 37.54 18,026,275 19.64 16,425,382 17.90 Montana 145,416 3,741,049 25.73 2,909,546 20.01 831,503 5.72 Nebraska 286,646 7,908,891 27.59 6,898,806 24.07 1,010,085 3.52 Nevada 412,395 6,167,237 14.95 4,906,778 11.90 1,260,459 3.06 New Hampshire 205,767 1,994,011 9.69 1,278,766 6.21 715,245 3.48 New Jersey 1,395,602 50,468,381 36.16 28,297,915 20.28 22,170,466 15.89 New Mexico 326,758 35,747,335 109.40 18,079,394 55.33 17,667,941 54.07 New York 2,815,581 197,184,284 70.03 110,275,362 39.17 86,908,922 30.87 North Carolina 1,416,436 63,013,415 44.49 44,834,436 31.65 18,178,979 12.83 North Dakota 98,283 3,546,005 36.08 3,262,265 33.19 283,740 2.89 Northern Mariana Is. 11,718 1,154,104 98.49 885,051 75.53 269,053 22.96 Ohio 1,839,683 66,884,786
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A1.pdf
- 69 93 N. Mariana Islands NA NA NA NA Ohio 12,523 3.32 1,051 1,408 Oklahoma 4,225 1.12 354 475 Oregon 4,758 1.26 399 535 Pennsylvania 15,324 4.06 1,285 1,723 Puerto Rico 3,490 0.93 293 392 Rhode Island 994 0.26 83 112 South Carolina 6,015 1.59 505 676 South Dakota 979 0.26 82 110 Tennessee 7,652 2.03 642 860 Texas 23,426 6.21 1,965 2,633 Utah 2,848 0.75 239 320 Vermont 1,283 0.34 108 144 Virginia 11,346 3.01 952 1,276 Virgin Islands NA NA NA NA Washington 7,854 2.08 659 883 West Virginia 3,078 0.82 258 346 Wisconsin 6,294 1.67 528 708 Wyoming 997 0.26 84 112 Total 2/ 377,212 100.00% $31,813 $42,634 NA - Not Applicable. Note: Figures may not add due
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A3.pdf
- 69 93 N. Mariana Islands NA NA NA NA Ohio 12,523 3.32 1,051 1,408 Oklahoma 4,225 1.12 354 475 Oregon 4,758 1.26 399 535 Pennsylvania 15,324 4.06 1,285 1,723 Puerto Rico 3,490 0.93 293 392 Rhode Island 994 0.26 83 112 South Carolina 6,015 1.59 505 676 South Dakota 979 0.26 82 110 Tennessee 7,652 2.03 642 860 Texas 23,426 6.21 1,965 2,633 Utah 2,848 0.75 239 320 Vermont 1,283 0.34 108 144 Virginia 11,346 3.01 952 1,276 Virgin Islands NA NA NA NA Washington 7,854 2.08 659 883 West Virginia 3,078 0.82 258 346 Wisconsin 6,294 1.67 528 708 Wyoming 997 0.26 84 112 Total 2/ 377,212 100.00% $31,813 $42,634 NA - Not Applicable. Note: Figures may not add due
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A5.pdf
- -8.17 -0.09 -23.24 351118 A CASCADE COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY 2.57 2.62 -0.05 -15.90 351119 A CASEY MUTUAL TEL. CO. -2.78 -8.25 5.96 3.67 351121 A CENTER JUNCTION TEL. CO., INC. -3.04 -8.05 5.45 -0.27 351125 A CENTRAL SCOTT TEL. 1.81 -2.21 4.11 35.37 351126 A CENTURYTEL OF CHESTER, INC. 0.33 -4.55 5.11 2.64 351127 C FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS OF IOWA, INC. -9.08 -6.21 -3.07 0.00 351129 C CITIZENS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE -10.84 -3.12 -7.97 -24.29 351130 A CLARENCE TEL. CO., INC. -5.98 -6.22 0.26 -20.12 351132 C CLEAR LAKE INDP. TEL. CO. -13.57 -2.21 -11.62 -37.02 351133 A C-M-L TEL. COOP. ASSN. 1.62 -2.89 4.64 3.74 351134 C COLO TEL. CO. 19.85 -4.42 25.39 38.63 351136 A COON CREEK TEL. CO. -0.40 -2.14
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A1.txt
- Puerto Rico 609,130 0 180,370 6.25 0.00 9.20 66 0.78 81 Rhode Island 169,971 12,682 87,885 6.40 6.39 6.39 21 0.25 26 South Carolina 1,094,256 50,957 440,569 6.46 6.72 7.52 129 1.54 158 South Dakota 113,849 4,086 99,585 6.46 6.43 7.60 18 0.22 22 Tennessee 1,592,877 93,740 592,873 6.38 6.61 7.29 181 2.17 223 Texas 4,794,610 565,052 2,697,160 5.55 5.61 6.21 559 6.68 686 Utah 497,009 44,318 266,065 6.32 6.32 6.56 62 0.74 76 Vermont 206,660 12,680 82,462 6.41 6.39 6.83 24 0.28 29 Virginia 1,899,654 159,626 1,127,202 6.18 6.23 6.73 244 2.92 299 Virgin Islands NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Washington 1,442,646 140,557 692,108 6.07 6.17 6.97 173 2.07 213 West Virginia 573,186 15,388 138,768 6.50
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A3.txt
- Puerto Rico 609,130 0 180,370 6.25 0.00 9.20 66 0.78 81 Rhode Island 169,971 12,682 87,885 6.40 6.39 6.39 21 0.25 26 South Carolina 1,094,256 50,957 440,569 6.46 6.72 7.52 129 1.54 158 South Dakota 113,849 4,086 99,585 6.46 6.43 7.60 18 0.22 22 Tennessee 1,592,877 93,740 592,873 6.38 6.61 7.29 181 2.17 223 Texas 4,794,610 565,052 2,697,160 5.55 5.61 6.21 559 6.68 686 Utah 497,009 44,318 266,065 6.32 6.32 6.56 62 0.74 76 Vermont 206,660 12,680 82,462 6.41 6.39 6.83 24 0.28 29 Virginia 1,899,654 159,626 1,127,202 6.18 6.23 6.73 244 2.92 299 Virgin Islands NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Washington 1,442,646 140,557 692,108 6.07 6.17 6.97 173 2.07 213 West Virginia 573,186 15,388 138,768 6.50
