FCC Web Documents citing 0.1
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-130A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-130A1.pdf
- \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs20\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\fs24 Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs24 , pursuant t o section 503(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. S: 503(b)(5), and section 1.80 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. S: 1.80, and under the authority delegated by sections 0.111 and 0.311 of the Commission's rules,47 C.F.R. S: 0.1 11, 0.311, Comcast is NOTIFIED of its APPARENT LIABILITY FOR A FORFEITURE in the amount of Fifteen Thousand dollars ($15,000.00) for willful violation of Section 76.1603(b) of the Rules. \par {\pntext\pard\plain\ltrpar \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs22 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs22 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 14.\tab}}\pard \ltrpar\ql \fi720\li0\ri0\sb120\sa120\sl226\slmult1\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx1440\tx46 80\tx5760\wrapdefault{\*\pn \pnlvlbody\ilvl0\ls22\pnrnot0 \pndec\pnb0\pni0\pnfs22\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnsp120 {\pntxta .}}\faauto\ls22 \pnrdate651271328\pnrstart0\pnrxst2\pnrxst0\pnrxst0\pnrxst0\pnrxst46\pnr xst0\pnrstop6\pnrstart1\pnrrgb1\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\ pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrstop9\pnrstart2\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnf c0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0 \pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc14\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc 0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrstop18\pnrstart3\pnrpnbr14\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnb r0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnb r0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrstop36\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\fs24 IT
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275668A1.pdf
- antenna having -1.1 dBi gain at 501 MHz. On-site measurements were performed to calibrate the relative gains of the two signal paths, including the effects of splitter imbalance and cable losses so that signal power measurements on the spectrum analyzer could be converted into equivalentpower delivered to the antenna. A cable TV source was connected through a step attenuator with 0.1 dB steps at a location on the opposite side of the room(site 2) or at the other end of the house(site 1) from the interfering source. The step attenuator output was fed through a 50-or 100-foot long 75-ohm coaxial cable tothe RF input of the TV under test. The step attenuator was used to adjust the signal level delivered to
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-95A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-95A1.pdf http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-95A1.txt
- Subpart L of Part 90 for Private Mobile Services authorized in the 470-512 MHz band) incorporates the calculation method from section 73.611 (the Broadcast TV distance calculation rule). Section 73.611(d), in turn, incorporates the calculation method from section 73.208(c) (the FM Broadcast Station distance calculation rule), but provides that the result of that calculation shall be rounded to the nearest 0.1 kilometer. The section 73.208(c) and section 22.157 calculation methods are identical. Parts 20, 21, 24, 27, 80, 87, 95, 97 and 101, and other Subparts of Part 90 currently do not specify a distance calculation method. Applying a single distance calculation method to all Wireless Radio Services should provide regulatory certainty and consistency to service providers licensed under these rule
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-58A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-58A1.pdf
- larger carriers, InPhonic cites two enforcement matters, one involving SBC Communications and the other involving Verizon Comunications. In SBC Communications, the Commission imposed a forfeiture of $6,000,000 against SBC for violating conditions of the Commission's approval of the merger between SBC and Ameritech Corporation. InPhonic claims that this forfeiture constitutes approximately 0.013 percent of SBC's annual common carrier revenues and 0.1 percent of its net income, while the forfeiture of approximately $820,000 against InPhonic represents 1.7 percent of its common carrier revenues and a net loss in its income. InPhonic does not mention, however, that the forfeiture imposed against SBC was the statutory maximum for the violations at issue, while that proposed against InPhonic does not begin to approach the maximum
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-85A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-85A1.pdf http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-85A1.txt
- paragraphs (a)(2)(i), (a)(2)(ii), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(6), and (a)(7) to read as follows: § 90.242 Travelers' information stations. (a) * * * * * (2) * * * * * (i) A statement certifying that the transmitting site of the Travelers' Information Station will be located at least 15 km (9.3 miles) measured orthogonally outside the measured 0.5 mV/m daytime contour (0.1 mV/m for Class A stations) of any AM broadcast station operating on a first adjacent channel or at least 130 km (80.6 miles) outside the measured 0.5 mV/m daytime contour (0.1 mV/m for Class A stations) of any AM broadcast station operating on the same channel, or, if nighttime operation is proposed, outside the theoretical 0.5 mV/m-50% nighttime skywave contour
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-11-90A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-11-90A1.pdf
- and repeatedly violated section 201(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (``Communications Act'' or ``Act''), by ``cramming'' monthly charges for its dial-around long distance service on consumers' local telephone bills without authorization of any kind from them. Over a twelve-month period, Cheap2Dial billed as many as 18,571 consumers monthly, during which time no more than 22 consumers (or 0.1 percent) ever actually used its service. Based upon our review of the facts and surrounding circumstances, we find that Cheap2Dial is apparently liable for a proposed forfeiture in the amount of three million dollars ($3,000,000). BACKGROUND Cramming, the practice of adding charges to a customer's local telephone bill without the customer's authorization, results in significant consumer harm. Charges can often
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-11-91A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-11-91A1.pdf
- apparently willfully and repeatedly violated section 201(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (``Communications Act'' or ``Act''), by ``cramming'' monthly charges for its dial-around long distance service on consumers' local telephone bills without authorization of any kind from them. Over a twelve-month period, VoiceNet billed as many as 17,384 consumers monthly, but no more than 20 consumers (or 0.1 percent) ever actually used its service. Based upon our review of the facts and surrounding circumstances, we find that VoiceNet is apparently liable for a proposed forfeiture in the amount of three million dollars ($3,000,000). BACKGROUND Cramming, the practice of adding charges to a customer's local telephone bill without the customer's authorization, results in significant consumer harm. Charges can often
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/prod/cdbs/forms/prod/faq_exhibits.htm
- 333.3 2 -10.0 0.501 0.544 ... 0.501 0.425 3 0.0 0.777 0.765 ... 0.700 0.711 4 20.0 0.330 0.370 ... 0.344 0.310 Helpful hints for data values: * Depression angle values should be between -10.0 and 90.0 (inclusive). * Azimuth values (for complex patterns) should be from 0 to 350 (by 10s, in order). Additional azimuths afterward must be between 0.1 and 359.9 (inclusive), and must not duplicate one of the standard required azimuths. * Relative field values must be between 0.001 and 1.000 (inclusive). Q. How do I view a DTV DTS elevation pattern spreadsheet exhibit? As described by the previous answer, DTS construction permit forms have a special elevation pattern spreadsheet exhibit. There are three ways to view an
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1033A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1033A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1033A1.txt
- Form) has not been answered. Regulatory Status (Item 35 on FCC 601 Main Form) has not been answered. For a Modification, Renewal Modification, or Amendment, Schedule I, Item 6 regarding major and minor filings has not been answered. Beamwidth values (Schedule I, Supplement 2, Path Data Items 8 and 36) are missing or contain invalid values. Beamwidth must be between 0.1 and 359.9 degrees for a directional antenna and 360 degrees for an omni-directional antenna. Automatic Transmitter Power Control (Schedule I, Supplement 4, Item 13) has not been answered. Returned Applications: Note that if you file on paper and the application is Returned, the FCC does not send back your actual paperwork. Instead, the FCC sends you a letter indicating what
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1100A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1100A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1100A1.txt
- the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment G. We adopt our proposal of initial values for the maximum of 0.2 or 20 percent of the license value, and a minimum of 0.1 or 10 percent of the license value. The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum bid increment if it determines that circumstances so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor for the bid increment to further facilitate a timely close of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-112A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-112A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-112A1.txt
- the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment G. We adopt our proposal of initial values for the maximum of 0.2 or 20 percent of the license value, and a minimum of 0.1 or 10 percent of the license value. The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum bid increment if it determines that circumstances so dictate, such as raising the minimum increment toward the end of the auction to enable bids to reach their final values more quickly. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1388A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1388A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1388A1.txt
- the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment G. We adopt our proposal of initial values for the maximum of 0.2 or 20 percent of the license value and a minimum of 0.1 or 10 percent of the license value. The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum bid increment if it determines that circumstances so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor for the bid increment to further facilitate a timely close of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1486A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1486A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-1486A1.txt
- it were a 100 percent interest. Example: Company A owns 10% of Company B, which owns 60% of Company C, which owns 25% of the applicant. Company B's interest in the applicant would be 25% (the same as Company C's interest since Company B's interest in Company C exceeds 50%), and Company A's interest in the applicant would be 2.5% (0.1 * 0.25). Under the 10% attribution benchmark, Company B's interest in the applicant must be reported on the applicant's FCC Form 175 Exhibit A, while Company A's interest in the applicant need not be reported. However, if Company A owned 40% of Company B in the above example, then Company A's interest in the applicant would be 10% (0.4 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2038A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2038A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2038A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the current round (round i) Ai-1 =
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2259A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2259A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2259A1.txt
- the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment G. We adopt our proposal of initial values for the maximum of 0.2 (20 percent of the license value) and for the minimum of 0.1 (10 percent of the license value). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum bid increment if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor for the bid increment to further facilitate a timely close of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2571A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2571A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2571A1.txt
- as if it were a 100 percent interest. Example. A owns 10% of Company B, which owns 60% of Company C, which owns 25% of the applicant. Company B's interest in the applicant would be 25% (the same as Company C's interest since Company B's interest in Company C exceeds 50%), and A's interest in the applicant would be 2.5% (0.1 * 0.25). Under the 10% attribution benchmark, Company B's interest in the applicant must be reported on the applicant's FCC Form 175 Exhibit A, while A's interest in the applicant need not be reported. However, if A owned 40% of Company B in the above example, then A's interest in the applicant would be 10% (0.4 * 0.25), and the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2878A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2878A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-2878A1.txt
- DISCO II Order, 12 FCC Rcd at 24175-76 (para. 191). Embratel voluntarily submits this information in its Form 312, however. 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(a)(3). 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(c). Space stations should be designed with the capability of being maintained in orbit within 0.05° of their assigned orbital location. 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(j)(1). Brasilsat A2 can be maintained in orbit within 0.1° of its assigned orbital location. Embratel Petition, App. A at A-4. See Section 1.3 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.3. See also WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153 (D.C. Cir. 1969) (WAIT Radio); Northeast Cellular Telephone Co. v. FCC, 897 F.2d 1166 (D.C. Cir. 1990) (Northeast Cellular). WAIT Radio, 418 F.2d at 1157; Dominion Video Satellite, Inc.,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-292A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-292A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-292A1.txt
- the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment G. We adopt our proposal of initial values for the maximum of 0.2, or 20 percent of the license value, and a minimum of 0.1, or 10 percent of the license value. The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum bid increment if it determines that circumstances so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor for the bid increment to further facilitate a timely close of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-43A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-43A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-43A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the current round (round i) Ai-1 = activity
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-504A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-504A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-504A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the current round (round i) Ai-1 = activity index
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-559A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-559A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-559A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the current round (round i) Ai-1 = activity
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-667A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-667A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-667A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the current round (round i) Ai-1 = activity
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-668A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-668A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-668A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1, and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the current round (round i) Ai-1 = activity
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-781A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-781A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-00-781A1.txt
- the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment G. We adopt our proposal of initial values for the maximum of 0.2, or 20 percent of the license value, and a minimum of 0.1, or 10 percent of the license value. The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum bid increment if it determines that circumstances so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor for the bid increment to further facilitate a timely close of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1092A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1092A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1092A1.txt
- been included in the CPM Reports to WRC-97 and WRC-00. Additional studies are planned for completion prior to WRC-03. Completed sharing studies since 1995 include: A NGSO system operating in the 460 MHz band vs. a modeled land mobile analogue system (or digitally modulated, binary-FSK system) in which the worst case interference would reduce the land mobile availability less than 0.1 %, or from 99.0 to 98.9 %. The mean time between interference events for a land mobile user with 0.01 Erlangs of traffic was calculated to range from 10 hours to 21 months, which is much less than 0.1% decrease in channel availability. Using a different non-GEO MSS network operating in a portion of the 450-470 MHz band, and constraints
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1144A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1144A2.txt
- PTD CALIFORNIA WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS KNKG857 00931.56250OCEANSIDE SAN DIEGO CA Paging and Radiotelephone CD 38-25-33.6-N 122-19-36.9-W 0000101622 PTD CALIFORNIA WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS KNKG857 00931.56250NAPA NAPA CA Paging and Radiotelephone CD 34-46-29.9-N 118-58-9.3-W 0000101622 PTD CALIFORNIA WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS KNKG857 00931.56250GORMAN LOS ANGELES CA Paging and Radiotelephone CD 37-3-5.8-N 121-33-2.7-W 0000101622 PTD CALIFORNIA WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS KNKG857 00931.56250GILROY SANTA CLARA CA Paging and Radiotelephone CD 32-43-0.1-N 117-9-51.1-W 0000101622 PTD CALIFORNIA WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS KNKG857 00931.56250SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO CA Paging and Radiotelephone CD 35-6-50.9-N 120-30-48.5-W 0000101622 PTD CALIFORNIA WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS KNKG857 00931.56250ARROYO GRANDE SAN LUIS OBISPO CA Paging and Radiotelephone CD 33-36-1-N 117-11-45.1-W 0000101622 PTD CALIFORNIA WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS KNKG857 00931.56250MURRIETA RIVERSIDE CA Paging and Radiotelephone CD 34-58-44.9-N 118-10-5.2-W 0000101622 PTD CALIFORNIA WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS KNKG857 00931.56250MOJAVE KERN CA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1247A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1247A1.txt
