FCC Web Documents citing 0.5
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-952A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-952A1.pdf
- that its proposal would adequately protect broadcast stations from potential harmful interference, consistent with the underlying purpose of Section 90.242(b)(4)(iv). Each application for TIS must be accompanied by a statement certifying that the proposed station satisfies the minimum separation distances specified in Section 90.242(a)(2)(i). Specifically, the proposed station must be located at least 15 km (9.3 miles) outside the measured 0.5 mV/m service contour of any broadcast station operating on the first adjacent channel, or at least 130 km (80.6 miles) for broadcast stations operating on a co-channel basis. Arlington states that Fire Station #2 would be located 82.18 km from first adjacent channel station WPTX, Lexington Park, Maryland, operating on frequency 1690 kHz. The separation between the respective stations' 0.5
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-684A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-684A1.pdf
- beyond eighty kilometers of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania pursuant to Section 1.925 of the Commission's rules, or, alternatively, Section 337(c) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (``the Act''). In addition, York requests to license individually eighty-three control stations to be associated with the twenty-two-site system. All control stations would be located within York County except for one that would be 0.5 kilometers into adjacent Adams County, Pennsylvania. York notes that all would be within the currently authorized mobile area of operation, thus meeting the requirement of Section 90.305(c). Although York does not require a waiver for the proposed control stations, we consider them in this Order as a matter of administrative efficiency, given that the subject control stations comprise an integral
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-250A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-250A1.pdf
- application to the instant case, we now examine whether the County's proposed operations would protect other stations from harmful interference. Each application for TIS must be accompanied by a statement certifying that the proposed station satisfies the minimum separation distances specified in Section 90.242(a)(2)(i). Specifically, the proposed station must be located at least 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) outside the measured 0.5 mV/m service contour of any broadcast station operating on the first adjacent channel, or at least 130 kilometers (80.6 miles) for broadcast stations operating on a co-channel basis. The County provided an engineering analysis indicating that its closest TIS station would be located 31 kilometers from the 0.5 mV/m service contour of first adjacent channel Station WPTX, Lexington Park, Maryland,
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-695A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-695A1.pdf
- Rico band plan; next, the ESMR portion of the band plan; and last, the transition period in Puerto Rico. Band Plan Elements Applicable to the Non-ESMR Band Under the TA Proposal, the Puerto Rico band plan is similar to the band plan for non-border regions of the United States (U.S. Band Plan), except that the Expansion Band is increased by 0.5 megahertz by eliminating the lower 0.5 megahertz portion of the Guard Band. This places the Puerto Rico Expansion Band at 815-816.5/860-861.5 MHz, and the Puerto Rico Guard Band at 816.5-817/861.5-862 MHz. The band plan accommodates all non-ESMR incumbents in the non-ESMR portion of the band and no incumbent will be relocated more than once, except in the case of a
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-816A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-816A1.pdf
- the occupational limit fence around the perimeter of this site with warning signs to enclose the area below occupational limits but above public exposure RFR limits. As such the occupational RFR limits apply inside the inner fence. Public limits apply outside the outer fence. The maximum RFR reading at the site was 0.89 milliwatts/cm2 along the north inner fence at 0.5 meters from the ground. Levels along the other inner fence borders ranged from 0.13 milliwatts/cm2 to 0.32 milliwatts/cm2. Additionally, one location outside the inner fence showed a reading of 0.79 milliwatts/cm2. This was 5 meters west northwest of the northwest corner of the fenced area at 0.5 meters from ground level. This was the highest level between the two fence
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275668A1.pdf
- about 20 seconds of monitoring) on the next step. In a few cases sound dropped out and back in during the 20-second monitoring, but was absent well over50% of the time. The interference amplitude at which greater than 50 percentloss of sound occurred was then known to be between the measured level and the previous step, 1 dB lower; consequently, 0.5 dB was subtracted from the measured power to obtain the nominal thresholdat which soundloss exceeds 50 percent. Interference threshold measurements based on loss of sound were performed as a matter of convenience, though the actual parameter of interest is the undesired signal level at the threshold of visibility (TOV) of picture degradation. Because of the cliff effect that is observed
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300946A7.pdf
- Collinsville Police Department Collinsville -- No No City of Collinsville Primary Owasso Police Department Owasso -- Yes No City of Owasso Primary Broken Arrow Police Department Broken Arrow -- Yes No City of Broken Arrow and portion of Wagoner County Primary Bixby Police Department Bixby -- Yes No City of Bixby Primary Tulsa Sand Springs Police Department Sand Springs -- 0.5 No City of Sand Springs Primary E9-1-1 ASSESSMENT AND STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA © 2007 Intrado Inc. All rights reserved. Page 82 Oklahoma Wireless E9-1-1 Level of Service County Agency Location Phase 0 Phase I Phase II Boundaries Primary/ Secondary Jenks Police Department Jenks -- Yes No City of Jenks Primary Glenpool Police Department Glenpool -- Yes
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-107A1.pdf
- additional non- Signatory ownership existed prior to the IPO. Of the Signatory ownership, Comsat, a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, a publicly traded U.S. company, holds 14.5 percent of outstanding New Skies shares.43 No INTELSAT Signatory other than Comsat holds more than 4.4 percent post-IPO interest in New Skies. And 84 percent of New Skies non-public shareholders own less than 0.5 percent each of the outstanding shares.44 18. LMGT agrees that New Skies has achieved "substantial dilution" under the terms of the ORBIT Act. LMGT states that the issue of substantial dilution requires an individualized determination based on the company's particular circumstances.45 It contends that the market conditions that existed and the amount of dilution achieved in comparison with other companies
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-303A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-303A1.pdf http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-303A1.txt
- bandwidth indicated. 2Attenuation measured within the transmit band excludes the band ± 35 kHz of the carrier frequency. * * * * * (3) * * * Frequency Offset (normalized to SR) Attenuation (dB) +/-0.75 x SR 0 +/-1.40 x SR 20 +/-2.95 x SR 40 Where: SR = Symbol Rate SR = 1 x channel rate for BPSK SR= 0.5 x channel rate for QPSK * * * * * Section 87.147 is amended by adding paragraph (f) and revising paragraph (d) to read as follows: § 87.147 Authorization of equipment. * * * * * (d) An applicant for certification of equipment intended for transmission in any of the frequency bands listed in paragraph (d)(3) of this section must
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-108A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-108A1.pdf
- wireline telephone service, the cost would average 28 cents per subscribing household. See n.153, supra. Specifically, a $27 million charge to carriers, converted to a rate increase to 96-98 million residential ratepayers, would average 1.3 cents per month per ratepayer using a relatively rapid amortization period of two years and a relatively high discount rate of 12%; and would average 0.5 cents per month per ratepayer using a relatively slow amortization period of 5 years and a relatively low discount rate of 6%. See ¶ 8, supra. House Report No. 103-827, at 3493. USTA Comments, at 13. See ¶ 60, supra. 47 U.S.C. § 1006(b)(5). Order, supra n.17, at ¶ 12. Because the pleading cycle closed prior to the Commission's decision
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-180A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-180A1.pdf http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-180A1.txt
- promotes gigabit wireless access as a complement or supplement to optical fiber in urban, suburban, and even rural areas for a range of uses such as internet access or backhaul to cellular or PCS towers. To accomplish these goals, Loea envisions the deployment of highly directional, fixed point-to-point, high millimeter wave systems that would transmit narrow beams (typically less than 0.5 degrees beamwidth) with large bandwidths (of 5 GHz) along straight paths to cover relatively short distances (of 10 miles or less). Loea also contends that the technical characteristics of such systems allow for the operation of a vast number of users and paths in any given geographical area. Further, Endwave contends that high millimeter wave systems would be more cost
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-222A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-222A1.pdf http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-222A1.txt
- a rural 800 MHz cellular system, we found that increasing the base station power by 10 percent (500 W ERP to 550 W ERP) and 20 percent (500 W ERP to 600 W ERP) increased the base station range by 1.5 km (0.93 mi) and 3 km (1.86 mi) respectively. We note, however, that our calculations show that a typical 0.5 W ERP mobile unit would not have sufficient range to reach the base station from the edge of the base station coverage area regardless of whether the base station power is 500 (maximum under the rules today), 550, or 600 W ERP. Similarly, in the case of a rural 1,900 MHz PCS system, we found that increasing the base station
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-77A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-77A1.pdf http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-77A1.txt
- The mean power of emissions shall be attenuated in accordance with the following schedule: (A) In any 4 kHz band, the center frequency of which is removed from the center frequency of the assigned channel by more than 50 percent of the channel bandwidth and is within the bands 18,820-18870 MHz or 19,19160-19,210 MHz: A = 35 + .003(F - 0.5B) dB or, 80 dB (whichever is the lesser attenuation). Where A = Attenuation (in decibels) below output power level contained within the channel for a given polarization. B = Bandwidth of channel in kHz. F = Absolute value of the difference between the center frequency of the 4 kHz band measured at the center frequency of the channel in kHz.
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-06-35A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-06-35A1.pdf
- COMMISSION Marlene H. Dortch Secretary APPENDIX Parts 0, 4, 11, 64, and 90 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations are amended as follows: PART 0 - COMMISSION ORGANIZATION 1. The authority citation for Part 0 continues to read as follows: AUTHORITY: Secs. 5, 48 Stat. 1068, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 155, 225, unless otherwise noted. 2. Section 0.5 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows: § 0.5 General description of Commission organization and operations. (a) Principal staff units. The Commission is assisted in the performance of its responsibilities by its staff, which is divided into the following principal units: * * * * * Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. * * * * *
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-125A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-125A1.pdf
- PR); WPEZ750 (Santurce, PR); WPFA265 (San Juan, PR); WPFA266 (Santurce, PR); WPFA268 (Santurce, PR); WPFA269 (Santurce, PR); WPFA270 (Santurce, PR); WPFA273 (Santurce, PR); WPFA278 (Santurce, PR); WPFA280 (Santurce, PR); WPFD607 (Santurce, PR); WPFD808 (Santurce, PR); WPFD809 (Santurce, PR); WPFD810 (Santurce, PR); WPFD811 (Santurce, PR); WPFD812 (Santurce, PR); WPFE472 (Santurce, PR); WPFE934 (Cayey, PR); WPFG589 (no ULS address; coordinates 18-16-08.8 N, 066-04-00.5 W); WPFG599 (Caguas, PR); WPFM597 (Cayey, PR); WPFM600 (San Juan, PR); WPFN354 (Aguada, PR); WPFN600 (Anasco, PR); WPFN636 (Anasco, PR); WPFN725 (Anasco, PR); WPFQ293 (Charlotte Amalie, VI); WPFS846 (Saint Croix, VI); WPFS856 (Saint Croix, VI); WPFT334 (Saint Croix, VI); WPFT335 (Saint Croix, VI); WPFT335 (Aguada, PR); WPFT356 (Aguada, PR); WPFT357 (Saint Croix, VI); WPFT369 (Charlotte Amalie, VI); WPFT416 (Charlotte Amalie,
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-225A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-225A1.pdf
- to our decision in Qualcomm as it is instructive to our instant analysis. After conducting our own review of the Engineering Study, we note that the affected population percentages predicted by New York are within the de minimis standards and exceptions established in Qualcomm. Due to the incremental increase of allowable interference in Qualcomm, the de minimis allowance changed from 0.5 percent to 1.0 percent effective October 13, 2007. Therefore, the percentages of TV station service populations predicted to receive interference, with a maximum of 0.96 percent, are now within the current 1.0 percent de minimis allowance. Based on our observations, we therefore disagree with WFUT-TV's contention that the de minimis threshold is inapplicable to the Waiver Request. Qualcomm observes in
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-85A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-85A1.pdf http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-85A1.txt
- is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(2)(i), (a)(2)(ii), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(6), and (a)(7) to read as follows: § 90.242 Travelers' information stations. (a) * * * * * (2) * * * * * (i) A statement certifying that the transmitting site of the Travelers' Information Station will be located at least 15 km (9.3 miles) measured orthogonally outside the measured 0.5 mV/m daytime contour (0.1 mV/m for Class A stations) of any AM broadcast station operating on a first adjacent channel or at least 130 km (80.6 miles) outside the measured 0.5 mV/m daytime contour (0.1 mV/m for Class A stations) of any AM broadcast station operating on the same channel, or, if nighttime operation is proposed, outside the theoretical 0.5
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-08-250A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-08-250A1.pdf
- Requested, to Christian Voice of Central Ohio, Inc., c/o David J. Kaufman, Esq., Rini Coran, PC, 1615 L Street, N.W., Suite 1325, Washington, DC 20036. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Marlene H. Dortch Secretary See Christian Voice of Central Ohio, Petition for Reconsideration (filed June 9, 2008) (``Petition''). The Enforcement Bureau has referred this matter to the full Commission pursuant to Section 0.5(c) of the Rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 0.5(c). See also 47 C.F.R. § 1.106(a)(1). In April 2004, after the complaint initiating this matter had been filed, but before the Enforcement Bureau had inquired into the matter, Christian Voice sought to modify the Station's noncommercial educational license so that it could operate WCVZ(FM) as a commercial facility. See File No. BMLH-20040415AEI,
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-08-99A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-08-99A1.pdf
- both a common vibration cadence and a common audio attention signal on any device offered to the public for reception of commercial mobile alerts. Specifically, as the CMSAAC recommended, we specify a temporal pattern for the audio attention signal of one long tone of two (2) seconds, followed by two short tones of one (1) second each, with a half (0.5) second interval between the tones. We will also require that the entire sequence be repeated twice with a half (0.5) second interval between repetitions. For devices with polyphonic capabilities, we adopt the CMSAAC's recommendation that the audio attention signal consist of the two EAS tones (853 Hz and 960 Hz). For devices with a monophonic capability, we will require that
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-09-29A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-09-29A1.pdf
- nine one-megahertz channels and nine five-megahertz channels. Accordingly, there is a discrepancy between the Commission's decision and the rule concerning the number of channels designated for each bandwidth. Channel number 14 is designated as a five-megahertz bandwidth channel in the rules. However, the band edges of its upper neighbors, channel numbers 15 and 16 (each one megahertz wide) are only 0.5 and 1.5 megahertz away, respectively, and the band edge of its lower neighbor, channel number 13 (five megahertz wide) is only 0.5 megahertz away. Therefore, the five megahertz bandwidth of channel number 14 overlaps the bandwidth of channel numbers 13, 15 and 16. Since none of the other channels in the 4.9 GHz band have overlapping bandwidth, we tentatively conclude
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-97-68A1.pdf
- Section73.182restricts·thelocatiortofthetransmissionfacilitiesof540-800kHzstationsin order,topreventsecondharmonicinterferenceto.existingbandstations.SunriseBroadcasting ofNewYork,Inc.;licenseeofWGNY;Newburgh,NewYork("WQNY")rnaintainsthatthe COIDnlissiOndidnotfollow·thestandardannoUncedinOrderItocalculateharmonicinterference betWeenexistingandExpandedBandstations.Moreover,WGNYcontendsthatweshould .reconsiderthestatedOrderistandardwhichprovidessignificantlygreaterharrnoni<:interference pr()tectionthanthestandardsetforthintheCommission's Itargues.thattherule,itself, istoopreclusiveandurgestheCommissionto"revisit"thisissuetoensurethatthefmala,llotment planachievesthegreatest'possibleinterferencereductionsamonglicensedstations. .4.InOrder1,weproposedtoprecludeExpandedBandassignmentswhichwouldresult inprohibitedsecondhaitnonicoverlap,asdeterrninedinaccordancewith47 ().f·R§ SeeOrderI, 10FCCRcdat12148;.However,OrderImisstatesthisruleasprohibitingleast2,500personsandits0.5 mV/mcontourelsewhere.Thecomputerprogram,however,used themorepreclusive0.5 mV/msignalstrengthfortheprotectedcOQ.tourinallinstances. 6.-WechoosenottoincorporateintothegenerationoftheThirdAllotmentPlanthetwo signalstrengthcontourvaluesgiveninSection73.182(d)andconcludethatitismoreappropriate todetermineharmonicpreclusionsbasedsolelyonthe0.5 mV/mprotectionstandard,regardh:ss 6fthepopulationofthecommunityinwhichthetrarismissionfacilitiesofthelowerfrequency stationislocated;Thisactionisconsistentwithourobjectivethroughoutthisproceedingto authorize,tothemaximumextentpossible,newinterference-freeAMstationservicesinthe ExpandedBand.The0.5 mV/mstandardcomportswiththetechnicalframeworkusedtodevelop eachoftheallotmentplans,anditsuseisgenerallymoreconsistentwithinterferenceprotection standardsintheAMservicethanisthe2.0 mV/mcontour.WefurthernotethattheExpanded Bandproceedinghasdefinedastation'sdaytimeserviceareaas.its0.5mV/mcontour.AM ImprovementOrder.6FCCRcdat6310;seealsoid.at6287-88(affirminguseof"protected" valueof0.5 mV/mfordeteflllifungwherestationprovidesadequatesignal).Additionally,the daytimecomponentoftheimprovementfactor, seeNoteI.infra.parallelsthis.defInition,using astation's0.5 mV/mcontourtocalculateitsdaytimeservicearea.See47.C.F.R.§73.35.5 )"Twostations,onewithafrequencytwiceoftheother,shouldnotbeassignedinthesamegroundwaveservice areaunlessspecialprecautionsaretakentoavoidinterferencefromthesecondharmonicofthestationoperatingon thelowerfrequency...."47C.F.R.§73.182(s). ,OrderI. 10FCCRcdat12148("Theserviceareaofastationisthatareaprotectedfrominterferenceandis definedasthe0.5mV/mforruralareasinSection73.182(d)oftherules.");Orderll.11FCCRcdat12448 ("Section73.182(d)oftheCommission'srulesdefines{theSection73.182(s)]serviceareaasthe0.5mV/m contour:'). ,Incontrast,the2.0mV/mprimaryservicecontourspecifiedinSection73.182(d)isnolongerfactoredinto interferenceanalysesinAMapplicationprocessing.AMImprovementOrder,6.FCCRcdat Ithasbeen inhearingstocomparetheareasandpopulationsservedbyfacilitiesproposedincompetingapplications.. 3363 FederalCommunicationsCommission FCC97-68 Moreover,theuseoftwocontourvalues,dependingonthelocationoftheexistingbandstation's transmissionfacilities,wouldlikelyengenderdisputesaboutthelocationandpopulationof particularcommunities,boundariesofunincorporatedareasandsimilarfactually-intensive controversiesthatcouldconsumelimitedstaffresourceswithoutnecessarilyimprovingtheoverall allotmentplan.Finally,ourpreliminaryanalysisindicatesthattheuseoftwocontourvalues wouldnot,toanysignificantextent,permitadditionalExpandedBandAllotments.Forallof thesereasonswebelievethebettercourSeistocontinuetoprotectmigratorstothiscontourand precludesecondharmonicExpandedBandfrequencyassignmentswheretheproposedstation's 0.5mVlmcoritourwouldencompassthetransmittersiteofailauthorized810-850kHzstation. 7.Finally,WGNYproposesthat,ratherthanincorporatingtheharmonicprotection requirementsofSection73.182,weshouldprecludeExpandedBandallotmentsonlywherethe operatingstation's10 mV/mcontouroverlapsanyportionoftheExpandedBandstation's2.0 mV/mcontour.WGNYsubmitsthatitslessrestrictivestandardwouldpromotetheefficientuse oftheExpandedBand.Wedisagree.Theimportanceofmakinginterference-freeExpande.d BandassignmentstipsthebalanceagainstWGNY'spreclusionstandardwhichwouldneedlessly exposesomeExparldedBandstationstosecondharmonicinterference.Wedonotwishto achievethegoalofreducinginterferencetotheexistingbandattheexpenseofincreasingthe potentialforharmonicinterferencetonewExpandedBaildstations.Accordingly,wereject WGNY'spropoSal.6 8.TISStationProtection.WGNYcalculatesthatfederalTISStationKPC712should have--but'didnot--precludeaWGNYallotmenton1620
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/prod/cdbs/forms/prod/faq_exhibits.htm
- first column containing depression angle values and second (and subsequent, when applicable) column(s) containing relative field values. When applicable, the first row shall list the azimuth angle being tabulated. The range of depression angles shall be 10 degrees above horizontal (-10 degrees depression) to 90 degrees below horizontal (90 degrees depression) and shall include data points spaced not more than 0.5-degree between -5 and 10 degrees depression angle, and not more than 5 degrees elsewhere. All pattern minima and maxima shall be included. Additional elevation antenna (or radiation) pattern data may be included following the column corresponding to 350 degrees TN so that the direction(s) of maximum and minimum radiation are provided. A relative field value of 1 shall correspond to
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/prod/cdbs/forms/prod/faq_informal.htm
- required information and choose a purpose of "Analog Termination Information Update". Note: If you need to file another Update form, specify the previous one and use "Copy Form" again. Q. OMB Number/Paperwork Reduction Act information for Informal Forms. FCC NOTICE REQUIRED BY THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT We have estimated that each response to this collection of information will take from 0.5 to 5 hours. Our estimate includes the time to read the instructions, look through existing records, gather and maintain the required data, and actually complete and review the form or response. If you have any comments on this burden estimate, or on how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please e-mail them to pra@fcc.gov
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1100A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1100A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1100A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. (See example below.) Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-112A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-112A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-112A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. (See example below.) Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1388A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1388A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1388A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. (See example below.) Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2038A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2038A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2038A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2259A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2259A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2259A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. (See example below.) Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2416A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2416A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2416A1.txt
- is required. In order to evaluate the Section 307(b) considerations, the staff requires submission of additional information. Specifically, where the mutually exclusive group consists of proposals to serve different communities, each applicant within the group must submit by December 29, 2000, an amendment containing supplemental information including the following: (1) the area and population within the proposed 2 mV/m and 0.5 mV/m contours; (2) the number of stations licensed to the proposed community of license; (3) the number of stations providing protected service to the proposed community of license; (4) the population (according to the latest Census data) of the proposed community of license; (5) a description of the civic, cultural, religious, social and commercial attributes of the proposed community of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2581A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2581A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2581A1.txt
- for uplink TT&C operations. Each satellite will have at least one wide-field and two narrow-field cameras plus sensors for near-infrared observation and electromagnetic sensors for lightning observation. These cameras will be capable of providing a new image every few seconds, showing the Earth's full disk at a resolution of 5.5 kilometers, and close-up views at a resolution as good as 0.5 kilometer. Finally, AstroVision requests authority to operate as a non-common carrier. AstroVision requests authority to transmit in the 8025-8400 MHz band from its two satellites to receiving earth stations in the United States. Specifically, AstroVision proposes to operate its system's two wideband downlink channels at center frequencies of 8065 MHz and 8330 MHz, with a bandwidth of 80 MHz each
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-292A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-292A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-292A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. (See example below.) Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-43A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-43A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-43A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the current
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-504A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-504A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-504A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the current round
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-559A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-559A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-559A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the current
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-667A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-667A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-667A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the current
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-668A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-668A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-668A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the current
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-781A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-781A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-781A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. (See example below.) Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-89A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-89A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-89A1.txt
- and because they are suitable for the provision of numerous services, our analysis necessarily involves consideration of a wide range of CMRS services and certain Private Mobile Radio Service (``PMRS'') services as well. CMRS Spectrum Cap The Geotek licenses Nextel seeks to acquire would give Nextel an additional attributable interest in spectrum covered by the CMRS spectrum cap of between 0.5 and 1.75 MHz per market, or between 20 and 70 SMR channels per market. The proposed acquisition does not violate the general CMRS spectrum cap rule because the only spectrum counted for the purpose of determining compliance with the cap in which Nextel has an attributable interest is SMR spectrum, and holdings of SMR spectrum alone cannot violate the cap.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-89A1_Erratum.doc
- and because they are suitable for the provision of numerous services, our analysis necessarily involves consideration of a wide range of CMRS services and certain Private Mobile Radio Service (``PMRS'') services as well. CMRS Spectrum Cap The Geotek licenses Nextel seeks to acquire would give Nextel an additional attributable interest in spectrum covered by the CMRS spectrum cap of between 0.5 and 1.75 MHz per market, or between 20 and 70 SMR channels per market. The proposed acquisition does not violate the general CMRS spectrum cap rule because the only spectrum counted for the purpose of determining compliance with the cap in which Nextel has an attributable interest is SMR spectrum, and holdings of SMR spectrum alone cannot violate the cap.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1400A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1400A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1400A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1527A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1527A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1527A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1592A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1592A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1592A1.txt
- value based on the bidding activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment G. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent of the license value), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent of the license value). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1789A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1789A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1789A1.txt
- value based on the bidding activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment H. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1907A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1907A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1907A1.txt
- and 243A, both at Evant, were withdrawn from MM Docket No. 99-358 by Evant Radio Company on or about October 10, 2000. See Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM Broadcast Stations (Burnet, Texas), MM Docket No. 99-358, DA 01-1595 (released July 6, 2001). The proposed allotment of Channel 243A at Evant requires a site restriction of 0.8 km (0.5 miles) north of Evant at the coordinates indicated above. Petitioner states that Evant is an incorporated community with a population in excess of 450 persons. FCC Contact: Deborah A. Dupont (202) 418-7072 MM Docket No. 01-189; RM-10204 Petitioner: Katherine Pyeatt 6655 Airtree Circle Dallas, Texas 75214 Proposal: Allot Channel 263A at Winnsboro, Texas as the community's first competing FM transmission
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2033A1.doc
- are toll and how many are interlocal because switch measurements can not determine where an incoming call originated. Historically, ALLTEL had counted one terminating minute for each originating interlocal minute over these shared trunks. In 2000, however, ALLTEL conducted traffic studies which indicated that Internet traffic does not follow this one-terminating-to-one-originating-minute relationship. Instead, ALLTEL determined that applying a factor of 0.5 to its number of originating Internet minutes more accurately represented the number of terminating Internet minutes it received over the shared trunks. This is because ALLTEL's customers call ISPs, creating originating minutes, but ISPs do not call back, therefore ALLTEL was not receiving terminating minutes corresponding to these originated Internet calls. For purposes of calculating its DEM factor, ALLTEL applied
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2073A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2073A2.txt
- File No. Type Licensee Name Call SignFrequency City Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz GS 25-0-26.5-N 80-31-14.2-W N/A WAV ABC PAGING INC KNNQ624 929.4625TAVERNIER Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz GS 24-48-47.5-N 80-49-34.2-W N/A WAV ABC PAGING INC KNNQ624 929.4625LONG KEY Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz GS 24-41-29.5-N 81-6-2.3-W N/A WAV ABC PAGING INC KNNQ624 929.4625MARATHON Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz GS 24-41-0.5-N 81-29-29.3-W N/A WAV ABC PAGING INC KNNQ624 929.4625CUDJOE KEY Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz GS 24-33-19.5-N 81-48-6.3-W N/A WAV ABC PAGING INC KNNQ624 929.4625KEY WEST Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz GS 36-31-36.4-N 82-35-13.5-W N/A PFR PAGER ONE INC KNNR909 929.1125KINGSPORT Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz GS 36-8-6.3-N 83-43-28.7-W N/A PFR PAGER ONE INC KNNR909 929.1125KNOXVILLE Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2076A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2076A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2076A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2315A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2315A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2315A1.txt
- value based on the bidding activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment G. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2605A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2605A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2605A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2764A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2764A1.txt
- protected Coordination threshold values GSO space stations Non-GSO space stations pfd (per space station) calculation factors (NOTE 2) pfd (per space station) calculation factors (NOTE 2) % FDP (in 1 MHz) (NOTE 1) P r dB/ degrees P r dB/ degrees 1 492-1 525 Analogue FS telephony (NOTE 4) 146 dB(W/m2) in 4 kHz and 128 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.5 146 dB(W/m2) in 4 kHz and 128 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.5 128 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.5 128 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.5 25
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2882A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2882A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2882A1.txt
- the bidding activity on that construction permit. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a construction permit, decreasing the time it takes for active construction permits to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment D. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent). The Bureaus retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureaus will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureaus may also implement an absolute dollar floor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2947A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2947A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2947A1.txt
- rate but limit the use of this rate to service provided before January 1, 2001. We reject the rate for service provided after 2000 and direct U.S. carriers to negotiate agreements that comply with the Benchmarks Order with the carrier in Morocco. II. Background Concert filed a petition seeking to reduce its accounting rate from 0.6 SDR per minute to 0.5 SDR per minute for service with the carrier serving Morocco, Maroc Telecom. The new rate, which has no expiration date, is scheduled to take effect August 1, 2000. The International Bureau suspended Concert's modification request because the proposed rate does not have an expiration date and the rate exceeds the benchmark rate required for service with Morocco provided on and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-477A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-477A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-477A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-539A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-539A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-539A1.txt
- Eustis timely filed the Johnstown application during the AM auction filing window. The Johnstown application was not identified as a singleton application in the September 22, 2000, public notice which listed the singleton applications filed during the AM auction filing window. On October 10, 2000, Eustis filed a technical amendment to his Johnstown application, proposing to reduce nighttime power from 0.5 kilowatt to 0.35 kilowatt. On October 27, 2000, the MX Public Notice identified the mutually exclusive applications filed during the AM auction filing window and announced that Eustis's Johnstown application was mutually exclusive with the Mesquite application. In his November 17, 2000, petition for partial reconsideration of the MX Public Notice Eustis asserts that his Johnstown application is not mutually
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-746A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-746A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-746A1.txt
- value based on the bidding activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment G. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent of the license value), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent of the license value). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum bid increment if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-786A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-786A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-786A1.txt
- from 3G base stations. Table 5.1: Calculation of Separation Distances, 3G Base Station to ITFS/MDS Guard Band Analysis Based on Interference Power in Adjacent or Nearby Channels 3G System Parameters ITFS/MDS System Parameters Required Separation (km) Modulation Type EIRP (dBW) Bandwidth (kHz) Protected Receiver Bandwidth (kHz) Desired Signal Power Density (dBW/m2) Adjacent Channels (No Guard Band) Guard Band Width (MHz) 0.5 1 2 CDMA 27 1250 Hub 125 -90 161 16 1.6 0.02 CDMA 27 3750 125 -90 161 16 1.6 0.02 W-CDMA 27 5000 125 -90 161 16 1.6 0.02 TDMA 27 30 125 -90 100 10 1.0 0.02 TDMA 27 200 125 -90 161 16 1.6 0.02 CDMA 27 1250 Response Station 6000 -67 6.4 0.6 0.06 0.00 CDMA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-786A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-786A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-786A2.txt
- from 3G base stations. Table 5.1: Calculation of Separation Distances, 3G Base Station to ITFS/MDS Guard Band Analysis Based on Interference Power in Adjacent or Nearby Channels 3G System Parameters ITFS/MDS System Parameters Required Separation (km) Modulation Type EIRP (dBW) Bandwidth (kHz) Protected Receiver Bandwidth (kHz) Desired Signal Power Density (dBW/m2) Adjacent Channels (No Guard Band) Guard Band Width (MHz) 0.5 1 2 CDMA 27 1250 Hub 125 -90 161 16 1.6 0.02 CDMA 27 3750 125 -90 161 16 1.6 0.02 W-CDMA 27 5000 125 -90 161 16 1.6 0.02 TDMA 27 30 125 -90 100 10 1.0 0.02 TDMA 27 200 125 -90 161 16 1.6 0.02 CDMA 27 1250 Response Station 6000 -67 6.4 0.6 0.06 0.00 CDMA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-101A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-101A1.txt
- threshold values GSO space stations Non-GSO space stations pfd (per space station) calculation factors (NOTE 2) pfd (per space station) calculation factors (NOTE 2) % FDP (in 1 MHz) (NOTE 1) P r dB/ degrees P r dB/ degrees 1 492-1 525 Analogue FS telephony (NOTE 5) 146 dB(W/m2) in 4 kHz and 128 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.5 146 dB(W/m2) in 4 kHz and 128 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.5 All other cases (NOTE 4) 128 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.5 128 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.5 25 18 II.Informal Working Group 3: Fixed-Satellite Service/Broadcasting- Satellite Service DRAFT PROPOSAL FOR THE WORK OF THE CONFERENCE Doc. WAC/083(19.12.01) Agenda Item 1.11: to consider possible extension
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1257A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1257A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1257A1.txt
- bids received on the license in that round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The percentage increment is then calculated as the smaller of (a) a minimum percentage increment multiplied by one plus the activity index and (b) a specified maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the level of activity for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1285A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1285A2.txt
- Media Network American Movie Classic America's Collectibles America's Store Animal Planet Network Arab Radio & Television (ART) G. Channel Lineup, as of July 1, 2001 & July 1, 2002 Divide channels into BST; CPST1; other analog (CPST2, pay-per-channel, pay-per-view, and other); & digital. Other Analog Other Analog Digital Other Analog Digital regional; premium or pay-per-view; or other national networks. Enter 0.5 for part-time networks. Below, do no list audio/music channels. CPST1 Digital BST CPST1 Other Analog Digital National Networks (A) Local Channels BST BST No. of Premium or Pay-Per-View in Each Major Group Regional (News, Sports, & Other) BST CPST1 CPST1 Enter the number of channels next to the type of channel or name of network. If a type of channel
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1412A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1412A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1412A2.txt
- display them Use accepted web site features (e.g., drop down menus) to provide information about the purpose and function of web site elements. Availability and Access The NANPA web site shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The web site shall be able to support up to 500 simultaneous clients with an average holding time of 0.5 hours. System Responsiveness NANPA shall provide rapid response when accessing the web site. NANPA shall provide a system such that a 56 Kbps modem-equipped user will be able to view the complete home page in less than 8 seconds, 95% of the time over any 12-month period. If a user is experiencing greater than 12 seconds to view the complete
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1415A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1415A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1415A1.txt
- of the 39.5-42 GHz band. Proposals: USA/1.32/1 MOD TABLE 21-4 (continued) , 16, 17 -105 10, 16, 17 1 MHz 37.5-40 GHz Fixed-satellite (geostationary-satellite orbit) Mobile-satellite (geostationary-satellite orbit) -127 16, 17 5°-20° 20°-25° -105 16, 17 1 MHz -127 + (4/3) (( - 5) 16, 17 -107 + 0.4 (( - 20) 16, 17 40-40.5 GHz Fixed-satellite -115 -115 + 0.5(( - 5) -105 1 MHz 40.5-42 GHz Fixed-satellite (non-geostationary-satellite orbit) Broadcasting-satellite (non-geostationary-satellite orbit) -115 10, 16, 17, 18 -115 + 0.5(( - 5) 10, 16, 17, 18 -105 10, 16, 17 18 1 MHz 40.5-42 GHz Fixed-satellite (geostationary-satellite orbit) Broadcasting-satellite (geostationary-satellite orbit) -120 16, 17, 18 5°-15° 15°-25° -105 16, 17, 18 1 MHz -120 + (( - 5) 16,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1589A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1589A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1589A1.txt
- the ``Non-MFN'' treatments. In the MFN treatment, affiliate revenue was reported in terms of cents per subscriber, whereas in the Non-MFN treatment, affiliate revenue was reported in terms of dollars per transaction. Because of a computational error, this difference resulted in an underestimation of affiliate revenue in the MFN treatment. An additional computational error occurred when revenue of less than 0.5 cents per subscriber was rounded to zero, causing certain transactions to be dropped inadvertently. . The computational errors led to some modest changes in the study results. The following is a list of all substantive changes: (Table 7 and Result 3) The MFN and the No MFN treatments generate similar efficiency levels when the market includes either a single ``large''
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1871A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1871A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1871A1.txt
- based on the bidding activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. Upon consideration of ArrayComm's comments, we will set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.05 (5 percent), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent). Because only a single license is available in Auction No. 46, , we believe that it is appropriate to set the minimum bid increment at 5 percent. The Bureau reiterates that it retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1872A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1872A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1872A1.txt
- In Regions 1 and 3 (except for Japan), in the band 8025-8400 MHz, the earth exploration-satellite service using geostationary satellites shall not produce a power flux-density in excess of the following provisional values for angles of arrival ((), without the consent of the affected administration: -174 dB(W/m²) in a 4 kHz band for 0 ( ( ( 5( -174 + 0.5 (( - 5) dB(W/m²) in a 4 kHz band for 5 ( ( ( 25( -164 dB(W/m2) in a 4 kHz band for 25 ( ( ( 90( These values are subject to study under Resolution 124 (WRC-97)*. 5.463 Aircraft stations are not permitted to transmit in the band 8025-8400 MHz. 5.465 In the space research service, the use of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-200A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-200A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-200A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2138A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2138A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2138A1.txt
- power levels to be summed can be obtained by averaging, in linear power terms, power levels in each frequency bin across the 1 MHz. Method #2: Set zero span mode. Set center frequency to the midpoint between the -26 dB points of the signal. lay mode. Use sample detector mode if bin width (i.e., span/number of points in spectrum) < 0.5 RBW. Otherwise use peak detector mode. Set max hold. Allow max hold to run for 60 seconds. Compute power by integrating the spectrum across the 26 dB EBW or apply a bandwidth correction factor of 10 log(EBW/1 MHz) to the spectral peak of the emission. The integration can be performed using the spectrum analyzer's band power measurement function with band
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2361A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2361A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2361A1.txt
- calculating the overall equivalent protection margin: 28 dB for co-channel signals; 13.6 dB for adjacent-channel signals; -9.9 dB for second adjacent-channel signals. In Region 2, as a guide for planning, the reduction in the overall C/I ratio due to co-channel interference in the feeder link is taken as equivalent to a degradation in the down-link co-channel C/I ratio of approximately 0.5 dB not exceeded for 99% of the worst month, but the feeder-link and downlink Plans are evaluated on the basis of the overall equivalent protection margin, which includes the combined downlink and feeder-link contributions. In Region 2, an overall equivalent protection margin of 0 dB, or greater, indicates that the individual protection ratios have been met for the co-channel, the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2568A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2568A2.txt
- benefits. Therestofthepaperisorganizedasfollows.First,weextendRaskovich's (2000)modelandshowthatundermoregeneralassumptionsanequilib- riumstillexists.Next,weshowthattheintroductionofasymmetricbar- gainingpowercanimprovethebuyingfirm'sbargainingposition(evenif thefirmispivotal).Wealsoshowthatinthepresenceofasymmetric bargainingpowerthe`curvaturetest'ofthevaluefunctioncanbeamis- leadingindicatoroftheeffectsofmergeronbargainingposition,i.e.,that thebargainingpositionofthemergedfirmcanimproveevenifthethe valuefunctionisconvex.Finally,wemakesomeconcludingremarks. NashEquilibriumwithBargainingPower Inthissection,weextendRaskovich's(2000)modeltoaccommodateasym- metricbargainingpower.Webeginbyconstructingthetransferprices facedbypivotalandnon-pivotalbuyersandthenshowthatanequilib- riumexistsunderconditionsmoregeneralthanRaskovich's. FollowingRaskovich(2000),weassumetheithbuyer'ssurplusisgiven byvi=(qi,q-i),whilethesupplier'sgrosssurplusequalsV(Q),where Q= ni=1qi.Specifically,V(Q)=A(Q)-C(Q),whereA(Q) ancillary revenue,andC(Q) totalcost.Thesupplierwillproduceiff: V(Q)+ n i=1 Ti 0 (1) 3ForRaskovich(2000), 1= 2= n=12.Infact,Raskovich'spivotalresultwillholdforanyconstantvalue = 1= 2=... nwhere (0,1).Notethat irepresentstheshareofsurpluskeptbybuyeri. 3 Wealsonotethat: q i=argmax x[vi(x,q-i)+V(Q-i+x)] (2) whereweassumethereexistsaq tthatmaximizesjointsurplus.4Buyeri ispivotaliff: V(Q-i)+ j =i Tj<0 (3) and max x[vi(x,q-i)+V(Q-i+x)]+ j =i Tj 0 (4) wherevi(0,q-i)=0.5 Thetransferprice(incorporatingasymmetricbargainingpowerand using notation)becomes,foranon-pivotalbuyer,Ti=(vi+(V-V-i))(1- i)-(V-V-i)whichcanbewrittenas: Ti=vi(1- i)- i(V-V-i) (5) Next,notingthat j =iTj+V-i<0,weseethatthetransferpricefora pivotalbuyercanbewrittenasTi=[vi+( j =iTj+V)](1- i)-V- j =iTj,oras: Ti=vi(1- i)- i( j =i Tj+V) (6) Definition1:ANashEquilibriuminpurchasedquantities(q 1,q 2,...,q n) andtransferprices(T1,...,Tn)isthatforwhichthefollowingholdsimul- taneouslyforalli: q i=argmax x(vi(x,q -i)+V( j =i q j+x)) (7) Ti=vi(x,q -i)(1- i)- i(V(Q )-V(Q -q i)) (8) if j =iTj+V(Q -q i) 0 Ti=vi(x,q -i)(1- i)- i( j =i Tj+V(Q
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2577A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2577A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2577A1.txt
- relying customer. WorldCom asserts that SBC has not shown that it has experienced any material change in its business circumstances, much less a change that would constitute an injury to SBC that would outweigh the existing customers' legitimate expectations of stability. Moreover, WorldCom states that the increase in uncollectibles is merely the normal effect of the business cycle, constituting only 0.5 percent of SBC's interstate revenues, and with only a negligible effect on SBC's financial performance, which produced an interstate return of 22.4 percent in 2001. Discussion The fourth issue designated for investigation is whether the imposition of revised deposit provisions constitutes a material change to SBC's term contracts, and, if so, whether it is reasonable for SBC to apply the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-265A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-265A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-265A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2786A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2786A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2786A2.txt
- of the measurement antenna. Specific information for each component of the measurement system and the equipment used for calibration is presented below in Table 4-1. TABLE 4-1. Test and Calibration Equipment Specifications. EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER and MODEL RELEVANT SPECIFICATIONS Spectrum Analyzer Agilent E4440A 3 Hz to 26.5 GHz Signal Generator Agilent E4437B 250 kHz to 4 GHz LNA 2 Hewlett-Packard HP83017A 0.5-26.5 GHz Gain = 25 dB (Min) NF = 8 dB (Max) LNA 1 (System A) MITEQ AFS3-01000200-06-10P-6 1.0-2.0 GHz Gain = 45 dB (Min) NF = 0.6 dB (Max) LNA 1 (System B) MITEQ AMF-3B-010020-10-25P 1.0-2.0 GHz Gain = 42 dB (Min) NF = 1.0 dB (Max) Tunable Band Pass Filter Texscan 5VF750/1000-5AA 0.75-1.5 GHz Receive Antenna EMCO 3105 Double
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3176A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3176A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3176A1.txt
- Boca Raton is based on an erroneous reading of the Commission's Rules. Specifically, it states that the 2 percent interference threshold does not apply to Class A stations. It asserts that Section 73.623(c)(5) of the Commission's Rules provides that a DTV proposal will not be accepted if it is predicted to cause any interference (beyond a permitted rounding tolerance of 0.5 percent) to a Class A station, and that there is no 2 percent exception. See also Establishment of a Class A Television Service, 15 FCC Rcd 6355, 6388 (2000). Accordingly, having concluded that the Boca Raton proposal would cause interference to 1.03 percent of WJAN-CA's service population, Sherjan argues that the allotment of DTV Channel *40 at Boca Raton must
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3215A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3215A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3215A1.txt
- Joe, Florida, 11 FCC Rcd 1095 (1995). See Huntington Broadcasting Co. v. F.C.C., 192 F.2d 33 (D.C. Cir. 1951); RKO General, Inc. (``KFRC''), 5 FCC Rcd 3222 (1990); and Faye and Richard Tuck (``Tuck''), 3 FCC Rcd 5374 (1988). Our engineering analysis reveals that in addition to plotting clear channel AM facilities, petitioner also considered local AM stations, using the 0.5 mV/m groundwave contour as if they were clear channel stations. In order to consider those AM stations in the petitioner's analysis, they should have been plotted using the Nighttime Interference Free contour (RSS) rather than the 0.5 mV/m groundwave contour. Our analysis did not use any local AM stations, and no clear channel AM stations are impacted by our study.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3234A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3234A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3234A1.txt
- bids received on the license in that round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The percentage increment is then calculated as the smaller of (a) a minimum percentage increment multiplied by one plus the activity index and (b) a specified maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3287A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3287A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3287A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-470A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-470A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-470A1.txt
- value based on the bidding activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-563A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-563A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-563A1.txt
- value based on the bidding activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-893A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-893A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-893A1.txt
- A stations. Marksteiner claims the proposed channel substitution will not cause impermissible interference to any authorized television station. Marksteiner argues that the Longley-Rice terrain dependent propagation methods outlined in OET Bulletin 69 establish that WPPB operating on DTV Channel *40 would cause predicted interference to only 0.03% of station WJAN-CA's service area, well within the ``service population'' rounding tolerance of 0.5 percent. Moreover, Marksteiner states that the OET Bulletin 69 techniques establish that the proposed reallotment would not cause any predicted interference to station WFUN-LP or any other Class A or Class A-eligible station. 5. Discussion. We have reviewed all of the pleadings and engineering submissions before us and, for the reasons that follow, we find that the public interest will
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2354A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2354A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2354A1.txt
- minimum percentage based on the bidding activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity on a license, decreasing the time it takes for licenses receiving many bids to reach their final prices. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. We further proposed to retain the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if circumstances so dictate. We received
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2738A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2738A2.txt
- Modifications to MSM Inputs are Highlighted in Gray Throughout this Appendix G Cluster Inputs Values Description Comments 150 Raster_Size 12000 Distance_Limit 1800 Line_Limit 90 Line_Fill 113 Block_Divide_Factor 1 Cluster_Algorithm 4 Optimization_Method 1000 Maximum_populated_cells 1 Use_hcpm.mdb 1 True-up_line_counts Federal Communications Commission DA 03-2738 APPENDIX G MSM Loop Input Modifications HCPM Inputs 15 Feeder / Distribution Inputs Value Variable Name Comments 0.5 max_drop_length 0.5 user_lambda 12 copper_gauge_xover 12 max_copper_distance 1.25 MaxCopperPenalty 12 copper_t1_xover 0 t1_fiber_xover 1.25 t1_redundancy_factor 24 copper_placement_depth 36 fiber_placement_depth 3 CriticalWaterDepth 1.3 WaterFactor 12 MinSlopeTrigger 1.10 MinSlopeFactor 30 MaxSlopeTrigger 1.05 MaxSlopeFactor 1.20 CombSlopeFactor 0.0000% pct_ds1 0.00% pct_lsa 24 ChannelsPerT1System 2 PairsPerT1System 4 FibersPerTerminal 2016 CapacityF2016 1344 CapacityF1344 672 CapacityF672 96 CapacityF96 24 CapacityF24 96 CapacityT96 24 CapacityT24 10 lines_per_bus 1.00
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-286A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-286A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-286A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2897A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2897A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2897A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3235A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3235A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3235A1.txt
- minimum percentage based on the bidding activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity on a license, decreasing the time it takes for licenses receiving many bids to reach their final prices. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. We further proposed to retain the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if circumstances so dictate. We received
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-345A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-345A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-345A1.txt
- and are similarly imprecise. In the initial Petition, Holland does not assert that KBMW(AM) or its current owner participates in the Fargo metro. In rebuttal to Triad's Opposition, Holland argues that the ``fact that [KBMW(AM)] is not rated . . . does not mean that [it] is not included in the Arbitron market for Fargo/Moorhead.'' Holland further asserts that KBMW(AM)'s 0.5 mV/m contour ``reaches far beyond'' the cities of Fargo and Moorhead and that the station ``has carried advertising for at least a half-dozen business enterprises that have their principal business locations in Fargo/Moorhead.'' Holland thus claims that KBMW(AM) derives advertising revenue from the ``Fargo-Moorhead radio market'' and functions ``as an element of'' that market. According to Holland, these facts support
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-372A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-372A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-372A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-445A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-445A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-445A1.txt
- COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Andrew S. Fishel Managing Director APPENDIX For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Federal Communications Commission amends 47 CFR part 0 as follows: PART 0 - COMMISSION ORGANIZATION 1. The authority citation for part 0 continues to read as follows: Authority: Secs. 5, 48 Stat. 1068, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 155, 225, unless otherwise noted. §§ 0.5, 0.21, 0.31, and 0.271 [Amended] 2. In part 0 remove the words ``Office of Plans and Policy'' and add, in their place, the words ``Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis'' in the following places: a. Center heading before §§0.21 and 0.271; b. Section 0.5(a)(4); c. Section 0.21 introductory text; d. Section 0.31(g); and e. Section 0.271(a). (...continued from previous
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-567A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-567A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-567A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-631A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-631A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-631A1.txt
- A. Dupont, (202) 418-7072. B. MM Docket No. 01-188; RM-10203 Action: At the request of Charles Crawford, we are allotting Channel 243A at Evant, Texas, as the community's first local aural transmission service. Coordinates: The reference coordinates for Channel 243A at Evant are 31-28-56 NL and 98-09-19 West Longitude. Additional Information: This allotment requires a site restriction of 0.8 km (0.5 miles) north of Wapanucka at the coordinates indicated above. FCC Contact: Deborah A. Dupont, (202) 418-7072. C. MM Docket No. 01-190; RM-10210 Action: At the request of Jeraldine Anderson, we are allotting Channel 280A at Comanche, Texas, as the community's second local FM transmission service. Coordinates: The reference coordinates for Channel 280A at Comanche are 31-53-50 NL and 98-36-12 West
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-744A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-744A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-744A1.txt
- channel 46, if allotted. Pappas states that Montgomery's application is part of a mutually exclusive group that is slated for auction at some time in the unknown future. Although, Pappas characterized Montgomery's concerns as speculative, it submitted an engineering analysis demonstrating that a maximized DTV channel 46 at Derby, at the maximum tower of 372.61 meters would cause less than 0.5 % interference to Montgomery's pending application. Finally, Pappas maintains that the proposed DTV channel 46 facility will comply with all applicable technical and spacing requirements while permitting the implementation of the first local television service at Derby, Kansas. 4. We believe the public interest would be served by allotting DTV channel 46 to Derby, Kansas, since it would provide the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1513A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1513A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1513A1.txt
- minimum percentage based on the bidding activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity on a license, decreasing the time it takes for licenses receiving many bids to reach their final prices. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. We further proposed to retain the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if circumstances so dictate. We received
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1639A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1639A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1639A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 30% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1639A1_Erratum.doc
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 30% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1746A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1746A1.txt
- GHz, 11.45-11.7GHz, 13.75-14.25 GHz frequency bands with +/-.05° longitudinal station-keeping. Page 2 of 4 PanAmSat Licensee Corp. S2381 SAT-MOD-20040405-00079E Effective Date: 06/15/2004 Grant of Authority 09/22/2017 - Modification Nature of Service:Fixed Satellite Service Granted with conditions PanAmSat Licensee Corp.'s application to operate GALAXY 3C at 95.05°W.L. in the 3700-4200 MHz, 5925-6425 MHz, 6425-6675 MHz, 11.45-12.2 GHz, 13.75-14.5 GHz with +/- 0.5° longitudinal station-keeping. HISPAMAR SATELLITES,S.A. S2622 SAT-PPL-20040402-00073E Effective Date: 06/15/2004 Grant of Authority Petition for Declaratory Ruling to be Added to the Permitted List Nature of Service:Fixed Satellite Service Conditions of Permitted List Action June 15, 2004 1. Pursuant to Sections 303(r), 308, 309, and 310 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 303(r), 308, 309, 310,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1844A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1844A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1844A1.txt
- sometimes that a single company might offer different packages of services using the same type of customer antennas. For these reasons, the FCC's OTARD protections apply regardless of whether the fixed wireless signals are delivered on a licensed or unlicensed basis. This action is taken under delegated authority pursuant to Section 5(c) of the Communications Act of 1934, and Sections 0.5(c), 0.31, 0.204, 0.241 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.5(c), 0.31, 0.2.04, 0.241. Office of Engineering and Technology contact: James Miller, (202) 418-7351, e-mail James.Miller@FCC.gov. - Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. § 1 et. seq. (all citations to the U.S. Code) (Act). 47 U.S.C. §§ 301, 303(f) (2004). 47 U.S.C. § 302a(a)(1) (2004). See H.R. Report No. 765,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-196A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-196A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-196A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3005A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3005A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3005A1.txt
- minimum percentage based on the bidding activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity on a license, decreasing the time it takes for licenses receiving many bids to reach their final prices. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 30% depending upon the number of bids for the license. We further proposed to retain the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if circumstances so dictate. We received
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3267A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3267A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3267A1.txt
- inter-governmental coordination. Uniradio asserted that, under the circumstances, any enforcement action by the Commission, including revocation of its Section 325(c) permit, is not warranted. On March 26, 2004, NIBC filed a reply to Uniradio's response. NIBC maintained, and provided evidence, that Station XEMO's operations at its current antenna site has created further overlap of its contour to Station KLRA(AM)'s protected 0.5 mV/m contour. NIBC further maintained that, due to the increased overlap, Station XEMO's utilization of a narrow bandwidth and reduction to a power level of 5 kW have not proven effective in redressing the continuing substantial interference to Station KRLA(AM). Finally, NIBC maintained that Uniradio knew or should have known that Station XEMO's operations at its current site had not
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3553A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3553A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3553A1.txt
- power rises above -3.5 dBW and would not reduce either the duty cycle or the vocoder rate to any further extent at higher amplifier-output levels. The shift to half-rate duty cycle will reduce effective peak EIRP by 3 dB. MSV maintains that the concurrent reduction of the vocoder data transmission rate will further reduce the effective peak EIRP by another 0.5 dB, for a total reduction of 3.5 dB. MSV requests waiver of Section 25.253(a)(2) as necessary to permit operation in this manner. Inmarsat contends that the vocoder-rate/duty-cycle schedule proposed in MSV's application would not reduce effective mobile-terminal EIRP to the same extent as the schedule prescribed in Section 25.253(a)(2). On the contrary, Inmarsat maintains that, with the user distribution assumed
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-35A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-35A2.txt
- or transaction that is unusual in nature. Enter total programming expenses for all video programming services Enter total programming expenses for BST and CPST1 tiers only Enter programming expenses for sports networks on BST and CPST1 only In Dollars: Total operating revenues F. Number of Channels, Jan. 1, 1004 Number of other analog channels (pay, premium, and all other) Reportthenumberoflocalbroadcast,PEG,andlocalleasedaccessstations,bytier.Forotherlocal,regional,ornationalTV channelslisted,enter1forfull-time,0.5forhalf-time,andthenumberofchannelsallocatedtomultiplexservicesormoviegroups (e.g.,enter2ifyoucarry2Showtimechannels).Ifyoudonotcarrythechannel,leaveblank.Ifyoucarryachannelbutcannot locatealistingforthatchannel,enterthenameintheblankspacesprovidedattheendofthisSection.Addlinesifnecessary. Totals are calculated, below, and should match entries made for Jan 1, 2004 in questions 47-54. Number of channels on most highly-subscribed digital tier Other digital channels (pay, premium, and other digital tiers) Total number of digital channels (52 + 53) Channel Lineup, Jan. 1, 2004 Includerevenuefromallservices:analoganddigitalprogramming(i.e.,allprogrammingtiers,pay,andpremiumchannels), serviceinstallation,advertising,leaseorsaleofstudiotimeorothercablefacilities,equipmentrentals,Internetaccess,telephony, and other services associated with the cable system. Do not
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3913A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3913A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3913A1.txt
- and PMCC proceed to competitive bidding. Background. In a staff decision dated March 27, 2002 (``Staff Decision''), we found a dispositive preference under Section 307(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, for TELNS's major modification application over both Ingles's and PMCC's proposals for new AM stations. Specifically, we determined that TELNS proposed to serve 1,739,548 persons within its 0.5 mV/m contour (after deducting the population that would lose KGYN service at Guymon), and 1,627,372 persons within its 2 mV/m contour. In comparison, we found that Ingles would have provided 0.5 mV/m service to 1,213,670 persons and 2 mV/m service to 936,885 persons under her proposal. We found this difference to be dispositive. The PMCC proposal would have resulted in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3922A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3922A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3922A2.txt
- FAIRBANKS KTVF 49621 11 50.1 00001 0645036.0 26 12. 00001 0645036.0 81588 4984.5 81247 3841.9 01474248.0 01474248.0 AK FAIRBANKS KUAC-DT 69315 09 46.8 00163 0645442.0 24 79 152 645442.0 82767 14213.9 82102 6701.0 01474638.0 1474638.0 AK JUNEAU KJUD-DT 13814 08 0.204 00001 05818 6.0 11 3 33 5818 6.0 13599 344.4 30759 5513.4 01342629.0 1342629.0 AK JUNEAU KTOO-TV 8651 03 0.5 00001 05818 4.0 10 0.748 00001 05818 4.0 29798 1113.3 30441 3982.9 01342521.0 01342521.0 AK KETCHIKAN KUBD 60520 04 0.955 00001 0552059.0 13 3.2 00001 0552059.0 13997 630.5 15441 4355.1 01314012.0 01314012.0 AK NORTH POLE KJNP-TV 20015 04 19.1 00485 0645244.0 20 0.081 00005 0644532.0 84347 30901.4 31029 1016.1 01480310.0 01471926.0 AK SITKA KTNL 60519 13 0.2 00001 0570327.0 02
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-633A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-633A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-633A1.txt
- minimum percentage based on the bidding activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity on a license, decreasing the time it takes for licenses receiving many bids to reach their final prices. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. We further proposed to retain the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if circumstances so dictate. We received
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-954A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-954A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-954A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ((1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ((1 + Ai) * N) and M X
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1016A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1016A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1016A1.txt
- power increases that merely compensate for rain fade will have no net effect on operation of co-frequency satellites. Power-Control Error Boeing asserted in supplemental comments, without specific elaboration, that ARINC had not adequately accounted for the effect of errors in closed-loop power control on AES e.i.r.p. ARINC later reported that it had allowed for a power-control error factor of ± 0.5 dB in its simulation-based uplink interference analysis. The error allowance is plausible, and Boeing did not dispute it in subsequent pleadings. We therefore conclude that ARINC has sufficiently addressed Boeing's concern in this regard. Calibration Error ARINC said in the application that it would use a reference transmitter co-located with the hub earth station, generating a waveform identical to the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1185A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1185A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1185A1.txt
- 1999, and granted October 31, 2000. 4. In rebuttal, Green Bay states that the alleged interference to the maximized facilities of station WISC-DT, can be reduced by lowering the ERP of the proposed facility at Green Bay and rotating the station's directional antenna pattern. Green Bay claims this would reduce the interference to WISC-DT to 0.483%, which is within the 0.5 % rounding tolerance. Further, Green Bay states that the city-grade, Grade A and Grade B contours, as revealed in its engineering studies, demonstrate that the power reduction and rotated directional antenna pattern will not have a negative impact on Green Bay's ability to serve the community of Green Bay. 5. We believe the public interest would be served by adopting
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1496A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1496A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1496A1.txt
- should be even more precise and consider more alternative population studies, with various cells sizes smaller than the default values, to establish an even more refined analysis to determine the true impact of the rulemaking proposal. It therefore submits analyses of 14 different cell sizes and, using updated 2000 census population figures, concludes that interference to WJAN-CA is less than 0.5 percent in only two out of 14 cases (at 1 km and 1.8 km) and exceeds that figure in every other case. Sherjan argues that the staff acted arbitrarily and capriciously by allowing the proponents to rely on a non-standard cell size and then select a convenient cell size to yield the desired result. Moreover, it states that it has
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1604A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1604A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1604A1.txt
- listed in Attachment 84-MX proposing to serve different communities, a Section 307(b) analysis is required. In order to evaluate the Section 307(b) considerations, each applicant within a mutually exclusive group consisting of proposals to serve different communities must submit by September 16, 2005, an amendment which includes the following: (1) the area and population within the proposed 2 mV/m and 0.5 mV/m daytime contours, and the nighttime interference-free contour (if fulltime operation is proposed); (2) the number of stations licensed to the proposed community of license; (3) the number of stations providing protected service to the proposed community of license; (4) the population (according to the latest Census data) of the proposed community of license; (5) where relevant to establish the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2423A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2423A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2423A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the construction permit. Smoothing formula equations and examples are shown in Attachment C. In the case of a construction permit for which the provisionally
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2693A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2693A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2693A1.txt
- 91-92 (1982). The FM allotment priorities are the following: (1) First full-time aural service; (2) Second full-time aural service; (3) First local service; and (4) Other public interest matters. Equal weight is given to priorities (2) and (3). If this proposal is adopted, Rockmart will continue to be served by Station WZOT(AM), Rockmart, Georgia. Station WTSH-FM currently provides service to 0.5 percent of the Atlanta, Georgia, Urbanized Area. That coverage would increase to 5.6 percent, if WWB's proposal is adopted. See Faye and Richard Tuck, 3 FCC Rcd 5374 (1988). See note 5, supra. The reference coordinates for Station WSKZ(FM) will not change following its downgrade to Class C0. See 47 C.F.R. §§1.415 and 1.419. See Certification that Section 603 and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2900A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2900A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2900A1.txt
- did not provide a demonstration under Section 25.222(b)(1), (2), or (3) which demonstrates that its ESV meets these off-axis limits. In addition, Section 25.222(a)(7) indicates that all emissions from an ESV shall automatically cease within 100 milliseconds if the angle between the orbital location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESV antenna exceeds 0.5 degree, and transmission will not resume until such angle is less than 0.2 degree. C5 Communications did not provide any demonstration that the operation will comply with this requirement. Moreover, the application indicates that the ESV's receive frequencies are in the 10.95-12.75 GHz band. The Commission's ESV rules only permit receive operations in the 10.95-11.2, 11.45-11.7, 11.7-12.2 GHz bands. Furthermore,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2987A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2987A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2987A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. We proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the construction permit. We will round the result using our standard rounding procedures. The minimum acceptable bid amount for a construction permit will be
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-3102A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-3102A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-3102A2.txt
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and an email link to the contractor as well as contact information (including telephone numbers) for all appropriate staff members. Availability and Access The web site shall be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. The web site shall be able to support up to 600 simultaneous users with an average holding time of 0.5 hours. System Responsiveness Rapid response shall be required when accessing the web site. The contractor shall provide a system such that a 56 KBPS modem-equipped user will be able to view the complete home page in less than 8 seconds 95% of the time over any 12 month period. If a user is experiencing greater than 12 seconds to view
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-3189A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-3189A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-3189A1.txt
- 47 C.F.R. §25.112(a)(1), we dismiss the application as defective. We note that on FCC Form 312 Schedule B, the application indicates that the Maximum EIRP Density per Carrier is 45.40 dBW/4 kHz for emission designator 36M0F9F and the Maximum Transmit Antenna Gain is 45.9 dBi. Using this information, we compute a maximum input power density into the antenna flange of -0.5 dBW/4 kHz. This exceeds the -2.7 dBW/4kHz level eligible for routine processing in 47 C.F.R. §25.212(d)(2). Earth stations operating at non-routine power levels must include the certifications as described in Section 25.220(e)(1) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §25.220(e)(1) and must identify the specific satellites for which the earth station intends to communicate. Finally, in items E57 and E59 of
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- engineering, construction and launch of the next generation of imagery satellites. In September 2003, NGA awarded a contract to DigitalGlobe, and in September 2004, NGA awarded a contract to ORBIMAGE in its NextView Second Vendor program. Space Imaging was not awarded a NextView contact. The satellites that will be put into service with this program will have a higher resolution, 0.5 meters or better, than earlier satellites. Without additional funding from its owners, and without a NextView contract, it is unlikely that Space Imaging would continue operations after its IKONOS satellite ceases operation. Since Space Imaging is unlikely to continue operations after first quarter 2008, and would be unable with its IKONOS satellite to provide the 0.5 meter resolution of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-390A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-390A2.txt
- Radio & Television (ART) Arizona Capitol Television Arizona News Channel Arts & Entertainment (A&E) Local, Regional & National: B Basic and Expanded Basic Other Analog Channels Digital Tier HDTV ChannelsOther Digital Channels Bay News 9 Bay News 9 Espanol Bay News 9 Weather Now BBC America BET BET Gospel BET Jazz Reportthenumberoflocalbroadcaststations,PEG,andleasedaccesschannelsyoucarry,butdonotlistindividually.Report individuallyothernetworksyoucarryaccordingtothe5categoriesarrangedinColumnsB-F:(B)basic&expandedbasic(see Question41);(C)otheranalog(includingpremium,pay-per-view,ormini-tier);(D)digitaltier(Question51);(E)HDTV (includingbroadcast,premium,pay-per-view,andother);and(F)otherdigital(including,premium,pay-per-viewincludingvideoon demand,andothersnotreportedinColumnD).Forexample,ifyoucarry10broadcaststationsonbasicandthesame10inHD format,enter10inbothColumnsBandEnextto"Localbroadcaststations"inColumnA.Blankrowsareprovidedattheendofthe list.Ifyoucarryachannelbutcannotfinditlisted,enterthenameandnumberofchannelsononeoftheseblankrows.Enter1for full-time and 0.5 for half-time channels. Do not report audio-music channels. Questions66through70refertoone-timeserviceinstallationcharges.Ifinstallationiffreeofcharge,enter0.Inadditiontothe fixedcharge,ifanhourlychargetypicallyappliesinlieuoforinaddition,reportthetotalchargebasedonthefixedchargeplus estimated work time. G. Channel Lineup at the Community Level, as of January 1, 2005 66. Charge for unwired home installation 67. Charge for pre-wired home installation 69. Charge to install/configure a CableCARD, existing cable subscriber 70. Charge to install/configure a CableCARD, new cable subscriber 68. Charge for reconnection of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-605A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-605A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-605A1.txt
- up to a value of 1.0. Protection to the authorized facilities of DTV broadcast stations shall be based on not causing predicted interference to the population within the service area defined and described in 47 C.F.R. § 73.622(e) of this chapter, except that a digital low power TV or TV translator station must not cause a loss of service to 0.5 percent or more of the population predicted to receive service from the authorized DTV facilities. Protection to the authorized facilities of TV broadcast stations shall be based on not causing predicted interference to the population within the Grade B field strength contours defined and described in 47 C.F.R. § 73.683 except that a digital low power TV or TV translator
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1016A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1016A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1016A1.txt
- from the prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between 10% and 20% higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. The eight additional bid amounts are calculated
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1093A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1093A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1093A1.txt
- EIRP density reduced by the number of co-frequency simultaneously transmitting remote earth stations in the same satellite receiving beam under Routine licensing; (7) Non-Routinely sized antenna off-axis antenna Gain (dBi); and (8) maximum off-axis EIRP density of non-routinely sized antenna (dBW/4 kHz). We also recommend stating the Theta in increments of 0.1 from 1 degree to 3 degrees; increments of 0.5 from 3 degrees to 7 degrees; increments of 5 degrees from 7 degrees to 9.2 degrees and from 9.2 degrees to 48 degrees; and at increments of 20 from 48 degrees to 180 degrees. 47 C.F.R. § 25.112(a)(1). See also Echostar Satellite LLC, Order on Reconsideration, DA 04-4056 (released December 27, 2004). Federal Communications Commission DA 06-1093 Federal Communications Commission
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- the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 is attached. By the Deputy Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology By the Acting Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau -FCC- ATTACHMENT FCC NOTICE REQUIRED BY THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 The total annual reporting burden for this information collection including the time for gathering and maintaining the collection of information, is estimated to be 0.5 hours to 1.25 hours. If you have any comments on these burden estimates, or how we can improve the collection and reduce any burdens it causes you, please send an email to the Federal Communications Commission, PRA@fcc.gov. Please include the appropriate OMB Control Number (see below) in your correspondence. Under 5 C.F.R. § 1320, you are not required to respond
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-129A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-129A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-129A1.txt
- operations do not comply with Commission rules for the following reasons: the proposed ESV emissions exceed the off-axis EIRP density limits in Section 25.222(a)(1) and (2); and second, the time required for the ESV to cease emissions if the angle between the orbital location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESV antenna exceeds 0.5 degrees does not comply with the limit in Section 25.222(a)(7). To operate in compliance with Commission rules, the maximum input power density into the ESV's antenna flange should be -21 dBW/4 kHz. Furthermore, if a mispointing of the antenna is greater than 0.5 degrees, C5 must be able to detect and cease ESV transmissions within 100 milliseconds. Sincerely, Scott A.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1910A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1910A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1910A1.txt
- III. DISCUSSION In this instant Petition, SBE objects to language in footnote 43 in paragraph 17 of the AWS Fourth MO&O, which SBE views as abandoning a requirement from the AWS Seventh R&O that prospective DOD TT&C earth stations demonstrate protection to incumbent BAS electronic newsgathering (ENG) mobile TV Pick-up (TVPU) facilities by a stringent receiver threshold degradation not exceeding 0.5 dB. The language at issue is the last sentence in footnote 43, which reads as follows: ``... Finally, the Commission noted that, during on-going coordination, receiver threshold degradation, on which this worst case analysis was based, may be supplanted by less stringent criteria which fully consider actual ENG power, modulation, performance, or other requirements.'' SBE asserts that a 0.5 dB
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2014A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2014A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2014A1.txt
- from the prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between 10% and 20% higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment E. The eight additional bid amounts are calculated
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2298A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2298A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2298A1.txt
- from the prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and twenty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. The eight additional bid amounts
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2298A5.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2298A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2298A5.txt
- the current round (round i) Ai-1 = activity index from previous round (round i-1), A0 is 0 Ii+1 = additional percentage for the next round (round i+1) N = minimum additional percentage or floor M = maximum additional percentage or ceiling X i+1 = additional dollar amount Yi = provisionally winning bid amount from the current round Examples License 1 C=0.5, N = 0.1, M = 0.2 Round 1 (2 bidders submitting bids, provisionally winning bid = $1,000,000) 1. Calculation of additional percentage for round 2: A1 = (0.5 * 2) + (0.5 * 0) = 1 I2 = The smaller of ((1 + 1) * 0.1) = 0.2 or 0.2 (the maximum additional percentage) 2. Calculation of dollar amount associated
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-238A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-238A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-238A1.txt
- most recent bidding round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment C. In the case of a license for which the provisionally winning bid has been
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-238A4.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-238A4.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-238A4.txt
- index from previous round (round i-1), A0 is 0 Ii+1 = percentage increment for the next round (round i+1) N = minimum percentage increment or percentage increment floor M = maximum percentage increment or percentage increment ceiling X i+1 = dollar amount associated with the percentage increment Yi = provisionally winning bid amount from the current round Examples License 1 C=0.5, N = 0.1, M = 0.2 Round 1 (2 bidders submitting bids, provisionally winning bid = $1,000,000) 1. Calculation of percentage increment for round 2 using the smoothing formula: A1 = (0.5 * 2) + (0.5 * 0) = 1 I2 = The smaller of ((1 + 1) * 0.1) = 0.2 or 0.2 (the maximum percentage increment) 2. Calculation
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2437A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2437A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2437A1.txt
- from the prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and twenty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. The eight additional bid amounts
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2437A6.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2437A6.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2437A6.txt
- in the current round (round i) Ai-1 = activity index from previous round (round i-1), A0 is 0 Ii+1 = additional percentage for the next round (round i+1) N = minimum additional percentage or floor M = maximum additional percentage or ceiling Xi+1 = additional dollar amount Yi = provisionally winning bid amount from the current round Examples C = 0.5, N = 0.1, M = 0.2 Round 1 (2 bidders submitting bids, provisionally winning bid = $1,000,000) 1. Calculation of additional percentage for round 2: A1 = (0.5 * 2) + (0.5 * 0) = 1 I2 = The smaller of [((1 + 1) * 0.1) = 0.2] and 0.2 (the maximum additional percentage) = 0.2 2. Calculation of dollar
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2439A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2439A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2439A1.txt
- used by the ITU to identify networks as being affected by a proposed modification to the Region 2 Plans. In Table 2 of Exhibit 1 to the Technical Appendix in Spectrum Five's petition, Spectrum Five identifies eight U.S. Region 2 Plan entries that would experience a decrease in OEPM of more than 0.25 dB, with decreases in OEPM ranging from 0.5 dB to 6.4 dB. Spectrum Five also identifies 14 proposed U.S. modifications to the Region 2 Plans that would suffer OEPM decreases of more than 0.25 dB, with decreases ranging from 3.5 dB to 16.7 dB. These levels trigger the ITU agreement-seeking process between the Netherlands, through which Spectrum Five filed its proposed Region 2 Plan modifications, and the United
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2447A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2447A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2447A1.txt
- Frequency Systems, Directional Model No. DX32B-25-0.7 Maximum Effective Radiated Power (average): 0.76 kW Transmitter: Type Accepted. See Section 73.1660, 73.1665 and 73.1670 of the FCC Rules. Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 365.7 meters HAAT: 225.4 meters Tower Registration Number: 1254286 DTS2 Channel: 25 Antenna Coordinates: N. Latitude: 40-37-13 W. Longitude: 75-17-37 Antenna Type: Radio Frequency Systems, Directional Model No. DX32H-25-0.5 Maximum Effective Radiated Power (average): 2.8 kW Transmitter: Type Accepted. See Section 73.1660, 73.1665 and 73.1670 of the FCC Rules. Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 282.1 meters HAAT: 155.4 meters Tower Registration Number: n/a DTS3 Channel: 25 Antenna Coordinates: N. Latitude: 39-33-42 W. Longitude: 75-55-48 Antenna Type: Radio Frequency Systems, Directional Model No. DX32H-25-0.3 Maximum Effective Radiated Power (average):
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2575A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2575A1.txt
- Date: 12/19/2006 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority XM Radio Inc. Page 1 of 2 For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. On December 19, 2006, the Satellite Division granted special temporary authority (STA) to XM Radio Inc. (XM) to operate terrestrial repeaters with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) of up to 0.5 watts and 0.0001 watts at the events, and with the technical parameters, specified in its application and in an amending letter filed December 18, 2006, for a period of 30 days, commencing on December 24, 2006, subject to conditions. XM states that the repeaters will be used for demonstrations at trade shows across the United States. XM states the repeaters
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-473A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-473A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-473A1.txt
- FM Broadcasting Agreement defines the parameters for Class B and Class C1 facilities. For example, a Class B facility has a maximum effective radiated power (ERP) of 50 kilowatts (kW) with an antenna height above average terrain (HAAT) of 150 meters (m), which produces a protected contour extending 65 kilometers (km). The protected contour of a Class B facility is 0.5 mV/m (54 dBu). Conversely, a Class C1 facility has a maximum ERP of 100kW with an HAAT of 300m, which produces a protected contour extending 72km. The protected contour of a Class C1 facility is 1.0 mV/m (60 dBu). BCA C1 Application at Exhibit III. In a letter dated July 29, 2005, BCA indicated that the C1 facility was fully
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-774A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-774A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-774A1.txt
- density levels beginning at 1.25 degrees off-axis with 0.1 degree increments out to 2.25 degrees off-axis. The demonstration should include a comparison of the authorized off-axis EIRP density limits specified in Section 25.222(a)(1)-(4) of the Commission's rules. Finally, in Attachment C of the application, Stratos states that ``...the antenna controller can detect within 100 milliseconds a pointing error that exceeds 0.5 degrees and cease transmissions immediately...''. Stratos must clarify in any refiling whether the antenna controller can automatically detect and cease transmissions within 100 milliseconds of a pointing error that exceeds 0.5 degrees, in conformance with Section 25.222(a)(7) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.222(a)(7). Accordingly, pursuant to Section 25.112(a)(1) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.112 (a)(1), and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-775A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-775A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-775A1.txt
- density levels beginning at 1.25 degrees off-axis with 0.1 degree increments out to 2.25 degrees off-axis. The demonstration should include a comparison of the authorized off-axis EIRP density limits specified in Section 25.222(a)(1)-(4) of the Commission's rules. Finally, in Attachment C of the application, Stratos states that ``...the antenna controller can detect within 100 milliseconds a pointing error that exceeds 0.5 degrees and cease transmissions immediately...''. Stratos must clarify in any refiling whether the antenna controller can automatically detect and cease transmissions within 100 milliseconds of a pointing error that exceeds 0.5 degrees, in conformance with Section 25.222(a)(7) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.222(a)(7). Accordingly, pursuant to Section 25.112(a)(1) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.112 (a)(1), and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-960A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-960A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-960A1.txt
- calculation factors (NOTE 2) % FDP (in 1 MHz) (NOTE 1) P r dB/ degrees P r dB/ degrees 2 500-2 520 Analogue FS telephony 2 520-2 535 Analogue FS telephony (NOTE 5) - 154 dB(W/m2) in 4 kHz and - 136 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 75 - 146 dB(W/m2) in 4 kHz and - 128 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.5 All other cases - 136 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.75 - 128 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.5 25 Reasons: Consequential to adding pfd limit for MSS to Article 21, Table 21-4 per USA/ /1. Limits on MSS pfd eliminate the need for coordination with terrestrial systems in the band 2 500-2 535 MHz. Document WAC/102(27.04.06): To the WRC-07 Advisory Committee:
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-9A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-9A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-9A1.txt
- compliance with the Commission's rules at coordinates 43-44-41 NL and 103-28-52 WL, which requires a site restriction of 55 kilometers (34.2 miles) southwest of Ellsworth AFB. Lastly, Channel 283A can be allotted to Murdo at the New Station current authorized site in compliance with the Commission's rules at coordinates 43-53-24 NL and 100-43-06 WL, which requires a site restriction of 0.5 kilometers (0.3 miles) west of Murdo. We modify the Station KAWK(FM) license to specify Ellsworth AFB as the community of license pursuant to Section 1.420(i) of the Commission's rules, which permits the modification of a station's license to specify a new community of license without affording other interested parties an opportunity to file competing expressions of interest in the proposed
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1564A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1564A2.txt
- dB gain; 500 kHz 1000 MHz; 5 watts output) Attenuators Attenuators preceding A1 and A2 are selected to reduce IM3 to acceptable levels Step Attenuator-C set to reduce IM3 of A4 to acceptable levels Step Attenuators D & U: Alan Industries models 50V70 N, 50V10 N, and 50V1 N cascaded to provide 0 - 81 dB in 0.1-dB steps (0.5W max power) Combiners & Splitter: MiniCircuits ZAPD-900-5W (100-900 MHz) Custom Band-Reject Filters "30N" = Tin Lee CE7-569(4.8)N50 "30W" = Microwave Filter Company model 16195 "P52-53" = Tin Lee CE7-692/697.4(20) N50 "P53-56" = Tin Lee CE7-692/698 N50 Impedance Matching Minimum Loss Pads = Trilithic ZM-57 75-50 ohm transformer = Trilithic ZMT-57 25-ft coax = Times Microwave LMR-400-UF Equipment settings Agilent E4437B
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1708A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1708A1.txt
- and technical specifications set forth in its application, Federal Communication Commission rules, and the attachment to grant. SAT-STA-20070222-00037E Effective Date: 04/12/2007 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority XM Radio Inc. On April 12, 2007, the Satellite Division granted special temporary authority to XM Radio Inc. to operate indoor terrestrial repeaters with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) of up to 0.5 watts and 0.0001 watts at events such as promotional events, press events, and trade shows at locations and dates yet to be identified for a period of 30 days, commencing on April 13, 2007, subject to conditions. INFORMATIVE SAT-STA-20070330-00059 XM Radio Inc. The application captioned above was accepted for filing in a separate public notice today. See Public Notice, Space
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1932A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1932A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1932A1.txt
- new interference to WABA(AM) by increasing the 25% Root Sum Square (``RSS'') limit to WABA(AM) in violation of Section 73.182 of the Commission's Rules (the ``Rules''). This would decrease WABA(AM)'s existing nighttime interference-free (``NIF'') service by some 13,000 listeners. The May 4 Letter also stated that: (1) WFTL(AM)'s proposed 0.025 mV/m -10% skywave contour would overlap the 50 kW nighttime 0.5 mV/m - 50% skywave contour of co-channel Mexican stations XETQ and XETQ1, Orizaba, VC, in violation of the US/Mexico Treaty; (2) WFTL(AM)'s proposed 0.025 mV/m contour would overlap the protected 0.5 mV/m daytime groundwave contour of co-channel Cuban stations CMGB, Trinidad, and CMJB, Mayari Arrib; and (3) the tower registration for the seventh nighttime tower in WFTL(AM)'s proposed directional array
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1946A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1946A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1946A1.txt
- 49. For example, Clarity has proposed to use emergency shut-off procedures when interference to BAS or CARS communications is detected. Clarity also provides updated and detailed procedures that are outlined under their operating protocol. Clarity has also engineered its system to use downward tilting antennas to limit radiation towards the horizon and has proposed to lower their operating power from 0.5 watts per channel to 0.2 watts per channel. See Letter dated January 18, 2007 from Clarity Media Systems, to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, Amendment to Clarity Media Systems Applications, at 6. See SBE Comments at 5. As noted above, there is no information available on record regarding digital-to-digital interference. In addition, the possibility that entities other than Clarity could request
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-198A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-198A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-198A1.txt
- Satellite GPS L5 GPS L2/L-band radar GPS L1 3G Band 1 PCS Handsets PCS Base Stations 3G Band 2 SDARS S-band Radar (ASR/WWR) Maritime Radar C-Band Earth Station -53.3 -53.3 -53.5 -51.3 -51.3 -51.3 -41.3 -41.3 -41.3 -41.3 -41.3 -47.3 -48.8 -52.9 -44.3 -49.0 -43.5 -28.5 -22.1 -30.1 -26.6 -40.8 6 4.5 0.6 7 2.3 7.8 12.8 19.2 11.2 14.7 0.5 The emissions consist of a time-dithered train of pulses with a nominal pulse period (``T'') of 410 microseconds resulting in a PRF of 2440 Hz. The width of an individual pulse is approximately 5 nanoseconds, and the nominal peak-to-average ratio is 30 dB. The highest RMS EIRP emission level, -20.3 dBm/MHz, was obtained at 2325 MHz. The highest peak emission
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-204A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-204A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-204A1.txt
- may be made in unusual circumstances upon an applicant's showing, through a request for waiver, that: 1) there is no reasonable alternative to the transmission path proposed; 2) no harmful interference will occur to geostationary satellite systems; and 3) the maximum value of the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) does not exceed +47 dBW for any antenna beam directed within 0.5 degrees of the stationary satellite orbit, or +47 to +55 dBW on a linear decibel scale for any antenna beam directed between 0.5 degrees and 1.5 degrees of the stationary orbit. Generally, regulations governing the licensing of new microwave systems permit applicants to begin operating their systems pursuant to conditional authority immediately upon filing of the related license application. However,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-2104A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-2104A1.txt
- S2181 SAT-STA-20061117-00141E Effective Date: 05/11/2007 Withdrawn Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. Nature of Service:Fixed Satellite Service SAT-STA-20070222-00036E Effective Date: 05/17/2007 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority XM Radio Inc. On May 17, 2007, the Satellite Division granted special temporary authority to XM Radio Inc. (XM) to operate indoor terrestrial repeaters with Effective Isotropically Radiated Powers (EIRP) of up to 0.5 watts and up to 0.0001 watts at various events - such as promotional events, press events, and trade shows - for a period of 180 days, with the technical parameters specified in its application and subject to conditions. SAT-STA-20070424-00063E Effective Date: 05/15/2007 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. On May 15, 2007, the Satellite Division granted
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-227A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-227A1.txt
- is specified. For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. SAT-STA-20070117-00011E Effective Date: 01/19/2007 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority XM RADIO INC. On January 19, 2007, the Satellite Division granted special temporary authority (STA) to XM Radio Inc. (XM) to operate terrestrial repeaters with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) of up to 0.5 watts and 0.0001 watts at the events, and with the technical parameters, specified in the above-captioned application for a period of 30 days, commencing on January 19, 2007, subject to conditions. INFORMATIVE S2689 SAT-LOA-20051123-00250 DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC The Bureau has determined that DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (DIRECTV) has met the Contract Execution, Critical Design Review, Commence Construction, and Launch and Operation
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- service; (2) second full-time aural service; (3) first local service; and (4) other public interest matters. Co-equal weight is given to priorities (2) and (3). If WWB's proposed reallotment is adopted, Rockmart will continue to be served by Station WZOT(AM), Rockmart, Georgia, and Channel 296C1 would provide a first local service at Aragon, Georgia. Station WTSH-FM currently provides service to 0.5 percent of the Atlanta, Georgia, Urbanized Area. That coverage would increase to 5.6 percent, if WWB's proposal is adopted. Faye and Richard Tuck, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 3 FCC Rcd 5374 (1988) (``Tuck''). In its comments, WWB supplies evidence demonstrating that Aragon has its own post office and zip code (30104); its own local government and elected officials; and numerous
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- from the prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between 10% and 20% higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment E. The eight additional bid amounts are calculated
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3415A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3415A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3415A1.txt
- index from the prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the CPE amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and twenty percent higher than the CPE (which, for non-C Block licenses not subject to HPB, will equal the provisionally winning bid), depending upon the bidding activity covering the license.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3415A3.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3415A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3415A3.txt
- percentage or floor M = maximum additional percentage or ceiling Xi+1 = additional dollar amount Yi = current price estimate (CPE) for the license from the current round (The CPE for a license is the provisionally winning bid, unless there is a provisionally winning package bid covering the license. See Attachment C for more information on CPEs.) Examples C = 0.5, N = 0.1, M = 0.2 Round 1 (1 bidder submitting bids, CPE = $1,000,000) 1. Calculation of additional percentage for round 2: A1 = (0.5 * 1) + (0.5 * 0) = 0.5 I2 = The smaller of [((1 + 0.5) * 0.1) = 0.15] and 0.2 (the maximum additional percentage) = 0.15 2. Calculation of dollar amount associated
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A11.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A11.txt
- most weight, data from markets 99 and 101 get the next most weight, and so forth. The particular smoothing method employed is called "loess" and is described in William S. Cleveland, The Elements of Graphing Data (Hobart Press, 1994). The specific implementation is from the "loess" command in the statistical package "S-PLUS 2000," with the smoothing parameter set equal to 0.5. 19 pt to use these figures to smaller owners. Com or the or the , panies. Thus, the use of the S&P 500 companies to create benchmark ratios reflects an effort to create benchmarks based upon a broad swath of Because the points on the lines are averages, the reader should not attem make specific market to market comparisons. Data
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A2.txt
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- 20,158 31 19,740 21,180 NewsMin 2,316 2,117 0 8,685 PubAffMin 324 512 0 11,400 News + Public Affairs Minutes 2,632 2,122 0 11,520 Number of Shows 449.8 75.3 14.0 699.0 Number of News Shows 53.3 48.4 0 254.0 Number of Public Affairs Shows 9 11 0 120 TotPop1000s 2,318.4 3,370.9 9.8 20,687.4 PopPercentBlack 11.2 10.8 0.3 63.1 PopPercentHisp 11.1 14.7 0.5 94.5 DMAPerCapitaIncome 29,680 5,339 14,882 49,582 UnrelatedStationsinDMACount 9.64 5.62 0 26 UnrelatedStationsinDMANewsMin 20,784 11,821 0 71,787 UnrelatedStationsinDMAPubAffMin 3,053 2,736 0 17,064 UnrelatedStationsinDMANewsPAMin 23,755 13,525 0 74,799 ParentStationsCount 16.27 15.99 1 61 ParentRevenueMillions 296 518 0 2330 OtherCoOwnedStationsinDMACount 0.52 0.82 0 5 OtherCoOwnStationsinDMANewsMin 1,165 2,590 0 18,585 OtherCoOwnStationsinDMAPubAffMin 174 462 0 4,320 OtherCoOwnStationsinDMANews&PubAffMin 1,335 2,778 0 18,894 Values Counts for Dummy
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A7.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A7.txt
- radio station -37.6** (2.15) -34.3* (1.92) -15.4 (1.12) -7.2 (0.58) Cross-owned radio and newspaper 1.9 (0.07) 6.4 (0.25) -0.9 (0.04) -16.3 (0.80) Parent company coverage of all television households (%) 1.2 (1.47) 1.2* (1.90) 0.2 (0.31) Network owned and operated -5.7 (0.27) -25.4 (1.50) -9.3 (0.57) Network affiliation (omitted category is CW\MyNetwork) ABC 2.1 (0.13) 6.4 (0.32) CBS -9.5 (0.59) -0.5 (0.02) FOX 54.1*** (3.56) 40.0** (2.44) NBC 6.6 (0.43) 15.0 (0.71) Other control variables Time and length of broadcast fixed effects No No No No Yes DMA and date fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Adjusted R-squared .25 .27 .27 .33 .34 Notes: Absolute values of t-statistics in parentheses (using heteroscedastic-consistent standard errors corrected for clustering by television station);
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3A1.txt
- the pleadings and letters as requested by the parties. See 5 U.S.C. § 552 et seq.; 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.457, 0.459. The parties submitted redacted copies of their pleadings and letters for inclusion in the Commission's public file. Confidential information is included in the attached Appendix. Mediacom filed a ``Motion for Consideration by Full Commission,'' pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.5(c), 0.211, 0. 283(c) and 1.41. Mediacom argues that while retransmission consent matters generally fall within the scope of the Bureau's delegated authority, the Bureau's authority extends only to matters that are minor or routine and that do not present novel questions of law, fact or policy that cannot be resolved under existing precedents and guidelines. Mediacom's motion is denied. We
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-4171A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-4171A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-4171A1.txt
- activity index from the prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the CPE amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. We proposed initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage (floor) at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage (ceiling) at 0.2 (20%). At these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and twenty percent higher than the CPE (which, for non-C Block licenses will equal the provisionally winning bid), depending upon the bidding activity covering the license. Equations and examples
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-4389A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-4389A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-4389A1.txt
- the required spacing, in rugged mountain range where interference to short-spaced station was unlikely). See WREL, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 68 FCC2d 1043 (1978), aff'd, 45 R.R. 2d 319 (1979) (waiver of former radio contour overlap rule for overlap of 8.1 sq. miles with 185 people, with area of overlap comprising 2 percent of one station's service area and 0.5 percent of the other's, where applicant surrendered authorization for a third station). See Reply at 6 (citing Caloosa Television Corporation, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 3 FCC Rcd 3656 (1988), on recon. 4 FCC Rcd 4762 (1989) (waiver of spacing rules based on combination of several public interest factors); Time Warner, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 15300 (CSB
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-514A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-514A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-514A1.txt
- from the prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between 10% and 20% higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment E. The additional bid amounts are calculated using
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-693A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-693A1.txt
- is specified. For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. SAT-STA-20061211-00147E Effective Date: 02/09/2007 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority XM Radio Inc. On February 9, 2007, the Satellite Division granted special temporary authority (STA) to XM Radio Inc. (XM) to operate terrestrial repeaters with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) of up to 0.5 watts and 0.0001 watts at the events, and with the technical parameters, specified in Exhibit A to the above-captioned application for a period of 180 days, commencing on February 9, 2007, subject to conditions. INFORMATIVE SAT-STA-20061207-00145 Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. The application captioned above was accepted for filing today. See Satellite Policy Branch Information: Satellite Space Station Applications Accepted for
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- that its proposal would adequately protect broadcast stations from potential harmful interference, consistent with the underlying purpose of Section 90.242(b)(4)(iv). Each application for TIS must be accompanied by a statement certifying that the proposed station satisfies the minimum separation distances specified in Section 90.242(a)(2)(i). Specifically, the proposed station must be located at least 15 km (9.3 miles) outside the measured 0.5 mV/m service contour of any broadcast station operating on the first adjacent channel, or at least 130 km (80.6 miles) for broadcast stations operating on a co-channel basis. Arlington states that Fire Station #2 would be located 82.18 km from first adjacent channel station WPTX, Lexington Park, Maryland, operating on frequency 1690 kHz. The separation between the respective stations' 0.5
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- additional percentage is determined by adding one to the activity index, and multiplying that sum by a minimum percentage, with the result not to exceed a maximum percentage. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposed initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage (floor) at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage (ceiling) at 0.2 (20%). At these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will generally be between ten percent and twenty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment E. Additional Bid Amounts
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- with which orbital parameters will be maintained is to help interested third parties evaluate proposed systems with respect to collision avoidance and safe-flight profiles. Although Satellite CD Radio has provided information regarding the apogee and perigee of the FM-6 satellite and has specified that the satellite ``will be maintained in longitude of apogee at 96.0 degrees West Longitude within +/- 0.5 degrees,'' it has not disclosed all the information required under Section 25.114(d)(14)(iii). In particular, it is not clear from the modification application whether, for example, the apogee and perigee indicated represent target values, or whether they constitute an ``outer boundary'' for the satellite's normal operations. Furthermore, Satellite CD Radio does not provide any information on the accuracy with which the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-120A1.pdf
- Authority XM Radio Inc. Page 1 of 2 For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. On January 11, 2008, the Policy Branch granted with conditions XM Radio Inc. request for Special Temporary Authority (STA) to operate one indoor terrestrial repeater in Vienna, VA, with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) of up to 0.5 watts (average) for 60 days effective January 11, 2008, according to the technical parameters specified in its application. SAT-STA-20080103-00002 E Effective Date: 01/11/2008 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. On January 11, 2007, the Policy Branch granted with conditions Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.'s request for special temporary authority to operate an indoor terrestrial repeater with Effective
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-1363A1.pdf
- operations on, their final, full-authorized post-transition (DTV) facility. Key Compliance Requirement(s) To accomplishthe key objectives (above), the Commission took the following actions in the Third DTV Periodic Report and Order: (1)Required all stations to report on their transition status; (2)Established construction permit ("CP") filing requirements; (3)Set post-transition construction deadlines; (4)Offered provisions for regulatory relief upon the appropriate demonstration; (5)Adopted a 0.5 percent new interference standard for post-transition operations; and (6)Announced an upcoming opportunity for stations to seek expanded facilities. Reporting Requirement on Stations' DTV Transition Status (FCC Form 387) Stations must provide the specific details of their current transition status, any additional steps necessary for digital-only operation upon expiration of the February 17, 2009 transition deadline, and a timeline for making
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- in the 2008 TRS Cost Recovery Methodology Order, and described in the 2008 NECA Filing. This rate is determined by multiplying the current IP Relay rate by an Inflation Factor, an Efficiency Factor, and including appropriate Exogenous Costs. The Inflation Factor is the Gross Domestic Product minus the Price Index (GDP-PI), and the Efficiency Factor is the Inflation factor minus 0.5 percent to account for productivity gains. As reported by NECA, the application of the price cap formula results in a reduction of approximately 0.5 percent from the 2007-2008 rate of $1.293 for IP Relay. Intrastate and Interstate VRS NECA proposes tiered rates of $6.7362 for the first 50,000 monthly minutes, $6.4675 for monthly minutes between 50,001 and 500,000, and $6.2685
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-1596A1.pdf
- the release date of this Notice, except where an effective date is specified. SAT-STA-20080429-00094 E Effective Date: 07/01/2008 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority XM Radio Inc. On July 1, 2008, the Satellite Policy Branch granted XM Radio Inc. (XM Radio) special temporary authority to operate one indoor terrestrial repeater with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) of up to 0.5 watts (average) for 180 days at a location in Vienna, Virginia. The repeater will operate within the 2332.5-2345 MHz frequency band allocated for the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) and assigned to the exclusive use of XM. This authorization is granted according to the technical parameters specified in Exhibits A & B of the application and is subject to
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- as Section 307(b) issues. WSLW(AM) is the sole local transmission service licensed at White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia (2000 Census population of 2,315). Quorum/WVJT propose to change WSLW(AM)'s community of license to Bexley, Ohio (2000 Census population of 13,203) as that community's first local radio transmission service. WVJT claims in its Section 307(b) analysis that ``[n]o portion of the WSLW 0.5 mV/m contour is served by fewer than two existing aural services.'' On April 11, 2007, Positive Alternative Radio, Inc. (``PAR'') filed a Consolidated Petition to Deny against, inter alia, the Application, arguing that the Application violates the Commission's policy against removal of sole local service from a community, and also that Quorum/WVJT propose to build two new towers without providing
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- Rules defines an AM secondary service area as the area served by the station's skywave signal. Class A stations provide nighttime secondary service entitled to protection from co-channel station interference, but Class B stations provide only primary service. Accordingly, as a result of KGA(AM)'s proposed change in status from Class A to Class B, it would no longer have protected 0.5 mV/m skywave secondary service. As a result of nighttime skywave propagation, the signals of powerful clear channel stations, such as KGA(AM), can extend for hundreds of miles. However, due to innate variations in signal strength, service may be intermittent at any given point within the protected contour. Skywave service is subject to a lower level of interference protection than a
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- the station to use its analog antenna or a new antenna to avoid a significant reduction in post-transition service from its analog service area; (2) Would be no more than five miles larger in any direction than their authorized service area, as defined by the post-transition DTV Table Appendix B; and (3) Would not cause impermissible interference, i.e., more than 0.5 percent new interference, to other stations. Third DTV Periodic Report and Order, supra note 1, at ¶ 151. Approximately 123 petitions for reconsideration of the Seventh Report and Order were filed by October 26, 2007, the close of the pleading cycle. See MB Docket No. 87-268. See also Public Notice, ``Petitions for Reconsideration of Action in Rulemaking Proceeding,'' MB Docket
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- the WMCW Petition as moot because, with the surrender of the WMCW(AM) license, there are no longer any facilities to modify. Background. Station WONX(AM) is licensed to operate on 1590 kHz with a power of 3.5 kW daytime and 2.5 kW nighttime, employing a four-tower directional antenna system. Station WMCW(AM) is licensed on 1600 KHz with a daytime power of 0.5 kW and a nighttime power of 0.018 kW, employing a non-directional antenna system. In the IRA, the parties propose: (1) grant of the WONX(AM) Application, which would increase WONX(AM)'s daytime power to 7 kW; and (2) surrender of the WMCW(AM) license. In the IRA, the applicants contend that grant of the proposals will increase service from WONX(AM), eliminate existing prohibited
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2148A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2148A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2148A1.txt
- spacing requirement'' when evaluating applications to construct post-transition facilities, as well as rulemaking petitions by authorized DTV stations that wish to change their assigned DTV channels. It proposed to use geographic spacing only for rulemaking petitions seeking new DTV channel allotments. In the Third DTV Periodic Report and Order, the Commission stated that it would ``permit stations a limit of 0.5 percent new interference in addition to that in the DTV Table B Appendix.'' With respect to rulemaking petitions seeking new DTV channel allotments however, the Commission stated that it would continue to use geographic spacing. The petition for reconsideration to which Capitol refers merely asks, in pertinent part, for additional clarification that the Commission's intent was not to apply the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2243A3.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2243A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2243A3.txt
- to provide an estimate of the interference distance in the case where the detection scheme fails to identify a weak-signal occupied channel. Undesired Signal (U) Transmission System The undesired signal was produced by the Adaptrum transmitter coupled with an external 21 dB gain wideband amplifier. The WSD is capable of transmitting an OFDM signal with a signal bandwidth adjustable from 0.5 to 18 MHz. A vertically-polarized planar bi-conical transmit antenna at a height of 2 meters (6.6 feet) above ground level (AGL) was used to radiate the signal generated by the transmitter. The EIRP of the WSD prototype transmitter was measured in the semi-anechoic chamber and determined to nominally be +22 dBm (~150 mW). See Section 3.4 for details. Figure 4-1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2392A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2392A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2392A1.txt
- proposed contingent facilities changes. We will therefore examine the parties' IRA here in light of these four factors. Reduction in Interference. The IRA states that the licensed facilities of WBIS are predicted to cause interference to the licensed operations of WFYL(AM), King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. It demonstrates that the WBIS(AM), Annapolis, Maryland, interfering contour overlaps a portion of the WFYL 0.5 mV/m coverage contour. Removal of WBIS will permit interference-free service by WFYL to 113,749 people (2000 US Census data) over an area of 419 square kilometers. Increased Service. The IRA indicates that the Station's proposed power increase will result in the 0.5 mV/m contour covering 6,283,850 people in an 18,060 square kilometer area. This is 5,090,414 persons and 12,222 square
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-311A1.pdf
- Washington, D.C. from February 4, 2008 through August 1, 2008. SAT-STA-20071219-00178 E Effective Date: 02/05/2008 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority XM Radio Inc. On February 5, 2008, the Satellite Policy Branch granted with conditions special temporary authority to XM Radio Inc. to operate one indoor terrestrial repeater in Vienna, VA, with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power of up to 0.5 watts (average) for 180 days from February 6, 2008 to August 3, 2008, according to the terms, conditions, and technical specifications set forth in XM's application, the attachment to the grant and the Commission's rules. INFORMATIVE S2677 SAT-PPL-20050706-00143 Star One S.A. The Bureau has determined that Star One S.A. has met the Launch and Operate milestone associated with this grant.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-347A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-347A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-347A1.txt
- For the reasons set forth below we deny the petition for reconsideration. Background. On January 5, 2006, SIBR filed the above-captioned application for a license to cover a construction permit. The construction permit authorized SIBR to construct a new Class B AM station, KPOE, on 880 kilohertz at Midland, Texas. The station was to employ 2.0 kW daytime power and 0.5 kW nighttime power using different daytime and nighttime transmitter sites and directional antenna systems. On March 17, 2006, the staff dismissed the above-captioned license to cover application as patently defective. The staff found that: (1) the authorized KPOE(AM) nighttime facilities were not constructed before the construction permit expiration date of December 16, 2005; (2) SIBR failed to submit complete nondirectional
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-401A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-401A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-401A1.txt
- and searches for a new downlink signal, and, according to Raysat, until the MET finds the correct downlink signal and is properly pointed, it is not permitted to transmit. The Raysat system also incorporates automatic muting capabilities designed to protect adjacent satellites from interference in case of pointing errors. Specifically, in the event a MET mechanically mispoints by more than 0.5 degrees, it will mute the transmit carrier. Such muting will occur in less than 100 milliseconds (ms). In addition, if the downlink signal from the satellite is lost for any reason, the MET will sense this loss of signal and will mute transmissions. Once muted, the MET may not re-commence transmissions until the pointing error is corrected, or the intended
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-490A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-490A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-490A2.txt
- drop down menus) to provide information about the purpose and function of web site elements. Provide a search engine to facilitate site navigation. Availability and Access The NANPA web site shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The web site shall be able to support up to 500 simultaneous users with an average holding time of 0.5 hours. System Responsiveness The NANPA shall provide rapid response when accessing the web site. The NANPA shall provide a system such that a 56 Kbps modem-equipped user will be able to view the complete home page in less than 8 seconds, 95% of the time over any 12-month period. If a user is experiencing greater than 12 seconds to view
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-530A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-530A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-530A1.txt
- In Regions 1 and 3 (except for Japan), in the band 8025-8400 MHz, the Earth exploration-satellite service using geostationary satellites shall not produce a power flux-density in excess of the following provisional values for angles of arrival ((), without the consent of the affected administration: -174 dB(W/m²) in a 4 kHz band for 0( ( ( ( 5( -174 + 0.5 (( - 5) dB(W/m²) in a 4 kHz band for 5( ( ( ( 25( -164 dB(W/m²) in a 4 kHz band for 25( ( ( ( 90( These values are subject to study under Resolution 124 (WRC-97).6 * * * * * 5.469A In the band 8550-8650 MHz, stations in the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) and space research service
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- beyond eighty kilometers of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania pursuant to Section 1.925 of the Commission's rules, or, alternatively, Section 337(c) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (``the Act''). In addition, York requests to license individually eighty-three control stations to be associated with the twenty-two-site system. All control stations would be located within York County except for one that would be 0.5 kilometers into adjacent Adams County, Pennsylvania. York notes that all would be within the currently authorized mobile area of operation, thus meeting the requirement of Section 90.305(c). Although York does not require a waiver for the proposed control stations, we consider them in this Order as a matter of administrative efficiency, given that the subject control stations comprise an integral
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-767A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-767A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-767A1.txt
- additional percentage is determined by adding one to the activity index, and multiplying that sum by a minimum percentage, with the result not to exceed a maximum percentage. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and twenty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment C. Additional Bid Amounts Any additional
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- in the current round (round i) Ai-1 = activity index from previous round (round i-1), A0 is 0 Ii+1 = additional percentage for the next round (round i+1) N = minimum additional percentage or floor M = maximum additional percentage or ceiling Xi+1 = additional dollar amount Yi = provisionally winning bid amount from the current round Examples C = 0.5, N = 0.1, M = 0.2 Round 1 (1 bidder submitting bids, provisionally winning bid = $1,000,000) 1. Calculation of additional percentage for round 2: A1 = (0.5 * 1) + (0.5 * 0) = 0.5 I2 = The smaller of [((1 + 0.5) * 0.1) = 0.15] and 0.2 (the maximum additional percentage) = 0.15 2. Calculation of dollar
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1376A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1376A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1376A1.txt
- from the prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposed initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage (floor) at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage (ceiling) at 0.3 (30%). At these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will generally be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment E. Additional Bid Amounts
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1376A1_Rcd.pdf
- Federal Communications Commission DA 09-1376 percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. 182. The Bureau proposed initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage (floor) at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage (ceiling) at 0.3 (30%). At these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will generally be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license.214Equations and examples are shown in Attachment E. b. Additional Bid Amounts
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- 2007 TRS Cost Recovery Methodology Order, and described in the 2009 TRS Rate Filing. This rate is determined by multiplying the current IP Relay rate by an Inflation Factor and an Efficiency Factor, and including appropriate Exogenous Costs. The Inflation Factor is the Gross Domestic Product minus the Price Index (GDP-PI), and the Efficiency Factor is the Inflation factor minus 0.5 percent to account for productivity gains. As reported by NECA, the application of the price cap formula results in a proposed rate of $1.2801, which represents a slight decrease from the 2008-2009 rate of $1.2865. Intrastate and Interstate VRS NECA proposes tiered rates of $6.7025 for the first 50,000 monthly minutes, $6.4352 for monthly minutes between 50,001 and 500,000, and
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- interference to adjacent 17/24 GHz BSS satellite networks operating in compliance with the technical requirements of this rule than if its space station were located at the 103° W.L. Appendix F orbital location. To ensure that the DIRECTV RB-2 space station will not cause more interference to other co-frequency adjacent space stations, DIRECTV calculates that its proposed offset results in 0.5 dB less discrimination, based on the reduction of topocentric angle and the assumption of a 45 cm receive antenna that meets the reference antenna pattern of Section 25.224. DIRECTV properly used topocentric angular separation, the angle between the two orbital locations as measured with respect to an earth station located on the surface of the Earth, in making the PFD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1624A1_Rcd.pdf
- interference to adjacent 17/24 GHz BSS satellite networks operating in compliance with the technical requirements of this rule than if its space station were located at the 103° W.L. Appendix F orbital location.74 To ensure that the DIRECTV RB-2 space station will not cause more interference to other co-frequency adjacent space stations, DIRECTV calculates that its proposed offset results in 0.5 dB less discrimination, based on the reduction of topocentric angle and the assumption of a 45 cm receive antenna that meets the reference antennapattern of Section 25.224.75DIRECTV properly used topocentric angular separation, the angle between the two orbital locations as measured with respect to an earth station located on the surface of the Earth, in making the PFD reduction calculations.