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A5.txt
- 16.45 -6.54 24.60 21.86 613007 C CORDOVA TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. 8.55 -0.55 9.16 10.32 613008 C ACS OF FAIRBANKS, INC. -2.36 -4.37 2.10 0.00 613010 C ACS - NORTHLAND GLACIER STATE -1.72 -4.66 3.08 -6.18 613011 C INTERIOR TELEPHONE COMPANY INC. 7.03 3.26 3.65 5.73 613011A INTERIOR TELEPHONE COMPANY INC. -12.56 -4.53 -8.41 -46.16 613012 C ACS - ALASKA JUNEAU -6.21 -22.76 21.43 0.00 613013 C KETCHIKAN PUBLIC UTILITIES 6.94 -9.17 17.73 35.29 613015 C MATANUSKA TELEPHONE ASSOC., INC. 2.37 -6.37 9.34 8.46 613016 C MUKLUK TEL. COMPANY, INC. -0.97 6.01 -6.58 -10.34 613016A C MUKLUK TEL. COMPANY, INC. 14.24 -3.25 18.08 0.00 613017 C ALASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY -4.34 -1.89 -2.50 -14.28 613017A C ALASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY 10.06 -2.66 13.07 0.00
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A6.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A6.txt
- 20.87 3,747,903 4.46 Mississippi 495,026 36,886,870 74.52 27,399,315 55.35 9,487,555 19.17 Missouri 920,353 29,306,490 31.84 17,980,341 19.54 11,326,149 12.31 Montana 144,418 3,517,340 24.36 2,982,726 20.65 534,614 3.70 Nebraska 287,580 8,809,104 30.63 7,727,261 26.87 1,081,843 3.76 Nevada 424,766 5,289,947 12.45 5,070,247 11.94 219,700 0.52 New Hampshire 203,572 2,292,439 11.26 1,691,171 8.31 601,268 2.95 New Jersey 1,388,850 43,115,959 31.04 34,497,773 24.84 8,618,185 6.21 New Mexico 328,220 31,801,874 96.89 21,353,882 65.06 10,447,992 31.83 New York 2,809,649 187,871,704 66.87 130,396,755 46.41 57,474,949 20.46 North Carolina 1,444,481 53,569,447 37.09 43,673,861 30.23 9,895,586 6.85 North Dakota 96,670 4,879,843 50.48 4,443,637 45.97 436,206 4.51 Northern Mariana Is. 11,695 1,082,545 92.56 871,033 74.48 211,512 18.09 Ohio 1,836,722 76,518,792 41.66 58,589,940 31.90 17,928,852 9.76 Oklahoma 639,391 37,002,205 57.87 30,805,715 48.18
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301823A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301823A1.txt
- 0.22 07/01/02 06/30/03 5.62 6.45 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.08 07/01/03 06/30/04 5.96 6.37 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 07/01/04 06/30/05 5.92 6.24 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.05 07/01/05 06/30/06 5.92 6.26 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.04 07/01/06 06/30/07 5.91 6.27 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.04 07/01/07 06/30/08 5.93 6.30 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.05 07/01/08 06/30/09 5.90 6.27 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.05 07/01/09 06/30/10 5.88 6.21 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 Source: Access tariff filings. 2 Prior to 1/01/1998, carriers did not charge separate subscriber line charge (SLC) rates for primary and non-primary residential lines. Therefore, the residential and single-line business average SLCs reported prior to 1/01/1998 include all residential SLC charges. The average residential and single-line business SLC rate as of 1/01/98 excludes non-primary residential SLCs.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A1.txt
- 1,743,456 5.99 6.71 399,433 4.61 Puerto Rico 589,256 187,864 120,685 196,418 6.50 9.20 58,233 0.67 Rhode Island 191,386 30,748 25,348 110,842 6.42 6.42 21,331 0.25 South Carolina 1,159,689 46,813 45,194 567,919 6.46 7.58 138,059 1.59 South Dakota 165,606 19,820 9,156 95,060 6.49 7.86 21,144 0.24 Tennessee 1,639,851 98,696 85,649 795,704 6.40 7.13 187,350 2.16 Texas 5,560,638 909,252 844,565 3,459,627 5.59 6.21 574,079 6.63 Utah 531,194 29,982 28,362 279,943 6.39 6.68 61,026 0.70 Vermont 234,116 25,816 23,975 89,347 6.30 6.78 23,149 0.27 Virgin Islands 42,463 534 534 19,983 6.50 9.20 5,477 0.06 Virginia 1,959,546 43,242 37,990 1,462,033 6.15 6.72 259,628 3.00 Washington 1,684,294 108,255 68,705 824,589 6.09 7.03 187,704 2.17 West Virginia 579,230 6,012 5,580 173,059 6.50 8.49 62,370 0.72 Wisconsin 1,444,705
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A3.txt
- 1,743,456 5.99 6.71 399,433 4.61 Puerto Rico 589,256 187,864 120,685 196,418 6.50 9.20 58,233 0.67 Rhode Island 191,386 30,748 25,348 110,842 6.42 6.42 21,331 0.25 South Carolina 1,159,689 46,813 45,194 567,919 6.46 7.58 138,059 1.59 South Dakota 165,606 19,820 9,156 95,060 6.49 7.86 21,144 0.24 Tennessee 1,639,851 98,696 85,649 795,704 6.40 7.13 187,350 2.16 Texas 5,560,638 909,252 844,565 3,459,627 5.59 6.21 574,079 6.63 Utah 531,194 29,982 28,362 279,943 6.39 6.68 61,026 0.70 Vermont 234,116 25,816 23,975 89,347 6.30 6.78 23,149 0.27 Virgin Islands 42,463 534 534 19,983 6.50 9.20 5,477 0.06 Virginia 1,959,546 43,242 37,990 1,462,033 6.15 6.72 259,628 3.00 Washington 1,684,294 108,255 68,705 824,589 6.09 7.03 187,704 2.17 West Virginia 579,230 6,012 5,580 173,059 6.50 8.49 62,370 0.72 Wisconsin 1,444,705