- 0000368650 Motient Communications Company 01/29/2001 00810.83750 PA NE 076-52-07.9 W 0000368650 Motient Communications Company HARRISBURG 01/29/2001 00855.83750 40-20-44.3 N NE A 0000377940 Motient Communications Company 02/12/2001 00810.01250 MI NE 084-33-13.9 W 0000377940 Motient Communications Company LANSING 02/12/2001 00855.01250 42-43-59.1 N NE A 0000379025 Motient Communications Company 02/12/2001 00810.01250 MI NE 083-02-30.7 W 0000379025 Motient Communications Company STERLING HEIGHTS 02/12/2001 00855.01250 42-33-00.1 N NE A 0000379075 Motient Communications Company 02/12/2001 00820.28750 MI NE 083-02-30.7 W 0000379075 Motient Communications Company STERLING HEIGHTS 02/12/2001 00865.28750 42-33-00.1 N NE A 0000379130 Motient Communications Company 02/12/2001 00810.28750 IN NE 086-07-43.0 W 0000379130 Motient Communications Company INDIANAPOLIS 02/12/2001 00855.28750 39-38-07.2 N NE A 0000385149 Motient Communications Company 02/21/2001 00811.78750 IN NE 087-28-45.1 W 0000385149 Motient Communications Company
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-12A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-12A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-12A1.txt
- it were a 100 percent interest. Example. Company A owns 10% of Company B, which owns 60% of Company C, which owns 25% of the applicant. Company B's interest in the applicant would be 25% (the same as Company C's interest since Company B's interest in Company C exceeds 50%), and Company A's interest in the applicant would be 2.5% (0.1 * 0.25). Under the 10% attribution benchmark, Company B's interest in the applicant must be reported on the applicant's FCC Form 175 Exhibit A, while Company A's interest in the applicant need not be reported. However, if Company A owned 40% of Company B in the above example, then Company A's interest in the applicant would be 10% (0.4 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1400A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1400A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1400A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1527A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1527A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1527A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1592A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1592A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1592A1.txt
- on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment G. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent of the license value), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent of the license value). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1789A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1789A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-1789A1.txt
- on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment H. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor for the bid increment to further
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2076A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2076A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2076A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-230A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-230A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-230A1.txt
- control of VisionStar to EchoStarVisionStar Corporation was filed with the Commission. We will consider this application in a separate proceeding. VisionStar Authorization Order at 1431, ¶ 9. Specifically, VisionStar is authorized to operate at a nominal orbit location of 113.05° W.L., and with a station-keeping box of ±0.05°, thereby increasing the separation from the Canadian filing at 111.1° W.L. by 0.1° relative to the worst case orbital spacing using the station-keeping assumed in the International Telecommunication Union (``ITU'') publications (±0.1°). Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the Ka-Band, Order, 13 FCC Rcd 1030, 1032 n.7 (Int'l Bur. 1997). VisionStar Authorization Order at 1434, ¶ 19. Id. Id. at 1434, ¶ 18. Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1, 2, 21 and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2315A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2315A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2315A1.txt
- on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment G. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor for the bid increment to further
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2408A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2408A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2408A1.txt
- proper station and system maintenance. Modulation is the process of changing some property of a carrier in accordance with the original source information. When there is no change in the carrier, it is said to be an unmodulated carrier. Revelation argues that its proposed signal is not unmodulated, but rather is characterized by high duty cycle On-Off Keying (OOK) and 0.1 Hz Amplitude Modulated (AM). We reject this characterization. An AM signal emission has two components: a carrier frequency plus the modulating frequency. This creates a bandwidth spanning the carrier frequency plus and minus the modulating frequency. In the case of Revelation's signal, the emission would be composed of a 928,500,000 + 0.1 Hertz signal, and a 928,500,000 - 0.1 Hertz
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2605A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2605A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2605A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2882A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2882A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-2882A1.txt
- permit. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a construction permit, decreasing the time it takes for active construction permits to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment D. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent). The Bureaus retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureaus will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureaus may also implement an absolute dollar floor for the bid increment to further
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-477A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-477A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-477A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in the current round (round i) Ai-1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-513A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-513A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-513A1.txt
- Rcd at 13038 n.201. New Skies Market Access Order, 14 FCC Rcd at 13037-38 (para. 76), citing Section 25.210(i) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(i). Section 25.202(j)(1) requires that space stations operating in the geosynchronous orbit be designed to maintain their orbital longitude within 0.05° of their assigned location. NSS-513 was designed to maintain its orbital longitude within 0.1° of its assigned location. New Skies Market Access Order, 14 FCC Rcd at 13038 n.202. New Skies Market Access Order, 14 FCC Rcd at 13037-38 (para. 76), citing Section 25.202(i) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.202(i). Section 25.202(i) requires that space station antennas be designed to provide a cross-polarization isolation such that the ratio of on-axis co-polar gain
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-746A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-746A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-746A1.txt
- on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment G. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent of the license value), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent of the license value). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum bid increment if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor for
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-786A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-786A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-786A1.txt
- ITFS/MDS to 3G Base Station Guard Band Analysis Based on Co-Channel Interference Power (Spill-over) ITFS/MDS System Parameters 3G System Parameters Required Separation (km) Type of Transmitter Bandwidth (kHz) EIRP (dBW) Modulation Type Bandwidth (kHz) Noise in Receive Bandwidth (dBW) Adjacent Channels (No Guard Band) Guard Band Width (MHz) 0.5 1 2 Main 6000 39 CDMA 1250 -138 161 153 75.6 0.1 6000 39 CDMA 3750 -133 161 101 51.5 0.1 6000 39 W-CDMA 5000 -132 161 42 20.9 0.05 6000 39 TDMA 30 -154 161 161 161 0.4 6000 39 TDMA 200 -146 161 161 161 0.3 Response Station 125 22 CDMA 1250 -138 161 61 30.6 0.06 125 22 CDMA 3750 -133 161 37 17.7 0.03 125 22 W-CDMA 5000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-786A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-786A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-01-786A2.txt
- ITFS/MDS to 3G Base Station Guard Band Analysis Based on Co-Channel Interference Power (Spill-over) ITFS/MDS System Parameters 3G System Parameters Required Separation (km) Type of Transmitter Bandwidth (kHz) EIRP (dBW) Modulation Type Bandwidth (kHz) Noise in Receive Bandwidth (dBW) Adjacent Channels (No Guard Band) Guard Band Width (MHz) 0.5 1 2 Main 6000 39 CDMA 1250 -138 161 153 75.6 0.1 6000 39 CDMA 3750 -133 161 101 51.5 0.1 6000 39 W-CDMA 5000 -132 161 42 20.9 0.05 6000 39 TDMA 30 -154 161 161 161 0.4 6000 39 TDMA 200 -146 161 161 161 0.3 Response Station 125 22 CDMA 1250 -138 161 61 30.6 0.06 125 22 CDMA 3750 -133 161 37 17.7 0.03 125 22 W-CDMA 5000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1257A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1257A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1257A1.txt
- that round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The percentage increment is then calculated as the smaller of (a) a minimum percentage increment multiplied by one plus the activity index and (b) a specified maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the level of activity for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1415A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1415A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1415A1.txt
- data rate space science missions. USA/ /2 MOD Appendix 7 ANNEX 7 TABLE 8c Parameters required for the determination of coordination distance for a receiving earth station Receiving space radiocommunication service designation Space Research Frequency band (GHz) 14.8-15.35 Transmitting terrestrial service designations Fixed, mobile Method to be used § 2.1, § 2.2 Modulation at earth station (1) N p0 (%) 0.1 Earth station n 2 Interference p (%) 0.05 Parameters NL (dB) 0 and criteria Ms (dB) 1 W (dB) 0 E (dBW) A 25(5) Terrestrial in B (2) N -8 Station Pt (dBW) A -20(5) Parameters in B N -53 Gx (dBi) 45 Reference band-width(6) B (Hz) 1 Permissible interference power Pr ( p) (dBW) in B -216 Reasons: Add
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1779A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1779A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1779A1.txt
- was modified to allow GSO fixed-satellite service systems to operate earth station antennas with no limit on the antenna in the band 13.75 - 14.0 GHz subject only to a power flux density limit at 36m above sea level at the baseline (low water mark as defined in UN Convention on Law of the Sea 1982) of -114.7 dBW/m2/10MHz for 0.1 % of the time or a power flux density limit at 3 m above ground level at the border of another administration of - 114.7 dBW/m2/10 MHz not to be exceeded for more than 0.1% of the time; f) that GSO fixed-satellite service earth stations operating in the band 13.75 - 14.0 GHz may need to employ certain mitigation techniques
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1871A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1871A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-1871A1.txt
- it were a 100 percent interest. Example. Company A owns 10% of Company B, which owns 60% of Company C, which owns 25% of the applicant. Company B's interest in the applicant would be 25% (the same as Company C's interest since Company B's interest in Company C exceeds 50%), and Company A's interest in the applicant would be 2.5% (0.1 * 0.25). Under the 10% attribution benchmark, Company B's interest in the applicant must be reported on the applicant's FCC Form 175 Exhibit A, while Company A's interest in the applicant need not be reported. However, if Company A owned 40% of Company B in the above example, then Company A's interest in the applicant would be 10% (0.4 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-200A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-200A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-200A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-265A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-265A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-265A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where, Ai = activity index for the current round (round i) C = activity weight factor Bi = number of bids in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3153A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3153A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3153A1.txt
- it were a 100 percent interest. Example. Company A owns 10% of Company B, which owns 60% of Company C, which owns 25% of the applicant. Company B's interest in the applicant would be 25% (the same as Company C's interest since Company B's interest in Company C exceeds 50%), and Company A's interest in the applicant would be 2.5% (0.1 * 0.25). Under the 10% attribution benchmark, Company B's interest in the applicant must be reported on the applicant's FCC Form 175 Exhibit A, while Company A's interest in the applicant need not be reported. However, if Company A owned 40% of Company B in the above example, then Company A's interest in the applicant would be 10% (0.4 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3176A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3176A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3176A1.txt
- Order and therefore should not now be entertained. In response, Proponents state that their previously submitted analysis demonstrated interference to less than 0.5% of WJAN-CA's service area population using a computer program employing OET 69 techniques with adjustments for population location. Specifically, they used a standard cell calculation size of 2 km, but employed a terrain profile step size of 0.1 km, which provides a finer resolution and more accurate measurement, rather than the Commission's standard 1 km step size. This was done, they assert, to account for interference to a portion of one particular calculation area cell which has a large population that does not actually receive interference but would otherwise be counted in its tabulation. They maintain that the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3234A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3234A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3234A1.txt
- that round plus one minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The percentage increment is then calculated as the smaller of (a) a minimum percentage increment multiplied by one plus the activity index and (b) a specified maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3287A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3287A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3287A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3560A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3560A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-3560A1.txt
- it were a 100 percent interest. Example. Company A owns 10% of Company B, which owns 60% of Company C, which owns 25% of the applicant. Company B's interest in the applicant would be 25% (the same as Company C's interest since Company B's interest in Company C exceeds 50%), and Company A's interest in the applicant would be 2.5% (0.1 * 0.25). Under the 10% attribution benchmark, Company B's interest in the applicant must be reported on the applicant's FCC Form 175 Exhibit A, while Company A's interest in the applicant need not be reported. However, if Company A owned 40% of Company B in the above example, then Company A's interest in the applicant would be 10% (0.4 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-411A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-411A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-411A1.txt
- HAAT of less than 150 meters, the distance to the interference contour of the proposed station is calculated using the formula d = 9.471 x h0.23 x p0.15. In both cases, the rules provide that ``[t]he value used for p in the above formula must not be less than 27 dB less than the maximum ERP in any direction, or 0.1 watt, whichever is more.'' Shell proposes to use a directional antenna with a beamwidth of 60 degrees and a front-to-back ratio of 35 dB. Shell offers an analysis that purports to show that its proposed operation would not interfere with Westel's station. Shell uses an ERP of less than 0.1 watt in the equations under Section 22.567 of the Commission's
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-470A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-470A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-470A1.txt
- on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor for the bid increment to further
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-563A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-563A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-563A1.txt
- on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity level of a license, decreasing the time it takes for active licenses to reach their final value. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We adopt our proposal of initially setting the weighing factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10 percent), and the maximum at 0.2 (20 percent). The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if it determines that circumstance so dictate. The Bureau will do so by announcement in the Automated Auction System. Under its discretion, the Bureau may also implement an absolute dollar floor for the bid increment to further
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-659A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-659A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-659A2.txt
- it were a 100 percent interest. Example. Company A owns 10% of Company B, which owns 60% of Company C, which owns 25% of the applicant. Company B's interest in the applicant would be 25% (the same as Company C's interest since Company B's interest in Company C exceeds 50%), and Company A's interest in the applicant would be 2.5% (0.1 * 0.25). Under the 10% attribution benchmark, Company B's interest in the applicant must be reported on the applicant's FCC Form 175 Exhibit A, while Company A's interest in the applicant need not be reported. However, if Company A owned 40% of Company B in the above example, then Company A's interest in the applicant would be 10% (0.4 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-659A2_Erratum.doc
- it were a 100 percent interest. Example. Company A owns 10% of Company B, which owns 60% of Company C, which owns 25% of the applicant. Company B's interest in the applicant would be 25% (the same as Company C's interest since Company B's interest in Company C exceeds 50%), and Company A's interest in the applicant would be 2.5% (0.1 * 0.25). Under the 10% attribution benchmark, Company B's interest in the applicant must be reported on the applicant's FCC Form 175 Exhibit A, while Company A's interest in the applicant need not be reported. However, if Company A owned 40% of Company B in the above example, then Company A's interest in the applicant would be 10% (0.4 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-885A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-885A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-885A1.txt