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- operations. The ACU computes pointing error - that is, deviation of the antenna's main lobe from a sightline to the target satellite - from data delivered by the MDU. According to Row 44, the ACU is designed to limit pointing error to 0.2° during normal operation and will shut the AES transmitter down within 100 milliseconds if pointing error exceeds 0.5°. The pointing error is computed by the ACU from received dynamic Es/No values emanating from the MDU. The Es/No data is delivered at a rate of ten updates per second (i.e., every 100 milliseconds). Row 44 asserts that the 0.2° error limit is maintained under various types of aircraft motion, including compliance in situations where the aircraft is not on
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1752A1_Rcd.pdf
- to faulty operations. The ACU computes pointing error that is, deviation of the antenna's main lobe from a sightline to the target satellite from data delivered by the MDU. According to Row 44, the ACU is designed to limit pointing error to 0.2° during normal operation and will shut the AES transmitter down within 100 milliseconds if pointing error exceeds 0.5°. The pointing error is computed by the ACU from received dynamic Es/No values emanating from the MDU. The Es/No data is delivered at a rate of ten updates per second (i.e., every 100 milliseconds). Row 44 asserts that the 0.2° error limit is maintained under various types of aircraft motion, including compliance in situations where the aircraft is not on
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1994A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1994A2.txt
- Thesethresholdvaluesfortriggeringcoordinationwithterrestrialservicesareconsistent withreferencepowerfluxdensityfortheBSSvaluesthathavebeendevelopedandgivenin RecommendationITU-RBO.1776.Theyarealsoconsistentwiththepowerflux-densitylimits recommendedforthisbandinRecommendationITU-RF.760.Itisimportanttorecognizethat theITU-RBO.1776isreferencedinResolutions525(Rev.WRC-07)and551(Rev.WRC-07). ThecoordinationrequirementsfortheBSSsystemsinthe21.4-22.0GHzband introducedafter1April2007inrespecttoterrestrialservicesofRegion2areconflictingand ambiguous.Resolution525(Rev.WRC-07),asdiscussedpreviously,onlyappliestoRegions1 and3whileResolution33(Rev.WRC-03)appliesforinter-Regionalcoordination,butithasno pfdcriterionfortriggeringcoordination. ConsideringtheambiguityassociatedwiththeimplementationoftheBSSallocationand thedifficultyofcoordinatingspacestationswithterrestrialstations,theU.S.notesthatsharing betweensatelliteservicesinRegions1and3andterrestrialservicesinRegion2canbemost simplyimplementedthroughapfdlimitsregimeinArticle21,Section V.Inthepresentcase,the pfdvaluesdevelopedandgiveninRecommendationITU-RBO.1776andalsoappliedtotheBSS systemsthatwereintroducedinthesubjectbandpriorto1April2007couldbeusedasapower flux-densitylimitthatwouldapplytoallBSSsystemsinregion1and3forpurposesofsharing withtheFixedandMobileservicesinRegion2.SuchalimitwouldonlyapplytoBSSsatellite networks'beamsontheterritoriesofRegion2countries. 23 Proposal: IUSA/l.23/1 MOD ARTICLE21 Terrestrialandspaceservicessharingfrequencybandsabove1GHz SectionV-Limitsofpowerflux-densityfromspacestations TABLE21-4(CONTINUED)(RevWRC-07) LimitindB(W/m2)forangles Referenc Frequency Service* ofarrival(0)abovethehorizontalplane e band bandwid 0°_5° 5°_25° 25°-90° th 19.3-19.7GHzFixed-satellite -11513A -115 +0.5(0-5)13A-10513A 1MHz 22.55- (space-to-Earth) 23.55GHz Earthexploration- 24.45- satellite(space-to- 24.75GHz Earth) 25.25-27.5GHz Inter-satellite 27.500- Spaceresearch 27.501GHz (space-to-Earth) 21.4-22.0GHzBroadcasting- -11514bis-115+0.5(0-5)14bis-10514bis1MHz satellite (space-to-Earth) 31.0-31.3GHzSpaceresearch -115 -115 +0.5(0-5) -105 1 34.7-35.2GHz MHz (space-to-Earth transmissions referredtoin No.5.550on theterritories ofcountries listedin No.5.549) 14";.< 21.16.X TheselimitsshallapplyonlyonterritoriesofRegion2countries. Reasons:SharingbetweensatelliteservicesinRegions1and3andterrestrialservicesinRegion 2canbeimplementedmostsimplythroughpowerfluxdensity(pfd)limitsspecifiedinArticle21, SectionV.TheproposedpfdvaluesareconsistentwithRecommendationITU-RBO.I776.Itis 24 importanttorecognizethatITU-RBO.1776isreferencedinResolutions 525(Rev.WRC-07)and 551(Rev.WRC-07).Itisalsoimportanttorecognizethatthesesamepfdvaluesareappliedto theBSSsystemsthatwereintroducedinthe21.4-22.0GHzbandpriorto1April2007.The proposedmodificationwouldprovideregulatorycertaintytosatelliteservicesasadefinedsetof pfdlimitswouldbeknownandextensivecoordinationwithuncertainoutcomewouldnotbe required.Theproposedmodificationwouldalsoreducetheadministrativeburdenfor administrationsinallRegions. 25 DOCUMENTWAC/048(Ol.09.09) UnitedStatesofAmerica DRAFTPROPOSALSFORTHEWORKOFTHECONFERENCE AgendaItem1.7: toconsidertheresultsof[TU-RstudiesinaccordancewithResolution222 (Rev. WRC-07) inordertoensurelong-termspectrumavailabilityandaccesstospectrumnecessaryto meetrequirementsfortheaeronauticalmobile-satellite(R)service,andtotakeappropriateactiononthis subject,whileretainingunchangedthegenericallocationtothemobile-satelliteserviceinthebands 1525-1559 MHzand1626.5-[660.5MHz. Background Themobilesatelliteserviceallocationsin1525-1559MHzand1626.5-1660.5MHzcontinuetosupport valuablecommunicationsrequirementsandareneededtoaddressthefuturecommunicationsrequirements forcommercialMSSaswellasGlobalMaritimeDistressandSafetySystemandaeronauticalmobile satelliteservice(R)service(AMS(R)S)requirements. TheMSSallocationswithassociatedfootnoteprovisions,providingpriorityandpreemptiveaccesstothe MSSsystemsforcommunicationstosupportAMS(R)S,haveallowedsufficientflexibilitytosatisfythe AMS(R)Scommunicationsrequirementsinthisband.ThereisnoneedtomodifytheMSSallocations andtheassociatedfootnoteregulatoryprovisionsforAMS(R)S. TheUSAproposesNoChange(NOC)totheTableofAllocationsfortheMSSallocationsinthe1525- 1559MHzand1626.5-1660.5MHzandtheassociatedfootnoteregulatoryprovisionsforAMS(R)S. 26 Proposal: USA/xx/1Noe
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2188A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2188A1.txt
- of 4.8 Terabits per second (Tbps). The system can be expanded to a total of 8 fiber pairs with total capacity of up to 7.68 Tbps. The individual parties will own and manage fiber pairs: Pacnet will have two fiber pairs; GU Holdings will have one fiber pair; and, Bharti Airtel, Global Transit, KDDI, and SingTel will each have one-half (0.5) fiber pair. The primary Network Operations Center ("NOC") for the Unity Cable System will be located in Singapore and managed by SingTel. The Singapore NOC will have primary responsibility for the operation and administration of those portions of the cable system located outside the United States and will have secondary responsibility for those portions located in U.S. territory. A second,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2188A1_Rcd.pdf
- of 4.8 Terabits per second (Tbps). The system can be expanded to a total of 8 fiber pairs with total capacity of up to 7.68 Tbps. The individual parties will own and manage fiber pairs: Pacnet will have two fiber pairs; GU Holdings will have one fiber pair; and, Bharti Airtel, Global Transit, KDDI, and SingTel will each have one-half (0.5) fiber pair. The primary Network Operations Center ("NOC") for the Unity Cable System will be located in Singapore and managed by SingTel.The Singapore NOC will have primary responsibility for the operation and administration of those portions of the cable system located outside the United States and will have secondary responsibility for those portions located in U.S. territory. A second, fully
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2194A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2194A1.txt
- L.Egan,"ImprovingRuralTelecommunicationsInfrastructure",TVARuralStudies, http://www.rural.orglworkshops/ruraltelecom/egan/4.htm 2OutsidePlanConsultingInc.;companywebsites 3CANARIEInc.,"CommunityCondoFiberNetworks",February2001,http://www.canarie.calcanet4/Iibrarylcustomer/ccfn.pdf 4Assume50%costshareonthehighend.Alarge-scaleinstallationwouldhavelowercostspersite,asmanycableswouldservemultiplesites 4 PRELIMINARY Investmentcostsof$0.7-1.7b'llIionto'Installfiberfor870/0ofpublic librariescurrentlyw'lthoutfiber Publiclibraries Thousandsoflocations;Percentwithingeography $Thousands $Billions Low-end High-end Low-end High-end Population fibercost fibercost totalfiber totalfiber densityl Total Withfiber2 Needsfiber persite3 persite3 cost cost DenseUrban 1 0.3(30%) 0.7 15 65 <0.1 <0.1 Urban 2 0.6(30%) 1.4 15 65 <0.1 0.1 Suburban 6 0.9(15%) 5.1 35 205 0.2 1.0 Rural 8 0.4(5%) 7.6 65 654 0.5 0.5 Total 17 2.2(13%) 14.8 15-205 & I _._.. 1Determinedbyzipcodepopulationdensity:Rural:<1,000personspersquaremile,Suburban:between1,000and4,000,Urban:between 4,OQOand10,000,andDenseUrban:>10,000.Somelocations(305hospitalsand446libraries)didnotmatchzipcodesinthemostrecent GIS 2Ofthe2,229libraryoutletsthatreportedaFiberconnection41%areurban(908),41%aresuburban(905),16%arerural(366),and2%are unknown(50); GatesFoundation/LRW-NationalBroadbandAssessment,2009. 3Low-endcostbasedonaerialinstallationwith30%newpoles,whilehigh-endcostassumes40%aerialand60%trenching 4Low-endcostsassumedheresincetrenchingwouldbecost-prohibitive;othertechnologieslikelymorerelevantifnotaerialfiber 5
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- engineering solutions to resolve mutual exclusivity. For additional information, contact Lisa Scanlan, Thomas Nessinger, Susan Crawford or Ann Gallagher of the Audio Division at (202) 418-2700. This Public Notice contains the following Attachment: Attachment A: Supplemental 84 MX Applications FCC NOTICE REQUIRED BY THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to range from 0.5 to 3 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you have any comments on these burden estimates, or on how we can improve the collection(s) and reduce the burden(s) they cause you, please write to Cathy Williams, Federal Communications
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-250A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-250A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-250A1.txt
- application to the instant case, we now examine whether the County's proposed operations would protect other stations from harmful interference. Each application for TIS must be accompanied by a statement certifying that the proposed station satisfies the minimum separation distances specified in Section 90.242(a)(2)(i). Specifically, the proposed station must be located at least 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) outside the measured 0.5 mV/m service contour of any broadcast station operating on the first adjacent channel, or at least 130 kilometers (80.6 miles) for broadcast stations operating on a co-channel basis. The County provided an engineering analysis indicating that its closest TIS station would be located 31 kilometers from the 0.5 mV/m service contour of first adjacent channel Station WPTX, Lexington Park, Maryland,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2627A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2627A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2627A1.txt
- noncommercial licensees did not have minimum hour requirements. Approximately nine months passed before AERS alerted the Commission to KWMD's silence. File No. BPED-20040312AAA (granted July 30, 2004; expired July 30, 2007. Permit cancelled.) File No. BSTA-20040621ACV (granted August 3, 2004; expired November 3, 2004). AERS' original CP authorized it to operate KWMD at Kasilof with effective radiated power (``ERP'') of 0.5 kilowatts. The license to cover authorized .31 kW. CP BPED-20040312AAA authorized a change in transmitter site, a change in frequency and ERP of 4 kilowatts. This STA permits operation of KWMD with .31 kilowatts. File No. BLSTA-20040824AGX (granted August 26, 2004; expired February 26, 2005). File No. BSTA-20050928AJX (expired January 26, 2006). AERS stated in its September 2005 STA that
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2633A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2633A1.txt
- bands, including 450-470 MHz, 806-849 MHz and 851-894 MHz. The Association states that the TETRA standard meets all Part 90 requirements except for those pertaining to occupied bandwidth and emission masks. It seeks a waiver of Section 90.209(b)(5) which authorizes operations at an occupied bandwidth of up to 20 kHz, noting that the occupied bandwidth of TETRA equipment is 21.5 0.5 kHz. The Association also seeks a waiver of Section 90.210(b)(c) and (g) of the Commission's rules governing emission masks B, C, and G to allow for up to 5dB excursions around 10 kHz offset from the center frequency. The Association states that the ETSI standard relies on a measure of adjacent channel coupled power, rather than an occupied bandwidth limit
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-53A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-53A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-53A1.txt
- (in MHz) Percentage of Subscribers by Capacity of Cable System Serving Their Community, January 1, 2006 2005 January 1, 2006 More than 750 MHz 750 MHz 331 - 749 MHz 330 or Less MHz Mean N Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Sample groups overall 736 751 749 3.7 25.4% 1.9 63.9% 2.0 8.7% 1.1 2.1% 0.5 Noncompetitive Communities 734 433 747 4.2 25.5% 2.1 63.3% 2.2 8.9% 1.2 2.3% 0.6 Communities relieved from rate regulation 754 318 765 4.9 24.9% 2.7 68.0% 2.8 6.7% 1.6 0.4% 0.4 2nd cable operator subgroup (overall) 756 106 759 5.6 13.7% 3.6 82.1% 4.1 4.2% 2.4 0.0% 0.0 2nd cable operator subgroup (incumbents) 757 53 753 6.9 11.3% 4.4 83.0%
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-54A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-54A1.txt
- which cellular service licensees will no longer be required to provide analog service.559 The Twelfth Report estimated that almost all wireless subscribers were digital subscribers at the end of 2006, with approximately one percent or less being analog-only mobile telephone subscribers.560 In filings made with the Commission in conjunction with the analog sunset, both Verizon Wireless and AT&T reported that 0.5 percent of their respective customer bases were 555 The nationwide penetration rate is calculated by dividing total mobile telephone subscribers by the total U.S. population. According to the Bureau of the Census, the combined population of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico as of July 1, 2007 was estimated to be 305.6 million. See U.S. Census
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-843A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-843A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-843A1.txt
- the prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment C. Additional Bid Amounts Any additional
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-843A1_Rcd.pdf
- from the prior round.43The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and thirty percent higher thanthe provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment C. b. Additional Bid Amounts 44.Any additional
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1169A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1169A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1169A1.txt
- Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington. FairPoint lists 51 subsidiaries organized under the laws of Delaware, Idaho, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington. FairPoint does not wholly own one subsidiary, Sunflower Telephone Company, Inc. Two shares, accounting for less than 0.5 percent of the ownership interests in that entity, are held by a third party. FairPoint Communications, Inc., et al., Ch. 11, Case No. 09-16335, Order Confirming the Joint Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization of FairPoint Communications, Inc. and its Debtor Affiliates (Bank. S.D.N.Y. May 14, 2010) (Plan of Reorganization). These investment vehicles ``will include: (i) thirteen investment funds (`AG Funds')
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1348A1_Rcd.pdf
- Austria's population is concentrated on eastern lowlands because of steep slopes, poor soils and low temperatures. The terrain in the west and south is mostly mountains (Alps) and mostly flat or gently sloping along the eastern and northern margins. Subscriptions per 100 people Access per 100 people Total Subscribers Total Fiber Cable DSL Other 54.5 1,821,000 21.8 0.1 6.8 14.5 0.5 3. Belgium Regulation:National telecommunications goals and policy objectives are set by the Ministère des Communications et de l'Infrastructure.18 The independent regulator is the Institut Belge des Services Postaux et des Télécommunications (IBPT).19 Belgium first mandated local-loop unbundling in October 2000,20 but alternative operators have historically used bitstream access to provision DSL services. The guidelines for bitstream access are outlined in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1408A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1408A2.txt
- bb) cc) Limits (kHz) 4 175.25 6 266.25 8 341.75 12 421.75 16 618.75 18 870 22 241.75 25 161.25 Frequencies (paired) assignable to ship stations for narrow-band direct- printing (NBDP) telegraphy and data transmission systems at speeds not exceeding 100 Bd for FSK and 200 Bd for PSK d) j) m) p) 4 172.56 to 4 181.578 185 f. 0.5 kHz 6 2636.5 to 6 275.568.5 25 f. 0.5 kHz Limits (kHz) 4 178.25 6 268.75 8 341.75 12 421.75 16 618.75 18 870 22 241.75 25 161.25 Frequencies assignable to ship stations for data transmission d) p) aa) bb) cc) Limits (kHz) 4 181.75 6 275.75 8 341.75 12 421.75 16 618.75 18 870 22 241.75 25 161.25 Table
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1408A2_Rcd.pdf
- to ship stations for data transmission d) p) aa) bb) cc) Limits (kHz) 4175.25 6 266.25 8341.75 12421.75 16618.75 18870 22241.75 25161.25 Frequencies (paired) assignable to ship stations for narrow-band direct- printing (NBDP) telegraphy and data transmission systems at speeds not exceeding 100 Bd for FSK and 200 Bd for PSK d) j) m) p) 4172.56 to 4181.578 185 f. 0.5 kHz 62636.5 to 6275.568.5 25 f. 0.5 kHz Limits (kHz) 4178.25 6268.75 8341.75 12421.75 16618.75 18870 22241.75 25161.25 Frequencies assignable to ship stations for data transmissiond)p) aa) bb) cc) Limits (kHz) 4 181.75 6 275.75 8341.75 12421.75 16618.75 18870 22241.75 25161.25 Table of frequencies (kHz) to be used in the band between 4000 kHz and 27500 kHz allocated exclusively to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1408A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1408A3.txt
- bb) cc) Limits (kHz) 4 175.25 6 266.25 8 341.75 12 421.75 16 618.75 18 870 22 241.75 25 161.25 Frequencies (paired) assignable to ship stations for narrow-band direct- printing (NBDP) telegraphy and data transmission systems at speeds not exceeding 100 Bd for FSK and 200 Bd for PSK d) j) m) p) 4 172.56 to 4 181.578 185 f. 0.5 kHz 6 2636.5 to 6 275.568.5 25 f. 0.5 kHz Limits (kHz) 4 178.25 6 268.75 8 341.75 12 421.75 16 618.75 18 870 22 241.75 25 161.25 Frequencies assignable to ship stations for data transmissiond) p) aa) bb) cc) 13 Limits (kHz) 4 181.75 6 275.75 8 341.75 12 421.75 16 618.75 18 870 22 241.75 25 161.25 Table
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1408A3_Rcd.pdf
- assignable to ship stations for data transmissiond) p) aa) bb) cc) Limits (kHz) 4175.25 6 266.25 8341.75 12421.75 16618.75 18870 22241.75 25161.25 Frequencies (paired) assignable to ship stations for narrow-band direct- printing (NBDP) telegraphy and data transmission systems at speeds not exceeding 100 Bd for FSK and 200 Bd for PSK d) j) m) p) 4172.56 to 4181.578 185 f. 0.5 kHz 62636.5 to 6275.568.5 25 f. 0.5 kHz Limits (kHz) 4178.25 6268.75 8341.75 12421.75 16618.75 18870 22241.75 25161.25 Frequencies assignable to ship stations for data transmissiond)p) aa) bb) cc) 10270 Limits (kHz) 4 181.75 6 275.75 8341.75 12421.75 16618.75 18870 22241.75 25161.25 Table of frequencies (kHz) to be used in the band between 4000 kHz and 27500 kHz allocated exclusively
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1709A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1709A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1709A1.txt
- County, Michigan] at 43 5314 N 840651 W.'' Furthermore, in a declaration, Midland board member Norman Moll states: On October 15, 2008, fellow-Church Board member Reid Tait and I visited the unincorporated area known as Mount Forest, Michigan . . . . As shown on [a yahoo] map, Mount Forest lies along a road named Main Street, stretching for about 0.5 mile north from the intersection with West Mt. Forest Road. The area is rural in nature, sparsely populated and has no defined boundaries. I observed not more than approximately 15 residences throughout the Mount Forest are. Upon a thorough review of the entire area, I observed no presently active commercial, religious, social or governmental establishments in Mount Forest . .
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2060A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2060A2.txt
- antenna sizes and corresponding gains of the UA CS Earth Station and UA Earth Station antennas. UA CS Earth station antennas should be sized to achieve the availability defined in b) for the rain rates experienced at their location d), as well as the other technical requirements cited in this Annex. The minimum UA Earth Station antenna diameter should be 0.5 meters (20/30GHz) and 0.8 meters (12/14GHz). Maximum UA Earth Station antenna diameters are limited by the size and weight constraint of the UA airframe, so maximum diameters of 1.2m are anticipated The peak antenna gain values to be used in UAS Control Link performance calculations using the aforementioned antenna diameters and frequencies are provided below: 14GHz UA antenna transmit gain
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2060A2_Rcd.pdf
- antenna sizes and corresponding gains of the UA CS Earth Station and UA Earth Station antennas. UA CS Earth station antennas should be sized to achieve the availability defined in b) for the rain rates experienced at their location d), as well as the other technical requirements cited in this Annex. The minimum UA Earth Station antenna diameter should be 0.5 meters (20/30GHz) and 0.8 meters (12/14GHz). Maximum UA Earth Station antenna diameters are limited by the size and weight constraint of the UA airframe, so maximum diameters of 1.2m are anticipated The peak antenna gain values to be used in UAS Control Link performance calculations using the aforementioned antenna diameters and frequencies are provided below: 14GHz UA antenna transmit gain
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2298A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2298A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2298A1.txt
- prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum percentage. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples of calculations are shown in Attachment B. Additional Bid Amounts
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2298A1_Rcd.pdf
- prior round.24 The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum percentage. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round.25 The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples of calculations are shown in Attachment B. b. Additional Bid
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2346A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2346A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2346A2.txt
- _Toc3979456}{\*\bkmkend _Toc4211776}{\*\bkmkend _Toc5012482}{\*\bkmkend _Toc5017554} {\*\bkmkend _Toc5017794}{\*\bkmkend _Toc5076205}{\*\bkmkend _Toc5159799}{\*\bkmkend _Toc9309261}{\*\bkmkend _Toc9309492}{\*\bkmkend _Toc11653017}{\*\bkmkend _Toc191949844}{\*\bkmkend _Toc280005076} \par }\pard\plain \ltrpar\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\l in0\itap0 \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 The NANPA web site shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. \par The web site shall be able to support up to 500 simultaneous users with an average holding time of 0.5 hours. }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \b \par }\pard\plain \ltrpar\s3\ql \li0\ri-180\sb180\sa80\sl280\slmult0\keepn\widctlpar\tx360\tqc\tx7920\wr apdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\outlinelevel2\adjustright\rin-180\lin0\ itap0 \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs20\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\field{\*\fldinst {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 seq SectionNumber \\c \\* MERGEFORMAT }}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof {\*\bkmkstart _Toc2773014} {\*\bkmkstart _Toc3032415}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc3030561}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc3625705}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc3631753}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc3783878}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc3966157}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc3975787}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc3979457}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc4211777} {\*\bkmkstart _Toc5012483}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc5017555}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc5017795}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc5076206}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc5159800}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc9309262}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc9309493}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc11653018}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc191949845} {\*\bkmkstart _Toc280005077}7}}}\sectd \marglsxn1627\margrsxn1627\margtsxn2160\margbsxn2160\binfsxn7\binsxn7\sb kodd\pgnrestart\linex0\footery1440\colsx0\sectdefaultcl\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 .}{\field{\*\fldinst {\rtlch\fcs1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-372A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-372A2.txt
- be protected Coordination threshold values GSO space stations Non-GSO space stations pfd (per space station) calculation factors (NOTE 2) pfd (per space station) calculation factors (NOTE 2) % FDP (in 1 MHz) (NOTE 1) P r dB/ degrees P r dB/ degrees 2 483.5-2 500 All cases 146 dB(W/m2) in 4 kHz and 128 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.5 1404 dB(W/m2) in 4 kHz and 1226 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz (NOTE 7) 0.65 NOTE 1 The calculation of FDP is contained in §, using the reference FS parameters contained in § and The use of FDP threshold is limited to the case of digital FS systems. NOTE 2 The following formula should
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-372A2_Rcd.pdf
- service to be protected Coordination threshold values GSO space stations Non-GSO space stations pfd (per space station) calculation factors (NOTE 2) pfd (per space station) calculation factors (NOTE 2) % FDP (in 1 MHz) (NOTE 1) P r dB/ degrees P r dB/ degrees 2 483.5-2 500 All cases 146 dB(W/m2) in 4 kHz and 128 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz 0.5 1404 dB(W/m2) in 4 kHz and 1226 dB(W/m2) in 1 MHz (NOTE 7) 0.65 NOTE 1 The calculation of FDP is contained in §, using the reference FS parameters contained in § and The use of FDP threshold is limited to the case of digital FS systems. NOTE 2 The following formula should be used
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-695A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-695A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-695A1.txt
- Rico band plan; next, the ESMR portion of the band plan; and last, the transition period in Puerto Rico. Band Plan Elements Applicable to the Non-ESMR Band Under the TA Proposal, the Puerto Rico band plan is similar to the band plan for non-border regions of the United States (U.S. Band Plan), except that the Expansion Band is increased by 0.5 megahertz by eliminating the lower 0.5 megahertz portion of the Guard Band. This places the Puerto Rico Expansion Band at 815-816.5/860-861.5 MHz, and the Puerto Rico Guard Band at 816.5-817/861.5-862 MHz. The band plan accommodates all non-ESMR incumbents in the non-ESMR portion of the band and no incumbent will be relocated more than once, except in the case of a
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-762A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-762A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-762A1.txt
- In Regions 1 and 3 (except for Japan), in the band 8025-8400 MHz, the Earth exploration-satellite service using geostationary satellites shall not produce a power flux-density in excess of the following provisional values for angles of arrival ((), without the consent of the affected administration: -174 dB(W/m²) in a 4 kHz band for 0º ( ( ( 5º -174 + 0.5 (( - 5) dB(W/m²) in a 4 kHz band for 5º ( ( ( 25º -164 dB(W/m²) in a 4 kHz band for 25º ( ( ( 90º These values are subject to study under Resolution 124 (Rev.WRC-2000). (FCC) 5.463 Aircraft stations are not permitted to transmit in the band 8025-8400 MHz. 5.465 In the space research service, the use
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-849A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-849A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-849A1.txt
- the prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. Additional Bid Amounts The Bureau
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-849A1_Rcd.pdf
- the prior round.42 The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round.43 The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. b. Additional Bid Amounts 54.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-862A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-862A1.txt
- concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. S2433 SAT-STA-20100430-00086 E Effective Date: 05/12/2010 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On May 12, 2010, the Satellite Division granted the request of SES Americom, Inc. to conduct operations of the AMC-11 satellite in the conventional C-band (3700-4200 MHz space-to-Earth/5925-6425 MHz Earth-to-space) at locations up to 0.5 degrees to the east and west of its assigned orbital location of 131 W.L. for a period of 30 days, commencing May 20, 2010. S2422 SAT-STA-20100430-00089 E Effective Date: 05/11/2010 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority PanAmSat Licensee Corp. On May 11, 2010, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, special temporary authority to PanAmSat Licensee Corp. for a period of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-862A1_Rcd.pdf
- concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. S2433 SAT-STA-20100430-00086 E Effective Date: 05/12/2010 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On May 12, 2010, the Satellite Division granted the request of SES Americom, Inc. to conduct operations of the AMC-11 satellite in the conventional C-band (3700-4200 MHz space-to-Earth/5925-6425 MHz Earth-to-space) at locations up to 0.5 degrees to the east and west of its assigned orbital location of 131 W.L. for a period of 30 days, commencing May 20, 2010. S2422 SAT-STA-20100430-00089 E Effective Date: 05/11/2010 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority PanAmSat Licensee Corp. On May 11, 2010, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, special temporary authority to PanAmSat Licensee Corp. for a period of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1227A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1227A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1227A1.txt
- 4622 (1991), Calvary Educational Broadcasting Network, Inc., Hearing Designation Order, 7 FCC Red 4037 (1992). It is Bureau policy generally not to grant a license renewal application for a station that is off the air. 47 U.S.C. § 309(f). For AM - 5 mV/m; for commercial FM - 3.16 mV/m; for noncommercial educational FM - 1.0 mV/m. For AM - 0.5 mV/m contour; for FM - 1.0 mV/m contour. . . See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1914. Estimated by the staff. The STA request specified an efficiency of 300 mV/m/km/kW; however, experience indicates that the efficiency of a long wire antenna is substantially less. See 47 CFR §§ 73.45(c), 73.51, 73.61(b). See 47 CFR § 1.1310. Special Temporary Authorizations by nature are
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1454A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1454A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1454A1.txt
- stations can be less than one or contain a fraction of a station. For example, if a state segment consists of two census blocks and the first census block has 100 households and receives one broadcast station and the second census block also has 100 households but receives no broadcast stations, then the household-weighted average for this state segment is 0.5 (i.e., [(100 x 1) + (100 x 0)]/200 = 0.5), signifying that some households in the state segment do not receive any broadcast stations while others do. See also n. 116, infra. . See also Section III. B. For a more detailed discussion of how we used Nielsen data, see Section III. B. To clarify the content of Appendix A,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1455A2_Rcd.pdf
- (1961 ) 466 (14 2) Wis cons in 180 2 14 Trav is (2009) 466 (14 2) Wis cons in 180 2 5 Trav is (2009) 528 (16 1) Wes t Vi rginia Yes 6 116 Herron (199 7) 535 (16 3) Wis cons in 180 2 20 Trav is (2009) 605- 1588 (184.4 484) ** Illinois Yes 13 0.5 5,465 Seets and Boh len (19 77) 627 (19 1) Florida Yes Red and wh ite l ights 1 1 617 Robert s an d T amborsk i (1993 ) 942 (28 7) Ten nes see Yes 19.75 253 Lask ey (1960,1962, 1963a,b, 1964, 1 967, 196 8, 1969a,b, 1971) , Goodpas ture (19 74a, b, 1975, 1976 , 1984,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1480A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1480A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1480A1.txt
- selecting appropriate signal bandwidth and spreading factors; adjusting power to the antenna as a function of elevation and skew angles; and inhibiting transmission when those angles exceed specified thresholds. Panasonic asserts that eXConnect AES antenna 1-sigma pointing error will be less than 0.25 degree and that the controller will terminate AES transmission within 100 milliseconds if pointing error ever exceeds 0.5 degrees. Coordination with Satellite Operators. Panasonic proposes to operate the AESs to communicate via Intelsat's Galaxy 17 satellite, which is at the 91º W.L. orbital location. Aside from other satellites operated by Intelsat, SES Americom's AMC-3 satellite at 87° W.L. is the only other satellite within six degrees of Galaxy 17 that receives signals in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band from
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1480A1_Rcd.pdf
- by airframe deformation and data latency. 16The skew angle is the angle between the long axis of a parabolic-reflector AES antenna with an elliptical aperture 12559 Federal Communications Commission DA 11-1480 asserts that eXConnect AES antenna 1-sigma pointing error will be less than 0.25 degree18and that the controller will terminate AES transmission within 100 milliseconds if pointing error ever exceeds 0.5 degrees. 7.Coordination with Satellite Operators. Panasonic proposes to operate the AESs to communicate via Intelsat's Galaxy 17 satellite, which is at the 91º W.L. orbital location.19Aside from other satellites operated by Intelsat, SES Americom's AMC-3 satellite at 87° W.L. is the only other satellite within six degrees of Galaxy 17 that receives signals in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band from earth
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1763A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1763A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1763A1.txt
- cáþ¢- Š¡X RÑ@ JŽ FF*''Z6tm )bÔ5 †>¤€¯alñþßõ(c)Ÿ¤<~•Û5´/p- 9w(c)éíèiúŽ"4ZÄzNh·7E7¹y6$c߃Ÿþ¸ hQ\ûxŽâÒúÒÛSÒÚÑnÛdr,ë ...Gs÷ýxíÛó -QÛÙÉ}§\?˜¾S('6=°HÏoʧû Rà Š ŽF?¥[ø‹ _ sŸ` ´rFp9÷ sÏä žmÌE]XŒo# ý8&(c)iZÖ·-Ÿ (c)øNóV³°m* }€íø{Ð iÞ XýyýjÀÖ5 3áÞtm(Yõ{€AŸ+-{Œò<~U çü ·8 ¿EEks ôòŸ?ú vŠÇµñV‰vû"Ôb ¨ª`jš|î(c) e¶yŒRË°gdK¹›è;Ö Ôâ€:ˆ|S§O(R) {wfï@ ÆsŽõ%÷‰tË ðq'áN;dŒV_€¢k‡Ôµi9ktmÊ(c)>ƒ``üÇåW>Ñíì jËi1]µþì‹èÃdë·oªkðxv ) `G v€9o YM¥êzµÄ¦g ...ì5 b€0.5 ›Ôµ €xÛO-Q x‚ ˜ñÌŒ$òD¤ {×G\嶳"F-6(‰ î=GøWZþ)Ðã‡ÍmN¾Šr!ÍiOm Êl¸‰%_GPGëUmô=*ÚO2 ôë"^ùo#Y-ôØÁXÕ× ç¥v• ¥½œ ±\-ƒ§Ø?ˆ †¡"Ú\üA±ºŠå a ô(fó c‚ ð½#H´Ñ -PÞZÅsnÁâ•C)-•‹¬x?LÕî 6~‚³´O g ŸRI?Òðý ÃDÆåúf¹¤ð, vnÆ(c)|.wnóC ¤Ûj7 Vú›jQëOö×Îù 2>¢¥¶Ðõ(õ ^ê×"vöÙòcH¼´BqÏS``ÅU×ü-s¯N L(R)1ƒƒúÖM¿†µ ^Üj: Šl',q´Žpª 'Ú³ô]rÏ\‚Il‹â7ØÁ× Øý Yt ¨ÝEqo Œ#...'è × Üö 9¼Ldº' PºËq8 €N Õ^Õt ¤{˜ Ûñ \²xkO...NÕ¸t Ü$ !d]"‡µs? œNî(R)ÐÎrMr œÔ5 =SÇZUÅ''...ãÌjr¥y = ô è:tº ÏãX- ¡çƒíR^êVZz(c)¼ºŠ Àê F¨·Þê:zP s öõòä ì Þ•¢éú?tmö ,ËÇ$``Žƒš·uu
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1955A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1955A2.txt
- the porting data to determine the diversion rates), for the profit margin([Begin Confidential Information] [End Confidential Information]percent for all firms), the LTE penetration ([Begin Confidential Informationi [End Confidential Information]percent for standalone AT&T and [Begin Confidential Information] [End Confidential Information]percent for T-Mobile), and we have also estimated the Economic Model allowing the costs of the other firms to increase and using -0.5 as the industry elasticity. In each case, the Economic Model predicts that unilateral effects alone will cause prices to be higher and output to be lower every year. C-24 Federal Communications Commission Table 12.Weighted Average National Price Differences and Output Relative to No Transaction Using Alternative Model Specifications connaenuai [End Confidential Informationj 52.Overall, the output and pricing predictions we obtain
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-284A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-284A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-284A1.txt
- are lower in effective competition communities on a per channel basis (almost all the differences are statistically significant). As of January 1, 2009, average prices and price per channel were lower by 1.0 percent and 11.1 percent, respectively, in communities found to have effective competition due to the presence of a second operator (other than a wireless or DBS operator); 0.5 percent higher and 6.9 percent lower for incumbents in the second operator subgroup; 2.9 percent higher and 1.4 percent lower for communities with a finding based upon DBS market share; 0.5 percent higher and 4.2 percent lower in areas overlapped by a wireless MVPD operator; and 1.6 and 1.4 percent lower where operators met the low penetration test by serving
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-420A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-420A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-420A1.txt
- the prior round. The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage (floor) at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage (ceiling) at 0.3 (30%). At these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will generally be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. Additional Bid Amounts
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-420A1_Rcd.pdf
- prior round.186 The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. 167. The Bureau proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage (floor) at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage (ceiling) at 0.3 (30%). At these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will generally be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license.187 Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. b. Additional Bid
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-447A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-447A2.txt
- 11.7-12.2 GHz (Region 2 GSO FSS) 1) See § 1 of Annex 1 to this Appendix; In the bands specified in No. 5.414A, the detailed conditions for the application of No. 9.14 are provided in No. 5.414A for MSS networks or 2) In the band 11.7-12.2 GHz (Region 2 GSO FSS): 124 dB(W/(m2 · MHz)) for 0° 5 124 + 0.5 ( 5) dB(W/(m2 · MHz)) for 5° < 25 114 dB(W/(m2 · MHz)) for > 25 where is the angle of arrival of the incident wave above the horizontal 1) See § 1 of Annex 1 to this Appendix 35 3) 7 125-7250 MHz (GSO MSS) 4) 10.5-10.55 GHz (GSO MSS) plane (degrees) 3) In the band 7 125-7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-447A2_Rcd.pdf
- 5.414A , the deta iled con diti ons for the a pplica tion of No. 9.14 are provide d in No. 5.41 4A for MS S networks or 2) In the band 1 1.7-1 2.2 GHz (Re gion 2 GSO FSS ): 124 dB (W/ (m2 · MHz) ) fo r 0° d T d 5 q 12 4 + 0.5 (T 5) dB(W/( m2 · MH z)) for 5° < T d 25 q 114 dB (W/ (m2 · MHz) ) fo r T > 2 5q where T is the angl e of arri val o f th e inci dent w ave abo ve t he hor izon tal 1) See § 1 of Anne x 1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-543A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-543A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-543A1.txt
- $1.033 million, which is approximately 45% of IPSAN's total proposed rebanding costs of $2.295 million.'' IPSAN's Position. IPSAN submits that there are several reasons for not retaining the pre-rebanding channels in the mobile data radios. It states that ``rebanding will require that 12 additional MFR channels be loaded into each end unit,'' and that ``[a]t an agreed scan time of 0.5 seconds per channel, the parties agree that the scan time could be increased by up to six seconds.'' IPSAN submits that ``[a]lthough it has been noted that the units will first scan the Dynamic List, the fact is that the Dynamic List will also be adversely affected by rebanding.'' IPSAN explains that ``[t]his is because the Network Controller Configuration, which
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A1.txt
- 75 8344300 436 309323 37228 34 UKK South West 73 5193600 217 165438 31985 30 UKL Wales 67 2986700 144 77554 26027 30 UKM Scotland 63 5156500 66 173660 33763 37 UKN Northern Ireland 42 1767100 124 48867 27786 32 US0 United States 63 309280117 33 14165565 46588 US01 Alabama 48 4661900 35 170014 36469 20 US02 Alaska 73 1366454 0.5 47912 69813 24 US04 Arizona 67 6500180 22 248888 38289 23 US05 Arkansas 51 2855390 21 98331 34437 17 US06 California 67 36756666 91 1846760 50243 27 US08 Colorado 68 4939456 18 248603 50330 32 US09 Connecticut 70 3501252 279 216174 61742 33 US10 Delaware 66 873092 173 61828 70815 25 US11 Dist. of Columbia 66 591833 3722 97235 164295
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A1_Rcd.pdf
- 75 8344300 436 309323 37228 34 UKK South West 73 5193600 217 165438 31985 30 UKL Wales 67 2986700 144 77554 26027 30 UKM Scotland 63 5156500 66 173660 33763 37 UKN Northern Ireland 42 1767100 124 48867 27786 32 US0 United States 63 309280117 33 14165565 46588 US01 Alabama 48 4661900 35 170014 36469 20 US02 Alaska 73 1366454 0.5 47912 69813 24 US04 Arizona 67 6500180 22 248888 38289 23 US05 Arkansas 51 2855390 21 98331 34437 17 US06 California 67 36756666 91 1846760 50243 27 US08 Colorado 68 4939456 18 248603 50330 32 US09 Connecticut 70 3501252 279 216174 61742 33 US10 Delaware 66 873092 173 61828 70815 25 US11 Dist. of Columbia 66 591833 3722 97235 164295
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- 6 Canada Bell Camada Incumbent Fibe 12 FTTx 12 Federal Communications Commission DA 11-732 Canada Bell Camada Incumbent Fibe 16 FTTx 16 Canada Bell Camada Incumbent Bundle 2 Fibe 16 FTTx 16 Canada Bell Camada Incumbent Bundle 3 Fibe 16 and Digital Basic Plus FTTx 16 Canada Bell Camada Incumbent Fibe 25 FTTx 25 Canada Rogers CommunicationsEntrant Ultra-Lite Internet Cable 0.5 Canada Rogers CommunicationsEntrant Lite Internet Cable 3 Canada Rogers CommunicationsEntrant Express Internet Cable 10 Canada Rogers CommunicationsEntrant Extreme Internet Cable 15 Canada Rogers CommunicationsEntrant Rocket Mobile No Term wireless 3G 21 Canada Rogers CommunicationsEntrant Rocket Mobile No Term wireless 3G 21 Canada Rogers CommunicationsEntrant Rocket Mobile with Flex Rate wireless 3G 21 Canada Rogers CommunicationsEntrant Rocket Mobile with Flex Rate
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-816A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-816A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-816A1.txt
- the occupational limit fence around the perimeter of this site with warning signs to enclose the area below occupational limits but above public exposure RFR limits. As such the occupational RFR limits apply inside the inner fence. Public limits apply outside the outer fence. The maximum RFR reading at the site was 0.89 milliwatts/cm2 along the north inner fence at 0.5 meters from the ground. Levels along the other inner fence borders ranged from 0.13 milliwatts/cm2 to 0.32 milliwatts/cm2. Additionally, one location outside the inner fence showed a reading of 0.79 milliwatts/cm2. This was 5 meters west northwest of the northwest corner of the fenced area at 0.5 meters from ground level. This was the highest level between the two fence
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-377A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-377A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-377A1.txt
- 15.4 15.0 17.2 17.5 HD digital versions 3.8 3.6 4.1 3.8 6.4 4.3 4.1 3.6 Multicast channels 6.6 5.5 9.0 9.9 8.1 9.6 8.9 8.4 Total local broadcast 24.0 21.1 29.8 28.7 29.9 28.9 30.2 29.5 PEG 3.6 3.4 4.1 4.0 5.9 4.3 4.2 2.6 Leased access 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.7 0.6 1.5 1.2 0.8 Regional sports 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.3 Other 12.0 11.6 12.7 15.0 6.3 13.5 12.6 10.5 Total 41.0 37.4 48.1 49.9 42.9 48.7 48.5 43.6 Source: Survey. Table 6 reports the number of regional sports networks (RSNs) included in service offerings. Overall, the average is 0.2 RSN channel on basic service, 2.1 channels on expanded basic service, and 2.3 on the next most
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-646A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-646A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-646A1.txt
- additional variables that were ultimately excluded from the final model because they were not significant for either capex or opex. In its Capex Study, NRIC found that rain frequency increased construction cost per household. Following NRIC's model, we used the Samson weather station data, and for each study area, calculated the average number of days per year with greater than 0.5 inches of rainfall (DaysAbvPt5). We found DaysAbvPt5 was not significant in either regression. We also tested the average slope in study areas (slope) using data in the STATSGO2 database. Our hypothesis was that the steeper the slope, the more difficult it would be to build and maintain cabling. The coefficient on slope was insignificant (i.e., statistically indistinguishable from zero) in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-705A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-705A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-705A2.txt
- Asked Questions (FAQs), and an email link to the contractor as well as contact information (including telephone numbers) for all appropriate staff members. Availability and Access The web site shall be available 24 hours per day, seven (7) days a week. The web site shall be able to support up to 600 simultaneous users with an average holding time of 0.5 hours. System Responsiveness Rapid response shall be required when accessing the web site. The contractor shall provide a system such that a 56 KBPS modem-equipped user will be able to view the complete home page in less than eight (8) seconds 95% of the time over any 12 month period. If a user is experiencing greater than 12 seconds to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-861A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-861A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-861A1.txt
- Bureau next considered whether the proposed space station was capable of operating with an adjacent 17/24 GHz satellite less than four degrees away. In this regard, the Bureau noted that DIRECTV had provided an interference analysis pursuant to Section 25.140(b)(4)(iii) of the Commission's rules, in which DIRECTV calculated that its proposed offset operations would create the potential for up to 0.5 dB more interference to co-frequency adjacent space stations, and proposed to reduce its power to result in lower PFD. The Bureau then used a formula that it had applied in prior 17/24 GHz BSS grants at offset locations to calculate the reduction in power necessary for DIRECTV RB-2 to operate compatibly with adjacent satellites. The Bureau found that DIRECTV RB-2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-996A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-996A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-996A1.txt
- for IP Relay, which will expire June 30, 2013. Pursuant to the 2007 TRS Rate Methodology Order, this rate is adjusted annually by an inflation factor and an efficiency factor, and includes any appropriate exogenous costs submitted by providers. The inflation factor is the Gross Domestic Product Price Index (GDP-PI), and the efficiency factor is the inflation factor minus a 0.5 percent adjustment to account for productivity gains. RLSA states that no claims of exogenous costs were submitted by IP Relay providers. The Compensation Rates for VRS As noted above, we adopt the current interim VRS rates and compensation structure for VRS, pending further action in the VRS reform proceeding. In the 2010-11 and 2011-12 Fund years, the Commission continued to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-95-1733A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-95-1733A1.txt
- any need for supplemental information in light of LAHI's state- 46 Petition for Section 403 Investigation of Loral Aerospace Holdings, Inc. at I (filed March 10, 1995). 47 Although Nevada DBS contends that its petition "supports an investigation by the full Commission," disposition of that petition is within the scope of the International Bureau's man date under 47 C.F.R. § 0.5 l(c) to "administer policies, rules, standards, and procedures for the authorization ... of ... domestic and international satellite systems." 48 The foreign ownership limitations in Section 100.11 are virtually identical to those in Subsection 310(b) of the Commu nications Act. Section 100.11 states that DBS authorizations shall not be granted to or held by any corporation with an alien officer
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-96-2165A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-96-2165A1.txt
- on LHCP and MCI-F2 operating on RHCP. Consequently, MCI requests authorization to arrange its satellites within a cluster such that MCI-F1 will be located at 109.8 W.L. and MCI-F2 at 110.2 W.L. 4. MCI requests permission to employ senses of polarization opposite to those indicated in the ITU Region 2 Plan.7 MCI asserts that switching the polarization will provide a 0.5 to 1.0 dB advantage in the receive earth station performance.8 By this Order, subject to the conditions outlined below, we grant MCI's request to employ senses of polarization opposite to those indicated in the ITU Region 2 Plan. As stated in the MCI Order, we have 3 MCI Application at Appendix A-1. 4 MCI proposes to launch MCI-F1 in the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-97-1409A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-97-1409A1.txt
- consolidating their responses to issues raised, this will eliminate the need for duplicative pleadings, reduce the burden on all parties to the proceeding, and conserve Commission resources. 9723 4. This action is taken pursuant to authority' found in Sections 4(i) and 303 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 154(i) and 303; and pursuant to Sections 0.5], 0.261 and 1.48 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.51, 0.261 and 1.48. Accordingly, IT IS "ORDERED that the OEMS Licensees may exceed the 25-page limitation in a consolidated opposition to petitions for reconsideration or clarification filed in the above captioned proceeding. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Peter F. (Sowney Chief, Internation Bureau 9724
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-97-2191A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-97-2191A1.txt
- ld 7989 (3) TecJznicalQualifications FederalCommunicationsCommission DA97-2191 40. TheSDARS'OrderrequiresSOARSlicensees'systemstoprovide,ataminimum.full CONUScoverage.1:!3Inaddition,coveragetootherareasorterritoriesoftheUnitedStatesis stronglyencouraged,ifpractical.124CORadioproposesthatitstwogeostationarysatellitesat approximately800W.L.and1100W.L.,ataminimum,providecontinuousSOARStothe48 contiguousstatesoftheUnitedStates.Accordingly,CORadio'sproposedSOARSsystemcomplies withtheSDARSOrder'scoverage/servicearearequirements.125 41. TheSDARSOrderalsorequiresSOARSapplicantstoprovideinformationontheir servicelinkbudgetsinaccordancewithSection25.114(c)(9)oftheCommission'srules.126 Accordingtoitsamendment,CORadiowillprovideaservicelinkmarginof18dB.127. 42. TheSDARSOrdermandatesthat,attheveryleast,consumersshouldbeabletoaccess thecoveredservicesfromalllicensedSOARSsystemsviaasinglereceiver.128Therearesignificant differencesbetweenCORadio'sandAMRC'sproposedtransmissiontechnologiesthatmayaffect receiverinteroperability.However,initsamendment,CORadioexpresseditscommitmenttowork withallinterestedparties.toinsurethattheSOARSreceiverswillpermitcustomerstoaccessboth systems.129ConsideringthatSOARSreceiverinteroperabilityisintheinterestofconsumers,the industry,andthelicensees,CDRadio'slicenseisconditioneduponitscertificationtothe CommissionthatitsfinalreceiverdesignisinteroperablewiththeAMRCSOARS. 43. TheSDARSOrderrequiresapplicantstoidentifywhichcodingschemeandcoding rate(s)theyplantoimplementintheirSOARSsystems,andrequiresthoseSOARSsystemsthat intendtoofferaudioformatsotherthanCDqualitytobecapableoftransmittinglowerqualityaudio 123 Seealso§25.144(2)(i)([s]erviceofthe48statesoftheUnitedStatesisfullCONUS). 124 SOARSOrderat 99. 125 Amendmentat8. 126 SOARSOrderat 101. 127 Amendmentat26,Table.3. 128 SOARSat 106. 129 CORadioAmendmep.tat25. 7990. FederalCommunicationsCommission DA97-2191 atlowerdatarates.DOCDRadio'sSDARSsystemcomplieswiththeapplicabledata compression/codingrequirements.TheCDRadiosystem willusePerceptualAudioCoding(liPAC") algorithmtocompressCDqualityinformationstreamfrom1.44Mbpsto128Kbps.Theresulting datastreamwillbeconvolutionallyencodedwithhalf-rateK=7errorcoding,interleaved,dividedinto blocksandblock-errorencodedwith10percentdepthReed-Solomoncode.TheCDRadiosystem willbeabletoprovideapproximately30CDqualitystereochannels.Inaddition,five128Kbps channelswillbesubdividedinto32Kbpschannelstobeusedforvoiceprogramming.Standard voicecodecsl31willbeusedto'provide20FMaudio-qualitychannels.Flexibilitywillbemaintained onthesechannelssothattheycanbesubdividedfurther(i.e.,16Kbps,8Kbps,4Kbps,2Kbps,1 Kbps,0.5Kbps)toprovideauxiliaryservicessuchaspaging,lightaircraftweatheradvisory,GPS differentialdataandnationalemergencyalerting.Compressionofthistypeofinformationwouldbe use-specific.AtleastsomeofsuchauxiliaryservicedatawouldbeencodedusingLinearPredictive Coding("LPC,,).132 44. The SDARSOrderdoesnotsetaspecificPFDlimitonSDARS.Instead,the CommissionexpectsthatappropriatePFDlimitswillbeestablishedthroughinternational coordinationwithadjacentcountries.AccordingtoSection25.114(c)(lI)oftheCommission's rules,however,SDARSapplicantsarerequiredtoidentifyPFDattheEarth'ssurfacefromtheir spacecraft.133Initsamendmenttoitsapplication.CDRadiocomplieswiththeCommission'srulesby providing-thePFDwithinitscoveragearea.AlthoughtheborderPFDvalueiscriticalforpurposes ofinternationalcoordination,tocomplywiththeintentofSection25.114(c)(l1),andforthe purposesofdomesticcoordination,CDRadioshouldprovidemaximum(peak)PFDvaluewithinits coveragearea.CDRadiorecognizesthatthereportedPFDvalueswilltriggertherequirementto coordinatewithradiocommunicationssystemsofothercountries.IntheabsenceofasetofPFD limitsforthe2320-2332.5MHzband,CDRadio'slicensetoprovideSDARSisconditionedupon completionofsuccessfulcoordinationbetweentheCDRadioSDARSsystemandtheforeign systems. 45. The SDARSOrderrequiresSDARSlicenseestomeetout-of-bandandspurious emissionlimitscontainedinSection25.202(f)oftheCommission'srules.134Initstheamendmentto 130 SDARSOrderat 108. 131 Codecsisatennusedforcoderidecoder. 13: Amendmentat23. mSOARSOrderat 113and114. SDARSOrderat 118. 7991 FederalCommunicationsCommission DA97-2191 itslicenseapplication.CDRadioverifiesthatitsproposedsystemwillsuppressout-of-bandspurious emissionstothelevelsspecifiedinSection25.202(1).135Initsupdatedamendment,CDRadiostates thatitwillcoordinateitsSDARSsystemfrequencyuseinordertopreventthepotentialfor unacceptableinterference.I]/:> 46. TheSDARSOrderrequiresSDARSlicenseestoaccommodatetelemetrybeaconsfor theirsystemswithintheirexclusively-licensedbandwidth.butallowseachlicenseetheflexibilityto determinetheappropriateamountofspectrumnecessaryforitstelemetrybeacons.137CDRadio appearstocomplywiththisrequirementbylocatingitstelemetrybeaconswithinabandwidthof200 KHzat2320.25MHz.138 47. IntheSDARSOrder,theCommissionpermitsanSDARSlicensee.pursuanttoan agreementwiththeotherSDARSlicensee.totransmitoncross-polarizedfrequenciesinfrequency assignedtotheotherSDARSlicensee.TheCommissionstipulatedthatthepartieswhoreachsuch anagreementwouldberequiredtoapplytotheCommissionforagreementapproval.I39CDRadio statesthatatthistimeitdoesnotintendtoemploycross-polarizationwithinitsfrequencyassignment andwilloperateonleft-handcircularpolarization(ltLHCplt).CDRadioisrequiredtoapplytothe CommissionforapprovalofanychangefromitsuseofLHCP.I.JO 48. TheCommissionrecognizedintheSDARSOrderthattheSDARSsystemscannot operatewithoutsufficientfeeder-linkspectrum.TheSDARSOrder.therefore.identifiedthenon- congested7025-7075MHzfixedsatelliteservice("FSSIt)fi'equencybandasthespectrumforSDARS feeder-linkoperations.CDRadiohastentativelyidentified12.5MHzofspectrumforitsfeeder-link use.However.thisissubjecttolicensingandcoordination.TheSDARSOrderstatesthatthe
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-99-431A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-99-431A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-99-431A1.txt
- rates with carriers in Brunei, Singapore, Taiwan, and other carriers that provide service in upper income countries, that satisfy the requirements of the Benchmarks Order. Background 3. AT&T Corp. (on behalf of itself, AT&T Alascom, AT&T Puerto Rico, and AT&T Virgin Islands) and MCI filed petitions to reduce their accounting rates for service with Singapore Telecom International Limited ("ST") from 0.5 SDR (about 70¢) per minute to 0.38 SDR (about 53¢) per minute for IMTS and from 0.62 SDR (about 87¢) per minute to 0.38 SDR (about 53¢) per minute for ISDN on December 1, 1998. AT&T Corp. (on behalf of itself, AT&T Alascom, AT&T Puerto Rico, and AT&T Virgin Islands) also filed a petition to reduce the accounting rate for
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-104945A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-104945A1.txt
- total factor productivity (TFP) measurement.381 b. Discussion 286. The commenters generally repeat arguments made in the proceeding. For reasons explained in detail in our companion we conclude that we should prescribe an X-Factor on the basis of total factor productivity studies, the difference between LEC input price changes and input price changes in the economy as a whole, and the 0.5 percent consumer productivity dividend (CPD). In the companion order we find that this results in an X-Factor prescription of 6.5 percent. 380 NPRM at | 233. With respect to the productivity offset, we invited comment on, among other things, basing it on total factor productivity (TFP). TFP is the ratio of an index of a firm's total outputs to an
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- N NC NE 080-31-41.2 W 0000062773 Cellco Partnership MONROE 11/17/1999 06004.50000 35-08-27.5 N NC NE 080-31-41.2 W 0000062773 Cellco Partnership MONROE 11/17/1999 06034.15000 35-08-27.5 N NC NE 080-31-41.2 W 0000062773 Cellco Partnership MONROE 11/17/1999 06063.80000 35-08-27.5 N NC NE 080-31-41.2 W 0000062773 Cellco Partnership MONROE 11/17/1999 06093.45000 35-08-27.5 N NC NE 081-50-19.4 W 0000062779 Cellco Partnership UNION MILLS 11/17/1999 05945.20000 35-35-00.5 N NC NE 081-50-19.4 W 0000062779 Cellco Partnership UNION MILLS 11/17/1999 06004.50000 35-35-00.5 N NC NE 081-50-19.4 W 0000062779 Cellco Partnership UNION MILLS 11/17/1999 06063.80000 35-35-00.5 N NC NE 081-50-19.4 W 0000062779 Cellco Partnership UNION MILLS 11/17/1999 06226.89000 35-35-00.5 N Page 8 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date
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- Public Notice. Opposition to objections may be filed no later than 10 days after the original objection is filed. Responses to the opposition may be filed no later than 5 days after the time for filing an opposition has expired. A Apppplliiccaanntt FFiillee N Nuum mbbeerr C Coooorrddiinnaatteess D Daattee R Reecc''dd Unisite A0099667 25-54-10.6/80-19-43.2 10/04/99 SBA Towers, Inc. A0109382 36-10-0.5/82-44.2-23.711/26/99 Kansas City SMSA Limited A0112347 39-4-19.9/94-33-10.8 2/04/00 Partnership Cincinnati Bell Wireless,LLC A0111451 39-3-44.0/84-53-43.0 2/08/00 -FCC-
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- W 0000100855 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 03/31/2000 22675.00000 32-54-51.5 N TX NE 096-52-45.0 W 0000100856 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 03/31/2000 22825.00000 32-54-38.0 N TX NE 096-52-34.0 W 0000100857 BACKLINK LLC Farmers Branch 03/31/2000 22525.00000 32-54-52.5 N TX NE 096-52-26.8 W 0000100858 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 03/31/2000 22975.00000 32-54-50.6 N TX NE 096-47-03.1 W 0000100859 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 03/31/2000 21625.00000 32-55-24.4 N TX NE 096-47-00.5 W 0000100860 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 03/31/2000 21525.00000 32-55-25.7 N TX NE 096-47-48.1 W 0000100861 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 03/31/2000 21775.00000 32-55-25.4 N TX NE 096-47-43.1 W 0000100862 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 03/31/2000 21225.00000 32-55-25.1 N TX NE 096-47-08.1 W 0000100863 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 03/31/2000 21325.00000 32-55-24.2 N TX NE 096-46-12.0 W 0000100864 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 03/31/2000 21425.00000 32-54-06.2 N TX NE 096-46-08.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-202023A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-202023A1.txt
- BORDER PIPELINE COMPANY DAVENPORT 04/12/2000 06123.10000 41-38-58.1 N IA MD WPOT936 090-26-58.4 W 0000103151 NORTHERN BORDER PIPELINE COMPANY DAVENPORT 04/12/2000 06152.75000 41-38-58.1 N OH MD WLR625 082-01-32.5 W 0000106336 GTE MOBILNET OF OHIO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP GRAFTON 04/11/2000 06615.00000 41-16-17.2 N OH MD WLR625 082-01-32.5 W 0000106336 GTE MOBILNET OF OHIO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP GRAFTON 04/11/2000 10755.00000 41-16-17.2 N OH MD WLB360 081-50-00.5 W 0000106368 GTE MOBILNET OF OHIO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP STRONGSVILLE 04/11/2000 02123.20000 41-16-34.2 N OH MD WLB360 081-50-00.5 W 0000106368 GTE MOBILNET OF OHIO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP STRONGSVILLE 04/11/2000 06775.00000 41-16-34.2 N OH MD WLB360 081-50-00.5 W 0000106368 GTE MOBILNET OF OHIO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP STRONGSVILLE 04/11/2000 10855.00000 41-16-34.2 N NC MD WMJ750 078-53-41.0 W 0000106372 AMERICAN TELEVISION AND COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION DURHAM 03/06/2000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-202481A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-202481A1.txt
- 05/05/2000 19425.00000 37-42-39.7 N PA NE 075-10-15.9 W 0000124632 Teligent License Company II, L.L.C. PHILADELPHIA 05/05/2000 19560.00000 39-57-11.2 N IL NE 087-53-56.7 W 0000124635 BACKLINK LLC DES PLAINES 05/05/2000 17840.00000 42-00-31.1 N IL NE 087-53-47.5 W 0000124636 BACKLINK LLC DES PLAINES 05/05/2000 18000.00000 42-00-33.6 N IL NE 087-50-16.9 W 0000124638 BACKLINK LLC PARK RIDGE 05/05/2000 17880.00000 41-59-13.2 N NJ NE 074-10-00.5 W 0000124640 BACKLINK LLC Newark 05/05/2000 21425.00000 40-44-05.6 N NJ NE 074-10-00.5 W 0000124640 BACKLINK LLC Newark 05/05/2000 21575.00000 40-44-05.6 N NJ NE 074-10-00.5 W 0000124640 BACKLINK LLC Newark 05/05/2000 21775.00000 40-44-05.6 N NJ NE 074-10-06.3 W 0000124641 BACKLINK LLC Newark 05/05/2000 22625.00000 40-44-06.1 N NJ NE 074-10-05.5 W 0000124642 BACKLINK LLC Newark 05/05/2000 22975.00000 40-44-08.1 N NJ NE 074-09-57.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-202973A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-202973A1.txt
- BACKLINK LLC New York 05/24/2000 21325.00000 40-43-22.4 N NY AM 074-00-22.0 W 0000097087 BACKLINK LLC New York 05/24/2000 19640.00000 40-43-17.8 N NY AM 074-00-22.0 W 0000097087 BACKLINK LLC New York 05/24/2000 21525.00000 40-43-17.8 N TX AM 096-47-03.1 W 0000100859 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 05/24/2000 17880.00000 32-55-24.4 N TX AM 096-47-03.1 W 0000100859 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 05/24/2000 21625.00000 32-55-24.4 N TX AM 096-47-00.5 W 0000100860 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 05/24/2000 17960.00000 32-55-25.7 N TX AM 096-47-00.5 W 0000100860 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 05/24/2000 21525.00000 32-55-25.7 N TX AM 096-47-48.1 W 0000100861 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 05/24/2000 17920.00000 32-55-25.4 N TX AM 096-47-48.1 W 0000100861 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 05/24/2000 21775.00000 32-55-25.4 N TX AM 096-47-43.1 W 0000100862 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 05/24/2000 18000.00000 32-55-25.1 N TX AM 096-47-43.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-203818A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-203818A1.txt
- W 0000176574 KATLINK LLC N MIAMI BEACH 06/26/2000 17960.00000 25-55-47.3 N IA NE 093-46-36.8 W 0000176590 United States Cellular Operating Company - Des Moines New Virginia 06/26/2000 06780.00000 41-11-07.5 N LA NE 090-04-18.1 W 0000176613 Teligent License Company II, L.L.C. NEW ORELANS 06/26/2000 18000.00000 29-57-11.8 N GA NE 084-20-56.8 W 0000177357 BACKLINK LLC ATLANTA 06/27/2000 17840.00000 33-55-11.4 N GA NE 084-19-00.5 W 0000177358 BACKLINK LLC ATLANTA 06/27/2000 17920.00000 33-55-04.5 N GA NE 084-21-07.8 W 0000177359 BACKLINK LLC ATLANTA 06/27/2000 17920.00000 33-54-14.5 N GA NE 084-20-25.5 W 0000177360 BACKLINK LLC DUNWOODY 06/27/2000 17840.00000 33-56-01.5 N GA NE 084-20-25.1 W 0000177361 BACKLINK LLC DUNWOODY 06/27/2000 17920.00000 33-55-55.9 N GA NE 084-19-02.0 W 0000177362 BACKLINK LLC DUNWOODY 06/27/2000 17840.00000 33-55-16.1 N MO NE 090-27-15.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-203902A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-203902A1.txt
- 08/03/2010 Date Effective: 06/26/2000 Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations Grant of Authority Nature of Service:Domestic Fixed Satellite Service SITE ID: 1 105 NORTH FOREMAN, CRAIG, VINITA, OK LOCATION: E900269 SES-RWL-20000613-00991 NATIONAL MINORITY TV, INC. Renewal 06/22/2000 - 06/22/2010 Date Effective: 06/26/2000 Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations Grant of Authority Nature of Service:Domestic Fixed Satellite Service SITE ID: 1 0.5 KM W. OF INTERS. OF US RT. 71 & US, FRANKLIN, COLUMBUS, OH LOCATION: E900267 SES-RWL-20000613-00992 NATIONAL MINORITY TV, INC. Renewal 06/22/2000 - 06/22/2010 Date Effective: 06/26/2000 Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations Grant of Authority Nature of Service:Domestic Fixed Satellite Service SITE ID: 1 ATOP SHINALL MOUNTAIN, PULASKI, LITTLE ROCK, AR LOCATION: Page 8 of 11 E900263 SES-RWL-20000615-00985 TRIDOM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-203907A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-203907A1.txt
- CA NE 117-12-04.7 W 0000168826 BACKLINK LLC SAN DIEGO 06/19/2000 19440.00000 32-53-37.0 N CA NE 121-58-42.2 W 0000168827 BACKLINK LLC SANTA CLARA 06/19/2000 19520.00000 37-23-02.6 N CA NE 121-59-21.1 W 0000168828 BACKLINK LLC SUNNYVALE 06/19/2000 17960.00000 37-23-05.5 N WI NE 088-10-26.6 W 0000168852 BACKLINK LLC WAUKESHA 06/19/2000 19440.00000 43-01-52.5 N WI NE 088-10-17.0 W 0000168853 BACKLINK LLC WAUKESHA 06/19/2000 17880.00000 43-02-00.5 N WI NE 088-10-17.0 W 0000168853 BACKLINK LLC WAUKESHA 06/19/2000 18080.00000 43-02-00.5 N WI NE 088-10-29.6 W 0000168854 BACKLINK LLC WAUKESHA 06/19/2000 19640.00000 43-01-52.0 N OH NE 084-28-12.5 W 0000171332 KATLINK LLC CINCINNATI 06/20/2000 19360.00000 39-16-55.1 N OH NE 084-28-12.5 W 0000171332 KATLINK LLC CINCINNATI 06/20/2000 19360.00000 39-16-55.1 N OH NE 084-28-12.5 W 0000171332 KATLINK LLC CINCINNATI 06/20/2000 19400.00000 39-16-55.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-204615A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-204615A1.txt
- ATLANTA 07/26/2000 18000.00000 33-45-20.8 N MO NE 090-25-46.9 W 0000194646 KATLINK LLC St. Louis 07/26/2000 17920.00000 38-42-09.4 N WA NE 122-20-01.1 W 0000194695 BACKLINK LLC Seattle 07/26/2000 19560.00000 47-35-59.9 N Page 20 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WA NE 122-20-00.5 W 0000194696 BACKLINK LLC Seattle 07/26/2000 19480.00000 47-35-58.3 N WA NE 122-20-01.6 W 0000194697 BACKLINK LLC Seattle 07/26/2000 19680.00000 47-36-08.8 N OR NE 122-54-37.3 W 0000194709 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. Springfiled 07/26/2000 06826.87500 44-07-30.4 N OR NE 123-17-58.4 W 0000194728 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. Dallas 07/26/2000 06785.62500 44-53-47.4 N PA NE 080-00-23.6 W 0000194747 KATLINK LLC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-204800A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-204800A1.txt
- (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MA NE 072-38-54.0 W 0000197333 Equal Access Networks LLC HOLYOKE 07/31/2000 11465.00000 42-14-28.0 N NJ NE 074-02-45.4 W 0000197356 BACKLINK LLC HACKENSACK 07/31/2000 18040.00000 40-52-46.2 N NJ NE 074-02-06.0 W 0000197357 BACKLINK LLC HACKENSACK 07/31/2000 17920.00000 40-53-55.3 N IL NE 087-40-36.0 W 0000197371 Teligent License Company II, L.L.C. CHICAGO 07/31/2000 19560.00000 41-54-37.0 N NJ NE 074-10-00.5 W 0000197376 Teligent License Company II, L.L.C. NEWARK 07/31/2000 21275.00000 40-44-05.6 N NJ NE 074-10-00.5 W 0000197376 Teligent License Company II, L.L.C. NEWARK 07/31/2000 21325.00000 40-44-05.6 N NJ NE 074-10-00.5 W 0000197376 Teligent License Company II, L.L.C. NEWARK 07/31/2000 21375.00000 40-44-05.6 N NJ NE 074-10-00.5 W 0000197376 Teligent License Company II, L.L.C. NEWARK 07/31/2000 21475.00000 40-44-05.6 N NJ NE 074-10-00.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205050A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205050A1.txt
- 083-15-54.6 W 0000204034 GEORGIA RSA #11, INC. VALDOSTA 08/11/2000 10618.12500 30-54-11.2 N GA MD WPOS354 083-15-54.6 W 0000204034 GEORGIA RSA #11, INC. VALDOSTA 08/11/2000 10627.50000 30-54-11.2 N MA MD WPOR712 071-52-59.2 W 0000204064 WORCESTER TELEPHONE COMPANYOXFORD 08/11/2000 10643.12500 42-10-27.3 N LA MD WPQL493 090-31-36.5 W 0000204087 Louisiana RSA #7 Cellular General Partnership Kentwood 08/11/2000 06650.00000 30-56-39.9 N MA MD WHO996 071-13-00.5 W 0000204097 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEMS, INC. ANDOVER 08/11/2000 10658.12500 42-39-14.0 N TX MD WLW311 098-38-37.9 W 0000204098 TEXAS RSA 9B1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DBA RANGER 08/11/2000 02118.40000 32-27-36.4 N TX MD WLW311 098-38-37.9 W 0000204098 TEXAS RSA 9B1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DBA RANGER 08/11/2000 02128.00000 32-27-36.4 N CA MD KMH74 121-46-17.9 W 0000204101 CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA INC BURNEY 08/11/2000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205600A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205600A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OR RM KNKN411 123-11-16.4 W 0000213357 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC AMITY 09/01/2000 45-07-48.4 N OR RM KNKN411 123-11-16.4 W 0000213357 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC AMITY 09/01/2000 45-07-48.4 N OR RM KNKN411 123-11-16.4 W 0000213357 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC AMITY 09/01/2000 45-07-48.4 N OR RM KNKN411 123-49-00.5 W 0000213357 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ASTORIA 09/01/2000 46-10-53.4 N OR RM KNKN411 123-12-50.4 W 0000213357 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Carlton 09/01/2000 45-17-27.4 N OR RM KNKN411 123-53-50.5 W 0000213357 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC CHINOOK 09/01/2000 46-17-11.4 N OR RM KNKN411 123-12-39.4 W 0000213357 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC CLATSKANIE 09/01/2000 46-02-23.4 N OR RM KNKN411 123-10-50.4 W 0000213357 Verizon Wireless