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A5.txt
- LYNNVILLE TEL. CO. 14.95 3.07 11.53 34.11 351235 A FARMERS (MANILLA) 6.81 -4.80 12.20 34.43 351237 A MARNE & ELK HORN TEL 11.05 -7.98 20.68 61.56 351238 A MARTELLE COOP ASSN 16.10 -4.29 21.30 67.70 351239 A MASSENA TEL CO 14.29 -6.36 22.05 67.03 351241 A MECHANICSVILLE TEL 3.94 -1.62 5.65 -25.25 351242 A MILES COOP TEL ASSN 4.11 -1.97 6.21 -17.94 351243 A MILLER TEL CO - IA 351245 A MINBURN TEL CO 16.84 -1.64 18.79 62.41 351246 A MINERVA VALLEY TEL 12.66 -6.18 20.08 61.77 351247 A MODERN COOP TEL CO 19.16 -3.46 23.42 72.61 351248 A WINDSTREAM MONTEZUMA -5.09 -10.40 5.93 -33.45 351250 A MUTUAL TEL CO 5.56 -8.25 15.04 46.27 351251 A MEDIAPOLIS TEL CO 5.37 -4.39
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A9.txt
- 0.22 07/01/02 06/30/03 5.62 6.45 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.08 07/01/03 06/30/04 5.96 6.37 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 07/01/04 06/30/05 5.92 6.24 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.05 07/01/05 06/30/06 5.92 6.26 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.04 07/01/06 06/30/07 5.91 6.27 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.04 07/01/07 06/30/08 5.93 6.30 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.05 07/01/08 06/30/09 5.90 6.27 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.05 07/01/09 06/30/10 5.88 6.21 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 07/01/10 06/30/11 5.89 6.19 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 Source: Access tariff filings. 2 Prior to 1/01/1998, carriers did not charge separate subscriber line charge (SLC) rates for primary and non-primary residential lines. Therefore, the residential and single-line business average SLCs reported prior to 1/01/1998 include all residential SLC charges. The average residential and single-line business SLC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-310829A1.pdf
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311775A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311775A1.txt
- 0.22 07/01/02 06/30/03 5.62 6.45 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.08 07/01/03 06/30/04 5.96 6.37 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 07/01/04 06/30/05 5.92 6.24 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.05 07/01/05 06/30/06 5.92 6.26 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.04 07/01/06 06/30/07 5.91 6.27 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.04 07/01/07 06/30/08 5.93 6.30 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.05 07/01/08 06/30/09 5.90 6.27 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.05 07/01/09 06/30/10 5.88 6.21 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 07/01/10 06/30/11 5.89 6.19 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 07/01/11 06/30/12 5.88 6.13 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.03 Source: Access tariff filings. Interstate Per-Line Access Charges 1 Rates in Effect Residential and (Subscriber Line Charges) Charged to End Users 2 Centrex Charged to Long Distance Carriers 3 (Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier Charges) Single-Line Business 5.83 5.81 5.88 5.93 5.93
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-208A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-208A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-208A2.txt
- Loops MR-2-02 Network Trouble Report Rate - Loop 0.18 1.56 0.06 1.38 0.09 1.44 0.11 1.11 MR-2-03 Network Trouble Report Rate - Central Office 0.20 0.33 0.11 0.27 0.11 0.28 0.09 0.32 MR-3-01 % Missed Repair Appointment - Loop 26.29 17.49 34.44 12.35 19.70 10.89 39.53 11.01 MR-3-02 % Missed Repair Appointment - Central Office 13.36 15.91 6.87 6.52 10.53 6.21 21.57 8.41 1n MR-4-02 Mean Time To Repair - Loop Trouble 37.73 36.88 34.52 24.28 29.10 25.48 38.80 27.52 MR-4-03 Mean Time To Repair - Central Office Trouble 21.63 21.37 12.32 11.88 11.85 12.63 21.83 11.62 3n MR-4-07 % Out of Service > 12 Hours 92.86 74.31 72.22 63.18 81.82 62.17 58.88 62.27 4n MR-4-08 % Out of Service >
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-331A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-331A1.txt