- s7, TABLE 8d Parameters required for the determination of coordination distance for a receiving earth station USA/ /4 MOD Receiving space radiocommunication service designation space research (4) space research (5) Frequency band (GHz) 25.5-27.0 25.5-27.0 Transmitting terrestrial service designations Fixed, mobile Fixed, mobile Method to be used § 2.2 § 2.1 Modulation at earth station (1) N N p0 (%) 0.1 0.1 Earth station n 2 2 interference p (%) 0.05 0.05 parameters NL (dB) 0 0 and criteria Ms (dB) 6 6 W (dB) 0 0 E (dBW) A - - Terrestrial in B (2) N 42 42 station Pt (dBW) A - - parameters in B N -3 -3 Gx (dBi) 45 45 Reference bandwidth B (Hz) 106 106
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-915A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-915A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-915A1.txt
- not afford the maximum coverage he seeks to provide along Interstate 10. However, Fitzgerald's proposal for Channel 224A at Salome would require placement of the transmitter therefor 8.9 kilometers southeast of the community at coordinates 33-42-19 NL and 113-34-58 WL. Conversely, Channel 270A can be utilized at Salome at the current reference site for vacant Channel 241A (i.e, site located 0.1 kilometer north of the community at coordinates 33-46-54 NL and 113-36-42 WL). While we recognize that no two channels are exactly the same, the Commission considers channels to be equivalent provided they are of the same class distinction, would comply with the minimum spacing criteria, and would enable a broadcast facility to comply with the requirements of Section 73.315 of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-1124A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-1124A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-1124A1.txt
- minimum distance separation requirements for Class A stations when the maximum effective radiated power for this class of station was increased from 3 to 6 kilowatts in 1989. Since rulemaking proponents are not permitted to use the provisions of Section 73.215 of the Commission's Rules at the allotment stage, Station WTUG-FM is proposing to change its site by 0.16 kilometers (0.1 mile), which will eliminate the short-spacing to the Mobile station and, at the same time, maintain the two kilometer grandfather short-spacing to the Hailey station. Although we generally have permitted grandfathered stations to change their community of license without changing their transmitter sites, we have in at least one case permitted a grandfathered station to change both its site and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-1128A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-1128A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-1128A1.txt
- its minimum opening bid. The additional bid amounts are calculated using the difference between the minimum opening bid times one plus the percentage increment, rounded as described above, and the minimum opening bid. That is, the increment used to calculate additional bid amounts = (minimum opening bid)(1 + percentage increment){rounded} - (minimum opening bid). Therefore, when the percentage increment equals 0.1 (i.e., 10%), the first additional bid amount will be approximately ten percent higher than the minimum opening bid; the second, twenty percent higher; the third, thirty percent higher; etc. The Bureaus retain the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if they determine that circumstances so dictate. The Bureaus will do so by announcement in the FCC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-1547A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-1547A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-1547A1.txt
- its minimum opening bid. The additional bid amounts are calculated using the difference between the minimum opening bid times one plus the percentage increment, rounded as described above, and the minimum opening bid. That is, the increment used to calculate additional bid amounts = (minimum opening bid)(1 + percentage increment){rounded} - (minimum opening bid). Therefore, when the percentage increment equals 0.1 (i.e., 10%), the first additional bid amount will be approximately ten percent higher than the minimum opening bid; the second, twenty percent higher; the third, thirty percent higher; etc. The Bureaus retain the discretion to compute the minimum acceptable bids through other methodologies if they determine circumstances so dictate. Advanced notice of the Bureaus' decision to do so will be
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-1994A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-1994A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-1994A1.txt
- it were a 100 percent interest. Example. Company A owns 10% of Company B, which owns 60% of Company C, which owns 25% of the applicant. Company B's interest in the applicant would be 25% (the same as Company C's interest since Company B's interest in Company C exceeds 50%), and Company A's interest in the applicant would be 2.5% (0.1 * 0.25). Under the 10% attribution benchmark, Company B's interest in the applicant must be reported on the applicant's FCC Form 175 Exhibit A, while Company A's interest in the applicant need not be reported. However, if Company A owned 40% of Company B in the above example, then Company A's interest in the applicant would be 10% (0.4 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2354A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2354A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2354A1.txt
- activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity on a license, decreasing the time it takes for licenses receiving many bids to reach their final prices. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. We further proposed to retain the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if circumstances so dictate. We received no comment on this issue. In
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2738A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2738A2.txt
- 11.5 11.5 11 public_phone_term_equip 7.6 11.8 11.8 7 poles 30.25 30 30 30 arial_cable_metal 20.61 23 23 20 arial_cable_non_metal 26.14 25 25 25 ug_cable_metal 25 25 25 25 ug_cable_non_metal 26.45 25 25 25 buried_metal 21.57 21 21 20 buried_cable_non_metal 25.91 25 25 25 intrabldg_cable_metal 18.18 24 24 20 intrabldg_cable_non_metal 26.11 30 30 25 conduit_systems 56.19 50 50 50 motor_vehicles_salv 0.1038 0.1 0.1 0.15 garage_work_equip_salv -0.0558 0.01 0.01 - 0.0558 other_work_equip_salv 0.0169 0 0 0 buildings_salv 0.0164 0.04 0.04 0.02 furniture_salv 0.0402 0 0 0 office_support_equip_salv 0.0412 0.12 0.12 0 company_comm_equip_salv 0.0252 0.08 0.08 0 general_purpose_computer_salv 0.0229 0.07 0.07 0.03 digital_electronic_switching_salv 0.0157 0.01 0.01 0.02 operator_systems_salv -0.0041 0 0 0 digital_ckt_equip_salv -0.0062 0 0 0.01 public_phone_term_equip_salv 0.0512 0.1 0.1 0 poles_salv -0.8998
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-286A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-286A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-286A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2897A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2897A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-2897A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3235A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3235A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3235A1.txt
- activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity on a license, decreasing the time it takes for licenses receiving many bids to reach their final prices. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. We further proposed to retain the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if circumstances so dictate. We received no comment on this issue. In
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3665A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3665A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3665A1.txt
- Finding defective applications acceptable for filing is not consistent with the rules and policies adopted by the Commission in the First Space Station Reform Order and only serves to create uncertainty and inefficiencies in the licensing process. In all three of its applications, Pegasus states that it plans to design a geostationary satellite capable of being maintained in orbit within 0.1° of its assigned orbital longitude. Section 25.210(j)(1), however, requires GSO satellites to be designed to be capable of being maintained in orbit within 0.05° of their assigned orbital longitudes. 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(j)(1). Thus, Pegasus's proposed satellites do not comply with the Commission's rules. Moreover, Pegasus has not requested a waiver of Section 25.210(j)(1). Sections 25.112(a)(2) and (b)(1) of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-372A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-372A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-372A1.txt
- it were a 100 percent interest. Example. Company A owns 10% of Company B, which owns 60% of Company C, which owns 25% of the applicant. Company B's interest in the applicant would be 25% (the same as Company C's interest since Company B's interest in Company C exceeds 50%), and Company A's interest in the applicant would be 2.5% (0.1 * 0.25). Under the 10% attribution benchmark, Company B's interest in the applicant must be reported on the applicant's FCC Form 175 Exhibit A, while Company A's interest in the applicant need not be reported. However, if Company A owned 40% of Company B in the above example, then Company A's interest in the applicant would be 10% (0.4 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3826A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3826A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3826A1.txt
- in a flood plain, T-Mobile documents that the utility lines will be buried as not to impede the flow of water and thus not to significantly affect the environment (1.1307(a)(6)). Finally, although the site is in an area designated as a wetland, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has indicated that because it occupies an area of less than 0.1 acres, it falls below the threshold for requiring a permit (1.1307(a)(7)). However, T-Mobile is required to notify the USACE of the finished dimensions of the site once the project is fully constructed. This requirement is noted in the FONSI. The proposed construction will result in no other change in surface features. Issues Raised by Petitioners Petitioners raise a broad variety
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-4070A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-4070A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-4070A2.txt
- the Joint Commenters' wire center size categories. We found that for the 45 wire centers with less than 3,000 lines, the Bureau's methodology assigns a higher percentage of lines than Verizon's special access lines in most cases (consistent with the Joint Commenters' contention), but the average difference between the model percentages and the Verizon percentages is very small - only -0.1 percent. For the 24 wire centers with over 10,000 switched lines, we found that the Bureau's methodology assigns a lower percentage of lines than the Verizon data in only 33 percent of the wire centers. Contrary to the Joint Commenters' findings, the Bureau's methodology assigns a higher percentage of lines than the Verizon data in most wire centers from this
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-43A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-43A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-43A1.txt
- pre-existing interference areas are considered in this case, the proposed DTV channel 31 allotment is predicted to cause interference to 3,323 persons within WVIT's protected service contour - almost double the interference when ``masking'' is not considered. The amount of interference when ``masking'' is considered, alleges Outlet, when rounded up to the nearest tenth of a percent, would amount to 0.1 percent new interference. 4. In contrast, Fox and Tribune assert that the additional interference would affect less than 0.05 percent of WVIT's protected Grade B service population, and when that figure is rounded down to zero pursuant to the Commission's processing guidelines, no cognizable interference will be caused to WVIT. Fox states that determinations of compliance with the rules are
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-567A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-567A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-567A1.txt
- it were a 100 percent interest. Example. Company A owns 10% of Company B, which owns 60% of Company C, which owns 25% of the applicant. Company B's interest in the applicant would be 25% (the same as Company C's interest since Company B's interest in Company C exceeds 50%), and Company A's interest in the applicant would be 2.5% (0.1 * 0.25). Under the 10% attribution benchmark, Company B's interest in the applicant must be reported on the applicant's FCC Form 175 Exhibit A, while Company A's interest in the applicant need not be reported. However, if Company A owned 40% of Company B in the above example, then Company A's interest in the applicant would be 10% (0.4 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1020A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1020A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1020A1.txt
- its minimum opening bid. The additional bid amounts are calculated using the difference between the minimum opening bid times one plus the percentage increment, rounded as described above, and the minimum opening bid. That is, the increment used to calculate additional bid amounts = (minimum opening bid)(1 + percentage increment){rounded} - (minimum opening bid). Therefore, when the percentage increment equals 0.1 (i.e., 10%), the first additional bid amount will be approximately ten percent higher than the minimum opening bid; the second, twenty percent higher; the third, thirty percent higher; etc. The Bureaus retain the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if they determine that circumstances so dictate. The Bureaus will do so by announcement in the FCC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1065A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1065A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1065A1.txt
- by filing earth station applications or petitions to be added to the Permitted List will be required to provide the same technical information regarding the foreign satellites as U.S. satellite license applicants provide for proposed U.S. satellites. In its amended petition, Space Comm states that it plans to design a geostationary satellite capable of being maintained in orbit within +/- 0.1° of its assigned orbital longitude. Section 25.210(j)(1), however, requires fixed satellite service satellites in geostationary-satellite orbit, such as SUPERBIRD-C, to be designed to be capable of being maintained in orbit within +/- 0.05° of their assigned orbital longitudes. Thus, Space Comm's proposed satellite does not comply with the Commission's rules. Moreover, Space Comm has not requested a waiver of Section
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1513A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1513A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1513A1.txt
- activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity on a license, decreasing the time it takes for licenses receiving many bids to reach their final prices. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. We further proposed to retain the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if circumstances so dictate. We received no comment on this issue. In
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1639A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1639A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1639A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 30% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1639A1_Erratum.doc
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 30% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1699A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1699A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-1699A1.txt
- Corresponding additional bid amounts are calculated using bid increments defined as the difference between the minimum opening bid times one plus the percentage increment, rounded as described above, and the minimum opening bid. That is, the increment used to calculate additional bid amounts = (minimum opening bid)(1 + percentage increment){rounded} - (minimum opening bid). Therefore, when the percentage increment equals 0.1 (i.e., 10%), the first additional bid amount will be approximately ten percent higher than the minimum opening bid; the second, twenty percent higher; the third, thirty percent higher; etc. In the case of a construction permit for which the standing high bid has been withdrawn, the minimum acceptable bid will equal the second highest bid received for the construction permit.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-196A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-196A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-196A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ( (1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ( (1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-2260A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-2260A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-2260A1.txt
- regulation of the Commission authorized by this Act or by a treaty ratified by the United States.'' (Emphasis added). 47 U.S.C. § 303(q) provides in pertinent part, that a tower owner is responsible for maintaining required tower painting and licensing when the owner is neither a Commission licensee or permittee. See 61 FR 4364, Feb. 6, 1996. 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.1, et. seq. See note 6, supra. See Eure Family Limited Partnership, supra. Id. Further, we note that Barnacle's President states that he was ``generally aware'' of the obligations of 303(q) and Part 17 from the period when Barnacle held an FM station license. NAL, supra, ¶ 12. These include 3 years tax returns; financial documents prepared to generally accepted accounting
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-2607A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-2607A1.txt
- its operations will exceed the established safe limits for non-ionizing radiation (1 mW/cm2) by a factor of 400 at an input power of 12.1 watts? TriPoint recommends that SWE-DISH should amend its application to include "the information needed for a reasoned analysis." Specifically, TriPoint wants SWE-DISH to provide in its amended application "measured antenna pattern data for angle increments of -0.1 degrees, which is the norm for modern range data acquisition systems . . . SWE-DISH should provide the exact method used to ensure pointing accuracy. Absent extraordinary circumstances, this should be automatic or an operator should be required to be on d~ty."'~ 6. SWE-DISH states that AvL and TriPoint's comments are "completely without merit and appear intended mainly to im
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-278A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-278A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-278A1.txt
- it were a 100 percent interest. Example. Company A owns 10% of Company B, which owns 60% of Company C, which owns 25% of the applicant. Company B's interest in the applicant would be 25% (the same as Company C's interest since Company B's interest in Company C exceeds 50%), and Company A's interest in the applicant would be 2.5% (0.1 * 0.25). Under the 10% attribution benchmark, Company B's interest in the applicant must be reported on the applicant's FCC Form 175 Exhibit A, while Company A's interest in the applicant need not be reported. However, if Company A owned 40% of Company B in the above example, then Company A's interest in the applicant would be 10% (0.4 *