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205915A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205915A1.txt
- 09/11/2000 36-57-23.8 N CA RM KNKN346 120-02-03.6 W 0000216757 CALIFORNIA RSA NO. 4 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MADERA 09/11/2000 36-57-23.8 N Page 34 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA RM KNKN346 119-47-41.5 W 0000216757 CALIFORNIA RSA NO. 4 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MADERA 09/11/2000 37-00-34.8 N CA RM KNKN346 119-45-00.5 W 0000216757 CALIFORNIA RSA NO. 4 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MADERA 09/11/2000 37-05-33.8 N CA RM KNKN346 120-37-09.6 W 0000216757 CALIFORNIA RSA NO. 4 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MENDOTA 09/11/2000 36-38-15.8 N CA RM KNKN346 120-28-55.7 W 0000216757 CALIFORNIA RSA NO. 4 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Merced 09/11/2000 37-18-08.8 N CA RM KNKN346 120-24-24.7 W 0000216757 CALIFORNIA RSA NO. 4 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MERCED 09/11/2000 37-15-15.8 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-206274A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-206274A1.txt
- LLC BOONE 09/26/2000 36-14-07.5 N TN RM KNKN631 081-57-40.4 W 0000225846 NC - 2 LLC BUNTONTOWN 09/26/2000 36-17-47.4 N NC RM KNKN631 082-17-48.5 W 0000225846 NC - 2 LLC BURNSVILLE 09/26/2000 35-56-17.4 N NC RM KNKN631 082-06-15.4 W 0000225846 NC - 2 LLC ESTATOE 09/26/2000 35-52-47.4 N NC RM KNKN631 081-25-35.3 W 0000225846 NC - 2 LLC GRANITE FALLS 09/26/2000 35-48-00.5 N NC RM KNKN631 081-33-04.4 W 0000225846 NC - 2 LLC Happy Valley 09/26/2000 35-58-31.5 N NC RM KNKN631 081-29-20.3 W 0000225846 NC - 2 LLC LENOIR 09/26/2000 35-54-25.5 N PA RM KNKN891 077-24-19.0 W 0000225865 GTE Wireless of the South IncorporatedCASTANEA 09/26/2000 41-07-14.0 N Page 38 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File
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- Wireless Fiber Corp. WASHINGTON 10/05/2000 21675.00000 38-53-37.4 N CA NE 122-01-02.9 W 0000234352 SACRAMENTO-VALLEY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ORD BEND 10/05/2000 06700.62500 39-36-31.6 N Page 24 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MN NE 093-16-38.4 W 0000234578 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 10/06/2000 19440.00000 44-59-00.5 N MN NE 093-16-38.4 W 0000234578 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 10/06/2000 19520.00000 44-59-00.5 N MN NE 093-16-38.4 W 0000234578 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 10/06/2000 19600.00000 44-59-00.5 N MN NE 093-16-10.4 W 0000234579 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 10/06/2000 17880.00000 44-59-07.7 N MN NE 093-16-53.2 W 0000234580 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 10/06/2000 17960.00000 44-59-19.2 N MN NE 093-16-30.5 W 0000234581 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 10/06/2000 18040.00000 49-59-23.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-206940A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-206940A1.txt
- 119-31-45.2 W 0000244142 Qwest Corporation OMAK 10/23/2000 10875.00000 48-24-26.5 N WA MD WFY571 119-31-45.2 W 0000244142 Qwest Corporation OMAK 10/23/2000 10955.00000 48-24-26.5 N WA MD WFY571 119-31-45.2 W 0000244142 Qwest Corporation OMAK 10/23/2000 11035.00000 48-24-26.5 N WA MD WFY571 119-31-45.2 W 0000244142 Qwest Corporation OMAK 10/23/2000 18120.00000 48-24-26.5 N WA MD KPT53 119-50-39.2 W 0000244150 Qwest Corporation BREWSTER 10/23/2000 05974.85000 48-09-00.5 N WA MD KPT53 119-50-39.2 W 0000244150 Qwest Corporation BREWSTER 10/23/2000 06034.20000 48-09-00.5 N WA MD KPT53 119-50-39.2 W 0000244150 Qwest Corporation BREWSTER 10/23/2000 06093.45000 48-09-00.5 N WA MD KPT53 119-50-39.2 W 0000244150 Qwest Corporation BREWSTER 10/23/2000 06123.10000 48-09-00.5 N WA MD KPT53 119-50-39.2 W 0000244150 Qwest Corporation BREWSTER 10/23/2000 11365.00000 48-09-00.5 N WA MD KPT53 119-50-39.2 W 0000244150 Qwest
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-207245A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-207245A1.txt
- 118-25-59.3 W 0000242438 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PACOIMA 10/18/2000 10582.50000 34-15-30.0 N CA MD WLV932 118-25-59.3 W 0000242438 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PACOIMA 10/18/2000 19137.50000 34-15-30.0 N CA MD WLU931 118-26-59.3 W 0000242439 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP VAN NUYS 10/18/2000 10552.50000 34-12-36.0 N CA MD WPNC318 118-28-07.5 W 0000242440 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SEPULVEDA 10/18/2000 10577.50000 34-14-00.5 N CA MD WMW355 118-24-52.3 W 0000242451 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ARLETA 10/18/2000 10572.50000 34-14-17.0 N CA MD WLV933 118-29-04.3 W 0000242494 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP VAN NUYS 10/18/2000 10638.75000 34-12-59.0 N CA MD WLV933 118-29-04.3 W 0000242494 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP VAN NUYS 10/18/2000 11215.00000 34-12-59.0 N CA MD WHC938 117-42-53.1 W 0000242506 LOS ANGELES SMSA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-207434A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-207434A1.txt
- 38-55-02.6 N CA AM WLW581 121-32-42.8 W 0000234347 SACRAMENTO VALLEY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP EAST NICOLAUS 11/07/2000 06063.80000 38-55-02.6 N CA AM WLW581 121-32-42.8 W 0000234347 SACRAMENTO VALLEY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP EAST NICOLAUS 11/07/2000 10558.12500 38-55-02.6 N CA AM WLW581 121-32-42.8 W 0000234347 SACRAMENTO VALLEY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP EAST NICOLAUS 11/07/2000 11385.00000 38-55-02.6 N MN AM 093-16-38.4 W 0000234578 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 11/06/2000 19440.00000 44-59-00.5 N MN AM 093-16-38.4 W 0000234578 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 11/06/2000 19520.00000 44-59-00.5 N MN AM 093-16-38.4 W 0000234578 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 11/06/2000 19600.00000 44-59-00.5 N MN AM 093-16-38.4 W 0000234578 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 11/06/2000 19680.00000 44-59-00.5 N Page 4 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-207700A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-207700A1.txt
- JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY BAYAMON 11/13/2000 10955.00000 18-21-08.7 N WA AM 122-20-05.0 W 0000187981 BACKLINK LLC SEATTLE 11/13/2000 19680.00000 47-36-02.3 N DE AM 075-39-31.8 W 0000196793 BACKLINK LLC NEWARK 11/13/2000 21325.00000 39-41-11.5 N DE AM 075-39-31.8 W 0000196793 BACKLINK LLC NEWARK 11/13/2000 21475.00000 39-41-11.5 N DE AM 075-39-31.8 W 0000196793 BACKLINK LLC NEWARK 11/13/2000 21675.00000 39-41-11.5 N MA AM WHO996 071-13-00.5 W 0000204097 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEMS, INC. ANDOVER 11/14/2000 10658.12500 42-39-14.0 N CA AM 117-09-53.4 W 0000211990 BACKLINK LLC SAN DIEGO 11/13/2000 21375.00000 32-50-01.2 N CA AM 117-09-53.4 W 0000211990 BACKLINK LLC SAN DIEGO 11/13/2000 21575.00000 32-50-01.2 N CO AM WPQP206 104-59-49.0 W 0000215559 BACKLINK LLC DENVER 11/15/2000 06286.19000 39-44-47.2 N CO AM WPQP206 104-59-49.0 W 0000215559 BACKLINK LLC DENVER
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- Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD WLS714 097-58-00.0 W 0000285858 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. SEGUIN 12/07/2000 06226.89000 29-32-52.8 N TX MD WLS714 097-58-00.0 W 0000285858 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. SEGUIN 12/07/2000 06375.14000 29-32-52.8 N AZ MD WLA770 112-01-00.5 W 0000286067 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC PHOENIX 12/07/2000 02165.20000 33-27-13.1 N AZ MD WLA770 112-01-00.5 W 0000286067 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC PHOENIX 12/07/2000 06197.24000 33-27-13.1 N AZ MD WLA770 112-01-00.5 W 0000286067 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC PHOENIX 12/07/2000 06286.19000 33-27-13.1 N AZ MD WLA770 112-01-00.5 W 0000286067 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC PHOENIX 12/07/2000 18000.00000 33-27-13.1 N AZ MD WLA770 112-01-00.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208380A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208380A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208380A1.txt
- 34% of the total circuits used; International Private Line Services accounted for 62%; and the remaining 4% of total circuits were used for Video and other data services (outside of traditional private line services). The ratio of IMTS to private line services has continued to decrease from 1.4 in 1996, to 1.2 in 1997, to 0.8 in 1998, and to 0.5 in 1999. By transmission type, undersea cables account for 57% of total activated circuits, an increase of 3% from 1998; terrestrial links account for 36%, a decrease of 2% from 1998; and satellites account for 7% of the total activated capacity, a decrease of 1% from 1998. The top 30 destinations among all international routes account for 94% of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208420A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208420A1.txt
- 05994.62000 38-01-11.7 N CA AM WMS713 120-35-08.7 W 0000200521 CALIFORNIA RSA NO 3 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ANGELS CAMP 12/13/2000 06014.38000 38-01-11.7 N AL AM 085-44-41.0 W 0000231894 Farmers Cellular Telephone, Inc. Ft. Payne 12/11/2000 06286.19000 34-23-50.9 N AL AM 085-50-27.3 W 0000231898 Farmers Cellular Telephone, Inc. RAINSVILLE 12/11/2000 06034.15000 34-29-26.4 N MN AM 093-16-38.4 W 0000234578 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 12/13/2000 19400.00000 44-59-00.5 N MN AM 093-16-38.4 W 0000234578 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 12/13/2000 19440.00000 44-59-00.5 N MN AM 093-16-38.4 W 0000234578 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 12/13/2000 19520.00000 44-59-00.5 N MN AM 093-16-38.4 W 0000234578 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 12/13/2000 19560.00000 44-59-00.5 N MN AM 093-16-38.4 W 0000234578 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 12/13/2000 19600.00000 44-59-00.5 N Page 3 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave
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- ALTA 12/29/2000 10623.12500 18-25-49.6 N TX MD WPQP795 096-47-43.1 W 0000310104 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 12/29/2000 18000.00000 32-55-25.1 N TX MD WPQP795 096-47-43.1 W 0000310104 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 12/29/2000 18120.00000 32-55-25.1 N TX MD WPQP794 096-47-48.1 W 0000310105 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 12/29/2000 17920.00000 32-55-25.4 N TX MD WPQP794 096-47-48.1 W 0000310105 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 12/29/2000 18000.00000 32-55-25.4 N TX MD WPQP793 096-47-00.5 W 0000310106 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 12/29/2000 17920.00000 32-55-25.7 N TX MD WPQP793 096-47-00.5 W 0000310106 BACKLINK LLC Dallas 12/29/2000 17960.00000 32-55-25.7 N PR NE 067-09-00.6 W 0000306472 Centennial Puerto Rico License Corp. HORMIGUEROS 12/26/2000 11632.50000 18-08-20.8 N PR NE 067-08-44.0 W 0000306473 Centennial Puerto Rico License Corp. SAN MIGUEL 12/26/2000 11142.50000 18-10-57.0 N FL NE 080-08-35.8 W 0000307388 KATLINK LLC
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- 46-56-37.0 N WA NE 119-57-08.3 W 0000311001 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. Vantage 01/02/2001 19575.00000 46-56-37.0 N TX NE 097-13-02.0 W 0000311008 Trinity River Authority of Texas ROANOKE 12/15/2000 00932.33125 33-01-25.4 N TX NE 097-13-02.0 W 0000311008 Trinity River Authority of Texas ROANOKE 12/15/2000 00941.33125 33-01-25.4 N TX NE 096-38-20.0 W 0000311010 Trinity River Authority of Texas FERRIS 12/15/2000 00932.36875 32-34-00.5 N TX NE 096-38-20.0 W 0000311010 Trinity River Authority of Texas FERRIS 12/15/2000 00941.36875 32-34-00.5 N WA NE 122-28-23.6 W 0000311135 St Joseph Hospital BELLINGHAM 12/18/2000 23425.00000 48-44-37.4 N WA NE 122-28-22.6 W 0000311173 St Joseph Hospital BELLINGHAM 12/18/2000 22225.00000 48-46-23.4 N FL NE 080-23-59.8 W 0000311194 METROPOLITIAN DADE, COUNTY Miami 01/02/2001 00932.30625 25-37-01.1 N FL NE 080-23-59.8 W 0000311194
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-209289A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-209289A1.txt
- Infinity Broadcasting Corporation Hollywood 01/17/2001 00494.00000 - 00608.00000 34-07-00.0 N CA NE P 118-19-32.3 W 0000332016 Infinity Broadcasting Corporation Hollywood 01/17/2001 00614.00000 - 00806.00000 34-07-00.0 N MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX AM WPOL907 097-05-53.0 W 0000217525 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYBellmead 01/16/2001 00943.86250 31-35-00.5 N TX AM WPOL907 097-05-53.0 W 0000217525 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYBellmead 01/16/2001 00943.86250 31-35-00.5 N AL AM WAK205 087-17-17.0 W 0000243089 ALABAMA POWER COMPANY FLOMATON 01/19/2001 06615.00000 31-00-41.0 N AL AM WAK205 087-17-17.0 W 0000243089 ALABAMA POWER COMPANY FLOMATON 01/19/2001 06635.00000 31-00-41.0 N OR AM 123-07-18.4 W 0000243129 AMERICAN TELECASTING OF PORTLAND, INC. salem 01/16/2001 06152.75000 44-51-17.4 N Page 112
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- Status. Lat. 29 33 13 N. - Lon. 98 21 16 W. 12544 JUDSON ROAD, SAN ANTONIO, TX New Station Other Facilities Changes LEAD CALLSIGN: WFY852 File Number Applicant Channel(s) Station City & State BPMDH-20000818ACJ CS WIRELESS SYSTEMS, INC. 1 MAYSVILLE, MO Call Sign NEW (305155) Non-Common Carrier Status. Lat. 39 52 4 N. - Lon. 94 22 14 W. 0.5 MILES WEST OF MO HWY 33, MAYSVILLE, MO New Station Other Facilities Changes LEAD CALLSIGN: WMX936 File Number Applicant Channel(s) Station City & State BPMDH-20000818ACX CS WIRELESS SYSTEMS, INC. 1 EFFINGHAM, KS Call Sign NEW (305170) Non-Common Carrier Status. Lat. 39 30 2 N. - Lon. 95 29 38 W. 3 MILES SOUTH OF US 159, EFFINGHAM, KS New Station
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-209814A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-209814A1.txt
- Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA NE 117-09-28.8 W 0000356748 BACKLINK LLC San Diego 02/02/2001 19400.00000 32-42-55.5 N CA NE 117-09-37.8 W 0000356754 BACKLINK LLC San Diego 02/02/2001 19360.00000 32-43-20.2 N CA NE 117-09-51.4 W 0000356755 BACKLINK LLC San Diego 02/02/2001 19440.00000 32-42-54.3 N CA NE 117-09-29.3 W 0000356756 BACKLINK LLC San Diego 02/02/2001 19320.00000 32-43-03.5 N CA NE 117-10-00.5 W 0000356757 BACKLINK LLC San Diego 02/02/2001 19400.00000 32-42-59.4 N CA NE 117-09-31.2 W 0000356758 BACKLINK LLC San Diego 02/02/2001 19600.00000 32-43-05.4 N CA NE 117-09-39.0 W 0000356759 BACKLINK LLC San Diego 02/02/2001 19560.00000 32-43-54.7 N CA NE 117-09-32.8 W 0000356760 BACKLINK LLC San Diego 02/02/2001 19440.00000 32-43-14.9 N GA NE 084-21-44.0 W 0000356781 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. Atlanta 02/02/2001
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-210072A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-210072A1.txt
- 02/05/2001 06063.80000 34-49-24.4 N SC MD WPOV410 082-17-52.4 W 0000358145 Cellco Partnership, dba Verizon WirelessGREENVILLE 02/05/2001 06093.45000 34-49-24.4 N SC MD WPOV410 082-17-52.4 W 0000358145 Cellco Partnership, dba Verizon WirelessGREENVILLE 02/05/2001 06123.10000 34-49-24.4 N SC MD WPOV410 082-17-52.4 W 0000358145 Cellco Partnership, dba Verizon WirelessGREENVILLE 02/05/2001 06152.75000 34-49-24.4 N MN MD WPRT349 093-16-38.4 W 0000358167 KATLINK LLC MINNEAPOLIS 02/05/2001 19680.00000 44-59-00.5 N MN MD WPRS701 093-16-14.8 W 0000358168 KATLINK LLC Minneapolis 02/05/2001 18120.00000 44-58-44.6 N SC MD WAH514 082-00-35.3 W 0000358176 Cellco Partnership, dba Verizon WirelessMOORE 02/05/2001 06197.20000 34-50-42.4 N SC MD WAH514 082-00-35.3 W 0000358176 Cellco Partnership, dba Verizon WirelessMOORE 02/05/2001 06197.24000 34-50-42.4 N SC MD WAH514 082-00-35.3 W 0000358176 Cellco Partnership, dba Verizon WirelessMOORE 02/05/2001 06226.89000 34-50-42.4 N SC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-210319A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-210319A1.txt
- Licenses, LLC San Francisco 02/13/2001 00949.00000 37-46-36.7 N LA NE 092-06-32.3 W 0000367022 Citadel Broadcasting Company Monroe 02/13/2001 00945.50000 32-31-16.3 N GU NE 144-44-36.6 E 0000369331 Guam Radio Services, Inc. AGANA 02/16/2001 00947.00000 13-28-33.6 N LA NE 092-06-32.3 W 0000369396 Citadel Broadcasting Company Monroe 02/15/2001 00950.75000 32-31-16.3 N MN NE 095-58-09.0 W 0000370908 R & J Broadcasting Mahnomen 02/16/2001 00944.62500 47-19-00.5 N MN NE 095-58-09.0 W 0000370908 R & J Broadcasting Mahnomen 02/16/2001 00944.87500 47-19-00.5 N MT NE 111-02-23.0 W 0000370909 Marathon Media Group, L.L.C. Bozeman 02/16/2001 00945.00000 45-40-55.0 N Page 2 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MT NE 111-02-23.0 W 0000370925 Marathon
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-210541A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-210541A1.txt
- 39-46-52.3 N CA AM 120-27-25.6 W 0000203359 Rock It Radio, LLC Lompoc 02/21/2001 00949.00000 34-38-19.9 N MD AM WLG299 078-55-55.9 W 0000279704 WFWM RADIO FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY FROSTBURG 02/12/2001 00951.00000 39-39-08.1 N Page 1 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD WLP492 110-55-00.5 W 0000378228 GOOD MUSIC, INC. TUCSON 02/23/2001 00944.25000 32-11-12.7 N NC NE 075-39-59.5 W 0000372910 University of North Carolina at Chapel HillManeto 02/20/2001 00949.00000 35-54-38.0 N NJ NE 074-48-14.0 W 0000373190 WRNJ Radio, Inc. Washington Township 02/20/2001 00951.12500 40-50-43.0 N SC NE 080-06-12.3 W 0000375150 Daniels, Thomas B North Charleston 02/21/2001 00951.37500 32-55-42.6 N NJ NE 075-02-14.0 W 0000375255 QUINN
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211250A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211250A1.txt
- JAL 03/12/2001 00941.28125 32-17-03.0 N NM AM 103-30-33.0 W 0000384194 CONOCO COMMUNICATIONS INC JAL 03/12/2001 00941.33125 32-17-03.0 N CA MD WPOM765 116-59-49.0 W 0000334840 Caritas Telecommunications Beaumont 01/19/2001 05974.85000 33-54-29.0 N CA MD WPOM765 116-59-49.0 W 0000334840 Caritas Telecommunications Beaumont 01/19/2001 05974.85000 33-54-29.0 N PA MD WPOS259 075-10-30.4 W 0000393117 Comcast Cablevision of Philadelphia Area I, Inc. PHILADELPHIA 02/28/2001 18145.00000 39-57-00.5 N MS MD WNTR635 090-11-02.0 W 0000393222 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JASKSON 02/27/2001 00928.23125 32-19-54.0 N MS MD WNTR635 090-11-02.0 W 0000393222 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JASKSON 02/27/2001 00928.23125 32-19-54.0 N MS MD WNTR635 090-11-02.0 W 0000393222 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JASKSON 02/27/2001 00952.23125 32-19-54.0 N MS MD WNTR635 090-11-02.0 W 0000393222 STATE OF
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211420A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211420A1.txt
- City FL NE 085-43-35.7 W 0000403736 Bay County School Board Panama City 03/22/2001 06545.00000 30-11-06.7 N AZ NE 112-34-44.1 W 0000404028 PHOENIX, CITY OF LITCHFIELD PARK 03/22/2001 00928.10625 33-34-31.1 N AZ NE 112-34-44.1 W 0000404028 PHOENIX, CITY OF LITCHFIELD PARK 03/22/2001 00952.10625 33-34-31.1 N VT NE P 072-40-22.0 W 0000404104 RICHFORD WATER DEPARTMENT RICHFORD 03/12/2001 00956.31875 44-54-25.0 N GM NE 091-21-00.5 W 0000404116 COASTAL PRODUCT SERVICE OFF SHORE 03/19/2001 00941.58750 28-17-00.8 N GM NE 091-30-05.0 W 0000404122 COASTAL PRODUCT SERVICE OFF SHORE 03/19/2001 00941.63750 28-41-17.0 N GM NE 091-18-32.8 W 0000404135 COASTAL PRODUCT SERVICE OFF SHORE 03/19/2001 00932.58750 28-13-58.4 N GM NE 091-30-05.0 W 0000404169 COASTAL PRODUCT SERVICE OFF SHORE 03/19/2001 00932.63750 28-42-09.1 N GM NE 092-21-53.5 W 0000404222 COASTAL PRODUCT
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211805A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211805A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211805A1.txt
- in the sample to any other. To document the signal conditions under which the comparison tests were conducted, the added noise was then set at 1 dB below the TOU point for the data collection receiver, and threshold measurements and tap energy data were recorded from the data collection receiver. If the input signal exhibited a range of variability exceeding 0.5 dB, the range was rounded off to the nearest dB and the noise attenuator was adjusted to the appropriate setting to keep the S/N ratio just above threshold for the data collection receiver during signal variations. If signal level variability was present, the TOV and TOU levels for each receiver were checked several times in order to establish confidence in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212302A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212302A1.txt
- 080-05-36.0 W 0000407925 Stratophone, LLC WEXFORD 03/27/2001 00454.80000 40-37-11.0 N PA MD KGC406 080-05-36.0 W 0000407925 Stratophone, LLC WEXFORD 03/27/2001 00454.87500 40-37-11.0 N CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MI AM KNKA231 083-17-08.1 W 0000302739 Detroit SMSA Limited Partnership Redford 03/26/2001 42-23-59.9 N WA MD KNKA280 121-30-00.5 W 0000406340 SEATTLE SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPCrystal Mountain 03/26/2001 46-56-16.9 N WA MD KNKA280 121-30-00.5 W 0000406340 SEATTLE SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPCrystal Mountain 03/26/2001 46-56-16.9 N CA MD KNKN267 123-54-20.3 W 0000406774 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1, INC. KLAMATH GLEN 03/26/2001 41-31-27.4 N Page 29 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212477A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212477A1.txt
- State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OK MD WPRV693 097-56-56.0 W 0000437235 Western Farmers Electric Cooperative COMANCHE 04/24/2001 00932.31875 34-20-46.0 N OK MD WPRV693 097-56-56.0 W 0000437235 Western Farmers Electric Cooperative COMANCHE 04/24/2001 00941.31875 34-20-46.0 N LA MD WPNA262 093-45-36.6 W 0000437339 SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY SHREVEPORT 04/24/2001 06093.45000 32-31-00.5 N LA MD WPNA262 093-45-36.6 W 0000437339 SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY SHREVEPORT 04/24/2001 06826.25000 32-31-00.5 N TX MD KLD24 099-43-46.3 W 0000437384 West Texas Utilities ABILENE 04/24/2001 06093.45000 32-27-08.4 N OK MD WNTR373 094-52-46.9 W 0000437720 Vastar Resources Inc. RED OAK 04/24/2001 00928.18125 35-04-35.7 N OK MD WNTR373 094-52-46.9 W 0000437720 Vastar Resources Inc. RED OAK 04/24/2001 00952.18125 35-04-35.7 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212664A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212664A1.txt
- Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City FL NE 081-00-30.4 W 0000448559 Aeronautical Radio Inc. MARATHON 04/16/2001 00136.62500 24-43-34.5 N FL NE 080-17-24.2 W 0000448583 Aeronautical Radio Inc. MIAMI 04/16/2001 00136.62500 25-47-36.4 N OH NE 084-13-28.8 W 0000448599 Aeronautical Radio Inc. MIAMISBURG 04/16/2001 00128.97500 39-35-20.2 N AL NE 086-23-35.9 W 0000448605 Aeronautical Radio Inc. MONTGOMERY 04/16/2001 00129.95000 32-18-00.5 N IL NE 089-40-39.4 W 0000448615 Aeronautical Radio Inc. SPRINGFIELD 05/03/2001 00128.95000 39-50-38.2 N NY NE 073-46-40.5 W 0000448617 Aeronautical Radio Inc. NEW YORK 04/16/2001 00136.65000 40-38-25.4 N MD NE 076-40-05.5 W 0000448641 Aeronautical Radio Inc. BALTIMORE 05/03/2001 00131.32500 39-10-31.4 N AZ NE 112-04-59.5 W 0000448643 Aeronautical Radio Inc. PHOENIX 04/16/2001 00131.55000 33-41-13.1 N PA NE 080-13-56.2 W 0000448648 Aeronautical
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212765A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212765A1.txt
- objections may be filed no later than 10 days after the original objection is filed. Responses to the opposition may be filed no later than 5 days after the time for filing an opposition has expired. A Apppplliiccaanntt FFiillee N Nuum mbbeerr C Coooorrddiinnaatteess D Daattee R Reecc''dd Intrepid Land Use Service, Inc. A0189882 29-42-15.2/81-40-8.9 5/04/01 Crown Communication Inc. A0190290 39-38-0.5/94-36-33.3 5/05/01 SBA Towers Inc. A0190042 35-49-1.7/82-0-47 5/07/01 SBA Towers Inc. A0190132 43-4-53.6/76-13-52.2 5/07/01 SBA Towers Inc. A0190246 36-11-44.8/75-52-39.6 5/08/01 -FCC-
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-213011A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-213011A1.txt
- LIMITED PARTNERSHIP JAMAICA 05/18/2001 06117.54100 37-44-41.9 N VA MD WPJB378 076-43-44.4 W 0000465665 WASHINGTON BALTIMORE CELLULAR LIMITED PARTNERSHIP JAMAICA 05/18/2001 06149.04400 37-44-41.9 N VA MD WMR467 076-59-42.0 W 0000465671 WASHINGTON BALTIMORE CELLULAR LIMITED PARTNERSHIP OAK GROVE 05/18/2001 02124.80000 38-09-00.9 N VA MD WMR467 076-59-42.0 W 0000465671 WASHINGTON BALTIMORE CELLULAR LIMITED PARTNERSHIP OAK GROVE 05/18/2001 02128.00000 38-09-00.9 N VA MD WPJB379 076-23-00.5 W 0000465683 WASHINGTON BALTIMORE CELLULAR LIMITED PARTNERSHIP KILMARNOCK 05/18/2001 06369.58100 37-44-21.3 N VA MD WPJB376 077-03-29.4 W 0000465695 WASHINGTON BALTIMORE CELLULAR LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ST STEPHENS CHURCH 05/18/2001 06108.89300 37-47-45.4 N CA MD WPOS872 124-05-05.2 W 0000465733 Cal-One Cellular L.P. ORICK 05/18/2001 06063.80000 41-16-43.4 N NM MD WFY807 108-56-01.2 W 0000465811 WESTERN NEW MEXICO TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. GLENWOOD 05/18/2001 02171.60000 33-18-15.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-213235A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-213235A1.txt
- BLAIRSVILLE 05/25/2001 00928.06875 34-58-56.3 N GA AM 084-00-14.6 W 0000422444 BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN ELECTRICAL MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION BLAIRSVILLE 05/25/2001 00952.06875 34-58-56.3 N WY AM 105-52-48.3 W 0000425325 CLEARWAVE SYSTEMS INC GILLETTE 05/21/2001 06226.89000 43-43-30.9 N WY AM 105-52-48.3 W 0000425325 CLEARWAVE SYSTEMS INC GILLETTE 05/21/2001 06404.79000 43-43-30.9 N LA AM WPNA262 093-45-36.6 W 0000437339 SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY SHREVEPORT 05/21/2001 06093.45000 32-31-00.5 N LA AM WPNA262 093-45-36.6 W 0000437339 SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY SHREVEPORT 05/21/2001 06825.00000 32-31-00.5 N KY AM WCP802 082-31-42.5 W 0000439195 Kentucky Power Company dba American Electric Power DORTON 05/21/2001 06765.00000 37-17-10.3 N KY AM 083-07-01.6 W 0000439842 Kentucky Power Company dba AEP Jeff 05/21/2001 06605.00000 37-12-05.3 N AZ MD WNEO857 111-45-07.4 W 0000467938 Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-214023A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-214023A1.txt
- uuppoonn tthhee eennvviirroonnm meenntt.. SSeeee 4477 C C..FF.. R R.. §§ 11..11330088((dd)).. A Accccoorrddiinnggllyy,, tthhee aapppplliiccaattiioonn((ss)) lliisstteedd hheerreeiinn ffoorr m maajjoorr eennvviirroonnm meennttaall aaccttiioonnss aarree G GR RA AN NTTEED D.. A Apppplliiccaanntt FFiillee N Nuum mbbeerr C Coooorrddiinnaatteess D Daattee R Reecc''dd TeleCorp Communications, Inc. A0185534 30-32-11.9/91-4-58.3 4/13/01 American Tower Limited Partnership A0186254 38-56-27.3/82-6-43.8 4/18/01 Crown Communication Inc. A0190290 39-38-0.5/94-36-33.3 5/05/01 SBA Towers Inc. A0190042 35-49-1.7/82-0-47.3 5/07/01 SBA Towers Inc. A0190131 43-4-53.6/76-13-52.2 5/07/01 SBA Towers Inc. A0190246 36-11-44.8/75-52-39.6 5/08/01 -FCC-
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-214106A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-214106A1.txt
- - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NC MD WPJF580 078-40-16.0 W 0000503706 NORTH CAROLINA RSA #9, INC. ELIZABETHTOWN 06/27/2001 02162.00000 34-37-29.0 N NC MD WPJF580 078-40-16.0 W 0000503706 NORTH CAROLINA RSA #9, INC. ELIZABETHTOWN 06/27/2001 06745.00000 34-37-29.0 N AZ MD WLA770 112-01-00.5 W 0000504471 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC PHOENIX 06/28/2001 02165.20000 33-27-13.1 N AZ MD WLA770 112-01-00.5 W 0000504471 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC PHOENIX 06/28/2001 06197.24000 33-27-13.1 N AZ MD WLA770 112-01-00.5 W 0000504471 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC PHOENIX 06/28/2001 06286.19000 33-27-13.1 N AZ MD WLA770 112-01-00.5 W 0000504471 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC PHOENIX 06/28/2001 17800.00000 33-27-13.1 N AZ MD WLA770 112-01-00.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-214594A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-214594A1.txt
- 07/10/2001 00467.17500 AM A 0000402818 HARMER COMMUNICATIONS INC 07/10/2001 00469.40000 HI AM 156-23-43.9 W 0000402818 HARMER COMMUNICATIONS INC KULA 07/10/2001 00462.17500 20-41-20.5 N HI AM 156-23-43.9 W 0000402818 HARMER COMMUNICATIONS INC KULA 07/10/2001 00464.40000 20-41-20.5 N HI AM 156-51-50.9 W 0000402818 HARMER COMMUNICATIONS INC LANAI 07/10/2001 00461.40000 20-48-11.6 N HI AM 156-21-43.9 W 0000402818 HARMER COMMUNICATIONS INC ULUPALAKUA 07/10/2001 00461.15000 20-39-00.5 N Page 123 YK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Trunked State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NJ AM P 074-41-16.0 W 0000472932 i2WAY CORPORATION COLESVILLE 07/12/2001 00451.23750 41-21-10.0 N NJ AM P 074-41-16.0 W 0000472932 i2WAY CORPORATION COLESVILLE 07/12/2001 00451.28750 41-21-10.0 N NJ AM P 074-41-16.0 W 0000472932 i2WAY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-214800A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-214800A1.txt
- N Page 8 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PR MD WMJ836 066-44-53.0 W 0000526964 CCPR SERVICES INC PENUELAS 07/17/2001 06375.14000 18-04-43.0 N PR MD WMJ836 066-44-53.0 W 0000526964 CCPR SERVICES INC PENUELAS 07/17/2001 10618.75000 18-04-43.0 N PR MD WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0000527023 SprintCom, Inc. RIO PIEDRAS 07/17/2001 18070.00000 18-22-09.5 N PR MD WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0000527023 SprintCom, Inc. RIO PIEDRAS 07/17/2001 18070.00000 18-22-09.5 N PR MD WPSL956 066-05-50.2 W 0000527036 SprintCom, Inc. GUAYNABO 07/17/2001 19630.00000 18-20-21.0 N PR MD WPSL956 066-05-50.2 W 0000527036 SprintCom, Inc. GUAYNABO 07/17/2001 19665.00000 18-20-21.0 N PA MD WLN882 078-50-23.7 W 0000527214 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-215526A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-215526A1.txt
- 15.6 14.6 15.9 6.2 8.0 1982 10.8 9.0 2.7 3.9 4.2 1.7 1983 3.1 0.2 1.4 0.0 7.4 3.9 1984 17.2 10.4 -4.3 -5.1 3.6 3.8 1985 8.9 12.4 -3.7 -3.0 0.6 2.1 1986 7.1 8.9 -9.4 -10.0 0.3 -3.5 1987 3.3 2.6 -12.4 -11.8 -3.0 -3.0 1988 4.5 4.6 -4.2 -2.1 -4.2 -3.8 1989 0.6 1.9 -1.3 -1.7 -2.6 0.5 1990 1.0 1.5 -3.7 -0.1 -2.2 -2.2 1991 5.1 2.1 1.3 -1.3 -1.5 -2.6 1992 0.5 -0.2 -1.3 1.0 -2.4 1.3 1993 1.0 0.8 6.5 3.8 0.2 -1.1 1994 -0.3 0.7 5.4 6.1 -1.0 -1.4 1995 2.6 2/ 0.1 2/ -3.8 2/ 1996 0.9 0.2 3.7 2.5 6.1 0.5 1997 1.0 0.2 -4.3 3.6 2.8 -4.0 1998 1.3 -0.1 -0.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-215731A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-215731A1.txt
- CARRIZALES 08/24/2001 18070.00000 18-28-38.5 N PR AM 067-08-59.1 W 0000517368 SprintCom, Inc. MAYAGUEZ 08/24/2001 19585.00000 18-11-00.2 N Page 13 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PR AM 067-08-53.5 W 0000522642 SprintCom, Inc. AGUADA 08/24/2001 17945.00000 18-19-20.7 N PR AM WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0000527023 SprintCom, Inc. RIO PIEDRAS 08/24/2001 18070.00000 18-22-09.5 N PR AM WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0000527023 SprintCom, Inc. RIO PIEDRAS 08/24/2001 18070.00000 18-22-09.5 N PR AM WPSL956 066-05-50.2 W 0000527036 SprintCom, Inc. GUAYNABO 08/24/2001 19630.00000 18-20-21.0 N PR AM WPSL956 066-05-50.2 W 0000527036 SprintCom, Inc. GUAYNABO 08/24/2001 19665.00000 18-20-21.0 N IA AM 091-32-15.5 W 0000553011 Iowa RSA No. 12 Limited
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-216205A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-216205A1.txt
- Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NC RM KNKN626 084-01-55.7 W 0000589741 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP MURPHY 09/12/2001 35-07-19.3 N NC RM KNKN626 083-47-42.6 W 0000589741 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ROBBINSVILLE 09/12/2001 35-15-27.3 N SC RM KNKN780 080-57-58.3 W 0000589856 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP FORT MILL 09/12/2001 35-01-07.5 N SC RM KNKN780 080-43-55.2 W 0000589856 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Lancaster 09/12/2001 34-41-00.5 N SC RM KNKN780 081-14-01.3 W 0000589856 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP York 09/12/2001 34-57-53.5 N AL RM KNKN936 085-53-08.8 W 0000589877 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon WirelessCollinsville 09/12/2001 34-21-22.3 N AL RM KNKN936 085-39-46.6 W 0000589877 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon WirelessFORT PAYNE 09/12/2001 34-28-48.6 N AL RM KNKN936 085-39-46.6 W 0000589877 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon WirelessFORT PAYNE 09/12/2001 34-28-48.6 N AL RM KNKN936
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-216388A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-216388A1.txt
- and Santa Fe Railway Co Merna 09/19/2001 02146.00000 41-28-05.0 N NE MD WGY659 099-54-57.4 W 0000595930 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Merna 09/19/2001 06226.89000 41-28-05.0 N NE MD WGY659 099-54-57.4 W 0000595930 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Merna 09/19/2001 06315.84000 41-28-05.0 N GA MD WNTB707 083-35-50.7 W 0000596516 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY Bonaire 09/19/2001 00928.41875 32-34-00.5 N GA MD WNTB707 083-35-50.7 W 0000596516 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY Bonaire 09/19/2001 00932.43125 32-34-00.5 N GA MD WNTB707 083-35-50.7 W 0000596516 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY Bonaire 09/19/2001 00941.43125 32-34-00.5 N GA MD WNTB707 083-35-50.7 W 0000596516 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY Bonaire 09/19/2001 00952.41875 32-34-00.5 N GA MD WNEH499 082-09-59.0 W 0000597069 JEFFERSON ENERGY COOPERATIVEBLYTHE 09/19/2001 02185.60000 33-18-55.0 N GA MD WNEH500 082-26-49.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-217280A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-217280A1.txt
- 123-13-58.3 W 0000635632 Edge Wireless Licenses, LLC Ukiah 10/22/2001 17840.00000 39-07-00.0 N CA NE 123-13-58.3 W 0000635632 Edge Wireless Licenses, LLC Ukiah 10/22/2001 17920.00000 39-07-00.0 N PA NE 075-09-56.9 W 0000635888 BACKLINK LLC Philadelphia 10/22/2001 19520.00000 39-56-55.2 N PA NE 075-10-17.4 W 0000635889 BACKLINK LLC Philadelphia 10/22/2001 19680.00000 39-57-01.7 N PA NE 075-08-52.5 W 0000635890 BACKLINK LLC Philadelphia 10/22/2001 19360.00000 39-57-00.5 N Page 25 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA NE 075-08-56.1 W 0000635891 BACKLINK LLC Philadelphia 10/22/2001 19440.00000 39-56-56.8 N PA NE 075-09-05.6 W 0000635892 BACKLINK LLC Philadelphia 10/22/2001 19400.00000 39-56-58.4 N PA NE 075-09-42.5 W 0000635893 BACKLINK LLC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-217478A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-217478A1.txt
- 0000595327 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Hazard 10/30/2001 06775.00000 41-01-55.0 N WA AM 122-24-43.8 W 0000595555 Tacoma, City of Department of Public Utilities Tacoma 10/31/2001 00942.17500 47-18-15.6 N WA AM 122-24-43.8 W 0000595555 Tacoma, City of Department of Public Utilities Tacoma 10/30/2001 00942.17500 47-18-15.6 N GA AM WNTB707 083-35-50.7 W 0000596516 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY Bonaire 10/29/2001 00928.41875 32-34-00.5 N GA AM WNTB707 083-35-50.7 W 0000596516 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY Bonaire 10/29/2001 00932.43125 32-34-00.5 N GA AM WNTB707 083-35-50.7 W 0000596516 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY Bonaire 10/29/2001 00941.43125 32-34-00.5 N GA AM WNTB707 083-35-50.7 W 0000596516 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY Bonaire 10/29/2001 00952.41875 32-34-00.5 N WY AM 110-30-16.0 W 0000607819 Williams Energy Group Field Services aka Williams Energy Services KEMERRER 11/02/2001 06873.75000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-219227A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-219227A1.txt
- Radio Systems, Inc. MACCLENNY 01/11/2002 06760.00000 30-18-26.0 N FL NE 082-07-48.0 W 0000731196 M/A Com Private Radio Systems, Inc. MACCLENNY 01/11/2002 06850.00000 30-18-26.0 N FL NE 083-09-02.0 W 0000731197 M/A Com Private Radio Systems, Inc. CROSS CITY 01/11/2002 06780.00000 29-38-28.5 N FL NE 083-09-02.0 W 0000731197 M/A Com Private Radio Systems, Inc. CROSS CITY 01/11/2002 06800.00000 29-38-28.5 N FL NE 082-45-00.5 W 0000731198 M/A Com Private Radio Systems, Inc. Fort White 01/11/2002 05974.85000 29-58-42.6 N FL NE 082-45-00.5 W 0000731198 M/A Com Private Radio Systems, Inc. Fort White 01/11/2002 06093.45000 29-58-42.6 N FL NE 082-45-00.5 W 0000731198 M/A Com Private Radio Systems, Inc. Fort White 01/11/2002 06610.00000 29-58-42.6 N ND NE 100-55-23.0 W 0000731274 Touch America Mandan 01/11/2002 21375.00000 46-51-16.0 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220113A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220113A1.txt
- 0000773153 CITY OF ELKO ELKO 02/08/2002 00121.50000 40-49-35.0 N NV NE 115-46-50.0 W 0000773153 CITY OF ELKO ELKO 02/08/2002 00121.75000 40-49-35.0 N NV NE 115-46-50.0 W 0000773153 CITY OF ELKO ELKO 02/08/2002 00122.70000 40-49-35.0 N NV NE 115-46-50.0 W 0000773153 CITY OF ELKO ELKO 02/08/2002 00126.50000 40-49-35.0 N VA RM KJY6 077-18-58.9 W 0000768906 AERO INDUSTRIES INC SANDSTON 02/04/2002 00122.95000 37-30-00.5 N MO RM WGQ8 094-18-23.8 W 0000773398 CLAY, COUNTY OF MOSBY 02/15/2002 00122.70000 39-19-41.0 N RO KYH4 0000756385 OMAHA AIRPORT AUTHORITY 01/24/2002 RO WLA9 0000769692 AVIATION WORKS INC 02/07/2002 RO KBL2 0000772163 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 02/14/2002 RO KBZ4 0000772164 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 02/14/2002 RO KCY7 0000772165 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 02/14/2002 RO KFX8 0000772166 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 02/14/2002 Page 2 AF
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220305A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220305A1.txt
- 081-22-45.0 W 0000775340 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP SPRINGVILLE 02/19/2002 00852.03750 37-10-50.0 N VA MD WPSY210 081-22-45.0 W 0000775340 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP SPRINGVILLE 02/19/2002 00852.98750 37-10-50.0 N VA MD WPSY210 081-22-45.0 W 0000775340 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP SPRINGVILLE 02/19/2002 00854.23750 37-10-50.0 N VA MD WPSY210 081-22-45.0 W 0000775340 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP SPRINGVILLE 02/19/2002 00854.63750 37-10-50.0 N VA MD WPSY215 080-43-00.5 W 0000775341 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP DRAPER 02/19/2002 00852.83750 37-04-29.1 N VA MD WPSY215 080-43-00.5 W 0000775341 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP DRAPER 02/19/2002 00854.46250 37-04-29.1 N VA MD WPSY215 080-51-21.0 W 0000775341 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP NARROWS 02/19/2002 00852.83750 37-14-49.0 N VA MD WPSY215 080-51-21.0 W 0000775341 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP NARROWS 02/19/2002 00854.46250 37-14-49.0 N WV MD WPTC313 081-06-54.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220546A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220546A1.txt
- International, Inc. MEEKER 03/01/2002 06635.00000 39-55-24.0 N CO MD WPRU863 108-35-36.0 W 0000792009 Shell Services International, Inc. MEEKER 03/01/2002 06795.00000 39-52-54.0 N TX NE 099-25-01.0 W 0000784023 HOUSTON EXPLORATION COMPANYSan Ygnacio 02/25/2002 00928.63125 27-05-56.0 N TX NE 099-25-01.0 W 0000784023 HOUSTON EXPLORATION COMPANYSan Ygnacio 02/25/2002 00952.63125 27-05-56.0 N TX NE 098-07-09.2 W 0000784097 Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.Progress 02/25/2002 06855.00000 32-42-00.5 N GM NE 094-24-00.0 W 0000786451 Sola Communications Inc. Offshore 02/26/2002 00934.96250 29-11-00.0 N NJ NE 073-58-16.0 W 0000786749 Metro Networks Communications, Inc. Fort Lee 02/26/2002 21825.00000 40-50-44.0 N IN NE 087-25-21.1 W 0000788259 PSI Energy, Inc. West Terre Haute 02/27/2002 00928.19375 39-31-47.9 N IN NE 087-25-21.1 W 0000788259 PSI Energy, Inc. West Terre Haute 02/27/2002 00952.19375 39-31-47.9 N IN
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220784A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220784A1.txt
- AM KFE34 072-27-17.3 W 0000759518 VERMONT, STATE OF ASCUTNEY 03/07/2002 06665.62500 43-26-36.3 N MD AM WNEW512 076-39-44.8 W 0000769472 State of Maryland MIEMSS BALTIMORE 03/04/2002 06665.00000 39-21-09.3 N MD AM WNEW512 076-39-44.8 W 0000769472 State of Maryland MIEMSS BALTIMORE 03/04/2002 11265.00000 39-21-09.3 N AZ MD KOA83 112-06-12.5 W 0000793445 ARIZONA, STATE OF PHOENIX 03/04/2002 10755.00000 33-28-21.1 N AZ MD KOK44 112-04-00.5 W 0000793677 ARIZONA, STATE OF PHOENIX 03/04/2002 11245.00000 33-19-57.1 N TX MD WNTE718 097-50-24.1 W 0000793833 AUSTIN, CITY OF AUSTIN 03/04/2002 01885.00000 30-11-40.8 N TX MD WNTE718 097-50-24.1 W 0000793833 AUSTIN, CITY OF AUSTIN 03/04/2002 01895.00000 30-11-40.8 N TX MD WNTE718 097-50-24.1 W 0000793833 AUSTIN, CITY OF AUSTIN 03/04/2002 06034.15000 30-11-40.8 N TX MD WNTE718 097-50-24.1 W 0000793833 AUSTIN, CITY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221304A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221304A1.txt
- 0000827588 M/A COM PRIVATE RADIO SYSTEMS, INC. CRESTVIEW 03/28/2002 06004.50000 30-43-51.0 N FL NE 086-21-53.0 W 0000827588 M/A COM PRIVATE RADIO SYSTEMS, INC. CRESTVIEW 03/28/2002 06063.80000 30-43-51.0 N FL NE 086-21-53.0 W 0000827588 M/A COM PRIVATE RADIO SYSTEMS, INC. CRESTVIEW 03/28/2002 06610.00000 30-43-51.0 N NJ NE 074-02-05.5 W 0000827766 Telemark Networks, Inc. JERSEY CITY 03/28/2002 17840.00000 40-43-01.3 N NJ NE 074-02-00.5 W 0000827775 Telemark Networks, Inc. JERSEY CITY 03/28/2002 18120.00000 40-43-34.3 N NJ NE 074-02-00.5 W 0000827775 Telemark Networks, Inc. JERSEY CITY 03/28/2002 19440.00000 40-43-34.3 N FL NE 085-25-28.0 W 0000827783 M/A COM PRIVATE RADIO SYSTEMS, INC. CALLAWAY 03/28/2002 06690.00000 30-08-34.0 N NY NE 074-00-46.0 W 0000827791 Telemark Networks, Inc. NEW YORK 03/28/2002 19360.00000 40-42-23.0 N NY NE 074-00-46.0 W 0000827791
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221477A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221477A1.txt
- Mount Vernon 04/03/2002 37-56-41.3 N GS - Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NY MD WNLI646 073-24-58.4 W 0000831887 METROCALL USA INC HUNTINGTON 04/01/2002 00929.36250 40-52-45.4 N NY MD WNLI646 074-00-17.5 W 0000831887 METROCALL USA INC MANHATTAN 04/01/2002 00929.36250 40-42-38.4 N NY MD WNLI646 074-00-00.5 W 0000831887 METROCALL USA INC MANHATTAN 04/01/2002 00929.36250 40-44-12.4 N NJ MD WNLI646 074-04-50.0 W 0000831887 METROCALL USA INC TINTON FALLS 04/01/2002 00929.36250 40-16-41.0 N NY MD WNLI646 073-53-09.5 W 0000831887 METROCALL USA INC YONKERS 04/01/2002 00929.36250 40-58-07.4 N NY MD WNWB486 072-20-54.0 W 0000831888 METROCALL USA INC NOYACK 04/01/2002 00929.36250 40-58-19.0 N IN NE 086-09-30.0 W 0000833933 MAZDA, SHERENAZ
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221659A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221659A1.txt
- COLUMBIA 04/10/2002 00928.41875 31-15-35.0 N MS MD WPQR200 089-43-29.0 W 0000843488 Mississippi Power Company COLUMBIA 04/10/2002 00952.41875 31-15-35.0 N MS MD WPOP779 088-41-31.0 W 0000843507 MISSISSIPPI POWER COMPANY MERIDIAN 04/10/2002 00928.15625 32-19-37.0 N MS MD WPOP779 088-41-31.0 W 0000843507 MISSISSIPPI POWER COMPANY MERIDIAN 04/10/2002 00952.15625 32-19-37.0 N MS MD WPOP364 088-49-02.8 W 0000843517 MISSISSIPPI POWER COMPANY OCEAN SPRINGS 04/10/2002 00928.69375 30-27-00.5 N MS MD WPOP364 088-49-02.8 W 0000843517 MISSISSIPPI POWER COMPANY OCEAN SPRINGS 04/10/2002 00952.69375 30-27-00.5 N MT MD WNTM239 110-14-12.7 W 0000845613 MONTANA POWER COMPANY BIG SANDY 04/11/2002 06620.00000 48-07-16.9 N MT MD KOV73 112-00-32.0 W 0000845623 MONTANA POWER COMPANY CASCADE 04/11/2002 01855.00000 47-17-22.8 N MT MD KOV73 112-00-32.0 W 0000845623 MONTANA POWER COMPANY CASCADE 04/11/2002 01915.00000 47-17-22.8 N Page
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221660A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221660A1.txt
- PAAUILO 04/08/2002 00851.78750 19-53-35.0 N HI MD KNNG859 155-23-04.0 W 0000840937 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC. PAAUILO 04/08/2002 00852.03750 19-53-35.0 N Page 4 YX - SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City HI MD WPFF711 156-21-42.9 W 0000840941 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC. KEONEHUNEHUNE 04/08/2002 00851.21250 20-39-00.5 N HI MD WPFF711 156-21-42.9 W 0000840941 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC. KEONEHUNEHUNE 04/08/2002 00851.46250 20-39-00.5 N HI MD WPFF711 156-21-42.9 W 0000840941 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC. KEONEHUNEHUNE 04/08/2002 00852.46250 20-39-00.5 N HI MD WPFF711 156-21-42.9 W 0000840941 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC. KEONEHUNEHUNE 04/08/2002 00853.21250 20-39-00.5 N HI MD WPFF711 156-21-42.9 W 0000840941 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221993A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221993A1.txt
- 04/22/2002 00941.40625 42-29-15.0 N IA NE 094-11-18.0 W 0000858619 MidAmerican Energy Company HUMBOLDT 04/22/2002 00932.25625 42-40-38.0 N IA NE 094-11-18.0 W 0000858619 MidAmerican Energy Company HUMBOLDT 04/22/2002 00941.25625 42-40-38.0 N TX NE 095-19-08.6 W 0000859349 The Northeast Texas Consortium (NETnet)TYLER 04/23/2002 06286.19000 32-15-07.7 N TX NE 095-19-08.6 W 0000859349 The Northeast Texas Consortium (NETnet)TYLER 04/23/2002 06315.84000 32-15-07.7 N AR NE 092-11-00.5 W 0000861169 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYREDFIELD 04/23/2002 00932.30625 34-26-40.3 N AR NE 092-11-00.5 W 0000861169 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYREDFIELD 04/23/2002 00941.30625 34-26-40.3 N PA NE 077-00-26.9 W 0000861399 Winemiller Communications Inc Wertzville 04/23/2002 10795.00000 40-18-19.3 N PA NE 077-00-26.9 W 0000861399 Winemiller Communications Inc Wertzville 04/23/2002 10915.00000 40-18-19.3 N PA NE 077-00-26.9 W 0000861399 Winemiller Communications Inc Wertzville 04/23/2002 11075.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222214A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222214A1.txt
- LLC JERUSALEM 05/01/2002 06750.00000 42-39-27.0 N 0000871869 New York Holdings, LLC JERUSALEM 05/01/2002 06810.00000 42-39-27.0 N 0000871968 Verizon Wireless Texas LLC EVADALE 05/01/2002 06197.24000 30-16-49.7 N Page 18 LA 093-I 3-49.7 w LA 093-I 3-49.7 w LA 093-I 3-49.7 w LA 093-I 3-49.7 w LA 093-I 3-49.7 w NM 106-I 7-35.0 W NM 106-I 7-35.0 W NM 106-17-35.0 W LA 093-40-00.5 w LA 093-40-00.5 w LA 093-40-00.5 w LA 093-40-00.5 w LA 093-40-00.5 w LA 093-40-00.5 w LA 093-40-00.5 w LA 093-40-00.5 w NY 077-06-08.0 W NY 077-06-08.0 W TX 094-02-27.6 W MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD I I CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222502A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222502A1.txt
- BROADCASTING LICENSES, INC. ABILENE 05/09/2002 00950.12500 32-27-03.5 N VA MD WMU818 078-50-52.2 W 0000882928 EASY RADIO INC Harrisonburg 05/10/2002 00944.37500 38-25-45.1 N VA MD WMU818 078-50-52.2 W 0000882928 EASY RADIO INC Harrisonburg 05/10/2002 00944.62500 38-25-45.1 N TX NE 095-27-00.4 W 0000875795 KXTJ License, Inc. Houston 05/06/2002 00949.25000 29-44-46.6 N TX NE 094-47-26.7 W 0000875848 KXTJ License, Inc. Liberty 05/06/2002 00948.00000 30-03-00.5 N IA NE 093-46-00.0 W 0000875886 Thomas H. Burke, Receiver for Lifestyle Communications Corp. Osceola 05/06/2002 00950.00000 41-01-59.0 N IA NE 093-35-52.0 W 0000875967 Thomas H. Burke, Receiver for Lifestyle Communications Corp. Des Moines 05/06/2002 00951.00000 41-39-21.0 N IA NE 093-35-52.0 W 0000876016 Thomas H. Burke, Receiver for Lifestyle Communicaltions Corp. Des Moines 05/06/2002 00950.87500 41-39-21.0 N IA NE 093-35-52.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222893A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222893A1.txt
- Wireless SHELBY 05/24/2002 40-52-46.0 N GS - Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NY AM WNLI646 073-24-58.4 W 0000831887 METROCALL USA INC HUNTINGTON 05/22/2002 00929.36250 40-52-45.4 N NY AM WNLI646 074-00-17.5 W 0000831887 METROCALL USA INC MANHATTAN 05/22/2002 00929.36250 40-42-38.4 N NY AM WNLI646 074-00-00.5 W 0000831887 METROCALL USA INC MANHATTAN 05/22/2002 00929.36250 40-44-12.4 N NJ AM WNLI646 074-04-50.0 W 0000831887 METROCALL USA INC TINTON FALLS 05/22/2002 00929.36250 40-16-41.0 N NY AM WNLI646 073-53-09.5 W 0000831887 METROCALL USA INC YONKERS 05/22/2002 00929.36250 40-58-07.4 N NY AM WNWB486 072-20-54.0 W 0000831888 METROCALL USA INC NOYACK 05/22/2002 00929.36250 40-58-19.0 N GX - SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conventional State
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-223320A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-223320A1.txt
- electronically (electronic mail or facsimile), by hand delivery, or by overnight delivery service other than U.S. Postal Service Express and Priority Mail. AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM 116-58-48.9 W 0000865796 Lancair Corp San Diego 06/06/2002 00122.95000 32-34-20.3 N MN MD WSF39 093-13-00.5 W 0000912747 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC Hampton 06/04/2002 00130.85000 44-35-17.8 N NC NE 081-53-28.0 W 0000911184 Elk River Property Owners' Association Banner Elk 06/03/2002 00122.97500 36-09-30.0 N WI NE 089-28-02.8 W 0000913903 Aeronautical Radio Inc Rhinelander 06/05/2002 00128.85000 45-37-52.3 N HI NE 156-02-44.2 W 0000913949 Aeronautical Radio Inc Kailua-Kona 06/05/2002 00129.90000 19-44-19.5 N HI NE 155-02-54.4 W 0000913959 Aeronautical Radio Inc
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-224621A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-224621A1.txt
- 38-12-47.5 N LA NE 090-39-54.0 W 0000965355 MURPHY EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY CHAUVIN 07/17/2002 00122.80000 29-14-48.0 N GM NE 089-27-13.0 W 0000966039 MURPHY EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY OFFSHORE 07/17/2002 00122.80000 28-23-33.0 N GM NE 090-49-54.2 W 0000966054 MURPHY EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY OFFSHORE 07/17/2002 00122.80000 28-49-59.6 N GM NE 090-14-03.0 W 0000966061 MURPHY EXPLORATIONS & PRODUCTION COMPANY OFFSHORE 07/17/2002 00122.80000 28-47-00.5 N GM NE 091-17-11.4 W 0000966066 MURPHY EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY OFFSHORE 07/17/2002 00122.80000 28-28-38.5 N AL RM KXK4 085-54-06.8 W 0000968982 ENTERPRISE, CITY OF ENTERPRISE 07/19/2002 00122.80000 31-17-54.6 N RO WAE6 0000964180 NEW RICHMOND, CITY OF 07/16/2002 RO WIH2 0000968384 LA JUNTA, CITY OF 07/18/2002 Page 2 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-225370A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-225370A1.txt
- 106-19-34.1 W 0000989894 CASPER, CITY OF CASPER 08/07/2002 10615.62500 42-51-04.9 N Page 44 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WY NE 106-21-43.1 W 0000989897 CASPER, CITY OF CASPER 08/07/2002 10550.62500 42-44-26.9 N PA NE 074-55-06.5 W 0000990209 BUCKS, COUNTY OF BENSALEM 08/08/2002 10567.50000 40-05-00.5 N FL NE P 081-57-14.0 W 0000990432 CITY OF LAKELAND POLICE DEPARTMENT LAKELAND 08/08/2002 02474.43750 28-02-46.0 N FL NE 081-30-29.0 W 0000991176 Apopka City of Apopka 08/08/2002 10556.25000 28-40-19.0 N FL NE 081-30-29.0 W 0000991176 Apopka City of Apopka 08/08/2002 10621.25000 28-40-19.0 N NY RM WNTD938 073-13-14.4 W 0000986850 SUFFOLK, COUNTY OF HAUPPAUGE 08/05/2002 06755.00000 40-48-33.3 N NY RM WNTD938
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-225542A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-225542A1.txt
- Fixed Satellite Service "MOD" to add an additional antenna to it's existing earth station license, and relocate it's fixed earth station. 35 ° 35 ' 0.00 " N LAT. SITE ID: 1 350 DAWSEN STREET, MONROE, VONORE, TN 84 ° 13 ' 0.00 " W LONG. LOCATION: PRODELIN 1 2.4 meters ANTENNA ID: 1246 51.70 dBW 128 KBIT QPSK RATE 0.5 FEC 14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz 179KG7D 52.20 dBW 192 KBIT QPSK RATE 0.5 FEC 14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz 269KG7D 52.20 dBW 256 KBIT QPSK RATE 0.5 FEC 14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz 358KG7D 192 KBIT QPSK RATE 0.5 FEC 11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz 269KG7D 256 KBIT QPSK RATE 0.5 FEC 11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz 358KG7D 128 KBIT QPSK RATE 0.5 FEC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-225574A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-225574A1.txt
- Monroe 08/15/2002 00129.62500 32-30-39.1 N Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AL NE 087-36-36.8 W 0000998235 Aeronautical Radio Inc Muscle Shoals 08/15/2002 00129.62500 34-44-43.1 N GM NE 092-41-05.4 W 0000998292 Aeronautical Radio Inc Gulf of Mexico 08/15/2002 00129.77500 28-03-09.9 N GM NE 093-44-00.5 W 0000998309 Aeronautical Radio Inc Gulf of Mexico 08/15/2002 00129.77500 28-28-00.9 N SC NE 082-13-07.8 W 0000998317 Aeronautical Radio Inc Greer 08/15/2002 00131.20000 34-53-44.4 N NH RM WBO7 071-11-48.3 W 0000997050 STATE OR NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF AERONAUTICS GORHAM 08/14/2002 00122.80000 44-23-35.2 N WA RM WYC2 119-19-04.1 W 0000997739 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC MOSES LAKE 08/15/2002 00131.95000 47-11-59.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226134A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226134A1.txt
- 0001018912 ROUTT COUNTY HAYDEN 09/04/2002 06615.00000 40-31-27.4 N CO NE 107-16-55.5 W 0001018912 ROUTT COUNTY HAYDEN 09/04/2002 06665.00000 40-31-27.4 N CO NE 107-16-55.5 W 0001018912 ROUTT COUNTY HAYDEN 09/04/2002 11623.12500 40-31-27.4 N OH NE 084-34-16.0 W 0001018962 Hamilton, County of Cincinnati 09/04/2002 06605.00000 39-11-32.0 N OH NE 084-34-16.0 W 0001018962 Hamilton, County of Cincinnati 09/04/2002 06665.00000 39-11-32.0 N MN NE 096-39-00.5 W 0001019375 STATE OF MINNESOTA Angus 09/05/2002 06585.00000 48-02-02.7 N MN NE 096-39-00.5 W 0001019375 STATE OF MINNESOTA Angus 09/05/2002 06645.00000 48-02-02.7 N MN NE 096-37-02.0 W 0001019393 State of Minnesota CROOKSTON 09/05/2002 06745.00000 47-45-45.0 N MN NE 096-11-20.0 W 0001019462 State Of Minnesota THIEF RIVER FALLS 09/05/2002 06805.00000 48-06-54.0 N MN NE 093-54-33.0 W 0001019623 State of Minnesota Enfield
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226592A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226592A1.txt
- MICRODYNE 1 5 meters ANTENNA ID: SATRO-5M 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 36000F9 Points of Communication: 1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT) Renewal 11/09/2002 - 11/09/2017 Date Effective: 09/18/2002 Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations Grant of Authority TCI CABLEVISION OF OREGON, INC. E930049 SES-RWL-20020906-01518P Nature of Service:Domestic Fixed Satellite Service 44 ° 0 ' 4.00 " N LAT. SITE ID: 1 0.5 MI. W OF WILLAMETTE ST & 52ND ST, LANE, EUGENE, OR 123 ° 6 ' 21.00 " W LONG. LOCATION: SCIENTIFIC-ATLANTA 1 4.5 meters ANTENNA ID: 8345 4.5 METER 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 25M0F8W Points of Communication: 1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT) Renewal 10/05/2002 - 10/05/2017 Date Effective: 09/20/2002 Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations Grant of Authority COMMUNITY TELEVISION
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226838A14.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226838A14.txt
- Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Mkt rank Market Calls Affil O&O ? Ownership 5:30 pm rtg 5:30 pm sh 6 pm rtg 6 pm sh Local News Hours Public Affairs Hours 5 SF KGO ABC 1 ABC Inc. 7 15 8 16 20 0.5 5 SF KRON NBC 1 NBC/GE 7 15 6 12 24 2.5 5 SF KPIX CBS 1 CBS 4 8 5 10 17 5 SF KNTV WB Granite 1 2 1 2 23 3.5 5 SF KTVU FOX Cox 2 5 33.5 1 6 Boston WCVB ABC Hearst-Argyle 9 18 8 15 20 1 6 Boston WHDH NBC Sunbeam TV
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226838A17.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226838A17.txt
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226838A20.doc
- the most weight, data from markets 99 and 101 get the next most weight, and so forth. The particular smoothing method employed is called ``loess'' and is described in William S. Cleveland, The Elements of Graphing Data (Hobart Press, 1994). The specific implementation is from the ``loess'' command in the statistical package ``S-PLUS 2000'', with the smoothing parameter set to 0.5. For March 2001 and March 2002, the Metro market revenue is equated to the sum of the station revenue for stations assigned (``home'') to their Metro market. In previous years, Metro market revenue was used. In some cases the differences between these measures of market revenue were the result of out-of-Metro market stations that earned a share of the Metro
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226838A22.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226838A22.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226838A22.txt
- TBS, Lifetime, and Nick at Nite. The average number of households delivered per network was 1.4 million (for the full sample of 33 networks it was 0.6 million). In 1990, the four largest were USA, TBS, ESPN, and CNN, with an average number of households delivered per network of 1.1 million (for the full sample of 15 networks it was 0.5 million). Thus, in 1990, the major broadcast networks delivered audiences on average nine times as big as those for the largest cable networks. In 2000 the broadcast audience averaged 5.6 times the size of the cable audience on a per network basis. Even the new broadcast networks UPN and WB delivered audiences almost twice as big as the largest cable
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226838A23.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226838A23.txt
- ABC 1 ABC Inc. 7 14 8 14 Oprah 14 14 14 13 21 3 1 New York WCBS CBS 1 CBS 3 7 4 7 7 7 8 26.5 1 1 New York WNYW FOX 1 FOX 8 7 7 15.5 1 5 SF KGO ABC 1 ABC Inc. 7 15 8 16 Oprah 16 14 15 18 20 0.5 5 SF KRON NBC 1 NBC/GE 7 15 6 12 12 15 13 24 2.5 5 SF KPIX CBS 1 CBS 4 8 5 10 9 10 11 17 5 SF KNTV WB Granite 1 2 1 2 23 3.5 5 SF KTVU FOX Cox 2 5 5 5 6 33.5 1 6 Boston WCVB ABC Hearst-Argyle 9 18 8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226884A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226884A1.txt
- to add an additional antenna to it's existing earth station license, and relocate it's fixed earth station. Page 17 of 28 35 ° 35 ' 0.00 " N LAT. SITE ID: 1 350 DAWSEN STREET, MONROE, VONORE, TN 84 ° 13 ' 0.00 " W LONG. LOCATION: PRODELIN 1 2.4 meters ANTENNA ID: 1246 51.70 dBW 128 KBIT QPSK RATE 0.5 FEC 14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz 179KG7D 52.20 dBW 192 KBIT QPSK RATE 0.5 FEC 14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz 269KG7D 52.20 dBW 256 KBIT QPSK RATE 0.5 FEC 14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz 358KG7D 192 KBIT QPSK RATE 0.5 FEC 11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz 269KG7D 256 KBIT QPSK RATE 0.5 FEC 11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz 358KG7D 128 KBIT QPSK RATE 0.5 FEC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226886A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226886A1.txt
- W 0001041960 WCTV Licensee Corp. Tallahassee 09/27/2002 11365.00000 30-28-31.7 N MT NE 112-01-11.9 W 0001041976 Touch America Helena 09/27/2002 22525.00000 46-35-30.9 N CA NE 114-31-18.4 W 0001042128 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEMS, LLC BLYTHE 09/27/2002 10616.25000 33-57-39.3 N CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD KNKN208 110-40-00.5 W 0001037212 SMITH BAGLEY, INC. Hotevilla 09/24/2002 35-54-49.0 N WY MD KNKN259 109-17-52.5 W 0001037570 UNION TELEPHONE COMPANY ROCK SPRINGS 09/24/2002 41-55-00.9 N GS - Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA NE 122-25-52.9 W 0001035430 DX RADIO SYSTEMS, INC. DALY CITY 09/23/2002 00929.06250
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-227651A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-227651A1.txt
- OF CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CLOVERDALE 10/15/2002 10623.75000 38-43-59.7 N CA MD WPNH345 119-37-02.7 W 0001058355 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC BUTTONWILLOW 10/15/2002 17705.00000 35-33-37.0 N CA MD WPNH345 119-37-02.7 W 0001058355 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC BUTTONWILLOW 10/15/2002 17725.00000 35-33-37.0 N CA MD WPNH345 119-37-02.7 W 0001058355 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC BUTTONWILLOW 10/15/2002 17885.00000 35-33-37.0 N CA MD WPOS876 120-36-00.5 W 0001058528 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC SAN LUIS OBISPO 10/15/2002 10566.25000 35-18-30.2 N CA MD WPOS874 120-39-25.0 W 0001058535 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC SAN LUIS OBISPO 10/15/2002 10631.25000 35-21-39.5 N CA MD WPOS874 120-39-25.0 W 0001058535 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC SAN LUIS OBISPO 10/15/2002 10638.75000 35-21-39.5 N CA MD WPOS874 120-39-25.0 W 0001058535 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228408A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228408A1.txt
- KNKN614 090-00-19.3 W 0000935551 LOUISIANA RSA NO. 7 CELLULAR GENERAL PARTNERSHIP Frankllinton 11/05/2002 30-52-00.7 N LA AM KNKN614 090-00-19.3 W 0000935551 LOUISIANA RSA NO. 7 CELLULAR GENERAL PARTNERSHIP Frankllinton 11/05/2002 30-52-00.7 N LA AM KNKN614 089-49-59.5 W 0000935551 LOUISIANA RSA NO. 7 CELLULAR GENERAL PARTNERSHIP Varnado 11/05/2002 30-52-26.0 N NV MD KNKA368 115-58-16.1 W 0001084350 Southwestco Wireless Limited PartnershipPahrump 11/07/2002 36-14-00.5 N GS - Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL RM WPLQ831 088-51-51.4 W 0001082718 CHRYSLER CORPORATION BELVIDERE 10/31/2002 00929.03750 42-14-11.1 N GX - SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conventional State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228541A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228541A1.txt
- to operate C-band transponders on the TDRS-5 satellite. Specifically, Columbia requests any necessary authority to provide space segment used for direct-to-home services over this fixed-satellite service facility. Modification MOTIENT SERVICES, INC. AMSC-1 SAT-MOD-19960919-00116P Original File No. 163-SAT-ML-96 Motient Services, Inc. (formerly AMSC Subsidiary Corporation) filed an application for permanent authority to modify the AMSC-1 satellite to repoint the L-band antenna 0.5 deg. east and reduce spectrum in eastern beam. Modification SES Americom, Inc. SAT H-1 SAT-MOD-20021108-00204E SES AMERICOM, Inc. has filed an application for modification of its authorization to operate the AMC-1 satellite. SES AMERICOM requests any necessary authority to provide space segment used for direct-to-home services over this fixed-satellite service facility. SES AMERICOM also requests classification of the AMC-1 license
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228932A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228932A1.txt
- IA NE 095-43-31.4 W 0001096047 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. COUNCIL BLUFFS 11/19/2002 06197.24000 41-20-03.1 N IA NE 095-43-31.4 W 0001096047 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. COUNCIL BLUFFS 11/19/2002 06615.00000 41-20-03.1 N IA NE 095-39-07.5 W 0001096082 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. UNDERWOOD 11/19/2002 06775.00000 41-24-49.1 N IA NE 095-27-53.3 W 0001096114 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC SHELBY 11/19/2002 05945.20000 41-30-00.5 N IA NE 095-27-53.3 W 0001096114 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC SHELBY 11/19/2002 06093.45000 41-30-00.5 N IA NE 095-27-53.3 W 0001096114 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC SHELBY 11/19/2002 06610.00000 41-30-00.5 N AZ NE 112-07-03.0 W 0001096266 ALLTEL Communications of the Southwest Limited Partnership Jerome 11/19/2002 10662.50000 34-42-05.0 N OH NE 081-28-22.6 W 0001096675 NewPar Akron 11/20/2002 06063.80000 41-05-48.2 N OH
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- W 0001101691 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 12787.50000 42-34-41.7 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0001102521 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 13037.50000 42-34-41.7 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0001102521 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 13062.50000 42-34-41.7 N UT NE 112-00-42.8 W 0001102600 FOX TV STATIONS, INC. SALT LAKE CITY 11/25/2002 12712.50000 40-46-37.8 N OH NE 082-06-00.5 W 0001102993 OHIO UNIVERSITY ATHENS 11/26/2002 13150.00000 - 13175.00000 39-19-41.2 N Page 21 TS - TV Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA NE 117-35-11.1 W 0001105601 KVMD Corp. Ontario 11/29/2002 07037.50000 34-03-59.0 N YK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Trunked State Purpose Call Sign Longitude
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- W 0001101691 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 12787.50000 42-34-41.7 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0001102521 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 13037.50000 42-34-41.7 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0001102521 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 13062.50000 42-34-41.7 N UT NE 112-00-42.8 W 0001102600 FOX TV STATIONS, INC. SALT LAKE CITY 11/25/2002 12712.50000 40-46-37.8 N OH NE 082-06-00.5 W 0001102993 OHIO UNIVERSITY ATHENS 11/26/2002 13150.00000 - 13175.00000 39-19-41.2 N Page 21 TS - TV Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA NE 117-35-11.1 W 0001105601 KVMD Corp. Ontario 11/29/2002 07037.50000 34-03-59.0 N YK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Trunked State Purpose Call Sign Longitude
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-229376A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-229376A1.txt
- N CT MD KNKA418 072-00-34.8 W 0001106300 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC Groton 12/02/2002 41-20-36.8 N CT MD KNKA418 071-55-38.4 W 0001106300 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC NORTH STONINGTON 12/02/2002 41-27-35.4 N CT MD KNKA418 071-54-06.5 W 0001106300 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC STONINGTON 12/02/2002 41-22-58.2 N CT MD KNKA241 072-49-10.9 W 0001106351 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC BRANFORD 12/02/2002 41-19-00.5 N CT MD KNKA241 072-39-29.7 W 0001106351 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC GUILFORD 12/02/2002 41-17-19.3 N CT MD KNKA241 072-43-18.5 W 0001106351 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC GUILFORD 12/02/2002 41-19-48.1 N CT MD KNKA241 073-00-43.0 W 0001106351 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLC MILFORD 12/02/2002 41-14-25.5 N WI MD KNKA600 087-48-35.2 W 0001106760 Milwaukee SMSA Limited Partnership HOLLAND 12/02/2002 43-35-09.5 N
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- than U.S. Postal Service Express and Priority Mail. AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MI AM 084-35-14.4 W 0000964459 Aeronautical Radio Inc Lansing 12/19/2002 00129.82500 42-46-43.3 N AZ MD WPWK203 112-00-29.0 W 0001122998 Aeronautical Radio Inc Phoenix 12/16/2002 00129.30000 35-26-03.0 N GM MD WPWA423 093-44-00.5 W 0001123216 Aeronautical Radio Inc Gulf of Mexico 12/16/2002 00129.10000 28-28-00.9 N GM MD WPWA422 092-41-05.4 W 0001123226 Aeronautical Radio Inc Gulf of Mexico 12/16/2002 00129.10000 28-03-09.9 N GM MD KDO4 088-47-50.1 W 0001123276 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC OFFSHORE 12/16/2002 00129.70000 29-36-23.7 N CA MD WPWD591 116-30-24.1 W 0001129998 Aeronautical Radio Inc Palm Springs 12/20/2002 00136.52500 33-49-46.8 N Page 1 AF
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- 3 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OR MD WMN441 123-55-22.4 W 0001131412 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC SEASIDE 12/23/2002 18080.00000 45-59-36.3 N WA MD WPNN516 123-53-12.5 W 0001131440 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC CHINOOK 12/23/2002 06675.00000 46-15-44.3 N OR MD WMN740 123-49-00.5 W 0001131450 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ASTORIA 12/23/2002 06645.00000 46-10-53.3 N TX MD WMJ237 097-37-20.0 W 0001132716 Texas Cellular Telephone Company, L.P.AUSTIN 12/24/2002 06034.15000 30-19-17.7 N TX MD WMJ237 097-37-20.0 W 0001132716 Texas Cellular Telephone Company, L.P.AUSTIN 12/24/2002 06093.45000 30-19-17.7 N TX MD WPJA735 097-49-56.0 W 0001132730 Texas Cellular Telephone Company, L.P.AUSTIN 12/24/2002 06345.49000 30-14-04.7 N TX MD WMJ236 097-40-56.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230093A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230093A1.txt
- 39-44-47.0 N Page 6 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA NE 116-09-44.0 W 0001138545 Nextel of California, Inc Baker 12/31/2002 10576.25000 35-11-33.0 N OR NE 120-49-44.9 W 0001140401 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATING COMPANY OF MEDFORD SUMMER LAKE 01/02/2003 06116.30500 42-59-00.5 N OR NE 120-49-44.9 W 0001140401 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATING COMPANY OF MEDFORD SUMMER LAKE 01/02/2003 06565.00000 42-59-00.5 N OR NE 120-04-29.9 W 0001140437 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATING COMPANY OF MEDFORD RILEY 01/02/2003 06368.34500 43-33-25.5 N OR NE 120-04-29.9 W 0001140437 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATING COMPANY OF MEDFORD RILEY 01/02/2003 06595.62500 43-33-25.5 N OR NE 119-07-53.8 W 0001140463 UNITED STATES
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230456A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230456A1.txt
- 01/16/2003 00952.10625 47-07-51.0 N MN NE P 093-24-09.5 W 0001161387 Osseo, City of Osseo 01/16/2003 00952.28125 45-07-14.6 N GA NE P 082-52-02.5 W 0001161412 ELBERTON, CITY OF ELBERTON 01/16/2003 00956.26875 34-06-48.4 N TX NE 100-55-40.0 W 0001161630 IRVIN AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS INC. DEL RIO 01/16/2003 22477.00000 29-21-36.0 N TX NE 106-17-58.0 W 0001161642 EPSON EL PASO INC. EL PASO 01/16/2003 21252.00000 31-43-00.5 N Page 29 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX NE 106-23-26.0 W 0001161649 COOPER LIGHTING INC. EL PASO 01/16/2003 21241.50000 31-46-22.0 N TX NE 106-23-26.0 W 0001161653 A. O. SMITH WATER PRODUCTS COMPANY EL PASO 01/16/2003 21231.00000 31-46-22.0 N TX NE 106-23-26.0 W
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- L.P. HOLLY 01/24/2003 06345.49000 42-47-02.1 N MI MD WHU27 083-32-04.8 W 0001171644 AMCI Acquisition, L.P. HOLLY 01/24/2003 06404.79000 42-47-02.1 N CA MD WLV362 118-14-13.2 W 0001171905 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP LA CRESENTA 01/24/2003 10643.75000 34-16-04.0 N CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ AM KNKN208 110-40-00.5 W 0001037212 SMITH BAGLEY, INC. Hotevilla 01/22/2003 35-54-49.0 N CO MD KNKN347 102-12-57.9 W 0001170879 PLATTE RIVER CELLULAR OF COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Idalia 01/24/2003 39-40-33.8 N VA MD KNKQ314 078-51-50.0 W 0001171056 Southern & Central Wireless, LLC Harrisonburg 01/24/2003 38-29-23.0 N VA MD KNKQ314 078-45-46.0 W 0001171056 Southern & Central Wireless, LLC TIMBERVILLE 01/24/2003 38-39-04.0 N MG - Microwave Industrial/Business
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- 118-03-56.9 W 0001177943 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP EL MONTE 01/29/2003 10582.50000 34-04-17.5 N CA NE 118-03-56.9 W 0001177943 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP EL MONTE 01/29/2003 10593.12500 34-04-17.5 N CA NE 118-03-56.9 W 0001177943 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP EL MONTE 01/29/2003 19685.00000 34-04-17.5 N MA NE 072-27-15.4 W 0001177968 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. Belchertown 01/29/2003 19305.00000 42-20-00.5 N MA NE 072-24-56.1 W 0001178004 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. Belchertown 01/29/2003 19325.00000 42-16-15.5 N MA NE 072-32-22.5 W 0001178015 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. Granby 01/29/2003 17765.00000 42-15-14.8 N MA NE 072-32-22.5 W 0001178015 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. Granby 01/29/2003 17950.00000 42-15-14.8 N MA NE 072-33-31.2 W 0001178026 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc.