- 02-331 Florida Performance Metric Data A.>=10 circuits/Dispatch/FL (hours) 10.13 0.40 16.62 4.07 7.39 0.43 4.31 0.03 4.27 0.02 1,2,3,4,5 A. (Specials)/<10 circuits/Dispatch/FL (hours) 143.17 182.56 215.29 274.28 225.52 A. (Specials)/<10 circuits/Non- Dispatch/FL (hours) 13.26 0.48 11.98 12.58 17.15 0.02 10.07 0.02 1,4,5 A.<10 circuits/Dispatch/FL (hours)96.36 41.55 65.89 133.02 110.48 34.85 1 A.<10 circuits/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 7.57 0.08 11.67 0.35 23.61 1.02 6.21 4.24 4.67 0.19 1,2,3,4,5 A.>=10 circuits/Dispatch/FL (hours) 1.03 2.81 0.03 166.22 0.02 193.91 4 A.>=10 circuits/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 3.60 0.76 4.58 43.72 34.44 81.59 5 A.<10 circuits/Dispatch/FL (hours) 10.97 7.27 9.72 6.77 11.28 A.<10 circuits/Non- Dispatch/FL (hours) 3.55 0.51 4.71 2.45 0.02 3.04 2.13 0.77 1,3,5 A.<10 circuits/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 4.93 0.02 8.83 0.55 5.80 0.52 4.72 6.47 1,2,3 A.>=10 circuits/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-11-37A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-11-37A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-11-37A1.txt
- compliance documentation could have implications in enforcement proceedings wherein covered entities may be called upon to refute claims of noncompliance. See Enforcement Section infra Section VI.C. 47 U.S.C. § 618(a). See 47 C.F.R. §§ 6.15 to 6.23. Formal complaints may be filed in the form and manner prescribed under Sections 1.720 - 1.736 of the Commission's rules. 47 C.F.R. § 6.21. 47 C.F.R. § 6.17(a), (b)(1)-(7). An informal complaint must include (1) the name and address of the complainant; (2) the name and address of the manufacturer or provider against whom the complaint is made; (3) a full description of the telecommunications equipment, CPE or telecommunications service about which the complaint is made; (4) the date(s) on which the complainant purchased
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fcc99181.pdf http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fcc99181.txt http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fcc99181.wp
- Obligations of Manufacturers 6.7 General Obligations Service Providers 6.9 Product Design , Development and Evaluation 6.11 Information Pass through 6.13 Information, Documentation and Training Subpart D -- Enforcement 6.15 Generally 6.16 Informal or formal complaints 6.17 Informal complaints; form and content 6.18 Procedure; designation of agents for service 6.19 Answers to informal complaints 6.20 Review and disposition of informal complaints 6.21 Formal Complaints, applicability of Sections 1.720 - 1.736 of the rules 6.22 Formal complaints based on unsatisfied informal complaints 6.23 Actions by the Commission on its on motion Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 154(j) 208, 255 Subpart A -- Scope - Who must comply with these rules? 6.1 The rules in this part apply to: (a) any provider of telecommunications service;
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireline_Competition/Orders/2002/fcc02118.pdf
- Address Validation - Web GUI 4.34 5.04 4.07 4.89 3.85 4.84 3.67 5.23 3.85 4.59 PO-1-04-6020 Product & Service Availability EDI 10.07 NA 9.02 NA 8.48 NA 8.2 NA 8.5 NA PO-1-04-6030 Product & Service Availability CORBA 10.07 NA 9.02 NA 8.48 NA 8.2 NA 8.5 NA PO-1-04-6050 Product & Service Availability - Web GUI 10.07 8.17 9.02 6.21 8.48 6.5 8.2 6.5 8.5 NA a,b,c,d PO-1-05-6020 Telephone Number Availability & Reservation - EDI 5.23 NA 4.95 NA 5.37 NA 4.47 NA 4.66 NA PO-1-05-6030 Telephone Number Availability & Reservation - CORBA 5.23 NA 4.95 NA 5.37 3.96 4.47 NA 4.66 4.19 c PO-1-05-6050 Telephone Number Availability & Reservation - Web GUI 5.23 7.24 4.95 7.23 5.37 7.04 4.47
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/antenna/index.htm?job=uls_transaction&page=daily
- (07-13-12) 10.89 KB [130]Fri (07-14-12) 10.51 KB [131]Sat (07-15-12) 5.31 KB BRS & EBS (Formerly known as MDS/ITFS) Application Records [132]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [133]Mon (07-10-12) 1.74 KB [134]Tue (07-11-12) 4.33 KB [135]Wed (07-12-12) 6.14 KB [136]Thu (07-13-12) 2.75 KB [137]Fri (07-14-12) 6.82 KB [138]Sat (07-15-12) 1.93 KB License Records [139]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [140]Mon (07-10-12) 5.48 KB [141]Tue (07-11-12) 6.21 KB [142]Wed (07-12-12) 16.47 KB [143]Thu (07-13-12) 9.25 KB [144]Fri (07-14-12) 11.84 KB [145]Sat (07-15-12) 2.05 KB Cellular - 47 CFR Part 22 Application Records [146]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [147]Mon (07-10-12) 22.55 KB [148]Tue (07-11-12) 33.04 KB [149]Wed (07-12-12) 34.23 KB [150]Thu (07-13-12) 50.56 KB [151]Fri (07-14-12) 44.27 KB [152]Sat (07-15-12) 80.39 KB License Records [153]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [154]Mon