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-2985A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-2985A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-2985A1.txt
- first-in-line status for the 10.70-10.75 GHz and 13.15-13.20 GHz frequencies. Because EchoStar's petition for reconsideration is pending, MSV's status with respect to the 10.70-10.75 GHz and 13.15-13.20 GHz frequencies is subject to our decision on EchoStar's petition for reconsideration of the EchoStar Dismissal Letter. 14. Station Keeping. In MSV's February 2004 Amendment, MSV requests an East-West station keeping tolerance of ±0.1°. To facilitate our assessment of MSV's proposal, MSV is directed to provide the following information in an amendment by September 28, 2004: (1) further information regarding the cost benefits or other support for its request to maintain East-West station keeping within ±0.1° as oppose to ±0.05°; (2) a graphic depiction of the projected ground trace of the satellite that shows
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3005A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3005A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3005A1.txt
- activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity on a license, decreasing the time it takes for licenses receiving many bids to reach their final prices. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 30% depending upon the number of bids for the license. We further proposed to retain the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if circumstances so dictate. We received no comment on this issue. In
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3198A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3198A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3198A1.txt
- minimum acceptable bid for that license will be equal to its minimum opening bid. The additional bid amounts are calculated using the difference between the minimum opening bid times one plus the minimum percentage increment, rounded as described above, and the minimum opening bid. That is, I = (minimum opening bid)(1 + N){rounded}- (minimum opening bid). Therefore, when N equals 0.1, the first additional bid amount will be approximately ten percent higher than the minimum opening bid; the second, twenty percent; the third, thirty percent; etc. In the case of a license for which the standing high bid has been withdrawn, the minimum acceptable bid will equal the second highest bid received for the license. The additional bid amounts are calculated
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3985A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3985A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-3985A1.txt
- minimum acceptable bid for that license will be equal to its minimum opening bid. The additional bid amounts are calculated using the difference between the minimum opening bid times one plus the minimum percentage increment, rounded as described above, and the minimum opening bid. That is, I = (minimum opening bid)(1 + N){rounded}- (minimum opening bid). Therefore, when N equals 0.1, the first additional bid amount will be approximately ten percent higher than the minimum opening bid; the second, twenty percent; the third, thirty percent; etc. In the case of a license for which the standing high bid has been withdrawn, the minimum acceptable bid will equal the second highest bid received for the license. The additional bid amounts are calculated
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-633A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-633A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-633A1.txt
- activity on that license. This methodology allows the increments to be tailored to the activity on a license, decreasing the time it takes for licenses receiving many bids to reach their final prices. The formula used to calculate this increment is included as Attachment F. We proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. We further proposed to retain the discretion to change the minimum acceptable bids and bid increments if circumstances so dictate. We received no comment on this issue. In
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-954A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-954A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-954A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations Ai = (C * Bi) + ((1-C) * Ai-1) Ii+1 = smaller of ((1 + Ai) * N) and M X i+1 = Ii+1 * Yi where,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1016A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1016A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1016A1.txt
- to limit the probability to 0.001 percent or less that the SKYLink System will generate aggregate off-axis e.i.r.p. spectral density toward the geostationary arc exceeding a one-dB margin below the maximum permissible levels for a routinely-licensed digital VSAT transmitter. The agreement also states that ARINC will control AES transmitter power in 0.25 dB steps; limit AES antenna pointing error to 0.1° or less with inertial navigation data refreshed every 20 ms; terminate transmission from an AES terminal within 250 ms of return-link loss; implement a fault-management system that will terminate AES transmission when out of tolerance conditions are detected; and maintain continuous monitoring and oversight of AES operation from a ground network operations center. Further, the agreement states that ARINC will
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1492A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1492A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1492A1.txt
- waiver request due to the congestion at the nominal 101° W.L. orbit location where DIRECTV operates four satellites. In response, MSV states that its second-generation satellite is bigger than typical satellites and will therefore expend most of its available fuel to achieve a geosynchronous orbit. MSV says that it will save fuel if we permit it to operate within a ±0.1° station-keeping box and that requiring it to adhere to a ±0.05° station-keeping box, which is required by the rules, will reduce the life of the satellite by one-half. On April 23, 2004, the Satellite Division sent MSV two letters, one of which dismissed the February 2004 amendment to add 50 megahertz of feeder link spectrum in each transmission direction and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1492A1_Erratum.doc
- waiver request due to the congestion at the nominal 101° W.L. orbit location where DIRECTV operates four satellites. In response, MSV states that its second-generation satellite is bigger than typical satellites and will therefore expend most of its available fuel to achieve a geosynchronous orbit. MSV says that it will save fuel if we permit it to operate within a ±0.1° station-keeping box and that requiring it to adhere to a ±0.05° station-keeping box, which is required by the rules, will reduce the life of the satellite by one-half. On April 23, 2004, the Satellite Division sent MSV two letters, one of which dismissed the February 2004 amendment to add 50 megahertz of feeder link spectrum in each transmission direction and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1496A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1496A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1496A1.txt
- application for review, ``because the Bureau has not yet had the opportunity to evaluate and to rule on the data for 14 different cell sizes and Year 2000 census data.'' 7. Discussion. We will dismiss the instant pleading. As we have explained previously, the proponents are permitted to make the necessary interference showing using the alternative 2-km cell size with 0.1 km terrain profile steps interference study based on the 1999 census data. Sherjan did not challenge the results of that interference study when it was originally tendered, but instead argued that there was no basis for the proponents to deviate from the standard default values for population measurement to demonstrate compliance with Section 73.623(c)(5) of the Commission's Rules. There was
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1504A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1504A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1504A1.txt
- describing their strategies for Orbital Debris mitigation. ICO submitted a narrative statement with its application, describing the orbital debris mitigation design strategies for ICO-G. We have reviewed these submissions and conclude that they raise no substantial concerns that would call into question whether spectrum should be reserved for ICO. ICO indicates, however, that there are four other satellites operating within 0.1 degree of the 91º W.L. orbital location. ICO indicates that it will begin coordinating location issues with those satellites two years before the expected launch of its satellite, will explore a number of potential flight dynamic solutions, and will seek any necessary modifications to its spectrum reservation necessitated by such coordination. In order to ensure that this issue is addressed
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1504A1_Erratum.doc
- describing their strategies for Orbital Debris mitigation. ICO submitted a narrative statement with its application, describing the orbital debris mitigation design strategies for ICO-G. We have reviewed these submissions and conclude that they raise no substantial concerns that would call into question whether spectrum should be reserved for ICO. ICO indicates, however, that there are four other satellites operating within 0.1 degree of the 91º W.L. orbital location. ICO indicates that it will begin coordinating location issues with those satellites two years before the expected launch of its satellite, will explore a number of potential flight dynamic solutions, and will seek any necessary modifications to its spectrum reservation necessitated by such coordination. In order to ensure that this issue is addressed
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-165A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-165A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-165A1.txt
- the public, and no advance reservation or registration is required. Date and Time: February 8, 2005 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Location: Federal Communications Commission Commission Meeting Room 445 12th Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20554 The Low Power FM (LPFM) radio service was created by the Commission in 2000. Stations operate with an effective radiated power (ERP) of 1000 watts (0.1 kilowatts) or less and cover a range of about 5.6 kilometers or 3.5 miles. LPFM stations are available to noncommercial educational entities and public safety and transportation organizations, but are not available to individuals or for commercial operations. Speakers will be LPFM operators. At the conclusion of the forum, representatives from LPFM stations in the audience will be invited to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-180A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-180A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-180A1.txt
- para. 22. 47 C.F.R. § 25.283(a). See also Mitigation of Orbital Debris, Second Report and Order, IB Docket No. 02-54, 19 FCC Rcd 11567 (2004). 47 C.F.R. § 25.144(d). 47 C.F.R. § 25.283. 47 C.F.R. § 25.111(b). 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(j). XM Radio Modification Application, Appendix A at 19-20. We construe this request as one to maintain the spacecraft within 0.1° of their assigned orbital longitude, as assessed at the nodal point of the orbit. XM Radio Modification Application, Appendix A at 20. XM Radio Modification Application, Appendix A at 20. 47 C.F.R. § 1.3. See also WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153 (D.C. Cir. 1969) (WAIT Radio); Northeast Cellular Tel. Co. v. FCC, 897 F.2d 1166 (D.C. Cir. 1990)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1812A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1812A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1812A1.txt
- Following re-orientation of the spacecraft, SES Americom's customer plans on using the 11.7-12.2 GHz capacity to provide service to aircraft operating within the spacecraft's coverage area, including the airspace over water within International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Region 1. SES Americom also requested modification of the Satcom SN-4 authorization to permit the spacecraft to operate with an East/West station-keeping tolerance of 0.1 degrees for the remainder of its license term. With this request, SES Americom has submitted a request to waive Section 25.210(j), which specifies an East/West station-keeping tolerance of 0.05 degrees. SES Americom also seeks approval of its end-of-life disposal plans for the Satcom SN-4 spacecraft. SES Americom proposes to deorbit to an altitude with an initial perigee no less than
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2423A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2423A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2423A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the construction permit. Smoothing formula equations and examples are shown in Attachment C. In the case of a construction permit for which the provisionally winning bid has been withdrawn, the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2671A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2671A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2671A1.txt
- the stationkeeping volumes. We also note that because the DIRECTV 8 satellite is a replacement for the DIRECTV 2 satellite, operation of DIRECTV 8 at the 100.75º W.L. location will not increase congestion at the nominal 101º W.L. orbital location. With respect to MSV's concerns, we note that grant of this request will result in a minimum angular separation of 0.1º between DIRECTV 8 at its requested location and AMSC-1. This would presumably obviate any stationkeeping concern of MSV at this location with respect to DIRECTV 8. This would also hold true with respect to the authorized but not launched MSV-1 satellite. Thus, grant of DIRECTV's application will increase the separation between the DIRECTV 8 satellite and MSV's current and future
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-273A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-273A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-273A1.txt
- some cases stations participating in NCAs may wish to reduce their technical operating facilities; i.e., effective radiated power, antenna height, and/or antenna pattern in order to resolve interference conflicts. For example, a station might agree to reduce its service area to avoid interference to another station if operating at its certified facilities would cause new interference in excess of the 0.1 percent threshold. This is the same type of arrangement that we anticipate could be made to resolve interference in the conflict resolution phase of channel election rounds 1 and 2, as described in paragraphs 56-57 and 61 of the Order. Although NCAs will be accepted or rejected before the formal conflict resolution process begins, we believe that the same types
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-288A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-288A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-288A1.txt
- in the Commission Meeting Room at FCC Headquarters, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, DC, on February 8, 2005. The morning event will be open to the public, and no advance reservation or registration is required. The Low Power FM (LPFM) radio service was created by the Commission in 2000. Stations operate with an effective radiated power (ERP) of 100 watts (0.1 kilowatts) or less and cover a range of about 5.6 kilometers or 3.5 miles. LPFM stations are available to noncommercial educational entities and public safety and transportation organizations, but are not available to individuals or for commercial operations. LPFM operators may bring information about their stations for display in the Commission Meeting Room during the forum. AGENDA - February 8,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2987A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2987A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-2987A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. We proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the construction permit. We will round the result using our standard rounding procedures. The minimum acceptable bid amount for a construction permit will be equal to its minimum opening bid
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-50A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-50A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-50A1.txt
- co-primary Terrestrial Fixed Service providers in the 10.7-11.7 GHz band. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV shall coordinate with Terrestrial Fixed and Terrestrial Mobile Services in the 12.75-13.25 GHz band. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV's request to waive Section 25.210(j) of the Commission's rules to permit MSV to operate its MSV-2 satellite with an East-West station keeping tolerance of ±0.1° IS DENIED without prejudice. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV must provide a written statement to the Commission within 60 days of the date of this grant that identifies any known satellites located at, or planned to be located at, MSV's assigned orbital location, or assigned in the vicinity of that location such that the station keeping volume of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-50A1_Erratum.doc
- co-primary Terrestrial Fixed Service providers in the 10.7-11.7 GHz band. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV shall coordinate with Terrestrial Fixed and Terrestrial Mobile Services in the 12.75-13.25 GHz band. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV's request to waive Section 25.210(j) of the Commission's rules to permit MSV to operate its MSV-2 satellite with an East-West station keeping tolerance of ±0.1° IS DENIED without prejudice. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV must provide a written statement to the Commission within 60 days of the date of this grant that identifies any known satellites located at, or planned to be located at, MSV's assigned orbital location, or assigned in the vicinity of that location such that the station keeping volume of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1016A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1016A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1016A1.txt
- additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between 10% and 20% higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. The eight additional bid amounts are calculated using the minimum acceptable bid
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1093A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1093A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1093A1.txt
- the co-pol antenna gain under Section 25.209(a)(1); (6) off-axis EIRP density reduced by the number of co-frequency simultaneously transmitting remote earth stations in the same satellite receiving beam under Routine licensing; (7) Non-Routinely sized antenna off-axis antenna Gain (dBi); and (8) maximum off-axis EIRP density of non-routinely sized antenna (dBW/4 kHz). We also recommend stating the Theta in increments of 0.1 from 1 degree to 3 degrees; increments of 0.5 from 3 degrees to 7 degrees; increments of 5 degrees from 7 degrees to 9.2 degrees and from 9.2 degrees to 48 degrees; and at increments of 20 from 48 degrees to 180 degrees. 47 C.F.R. § 25.112(a)(1). See also Echostar Satellite LLC, Order on Reconsideration, DA 04-4056 (released December 27,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1675A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1675A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1675A1.txt