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- MD WHC784 096-15-03.8 W 0001196068 CenterPoint Energy Inc. FAIR OAKS 02/12/2003 00953.95000 31-25-52.6 N AZ MD WPQX854 P 110-58-48.0 W 0001196246 Southwest Gas Corporation TUCSON 02/12/2003 00956.36875 32-12-59.3 N GA MD WNTJ978 083-29-01.0 W 0001196578 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY MADISON 02/12/2003 00928.51875 33-33-47.0 N GA MD WNTJ978 083-29-01.0 W 0001196578 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY MADISON 02/12/2003 00952.51875 33-33-47.0 N GA MD WNTK550 083-15-00.5 W 0001196594 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY MILLEDGEVILLE 02/12/2003 00928.18125 33-05-42.5 N GA MD WNTK550 083-15-00.5 W 0001196594 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY MILLEDGEVILLE 02/12/2003 00952.18125 33-05-42.5 N CA MD WPQY226 P 116-50-20.4 W 0001197260 Southwest Gas Corporation BIG BEAR 02/13/2003 00956.34375 34-15-39.6 N NV MD WPJF805 P 115-13-24.0 W 0001197427 SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION LAS VEGAS 02/13/2003 00956.28125 36-12-20.8 N CA MD WPQY967 P
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- INC APPLETON 02/19/2003 06315.84000 44-15-39.9 N WI AM WLB939 088-24-25.3 W 0001112291 NORLIGHT INC APPLETON 02/19/2003 06345.49000 44-15-39.9 N WI AM WLB939 088-24-25.3 W 0001112291 NORLIGHT INC APPLETON 02/19/2003 06375.14000 44-15-39.9 N WI AM WLB939 088-24-25.3 W 0001112291 NORLIGHT INC APPLETON 02/19/2003 06375.14000 44-15-39.9 N WI AM WLB939 088-24-25.3 W 0001112291 NORLIGHT INC APPLETON 02/19/2003 06404.79000 44-15-39.9 N CA AM 116-57-00.5 W 0001127147 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP HEMET 02/20/2003 10593.75000 33-43-16.0 N CO AM 102-32-19.0 W 0001128541 Smokey Hill Cellular of Colorado Limited Partnership FIRSTVIEW 02/18/2003 05945.20000 38-47-15.0 N CO AM 102-32-19.0 W 0001128541 Smokey Hill Cellular of Colorado Limited Partnership FIRSTVIEW 02/18/2003 06034.15000 38-47-15.0 N CA AM 118-06-22.4 W 0001154535 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CERRITOS 02/20/2003 10588.75000 33-52-29.0
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- 42-18-12.3 N MA MD KC26365 P 071-13-06.1 W 0001222376 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC. NEEDHAM 03/06/2003 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 42-18-12.3 N NE O 0001219675 THE SCH. BD. OF MARION CTY., FLORIDA 03/04/2003 06875.00000 - 07125.00000 TS - TV Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH MD WBE774 082-06-00.5 W 0001218009 OHIO UNIVERSITY ATHENS 03/03/2003 13200.00000 - 13225.00000 39-19-41.2 N CA NE 118-23-18.5 W 0001223697 TELEFUTURA LOS ANGELES LLC Los Angeles 03/06/2003 07062.50000 33-58-35.8 N CO NE 108-33-08.9 W 0001225549 SOUTHWEST COLORADO TV TRANSLATOR ASSN. Cortez 03/07/2003 12912.50000 37-20-55.6 N CO NE 108-33-08.9 W 0001225554 SOUTHWEST COLORADO TV TRANSLATOR ASSN. Cortez 03/07/2003 12962.50000 37-20-55.6 N CO NE 108-33-08.9 W
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- POWER COMPANY 04/04/2003 Page 13 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RO WNTJ978 0001263424 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY 04/04/2003 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD WPQR446 112-04-00.5 W 0001255661 PHOENIX, CITY OF PHOENIX 03/31/2003 11375.00000 33-19-57.2 N WA MD WPSM335 120-52-10.9 W 0001255718 WASHINGTON, STATE OF Cle Elum 03/31/2003 05945.20000 47-08-15.4 N WA MD WPSM335 120-52-10.9 W 0001255718 WASHINGTON, STATE OF Cle Elum 03/31/2003 06123.10000 47-08-15.4 N AZ MD WPQR399 111-57-10.5 W 0001255736 PHOENIX, CITY OF TEMPE 03/31/2003 10715.00000 33-20-27.2 N MN MD WPWD884 092-25-11.7 W 0001256764
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- ENTERCOM BOSTON LICENSE, LLC FRAMINGHAM 04/08/2003 00455.75000 42-23-49.3 N FL MD KPN766 081-25-16.0 W 0001270902 FLORIDA BROADCASTERS ORLANDO 04/10/2003 00450.92500 28-34-48.0 N TN NE C 0001269088 MEMPHIS/SHELBY COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY & INFO CNTR. 04/09/2003 00161.73000 TI - TV Intercity Relay State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ AM WMU860 111-07-00.5 W 0001186684 RAYCOM AMERICA, INC. South Tucson 04/08/2003 07062.50000 32-14-56.4 N AZ MD WPUP304 112-01-08.5 W 0001264395 UNIVISION TELEVISION GROUP, INC. Phoenix 04/07/2003 06912.50000 33-23-31.9 N AZ MD WPUP626 111-24-36.5 W 0001264396 UNIVISION TELEVISION GROUP, INC. Payson 04/07/2003 07037.50000 33-54-21.4 N AZ MD WPUP628 111-30-16.0 W 0001264397 UNIVISION TELEVISION GROUP, INC. Strawberry 04/07/2003 07087.50000 34-25-52.0 N Page 30 TI -
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- system modifications to its licensed system configuration to integrate the 103° W.L. system into the SPACEWAY system, improve system performance, increase capacity for subscriber services, optimize the cost effectiveness of services to customers and ensure that the system design (as modified) meets all provisions of the FCC's Ka-Band rules. Specifically, the significant changes include: Use of 112 satellite receive beams (0.5 degrees each); Use of phased-array antennas for downlink transmissions through small, hopping spot beams with higher EIRP, and greater antenna pointing accuracy and control; Addition of a downlink broadcasting capability through multiple wide-area beams on each polarization to cover wide geographic areas; A variety of user uplink data transmission rates to support different user terminal sizes, and a higher downlink
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-233951A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-233951A1.txt
- Company Hatch 04/24/2003 00956.25625 32-32-45.0 N Page 22 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX NE P 106-00-15.9 W 0001286623 El Paso Electric Company Alamo Alto 04/24/2003 00956.25625 31-28-40.3 N TX NE P 104-50-11.8 W 0001287499 El Paso Electric Company Van Horn 04/25/2003 00956.25625 31-02-00.5 N TX NE P 097-00-59.0 W 0001287591 GRAND PRAIRIE, CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE 04/25/2003 00956.39375 32-41-31.0 N TX NE P 097-00-59.0 W 0001287591 GRAND PRAIRIE, CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE 04/25/2003 00956.39375 32-41-31.0 N MT NE 107-31-59.3 W 0001287696 EnCana Energy Resources, Inc Whitewater 04/25/2003 00928.04375 48-45-04.0 N MT NE 107-31-59.3 W 0001287696 EnCana Energy Resources, Inc Whitewater 04/25/2003 00952.04375 48-45-04.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-234231A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-234231A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-234231A1.txt
- Grant Date: 04/15/2003 Licensee Name: J.D.G. TELEVISION, INC. Requested Facility: Ch No:50 N Latitude: 36-24-47; W Longitude: 93-57-16 ERP (Average): 3 kW; HAAT: 267 meters; Antenna: DA Facility ID: 68058 Call Sign: WHSG-DT File No: BDSTA-20030326AIH City: MONROE State: GA Grant Date: 04/10/2003 Licensee Name: TRINITY BROADCASTING NETWORK Requested Facility: Ch No:44 N Latitude: 33-49-22; W Longitude: 83-53-49 ERP (Average): 0.5 kW; HAAT: 103 meters; Antenna: ND Facility ID: 67993 Call Sign: WTBY-DT File No: BDSTA-20030326AII City: POUGHKEEPSIE State: NY Grant Date: 04/10/2003 Licensee Name: TRINITY BROADCASTING OF NEW YORK, INC. Requested Facility: Ch No:27 N Latitude: 41-43-9; W Longitude: 73-59-47 ERP (Average): 0.5 kW; HAAT: 301 meters; Antenna: ND Facility ID: 62219 Call Sign: WYDC-DT File No: BDSTA-20030326AIJ City: CORNING
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- OF TUCSON 06/12/2003 10563.75000 32-08-07.3 N IN NE 086-09-26.2 W 0001338572 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORIndianapolis 06/06/2003 05974.85000 39-55-50.9 N IN NE 086-09-26.2 W 0001338572 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORIndianapolis 06/06/2003 05974.85000 39-55-50.9 N IN NE 086-09-26.2 W 0001338572 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORIndianapolis 06/06/2003 06034.15000 39-55-50.9 N IN NE 086-09-26.2 W 0001338572 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORIndianapolis 06/06/2003 06034.15000 39-55-50.9 N IN NE 086-16-00.5 W 0001338576 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORIndianapolis 06/06/2003 06197.24000 39-55-45.1 N IN NE 086-16-00.5 W 0001338576 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORIndianapolis 06/06/2003 06226.89000 39-55-45.1 N IN NE 086-16-00.5 W 0001338576 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORIndianapolis 06/06/2003 06286.19000 39-55-45.1 N IN NE 086-16-00.5 W 0001338576 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORIndianapolis 06/06/2003 06375.14000 39-55-45.1 N IN NE 086-11-13.8 W 0001338577 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORIndianapolis 06/06/2003 06197.24000
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- NM NE 103-12-23.8 W 0001350645 El Paso Natural Gas Company Clovis 06/17/2003 00932.34375 34-26-21.2 N NM NE 103-12-23.8 W 0001350645 El Paso Natural Gas Company Clovis 06/17/2003 00941.34375 34-26-21.2 N NC NE P 080-48-36.0 W 0001351881 TOWN OF MOORESVILLE MOORESVILLE 06/17/2003 00956.36875 35-35-06.0 N NC NE P 080-48-36.0 W 0001351881 TOWN OF MOORESVILLE MOORESVILLE 06/17/2003 00956.36875 35-35-06.0 N UT NE 109-25-00.5 W 0001352450 University of Utah Utah Education NetwoDutch John 06/18/2003 06093.45000 40-57-33.8 N UT NE 109-25-00.5 W 0001352450 University of Utah Utah Education NetwoDutch John 06/18/2003 06256.54000 40-57-33.8 N UT NE 109-29-00.4 W 0001352585 University of Utah Utah Education NetwoVernal 06/18/2003 06226.89000 40-44-19.8 N UT NE 109-29-00.4 W 0001352585 University of Utah Utah Education NetwoVernal 06/18/2003 06345.49000 40-44-19.8 N WI
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- ELECTRIC AND POWER COMELIZABETH CITY 06/25/2003 06655.00000 36-17-25.5 N NC AM WED849 076-14-52.7 W 0001329956 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMELIZABETH CITY 06/24/2003 06655.00000 36-17-25.5 N NC AM WED849 076-14-52.7 W 0001329956 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMELIZABETH CITY 06/25/2003 06775.00000 36-17-25.5 N NC AM WED849 076-14-52.7 W 0001329956 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMELIZABETH CITY 06/24/2003 06775.00000 36-17-25.5 N FL AM P 081-47-00.5 W 0001354065 Naples, City of Naples 06/23/2003 00956.44375 26-00-00.3 N CA MD WNEH433 119-36-08.0 W 0001352582 CHEVRON USA INC Derby Acres 06/24/2003 00928.06250 35-16-35.0 N CA MD WNEH433 119-36-08.0 W 0001352582 CHEVRON USA INC Derby Acres 06/24/2003 00928.08750 35-16-35.0 N CA MD WNEH433 119-36-08.0 W 0001352582 CHEVRON USA INC Derby Acres 06/24/2003 00952.06250 35-16-35.0 N Page 13 MG - Microwave
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- 087-05-47.0 W 0001342321 JOE WHEELER ELECTRIC MEMBERSHTRINITY 07/10/2003 00952.83125 34-34-51.3 N ME AM 069-47-26.0 W 0001344199 Maine Public Broadcasting Corporation AUGUSTA 07/10/2003 23235.00000 44-19-01.0 N AZ AM WIA669 111-06-07.3 W 0001346151 EL PASO NATURAL GAS COMPANY TUCSON 07/11/2003 06528.75000 31-58-37.2 N AZ AM WIA669 111-06-07.3 W 0001346151 EL PASO NATURAL GAS COMPANY TUCSON 07/11/2003 06625.00000 31-58-37.2 N FL AM P 081-47-00.5 W 0001354065 Naples, City of Naples 07/10/2003 00956.44375 26-08-00.3 N Page 20 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WI AM 088-12-03.0 W 0001374944 Onieda Utility Commission Onieda 07/09/2003 00928.49375 44-30-12.0 N WI AM 088-12-03.0 W 0001374944 Onieda Utility Commission Onieda 07/09/2003 00952.49375 44-30-12.0 N
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- 0001416448 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. Bloomington 08/13/2003 06605.00000 39-08-47.2 N NE NE 102-51-31.0 W 0001418341 Corban Communications, Inc. Allilance 08/14/2003 06735.00000 42-05-43.0 N CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NY MD KNKA297 077-07-55.2 W 0001414628 Bell Atlantic Mobile of Rochester, L.P. CLIFTON SPRINGS 08/12/2003 42-55-00.5 N NY MD KNKA297 077-07-55.2 W 0001414628 Bell Atlantic Mobile of Rochester, L.P. CLIFTON SPRINGS 08/12/2003 42-55-00.5 N NC MD KNKN890 083-01-57.2 W 0001417424 NORTH CAROLINA RSA 1 PARTNERSHWaynesville 08/13/2003 35-32-40.3 N ID MD KNKN306 112-56-33.0 W 0001419175 USCOC OF IDAHO RSA #5, INC. AMERICAN FALLS 08/15/2003 42-46-07.0 N ID MD KNKN306 112-56-33.0 W 0001419175 USCOC OF IDAHO RSA #5,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-238477A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-238477A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-238477A1.txt
- KNIGHT BROADCASTING OF BATON ROUGE LIC. CORP. Requested Facility: Ch No:34 N Latitude: 30-22-40; W Longitude: 91-5-49 ERP (Average): 1 kW; HAAT: 31 meters; Antenna: ND Facility ID: 8661 Call Sign: WOI-DT File No: BDSTA-20030417ACI City: AMES State: IA Grant Date: 05/13/2003 Licensee Name: CAPITAL COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY, INC. Requested Facility: Ch No:59 N Latitude: 41-48-1; W Longitude: 93-36-27 ERP (Average): 0.5 kW; HAAT: 311 meters; Antenna: DA Facility ID: 37806 Call Sign: WLFB-DT File No: BDSTA-20030418ACE City: BLUEFIELD State: WV Grant Date: 05/20/2003 Licensee Name: LIVING FAITH MINISTRIES, INC. Requested Facility: Ch No:14 N Latitude: 37-13-8; W Longitude: 81-15-39 ERP (Average): 12 kW; HAAT: 428 meters; Antenna: DA Facility ID: 24436 Call Sign: KLTJ-DT File No: BDSTA-20030421ACV City: GALVESTON State: TX
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-238830A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-238830A1.txt
- N PA NE P 075-16-10.5 W 0001441016 Philadelphia International Airport Philadelphia 09/05/2003 00130.67500 39-52-03.2 N PA NE P 075-16-10.5 W 0001441016 Philadelphia International Airport Philadelphia 09/05/2003 00131.77500 39-52-03.2 N NY RM WXU3 078-56-52.1 W 0001436314 NIAGARA FRONTIER TRANSPORTATIONIAGARA FALLS 09/02/2003 00122.95000 43-06-43.2 N FL RM WWN7 087-14-06.9 W 0001437209 BAPTIST HOSPITAL INC PENSACOLA 09/02/2003 00122.82500 30-25-58.7 N AR RM KNI5 092-17-00.5 W 0001437573 ARKANSAS, STATE OF LITTLE ROCK 09/02/2003 00123.05000 34-44-03.3 N RO WES4 0001436871 GEMCO AVIATION SERVICES INC 09/02/2003 RO WEI7 0001436913 CROSS KEYS AIRPORT INDUSTRIES 09/02/2003 RO KCP9 0001438134 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 09/03/2003 RO KCW2 0001438135 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 09/03/2003 RO KHB4 0001438136 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 09/03/2003 RO KHS9 0001438137 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 09/03/2003 RO KIL6 0001438138 AERONAUTICAL RADIO
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- Applicant Name Latitude City NM NE 107-16-19.8 W 0001453289 Teligent, Inc. Truth or Consequen 09/16/2003 19320.00000 33-14-34.5 N NM NE 107-17-30.3 W 0001453361 Teligent, Inc. Truth or Consequen 09/16/2003 17760.00000 33-20-31.8 N CA NE 122-17-30.4 W 0001453926 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTECASTELLA 09/17/2003 10551.25000 41-07-37.9 N CA NE 122-17-30.4 W 0001453926 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTECASTELLA 09/17/2003 10556.25000 41-07-37.9 N CA NE 118-03-00.5 W 0001453946 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership El Monte 09/17/2003 17885.00000 34-04-25.1 N CA NE 118-05-50.5 W 0001454150 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Lancaster 09/17/2003 10578.12500 34-41-17.1 N WI NE 088-37-42.9 W 0001454173 United States Cellular Operating CompanyLarsen 09/17/2003 06625.00000 44-13-01.8 N NE NE 098-27-23.0 W 0001454357 N.E. Colorado Wireless Technologies, IncSAINT LIBORY 09/17/2003 06093.45000 41-06-21.0 N NE NE 098-22-21.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-239154A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-239154A1.pdf
- MHz. On that same day, FCC agent David Dombrowski of the Philadelphia Office used direction finding techniques to locate the source of the transmissions on the frequency 105.7 MHz to the Dunwoody Village, 3500 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073. The FCC agent observed that the transmissions from the station could be detected with a standard car radio approximately 0.5 mile from the Dunwoody Village. Nancy Morrison, the Recreation Director, permitted agent Dombrowski to inspect the FM broadcast station. Nancy Morrison explained that the Dunwoody Village subscribes to an FM broadcast service on the frequency 105.7 MHz called ``Companion Radio.'' Networx Corporation installed and operates the FM broadcast station equipment at the Dunwoody Village to provide the service. Radio stations
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-239660A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-239660A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-239660A2.txt
- non-DSL, non-cable modem). As noted in the chart, the OECD reports that there are 1.9 million ``other ``subscribers in the United States. This is based on the FCC's number for June 2002, which includes commercial subscribers. Thus, the 1.9 million figure includes: about 1.2 million traditional wireline services, such as T1 and T3 lines or their symmetric DSL equivalents; about 0.5 million connections over optical fiber to the subscriber's premises; and about 0.2 million satellite and terrestrial fixed wireless connections. Id at table 1. The total is for all OECD countries, including those not included in this chart. Incumbent telco's ownership share of cable operators declined from a high of 59% in 1998 to about 5% in 2003. Broadband Over Cable
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- AL NE 085-08-55.7 W 0001486359 MARK HELLINGER Eufaula 10/16/2003 00947.00000 31-52-44.9 N NV NE 119-47-37.8 W 0001486421 CITADEL BROADCASTING COMPANYReno 10/16/2003 00951.87500 39-30-22.3 N OK NE 097-52-31.2 W 0001486424 CITADEL BROADCASTING COMPANYOkarche 10/16/2003 00948.50000 35-43-38.1 N OK NE 097-35-31.2 W 0001486426 CITADEL BROADCASTING COMPANYOklahoma City 10/17/2003 00950.00000 35-32-20.1 N SC NE 081-07-31.2 W 0001486503 FRANK NEELY ROCK HILL 10/17/2003 00947.62500 34-56-00.5 N NM NE 108-13-28.3 W 0001486850 NATIVE AMERICAN CHRISTIAN VOICE,Farmington 10/17/2003 00949.00000 36-44-02.0 N NM NE 108-13-13.0 W 0001486853 VOICE MINISTRIES OF FARMINGTON, IFARMINGTON 10/17/2003 00947.50000 36-41-44.0 N CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WMI249 121-00-04.0 W 0001480599
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- CO MD WLG213 108-34-05.3 W 0001482602 UNITED MINISTRIES GRAND JUNCTION 10/14/2003 00944.87500 39-04-46.9 N CO MD WLG213 108-34-05.3 W 0001482602 UNITED MINISTRIES GRAND JUNCTION 10/14/2003 00944.87500 39-04-46.9 N CO MD WLG213 108-34-05.3 W 0001482602 UNITED MINISTRIES GRAND JUNCTION 10/14/2003 00945.12500 39-04-46.9 N SC MD WLF384 078-53-22.0 W 0001482605 NM LICENSING, LLC Myrtle Beach 10/14/2003 00946.00000 33-42-21.0 N TX MD WBK258 101-51-00.5 W 0001482625 NM LICENSING, LLC LUBBOCK 10/14/2003 00946.00000 33-32-32.3 N TX MD WBK258 101-51-00.5 W 0001482625 NM LICENSING, LLC LUBBOCK 10/14/2003 00950.12500 33-32-32.3 N NH MD WPNG796 070-50-16.0 W 0001482774 CITADEL BROADCASTING COMPANYDover 10/14/2003 00947.50000 43-10-26.0 N NH MD WMG426 071-07-32.2 W 0001482777 CITADEL BROADCASTING COMPANYNorth Conway 10/14/2003 00944.37500 44-03-05.2 N NH MD WMG426 071-07-32.2 W 0001482777 CITADEL BROADCASTING COMPANYNorth
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- (CPP), Mobile Party Pays (MPP) 25 35 35 50 40 0.6 0.2 0.15 0.2 0.4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Little Smart 1 (CPP) Little Smart 2 (CPP) Mobile A: China Mobile/Unicom local plan (MPP) Mobile B: China Mobile national plan (MPP) Mobile 3: Unicom national plan (MPP) Yuan pe r mo nth 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Yua n p er m inu te Monthly fee Usage fee per minute The growth of wireless local loop service in China and India is compelling because these markets have sufficient scale to foster technological innovations that meet the particular needs of developing economies. We are aware that other wireless local loop technologies, 16 such as the corDECT
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-241826A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-241826A1.txt
- DURANGO 11/25/2003 10895.00000 37-16-29.0 N CO MD WCT947 107-46-43.2 W 0001526805 Qwest Corporation SILVERTON 11/25/2003 11015.00000 37-41-45.9 N CO MD WCT947 107-46-43.2 W 0001526805 Qwest Corporation SILVERTON 11/25/2003 11095.00000 37-41-45.9 N CO MD KYO85 107-46-58.2 W 0001526844 Qwest Corporation DURANGO 11/25/2003 11505.00000 37-21-53.0 N CO MD KYO85 107-46-58.2 W 0001526844 Qwest Corporation DURANGO 11/25/2003 11585.00000 37-21-53.0 N LA MD KFA81 093-40-00.5 W 0001526971 BELL ATLANTIC MOBILE SYSTEMS OF STARKS 11/25/2003 05945.20000 30-20-03.7 N LA MD KFA81 093-40-00.5 W 0001526971 BELL ATLANTIC MOBILE SYSTEMS OF STARKS 11/25/2003 05945.20000 30-20-03.7 N LA MD KFA81 093-40-00.5 W 0001526971 BELL ATLANTIC MOBILE SYSTEMS OF STARKS 11/25/2003 05974.85000 30-20-03.7 N Page 10 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude
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- 12/04/2003 21875.00000 38-52-03.0 N VA NE 077-04-49.0 W 0001534814 Aeros Technologies, LLC ARLINGTON 12/04/2003 21975.00000 38-52-03.0 N AL NE 086-48-41.1 W 0001535434 POWERTEL MUD CREEK 12/04/2003 19430.00000 34-04-30.5 N AL NE 086-49-43.3 W 0001535445 POWERTEL CULLMAN 12/04/2003 17870.00000 34-11-51.2 N AL NE 086-49-43.3 W 0001535445 POWERTEL CULLMAN 12/04/2003 17950.00000 34-11-51.2 N AL NE 086-52-34.1 W 0001535453 POWERTEL CULLMAN 12/04/2003 19510.00000 34-12-00.5 N TX NE 100-27-07.0 W 0001535491 CORPUS CHRISTI SMSA LIMITED PARTSAN ANGELO 12/04/2003 06286.19000 31-28-11.0 N CA NE 117-37-57.9 W 0001535775 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Upland 12/05/2003 19605.00000 34-06-21.6 N CA NE 117-23-50.4 W 0001535824 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Bloomington 12/05/2003 19525.00000 34-03-16.9 N MN NE 093-09-15.7 W 0001536113 ST. OLAF COLLEGE (TELECOMMUNICANORTHFIELD 12/05/2003 11215.00000 44-27-44.8 N MN
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- MD WLV506 090-30-29.4 W 0001575624 Cellco Partnership HOUSE SPRINGS 01/12/2004 06565.00000 38-23-18.1 N MO MD WLV506 090-30-29.4 W 0001575624 Cellco Partnership HOUSE SPRINGS 01/12/2004 06835.00000 38-23-18.1 N MO MD WPYU902 092-47-12.5 W 0001575636 USCOC OF GREATER MISSOURI, LLCTIPTON 01/12/2004 06585.00000 38-39-05.4 N MO MD WPYU902 092-47-12.5 W 0001575636 USCOC OF GREATER MISSOURI, LLCTIPTON 01/12/2004 06595.00000 38-39-05.4 N MO MD WLV514 091-11-00.5 W 0001575698 Cellco Partnership WARRENTON 01/12/2004 05945.20000 38-49-23.1 N Page 9 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MO MD WLV514 091-11-00.5 W 0001575698 Cellco Partnership WARRENTON 01/12/2004 06004.50000 38-49-23.1 N MO MD WLV514 091-11-00.5 W 0001575698 Cellco Partnership WARRENTON 01/12/2004
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- 3 3 3 Frequency GHz 12.45 12.45 12.45 12.45 Required Operating Threshold dB 5 6.1 5 6.1 Rx Noise Bandwidth MHz 24 24 24 24 Average Satellite EIRP dBW 51 51 51 51 Satellite Range km 37501.84 37501.84 37501.84 3750 1.84 Free Space Path Loss dB 205.8 205.8 205.8 205.8 Atmospheric Attenuation dB 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 Rain Attenuation dB 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Pointing Loss dB 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 45 cm G/T 30 cm G/T dBlK 14.5 14.5 14.5 dB/K 8.5 8.5 8.5 14.5 8.5 Carrier-to-Thermal Noise Ratio 45cm dB 13.39 13.39 13.39 13.39 Carrier-to-Thermal Noise Ratio 30cm dB 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 C/I Other DBS 45cm dB 20.7 20 25.84 25.84 C/I Other DBS 30 cm dB 20.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243654A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243654A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243654A1.txt
- 2001 to about 173 reports per thousand lines in 2002. In 2002, the level of customer dissatisfaction with residential repairs declined for all but one reporting holding company, and the level of customer dissatisfaction with residential installations declined for two out of the four reporting holding companies. Average residential installation intervals for individual operating entities ranged from a low of 0.5 business days to a high of 2.1 business days in 2002, as compared to a low of 0.6 business days and a high of 3.2 business days in 2001. The report is available for reference in the FCC's Reference Information Center, Courtyard Level, 445 12th Street, S.W. Copies may be purchased by calling Qualex International at (202) 863-2893. The report
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243941A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243941A1.txt
- station-keeping accuracy of 0.1' The current practice of commercial satellite operators is to operate their satellites within a station-keeping box of +0.05". Assuming the worst-case scenario in which a new entrant's satellite drifts towards the edge of the station-keeping box of an incumbent's existing satellite (or vice versa), the total worst-case station- keeping accuracy is 0.1 '. b) Mis-pointing of 0.5' for the receiving earth stations The value of 0.5" for mis-pointing errors, as proposed by the two largest DBS providers in the United States, DirecTV' and EchoStar,6 has been considered in this study for the calculation of the minimum off-axis angle towards the interfering satellite. c) Receiving antenna size of 0.45 m and its off-axis gain envelope In considering the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243985A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243985A1.txt
- 0001609846 New Jersey State Police Montclair 02/09/2004 11215.00000 40-51-53.0 N NJ MD WNEL591 074-13-43.5 W 0001609847 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF TOTOWA 02/09/2004 10715.00000 40-53-56.3 N NJ MD WNEX376 074-41-54.0 W 0001609848 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF ROXBURY TOWNS 02/09/2004 06545.62500 40-53-14.0 N NJ MD WNEX376 074-41-54.0 W 0001609848 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF ROXBURY TOWNS 02/09/2004 06605.00000 40-53-14.0 N NJ MD WNTL813 074-15-00.5 W 0001609849 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF RINGWOOD 02/09/2004 06585.00000 41-04-01.3 N NJ MD WNTL813 074-15-00.5 W 0001609849 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF RINGWOOD 02/09/2004 06670.62500 41-04-01.3 N NJ MD WNEL594 074-36-46.5 W 0001609850 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF PLAINSBORO TOW 02/09/2004 06845.00000 40-21-11.3 N TX MD WED400 096-46-32.0 W 0001613792 DALLAS, CITY OF DALLAS 02/11/2004 06197.24000 32-46-56.0 N TX MD WED400 096-46-32.0
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- 0001626968 GAS TRANSMISSION NORTHWEST COSpokane 02/23/2004 22802.50000 47-36-03.6 N WA MD WPYW387 117-17-55.0 W 0001626986 GAS TRANSMISSION NORTHWEST COSpokane 02/23/2004 21602.50000 47-34-37.0 N Page 20 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City HI MD KTS97 157-47-40.1 W 0001627215 HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPANY INC Kaneohe 02/23/2004 02141.20000 21-23-00.5 N HI MD KTS97 157-47-40.1 W 0001627215 HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPANY INC Kaneohe 02/23/2004 06865.00000 21-23-00.5 N IN MD KYP37 086-54-14.0 W 0001627344 HOOSIER ENERGY REC INC LAMAR 02/23/2004 06412.82000 38-02-39.0 N IN MD KYP37 086-54-14.0 W 0001627344 HOOSIER ENERGY REC INC LAMAR 02/23/2004 06745.00000 38-02-39.0 N IN MD KYP37 086-54-14.0 W 0001627344 HOOSIER ENERGY REC INC LAMAR 02/23/2004 06765.00000 38-02-39.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244756A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244756A1.txt
- ELECTRIC AND POWER COMBROOKNEAL 03/04/2004 06565.00000 37-05-20.5 N Page 23 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA MD WNER298 077-39-45.9 W 0001642193 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMMIDDLEBURG 03/04/2004 02144.40000 38-55-35.4 N VA MD WNEW787 076-32-35.8 W 0001642253 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMGLOUCESTER 03/04/2004 06775.00000 37-25-00.5 N VA MD WNEW787 076-32-35.8 W 0001642253 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMGLOUCESTER 03/04/2004 06825.00000 37-25-00.5 N VA MD WQH56 076-27-38.0 W 0001642288 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMYORKTOWN 03/04/2004 06585.00000 37-12-53.0 N VA MD WQH56 076-27-38.0 W 0001642288 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMYORKTOWN 03/04/2004 06615.00000 37-12-53.0 N VA MD WQH56 076-27-38.0 W 0001642288 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMYORKTOWN 03/04/2004 06635.00000 37-12-53.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-245058A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-245058A1.txt
- W 20021011AAANTELOS LICENSES, INC. CHARLOTTESVILLE 10/11/2002 02620.00000 - 02626.00000 37-58-57.0 N VA NE 078-28-58.0 W 20021011AAANTELOS LICENSES, INC. CHARLOTTESVILLE 10/11/2002 02632.00000 - 02638.00000 37-58-57.0 N MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX AM 106-17-58.0 W 0001161642 EPSON EL PASO INC. EL PASO 03/10/2004 21234.50000 31-43-00.5 N CA AM WNER992 121-18-00.8 W 0001475404 South Feather Water and Power AgencyFORBESTOWN 03/12/2004 02184.80000 39-31-24.5 N CA AM WNER992 121-18-00.8 W 0001475404 South Feather Water and Power AgencyFORBESTOWN 03/12/2004 02186.40000 39-31-24.5 N CA AM WNER992 121-18-00.8 W 0001475404 South Feather Water and Power AgencyFORBESTOWN 03/12/2004 02191.20000 39-31-24.5 N Page 22 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign
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- N AZ MD WPQL578 112-04-11.5 W 0001668368 WINSTAR SPECTRUM, LLC Phoenix 03/23/2004 11075.00000 33-27-33.2 N AZ MD WPQL578 112-04-11.5 W 0001668368 WINSTAR SPECTRUM, LLC Phoenix 03/23/2004 17840.00000 33-27-33.2 N AZ MD WPQL578 112-04-11.5 W 0001668368 WINSTAR SPECTRUM, LLC Phoenix 03/23/2004 17920.00000 33-27-33.2 N AZ MD WPQL578 112-04-11.5 W 0001668368 WINSTAR SPECTRUM, LLC Phoenix 03/23/2004 18120.00000 33-27-33.2 N PR MD WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0001668745 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO PIEDRAS 03/23/2004 17885.00000 18-22-09.5 N PR MD WPOT475 066-04-17.5 W 0001668816 Centennial Puerto Rico License Corp. RIO PIEDRAS 03/23/2004 19310.00000 18-24-24.8 N PR MD WPOT476 066-04-27.5 W 0001668900 Centennial Puerto Rico License Corp. HATO REY 03/23/2004 17750.00000 18-25-20.8 N UT MD WLL408 111-54-00.8 W 0001668901 BONNEVILLE INTERNATIONAL CORPOSALT LAKE CITY 03/23/2004 10895.00000 40-46-12.8
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- MI AM P 083-22-01.8 W 0001550143 Campbell, Gary PONTIAC 04/30/2004 00469.93750 42-44-32.1 N ID NE X 0001713386 Davis Communications Cottonwood 04/26/2004 00466.38750 ID NE X 0001713386 Davis Communications Cottonwood 04/26/2004 00466.76250 ID NE X 0001713386 Davis Communications Cottonwood 04/26/2004 00467.01250 ID NE X 0001713386 Davis Communications Cottonwood 04/26/2004 00467.45000 ID NE X 0001713386 Davis Communications Cottonwood 04/26/2004 00468.26250 ID NE 116-28-00.5 W 0001713386 Davis Communications Cottonwood 04/26/2004 00461.38750 46-03-32.6 N ID NE 116-28-00.5 W 0001713386 Davis Communications Cottonwood 04/26/2004 00461.76250 46-03-32.6 N ID NE 116-28-00.5 W 0001713386 Davis Communications Cottonwood 04/26/2004 00462.01250 46-03-32.6 N ID NE 116-28-00.5 W 0001713386 Davis Communications Cottonwood 04/26/2004 00462.45000 46-03-32.6 N ID NE 116-28-00.5 W 0001713386 Davis Communications Cottonwood 04/26/2004 00463.26250 46-03-32.6 N Page 40 YK
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- 33-30-39.3 N AZ NE 112-10-17.1 W 0001723265 Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement & Power District (dba SRP) Phoenix 05/04/2004 00928.50625 33-35-50.5 N AZ NE 112-10-17.1 W 0001723265 Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement & Power District (dba SRP) Phoenix 05/04/2004 00952.50625 33-35-50.5 N AZ NE 111-50-33.5 W 0001723330 Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement & Power District (dba SRP) Chandler 05/04/2004 00928.61875 33-15-00.5 N AZ NE 111-50-33.5 W 0001723330 Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement & Power District (dba SRP) Chandler 05/04/2004 00952.61875 33-15-00.5 N AK NE 152-10-09.1 W 0001723369 COOK INLET PIPE LINE COMPANY KUSTATAN 05/04/2004 00928.41875 60-35-47.9 N AK NE 152-10-09.1 W 0001723369 COOK INLET PIPE LINE COMPANY KUSTATAN 05/04/2004 00952.41875 60-35-47.9 N PA NE P 078-12-10.8 W 0001723710 Willamsburg Borough Williamsburg
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-247368A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-247368A1.txt
- Cellco Partnership WILLIAMSBURG 05/10/2004 06286.19000 37-16-06.0 N VA NE 076-53-48.0 W 0001730928 Cellco Partnership WILLIAMSBURG 05/10/2004 06315.84000 37-16-06.0 N PR NE 066-08-01.3 W 0001730937 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) San Juan 05/10/2004 17925.00000 18-23-50.3 N CA NE 122-20-28.8 W 0001731135 PACIFIC BELL BURLINGAME 05/10/2004 10855.00000 37-27-20.9 N CA NE 122-20-28.8 W 0001731135 PACIFIC BELL BURLINGAME 05/10/2004 11015.00000 37-27-20.9 N CA NE 122-21-00.5 W 0001731136 PACIFIC BELL BURLINGAME 05/10/2004 11505.00000 37-34-36.3 N CA NE 122-29-57.9 W 0001731137 PACIFIC BELL EL GRANADA 05/10/2004 11345.00000 37-29-53.7 N PR NE 066-10-24.8 W 0001731242 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) Levitown 05/10/2004 19485.00000 18-26-48.6 N PR NE 066-16-25.6 W 0001731294 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) DORADO 05/10/2004 18065.00000 18-28-38.8 N PR NE 066-19-13.0 W 0001731971 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) DORADO
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- Bridgeport 05/26/2004 00944.50000 43-09-24.0 N OH NE 084-10-11.0 W 0001750980 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON DAYTON 05/27/2004 00947.50000 39-44-09.0 N AR NE 094-25-02.0 W 0001753521 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIPFORT SMITH 05/28/2004 00945.00000 35-22-52.3 N TX NE 094-07-57.0 W 0001754104 CLEAR CHANNEL BROADCASTING LICBEAUMONT 05/28/2004 00950.00000 30-05-42.0 N IN NE 086-06-47.9 W 0001754211 MIAMI COUNTY BROADCASTING, INC.KOKOMO 05/28/2004 00949.00000 40-24-56.9 N MT NE 111-52-00.5 W 0001754622 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIPSHELBY 05/28/2004 00946.00000 48-30-13.9 N CD - Paging and Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD KLF477 098-38-46.2 W 0001747957 MOBILE PHONE OF TEXAS, INC. GRAHAM 05/25/2004 00152.06000 33-05-55.4 N TX MD KLF477 098-38-46.2 W 0001747957 MOBILE PHONE OF TEXAS, INC. GRAHAM
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- Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City EX WDU302H01 20020319ADENucentrix Spectrum Resources, Inc. (Debt 03/19/2002 NT WNTL898H01 0001767938 Puvalowski, Dennis A 06/07/2004 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City HI AM KTS97 157-47-40.1 W 0001627215 HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPANY INC Kaneohe 06/10/2004 02141.20000 21-23-00.5 N HI AM KTS97 157-47-40.1 W 0001627215 HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPANY INC Kaneohe 06/10/2004 06865.00000 21-23-00.5 N AZ AM WQAI842 109-51-10.1 W 0001630833 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe RaHolbrook 06/08/2004 06256.54000 35-00-52.0 N AZ AM WQAI842 109-51-10.1 W 0001630833 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe RaHolbrook 06/08/2004 06315.84000 35-00-52.0 N MA AM 071-06-09.9 W 0001650097 President & Fellows of Harvard
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248658A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248658A1.txt
- LICENSING, LLC Erie 06/16/2004 00946.00000 42-07-40.0 N KS MD WLF294 097-35-35.9 W 0001778715 B-B BROADCASTING, INC. SALINA 06/18/2004 00945.87500 38-48-41.0 N KS MD WLF294 097-35-35.9 W 0001778715 B-B BROADCASTING, INC. SALINA 06/18/2004 00946.12500 38-48-41.0 N NY NE 073-52-54.0 W 0001770257 DOT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Schenectady 06/14/2004 00947.50000 42-43-54.0 N VA NE 080-00-57.1 W 0001770786 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIPBOONES HILL 06/14/2004 00944.25000 37-07-00.5 N VA NE 080-00-44.7 W 0001770789 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIPROANOKE 06/14/2004 00951.00000 37-15-52.7 N SC NE 081-07-47.6 W 0001772630 VOORHEES COLLEGE Denmark 06/14/2004 00944.15000 33-18-25.8 N TN NE 086-47-39.9 W 0001773011 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIPNASHVILLE 06/15/2004 00946.50000 36-08-52.0 N KY NE 087-30-44.0 W 0001774215 HOP BROADCASTING, INC. HOPKINSVILLE 06/16/2004 00945.00000 36-52-54.0 N PA NE 080-04-04.0 W 0001774859 NM LICENSING, LLC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-249262A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-249262A1.txt
- 33.2 35.5 6.5 Philippines 23.2 37.0 42.9 42.3 50.2 33.4 50.8 38.9 57.3 73.3 104.3 22.8 Poland 25.0 28.7 34.0 31.5 27.1 27.3 27.8 24.9 24.2 13.3 20.0 -10.3 Russia 8.0 31.6 30.2 26.6 31.0 29.8 22.0 17.4 27.6 54.9 24.1 6.3 Saudi Arabia 30.0 29.8 28.2 24.1 27.2 31.8 36.9 32.0 24.0 35.7 30.3 n.m. Sierra Leone 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.6 1.2 1.1 1.9 8.0 Singapore 34.2 37.7 43.5 51.1 53.5 61.4 65.8 26.4 72.7 73.5 65.0 4.8 South Africa 18.8 20.8 24.3 26.7 29.3 31.1 36.5 38.9 39.0 28.1 36.7 0.1 Spain 53.1 45.4 51.8 46.1 61.5 85.3 76.0 85.1 112.0 108.3 144.4 12.0 Switzerland 66.1 66.1 73.0 77.3 91.9 98.0 102.1 81.7 118.1 98.0
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- 088-09-11.0 W 0001797933 RACINE CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY DOVER 07/07/2004 05945.20000 42-44-53.0 N WI MD WML773 088-09-11.0 W 0001797933 RACINE CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY DOVER 07/07/2004 05974.85000 42-44-53.0 N WI MD WML773 088-09-11.0 W 0001797933 RACINE CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY DOVER 07/07/2004 06004.50000 42-44-53.0 N WI MD WML773 088-09-11.0 W 0001797933 RACINE CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY DOVER 07/07/2004 06605.00000 42-44-53.0 N AZ MD WMR827 112-07-00.5 W 0001798034 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC COTTONWOOD 07/07/2004 05945.20000 34-42-06.0 N AZ MD WMR827 112-07-00.5 W 0001798034 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC COTTONWOOD 07/07/2004 06123.10000 34-42-06.0 N AZ MD WMR827 112-07-00.5 W 0001798034 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC COTTONWOOD 07/07/2004 10628.75000 34-42-06.0 N AZ MD WMR827 112-07-00.5 W 0001798034 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC COTTONWOOD 07/07/2004 10795.00000 34-42-06.0 N UT MD WPZL400 111-51-57.8
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- 075-09-11.7 W 0001805962 THE ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY Canton 07/13/2004 00945.00000 44-35-45.2 N NY NE 074-07-42.6 W 0001805963 THE ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY Saranac Lake 07/13/2004 00949.00000 44-20-27.2 N NY NE 074-24-00.6 W 0001805964 THE ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY Blue Mountain Lake 07/13/2004 00949.50000 43-52-18.2 N NY NE 074-28-32.6 W 0001805965 THE ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY Tupper Lake 07/13/2004 00944.25000 44-09-35.2 N MT NE 111-52-00.5 W 0001808971 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIPShelby 07/15/2004 00946.00000 48-30-13.9 N IL NE 087-52-30.0 W 0001809072 MILNER BROADCASTING COMPANY BOURBONNAIS 07/15/2004 00944.50000 41-09-39.0 N RO WHN322 0001803428 TUNED IN BROADCASTING INC 07/12/2004 Page 5 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RO WEF75 0001803797 CRYSTAL
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-250187A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-250187A1.txt
- File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VT NE 073-09-48.5 W 0001815299 FBO AV Center BTV Burlington 07/21/2004 00122.95000 44-28-27.5 N TX NE 096-50-00.2 W 0001815821 FirstAIR Group Inc Addison 07/22/2004 00121.50000 32-58-00.1 N TX NE 096-50-00.2 W 0001815821 FirstAIR Group Inc Addison 07/22/2004 00122.95000 32-58-00.1 N NY NE 075-58-00.8 W 0001815892 FirstAIR Group Inc Johnson City 07/22/2004 00121.50000 42-12-00.5 N NY NE 075-58-00.8 W 0001815892 FirstAIR Group Inc Johnson City 07/22/2004 00122.95000 42-12-00.5 N OR NE 123-52-46.5 W 0001817433 Port of Astoria Warrenton 07/23/2004 00122.80000 46-09-30.4 N RO KHQ2 0001811645 PLAINS EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION 07/19/2004 RO KMV5 0001812559 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORA 07/20/2004 RO KJH5 0001816436 BIGHORN AIRWAYS INC 07/19/2004 RO KMT2 0001817515 SUWANNEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMM 07/23/2004 RO
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-250521A4.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-250521A4.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-250521A4.txt
- ‚ìøFè,>/Å ¿âòç·Ã÷ *Å-,8üàßÖñUàÜ÷ç[pÿ: ø<|`` endstream endobj 1147 0 obj<>stream Ž´ ä¡,5âÿ(-6ø@&•È° ¿ß }} endstream endobj 1148 0 obj<>stream Õsç›3·ñüJ4âEŠ(R)x5£Ã¡ò!² >Rðî(c)` ì¬dN\ ãÔ.o8F endstream endobj 1149 0 obj<>stream lQ.nš?ͧ4Vír T›Êx„ <ÙY ã Ym~¿ endstream endobj 1150 0 obj<> endobj 1151 0 obj<0.5/BM/Normal/AIS false>> endobj 1152 0 obj<
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-250835A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-250835A1.txt
- 0001830557 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SAVANNAH 08/05/2004 00951.00000 32-05-23.7 N SD MD WLQ229 096-43-35.0 W 0001830720 MIDCONTINENT RADIO OF S.D., INC. SIOUX FALLS 08/05/2004 00944.50000 43-32-32.0 N TX MD WLG383 098-58-07.0 W 0001831298 LIVING WORD CHURCH OF BROWNWOOD, INC. BROWNWOOD 08/05/2004 00950.50000 31-43-41.2 N WV MD WLE689 080-33-39.0 W 0001832161 PRIORITY COMMUNICATIONS OHIO, LLCWEIRTON 08/06/2004 00950.00000 40-25-11.0 N IL NE 088-14-00.5 W 0001830563 WBCP, INC. Champaign 08/05/2004 00946.15000 40-07-27.5 N NY NE 075-10-39.0 W 0001830656 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIP UTICA 08/05/2004 00945.00000 43-08-46.0 N Page 5 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX NE 097-43-46.5 W 0001830668 UNIVISION RADIO LICENSE CORPORATION AUSTIN 08/05/2004 00947.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-251059A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-251059A1.txt
- (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH MD WCD924 081-25-48.5 W 0001839325 CITICASTERS LICENSES, L.P. Canton 08/12/2004 00951.50000 40-53-36.1 N NY NE 074-54-53.3 W 0001835749 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIPMohawk 08/10/2004 00951.00000 42-59-31.6 N AL NE 088-19-00.0 W 0001835966 AMERICAN FAMILY ASSOCIATION Mobile 08/10/2004 00945.00000 30-39-29.0 N OH NE 080-37-58.3 W 0001836870 CITICASTERS LICENSES, L.P. Youngstown 08/11/2004 00946.00000 41-01-12.2 N NY NE 075-14-00.5 W 0001838007 CLEAR CHANNEL BROADCASTING LICUTICA 08/11/2004 00947.50000 43-05-59.2 N CA NE 119-15-12.0 W 0001838855 ESTATE OF LINDA WARE, CYNTHIA RAVisalia 08/12/2004 00945.50000 36-19-00.0 N KY NE 085-41-04.0 W 0001838880 CLEAR CHANNEL BROADCASTING LICLOUISVILLE 08/12/2004 00950.00000 38-11-45.0 N CD - Paging and Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-251940A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-251940A1.txt
- and Radio (BSS Direct to the (BSS Direct to the American Consumer) American Consumer) 8 U.S. DBS and DARS Subscriber Growth U.S. DBS and DARS Subscriber Growth Subscribers in millions, 1999 Subscribers in millions, 1999--2004 2004 10.08 12.99 16.07 18.24 20.36 0.14 0.80 2.58 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 99 00 01 02 03 04 DBS Subscribers (millions) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 DARS Subscribers (millions) DBS Subscribers DARS Subscribers Source: Company News Releases; FCC Source: Company News Releases; FCC 2004 Video Competition Report 2004 Video Competition Report 9 Mobile Satellite Services Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) (MSS) 10 Mobile Satellite Phone Use is Growing Mobile Satellite Phone Use is Growing Global Mobile Satellite Service Subscribers (Voice) Source: TelAstra,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-252160A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-252160A1.txt
- W 0001832112 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. ELOY 09/07/2004 10755.00000 32-38-23.0 N AZ AM WPVL458 111-21-47.0 W 0001832112 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. ELOY 09/07/2004 10835.00000 32-38-23.0 N AZ AM WPVL458 111-21-47.0 W 0001832112 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. ELOY 09/07/2004 10915.00000 32-38-23.0 N OR AM WCT964 120-12-51.1 W 0001866326 CENTURYTEL OF EASTERN OREGON INCFOSSIL 09/10/2004 02112.00000 45-00-00.5 N Page 8 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OR AM WCT964 120-12-51.1 W 0001866326 CENTURYTEL OF EASTERN OREGON INCFOSSIL 09/10/2004 02122.40000 45-00-00.5 N OR AM WCT964 120-12-51.1 W 0001866326 CENTURYTEL OF EASTERN OREGON INCFOSSIL 09/10/2004 05945.20000 45-00-00.5 N OR
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-253344A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-253344A1.txt
- 10/14/2004 06735.00000 40-03-25.0 N Page 32 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WV AM 080-42-56.0 W 0001900265 American Electric Power Service CorporatBethlehem 10/14/2004 06765.00000 40-03-25.0 N WV MD WEG316 079-15-46.1 W 0001897086 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMBISMARK 10/12/2004 10617.50000 39-12-07.4 N UT MD WPYH839 109-25-00.5 W 0001897269 University of Utah Utah Education NetworDutch John 10/12/2004 06256.54000 40-57-33.8 N UT MD WPYA289 109-43-31.5 W 0001897405 University of Utah, Utah Education NetworManila 10/12/2004 06004.50000 40-59-24.8 N NJ MD WNTE214 074-20-34.5 W 0001898048 PSEG Services Corporation EDISON 10/12/2004 06034.15000 40-31-51.3 N NJ MD WAW932 074-10-07.5 W 0001898052 PSEG Services Corporation NEWARK 10/12/2004 06286.19000 40-44-14.3 N ID MD WNTB737
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-253937A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-253937A1.txt
- OF PRESCOTT 10/25/2004 06553.75000 44-46-44.8 N NY MD WNTY495 073-59-12.2 W 0001915125 New York, City of (Police Department) BROOKLYN 10/27/2004 06775.00000 40-41-35.8 N NY MD WNTZ388 074-00-06.8 W 0001915186 New York, City of (Police Department) NEW YORK 10/27/2004 06615.00000 40-42-44.2 N CA MD WPXT495 115-33-51.6 W 0001915532 San Diego, County of El Centro 10/27/2004 06635.00000 32-44-54.8 N AZ MD KOK44 112-04-00.5 W 0001916463 ARIZONA, STATE OF PHOENIX 10/28/2004 06226.89000 33-19-57.1 N VA NE 078-01-29.9 W 0001911464 Warren County, VA LINDEN 10/25/2004 00942.37500 38-57-19.1 N VA NE 078-19-11.4 W 0001911465 Warren County, VA BENTONVILLE 10/25/2004 00943.17500 38-50-07.5 N Page 20 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-254343A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-254343A1.txt
- Name Latitude City CO NE P 104-36-56.0 W 0001926553 Cottonwood Water & Sant Parker 11/08/2004 00956.28125 39-18-01.0 N NM NE 103-08-19.7 W 0001927146 TEPPCO CRUDE PIPELINE, L.P. Hobbs 11/08/2004 02199.20000 32-39-07.4 N MD NE 076-10-36.8 W 0001927719 Bay Broadband Communications, LLC. Chestertown 11/08/2004 06345.49000 39-12-38.3 N CA NE P 122-28-51.6 W 0001927737 North Coast County Water District Pacifica 11/08/2004 00952.39375 37-37-00.5 N UT NE P 109-59-52.8 W 0001927748 Roosevelt City Corp Roosevelt 11/08/2004 00956.38125 40-17-52.8 N AZ NE P 112-09-39.6 W 0001928536 City of Williams Williams 11/09/2004 00956.41875 35-17-28.0 N TX NE 098-05-02.4 W 0001929914 COPANO PROCESSING, LP ALICE 11/10/2004 00928.05625 27-49-24.1 N TX NE 098-05-02.4 W 0001929914 COPANO PROCESSING, LP ALICE 11/10/2004 00952.05625 27-49-24.1 N WI NE 090-08-13.0 W 0001930264
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-255109A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-255109A1.txt
- Resources Vernal 11/29/2004 00928.49375 40-21-19.8 N UT NE 109-08-46.4 W 0001951830 Questar Market Resources Vernal 11/29/2004 00928.56875 40-21-19.8 N UT NE 109-08-46.4 W 0001951830 Questar Market Resources Vernal 11/29/2004 00952.49375 40-21-19.8 N UT NE 109-08-46.4 W 0001951830 Questar Market Resources Vernal 11/29/2004 00952.56875 40-21-19.8 N TX NE 100-55-42.3 W 0001952401 INTIER AUTOMOTIVE DEL RIO 11/29/2004 21234.50000 29-21-28.8 N CO NE 104-53-00.5 W 0001953659 Duke Energy Field Services LP Ft Lupton 11/30/2004 00928.78125 40-05-19.4 N CO NE 104-53-00.5 W 0001953659 Duke Energy Field Services LP Ft Lupton 11/30/2004 00952.78125 40-05-19.4 N CA NE 116-28-52.1 W 0001955146 PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTCATHEDERAL CITY 12/01/2004 22275.00000 33-51-08.5 N DE NE 075-41-00.8 W 0001955197 Delaware Park Wilmington 12/01/2004 23125.00000 39-42-31.9 N DE NE 075-39-42.2 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-255326A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-255326A1.txt
- 0001963845 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEBIG BEAR 12/07/2004 06063.80000 34-14-05.0 N WI NE 088-42-04.0 W 0001964218 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINJUNEAU 12/08/2004 06635.00000 43-24-34.0 N CA NE 118-35-50.9 W 0001964281 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTECHATSWORTH 12/08/2004 17950.00000 34-19-41.3 N CA NE 118-35-50.9 W 0001964281 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTECHATSWORTH 12/08/2004 18110.00000 34-19-41.3 N CA NE 118-36-20.7 W 0001964338 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTECHATSWORTH 12/08/2004 19670.00000 34-16-00.5 N CA NE 118-26-02.0 W 0001964375 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEARLETA 12/08/2004 19510.00000 34-14-19.8 N NY NE 074-00-21.8 W 0001964663 AT&T CORP. NEW YORK 12/08/2004 19480.00000 40-42-33.7 N CA NE 117-46-41.8 W 0001964779 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEIRVINE 12/08/2004 19615.00000 33-40-46.5 N CA NE 117-50-18.3 W 0001964799 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEIRVINE 12/08/2004 19695.00000 33-37-53.9 N CA NE 116-57-40.4 W 0001964867 Verizon Wireless
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-255577A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-255577A1.txt
- Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD WPUR712 097-33-57.6 W 0001972085 Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. Morgan 12/15/2004 05945.20000 32-07-19.5 N TX MD WPUR712 097-33-57.6 W 0001972085 Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. Morgan 12/15/2004 06034.15000 32-07-19.5 N TX MD WPUN576 098-07-09.2 W 0001972210 Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. Progress 12/15/2004 05945.20000 32-42-00.5 N TX MD WPUN576 098-07-09.2 W 0001972210 Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. Progress 12/15/2004 06093.45000 32-42-00.5 N TX MD WPUN576 098-07-09.2 W 0001972210 Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. Progress 12/15/2004 06730.00000 32-42-00.5 N TX MD WPUN576 098-07-09.2 W 0001972210 Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. Progress 12/15/2004 06740.00000 32-42-00.5 N TX MD WPUN576 098-07-09.2 W 0001972210 Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256011A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256011A1.txt
- OF SPOKANE 01/03/2005 06806.25000 47-41-36.6 N AZ MD WPZM259 111-42-44.4 W 0001993981 City of Casa Grande, Arizona Casa Grande 01/04/2005 00933.17500 32-49-18.8 N AZ MD WPZM259 111-42-44.4 W 0001993981 City of Casa Grande, Arizona Casa Grande 01/04/2005 00933.77500 32-49-18.8 N AZ MD WPZM259 111-42-44.4 W 0001993981 City of Casa Grande, Arizona Casa Grande 01/04/2005 00934.37500 32-49-18.8 N TN MD WNTD728 089-23-00.5 W 0001994682 DYERSBURG ELECTRIC SYSTEM DYERSBURG 01/05/2005 00928.49375 36-02-22.9 N TN MD WNTD728 089-23-00.5 W 0001994682 DYERSBURG ELECTRIC SYSTEM DYERSBURG 01/05/2005 00952.49375 36-02-22.9 N SC MD WPST603 081-51-45.1 W 0001997471 South Carolina Public Service Authority Trenton 01/07/2005 06600.62500 33-44-28.7 N SC MD WPST603 081-51-45.1 W 0001997471 South Carolina Public Service Authority Trenton 01/07/2005 06670.00000 33-44-28.7 N NE MD WNTL846 096-11-41.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256267A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256267A1.txt
- Other Andorra $135,012 9.2 9.8 30.7 41.0 9.3 $221 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 $0 1,233,272 6.7 15.5 34.1 35.8 7.9 Austria $24,332,000 59.0 1.8 15.4 20.7 3.1 $861,359 27.3 0.0 33.4 29.7 9.5 $236,414 1.2 93.2 5.6 0.0 0.0 126,782,194 37.4 4.9 18.2 30.9 8.6 Belgium $47,235,918 66.0 1.4 14.5 16.1 2.0 $3,007,339 67.3 3.7 15.3 12.5 1.2 $3,964,804 0.5 98.4 1.1 0.0 0.0 238,021,299 42.8 5.1 23.1 19.9 9.1 Cyprus $5,878,313 68.9 1.9 15.0 11.3 2.9 $288,424 41.8 0.0 37.8 18.7 1.6 $58,206 54.6 0.0 45.4 0.0 0.0 28,345,029 32.9 3.2 34.5 22.3 7.1 Denmark $16,572,844 49.3 2.8 28.1 15.5 4.3 $1,440,655 17.9 18.8 34.6 27.9 0.8 $1,633,327 1.1 98.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 116,207,159 24.2 11.5 37.0 21.5 5.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256274A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256274A1.txt
- 02644.00000 18-21-38.7 N PR NE 066-59-53.4 W 0002010158 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONTRUJILLO ALTO 12/17/2004 02650.00000 - 02656.00000 18-21-38.7 N PR NE 066-59-53.4 W 0002010158 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONTRUJILLO ALTO 12/17/2004 02662.00000 - 02668.00000 18-21-38.7 N PR NE 066-59-53.4 W 0002010158 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONTRUJILLO ALTO 12/17/2004 02674.00000 - 02680.00000 18-21-38.7 N PR NE 066-12-16.4 W 0002010232 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONBAYAMON 12/17/2004 02596.00000 - 02602.00000 18-23-00.5 N PR NE 066-12-16.4 W 0002010232 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONBAYAMON 12/17/2004 02602.00000 - 02608.00000 18-23-00.5 N Page 21 MD - Multipoint Distribution Service (MDS and MMDS) State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PR NE 066-12-16.4 W 0002010232 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONBAYAMON 12/17/2004 02608.00000 - 02614.00000 18-23-00.5 N PR NE 066-12-16.4 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256480A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256480A1.txt
- PR NE 066-59-26.0 W 0002017568 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONDEL RIO ENCANTA 12/17/2004 02578.00000 - 02584.00000 18-21-23.0 N PR NE 066-59-26.0 W 0002017568 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONDEL RIO ENCANTA 12/17/2004 02584.00000 - 02590.00000 18-21-23.0 N PR NE 066-59-26.0 W 0002017568 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONDEL RIO ENCANTA 12/17/2004 02590.00000 - 02596.00000 18-21-23.0 N PR NE 066-12-16.4 W 0002017594 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONBAYAMON 12/17/2004 02500.00000 - 02506.00000 18-23-00.5 N PR NE 066-12-16.4 W 0002017594 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONBAYAMON 12/17/2004 02506.00000 - 02512.00000 18-23-00.5 N PR NE 066-12-16.4 W 0002017594 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONBAYAMON 12/17/2004 02512.00000 - 02518.00000 18-23-00.5 N PR NE 066-12-16.4 W 0002017594 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONBAYAMON 12/17/2004 02518.00000 - 02524.00000 18-23-00.5 N PR NE 066-12-16.4 W 0002017594 WHTV BROADCASTING CORPORATIONBAYAMON 12/17/2004 02524.00000 - 02530.00000 18-23-00.5 N PR NE 066-12-16.4
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- Commission's Rules and Regulations or its policies. For information on other microwave facilities, please refer to Public Notices released by the Media, Common Carrier, and Wireless Bureaus. CAR-20050215AA-10 WAHIAWA HI WLY-476 Renewal of License CRAIG WIRELESS HONOLULU, INC. CAR-20050215AC-10 KD-55020 Renewal of License RAINBOW NEWS 12 COMPANY CAR-20050215AD-01 HAGERMAN ID NEW License for a New Station CABLE ONE, INC T-L: 0.5 miles East on Hagerman Avenue HAGERMAN ID 42-48-43.0N 114-52-53.0W Channels: 17703-17709, 17709-17715, 17727-17733, 17733-17739, 17763-17769 CAR-20050215AF-08 WHZ-359 Assignment of License CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS VI, LLC From: CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS VI, LLC To: Rapid Communications, LLC (1) For further information about this Public Notice contact the Media Bureau at (202) 418-7000 CAR-20050215AG-08 BLACK MOUNTAIN KY WHZ-698 Assignment of License ENSTAR CABLE OF CUMBERLAND
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256825A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256825A1.txt
- 0002039880 BNSF Railway Co MITCHELL 02/09/2005 06286.19000 41-55-17.0 N Page 19 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NE MD WIA782 103-52-15.8 W 0002039880 BNSF Railway Co MITCHELL 02/09/2005 06315.84000 41-55-17.0 N WY MD WIA785 104-10-45.2 W 0002039887 BNSF Railway Co South Torrington 02/09/2005 02192.80000 42-01-00.5 N WY MD WIA785 104-10-45.2 W 0002039887 BNSF Railway Co South Torrington 02/09/2005 05945.20000 42-01-00.5 N WY MD WIA785 104-10-45.2 W 0002039887 BNSF Railway Co South Torrington 02/09/2005 06034.15000 42-01-00.5 N WY MD WIA788 104-27-59.8 W 0002039920 BNSF Railway Co LINGLE 02/09/2005 01905.00000 42-05-45.8 N WY MD WIA788 104-27-59.8 W 0002039920 BNSF Railway Co LINGLE 02/09/2005 02131.60000 42-05-45.8 N WY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256927A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256927A1.txt
- 32-57-33.4 N NC NE 082-59-40.0 W 0002047050 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, WAYNESVILLE 02/14/2005 06685.00000 35-39-31.0 N NC NE 083-07-10.4 W 0002047055 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, SYLVA 02/14/2005 06600.00000 35-26-27.7 N NC NE 082-21-27.0 W 0002047117 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, HENDERSONVILLE 02/14/2005 06820.00000 35-27-39.0 N NC NE 082-21-27.0 W 0002047117 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, HENDERSONVILLE 02/14/2005 06835.00000 35-27-39.0 N NC NE 083-02-04.4 W 0002047160 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, WAYNESVILLE 02/14/2005 06825.00000 35-38-00.5 N NC NE 083-02-04.4 W 0002047160 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, WAYNESVILLE 02/14/2005 06845.00000 35-38-00.5 N NC NE 082-46-11.4 W 0002047172 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, CANTAN 02/14/2005 06760.00000 35-23-45.3 N NC NE 082-56-01.0 W 0002047178 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, WAYNESVILLE 02/14/2005 06730.00000 35-29-20.0 N NC NE 082-56-01.0 W 0002047178 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, WAYNESVILLE 02/14/2005 06760.00000 35-29-20.0 N Page 19 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave
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- Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RO WMX943 0002056734 Nextel Spectrum Acquisition Corp. 02/22/2005 RO WMX942 0002056735 Nextel Spectrum Acquisition Corp. 02/22/2005 RO WLW859 0002056736 Nextel Spectrum Acquisition Corp. 02/22/2005 Page 21 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City UT AM WPYH839 109-25-00.5 W 0001897269 University of Utah Utah Education NetworDutch John 02/24/2005 06256.54000 40-57-33.8 N UT AM WPYA289 109-43-31.5 W 0001897405 University of Utah, Utah Education NetworManila 02/24/2005 06004.50000 40-59-24.8 N FL AM 081-34-11.6 W 0001903851 ClearWire JACKSONVILLE 02/22/2005 17920.00000 30-16-51.7 N FL AM 081-34-11.6 W 0001903851 ClearWire JACKSONVILLE 02/22/2005 21875.00000 30-16-51.7 N FL AM 081-32-48.7 W 0001904024 ClearWire Jacksonville 02/22/2005 19480.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257267A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257267A1.txt
- 98.9 50 XEPRS Interamericana de Radio, S.A de C.V. Rancho del Mar AM 1090 50 XHRM Radio Moderna Mexicana, S.A. de C.V. Tijuana, MX FM 92.5 100 XHOCL (XHCR*) XETRA Comunicaciones, S.A. de C.V. Tijuana, MX FM 99.3 25 XHA (XHAMR*) Broadcasting Baja California, S.A. de C.V. Tijuana, MX FM 94.5 20 XESPN(XEMMM*) Radio 80, S.A. Tijuana, MX AM 800 0.5/0.25 * Call sign reported in original application Where two numbers are given, first is daytime power and second is nighttime power Page 1 of 1
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- Inc Houston 03/07/2005 00128.92500 29-59-03.9 N SC NE 078-55-42.0 W 0002069837 Aeronautical Radio, Inc Myrtle Beach 03/07/2005 00129.62500 33-40-47.1 N IL NE 087-45-08.7 W 0002069851 Aeronautical Radio, Inc Chicago 03/07/2005 00131.07500 41-47-09.5 N CO NE 104-42-00.9 W 0002069861 Aeronautical Radio, Inc Colorado Springs 03/07/2005 00136.85000 38-48-20.9 N AL NE 085-25-59.8 W 0002074999 Auburn University Robert G. Pitts AirportAuburn 03/11/2005 00123.00000 32-37-00.5 N CO NE 106-19-00.0 W 0002075448 Leadville Airport Inc. Leadville 03/11/2005 00122.80000 39-13-25.0 N TX NE 098-28-50.2 W 0002075571 Aeronautical Radio, Inc San Antonio 03/11/2005 00129.42500 29-31-46.6 N OK NE 097-47-28.0 W 0002075637 Aeronautical Radio, Inc Enid 03/11/2005 00131.32500 36-22-45.1 N OK NE 097-05-59.2 W 0002075661 Aeronautical Radio, Inc Ponca City 03/11/2005 00131.32500 36-43-55.5 N AZ NE 110-20-39.8 W 0002075702
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257820A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257820A1.txt
- 03/23/2005 06345.49000 41-50-43.2 N OH MD WML481 080-46-02.3 W 0002096596 New Par PLYMOUTH 03/23/2005 06850.00000 41-50-43.2 N CO MD WQCD544 108-18-36.2 W 0002096689 Nextel License Holdings 4, Inc. Mesa 03/23/2005 06795.62500 39-08-37.6 N CO MD WQCD544 108-18-36.2 W 0002096689 Nextel License Holdings 4, Inc. Mesa 03/23/2005 06795.62500 39-08-37.6 N VA MD WLN500 077-33-43.0 W 0002096692 Cellco Partnership RICHMOND 03/23/2005 10715.00000 37-36-00.5 N Page 17 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA MD WLN500 077-33-43.0 W 0002096692 Cellco Partnership RICHMOND 03/23/2005 10735.00000 37-36-00.5 N VA MD WLN500 077-33-43.0 W 0002096692 Cellco Partnership RICHMOND 03/23/2005 10775.00000 37-36-00.5 N VA MD WLN500 077-33-43.0 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257989A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257989A1.txt
- 06393.05400 34-00-05.4 N GA MD WLM479 084-09-01.7 W 0002102702 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC DULUTH 03/28/2005 10755.00000 34-00-05.4 N GA MD WLM479 084-09-01.7 W 0002102702 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC DULUTH 03/28/2005 11132.50000 34-00-05.4 N GA MD WLM479 084-09-01.7 W 0002102702 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC DULUTH 03/28/2005 11155.00000 34-00-05.4 N VA MD WLT715 075-58-17.7 W 0002102705 Cellco Partnership VIRGINIA BEACH 03/28/2005 11225.00000 36-50-00.5 N Page 13 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA MD WLT715 075-58-17.7 W 0002102705 Cellco Partnership VIRGINIA BEACH 03/28/2005 11245.00000 36-50-00.5 N VA MD WLT715 075-58-17.7 W 0002102705 Cellco Partnership VIRGINIA BEACH 03/28/2005 11265.00000 36-50-00.5 N VA MD WLT715
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258216A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258216A1.txt
- OF 04/11/2005 AM WWQ3 0002101058 ROCK HILL, CITY OF 04/12/2005 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MD AM WGZ675 076-42-27.2 W 0002015002 BALTIMORE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGBALTIMORE 04/13/2005 00947.00000 39-21-28.4 N MN AM WBG605 093-31-26.3 W 0002117896 NORTHERN COMMUNITY RADIO GRAND RAPIDS 04/12/2005 00951.50000 47-14-00.5 N Page 1 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MA MD WLF927 070-14-04.0 W 0002120357 BOCH BROADCASTING LIMITED PARTNWEST YARMOUTH 04/11/2005 00951.50000 41-38-08.0 N MA MD WGV688 070-14-04.0 W 0002120363 BOCH BROADCASTING LIMITED PARTNWEST YARMOUTH 04/11/2005 00947.50000 41-38-08.0 N FL MD WLF205 080-08-23.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258260A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258260A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258260A1.txt
- through the Federal budget. We collect substantial revenue on behalf of the Commonwealth through telecommunications carrier, radiocommunications licence fees and charges and through charges on telecommunications numbers. The ABA is funded almost entirely by Government, via an annual appropriation in the order of AUD16.5m. The ABA also generates a small amount of independent revenue, but this is typically less than AUD0.5m. 7. How is the head of your organization selected? How long may the head serve in the office, and are there other conditions to the office? What would cause the head of the organization to leave? The Chair of the ACA is appointed under the Authority's governing legislation. The appointment is made by the Governor-General of Australia under written instrument
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258527A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258527A1.txt
- 076-01-26.8 W 0002138183 Cellco Partnership Virginia Beach 04/26/2005 36-43-16.5 N VA RM KNKA306 076-00-03.2 W 0002138183 Cellco Partnership Virginia Beach 04/26/2005 36-47-20.4 N VA RM KNKA306 076-00-03.2 W 0002138183 Cellco Partnership Virginia Beach 04/26/2005 36-47-20.4 N VA RM KNKA306 076-00-03.2 W 0002138183 Cellco Partnership Virginia Beach 04/26/2005 36-47-20.4 N VA RM KNKA306 075-58-17.7 W 0002138183 Cellco Partnership Virginia Beach 04/26/2005 36-50-00.5 N VA RM KNKA306 075-58-17.7 W 0002138183 Cellco Partnership Virginia Beach 04/26/2005 36-50-00.5 N VA RM KNKA306 076-10-50.4 W 0002138183 Cellco Partnership Virginia Beach 04/26/2005 36-50-31.7 N VA RM KNKA306 076-10-50.4 W 0002138183 Cellco Partnership Virginia Beach 04/26/2005 36-50-31.7 N VA RM KNKA306 076-10-50.4 W 0002138183 Cellco Partnership Virginia Beach 04/26/2005 36-50-31.7 N VA RM KNKA306 076-01-25.5 W 0002138183 Cellco
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258528A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258528A1.txt
- N CA RM KNKA273 121-49-13.9 W 0002139385 Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership WOODLAND 04/27/2005 38-40-42.7 N CA RM KNKA273 121-49-13.9 W 0002139385 Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership WOODLAND 04/27/2005 38-40-42.7 N CA RM KNKA273 121-49-13.9 W 0002139385 Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership WOODLAND 04/27/2005 38-40-42.7 N CA RM KNKA273 121-49-13.9 W 0002139385 Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership WOODLAND 04/27/2005 38-40-42.7 N WA RM KNKA280 121-30-00.5 W 0002139389 Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership Crystal Mountain 04/27/2005 46-56-16.9 N WA RM KNKA280 122-16-40.4 W 0002139389 Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership Eatonville 04/27/2005 46-52-20.4 N WA RM KNKA280 122-16-40.4 W 0002139389 Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership Eatonville 04/27/2005 46-52-20.4 N WA RM KNKA280 122-11-29.4 W 0002139389 Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership ELBE 04/27/2005 46-46-20.4 N WA RM KNKA280 122-11-29.4 W 0002139389 Seattle
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259015A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259015A1.txt
- MX FM 91.7 15 XHMORE Radio Sensacion de Tijuana, S.A. Tijuana, MX FM 98.9 50 XEPRS Interamericana de Radio, S.A de C.V. Rancho del Mar AM 1090 50 XHRM Radio Moderna Mexicana, S.A. de C.V. Tijuana, MX FM 92.5 100 XHOCL (XHCR*) XETRA Comunicaciones, S.A. de C.V. Tijuana, MX FM 99.3 25 XESPN(XEMMM*) Radio 80, S.A. Tijuana, MX AM 800 0.5/0.25 Deferred part of renewal application for Section 325(c) Permit to deliver both Spanish and English language programming consisting of self-contained broadcasts of local, regional, and/or national news to the following Mexican radio stations: XHTIM Sociedad Mexicana de Radio de Baja California Tijuana, MX FM 97.7 3 XHFG Radiofusora de XHFG, S.A. de C.V. Tijuana, MX FM 107.3 15 XERCN Broadcasting
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259829A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259829A1.txt
- LICENSE HOLDINGS 1, INC. CUDJOE KEY 06/27/2005 06615.00000 24-40-37.0 N FL NE 081-30-40.0 W 0002217154 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 1, INC. CUDJOE KEY 06/27/2005 06635.62500 24-40-37.0 N FL NE 081-44-19.0 W 0002217155 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 1, INC. KEY WEST 06/27/2005 06795.62500 24-34-19.0 N FL NE 081-44-19.0 W 0002217155 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 1, INC. KEY WEST 06/27/2005 10621.25000 24-34-19.0 N FL NE 081-08-00.5 W 0002217157 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 1, INC. Clewiston 06/27/2005 06655.62500 26-37-55.3 N FL NE 081-08-00.5 W 0002217157 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 1, INC. Clewiston 06/27/2005 06676.25000 26-37-55.3 N FL NE 080-58-57.0 W 0002217159 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 1, INC. CLEWISTON 06/27/2005 06836.25000 26-45-54.0 N FL NE 081-21-49.3 W 0002217160 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 1, INC. CARNESTOWN 06/27/2005 06746.25000 25-54-36.3 N FL NE 081-14-19.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259870A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259870A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259870A1.txt
- lines, compared to a 13% increase in the first half of the year, from 16.4 million to 18.6 million lines. The remaining 2.7 million high-speed connections in service at the end of 2004 were satellite or terrestrial wireless connections, fiber or powerline connections, or wireline connections other than ADSL. During 2004, satellite or terrestrial wireless connections increased by 50%, to 0.5 million, and fiber or powerline connections increased by 16%, to 0.7 million. Advanced Services Lines Advanced services lines of all technology types increased by 42%, to 28.9 million lines, during the year 2004. They increased by 23% during the second half of 2004, from 23.5 million to 28.9 million lines, compared to a 15% increase during the first half of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259960A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259960A1.txt
- 00944.50000 40-47-21.0 N TX NE 101-54-59.1 W 0002226240 WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Canyon 07/05/2005 00949.87500 34-59-01.6 N TX NE 101-54-59.1 W 0002226240 WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Canyon 07/05/2005 00950.12500 34-59-01.6 N NM NE 105-58-49.0 W 0002226693 JAMES S. BUMPOUS Santa Fe 07/05/2005 00946.00000 35-39-47.0 N MN NE 095-08-13.1 W 0002229957 NORMIN BROADCASTING CO. Wadena 07/07/2005 00951.50000 46-26-23.7 N AZ NE 110-55-00.5 W 0002230358 GOOD NEWS RADIO BROADCASTING, Tucson 07/07/2005 00951.00000 32-11-12.6 N FL NE 082-32-57.0 W 0002231336 JABLAMO LICENSE HOLDINGS, LLC WILLISTON 07/07/2005 00944.50000 29-25-05.0 N FL NE 082-17-21.0 W 0002231337 JABLAMO LICENSE HOLDINGS, LLC Gainesville 07/07/2005 00948.00000 29-37-24.0 N FL NE 082-32-57.0 W 0002231340 JABLAMO LICENSE HOLDINGS, LLC WILLISTON 07/07/2005 00951.50000 29-25-05.0 N FL NE 082-17-21.0 W 0002231341 JABLAMO LICENSE
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- Inc. Unity 07/18/2005 06855.00000 44-26-24.6 N OR NE 117-47-12.7 W 0002243197 RCC Minnesota, Inc. Baker 07/18/2005 06585.00000 44-35-13.9 N OR NE 117-47-12.7 W 0002243197 RCC Minnesota, Inc. Baker 07/18/2005 06625.00000 44-35-13.9 N OR NE 117-47-12.7 W 0002243197 RCC Minnesota, Inc. Baker 07/18/2005 06685.00000 44-35-13.9 N OR NE 117-14-59.0 W 0002243198 RCC Minnesota, Inc. Lime 07/18/2005 06845.00000 44-25-52.0 N NM NE 106-13-00.5 W 0002243273 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Santa Fe 07/18/2005 06815.00000 35-30-53.7 N CA NE 117-31-35.0 W 0002243472 SKYRIVER COMMUNICATIONS RIVERSIDE 07/18/2005 18120.00000 33-55-11.0 N AZ NE 112-12-15.3 W 0002243597 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Williams 07/18/2005 06545.00000 35-11-58.6 N NM NE 106-14-58.1 W 0002243940 New Mexico RSA 3 Limited Partnership Bingham 07/18/2005 06655.00000 33-49-34.1 N OH NE 081-30-44.0 W 0002243984 FIBERTOWER
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260411A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260411A1.pdf
- technical rules set forth elsewhere in this part and in accordance with the terms of the station authorization...(c) [t]he licensee must establish monitoring procedures and schedules for the station...'' Although the Commission authorized Station WBTE(AM) to broadcast from latitude 35º 58' 00" North and longitude 076º 56' 54" West (NAD27), the station was actually broadcasting from a location more than 0.5 km from its authorized coordinates. In addition, the station had not established monitoring procedures and schedules to determine compliance with §73.1560 regarding operating power and §73.1570 regarding modulation levels. 47 C.F.R. § 73.1560(a)(1): ``...]T]he antenna input power of an AM station as determined by the procedures specified in § 73.51 must be maintained as near as is practicable to the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260437A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260437A1.txt
- Alaska 1,081 24.5 19 0.4 15 0.3 54 1.2 17 0.4 3,216 73.1 4,403 Arizona 10,528 53.3 455 2.3 189 1.0 626 3.2 162 0.8 7,782 39.4 19,741 Arkansas 3,769 26.7 765 5.4 88 0.6 245 1.7 316 2.2 8,915 63.2 14,098 California 66,419 43.6 7,558 5.0 1,019 0.7 3,204 2.1 2,104 1.4 72,048 47.3 152,351 Colorado 10,290 52.4 95 0.5 119 0.6 580 2.9 257 1.3 8,307 42.3 19,647 Connecticut 6,717 43.2 386 2.5 126 0.8 247 1.6 252 1.6 7,826 50.3 15,553 Delaware 2,199 53.0 39 1.0 88 2.1 99 2.4 19 0.5 1,705 41.1 4,150 District of Columbia 3,560 66.6 22 0.4 154 2.9 158 3.0 22 0.4 1,427 26.7 5,343 Florida 33,561 49.4 1,706 2.5 504 0.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260689A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260689A1.txt
- Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OR MD WPJB532 123-23-07.2 W 0002281238 USCOC OF OREGON RSA #5, INC. WOLF CREEK 08/17/2005 06063.80000 42-43-50.4 N OR MD WPJB532 123-23-07.2 W 0002281238 USCOC OF OREGON RSA #5, INC. WOLF CREEK 08/17/2005 06093.45000 42-43-50.4 N TX MD WMT575 098-10-03.6 W 0002282026 TEXAS RSA 19 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPENCINO 08/17/2005 06615.00000 26-56-00.5 N TX MD WMM956 097-47-19.8 W 0002282110 TEXAS RSA 19 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPARMSTRONG 08/17/2005 06775.00000 26-57-39.5 N TX MD WMQ762 098-37-08.5 W 0002282119 TEXAS RSA 19 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPFREER 08/17/2005 06063.80000 27-50-05.4 N TX MD WMQ762 098-37-08.5 W 0002282119 TEXAS RSA 19 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPFREER 08/17/2005 06660.00000 27-50-05.4 N TX MD WMQ762 098-37-08.5 W 0002282119 TEXAS RSA 19 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPFREER 08/17/2005 06675.00000 27-50-05.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260984A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260984A1.txt
- Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA NE 117-11-36.0 W 0002304777 QUALCOMM INC. SAN DIEGO 09/08/2005 19400.00000 32-54-11.3 N CA NE 117-11-36.0 W 0002304777 QUALCOMM INC. SAN DIEGO 09/08/2005 19480.00000 32-54-11.3 N TX NE 100-59-55.4 W 0002305567 APPROACH OPERATING OZONA 09/08/2005 00928.65625 30-48-34.2 N TX NE 100-59-55.4 W 0002305567 APPROACH OPERATING OZONA 09/08/2005 00952.65625 30-48-34.2 N CA NE P 117-13-00.5 W 0002305681 Fallbrook Public Utility District Fallbrook 09/08/2005 00956.26875 33-21-32.5 N CA NE P 117-13-00.5 W 0002305681 Fallbrook Public Utility District Fallbrook 09/08/2005 00956.26875 33-21-32.5 N OH NE 083-41-15.0 W 0002306541 FELHC INC HOLLAND 09/09/2005 06685.00000 41-37-24.0 N IA NE 092-27-36.7 W 0002306563 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYCLUTIER 09/09/2005 00932.43125 42-01-45.1 N IA NE 092-27-36.7 W 0002306563 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYCLUTIER
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261024A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261024A2.txt
- 33.2 35.5 49.9 9.2 Philippines 37.0 42.9 42.3 50.2 33.4 50.8 38.9 57.3 73.3 104.3 85.4 18.0 Poland 28.7 34.0 31.5 27.1 27.3 27.8 24.9 24.2 13.3 20.0 16.1 -10.8 Russia 31.6 30.2 26.6 31.0 29.8 22.0 17.4 27.6 54.9 24.1 18.1 2.0 Saudi Arabia 29.8 28.2 24.1 27.2 31.8 36.9 32.0 24.0 35.7 30.3 27.8 -3.3 Sierra Leone 0.4 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.6 1.2 1.1 1.9 1.3 11.0 Singapore 37.7 43.5 51.1 53.5 61.4 65.8 26.4 72.7 73.5 65.0 87.7 12.6 South Africa 20.8 24.3 26.7 29.3 31.1 36.5 38.9 39.0 28.1 36.7 77.9 9.8 Spain 45.4 51.8 46.1 61.5 85.3 76.0 85.1 112.0 108.3 144.4 139.0 14.0 Switzerland 66.1 73.0 77.3 91.9 98.0 102.1 81.7 118.1 98.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261169A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261169A1.txt
- MSA Limited Partnership SANGER 09/15/2005 36-44-46.8 N CA RM KNKR215 119-16-52.4 W 0002316513 Fresno MSA Limited Partnership SANGER 09/15/2005 36-44-47.8 N Page 21 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA RM KNKR215 119-16-52.4 W 0002316513 Fresno MSA Limited Partnership SANGER 09/15/2005 36-44-47.8 N CA RM KNKR215 119-19-00.5 W 0002316513 Fresno MSA Limited Partnership Shaver Lake 09/15/2005 37-06-37.8 N SD RM KNKR251 102-28-02.5 W 0002316744 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Bison 09/15/2005 45-31-36.9 N SD RM KNKR251 103-35-09.7 W 0002316744 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Buffalo 09/15/2005 45-46-14.0 N SD RM KNKR251 102-33-33.3 W 0002316744 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Enning 09/15/2005 44-34-22.0 N SD RM KNKR251 102-33-33.3 W 0002316744 Verizon
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261822A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261822A1.txt
- Planning District CommisFRANKLIN 10/20/2005 10715.00000 36-41-52.5 N VA NE 077-03-07.9 W 0002353261 Hampton Roads Planning District CommisCOURTLAND 10/20/2005 06063.80000 36-43-28.5 N VA NE 077-03-07.9 W 0002353261 Hampton Roads Planning District CommisCOURTLAND 10/20/2005 11215.00000 36-43-28.5 N VA NE 077-03-07.9 W 0002353261 Hampton Roads Planning District CommisCOURTLAND 10/20/2005 11245.00000 36-43-28.5 N VA NE 076-17-56.8 W 0002353423 HAMPTON ROADS PLANNING DISTRICPORTSMOUTH 10/20/2005 11015.00000 36-50-00.5 N VA NE 076-19-53.1 W 0002353466 HAMPTON ROADS PLANNING DISTRICPORTSMOUTH 10/20/2005 06226.89000 36-50-22.2 N VA NE 076-19-53.1 W 0002353466 HAMPTON ROADS PLANNING DISTRICPORTSMOUTH 10/20/2005 11325.00000 36-50-22.2 N VA NE 076-19-53.1 W 0002353466 HAMPTON ROADS PLANNING DISTRICPORTSMOUTH 10/20/2005 11505.00000 36-50-22.2 N VA NE 076-19-53.1 W 0002353466 HAMPTON ROADS PLANNING DISTRICPORTSMOUTH 10/20/2005 11605.00000 36-50-22.2 N CT NE 072-42-30.1 W 0002354406 CITY OF
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262086A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262086A1.txt
- Georgia 1,765.5 1,765.5 1,765.5 GA Hawaii 242.0 (0.4) 242.4 242.4 HI Idaho 213.8 213.8 213.8 ID Illinois 1,767.5 1,767.5 1,767.5 IL Indiana 963.9 963.9 963.9 IN Iowa 353.2 353.2 353.2 IA Kansas 339.0 339.0 339.0 KS Kentucky 754.4 754.4 754.3 0.1 NA NA 0.1 0.1 KY Louisiana 892.7 892.7 892.7 LA Maine 227.7 227.7 227.7 ME Maryland 1,088.2 1,088.2 1,087.8 0.5 NA NA 0.5 0.5 MD Massachusetts 1,143.8 1,143.8 1,143.8 MA Michigan 1,255.2 1,255.2 1,255.2 MI Minnesota 555.9 555.9 555.9 MN Mississippi 579.2 579.2 579.2 MS Missouri 831.1 831.1 831.1 MO Montana 125.0 125.0 125.0 MT Nebraska 245.5 245.5 245.5 NE Nevada 363.7 363.7 363.7 NV New Hampshire 194.2 194.2 194.2 NH New Jersey 1,296.1 1,296.1 1,296.1 NJ New Mexico 295.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262330A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262330A1.txt
- Residential Installation Commitments Met Large Price-Cap Carriers 97.0 97.5 98.0 98.5 99.0 99.5 100.0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Years Percent o f Co mmitments M et Weighted BOC/Sprint Composite* Weighted Verizon Avg BellSouth Weighted SBC Avg. Qwest 17 ARMIS 43-05 Report 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 BellSouth 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 Qwest 1.1 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 SBC Ameritech 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.1 1.5 1.4 SBC Pacific 1.5 1.8 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.6 SBC Southwestern 0.8 0.8 2.2 1.8 1.9 2.0 SBC SNET 2.1 2.2 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 Verizon GTE 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 Verizon North (Combined with Verizon South) Verizon South 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 Sprint 4.5 3.9 3.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262354A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262354A1.txt
- N VA NE 078-21-03.8 W 0002380416 Conterra, LLC Palmyra 11/15/2005 10875.00000 37-48-03.3 N VA NE 078-16-40.8 W 0002380428 Conterra, LLC Palmyra 11/15/2005 23175.00000 37-49-23.0 N MA NE 071-57-03.9 W 0002381571 Cellco Partnership Rutland 11/16/2005 10667.50000 42-24-32.1 N MA NE 071-47-36.2 W 0002381849 Cellco Partnership West Boylston 11/16/2005 10637.50000 42-20-47.3 N MA NE 071-44-42.5 W 0002381921 Cellco Partnership Sterling 11/16/2005 10647.50000 42-27-00.5 N NY NE 073-41-34.4 W 0002382645 Orange County-Poughkeepsie Limited PaUNION VALE 11/16/2005 10632.50000 41-41-19.2 N AZ NE 111-54-48.0 W 0002382677 VOICESTREAM PCS II LICENSE CORPOSCOTTSDALE 11/16/2005 19385.00000 33-36-47.0 N AZ NE 111-54-48.0 W 0002382677 VOICESTREAM PCS II LICENSE CORPOSCOTTSDALE 11/16/2005 19410.00000 33-36-47.0 N AZ NE 111-27-14.7 W 0002382775 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesPAGE 11/16/2005 06675.00000 36-54-29.5 N Page 12 CF
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262491A1.pdf
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262551A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262551A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262551A2.txt
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and an email link to the contractor as well as contact information (including telephone numbers) for all appropriate staff members. Availability and Access The web site shall be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. The web site shall be able to support up to 600 simultaneous users with an average holding time of 0.5 hours. System Responsiveness Rapid response shall be required when accessing the web site. The contractor shall provide a system such that a 56 KBPS modem-equipped user will be able to view the complete home page in less than 8 seconds 95% of the time over any 12 month period. If a user is experiencing greater than 12 seconds to view
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262703A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262703A1.txt
- 066-01-18.2 W 0002399330 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) TRUJILLO ALTO 12/05/2005 19470.00000 18-22-13.3 N Page 11 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PR MD WPSL953 066-01-18.2 W 0002399330 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) TRUJILLO ALTO 12/05/2005 19640.00000 18-22-13.3 N PR MD WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0002399331 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO PIEDRAS 12/05/2005 11365.00000 18-22-09.5 N PR MD WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0002399331 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO PIEDRAS 12/05/2005 17850.00000 18-22-09.5 N PR MD WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0002399331 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO PIEDRAS 12/05/2005 17885.00000 18-22-09.5 N PR MD WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0002399331 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO PIEDRAS 12/05/2005 18070.00000 18-22-09.5 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.txt
- Shown in Millions) Data from FCC Form 499-A Cellular, PCS and SMR Wireless Other Wireless Telephony Line IntrastateInterstateInternational Total IntrastateInterstateInternational Total Fixed local service 303 Monthly service, local calling, connection charges, vertical features, and other local exchange service including subscriber line and PICC charges to IXCs a Provided as unbundled network elements $1 $1 b Provided under other arrangements 1.3 0.5 * 1.8 Total Line 303 2 1 * 3 304 Per-minute charges for originating or terminating calls a Provided under state or federal access tariff 1 1 * 2 b Provided as unbundled network elements or other contract arrangement 40 5 * 45 1 * 1 Total Line 304 40 6 * 46 1 * 1 305 Local private line
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A11.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A11.txt
- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 10. Traffic Overload 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11. Environmental 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 398.9 0.0 12. External Power Failure 4.6 69.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.6 0.0 0.0 13. Massive Line Outage 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14. Remote 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15. Other/Unknown 4.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Table 9.3 (a) Switch Downtime Causes -- Outages More Than 2 Minutes in Duration Bell Companies - 2004 Please refer to text for notes and data qualifications 9 - 10 Alltel CenturyTel Cincinnati Citizens Citizens Iowa Sprint Valor Bell Frontier Telecom Total
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A3.txt
- Shown in Millions) Data from FCC Form 499-A Cellular, PCS and SMR Wireless Other Wireless Telephony Line IntrastateInterstateInternational Total IntrastateInterstateInternational Total Fixed local service 303 Monthly service, local calling, connection charges, vertical features, and other local exchange service including subscriber line and PICC charges to IXCs a Provided as unbundled network elements $1 $1 b Provided under other arrangements 1.3 0.5 * 1.8 Total Line 303 2 1 * 3 304 Per-minute charges for originating or terminating calls a Provided under state or federal access tariff 1 1 * 2 b Provided as unbundled network elements or other contract arrangement 40 5 * 45 1 * 1 Total Line 304 40 6 * 46 1 * 1 305 Local private line
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A5.txt
- 56 126 183 500 602 757 915 1,0281,0721,1321,1881,2631,6901,7182,2352,5922,9353,2593,4883,734 19861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005 3 - 13 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001 CETCs 5.7 - - 0.3 8.0 - 1.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A8.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A8.txt
- # Florida 88.7 93.4 4.7 * Georgia 86.2 91.2 5.0 * Hawaii 93.5 95.4 1.8 * Idaho 90.7 94.8 4.1 * Illinois 94.2 90.1 -4.1 # Indiana 91.6 91.8 0.3 Iowa 96.2 95.4 -0.8 Kansas 94.3 94.8 0.4 Kentucky 88.1 91.4 3.3 * Louisiana 89.7 90.9 1.3 Maine 93.4 96.6 3.2 * Maryland 95.7 93.4 -2.3 # Massachusetts 95.9 96.4 0.5 Michigan 92.8 93.7 0.9 Minnesota 95.8 97.1 1.3 Mississippi 82.4 89.6 7.2 * Missouri 91.5 93.7 2.2 * Montana 91.0 93.5 2.5 * Nebraska 95.7 95.7 0.0 Nevada 90.4 92.2 1.8 New Hampshire 94.3 96.4 2.1 * New Jersey 94.8 95.1 0.3 New Mexico 82.0 91.4 9.4 * New York 91.8 94.5 2.7 * North Carolina 88.3 93.3 5.0 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A9.txt
- 15.6 14.6 15.9 6.2 8.0 1982 10.8 9.0 2.7 3.9 4.2 1.7 1983 3.1 0.2 1.4 0.0 7.4 3.9 1984 17.2 10.4 -4.3 -5.1 3.6 3.8 1985 8.9 12.4 -3.7 -3.0 0.6 2.1 1986 7.1 8.9 -9.4 -10.0 0.3 -3.5 1987 3.3 2.6 -12.4 -11.8 -3.0 -3.0 1988 4.5 4.6 -4.2 -2.1 -4.2 -3.8 1989 0.6 1.9 -1.3 -1.7 -2.6 0.5 1990 1.0 1.5 -3.7 -0.1 -2.2 -2.2 1991 5.1 2.1 1.3 -1.3 -1.5 -2.6 1992 0.5 -0.2 -1.3 1.0 -2.4 1.3 1993 1.0 0.8 6.5 3.8 0.2 -1.1 1994 -0.3 0.7 5.4 6.1 -1.0 -1.4 1995 2.6 ** 0.1 ** -3.8 ** 1996 0.9 0.2 3.7 0.7 6.1 0.9 1997 1.0 0.2 -4.3 7.8 2.8 -4.3 1998 1.3 -0.1 -0.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263230A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263230A1.txt
- PISCATAWAY 01/12/2006 23125.00000 40-31-21.0 N Page 33 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MA NE 072-32-55.3 W 0002445128 ISO New England, Inc. East Springfield 01/12/2006 06315.84000 42-09-04.3 N MA NE 072-38-20.3 W 0002445131 ISO New England, Inc. HOLYOKE 01/12/2006 06063.80000 42-11-07.3 N ID NE 116-57-00.5 W 0002445589 Infinity Communications, LLC Post Falls 01/12/2006 17800.00000 47-39-44.1 N ID NE 116-57-00.5 W 0002445589 Infinity Communications, LLC Post Falls 01/12/2006 17920.00000 47-39-44.1 N ID NE 116-57-00.5 W 0002445589 Infinity Communications, LLC Post Falls 01/12/2006 17960.00000 47-39-44.1 N ID NE 116-33-15.6 W 0002445598 Infinity Communications, LLC Careywood 01/12/2006 19400.00000 48-05-37.6 N ID NE 116-33-15.6 W 0002445598 Infinity Communications, LLC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263377A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263377A1.txt
- NC NE 079-32-56.1 W 0002447829 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, RUFFIN 01/17/2006 10995.00000 36-27-54.5 N NC NE 079-32-56.1 W 0002447829 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, RUFFIN 01/17/2006 11035.00000 36-27-54.5 N NC NE 079-32-56.1 W 0002447829 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, RUFFIN 01/17/2006 11075.00000 36-27-54.5 N NC NE 079-32-56.1 W 0002447829 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, RUFFIN 01/17/2006 11115.00000 36-27-54.5 N CA NE 121-28-11.7 W 0002448317 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1Tulelake 01/17/2006 10556.25000 41-57-00.5 N OR NE 121-35-40.8 W 0002448438 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINMerrill 01/17/2006 10621.25000 42-01-22.3 N NY NE 078-23-08.1 W 0002448914 New York RSA No. 3 Cellular PartnershipAlabama 01/17/2006 06150.28000 43-05-19.3 N CA NE 118-25-00.0 W 0002449389 AT&T CORP. LOS ANGELES 01/18/2006 19640.00000 34-03-31.0 N CA NE 118-27-35.5 W 0002449390 AT&T CORP. LOS ANGELES 01/18/2006 18080.00000 34-03-02.0 N NY NE 078-16-05.2 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263694A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263694A1.txt