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?&job=transaction&page=daily
- (07-13-12) 10.89 KB [153]Fri (07-14-12) 10.51 KB [154]Sat (07-15-12) 5.31 KB BRS & EBS (Formerly known as MDS/ITFS) Application Records [155]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [156]Mon (07-10-12) 1.74 KB [157]Tue (07-11-12) 4.33 KB [158]Wed (07-12-12) 6.14 KB [159]Thu (07-13-12) 2.75 KB [160]Fri (07-14-12) 6.82 KB [161]Sat (07-15-12) 1.93 KB License Records [162]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [163]Mon (07-10-12) 5.48 KB [164]Tue (07-11-12) 6.21 KB [165]Wed (07-12-12) 16.47 KB [166]Thu (07-13-12) 9.25 KB [167]Fri (07-14-12) 11.84 KB [168]Sat (07-15-12) 2.05 KB Cellular - 47 CFR Part 22 Application Records [169]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [170]Mon (07-10-12) 22.55 KB [171]Tue (07-11-12) 33.04 KB [172]Wed (07-12-12) 34.23 KB [173]Thu (07-13-12) 50.56 KB [174]Fri (07-14-12) 44.27 KB [175]Sat (07-15-12) 80.39 KB License Records [176]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [177]Mon
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?job=transaction&page=daily
- (07-13-12) 10.89 KB [153]Fri (07-14-12) 10.51 KB [154]Sat (07-15-12) 5.31 KB BRS & EBS (Formerly known as MDS/ITFS) Application Records [155]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [156]Mon (07-10-12) 1.74 KB [157]Tue (07-11-12) 4.33 KB [158]Wed (07-12-12) 6.14 KB [159]Thu (07-13-12) 2.75 KB [160]Fri (07-14-12) 6.82 KB [161]Sat (07-15-12) 1.93 KB License Records [162]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [163]Mon (07-10-12) 5.48 KB [164]Tue (07-11-12) 6.21 KB [165]Wed (07-12-12) 16.47 KB [166]Thu (07-13-12) 9.25 KB [167]Fri (07-14-12) 11.84 KB [168]Sat (07-15-12) 2.05 KB Cellular - 47 CFR Part 22 Application Records [169]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [170]Mon (07-10-12) 22.55 KB [171]Tue (07-11-12) 33.04 KB [172]Wed (07-12-12) 34.23 KB [173]Thu (07-13-12) 50.56 KB [174]Fri (07-14-12) 44.27 KB [175]Sat (07-15-12) 80.39 KB License Records [176]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [177]Mon
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/weeklypn.htm?job=transaction&page=daily
- (07-13-12) 10.89 KB [153]Fri (07-14-12) 10.51 KB [154]Sat (07-15-12) 5.31 KB BRS & EBS (Formerly known as MDS/ITFS) Application Records [155]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [156]Mon (07-10-12) 1.74 KB [157]Tue (07-11-12) 4.33 KB [158]Wed (07-12-12) 6.14 KB [159]Thu (07-13-12) 2.75 KB [160]Fri (07-14-12) 6.82 KB [161]Sat (07-15-12) 1.93 KB License Records [162]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [163]Mon (07-17-12) 7.2 KB [164]Tue (07-11-12) 6.21 KB [165]Wed (07-12-12) 16.47 KB [166]Thu (07-13-12) 9.25 KB [167]Fri (07-14-12) 11.84 KB [168]Sat (07-15-12) 2.05 KB Cellular - 47 CFR Part 22 Application Records [169]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [170]Mon (07-10-12) 22.55 KB [171]Tue (07-11-12) 33.04 KB [172]Wed (07-12-12) 34.23 KB [173]Thu (07-13-12) 50.56 KB [174]Fri (07-14-12) 44.27 KB [175]Sat (07-15-12) 80.39 KB License Records [176]Sun (07-16-12) 0.16 KB [177]Mon
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fcc99181.pdf http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fcc99181.txt http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fcc99181.wp
- Obligations of Manufacturers 6.7 General Obligations Service Providers 6.9 Product Design , Development and Evaluation 6.11 Information Pass through 6.13 Information, Documentation and Training Subpart D -- Enforcement 6.15 Generally 6.16 Informal or formal complaints 6.17 Informal complaints; form and content 6.18 Procedure; designation of agents for service 6.19 Answers to informal complaints 6.20 Review and disposition of informal complaints 6.21 Formal Complaints, applicability of Sections 1.720 - 1.736 of the rules 6.22 Formal complaints based on unsatisfied informal complaints 6.23 Actions by the Commission on its on motion Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 154(j) 208, 255 Subpart A -- Scope - Who must comply with these rules? 6.1 The rules in this part apply to: (a) any provider of telecommunications service;
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/2002/fcc02331.pdf