- submit an election form during the channel election process. Consistent with our announced procedure of designating a post-transition channel for any station that did not participate in the channel election process, we are designating channel 14 on KTGM's behalf. See Second DTV Periodic Report and Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 18296, ¶ 42. By reducing their ERP to meet the 0.1 percent interference standard, we were able to grant the following five licensees TCDs on their elected channels: WWMT, channel 8, Kalamazoo, Michigan, ERP reduced to 20 kW; WTVA, channel 8, Tupelo, Mississippi, ERP reduced to 9 kW; WSKY-TV, channel 9, Manteo, North Carolina, ERP reduced to 21.3 kW; WSWP-TV, channel 10, Grandview, West Virginia, ERP reduced to 2.5 kW; and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2014A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2014A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2014A1.txt
- additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between 10% and 20% higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment E. The eight additional bid amounts are calculated using the minimum acceptable bid
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2298A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2298A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2298A1.txt
- additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and twenty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. The eight additional bid amounts are calculated using the minimum
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2298A5.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2298A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2298A5.txt
- (round i) Ai-1 = activity index from previous round (round i-1), A0 is 0 Ii+1 = additional percentage for the next round (round i+1) N = minimum additional percentage or floor M = maximum additional percentage or ceiling X i+1 = additional dollar amount Yi = provisionally winning bid amount from the current round Examples License 1 C=0.5, N = 0.1, M = 0.2 Round 1 (2 bidders submitting bids, provisionally winning bid = $1,000,000) 1. Calculation of additional percentage for round 2: A1 = (0.5 * 2) + (0.5 * 0) = 1 I2 = The smaller of ((1 + 1) * 0.1) = 0.2 or 0.2 (the maximum additional percentage) 2. Calculation of dollar amount associated with the additional
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-238A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-238A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-238A1.txt
- minus the weighting factor times the activity index from the prior round. The activity index is then used to calculate a percentage increment by multiplying a minimum percentage increment by one plus the activity index with that result being subject to a maximum percentage increment. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage increment at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage increment at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the percentage increment will fluctuate between 10% and 20% depending upon the number of bids for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment C. In the case of a license for which the provisionally winning bid has been withdrawn, the minimum acceptable bid amount
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-238A4.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-238A4.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-238A4.txt
- round (round i-1), A0 is 0 Ii+1 = percentage increment for the next round (round i+1) N = minimum percentage increment or percentage increment floor M = maximum percentage increment or percentage increment ceiling X i+1 = dollar amount associated with the percentage increment Yi = provisionally winning bid amount from the current round Examples License 1 C=0.5, N = 0.1, M = 0.2 Round 1 (2 bidders submitting bids, provisionally winning bid = $1,000,000) 1. Calculation of percentage increment for round 2 using the smoothing formula: A1 = (0.5 * 2) + (0.5 * 0) = 1 I2 = The smaller of ((1 + 1) * 0.1) = 0.2 or 0.2 (the maximum percentage increment) 2. Calculation of dollar amount
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2437A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2437A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2437A1.txt
- additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and twenty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. The eight additional bid amounts are calculated using the minimum
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2437A6.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2437A6.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2437A6.txt
- round (round i) Ai-1 = activity index from previous round (round i-1), A0 is 0 Ii+1 = additional percentage for the next round (round i+1) N = minimum additional percentage or floor M = maximum additional percentage or ceiling Xi+1 = additional dollar amount Yi = provisionally winning bid amount from the current round Examples C = 0.5, N = 0.1, M = 0.2 Round 1 (2 bidders submitting bids, provisionally winning bid = $1,000,000) 1. Calculation of additional percentage for round 2: A1 = (0.5 * 2) + (0.5 * 0) = 1 I2 = The smaller of [((1 + 1) * 0.1) = 0.2] and 0.2 (the maximum additional percentage) = 0.2 2. Calculation of dollar amount associated with
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2523A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2523A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2523A1.txt
- not possible to colocate BCBI's proposed facility with Station WLW973, because existing space was filled. BCBI argues that such an explanation has previously been accepted in granting an application, and the Commission should do so in BCBI's case as well. BCBI states that it did submit a study - Figure 7 of Exhibit E to its application - made at 0.1 mile increments along 360 radials from the proposed transmitter site, which demonstrated a lack of any interference at 0.1 mile resolution. Consequently, any interference occurring to WLW973 would be within 0.1 mile of BCBI's transmitter, an area of 0.03 square miles. BCBI states that this area would fall within the radius of the tower's guy wires, and that there is
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-774A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-774A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-774A1.txt
- showings supplied in other applications for licenses for the same SeaTel 1.0 and 1.2 meter antennas as Stratos proposes to utilize, indicate that the antennas do not satisfy Section 25.209's antenna radiation performance standards between 1.25 and 1.5 degrees. Consequently, Stratos must include, in any refiling, a demonstration of its off-axis EIRP density levels beginning at 1.25 degrees off-axis with 0.1 degree increments out to 2.25 degrees off-axis. The demonstration should include a comparison of the authorized off-axis EIRP density limits specified in Section 25.222(a)(1)-(4) of the Commission's rules. Finally, in Attachment C of the application, Stratos states that ``...the antenna controller can detect within 100 milliseconds a pointing error that exceeds 0.5 degrees and cease transmissions immediately...''. Stratos must clarify
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-775A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-775A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-775A1.txt
- showings supplied in other applications for licenses for the same SeaTel 1.0 and 1.2 meter antennas as Stratos proposes to utilize, indicate that the antennas do not satisfy Section 25.209's antenna radiation performance standards between 1.25 and 1.5 degrees. Consequently, Stratos must include, in any refiling, a demonstration of its off-axis EIRP density levels beginning at 1.25 degrees off-axis with 0.1 degree increments out to 2.25 degrees off-axis. The demonstration should include a comparison of the authorized off-axis EIRP density limits specified in Section 25.222(a)(1)-(4) of the Commission's rules. Finally, in Attachment C of the application, Stratos states that ``...the antenna controller can detect within 100 milliseconds a pointing error that exceeds 0.5 degrees and cease transmissions immediately...''. Stratos must clarify
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-864A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-864A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-864A1.txt
- volume of its satellites. With respect to the 121° and 83° W.L. orbit locations, at which contactMEO identified other satellites that may have overlapping station keeping volumes, contactMEO indicates it will accommodate co-location by ``flying at non-zero inclination and eccentricity.'' contactMEO also indicates that ``sufficient fuel will be loaded on the [contactMEO] satellite to maintain the differing inclination to within 0.1 degrees.'' 46. At end of mission of its HEO satellites, contactMEO plans to de-orbit its HEO satellites through controlled re-entry by using a series of maneuver burns. contactMEO states that the deorbit process will be designed to assure that the satellite is stable and under control throughout the process. contactMEO has identified an open area in the southern Pacific Ocean
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-864A1_Erratum.doc
- volume of its satellites. With respect to the 121° and 83° W.L. orbit locations, at which contactMEO identified other satellites that may have overlapping station keeping volumes, contactMEO indicates it will accommodate co-location by ``flying at non-zero inclination and eccentricity.'' contactMEO also indicates that ``sufficient fuel will be loaded on the [contactMEO] satellite to maintain the differing inclination to within 0.1 degrees.'' 46. At end of mission of its HEO satellites, contactMEO plans to de-orbit its HEO satellites through controlled re-entry by using a series of maneuver burns. contactMEO states that the deorbit process will be designed to assure that the satellite is stable and under control throughout the process. contactMEO has identified an open area in the southern Pacific Ocean
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1061A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1061A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1061A1.txt
- Applications of Western Wireless Corporation and ALLTEL Corporation, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 20 FCC Rcd 13053, 13074 ¶ 49 (2005) (``ALLTEL-Western Wireless Order''). GCI-Alaska DigiTel Order, FCC Rcd at 14882-83 ¶ 38; ALLTEL-Western Wireless Order, 20 FCC Rcd at 13067 ¶ 23; see also Horizontal Merger Guidelines, issued by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, § 0.1, n.6, April 2, 1992, revised April 8, 1997 (``DOJ/FTC Merger Guidelines''). Market concentration is generally measured by the HHI, and changes in concentration are measured by the change in the HHI. See, e.g., ALLTEL-Western Wireless Order, 20 FCC Rcd at 13067 ¶ 23; Cingular-AT&T Wireless Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 21556 ¶ 69. GCI-Alaska DigiTel Order, FCC Rcd at 14882-83
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1564A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-1564A2.txt
- techniques cannot be applied in testing of consumer DTV receivers that do not provide access to bit streams; consequently, thresholds for this report were determined by visual observation of DTV pictures. In all interference rejection tests, the level of the desired signal D was adjusted as closely as possible to the intended value by using a step attenuator operating in 0.1-dB steps. The level of the undesired (interfering) signal was then adjusted upward until picture errors were easily observed within a few seconds. That level was then backed off and readjusted in 0.1-dB steps to determine the minimum undesired signal level at which one or more visible picture errors occurred in two consecutive 30-second intervals. The power level of the undesired
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-30A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-30A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-30A1.txt
- additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between 10% and 20% higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment E. The eight additional bid amounts are calculated using the minimum acceptable bid
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3415A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3415A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3415A1.txt
- The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the CPE amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and twenty percent higher than the CPE (which, for non-C Block licenses not subject to HPB, will equal the provisionally winning bid), depending upon the bidding activity covering the license. Equations and examples are shown
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3415A3.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3415A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3415A3.txt
- M = maximum additional percentage or ceiling Xi+1 = additional dollar amount Yi = current price estimate (CPE) for the license from the current round (The CPE for a license is the provisionally winning bid, unless there is a provisionally winning package bid covering the license. See Attachment C for more information on CPEs.) Examples C = 0.5, N = 0.1, M = 0.2 Round 1 (1 bidder submitting bids, CPE = $1,000,000) 1. Calculation of additional percentage for round 2: A1 = (0.5 * 1) + (0.5 * 0) = 0.5 I2 = The smaller of [((1 + 0.5) * 0.1) = 0.15] and 0.2 (the maximum additional percentage) = 0.15 2. Calculation of dollar amount associated with the additional
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A2.txt
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A5.txt
- in Market 0.04 0.155 1.04 0.07** 0.035 1.07 % News Stats in Mkt Previous Period -28.461 0.0001 0.001 -30.861 0.0001 0.001 Fit Information Intercept Only With Covariates Intercept Only With Covariates Akaike Information Criterion 19,035 3,040 17,640 2,586 Schwarz Criterion 19,035 3,149 17,640 2,696 -2 Log Liklihood 19,035 3,014 17,640 2,560 Number of Observations 32,681 32,681 * Significant at the 0.1 level. ** Significant at the 0.05 level. *** Significant at the 0.01 level. 1 This variable is collinear with the market dummies, so these values are meaningless. All other estimates are unaffected by this multicollinearity. This variable is included in the regression because it is an economically important variable, so dropping it could bias the other variables. III - 26
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A6.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A6.txt
- for Other Content Program Measures, Stratified by Common Ownership and Market All Commercial, In-Market, Edison Surveyed Stations Same Market [1] Different Market [2] Same Market [3] Different Market [4] Content Angle 57.1 50.8 53.2 58.1 57.3 -7.3 - -4.1 - Origination Angle 33.2 33.8 31.0 30.5 33.4 3.3 + -2.3 - Live Angle 30.8 31.6 30.7 27.8 30.8 3.9 + -0.1 - Content Angle 49.8 43.6 51.8 49.7 49.7 -6.1 - 2.1 + Origination Angle 31.8 24.6 35.9 28.2 31.6 -3.6 - 4.3 + Live Angle 31.1 29.6 35.0 30.5 31.0 -0.9 - 4.0 + Content Angle 51.1 56.2 46.2 50.3 51.3 5.9 + -5.1 - Origination Angle 30.6 31.8 29.3 30.4 30.7 1.4 + -1.4 - Live Angle 30.6 32.3
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A7.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A7.txt
- .29 .31 .38 .39 Notes: Absolute values of t-statistics in parentheses (using heteroscedastic-consistent standard errors corrected for clustering by television station); ***p<.01, **p<.05 and *p<.10. 39 Table 7: Political News Coverage by Cross-Ownership (in seconds) Cross-Owned Station Broadcasts (n=87) Non Cross-Owned Station Broadcasts (n=225) Difference in Means Speaking time of state and local candidates Total speaking 24.4 (37.3) 24.3 (34.1) +0.1 State and local candidate coverage Total candidate 76.5 (101.0) 69.8 (80.2) +6.7 Partisan issue coverage Total partisan issues 89.9 (85.4) 92.0 (93.2) -2.1 Opinion poll coverage Total polls 9.7 (24.3) 6.3 (16.9) +3.4 Notes: Mean and standard deviation. Difference in means is (cross-owned less non-cross- owned); ***p<.01, **p<.05, and *p<.10. 40 Table 8: Total State and Local Candidate Speaking Time
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3993A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3993A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3993A1.txt
- that if ATCONTACT refiles, it should explain the method used to make the assessment of its safe flight profile analysis. ATCONTACT did not include an explanation of the method used to obtain the information in its refiled application. Such an explanation should address the steps taken and sources used to identify operating satellites -both domestic and international - within +/- 0.1 degrees (the station-keeping box) of the requested orbital location. The information should also include satellites scheduled for launch, and include references to the specific databases used to determine which satellite networks within the station-keeping box require coordination to prevent possible collisions. Last, we note that the antenna gain contour diagrams were improperly attached to Form 312, Schedule S, under section
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3994A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3994A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3994A1.txt
- energy sources on board are discharged at the spacecraft's end of life. In addition, ATCONTACT should provide, in any refiled application, an explanation of the method used to make the assessment of its safe flight profile analysis. Such an explanation should address the steps taken and sources used to identify operating satellites - both domestic and international - within +/- 0.1 degrees (the station-keeping box) of the requested orbital location. The information should also include satellites scheduled for launch, and include references to the specific databases used to determine which satellite networks within the station keeping box require coordination to prevent possible collisions. Last, we note that the antenna gain contour diagrams were improperly attached to Form 312, Schedule S, under
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-4171A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-4171A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-4171A1.txt
- The additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the CPE amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. We proposed initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage (floor) at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage (ceiling) at 0.2 (20%). At these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and twenty percent higher than the CPE (which, for non-C Block licenses will equal the provisionally winning bid), depending upon the bidding activity covering the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment G. A
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-4674A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-4674A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-4674A1.txt
- in 3 axes and can receive in the 11.7-12.2 GHz band while simultaneously transmitting in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band. The ACU uses data received from the aircraft inertial navigation system to continuously control the AES antenna so that it points at the target satellite as the aircraft executes flight maneuvers, with total root mean square pointing error of less than 0.1° in normal operation. Any aircraft maneuver or navigational failure that prevents the antenna from properly pointing to the target satellite will disrupt the received signal, with resultant shut down of the AES transmitter within one second by on-board fault management controls designed to stop transmission in the event of AES hardware failure or out-of-tolerance operation. To establish a connection, an