- 36-12-34.0 N NC RM KNKA316 080-48-04.0 W 0002464621 Cellco Partnership Jonesville 01/30/2006 36-12-34.0 N NC RM KNKA316 080-03-33.1 W 0002464621 Cellco Partnership KERNERSVILLE 01/30/2006 36-06-59.5 N NC RM KNKA316 080-03-33.1 W 0002464621 Cellco Partnership KERNERSVILLE 01/30/2006 36-06-59.5 N NC RM KNKA316 080-03-33.1 W 0002464621 Cellco Partnership KERNERSVILLE 01/30/2006 36-06-59.5 N NC RM KNKA316 080-07-19.2 W 0002464621 Cellco Partnership KERNERVILLE 01/30/2006 36-08-00.5 N NC RM KNKA316 080-07-19.2 W 0002464621 Cellco Partnership KERNERVILLE 01/30/2006 36-08-00.5 N NC RM KNKA316 080-22-26.2 W 0002464621 Cellco Partnership King 01/30/2006 36-22-31.5 N NC RM KNKA316 080-22-26.2 W 0002464621 Cellco Partnership King 01/30/2006 36-22-31.5 N NC RM KNKA316 080-21-47.2 W 0002464621 Cellco Partnership KING 01/30/2006 36-15-21.5 N NC RM KNKA316 080-27-24.2 W 0002464621 Cellco Partnership LEWISVILLE 01/30/2006 36-06-04.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264075A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264075A1.txt
- Inc. MANHATTAN 02/23/2006 00861.93750 40-45-29.4 N NJ MD WNHJ741 073-59-44.5 W 0002498458 Motient License Inc. NORTH BERGEN 02/23/2006 00861.93750 40-48-12.4 N MD WPHT300 A 0002498460 PATEL, SHAILESH N 02/23/2006 00806.00000 - 00821.00000 NV MD WPHT300 117-44-44.5 W 0002498460 PATEL, SHAILESH N WINNEMUCCA 02/23/2006 00851.21250 40-49-23.7 N MD WNHJ745 A 0002498473 Motient License Inc. 02/23/2006 00809.00000 - 00824.00000 NY MD WNHJ745 073-52-00.5 W 0002498473 Motient License Inc. BROOKLYN 02/23/2006 00861.93750 40-39-07.4 N NY MD WNHJ745 073-57-27.5 W 0002498473 Motient License Inc. BROOKLYN 02/23/2006 00861.88750 40-39-53.4 N NY MD WNHJ745 073-57-27.5 W 0002498473 Motient License Inc. BROOKLYN 02/23/2006 00861.91250 40-39-53.4 N NY MD WNHJ745 073-57-27.5 W 0002498473 Motient License Inc. BROOKLYN 02/23/2006 00861.93750 40-39-53.4 N NY MD WNHJ745 074-00-43.5 W 0002498473 Motient License
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264204A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264204A1.txt
- 00136.97500 34-38-13.9 N IL NE 089-05-49.9 W 0002510934 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Rockford 03/03/2006 00131.95000 42-11-43.3 N CA NE 118-09-05.8 W 0002510947 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Long Beach 03/03/2006 00131.75000 33-49-03.8 N LA RM KBK3 090-45-32.0 W 0002509180 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc HOUMA 03/02/2006 00130.85000 29-30-01.6 N NC RM WQG5 080-55-59.3 W 0002510018 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc CHARLOTTE 03/02/2006 00129.12500 35-13-00.5 N NC RM WQG5 080-55-59.3 W 0002510018 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc CHARLOTTE 03/02/2006 00130.02500 35-13-00.5 N NC RM WQG5 080-55-59.3 W 0002510018 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc CHARLOTTE 03/02/2006 00130.45000 35-13-00.5 N NC RM WQG5 080-55-59.3 W 0002510018 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc CHARLOTTE 03/02/2006 00131.55000 35-13-00.5 N NC RM WQG5 080-55-59.3 W 0002510018 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc CHARLOTTE 03/02/2006 00136.80000 35-13-00.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264309A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264309A1.txt
- 17.7 23.0 $877,095 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 98.8 $150 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 99.3 64,373,684 14.4 15.5 22.1 15.7 32.3 Djibouti $1,850,703 43.6 9.8 19.7 18.3 8.7 $54,398 19.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 80.6 $9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 7,983,035 43.8 8.8 23.1 14.3 9.9 Egypt $53,706,782 28.5 4.0 41.3 12.1 14.0 $1,777,621 16.7 0.0 10.0 2.1 71.1 $289,140 0.0 0.0 0.5 99.2 0.3 411,638,880 22.0 2.0 50.8 6.0 19.3 Equatorial Guinea $1,248,266 31.1 14.2 6.7 42.5 5.5 $20,194 88.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.3 $4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 4,869,125 31.5 18.5 17.6 25.9 6.5 Ethiopia $25,356,291 24.2 2.5 40.6 17.0 15.6 $835,820 37.5 0.0 16.8 4.9 40.8 $23 0.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 87.0 123,638,001 19.4 1.5 55.0 10.4 13.7 Gabon $3,516,330
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264456A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264456A1.txt
- 155-15-35.0 W 0002531153 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC. VOLCANO NATL PA 03/17/2006 00859.01250 19-25-55.0 N HI MD WPEP381 155-15-35.0 W 0002531153 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC. VOLCANO NATL PA 03/17/2006 00860.13750 19-25-55.0 N MD WPFF711 A 0002531187 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC. 03/17/2006 00809.00000 - 00824.00000 HI MD WPFF711 156-21-42.9 W 0002531187 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC. KEONEHUNEHUNE 03/17/2006 00854.13750 20-39-00.5 N HI MD WPFF711 156-21-42.9 W 0002531187 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC. KEONEHUNEHUNE 03/17/2006 00856.11250 20-39-00.5 N HI MD WPFF711 156-21-42.9 W 0002531187 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC. KEONEHUNEHUNE 03/17/2006 00857.16250 20-39-00.5 N Page 52 YM - 800 MHz Trunked SMR (SMR, Site-specific) State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264972A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264972A1.txt
- 02076.00000 - 02093.00000 34-48-39.4 N AL MD KB97256 P 087-37-46.6 W 0002573381 WAFF LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC Florence 04/14/2006 02093.00000 - 02110.00000 34-48-39.4 N TS - TV Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City ND MD WAC282 098-51-27.6 W 0002566563 FORUM COMMUNICATIONS COMPANYDevils Lake 04/11/2006 07025.00000 - 07050.00000 48-06-00.5 N KY MD WQEA446 087-32-37.0 W 0002573459 COMCORP OF INDIANA LICENSE CORPHENDERSON 04/14/2006 12825.00000 - 12850.00000 37-53-17.2 N IN MD WLP450 087-34-30.0 W 0002573466 COMCORP OF INDIANA LICENSE CORPEVANSVILLE 04/14/2006 13025.00000 - 13050.00000 37-58-13.0 N AR NE 094-21-39.0 W 0002571806 NEW YORK TIMES MANAGEMENT SERFIGURE FIVE 04/13/2006 12800.00000 - 12825.00000 35-30-43.0 N Page 34 YK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265093A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265093A1.txt
- Infrastructure Division 03/23/2006 WNUN723 FB2 OUR LADY OF LOURDES MEDICAL CENTER 463.75000000 CAMDEN 39-55-39.4 N NJ 75-5-43.6 W 1 2 03/23/2006 WNUN723 MO OUR LADY OF LOURDES MEDICAL CENTER 463.75000000 -- -- 4 1 03/23/2006 WNUN723 MO OUR LADY OF LOURDES MEDICAL CENTER 468.75000000 -- -- 4 1 03/18/2006 WPPD332 FB2C YOUNG LIFES WASHINGTON FAMILY RANCH 461.05000000 BIG MUDDY RA 44-50-0.5 N OR 120-29-28.1 W 2 1 03/18/2006 WPPD332 FB2C YOUNG LIFES WASHINGTON FAMILY RANCH 463.20000000 BIG MUDDY RA 44-50-0.5 N OR 120-29-28.1 W 2 1 03/18/2006 WPPD332 MO YOUNG LIFES WASHINGTON FAMILY RANCH 461.05000000 -- -- 6 1 03/18/2006 WPPD332 MO YOUNG LIFES WASHINGTON FAMILY RANCH 463.20000000 -- -- 6 1 03/18/2006 WPPD332 MO YOUNG LIFES WASHINGTON FAMILY RANCH 466.05000000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265170A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265170A1.txt
- Note: Figures may not add due to rounding. 13 Table 4 Telephone Number Utilization by State as of June 30, 2005 Assigned Intermediate Reserved Aging Administrative Available1 Total State/jurisdiction 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s Alabama 7,958 39.1 471 2.3 241 1.2 496 2.4 289 1.4 10,906 53.6 20,362 Alaska 1,137 24.3 22 0.5 14 0.3 48 1.0 38 0.8 3,413 73.0 4,672 Arizona 10,913 54.3 433 2.2 170 0.8 618 3.1 161 0.8 7,801 38.8 20,097 Arkansas 4,101 29.2 766 5.4 86 0.6 253 1.8 185 1.3 8,674 61.7 14,066 California 68,406 44.2 7,955 5.1 919 0.6 3,578 2.3 2,095 1.4 71,712 46.4 154,666 Colorado 10,511 52.8 70 0.4 132 0.7 539 2.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265186A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265186A1.txt
- FIBERTOWER CORPORATION BARTOW 04/24/2006 10755.00000 27-54-21.3 N FL NE 081-52-44.0 W 0002581880 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION Lakeland-Winter Hav 04/24/2006 11245.00000 27-58-18.0 N FL NE 081-52-44.0 W 0002581880 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION Lakeland-Winter Hav 04/24/2006 11365.00000 27-58-18.0 N FL NE 081-52-44.0 W 0002581880 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION Lakeland-Winter Hav 04/24/2006 11405.00000 27-58-18.0 N FL NE 082-28-35.0 W 0002581881 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION TAMPA 04/24/2006 10915.00000 27-56-33.0 N FL NE 082-34-00.5 W 0002581885 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION CITRUS PARK 04/24/2006 11325.00000 28-05-41.3 N FL NE 082-33-52.9 W 0002581887 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION TAMPA 04/24/2006 10835.00000 28-02-35.5 N FL NE 082-33-52.9 W 0002581887 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION TAMPA 04/24/2006 10915.00000 28-02-35.5 N FL NE 082-27-03.3 W 0002581889 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION TAMPA 04/24/2006 21975.00000 28-01-24.1 N FL NE 082-27-02.6 W 0002581892 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION Tampa 04/24/2006 11325.00000 28-00-33.0 N FL NE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265287A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265287A1.txt
- 05/05/2006 06765.00000 39-45-18.1 N NV MD WIV56 119-27-42.6 W 0002596892 AT&T NEVADA RENO 05/05/2006 06825.00000 39-45-18.1 N NV MD WHE229 119-15-04.8 W 0002596893 AT&T NEVADA FERNLEY 05/05/2006 06226.89000 39-36-29.2 N NV MD WHE229 119-15-04.8 W 0002596893 AT&T NEVADA FERNLEY 05/05/2006 06605.00000 39-36-29.2 N ME MD WLK810 068-47-04.0 W 0002597250 RCC Minnesota, Inc BANGOR 05/05/2006 10568.12500 44-51-09.0 N CA MD WQEF550 120-23-00.5 W 0002597313 Nextel of California, Inc. Santa Maria 05/05/2006 06645.62500 34-50-05.7 N AZ MD KPV24 112-43-08.5 W 0002597402 Qwest Corporation GILA BEND 05/05/2006 06197.24000 32-56-53.1 N MT MD WPWB727 108-30-45.5 W 0002597475 Cutthroat Communications Billings 05/05/2006 22625.00000 45-46-51.7 N MT MD WPWB727 108-30-45.5 W 0002597475 Cutthroat Communications Billings 05/05/2006 22775.00000 45-46-51.7 N MT MD WPWB728 108-33-01.8 W 0002597478 Cutthroat Communications
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265487A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265487A1.txt
- LP Churchville 05/15/2006 06034.15000 43-03-51.1 N NY MD WQEE835 078-09-11.7 W 0002609921 New York RSA No. 3 Cellular PartnershipPike 05/15/2006 06805.00000 42-34-05.0 N NY MD WQEQ268 078-16-23.4 W 0002610076 New York RSA No. 3 Cellular PartnershipALEXANDER 05/15/2006 05945.20000 42-55-21.1 N NY MD WQEQ268 078-16-23.4 W 0002610076 New York RSA No. 3 Cellular PartnershipALEXANDER 05/15/2006 06004.50000 42-55-21.1 N CA MD WPYU223 118-03-00.5 W 0002610096 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership El Monte 05/15/2006 17880.00000 34-04-25.1 N CA MD WMS224 118-08-36.2 W 0002610743 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEDOWNEY 05/16/2006 18050.00000 33-54-12.0 N CA MD WMJ265 117-36-18.1 W 0002610744 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECORONA 05/16/2006 19450.00000 33-52-52.0 N CA MD WLN536 118-06-55.9 W 0002611068 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEDOWNEY 05/16/2006 10567.50000 33-55-28.2 N CA MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265794A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265794A1.txt
- 00952.84375 34-58-07.3 N IN NE P 085-13-34.3 W 0002631501 AQUASOURCE UTILITY CENTER FT WAYNE 05/30/2006 00956.44375 41-08-50.6 N TX NE P 096-09-29.9 W 0002631505 CITY OF SEALY SEALY 05/30/2006 00956.43125 29-47-00.6 N MI NE P 083-12-57.6 W 0002631508 BROWNSOTWN TOWNSHIP BROWNSTOWN 05/30/2006 00956.33125 42-08-13.6 N MI NE P 083-19-47.3 W 0002631511 CITYOF LAPEER LAPEER 05/30/2006 00956.33125 43-03-23.0 N CA NE 119-46-00.5 W 0002633461 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Fresno 05/31/2006 00928.14375 36-43-09.8 N CA NE 119-46-00.5 W 0002633461 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Fresno 05/31/2006 00952.14375 36-43-09.8 N MS NE 090-22-59.0 W 0002633858 EPEC COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATIYazoo 05/31/2006 00928.14375 32-50-32.0 N MS NE 090-22-59.0 W 0002633858 EPEC COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATIYazoo 05/31/2006 00952.14375 32-50-32.0 N OR NE 124-03-13.0 W 0002634080 Central Lincoln Peoples Utility
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265920A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265920A1.txt
- OF GREATER IOWA, INC. BLAIRSBURG 06/05/2006 06226.89000 42-28-29.0 N IA MD WMN280 093-35-22.0 W 0002639843 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. BLAIRSBURG 06/05/2006 06315.84000 42-28-29.0 N IA MD WMN280 093-35-22.0 W 0002639843 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. BLAIRSBURG 06/05/2006 06382.55000 42-28-29.0 N IA MD WMN280 093-35-22.0 W 0002639843 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. BLAIRSBURG 06/05/2006 06825.00000 42-28-29.0 N CA MD WPXG729 116-57-00.5 W 0002640080 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEHEMET 06/05/2006 10592.50000 33-43-16.0 N CA MD WPUC905 123-13-58.3 W 0002640187 Edge Wireless Licenses, LLC Ukiah 06/05/2006 17880.00000 39-07-00.0 N WI MD WPTJ598 090-57-40.6 W 0002640189 Wisconsin RSA No. 8 Limited Partnership Soldiers Grove 06/05/2006 05974.85000 43-25-05.1 N WI MD WPTJ598 090-57-40.6 W 0002640189 Wisconsin RSA No. 8 Limited Partnership Soldiers Grove 06/05/2006 06034.15000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266108A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266108A1.txt
- N CA NE 119-20-24.0 W 0002654514 Ventura County Office of Education Ventura 06/19/2006 23025.00000 34-20-57.0 N MO NE 094-22-01.8 W 0002654594 Mid America Regional Council EmergencyLee Summit 06/19/2006 17820.00000 38-56-50.8 N MO NE 094-22-01.8 W 0002654594 Mid America Regional Council EmergencyLee Summit 06/19/2006 17980.00000 38-56-50.8 N WA NE 121-34-42.1 W 0002655427 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF SNINDEX 06/19/2006 00932.41875 47-50-00.5 N WA NE 121-34-42.1 W 0002655427 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF SNINDEX 06/19/2006 00941.41875 47-50-00.5 N WA NE 120-28-28.2 W 0002655558 WASHINGTON, STATE OF; Department oUnion Gap 06/19/2006 23075.00000 46-33-34.5 N WA NE 120-28-28.2 W 0002655558 WASHINGTON, STATE OF; Department oUnion Gap 06/19/2006 23125.00000 46-33-34.5 N WA NE 120-32-42.2 W 0002655562 WASHINGTON, STATE OF; Department oSelah 06/19/2006 21875.00000 46-38-03.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266245A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266245A1.txt
- Smoky Hill Cellular of Colorado Limited PaKit Carson 06/29/2006 05945.20000 38-47-08.5 N CA MD WQAW321 123-41-33.9 W 0002668188 JOHANNESEN, NORMAN A GARBERVILLE 06/29/2006 06093.45000 40-06-56.7 N CA MD WQAW321 123-41-33.9 W 0002668188 JOHANNESEN, NORMAN A GARBERVILLE 06/29/2006 06315.84000 40-06-56.7 N CO MD WMS705 103-13-52.0 W 0002668595 Smoky Hill Cellular of Colorado Limited PHUGO 06/30/2006 06197.24000 38-56-15.0 N FL MD WQFD403 082-34-00.5 W 0002668866 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION CITRUS PARK 06/30/2006 11325.00000 28-05-41.3 N FL MD WQFD403 082-34-00.5 W 0002668866 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION CITRUS PARK 06/30/2006 11405.00000 28-05-41.3 N NY MD WPSQ536 073-53-28.5 W 0002668936 MPX SCHENECTADY 06/30/2006 21925.00000 42-48-47.5 N OR MD WMW508 123-21-21.3 W 0002669461 USCOC Of Oregon RSA #5, Inc. SUTHERLIN 06/30/2006 06417.14000 43-22-18.4 N OR MD WMW508 123-21-21.3 W 0002669461 USCOC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266343A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266343A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NY NE 074-00-14.5 W 0002670845 AT&T CORP. NEW YORK 07/05/2006 18040.00000 40-42-45.4 N NE NE 097-36-07.9 W 0002671389 NE Colorado Wireless Technologies, Inc.Battle Creek 07/05/2006 05945.20000 41-59-22.2 N NE NE 097-36-07.9 W 0002671389 NE Colorado Wireless Technologies, Inc.Battle Creek 07/05/2006 06034.15000 41-59-22.2 N NE NE 097-50-00.5 W 0002671390 NE Colorado Wireless Technologies, Inc.Tilden 07/05/2006 06197.24000 42-02-11.0 N NY NE 076-09-22.2 W 0002671848 Syracuse SMSA Limited Partnership Clay 07/05/2006 05945.20000 43-11-05.1 N NY NE 076-09-22.2 W 0002671848 Syracuse SMSA Limited Partnership Clay 07/05/2006 06034.15000 43-11-05.1 N NY NE 076-09-22.2 W 0002671848 Syracuse SMSA Limited Partnership Clay 07/05/2006 06063.80000 43-11-05.1 N PR NE 065-41-10.0 W 0002672449 AWS License
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266402A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266402A1.txt
- and other parameters of adjacent operations at a given position. o Reliance on coordination instead of rulemaking to permit short-spaced operations provides critical flexibility to accommodate technical innovations and new service offerings. Any rules proposed by the Commission concerning short-spaced DBS systems should address only basic technical parameters for operation. o Appropriate areas for regulation would include: antenna pointing accuracy (0.5 degrees, as proposed by DirecTV), adoption of an off-axis gain pattern, development of a methodology for calculating composite aggregate interference, criteria for spot beam edge of coverage, recognition of effects of frequency or polarization offsets, and limitations on flexibility to relocate satellites within a DBS cluster. EX PARTE OR LATE FILED KARIS A. HASTINGS COUNSEL (202) 037-5701 KAHASTINGS~~HHLAW. COM BY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266457A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266457A1.txt
- N CA MD WAV738 118-57-47.4 W 0002678692 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Auberry 07/10/2006 06675.62500 37-02-21.8 N CA MD WAV738 118-57-47.4 W 0002678692 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Auberry 07/10/2006 06840.00000 37-02-21.8 N Page 30 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD KMJ72 119-46-00.5 W 0002678693 Pacific Gas and Electric Company FRESNO 07/10/2006 06835.62500 36-43-09.8 N ND MD WAW915 098-42-18.4 W 0002679452 OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY JAMESTOWN 07/11/2006 06590.62500 46-54-29.0 N ND MD WAT717 098-40-49.0 W 0002679453 OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY JAMESTOWN 07/11/2006 00958.35000 47-01-48.0 N ND MD WAT717 098-40-49.0 W 0002679453 OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY JAMESTOWN 07/11/2006 06750.62500 47-01-48.0 N ND MD WAT717
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266596A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266596A1.txt
- 2001 Dec 2002 Dec 2003 Dec 2004 Dec 2005 One or More Providers Four or More Providers Technology Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or More ADSL 17.9 40.7 18.5 9.3 5.9 3.9 2.2 1.0 0.4 0.1 0.1 SDSL 54.4 19.8 7.8 5.2 3.9 3.3 2.8 1.7 0.8 0.2 0.1 Cable Modem 42.9 48.1 8.4 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fiber 60.9 18.9 11.9 6.0 1.9 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Satellite 11.5 46.3 28.9 12.7 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fixed Wireless 80.8 15.6 2.9 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mobile Wireless 47.6 48.4 4.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Power Line and/or
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266710A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266710A1.txt
- and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX NE 097-04-43.9 W 0002692089 TSTC Waco airport waco 07/24/2006 00121.70000 31-38-20.8 N TX NE 097-04-43.9 W 0002692089 TSTC Waco airport waco 07/24/2006 00124.00000 31-38-20.8 N TX NE 097-04-43.9 W 0002692089 TSTC Waco airport waco 07/24/2006 00255.70000 31-38-20.8 N MO NE 091-54-00.5 W 0002692158 West Plains, City of Pomona 07/24/2006 00122.80000 36-52-40.2 N TX NE 097-30-01.0 W 0002692188 Mercury Air Group Inc. Corpus Christi 07/24/2006 00122.95000 27-46-07.1 N GA NE 084-25-29.7 W 0002692260 Dawson, City of Dawson 07/24/2006 00122.80000 31-44-45.6 N ID NE 116-13-48.4 W 0002692728 Jackson Jet Center Boise 07/25/2006 00122.95000 43-34-16.6 N IA NE 094-09-06.9 W 0002692780 Perry, City of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266720A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266720A1.txt
- Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. IG - Industrial/Business Pool, Conventional Public Safety & Critical Infrastructure Division 06/27/2006 KB83918 FB2 MANHEIM SERVICES CORP DBA BALTIMORE W 152.40500000 ELKRIDGE 39-12-0.4 N MD 76-41-58.9 W 2 1 06/27/2006 KB83918 MO MANHEIM SERVICES CORP DBA BALTIMORE W 157.66500000 -- -- 3 1 06/23/2006 KNBR935 FB2 LE TOURNEAU UNIVERSITY 452.26250000 LONGVIEW 32-30-0.5 N TX 94-43-20.8 W 2 1 06/23/2006 KNBR935 MO LE TOURNEAU UNIVERSITY 452.26250000 -- -- 4 1 06/23/2006 KNBR935 MO LE TOURNEAU UNIVERSITY 457.26250000 -- -- 4 1 06/27/2006 KQH735 FB2 AmerGen Energy Company, LLC 451.30000000 MIDDLETOWN 40-9-14.3 N PA 76-43-31.9 W 1 2 06/27/2006 KQH735 FB2 AmerGen Energy Company, LLC 452.12500000 MIDDLETOWN 40-9-14.3 N PA 76-43-31.9 W 1 2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266826A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266826A1.txt
- Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. LN - 902-928 MHz Location Narrowband (Non-multilateration) Mobility Division 06/30/2006 WPZQ734 LR RALEIGH DURHAM AIRPORT AUTHORITY 916.50000000 RALEIGH 35-52-51.2 N NC 78-47-4.5 W 3 1 06/30/2006 WPZQ734 LR RALEIGH DURHAM AIRPORT AUTHORITY 914.00000000 RALEIGH 35-52-50.9 N NC 78-47-7.7 W 4 1 06/30/2006 WPZQ734 LR RALEIGH DURHAM AIRPORT AUTHORITY 912.50000000 RALEIGH 35-52-54.1 N NC 78-47-0.5 W 5 1 06/30/2006 WPZQ734 LR RALEIGH DURHAM AIRPORT AUTHORITY 913.50000000 RALEIGH 35-52-54.2 N NC 78-47-0.7 W 6 1 Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. PW - Public Safety Pool, Conventional Public Safety & Critical Infrastructure Division 07/01/2006 KNBD601 FB TAKOMA ADVENTIST HOSPITAL 155.34000000 GREENEVILLE 36-9-6.4 N TN
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266991A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266991A1.txt
- the East LP Kathleen 08/17/2006 06785.00000 32-28-56.8 N Page 24 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA NE 116-59-00.3 W 0002716923 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC SANTEE 08/17/2006 19395.00000 32-50-11.9 N CA NE 117-24-00.6 W 0002716924 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC GOLCONDA 08/17/2006 06402.32000 40-56-00.5 N CA NE 117-46-13.7 W 0002716925 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC WINNEMUCCA 08/17/2006 06150.28000 41-00-30.1 N WA NE 121-48-47.0 W 0002716926 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC CARSON 08/17/2006 19385.00000 45-43-22.0 N OR NE 121-43-23.0 W 0002716927 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC HOOD RIVER 08/17/2006 17825.00000 45-38-54.4 N FL NE 082-04-31.9 W 0002717231 Trillion Partners, Inc. Port Charlotte 08/17/2006 19400.00000 27-00-04.5 N OR NE 121-20-58.8 W 0002717525
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267135A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267135A1.txt
- 29-56-06.4 N CA NE 122-46-10.5 W 0002727376 Edge Wireless Licenses, LLC Kelseyville 08/25/2006 06675.62500 38-59-22.2 N CA NE 123-02-10.8 W 0002727377 Edge Wireless Licenses, LLC Upperlake 08/25/2006 10616.25000 39-11-29.0 N CA NE 123-58-22.0 W 0002727381 Edge Wireless Licenses, LLC EUREKA 08/25/2006 06635.00000 40-43-35.0 N CA NE 123-58-22.0 W 0002727381 Edge Wireless Licenses, LLC EUREKA 08/25/2006 11697.50000 40-43-35.0 N CA NE 123-44-00.5 W 0002727382 Edge Wireless Licenses, LLC Blue Lake 08/25/2006 06795.00000 40-52-27.0 N CA NE 123-44-00.5 W 0002727382 Edge Wireless Licenses, LLC Blue Lake 08/25/2006 19375.00000 40-52-27.0 N CA NE 123-37-20.4 W 0002727383 Edge WIreless Licenses, LLC Willow Creek 08/25/2006 17815.00000 40-58-10.8 N CA NE 120-38-26.0 W 0002727387 Edge Wireless Licenses, LLC Susanville 08/25/2006 06605.00000 40-25-03.0 N Page 16 CF -
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- 40-36-10.2 N PA NE 078-42-56.0 W 0002734545 LAST MILE INC. dba STING COMMUNICCarrolltown 09/05/2006 10795.00000 40-36-10.2 N PA NE 078-44-15.0 W 0002734546 LAST MILE INC. dba STING COMMUNICEbensburg 09/05/2006 11285.00000 40-29-13.0 N PA NE 078-59-05.0 W 0002734547 LAST MILE INC. dba STING COMMUNICJOHNSTOWN 09/05/2006 10835.00000 40-22-16.0 N PA NE 078-50-26.0 W 0002734548 LAST MILE INC. dba STING COMMUNICWINBUR 09/05/2006 06256.54000 40-17-00.5 N PA NE 078-50-26.0 W 0002734548 LAST MILE INC. dba STING COMMUNICWINBUR 09/05/2006 11325.00000 40-17-00.5 N PA NE 079-07-45.2 W 0002734549 LAST MILE INC. dba STING COMMUNICJENNERSTOWN 09/05/2006 06004.50000 40-10-51.2 N PA NE 079-07-45.2 W 0002734549 LAST MILE INC. dba STING COMMUNICJENNERSTOWN 09/05/2006 10835.00000 40-10-51.2 N PA NE 079-03-44.2 W 0002734550 LAST MILE INC. dba STING COMMUNICSomerset 09/05/2006 11325.00000 40-00-54.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267490A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267490A1.txt
- N OK MD WMP364 096-48-10.0 W 0002748725 USCOC OF GREATER OKLAHOMA, INCMADILL 09/12/2006 06745.00000 34-02-26.0 N OK MD WMP364 096-48-10.0 W 0002748725 USCOC OF GREATER OKLAHOMA, INCMADILL 09/12/2006 06765.00000 34-02-26.0 N OK MD WMP364 096-48-10.0 W 0002748725 USCOC OF GREATER OKLAHOMA, INCMADILL 09/12/2006 06805.00000 34-02-26.0 N CA MD WGW725 121-25-50.9 W 0002748838 Citizens Telecommunications Company ofFALL RIVER MILLS 09/12/2006 02121.60000 41-01-00.5 N Page 15 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WGW725 121-25-50.9 W 0002748838 Citizens Telecommunications Company ofFALL RIVER MILLS 09/12/2006 06110.75000 41-01-00.5 N NE MD WML227 102-52-44.7 W 0002748839 International Communications Group, Inc. BEREA 09/12/2006 11305.00000 42-11-35.8 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267738A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267738A1.txt
- Partners, Inc. Sun Valley 09/26/2006 17840.00000 48-19-50.7 N ID NE 116-41-34.7 W 0002764916 Trillion Partners, Inc. Sun Valley 09/26/2006 23035.00000 48-19-50.7 N ID NE 116-41-34.7 W 0002764916 Trillion Partners, Inc. Sun Valley 09/26/2006 23085.00000 48-19-50.7 N ID NE 116-26-19.4 W 0002764917 Trillion Partners, Inc. Sandpoint 09/26/2006 21885.00000 48-21-52.2 N ID NE 116-15-50.7 W 0002764918 Trillion Partners, Inc. Hope 09/26/2006 19360.00000 48-13-00.5 N SC NE 080-25-25.1 W 0002764943 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC Holly Hill 09/26/2006 19320.00000 33-19-58.5 N SC NE 080-24-20.0 W 0002764959 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC Holly Hill 09/26/2006 19480.00000 33-19-30.0 N SC NE 080-24-20.0 W 0002764959 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC Holly Hill 09/26/2006 23175.00000 33-19-30.0 N SC NE 080-23-59.0 W 0002764966 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC Holly Hill 09/26/2006 23175.00000 33-19-15.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267743A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267743A1.txt
- Macy's West 467.87500000 DEDEDO 13-30-55.0 N GU 144-50-10.0 E 8 1 08/25/2006 WPBA635 MO Macy's West 467.90000000 DEDEDO 13-30-55.0 N GU 144-50-10.0 E 8 1 08/25/2006 WPBA635 MO Macy's West 467.92500000 DEDEDO 13-30-55.0 N GU 144-50-10.0 E 8 1 08/25/2006 WPMQ968 MO COLUMBIA GAS TRANSMISSION CORP 456.26250000 -- -- 3 1 08/31/2006 WPXV830 MO BLACKWATER TRAINING CENTER INC 461.07500000 MOYOCK 36-27-0.5 N NC 76-12-58.7 W 3 1 08/31/2006 WPXV830 MO BLACKWATER TRAINING CENTER INC 461.27500000 MOYOCK 36-27-0.5 N NC 76-12-58.7 W 3 1 08/31/2006 WPXV830 MO BLACKWATER TRAINING CENTER INC 462.05000000 MOYOCK 36-27-0.5 N NC 76-12-58.7 W 3 1 08/31/2006 WPXV830 MO BLACKWATER TRAINING CENTER INC 463.45000000 MOYOCK 36-27-0.5 N NC 76-12-58.7 W 3 1 08/31/2006 WPXV830 MO BLACKWATER TRAINING CENTER
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- 0002772895 OREGON RSA NO. 2 LIMITED PARTNERMURDOCK 10/03/2006 10795.00000 45-42-43.4 N WA MD WMW709 121-06-54.2 W 0002772895 OREGON RSA NO. 2 LIMITED PARTNERMURDOCK 10/03/2006 10955.00000 45-42-43.4 N WA MD WMW709 121-06-54.2 W 0002772895 OREGON RSA NO. 2 LIMITED PARTNERMURDOCK 10/03/2006 10995.00000 45-42-43.4 N MN MD WPNB280 093-52-25.9 W 0002772957 RCC Minnesota, Inc. DEERWOOD 10/03/2006 06315.84000 46-29-30.8 N VA MD WNTU954 075-45-00.5 W 0002773017 Conectiv Communications, Inc. ONANCOCK 10/03/2006 06595.00000 37-42-05.7 N WY MD KPB65 107-59-49.3 W 0002773031 International Communications Group, Inc. BONNEVILLE 10/03/2006 05945.20000 43-26-14.8 N MA MD WQFI692 071-14-12.0 W 0002773373 Towerstream Corp NEEDHAM 10/03/2006 19400.00000 42-18-37.0 N NE MD WPNL506 103-39-34.7 W 0002773463 International Communications Group, Inc. GERING 10/03/2006 17825.00000 41-49-12.8 N CA MD WMW272 123-47-51.0 W 0002773658 CALIFORNIA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267827A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267827A1.txt
- 075-30-09.7 W 0002773507 DELMARVA POWER AND LIGHT COMPASALISBURY 10/03/2006 00928.38125 38-17-40.8 N MD MD WNTK973 075-30-09.7 W 0002773507 DELMARVA POWER AND LIGHT COMPASALISBURY 10/03/2006 00952.38125 38-17-40.8 N VA MD WNTK974 075-34-15.2 W 0002773513 DELMARVA POWER AND LIGHT COMPAOAKHALL 10/03/2006 00928.70625 37-56-37.3 N VA MD WNTK974 075-34-15.2 W 0002773513 DELMARVA POWER AND LIGHT COMPAOAKHALL 10/03/2006 00952.70625 37-56-37.3 N VA MD WPJB480 075-45-00.5 W 0002773517 DELMARVA POWER AND LIGHT COMPAONANCOCK 10/03/2006 00928.53125 37-42-05.7 N VA MD WPJB480 075-45-00.5 W 0002773517 DELMARVA POWER AND LIGHT COMPAONANCOCK 10/03/2006 00952.53125 37-42-05.7 N MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WQEP360 119-01-19.3 W 0002771647 Ventura County Office of Education
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267862A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267862A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267862A1.txt
- population served by a TV/DTV station is de minimis and therefore acceptable. However, the FCC granted Qualcomm a limited waiver using a measured approach where the allowable predicted interference to a TV/DTV station's service caused by the MediaFLO system will increase incrementally each year from the release of today's Order until the end of the DTV transition in February 2009: 0.5 percent of the population within the TV/DTV station's Grade B contour for the first year, 1.0 percent for the second year, and 1.5 percent for the remainder of the DTV transition. Qualcomm is not permitted to cause new interference to any broadcast facility that is entitled to protection and either already experiences interference to 10 percent or more of its
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268367A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268367A1.txt
- 10/30/2006 10795.00000 44-13-35.6 N MN NE 095-15-45.5 W 0002801801 Trillion Partners, Inc. Lamberton 10/30/2006 10875.00000 44-13-35.6 N MN NE 095-15-45.5 W 0002801801 Trillion Partners, Inc. Lamberton 10/30/2006 11445.00000 44-13-35.6 N MN NE 095-28-11.1 W 0002801802 Trillion Partners, Inc. Walnut Grove 10/30/2006 11245.00000 44-13-12.5 N MN NE 095-28-11.1 W 0002801802 Trillion Partners, Inc. Walnut Grove 10/30/2006 11365.00000 44-13-12.5 N MN NE 096-08-00.5 W 0002801803 Trillion Partners, Inc. Tyler 10/30/2006 10755.00000 44-16-55.7 N Page 18 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MN NE 096-08-00.5 W 0002801803 Trillion Partners, Inc. Tyler 10/30/2006 10795.00000 44-16-55.7 N MN NE 096-08-00.5 W 0002801803 Trillion Partners, Inc. Tyler
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268426A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268426A1.pdf
- applicable to their particular service as set forth in this title and with a valid authorization granted by the Commission under the provisions of this part..." At the time of inspection, Salvamex's fixed base transmitter, which is authorized to operate at 193 South Broadway, Yonkers, NY, was found operating at 54 Van Cortlandt Pk Avenue, Yonkers, NY, which is approximately 0.5 miles away from the authorized location. In addition, at the time of inspection, the owner of Salvamex admitted to operating 90 mobile units on the frequency 159.840 MHz. Salvamex is authorized to operate only 25 mobile units on that frequency. 47 C.F.R. § 90.425(a): ``Except as provided for in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, each station or system
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- CHESAPEAKE 12/04/2006 10995.00000 36-43-56.0 N VA NE 076-14-27.0 W 0002836962 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. CHESAPEAKE 12/04/2006 17990.00000 36-43-56.0 N VA NE 076-14-27.0 W 0002836962 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. CHESAPEAKE 12/04/2006 18050.00000 36-43-56.0 N VA NE 076-14-27.0 W 0002836962 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. CHESAPEAKE 12/04/2006 21980.00000 36-43-56.0 N VA NE 076-12-02.0 W 0002837316 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Woods Corner 12/04/2006 19550.00000 36-47-00.5 N VA NE 076-12-02.0 W 0002837316 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Woods Corner 12/04/2006 19650.00000 36-47-00.5 N NV NE 115-24-34.6 W 0002838238 Nextel of California, Inc. Las Vegas 12/05/2006 10573.12500 36-18-11.4 N NV NE 115-34-18.3 W 0002838283 Nextel of California, Inc. Indian Springs 12/05/2006 10638.12500 36-19-15.5 N PR NE 066-09-49.9 W 0002838384 AWS License Newco, LLC BAYAMON 12/05/2006 17795.00000 18-25-26.6 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269139A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269139A1.txt
- "permit-but-disclose" under the Commission's rules governing ex parte communications. See Public Notice, Actions Taken (Report No. SAT-00409, released December 22, 2006). SAT-STA-20061211-00147E Special Temporary Authority 12/11/2006 14:50:44:75300 Date Filed: XM Radio Inc. On December 11, 2006, XM Radio Inc. (XM) requested special temporary authority (STA), for a period of 180 days, to operate repeaters with power levels of up to 0.5 watts equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) and 0.0001 watts EIRP at trade shows in various cities as set forth in Exhibit A to the request. XM states the repeaters are necessary to provide quality reception inside trade show venues, due to signal blockage from walls and ceilings. This proceeding has been designated as "permit-but-disclose" under the Commission's rules governing ex
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269191A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269191A1.txt
- MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City FL NE 082-13-04.7 W 0002854188 M/A-COM, INC. LOWELL 12/19/2006 06650.00000 29-20-51.4 N FL NE 084-58-49.0 W 0002854189 M/A-COM, INC. SNEADS 12/19/2006 06820.00000 30-38-21.0 N FL NE 081-52-14.0 W 0002854190 M/A-COM, INC. HILLIARD 12/19/2006 06680.00000 30-38-55.0 N FL NE 082-45-00.5 W 0002854191 M/A-COM, INC. Fort White 12/19/2006 05974.85000 29-58-42.6 N FL NE 082-45-00.5 W 0002854191 M/A-COM, INC. Fort White 12/19/2006 06093.45000 29-58-42.6 N FL NE 082-45-00.5 W 0002854191 M/A-COM, INC. Fort White 12/19/2006 06610.00000 29-58-42.6 N FL NE 080-20-15.0 W 0002854193 M/A-COM, INC. FORT PIERCE 12/19/2006 06197.24000 27-23-34.0 N FL NE 080-20-15.0 W 0002854193 M/A-COM, INC. FORT PIERCE 12/19/2006 06700.00000
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- Support 126 183 500 602 757 915 10281072113211881263169017182235259229353259346838243993 19871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006 3 - 13 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001 CETCs 5.7 - - 0.3 8.0 - 1.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A11.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A11.txt
- 2.8 2.8 0.4 6.0 1.3 Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 1,557.9 NA NA 320.2 71.9 67.7 2,147.6 907.8 Outage Line-Minutes per 1,000 Access Lines 47,907.2 0.0 0.0 3,590.0 261.1 4,342.4 53,197.5 53,325.3 For Scheduled Downtime More Than 2 Minutes Number of Occurrences or Events 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 Events per Hundred Switches 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 Events per Million Access Lines 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.00 Average Outage Duration in Minutes NA NA NA 6.0 NA NA 364.7 NA Avg. Lines Affected per Event in Thousands NA NA NA 20.9 NA NA 7.0 NA Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands NA NA NA 125.6 NA NA 3390.8 NA Outage
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- Support 126 183 500 602 757 915 10281072113211881263169017182235259229353259346838243993 19871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006 3 - 13 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001 CETCs 5.7 - - 0.3 8.0 - 1.0
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- 15.6 14.6 15.9 6.2 8.0 1982 10.8 9.0 2.7 3.9 4.2 1.7 1983 3.1 0.2 1.4 0.0 7.4 3.9 1984 17.2 10.4 -4.3 -5.1 3.6 3.8 1985 8.9 12.4 -3.7 -3.0 0.6 2.1 1986 7.1 8.9 -9.4 -10.0 0.3 -3.5 1987 3.3 2.6 -12.4 -11.8 -3.0 -3.0 1988 4.5 4.6 -4.2 -2.1 -4.2 -3.8 1989 0.6 1.9 -1.3 -1.7 -2.6 0.5 1990 1.0 1.5 -3.7 -0.1 -2.2 -2.2 1991 5.1 2.1 1.3 -1.3 -1.5 -2.6 1992 0.5 -0.2 -1.3 1.0 -2.4 1.3 1993 1.0 0.8 6.5 3.8 0.2 -1.1 1994 -0.3 0.7 5.4 6.1 -1.0 -1.4 1995 2.6 ** 0.1 ** -3.8 ** 1996 0.9 0.2 3.7 0.8 6.1 0.9 1997 1.0 0.1 -4.3 7.8 2.8 -4.3 1998 1.3 0.0 -0.8
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- 30-59-32.6 N LA MD WAH538 090-42-22.3 W 0002861290 Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown,Greensburg 12/26/2006 06152.75000 30-59-32.6 N MO MD WLV518 091-31-33.8 W 0002861305 Cellco Partnership DANVILLE 12/26/2006 06226.89000 38-55-26.0 N MO MD WLV518 091-31-33.8 W 0002861305 Cellco Partnership DANVILLE 12/26/2006 06286.19000 38-55-26.0 N MO MD WLV522 091-59-24.0 W 0002861352 Cellco Partnership FULTON 12/26/2006 06034.15000 38-54-30.0 N MO MD WLV514 091-11-00.5 W 0002861379 Cellco Partnership WARRENTON 12/26/2006 05974.85000 38-49-23.1 N LA MD WAH539 090-54-31.4 W 0002862206 Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown,CLINTON 12/27/2006 06197.24000 30-52-58.7 N LA MD WAH539 090-54-31.4 W 0002862206 Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown,CLINTON 12/27/2006 06226.89000 30-52-58.7 N LA MD WAH539 090-54-31.4 W 0002862206 Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown,CLINTON 12/27/2006 06256.50000 30-52-58.7 N LA MD WAH539
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269691A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269691A1.txt
- Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NC NE 080-05-15.0 W 0002883729 Conterra Ultra Broadband Thomasville 01/19/2007 19320.00000 35-47-52.9 N NC NE 080-05-15.0 W 0002883729 Conterra Ultra Broadband Thomasville 01/19/2007 19680.00000 35-47-52.9 N NC NE 080-06-05.7 W 0002883761 Conterra Ultra Broadband Lexington 01/19/2007 17760.00000 35-44-00.5 N NC NE 080-06-06.5 W 0002883766 Conterra Ultra Broadband Thomasville 01/19/2007 21875.00000 35-51-01.2 N NC NE 080-16-34.8 W 0002883779 Conterra Ultra Broadband Winston Salem 01/19/2007 18040.00000 35-59-32.6 N NC NE 080-08-28.3 W 0002883795 Conterra Ultra Broadband Winston Salem 01/19/2007 17960.00000 36-00-29.0 N NC NE 080-08-02.5 W 0002883850 Conterra Ultra Broadband Thomasville 01/19/2007 17880.00000 35-57-48.9 N NC NE 080-08-02.5 W 0002883850
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.txt
- 61.8% Internet Access 18.6% 26.2% 41.5% 50.5% 54.6% High-Speed Access 4.4% 9.1% 19.9% Oct 1997 Dec 1998 Aug 2000 Sept 2001 Oct 2003 2 - 12 Internet Service 54.1% 54.8% 54.6% Dial-Up Service 40.4 32.3 34.3 High-Speed Service 13.2 21.8 19.9 Cable Modem 7.7 12.4 11.2 DSL 5.0 9.4 8.3 Satellite and Fixed Wireless (MMDS1) 0.6 0.3 0.4 Other 0.4 0.5 0.4 Source: A Nation Online: Entering the Broadband Age,September 2004, U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA), National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), and U.S. Census Bureau 1 MMDS - Multi-Media Distribution Systems. Table 2.9 Percent of U.S. Households with Internet Connections by Technology Rural versus Urban Rural Urban Total (As of October 2003) (As of October 2003)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270855A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270855A1.txt
- Percent Residential Installation Commitments Met Large Price-Cap Carriers 97.0 97.5 98.0 98.5 99.0 99.5 100.0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Years Percent o f Co mmitments M et Weighted BOC/Sprint Composite* Weighted Verizon Avg. BellSouth Weighted AT&T Avg. Qwest 17 ARMIS 43-05 Report 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 BellSouth 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3 Qwest 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 AT&T Ameritech 2.1 2.0 2.1 1.5 1.4 1.4 AT&T Pacific 1.8 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.5 AT&T Southwestern 0.8 2.2 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 AT&T SNET 2.2 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Verizon GTE 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 Verizon North (Combined with Verizon South) Verizon South 1.5 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 Sprint 3.9 3.2
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- MD WMN207 122-05-42.7 W 0002923651 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRED BLUFF 02/23/2007 06063.80000 40-15-45.4 N CA MD WMN207 122-05-42.7 W 0002923651 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRED BLUFF 02/23/2007 06165.10000 40-15-45.4 N CA MD WMN207 122-05-42.7 W 0002923651 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRED BLUFF 02/23/2007 10623.75000 40-15-45.4 N CA MD WMR238 122-17-58.6 W 0002923673 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCANDERSON 02/23/2007 10558.75000 40-26-00.5 N CA MD WPJA740 121-48-32.2 W 0002923687 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCHICO 02/23/2007 06034.15000 39-42-49.7 N CA MD WPJA740 121-48-32.2 W 0002923687 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCHICO 02/23/2007 06063.80000 39-42-49.7 N CA MD WMR905 121-37-03.4 W 0002923707 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCTEHAMA 02/23/2007 06417.14000 40-17-56.9 N MD NE 076-30-36.3 W 0002916664 AirBand Communications, Inc. Parkville 02/20/2007 19460.00000 39-23-34.0 N CA
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- HAVASU 03/06/2007 00943.17500 34-36-08.0 N AZ NE 113-54-17.8 W 0002936751 MOHAVE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICEKINGMAN 03/06/2007 00934.17500 35-04-52.0 N AZ NE 113-54-17.8 W 0002936751 MOHAVE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICEKINGMAN 03/06/2007 00934.37500 35-04-52.0 N AZ NE 114-19-05.0 W 0002936752 MOHAVE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICELake Havasu City 03/06/2007 00933.77500 34-28-42.1 N UT NE 111-46-30.7 W 0002936948 University of Utah - Utah Education NetwoHighland 03/06/2007 21830.00000 40-25-00.5 N Page 4 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City UT NE 111-47-26.0 W 0002936974 University of Utah - Utah Education NetwoHighland 03/06/2007 23030.00000 40-25-09.8 N CA NE 116-56-51.3 W 0002940816 Sweetwater Union High School District Chula Vista 03/08/2007 23135.00000 32-39-17.6 N CA NE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271635A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271635A1.txt
- 119-45-06.2 W 0002951793 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCARUTHERS 03/16/2007 06073.68000 36-32-44.6 N CA AM WLN693 119-45-06.2 W 0002951793 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCARUTHERS 03/16/2007 06655.00000 36-32-44.6 N CA AM WLN693 119-45-06.2 W 0002951793 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCARUTHERS 03/16/2007 06755.00000 36-32-44.6 N OR MD WMN440 123-56-19.4 W 0002944339 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC SEASIDE 03/12/2007 06805.00000 45-57-08.3 N OR MD WMN740 123-49-00.5 W 0002944343 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ASTORIA 03/12/2007 06645.00000 46-10-53.3 N NY MD WQGI541 073-50-42.8 W 0002944633 Cellco Partnership Ballston 03/12/2007 06226.89000 42-58-17.4 N NY MD WQGI541 073-50-42.8 W 0002944633 Cellco Partnership Ballston 03/12/2007 06286.19000 42-58-17.4 N NY MD WQGI541 073-50-42.8 W 0002944633 Cellco Partnership Ballston 03/12/2007 06345.49000 42-58-17.4 N NY MD WQGI541 073-50-42.8 W 0002944633 Cellco Partnership Ballston 03/12/2007
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271812A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271812A1.txt
- N AZ MD WPWZ458 112-56-48.1 W 0002961408 BNSF Railway Company Seligman 03/22/2007 06765.00000 35-21-26.5 N AZ MD WPWZ458 112-56-48.1 W 0002961408 BNSF Railway Company Seligman 03/22/2007 06815.00000 35-21-26.5 N AZ MD WPWZ458 112-56-48.1 W 0002961408 BNSF Railway Company Seligman 03/22/2007 11215.00000 35-21-26.5 N AZ MD WPWZ458 112-56-48.1 W 0002961408 BNSF Railway Company Seligman 03/22/2007 11365.00000 35-21-26.5 N MD MD WQGP546 077-12-00.5 W 0002963727 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II GAITHERSBURG 03/23/2007 11365.00000 39-09-01.4 N MD MD WQGP546 077-12-00.5 W 0002963727 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II GAITHERSBURG 03/23/2007 23025.00000 39-09-01.4 N TX MD WHI210 098-15-44.3 W 0002963731 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITYBURNET 03/23/2007 01985.00000 30-49-41.1 N Page 39 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz)
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- CITY OF RIDGEFIELD RIDGEFIELD 03/26/2007 00952.75625 45-47-25.8 N PA NE P 075-48-00.0 W 0002966731 JIM THORPE WATER ECKLEY 03/26/2007 00956.26875 41-01-01.5 N WI NE P 088-01-44.0 W 0002966752 VILLAGE OF LAKE VILLA BRISTOL 03/26/2007 00952.33125 42-33-09.6 N TX NE 097-19-50.6 W 0002967960 RedMoon Inc Fort Worth 03/26/2007 10795.00000 32-45-11.3 N TX NE 097-19-34.1 W 0002967971 RedMoon, Inc BURLESON 03/26/2007 11285.00000 32-31-00.5 N MI NE P 084-23-53.9 W 0002968273 VILLAGE OF OVID OVID 03/27/2007 00956.39375 43-00-18.4 N WI NE P 089-09-04.3 W 0002968279 CITY OF ANTIGO ANITGO 03/27/2007 00956.33125 45-08-29.8 N CO NE P 106-59-37.0 W 0002968297 PAGOSA AREA WATER & SAN DISTRICPAGOSA SPRINGS 03/27/2007 00956.41875 37-14-50.0 N Page 27 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272240A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272240A1.txt
- 30-09-01.7 N FL NE 081-38-05.1 W 0002976658 JEA Jacksonville 04/02/2007 00952.59375 30-09-01.7 N FL NE 081-34-02.0 W 0002976720 JEA JACKSONVILLE 04/02/2007 00928.03125 30-21-06.0 N FL NE 081-34-02.0 W 0002976720 JEA JACKSONVILLE 04/02/2007 00952.03125 30-21-06.0 N NC NE P 078-07-58.1 W 0002976751 TOWN OF OAK ISLAND OAK ISLAND 04/02/2007 00956.41875 33-54-55.4 N FL NE 081-50-02.1 W 0002978186 JEA JACKSONVILLE 04/03/2007 00928.49375 30-15-00.5 N FL NE 081-50-02.1 W 0002978186 JEA JACKSONVILLE 04/03/2007 00952.49375 30-15-00.5 N IL NE P 090-12-19.1 W 0002978279 CITY OF COLUMBIA COLUMBIA 04/03/2007 00956.33125 38-26-41.3 N WI NE P 092-29-46.3 W 0002978292 STILLWATER BOARD OF WATER COMMNEW RICHMOND 04/03/2007 00956.40625 45-06-54.3 N Page 43 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number
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- 0002984080 VERMONT, STATE OF SAINT ALBANS 04/06/2007 06152.75000 44-48-08.2 N VT MD WIS90 073-03-01.5 W 0002984080 VERMONT, STATE OF SAINT ALBANS 04/06/2007 10593.12500 44-48-08.2 N VT MD WIS91 073-03-54.8 W 0002984082 VERMONT, STATE OF SAINT ALBANS 04/06/2007 10658.12500 44-48-34.2 N WA MD WNTY295 122-11-51.4 W 0002984278 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO 1 OF SNEVERETT 04/06/2007 06093.45000 47-58-48.3 N WA MD KXK24 122-11-00.5 W 0002984279 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO 1 OF SNARLINGTON 04/06/2007 06585.00000 48-12-09.4 N WA MD KXK24 122-11-00.5 W 0002984279 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO 1 OF SNARLINGTON 04/06/2007 06855.00000 48-12-09.4 N CA MD KMK67 118-57-51.3 W 0002984345 KERN, COUNTY OF BAKERSFIELD 04/06/2007 18062.50000 35-24-41.8 N CA MD KMK67 118-57-51.3 W 0002984345 KERN, COUNTY OF BAKERSFIELD 04/06/2007 18082.50000 35-24-41.8 N CA MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272248A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272248A1.txt
- Inc. 861.93750000 OAKLAND 37-48-20.7 N CA 122-16-25.9 W 2 1 03/07/2007 WQGG651 FB6C Logo Acquisition Corporation 861.91250000 ORLAND TOW 41-35-17.1 N IL 87-51-51.2 W 2 1 Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. IG - Industrial/Business Pool, Conventional Mobility Division 03/06/2007 WPPC597 FB2 LaFARGE BUILDING MATERIALS INC 462.43750000 RAVENA 42-30-0.5 N NY 73-48-43.5 W 2 1 03/06/2007 WPPC597 MO LaFARGE BUILDING MATERIALS INC 467.43750000 -- -- 3 1 03/02/2007 WPZH844 MO Wasco Union Elementary School 453.00000000 WASCO 35-35-45.0 N CA 119-20-23.0 W 5 1 03/02/2007 WPZH844 MO Wasco Union Elementary School 461.70000000 WASCO 35-35-45.0 N CA 119-20-23.0 W 5 1 03/02/2007 WPZH844 MO Wasco Union Elementary School 461.97500000 WASCO 35-35-45.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272545A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272545A2.txt
- 12.0 Iceland $3,001,848 3.9 0.024.722.6 48.8 $286,192 0.0 0.018.622.4 59.0 $633 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 32,771,878 2.5 0.027.525.0 45.0 Ireland $44,072,784 6.6 45.6 $5,536,092 2.9 0.029.814.8 52.5 $4,134,615 99.9 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 477,165,748 6.8 0.121.923.9 47.4 Italy $132,786,542 2.8 51.7 $8,640,532 0.8 0.037.519.9 41.8 $12,753,395 99.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 1,258,138,243 2.7 0.032.316.3 48.7 Liechtenstein $2,777,434 0.5 2.625.513.6 57.9 $6,265 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 $710 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 5,929,750 1.0 43.1 Luxembourg $3,483,601 0.8 0.020.919.6 58.7 $164,671 0.6 56.5 $57,897 98.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 35,632,116 1.6 53.4 Malta $1,010,356 6.0 0.5 9.621.9 62.0 $93,865 0.0 0.0 0.017.4 82.6 $430 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 99.8 8,175,730 4.4 0.2 6.232.5 56.6 Netherlands $46,126,097 1.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272904A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272904A1.txt
- Florida 85.5 92.0 6.4 * Georgia 88.9 89.7 0.8 Hawaii 94.6 94.6 0.0 Idaho 89.5 94.7 5.2 * Illinois 95.0 90.4 -4.6 Indiana 90.3 88.5 -1.8 Iowa 95.4 96.7 1.3 Kansas 94.9 94.5 -0.4 Kentucky 86.9 92.0 5.1 * Louisiana 88.9 94.9 6.0 * Maine 90.7 95.8 5.1 * Maryland 96.3 95.2 -1.0 Massachusetts 94.3 95.5 1.2 Michigan 93.8 94.3 0.5 Minnesota 96.4 98.0 1.6 Mississippi 82.4 90.7 8.3 * Missouri 92.1 95.4 3.3 * Montana 92.8 93.3 0.6 Nebraska 94.0 92.5 -1.5 Nevada 89.4 93.5 4.1 * New Hampshire 95.0 96.7 1.7 New Jersey 94.1 95.7 1.5 New Mexico 85.3 89.4 4.1 * New York 90.8 91.3 0.5 North Carolina 89.3 93.0 3.7 * North Dakota 95.1 96.9 1.8 Ohio
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272911A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272911A1.txt
- T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC BAKERSFIELD 05/01/2007 19405.00000 35-26-56.1 N CA NE 120-19-52.0 W 0003012545 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC Shandon 05/01/2007 19622.50000 35-41-14.4 N NM NE 105-56-55.3 W 0003013527 New Mexico RSA 6-I Partnership ALAMOGORDO 05/01/2007 21270.00000 32-53-43.6 N WA NE 123-21-36.9 W 0003013573 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCATHLAMET 05/01/2007 06810.00000 46-12-03.4 N NY NE 073-55-26.6 W 0003013790 AT&T CORP. BRONX 05/02/2007 17755.00000 40-49-00.5 N NY NE 073-53-26.6 W 0003013791 AT&T CORP. EAST ELMHURST 05/02/2007 19315.00000 40-47-42.3 N KS NE 094-39-20.9 W 0003013974 Sprint Spectrum L.P. Overland Park 05/02/2007 23025.00000 38-54-53.4 N Page 20 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City KS NE 094-39-22.3 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-273170A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-273170A1.txt
- W 0003027815 WWC Holding Co., Inc. PUEBLO 05/14/2007 06197.24000 38-16-25.0 N CO MD WPNC707 104-20-21.0 W 0003027815 WWC Holding Co., Inc. PUEBLO 05/14/2007 06286.19000 38-16-25.0 N CO MD WPNC707 104-20-21.0 W 0003027815 WWC Holding Co., Inc. PUEBLO 05/14/2007 06345.49000 38-16-25.0 N MI MD WQFJ358 083-14-35.9 W 0003027843 FiberTower Network Services Corp. AUBURN HILLS 05/14/2007 19620.00000 42-41-26.9 N AZ MD WMR827 112-07-00.5 W 0003027875 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC COTTONWOOD 05/14/2007 10955.00000 34-42-06.0 N CA MD WPRW302 118-10-17.4 W 0003027928 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRosamond 05/14/2007 06860.00000 34-49-39.4 N CA MD WPQX999 118-08-40.8 W 0003027941 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCPalmdale 05/14/2007 06286.19000 34-31-48.9 N CA MD WPQX999 118-08-40.8 W 0003027941 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCPalmdale 05/14/2007 06315.84000 34-31-48.9 N CA MD WPQX999 118-08-40.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-273340A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-273340A1.txt
- N CA AM WLT432 117-54-34.2 W 0003039338 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNESANTA ANA 05/23/2007 17880.00000 33-42-56.1 N CA AM WLT432 117-54-34.2 W 0003039338 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNESANTA ANA 05/23/2007 17920.00000 33-42-56.1 N MD WPOT756 0002982914 RCC Minnesota, Inc. 04/06/2007 MD WPOT757 0002982923 RCC Minnesota, Inc. 04/06/2007 WV MD WPJF791 080-22-14.4 W 0003031957 HARDY CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPLOST CREEK 05/17/2007 06417.14000 39-08-00.5 N WV MD WPJF791 080-22-14.4 W 0003031957 HARDY CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPLOST CREEK 05/17/2007 06625.00000 39-08-00.5 N WV MD WPJF791 080-22-14.4 W 0003031957 HARDY CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPLOST CREEK 05/17/2007 11622.50000 39-08-00.5 N TX MD WMP341 098-12-25.0 W 0003035064 TEXAHOMA CELLULAR LIMITED PARTNBLUEGROVE 05/21/2007 02171.60000 33-42-00.0 N TX MD WMP341 098-12-25.0 W 0003035064 TEXAHOMA CELLULAR LIMITED PARTNBLUEGROVE 05/21/2007 06745.00000 33-42-00.0 N TX
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274572A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274572A1.txt
- 120-47-37.3 W 0003083659 WESTERN SUB-RSA LIMITED PARTNERCLE ELUM 06/22/2007 10552.50000 47-09-21.4 N WA MD WPQN660 120-54-50.4 W 0003083691 Hood River Cellular Telephone Company,GOLDENDALE 06/22/2007 06286.19000 45-40-46.9 N WA MD WPQN660 120-54-50.4 W 0003083691 Hood River Cellular Telephone Company,GOLDENDALE 06/22/2007 06815.00000 45-40-46.9 N WA MD WPQN660 120-54-50.4 W 0003083691 Hood River Cellular Telephone Company,GOLDENDALE 06/22/2007 06845.00000 45-40-46.9 N NY MD WQGY741 073-52-00.5 W 0003083697 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Rego Park 06/22/2007 17900.00000 40-43-21.4 N NY MD WQGY741 073-52-00.5 W 0003083697 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Rego Park 06/22/2007 21920.00000 40-43-21.4 N WA MD WMQ370 119-10-03.0 W 0003083760 USCOC OF RICHLAND, INC. KENNEWICK 06/22/2007 11365.00000 46-12-54.0 N WA MD WMQ370 119-10-03.0 W 0003083760 USCOC OF RICHLAND, INC. KENNEWICK 06/22/2007 11565.00000 46-12-54.0 N CA MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274573A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274573A1.txt
- WPJC387 112-04-38.5 W 0002968754 PHOENIX, CITY OF PHOENIX 06/21/2007 17760.00000 33-26-55.1 N NY AM WQDY639 073-59-05.1 W 0002992813 NEW YORK, CITY OF Brooklyn 06/19/2007 10622.50000 40-41-42.8 N MA MD WNTW535 072-21-13.3 W 0003073332 Franklin Regional Council of GovernmentsWARWICK 06/15/2007 06801.25000 42-41-27.3 N MA MD WNTW535 072-21-13.3 W 0003073332 Franklin Regional Council of GovernmentsWARWICK 06/15/2007 10616.25000 42-41-27.3 N AZ MD KOK44 112-04-00.5 W 0003075614 ARIZONA, STATE OF PHOENIX 06/18/2007 11485.00000 33-19-57.1 N Page 1 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City FL MD WQEJ252 082-20-09.6 W 0003075731 Hillsborough County Tax Collector Tampa 06/18/2007 06004.50000 27-57-54.3 N CA MD WJY89 118-22-34.9 W 0003076937 Los Angeles, County of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274855A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274855A1.txt
- City RO KPI8 0003090913 EL PASO AERO INC 06/27/2007 RO WFW6 0003091658 SKY RANCH OWNERS ASSOCIATION 06/27/2007 RO WPVX346 0003092661 MURPHY EXPLORATION & PRODUCTIO 06/22/2007 AI - Aural Intercity Relay State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA MD WLO330 080-00-57.1 W 0003092480 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIPBOONES MILL 06/28/2007 00948.00000 37-07-00.5 N SD NE 103-50-07.7 W 0003092830 MICHAEL RADIO GROUP Lead 06/28/2007 00945.50000 44-19-39.9 N AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City GA MD WLG784 083-31-41.1 W 0003086592 THREE TREES COMMUNICATIONS, INCTifton 06/26/2007 00944.87500 31-27-36.6 N GA MD WLG784 083-31-41.1 W 0003086592 THREE TREES COMMUNICATIONS,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275038A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275038A1.txt
- N MA MD WMQ477 070-55-51.7 W 0003096464 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP EAST FREETOWN 07/03/2007 10617.50000 41-46-34.3 N MA MD WMQ477 070-55-51.7 W 0003096464 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP EAST FREETOWN 07/03/2007 10618.75000 41-46-34.3 N MA MD WMQ477 070-55-51.7 W 0003096464 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP EAST FREETOWN 07/03/2007 10622.50000 41-46-34.3 N MA MD WMQ477 070-55-51.7 W 0003096464 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP EAST FREETOWN 07/03/2007 10755.00000 41-46-34.3 N CA MD WMQ821 119-41-00.5 W 0003096650 CALIFORNIA RSA NO. 4 LIMITED PARTNOAKHURST 07/03/2007 06402.32000 37-18-50.8 N Page 8 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WLR388 120-02-02.5 W 0003096717 CALIFORNIA RSA NO. 4 LIMITED PARTNMADERA 07/03/2007 06150.28000 36-57-21.8 N MA MD WMQ478 070-48-25.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275289A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275289A1.txt
- Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City UT NE 109-51-35.6 W 0003106450 CommNet Cellular License Holding LLC Cisco 07/11/2007 06150.28000 38-56-41.9 N CA NE 122-19-17.0 W 0003106836 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC RICHMOND 07/11/2007 17825.00000 37-55-38.3 N CA NE 122-18-03.7 W 0003106839 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC WEST CONTRA CO 07/11/2007 19385.00000 37-55-00.5 N NH NE 071-27-58.5 W 0003106841 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Manchester 07/11/2007 21975.00000 43-00-13.6 N MA NE 071-06-17.8 W 0003106960 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Taunton 07/11/2007 10755.00000 41-54-26.0 N MA NE 071-06-17.8 W 0003106960 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Taunton 07/11/2007 10795.00000 41-54-26.0 N MA NE 071-06-17.8 W 0003106960 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Taunton 07/11/2007 10835.00000 41-54-26.0 N MA NE 071-01-25.2
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- CEDAR RAPIDS 07/18/2007 19620.00000 42-02-01.0 N IA NE 091-40-01.1 W 0003115319 Dynamic Broadband Cedar Rapids 07/18/2007 17820.00000 41-58-39.5 N IA NE 091-40-01.1 W 0003115319 Dynamic Broadband Cedar Rapids 07/18/2007 18060.00000 41-58-39.5 N IA NE 091-40-25.0 W 0003115321 Dynamic Broadband CEDAR RAPIDS 07/18/2007 17900.00000 42-01-57.0 N IA NE 091-40-25.0 W 0003115321 Dynamic Broadband CEDAR RAPIDS 07/18/2007 17980.00000 42-01-57.0 N IA NE 091-41-00.5 W 0003115325 Dynamic Broadband CEDAR RAPIDS 07/18/2007 19380.00000 41-57-10.6 N IA NE 091-41-00.5 W 0003115325 Dynamic Broadband CEDAR RAPIDS 07/18/2007 19540.00000 41-57-10.6 N CT NE 072-19-16.0 W 0003115764 Cellco Partnership Colchester 07/19/2007 06004.50000 41-35-33.0 N AZ NE 111-27-21.4 W 0003115850 SPARKPLUG SOUTHWEST, LLC PAGE 07/19/2007 21825.00000 36-54-46.2 N NM NE 106-37-37.4 W 0003116204 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC Los Lunas 07/19/2007 19425.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275642A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275642A1.txt
- 27-58-44.0 N KS MD WPJB326 096-19-05.0 W 0003123310 KANSAS #15 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MOLINE 07/27/2007 06745.00000 37-25-59.0 N KS MD WPJB325 096-15-36.0 W 0003123320 KANSAS #15 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SEDAN 07/27/2007 06585.00000 37-06-39.0 N KS MD WPJB325 096-15-36.0 W 0003123320 KANSAS #15 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SEDAN 07/27/2007 06625.00000 37-06-39.0 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0003123503 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 07/27/2007 06152.75000 46-14-00.5 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0003123503 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 07/27/2007 06640.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0003123503 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 07/27/2007 17840.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0003123503 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 07/27/2007 17965.00000 46-14-00.5 N Page 16 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call
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- seconds of monitoring) on the next step. In a few cases sound dropped out and back in during the 20-second monitoring, but was absent well over 50% of the time. The interference amplitude at which greater than 50 percent loss of sound occurred was then known to be between the measured level and the previous step, 1 dB lower; consequently, 0.5 dB was subtracted from the measured power to obtain the nominal threshold at which sound loss exceeds 50 percent. Interference threshold measurements based on loss of sound were performed as a matter of convenience, though the actual parameter of interest is the undesired signal level at the threshold of visibility (TOV) of picture degradation. Because of the cliff effect that
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275804A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275804A1.txt
- Page 22 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX NE 098-27-29.9 W 0003125134 FiberTower Network Services Corp. San Antonio 07/30/2007 10755.00000 29-30-21.0 N TX NE 098-27-29.9 W 0003125134 FiberTower Network Services Corp. San Antonio 07/30/2007 23170.00000 29-30-21.0 N TX NE 098-28-00.5 W 0003125137 FiberTower Network Services Corp. San Antonio 07/30/2007 11245.00000 29-33-09.7 N TX NE 098-28-00.5 W 0003125137 FiberTower Network Services Corp. San Antonio 07/30/2007 19625.00000 29-33-09.7 N TX NE 097-40-13.0 W 0003125140 FiberTower Network Services Corp. AUSTIN 07/30/2007 10875.00000 30-16-40.0 N TX NE 097-58-13.5 W 0003125141 FiberTower Network Services Corp. AUSTIN 07/30/2007 11385.00000 30-12-47.4 N AZ NE 111-48-23.9 W 0003125358
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276117A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276117A1.txt
- 18615.00000 36-10-09.9 N Page 10 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NV AM WLW355 115-08-34.7 W 0003119268 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCLas Vegas 08/14/2007 18645.00000 36-10-09.9 N WA AM WHF503 119-19-09.4 W 0003123503 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 08/13/2007 06152.75000 46-14-00.5 N WA AM WHF503 119-19-09.4 W 0003123503 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 08/13/2007 06640.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA AM WHF503 119-19-09.4 W 0003123503 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 08/13/2007 17840.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA AM WHF503 119-19-09.4 W 0003123503 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 08/13/2007 17965.00000 46-14-00.5 N TX AM WQCW221 097-55-19.0 W 0003125123 FiberTower Network Services Corp. AUSTIN 08/13/2007 10795.00000 30-15-04.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276276A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276276A1.txt
- 08/20/2007 17960.00000 37-32-14.2 N TX AM 097-05-32.2 W 0003104575 AirBand Communications, Inc. Arlington 08/20/2007 11075.00000 32-45-24.8 N TX AM 098-25-16.9 W 0003113375 FiberTower Network Services Corp. San Antonio 08/24/2007 10795.00000 29-33-49.8 N TX AM 098-25-16.9 W 0003113375 FiberTower Network Services Corp. San Antonio 08/24/2007 21825.00000 29-33-49.8 N WA AM WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0003123503 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 08/21/2007 06152.75000 46-14-00.5 N Page 3 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WA AM WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0003123503 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 08/21/2007 06640.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA AM WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0003123503 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 08/21/2007 17840.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276277A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276277A1.txt
- MD WQER953 094-16-43.9 W 0003144145 CITY OF INDEPENDENCE Independence 08/20/2007 10577.50000 39-05-03.9 N MO MD WQER948 094-18-22.8 W 0003144149 CITY OF INDEPENDENCE Lake Tapawingo 08/20/2007 10642.50000 39-02-05.5 N MO MD WQER948 094-18-22.8 W 0003144149 CITY OF INDEPENDENCE Lake Tapawingo 08/20/2007 11622.50000 39-02-05.5 N AZ MD KOA83 112-06-12.5 W 0003144362 ARIZONA, STATE OF PHOENIX 08/20/2007 06063.80000 33-28-21.1 N AZ MD KOK44 112-04-00.5 W 0003144374 ARIZONA, STATE OF PHOENIX 08/20/2007 06315.84000 33-19-57.1 N Page 5 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD KPL47 110-47-15.3 W 0003144388 ARIZONA, STATE OF TUCSON 08/20/2007 06004.50000 32-26-25.2 N AZ MD KPL47 110-47-15.3 W 0003144388 ARIZONA, STATE OF TUCSON 08/20/2007
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276850A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276850A1.txt
- 09/20/2007 02093.00000 - 02110.00000 30-23-04.7 N TX AM KC26155 P 097-42-37.0 W 0003139519 CBS STATIONS GROUP OF TEXAS L.P.AUSTIN 09/20/2007 02450.00000 - 02467.00000 30-23-04.7 N TX AM KC26155 P 097-42-37.0 W 0003139519 CBS STATIONS GROUP OF TEXAS L.P.AUSTIN 09/20/2007 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 30-23-04.7 N VA MD KB97077 P 077-28-34.9 W 0003177571 ELCOM OF VIRGINIA LICENSE SUBSIDRICHMOND 09/20/2007 01990.00000 - 02008.00000 37-34-00.5 N VA MD KB97077 P 077-28-34.9 W 0003177571 ELCOM OF VIRGINIA LICENSE SUBSIDRICHMOND 09/20/2007 02008.00000 - 02110.00000 37-34-00.5 N TX MD KX3596 P 095-25-43.7 W 0003178147 KTRK TELEVISION, INC. HOUSTON 09/20/2007 01990.00000 - 02008.00000 29-43-34.8 N TX MD KX3596 P 095-25-43.7 W 0003178147 KTRK TELEVISION, INC. HOUSTON 09/20/2007 02008.00000 - 02110.00000 29-43-34.8 N CA NE P 122-23-58.8 W 0003175813 KGO
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277386A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277386A1.txt
- 43-04-24.0 N VA MD KNEH676 080-27-26.2 W 0003195462 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MBLACKSBURG 10/10/2007 00855.83750 37-11-12.5 N VA MD KNEH676 079-15-08.1 W 0003195462 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MFOREST 10/10/2007 00855.83750 37-22-23.5 N VA MD KNEH676 079-08-37.1 W 0003195462 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MLYNCHBURG 10/10/2007 00855.83750 37-24-52.5 N NC MD KNEH676 079-43-24.1 W 0003195462 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MRIEDSVILLE 10/10/2007 00855.83750 36-22-00.5 N VA MD KNEH676 079-56-31.1 W 0003195462 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MROANOKE 10/10/2007 00855.83750 37-12-37.5 N OK MD KNEM279 095-46-52.9 W 0003195463 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. BROKEN ARROW 10/10/2007 00855.83750 36-03-34.4 N OK MD KNEM279 095-47-03.0 W 0003195463 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. CATOOSA 10/10/2007 00855.83750 36-10-49.0 N OK MD KNEM279 095-55-34.0 W 0003195463 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277833A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277833A1.pdf
- 465.150 MHz was originating from a vehicle driven and solely occupied by Mr. McCollum. An officer of the Houston Police Department stopped the vehicle occupied by Mr. McCollum, and a search of the vehicle found an ICOM handheld radio programmed to transmit signals on the frequency 465.150 MHz. The ICOM radio was manufactured with two power settings, 5 watts and 0.5 watts and was not certified for use as a Part 15 device. Based on the agents' experience with this type of radio transmitting equipment and the distance over which the signals were heard, the agents determined that the signals transmitted on December 13, 2006, and February 12, 2007 exceeded the limits for operation under Part 15 of the Commission's Rules
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278130A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278130A1.txt
- RSA NO. 2 LIMITED PARTNERBAKER 11/08/2007 06555.00000 44-35-57.6 N OR MD WPJF825 117-47-01.8 W 0003226085 OREGON RSA NO. 2 LIMITED PARTNERBAKER 11/08/2007 06655.00000 44-35-57.6 N OR MD WPJF823 117-23-59.6 W 0003226092 OREGON RSA NO. 2 LIMITED PARTNERDURKEE 11/08/2007 06815.00000 44-32-40.5 N OR MD WPJF823 117-23-59.6 W 0003226092 OREGON RSA NO. 2 LIMITED PARTNERDURKEE 11/08/2007 10875.00000 44-32-40.5 N AZ MD WLA770 112-01-00.5 W 0003226098 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC PHOENIX 11/08/2007 18055.00000 33-27-13.1 N OR MD WMQ832 121-48-42.0 W 0003226152 United States Cellular Operating CompanyKLAMATH FALLS 11/08/2007 06256.54000 42-13-17.0 N OR MD WMQ832 121-48-42.0 W 0003226152 United States Cellular Operating CompanyKLAMATH FALLS 11/08/2007 06417.14000 42-13-17.0 N OR MD WMQ832 121-48-42.0 W 0003226152 United States Cellular Operating CompanyKLAMATH FALLS 11/08/2007 06545.62500 42-13-17.0 N OR
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- W 0003231834 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEGARY 11/15/2007 06621.25000 41-35-30.1 N IN MD WJS69 087-22-27.1 W 0003231875 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEGARY 11/15/2007 06781.25000 41-33-42.1 N Page 24 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA MD WNTB772 074-55-06.5 W 0003232907 PECO ENERGY COMPANY BENSALEM 11/16/2007 00928.36875 40-05-00.5 N PA MD WNTB772 074-55-06.5 W 0003232907 PECO ENERGY COMPANY BENSALEM 11/16/2007 00928.68125 40-05-00.5 N PA MD WNTB772 074-55-06.5 W 0003232907 PECO ENERGY COMPANY BENSALEM 11/16/2007 00952.36875 40-05-00.5 N PA MD WNTB772 074-55-06.5 W 0003232907 PECO ENERGY COMPANY BENSALEM 11/16/2007 00952.68125 40-05-00.5 N VA MD WQFF210 077-35-34.0 W 0003233371 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings, LLC Midlothian, VA 11/16/2007 21825.00000 37-26-10.0 N VA
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- Latitude City MS NE 091-04-11.4 W 0003235482 Cellualr South Licenses, Inc. Greenville 11/19/2007 06286.19000 33-30-57.5 N TX NE 096-41-29.8 W 0003235783 San Antonio MTA, L.P. CARMINE 11/19/2007 06256.54000 30-07-09.9 N TX NE 096-34-08.7 W 0003235784 San Antonio MTA, L.P. BRENHAM 11/19/2007 06004.50000 30-11-19.1 N TX NE 096-34-08.7 W 0003235784 San Antonio MTA, L.P. BRENHAM 11/19/2007 06063.80000 30-11-19.1 N TX NE 096-26-00.5 W 0003235785 San Antonio MTA, L.P. BRENHAM 11/19/2007 06315.84000 30-09-48.4 N OR NE 124-24-47.7 W 0003236105 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Gold Beach 11/20/2007 10637.50000 42-23-48.0 N OR NE 124-25-02.1 W 0003236374 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Wedderburn 11/20/2007 10572.50000 42-26-24.4 N TX NE 096-48-56.2 W 0003236994 AirBand Communications, Inc Waxahachie 11/20/2007 11055.00000 32-27-38.2 N LA NE 091-11-42.2 W 0003237002 Verizon Wireless
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- MD WLT564 117-30-03.2 W 0003242383 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNELYTLE CREEK 11/28/2007 10658.75000 34-12-49.0 N CA MD WMJ403 117-49-09.2 W 0003242412 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEYORBA LINDA 11/28/2007 10835.00000 33-51-30.0 N CA MD WMJ403 117-49-09.2 W 0003242412 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEYORBA LINDA 11/28/2007 10915.00000 33-51-30.0 N WV MD WPJF791 080-22-14.4 W 0003242530 HARDY CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPLOST CREEK 11/28/2007 06417.14000 39-08-00.5 N WV MD WPJF791 080-22-14.4 W 0003242530 HARDY CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPLOST CREEK 11/28/2007 06625.00000 39-08-00.5 N Page 10 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WV MD WPJF791 080-22-14.4 W 0003242530 HARDY CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPLOST CREEK 11/28/2007 11622.50000 39-08-00.5 N WV
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- 17 GX - SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conventional State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VT MD KNEP540 073-05-18.5 W 0003247857 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MESSEX JUNCTION 12/03/2007 00865.26250 44-28-22.2 N NY MD KNEP555 073-15-40.4 W 0003247859 NEXTEL OF NEW YORK, INC. BAY SHORE 12/03/2007 00855.83750 40-46-04.4 N NY MD KNEP555 073-52-00.5 W 0003247859 NEXTEL OF NEW YORK, INC. BROOKLYN 12/03/2007 00855.83750 40-39-07.4 N NY MD KNEP555 073-43-17.5 W 0003247859 NEXTEL OF NEW YORK, INC. GLEN OAKS 12/03/2007 00855.83750 40-45-16.4 N NY MD KNEP555 073-55-40.5 W 0003247859 NEXTEL OF NEW YORK, INC. NEW YORK 12/03/2007 00855.83750 40-51-18.4 N NY MD KNEP555 073-27-44.4 W 0003247859 NEXTEL OF NEW YORK, INC. PLAINVIEW 12/03/2007 00855.83750
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278883A2.pdf
- Commission is considering this step and 22 balancing it against the goal of ensuring that stations can build their final digital facilities on time. Such a step would most likely be permitted only if the stations provide advance notice to viewers as well as to the Commission. Seventh, the Commission looked ahead to the post-transition period and proposed a new 0.5 % interference standard to apply to maximizations and new channel allotments after the transition. The Notice also tentatively concluded not to accept applications for maximizations or to lift the freeze on such applications until the processing is completed for stations to build their post-transition authorized facilities. Eighth, to further enhance our tracking and to ensure that all stations are fully
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279015A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279015A1.txt
- State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD WRQ8 095-02-07.0 W 0003256877 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc HITCHCOCK 12/12/2007 00129.05000 29-19-48.0 N TX MD WRQ8 095-02-07.0 W 0003256877 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc HITCHCOCK 12/12/2007 00130.75000 29-19-48.0 N TX MD KGD9 098-36-01.2 W 0003259254 COMANCHE COUNTY CITY AIRPORT ACOMANCHE 12/14/2007 00123.07500 31-54-00.5 N OR NE 122-41-14.4 W 0003254530 Oregon Health & Science University Portland 12/10/2007 00123.05000 45-29-44.4 N AL NE 088-14-34.1 W 0003255952 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Mobile 12/11/2007 00131.27500 30-41-28.4 N MO NE 089-34-14.7 W 0003255960 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Cape Girardeau 12/11/2007 00129.30000 37-13-31.1 N TN NE 088-54-56.2 W 0003255968 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Jackson 12/11/2007 00129.30000 35-55-59.6 N KY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279136A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279136A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279136A1.txt
- Paragraph 2, fifth bullet, the last sentence is revised to read as follows: The VRS rates shall be effective for the 2007-2008 through 2009-2010 Fund years, beginning on the first day of the month following the effective date of this Order, subject to annual adjustment as set forth below. Paragraph 47, in the second-to-last sentence, ``0.05 percent'' is replaced by ``0.5 percent.'' Paragraph 55, in the last sentence, ``0.05 percent'' is replaced by ``0.5 percent.'' Paragraph 56, in the second-to-last sentence, ``0.05 percent'' is replaced by ``0.5 percent.'' Paragraph 67, in the second-to-last sentence, ``1,000,000'' is replaced by ``500,000.'' Paragraph 88, in the second-to-last sentence, delete ``, as raised below in the FNPRM,[.]'' Paragraph 103, in the last sentence, ``http://www.fcc.gov/cgb.dro'' is
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279218A1.pdf
- Philadelphia, PA, Sacramento, CA, and Washington, D.C. Sirius states that it has identified these sites as necessary to the provision of its commercial SDARS. SAT-STA-20071219-00178 E Special Temporary Authority 12/19/2007 15:10:50:73300 Date Filed: XM Radio Inc. On December 19, 2007, XM Radio Inc. (XM) filed a request for special temporary authority to operate a very low power repeater (not exceeding 0.5 watts EIRP) at its office building in Vienna, Virginia for 180 days. XM states that use of the repeater is necessary to provide XM's signal to its employees in the building. Page 1 of 1
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- Support 56 126 183 500 602 757 915102810721132118812631690171822352592293532653468379640964291 1986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007 3 - 14 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001 CETCs 5.7 - - 0.3 8.0 - 1.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A11.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A11.txt
- 14 See supra note 9. AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T Qwest Verizon Verizon Verizon Ameritech BellSouth PacificSouthwestern SNET North South GTE ACCESS SERVICES PROVIDED TO CARRIERS -- SWITCHED ACCESS Percent Installation Commitments Met 99.9 100.0 99.0 98.2 100.0 100.0 99.9 99.8 96.9 Average Installation Interval (days) 23.7 19.1 24.2 25.6 19.4 14.5 29.7 18.6 20.6 Average Repair Interval (hours) 5.8 0.5 7.6 3.4 2.2 1.6 5.1 7.6 8.4 ACCESS SERVICES PROVIDED TO CARRIERS -- SPECIAL ACCESS Percent Installation Commitments Met 94.7 99.7 95.1 98.1 99.9 96.8 93.1 94.7 92.3 Average Installation Interval (days) 18.1 14.5 15.4 16.0 18.5 6.0 12.8 12.3 9.0 Average Repair Interval (hours) 5.5 3.1 5.9 4.3 3.6 3.2 4.7 3.7 3.9 LOCAL SERVICES PROVIDED TO RESIDENTIAL AND
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A5.txt
- Support 56 126 183 500 602 757 915102810721132118812631690171822352592293532653468379640964291 1986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007 3 - 14 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001 CETCs 5.7 - - 0.3 8.0 - 1.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A9.txt
- 15.6 14.6 15.9 6.2 8.0 1982 10.8 9.0 2.7 3.9 4.2 1.7 1983 3.1 0.2 1.4 0.0 7.4 3.9 1984 17.2 10.4 -4.3 -5.1 3.6 3.8 1985 8.9 12.4 -3.7 -3.0 0.6 2.1 1986 7.1 8.9 -9.4 -10.0 0.3 -3.5 1987 3.3 2.6 -12.4 -11.8 -3.0 -3.0 1988 4.5 4.6 -4.2 -2.1 -4.2 -3.8 1989 0.6 1.9 -1.3 -1.7 -2.6 0.5 1990 1.0 1.5 -3.7 -0.1 -2.2 -2.2 1991 5.1 2.1 1.3 -1.3 -1.5 -2.6 1992 0.5 -0.2 -1.3 1.0 -2.4 1.3 1993 1.0 0.8 6.5 3.8 0.2 -1.1 1994 -0.3 0.7 5.4 6.1 -1.0 -1.4 1995 2.6 ** 0.1 ** -3.8 ** 1996 0.9 0.2 3.7 0.8 6.1 0.9 1997 1.0 0.1 -4.3 7.8 2.8 -4.3 1998 1.3 0.0 -0.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279250A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279250A1.txt
- ALBUQUERQUE 12/28/2007 00947.25000 35-08-34.8 N TX NE 101-56-11.0 W 0003267641 KYMI LICENSE SUB LLC Lamesa 12/26/2007 00947.87500 32-42-29.0 N TX NE 101-56-11.0 W 0003267641 KYMI LICENSE SUB LLC Lamesa 12/26/2007 00948.12500 32-42-29.0 N GA NE 084-58-28.0 W 0003269766 ABG GEORGIA LICENSES, LLC Columbus 12/27/2007 00950.50000 32-28-21.0 N AL NE 085-03-20.0 W 0003270006 ABG GEORGIA LICENSES, LLC Phenix City 12/27/2007 00950.00000 32-28-00.5 N GA NE 084-58-28.0 W 0003270079 ABG GEORGIA LICENSES, LLC Columbus 12/27/2007 00945.50000 32-28-21.0 N CD - Paging and Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD KLB716 099-44-58.0 W 0003268379 MOBILE PHONE OF TEXAS, INC. ABILENE 12/26/2007 00075.88000 32-16-59.0 N CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279506A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279506A1.txt
- N ID MD WLN930 115-13-18.3 W 0003285050 RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY ATLANTA 01/11/2008 06765.00000 43-46-24.6 N PR MD WPSL953 066-01-18.2 W 0003285317 SprintCom, Inc. TRUJILLO ALTO 01/11/2008 10715.00000 18-22-13.3 N PR MD WPSL953 066-01-18.2 W 0003285317 SprintCom, Inc. TRUJILLO ALTO 01/11/2008 11168.75000 18-22-13.3 N PR MD WPSL953 066-01-18.2 W 0003285317 SprintCom, Inc. TRUJILLO ALTO 01/11/2008 19470.00000 18-22-13.3 N PR MD WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0003285353 SprintCom, Inc. RIO PIEDRAS 01/11/2008 11215.00000 18-22-09.5 N PR MD WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0003285353 SprintCom, Inc. RIO PIEDRAS 01/11/2008 11365.00000 18-22-09.5 N PR MD WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0003285353 SprintCom, Inc. RIO PIEDRAS 01/11/2008 17850.00000 18-22-09.5 N PR MD WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0003285353 SprintCom, Inc. RIO PIEDRAS 01/11/2008 17885.00000 18-22-09.5 N PR MD WPSL955 066-04-00.5 W 0003285353 SprintCom, Inc.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279647A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279647A1.txt
- Information TechnologBronx 01/14/2008 23125.00000 40-49-48.0 N NY NE 073-53-20.8 W 0003286843 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologBronx 01/14/2008 21925.00000 40-49-49.5 N NY NE 073-53-20.8 W 0003286843 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologBronx 01/14/2008 21975.00000 40-49-49.5 N NY NE 073-53-53.7 W 0003286869 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologBronx 01/14/2008 23075.00000 40-50-44.0 N NY NE 073-54-04.3 W 0003286883 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologBronx 01/14/2008 21875.00000 40-49-59.5 N PA NE 080-07-00.5 W 0003286927 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INSewickley 01/14/2008 10795.00000 40-32-11.6 N PA NE 080-06-53.9 W 0003286930 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INPittsburgh 01/14/2008 11245.00000 40-26-57.9 N PA NE 080-06-53.9 W 0003286930 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INPittsburgh 01/14/2008 11285.00000 40-26-57.9 N PA NE 080-07-31.0 W 0003286933 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INMc Kees Rocks 01/14/2008 10755.00000 40-28-53.2 N PA NE 079-58-43.6 W 0003286936 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INMonongahela
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279648A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279648A1.txt
- GURABO 01/16/2008 06004.50000 18-16-46.4 N PR MD WQEV774 065-56-35.8 W 0003291475 NEPTUNO MEDIA GURABO 01/16/2008 06093.45000 18-16-46.4 N PR MD WQEV774 065-56-35.8 W 0003291475 NEPTUNO MEDIA GURABO 01/16/2008 11325.00000 18-16-46.4 N PR MD WQGT245 065-58-42.9 W 0003291477 NEPTUNO MEDIA CAROLINA 01/16/2008 10995.00000 18-24-26.4 N PR MD WQGT245 065-58-42.9 W 0003291477 NEPTUNO MEDIA CAROLINA 01/16/2008 10995.00000 18-24-26.4 N CA MD WQHA612 118-13-00.5 W 0003292746 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC RANCHO DOMINGU 01/17/2008 18082.50000 33-51-48.6 N Page 13 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WQHA612 118-13-00.5 W 0003292746 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC RANCHO DOMINGU 01/17/2008 18092.50000 33-51-48.6 N CA MD WMR504 122-35-01.0 W 0003292787
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279689A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279689A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279689A1.txt
- of whether F(50,10) undesired signals will exceed the following desired-to-undesired (D/U) signal ratios, assumed use of a directional receiving antenna, and use of the terrain dependent Longley-Rice point-to-point propagation model. Applicants may request the use of a cell size other than the default of 2.0 km per side, but only requests for cell sizes of 1.0 km per side or 0.5 km per side will be considered. The threshold levels at which interference is considered to occur are: ***** 7. This Erratum revises item 6 under the heading PART 73: RADIO BROADCAST SERVICES in Appendix B (Rule Changes) of the Report and Order to conform the rule to the style of the Office of the Federal Register by specifying in §
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279767A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279767A1.txt
- 081-48-02.5 W 0003295948 MONTCLAIR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.NAPLES 01/22/2008 02093.00000 - 02110.00000 26-11-35.4 N FL MD WCQ471 081-45-53.6 W 0003295969 WATERMAN BROADCASTING CORP. OPunta Gorda 01/22/2008 02008.00000 - 02025.00000 26-49-22.4 N FL MD WCQ471 081-45-53.6 W 0003295969 WATERMAN BROADCASTING CORP. OPunta Gorda 01/22/2008 02037.50000 - 02049.50000 26-49-22.4 N PA MD WGV706 080-19-04.8 W 0003299043 CBS BROADCASTING INC. BEAVER 01/23/2008 07075.00000 - 07100.00000 40-43-00.5 N OR NE 123-06-52.0 W 0003298471 CHURCHILL MEDIA III, LLC EUGENE 01/23/2008 18120.00000 44-00-10.0 N Page 43 TI - TV Intercity Relay State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City FL NE 081-03-34.0 W 0003298885 POST-NEWSWEEK STATIONS, ORLANDCHRISTMAS 01/23/2008 07050.00000 - 07075.00000 28-36-36.0 N TP - TV Pickup State Purpose Call
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- the numbering resources are treated as CLEC resources. 14 Table 4 Telephone Number Utilization by State as of December 31, 2006 Assigned Intermediate Reserved Aging Administrative Available1 Total State/jurisdiction 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s Alabama 8,674 40.2 509 2.4 307 1.4 488 2.3 287 1.3 11,289 52.4 21,554 Alaska 1,357 25.5 28 0.5 31 0.6 68 1.3 29 0.5 3,806 71.6 5,318 American Samoa 18 90.3 0 0.0 1 3.7 0 0.7 1 4.0 0 1.3 20 Arizona 12,328 58.6 322 1.5 187 0.9 606 2.9 173 0.8 7,429 35.3 21,044 Arkansas 4,371 31.2 707 5.1 62 0.4 245 1.8 181 1.3 8,422 60.2 13,989 California 75,273 46.8 5,921 3.7 574 0.4 3,744
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279931A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279931A1.txt
- Avg BellSouth Weighted AT&T Avg. (excluding BellSouth) Qwest 17 ARMIS 43-05 Report 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 AT&T Ameritech 2.0 2.1 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.5 AT&T BellSouth 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.3 AT&T Pacific 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.6 AT&T Southwestern 2.2 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 1.1 AT&T SNET 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 Qwest 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 Verizon GTE 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 Verizon North (Combined with Verizon South) Verizon South 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.3 Embarq (formerly Sprint) 3.2 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.8 Weighted BOC/Embarq Composite* 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 * Weighted composite is calculated using access line counts. Chart 5A Average Residential Installation Interval in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280030A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280030A1.txt
- WQCP236 075-39-32.9 W 0003304351 STATE OF DELAWARE - DTI WRANGLE HILL 01/28/2008 05945.20000 39-34-42.2 N KY MD WQHC521 083-07-52.0 W 0003304886 KENTUCKY, COMMONWEALTH OF SALYERSVILLE 01/28/2008 06718.75000 37-45-42.0 N AZ MD WCE391 110-33-40.3 W 0003305135 ARIZONA, STATE OF GLOBE 01/28/2008 06635.62500 33-39-37.1 N AZ MD WGY479 110-44-48.3 W 0003305149 ARIZONA, STATE OF GLOBE 01/28/2008 06805.00000 33-24-04.2 N AZ MD KOK44 112-04-00.5 W 0003305214 ARIZONA, STATE OF PHOENIX 01/28/2008 06315.84000 33-19-57.1 N PA MD WNEF310 075-09-04.6 W 0003305798 MONTGOMERY, COUNTY OF Dresher 01/29/2008 06815.62500 40-08-41.4 N PA MD WQCE913 075-25-04.0 W 0003305799 MONTGOMERY COUNTY OF EAGLEVILLE 01/29/2008 02186.40000 40-09-29.0 N PA MD WQCE913 075-25-04.0 W 0003305799 MONTGOMERY COUNTY OF EAGLEVILLE 01/29/2008 02196.00000 40-09-29.0 N PA MD WQCE913 075-25-04.0 W 0003305799 MONTGOMERY COUNTY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280033A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280033A1.txt
- State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RO WPXL708 0003310454 PARDIECK AVIATION 02/01/2008 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AL AM WQIG642 085-03-20.0 W 0003270006 ABG GEORGIA LICENSES, LLC Phenix City 01/29/2008 00950.00000 32-28-00.5 N NY AM WHS460 076-16-43.0 W 0003296313 PUBLIC BROADCASTING COUNCIL OF NEW HAVEN 01/28/2008 00951.00000 43-28-36.0 N NY AM WHS460 076-16-43.0 W 0003296313 PUBLIC BROADCASTING COUNCIL OF NEW HAVEN 01/28/2008 00951.00000 43-28-36.0 N NY AM WHY670 075-55-08.9 W 0003296314 PUBLIC BROADCASTING COUNCIL OF MANLIUS 01/28/2008 00947.00000 43-01-16.4 N NY AM WHY670 075-55-08.9 W 0003296314 PUBLIC BROADCASTING COUNCIL OF MANLIUS 01/28/2008
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- N MA MD WLU878 071-57-28.3 W 0003322542 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCGARDNER 02/12/2008 10626.25000 42-33-54.5 N MA MD WLU878 071-57-28.3 W 0003322542 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCGARDNER 02/12/2008 10627.50000 42-33-54.5 N CA MD WLM876 116-53-37.1 W 0003323405 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEBANNING 02/13/2008 10637.50000 33-56-38.1 N IA MD WPWU923 095-27-53.3 W 0003323674 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. SHELBY 02/13/2008 05945.20000 41-30-00.5 N IA MD WPWU923 095-27-53.3 W 0003323674 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. SHELBY 02/13/2008 06093.45000 41-30-00.5 N IA MD WPWU923 095-27-53.3 W 0003323674 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. SHELBY 02/13/2008 06595.00000 41-30-00.5 N IA MD WPWU923 095-27-53.3 W 0003323674 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. SHELBY 02/13/2008 06610.00000 41-30-00.5 N IA MD WPWU923 095-27-53.3 W 0003323674 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC.