- 02-331 Florida Performance Metric Data A.>=10 circuits/Dispatch/FL (hours) 10.13 0.40 16.62 4.07 7.39 0.43 4.31 0.03 4.27 0.02 1,2,3,4,5 A. (Specials)/<10 circuits/Dispatch/FL (hours) 143.17 182.56 215.29 274.28 225.52 A. (Specials)/<10 circuits/Non- Dispatch/FL (hours) 13.26 0.48 11.98 12.58 17.15 0.02 10.07 0.02 1,4,5 A.<10 circuits/Dispatch/FL (hours)96.36 41.55 65.89 133.02 110.48 34.85 1 A.<10 circuits/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 7.57 0.08 11.67 0.35 23.61 1.02 6.21 4.24 4.67 0.19 1,2,3,4,5 A.>=10 circuits/Dispatch/FL (hours) 1.03 2.81 0.03 166.22 0.02 193.91 4 A.>=10 circuits/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 3.60 0.76 4.58 43.72 34.44 81.59 5 A.<10 circuits/Dispatch/FL (hours) 10.97 7.27 9.72 6.77 11.28 A.<10 circuits/Non- Dispatch/FL (hours) 3.55 0.51 4.71 2.45 0.02 3.04 2.13 0.77 1,3,5 A.<10 circuits/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 4.93 0.02 8.83 0.55 5.80 0.52 4.72 6.47 1,2,3 A.>=10 circuits/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours)
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref03.pdf
- SBC 20.56 6.25 44.06 20.76 Texas Fort Worth SBC 18.53 4.32 44.06 20.76 Texas Houston SBC 21.45 7.28 44.06 20.76 Texas San Antonio SBC 19.56 5.43 43.91 20.69 Utah Logan Qwest 20.65 8.96 27.41 13.71 Virginia Richmond Verizon 30.93 11.05 38.50 19.25 Virginia Smithfield Verizon 29.09 6.91 40.00 20.00 Washington Everett Verizon 23.54 5.43 46.67 23.34 Washington Seattle Qwest 20.35 6.21 32.98 0.00 West Virginia Huntington Verizon 28.61 18.49 42.00 0.00 Wisconsin Milwaukee SBC 35.19 25.90 58.08 0.00 Wisconsin Racine SBC 35.04 25.60 57.81 0.00 State and Taxes Table 1.7 Table 1.8 Average Local Rates for Businesses with a Single Line in Urban Areas Average RateMedian Rate 2 Monthly Charge for Flat-Rate Service 1 $33.34 $33.85 Federal and State Subscriber Line
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- 11.94 3.49 13.15 37.23 24.09 16.11 49BISON STATE TELEPHONE COMPANY 10.19 11.94 (2.12) 6.67 (1,312.90) 7.50 6.73 50CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE CO. OF MINNESOTA 12.23 11.94 5.66 13.06 13.10 16.12 13.76 51CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE CO. OF IOWA 13.65 11.94 19.86 16.09 99.44 14.73 15.64 52CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE CO. OF ARKANSAS 13.05 11.94 12.80 16.42 48.43 14.73 15.88 53CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE CO. OF MISSOURI 12.38 11.94 6.21 14.92 (322.06) 18.09 14.93 54CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE CO. OF KANSAS 12.74 11.94 0.26 17.03 (380.55) 17.29 16.69 55CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE CO. OF CA-ARIZONA 12.65 11.94 13.88 9.44 696.48 16.15 15.20 56CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE CO. OF CA-CALIFORNIA 14.42 11.94 10.24 13.24 210.86 30.75 20.60 57CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE CO. OF CA-NEVADA 11.50 11.94 10.66 6.27 224.74 17.00 10.96 58CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE CO. OF TEXAS 12.74 11.94 7.00
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-3.pdf
- 3.50 -0.57 4.10 4.06 351107 A BALDWIN-NASHVILLE TEL. CO., INC. 6.52 1.14 5.32 10.05 351108 A BARNES CITY COOP. TEL. CO. 7.82 5.79 1.92 3.42 351110 C BERNARD TEL. CO., INC. 8.15 -1.20 9.47 12.37 351112 A BREDA TEL. COOP. 3.40 -4.63 8.43 17.86 351113 A BROOKLYN MUTUAL TEL. CO. 14.10 0.76 13.24 INFINITE 351114 A THE BURT TEL. CO. 6.21 -3.08 9.59 27.66 351115 A BUTLER-BREMER MUT. TEL. CO. 11.84 -0.61 12.53 71.04 351118 A CASCADE TEL. CO. 12.61 -0.16 12.79 85.71 351119 A CASEY MUTUAL TEL. CO. 10.24 1.62 8.48 28.06 351121 A CENTER JUNCTION TEL. CO., INC. 2.97 1.37 1.58 -1.56 351125 A CENTRAL SCOTT TEL. 14.24 0.97 13.14 0.00 351126 A CENTURYTEL OF CHESTER, INC. 1.51 0.46
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-1.pdf
- 1,060,179 0 147,020 3.50 0.00 6.00 55 0.51 66 Rhode Island 342,347 38,388 142,289 5.50 6.42 7.50 38 0.36 46 South Carolina 1,526,863 99,124 504,776 5.49 6.88 8.22 159 1.48 188 South Dakota 217,841 11,438 126,009 5.50 6.40 7.87 27 0.25 32 Tennessee 2,106,965 212,236 649,333 5.47 6.86 7.91 217 2.03 258 Texas 5,916,055 1,062,689 2,913,969 5.19 5.48 6.49 666 6.21 791 Utah 628,286 107,081 334,270 5.50 6.43 7.55 80 0.75 95 Vermont 254,281 21,517 107,960 5.50 6.42 7.76 28 0.27 34 Virginia 2,576,892 402,068 1,325,732 5.46 6.56 7.07 313 2.92 372 Virgin Islands NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Washington 2,337,932 346,505 961,257 5.47 6.28 7.50 266 2.48 316 West Virginia 720,773 37,338 203,998 5.50 7.00 8.39
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-2.pdf