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-503A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-503A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-503A1.txt
- the proposed 2K40G7E emission, the maximum EIRP density in a 4 kHz band is the same as the maximum EIRP specified in response to Question E48. Moreover, in response to Question E41/42, Pacific Satellite indicates that the transmit antenna gain is 48.1 dBi. Based on these values, we calculate a maximum power density at the input of the antenna as -0.1 dBW/4 kHz. This value exceeds the maximum input power spectral density limit of -2.7 dBW/4 kHz for routinely authorized earth stations in Section 25.212(d)(2) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §25.212(d)(2). In such cases, applicants may not use ALSAT-designated satellites as the point of communication. Thus, Pacific Satellite must identify specific satellites as its point of communication for this emission.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-514A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-514A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-514A1.txt
- additional percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Commission will initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between 10% and 20% higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment E. The additional bid amounts are calculated using the minimum acceptable bid amount
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-1090A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-1090A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-1090A1.txt
- one to the activity index, and multiplying that sum by a minimum percentage, with the result not to exceed a maximum percentage. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposed initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage (floor) at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage (ceiling) at 0.2 (20%). At these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will generally be between ten percent and twenty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment E. Additional Bid Amounts Any additional bid amounts are calculated
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- other qualifications.'' 47 U.S.C. §§ 308, 310(d). See, e.g., Verizon-RCC Order, FCC 08-181, at ¶ 27; AT&T-Dobson Order, 22 FCC Rcd at 20302 ¶ 11. See, e.g., Verizon-RCC Order, FCC 08-181, at ¶ 31; AT&T-Dobson Order, 22 FCC Rcd at 20306 ¶ 15; Horizontal Merger Guidelines, issued by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, at § 0.1, n.6. (Apr. 2, 1992, revised Apr. 8, 1997) (``DOJ/FTC Merger Guidelines''). See, e.g., Verizon-RCC Order, FCC 08-181, at ¶ 32; AT&T-Dobson Order, 22 FCC Rcd at 20307 ¶ 16. Verizon-RCC Order, FCC 08-181, at ¶ 33; AT&T-Dobson Order, 22 FCC Rcd at 20312-14 ¶¶ 30-31. This initial spectrum aggregation screen of 95 megahertz is approximately one-third of the 280 megahertz
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-1912A1.pdf
- of Authority Modification Intelsat North America LLC Nature of Service: Fixed Satellite Service On August 8, 2008, the Policy Branch granted with conditions Intelsat North America LLC.'s request for modification of its Fixed-Satellite Service C-, Ku-, and extended Ku-band space station authorization for the Intelsat 704 satellite to permit it to operate the satellite with an East/West station-keeping tolerance of +/-0.1° SAT-STA-20080530-00117 E Effective Date: 08/13/2008 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority Sirius XM Radio Inc. On August 13, 2008, the Satellite Division granted with conditions special temporary authority to Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc. to operate an indoor terrestrial repeater with an effective isotropically radiated power (EIRP) of up to 200 watts (average) and up to five indoor terrestrial repeaters with
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2243A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2243A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2243A2.txt
- were able to detect wireless microphones at levels ranging from -103 dBm to -129 dBm depending on the type of microphone, and the device. In the presence of DTV signals in adjacent channels, the detection threshold was degraded such that it affected the ability of the devices to reliably detect the microphone signals. Scan time for the devices varied from 0.1 second per channel (Motorola) to 185 seconds per channel (Adaptrum). The Adaptrum device was modified during the tests and its scan time changed from 37 seconds per channel to 185 seconds per channel. Channel Occupancy (TV sensing) field tests were performed at nine locations for the Adaptrum, I2R, Motorola, and Philips devices. In most cases, the devices correctly reported channels
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2243A3.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2243A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2243A3.txt
- were able to detect wireless microphones at levels ranging from -103 dBm to -129 dBm depending on the type of microphone, and the device. In the presence of DTV signals in adjacent channels, the detection threshold was degraded such that it affected the ability of the devices to reliably detect the microphone signals. Scan time for the devices varied from 0.1 second per channel (Motorola) to 185 seconds per channel (Adaptrum). The Adaptrum device was modified during the tests and its scan time changed from 37 seconds per channel to 185 seconds per channel. Channel Occupancy (TV sensing) field tests were performed at nine locations for the Adaptrum, I2R, Motorola, and Philips devices. In most cases, the devices correctly reported channels
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2243A6.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2243A6.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-2243A6.txt
- (N) -69.0 -86.6 -17.6 34 (D) -72.0 -90.0 -18.0 35 (D) -73.1 -90.1 -17.0 36 (D) -74.3 -90.0 -15.7 47 (D) -78.4 -91.1 -12.7 7 25 (N) -77.7 -87.8 -10.1 30 (D) -72.7 -89.9 -17.2 31 (N) -75.6 -83.9 -8.3 9 22 (N) -92.9 -96.8 -3.9 25 (N) -94.5 -100.0 -5.5 31 (N) -91.7 -97.3 -5.6 42 (N) -100.5 -100.4 +0.1 Table C-4. Measurement Results - Patapsco Site Channel Signal Type (N or D) Frequency (MHz) Measured Power (dBm) Viewable (Picture/TASO) Reported PSIP 21 22 N 519.28 -74.0 4 23 24 N 531.26 -55.0 3 25 26 N 543.24 -96.6 6 27 28 D 554.3 -96.3 N 29 D 560.3 -90.9 N 30 31 32 N 579.26 -99.3 N 33 D
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-767A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-767A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-767A1.txt
- adding one to the activity index, and multiplying that sum by a minimum percentage, with the result not to exceed a maximum percentage. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.2 (20%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and twenty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment C. Additional Bid Amounts Any additional bid amounts are calculated using
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-767A4.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-767A4.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-08-767A4.txt
- round (round i) Ai-1 = activity index from previous round (round i-1), A0 is 0 Ii+1 = additional percentage for the next round (round i+1) N = minimum additional percentage or floor M = maximum additional percentage or ceiling Xi+1 = additional dollar amount Yi = provisionally winning bid amount from the current round Examples C = 0.5, N = 0.1, M = 0.2 Round 1 (1 bidder submitting bids, provisionally winning bid = $1,000,000) 1. Calculation of additional percentage for round 2: A1 = (0.5 * 1) + (0.5 * 0) = 0.5 I2 = The smaller of [((1 + 0.5) * 0.1) = 0.15] and 0.2 (the maximum additional percentage) = 0.15 2. Calculation of dollar amount associated with
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1216A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1216A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1216A1.txt
- services in rural areas. With respect to wireless services, the Commission established a base-line definition of a rural area as a county or a county equivalent with a population density of 100 persons per square mile or less. In the instant case, 16 of the 17 county equivalent areas encompassed by TelAlaska's two cellular licenses have a population density between 0.1 and 3.1 persons per square mile, while the remaining county equivalent area has a population density of 11.3 persons per square mile. Over 93 percent of the counties in the United States have a greater population density than 16 out of the 17 areas associated with TelAlaska's two cellular licenses, and 81 percent of the counties have a population density
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1216A1_Rcd.pdf
- Deployment of Wireless Services, and To Facilitate 7382 Stefan M. Lopatkiewicz, Esq. - established a base-line definition of a rural area asa county or a county equivalent with a population density of 100 persons per square mile or less.27In the instant case, 16 of the 17 county equivalent areas encompassed by TelAlaska's two cellular licenses have a population density between 0.1 and 3.1 persons per square mile, while the remaining county equivalent area has a population density of 11.3 persons per square mile.28Over 93 percent of the counties in the United States have a greater population density than 16 out of the 17 areas associated withTelAlaska's two cellular licenses, and 81 percent of the counties have a population density greater than
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-130A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-130A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-130A1.txt
- \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs20\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\fs24 Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs24 , pursuant t o section 503(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. S: 503(b)(5), and section 1.80 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. S: 1.80, and under the authority delegated by sections 0.111 and 0.311 of the Commission's rules,47 C.F.R. S: 0.1 11, 0.311, Comcast is NOTIFIED of its APPARENT LIABILITY FOR A FORFEITURE in the amount of Fifteen Thousand dollars ($15,000.00) for willful violation of Section 76.1603(b) of the Rules. \par {\pntext\pard\plain\ltrpar \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs22 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs22 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 14.\tab}}\pard \ltrpar\ql \fi720\li0\ri0\sb120\sa120\sl226\slmult1\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx1440\tx46 80\tx5760\wrapdefault{\*\pn \pnlvlbody\ilvl0\ls22\pnrnot0 \pndec\pnb0\pni0\pnfs22\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnsp120 {\pntxta .}}\faauto\ls22 \pnrdate651271328\pnrstart0\pnrxst2\pnrxst0\pnrxst0\pnrxst0\pnrxst46\pnr xst0\pnrstop6\pnrstart1\pnrrgb1\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\ pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrstop9\pnrstart2\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnf c0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0 \pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc14\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc 0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrstop18\pnrstart3\pnrpnbr14\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnb r0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnb r0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrstop36\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\fs24 IT
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1376A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1376A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1376A1.txt
- percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposed initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage (floor) at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage (ceiling) at 0.3 (30%). At these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will generally be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment E. Additional Bid Amounts Any additional bid amounts are calculated
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1376A1_Rcd.pdf
- is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. 182. The Bureau proposed initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage (floor) at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage (ceiling) at 0.3 (30%). At these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will generally be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license.214Equations and examples are shown in Attachment E. b. Additional Bid Amounts 183. Any additional bid amounts are
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1724A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1724A1.txt
- SAT-AMD-20080321-00078. S2243 SAT-LOA-19970605-00050 P Effective Date: 07/28/2009 Grant of Authority Launch and Operating Authority DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC Nature of Service: Other On July 28, 2009, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC's request for authority to construct, launch, and operate a 17/24 GHz Broadcasting-Satellite Service space station, DIRECTV RB-4, at the 110.9° W.L. orbital location, which is offset 0.1° from the 111° W.L. location specified in Appendix F to the 17/24 GHz BSS Report and Order, FCC 07-76, 22 FCC Rcd 8842 (rel. May 4, 2007). DIRECTV is authorized to use the 17.3-17.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) and the 24.75-25.15 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands, at a reduced power and without full interference protection. For a complete explanation of the rules and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1724A1_Rcd.pdf
- SAT-AMD-20080321-00078. S2243 SAT-LOA-19970605-00050 P Effective Date: 07/28/2009 Grant of Authority Launch and Operating Authority DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC Nature of Service: Other On July 28, 2009, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC's request for authority to construct, launch, and operate a 17/24 GHz Broadcasting-Satellite Service space station, DIRECTV RB-4, at the 110.9° W.L. orbital location, which is offset 0.1° from the 111° W.L. location specified in Appendix F to the 17/24 GHz BSS Report and Order, FCC 07-76, 22 FCC Rcd 8842 (rel. May 4, 2007). DIRECTV is authorized to use the 17.3-17.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) and the 24.75-25.15 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands, at a reduced power and without full interference protection. For a complete explanation of the rules and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2194A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2194A1.txt
- publiclibraries,hospitalsandcommunitycolleges.Theseestimates,basedon datacurrentlyavailabletothepublic,arenotdefinitive.Insubmittingthis analysis,weseektoassistfederalagenciesintheireffortstodeploybroadband technologiesmorebroadlyandtoencourageotherswithgreaterexpertiseinthis areatocomeforwardwithadditionaldataandinformationthatcanbeusedto improveuponthispreliminaryassessment. ·Estimatesinthisdocumentarefortransportonlynetworkingandareexclusive ofcostsassociatedwithnetworkmanagementandnetworkintelligence. ·Estimatesareforlastmilefibercoststocommunityinstitutions.Noestimatesof non-lastmileorbackhaulcapacityrequirementsweremade. ·Thisanalysisislimitedtothecostofinstallingfiberconnectionsanddoesnot assessthecostofothernon-fibertechnologyalternatives(e.g.MSOcoax, FTTNorwirelesstechnologies). ·Finally,thisanalysisdoesnotincludesite-specificestimatesforanygivenregion oradetailedunderstandingofnetworktopologytocreateamoreaccurate bottoms-upestimate. 2 PRELIMINARYCOSTESTIMATES Installingfibertoallanchorcommunityinstitutionsmaycost$5-10billion, withrangedrivenbyunknownsite-specificfactorsinfiberdeployment costs Thousandsoflocations $Thousands $Billions Public Institutions Low-end High-end Low-end High-end Population Public schools Community Total assumed fibercost fibercost totalfiber totalfiber density1 Hospitals libraries (K-12) colleges institutions w/outfiber4 persite2 persite2 cost4 cost4 Dense 0 1 5 0 6 80% 15 65 0.1 0.3 Urban Urban 1 2 13 0.1 16 80% 15 65 0.2 0.9 Suburban 1 6 24 0.4 31 80% 35 205 0.9 5.2 Rural 4 8 57 0.4 69 80% 65 653 3.7 3.7 Total 6 17 99 1.0 123 80% 15-205 LeleaLe.La-L.L· I 1Determinedbyzipcodepopulationdensity:Rural:<1,000personspersquaremile,Suburban:between1,000and4,000,Urban:between 4,000and10,000,andDenseUrban:>10,000.Somelocations(305hospitalsand446libraries)didnotmatchzipcodesinthemostrecent GISdatabase,andhavebeenassumedtohavethesamedistributionastheotherlocations 2Low-endcostbasedonaerialinstallationwith30%newpoles,whilehigh-endcostassumes40%aerialand60%trenching 3Low-endcostsonlyassumedheresincetrenchingwouldbecost-prohibitive;othertechnologieslikelymorerelevant ifnotaerialfiber 4Assumed20%ofnon-librariesalreadyhavefiberavailable,basedonthepercentage(19%)ofU.S.commercialbuildingsconnectedtofiber withover 20employees.ForpUbliclibraries,13%areassumedtohavefiberandwereadjustedassuch.Seep.5. Sources:NationalCenterforEducationStatistics;InfoUSA;AmericanHospitalDirectory;TVARuralStudies;CANARIEInc.;OutsidePlanConsulting Inc.;FCC;VerticalSystemsGroup;companyinterviewsandwebsites 3 PRELIMINARY InstallationcostspersHemayrangefrom $10,000to$200,000depending
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2482A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2482A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2482A1.txt
- a case-by-case basis. See 47 C.F.R. § 90.205(r). See 47 C.F.R. § 97.313(b) (permitting 1500 watts peak effective power). See Waiver Request at 3, 13. Id. at 13-14. The device transmits an unmodulated (CW) carrier (emission designator N0N). The emission must be 70 dB below the peak instantaneous power on any frequency removed from the operating frequency by more than 0.1 kHz, and 90 dB below the peak instantaneous power on any frequency removed from the operating frequency by more than 1 kHz. The device must meet a frequency stability of 350 parts per million. See CyTerra ex parte dated July 22, 2009. Ordinarily, licensees in the Public Safety Radio Services (such as state or local government entities) that already have
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-2482A1_Rcd.pdf
- § 1.925, that the Request for Waiver of Part 90 of the Commission's Rules, filed by L-3 CyTerra on February 22, 2008, IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS set 26The device transmits an unmodulated (CW) carrier (emission designator N0N). The emission must be 70 dB belowthe peak instantaneous power on any frequency removed from the operating frequency by more than 0.1 kHz, and 90 dB belowthe peak instantaneous power on any frequency removed from the operating frequency by more than 1 kHz. The device must meet a frequency stability of 350 parts per million. SeeCyTerra ex partedated July 22, 2009. 27Ordinarily, licensees in the Public Safety Radio Services (such as state or local government entities) that already have a Commission license
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-53A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-53A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-53A1.txt
- new subscriber $27.07 $26.29 $30.53 $23.68 $32.79 $35.97 $16.82 Change from prior year 2.1% 2.1% 2.3% 7.9% -0.6% 13.7% 3.2% Sources: Attachment 12-b. System Operating Capacity Tables 10, 10-a, and 10-b show that capacity averaged 749 MHz, 748 MHz, and 759 MHz, as of January 1, 2006; January 1, 2007; and January 1, 2008. This, in turn, represented 1.8 percent, -0.1 percent, and 1.5 percent increases over the previous year, respectively. By sample group, operators in noncompetitive communities had average capacity of 747 MHz, 744 MHz, and 757 MHz (changes of 1.8 percent, -0.4 percent, and 1.6 percent), and operators in communities relieved from rate regulation had average capacity of 765 MHz, 766 MHz, and 772 MHz (increases of 1.4 percent,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-587A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-587A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-587A1.txt