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- Page 14 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL NE 088-07-29.0 W 0003332103 Business Only Broadband, LLC CAROL STREAM 02/20/2008 11225.00000 41-56-14.0 N IL NE 088-07-29.0 W 0003332103 Business Only Broadband, LLC CAROL STREAM 02/20/2008 11345.00000 41-56-14.0 N CA NE 118-09-00.5 W 0003332344 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCLOS ANGELES 02/20/2008 19495.00000 34-02-04.4 N CA NE 118-09-05.3 W 0003332356 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCMONTEREY PARK 02/20/2008 17935.00000 34-02-31.8 N CA NE 121-18-11.7 W 0003332781 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC Roseville 02/21/2008 17845.00000 38-46-55.8 N CA NE 121-17-01.4 W 0003332782 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC WEST VALLEY 02/21/2008 19405.00000 38-49-14.1 N TX NE 097-47-16.9 W 0003333634 AT&T
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- results of the random simulations. Each entry in the table shows the relevant computation averaged over 100 randomly chosen parameter sets involving 6 (instead of 8) users. The random input values are chosen as follows: user values are random integers between 2 and 10; user demands are random integers between 1 and 25; user congestion factors are random numbers between 0.5 and 0.8; the capacity of Option B is equal to the total demand of all users multiplied by a random number between 0.3 and 1.0; and the price of Option A is a random number chosen between the minimum and maximum total surplus for each user. Marginal cost in the competitive scenarios is assumed to be equal to 1. In
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280745A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280745A1.txt
- applications, subject to the pre-grant notice and petition procedure of Section 309 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that were accepted for filing. AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX AM 095-50-00.4 W 0003325827 COVEY TRAILS CIVIC CLUB INC RICHMOND 03/03/2008 00122.72500 29-41-00.5 N FL NE 086-13-00.0 W 0003342313 Zerotime Aviation LLC DeFuniak Springs 03/03/2008 00122.70000 30-54-00.0 N CO NE 108-45-38.4 W 0003344189 Rangely Airport Rangely 03/04/2008 00122.80000 40-05-41.9 N IL NE 088-07-40.4 W 0003352837 Village of Bolingbrook, Illinois DepartmeBolingbrook 03/07/2008 00122.97500 41-41-43.8 N RO KWG3 0003343033 UVALDE, CITY OF 03/03/2008 RO WPXQ434 0003344200 Aircraft Management Services, Inc. 03/04/2008 RO KHS6 0003344211 NATCHITOCHES,
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- (Police Dept.) Pine Bluff 03/24/2008 06800.00000 34-17-06.3 N AR MD WQBT850 092-02-04.5 W 0003370039 Arkansas, State of (Police Dept.) Pine Bluff 03/24/2008 06820.00000 34-17-06.3 N AR MD WNEX518 093-07-26.7 W 0003370043 ARKANSAS, STATE OF (POLICE DEPT.)HOT SPRINGS 03/24/2008 06615.00000 34-30-50.3 N AR MD WNEX518 093-07-26.7 W 0003370043 ARKANSAS, STATE OF (POLICE DEPT.)HOT SPRINGS 03/24/2008 06625.00000 34-30-50.3 N AR MD WNEX605 092-33-00.5 W 0003370046 ARKANSAS, STATE OF (POLICE DEPT.)RAMSEY 03/24/2008 06835.00000 33-53-50.3 N AR MD WNEX607 092-13-39.4 W 0003370049 ARKANSAS, STATE OF (POLICE DEPT.)HUTTIG 03/24/2008 02190.40000 33-04-56.4 N AR MD WNEX607 092-13-39.4 W 0003370049 ARKANSAS, STATE OF (POLICE DEPT.)HUTTIG 03/24/2008 02195.20000 33-04-56.4 N Page 2 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number
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- and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City GA NE 084-56-23.3 W 0003389932 Paulding County Commissioners Dallas 04/08/2008 00123.07500 33-54-54.9 N AL NE 086-15-34.0 W 0003392527 Saint Clair County Airport Authority Pell City 04/10/2008 00123.05000 33-33-53.0 N VA RM KJW4 078-27-16.0 W 0003390604 PIEDMONT HAWTHORNE AVIATION INCCHARLOTTESVILLE 04/09/2008 00122.95000 38-08-00.5 N IN RM WPXJ470 084-59-05.2 W 0003393123 PORTLAND CITY OF Portland 04/11/2008 00122.80000 40-27-11.3 N RO KMP8 0003387290 ARDMORE, CITY OF 04/07/2008 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX NE 099-08-23.0 W 0003387325 MUNBILLA KERRVILLE, LTD. Kerrville 04/07/2008 00951.50000 30-03-07.0 N Page 1
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- CLEVELAND 04/08/2008 00952.61875 41-32-34.6 N OH AM 081-31-30.4 W 0003382409 FELHC, INC. WALTON HILLS 04/08/2008 00928.18125 41-21-46.2 N OH AM 081-31-30.4 W 0003382409 FELHC, INC. WALTON HILLS 04/08/2008 00952.18125 41-21-46.2 N GA AM 084-11-50.7 W 0003383240 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Stone Mountain 04/08/2008 23020.00000 33-45-36.4 N OR MD WNEZ434 120-49-45.9 W 0003389890 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INSUMMER LAKE 04/08/2008 02188.00000 42-59-00.5 N OR MD WNEZ434 120-49-45.9 W 0003389890 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INSUMMER LAKE 04/08/2008 06543.75000 42-59-00.5 N OR MD WNEZ433 121-43-00.1 W 0003389892 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INCRESCENT 04/08/2008 06713.75000 43-18-19.8 N OR MD WNEZ433 121-43-00.1 W 0003389892 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INCRESCENT 04/08/2008 06718.75000 43-18-19.8 N TX MD WPNB221 095-27-12.8 W 0003390279 RAYBURN COUNTRY ELECTRIC COOPPARIS 04/09/2008 00959.15000 33-40-02.3 N TX MD
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- 32-26-10.5 N TX MD KQK27 096-29-03.9 W 0003398670 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD MEXIA 04/16/2008 00953.20000 31-39-23.6 N TX MD KQB84 096-34-55.9 W 0003398672 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD HEARNE 04/16/2008 02181.60000 30-51-59.7 N TX MD KQB86 096-22-58.9 W 0003398673 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD BRYAN 04/16/2008 06595.00000 30-39-25.2 N MT MD WHH605 112-36-28.0 W 0003399884 NorthWestern Corporation BUTTE 04/16/2008 10995.00000 45-56-11.7 N NY MD WQIE430 073-58-00.5 W 0003400248 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologBrooklyn 04/17/2008 21925.00000 40-40-28.6 N NY MD WQIE430 073-58-00.5 W 0003400248 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologBrooklyn 04/17/2008 22075.00000 40-40-28.6 N NY MD WQHM862 074-00-17.3 W 0003400259 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologNew York 04/17/2008 23075.00000 40-43-12.2 N CA MD WQDW441 118-42-10.0 W 0003400455 Nextweb Inc Calabasas 04/17/2008 23010.00000 34-08-45.0 N AZ MD WNES754 112-13-39.6 W 0003400500 Salt River
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- W 0003409408 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Tigard 04/24/2008 23175.00000 45-25-14.0 N OR MD WQHH545 122-45-33.2 W 0003409411 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Portland 04/24/2008 10815.00000 45-26-06.1 N OR MD WQHH545 122-45-33.2 W 0003409411 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Portland 04/24/2008 21925.00000 45-26-06.1 N OR MD WQHH545 122-45-33.2 W 0003409411 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Portland 04/24/2008 21975.00000 45-26-06.1 N MA MD WPNM312 P 071-04-00.5 W 0003409483 WATERTOWN, TOWN OF WATERTOWN 04/24/2008 00952.83125 42-21-07.6 N MA MD WPNM312 P 071-04-00.5 W 0003409483 WATERTOWN, TOWN OF WATERTOWN 04/24/2008 00952.83125 42-21-07.6 N OR MD WQHD763 122-46-42.4 W 0003410777 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Portland 04/24/2008 17800.00000 45-30-42.5 N OR MD WQHD763 122-46-42.4 W 0003410777 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Portland 04/24/2008 17960.00000 45-30-42.5 N OR MD WQHD763 122-46-42.4 W
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- T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC PALM DESERT 05/14/2008 17845.00000 33-44-08.8 N CA NE 117-02-01.6 W 0003436860 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC BARSTOW 05/14/2008 11648.12500 34-54-03.9 N CA NE 117-19-19.2 W 0003436862 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC COLTON 05/14/2008 17855.00000 34-03-49.9 N CA NE 117-12-22.4 W 0003436865 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC SUN CITY 05/14/2008 19435.00000 33-41-01.7 N CA NE 117-12-08.9 W 0003436869 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC BARSTOW 05/14/2008 19475.00000 34-42-00.5 N CA NE 117-09-36.8 W 0003436872 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC SUN CITY 05/14/2008 17875.00000 33-39-36.4 N CA NE 116-13-30.7 W 0003436875 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC Indio 05/14/2008 19405.00000 33-48-06.2 N CA NE 116-55-54.6 W 0003436878 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC LUCERNE VALLEY 05/14/2008 11158.12500 34-40-09.2 N PR NE 066-19-57.0 W 0003437141 Centennial Puerto Rico License Corp. Barranquitas 05/14/2008 11662.50000 18-12-05.0 N AZ NE 111-30-15.5
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- in the frequency bands used for service downlinks and feederlinks. SAT-STA-20080429-00094 E Special Temporary Authority 04/29/2008 14:43:04:57600 Date Filed: XM Radio Inc. Page 1 of 2 For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. XM Radio Inc. (XM) requests Special Temporary Authority to operate a terrestrial repeater with an average EIRP not to exceed 0.5 watts at its office building in Vienna, Virginia, for a period of 180 days pursuant to the technical parameters listed in Exhibits A and B to its application. XM states that use of the repeater is necessary to provide XM's signal to its Listener Care center in the building. XM states that it intends to use input and output filters
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282424A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282424A1.txt
- N AZ MD WQCU380 111-53-32.7 W 0003445886 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC SUN LAKES 05/20/2008 23080.00000 33-13-24.3 N Page 2 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD WQDK553 111-50-22.1 W 0003445950 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC CHANDLER 05/20/2008 21930.00000 33-20-00.5 N VA MD WMN216 077-03-01.8 W 0003446180 Cellco Partnership TAPPAHANNOCK 05/21/2008 10775.00000 37-49-18.5 N AZ MD WQBT596 111-50-04.5 W 0003447668 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCHANDLER 05/22/2008 19350.00000 33-18-07.0 N AZ MD WQBT596 111-50-04.5 W 0003447668 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCHANDLER 05/22/2008 23080.00000 33-18-07.0 N AZ MD WQBT598 111-53-22.4 W 0003447673 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCHANDLER 05/22/2008 21880.00000 33-18-08.6 N AZ
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- 0003451242 WBAL HEARST-ARGYLE TV, INC. (CA CBALTIMORE 05/27/2008 02059.00000 - 02076.00000 MD MD KQ5659 O 0003451242 WBAL HEARST-ARGYLE TV, INC. (CA CBALTIMORE 05/27/2008 02076.00000 - 02093.00000 MD MD KQ5659 O 0003451242 WBAL HEARST-ARGYLE TV, INC. (CA CBALTIMORE 05/27/2008 02093.00000 - 02110.00000 MD MD KQ5659 O 0003451242 WBAL HEARST-ARGYLE TV, INC. (CA CBALTIMORE 05/27/2008 02450.00000 - 02483.50000 GA MD KC26152 P 081-50-00.5 W 0003451713 WAGT TELEVISION, INC. Augusta 05/27/2008 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 33-24-20.7 N GA MD KC26152 P 081-50-00.5 W 0003451713 WAGT TELEVISION, INC. Augusta 05/27/2008 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 33-24-20.7 N GA MD KC26152 P 081-50-00.5 W 0003451713 WAGT TELEVISION, INC. Augusta 05/27/2008 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 33-24-20.7 N GA MD KC26152 P 081-50-00.5 W 0003451713 WAGT TELEVISION, INC. Augusta 05/27/2008 02008.00000 -
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- 0.3 125.8 5.0 120.8 41.3 12.6 66.9 120.8 DE District of Columbia 192.0 0.4 191.6 3.9 187.7 40.8 22.9 124.0 187.7 DC Florida 2,797.5 8.3 2,789.2 500.1 2,289.0 839.6 209.3 1,164.3 2,213.2 75.8 FL Georgia 1,154.6 6.2 1,148.4 102.5 1,045.8 284.3 99.2 612.9 996.4 49.3 GA Idaho 194.0 0.4 193.6 27.9 165.7 65.8 17.8 75.7 159.3 6.4 ID Illinois 1,234.4 0.5 1,233.9 191.7 1,042.2 347.8 119.6 542.4 1,009.8 32.4 IL Indiana 670.1 3.4 666.7 121.7 545.0 224.8 53.6 253.9 532.3 12.7 IN Iowa 332.6 0.1 332.5 86.0 246.5 67.8 37.3 132.3 237.4 9.1 IA Kansas 253.2 0.0 253.2 23.5 229.7 56.1 29.4 137.3 222.8 6.9 KS Kentucky 440.9 1.1 439.7 74.8 365.0 145.4 42.1 167.6 355.1 9.8 KY Louisiana 443.0 1.6
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282830A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282830A1.txt
- CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Atlanta 06/06/2008 19375.00000 33-52-34.5 N Page 34 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City GA MD WQIR516 084-22-46.9 W 0003464772 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Atlanta 06/06/2008 19475.00000 33-52-34.5 N PA MD WNTA321 074-55-06.5 W 0003465038 PECO ENERGY COMPANY BENSALEM 06/06/2008 06660.00000 40-05-00.5 N PA MD WNTA321 074-55-06.5 W 0003465038 PECO ENERGY COMPANY BENSALEM 06/06/2008 06660.00000 40-05-00.5 N PA MD WNTA321 074-55-06.5 W 0003465038 PECO ENERGY COMPANY BENSALEM 06/06/2008 06691.25000 40-05-00.5 N LA MD WNTT701 091-45-10.4 W 0003465208 CENTRAL TELEPHONE CORPORATIONNEW IBERIA 06/06/2008 02186.40000 29-57-12.7 N NE NE 102-59-53.0 W 0003459546 KN Telecommunications, Inc. SIDNEY 06/02/2008 06740.62500 41-09-41.0 N CO NE 102-51-15.0 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283039A1.pdf
- of 4.8 Terabits per second (Tbps). The proposed system can be expanded to a total of 8 fiber pairs with total capacity of up to 7.68 Tbps. The individual parties will own and manage fiber pairs: Pacnet will have two fiber pairs; GU Holdings will have one fiber pair; and, Bharti Airtel, GTL, KDDI, and SingTel will each have one-half (0.5) fiber pair. The Unity System will land in two locations: Chikura Japan, and either Hermosa Beach, California or Norma Beach, Washington. KDDI owns and operates the landing and terminal facilities in the Chikura landing station, where individual Parties may connect their capacity to Japan's domestic network or other international cable system. GU Holdings will be the U.S. landing party and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283198A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283198A1.txt
- Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MD NE 075-58-54.1 W 0003473229 Cellco Partnership Charlestown 06/16/2008 10622.50000 39-34-38.1 N TX NE 096-43-05.6 W 0003473230 San Antonio MTA, L.P. Fayetteville 06/16/2008 06123.10000 29-50-31.7 N TX NE 096-43-05.6 W 0003473230 San Antonio MTA, L.P. Fayetteville 06/16/2008 06152.75000 29-50-31.7 N TX NE 096-26-00.5 W 0003473231 San Antonio MTA, L.P. BRENHAM 06/16/2008 06345.49000 30-09-48.4 N TX NE 096-52-46.2 W 0003473232 San Antonio MTA, L.P. LaGrange 06/16/2008 06256.54000 29-52-43.7 N TX NE 096-52-46.2 W 0003473232 San Antonio MTA, L.P. LaGrange 06/16/2008 06404.79000 29-52-43.7 N TX NE 096-19-04.9 W 0003473233 San Antonio MTA, L.P. Kenney 06/16/2008 06256.54000 30-02-25.0 N TX NE 096-19-04.9 W 0003473233 San Antonio
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283200A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283200A1.txt
- 114-37-48.0 W 0003477369 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCNEEDLES 06/19/2008 06665.62500 34-32-45.2 N CA MD WPTV801 114-38-46.0 W 0003477394 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCNeedles 06/19/2008 06550.62500 34-54-47.0 N TX MD WQIC659 096-41-29.8 W 0003477396 San Antonio MTA, L.P. CARMINE 06/19/2008 06197.24000 30-07-09.9 N TX MD WQIC659 096-41-29.8 W 0003477396 San Antonio MTA, L.P. CARMINE 06/19/2008 06345.49000 30-07-09.9 N TX MD WQIC658 096-26-00.5 W 0003477530 San Antonio MTA, L.P. BRENHAM 06/19/2008 06345.49000 30-09-48.4 N TX MD WQIC658 096-26-00.5 W 0003477530 San Antonio MTA, L.P. BRENHAM 06/19/2008 06375.14000 30-09-48.4 N TX MD WQIC657 096-34-08.7 W 0003477562 San Antonio MTA, L.P. BRENHAM 06/19/2008 06093.45000 30-11-19.1 N TX MD WQIC657 096-34-08.7 W 0003477562 San Antonio MTA, L.P. BRENHAM 06/19/2008 06123.10000 30-11-19.1 N TX MD WQHQ476 095-23-49.8
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- Inc. LANCASTER 06/24/2008 17765.00000 40-02-17.4 N PA NE 076-18-21.9 W 0003484993 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. LANCASTER 06/24/2008 17830.00000 40-02-17.4 N PA NE 076-18-21.9 W 0003484993 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. LANCASTER 06/24/2008 22010.00000 40-02-17.4 N PA NE 076-18-21.9 W 0003484993 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. LANCASTER 06/24/2008 22060.00000 40-02-17.4 N PA NE 076-20-04.6 W 0003484996 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Lancaster 06/24/2008 19325.00000 40-04-00.5 N PA NE 076-20-04.6 W 0003484996 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Lancaster 06/24/2008 19370.00000 40-04-00.5 N PA NE 076-13-19.9 W 0003484998 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Smoketown 06/24/2008 11245.00000 40-01-53.0 N PA NE 076-13-19.9 W 0003484998 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Smoketown 06/24/2008 17970.00000 40-01-53.0 N PA NE 076-18-30.1 W 0003485001 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Lancaster 06/24/2008 23210.00000 40-01-04.5 N PA NE 076-20-14.3
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- TOKLAHOMA CITY 07/08/2008 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 35-33-45.2 N OK AM KQ5617 P 097-29-25.1 W 0003460762 OHIO/OKLAHOMA HEARST- ARGYLE TOKLAHOMA CITY 07/08/2008 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 35-33-45.2 N OK AM KQ5617 P 097-29-25.1 W 0003460762 OHIO/OKLAHOMA HEARST- ARGYLE TOKLAHOMA CITY 07/08/2008 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 35-33-45.2 N SC MD KC26140 P 080-57-55.3 W 0003496123 PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN COMPANY, INCOLUMBIA 07/08/2008 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 33-59-00.5 N SC MD KC26140 P 080-57-55.3 W 0003496123 PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN COMPANY, INCOLUMBIA 07/08/2008 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 33-59-00.5 N SC MD KC26140 P 080-57-55.3 W 0003496123 PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN COMPANY, INCOLUMBIA 07/08/2008 02008.00000 - 02110.00000 33-59-00.5 N SC MD KC26140 P 080-57-55.3 W 0003496123 PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN COMPANY, INCOLUMBIA 07/08/2008 02025.50000 - 02109.50000 33-59-00.5 N SC MD KC26140 P 080-57-55.3
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283917A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283917A1.txt
- NE NE 097-29-33.2 W 0003505233 NE Colorado Wireless Technologies, Inc.Humphrey 07/16/2008 06197.24000 41-41-44.7 N NE NE 097-29-33.2 W 0003505233 NE Colorado Wireless Technologies, Inc.Humphrey 07/16/2008 06345.49000 41-41-44.7 N NE NE 097-28-47.9 W 0003505234 NE Colorado Wireless Technologies, Inc.Platte Center 07/16/2008 05945.20000 41-32-37.8 N NE NE 097-28-47.9 W 0003505234 NE Colorado Wireless Technologies, Inc.Platte Center 07/16/2008 06004.50000 41-32-37.8 N NE NE 097-22-00.5 W 0003505235 NE Colorado Wireless Technologies, Inc.Columbus (SW) 07/16/2008 06256.54000 41-25-14.5 N NE NE 097-33-07.0 W 0003505236 NE Colorado Wireless Technologies, Inc.Pierce 07/16/2008 05974.85000 42-09-50.0 N NE NE 097-33-07.0 W 0003505236 NE Colorado Wireless Technologies, Inc.Pierce 07/16/2008 06034.15000 42-09-50.0 N NE NE 097-46-37.9 W 0003505237 NE Colorado Wireless Technologies, Inc.Plainview 07/16/2008 06286.19000 42-21-25.4 N AK NE 152-28-16.0 W 0003505365 General
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284321A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284321A2.txt
- 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 5,334,174 0.7 5.6 2.944.6 46.3 Netherlands $50,465,900 0.019.5 0.4 9.8 70.4 $6,645,802 0.0 0.1 0.064.5 35.4 $4,624,161 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 99.9 580,189,179 0.013.7 0.339.9 46.2 Norway $13,490,830 0.025.0 0.318.1 56.6 $836,925 0.023.9 0.019.3 56.9 $2,538,915 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 164,594,720 0.019.5 0.630.2 49.8 Portugal $16,390,237 0.015.4 1.424.4 58.7 $1,499,178 0.010.9 0.024.9 64.2 $692,194 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 99.5 275,602,651 0.018.1 2.422.4 57.1 Spain $55,695,353 0.128.2 0.712.2 58.9 $4,208,125 0.014.1 0.020.9 65.0 $24,494,336 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 649,185,545 0.119.9 4.717.8 57.5 Sweden $19,945,001 0.324.5 0.229.9 45.0 $3,851,564 0.028.7 0.023.3 48.0 $9,489,951 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 429,598,237 0.016.9 0.341.1 41.6 Switzerland $38,491,663 0.044.5 0.314.7 40.5 $2,596,506 0.018.0 0.030.8 51.2 $9,265,495 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 414,079,134 0.022.7 1.234.3 41.8 Turkey
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284342A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284342A1.txt
- 07/29/2008 10715.00000 40-48-04.2 N IL NE 090-23-54.3 W 0003519943 USCOC OF CENTRAL ILLINOIS, LLC MARIETTA 07/29/2008 06152.75000 40-30-03.4 N IL NE 087-37-26.8 W 0003521089 Towerstream Corp Chicago 07/29/2008 21870.00000 41-53-55.6 N IL NE 087-38-06.8 W 0003521091 Towerstream Corp Chicago 07/29/2008 23070.00000 41-53-56.5 N PR NE 067-12-55.3 W 0003524476 Centennial Puerto Rico License Corp. RINCON 07/30/2008 11632.50000 18-18-36.0 N PA NE 076-44-00.5 W 0003524706 TELECOM TRANSPORT MANAGEMENTHARRISBURG 07/30/2008 19510.00000 40-20-43.9 N PA NE 076-41-00.6 W 0003524708 TELECOM TRANSPORT MANAGEMENTHummelstown 07/30/2008 17950.00000 40-21-01.4 N PA NE 076-39-18.0 W 0003524711 TELECOM TRANSPORT MANAGEMENTHershey 07/30/2008 11605.00000 40-17-03.1 N NE NE 097-41-46.2 W 0003524887 USCOC NEBRASKA/KANSAS, LLC Genoa 07/30/2008 06730.62500 41-20-41.1 N MA NE 071-07-21.3 W 0003524932 NEXTLINK WIRELESS INC. BOSTON 07/30/2008 18085.00000 42-20-25.2 N TX
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284492A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284492A1.txt
- JOURNAL BROADCAST CORPORATIONGreaterville 08/08/2008 07000.00000 - 07025.00000 31-45-32.3 N Page 49 TP - TV Pickup State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NC AM KN6977 S 0003421549 CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG PUBLIC BCHARLOTTE 08/05/2008 02025.00000 - 02110.00000 NC AM KN6977 S 0003421549 CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG PUBLIC BCHARLOTTE 08/05/2008 02059.00000 - 02076.00000 SC AM KC26152 P 081-50-00.5 W 0003451713 WAGT TELEVISION, INC. Jackson 08/04/2008 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 33-24-20.7 N SC AM KC26152 P 081-50-00.5 W 0003451713 WAGT TELEVISION, INC. Jackson 08/04/2008 02008.00000 - 02025.00000 33-24-20.7 N SC AM KC26152 P 081-50-00.5 W 0003451713 WAGT TELEVISION, INC. Jackson 08/04/2008 02025.00000 - 02042.00000 33-24-20.7 N SC AM KC26152 P 081-50-00.5 W 0003451713 WAGT TELEVISION, INC. Jackson 08/04/2008 02042.00000 -
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284575A2.pdf
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284659A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284659A1.txt
- CALIFORNIA EDISON COM 08/14/2008 RO WNTR667 0003545715 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COM 08/14/2008 RO WNTR669 0003545716 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COM 08/14/2008 RO WHJ743 0003545717 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COM 08/14/2008 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM KNKA401 118-59-43.8 W 0003545700 FRESNO MSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPLemon Cove 08/15/2008 36-24-00.5 N NY MD KNKA675 073-45-35.9 W 0003545494 Cellco Partnership Lake George 08/14/2008 43-28-23.4 N CA MD KNKA401 118-59-43.8 W 0003545700 FRESNO MSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPLemon Cove 08/14/2008 36-24-00.5 N CO MD KNKA371 104-47-07.9 W 0003545762 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Colorado Springs 08/14/2008 38-45-41.0 N CA MD KNKN228 118-23-49.4 W 0003546160 Cellco Partnership BISHOP 08/15/2008 37-21-32.7 N CA MD KNKN228 118-09-34.3 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284856A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284856A1.txt
- Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IA MD KJW45 091-40-05.0 W 0003557730 Interstate Power and Light Company CEDAR RAPIDS 08/22/2008 17765.00000 41-58-38.0 N IA MD WNEV801 091-40-59.6 W 0003557754 Interstate Power and Light Company CEDAR RAPIDS 08/22/2008 19325.00000 41-57-54.0 N OR NE 122-41-37.3 W 0003549478 Freewire Broadband LLC Wilsonville 08/18/2008 19320.00000 45-20-38.6 N OR NE 122-55-00.5 W 0003549479 Freewire Broadband LLC Hillsboro 08/18/2008 11285.00000 45-36-47.1 N OR NE 122-55-00.5 W 0003549479 Freewire Broadband LLC Hillsboro 08/18/2008 19475.00000 45-36-47.1 N OR NE 122-59-10.8 W 0003549480 Freewire Broadband LLC Laurel 08/18/2008 10795.00000 45-24-08.5 N OR NE 122-52-50.3 W 0003549481 Freewire Broadband LLC Hillsboro 08/18/2008 17915.00000 45-32-39.3 N NV NE 115-00-32.3 W 0003549751 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LAS VEGAS
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284926A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284926A1.txt
- CLEC resources. 14 Table 4 Telephone Number Utilization by State as of December 31, 2007 Assigned Intermediate Reserved Aging Administrative Available1 Total State/jurisdiction 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s Alabama 9,148 42.4 557 2.6 318 1.5 515 2.4 259 1.2 10,779 50.0 21,576 Alaska 1,405 25.9 22 0.4 34 0.6 94 1.7 25 0.5 3,847 70.9 5,427 American Samoa 20 68.1 0 0.0 1 2.8 1 3.3 0 1.6 7 24.2 30 Arizona 12,889 61.9 356 1.7 179 0.9 645 3.1 204 1.0 6,566 31.5 20,838 Arkansas 4,809 33.8 569 4.0 68 0.5 278 2.0 191 1.3 8,297 58.4 14,212 California 78,028 50.4 4,910 3.2 638 0.4 4,237 2.7 2,735 1.8 64,223 41.5 154,771
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284932A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284932A1.txt
- 3.5 130,860,026 3.1 1990 136,114,201 3.5 134,685,732 2.9 1991 139,412,884 2.4 139,613,309 3.7 1992 143,341,581 2.8 142,367,463 2.0 1993 148,106,159 3.3 147,033,132 3.3 1994 153,447,946 3.6 151,543,061 3.1 1995 159,658,662 4.0 158,152,644 4.4 1996 166,445,580 4.3 165,350,308 4.6 1997 173,866,799 4.5 173,857,193 5.1 1998 179,849,045 3.4 180,516,161 3.8 1999 189,397,096 185,002,911 2.9 186,594,497 3.4 2000 192,432,431 1.6% 188,499,586 1.9 187,581,092 0.5 2001 191,570,800 -0.4 185,587,160 -1.5 179,811,283 -4.1 2002 189,250,143 -1.2 180,095,333 -3.0 172,245,846 -4.2 2003 182,933,281 -3.3 173,140,710 -3.9 161,374,473 -6.3 2004 177,690,711 -2.9 165,979,938 -4.1 154,039,066 -4.5 2005 175,160,940 -1.4 157,037,503 -5.4 147,993,264 -3.9 2006 167,504,016 -4.4 146,848,926 -6.5 140,029,044 -5.4 1 Include end-user switched access lines for competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) and incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285103A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285103A1.txt
- 08/26/2008 06286.19000 41-51-49.0 N PA AM 075-48-35.0 W 0003507422 Conterra UltraBroadband, LLC MONTROSE 08/26/2008 11245.00000 41-51-49.0 N PA AM 075-48-35.0 W 0003507422 Conterra UltraBroadband, LLC MONTROSE 08/26/2008 23025.00000 41-51-49.0 N UT AM 109-09-53.4 W 0003507670 WWC Holding Co., Inc VERNAL 08/27/2008 06004.50000 40-00-11.9 N UT AM 109-09-53.4 W 0003507670 WWC Holding Co., Inc VERNAL 08/27/2008 06093.45000 40-00-11.9 N PA AM 076-44-00.5 W 0003524706 TELECOM TRANSPORT MANAGEMENTHARRISBURG 08/25/2008 19510.00000 40-20-43.9 N PA AM 076-44-00.5 W 0003524706 TELECOM TRANSPORT MANAGEMENTHARRISBURG 08/25/2008 22230.00000 40-20-43.9 N OH AM WLM623 080-36-55.6 W 0003528402 Alltel Communications, LLC BROOKFIELD 08/29/2008 05945.20000 41-15-53.5 N OH AM WLM623 080-36-55.6 W 0003528402 Alltel Communications, LLC BROOKFIELD 08/29/2008 06093.45000 41-15-53.5 N OH AM WLM623 080-36-55.6 W 0003528402 Alltel Communications, LLC BROOKFIELD 08/29/2008
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- Shore Acres 09/02/2008 06625.00000 38-01-16.5 N CA NE 121-50-04.5 W 0003566758 enXco, Inc. Birds landing 09/02/2008 06785.00000 38-07-32.8 N CA NE 121-50-04.5 W 0003566758 enXco, Inc. Birds landing 09/02/2008 11623.12500 38-07-32.8 N CA NE 118-24-01.3 W 0003566992 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INPacoima 09/03/2008 11115.00000 34-15-25.0 N AL NE 086-53-59.4 W 0003566994 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INElkmont 09/03/2008 10795.00000 34-56-59.3 N NV NE 115-05-00.5 W 0003567071 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II HENDERSON 09/03/2008 21825.00000 36-03-10.9 N NV NE 115-05-00.5 W 0003567071 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II HENDERSON 09/03/2008 21875.00000 36-03-10.9 N NV NE 115-05-00.5 W 0003567071 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II HENDERSON 09/03/2008 21925.00000 36-03-10.9 N NV NE 115-05-00.5 W 0003567071 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II HENDERSON 09/03/2008 21975.00000 36-03-10.9 N NV NE 115-03-19.0 W 0003567072 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
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- CORP. NEW YORK 10/01/2008 11365.00000 40-46-02.1 N NY NE 073-59-26.8 W 0003596738 AT&T CORP. NEW YORK 10/01/2008 22010.00000 40-46-02.1 N NJ NE 074-00-43.3 W 0003596739 AT&T CORP. GUTTENBURG 10/01/2008 23210.00000 40-47-42.0 N NJ NE 074-08-48.4 W 0003596740 AT&T CORP. CLIFTON 10/01/2008 10875.00000 40-50-08.5 N OR NE 121-37-19.8 W 0003596844 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINLa Pine 10/01/2008 10563.75000 43-41-59.0 N WA NE 124-03-00.5 W 0003596874 MCDANIEL CELLULAR TELEPHONE COIIWACO 10/01/2008 10563.75000 46-18-45.0 N FL NE 085-38-27.6 W 0003597211 Southern Company Services, Inc. Panama City 10/01/2008 11055.00000 30-10-24.8 N FL NE 085-50-00.8 W 0003597214 Southern Company Services, Inc. Panama City Beach 10/01/2008 11545.00000 30-11-41.7 N Page 17 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt
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- N OR MD WQCD552 123-39-38.2 W 0003606014 USCOC OF OREGON RSA #5, INC. CAVE JUNCTION 10/08/2008 10626.25000 42-15-28.4 N WV MD WPJF790 080-30-26.5 W 0003606021 HARDY CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPSALEM 10/08/2008 06785.00000 39-16-27.6 N WV MD WPJF790 080-30-26.5 W 0003606021 HARDY CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPSALEM 10/08/2008 06805.00000 39-16-27.6 N WV MD WPJF791 080-22-14.4 W 0003606023 HARDY CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPLOST CREEK 10/08/2008 06417.14000 39-08-00.5 N WV MD WPJF791 080-22-14.4 W 0003606023 HARDY CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPLOST CREEK 10/08/2008 06625.00000 39-08-00.5 N WV MD WPJF791 080-22-14.4 W 0003606023 HARDY CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPLOST CREEK 10/08/2008 11622.50000 39-08-00.5 N CA MD WPWJ539 115-29-56.0 W 0003606426 Cellco Partnership EL CENTRO 10/09/2008 10755.00000 32-47-45.0 N OH MD WLM217 082-58-54.6 W 0003606514 New Par WORTHINGTON 10/09/2008 02115.20000 40-06-54.2 N OH MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286358A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286358A1.txt
- Intermountain Health Care Logan 10/20/2008 17820.00000 41-45-20.5 N UT NE 112-13-57.8 W 0003615733 Intermountain Health Care Tremonton 10/20/2008 19380.00000 41-47-02.5 N UT NE 112-13-57.8 W 0003615733 Intermountain Health Care Tremonton 10/20/2008 19540.00000 41-47-02.5 N UT NE 112-10-54.9 W 0003615734 Intermountain Health Care Brigham City 10/20/2008 17980.00000 41-43-29.7 N GA NE 084-22-25.0 W 0003616139 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II ATLANTA 10/21/2008 17920.00000 33-42-00.5 N GA NE 084-22-25.0 W 0003616139 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II ATLANTA 10/21/2008 23020.00000 33-42-00.5 N GA NE 084-21-10.8 W 0003616141 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II ATLANTA 10/21/2008 17840.00000 33-46-27.1 N GA NE 084-21-10.8 W 0003616141 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II ATLANTA 10/21/2008 17960.00000 33-46-27.1 N GA NE 084-21-10.8 W 0003616141 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II ATLANTA 10/21/2008 21875.00000 33-46-27.1 N GA NE 084-21-10.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286554A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286554A1.txt
- City CA AM KHP23 120-35-46.7 W 0003556196 PLACER COUNTY WATER AGENCY FORESTHILL 10/28/2008 02141.20000 39-01-28.6 N CA AM KHP23 120-35-46.7 W 0003556196 PLACER COUNTY WATER AGENCY FORESTHILL 10/28/2008 06750.62500 39-01-28.6 N TX AM 095-30-08.6 W 0003607997 Franklin Group Inc. HOUSTON 10/30/2008 11525.00000 29-38-02.0 N TX AM WQIF898 095-22-18.6 W 0003607999 Franklin Group Inc. Houston 10/30/2008 11175.00000 29-44-57.4 N TX AM 095-31-00.5 W 0003608003 Franklin Group Inc. HOUSTON 10/30/2008 10815.00000 29-42-06.8 N TX AM 095-31-00.5 W 0003608003 Franklin Group Inc. HOUSTON 10/30/2008 11035.00000 29-42-06.8 N TX AM 095-25-54.7 W 0003608004 Franklin Group Inc. HOUSTON 10/30/2008 11305.00000 29-43-50.9 N TX AM 095-25-54.7 W 0003608004 Franklin Group Inc. HOUSTON 10/30/2008 11665.00000 29-43-50.9 N Page 19 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286683A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286683A1.txt
- Carolina Power & Light Company d/b/a PrRoxboro 11/03/2008 06345.49000 36-31-40.5 N NC MD WHC508 078-53-30.0 W 0003634878 Carolina Power & Light Company d/b/a PrRoxboro 11/03/2008 06845.00000 36-31-40.5 N NC MD WHC508 078-53-30.0 W 0003634878 Carolina Power & Light Company d/b/a PrRoxboro 11/03/2008 06865.00000 36-31-40.5 N NC MD WEE966 079-04-16.0 W 0003634880 Carolina Power & Light Company d/b/a PrROXBORO 11/03/2008 06093.45000 36-29-00.5 N NC MD WEE966 079-04-16.0 W 0003634880 Carolina Power & Light Company d/b/a PrROXBORO 11/03/2008 06705.00000 36-29-00.5 N OR MD WNTF927 119-59-55.1 W 0003635074 PACIFICORP HEPPNER JUNCTIO 11/03/2008 00953.95000 45-45-48.4 N OR MD WNTF927 119-59-55.1 W 0003635074 PACIFICORP HEPPNER JUNCTIO 11/03/2008 00959.30000 45-45-48.4 N UT MD KCR27 111-53-24.7 W 0003635174 PACIFICORP SALT LAKE CITY 11/03/2008 06197.24000 40-48-29.8 N UT MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286957A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286957A1.txt
- W 0003652511 Alltel Communications, LLC CULLODEN 11/17/2008 38-26-40.0 N KY MD KNKA393 082-50-28.1 W 0003652511 Alltel Communications, LLC GREENUP 11/17/2008 38-34-08.8 N WV MD KNKA393 082-24-05.5 W 0003652511 Alltel Communications, LLC HUNTINGTON 11/17/2008 38-25-10.3 N OH MD KNKA393 082-35-33.6 W 0003652511 Alltel Communications, LLC OAKHILL 11/17/2008 38-47-04.4 N KY MD KNKA393 082-53-28.9 W 0003652511 Alltel Communications, LLC South Shore 11/17/2008 38-43-00.5 N WV MD KNKA393 082-27-03.7 W 0003652511 Alltel Communications, LLC Wayne 11/17/2008 38-13-30.8 N Page 40 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WV MD KNKA393 082-25-09.5 W 0003652511 Alltel Communications, LLC WAYNE 11/17/2008 38-16-25.3 N KY MD KNKA393 082-41-29.0 W 0003652511 Alltel Communications, LLC WORTHINGTON 11/17/2008
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286958A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286958A1.txt
- W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andESCANABA 11/18/2008 45-46-47.3 N MI MD KNKQ320 085-41-03.3 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andGOULD CITY 11/18/2008 46-05-57.4 N MI MD KNKQ320 085-59-36.0 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andGRAND MARAIS 11/18/2008 46-38-29.0 N MI MD KNKQ320 086-00-42.5 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andGulliver 11/18/2008 46-01-00.5 N MI MD KNKQ320 084-28-04.3 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andKinross 11/18/2008 46-15-47.2 N MI MD KNKQ320 084-37-18.7 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andMackinac Island 11/18/2008 45-50-53.2 N MI MD KNKQ320 086-46-25.9 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andMunising 11/18/2008 46-26-27.4 N MI MD KNKQ320 086-38-06.0 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287094A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287094A1.txt
- Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MI AM KNKQ320 085-41-03.3 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andGOULD CITY 11/25/2008 46-05-57.4 N MI AM KNKQ320 085-59-36.0 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andGRAND MARAIS 11/25/2008 46-38-29.0 N MI AM KNKQ320 086-00-42.5 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andGulliver 11/25/2008 46-01-00.5 N MI AM KNKQ320 084-28-04.3 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andKinross 11/25/2008 46-15-47.2 N MI AM KNKQ320 084-37-18.7 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andMackinac Island 11/25/2008 45-50-53.2 N MI AM KNKQ320 086-46-25.9 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andMunising 11/25/2008 46-26-27.4 N MI AM KNKQ320 086-38-06.0 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287096A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287096A1.txt
- CONSERVRED ROCK 11/24/2008 10588.12500 32-35-15.1 N AZ MD WNEW719 111-11-54.4 W 0003658948 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVMARANA 11/24/2008 10578.75000 32-23-12.0 N AZ MD WNEW719 111-11-54.4 W 0003658948 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVMARANA 11/24/2008 11178.12500 32-23-12.0 N AZ MD WNEW721 111-14-45.0 W 0003658949 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVTUCSON 11/24/2008 06595.62500 32-18-07.1 N AZ MD WNEF378 112-04-06.2 W 0003658951 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPHOENIX 11/24/2008 06595.00000 33-42-00.5 N AZ MD WNEF378 112-04-06.2 W 0003658951 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPHOENIX 11/24/2008 06815.00000 33-42-00.5 N AZ MD WNEF378 112-04-06.2 W 0003658951 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPHOENIX 11/24/2008 11245.00000 33-42-00.5 N AZ MD WNEF376 111-23-25.3 W 0003658952 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVMARANA 11/24/2008 06625.00000 32-19-10.2 N AZ MD WNEF376 111-23-25.3 W 0003658952 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVMARANA 11/24/2008 06740.62500 32-19-10.2 N AZ MD WNEF376
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287358A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287358A1.txt
- Commission Blaine 12/08/2008 00132.40000 45-08-14.9 N NY NE 076-07-23.2 W 0003669350 Piedmont Hawthorne Aviation LLC. DBA LSyracuse 12/08/2008 00122.95000 43-06-19.0 N FL NE 080-05-06.7 W 0003670932 Palm Beach, County Of Lantana 12/09/2008 00122.70000 26-35-20.5 N KY NE 084-38-21.9 W 0003673782 Delta AirElite Jet Center Covington 12/11/2008 00122.95000 39-02-31.1 N LA NE 093-18-01.6 W 0003674711 Minden, City of Minden 12/11/2008 00122.80000 32-39-00.5 N Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City GA NE 084-11-14.1 W 0003675641 Piedmont Hawthorne Aviation LLC. DBA LAlbany 12/12/2008 00122.95000 31-31-55.3 N RO WLA4 0003669527 Wellington Municipal Airport 12/08/2008 RO KLV7 0003671050 NASSAU COUNTY OF 12/09/2008 RO KOK6 0003671518 GLYNN COUNTY AIRPORT
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A1.pdf
- Safety-Valve 1 0.0 3 0.0 High-Cost Model Support 358 5.4 346 5.0 Long Term Support 4 0.1 0 0.0 Interstate Common Line Support 1,266 19.1 1,392 20.0 Interstate Access Support 681 10.3 645 9.3 Local Switching Support 448 6.8 460 6.6 Low-Income Support 820 12.4 823 11.8 School and Libraries 1,669 25.2 1,808 26.0 Rural Health Care 41 0.6 37 0.5 All Universal Service Support $6,626 100.0% $6,955 100.0% Disbursements Distribution of Universal Service Payments: 2007 Chart 1.1 Table 1.11 Universal Service Support Mechanisms: 2006 & 2007 (Dollars in Millions) Source: Universal Service Administration Company (USAC). Disbursements 2006 2007 Notes: Figures may not add due to rounding. The figures used in this table are for the calendar year and include disbursements
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A11.pdf
- Commitments Met 98.4 96.8 99.2 99.2 99.7 99.6 98.9 98.1 97.9 Residence 98.4 98.2 99.3 99.2 99.7 99.6 99.0 98.3 98.1 Business 98.3 87.7 99.1 98.8 99.5 98.9 98.1 96.9 95.4 Average Installation Interval (days) 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.3 0.1 1.4 1.5 0.9 Residence 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.1 1.5 1.4 0.8 Business 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.6 3.1 0.5 1.4 2.0 2.2 Average Out of Service Repair Interval (hours) 21.7 18.0 30.9 30.3 21.6 16.3 25.1 39.3 22.4 Residence 22.3 19.8 32.1 31.2 22.2 17.0 26.4 44.3 24.0 Business 18.5 10.6 23.8 25.3 17.7 13.8 20.6 15.4 13.1 Initial Trouble Reports per Thousand Lines 164.7 241.6 101.2 220.8 147.4 107.7 175.7 156.1 163.4 Total MSA 165.3 233.7 100.3 216.3
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A3.pdf
- Safety-Valve 1 0.0 3 0.0 High-Cost Model Support 358 5.4 346 5.0 Long Term Support 4 0.1 0 0.0 Interstate Common Line Support 1,266 19.1 1,392 20.0 Interstate Access Support 681 10.3 645 9.3 Local Switching Support 448 6.8 460 6.6 Low-Income Support 820 12.4 823 11.8 School and Libraries 1,669 25.2 1,808 26.0 Rural Health Care 41 0.6 37 0.5 All Universal Service Support $6,626 100.0% $6,955 100.0% Disbursements Distribution of Universal Service Payments: 2007 Chart 1.1 Table 1.11 Universal Service Support Mechanisms: 2006 & 2007 (Dollars in Millions) Source: Universal Service Administration Company (USAC). Disbursements 2006 2007 Notes: Figures may not add due to rounding. The figures used in this table are for the calendar year and include disbursements
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A5.pdf
- Total 56 126 183 500 602 757 9151028107211321188126316901718223525922935326534683796411042874428 19861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008 3 - 14 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001 CETCs 5.7 - - 0.3 8.0 - 1.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A8.pdf
- 94.9 91.6 -3.3 Florida 88.7 93.6 4.9 * Georgia 86.2 92.6 6.4 * Hawaii 93.5 96.0 2.5 Idaho 90.7 96.4 5.7 * Illinois 94.2 94.1 -0.1 Indiana 91.6 90.4 -1.2 Iowa 96.2 97.0 0.8 Kansas 94.3 96.2 1.8 Kentucky 88.1 94.4 6.2 * Louisiana 89.7 94.9 5.2 * Maine 93.4 96.6 3.2 * Maryland 95.7 95.5 -0.1 Massachusetts 95.9 96.3 0.5 Michigan 92.8 95.0 2.2 Minnesota 95.8 97.9 2.0 Mississippi 82.4 90.5 8.1 * Missouri 91.5 96.1 4.6 * Montana 91.0 95.4 4.4 * Nebraska 95.7 93.7 -2.0 Nevada 90.4 95.2 4.9 * New Hampshire 94.3 96.8 2.5 * New Jersey 94.8 95.7 0.9 New Mexico 82.0 91.6 9.6 * New York 91.8 93.4 1.6 North Carolina 88.3 94.5 6.3 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A9.pdf
- 15.6 14.6 15.9 6.2 8.0 1982 10.8 9.0 2.7 3.9 4.2 1.7 1983 3.1 0.2 1.4 0.0 7.4 3.9 1984 17.2 10.4 -4.3 -5.1 3.6 3.8 1985 8.9 12.4 -3.7 -3.0 0.6 2.1 1986 7.1 8.9 -9.4 -10.0 0.3 -3.5 1987 3.3 2.6 -12.4 -11.8 -3.0 -3.0 1988 4.5 4.6 -4.2 -2.1 -4.2 -3.8 1989 0.6 1.9 -1.3 -1.7 -2.6 0.5 1990 1.0 1.5 -3.7 -0.1 -2.2 -2.2 1991 5.1 2.1 1.3 -1.3 -1.5 -2.6 1992 0.5 -0.2 -1.3 1.0 -2.4 1.3 1993 1.0 0.8 6.5 3.8 0.2 -1.1 1994 -0.3 0.7 5.4 6.1 -1.0 -1.4 1995 2.6 ** 0.1 ** -3.8 ** 1996 0.9 0.2 3.7 0.8 6.1 0.9 1997 1.0 0.1 -4.3 7.8 2.8 -4.3 1998 1.3 0.0 -0.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287839A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287839A1.txt
- W 0003695852 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologBrooklyn 01/08/2009 22075.00000 40-37-04.3 N IN MD KBU99 086-00-05.9 W 0003695970 INDIANAPOLIS POWER AND LIGHT COINDIANAPOLIS 01/08/2009 02146.00000 39-40-53.1 N IN MD KBU99 086-00-05.9 W 0003695970 INDIANAPOLIS POWER AND LIGHT COINDIANAPOLIS 01/08/2009 11623.75000 39-40-53.1 N NY MD WNTR470 073-59-44.5 W 0003696889 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY NEW YORK 01/08/2009 18142.00000 - 18580.00000 40-43-46.3 N NY MD WNTV908 074-00-00.5 W 0003696943 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY NEW YORK 01/08/2009 18142.00000 - 18502.00000 40-43-48.3 N NY MD WNTV904 073-59-30.5 W 0003696968 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY NEW YORK 01/08/2009 18142.00000 - 18502.00000 40-43-56.3 N NY MD WPWF765 073-59-53.5 W 0003696973 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY NEW YORK 01/08/2009 18142.00000 - 18580.00000 40-43-36.3 N WV MD WNTA664 080-32-48.2 W 0003696998 Allegheny Power WEIRTON 01/08/2009 02191.20000 40-24-03.2 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288105A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288105A1.txt
- 37-23-09.5 N VA RM KLF629 077-24-30.0 W 0003699337 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. CHESTER 01/12/2009 00158.70000 37-20-23.0 N VA RM KLF629 077-15-16.9 W 0003699337 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. CHRISTEL 01/12/2009 00158.70000 37-44-32.5 N VA RM KLF629 078-24-19.0 W 0003699337 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. Danville 01/12/2009 00158.70000 36-34-16.0 N VA RM KLF629 077-17-43.9 W 0003699337 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. HOPEWELL 01/12/2009 00158.70000 37-17-00.5 N VA RM KLF629 077-18-13.9 W 0003699337 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. HOPEWELL 01/12/2009 00158.70000 37-17-23.5 N VA RM KLF629 077-23-59.9 W 0003699337 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. PETERSBURG 01/12/2009 00152.24000 37-10-27.5 N VA RM KLF629 077-23-59.9 W 0003699337 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. PETERSBURG 01/12/2009 00158.70000 37-10-27.5 N Page 3 CD - Paging and Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288352A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288352A1.txt
- WA MD WLK850 123-02-52.7 W 0003730454 WHIDBEY TELEPHONE COMPANY MAPLE BEACH 02/06/2009 06404.79000 48-59-39.3 N WA MD WLK849 122-50-28.6 W 0003730455 WHIDBEY TELEPHONE COMPANY EASTSOUND 02/06/2009 05945.20000 48-40-47.3 N WA MD WLK849 122-50-28.6 W 0003730455 WHIDBEY TELEPHONE COMPANY EASTSOUND 02/06/2009 06063.80000 48-40-47.3 N WA MD WLK849 122-50-28.6 W 0003730455 WHIDBEY TELEPHONE COMPANY EASTSOUND 02/06/2009 06093.45000 48-40-47.3 N WA MD WGX509 122-27-00.5 W 0003730456 WHIDBEY TELEPHONE COMPANY LANGLEY 02/06/2009 06197.24000 48-00-27.3 N WA MD WGX509 122-27-00.5 W 0003730456 WHIDBEY TELEPHONE COMPANY LANGLEY 02/06/2009 06315.84000 48-00-27.3 N RI MD WQJW457 071-25-08.2 W 0003730922 Towerstream Corp Broadway 02/06/2009 11445.00000 41-49-15.0 N RI MD WQJW807 071-27-12.2 W 0003730931 Towerstream Corp Cransto 02/06/2009 11305.00000 41-44-31.3 N TX MD WQJW820 096-47-34.7 W 0003730978 Towerstream Corp Dallas 02/06/2009
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288533A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288533A1.txt
- COMCORONA 02/11/2009 17745.00000 33-47-54.0 N CA MD WHJ741 117-37-23.1 W 0003735857 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMCORONA 02/11/2009 19360.00000 33-47-54.0 N AZ MD WQAZ841 111-37-45.6 W 0003735882 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. FLAGSTAFF 02/11/2009 19380.00000 35-11-50.0 N AZ MD WQAZ841 111-37-45.6 W 0003735882 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. FLAGSTAFF 02/11/2009 19680.00000 35-11-50.0 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0003736699 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 02/11/2009 06152.75000 46-14-00.5 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0003736699 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 02/11/2009 06640.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0003736699 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 02/11/2009 17840.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0003736699 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 02/11/2009 17950.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0003736699 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 02/11/2009 17965.00000 46-14-00.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288793A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288793A1.txt
- RAILROAD COMPANYSANDERSON 02/20/2009 00928.53125 30-07-55.6 N TX NE 102-23-55.5 W 0003744753 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYSANDERSON 02/20/2009 00952.53125 30-07-55.6 N WY NE 104-06-00.0 W 0003744788 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYALBIN 02/20/2009 00928.71875 41-28-41.0 N WY NE 104-06-00.0 W 0003744788 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYALBIN 02/20/2009 00952.71875 41-28-41.0 N TX NE 095-28-55.7 W 0003745165 Franklin Group Inc. HOUSTON 02/20/2009 11465.00000 29-44-56.8 N TX NE 095-31-00.5 W 0003745171 Franklin Group Inc. HOUSTON 02/20/2009 10975.00000 29-42-06.8 N AK NE 150-55-27.7 W 0003745173 ConocoPhillips Communications Inc. Alipine 02/20/2009 06226.89000 70-20-39.8 N AK NE 150-11-23.2 W 0003745216 ConocoPhillips Communications Inc Alpine 02/20/2009 05974.85000 70-23-40.3 N TX NE 097-27-17.0 W 0003745479 Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, InGonzales 02/20/2009 06197.24000 29-31-11.0 N TX NE 097-31-41.0 W 0003745698 Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, InCost
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288978A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288978A1.txt
- 02/25/2009 06695.00000 40-09-48.2 N IN MD WNEM823 087-19-09.1 W 0003753962 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEGARY 02/26/2009 11621.25000 41-35-18.1 N IN MD KSH40 087-17-58.1 W 0003753966 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEGARY 02/26/2009 11131.25000 41-35-30.1 N KS MD WPOR340 097-19-56.6 W 0003754498 U S D 259 WICHITA 02/26/2009 23070.00000 37-41-43.9 N KS MD WPOR280 097-19-21.4 W 0003754511 U S D 259 WICHITA 02/26/2009 21870.00000 37-42-00.5 N MA NE 071-06-49.3 W 0003751760 BOSTON CATHOLIC TELEVISION CENTMilton 02/24/2009 05974.85000 42-12-42.6 N MA NE 071-06-49.3 W 0003751760 BOSTON CATHOLIC TELEVISION CENTMilton 02/24/2009 10775.00000 42-12-42.6 N MA NE 071-13-05.0 W 0003751761 BOSTON CATHOLIC TELEVISION CENTANDOVER 02/24/2009 06315.84000 42-39-18.0 N MA NE 071-13-05.0 W 0003751761 BOSTON CATHOLIC TELEVISION CENTANDOVER 02/24/2009 11175.00000 42-39-18.0 N UT NE 112-02-29.0 W 0003752345 CENTRAL WEBER
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288979A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288979A1.txt
- W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andESCANABA 02/23/2009 45-46-47.3 N MI AM KNKQ320 085-41-03.3 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andGOULD CITY 02/23/2009 46-05-57.4 N MI AM KNKQ320 085-59-36.0 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andGRAND MARAIS 02/23/2009 46-38-29.0 N MI AM KNKQ320 086-00-42.5 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andGulliver 02/23/2009 46-01-00.5 N MI AM KNKQ320 084-28-04.3 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andKinross 02/23/2009 46-15-47.2 N MI AM KNKQ320 084-37-18.7 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andMackinac Island 02/23/2009 45-50-53.2 N MI AM KNKQ320 086-46-25.9 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan RSA #1 andMunising 02/23/2009 46-26-27.4 N MI AM KNKQ320 086-38-06.0 W 0003652676 ALLTEL Wireless of Michigan
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289105A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289105A1.txt
- Inc. ROSEBURG 03/03/2009 06826.25000 43-12-04.0 N OR MD WMR738 123-23-00.0 W 0003759116 USCOC of Oregon RSA #5, Inc. ROSEBURG 03/03/2009 06835.62500 43-12-04.0 N OR MD WMR738 123-23-00.0 W 0003759116 USCOC of Oregon RSA #5, Inc. ROSEBURG 03/03/2009 06856.25000 43-12-04.0 N OR MD WMR738 123-23-00.0 W 0003759116 USCOC of Oregon RSA #5, Inc. ROSEBURG 03/03/2009 10618.75000 43-12-04.0 N OR MD WMN740 123-49-00.5 W 0003759151 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ASTORIA 03/03/2009 06197.24000 46-10-53.3 N OR MD WMN740 123-49-00.5 W 0003759151 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ASTORIA 03/03/2009 06645.00000 46-10-53.3 N NC MD WLS725 077-13-52.8 W 0003759609 USCOC OF GREATER NORTH CAROLINTUSCARORA 03/04/2009 06152.75000 35-08-24.6 N NC MD WLS725 077-13-52.8 W 0003759609 USCOC OF GREATER NORTH CAROLINTUSCARORA 03/04/2009 06197.24000 35-08-24.6 N NC MD WLS725 077-13-52.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289167A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289167A1.txt
- Avg. AT&T BellSouth Weighted AT&T Avg. (excluding BellSouth) Qwest 19 ARMIS 43-05 Report 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 AT&T Ameritech 2.1 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.7 AT&T BellSouth 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.4 AT&T Pacific 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.3 AT&T Southwestern 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 1.1 1.0 AT&T SNET 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.8 Qwest 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 Verizon GTE 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.8 Verizon North (Combined with Verizon South) Verizon South 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.3 1.4 Embarq (formerly Sprint) 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.6 Weighted BOC/Embarq Composite* 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 * Weighted composite is calculated using access line counts. Chart 5A Average Residential Installation Interval
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289169A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289169A1.txt
- 94.7 7.8 * Louisiana 88.9 95.9 6.9 Maine 90.7 97.6 6.9 * Maryland 96.3 93.3 -2.9 Massachusetts 94.3 96.7 2.4 Michigan 93.8 96.0 2.2 Minnesota 96.4 98.3 2.0 Mississippi 82.4 93.0 10.7 * Missouri 92.1 97.0 4.9 * Montana 92.8 94.9 2.1 Nebraska 94.0 95.6 1.6 Nevada 89.4 95.8 6.4 * New Hampshire 95.0 98.2 3.2 New Jersey 94.1 94.6 0.5 New Mexico 85.3 92.4 7.1 New York 90.8 94.3 3.4 * North Carolina 89.3 94.5 5.2 * North Dakota 95.1 98.8 3.7 Ohio 92.2 97.0 4.8 * Oklahoma 91.5 95.1 3.6 Oregon 91.2 97.5 6.3 * Pennsylvania 95.1 97.6 2.5 Rhode Island 93.3 97.3 4.0 South Carolina 81.8 90.1 8.3 * South Dakota 92.7 97.8 5.1 * Tennessee 87.6 93.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289173A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289173A1.txt
- CLEC resources. 14 Table 4 Telephone Number Utilization by State as of June 30, 2008 Assigned Intermediate Reserved Aging Administrative Available1 Total State/jurisdiction 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s Alabama 9,348 42.8 584 2.7 128 0.6 601 2.8 333 1.5 10,840 49.6 21,835 Alaska 1,472 26.4 6 0.1 185 3.3 87 1.6 30 0.5 3,806 68.1 5,585 American Samoa 20 67.9 0 0.0 1 2.8 1 3.3 0 1.6 7 24.5 30 Arizona 13,075 63.0 98 0.5 186 0.9 707 3.4 211 1.0 6,483 31.2 20,760 Arkansas 4,981 34.7 486 3.4 68 0.5 302 2.1 168 1.2 8,333 58.1 14,338 California 81,155 52.4 2,019 1.3 896 0.6 4,532 2.9 2,818 1.8 63,320 40.9 154,739
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289324A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289324A1.txt
- CCPR SERVICES INC. MAYAGUEZ 03/10/2009 11642.50000 18-10-58.6 N CO NE 107-54-57.8 W 0003766618 Questar Infocomm Incorporated Rifle 03/10/2009 06776.25000 39-43-09.2 N CO NE 107-22-50.1 W 0003766628 Questar Infocomm Incorporated Glenwood Springs 03/10/2009 06616.25000 39-25-34.3 N CO NE 107-22-50.1 W 0003766628 Questar Infocomm Incorporated Glenwood Springs 03/10/2009 06683.75000 39-25-34.3 N CO NE 107-49-25.6 W 0003766636 Questar Infocomm Incorporated Rifle 03/10/2009 06843.75000 39-32-00.5 N CO NE 107-57-02.3 W 0003767119 STELERA WIRELESS, LLC CEDAREDGE 03/11/2009 11225.00000 38-58-24.6 N TX NE 095-39-39.4 W 0003767293 GTE Mobilnet of South Texas Limited PartHouston 03/11/2009 05945.20000 29-42-32.2 N TX NE 095-39-39.4 W 0003767293 GTE Mobilnet of South Texas Limited PartHouston 03/11/2009 05974.85000 29-42-32.2 N TX NE 095-39-39.4 W 0003767293 GTE Mobilnet of South Texas Limited PartHouston 03/11/2009 06034.15000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289325A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289325A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WQJZ353 122-15-46.6 W 0003764421 ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF OAKLAND 03/09/2009 11365.00000 37-48-05.2 N CA MD WQJZ353 122-15-46.6 W 0003764421 ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF OAKLAND 03/09/2009 11565.00000 37-48-05.2 N CA MD WQJZ353 122-15-46.6 W 0003764421 ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF OAKLAND 03/09/2009 11622.50000 37-48-05.2 N AZ MD KOK44 112-04-00.5 W 0003766013 ARIZONA, STATE OF PHOENIX 03/10/2009 06615.62500 33-19-57.1 N FL MD WQIP417 081-56-11.1 W 0003767019 Cape Coral, City of Cape Coral 03/11/2009 00928.00625 26-36-19.0 N FL MD WQIP417 081-56-11.1 W 0003767019 Cape Coral, City of Cape Coral 03/11/2009 00928.60625 26-36-19.0 N FL MD WQIP417 081-56-11.1 W 0003767019 Cape Coral, City of Cape Coral 03/11/2009 00952.00625 26-36-19.0 N FL MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289834A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289834A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289834A1.txt
- their Equal Employment Opportunity programs conducted pursuant to §76.77 of this chapter. §0.455 Other locations at which records may be inspected. Except as provided in §0.453, §0.457, and §0.459, records are routinely available for inspection in the Reference Information Center or the offices of the Bureau or Office which exercises responsibility over the matters to which those records pertain (see §0.5), or will be made available for inspection at those offices upon request. Upon inquiry to the appropriate Bureau or Office, persons desiring to inspect such records will be directed to the specific location at which the particular records may be inspected. Examples of the records available from Bureaus and Offices are set forth in paragraphs (a) through (c). (a) Media
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289859A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289859A1.txt
- MD WNEI272 118-58-45.4 W 0003791118 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Shaver Lake 03/30/2009 06680.00000 37-00-39.8 N CA MD WAV739 118-58-26.4 W 0003791119 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Shaver Lake 03/30/2009 06805.00000 37-04-37.8 N Page 33 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD KMJ72 119-46-00.5 W 0003791120 Pacific Gas and Electric Company FRESNO 03/30/2009 06765.00000 36-43-09.8 N CA MD WNEX247 119-00-36.4 W 0003791121 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Shaver Lake 03/30/2009 00957.20000 37-01-47.8 N AK MD WGX772 148-51-41.0 W 0003791903 BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. PRUDHOE BAY 03/31/2009 11455.00000 70-18-44.0 N TX MD WQJE538 096-48-14.0 W 0003792329 Edu-Net, LLC Dallas 03/31/2009 11365.00000 32-46-48.0 N TX MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290060A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290060A1.txt
- License, LLC 04/08/2009 RO WPOL852 0003801530 Omnipoint NY MTA License, LLC 04/08/2009 RO WPOL888 0003801531 Omnipoint NY MTA License, LLC 04/08/2009 RO WPOL889 0003801532 Omnipoint NY MTA License, LLC 04/08/2009 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NM MD WQJE415 104-54-48.3 W 0003797648 Excomm, LLC Cimarron 04/06/2009 36-31-00.5 N NM MD WQJE415 105-02-56.0 W 0003797648 Excomm, LLC Ocate 04/06/2009 36-10-30.0 N NM MD WQJE415 104-56-42.1 W 0003797648 Excomm, LLC Philmont 04/06/2009 36-27-51.5 N MT MD KNKN430 108-53-42.7 W 0003797898 WWC HOLDING CO., INC. Broadview 04/06/2009 46-04-08.8 N MO MD KNKN466 093-07-59.5 W 0003803769 USCOC OF GREATER MISSOURI, LLCMENDON 04/10/2009 39-33-15.2 N AZ NE 112-43-10.9 W 0003797858 Tisdale Telephone
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290425A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290425A1.txt
- th 445 12St., S.W. Below is a listing of applications, subject to the pre-grant notice and petition procedure of Section 309 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that were accepted for filing. MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ AM KOK44 112-04-00.5 W 0003766013 ARIZONA, STATE OF PHOENIX 04/23/2009 06655.62500 33-19-57.1 N AZ AM KOK44 112-04-00.5 W 0003766013 ARIZONA, STATE OF PHOENIX 04/20/2009 06655.62500 33-19-57.1 N NJ AM WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003815829 County of Cape May - MIS Department Cape May 04/23/2009 11015.00000 39-05-00.1 N NJ AM WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003815829 County of Cape May - MIS Department Cape May 04/23/2009 11095.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290575A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290575A1.txt
- W 0003824918 AT&T CORP. WESTBURY 05/01/2009 11235.00000 40-44-08.4 N NY NE 073-34-58.7 W 0003824918 AT&T CORP. WESTBURY 05/01/2009 11285.00000 40-44-08.4 N NY NE 073-43-37.4 W 0003824919 AT&T CORP. BELLEROSE 05/01/2009 10745.00000 40-45-00.3 N NY NE 073-31-11.2 W 0003824920 AT&T CORP. WANTAGH 05/01/2009 10795.00000 40-40-17.1 N NY NE 073-40-30.0 W 0003825267 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC PEASLEEVILLE 05/01/2009 10636.25000 44-34-24.0 N NY NE 073-26-00.5 W 0003825271 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC WILLSBORO 05/01/2009 10571.25000 44-24-12.2 N NY NE 073-40-15.8 W 0003825658 AT&T CORP. ROSLYN 05/01/2009 19490.00000 40-45-52.2 N MD NE 076-33-30.5 W 0003825659 AT&T CORP. BALTIMORE 05/01/2009 10905.00000 39-21-18.0 N DC NE 077-02-28.8 W 0003825661 AT&T CORP. WASHINGTON 05/01/2009 22080.00000 38-53-59.9 N DC NE 076-59-40.6 W 0003825662 AT&T CORP. WASHINGTON 05/01/2009 21880.00000 38-51-02.2 N MD NE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290669A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290669A1.txt
- 46-19-54.0 N GA NE 085-11-42.8 W 0003830983 CATOOSA COUNTY LAFAYETTE 05/07/2009 05974.85000 34-41-12.9 N GA NE 085-11-42.8 W 0003830983 CATOOSA COUNTY LAFAYETTE 05/07/2009 06152.75000 34-41-12.9 N GA NE 085-07-39.2 W 0003830984 CATOOSA COUNTY RINGGOLD 05/07/2009 05974.85000 34-51-03.9 N GA NE 085-07-39.2 W 0003830984 CATOOSA COUNTY RINGGOLD 05/07/2009 06404.79000 34-51-03.9 N GA NE 085-01-07.0 W 0003830985 CATOOSA COUNTY DALTON 05/07/2009 06226.89000 34-44-00.5 N GA NE 085-01-07.0 W 0003830985 CATOOSA COUNTY DALTON 05/07/2009 06345.49000 34-44-00.5 N TN NE 085-04-26.0 W 0003830986 CATOOSA COUNTY COLLEGEDALE 05/07/2009 06093.45000 35-01-32.0 N TN NE 085-20-42.6 W 0003830987 CATOOSA COUNTY LOOKOUT MOUNTA 05/07/2009 06226.89000 35-00-11.9 N WA RM WNEO652 122-54-40.5 W 0003826321 WASHINGTON, STATE OF; Dept. of TranTUMWATER 05/04/2009 00958.35000 47-00-44.3 N WA RM WNEO652 122-54-40.5 W 0003826321
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290674A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290674A1.txt
- 259 WICHITA 05/07/2009 17960.00000 37-41-33.7 N TX MD WHC798 095-49-03.8 W 0003831646 BNSF Railway Co. ROSENBERG 05/08/2009 06675.00000 29-33-39.8 N TX MD WHC798 095-49-03.8 W 0003831646 BNSF Railway Co. ROSENBERG 05/08/2009 06695.00000 29-33-39.8 N TX MD WHC797 095-27-58.7 W 0003831659 BNSF Railway Co. FRESNO 05/08/2009 06855.00000 29-32-54.8 N KY NE P 084-49-00.0 W 0003826253 HUSTONVILLE WATER WORKS HUSTONVILLE 05/04/2009 00956.35625 37-28-00.5 N WI NE 088-19-04.4 W 0003826376 WFRV & WJMN TELEVISION STATION IGreen Bay 05/04/2009 11285.00000 44-17-48.8 N WI NE 087-58-55.7 W 0003826378 WFRV & WJMN TELEVISION STATION IDe Pere, WI 05/04/2009 10795.00000 44-20-00.1 N WI NE 087-58-55.7 W 0003826378 WFRV & WJMN TELEVISION STATION IDe Pere, WI 05/04/2009 10875.00000 44-20-00.1 N Page 39 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose
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- W 0003834043 AT&T CORP. BROOKLYN 05/11/2009 11425.00000 40-34-49.9 N NY NE 074-00-01.2 W 0003834044 AT&T CORP. BROOKLYN 05/11/2009 11315.00000 40-35-50.9 N Page 14 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OR NE 118-36-20.0 W 0003834148 Pocketinet Communications, Inc. Pendleton 05/11/2009 06345.49000 45-36-00.5 N WA NE 120-31-56.0 W 0003834162 Pocketinet Communications, Inc. Yakima 05/11/2009 19620.00000 46-36-34.0 N WA NE 120-30-41.2 W 0003834179 Pocketinet Communications, Inc. Yakima 05/11/2009 18060.00000 46-31-56.4 N NJ NE 075-03-02.8 W 0003834613 TELECOM TRANSPORT MANAGEMENTHADDON HEIGHTS 05/12/2009 23030.00000 39-52-33.9 N TX NE 098-53-42.9 W 0003835000 San Antonio MTA, L.P. Devine 05/12/2009 06123.10000 29-09-14.2 N TX NE 098-53-42.9 W 0003835000 San
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290862A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290862A1.txt
- 05/12/2009 00815.96250 NE MD WQKD475 099-07-52.3 W 0003835840 Nextel License Holdings 4, Inc. KEARNEY 05/12/2009 00860.96250 40-42-38.0 N NE MD WQKD475 099-05-33.3 W 0003835840 Nextel License Holdings 4, Inc. PLEASANTON 05/12/2009 00860.96250 40-53-37.0 N MD WQIJ801 A 0003837091 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP. 05/13/2009 00806.00000 - 00821.00000 LA MD WQIJ801 092-08-54.5 W 0003837091 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP. WEST MONROE 05/13/2009 00851.01250 32-31-00.5 N LA MD WQIJ801 092-08-54.5 W 0003837091 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP. WEST MONROE 05/13/2009 00852.01250 32-31-00.5 N RO WNPJ209 0003837152 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS OF THE M 05/13/2009 RO WNPJ210 0003837153 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS OF THE M 05/13/2009 RO KNDN357 0003837158 Nextel Communications of the Mid-Atlantic 05/13/2009 RO KNDN385 0003837159 Nextel Communications of the Mid-Atlantic 05/13/2009 RO WPNW609 0003837160 Nextel Communications of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290864A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290864A1.txt
- District Tucson 05/11/2009 19540.00000 32-15-56.8 N WY NE 105-52-52.0 W 0003833955 CAMPBELL COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARGILLETTE 05/11/2009 06630.62500 43-43-26.6 N WY NE 105-52-52.0 W 0003833955 CAMPBELL COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARGILLETTE 05/11/2009 06655.62500 43-43-26.6 N WY NE 105-28-07.8 W 0003833959 CAMPBELL COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARGILLETTE 05/11/2009 06790.62500 44-12-33.8 N WY NE 105-28-07.8 W 0003833959 CAMPBELL COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARGILLETTE 05/11/2009 06835.62500 44-12-33.8 N WY NE 105-28-00.5 W 0003833962 CAMPBELL COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARWRIGHT 05/11/2009 06815.62500 43-44-40.5 N CA NE 119-13-09.2 W 0003834953 Ventura County Office of Education Ventura 05/12/2009 10875.00000 34-15-22.0 N NY NE 075-22-35.6 W 0003836280 Oneida, County of ORISKANY 05/12/2009 00956.80000 43-09-21.6 N NY NE 075-14-58.7 W 0003836281 Oneida, County of REMSEN 05/12/2009 00953.20000 43-20-41.7 N IN NE 085-21-55.6 W 0003836617 LAKELAND SCHOOL DISTRICT Wolcottville
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- COMPANYCAMPUS 05/19/2009 06345.94000 41-00-29.0 N IL MD WSI45 088-36-13.2 W 0003844478 COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANYPontiac 05/19/2009 06375.14000 40-50-30.4 N IL MD WSI45 088-36-13.2 W 0003844478 COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANYPontiac 05/19/2009 06404.79000 40-50-30.4 N IL MD WSI45 088-36-13.2 W 0003844478 COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANYPontiac 05/19/2009 06655.00000 40-50-30.4 N IL MD WSI45 088-36-13.2 W 0003844478 COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANYPontiac 05/19/2009 06855.00000 40-50-30.4 N TX MD WQJS606 095-31-00.5 W 0003844796 Franklin Group Inc. HOUSTON 05/19/2009 10975.00000 29-42-06.8 N NM MD WNTP349 107-45-24.0 W 0003844815 Amoco Production Company AZTEC 05/19/2009 00928.63125 36-48-01.0 N NM MD WNTP349 107-45-24.0 W 0003844815 Amoco Production Company AZTEC 05/19/2009 00952.63125 36-48-01.0 N TX MD WQJZ815 095-28-55.7 W 0003844970 Franklin Group Inc. HOUSTON 05/19/2009 11465.00000 29-44-56.8 N TX MD WQJZ815 095-28-55.7 W 0003844970 Franklin Group
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290960A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290960A1.txt
- 42-50-46.3 N WI MD WQBC365 089-02-56.0 W 0003848207 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINEdgerton 05/22/2009 10587.50000 42-50-46.3 N TX MD WQIU833 099-27-27.0 W 0003848214 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC CLYDE 05/22/2009 17920.00000 32-24-24.0 N TX MD WQIU834 099-31-27.4 W 0003848223 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC Clyde 05/22/2009 19480.00000 32-24-56.4 N IL MD WPOP929 088-54-31.3 W 0003848272 Southern Illinois RSA Partnership d/b/a AlINA 05/22/2009 06845.00000 38-10-00.5 N IL MD WMK706 089-00-49.0 W 0003848274 Southern Illinois RSA Partnership d/b/a AlSESSOR 05/22/2009 06197.24000 38-02-14.0 N IL MD WMK706 089-00-49.0 W 0003848274 Southern Illinois RSA Partnership d/b/a AlSESSOR 05/22/2009 06226.89000 38-02-14.0 N IL MD WMK706 089-00-49.0 W 0003848274 Southern Illinois RSA Partnership d/b/a AlSESSOR 05/22/2009 06256.54000 38-02-14.0 N IL MD WMK706 089-00-49.0 W 0003848274 Southern Illinois RSA Partnership d/b/a
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- 122-11-40.5 W 0003857865 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC EVERETT 06/03/2009 19675.00000 47-59-52.8 N WA MD WQFY384 122-19-41.8 W 0003857867 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC DES MOINES 06/03/2009 17920.00000 47-24-56.8 N WA MD WQFY384 122-19-41.8 W 0003857867 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC DES MOINES 06/03/2009 17965.00000 47-24-56.8 N WA MD WQFM358 122-09-13.5 W 0003857868 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings, LLC REDMOND 06/03/2009 21875.00000 47-42-00.5 N WA MD WQFM358 122-09-13.5 W 0003857868 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings, LLC REDMOND 06/03/2009 22125.00000 47-42-00.5 N WA MD WQFM358 122-09-13.5 W 0003857868 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings, LLC REDMOND 06/03/2009 22225.00000 47-42-00.5 N WA MD WQFM358 122-09-13.5 W 0003857868 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings, LLC REDMOND 06/03/2009 22275.00000 47-42-00.5 N WA MD WQFM358 122-09-13.5 W 0003857868 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings, LLC REDMOND 06/03/2009 22375.00000 47-42-00.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291391A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291391A2.txt
- 0.0 0.0100.0 2,445,845,781 0.0 16.7 0.9 30.2 52.3 Gibraltar $246,365 0.0 6.3 0.0 27.0 66.7 $4,802 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 $5,726 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 4,826,028 0.0 2.2 0.0 23.9 74.0 Greece $21,416,006 0.0 17.0 2.0 25.4 55.7 $1,370,124 0.0 20.5 0.0 41.3 38.2 $2,979,742 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 273,428,849 0.0 10.8 5.5 43.2 40.5 Greenland $218,157 0.0 11.5 0.0 0.5 87.9 $567 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 $145 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 495,096 0.0 9.2 0.0 0.6 90.1 Iceland $1,967,657 0.0 7.2 0.2 33.3 59.3 $124,077 0.0 40.9 0.0 35.1 24.0 $1,755 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 19,962,562 0.0 14.8 0.0 43.2 42.0 Ireland $32,519,820 0.0 30.1 0.6 17.3 52.0 $4,074,912 0.0 34.8 0.0 24.7 40.5 $3,931,159 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 486,605,258
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291433A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291433A1.txt
- 0003865528 BATH, TOWNSHIP OF FAIRLAWN 06/10/2009 10558.12500 41-08-02.4 N OH MD WQHX235 081-33-08.0 W 0003865529 BATH, TOWNSHIP OF Akron 06/10/2009 10623.12500 41-04-15.0 N Page 3 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA MD WQDV924 076-17-56.8 W 0003865805 HAMPTON ROADS PLANNING DISTRICPORTSMOUTH 06/11/2009 11015.00000 36-50-00.5 N MA MD KCA71 071-53-11.6 W 0003865806 MASSACHUSETTS, COMMONWEALTH PRINCETON 06/11/2009 00953.70000 42-29-17.4 N MA MD KCA71 071-53-11.6 W 0003865806 MASSACHUSETTS, COMMONWEALTH PRINCETON 06/11/2009 06375.14000 42-29-17.4 N MA MD KCA71 071-53-11.6 W 0003865806 MASSACHUSETTS, COMMONWEALTH PRINCETON 06/11/2009 06404.79000 42-29-17.4 N MA MD KCA71 071-53-11.6 W 0003865806 MASSACHUSETTS, COMMONWEALTH PRINCETON 06/11/2009 06745.00000 42-29-17.4 N MA MD KCA71 071-53-11.6 W 0003865806 MASSACHUSETTS,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291567A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291567A1.txt
- 06/19/2009 06123.10000 26-54-16.0 N FL MD WPWZ620 080-16-25.4 W 0003875695 Verizon Wireless Personal CommunicatioJupiter 06/19/2009 06152.75000 26-54-16.0 N Page 8 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA MD WQFW837 078-50-26.0 W 0003875735 LAST MILE INC. dba STING COMMUNICWINBUR 06/19/2009 06256.54000 40-17-00.5 N PA MD WQFW837 078-50-26.0 W 0003875735 LAST MILE INC. dba STING COMMUNICWINBUR 06/19/2009 06345.49000 40-17-00.5 N PA MD WQFW837 078-50-26.0 W 0003875735 LAST MILE INC. dba STING COMMUNICWINBUR 06/19/2009 11325.00000 40-17-00.5 N PA MD WQFW837 078-50-26.0 W 0003875735 LAST MILE INC. dba STING COMMUNICWINBUR 06/19/2009 11485.00000 40-17-00.5 N FL MD WPNH357 080-24-49.4 W 0003875746 Verizon Wireless Personal CommunicatioPORT SAINT
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291810A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291810A1.txt
- NEWPORT TELEVISION LICENSE LLCEUGENE 06/24/2009 02450.00000 - 02467.00000 44-05-19.4 N OR MD KA88550 P 123-02-34.3 W 0003879894 NEWPORT TELEVISION LICENSE LLCEUGENE 06/24/2009 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 44-05-19.4 N GA MD KC25976 P 084-20-02.0 W 0003881397 WAGA LICENSE, INC. ATLANTA 06/24/2009 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 33-47-51.0 N AZ MD KA88828 P 112-03-54.5 W 0003882249 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS PHOENIX 06/24/2009 01990.00000 - 02008.00000 33-20-00.5 N Page 50 TP - TV Pickup State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD KA88828 P 112-03-54.5 W 0003882249 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS PHOENIX 06/24/2009 02008.00000 - 02110.00000 33-20-00.5 N AZ MD KA88828 P 112-03-54.5 W 0003882249 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS PHOENIX 06/24/2009 02025.00000 - 02025.50000 33-20-00.5 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291811A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291811A1.txt
- W 0003884484 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAmarillo 06/26/2009 17915.00000 35-09-39.6 N TX NE 101-55-07.6 W 0003884484 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAmarillo 06/26/2009 21975.00000 35-09-39.6 N TX NE 102-04-31.0 W 0003884489 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMIDLAND 06/26/2009 19575.00000 32-02-04.0 N TX NE 102-04-31.0 W 0003884489 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMIDLAND 06/26/2009 19675.00000 32-02-04.0 N TX NE 101-37-01.5 W 0003884491 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAmarillo 06/26/2009 11225.00000 35-13-00.5 N TX NE 101-37-01.5 W 0003884491 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAmarillo 06/26/2009 11265.00000 35-13-00.5 N TX NE 097-38-41.1 W 0003884496 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRobstown 06/26/2009 19475.00000 27-48-48.4 N TX NE 097-38-41.1 W 0003884496 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRobstown 06/26/2009 19525.00000 27-48-48.4 N TX NE 097-32-46.5 W 0003884588 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICorpus Christi 06/26/2009 11505.00000 27-50-26.9 N TX NE 097-32-46.5 W 0003884588 CLEARWIRE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291914A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291914A1.txt
- NE 109-23-37.0 W 0003887407 Smith Bagley Inc DBA Cellular One of NE Klageton 06/29/2009 10715.00000 35-34-02.5 N PR NE 066-36-19.4 W 0003887807 CCPR SERVICES, INC PONCE 06/30/2009 11147.50000 18-00-26.8 N PR NE 066-34-56.1 W 0003887830 CCPR SERVICES, INC PONCE 06/30/2009 11637.50000 18-00-38.3 N NH NE 071-42-03.4 W 0003887888 NH #1 RURAL CELLULAR, INC. BRISTOL 06/30/2009 06775.00000 43-38-34.6 N OR NE 121-43-00.5 W 0003887989 Edge Wireless, LLC Klamath Falls 06/30/2009 06412.20000 43-18-21.1 N OR NE 121-25-46.3 W 0003887993 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC La Pine 06/30/2009 06160.16000 43-39-00.7 N IA NE 092-05-35.6 W 0003888339 FARMERS CELLULAR TELEPHONE CODOUDS 06/30/2009 06585.00000 40-48-01.6 N WA NE 119-10-03.0 W 0003888782 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC KENNEWICK 07/01/2009 10637.50000 46-12-54.0 N WA NE 119-11-45.0 W 0003888800 Verizon
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291915A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291915A1.txt
- HOLDINGS II LAS VEGAS 07/01/2009 22125.00000 36-06-54.3 N NV MD WQJD857 115-09-57.3 W 0003889084 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LAS VEGAS 07/01/2009 22225.00000 36-06-54.3 N Page 17 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OR MD WQKK486 122-40-48.3 W 0003889500 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPortland 07/01/2009 22775.00000 45-31-00.5 N OR MD WQIM684 122-40-50.8 W 0003889503 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II PORTLAND 07/01/2009 11225.00000 45-31-17.3 N OR MD WQIM684 122-40-50.8 W 0003889503 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II PORTLAND 07/01/2009 11305.00000 45-31-17.3 N OR MD WQIM684 122-40-50.8 W 0003889503 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II PORTLAND 07/01/2009 19525.00000 45-31-17.3 N OR MD WQIM684 122-40-50.8 W 0003889503 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II PORTLAND 07/01/2009 19625.00000 45-31-17.3
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292137A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292137A1.txt
- 11405.00000 47-42-57.9 N DC NE 077-02-31.6 W 0003901785 MPX Inc Washington 07/15/2009 22035.00000 38-54-07.5 N VA NE 077-04-07.1 W 0003901891 MPX Inc Arlington 07/15/2009 23235.00000 38-53-37.8 N MD NE P 076-30-13.9 W 0003902381 ANNE ARUNDEL, COUNTY OF GLEN BURNIE 07/16/2009 00956.36875 39-11-15.4 N SC NE P 081-46-20.5 W 0003902870 COMMISSION OF PUBLIC WORKS SALUDA 07/16/2009 00956.28125 34-00-05.7 N CO NE 104-49-00.5 W 0003904346 OPEN RANGE COMMUNICATIONS FT LUPTON 07/17/2009 11035.00000 40-05-31.9 N CO NE 105-07-27.5 W 0003904349 OPEN RANGE COMMUNICATIONS FT COLLINS 07/17/2009 21925.00000 40-37-39.5 N RO WNTP326 0003902078 Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, L 07/16/2009 RO WNTP468 0003902079 Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, L 07/16/2009 RO WIA472 0003902132 Louisiana Generating, LLC 07/16/2009 RO WNEF575 0003902148 Louisiana Generating, LLC 07/16/2009 RO
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292194A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292194A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292194A1.txt
- modem service represented 46.7% of these lines while 34.1% were asymmetric DSL (ADSL) connections, 0.1% were symmetric DSL (SDSL) or traditional wireline connections, 2.7% were fiber connections to the end user premises, and 16.4% used other types of technology including satellite, terrestrial fixed or mobile wireless (on a licensed or unlicensed basis), and electric power line. High-speed ADSL increased by 0.5 million lines during the first half of 2008, fiber connections increased by 0.5 million lines, and cable modem service increased by 1.7 million lines. For the full twelve-month period ending June 30, 2008, ADSL increased by 2.2 million lines, fiber connections increased by 1.1 million lines, and cable modem service increased by 3.8 million lines. Advanced Services Lines Advanced services
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292319A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292319A1.txt
- 1 06/23/2009 WPFH879 MO UPPER LAKES FOODS 464.87500000 -- -- 5 1 06/23/2009 WPFH879 MO UPPER LAKES FOODS 464.87500000 -- -- 5 1 06/23/2009 WPFH879 MO UPPER LAKES FOODS 469.87500000 -- -- 5 1 06/23/2009 WPFH879 MO UPPER LAKES FOODS 469.87500000 -- -- 5 1 06/12/2009 WPFT708 FB2 Mississipppi Band of Choctaw Indians d/b/a Chocta 461.95000000 Philadelphia 32-46-11.4 N MS 89-12-0.5 W 2 1 06/12/2009 WPFT708 FB2 Mississipppi Band of Choctaw Indians d/b/a Chocta 463.57500000 Philadelphia 32-46-11.4 N MS 89-12-0.5 W 2 1 06/12/2009 WPFT708 MO Mississipppi Band of Choctaw Indians d/b/a Chocta 461.95000000 Philadelphia 32-46-11.4 N MS 89-12-0.5 W 3 1 06/12/2009 WPFT708 MO Mississipppi Band of Choctaw Indians d/b/a Chocta 463.57500000 Philadelphia 32-46-11.4 N MS 89-12-0.5 W 3 1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292352A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292352A1.txt
- 29-30-50.7 N TX NE 098-26-16.3 W 0003905054 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIITerrell Hills 07/17/2009 22075.00000 29-28-16.2 N TX NE 098-24-00.8 W 0003905055 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Antonio 07/17/2009 23025.00000 29-22-36.3 N TX NE 098-25-44.6 W 0003905057 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISAN ANTONIO 07/17/2009 23025.00000 29-20-55.4 N TX NE 098-32-05.6 W 0003905058 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Antonio 07/17/2009 21825.00000 29-26-47.0 N TX NE 098-28-00.5 W 0003905059 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Antonio 07/17/2009 21825.00000 29-33-09.7 N TX NE 098-27-02.9 W 0003905063 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Antonio 07/17/2009 23025.00000 29-35-03.1 N TX NE 098-27-21.5 W 0003905064 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Antonio 07/17/2009 23025.00000 29-23-02.1 N TX NE 098-33-04.0 W 0003905066 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISAN ANTONIO 07/17/2009 21875.00000 29-30-40.0 N TX NE 098-33-04.0 W 0003905066 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292353A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292353A1.txt
- RO WPOV284 0003908639 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNE 07/22/2009 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WY AM KNKN276 105-59-50.2 W 0003887342 WWC HOLDING CO., INC. Arvada 07/21/2009 44-40-19.1 N WY AM KNKN276 106-16-12.9 W 0003887342 WWC HOLDING CO., INC. Buffalo 07/21/2009 44-11-50.8 N WY AM KNKN276 106-42-00.5 W 0003887342 WWC HOLDING CO., INC. Buffalo 07/21/2009 44-13-57.5 N WY AM KNKN276 107-13-51.3 W 0003887342 WWC HOLDING CO., INC. Dayton 07/21/2009 44-55-15.9 N WY AM KNKN276 106-15-05.4 W 0003887342 WWC HOLDING CO., INC. Edgerton 07/21/2009 43-24-53.0 N Page 11 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292354A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292354A1.txt
- IIITinley Park 07/23/2009 11425.00000 41-33-29.9 N IL NE 088-02-47.0 W 0003910357 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIJoliet 07/23/2009 17965.00000 41-30-44.8 N IL NE 088-02-47.0 W 0003910357 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIJoliet 07/23/2009 18065.00000 41-30-44.8 N IL NE 087-35-52.2 W 0003910358 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChicago 07/23/2009 17815.00000 41-43-58.6 N IL NE 087-35-52.2 W 0003910358 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChicago 07/23/2009 17915.00000 41-43-58.6 N IL NE 087-45-00.5 W 0003910359 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChicago 07/23/2009 17815.00000 41-59-37.1 N IL NE 087-45-00.5 W 0003910359 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChicago 07/23/2009 17915.00000 41-59-37.1 N IL NE 088-20-24.0 W 0003910405 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINorth Aurora 07/23/2009 19375.00000 41-48-07.9 N IL NE 088-20-24.0 W 0003910405 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINorth Aurora 07/23/2009 19475.00000 41-48-07.9 N GM NE 090-56-48.3 W 0003912628 AirTap Communications, LLC 07/24/2009
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292739A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292739A1.txt
- 08/04/2009 19360.00000 39-29-04.3 N NV NE 119-18-02.9 W 0003921500 LYON COUNTY, NEVADA Silver Springs 08/04/2009 19400.00000 39-29-04.3 N NV NE 119-13-34.0 W 0003921507 LYON COUNTY, NEVADA YERINGTON 08/04/2009 17840.00000 39-24-20.1 N AZ NE 110-19-54.8 W 0003922193 NAVAJO TRIBAL UTILITY AUTHORITYPINON 08/05/2009 05974.85000 36-04-32.8 N AZ NE 110-11-24.6 W 0003922291 NAVAJO TRIBAL UTILITY AUTHORITYIndian Wells 08/05/2009 06034.15000 35-28-16.6 N OH NE 081-46-00.5 W 0003925070 Wayne County Commissioners Orville 08/06/2009 00955.60000 40-50-28.2 N OH NE 081-56-23.0 W 0003925071 Wayne County Commissioners Wooster 08/06/2009 00958.20000 40-50-07.0 N OH NE 081-56-23.2 W 0003925072 Wayne County Commissioners Wooster 08/06/2009 00954.60000 40-49-49.3 N OH NE 081-56-23.2 W 0003925072 Wayne County Commissioners Wooster 08/06/2009 00959.20000 40-49-49.3 N CA NE 121-47-43.0 W 0003926000 Yolo Emergency Communications AgencyWINTERS 08/06/2009 06063.80000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292817A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292817A1.txt