- - 17.50 - 17.50 - 17.50 - Hawaii 6.56 - 7.23 - 7.86 - 22.75 - 22.73 - 22.74 - Idaho 8.24 11.77 9.09 13.92 9.81 12.57 15.01 30.80 14.96 21.27 14.80 14.50 Illinois 6.99 - 7.37 - 7.72 - 25.54 - 21.95 - 17.19 - Indiana 6.86 - 7.39 - 7.52 - 23.70 - 23.77 - 24.40 - Iowa 6.21 8.33 6.78 8.89 7.19 10.88 15.75 - 15.80 - 16.11 - Kansas 8.11 - 8.65 - 8.78 0.89 19.38 - 19.39 - 19.50 - Kentucky 7.89 - 7.37 - 9.21 - 18.05 - 18.65 - 21.57 - Louisiana 6.28 - 7.18 - 7.90 - 20.78 - 19.97 - 20.36 - Maine 7.98 6.92 8.98 6.91 9.73 6.91 22.31 22.38 22.31
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-3.pdf
- CO., INC. 15.08 5.12 9.48 0.00 351261 A NORTHWEST TEL. COOP. 2.49 -1.25 3.78 1.50 351262 A COMMUNICATIONS 1 NETWORK, INC. 6.54 -2.96 9.79 32.61 351262A A COMMUNICATIONS 1 NETWORK, INC. (ITS) Exchanges acquired from 351167 IOWA TEL. SVCS. DBA IOWA TEL.-N 351263 A OGDEN TEL. CO.-IA 10.18 -1.14 11.45 INFINITE 351264 A OLIN TEL. CO., INC. 1.25 -4.45 5.96 6.21 351265 A ONSLOW COOP. TEL. ASSN. 2.00 1.18 0.81 -4.43 351266 A ORAN MUTUAL TEL. CO. -4.08 -7.05 3.20 -6.02 351269 A PALO COOP. TEL. ASSN. 6.33 -1.83 8.31 22.28 351270 A PALMER MUTUAL TEL. CO. 0.84 -1.83 2.71 -2.34 351271 A PANORA COOP. TEL. ASSN., INC. 10.84 0.05 10.79 0.00 351273 A PEOPLES TEL. CO.-IA 5.10 -5.10 10.75 44.17
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr98-9.pdf
- Business 11.24 13.14 NA 25.00 7.40 8.02 9.65 3.43 9 - 22 Table 9.4(b): Company Comparision -- Customer Perception Surveys -- 1996 Percentage of Customers Dissatisfied Company AmeritechBell AtlanticBellSouth NYNEX Pacific SBC US West GTE Overall:Residential 2.9 2.25 6.28 3.83 3.99 7.12 8.67 3.07 Small Business 2.36 5.96 12.1 3.74 5.39 6.72 12.38 5.97 Large Business 10.86 9.18 3.92 20.24 6.21 8.21 8 1.51 Installations: Residential 4.13 8.66 5.19 14.13 3.10 5.83 5.33 7.31 Small Business 8.20 6.48 3.47 20.53 4.54 6.89 11.31 13.39 Large Business 9.38 11.36 NA 23.42 7.42 11.21 23.00 0.74 Repairs:Residential 9.55 20.69 8.72 27.33 7.41 8.44 10.50 13.43 Small Business 10.88 9.20 4.32 23.37 7.61 6.57 12.80 14.11 Large Business 11.83 13.17 NA 30.07 7.93 7.94
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrd99-9.pdf
- Other/Unknown 0.0 1.8 0.0 919.8 5.6 0.0 388.7 0.0 135.9 Please refer to text for notes and data qualifications 9 - 20 Table 9.4(a): Company Comparision -- 1996 Customer Perception Surveys Percentage of Customers Dissatisfied Company Ameritech Bell Atlantic BellSouth NYNEX Pacific SBC US West GTE Overall: Residential 2.90 6.28 3.99 8.79 Small Business 5.96 3.74 6.72 6.08 10.86 3.92 6.21 NA Installations: 4.13 5.19 3.10 5.37 Small Business 6.48 20.53 6.89 14.23 9.38 NA 7.42 NA Repairs: 9.55 8.72 7.41 10.66 Small Business 9.20 23.37 6.57 13.86 11.83 NA 7.93 NA Business Office: 5.94 5.21 2.07 2.23 Small Business 5.22 15.86 6.64 4.62 13.37 NA 2.70 NA Please refer to text for notes and data qualifications 9 - 21 Table
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- TEL. CO. D/B/A ATC COMMUNICATIONS 1.60 3.65 -1.98 -2.63 472215 C CAMBRIDGE TEL. CO.,INC.-ID -0.29 4.91 -4.96 -11.53 472218 C CUSTER TEL. COOPERATIVE INC. 12.14 4.93 6.87 18.35 472220 C FILER MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY - ID 3.02 8.77 -5.29 0.00 472221 A FARMERS MUTUAL TEL CO LTD. - ID 5.52 7.72 -2.04 0.00 472222 C FREMONT TELCOM CO. 4.57 -1.55 6.21 10.27 472223 C CENTURYTEL OF THE GEM STATE - ID 4.26 4.20 0.06 2.93 472225 C CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. 11.85 2.80 8.80 16.34 472226 C MIDVALE TEL. EXCH. INC. 1.27 6.54 -4.95 -3.08 472227 A MUD LAKE TEL. COOP. INC. ASSOC. 17.54 3.81 13.23 83.27 472230 C POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY INC. -2.58 4.10 -6.41 -15.45 472231 C PROJECT MUTUAL
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- NA NA NA NA NA Arizona 1,799,622 0.66 1.58 0.89 191 230 Arkansas 1,582,198 0.58 0.81 0.64 136 164 California 55,463,379 20.34 16.39 19.35 4,141 4,988 Colorado 1,953,780 0.72 1.18 0.83 178 215 Connecticut 1,759,191 0.65 0.45 0.60 127 153 Delaware 271,940 0.10 0.07 0.09 20 24 District of Columbia 0 0.00 0.01 0.00 0 0 Florida 15,651,078 5.74 7.64 6.21 1,330 1,602 Georgia 4,748,828 1.74 1.36 1.65 352 425 Guam NA NA NA NA NA NA Hawaii 520,783 0.19 0.39 0.24 51 62 Idaho 422,834 0.16 0.36 0.21 44 53 Illinois 14,795,132 5.43 2.64 4.73 1,012 1,219 Indiana 6,899,832 2.53 2.41 2.50 535 644 Iowa 1,861,486 0.68 0.78 0.71 151 182 Kansas 1,807,430 0.66 0.74 0.68 146 176 Kentucky 2,971,852
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/QualSvc/qual98.pdf