- not enable the transmit signal until the downlink signal is received and the operator is able to verify that the antenna is properly pointed at the target satellite and the link is unobstructed. This will prevent exposure to high levels of RF radiation in event a person inadvertently enters the path of the antenna main beam. Because the limit of 0.1 mW/cm² can be tolerated for several minutes, the transmitter muting must occur within 3 seconds of the loss of downlink signal. This enabling feature must also be employed at the time the antenna is powered on. IV. CONCLUSION We conclude that L-3 Communications's application may be granted under existing Commission rules and policies for the licensing of non-routine earth stations.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-843A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-843A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-843A1.txt
- percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment C. Additional Bid Amounts Any additional bid amounts are calculated using
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-843A1_Rcd.pdf
- percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and thirty percent higher thanthe provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment C. b. Additional Bid Amounts 44.Any additional bid amounts are calculated using
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1348A1_Rcd.pdf
- smaller than Maine. Austria's population is concentrated on eastern lowlands because of steep slopes, poor soils and low temperatures. The terrain in the west and south is mostly mountains (Alps) and mostly flat or gently sloping along the eastern and northern margins. Subscriptions per 100 people Access per 100 people Total Subscribers Total Fiber Cable DSL Other 54.5 1,821,000 21.8 0.1 6.8 14.5 0.5 3. Belgium Regulation:National telecommunications goals and policy objectives are set by the Ministère des Communications et de l'Infrastructure.18 The independent regulator is the Institut Belge des Services Postaux et des Télécommunications (IBPT).19 Belgium first mandated local-loop unbundling in October 2000,20 but alternative operators have historically used bitstream access to provision DSL services. The guidelines for bitstream access
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1554A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1554A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1554A1.txt
- Order at ¶ 30; AT&T-Centennial Order, 24 FCC Rcd at 13931 ¶ 34; Verizon Wireless-ALLTEL Order, 23 FCC Rcd at 17468 ¶ 40; Sprint Nextel-Clearwire Order, 23 FCC Rcd at 17583 ¶ 24; Cingular-AT&T Wireless Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 21556 ¶ 68; Horizontal Merger Guidelines, issued by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, at § 0.1, n.6. (Apr. 2, 1992, revised Apr. 8, 1997) (``DOJ/FTC Merger Guidelines''). See, e.g., AT&T-Verizon Wireless Order at ¶ 30; AT&T-Centennial Order, 24 FCC Rcd at 13932 ¶ 36; Verizon Wireless-ALLTEL Order, 23 FCC Rcd at 17469 ¶ 42; Sprint Nextel-Clearwire Order, 23 FCC Rcd at 17583 ¶ 25; Cingular-AT&T Wireless Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 21557 ¶ 70. See, e.g.,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-1554A1_Rcd.pdf
- with horizontal concentration, 112See, e.g.,AT&T-Verizon Wireless Orderat¶ 30;AT&T-Centennial Order, 24 FCC Rcd at 13931 ¶34; Verizon Wireless-ALLTEL Order, 23 FCC Rcd at 17468 ¶40; Sprint Nextel-Clearwire Order, 23 FCC Rcd at 17583 ¶ 24; Cingular-AT&T Wireless Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 21556 ¶ 68;Horizontal Merger Guidelines, issued by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, at § 0.1, n.6. (Apr. 2, 1992, revised Apr. 8, 1997) ("DOJ/FTC Merger Guidelines"). 113See, e.g., AT&T-Verizon Wireless Orderat¶30;AT&T-Centennial Order, 24 FCC Rcd at 13932 ¶36; Verizon Wireless-ALLTEL Order, 23 FCC Rcd at 17469 ¶ 42; Sprint Nextel-Clearwire Order, 23 FCC Rcd at 17583 ¶ 25; Cingular-AT&T Wireless Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 21557 ¶ 70. 114See, e.g., AT&T-Verizon Wireless Orderat ¶ 31;
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2060A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2060A2.txt
- GHz and 10/11/12/14 GHz To assess the number of coordinations likely to be triggered in the 6/4 GHz band, a query to the ITU BR SNS database identified the satellite networks with frequency assignments in the range 3 700-4 200 MHz3. Satellite networks including this frequency range are found in 498 distinct orbital locations, some of them separated by only 0.1º. In most of these orbital locations there are multiple satellite networks, often filed by different administrations. This means that the average orbital separation between neighbouring orbital locations with filings in the 3 700-4 200 MHz band is about 0.72º4. Moreover, within the current coordination arc of ±10º a new satellite network will on average have to coordinate with satellite networks
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2060A2_Rcd.pdf
- GHz and 10/11/12/14 GHz To assess the number of coordinations likely to be triggered in the 6/4 GHz band, a query to the ITU BR SNS database identified the satellite networks with frequency assignments in the range 3 700-4 200 MHz3. Satellite networks including this frequency range are found in 498 distinct orbital locations, some of them separated by only 0.1º. In most of these orbital locations there are multiple satellite networks, often filed by different administrations. This means that the average orbital separation between neighbouring orbital locations with filings in the 3 700-4 200 MHz band is about 0.72º4. Moreover, within the current coordination arc of ±10º a new satellite network will on average have to coordinate with satellite networks
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2298A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2298A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2298A1.txt
- is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum percentage. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples of calculations are shown in Attachment B. Additional Bid Amounts Any additional bid amounts are
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-2298A1_Rcd.pdf
- is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum percentage. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round.25 The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples of calculations are shown in Attachment B. b. Additional Bid Amounts 42. Any additional bid
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-535A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-535A1.txt
- US Holding Company, L.P. ("HGW US"), a Delaware limited partnership, which would own 100 percent of SkyTerra Communications. Second, Harbinger (i.e., the Master Fund and Special Situations Fund) would own 99.9 percent of HGW (instead of 100 percent), which, in turn, would own 99.9 percent of HGW US. HGW's general partner, HGW GP Ltd. ("HGW GP"), would hold the remaining 0.1 percent in HGW and HGW US' general partner, HGW US GP Corp., would hold the remaining 0.1 percent in HGW US.29 C. Application and Review Process 9. The Application was placed on Public Notice on May 1, 2009.30 The Commission only received submissions from the United States Department of Justice ("DOJ"), Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") and the Department of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-535A1_Rcd.pdf
- US Holding Company, L.P. ("HGW US"), a Delaware limited partnership, which would own 100 percent of SkyTerra Communications. Second, Harbinger (i.e., the Master Fund and Special Situations Fund) would own 99.9 percent of HGW (instead of 100 percent), which, in turn, would own 99.9 percent of HGW US. HGW's general partner, HGW GP Ltd. ("HGW GP"), would hold the remaining 0.1 percent in HGW and HGW US' general partner, HGW US GP Corp., would hold the remaining 0.1 percent in HGW US.29 C. Application and Review Process 9. The Application was placed on Public Notice on May 1, 2009.30 The Commission only received submissions from the United States Department of Justice ("DOJ"), Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") and the Department of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-592A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-592A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-592A1.txt
- J of part 2 of this chapter, power measurements for SDARS repeater transmitters may be made in accordance with a Commission-approved average power technique. Peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) measurements for SDARS repeater transmitters should be made using either an instrument with complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) capabilities to determine that the PAPR will not exceed 13 dB for more than 0.1 percent of the time or another Commission approved procedure. The measurement must be performed using a signal corresponding to the highest PAPR expected during periods of continuous transmission. (iii) Any manufacturer of radio transmitting equipment to be used in these services may request equipment authorization following the procedures set forth in subpart J of part 2 of this chapter. Equipment
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-592A1_Rcd.pdf
- procedures set forth in subpart J of part 2 of this chapter, power measurements forSDARS repeater transmittersmay be made in accordance with a Commission-approved average power technique. Peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR)measurements forSDARS repeater transmittersshould be made using either an instrument with complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) capabilities to determine that the PAPR will not exceed 13 dB for more than 0.1 percent of the timeor another Commission approved procedure. The measurement must be performed using a signal corresponding to the highest PAPR expected during periods of continuous transmission. (iii) Any manufacturer of radio transmitting equipment to be used in these services may request equipment authorization following the procedures set forth in subpart J of part 2 of this chapter. Equipment authorization
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-849A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-849A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-849A1.txt
- percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. Additional Bid Amounts The Bureau proposes to allow no additional
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-10-849A1_Rcd.pdf
- percentage is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round.43 The Bureau proposes initially to set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage at 0.3 (30%). Hence, at these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. b. Additional Bid Amounts 54. The Bureau proposes to allow
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1176A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1176A1.txt
- Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On June 29, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, the request of SES Americom, Inc. for special temporary authority for a period of 30 days to perform TT&C in order to drift the AMC-5 in-orbit spare satellite, call sign S2156, to 79.10º W.L. and maintain it there with an east-west stationkeeping tolerance of +/- 0.1 degrees. SES is authorized to operate the telemetry, tracking, and telecommand frequencies of 14.001, 11.701, and 11.702 GHz. S2633 SAT-T/C-20110623-00117 E Effective Date: 07/07/2011 TO: No. of Station(s) listed:1 TerreStar Corporation Grant of Authority FROM: Current Licensee: TerreStar Corporation, Debtor-in-Possession TerreStar License Inc., Debtor-in-Possession Transfer of Control TerreStar License Inc., Debtor-in-Possession Record update to reflect revised ownership information following an
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1176A1_Rcd.pdf
- Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On June 29, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, the request of SES Americom, Inc. for special temporary authority for a period of 30 days to perform TT&C in order to drift the AMC-5 in-orbit spare satellite, call sign S2156, to 79.10º W.L. and maintain it there with an east-west stationkeeping tolerance of +/- 0.1 degrees. SES is authorized to operate the telemetry, tracking, and telecommand frequencies of 14.001, 11.701, and 11.702 GHz. S2633 SAT-T/C-20110623-00117 E Effective Date: 07/07/2011 TO: No. of Station(s) listed:1 TerreStar Corporation Grant of Authority FROM: Current Licensee: TerreStar Corporation, Debtor-in-Possession TerreStar License Inc., Debtor-in-Possession Transfer of Control TerreStar License Inc., Debtor-in-Possession Record update to reflect revised ownership information following an
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1224A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1224A1.txt
- reflector from the orientation previously authorized. S2135 SAT-STA-20110714-00127 E Effective Date: 07/19/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On July 19, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, special temporary authority to SES Americom, Inc., for a period of 60 days, to continue to operate the AMC-4 space station at the 67º W.L. orbital location with a 0.1-degree change in the azimuth of the satellite's North American beam from the orientation previously authorized. INFORMATIVE S2754 SAT-LOI-20091110-00120 Hughes Network Systems, LLC On July 15, 2011, Hughes Network Systems, LLC declined its June 24, 2011 market access grant allowing it to provide service to the U.S. market using a proposed Ka-band geostationary satellite orbit fixed-satellite service space station, SPACEWAY 5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1224A1_Rcd.pdf
- reflector from the orientation previously authorized. S2135 SAT-STA-20110714-00127 E Effective Date: 07/19/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On July 19, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, special temporary authority to SES Americom, Inc., for a period of 60 days, to continue to operate the AMC-4 space station at the 67º W.L. orbital location with a 0.1-degree change in the azimuth of the satellite's North American beam from the orientation previously authorized. INFORMATIVE S2754 SAT-LOI-20091110-00120 Hughes Network Systems, LLC On July 15, 2011, Hughes Network Systems, LLC declined its June 24, 2011 market access grant allowing it to provide service to the U.S. market using a proposed Ka-band geostationary satellite orbit fixed-satellite service space station, SPACEWAY 5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1353A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1353A1.txt
- Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On July 29, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, the request of SES Americom, Inc. for special temporary authority for a period of 60 days to continue to perform telemetry, tracking, and telecommand necessary to maintain the AMC-5 space station at 79.10º W.L. with an east-west stationkeeping tolerance of +/- 0.1 degrees. Specifically, SES is authorized to operate using the center frequencies of 14.001 GHz (telecommand) and 11.701 and 11.702 GHz (telemetry). Page 1 of 2 For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. S2129 SAT-STA-20110719-00131 E Effective Date: 08/03/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority DG Consents Sub, Inc. On August 3, 2011, the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1353A1_Rcd.pdf
- Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On July 29, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, the request of SES Americom, Inc. for special temporary authority for a period of 60 days to continue to perform telemetry, tracking, and telecommand necessary to maintain the AMC-5 space station at 79.10º W.L. with an east-west stationkeeping tolerance of +/- 0.1 degrees. Specifically, SES is authorized to operate using the center frequencies of 14.001 GHz (telecommand) and 11.701 and 11.702 GHz (telemetry). 11143 For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. S2129 SAT-STA-20110719-00131 E Effective Date: 08/03/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority DG Consents Sub, Inc. On August 3, 2011, the Satellite Division granted,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1458A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1458A1.txt
- reflector from the orientation previously authorized. S2135 SAT-STA-20110803-00143 E Effective Date: 08/22/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On August 22, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, special temporary authority to SES Americom, Inc., for a period of 60 days, to continue to operate the AMC-4 space station at the 67º W.L. orbital location with a 0.1-degree change in the azimuth of the satellite's North American beam from the orientation previously authorized. As part of this grant, SES Americom is also authorized to operate an additional telemetry beacon with a center frequency of 4199.5 MHz (space-to-Earth). S2232 SAT-STA-20110809-00158 E Effective Date: 08/19/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation On August 19, 2011, the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1458A1_Rcd.pdf
- reflector from the orientation previously authorized. S2135 SAT-STA-20110803-00143 E Effective Date: 08/22/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On August 22, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, special temporary authority to SES Americom, Inc., for a period of 60 days, to continue to operate the AMC-4 space station at the 67º W.L. orbital location with a 0.1-degree change in the azimuth of the satellite's North American beam from the orientation previously authorized. As part of this grant, SES Americom is also authorized to operate an additional telemetry beacon with a center frequency of 4199.5 MHz (space-to-Earth). S2232 SAT-STA-20110809-00158 E Effective Date: 08/19/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation On August 19, 2011, the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1489A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1489A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1489A1.txt
- the market that serve these communities. Thus, this factor is not relevant to our consideration. The fourth statutory factor concerns ``evidence of viewing patterns in cable and noncable households within the areas served by the cable system or systems in such community.'' KJLA asserts that Nielsen's January 2009 report shows that it garners limited ratings in the Los Angeles DMA (0.1 percent) and Los Angeles County (0.1 to 0.2 percent) and no ratings in Orange or Ventura Counties; however, the Station's weekly cume is 312,000 households - which it asserts is greater than the cume of at least one station carried by Cox, KSCI. Our independent analysis of the 2009 Nielsen ratings data indicates that KJLA achieves no values for a
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1565A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1565A1.txt
- space station to permit telemetry, tracking, and telecommand operations using center frequencies of 14.001 GHz (telecommand) and 11.701 and 11.702 GHz (telemetry) necessary to relocate AMC-5 from its current orbital position of 79.05º W.L. to the 79.10º W.L. orbital location and to maintain the AMC-5 space station at 79.10º W.L. as an in-orbit spare with an east-west station-keeping tolerance of +/-0.1 degrees. SES Americom did not request, and was not granted, authority to activate the conventional Ku-band communications payload of AMC-5 at 79.10º W.L. as part of this license modification. S2399 SAT-STA-20110727-00138 E Effective Date: 09/14/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority Intelsat License LLC On September 14, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, special temporary authority to Intelsat License