- BELL, COUNTY OF 453.41250000 -- -- 3 1 07/16/2009 WPMD858 MO3 BELL, COUNTY OF 453.88750000 -- -- 3 1 07/16/2009 WPMD858 MO BELL, COUNTY OF 458.02500000 -- -- 3 1 07/16/2009 WPMD858 MO BELL, COUNTY OF 458.41250000 -- -- 3 1 07/16/2009 WPMD858 MO BELL, COUNTY OF 458.88750000 -- -- 3 1 07/16/2009 WPMD858 FB2 BELL, COUNTY OF 453.02500000 PINEVILLE 36-43-0.5 N KY 83-40-54.5 W 4 1 07/16/2009 WPMD858 FB2 BELL, COUNTY OF 453.41250000 PINEVILLE 36-43-0.5 N KY 83-40-54.5 W 4 1 07/16/2009 WPMD858 FB2 BELL, COUNTY OF 453.02500000 BEVERLY 36-53-59.0 N KY 83-33-46.0 W 5 1 07/16/2009 WPMD858 FB2 BELL, COUNTY OF 453.41250000 BEVERLY 36-53-59.0 N KY 83-33-46.0 W 5 1 07/16/2009 WPMD858 FB2 BELL, COUNTY OF 453.02500000 FRAKES 36-37-6.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292824A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292824A1.txt
- Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD WMR916 114-03-34.8 W 0003931328 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC QUARTZITE 08/12/2009 11325.00000 33-40-03.1 N AZ MD WQFP990 114-13-06.0 W 0003931346 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Quartzsite 08/12/2009 10835.00000 33-39-57.2 N MI MD WQGE310 083-06-47.6 W 0003932227 FIBERTOWER NETWORK SERVICES COHazel Park 08/13/2009 18120.00000 42-28-37.7 N MI MD WQGE302 083-17-00.5 W 0003932228 FIBERTOWER NETWORK SERVICES COSouthfield 08/13/2009 19440.00000 42-29-23.5 N MI MD WQGE319 082-58-13.6 W 0003932229 FIBERTOWER NETWORK SERVICES COWarren 08/13/2009 19320.00000 42-29-35.0 N MI MD WQEF786 083-06-29.0 W 0003932232 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Hazel Park 08/13/2009 19360.00000 42-28-33.0 N MI MD WQEF786 083-06-29.0 W 0003932232 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Hazel Park 08/13/2009 19620.00000 42-28-33.0 N MI MD WQEF786 083-06-29.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293005A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293005A1.txt
- 43 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MD NE 076-38-55.0 W 0003939829 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 08/19/2009 23075.00000 39-21-25.2 N MD NE 076-39-48.9 W 0003939830 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGambrills 08/19/2009 17865.00000 39-02-11.0 N MD NE 076-35-13.6 W 0003939831 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 08/19/2009 19375.00000 39-22-00.5 N MD NE 076-35-13.6 W 0003939831 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 08/19/2009 19475.00000 39-22-00.5 N MD NE 076-35-13.6 W 0003939831 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 08/19/2009 19575.00000 39-22-00.5 N MD NE 076-35-13.6 W 0003939831 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 08/19/2009 19675.00000 39-22-00.5 N MD NE 076-35-33.5 W 0003939833 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBrooklyn 08/19/2009 17965.00000 39-13-31.0 N MD NE 076-35-33.5 W 0003939833 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293006A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293006A1.txt
- N TX MD WQKF471 096-58-34.6 W 0003940548 AirCanopy Internet Services MIDLOTHIAN 08/20/2009 19325.00000 32-30-46.4 N TX MD WQKF471 096-58-34.6 W 0003940548 AirCanopy Internet Services MIDLOTHIAN 08/20/2009 19375.00000 32-30-46.4 N TX MD WQKF471 096-58-34.6 W 0003940548 AirCanopy Internet Services MIDLOTHIAN 08/20/2009 19425.00000 32-30-46.4 N TX MD WQKF471 096-58-34.6 W 0003940548 AirCanopy Internet Services MIDLOTHIAN 08/20/2009 23025.00000 32-30-46.4 N TX MD WQKH408 096-51-00.5 W 0003940553 AirCanopy Internet Services Waxahachie 08/20/2009 11265.00000 32-26-23.9 N TX MD WQKH408 096-51-00.5 W 0003940553 AirCanopy Internet Services Waxahachie 08/20/2009 11345.00000 32-26-23.9 N TX MD WQKH408 096-51-00.5 W 0003940553 AirCanopy Internet Services Waxahachie 08/20/2009 19440.00000 32-26-23.9 N TX MD WQKH408 096-51-00.5 W 0003940553 AirCanopy Internet Services Waxahachie 08/20/2009 23025.00000 32-26-23.9 N TX MD WQGK208 096-59-54.0 W 0003940558 AirCanopy Internet
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293258A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293258A2.txt
- Where the acquired CLEC provides services outside of the acquirer's operating region, the numbering resources are treated as CLEC resources. 14 Table 4 Telephone Number Utilization by State as of December 31, 2008 Assigned Intermediate Reserved Aging Administrative Available1 Total State/jurisdiction 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s Alabama 9,637 43.8 701 3.2 107 0.5 617 2.8 346 1.6 10,578 48.1 21,986 Alaska 1,541 26.2 41 0.7 131 2.2 84 1.4 26 0.4 4,053 69.0 5,876 American Samoa 24 80.8 0 0.0 1 4.8 0 0.2 1 2.5 4 11.7 30 Arizona 13,589 63.9 89 0.4 165 0.8 697 3.3 215 1.0 6,511 30.6 21,266 Arkansas 5,070 35.6 461 3.2 68 0.5 274 1.9 166
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- 2.7 2.3 2.8 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.4 5.3 6.4 7.8 9.3 (CLECs) Local Resellers, Payphone Providers and Other Local Carriers, Excluding LEC Affiliates Total: Fixed Local Service Providers15.1 17.2 18.6 20.4 23.2 26.5 27.2 28.2 29.0 28.1 24.6 25.1 25.7 Wireless Service Providers Wireless Affiliates of RBOCs 16.4 16.9 20.3 21.7 22.6 28.2 Wireless Affiliates of Other 2.1 2.0 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.3 Incumbent LECs Wireless Telephony, Paging, SMR 10.4 11.6 15.3 18.3 18.9 14.6 and Other Wireless Providers, Excluding LEC Affiliates Total Wireless Service Providers 3.3 5.1 6.6 9.4 12.1 17.4 25.3 28.9 30.6 36.0 40.4 41.9 43.1 Toll Service Providers Toll Affiliates of RBOCs 1.7 1.7 2.0 2.3 3.0 3.5 5.1 7.2 8.6 29.1 27.4 25.5 23.4 Toll Affiliates
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293346A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293346A1.txt
- IA JECC CORALVILLE 09/04/2009 10955.00000 41-42-37.0 N IA NE 091-27-44.1 W 0003956832 JOHNSON COUNTY, IA JECC Solon 09/04/2009 05945.20000 41-46-51.6 N IA NE 091-27-44.1 W 0003956832 JOHNSON COUNTY, IA JECC Solon 09/04/2009 05974.85000 41-46-51.6 N IA NE 091-27-44.1 W 0003956832 JOHNSON COUNTY, IA JECC Solon 09/04/2009 06685.00000 41-46-51.6 N FL NE 081-32-45.0 W 0003957356 Apopka City of Apopka 09/04/2009 06695.00000 28-29-00.5 N NY NE 073-51-00.4 W 0003957374 SARATOGA COUNTY OFFICE OF EMERBALLSTON SPA 09/04/2009 06845.00000 42-59-58.3 N NY NE 073-44-52.8 W 0003957381 SARATOGA COUNTY OFFICE OF EMERWilton 09/04/2009 06605.00000 43-12-13.4 N Page 11 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NY NE 073-44-52.8 W 0003957381
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293347A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293347A1.txt
- BROADCASTING COMPANYNorthport 09/03/2009 02025.50000 - 02109.50000 45-15-05.0 N MI MD KC23756 P 084-20-00.0 W 0003956214 HERITAGE BROADCASTING COMPANYMio 09/03/2009 02025.50000 - 02109.50000 44-28-32.4 N MI MD KC26258 P 085-21-52.0 W 0003956230 HERITAGE BROADCASTING COMPANYEvart 09/03/2009 02008.00000 - 02093.00000 43-54-31.0 N MI MD KC26258 P 085-21-52.0 W 0003956230 HERITAGE BROADCASTING COMPANYEvart 09/03/2009 02025.50000 - 02109.50000 43-54-31.0 N SC MD KC26152 P 081-50-00.5 W 0003956453 WAGT TELEVISION, INC. Jackson 09/03/2009 02025.50000 - 02109.50000 33-24-20.7 N LA MD KB96694 P 092-04-14.4 W 0003957502 HOAK MEDIA OF LOUISIANA LICENSE, Columbia 09/04/2009 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 32-11-50.5 N LA MD KB96694 P 092-04-14.4 W 0003957502 HOAK MEDIA OF LOUISIANA LICENSE, Columbia 09/04/2009 01990.00000 - 02008.00000 32-11-50.5 N LA MD KB96694 P 092-04-14.4 W 0003957502 HOAK MEDIA OF
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- NE 080-09-09.9 W 0003966346 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Fort Lauderdale 09/16/2009 00131.82500 26-04-21.3 N CA NE 122-13-14.6 W 0003966347 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Oakland 09/16/2009 00129.37500 37-43-16.6 N PA NE 080-17-24.7 W 0003966352 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Washington 09/16/2009 00130.15000 40-08-11.4 N FL NE 080-05-44.1 W 0003966358 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc West Palm Beach 09/16/2009 00131.92500 26-40-59.4 N GA NE 084-19-00.5 W 0003966391 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Roswell 09/16/2009 00130.47500 34-03-31.8 N TX NE 095-20-29.2 W 0003966400 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Houston 09/16/2009 00131.42500 29-59-03.9 N WI NE 087-53-47.7 W 0003966404 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Milwaukee 09/16/2009 00130.12500 42-56-50.0 N PA NE 080-10-34.4 W 0003966411 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Erie 09/16/2009 00136.52500 42-04-55.3 N RO WQBR224 0003965481 Port of Friday Harbor
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293742A1.pdf
- ebooks ·Basic smartphones accessing news Minimal ·P2P or HD streaming ·2-way HD video teleconferencing Low ·SD video streaming ·Interactive gaming or physical commands Med ·Two-way browsing ·Content streaming and download High ·Voice ·Email ·One-way browsing Example uses Application and device example Similarity to fixed 23 Broadband speed needs vary by application type Example applications Actualdownload speed demands (Mbps)* Content type 0.5-5+ (Speed impacts down/up time and render) · Advanced web browsing, iTunes · Social Networking, P2P, etc · Medical Records download/ sharing · Large download (or upload) usage 0.3-0.5 · Aleks(Online interactive education) · Pogo online games · Basic interaction 1-5 · Streamed classroom lectures · Hulu · SD streamed video 0.1-0.3 (Speed impacts down/up time and render) · Basic email,
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- W 0003969989 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 09/21/2009 21820.00000 35-52-54.6 N NC NE 078-34-37.1 W 0003969989 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 09/21/2009 21875.00000 35-52-54.6 N NC NE 078-34-37.1 W 0003969989 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 09/21/2009 21975.00000 35-52-54.6 N NC NE 078-40-57.1 W 0003969991 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 09/21/2009 23125.00000 35-47-24.3 N NC NE 079-03-34.2 W 0003969994 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 09/21/2009 11305.00000 36-03-00.5 N NC NE 079-03-34.2 W 0003969994 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 09/21/2009 11385.00000 36-03-00.5 N NC NE 079-03-34.2 W 0003969994 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 09/21/2009 11465.00000 36-03-00.5 N NC NE 079-03-34.2 W 0003969994 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 09/21/2009 11545.00000 36-03-00.5 N NC NE 078-47-05.0 W 0003969996 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAPEX 09/21/2009 11505.00000 35-40-45.0 N NC NE 078-47-05.0 W 0003969996 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
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- and petition procedure of Section 309 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that were accepted for filing. MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NV AM 115-12-15.2 W 0003920009 State of Nevada, Department of InformatioLas Vegas 09/21/2009 21885.00000 36-04-11.9 N OH AM 081-46-00.5 W 0003925070 Wayne County Commissioners Orville 09/21/2009 00955.60000 40-50-28.2 N AZ AM KPA62 113-08-08.6 W 0003951396 ARIZONA, STATE OF AQUA CALIENTE 09/25/2009 06695.62500 33-03-06.1 N FL AM 081-32-45.0 W 0003957356 Apopka City of Apopka 09/21/2009 06695.00000 28-39-00.5 N WA AM WNTU495 117-17-50.9 W 0003960334 SPOKANE, COUNTY OF SPOKANE 09/23/2009 02183.20000 47-35-35.7 N WA AM WNTU495 117-17-50.9 W 0003960334 SPOKANE, COUNTY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293864A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293864A1.txt
- HOLDINGS IIIMundelein 09/29/2009 19375.00000 42-15-08.2 N IL NE 088-01-22.9 W 0003980785 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMundelein 09/29/2009 19475.00000 42-15-08.2 N IL NE 088-01-22.9 W 0003980785 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMundelein 09/29/2009 21875.00000 42-15-08.2 N IL NE 088-01-22.9 W 0003980785 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMundelein 09/29/2009 22025.00000 42-15-08.2 N IL NE 088-00-06.7 W 0003980786 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMundelein 09/29/2009 17765.00000 42-15-57.0 N IL NE 088-14-00.5 W 0003980788 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIELGIN 09/29/2009 10815.00000 42-01-30.4 N Page 40 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL NE 088-14-00.5 W 0003980788 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIELGIN 09/29/2009 10935.00000 42-01-30.4 N IL NE 088-14-00.5 W 0003980788 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIELGIN 09/29/2009 23025.00000 42-01-30.4 N
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- IIICarol Stream 09/29/2009 19475.00000 41-54-02.4 N IL NE 088-05-37.6 W 0003981293 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICarol Stream 09/29/2009 23325.00000 41-54-02.4 N IL NE 088-05-37.6 W 0003981293 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICarol Stream 09/29/2009 23475.00000 41-54-02.4 N Page 19 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL NE 088-02-00.5 W 0003981294 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPalatine 09/29/2009 11505.00000 42-09-03.4 N IL NE 088-02-00.5 W 0003981294 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPalatine 09/29/2009 11585.00000 42-09-03.4 N IL NE 088-02-00.5 W 0003981294 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPalatine 09/29/2009 18015.00000 42-09-03.4 N IL NE 088-02-00.5 W 0003981294 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPalatine 09/29/2009 18115.00000 42-09-03.4 N IL NE 088-02-00.5 W 0003981294 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPalatine 09/29/2009 23075.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293960A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293960A1.txt
- 23025.00000 36-05-14.0 N NC NE 079-53-05.0 W 0003989321 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGREENSBORO 10/07/2009 23125.00000 36-05-14.0 N NC NE 079-52-02.9 W 0003989325 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGreensboro 10/07/2009 10775.00000 36-08-45.1 N NC NE 079-52-02.9 W 0003989325 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGreensboro 10/07/2009 10855.00000 36-08-45.1 N NC NE P 081-28-27.0 W 0003989463 TOWN OF WEST JEFFERSON WARRENSVILLE 10/07/2009 00956.39375 36-27-32.0 N NY NE P 078-02-00.5 W 0003989466 VILLAGE OF BELMONT BELMONT 10/07/2009 00956.30625 42-13-23.2 N NC NE 079-46-25.0 W 0003989562 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGreensboro 10/07/2009 11265.00000 36-02-44.5 N NC NE 079-46-25.0 W 0003989562 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGreensboro 10/07/2009 17815.00000 36-02-44.5 N NC NE 079-46-25.0 W 0003989562 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGreensboro 10/07/2009 17915.00000 36-02-44.5 N NC NE 079-46-25.0 W 0003989562 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGreensboro 10/07/2009 17965.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294115A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294115A1.txt
- IIIChicago 10/14/2009 23225.00000 41-58-07.8 N Page 16 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL MD WQKQ475 087-58-15.6 W 0003997146 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILIBERTYVILLE 10/14/2009 17815.00000 42-18-19.3 N IL MD WQKQ475 087-58-15.6 W 0003997146 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILIBERTYVILLE 10/14/2009 17915.00000 42-18-19.3 N IL MD WQKQ576 087-45-00.5 W 0003997154 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChicago 10/14/2009 17815.00000 41-59-37.1 N IL MD WQKQ576 087-45-00.5 W 0003997154 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChicago 10/14/2009 17915.00000 41-59-37.1 N IL MD WQKQ576 087-45-00.5 W 0003997154 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChicago 10/14/2009 23025.00000 41-59-37.1 N IL MD WQKQ576 087-45-00.5 W 0003997154 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChicago 10/14/2009 23125.00000 41-59-37.1 N IL MD WQKQ576 087-45-00.5 W 0003997154 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294117A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294117A1.txt
- VALLEY BROADCASTING CORPOSPRINGFIELD 10/15/2009 02008.00000 - 02025.00000 39-56-30.2 N OH AM WLE940 083-48-59.7 W 0003902839 MIAMI VALLEY BROADCASTING CORPOSPRINGFIELD 10/15/2009 02037.50000 - 02049.50000 39-56-30.2 N OH AM WLP309 084-13-01.7 W 0003902849 MIAMI VALLEY BROADCASTING CORPOTROY 10/15/2009 02037.50000 - 02049.50000 40-02-18.1 N OH AM WLP309 084-13-01.7 W 0003902849 MIAMI VALLEY BROADCASTING CORPOTROY 10/15/2009 02076.00000 - 02093.00000 40-02-18.1 N NJ MD WDT934 074-46-00.5 W 0003999088 CBS BROADCASTING INC. TRENTON 10/16/2009 02076.00000 - 02093.00000 40-14-05.3 N NJ MD WDT934 074-46-00.5 W 0003999088 CBS BROADCASTING INC. TRENTON 10/16/2009 02097.50000 40-14-05.3 N Page 27
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- notice should conform to Section 25.154 of the Commission's rules, unless otherwise noted. 47 C.F.R. § 25.154. S2763 SAT-LOA-20080910-00173 E Launch and Operating Authority 09/10/2008 10:00:00:92300 Date Filed: SES Americom, Inc. SES Americom, Inc. (SES Americom) requests authority to construct, launch, and operate a 17/24 GHz Broadcasting-Satellite Service (BSS) space station at the 67.5° W.L. orbital location, which is offset 0.5° from the 67° W.L. orbital location specified in Appendix F of the 17/24 GHz BSS Report and Order, FCC 07-76 (rel. May 4, 2007). The proposed operations would be at full power and with full interference protection. (See FCC 07-76 and 07-174 for a complete explanation of the rules and policies regarding the spacing framework and interference protections adopted by
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294274A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294274A1.txt
- WQCX302 MO SOUTH CAROLINA, STATE OF 458.18750000 COLUMBIA 34-6-33.4 N SC 81-5-52.6 W 1 1 09/19/2009 WQCX302 MO SOUTH CAROLINA, STATE OF 458.93750000 COLUMBIA 34-6-33.4 N SC 81-5-52.6 W 1 1 09/24/2009 WXB886 FB2 BENTON COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 155.19000000 BENTON CITY 46-14-50.6 N WA 119-33-49.2 W 1 1 09/24/2009 WXB886 FB BENTON COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 155.19000000 BENTON CITY 46-16-0.5 N WA 119-24-16.1 W 2 1 Page 2 Frequency Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. PW - Public Safety Pool, Conventional Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau 09/24/2009 WXB886 MO BENTON COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 155.19000000 -- WA -- 3 1 Page 3
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- 03650.00000 - 03700.00000 TI - TV Intercity Relay State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH AM WLP309 084-13-01.7 W 0003902849 MIAMI VALLEY BROADCASTING CORPOTROY 10/19/2009 02037.50000 - 02049.50000 40-02-18.1 N OH AM WLP309 084-13-01.7 W 0003902849 MIAMI VALLEY BROADCASTING CORPOTROY 10/19/2009 02076.00000 - 02093.00000 40-02-18.1 N NJ AM WDT934 074-46-00.5 W 0003999088 CBS BROADCASTING INC. TRENTON 10/21/2009 02076.00000 - 02093.00000 40-14-05.3 N NJ AM WDT934 074-46-00.5 W 0003999088 CBS BROADCASTING INC. TRENTON 10/21/2009 02097.50000 40-14-05.3 N WA MD WPWM290 122-28-01.0 W 0004000084 TRIBUNE TELEVISION NORTHWEST, INTACOMA 10/19/2009 06912.50000 47-14-31.0 N WA MD WPWM289 122-18-30.4 W 0004000095 TRIBUNE TELEVISION NORTHWEST, INSeattle 10/19/2009 07012.50000 47-36-56.3 N WA MD WPQP687 122-48-27.0 W 0004000103
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- 10606.25000 39-55-19.6 N CA MD WML483 122-02-29.9 W 0004011691 Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership VINA 10/28/2009 10955.00000 39-55-19.6 N CA MD WQHQ838 123-05-25.5 W 0004011695 Willits Online LLC Willits 10/28/2009 06034.15000 39-30-58.1 N WY MD WQCT958 107-43-58.7 W 0004011963 Union Telephone Company Baggs 10/29/2009 06595.00000 41-23-00.4 N ME MD WPNG916 070-31-25.8 W 0004011975 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC BIDDEFORD 10/29/2009 06034.15000 43-29-00.5 N ME MD WPNG916 070-31-25.8 W 0004011975 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC BIDDEFORD 10/29/2009 06256.54000 43-29-00.5 N ME MD WPNG916 070-31-25.8 W 0004011975 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC BIDDEFORD 10/29/2009 06372.67000 43-29-00.5 N Page 21 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude
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- HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 10/30/2009 11345.00000 35-55-32.4 N NC NE 078-32-15.8 W 0004014091 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 10/30/2009 11505.00000 35-55-32.4 N NC NE 078-32-15.8 W 0004014091 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 10/30/2009 11665.00000 35-55-32.4 N NC NE 078-32-15.8 W 0004014091 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 10/30/2009 17815.00000 35-55-32.4 N NC NE 078-32-15.8 W 0004014091 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 10/30/2009 17915.00000 35-55-32.4 N NC NE 078-42-00.5 W 0004014092 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 10/30/2009 21825.00000 35-52-42.6 N NC NE 078-47-05.0 W 0004014093 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAPEX 10/30/2009 17815.00000 35-40-45.0 N NC NE 078-47-05.0 W 0004014093 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAPEX 10/30/2009 17915.00000 35-40-45.0 N MD NE 077-12-05.4 W 0004014121 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRockville 10/30/2009 21875.00000 39-03-32.5 N Page 33 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign
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- MD KNKN229 122-01-16.9 W 0004023861 SACRAMENTO VALLEY LIMITED PARTNPrinceton 11/06/2009 39-24-49.5 N IK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Conventional State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RM WZS581 A 0004022236 PIOTROWSKI Mr., RAYMOND M 11/05/2009 00466.37500 NY RM WZS581 X 0004022236 PIOTROWSKI Mr., RAYMOND M 11/05/2009 00466.37500 NY RM WZS581 074-04-00.5 W 0004022236 PIOTROWSKI Mr., RAYMOND M ROTTERDAM 11/05/2009 00461.37500 42-51-06.3 N RO WPGJ266 0004022752 AFTON COMMUNICATIONS CORPORAT 11/05/2009 RO WPGI413 0004023064 T&K COMMUNICATIONS INC 11/05/2009 RO WNKS280 0004023615 Princeton Calais Translators INC 11/06/2009 RO WNQU404 0004023644 SIS Q COMMUNICATIONS 11/06/2009 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294681A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294681A1.txt
- 0004029754 Jefferson Regional Medical Center Pine Bluff, AR 11/12/2009 10815.00000 34-32-54.3 N AR NE 092-01-02.6 W 0004029755 Jefferson Regional Medical Center Pine Bluff, AR 11/12/2009 17815.00000 34-11-17.0 N AR NE 092-03-19.2 W 0004029756 Jefferson Regional Medical Center Pine Bluff, AR 11/12/2009 19375.00000 34-11-29.8 N MD NE 077-03-26.0 W 0004029786 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISilver Spring 11/12/2009 21875.00000 39-01-11.5 N MD NE 076-46-00.5 W 0004029787 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBowie 11/12/2009 17815.00000 38-59-48.5 N MD NE 077-00-57.6 W 0004029788 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFort Washington 11/12/2009 21825.00000 38-46-54.4 N VA NE 077-27-43.6 W 0004029789 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDulles 11/12/2009 23375.00000 39-00-48.3 N VA NE 077-05-54.2 W 0004029790 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAlexandria 11/12/2009 22175.00000 38-47-16.4 N MD NE 077-15-14.0 W 0004029792 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGaithersburg 11/12/2009
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294834A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294834A1.txt
- ALLTEL Communications of Southern MicBENTON HARBOR 11/19/2009 42-09-29.3 N VA MD KNKN714 078-47-20.7 W 0004039597 Virginia Cellular LLC Broadway 11/20/2009 38-35-09.4 N ND MD KNKN321 103-37-02.4 W 0004040378 NORTHWEST DAKOTA CELLULAR OF NFortana 11/20/2009 48-51-16.2 N CT MD KNKA404 072-58-55.9 W 0004040505 Cellco Partnership West Hartford 11/20/2009 41-58-43.3 N NC MD KNKN770 078-11-55.6 W 0004040515 Alltel Communications, LLC NORLINA 11/20/2009 36-28-00.5 N Page 13 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NC MD KNKN641 076-48-51.2 W 0004040720 Alltel Communications, LLC PINETOWN 11/20/2009 35-31-24.9 N NC MD KNKN641 076-20-34.2 W 0004040720 Alltel Communications, LLC SWANQUARTER 11/20/2009 35-25-13.0 N GX - SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conventional State Purpose Call Sign Longitude
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294928A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294928A1.txt
- Dripping Springs 11/13/2009 00024.64000 30-12-34.2 N TX NE 098-01-41.8 W 0003957335 Sloop III, John A Dripping Springs 11/13/2009 00026.14000 30-12-34.2 N TX NE 098-01-41.8 W 0003957335 Sloop III, John A Dripping Springs 11/13/2009 00026.14140 30-12-34.2 N MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NC AM 078-42-00.5 W 0004014092 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 11/25/2009 21825.00000 35-52-42.6 N NC AM 078-42-00.5 W 0004014092 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 11/25/2009 21925.00000 35-52-42.6 N NV AM WQJL988 115-16-44.4 W 0004036358 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LAS VEGAS 11/25/2009 23025.00000 36-11-10.3 N NV AM WQJL988 115-16-44.4 W 0004036358 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LAS VEGAS 11/25/2009 23075.00000 36-11-10.3 N NV AM WQJL988 115-16-44.4 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294929A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294929A1.txt
- Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OR MD WPTY560 124-12-40.5 W 0004046792 Edge Wireless, LLC Coquille 11/27/2009 06815.00000 43-11-31.6 N OR MD WPTY560 124-12-40.5 W 0004046792 Edge Wireless, LLC Coquille 11/27/2009 10755.00000 43-11-31.6 N WA NE 119-50-34.4 W 0004046211 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Moxee 11/25/2009 06645.00000 46-36-45.7 N PR NE 066-49-27.5 W 0004046219 PR Wireless, Inc. Hatillo 11/25/2009 11642.50000 18-29-00.5 N PR NE 066-36-51.0 W 0004046221 PR Wireless, Inc. Ponce 11/25/2009 19675.00000 17-59-33.2 N PR NE 066-20-26.2 W 0004046380 PR Wireless, Inc. Corozal 11/25/2009 11627.50000 18-16-01.2 N PR NE 066-17-05.0 W 0004046381 PR Wireless, Inc. Naranjito 11/25/2009 11137.50000 18-14-58.8 N PR NE 066-10-10.9 W 0004046442 PR Wireless, Inc. Bayamon 11/25/2009 19525.00000 18-23-19.0 N CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295089A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295089A1.txt
- 46-29-53.9 N WA NE 117-52-32.0 W 0004048956 Columbia Rural Electric Assocation Inc DAYTON 11/30/2009 10715.00000 46-18-06.0 N IL NE P 088-18-22.7 W 0004049065 WEST PRAIRIE WATER COMPANY ARCOLA 12/01/2009 00956.29375 39-41-04.3 N TX NE 102-28-08.9 W 0004049086 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIOdessa 12/01/2009 11225.00000 31-50-40.9 N TX NE 102-28-08.9 W 0004049086 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIOdessa 12/01/2009 11345.00000 31-50-40.9 N TX NE 099-44-00.5 W 0004049101 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAbilene 12/01/2009 21825.00000 32-27-05.3 N TX NE 099-44-00.5 W 0004049101 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAbilene 12/01/2009 21925.00000 32-27-05.3 N TX NE 099-44-00.5 W 0004049101 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAbilene 12/01/2009 21975.00000 32-27-05.3 N TX NE 099-44-00.5 W 0004049101 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAbilene 12/01/2009 22075.00000 32-27-05.3 N TX NE 100-57-55.5 W 0004049113 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPampa 12/01/2009 10835.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295091A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295091A1.txt
- WATER CONSERVPEORIA 12/04/2009 06404.79000 33-50-48.2 N AZ MD WNEP700 112-16-38.1 W 0004054105 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPEORIA 12/04/2009 06615.62500 33-50-48.2 N AZ MD WNEF381 113-38-05.7 W 0004054106 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVSALOME 12/04/2009 06560.62500 33-36-00.1 N AZ MD WNEF381 113-38-05.7 W 0004054106 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVSALOME 12/04/2009 06655.00000 33-36-00.1 N AZ MD WNEF378 112-04-06.2 W 0004054107 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPHOENIX 12/04/2009 06595.00000 33-42-00.5 N AZ MD WNEF378 112-04-06.2 W 0004054107 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPHOENIX 12/04/2009 06805.00000 33-42-00.5 N AZ MD WNEF378 112-04-06.2 W 0004054107 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPHOENIX 12/04/2009 06815.00000 33-42-00.5 N AZ MD WNEF378 112-04-06.2 W 0004054107 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPHOENIX 12/04/2009 11245.00000 33-42-00.5 N MI NE S 0004049602 County of Monroe, Michigan 12/01/2009 06430.00000 MI NE S 0004049602 County of Monroe,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295212A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295212A1.txt
- 6.8 * Illinois 95.0 95.9 0.9 Indiana 90.3 92.3 2.0 Iowa 95.4 98.3 2.9 Kansas 94.9 97.1 2.2 Kentucky 86.9 94.8 7.9 * Louisiana 88.9 94.9 6.0 Maine 90.7 97.1 6.3 * Maryland 96.3 95.0 -1.3 Massachusetts 94.3 98.2 3.9 Michigan 93.8 97.1 3.3 Minnesota 96.4 98.1 1.7 Mississippi 82.4 94.1 11.8 * Missouri 92.1 95.1 3.1 Montana 92.8 92.3 -0.5 Nebraska 94.0 95.9 1.9 Nevada 89.4 94.4 5.0 * New Hampshire 95.0 98.0 3.1 New Jersey 94.1 95.1 0.9 New Mexico 85.3 95.3 9.9 * New York 90.8 95.4 4.5 * North Carolina 89.3 95.5 6.2 * North Dakota 95.1 98.3 3.2 Ohio 92.2 96.6 4.4 * Oklahoma 91.5 97.3 5.8 * Oregon 91.2 97.3 6.1 * Pennsylvania 95.1 97.9
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295252A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295252A1.txt
- 119-54-37.0 W 0004061855 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC BICKLETON 12/11/2009 11115.00000 45-51-19.0 N CA MD WMR929 124-07-12.1 W 0004061951 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1SCOTIA 12/11/2009 02165.20000 40-24-57.4 N CA MD WMR929 124-07-12.1 W 0004061951 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1SCOTIA 12/11/2009 05945.20000 40-24-57.4 N CA MD WMR929 124-07-12.1 W 0004061951 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1SCOTIA 12/11/2009 05974.85000 40-24-57.4 N CA MD WMR928 123-44-00.5 W 0004061952 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1WILLOW CREEK 12/11/2009 02115.20000 40-52-27.4 N CA MD WMR928 123-44-00.5 W 0004061952 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1WILLOW CREEK 12/11/2009 06545.00000 40-52-27.4 N CA MD WMR928 123-44-00.5 W 0004061952 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1WILLOW CREEK 12/11/2009 10628.75000 40-52-27.4 N CA MD WMR928 123-44-00.5 W 0004061952 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1WILLOW CREEK 12/11/2009 10647.50000 40-52-27.4 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295338A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295338A1.txt
- HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/18/2009 19575.00000 30-13-53.3 N TX AM 097-48-06.1 W 0004007043 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/18/2009 19625.00000 30-13-53.3 N TX AM 097-48-06.1 W 0004007043 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/18/2009 19675.00000 30-13-53.3 N TX AM 097-48-06.1 W 0004007043 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/18/2009 21925.00000 30-13-53.3 N TX AM 097-48-06.1 W 0004007043 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/18/2009 22025.00000 30-13-53.3 N TX AM 097-48-00.5 W 0004007044 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/18/2009 17815.00000 30-15-09.4 N TX AM 097-48-00.5 W 0004007044 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/18/2009 17915.00000 30-15-09.4 N TX AM 097-48-00.5 W 0004007044 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/18/2009 17965.00000 30-15-09.4 N TX AM 097-48-00.5 W 0004007044 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/18/2009 18065.00000 30-15-09.4 N TX AM 097-48-00.5 W 0004007044 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/18/2009 23075.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295339A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295339A1.txt
- 47-52-06.0 N MN NE 090-08-39.0 W 0004064790 Minnesota, State of HOVLAND 12/15/2009 11133.12500 47-52-06.0 N MN NE 089-45-30.8 W 0004064801 Minnesota, State of Grand Portage 12/15/2009 06548.75000 47-58-27.9 N AZ NE 110-58-18.4 W 0004064844 North West Fire District TUCSON 12/15/2009 17820.00000 32-13-21.3 N UT NE 110-10-06.4 W 0004065664 Emery County Sheriff's Office Green River 12/16/2009 19330.00000 38-59-05.4 N MN NE 095-08-00.5 W 0004065898 Minnesota, State of Lakefield 12/16/2009 06226.89000 43-41-16.7 N MN NE 095-08-00.5 W 0004065898 Minnesota, State of Lakefield 12/16/2009 06286.19000 43-41-16.7 N CA NE 121-49-06.5 W 0004065936 ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF Livermore 12/16/2009 10622.50000 37-42-39.7 N CA NE 121-49-06.5 W 0004065936 ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF Livermore 12/16/2009 11405.00000 37-42-39.7 N CA NE 121-49-06.5 W 0004065936 ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF Livermore 12/16/2009 11445.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295377A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295377A1.txt
- 1.0 77.6 65.8 44.7 634.7 For Unscheduled Events Over 2 Minutes 10.5 83.4 70.7 672.0 1.0 70.3 65.5 37.4 634.1 For Unscheduled Downtime More than 2 Minutes Number of Occurrences or Events 3.0 7.0 6.0 3.0 1.0 19.0 4.0 13.0 115.0 Events per Hundred Switches 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.6 1.5 0.4 0.9 4.8 Events per Million Access Lines 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.7 1.9 0.4 0.9 10.5 Average Outage Duration in Minutes 83.8 319.2 152.8 5939.8 3.0 80.4 257.4 67.2 221.6 Average Lines Affected per Event in Thousands 8.7 7.0 23.1 13.2 24.8 8.6 0.5 13.3 2.2 Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 185.9 486.6 4430.7 7541.0 74.4174.2 74.5 1319.3 219.6 Outage Line-Minutes per 1,000 Access Lines 48.0 219.5 2169.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295406A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295406A1.txt
- HOLDINGS IIIAUSTIN 12/21/2009 19675.00000 30-17-53.9 N TX AM 097-49-55.5 W 0003971801 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAUSTIN 12/21/2009 23125.00000 30-17-53.9 N TX AM 097-49-55.5 W 0003971801 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAUSTIN 12/21/2009 23225.00000 30-17-53.9 N TX AM 097-47-12.8 W 0004006112 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/21/2009 22025.00000 30-16-10.2 N TX AM 097-47-12.8 W 0004006112 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/21/2009 23025.00000 30-16-10.2 N TX AM 097-48-00.5 W 0004007044 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/21/2009 17815.00000 30-15-09.4 N TX AM 097-48-00.5 W 0004007044 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/21/2009 17915.00000 30-15-09.4 N TX AM 097-48-00.5 W 0004007044 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/21/2009 17965.00000 30-15-09.4 N TX AM 097-48-00.5 W 0004007044 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 12/21/2009 18065.00000 30-15-09.4 N Page 7 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A1.txt
- Data and Other Mobile Service 14 14 1.2 17 36 53 6 Providers Wireless Service Providers 30,220 29,687 1.8 3,103 58,376 61,479 15,414 Interexchange Carriers (IXCs) 18,904 18,686 1.2 3,940 12,682 16,622 9,237 Operator Service Providers (OSPs) 187 168 10.6 19 468 487 90 Prepaid Calling Card Providers 1,472 1,461 0.7 126 756 882 691 Satellite Service Providers 356 354 0.5 128 216 344 208 Toll Resellers 4,693 4,521 3.7 969 3,027 3,996 2,164 VoIP Toll Provider 974 Audio Bridge Service Provider Other Toll Carriers 428 421 1.8 243 447 201 Toll Service Providers 27,100 26,639 1.7 6,155 17,738 23,893 12,921 All Filers $76,510 $75,2594/ 1.6% $30,165 $113,860 $144,025 $37,891 LIRE Exemption ($3,163) Total less LIRE $72,096 See notes at end
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A11.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A11.txt
- 7.2 8.6 Average Repair Interval (hours) 115.5 7.2 21.1 71.4 3.8 23.5 20.3 3.6 11.2 LOCAL SERVICES PROVIDED TO RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS CUSTOMERS Percent Installation Commitments Met 98.3 99.5 95.1 97.6 96.5 90.4 96.2 96.8 96.6 Residence 99.0 99.7 95.2 97.9 96.8 91.8 96.4 97.2 96.9 Business 95.7 99.1 94.5 96.2 95.2 80.8 95.3 93.5 92.7 Average Installation Interval (days) 0.5 2.2 6.1 4.6 1.6 3.5 2.9 3.6 4.6 Residence 0.4 1.8 6.1 4.4 1.5 3.5 2.9 3.6 4.7 Business 1.2 4.1 6.0 5.6 2.0 3.2 2.7 3.6 4.7 Average Out of Service Repair Interval (hours) 17.0 23.7 23.7 24.6 19.9 32.3 17.4 16.1 16.0 Residence 17.1 24.9 24.1 25.2 20.1 35.7 18.1 16.5 16.1 Business 16.1 15.7 20.8 21.8 18.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A3.txt
- Data and Other Mobile Service 14 14 1.2 17 36 53 6 Providers Wireless Service Providers 30,220 29,687 1.8 3,103 58,376 61,479 15,414 Interexchange Carriers (IXCs) 18,904 18,686 1.2 3,940 12,682 16,622 9,237 Operator Service Providers (OSPs) 187 168 10.6 19 468 487 90 Prepaid Calling Card Providers 1,472 1,461 0.7 126 756 882 691 Satellite Service Providers 356 354 0.5 128 216 344 208 Toll Resellers 4,693 4,521 3.7 969 3,027 3,996 2,164 VoIP Toll Provider 974 Audio Bridge Service Provider Other Toll Carriers 428 421 1.8 243 447 201 Toll Service Providers 27,100 26,639 1.7 6,155 17,738 23,893 12,921 All Filers $76,510 $75,2594/ 1.6% $30,165 $113,860 $144,025 $37,891 LIRE Exemption ($3,163) Total less LIRE $72,096 See notes at end
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A5.txt
- Total 56 126 183 500 602 757 91510281072113211881263169017182235259229353265346837964110428944784457 198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009 3 - 14 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001 CETCs 5.7 - - 0.3 8.0 - 1.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A8.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A8.txt
- 2004 2005 6 - 15 Table 6.5 Telephone Penetration by State (Annual Average Percentage of Households with Telephone Service) State 1984 2008 Change Alabama 88.4% 94.0% 5.6% * Alaska 86.5 96.4 9.8 * Arizona 86.9 94.6 7.6 * Arkansas 86.6 92.9 6.3 * California 92.5 96.5 4.0 * Colorado 93.2 98.0 4.8 * Connecticut 95.5 97.1 1.6 Delaware 94.3 94.7 0.5 District of Columbia 94.9 92.0 -2.9 Florida 88.7 93.0 4.3 * Georgia 86.2 92.9 6.7 * Hawaii 93.5 96.5 2.9 Idaho 90.7 96.0 5.3 * Illinois 94.2 94.1 -0.1 Indiana 91.6 92.1 0.5 Iowa 96.2 97.4 1.2 Kansas 94.3 96.4 2.0 Kentucky 88.1 94.1 5.9 * Louisiana 89.7 95.7 6.0 * Maine 93.4 97.8 4.4 * Maryland 95.7 94.7 -1.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A9.txt
- 15.6 14.6 15.9 6.2 8.0 1982 10.8 9.0 2.7 3.9 4.2 1.7 1983 3.1 0.2 1.4 0.0 7.4 3.9 1984 17.2 10.4 -4.3 -5.1 3.6 3.8 1985 8.9 12.4 -3.7 -3.0 0.6 2.1 1986 7.1 8.9 -9.4 -10.0 0.3 -3.5 1987 3.3 2.6 -12.4 -11.8 -3.0 -3.0 1988 4.5 4.6 -4.2 -2.1 -4.2 -3.8 1989 0.6 1.9 -1.3 -1.7 -2.6 0.5 1990 1.0 1.5 -3.7 -0.1 -2.2 -2.2 1991 5.1 2.1 1.3 -1.3 -1.5 -2.6 1992 0.5 -0.2 -1.3 1.0 -2.4 1.3 1993 1.0 0.8 6.5 3.8 0.2 -1.1 1994 -0.3 0.7 5.4 6.1 -1.0 -1.4 1995 2.6 ** 0.1 ** -3.8 ** 1996 0.9 0.2 3.7 0.8 6.1 0.9 1997 1.0 0.1 -4.3 7.8 2.8 -4.3 1998 1.3 0.0 -0.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295961A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295961A1.txt
- NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC 01/19/2010 RO WPON661 0004095253 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC 01/19/2010 RO WPON695 0004095254 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC 01/19/2010 RO WAS436 0004098589 ALASCOM, INC. 01/21/2010 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NJ MD KNKA512 074-59-36.1 W 0004094303 Cellco Partnership Vineland 01/19/2010 39-30-00.5 N NM MD KNKR219 107-00-34.3 W 0004094695 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Cuba 01/19/2010 36-02-00.2 N OH MD KNKN914 080-50-18.1 W 0004096659 ALLTEL Communications of Ohio No. 3, InSALEM 01/19/2010 40-50-28.0 N MO MD KNKN568 089-49-01.0 W 0004096886 Cellco Partnership Risco 01/20/2010 36-33-25.3 N IA MD KNKA295 095-15-01.5 W 0004098025 ALLTEL Communications of Nebraska, IncGriswold 01/20/2010 41-14-34.4 N MI MD KNKA244
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296129A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296129A1.txt
- 112-07-04.7 W 0004102099 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesPRESCOTT 01/26/2010 11035.00000 34-41-13.8 N AZ MD WPJC231 112-07-04.7 W 0004102099 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesPRESCOTT 01/26/2010 11185.00000 34-41-13.8 N AZ MD WPJC231 112-07-04.7 W 0004102099 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesPRESCOTT 01/26/2010 19360.00000 34-41-13.8 N AZ MD WPJC231 112-07-04.7 W 0004102099 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesPRESCOTT 01/26/2010 19630.00000 34-41-13.8 N AZ MD WMR827 112-07-00.5 W 0004102100 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC COTTONWOOD 01/26/2010 05945.20000 34-42-06.0 N AZ MD WMR827 112-07-00.5 W 0004102100 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC COTTONWOOD 01/26/2010 06123.10000 34-42-06.0 N AZ MD WMR827 112-07-00.5 W 0004102100 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC COTTONWOOD 01/26/2010 10795.00000 34-42-06.0 N AZ MD WMR827 112-07-00.5 W 0004102100 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC COTTONWOOD 01/26/2010 10955.00000 34-42-06.0 N Page 12 CF -
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296239A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296239A1.txt
- 1.1 1.5 2.5 0.8 2.8 4.1 13.9 53.0 22.6 0.3 97.5 100.0 FTTP 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.7 1.4 2.7 24.2 1.3 68.4 1.2 99.8 100.0 Satellite 53.2 35.0 88.3 * * * * 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.7 100.0 Fixed Wireless 14.2 4.5 18.7 20.8 22.3 25.2 9.2 1.9 1.8 0.2 81.3 100.0 Mobile Wireless 30.2 11.9 42.1 17.1 33.3 7.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.9 100.0 Power Line and Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 * * * * 0.0 * 0.0 100.0 100.0 Total 9.6 6.3 15.9 6.9 15.5 13.2 14.8 22.3 11.3 0.2 84.1 100.0 # = Rounds to Zero. * = Data withheld to maintain firm confidentiality. Note: Figures may not sum to totals due to rounding. Source: FCC Form
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296276A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296276A1.txt
- HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 02/08/2010 21875.00000 39-18-35.2 N MD MD WQKU651 076-39-45.9 W 0004119251 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 02/08/2010 21925.00000 39-18-35.2 N MD MD WQKU651 076-39-45.9 W 0004119251 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 02/08/2010 21975.00000 39-18-35.2 N MD MD WQKU651 076-39-45.9 W 0004119251 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 02/08/2010 22025.00000 39-18-35.2 N MD MD WQKW490 076-35-13.6 W 0004119252 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 02/08/2010 19375.00000 39-22-00.5 N MD MD WQKW490 076-35-13.6 W 0004119252 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 02/08/2010 19475.00000 39-22-00.5 N MD MD WQKW490 076-35-13.6 W 0004119252 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 02/08/2010 19575.00000 39-22-00.5 N MD MD WQKW490 076-35-13.6 W 0004119252 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 02/08/2010 19675.00000 39-22-00.5 N MD MD WQKW490 076-35-13.6 W 0004119252 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 02/08/2010 22175.00000 39-22-00.5 N MD MD WQKW490
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296461A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296461A1.txt
- MO MD WQFD335 091-44-58.0 W 0004131327 USCOC OF GREATER MISSOURI, LLCROLLA 02/19/2010 06785.00000 37-58-54.0 N MO MD WQFD335 091-44-58.0 W 0004131327 USCOC OF GREATER MISSOURI, LLCROLLA 02/19/2010 10572.50000 37-58-54.0 N TX NE 101-06-57.7 W 0004125852 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC OZONA 02/16/2010 06226.89000 30-42-26.2 N TX NE 101-06-57.7 W 0004125852 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC OZONA 02/16/2010 17770.00000 30-42-26.2 N TX NE 101-12-00.5 W 0004125853 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC Ozona 02/16/2010 19330.00000 30-42-47.2 N TX NE 100-12-42.6 W 0004125855 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC Fort McKavett 02/16/2010 05974.85000 30-52-49.9 N TX NE 100-12-42.6 W 0004125855 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC Fort McKavett 02/16/2010 11325.00000 30-52-49.9 N TX NE 099-45-55.7 W 0004125858 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC Menard 02/16/2010 06226.89000 30-51-06.6 N TX NE 099-45-55.7 W 0004125858
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296480A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296480A1.txt
- 39 0.7 120 2.2 96 1.7 36 0.7 3,646 66.5 5,481 American Samoa 26 87.9 0 0.0 1 2.6 0 0.0 1 3.0 2 6.5 30 Arizona 13,419 63.0 89 0.4 163 0.8 743 3.5 238 1.1 6,650 31.2 21,303 Arkansas 5,118 35.4 421 2.9 50 0.3 285 2.0 166 1.1 8,412 58.2 14,453 California 82,747 53.1 1,794 1.2 723 0.5 4,463 2.9 3,071 2.0 63,042 40.5 155,841 Colorado 12,325 58.5 56 0.3 124 0.6 611 2.9 372 1.8 7,581 36.0 21,069 Connecticut 7,926 52.5 284 1.9 91 0.6 352 2.3 200 1.3 6,251 41.4 15,104 Delaware 2,670 56.8 13 0.3 42 0.9 147 3.1 29 0.6 1,799 38.3 4,700 District of Columbia 4,341 73.3 2 0.0 73 1.2 220 3.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296634A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296634A1.txt
- OPEN RANGE COMMUNICATIONS JOHNSTOWN 02/23/2010 21975.00000 40-23-30.5 N MD AM 077-04-57.4 W 0004020368 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIOlney 02/24/2010 17915.00000 39-08-26.2 N TX AM WPZF501 106-29-00.8 W 0004023804 Board of Regents of New Mexico State UnEl Paso 02/22/2010 23435.00000 31-48-18.9 N TX AM 106-30-47.2 W 0004026368 Board of Regents of New Mexico State UnEL PASO 02/22/2010 23535.00000 31-47-35.7 N MD AM 076-46-00.5 W 0004029787 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBowie 02/24/2010 17915.00000 38-59-48.5 N PR AM 066-03-20.0 W 0004077098 Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp. Caguas 01/11/2010 10895.00000 18-16-07.4 N PR AM 066-03-20.0 W 0004077098 Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp. Caguas 01/11/2010 17980.00000 18-16-07.4 N CO AM WQKN714 105-04-47.7 W 0004092072 OPEN RANGE COMMUNICATIONS Loveland 02/23/2010 10835.00000 40-21-01.5 N CO AM WQKN714 105-04-47.7 W 0004092072 OPEN RANGE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296635A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296635A1.txt
- 088-01-14.6 W 0004135851 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIROLLING MEADOW 02/24/2010 11505.00000 42-03-31.9 N IL MD WQLI506 088-01-14.6 W 0004135851 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIROLLING MEADOW 02/24/2010 11585.00000 42-03-31.9 N IL MD WQLI506 088-01-14.6 W 0004135851 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIROLLING MEADOW 02/24/2010 23075.00000 42-03-31.9 N IL MD WQLI506 088-01-14.6 W 0004135851 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIROLLING MEADOW 02/24/2010 23175.00000 42-03-31.9 N IL MD WQKZ891 088-14-00.5 W 0004135853 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIELGIN 02/24/2010 10815.00000 42-01-30.4 N IL MD WQKZ891 088-14-00.5 W 0004135853 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIELGIN 02/24/2010 10895.00000 42-01-30.4 N Page 21 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL MD WQKZ891 088-14-00.5 W 0004135853 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIELGIN 02/24/2010 10935.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296750A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296750A1.txt
- OH NE 083-50-36.5 W 0004144556 SPRINGFIELD BECKLEY MUNICIPAL AISPRINGFIELD 03/03/2010 00120.70000 39-50-34.6 N OH NE 083-50-36.5 W 0004144556 SPRINGFIELD BECKLEY MUNICIPAL AISPRINGFIELD 03/03/2010 00121.70000 39-50-34.6 N AI - Aural Intercity Relay State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City HI NE 157-48-53.1 W 0004141723 HAWAII PUBLIC RADIO, INC. Honolulu 03/02/2010 00948.25000 21-20-00.5 N HI NE 157-48-53.2 W 0004141725 HAWAII PUBLIC RADIO, INC. Honolulu 03/02/2010 00950.75000 21-20-00.5 N Page 1 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City DC AM WLO429 077-04-27.9 W 0004105529 BONNEVILLE HOLDING COMPANY WASHINGTON 03/03/2010 00950.00000 38-56-08.3 N AL NE 086-14-04.7 W 0004141759 BLUEWATER
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296751A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296751A1.txt
- 03/02/2010 22075.00000 34-01-03.8 N CA NE 118-26-55.5 W 0004142388 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILos Angeles 03/02/2010 19375.00000 34-02-49.7 N CA NE 118-26-55.5 W 0004142388 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILos Angeles 03/02/2010 19475.00000 34-02-49.7 N CA NE 118-08-03.9 W 0004142389 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMontebello 03/02/2010 21925.00000 34-01-20.4 N CA NE 118-08-03.9 W 0004142389 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMontebello 03/02/2010 22075.00000 34-01-20.4 N CA NE 118-18-00.5 W 0004142390 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILos Angeles 03/02/2010 23125.00000 34-04-38.6 N CA NE 118-18-00.5 W 0004142390 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILos Angeles 03/02/2010 23275.00000 34-04-38.6 N CA NE 117-52-29.0 W 0004142391 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICity of Industry 03/02/2010 23275.00000 33-59-43.0 N TX NE 096-07-01.7 W 0004142393 EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. FLYNN 03/02/2010 00942.57500 31-08-37.0 N TX NE 096-24-40.5 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296906A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296906A1.txt
- Name Latitude City AK AM 134-02-17.3 W 0003957463 ALASCOM, INC. Juneau 03/09/2010 00933.57500 58-09-04.8 N AK AM 134-02-17.3 W 0003957463 ALASCOM, INC. Juneau 03/08/2010 00933.57500 58-09-04.8 N CA AM WPVP593 122-58-51.1 W 0004061946 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1Weaverville 03/08/2010 06256.54000 40-43-09.0 N CA AM WPVP593 122-58-51.1 W 0004061946 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1Weaverville 03/08/2010 06803.75000 40-43-09.0 N CA AM WMR928 123-44-00.5 W 0004061952 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1WILLOW CREEK 03/08/2010 02115.20000 40-52-27.4 N CA AM WMR928 123-44-00.5 W 0004061952 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1WILLOW CREEK 03/08/2010 06004.50000 40-52-27.4 N CA AM WMR928 123-44-00.5 W 0004061952 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1WILLOW CREEK 03/08/2010 10628.75000 40-52-27.4 N CA AM WMR928 123-44-00.5 W 0004061952 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1WILLOW CREEK 03/08/2010 10647.50000 40-52-27.4 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296907A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296907A1.txt
- N WA MD WMN562 122-57-55.0 W 0004156718 MCDANIEL CELLULAR TELEPHONE COCHEHALIS 03/11/2010 06626.25000 46-40-06.0 N WA MD WMN562 122-57-55.0 W 0004156718 MCDANIEL CELLULAR TELEPHONE COCHEHALIS 03/11/2010 06656.25000 46-40-06.0 N WA MD WMN562 122-57-55.0 W 0004156718 MCDANIEL CELLULAR TELEPHONE COCHEHALIS 03/11/2010 11405.00000 46-40-06.0 N WA MD WMN562 122-57-55.0 W 0004156718 MCDANIEL CELLULAR TELEPHONE COCHEHALIS 03/11/2010 11565.00000 46-40-06.0 N WA MD WQJN903 124-03-00.5 W 0004158456 MCDANIEL CELLULAR TELEPHONE COIIWACO 03/11/2010 10955.00000 46-18-45.0 N WA MD WMQ373 123-53-48.5 W 0004158573 MCDANIEL CELLULAR TELEPHONE COCHINOOK 03/11/2010 06615.00000 46-17-11.4 N WA MD WMQ373 123-53-48.5 W 0004158573 MCDANIEL CELLULAR TELEPHONE COCHINOOK 03/11/2010 11445.00000 46-17-11.4 N WA MD WMQ374 123-33-02.5 W 0004158578 MCDANIEL CELLULAR TELEPHONE COFRANCE 03/11/2010 06745.00000 46-27-40.4 N WA MD WMQ374 123-33-02.5 W 0004158578 MCDANIEL CELLULAR
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296908A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296908A1.txt
- W 0004159970 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBear 03/12/2010 21875.00000 39-39-22.0 N DE NE 075-39-23.0 W 0004159970 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBear 03/12/2010 21975.00000 39-39-22.0 N DE NE 075-39-23.0 W 0004159970 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBear 03/12/2010 22025.00000 39-39-22.0 N DE NE 075-43-26.4 W 0004159972 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINewark 03/12/2010 23275.00000 39-41-28.2 N PA NE 075-24-35.9 W 0004159973 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISkippack 03/12/2010 23075.00000 40-14-00.5 N PA NE 075-00-51.7 W 0004159975 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFeasterville-Trevose 03/12/2010 23225.00000 40-09-31.5 N NJ NE 074-44-09.6 W 0004159976 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILAWRENCEVILLE 03/12/2010 19375.00000 40-18-07.0 N NJ NE 074-44-09.6 W 0004159976 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILAWRENCEVILLE 03/12/2010 19475.00000 40-18-07.0 N Page 22 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297036A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297036A1.txt
- 38-36-24.1 N MO MD WQLK222 090-14-26.9 W 0004168802 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISt Louis 03/15/2010 19675.00000 38-36-24.1 N MO MD WQLK222 090-14-26.9 W 0004168802 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISt Louis 03/15/2010 21925.00000 38-36-24.1 N MO MD WQLK222 090-14-26.9 W 0004168802 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISt Louis 03/15/2010 22075.00000 38-36-24.1 N MO MD WQLJ687 090-13-10.4 W 0004168803 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISaint Louis 03/15/2010 17815.00000 38-39-00.5 N MO MD WQLJ687 090-13-10.4 W 0004168803 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISaint Louis 03/15/2010 17915.00000 38-39-00.5 N MO MD WQLJ687 090-13-10.4 W 0004168803 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISaint Louis 03/15/2010 17965.00000 38-39-00.5 N MO MD WQLJ687 090-13-10.4 W 0004168803 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISaint Louis 03/15/2010 18065.00000 38-39-00.5 N MO MD WQLK214 090-13-53.5 W 0004168804 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISt Louis 03/15/2010 17815.00000 38-37-55.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297038A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297038A1.txt
- LLC Abingdon 03/17/2010 36-44-16.5 N VA MD KNKA257 081-56-54.2 W 0004176397 Alltel Communications, LLC ABINGDON 03/17/2010 36-43-14.9 N TN MD KNKA257 082-20-30.5 W 0004176397 Alltel Communications, LLC Blountville 03/17/2010 36-33-17.4 N TN MD KNKA257 082-11-47.5 W 0004176397 Alltel Communications, LLC BRISTOL 03/17/2010 36-34-50.4 N VA MD KNKA257 082-44-38.3 W 0004176397 Alltel Communications, LLC DUFFIELD 03/17/2010 36-38-30.9 N TN MD KNKA257 082-11-00.5 W 0004176397 Alltel Communications, LLC Elizabethton 03/17/2010 36-18-06.7 N TN MD KNKA257 082-36-57.5 W 0004176397 Alltel Communications, LLC Fall Branch 03/17/2010 36-23-38.4 N VA MD KNKA257 082-32-29.8 W 0004176397 Alltel Communications, LLC Gate City 03/17/2010 36-38-32.1 N VA MD KNKA257 081-43-15.4 W 0004176397 Alltel Communications, LLC Glade Springs 03/17/2010 36-47-19.4 N TN MD KNKA257 082-23-00.0 W 0004176397 Alltel Communications, LLC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297205A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297205A1.txt
- 37-44-20.0 N CA NE 121-59-42.5 W 0004187163 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Ramon 03/26/2010 11545.00000 37-44-20.0 N CA NE 121-59-42.5 W 0004187163 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Ramon 03/26/2010 11665.00000 37-44-20.0 N CA NE 121-59-42.5 W 0004187163 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Ramon 03/26/2010 18015.00000 37-44-20.0 N CA NE 121-59-42.5 W 0004187163 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Ramon 03/26/2010 18115.00000 37-44-20.0 N CA NE 122-30-00.5 W 0004187165 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Rafael 03/26/2010 19375.00000 37-59-24.8 N Page 45 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA NE 122-30-00.5 W 0004187165 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Rafael 03/26/2010 19475.00000 37-59-24.8 N CA NE 122-30-00.5 W 0004187165 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Rafael 03/26/2010
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297269A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297269A2.txt
- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 $60 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 688,664 0.0 0.1 1.6 19.6 78.8 Austria $16,329,911 0.0 0.0 1.1 31.8 67.2 $1,825,474 0.0 0.0 0.0 39.9 60.1 $840,463 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 205,911,383 0.0 0.0 3.7 38.4 57.9 Belgium $21,202,971 0.0 0.1 1.1 10.2 88.6 $2,150,480 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.4 67.6 $19,473,691 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 418,020,278 0.0 0.0 0.5 29.5 70.0 Cyprus $1,881,304 0.0 0.0 0.9 12.0 87.0 $104,905 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.9 49.1 $124,472 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 34,647,850 0.0 0.1 2.4 24.9 72.7 Denmark $11,136,682 0.0 0.0 0.9 26.6 72.5 $614,610 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.9 75.1 $4,535,307 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 155,622,123 0.0 0.0 1.9 43.8 54.2 Finland $5,603,208 0.0 0.1 1.7 24.5 73.7 $112,233 0.0 0.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297472A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297472A1.txt
- 04/08/2010 31-17-59.6 N GS - Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NY RM WNWB486 073-41-33.5 W 0004202448 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. BROOKLYN 04/07/2010 00929.36250 40-41-22.4 N NY RM WNWB486 073-59-48.5 W 0004202448 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. BROOKLYN 04/07/2010 00929.36250 40-41-25.4 N NY RM WNWB486 073-49-00.5 W 0004202448 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. JAMAICA 04/07/2010 00929.36250 40-42-02.4 N NY RM WNWB486 073-58-46.5 W 0004202448 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. NEW YORK 04/07/2010 00929.36250 40-48-23.4 N NY RM WNWB486 072-20-54.0 W 0004202448 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. NOYACK 04/07/2010 00929.36250 40-58-19.0 N RO WPHE963 0004202232 T&K COMMUNICATIONS INC 04/07/2010 IK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Conventional State Purpose Call Sign
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297473A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297473A1.txt
- N MA NE 070-39-36.4 W 0004203601 MVA.NET, LTD Gloucester 04/08/2010 23020.00000 42-37-25.8 N Page 27 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MA NE 070-52-00.3 W 0004203604 MVA.NET, LTD BEVERLY 04/08/2010 19325.00000 42-34-31.1 N TX NE 095-31-43.5 W 0004203607 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISpring 04/08/2010 22025.00000 30-02-00.5 N HI NE 155-51-50.0 W 0004203859 HAWAII ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., INC. HILO 04/08/2010 02452.50000 19-13-36.0 N CA NE 121-56-05.8 W 0004205345 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICampbell 04/09/2010 10775.00000 37-17-18.7 N CA NE 121-56-05.8 W 0004205345 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICampbell 04/09/2010 10895.00000 37-17-18.7 N CA NE 121-56-05.8 W 0004205345 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICampbell 04/09/2010 18015.00000 37-17-18.7 N CA NE 121-56-05.8 W 0004205345
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297625A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297625A1.txt
- HOLDINGS IIICambridge 04/16/2010 23375.00000 42-23-36.2 N MA NE 071-08-23.3 W 0004214866 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICambridge 04/16/2010 23475.00000 42-23-36.2 N MA NE 071-08-43.8 W 0004214871 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICambridge 04/16/2010 19625.00000 42-23-22.6 N MA NE 071-08-43.8 W 0004214871 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICambridge 04/16/2010 22125.00000 42-23-22.6 N MA NE 071-08-43.8 W 0004214871 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICambridge 04/16/2010 22225.00000 42-23-22.6 N MA NE 071-06-00.5 W 0004214874 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICambridge 04/16/2010 22125.00000 42-21-43.6 N MA NE 071-06-00.5 W 0004214874 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICambridge 04/16/2010 22325.00000 42-21-43.6 N MA NE 071-05-59.0 W 0004214878 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISomerville 04/16/2010 18065.00000 42-23-46.0 N MA NE 071-05-59.0 W 0004214878 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISomerville 04/16/2010 23225.00000 42-23-46.0 N MA NE 071-02-49.7 W 0004214880 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBoston 04/16/2010 23025.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297643A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297643A1.txt
- 1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT) 1 - SATMEX 6 - (113 W.L.) 1 - SATMEX-5 - (116.8 W.L.) Page 1 of 5 E100047 SES-LIC-20100405-00402 E Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations Application for Authority Televicentro of Puerto Rico, LLC Nature of Service: Fixed Satellite Service 18 ° 24 ' 14.10 " N LAT. SITE ID: 1 State Road 19, Km 0.5, Guaynabo, San Juan, PR 66 ° 6 ' 30.20 " W LONG. LOCATION: ASC Signal 4.9 4.9 meters ANTENNA ID: Quad Digital video carrier, QPSK, 3/4 FEC 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 5M10G7F MPCP Digital video carrier, 3/4 FEC, QPSK 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 10M2G7F 63.35 dBW Digital video carrier, QPSK, 3/4 FEC 5925.0000 - 6078.3500 MHz 5M10G7F 63.35 dBW Digital
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297768A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297768A1.txt
- HOLDINGS IIISaugus 04/19/2010 22125.00000 42-29-39.8 N MA NE 071-00-43.4 W 0004216336 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISaugus 04/19/2010 22275.00000 42-29-39.8 N MA NE 070-57-00.7 W 0004216337 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILynn 04/19/2010 23025.00000 42-28-35.0 N MA NE 070-57-00.7 W 0004216337 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILynn 04/19/2010 23075.00000 42-28-35.0 N MA NE 070-57-00.7 W 0004216337 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILynn 04/19/2010 23125.00000 42-28-35.0 N MA NE 071-11-00.5 W 0004216338 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBurlington 04/19/2010 23025.00000 42-28-59.1 N MA NE 071-11-00.5 W 0004216338 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBurlington 04/19/2010 23375.00000 42-28-59.1 N Page 39 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MA NE 071-11-00.5 W 0004216338 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBurlington 04/19/2010 23475.00000 42-28-59.1 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297769A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297769A1.txt
- CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINorth Providence 04/19/2010 23475.00000 41-52-04.0 N RI NE 071-25-43.6 W 0004216984 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINorth Providence 04/19/2010 23575.00000 41-52-04.0 N RI NE 071-27-29.6 W 0004216986 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICranston 04/19/2010 17815.00000 41-46-02.0 N RI NE 071-27-29.6 W 0004216986 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICranston 04/19/2010 17915.00000 41-46-02.0 N RI NE 071-25-10.7 W 0004216987 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIProvidence 04/19/2010 23475.00000 41-50-00.5 N RI NE 071-25-10.7 W 0004216987 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIProvidence 04/19/2010 23575.00000 41-50-00.5 N RI NE 071-22-22.5 W 0004216988 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPawtucket 04/19/2010 19375.00000 41-53-24.8 N RI NE 071-22-22.5 W 0004216988 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPawtucket 04/19/2010 19475.00000 41-53-24.8 N RI NE 071-22-22.5 W 0004216988 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPawtucket 04/19/2010 23025.00000 41-53-24.8 N RI NE 071-22-22.5 W 0004216988 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297770A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297770A1.txt
- N TX MD WQGT625 099-45-16.6 W 0004220245 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC ABILENE 04/21/2010 23325.00000 32-26-56.9 N Page 37 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD WQGT625 099-45-16.6 W 0004220245 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC ABILENE 04/21/2010 23425.00000 32-26-56.9 N TX MD WQLL390 099-44-00.5 W 0004220247 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAbilene 04/21/2010 21825.00000 32-27-05.3 N TX MD WQLL390 099-44-00.5 W 0004220247 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAbilene 04/21/2010 21925.00000 32-27-05.3 N TX MD WQLL390 099-44-00.5 W 0004220247 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAbilene 04/21/2010 21975.00000 32-27-05.3 N TX MD WQLL390 099-44-00.5 W 0004220247 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAbilene 04/21/2010 22075.00000 32-27-05.3 N TX MD WQLL390 099-44-00.5 W 0004220247 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297888A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297888A1.txt
- W 0004226319 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINashville 04/27/2010 18015.00000 36-09-10.3 N TN NE 086-47-45.8 W 0004226319 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINashville 04/27/2010 18115.00000 36-09-10.3 N TN NE 086-47-45.8 W 0004226319 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINashville 04/27/2010 21825.00000 36-09-10.3 N TN NE 086-47-45.8 W 0004226319 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINashville 04/27/2010 21975.00000 36-09-10.3 N TN NE 086-41-50.3 W 0004226329 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINASHVILLE 04/27/2010 21825.00000 36-07-00.5 N TN NE 086-41-50.3 W 0004226329 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINASHVILLE 04/27/2010 21975.00000 36-07-00.5 N TN NE 086-47-48.2 W 0004226333 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINashville 04/27/2010 17965.00000 36-06-14.8 N Page 50 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TN NE 086-47-48.2 W 0004226333 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINashville
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297892A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297892A1.txt
- (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NC NE 077-57-29.8 W 0004225855 Wayne, County of FREMONT 04/27/2010 06755.62500 35-33-09.8 N CA NE 119-40-01.9 W 0004225856 MADERA, COUNTY OF MADERA 04/27/2010 11365.00000 37-20-27.8 N CA NE 120-03-51.0 W 0004225858 MADERA, COUNTY OF MOUNT BULLION 04/27/2010 06541.25000 37-32-20.0 N CA NE 120-15-32.0 W 0004225859 MADERA, COUNTY OF Chowchilla 04/27/2010 06246.66000 37-07-22.0 N ID NE 112-28-00.5 W 0004225944 Bannock County Pocatello 04/27/2010 23285.00000 42-52-15.2 N ID NE 112-35-25.8 W 0004225968 Bannock County Pocatello 04/27/2010 22735.00000 42-54-16.6 N ID NE 112-29-12.5 W 0004225978 Bannock County Pocatello 04/27/2010 21535.00000 42-48-30.0 N ID NE 112-21-55.9 W 0004226360 Bannock, County of Pocatello 04/27/2010 21985.00000 42-47-16.3 N FL NE 081-49-39.8 W 0004226420 Hardee County-IDA Bowling Green 04/28/2010 11225.00000 27-38-22.1 N FL
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298385A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298385A1.txt
- W3 1 Page 4 Frequency Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool Broadband Division 04/20/2010 WQJE916 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LLC 19475.00000000 Las Vegas 36-7-46.0 N NV 115-11-36.1 W3 1 04/20/2010 WQJL206 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LLC 17965.00000000 Las Vegas 36-5-0.5 N NV 115-11-10.1 W1 1 04/20/2010 WQJL206 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LLC 18065.00000000 Las Vegas 36-5-0.5 N NV 115-11-10.1 W1 1 04/20/2010 WQJL206 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LLC 17815.00000000 Las Vegas 36-5-0.5 N NV 115-11-10.1 W2 1 04/20/2010 WQJL206 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LLC 17915.00000000 Las Vegas 36-5-0.5 N NV 115-11-10.1 W2 1 04/20/2010 WQJL206 FXO CLEARWIRE
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- 0004248331 GTE Mobilnet of South Texas Limited PartLA PORTE 05/14/2010 06256.54000 29-39-43.8 N TX NE 095-06-25.5 W 0004248480 GTE Mobilnet of South Texas Limited PartHouston 05/14/2010 06315.84000 29-34-20.7 N WA NE 122-30-17.5 W 0004248681 Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership Vashon Island 05/17/2010 10915.00000 47-20-38.3 N WA NE 122-30-46.4 W 0004248682 Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership TACOMA 05/17/2010 11405.00000 47-16-43.4 N WA NE 122-26-00.5 W 0004248683 Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership Vashon Island 05/17/2010 11155.00000 47-22-14.6 N WA NE 122-28-08.0 W 0004248684 Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership VASHON ISLAND 05/17/2010 11645.00000 47-26-08.0 N TX NE 096-26-25.3 W 0004248744 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC Lavon 05/17/2010 19495.00000 33-00-59.2 N TX NE 099-57-39.8 W 0004249541 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC Ballinger 05/17/2010 21820.00000 31-45-01.6 N TX NE 099-57-08.3 W 0004249549
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- 106-33-22.1 W 0004251364 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC BERNALILLO 05/18/2010 10562.50000 35-17-42.1 N NM RM WPNG322 106-33-22.1 W 0004251364 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC BERNALILLO 05/18/2010 10835.00000 35-17-42.1 N NM RM WPNG322 106-33-22.1 W 0004251364 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC BERNALILLO 05/18/2010 18705.00000 35-17-42.1 N NM RM WPNG322 106-33-22.1 W 0004251364 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC BERNALILLO 05/18/2010 18755.00000 35-17-42.1 N AZ RM WLA770 112-01-00.5 W 0004251394 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC PHOENIX 05/18/2010 06197.24000 33-27-13.1 N AZ RM WLA770 112-01-00.5 W 0004251394 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC PHOENIX 05/18/2010 06286.19000 33-27-13.1 N AZ RM WLA770 112-01-00.5 W 0004251394 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC PHOENIX 05/18/2010 17800.00000 33-27-13.1 N Page 4 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt
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- US Inc. Inmarsat Hawaii Inc. Application for Consent to Assignment ISAT US Inc. E100047 SES-LIC-20100405-00402 E Date Effective: 05/24/2010 Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations Grant of Authority 05/24/2010 - 05/24/2025 Application for Authority Televicentro of Puerto Rico, LLC Nature of Service: Fixed Satellite Service 18 ° 24 ' 14.10 " N LAT. SITE ID: 1 State Road 19, Km 0.5, Guaynabo, San Juan, PR 66 ° 6 ' 30.20 " W LONG. LOCATION: ASC Signal 4.9 4.9 meters ANTENNA ID: Quad Digital video carrier, QPSK, 3/4 FEC 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 5M10G7F MPCP Digital video carrier, 3/4 FEC, QPSK 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 10M2G7F 63.35 dBW Digital video carrier, QPSK, 3/4 FEC 5925.0000 - 6078.3500 MHz 5M10G7F 63.35 dBW Digital
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298546A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298546A1.txt
- HOLDINGS IIIOverland Park 05/24/2010 23075.00000 38-55-08.0 N KS NE 094-39-29.9 W 0004257401 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIOverland Park 05/24/2010 23225.00000 38-55-08.0 N KS NE 094-40-07.8 W 0004257404 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIOverland Park 05/24/2010 21825.00000 38-55-34.5 N KS NE 094-40-07.8 W 0004257404 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIOverland Park 05/24/2010 21975.00000 38-55-34.5 N OR NE 121-46-52.1 W 0004257876 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CHEMULT 05/24/2010 06795.00000 43-13-00.5 N OR NE 123-03-37.8 W 0004258031 Freewire Broadband LLC EUGENE 05/24/2010 18000.00000 44-05-30.0 N OR NE 123-06-52.0 W 0004258042 Freewire Broadband LLC EUGENE 05/24/2010 17760.00000 44-00-10.0 N OR NE 123-02-19.5 W 0004258046 Freewire Broadband LLC EUGENE 05/24/2010 19320.00000 44-06-58.2 N OR NE 123-02-19.5 W 0004258046 Freewire Broadband LLC EUGENE 05/24/2010 19560.00000 44-06-58.2 N OR NE 123-01-43.0 W 0004258088 UNION PACIFIC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298678A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298678A1.txt
- N CA MD WQLN614 117-55-13.4 W 0004267912 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICovina 06/02/2010 19575.00000 34-05-26.0 N CA MD WQLN614 117-55-13.4 W 0004267912 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICovina 06/02/2010 19675.00000 34-05-26.0 N CA MD WQLN614 117-55-13.4 W 0004267912 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICovina 06/02/2010 23025.00000 34-05-26.0 N CA MD WQLN614 117-55-13.4 W 0004267912 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICovina 06/02/2010 23175.00000 34-05-26.0 N CA MD WQLU932 118-21-00.5 W 0004267915 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIInglewood 06/02/2010 19525.00000 33-57-35.6 N CA MD WQLU932 118-21-00.5 W 0004267915 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIInglewood 06/02/2010 19625.00000 33-57-35.6 N CA MD WQLU932 118-21-00.5 W 0004267915 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIInglewood 06/02/2010 23025.00000 33-57-35.6 N CA MD WQLU932 118-21-00.5 W 0004267915 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIInglewood 06/02/2010 23075.00000 33-57-35.6 N CA MD WQLU932 118-21-00.5 W 0004267915 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298839A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298839A1.txt
- N CA MD WQLN660 118-31-25.3 W 0004275619 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINorthridge 06/09/2010 17815.00000 34-15-13.2 N CA MD WQLN660 118-31-25.3 W 0004275619 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINorthridge 06/09/2010 17915.00000 34-15-13.2 N CA MD WQLN660 118-31-25.3 W 0004275619 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINorthridge 06/09/2010 19525.00000 34-15-13.2 N CA MD WQLN660 118-31-25.3 W 0004275619 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINorthridge 06/09/2010 19625.00000 34-15-13.2 N TX MD WQKH408 096-51-00.5 W 0004275626 AirCanopy Internet Services Waxahachie 06/09/2010 11265.00000 32-26-23.9 N TX MD WQLA415 096-55-48.2 W 0004275627 AirCanopy Internet Services Waxahachie 06/09/2010 10775.00000 32-20-47.1 N TX MD WQLA415 096-55-48.2 W 0004275627 AirCanopy Internet Services Waxahachie 06/09/2010 11225.00000 32-20-47.1 N TX MD WQKF471 096-58-34.6 W 0004275628 AirCanopy Internet Services MIDLOTHIAN 06/09/2010 19375.00000 32-30-46.4 N TX MD WQGK216 097-01-30.0 W 0004275629 AirCanopy Internet
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298933A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298933A1.txt
- WIRELESS PCS, LLCLIND 06/16/2010 46-47-35.2 N WA MD KNKA817 119-09-51.3 W 0004285341 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCMESA 06/16/2010 46-33-31.6 N WA MD KNKA817 118-46-57.7 W 0004285341 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCOTHELLO 06/16/2010 46-46-43.3 N WA MD KNKA817 119-00-50.4 W 0004285341 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCPasco 06/16/2010 46-25-50.2 N WA MD KNKA817 119-19-09.6 W 0004285341 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 06/16/2010 46-14-00.5 N WA MD KNKA817 119-34-16.5 W 0004285341 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 06/16/2010 46-33-01.5 N WA MD KNKA817 120-03-48.1 W 0004285341 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCSUNNYSIDE 06/16/2010 46-18-28.0 N AK MD KNKN407 148-56-24.0 W 0004286019 Dobson Cellular Systems of Alaska, LLCCANTWELL 06/17/2010 63-24-02.0 N AK MD KNKN407 149-05-22.0 W 0004286019 Dobson Cellular Systems of Alaska, LLCCLEAR 06/17/2010 64-17-49.9 N Page
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- IIIJacksonville 06/17/2010 10855.00000 30-15-03.6 N FL AM 081-27-57.2 W 0004252245 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIJacksonville 06/17/2010 10935.00000 30-15-03.6 N FL AM 081-27-57.2 W 0004252245 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIJacksonville 06/17/2010 10975.00000 30-15-03.6 N FL AM 081-27-57.2 W 0004252245 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIJacksonville 06/17/2010 11055.00000 30-15-03.6 N FL AM 081-27-57.2 W 0004252245 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIJacksonville 06/17/2010 17815.00000 30-15-03.6 N TX AM WQKH408 096-51-00.5 W 0004275626 AirCanopy Internet Services Waxahachie 06/17/2010 11265.00000 32-26-23.9 N TX AM WQKH408 096-51-00.5 W 0004275626 AirCanopy Internet Services Waxahachie 06/17/2010 23025.00000 32-26-23.9 N TX AM WQGK216 097-01-30.0 W 0004275629 AirCanopy Internet Services Midlothian 06/17/2010 06123.10000 32-26-11.0 N TX AM WQGK216 097-01-30.0 W 0004275629 AirCanopy Internet Services Midlothian 06/17/2010 17915.00000 32-26-11.0 N TX AM WQGK216 097-01-30.0 W 0004275629 AirCanopy Internet
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299557A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299557A1.txt
- State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City KS MD KNKN637 095-48-37.2 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC HOLTON 06/28/2010 39-27-45.0 N KS MD KNKN637 095-33-46.0 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Horton 06/28/2010 39-45-08.0 N KS MD KNKN637 094-53-15.3 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Lansing 06/28/2010 39-14-00.5 N KS MD KNKN637 094-56-15.9 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC LEAVENWORTH 06/28/2010 39-17-52.0 N KS MD KNKN637 095-43-16.8 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Mayetta 06/28/2010 39-18-42.9 N MO MD KNKN637 095-02-18.9 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC RUSHVILLE 06/28/2010 39-33-12.0 N KS MD KNKN637 095-44-21.2 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Sabetha 06/28/2010 39-39-41.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299558A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299558A1.txt
- 071-03-16.0 W 0004301089 FiberTower Network Services Corp. DORCHESTER 06/29/2010 19620.00000 42-18-29.0 N MA MD WQCI888 071-03-16.0 W 0004301089 FiberTower Network Services Corp. DORCHESTER 06/29/2010 19680.00000 42-18-29.0 N MA MD WQCI888 071-03-16.0 W 0004301089 FiberTower Network Services Corp. DORCHESTER 06/29/2010 23125.00000 42-18-29.0 N MA MD WQCI888 071-03-16.0 W 0004301089 FiberTower Network Services Corp. DORCHESTER 06/29/2010 23320.00000 42-18-29.0 N CA MD WPXG729 116-57-00.5 W 0004302164 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership HEMET 06/29/2010 10592.50000 33-43-16.0 N CA MD WPXG729 116-57-00.5 W 0004302164 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership HEMET 06/29/2010 11245.00000 33-43-16.0 N TX MD WQKC634 096-45-20.4 W 0004302275 NEXTLINK WIRELESS INC. RICHARDSON 06/29/2010 19625.00000 32-59-05.1 N TX MD WQIY218 096-48-51.0 W 0004302279 Nextlink Wireless, Inc. Dallas 06/29/2010 11525.00000 32-56-06.0 N TX MD WQIY218 096-48-51.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299559A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299559A1.txt
- O NEALS 07/02/2010 06615.00000 37-07-39.8 N CA MD WNEV956 119-40-41.5 W 0004307859 Pacific Gas and Electric Company O NEALS 07/02/2010 06635.00000 37-07-39.8 N CA MD WNEV956 119-40-41.5 W 0004307859 Pacific Gas and Electric Company O NEALS 07/02/2010 06675.00000 37-07-39.8 N CA MD WNEV956 119-40-41.5 W 0004307859 Pacific Gas and Electric Company O NEALS 07/02/2010 06685.00000 37-07-39.8 N CA MD KMJ72 119-46-00.5 W 0004307860 Pacific Gas and Electric Company FRESNO 07/02/2010 06315.84000 36-43-09.8 N CA MD WHC232 119-55-00.5 W 0004307861 Pacific Gas and Electric Company MADERA 07/02/2010 06775.00000 36-51-15.8 N CA MD WHC232 119-55-00.5 W 0004307861 Pacific Gas and Electric Company MADERA 07/02/2010 06845.00000 36-51-15.8 N ID MD WQKL319 114-27-42.8 W 0004307960 ONE WAVE NETWORKS TWIN FALLS 07/02/2010 17880.00000 42-34-57.7 N ID
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299965A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299965A1.txt
- 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 39-47-35.1 N TS - TV Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD WPNB690 097-03-04.3 W 0004325445 COMCORP OF BRYAN LICENSE CORP.LOTT 07/16/2010 07000.00000 - 07025.00000 31-12-11.3 N TX MD WPNB689 097-13-08.5 W 0004325447 COMCORP OF BRYAN LICENSE CORP.WACO 07/16/2010 06950.00000 - 06975.00000 31-30-00.5 N TX MD WPNB688 096-35-06.5 W 0004325448 COMCORP OF BRYAN LICENSE CORP.HEARNE 07/16/2010 07100.00000 - 07125.00000 30-56-23.4 N Page 55
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- 42-11-53.5 N OR RM WRP313 122-45-04.1 W 0004323272 ACTION OF MEDFORD INC MEDFORD 07/14/2010 00461.07500 42-17-42.5 N OR RM WRP313 122-45-04.1 W 0004323272 ACTION OF MEDFORD INC MEDFORD 07/14/2010 00461.52500 42-17-42.5 N OR RM WRP313 122-45-04.1 W 0004323272 ACTION OF MEDFORD INC MEDFORD 07/14/2010 00461.92500 42-17-42.5 N OR RM WRP313 122-52-48.1 W 0004323272 ACTION OF MEDFORD INC MEDFORD 07/14/2010 00461.07500 42-20-00.5 N OR RM WRP313 122-52-48.1 W 0004323272 ACTION OF MEDFORD INC MEDFORD 07/14/2010 00461.52500 42-20-00.5 N OR RM WRP313 122-52-48.1 W 0004323272 ACTION OF MEDFORD INC MEDFORD 07/14/2010 00461.92500 42-20-00.5 N OR RM WRP313 123-14-58.2 W 0004323272 ACTION OF MEDFORD INC WIMER 07/14/2010 00461.07500 42-32-22.4 N OR RM WRP313 123-14-58.2 W 0004323272 ACTION OF MEDFORD INC WIMER 07/14/2010 00461.52500 42-32-22.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299968A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299968A1.txt
- MIDDLETOWN 07/14/2010 06795.00000 38-40-05.4 N CA MD KNI82 122-38-02.0 W 0004322255 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF MIDDLETOWN 07/14/2010 06805.00000 38-40-05.4 N CA MD KNI82 122-38-02.0 W 0004322255 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF MIDDLETOWN 07/14/2010 06845.00000 38-40-05.4 N CA MD KNI82 122-38-02.0 W 0004322255 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF MIDDLETOWN 07/14/2010 10632.50000 38-40-05.4 N CA MD KNI81 122-43-29.1 W 0004322256 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF SANTA ROSA 07/14/2010 06625.00000 38-27-00.5 N CA MD KMV62 122-37-17.9 W 0004322257 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF PETALUMA 07/14/2010 02183.20000 38-14-11.7 N CA MD KMV62 122-37-17.9 W 0004322257 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF PETALUMA 07/14/2010 06645.00000 38-14-11.7 N CA MD KMV63 122-17-57.9 W 0004322258 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF NAPA 07/14/2010 06665.00000 38-19-03.7 N Page 2 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date
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- Applicant Name Latitude City OH MD WPWR694 084-27-21.8 W 0004328650 SUSQUEHANNA RADIO CORP. Cincinnati 07/19/2010 00945.00000 39-09-58.2 N Page 1 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH MD WHS576 084-27-21.8 W 0004328653 CUMULUS LICENSING LLC Cincinnati 07/19/2010 00948.00000 39-09-58.2 N TX MD WBK258 101-51-00.5 W 0004331574 WILKS LICENSE COMPANY-LUBBOCK LLUBBOCK 07/21/2010 00946.00000 33-32-32.3 N TX MD WLG329 101-51-00.5 W 0004331576 WILKS LICENSE COMPANY-LUBBOCK LLUBBOCK 07/21/2010 00949.00000 33-32-32.3 N TX MD WPZB995 101-52-42.0 W 0004331578 WILKS LICENSE COMPANY-LUBBOCK LLUBBUCK 07/21/2010 00944.50000 33-26-31.0 N TX MD WPNF633 101-51-00.5 W 0004331579 WILKS LICENSE COMPANY-LUBBOCK LLUBBOCK 07/21/2010 00950.50000 33-32-32.3 N SC MD WPNB278 078-52-43.1 W 0004333967 CUMULUS LICENSING
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300669A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300669A1.txt
- PCS, LLCEL DORADO 07/27/2010 33-11-59.1 N AR MD KNKN544 093-11-24.5 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCEmerson 07/27/2010 33-06-42.7 N AR MD KNKN544 091-16-32.9 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCEudora 07/27/2010 33-06-43.7 N AR MD KNKN544 091-33-41.8 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCGould 07/27/2010 33-58-49.4 N AR MD KNKN544 091-42-16.1 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCGRADY 07/27/2010 34-05-00.5 N AR MD KNKN544 093-12-19.7 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCGurdon 07/27/2010 33-58-17.0 N AR MD KNKN544 091-45-41.8 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCHAMBURG 07/27/2010 33-14-14.5 N LA MD KNKN544 093-04-20.2 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCHOMER 07/27/2010 32-52-39.8 N AR MD KNKN544 091-20-08.6 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCLake Village 07/27/2010 33-27-50.5 N AR MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300671A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300671A1.txt