- 418.4 Please refer to text for notes and data qualifications Table 1(d): Company Comparision -- 1996 Customer Perception Surveys Company Ameritech Bell Atlantic BellSouth NYNEX Pacific SBC US West GTE Percentage of Customers Dissatisfied Overall: Residential 2.90 2.25 6.28 3.83 3.99 7.12 8.79 3.68 Small Business 2.36 5.96 12.10 3.74 5.39 6.72 12.55 6.08 Large Business 10.86 9.18 3.92 20.24 6.21 8.21 NA 1.34 Installations: Residential 4.13 8.66 5.19 14.13 3.10 5.83 5.37 7.53 Small Business 8.20 6.48 3.47 20.53 4.54 6.89 11.58 14.23 Large Business 9.38 11.36 NA 23.42 7.42 11.21 NA 1.18 Repairs: Residential 9.55 20.69 8.72 27.33 7.41 8.44 10.66 12.83 Small Business 10.88 9.20 4.32 23.37 7.61 6.57 12.92 13.86 Large Business 11.83 13.17 NA 30.07 7.93
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/01socc.pdf
- 34.4 15.2 19.2 3.01 1.92 0.83 5.76 13.5MI Minnesota 153.4 74.1 79.2 57.2 22.1 11.28 1.71 0.72 13.71 8.4MN Mississippi 148.4 24.8 123.6 118.0 5.7 (0.50) (0.21) 0.46 (0.26) 5.9MS Missouri 479.6 363.8 115.8 84.1 31.7 11.52 3.51 5.02 20.05 11.6MO Montana 10.4 9.4 1.0 (0.3) 1.3 0.03 (0.17) (0.37) (0.51) 1.8MT Nebraska 131.3 49.5 81.8 60.4 21.4 8.13 3.37 6.21 17.71 3.7NE Nevada 122.2 77.0 45.2 31.6 13.6 2.57 2.17 0.67 5.40 8.2NV New Hampshire 38.9 17.7 21.2 8.4 12.8 3.43 1.49 3.06 7.98 4.8NH New Jersey 366.9 224.3 142.6 55.9 86.7 25.34 8.39 19.28 53.01 33.7NJ New Mexico 60.2 33.7 26.5 20.3 6.2 1.97 0.20 (0.07) 2.10 4.1NM New York 1,462.4 297.5 1,164.9 795.2 369.7 101.21 29.54 162.49 293.24
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireline_Competition/Orders/2002/fcc02118.pdf
- Address Validation - Web GUI 4.34 5.04 4.07 4.89 3.85 4.84 3.67 5.23 3.85 4.59 PO-1-04-6020 Product & Service Availability EDI 10.07 NA 9.02 NA 8.48 NA 8.2 NA 8.5 NA PO-1-04-6030 Product & Service Availability CORBA 10.07 NA 9.02 NA 8.48 NA 8.2 NA 8.5 NA PO-1-04-6050 Product & Service Availability - Web GUI 10.07 8.17 9.02 6.21 8.48 6.5 8.2 6.5 8.5 NA a,b,c,d PO-1-05-6020 Telephone Number Availability & Reservation - EDI 5.23 NA 4.95 NA 5.37 NA 4.47 NA 4.66 NA PO-1-05-6030 Telephone Number Availability & Reservation - CORBA 5.23 NA 4.95 NA 5.37 3.96 4.47 NA 4.66 4.19 c PO-1-05-6050 Telephone Number Availability & Reservation - Web GUI 5.23 7.24 4.95 7.23 5.37 7.04 4.47
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/peer_review/prrespstudy4c.pdf
- TV Station 0.79*** 0.00 2.20 0.79*** 0.000 2.21 Commercial Station -1.45*** 0.00 0.24 -1.50*** 0.000 0.22 Local Marketing Agreement -0.42 0.15 0.66 -0.39 0.182 0.67 Sibling News Station in Market 0.39*** 0.01 1.47 0.41*** 0.007 1.51 Owner in Same State 0.24* 0.06 1.27 0.23* 0.078 1.26 Parent Stations in Market 0.04 0.16 1.04 0.05 0.138 1.05 Broadband Lines per Person -6.21 0.360 0.00 Year 2002 -0.13 0.41 0.88 -0.77 0.260 0.46 Year 2003 -0.11 0.49 0.90 -0.57 0.259 0.56 Year 2004 0.09 0.59 1.09 -0.17 0.583 0.84 % News Stats in Mkt Previous Period -28.40 0.001 0.001 -28.99 0.0001 0.001 Fit Information Intercept Only With Covariates Intercept Only With Covariates Akaike Information Criterion 19,035 3,039 18,8742 2,988 Schwarz Criterion 19,035 3,148
- http://www.fcc.gov/transaction/att-comcast/comcast_mergeragreement.pdf
- 6.10. Absence of Certain Changes............................62 SECTION 6.11. No Undisclosed Material Liabilities......................62 SECTION 6.12. Compliance with Laws and Court Orders.................63 SECTION 6.13. Litigation...........................................63 SECTION 6.14. Finders' Fees.......................................63 SECTION 6.15. Opinion of Financial Advisor...........................64 PAGE (NY) 05726/135/MA/bid.contract.wpd iii SECTION 6.16. Taxes..............................................64 SECTION 6.17. Tax Opinions........................................65 SECTION 6.18. Employee Benefit Plans and Labor Matters................65 SECTION 6.19. Environmental Matters................................67 SECTION 6.20. Intellectual Property..................................68 SECTION 6.21. Contracts...........................................69 SECTION 6.22. AT&T Shareholder Vote...............................70 SECTION 6.23. Antitakeover Statutes.................................70 SECTION 6.24. Comcast Securities...................................70 SECTION 6.25. TWE; At Home......................................70 SECTION 6.26. Intercompany Transactions............................72 SECTION 6.27. Sufficiency of Transferred Assets........................72 SECTION 6.28. Investments.........................................73 ARTICLE 7 COVENANTS OF COMCAST SECTION 7.01. Comcast Interim Operations............................73 SECTION 7.02. Comcast Shareholders' Meeting; Proxy Material...........77 SECTION 7.03. Voting Agreement....................................78 ARTICLE 8 COVENANTS OF AT&T SECTION 8.01.