- NE 089-21-53.0 W 0004338676 Open Range Communications MORRISONVILLE 07/29/2010 06286.19000 39-22-42.0 N IL NE 089-42-03.0 W 0004338680 Open Range Communications Chatham 07/29/2010 11215.00000 39-40-41.9 N Page 49 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL NE 088-33-05.2 W 0004338684 Open Range Communications Effingham 07/29/2010 21830.00000 39-06-00.5 N IL NE 088-32-45.3 W 0004338688 Open Range Communications EFFINGHAM 07/29/2010 23030.00000 39-07-15.3 N TX NE 096-09-36.6 W 0004338703 Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative IncTerrell 07/29/2010 06755.00000 32-49-01.2 N TX NE 096-09-36.6 W 0004338703 Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative IncTerrell 07/29/2010 06775.00000 32-49-01.2 N MN NE 094-55-53.0 W 0004338781 HARVEST LAND COOPERATIVE MORGAN 07/29/2010 11095.00000 44-25-00.5 N MN NE 094-55-00.5 W 0004338784
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300673A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300673A1.txt
- Winnebago County Illinois Rockford 07/28/2010 21825.00000 42-16-17.8 N IL NE 089-04-28.1 W 0004337735 Winnebago County Illinois Rockford 07/28/2010 17765.00000 42-19-29.5 N IL NE 089-04-28.1 W 0004337735 Winnebago County Illinois Rockford 07/28/2010 17865.00000 42-19-29.5 N IL NE 089-05-34.1 W 0004337770 Winnegago County Illinois Rockford 07/28/2010 23025.00000 42-15-46.8 N MO NE 094-34-28.6 W 0004337820 Kansas City, City of Kansas City 07/28/2010 10955.00000 39-02-00.5 N MO NE 094-34-40.6 W 0004337821 Kansas City, City of Kansas City 07/28/2010 06093.45000 39-06-02.2 N MO NE 094-34-40.6 W 0004337821 Kansas City, City of Kansas City 07/28/2010 06152.75000 39-06-02.2 N MO NE 094-30-19.3 W 0004337822 Kansas City, City of Kansas City 07/28/2010 10715.00000 39-01-54.5 N MO NE 094-31-57.5 W 0004337825 Kansas City, City of Kansas City 07/28/2010 10715.00000 38-57-02.9
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300783A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300783A1.txt
- 11/12 LIMITED PARTNETaos 08/02/2010 38-30-58.3 N MO MD KNKN726 092-47-02.8 W 0004341449 MISSOURI RSA 11/12 LIMITED PARTNETIPTON 08/02/2010 38-39-35.5 N FL MD KNKA524 085-23-26.1 W 0004341878 Alltel Communications, LLC Mexico Beach 08/02/2010 29-56-36.7 N FL MD KNKA524 085-44-55.2 W 0004341878 Alltel Communications, LLC PANAMA CITY 08/02/2010 30-09-33.2 N FL MD KNKA524 085-46-33.0 W 0004341878 Alltel Communications, LLC PANAMA CITY 08/02/2010 30-11-00.5 N FL MD KNKA524 085-36-23.5 W 0004341878 Alltel Communications, LLC Parker 08/02/2010 30-04-51.9 N FL MD KNKA524 085-56-25.4 W 0004341878 Alltel Communications, LLC SUNNYSIDE 08/02/2010 30-15-17.7 N FL MD KNKA524 085-51-29.2 W 0004341878 Alltel Communications, LLC WEST BAY 08/02/2010 30-19-14.9 N WA MD KNKN210 124-22-22.4 W 0004341880 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCBEAVER 08/02/2010 48-03-42.1 N WA MD KNKN210 122-21-11.3 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300784A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300784A1.txt
- SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILos Altos Hills 08/04/2010 21875.00000 37-22-56.9 N CA MD WQLY542 122-08-45.9 W 0004344118 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILos Altos Hills 08/04/2010 21925.00000 37-22-56.9 N CA MD WQLY542 122-08-45.9 W 0004344118 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILos Altos Hills 08/04/2010 22025.00000 37-22-56.9 N CA MD WQLY542 122-08-45.9 W 0004344118 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILos Altos Hills 08/04/2010 22075.00000 37-22-56.9 N OR MD WQJJ363 122-55-00.5 W 0004344549 Freewire Broadband LLC Hillsboro 08/04/2010 11285.00000 45-36-47.1 N Page 21 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OR MD WQJJ363 122-55-00.5 W 0004344549 Freewire Broadband LLC Hillsboro 08/04/2010 19325.00000 45-36-47.1 N OR MD WQJJ363 122-55-00.5 W 0004344549 Freewire Broadband LLC Hillsboro 08/04/2010 19425.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300946A7.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300946A7.txt
- Collinsville Police Department Collinsville -- No No City of Collinsville Primary Owasso Police Department Owasso -- Yes No City of Owasso Primary Broken Arrow Police Department Broken Arrow -- Yes No City of Broken Arrow and portion of Wagoner County Primary Bixby Police Department Bixby -- Yes No City of Bixby Primary Tulsa Sand Springs Police Department Sand Springs -- 0.5 No City of Sand Springs Primary E9-1-1 ASSESSMENT AND STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA © 2007 Intrado Inc. All rights reserved. Page 82 Oklahoma Wireless E9-1-1 Level of Service County Agency Location Phase 0 Phase I Phase II Boundaries Primary/ Secondary Jenks Police Department Jenks -- Yes No City of Jenks Primary Glenpool Police Department Glenpool -- Yes
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- NE 089-20-50.5 W 0004352614 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatLake 08/13/2010 06152.75000 32-18-04.4 N CA NE 120-57-10.8 W 0004352620 YUBA BEAR RIVER PROJECT OF NID Grass Valley 08/13/2010 02133.20000 39-08-28.6 N CA NE 120-52-50.8 W 0004352621 YUBA BEAR RIVER PROJECT OF NID Nevada City 08/13/2010 02183.20000 39-11-12.6 N MS NE 090-23-16.7 W 0004352729 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatYazoo City 08/13/2010 06541.25000 32-50-00.5 N MS NE 090-23-16.7 W 0004352729 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatYazoo City 08/13/2010 06625.62500 32-50-00.5 N MS NE 089-54-32.0 W 0004352730 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatSharon 08/13/2010 06256.54000 32-40-37.7 N MS NE 089-54-32.0 W 0004352730 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatSharon 08/13/2010 06286.19000 32-40-37.7 N MS NE 089-54-32.0 W 0004352730 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatSharon 08/13/2010 06315.84000 32-40-37.7 N MS NE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301113A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301113A1.txt
- 0004353469 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWETHERSFIELD 08/16/2010 21875.00000 41-42-21.0 N CT NE 072-39-48.3 W 0004353469 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWETHERSFIELD 08/16/2010 22025.00000 41-42-21.0 N CT NE 072-54-23.3 W 0004353470 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBristol 08/16/2010 10815.00000 41-42-50.9 N CT NE 072-54-23.3 W 0004353470 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBristol 08/16/2010 10935.00000 41-42-50.9 N CT NE 072-36-57.2 W 0004353471 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISOUTH WINDSOR 08/16/2010 21825.00000 41-48-00.5 N Page 31 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CT NE 072-36-57.2 W 0004353471 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISOUTH WINDSOR 08/16/2010 21925.00000 41-48-00.5 N CT NE 072-29-36.2 W 0004353472 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIVernon 08/16/2010 10775.00000 41-49-36.8 N CT NE 072-29-36.2 W 0004353472 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301115A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301115A1.txt
- PCS, LLCBinghamton 08/20/2010 42-06-49.0 N NY MD KNKA486 076-22-01.3 W 0004360534 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCANDOR 08/20/2010 42-14-54.5 N NY MD KNKA486 075-53-27.7 W 0004360534 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCHENANGO BRIDG 08/20/2010 42-10-15.3 N PA MD KNKA486 075-38-41.5 W 0004360534 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCLIFFORD 08/20/2010 41-38-36.5 N NY MD KNKA486 075-26-59.3 W 0004360534 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCDeposit 08/20/2010 42-02-00.5 N NY MD KNKA486 075-24-24.6 W 0004360534 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCDEPOSIT 08/20/2010 42-02-31.3 N PA MD KNKA486 075-46-44.7 W 0004360534 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCHALLSTEAD 08/20/2010 41-57-20.3 N PA MD KNKA486 075-40-50.6 W 0004360534 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCHARFORD 08/20/2010 41-46-06.7 N PA MD KNKA486 075-39-15.3 W 0004360534 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCLENOXVILLE 08/20/2010 41-41-59.1 N NY MD KNKA486
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301228A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301228A1.txt
- SANFORD 08/26/2010 28-47-47.0 N FL AM KNKA253 081-18-16.4 W 0004277286 Orlando SMSA Limited Partnership SANFORD 08/26/2010 28-48-55.7 N FL AM KNKA253 081-15-45.2 W 0004277286 Orlando SMSA Limited Partnership St. Cloud 08/26/2010 28-09-54.1 N FL AM KNKA253 081-38-01.3 W 0004277286 Orlando SMSA Limited Partnership WINTER GARDEN 08/26/2010 28-29-04.8 N CA MD KNKA540 122-17-58.0 W 0004361538 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCAnderson 08/23/2010 40-26-00.5 N CA MD KNKA540 121-49-45.0 W 0004361538 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCBURNEY 08/23/2010 40-54-21.6 N CA MD KNKA540 122-26-41.5 W 0004361538 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCLakehead 08/23/2010 40-54-52.1 N CA MD KNKA540 121-46-20.4 W 0004361538 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCMONTGOMERY CR 08/23/2010 40-52-27.9 N Page 17 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number
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- W 0004364613 Open Range Communications Pana 08/25/2010 06004.50000 39-23-27.8 N IL NE 089-21-53.0 W 0004364614 Open Range Communications MORRISONVILLE 08/25/2010 06256.54000 39-22-42.0 N IL NE 089-21-53.0 W 0004364614 Open Range Communications MORRISONVILLE 08/25/2010 06286.19000 39-22-42.0 N IL NE 089-42-03.0 W 0004364615 Open Range Communications Chatham 08/25/2010 11215.00000 39-40-41.9 N IL NE 088-33-05.2 W 0004364616 Open Range Communications Effingham 08/25/2010 21830.00000 39-06-00.5 N IL NE 088-32-45.3 W 0004364617 Open Range Communications EFFINGHAM 08/25/2010 23030.00000 39-07-15.3 N FL NE 080-09-21.9 W 0004364619 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIOakland Park 08/25/2010 17965.00000 26-10-12.1 N FL NE 080-09-21.9 W 0004364619 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIOakland Park 08/25/2010 18015.00000 26-10-12.1 N Page 42 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number
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- W 0004367500 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILauderhill 08/26/2010 22775.00000 26-09-53.2 N FL NE 080-07-01.5 W 0004367502 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBoca Raton 08/26/2010 10735.00000 26-20-40.2 N Page 26 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City FL NE 080-10-39.4 W 0004367504 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICoconut Creek 08/26/2010 22625.00000 26-19-00.5 N FL NE 080-07-14.7 W 0004367505 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPompano Beach 08/26/2010 21275.00000 26-16-36.7 N FL NE 080-04-45.7 W 0004367507 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDeerfield Beach 08/26/2010 17865.00000 26-18-31.5 N FL NE 080-04-45.7 W 0004367507 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDeerfield Beach 08/26/2010 18065.00000 26-18-31.5 N FL NE 080-04-45.7 W 0004367507 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDeerfield Beach 08/26/2010 22575.00000 26-18-31.5 N FL NE 080-04-05.3
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301294A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301294A1.txt
- 7.3 22.0 28.1 28.3 3.0 0.7 0.0 89.3 100.0 sDSL 0.0 0.0 0.0 55.2 38.5 3.6 2.2 * * 0.0 100.0 100.0 Other Wireline 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.2 43.0 16.8 2.8 21.8 0.4 0.0 100.0 100.0 Cable Modem 0.4 1.6 2.0 0.3 3.4 4.5 11.8 54.1 * * 98.0 100.0 FTTP 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.6 1.0 1.9 15.5 1.1 79.3 0.5 99.9 100.0 Satellite 49.7 38.9 88.7 * * * * 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.3 100.0 Fixed Wireless 9.9 4.4 14.3 19.7 24.1 27.4 11.7 1.1 1.6 0.1 85.7 100.0 Mobile Wireless 25.7 9.8 35.5 21.5 36.0 6.0 0.9 * 0.0 * 64.5 100.0 Power Line and Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 * * * * 0.0 * * 100.0 100.0 Total
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301340A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301340A1.txt
- 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC HOLTON 08/30/2010 39-27-45.0 N Page 15 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City KS AM KNKN637 095-33-46.0 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Horton 08/30/2010 39-45-08.0 N KS AM KNKN637 094-53-15.3 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Lansing 08/30/2010 39-14-00.5 N KS AM KNKN637 094-56-15.9 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC LEAVENWORTH 08/30/2010 39-17-52.0 N KS AM KNKN637 095-43-16.8 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Mayetta 08/30/2010 39-18-42.9 N MO AM KNKN637 095-02-18.9 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC RUSHVILLE 08/30/2010 39-33-12.0 N KS AM KNKN637 095-44-21.2 W 0004300910 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Sabetha 08/30/2010 39-39-41.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301341A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301341A1.txt
- KNKN544 091-16-32.9 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCEudora 09/03/2010 33-06-43.7 N Page 19 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AR AM KNKN544 091-33-41.8 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCGould 09/03/2010 33-58-49.4 N AR AM KNKN544 091-42-16.1 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCGRADY 09/03/2010 34-05-00.5 N AR AM KNKN544 093-12-19.7 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCGurdon 09/03/2010 33-58-17.0 N AR AM KNKN544 091-45-41.8 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCHAMBURG 09/03/2010 33-14-14.5 N LA AM KNKN544 093-04-20.2 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCHOMER 09/03/2010 32-52-39.8 N AR AM KNKN544 091-20-08.6 W 0004336965 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCLake Village 09/03/2010 33-27-50.5 N AR AM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301349A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301349A1.txt
- 1 08/03/2010 WQIV405 MO Cognis Oleochemicals LLC 467.41250000 Cincinnati 39-10-50.0 N OH 84-30-5.5 W 5 1 08/03/2010 WQJI526 FXO NEPTUNE TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC. 451.70000000 CLAYSVILLE 40-6-42.3 N PA 80-23-57.3 W 4 1 08/03/2010 WQJI526 FXO NEPTUNE TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC. 456.70000000 CLAYSVILLE 40-6-42.3 N PA 80-23-57.3 W 4 1 08/03/2010 WQKP434 MO MEDCO HEALTH SOLUTIONS INC. 461.77500000 WHITESTOWN 39-58-29.8 N IN 86-23-0.5 W 1 1 08/03/2010 WQKP434 MO MEDCO HEALTH SOLUTIONS INC. 463.67500000 WHITESTOWN 39-58-29.8 N IN 86-23-0.5 W 1 1 Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. TP - TV Pickup Broadband Division 07/30/2010 KB96278 MO WLOS LICENSEE, LLC 2025.50000000-2109.50000000 ASHEVILLE 34-51-7.4 N NC 82-23-54.4 W 2 1 Call Sign
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301457A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301457A1.txt
- N Page 6 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA MD WQMF290 076-16-24.0 W 0004384763 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Chesapeake 09/10/2010 23310.00000 36-49-35.0 N CA NE 118-11-22.9 W 0004379831 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC LONG BEACH 09/08/2010 19647.50000 33-50-10.9 N CA NE 118-13-00.5 W 0004379832 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC RANCHO DOMINGU 09/08/2010 18087.50000 33-51-48.6 N ID NE 116-33-15.7 W 0004380352 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC COCOLOLLA 09/08/2010 11245.00000 48-05-37.7 N UT NE 112-46-21.5 W 0004380596 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC DELLE 09/08/2010 11225.00000 40-45-27.1 N UT NE 112-46-21.5 W 0004380596 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC DELLE 09/08/2010 11305.00000 40-45-27.1 N CO NE 103-51-43.2 W 0004382739 NE Colorado
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- ISSAQUAH 09/10/2010 06197.24000 47-30-16.3 N PA MD WPTG686 079-51-12.2 W 0004384696 PENNSYLVANIA, COMMONWEALTH OFHILLIARDS 09/10/2010 06765.00000 41-05-24.2 N PA MD WPTG686 079-51-12.2 W 0004384696 PENNSYLVANIA, COMMONWEALTH OFHILLIARDS 09/10/2010 06845.00000 41-05-24.2 N WA NE 122-49-06.0 W 0004379254 Kitsap, County of Bremerton 09/07/2010 11405.00000 47-35-15.0 N TX NE P 095-20-00.7 W 0004379729 City of Houston Houston 09/08/2010 02475.06250 29-45-00.8 N AZ NE 110-02-00.5 W 0004382065 NAVAJO COUNTY Show Low 09/08/2010 19345.00000 34-15-19.7 N CA NE 121-43-25.9 W 0004382242 YOLO EMERGENCY COMMUNCATIONSKnights Landing 09/08/2010 10567.50000 38-47-34.0 N CA NE 121-31-46.9 W 0004382251 YOLO EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONCLARKSBURG 09/08/2010 10572.50000 38-25-12.7 N CA NE 121-29-01.6 W 0004382264 YOLO EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONSacramento 09/08/2010 06345.49000 38-39-05.9 N CA NE 121-29-01.6 W 0004382264 YOLO EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONSacramento 09/08/2010 06375.14000 38-39-05.9 N CA
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- 0.0 127.2 4.4 122.8 39.2 12.6 71.0 122.8 DE District of Columbia 191.3 0.0 191.3 3.5 187.8 35.0 26.0 126.8 187.8 DC Florida 2,355.4 (2.7) 2,358.1 384.5 1,973.6 792.6 192.4 940.5 1,925.5 48.1 FL Georgia 1,005.1 (0.1) 1,005.2 99.4 905.8 285.6 91.9 491.0 868.5 37.3 GA Idaho 197.0 (0.1) 197.1 25.3 171.8 61.1 16.8 87.7 165.6 6.2 ID Illinois 1,245.3 (0.5) 1,245.8 208.1 1,037.7 335.8 111.1 554.5 1,001.4 36.3 IL Indiana 683.2 1.9 681.3 113.4 568.0 218.3 50.8 284.8 553.9 14.1 IN Iowa 334.4 0.0 334.4 77.1 257.3 63.5 35.0 150.0 248.5 8.8 IA Kansas 255.6 0.0 255.6 18.8 236.8 55.3 26.7 147.8 229.8 7.1 KS Kentucky 427.3 (1.2) 428.5 78.4 350.2 140.9 42.5 156.4 339.8 10.4 KY Louisiana 383.8 0.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301622A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301622A1.txt
- O NEALS 09/15/2010 06615.00000 37-07-39.8 N CA AM WNEV956 119-40-41.5 W 0004307859 Pacific Gas and Electric Company O NEALS 09/15/2010 06635.00000 37-07-39.8 N CA AM WNEV956 119-40-41.5 W 0004307859 Pacific Gas and Electric Company O NEALS 09/15/2010 06675.00000 37-07-39.8 N CA AM WNEV956 119-40-41.5 W 0004307859 Pacific Gas and Electric Company O NEALS 09/15/2010 06685.00000 37-07-39.8 N CA AM KMJ72 119-46-00.5 W 0004307860 Pacific Gas and Electric Company FRESNO 09/15/2010 06315.84000 36-43-09.8 N CA AM WHC232 119-55-00.6 W 0004307861 Pacific Gas and Electric Company MADERA 09/15/2010 06775.00000 36-51-15.8 N CA AM WHC232 119-55-00.6 W 0004307861 Pacific Gas and Electric Company MADERA 09/15/2010 06845.00000 36-51-15.8 N NV AM WPOQ622 119-46-40.3 W 0004309809 TRUCKEE MEADOWS COMMUNITY CORENO 09/14/2010 17865.00000 39-28-26.4 N NV AM
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- LLC Hopkinsville 09/21/2010 10835.00000 36-47-05.0 N VA NE 082-11-04.9 W 0004394745 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC LEBANON 09/21/2010 10755.00000 36-50-16.0 N VA NE 082-11-04.9 W 0004394745 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC LEBANON 09/21/2010 10795.00000 36-50-16.0 N VA NE 082-11-04.9 W 0004394745 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC LEBANON 09/21/2010 10835.00000 36-50-16.0 N TN NE 082-44-23.8 W 0004394746 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC TUSCULUM 09/21/2010 10875.00000 36-10-00.5 N VA NE 082-04-48.0 W 0004394747 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC ABINGDON 09/21/2010 11245.00000 36-49-48.0 N VA NE 082-04-48.0 W 0004394747 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC ABINGDON 09/21/2010 11285.00000 36-49-48.0 N Page 12 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TN NE 083-56-39.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301767A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301767A1.txt
- IIIPainesville Twp 09/22/2010 23025.00000 41-41-54.3 N OH NE 081-32-24.0 W 0004397016 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIShaker Heights 09/22/2010 23175.00000 41-28-35.9 N OH NE 081-45-33.4 W 0004397098 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINORTH ROYALTON 09/22/2010 23025.00000 41-18-53.1 N OH NE 081-45-33.4 W 0004397098 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINORTH ROYALTON 09/22/2010 23125.00000 41-18-53.1 N OH NE 081-58-22.4 W 0004397099 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINorth Ridgeville 09/22/2010 23275.00000 41-25-00.5 N OH NE 081-44-12.7 W 0004397100 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIParma Heights 09/22/2010 17965.00000 41-21-09.4 N OH NE 081-44-12.7 W 0004397100 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIParma Heights 09/22/2010 18065.00000 41-21-09.4 N OH NE 081-44-12.7 W 0004397100 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIParma Heights 09/22/2010 21825.00000 41-21-09.4 N OH NE 081-44-12.7 W 0004397100 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIParma Heights 09/22/2010 21975.00000 41-21-09.4 N OH NE 081-52-41.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301768A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301768A1.txt
- 33-42-16.6 N CA NE 117-53-59.0 W 0004398143 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICosta Mesa 09/23/2010 18015.00000 33-39-42.0 N CA NE 117-43-05.1 W 0004398146 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChino Hills 09/23/2010 21925.00000 33-59-25.3 N CA NE 117-50-35.9 W 0004398150 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISANTA ANA 09/23/2010 23225.00000 33-45-32.1 N CA NE 118-00-55.1 W 0004398154 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHuntington Beach 09/23/2010 23325.00000 33-44-38.5 N CA NE 117-58-00.5 W 0004398156 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarden Grove 09/23/2010 21825.00000 33-47-21.8 N CA NE 117-58-00.5 W 0004398156 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarden Grove 09/23/2010 22025.00000 33-47-21.8 N CA NE 118-02-36.1 W 0004398159 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILos Alamitos 09/23/2010 23125.00000 33-48-09.4 N Page 33 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant
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- IIIColumbus 09/24/2010 11665.00000 39-58-39.4 N OH NE 083-01-08.4 W 0004399847 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIColumbia 09/24/2010 23175.00000 39-57-15.1 N OH NE 082-57-06.1 W 0004399848 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIColumbus 09/24/2010 23175.00000 40-04-09.1 N OH NE 082-50-13.5 W 0004399849 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICANAL WINCHEST 09/24/2010 23175.00000 39-52-38.2 N OH NE 082-59-45.0 W 0004399851 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIColumbus 09/24/2010 21975.00000 40-00-09.5 N OH NE 082-58-00.5 W 0004399852 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIColumbus 09/24/2010 11305.00000 39-52-51.2 N OH NE 082-58-00.5 W 0004399852 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIColumbus 09/24/2010 11425.00000 39-52-51.2 N Page 8 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH NE 082-58-00.5 W 0004399852 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIColumbus 09/24/2010 11545.00000 39-52-51.2 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301823A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301823A1.txt
- 1.1 1.5 2.5 0.8 2.8 4.1 13.9 53.0 22.6 0.3 97.5 100.0 FTTP 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.7 1.4 2.7 24.2 1.3 68.4 1.2 99.8 100.0 Satellite 53.2 35.0 88.3 * * * * 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.7 100.0 Fixed Wireless 14.2 4.5 18.7 20.8 22.3 25.2 9.2 1.9 1.8 0.2 81.3 100.0 Mobile Wireless 30.2 11.9 42.1 17.1 33.3 7.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.9 100.0 Power Line and Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 * * * * 0.0 * 0.0 100.0 100.0 Total 9.6 6.3 15.9 6.9 15.5 13.2 14.8 22.3 11.3 0.2 84.1 100.0 # = Rounds to Zero. * = Data withheld to maintain firm confidentiality. Source: Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, High-Speed Services for Internet
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301909A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301909A1.txt
- W 0004402378 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Speculator 09/27/2010 43-31-25.4 N NY MD KNKN864 073-24-24.4 W 0004402378 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Ticonderoga 09/27/2010 43-49-53.8 N NY MD KNKN864 074-28-32.8 W 0004402378 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Tupper Lake 09/27/2010 44-09-35.3 N NY MD KNKN864 073-25-53.2 W 0004402378 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Willsboro 09/27/2010 44-24-19.2 N NY MD KNKN864 073-26-00.5 W 0004402378 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC WILSBORO 09/27/2010 44-24-12.2 N OR MD KNKN411 122-52-08.6 W 0004402499 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC St. Helens 09/27/2010 45-51-32.1 N CA MD KNKA409 119-58-45.2 W 0004402951 GTE MOBILNET OF SANTA BARBARA LSANTA BARBARA 09/27/2010 34-31-36.1 N CA MD KNKA366 119-27-09.2 W 0004405407 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCAuberry 09/29/2010 37-00-47.1 N CA MD KNKA366 120-06-16.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301910A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301910A1.txt
- TTY: 1-888-835-5322 th 445 12St., S.W. Below is a listing of applications, subject to the pre-grant notice and petition procedure of Section 309 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that were accepted for filing. AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL NE 090-31-00.5 W 0004405527 Elliott Aviation of the Quad Cities Inc Moline 09/29/2010 00122.95000 41-27-00.1 N AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MI MD WPNG794 083-40-57.1 W 0004404241 AM MEDIA SERVICES Ann Arbor 09/28/2010 00944.87500 42-19-01.2 N MI MD WPNG794 083-40-57.1 W 0004404241 AM MEDIA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302100A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302100A1.txt
- 10/06/2010 02197.60000 43-26-28.0 N Page 5 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MN MD WPYH735 096-02-56.1 W 0004412173 Minnesota, State of Erhard 10/06/2010 05945.20000 46-28-26.6 N MN MD WQKX256 095-23-51.2 W 0004412338 Minnesota, State of Warroad 10/06/2010 06541.25000 48-50-49.3 N MN MD WPWD820 096-39-00.5 W 0004412906 STATE OF MINNESOTA Angus 10/06/2010 06595.00000 48-02-02.7 N AZ MD WQKA561 112-17-24.6 W 0004413062 City of Avondale Avondale 10/06/2010 19315.00000 33-28-03.2 N MN MD WQDM485 096-36-19.2 W 0004413094 Minnesota, State of Lake Bronson 10/06/2010 06541.25000 48-43-02.1 N MN MD WQDM485 096-36-19.2 W 0004413094 Minnesota, State of Lake Bronson 10/06/2010 06755.00000 48-43-02.1 N MN MD WQDM485 096-36-19.2 W 0004413094
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302101A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302101A1.txt
- HOLDINGS IIICincinnati 10/04/2010 23225.00000 39-10-01.2 N OH NE 084-25-44.8 W 0004409791 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICINCINNATI 10/04/2010 19375.00000 39-06-21.2 N OH NE 084-25-44.8 W 0004409791 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICINCINNATI 10/04/2010 19475.00000 39-06-21.2 N OH NE 084-25-44.8 W 0004409791 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICINCINNATI 10/04/2010 19525.00000 39-06-21.2 N OH NE 084-25-44.8 W 0004409791 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICINCINNATI 10/04/2010 19625.00000 39-06-21.2 N OH NE 084-36-00.5 W 0004409792 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICincinnati 10/04/2010 19525.00000 39-06-33.9 N OH NE 084-36-00.5 W 0004409792 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICincinnati 10/04/2010 19625.00000 39-06-33.9 N OH NE 084-36-00.5 W 0004409792 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICincinnati 10/04/2010 23075.00000 39-06-33.9 N OH NE 084-36-00.5 W 0004409792 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICincinnati 10/04/2010 23225.00000 39-06-33.9 N OH NE 084-31-15.3 W 0004409794 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICincinnati 10/04/2010 21825.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302271A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302271A1.txt
- HOLDINGS IIIBrentwood 10/14/2010 10775.00000 36-02-11.9 N TN MD WQLR986 086-46-54.4 W 0004421089 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBrentwood 10/14/2010 10895.00000 36-02-11.9 N TN MD WQLR986 086-46-54.4 W 0004421089 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBrentwood 10/14/2010 11055.00000 36-02-11.9 N TN MD WQLR986 086-46-54.4 W 0004421089 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBrentwood 10/14/2010 11175.00000 36-02-11.9 N TN MD WQMD598 086-41-50.3 W 0004421090 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINASHVILLE 10/14/2010 21825.00000 36-07-00.5 N TN MD WQMD598 086-41-50.3 W 0004421090 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINASHVILLE 10/14/2010 21975.00000 36-07-00.5 N TN MD WQIP571 086-48-35.0 W 0004421091 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II BRENTWOOD 10/14/2010 11225.00000 35-58-25.0 N TN MD WQIP571 086-48-35.0 W 0004421091 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II BRENTWOOD 10/14/2010 11285.00000 35-58-25.0 N TN MD WQIP571 086-48-35.0 W 0004421091 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II BRENTWOOD 10/14/2010 11305.00000 35-58-25.0 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302397A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302397A1.txt
- MD WQLY425 121-59-54.2 W 0004425312 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISunnyvale 10/18/2010 21875.00000 37-23-01.5 N CA MD WQLY425 121-59-54.2 W 0004425312 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISunnyvale 10/18/2010 22025.00000 37-23-01.5 N CA MD WQMM302 121-55-04.8 W 0004425314 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Jose 10/18/2010 21825.00000 37-16-15.2 N CA MD WQMM302 121-55-04.8 W 0004425314 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Jose 10/18/2010 21975.00000 37-16-15.2 N CA MD WQLY444 122-30-00.5 W 0004425315 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Rafael 10/18/2010 18015.00000 37-59-24.8 N CA MD WQLY444 122-30-00.5 W 0004425315 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Rafael 10/18/2010 18115.00000 37-59-24.8 N CA MD WQLY444 122-30-00.5 W 0004425315 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Rafael 10/18/2010 19525.00000 37-59-24.8 N CA MD WQLY444 122-30-00.5 W 0004425315 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Rafael 10/18/2010 19625.00000 37-59-24.8 N CA MD WQLY444 122-30-00.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302402A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302402A1.txt
- 064-54-38.2 W 0004423751 U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS BUREAU OF IT Charlotte Amalie 10/18/2010 19625.00000 18-19-47.7 N TX MD WQFF428 097-00-31.7 W 0004424183 Falls County, Texas Lott 10/18/2010 00933.97500 31-14-14.9 N TX MD WQFF428 097-00-31.7 W 0004424183 Falls County, Texas Lott 10/18/2010 00954.35000 31-14-14.9 N TX MD WQFF428 097-00-31.7 W 0004424183 Falls County, Texas Lott 10/18/2010 00954.75000 31-14-14.9 N TX MD WQFF429 096-47-00.5 W 0004424184 Falls County, Texas Reagan 10/18/2010 00957.95000 31-13-15.1 N TX MD WQFF430 096-52-36.0 W 0004424185 Falls County, Texas Marlin 10/18/2010 00958.35000 31-17-40.1 N TX MD WQFF431 096-53-14.6 W 0004424186 Falls County, Texas Perry 10/18/2010 00942.97500 31-27-36.0 N ME MD WQML279 069-57-48.0 W 0004424772 Town of Brunswick Maine Brunswick 10/18/2010 11285.00000 43-54-21.4 N ME MD WQML279 069-57-48.0 W 0004424772 Town
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302570A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302570A1.txt
- N OH NE 084-07-47.3 W 0004435536 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Lima 10/28/2010 11265.00000 40-45-23.8 N OH NE 084-07-47.3 W 0004435536 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Lima 10/28/2010 11385.00000 40-45-23.8 N PA NE 079-37-38.0 W 0004435540 FiberTower Network Services Corp. JEANNETTE 10/28/2010 17755.00000 40-18-44.0 N PA NE 079-42-14.6 W 0004435544 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Lower Burrell 10/28/2010 10715.00000 40-34-43.6 N AZ NE 111-07-00.5 W 0004435552 Sparkplug Southwest, LLC Tucson 10/28/2010 19495.00000 32-14-56.4 N Page 10 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA NE 079-36-29.2 W 0004436247 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Greensburg 10/29/2010 10755.00000 40-17-29.9 N NV NE 115-15-25.5 W 0004436370 Lincoln County Telephone
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302571A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302571A1.txt
- Carolina State Highway Patrol Jackson 10/27/2010 06765.00000 36-19-53.2 N WA MD WQJW343 122-31-33.5 W 0004433549 WASHINGTON, STATE OF Bellingham 10/27/2010 06345.49000 48-47-12.2 N Page 3 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD WNEF378 112-04-06.2 W 0004433651 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPHOENIX 10/27/2010 06034.15000 33-42-00.5 N AZ MD WNEF373 112-34-42.6 W 0004433652 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVLITCHFIELD PARK 10/27/2010 06286.19000 33-34-35.1 N WA MD WBH473 122-55-36.6 W 0004433740 WASHINGTON, STATE OF GARDINER 10/27/2010 06315.84000 48-00-58.3 N MA MD WPTG343 071-17-43.2 W 0004433965 Massachusetts Water Resources AuthorityWeston 10/27/2010 06645.00000 42-20-05.3 N MA MD WPTG343 071-17-43.2 W 0004433965 Massachusetts Water Resources AuthorityWeston 10/27/2010 11285.00000 42-20-05.3 N MA MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302705A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302705A1.txt
- N MA MD KNKN705 070-00-54.9 W 0004440491 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCHATHAM 11/03/2010 41-41-11.9 N MA MD KNKN705 070-44-01.2 W 0004440491 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCHILMARK 11/03/2010 41-21-23.1 N MA MD KNKN705 069-58-52.0 W 0004440491 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCEASTHAM 11/03/2010 41-52-02.0 N MA MD KNKN705 070-36-36.6 W 0004440491 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCFALMOUTH 11/03/2010 41-36-53.7 N MA MD KNKN705 070-24-00.5 W 0004440491 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCMARSTON MILLS 11/03/2010 41-39-33.0 N MA MD KNKN705 070-31-28.2 W 0004440491 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCMARTHA VINEYAR 11/03/2010 41-23-03.7 N MA MD KNKN705 070-03-40.7 W 0004440491 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCNANTUCKET 11/03/2010 41-15-40.4 N Page 27 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302706A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302706A1.txt
- N VA AM WNJY518 078-43-53.1 W 0004431797 MILLENIUM 2000 INC HARRISONBURG 11/04/2010 00464.02500 38-26-51.4 N RO WNIC221 0004443212 DOTSCHKAL, ANTON A 11/04/2010 LP - Broadcast Auxiliary Low Power State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA AM BLP01143 P 077-30-21.9 W 0004441784 WWBT LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC 11/05/2010 00174.00000 - 00216.00000 37-30-00.5 N VA AM BLP01143 P 077-30-21.9 W 0004441784 WWBT LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC 11/05/2010 00494.00000 - 00608.00000 37-30-00.5 N Page 41 LP - Broadcast Auxiliary Low Power State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA AM BLP01143 P 077-30-21.9 W 0004441784 WWBT LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC 11/05/2010 00614.00000 - 00698.00000 37-30-00.5 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302817A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302817A1.txt
- Communications, Inc. Houston 11/09/2010 10815.00000 29-45-06.0 N PR NE 066-06-58.7 W 0004448061 T-MOBILE PUERTO RICO LLC OLD SAN JUAN 11/09/2010 17755.00000 18-27-53.8 N NY NE 075-28-48.7 W 0004448069 Upstate Cellular Network Sherburne 11/09/2010 06004.50000 42-40-02.5 N NY NE 075-30-44.7 W 0004448072 Upstate Cellular Network HAMILTON 11/09/2010 06256.54000 42-49-50.1 N FL NE 080-08-29.7 W 0004448317 airBand Communications, Inc. Aventura 11/09/2010 11645.00000 25-57-00.5 N OR NE 116-57-56.0 W 0004448398 RCC Minnesota, Inc. ONTARIO 11/10/2010 11245.00000 44-00-35.0 N OR NE 116-59-27.0 W 0004448399 RCC Minnesota, Inc. ONTARIO 11/10/2010 10755.00000 43-55-27.0 N CA NE 117-12-08.2 W 0004448441 airBand Communications, Inc. San Diego 11/10/2010 17755.00000 32-54-02.7 N CA NE 117-12-29.3 W 0004448442 airBand Communications, Inc. San Diego 11/10/2010 19315.00000 32-52-28.4 N FL NE 080-04-39.1 W 0004448444
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302818A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302818A1.txt
- WQJD448 115-14-01.2 W 0004449874 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LAS VEGAS 11/12/2010 23025.00000 36-00-56.3 N NV MD WQJD448 115-14-01.2 W 0004449874 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LAS VEGAS 11/12/2010 23125.00000 36-00-56.3 N NV MD WQJD448 115-14-01.2 W 0004449874 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LAS VEGAS 11/12/2010 23225.00000 36-00-56.3 N NV MD WQJE712 115-10-23.7 W 0004450025 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LAS VEGAS 11/12/2010 23025.00000 36-08-00.5 N NV MD WQJE712 115-10-23.7 W 0004450025 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LAS VEGAS 11/12/2010 23075.00000 36-08-00.5 N NV MD WQJE712 115-10-23.7 W 0004450025 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LAS VEGAS 11/12/2010 23125.00000 36-08-00.5 N NV MD WQJE712 115-10-23.7 W 0004450025 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LAS VEGAS 11/12/2010 23175.00000 36-08-00.5 N NV MD WQJE712 115-10-23.7 W 0004450025 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LAS
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303067A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303067A1.txt
- 46-19-19.4 N Page 7 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD WPND444 101-27-55.0 W 0004508114 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC BIG SPRING 11/23/2010 05945.20000 32-10-59.0 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0004508137 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 11/23/2010 06152.75000 46-14-00.5 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0004508137 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 11/23/2010 06585.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0004508137 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 11/23/2010 06640.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA MD WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0004508137 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 11/23/2010 17950.00000 46-14-00.5 N NC NE 078-37-23.9 W 0004505778 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC DUNN 11/22/2010 11285.00000 35-16-14.9 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303375A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303375A1.txt
- LLC 10/30/2010 Location Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Licensee Name Location Date # City Latitude State Longitude Frequency Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave Broadband Division 11/04/2010 WGX509 FXO WHIDBEY TELEPHONE COMPANY 6197.24000000 LANGLEY 48-0-27.3 N WA 122-27-0.5 W 5 1 11/04/2010 WGX509 FXO WHIDBEY TELEPHONE COMPANY 6315.84000000 LANGLEY 48-0-27.3 N WA 122-27-0.5 W 5 1 11/04/2010 WLK849 FXO WHIDBEY TELEPHONE COMPANY 5945.20000000 EASTSOUND 48-40-47.3 N WA 122-50-28.6 W4 1 11/04/2010 WLK849 FXO WHIDBEY TELEPHONE COMPANY 6063.80000000 EASTSOUND 48-40-47.3 N WA 122-50-28.6 W4 1 Page 2 Frequency Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303393A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303393A1.txt
- Mobilnet of Texas RSA #17 Limited PHUNTSVILLE 12/02/2010 06004.50000 30-36-59.5 N TX AM WQLB637 095-30-27.6 W 0004501266 GTE Mobilnet of Texas RSA #17 Limited PHUNTSVILLE 12/02/2010 06123.10000 30-36-59.5 N TX AM WQLB637 095-30-27.6 W 0004501266 GTE Mobilnet of Texas RSA #17 Limited PHUNTSVILLE 12/02/2010 06152.75000 30-36-59.5 N WA AM WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0004508137 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 12/03/2010 06152.75000 46-14-00.5 N WA AM WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0004508137 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 12/03/2010 06585.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA AM WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0004508137 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 12/03/2010 06640.00000 46-14-00.5 N WA AM WHF503 119-19-09.6 W 0004508137 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCRICHLAND 12/03/2010 17950.00000 46-14-00.5 N TX MD WQKW406 095-38-23.0 W 0004515881 GTE Mobilnet of Texas RSA #17 LTD PrtnCrockett
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303405A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303405A1.txt
- Less than 768 kbps 51,573 7,153 7,216 65,942 At least 768 kbps & Less than 1.5 mbps 24,346 7,669 19,522 51,536 At least 1.5 mbps 676 1,350 13,644 15,670 Total 76,594 16,172 40,382 133,148 Percentages Less than 768 kbps 38.7 5.4 5.4 49.5 At least 768 kbps & Less than 1.5 mbps 18.3 5.8 14.7 38.7 At least 1.5 mbps 0.5 1.0 10.2 11.8 Total 57.5 12.1 30.3 100.0 Note: Figures may not sum to totals due to rounding. Source: FCC Form 477, Part I. U.S. Federal Communications Commission Internet Access Services: Status as of December 31, 2009 16 3 Chart 2 Distribution of Fixed Connections over 200 kbps in at Least One Direction as of December 31, 2009 Downstream Speed
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303634A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303634A1.txt
- N CO MD WQMP704 105-02-48.6 W 0004526830 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDenver 12/08/2010 23275.00000 39-42-03.2 N CO MD WQMP704 105-02-48.6 W 0004526830 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDenver 12/08/2010 23325.00000 39-42-03.2 N CO MD WQMP704 105-02-48.6 W 0004526830 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDenver 12/08/2010 23475.00000 39-42-03.2 N CO MD WNTA404 105-11-34.0 W 0004526860 CBS Broadcasting Inc. Golden 12/08/2010 21835.00000 39-43-16.0 N TX MD WQJS606 095-31-00.5 W 0004527261 Franklin Group Inc. HOUSTON 12/08/2010 11015.00000 29-42-06.8 N TX MD WQIK956 095-25-26.0 W 0004527275 Franklin Group Inc. Houston 12/08/2010 11185.00000 29-48-41.3 N Page 44 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD WQJZ815 095-28-55.7 W 0004527277 Franklin Group Inc. HOUSTON 12/08/2010 11505.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303729A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303729A1.txt
- Palatine Palatine 12/13/2010 22175.00000 42-07-56.8 N IL NE 088-04-14.1 W 0004532198 Village of Palatine Palatine 12/13/2010 23375.00000 42-07-28.2 N IL NE 088-04-14.1 W 0004532198 Village of Palatine Palatine 12/13/2010 23425.00000 42-07-28.2 N IL NE 088-04-14.1 W 0004532198 Village of Palatine Palatine 12/13/2010 23475.00000 42-07-28.2 N IL NE 088-02-52.8 W 0004532201 Village of Palatine Palatine 12/13/2010 22225.00000 42-05-47.1 N FL NE 081-54-00.5 W 0004533297 Hardee County - IDA Wauchula 12/15/2010 10775.00000 27-31-34.2 N FL NE 081-54-00.5 W 0004533297 Hardee County - IDA Wauchula 12/15/2010 10975.00000 27-31-34.2 N OR NE 120-50-35.7 W 0004533843 Frontier Telenet Prineville 12/15/2010 06404.79000 44-18-08.7 N OR NE 121-08-50.0 W 0004533847 Frontier Telenet Madras 12/15/2010 06375.14000 44-39-49.7 N Page 3 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call
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- IL MD KBV58 090-30-33.4 W 0004538442 ILLINOIS RURAL ELECTRIC COMPANYWINCHESTER 12/17/2010 17865.00000 39-35-42.1 N IL MD KBV58 090-30-33.4 W 0004538442 ILLINOIS RURAL ELECTRIC COMPANYWINCHESTER 12/17/2010 17995.00000 39-35-42.1 N GA MD WNTU508 084-44-49.7 W 0004538515 FLINT ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPOUPATOI 12/17/2010 06835.00000 32-33-09.5 N VI MD WQHZ550 064-45-16.6 W 0004539008 Broadband VI, LLC Christiansted, VI 12/17/2010 11225.00000 17-43-19.0 N OH MD WQNB944 084-36-00.5 W 0004539135 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICincinnati 12/20/2010 19525.00000 39-06-33.9 N OH MD WQNB944 084-36-00.5 W 0004539135 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICincinnati 12/20/2010 19625.00000 39-06-33.9 N OH MD WQNB944 084-36-00.5 W 0004539135 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICincinnati 12/20/2010 23075.00000 39-06-33.9 N OH MD WQNB944 084-36-00.5 W 0004539135 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICincinnati 12/20/2010 23225.00000 39-06-33.9 N Page 44 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State
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- Millions of D ollar s Total 56 1261835006027579151,0281,0721,1321,1881,2631,6901,7182,2352,5922,9353,2653,4683,7964,1104,2894,0824,2924,752 1986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010 3 - 15 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001 CETCs 5.7 - - 0.3 8.0 - 1.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A5.txt
- Millions of D ollar s Total 56 1261835006027579151,0281,0721,1321,1881,2631,6901,7182,2352,5922,9353,2653,4683,7964,1104,2894,0824,2924,752 1986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010 3 - 15 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001 CETCs 5.7 - - 0.3 8.0 - 1.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A9.txt
- 15.6 14.6 15.9 6.2 8.0 1982 10.8 9.0 2.7 3.9 4.2 1.7 1983 3.1 0.2 1.4 0.0 7.4 3.9 1984 17.2 10.4 -4.3 -5.1 3.6 3.8 1985 8.9 12.4 -3.7 -3.0 0.6 2.1 1986 7.1 8.9 -9.4 -10.0 0.3 -3.5 1987 3.3 2.6 -12.4 -11.8 -3.0 -3.0 1988 4.5 4.6 -4.2 -2.1 -4.2 -3.8 1989 0.6 1.9 -1.3 -1.7 -2.6 0.5 1990 1.0 1.5 -3.7 -0.1 -2.2 -2.2 1991 5.1 2.1 1.3 -1.3 -1.5 -2.6 1992 0.5 -0.2 -1.3 1.0 -2.4 1.3 1993 1.0 0.8 6.5 3.8 0.2 -1.1 1994 -0.3 0.7 5.4 6.1 -1.0 -1.4 1995 2.6 2 0.1 2 -3.8 2 1996 0.9 0.2 3.7 0.8 6.1 0.9 1997 1.0 0.1 -4.3 7.8 2.8 -4.3 1998 1.3 0.0 -0.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303900A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303900A1.txt
- 73 1.3 146 2.6 69 1.2 24 0.4 3,873 67.6 5,730 American Samoa 27 66.4 0 0.0 1 1.4 0 0.0 1 2.0 12 30.1 40 Arizona 13,542 62.7 68 0.3 207 1.0 757 3.5 281 1.3 6,742 31.2 21,598 Arkansas 5,163 35.8 409 2.8 41 0.3 221 1.5 216 1.5 8,385 58.1 14,435 California 80,655 52.1 2,126 1.4 709 0.5 4,333 2.8 3,273 2.1 63,689 41.1 154,786 Colorado 12,365 58.1 104 0.5 127 0.6 659 3.1 402 1.9 7,633 35.9 21,288 Connecticut 7,945 52.7 329 2.2 93 0.6 347 2.3 198 1.3 6,174 40.9 15,086 Delaware 2,664 56.5 37 0.8 40 0.9 108 2.3 25 0.5 1,843 39.1 4,718 District of Columbia 4,441 74.3 16 0.3 66 1.1 224 3.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303907A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303907A1.txt
- 124-07-12.1 W 0004551634 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1SCOTIA 12/30/2010 02165.20000 40-24-57.4 N CA RM WMR929 124-07-12.1 W 0004551634 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1SCOTIA 12/30/2010 05945.20000 40-24-57.4 N CA RM WMR929 124-07-12.1 W 0004551634 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1SCOTIA 12/30/2010 05974.85000 40-24-57.4 N CA RM WMR929 124-07-12.1 W 0004551634 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1SCOTIA 12/30/2010 06585.00000 40-24-57.4 N CA RM WMR928 123-44-00.5 W 0004551728 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1WILLOW CREEK 12/30/2010 02115.20000 40-52-27.4 N CA RM WMR928 123-44-00.5 W 0004551728 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1WILLOW CREEK 12/30/2010 06004.50000 40-52-27.4 N CA RM WMR928 123-44-00.5 W 0004551728 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1WILLOW CREEK 12/30/2010 10628.75000 40-52-27.4 N CA RM WMR928 123-44-00.5 W 0004551728 CALIFORNIA RURAL SERVICE AREA #1WILLOW CREEK 12/30/2010 10647.50000 40-52-27.4 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-304030A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-304030A1.txt
- N CA MD WQLV292 118-08-57.3 W 0004560946 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICommerce 01/05/2011 23125.00000 33-58-46.5 N CA MD WQLV292 118-08-57.3 W 0004560946 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICommerce 01/05/2011 23175.00000 33-58-46.5 N CA MD WQLV292 118-08-57.3 W 0004560946 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICommerce 01/05/2011 23225.00000 33-58-46.5 N CA MD WQLV292 118-08-57.3 W 0004560946 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICommerce 01/05/2011 23275.00000 33-58-46.5 N CA MD WQLU932 118-21-00.5 W 0004560948 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIInglewood 01/05/2011 19525.00000 33-57-35.6 N CA MD WQLU932 118-21-00.5 W 0004560948 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIInglewood 01/05/2011 19625.00000 33-57-35.6 N CA MD WQLU932 118-21-00.5 W 0004560948 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIInglewood 01/05/2011 23025.00000 33-57-35.6 N CA MD WQLU932 118-21-00.5 W 0004560948 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIInglewood 01/05/2011 23075.00000 33-57-35.6 N CA MD WQLU932 118-21-00.5 W 0004560948 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
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- 21925.00000 34-03-59.4 N CA MD WQLN758 117-17-20.5 W 0004562623 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Bernardino 01/06/2011 22025.00000 34-03-59.4 N CA MD WQLN758 117-17-20.5 W 0004562623 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Bernardino 01/06/2011 22075.00000 34-03-59.4 N Page 17 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WQNA849 117-58-00.5 W 0004562624 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarden Grove 01/06/2011 19475.00000 33-47-21.8 N CA MD WQNA849 117-58-00.5 W 0004562624 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarden Grove 01/06/2011 21825.00000 33-47-21.8 N CA MD WQNA849 117-58-00.5 W 0004562624 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarden Grove 01/06/2011 22025.00000 33-47-21.8 N CA MD WQKV498 117-45-05.4 W 0004562625 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIIrvine 01/06/2011 10815.00000 33-39-29.3 N CA MD WQKV498 117-45-05.4 W
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- 122-25-30.7 W 0004569152 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Bruno 01/12/2011 10975.00000 37-37-41.5 N CA MD WQLY331 122-25-30.7 W 0004569152 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Bruno 01/12/2011 17965.00000 37-37-41.5 N CA MD WQLY331 122-25-30.7 W 0004569152 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Bruno 01/12/2011 18115.00000 37-37-41.5 N CA MD WQLY331 122-25-30.7 W 0004569152 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Bruno 01/12/2011 22055.00000 37-37-41.5 N CA MD KMJ72 119-46-00.5 W 0004571394 Pacific Gas and Electric Company FRESNO 01/13/2011 06765.00000 36-43-09.8 N IL MD WQLC953 090-13-12.1 W 0004571480 llinois Rural Electric Cooperative WOODSON 01/13/2011 10995.00000 39-37-42.8 N IL MD WQKS332 089-55-29.2 W 0004571481 llinois Rural Electric Cooperative NEW BERLIN 01/13/2011 11485.00000 39-43-54.7 N NM NE 106-57-47.2 W 0004567240 Transworld Network Corp Socorro 01/11/2011 06345.49000 34-04-17.8 N NM NE 106-57-47.2 W
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- 2011 By the District Director, San Francisco Office, Western Region, Enforcement Bureau: This is a Notice of Violation ("Notice") issued pursuant to Section 1.89 of the Commission's Rules, to Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph registrant of antenna structure #1012853 in Fallon, Nevada. On September 28, 2010, agents of the Enforcement Bureau's San Francisco Office inspected antenna structure #1012853 located approximately 0.5 mile southeast of Fallon Municipal Airport in Fallon, Nevada, and observed the following violation: 47 C.F.R. § 17.21: ``Antenna structures shall be painted and lighted when: (a) they exceed 60.96 meters (200 feet) in height above the ground or they require special aeronautical study.'' The FCC Antenna Structure Registration for antenna structure # 1012853 indicates painting and lighting in accordance
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- 105-29-29.4 W 0004587917 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC GILLETTE 01/25/2011 06655.00000 44-14-38.6 N WY RM WMT668 105-29-29.4 W 0004587917 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC GILLETTE 01/25/2011 06695.00000 44-14-38.6 N WY RM WMT668 105-29-29.4 W 0004587917 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC GILLETTE 01/25/2011 10623.12500 44-14-38.6 N WY RM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEW CASTLE 01/25/2011 06315.84000 43-52-00.5 N WY RM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEW CASTLE 01/25/2011 06755.00000 43-52-00.5 N WY RM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEW CASTLE 01/25/2011 06815.00000 43-52-00.5 N WY RM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEW CASTLE 01/25/2011 11245.00000 43-52-00.5 N MT RM WPNC734 112-05-02.6 W 0004587928 New Cingular
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- PR AM WPQN477 065-47-28.6 W 0004581251 PR Wireless, Inc. RIO GRANDE 01/27/2011 11687.50000 18-21-44.8 N PR AM WPQN477 065-47-28.6 W 0004581251 PR Wireless, Inc. RIO GRANDE 01/27/2011 17945.00000 18-21-44.8 N PR AM WPQN477 065-47-28.6 W 0004581251 PR Wireless, Inc. RIO GRANDE 01/27/2011 17970.00000 18-21-44.8 N VA MD WPNA981 079-03-07.1 W 0004585235 Alltel Communications of Virginia No. 1, LLAmherst 01/24/2011 06197.24000 37-35-00.5 N VA MD WPNA981 079-03-07.1 W 0004585235 Alltel Communications of Virginia No. 1, LLAmherst 01/24/2011 06256.54000 37-35-00.5 N VA MD WPNA981 079-03-07.1 W 0004585235 Alltel Communications of Virginia No. 1, LLAmherst 01/24/2011 06286.19000 37-35-00.5 N VA MD WPNA981 079-03-07.1 W 0004585235 Alltel Communications of Virginia No. 1, LLAmherst 01/24/2011 06345.49000 37-35-00.5 N VA MD WPNA981 079-03-07.1 W 0004585235 Alltel Communications
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- - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WV MD KNKN567 077-52-05.4 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCFALLING WATERS 12/07/2010 39-34-50.6 N WV MD KNKN567 079-28-22.2 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCFRANKLIN 12/07/2010 38-30-10.4 N WV MD KNKN567 079-28-59.0 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCFRANKLIN 12/07/2010 38-31-00.5 N WV MD KNKN567 079-20-46.4 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCFRANKLIN 12/07/2010 38-38-08.0 N WV MD KNKN567 077-59-51.4 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCHEDGESVILLE 12/07/2010 39-32-46.3 N WV MD KNKN567 077-45-36.8 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCKearneysville 12/07/2010 39-19-34.8 N WV MD KNKN567 078-05-15.7 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCMartinsburg 12/07/2010 39-25-17.3 N WV MD KNKN567
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-304517A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-304517A1.txt
- 36-24-22.0 N NC MD WML585 078-20-32.0 W 0004602515 USCOC OF GREATER NORTH CAROLINHENDERSON 02/04/2011 06585.00000 36-24-22.0 N NC MD WML585 078-20-32.0 W 0004602515 USCOC OF GREATER NORTH CAROLINHENDERSON 02/04/2011 06595.00000 36-24-22.0 N NC MD WML585 078-20-32.0 W 0004602515 USCOC OF GREATER NORTH CAROLINHENDERSON 02/04/2011 06625.00000 36-24-22.0 N MA MD WPNG946 071-44-42.6 W 0004602516 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCSTERLING 02/04/2011 10621.25000 42-27-00.5 N NC MD WQKM451 078-19-49.8 W 0004602518 USCOC OF GREATER NORTH CAROLINEpsom 02/04/2011 06063.80000 36-14-40.7 N NC MD WQKM451 078-19-49.8 W 0004602518 USCOC OF GREATER NORTH CAROLINEpsom 02/04/2011 06256.54000 36-14-40.7 N NC MD WMQ795 078-19-22.0 W 0004602525 USCOC OF GREATER NORTH CAROLINLOUISBURG 02/04/2011 06197.24000 36-06-11.0 N NC MD WMQ795 078-19-22.0 W 0004602525 USCOC OF GREATER NORTH CAROLINLOUISBURG 02/04/2011 06286.19000 36-06-11.0
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- 0004602443 State of New Jersey BARNEGAT 02/04/2011 06795.00000 39-45-28.4 N NJ MD WNEW479 074-14-04.5 W 0004602456 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF TOMS RIVER 02/04/2011 06256.54000 39-58-10.4 N NJ MD WNEW479 074-14-04.5 W 0004602456 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF TOMS RIVER 02/04/2011 06286.19000 39-58-10.4 N NJ MD WNEW472 074-48-38.6 W 0004602462 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF WOODBINE 02/04/2011 06034.15000 39-14-07.4 N NJ MD WNTY250 074-15-00.5 W 0004602465 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF Ringwood 02/04/2011 06315.84000 41-04-01.3 N MN MD WQIK926 095-33-19.5 W 0004602523 Minnesota, State of GRANITE FALLS 02/04/2011 06226.89000 44-53-43.0 N MN MD WQMI448 095-11-24.6 W 0004602530 Minnesota, State Renville 02/04/2011 05974.85000 44-51-41.7 N NJ MD WNEV773 074-54-14.0 W 0004602577 New Jersey, State of CHERRYVILLE 02/04/2011 06555.00000 40-33-16.0 N Page 9 MW - Microwave Public
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- File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WQMJ867 121-55-24.7 W 0004608486 AMFM BROADCASTING LICENSES, LLCSUNOL 02/09/2011 00947.50000 37-37-11.5 N Page 1 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City HI MD WLO838 157-48-53.1 W 0004604270 HAWAII PUBLIC RADIO, INC. Honolulu 02/07/2011 00945.25000 21-20-00.5 N HI MD WHA900 157-50-22.2 W 0004604277 HAWAII PUBLIC RADIO, INC. Honolulu 02/07/2011 00944.50000 21-17-37.1 N HI MD WLI676 157-50-22.2 W 0004604278 HAWAII PUBLIC RADIO, INC. HONOLULU 02/07/2011 00949.50000 21-17-37.1 N HI MD WLI672 157-50-22.2 W 0004604280 HAWAII PUBLIC RADIO, INC. HONOLULU 02/07/2011 00946.35000 21-17-37.1 N NY MD WLJ713 078-28-31.0 W 0004606994 BACKYARD BROADCASTING OLEAN LIOLEAN 02/08/2011 00950.00000 42-04-39.2 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-304658A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-304658A1.txt
- Yucca Valley 02/10/2011 06615.00000 34-09-11.6 N CA AM WQJE853 116-23-22.4 W 0004599002 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Yucca Valley 02/10/2011 10755.00000 34-09-11.6 N CA MD WQCC868 118-09-11.8 W 0004607705 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Bell Gardens 02/09/2011 10637.50000 33-58-06.2 N CA MD WQCC868 118-09-11.8 W 0004607705 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Bell Gardens 02/09/2011 11115.00000 33-58-06.2 N CA MD WPYU223 118-03-00.5 W 0004607706 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership El Monte 02/09/2011 17865.00000 34-04-25.1 N CA MD WPYU223 118-03-00.5 W 0004607706 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership El Monte 02/09/2011 17880.00000 34-04-25.1 N CA MD WPUA737 115-43-03.3 W 0004607707 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Desert Center 02/09/2011 06116.92300 33-39-40.1 N Page 2 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose
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- 39-58-10.4 N NJ MD WNEW472 074-48-38.6 W 0004608747 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF WOODBINE 02/09/2011 06034.15000 39-14-07.4 N Page 10 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NJ MD WNEW472 074-48-38.6 W 0004608747 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF WOODBINE 02/09/2011 06755.00000 39-14-07.4 N NJ MD WNTY250 074-15-00.5 W 0004608748 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF Ringwood 02/09/2011 06315.84000 41-04-01.3 N NJ MD WNTY250 074-15-00.5 W 0004608748 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF Ringwood 02/09/2011 06685.00000 41-04-01.3 N NJ MD WPNC414 074-55-57.0 W 0004608753 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF BERLIN 02/09/2011 06152.75000 39-48-14.0 N NJ MD WPNC414 074-55-57.0 W 0004608753 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF BERLIN 02/09/2011 06825.00000 39-48-14.0 N NJ MD WPNC414 074-55-57.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-304911A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-304911A1.txt
- 00450.73750 39-43-59.0 N CO AM KPF238 104-59-08.9 W 0004505743 CBS TELEVISION STATIONS INC. DENVER 02/24/2011 00455.73500 39-43-59.0 N TI - TV Intercity Relay State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH AM WQNJ590 081-27-09.1 W 0004522152 GRAY TELEVISION LICENSEE, LLC Marietta 02/23/2011 02037.50000 - 02049.50000 39-24-38.3 N SC MD WMV650 081-50-00.5 W 0004623635 WAGT TELEVISION, INC. JACKSON 02/22/2011 02085.50000 - 02097.50000 33-24-20.7 N SC MD WPXL631 081-50-00.5 W 0004623644 WAGT TELEVISION, INC. JACKSON 02/22/2011 06950.00000 - 06975.00000 33-24-20.7 N PA MD WPUW572 075-14-10.1 W 0004628915 UNIVISION PHILADELPHIA LLC Philadelphia 02/23/2011 06937.50000 40-02-30.0 N LA NE 090-05-38.0 W 0004629611 NEW ORLEANS HEARST TELEVISION Mandeville 02/24/2011 02097.50000 - 02109.50000 30-22-51.0 N Page 49
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- WIRELESS PCS, LLCCHEYENNE 03/03/2011 35-41-55.7 N OK AM KNKN511 098-57-47.8 W 0004383340 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCLINTON 03/03/2011 35-29-22.6 N OK AM KNKN511 098-57-49.0 W 0004383340 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCLINTON 03/03/2011 35-29-24.0 N OK AM KNKN511 098-53-00.3 W 0004383340 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCLINTON 03/03/2011 35-31-58.2 N OK AM KNKN511 098-53-01.6 W 0004383340 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCLINTON 03/03/2011 35-32-00.5 N OK AM KNKN511 099-22-33.8 W 0004383340 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCHammon 03/03/2011 35-37-08.3 N OK AM KNKN511 097-54-16.1 W 0004383340 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCHENNESSEY 03/03/2011 36-05-43.2 N OK AM KNKN511 097-57-04.3 W 0004383340 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCKingfisher 03/03/2011 35-49-41.5 N Page 28 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency
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- and Electric Company Konawa 03/03/2011 06063.80000 34-58-23.0 N OK NE 096-43-39.0 W 0004639568 Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Konawa 03/03/2011 06123.10000 34-58-23.0 N WA NE 121-06-44.6 W 0004639678 Sawtooth Technologies Dallesport 03/03/2011 19320.00000 45-42-44.2 N OR NE 121-07-13.2 W 0004639682 Sawtooth Technologies The Dalles 03/03/2011 17760.00000 45-36-26.4 N LA NE 090-04-15.3 W 0004640134 Wire Fly Communications New Orleans 03/04/2011 10835.00000 29-57-00.5 N LA NE 090-09-27.3 W 0004640135 Wire Fly Communications Metairie 03/04/2011 11325.00000 29-58-20.0 N OR NE P 122-59-03.6 W 0004641030 CITY OF BROWNSVILLE BROWNSVILLE 03/04/2011 00956.41875 44-23-35.4 N RO WPJE553 0004640149 Keyspan Corp. dba Keyspan Energy 03/04/2011 RO KSD88 0004640317 ANR Pipeline Company 03/04/2011 Page 22 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date
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- W 0004646278 NE Colorado Cellular, Inc. Clay Center 03/09/2011 06286.19000 40-31-40.2 N NE NE 098-04-42.9 W 0004646283 NE Colorado Cellular, Inc. Nelson 03/09/2011 06197.24000 40-11-52.2 N TX NE 093-54-48.4 W 0004647021 GTE Mobilnet of South Texas Limited PartVidor 03/10/2011 05945.20000 30-07-57.7 N TX NE 093-45-25.8 W 0004647026 GTE Mobilnet of South Texas Limited PartOrange 03/10/2011 06345.49000 30-10-45.2 N AZ NE 112-13-00.5 W 0004647193 airBand Communications, Inc. Peoria 03/10/2011 10825.00000 33-38-14.7 N IA NE 093-46-25.4 W 0004647199 airBand Communications, Inc. Urbandale 03/10/2011 23080.00000 41-38-15.0 N Page 11 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX NE 094-10-14.7 W 0004647324 GTE Mobilnet of South
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-305296A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-305296A1.txt
- Less than 768 kbps 83,173 7,053 6,683 96,909 At least 768 kbps & Less than 1.5 mbps 8,574 5,217 13,860 27,651 At least 1.5 mbps 740 1,366 26,254 28,360 Total 92,487 13,636 46,797 152,920 Percentages Less than 768 kbps 54.4 4.6 4.4 63.4 At least 768 kbps & Less than 1.5 mbps 5.6 3.4 9.1 18.1 At least 1.5 mbps 0.5 0.9 17.2 18.5 Total 60.5 8.9 30.6 100.0 Note: Figures may not sum to totals due to rounding. Source: FCC Form 477, Part I. U.S. Federal Communications Commission Internet Access Services: Status as of June 30, 2010 16 3 Chart 2 Distribution of Fixed Connections over 200 kbps in at Least One Direction as of June 30, 2010 Note: Inner
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-305552A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-305552A1.txt
- 103-48-28.3 W 0004580849 NE Colorado Cellular, Inc. CEDAR POINT 03/29/2011 06635.00000 39-22-13.9 N CO AM WPNL477 103-48-28.3 W 0004580849 NE Colorado Cellular, Inc. CEDAR POINT 03/29/2011 06855.00000 39-22-13.9 N MT AM WMS659 109-25-33.5 W 0004581400 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC LEWISTOWN 03/28/2011 06256.54000 47-03-56.8 N WY AM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEW CASTLE 04/01/2011 06315.84000 43-52-00.5 N WY AM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEW CASTLE 04/01/2011 06755.00000 43-52-00.5 N WY AM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEW CASTLE 04/01/2011 06815.00000 43-52-00.5 N WY AM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEW CASTLE 04/01/2011 11245.00000 43-52-00.5 N MN AM WPNI856 094-33-49.4 W 0004587968 New Cingular
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-305553A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-305553A1.txt
- IIIAffton 03/30/2011 19575.00000 38-33-14.0 N MO MD WQLJ891 090-19-21.4 W 0004672279 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAffton 03/30/2011 19675.00000 38-33-14.0 N MO MD WQLJ891 090-19-21.4 W 0004672279 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAffton 03/30/2011 21875.00000 38-33-14.0 N MO MD WQLJ891 090-19-21.4 W 0004672279 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAffton 03/30/2011 22025.00000 38-33-14.0 N MO MD WQLJ687 090-13-10.4 W 0004672281 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISt. Louis 03/30/2011 10815.00000 38-39-00.5 N Page 26 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MO MD WQLJ687 090-13-10.4 W 0004672281 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISt. Louis 03/30/2011 10895.00000 38-39-00.5 N MO MD WQLJ687 090-13-10.4 W 0004672281 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISt. Louis 03/30/2011 17965.00000 38-39-00.5 N MO MD WQLJ687 090-13-10.4 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-305718A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-305718A1.txt
- 00951.50000 35-23-07.6 N CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OR AM WQNF807 116-57-56.0 W 0004601423 RCC Minnesota, Inc. ONTARIO 04/07/2011 11245.00000 44-00-35.0 N OR AM WQNF807 116-57-56.0 W 0004601423 RCC Minnesota, Inc. ONTARIO 04/07/2011 11405.00000 44-00-35.0 N CA AM WPYU223 118-03-00.5 W 0004607706 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership El Monte 04/08/2011 17865.00000 34-04-25.1 N Page 1 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM WPYU223 118-03-00.5 W 0004607706 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership El Monte 04/08/2011 17880.00000 34-04-25.1 N CA AM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306105A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306105A1.txt
- Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA MD WPNB888 076-32-49.5 W 0004697439 MONTROSE BROADCASTING CORP. MECHANICSVILLE 04/20/2011 00950.50000 40-59-16.1 N AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City HI AM WLO838 157-48-53.1 W 0004604270 HAWAII PUBLIC RADIO, INC. Honolulu 04/19/2011 00945.25000 21-20-00.5 N MO AM WLF812 090-13-33.5 W 0004679045 CBS RADIO HOLDINGS INC. ST LOUIS 04/18/2011 00950.50000 38-37-51.0 N CO MD WDZ697 104-50-13.4 W 0004696074 SALEM MEDIA OF COLORADO, INC AURORA 04/19/2011 00946.00000 39-39-38.0 N WI MD WPNF898 087-20-56.4 W 0004698485 NICOLET BROADCASTING, INC. Sturgeon Bay 04/20/2011 00951.00000 44-50-09.6 N WI MD WPUJ361 087-20-56.4 W 0004698493 NICOLET BROADCASTING, INC. Sturgeon Bay 04/20/2011
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306419A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306419A1.txt
- PCS, LLCCircleville 05/06/2011 38-38-41.5 N VA AM KNKN567 078-46-06.0 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCEdinburg 05/06/2011 38-48-36.4 N WV AM KNKN567 077-52-05.4 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCFALLING WATERS 05/06/2011 39-34-50.6 N WV AM KNKN567 079-28-22.2 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCFRANKLIN 05/06/2011 38-30-10.4 N WV AM KNKN567 079-28-59.0 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCFRANKLIN 05/06/2011 38-31-00.5 N WV AM KNKN567 079-20-46.4 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCFRANKLIN 05/06/2011 38-38-08.0 N WV AM KNKN567 077-59-51.4 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCHEDGESVILLE 05/06/2011 39-32-46.3 N WV AM KNKN567 077-45-36.8 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCKearneysville 05/06/2011 39-19-34.8 N WV AM KNKN567 078-05-15.7 W 0004525096 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCMartinsburg 05/06/2011 39-25-17.3 N WV AM KNKN567
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306444A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306444A1.txt
- AND WJMN TELEVISION STATION, INC. FROM: Current Licensee: Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. WFRV and WJMN Television Station, Inc. Application for Consent to Assignment Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. E110012 SES-LIC-20110209-00132 E Class of Station: VSAT Network Application for Authority General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies Nature of Service: Fixed Satellite Service SITE ID: 1 2205 Fortune Dr., USA, San Jose, CA LOCATION: General Dynamics M20 0.5 meters ANTENNA ID: M20 47.36 dBW Digital Data 14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz 5M60G1D Digital Data 11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz 5M60G1D General Dynamics M17 0.43 meters ANTENNA ID: M17 Page 3 of 18 45.56 dBW Digital Data 14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz 5M60G1D Digital Data 11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz 5M60G1D General Dynamics M24 0.6 meters ANTENNA ID: M24 48.86 dBW Digital Data
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306653A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306653A1.txt
- PR AM WPOV398 066-05-44.4 W 0004586908 PR Wireless, Inc. RIO PIEDRAS 05/11/2011 19565.00000 18-22-45.4 N PR AM WPOV398 066-05-44.4 W 0004586908 PR Wireless, Inc. RIO PIEDRAS 05/11/2011 19595.00000 18-22-45.4 N PR AM WPOV398 066-05-44.4 W 0004586908 PR Wireless, Inc. RIO PIEDRAS 05/11/2011 19665.00000 18-22-45.4 N WY AM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEW CASTLE 05/12/2011 06315.84000 43-52-00.5 N WY AM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEW CASTLE 05/12/2011 06745.00000 43-52-00.5 N WY AM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEW CASTLE 05/12/2011 06755.00000 43-52-00.5 N WY AM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEW CASTLE 05/12/2011 06815.00000 43-52-00.5 N WY AM WMT669 104-14-35.3 W 0004587924 New Cingular
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306654A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306654A1.txt
- 06750.00000 36-28-36.5 N NC MD KDY58 077-48-38.9 W 0004726146 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMTHELMA 05/12/2011 06226.89000 36-29-49.5 N NC MD KDY58 077-48-38.9 W 0004726146 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMTHELMA 05/12/2011 06375.14000 36-29-49.5 N NC MD KDY58 077-48-38.9 W 0004726146 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMTHELMA 05/12/2011 06590.00000 36-29-49.5 N TX MD WQKN521 101-37-01.5 W 0004726147 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAmarillo 05/12/2011 11225.00000 35-13-00.5 N TX MD WQKN521 101-37-01.5 W 0004726147 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAmarillo 05/12/2011 11265.00000 35-13-00.5 N TX MD WQIM893 101-23-49.7 W 0004726150 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II PANHANDLE 05/12/2011 11325.00000 35-20-19.8 N TX MD WQIM893 101-23-49.7 W 0004726150 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II PANHANDLE 05/12/2011 11465.00000 35-20-19.8 N Page 14 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306814A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306814A1.txt
- HOLDINGS III, LLC 04/21/2011 Location Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Licensee Name Location Date # City Latitude State Longitude Frequency Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. IG - Industrial/Business Pool, Conventional Mobility Division 04/19/2011 WPHR951 FB2 WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 151.74500000 SANDERSVILL 33-0-24.4 N GA 82-49-0.5 W 4 1 04/19/2011 WPHR951 FB2 WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 452.12500000 SANDERSVILL 32-57-1.1 N GA 82-47-27.5 W 5 1 04/19/2011 WPHR951 FB2 WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 461.80000000 SANDERSVILL 32-57-1.1 N GA 82-47-27.5 W 5 1 04/19/2011 WPHR951 FB2 WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 151.89500000 SANDERSVILL 32-58-14.7 N GA 82-48-9.9 W 6 1 04/19/2011 WPHR951 MO WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306818A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306818A1.txt
- DHHR BPH, Office of EMS, CommunMorgantown 05/20/2011 11245.00000 39-38-40.0 N WV NE 079-55-17.0 W 0004736852 WV DHHR BPH, Office of EMS, CommunMorgantown 05/20/2011 11365.00000 39-38-40.0 N WV NE 079-16-58.0 W 0004736854 WV DHHR BPH, Office of EMS, CommunFranklin 05/20/2011 10735.00000 38-40-18.1 N WV NE 079-16-58.0 W 0004736854 WV DHHR BPH, Office of EMS, CommunFranklin 05/20/2011 10995.00000 38-40-18.1 N WV NE 081-00-00.5 W 0004736855 WV DHHR BPH, Office of EMS, CommunPennsboro 05/20/2011 05945.20000 39-16-35.3 N WV NE 081-00-00.5 W 0004736855 WV DHHR BPH, Office of EMS, CommunPennsboro 05/20/2011 05974.85000 39-16-35.3 N WV NE 081-00-00.5 W 0004736855 WV DHHR BPH, Office of EMS, CommunPennsboro 05/20/2011 06004.50000 39-16-35.3 N WV NE 081-00-00.5 W 0004736855 WV DHHR BPH, Office of EMS, CommunPennsboro 05/20/2011 06034.15000 39-16-35.3
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306921A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306921A1.txt
- WQMX925 095-05-40.3 W 0004740921 City of Houston DEER PARK 05/24/2011 06093.45000 29-42-53.0 N TX MD WQMX925 095-05-40.3 W 0004740921 City of Houston DEER PARK 05/24/2011 06615.00000 29-42-53.0 N TX MD WQMX925 095-05-40.3 W 0004740921 City of Houston DEER PARK 05/24/2011 06685.00000 29-42-53.0 N MN MD WQNA476 096-49-49.3 W 0004740953 Minnesota, State of Donaldson 05/24/2011 06655.00000 48-32-34.5 N MN MD WPWD820 096-39-00.5 W 0004740960 STATE OF MINNESOTA Angus 05/24/2011 06595.00000 48-02-02.7 N MN MD WQNB961 094-03-25.3 W 0004741625 Minnesota, State of Northhome 05/25/2011 05974.85000 48-00-47.2 N MN MD WQNB961 094-03-25.3 W 0004741625 Minnesota, State of Northhome 05/25/2011 06034.15000 48-00-47.2 N MN MD WQNB961 094-03-25.3 W 0004741625 Minnesota, State of Northhome 05/25/2011 06716.25000 48-00-47.2 N MO MD WQLF498 090-15-16.0 W 0004741717 CITY OF
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307210A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307210A1.txt
- PR NE 067-14-32.5 W 0004749999 T-MOBILE PUERTO RICO LLC Rincon 06/02/2011 11265.00000 18-21-11.5 N PR NE 067-14-32.5 W 0004749999 T-MOBILE PUERTO RICO LLC Rincon 06/02/2011 11345.00000 18-21-11.5 N VA NE 078-57-18.1 W 0004750273 Virginia PCS Alliance, L.C. DEVILS KNOB 06/02/2011 06626.25000 37-54-59.4 N VA NE 079-18-51.0 W 0004750278 Virginia PCS Alliance, L.C. ELLIOTS KNOB 06/02/2011 06621.25000 38-09-53.9 N AK NE 150-02-00.5 W 0004750422 GCI Communication Corp Wasilla 06/02/2011 11055.00000 61-20-19.0 N AK NE 149-38-01.0 W 0004750442 GCI Communication Corp Wasilla 06/02/2011 11545.00000 61-30-57.0 N AZ NE 111-55-29.6 W 0004750732 airBand Communications, Inc. Scottsdale 06/02/2011 21880.00000 33-31-44.8 N AZ NE 111-58-49.7 W 0004750838 airBand Communications, Inc. Phoenix 06/02/2011 23230.00000 33-25-25.0 N TN NE 086-03-00.5 W 0004751232 Verizon Wireless Tennessee PartnershipManchester 06/03/2011 19360.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307212A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307212A1.txt
- Authority DUKES 06/03/2011 10855.00000 29-57-25.8 N FL NE 082-25-10.5 W 0004752237 North Florida Broadband Authority DUKES 06/03/2011 10895.00000 29-57-25.8 N FL NE 084-09-29.8 W 0004752239 North Florida Broadband Authority NEWPORT 06/03/2011 05945.20000 30-12-46.2 N FL NE 084-09-29.8 W 0004752239 North Florida Broadband Authority NEWPORT 06/03/2011 10735.00000 30-12-46.2 N FL NE 082-19-01.6 W 0004752241 North Florida Broadband Authority SANDERSON 06/03/2011 10735.00000 30-14-00.5 N FL NE 082-19-01.6 W 0004752241 North Florida Broadband Authority SANDERSON 06/03/2011 10855.00000 30-14-00.5 N FL NE 082-38-23.7 W 0004752242 North Florida Broadband Authority LEBANON STATION 06/03/2011 10735.00000 29-10-43.9 N FL NE 082-38-23.7 W 0004752242 North Florida Broadband Authority LEBANON STATION 06/03/2011 10855.00000 29-10-43.9 N FL NE 083-13-58.0 W 0004752243 North Florida Broadband Authority MAYO 06/03/2011 06197.24000 30-04-00.6 N FL
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307315A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307315A1.pdf
- legally operate under FRS because it does not meet the technical regulations. The repeater, (1) was not certified for use under FRS, (2) employed an antenna that was not an integral part of the transmitter, and (3) was measured with a transmitter power output that, if connected to a no gain antenna, would produce an effective radiated power exceeding the 0.5 watt limit. (See 47 C.F.R. §§ 95.191, 95.193, 95.603, 95.639(d), and 95.647). The frequency 462.5875 MHz is also available for use under the General Mobile Radio Service (``GMRS''). GMRS is a land mobile radio service available to persons for short-distance two-way communications to facilitate the activities of licensees and their immediate family members. The Irvine Company does not hold a
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307527A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307527A1.txt
- 33-39-23.4 N PR NE 067-08-35.0 W 0004757326 T-MOBILE PUERTO RICO LLC Anasco 06/08/2011 10735.00000 18-17-15.2 N PR NE 066-41-58.6 W 0004757327 T-MOBILE PUERTO RICO LLC Pe?uelas 06/08/2011 10855.00000 17-58-45.4 N AL NE 087-02-39.1 W 0004757328 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC MCCALLA 06/08/2011 06004.50000 33-19-07.7 N AL NE 087-09-44.3 W 0004757329 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Woodstock 06/08/2011 06256.54000 33-12-40.1 N OK NE 095-57-00.5 W 0004757849 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Tulsa 06/09/2011 10875.00000 36-11-28.2 N OK NE 095-57-00.5 W 0004757849 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Tulsa 06/09/2011 10915.00000 36-11-28.2 N OK NE 095-57-00.5 W 0004757849 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Tulsa 06/09/2011 10955.00000 36-11-28.2 N OK NE 095-55-00.1 W 0004757856 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Bartlesville 06/09/2011 10915.00000 36-45-50.0 N OK NE 095-59-51.1 W 0004757864 Conterra Ultra
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307529A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307529A1.txt
- N MS MD WQMK337 090-44-46.4 W 0004760453 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatVicksburg 06/10/2011 06630.62500 32-26-54.2 N MS MD WQMK337 090-44-46.4 W 0004760453 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatVicksburg 06/10/2011 06655.00000 32-26-54.2 N MS MD WQMK337 090-44-46.4 W 0004760453 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatVicksburg 06/10/2011 06695.00000 32-26-54.2 N MS MD WQMK340 090-23-16.7 W 0004760454 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatYazoo City 06/10/2011 06541.25000 32-50-00.5 N MS MD WQMK340 090-23-16.7 W 0004760454 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatYazoo City 06/10/2011 06625.62500 32-50-00.5 N MS MD WQMK340 090-23-16.7 W 0004760454 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatYazoo City 06/10/2011 06685.00000 32-50-00.5 N MS MD WQKJ857 090-15-48.6 W 0004760455 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatByram 06/10/2011 06548.75000 32-10-15.4 N MS MD WQKJ857 090-15-48.6 W 0004760455 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatByram 06/10/2011
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307556A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307556A1.txt
- 05/12/2011 WQJE336 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LLC 19375.00000000 MATTHEWS 35-7-12.0 N NC 80-42-5.4 W 4 1 05/12/2011 WQJE336 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LLC 19475.00000000 MATTHEWS 35-7-12.0 N NC 80-42-5.4 W 4 1 05/10/2011 WQKF471 FXO AirCanopy Internet Services 19325.00000000 MIDLOTHIAN 32-30-46.4 N TX 96-58-34.6 W 4 1 05/10/2011 WQKH408 FXO AirCanopy Internet Services 11345.00000000 Waxahachie 32-26-23.9 N TX 96-51-0.5 W 3 1 05/09/2011 WQKQ443 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS III, LLC 11225.00000000 WEST CHICAG 41-55-5.2 N IL 88-14-8.6 W 2 1 05/09/2011 WQKQ443 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS III, LLC 11305.00000000 WEST CHICAG 41-55-5.2 N IL 88-14-8.6 W 2 1 05/06/2011 WQKQ444 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS III, LLC 18065.00000000 Lake Forest 42-12-48.8 N IL 87-50-33.6 W 2 1 05/06/2011 WQKQ444 FXO
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307787A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-307787A1.txt
- N CA AM WHC945 117-32-46.2 W 0004743657 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECORONA 06/14/2011 11605.00000 33-51-38.1 N OR AM WQJW381 123-16-58.8 W 0004750452 Cellco Partnership GRANTS PASS 06/14/2011 06745.00000 42-24-41.4 N OR AM WQJW381 123-16-58.8 W 0004750452 Cellco Partnership GRANTS PASS 06/14/2011 10572.50000 42-24-41.4 N OR AM WQJW381 123-16-58.8 W 0004750452 Cellco Partnership GRANTS PASS 06/14/2011 11365.00000 42-24-41.4 N OK AM 095-57-00.5 W 0004757849 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Tulsa 06/13/2011 10875.00000 36-11-28.2 N OK AM 095-57-00.5 W 0004757849 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Tulsa 06/13/2011 10915.00000 36-11-28.2 N OK AM 095-57-00.5 W 0004757849 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Tulsa 06/13/2011 10955.00000 36-11-28.2 N CA MD WQCT372 120-14-54.4 W 0004760819 Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership Tahoe City 06/10/2011 06605.00000 39-09-00.6 N Page 7 CF - Common
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- 06/24/2011 38-19-07.3 N KY MD KNKA773 083-13-59.6 W 0004779669 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCOlive Hill 06/24/2011 38-20-17.2 N WV MD KNKA773 082-35-47.1 W 0004779669 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCPrichard 06/24/2011 38-11-50.7 N WV MD KNKA773 082-13-42.1 W 0004779669 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCSalt Road 06/24/2011 38-18-43.6 N KY MD KNKA773 082-53-28.9 W 0004779669 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCSouth Shore 06/24/2011 38-43-00.5 N Page 29 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AR MD KNKN753 091-12-34.3 W 0004779687 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCBrinkley 06/24/2011 34-54-17.1 N AR MD KNKN753 091-15-13.5 W 0004779687 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCBRINKLEY 06/24/2011 34-50-48.7 N AR MD KNKN753 090-48-21.3 W 0004779687 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-308225A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-308225A1.txt
- Wireless CommunicatPenalty 06/27/2011 06286.19000 32-08-14.0 N MS NE 089-05-34.4 W 0004781988 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatPenalty 06/27/2011 06315.84000 32-08-14.0 N MS NE 089-05-34.4 W 0004781988 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatPenalty 06/27/2011 06375.14000 32-08-14.0 N MS NE 089-05-34.4 W 0004781988 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatPenalty 06/27/2011 06635.00000 32-08-14.0 N MS NE 089-19-44.5 W 0004781992 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatPhiladelphia 06/27/2011 06226.89000 32-55-00.5 N MS NE 089-19-44.5 W 0004781992 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatPhiladelphia 06/27/2011 06286.19000 32-55-00.5 N MS NE 089-19-44.5 W 0004781992 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatPhiladelphia 06/27/2011 06315.84000 32-55-00.5 N MS NE 089-19-44.5 W 0004781992 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatPhiladelphia 06/27/2011 06375.14000 32-55-00.5 N MS NE 089-41-31.4 W 0004781994 State of Mississippi Wireless CommunicatMcAdams 06/27/2011 06197.24000 33-02-05.2 N MS NE 089-41-31.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-308234A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-308234A1.txt
- N NJ 74-57-0.3 W 1 1 06/01/2011 WQL