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1565A1_Rcd.pdf
- space station to permit telemetry, tracking, and telecommand operations using center frequencies of 14.001 GHz (telecommand) and 11.701 and 11.702 GHz (telemetry) necessary to relocate AMC-5 from its current orbital position of 79.05º W.L. to the 79.10º W.L. orbital location and to maintain the AMC-5 space station at 79.10º W.L. as an in-orbit spare with an east-west station-keeping tolerance of +/-0.1 degrees. SES Americom did not request, and was not granted, authority to activate the conventional Ku-band communications payload of AMC-5 at 79.10º W.L. as part of this license modification. S2399 SAT-STA-20110727-00138 E Effective Date: 09/14/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority Intelsat License LLC On September 14, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, special temporary authority to Intelsat License
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1597A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1597A1.txt
- 21, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, the request of SES Americom, Inc. to modify its authorization to operate the AMC-4 space station at the 67º W.L. orbital location in the 11.45-11.7 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 13.75-14.0 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands. Specifically, SES Americom is authorized to operate the AMC-4 space station with a 0.1-degree change in the azimuth of the satellite's North American Ku-band beam from the orientation previously authorized. In addition, SES Americom is authorized to operate a C-band beacon signal with a center frequency of 4199.5 MHz (space-to-Earth). This authorization is subject to the conditions placed on operations of the AMC-4 space station at 67º W.L. in IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20100623-00144 (granted
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1597A1_Rcd.pdf
- 21, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, the request of SES Americom, Inc. to modify its authorization to operate the AMC-4 space station at the 67º W.L. orbital location in the 11.45-11.7 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 13.75-14.0 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands. Specifically, SES Americom is authorized to operate the AMC-4 space station with a 0.1-degree change in the azimuth of the satellite's North American Ku-band beam from the orientation previously authorized. In addition, SES Americom is authorized to operate a C-band beacon signal with a center frequency of 4199.5 MHz (space-to-Earth). This authorization is subject to the conditions placed on operations of the AMC-4 space station at 67º W.L. in IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20100623-00144 (granted
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-2044A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-2044A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-2044A1.txt
- bands database system is currently the only database system that is ready for operation, we could not test its ability to synchronize registration records among multiple database systems. However, we are aware that the white space database administrator group has developed a specification for synchronization of their registration records, see White Space Database Administrator Group, Database-to-Database Synchronization Interoperability Specification, Version 0.1 April 14, 2011, and that Spectrum Bridge plans to implement its synchronization facility using this specification. OET will verify that the Spectrum Bridge database system properly synchronizes its registration records with other databases when another database system is available for testing. . If OET approves the registration, it will direct Spectrum Bridge to create a registration record for the venue.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-284A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-284A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-284A1.txt
- effective competition. Key findings are presented below. Average prices for all communities. The average monthly price of expanded basic service (the combined price of basic service and the most subscribed cable programming tier excluding taxes and fees) for all communities surveyed increased by 5.9 percent for the 12 months ending January 1, 2009, to $52.37, compared to an increase of 0.1 percent for the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Chart 1 shows the trend in average cable prices from 1995 to 2009 compared with the trend in the CPI, All Items. Over this 14-year period, cable prices have grown from $22.35 to $52.37, an increase of 134 percent (6.3 percent on a compound average annual basis, compared to an increase of 39
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-420A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-420A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-420A1.txt
- is determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. The Bureau proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage (floor) at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage (ceiling) at 0.3 (30%). At these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will generally be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license. Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. Additional Bid Amounts Any additional bid amounts are calculated
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-420A1_Rcd.pdf
- determined as one plus the activity index times a minimum percentage amount, with the result not to exceed a given maximum. The additional percentage is then multiplied by the provisionally winning bid amount to obtain the minimum acceptable bid for the next round. 167. The Bureau proposed to initially set the weighting factor at 0.5, the minimum percentage (floor) at 0.1 (10%), and the maximum percentage (ceiling) at 0.3 (30%). At these initial settings, the minimum acceptable bid for a license will generally be between ten percent and thirty percent higher than the provisionally winning bid, depending upon the bidding activity for the license.187 Equations and examples are shown in Attachment B. b. Additional Bid Amounts 168. Any additional bid amounts
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A1.txt
- Cable and satellite systems also are available. Topography: Australia occupies an area slightly smaller than the contiguous 48 states of the United States. Australia's population is concentrated along the eastern and southeastern coasts. The terrain is mostly low plateau with deserts and fertile plain in the southeast. Fixed Total Fiber Cable DSL Other Fixed broadband subs per 100 inhabitants 24.1 0.1 4.1 19.3 0.7 Fixed broadband subs (June 2010) 5,313,000 % of households with fixed broadband access (2008) 62.0 Mobile Mobile wireless broadband subs per 100 inhabitants 47.1 Mobile wireless broadband subs (June 2010) 10,381,000 2. Austria Regulation: The Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RTR) (Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-RTR) and the Telecom Control Commission (TKK) share regulatory oversight of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A1_Rcd.pdf
- Data No Data CVII Maule 15 999685 33No Data No Data No Data CVIII Bio-Bio 26 2022995 55No Data No Data No Data CIX Araucania 18 962120 30No Data No Data No Data CX Los Lagos 23 825830 17No Data No Data No Data CXI Aisen 21 103738 1No Data No Data No Data CXII Magallanes y Anta(a)rtica 30 158111 0.1No Data No Data No Data CRMS Santiago 47 6814630 442No Data No Data No Data CL14 Los Rios 23 378193 21No Data No Data No Data CL15 Arica Y Parinacota 45 186147 11No Data No Data No Data Cyprus 51 796875 86 25585 32264 CZ0 Czech Republic 36 10467542 132 247689 23968 16 CZ01 Praha 53 1233211 2498 61712 51422
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A2.txt
- euros for connection kit none free yes (Internet, phone, TV) 4.5 Euro 62.16 82.32623 69.8427free +50 euros for connection kit none free yes (Internet and TV) 0.256 Euro 18.9 25.0316221.23595 500.12 euro/150MB for additional traffic over the cap free wifi modem no NA Euro 5 6.6221225.617978none 0.065 euro/MB 69 one-time fee for wireless USB stick no NA Euro 20 26.4884922.47191none 0.1 euro/MB for traffic exceeding cap 29 one-time fee for wireless USB stick no NA Euro 30 39.7327333.70787none 0.1 euro/MB for traffic exceeding cap 1 euro one-time fee for wireless USB stick no 1 Euro 30.64 40.5803634.42697 500.12 euro/150MB for additional traffic over the cap free wifi modem no Federal Communications Commission DA 11-732 0.512 Euro 35 46.3548539.32584 500.12 euro/150MB for
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-800A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-800A1.txt
- GHz (space-to-Earth); 6173.7 MHz and 6176.3 MHz (Earth-to-space). S2135 SAT-STA-20110414-00072 E Effective Date: 04/21/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On April 21, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, special temporary authority to SES Americom, Inc., for a period of 30 days, to operate the AMC-4 space station at the 67º W.L. orbital location with a 0.1-degree change in the azimuth of the satellite's North American beam from the orientation previously authorized. See IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20100623-00144 (granted November 4, 2010). SAT-STA-20110426-00079 E Effective Date: 04/27/2011 Withdrawn Special Temporary Authority Tachyon Networks Incorporated. Page 1 of 1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-800A1_Rcd.pdf
- GHz (space-to-Earth); 6173.7 MHz and 6176.3 MHz (Earth-to-space). S2135 SAT-STA-20110414-00072 E Effective Date: 04/21/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On April 21, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, special temporary authority to SES Americom, Inc., for a period of 30 days, to operate the AMC-4 space station at the 67º W.L. orbital location with a 0.1-degree change in the azimuth of the satellite's North American beam from the orientation previously authorized. See IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20100623-00144 (granted November 4, 2010). SAT-STA-20110426-00079 E Effective Date: 04/27/2011 Withdrawn Special Temporary Authority Tachyon Networks Incorporated. 6429
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-914A1.doc
- and B are permitted to operate with up to a 2 kW average EIRP per 5 megahertz with a peak to average power ratio (PAPR) not to exceed 13 dB. The PAPR measurements should be made using either an instrument with complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) capabilities to determine that the PAPR will not exceed 13 dB for more than 0.1 percent of the time or using another Commission approved procedure. The measurement must be performed using a signal corresponding to the highest PAPR expected during periods of continuous transmission (see 47 C.F.R. § 27.50(a)(1)(A) and (B)). To limit the potential for interference to SDARS operations, however, base and fixed stations operating in WCS Blocks C and D (2315-2320 MHz and
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-961A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-961A1.txt
- fixed-satellite service from the 54.85º E.L. orbital location. S2135 SAT-STA-20110510-00087 E Effective Date: 05/25/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On May 25, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, special temporary authority to SES Americom, Inc., for a period of 60 days, to operate the AMC-4 space station at the 67º W.L. orbital location with a 0.1-degree change in the azimuth of the satellite's North American beam from the orientation previously authorized. See IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20100623-00144 (granted November 4, 2010). Page 1 of 2 For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. S2388 SAT-STA-20110510-00088 E Effective Date: 05/25/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority Intelsat License LLC On May 25,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-961A1_Rcd.pdf
- fixed-satellite service from the 54.85º E.L. orbital location. S2135 SAT-STA-20110510-00087 E Effective Date: 05/25/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority SES Americom, Inc. On May 25, 2011, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, special temporary authority to SES Americom, Inc., for a period of 60 days, to operate the AMC-4 space station at the 67º W.L. orbital location with a 0.1-degree change in the azimuth of the satellite's North American beam from the orientation previously authorized. See IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20100623-00144 (granted November 4, 2010). 7724 For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. S2388 SAT-STA-20110510-00088 E Effective Date: 05/25/2011 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority Intelsat License LLC On May 25, 2011, the Satellite
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-113A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-113A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-113A1.txt
- homes passed, and approximately 90 plant miles out of a total of about 16,500 total plant miles in Insight's network (approximately 0.55 percent). Of the 2,600 homes that have access to service offerings from both Insight and TWC, Insight provides telephone service to only 27 circuit-switched customers and 271 interconnected VoIP customers, and cable television service to only 670 customers (0.1 percent of Insight's approximately 643,000 cable customers). Residential Telephony. Because the area in which Insight and TWC currently compete for residential telephone customers is extremely limited, we find that the proposed transaction does not present a significant reduction in competition relative to what exists today. The merger will result in the loss of Insight as a facilities-based competitor in the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-113A1_Rcd.pdf
- million homes passed, and approximately 90 plant miles out of a total of about 16,500 total plant miles in Insight's network (approximately 0.55 percent).52Of the 2,600 homes that have access to service offerings from both Insight and TWC, Insight provides telephone service to only 27 circuit-switched customers and 271 interconnected VoIP customers, and cable television service to only 670 customers (0.1 percent of Insight's approximately 643,000 cable customers).53 17. Residential Telephony. Because the area in which Insight and TWC currently compete for residential telephone customers is extremely limited, we find that the proposed transaction does not present a significant reduction in competition relative to what exists today.54The merger will result in the loss of Insight as a facilities-based competitor in the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-2A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-2A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-2A1.txt
- do so. Perhaps the most significant findings in this section of the Economic Study are based on a comparative analysis of LPFM and full-service radio ratings data. Our examination of Fall 2009 Arbitron ratings data for LPFM revealed that LPFM stations are listened to by less than 0.2 percent of the radio-listening population and that LPFM listening represents less than 0.1 percent of total radio listening. The average LPFM station located in an Arbitron Metro has negligible ratings by all available measures, and its listenership lags far behind the large majority of full-service stations in the market. In no single market did the combined average share of listeners per quarter hour for all LPFM stations in that market exceed 3.5 percent.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-646A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-646A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-646A1.txt
- 0.11 0.15 0.0 5 0.02 0.23 -0.03 -0.08 -0.17 LnLoops 0.87 0.80 1.00 0.52 0.67 0.03 -0.13 0.34 0.58 -0.05 0.08 0.14 0. 00 -0.02 0.35 -0.03 -0.13 0.04 LnRoadMiles 0.58 0.59 0.52 1.00 0.94 -0.13 -0.01 -0.51 0.79 0.07 0.13 -0 .05 0.04 0.06 -0.06 -0.02 -0.13 -0.22 LnRoadCrossings 0.70 0.69 0.67 0.94 1.00 -0.12 -0.04 -0.26 0.76 0.06 0.1 4 0.09 0.03 -0.02 0.10 -0.10 -0.15 -0.21 LnStateSACs -0.12 -0.14 0.03 -0.13 -0.12 1.00 -0.26 0.16 -0.08 -0.05 0.0 5 -0.17 -0.07 -0.01 0.05 -0.04 0.12 0.13 PctUnDepPlant 0.04 0.32 -0.13 -0.01 -0.04 -0.26 1.00 -0.10 -0.04 0.08 -0 .01 -0.07 0.01 0.01 -0.02 0.00 0.15 -0.19 LnDensity 0.13 0.09 0.34 -0.51 -0.26 0.16 -0.10 1.00 -0.32 -0.15 -0.05
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-95-2318A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-95-2318A1.txt
- OJ6326 0.05936 0.68436 0.16899 0.02968 0.02968 0.11871 122002 0.02968 0.05936 0.51165 0.76823 0.06482 0.01006 OJ5613 021780 0.08903 SEGMENT T2 PERCENTAGE 0.05936 33.55775 0.33359 2.37990 0.03681 0X12966 0.70270 0.08903 0.02968 0X12909 1.86014 1.09164 OJ02968 1.80411 0.14839 0X12968 0.05936 0 .95662 0.93027 124749 0.05936 025227 344654 0.18812 0.02966 0.09373 224606 3.94054 NX (NOTE 1) 422250 0.02968 11.87225 0.90137 0.14839 OJ2968 0.53500 OW936 0.1S572 2.77436 OJ8561 0X12968 0.74284 335921 OJ6326 OX>5936 0.68436 0.16899 OJ02966 0X12968 0.11871 122602 0.02968 OX»936 0.51165 0.76823 0.06482 OXJ1006 OJS613 021780 OM903 NOT APPLCABLE NOTE 1: S«gm«nB T1 and T2 an ownad by AT&T and KDO mp«aiv*ly. Olhar Pmrtm hay* RU MarMl* in OWM ««gmanls as cpaeMad aee««. NOTE 2: For purpaM* of this Agraamanl. TmmpaeMe shaP ba assignad at
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-95-482A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-95-482A1.txt
- June 19,1992), and Part B (DO-210 Part B, May 13,1993). RTCA SC-159, WG-6, is currently addressing matters of interference to Global Navigation Satellite Systems by MSS operations. and for shutting down the MET to accommodate higher priority communications or to stop an interfering transmission. ARINC states that AMSC does not acknowledge the RTCA requirement that an MET shut down within 0.1 second of receiving a command to do so. Also, ARINC alleges that AMSC's proposed limits for spurious and out-of-band emissions may be inadequate to protect the Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Russian Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) which operate on frequencies near L-band. For its part, FAA expresses concern about interference potential among METs as well as to GPS
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-96-1789A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-96-1789A1.txt
- set by the rule during normal operation but acknowledges that those limits would be exceeded on occasions when the satellites' amplifiers are driven close to saturation while boosting power to maintain adequate performance during periods of heavy rain. Such occasions would be infrequent and of short duration, according to MSC, which estimates that emissions would exceed the 25.202(f) mask only 0.1 percent of the time during transmission to IRIDIUM earth stations in arid locations and only 0.75 percent of the time during transmission to earth stations in "wet" locations, such as Atlanta. It asserts, moreover, that the possibility of increased interference during those infrequent occasions would arise only when an IRIDIUM satellite is close to the boresight of another system's receiving
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-96-672A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-96-672A1.txt
- FINN TF1N FT OTAC HAWTEL HKTI HTC IPT VSNL BTE TI IDC m KDO KT LAT UTT TELMEX NUTT LANDSRADIO TELENOR ANTEL PLOT TPSA PT MARCONI TLD ROST SINCTEL ST TSA TUN TELIA TELE2 rroc TPTT UKRTEC BT MCL ATT MOI SPRINT TRT WCOM rrc MFS PGE CANTV 1U1AL PERCENT 0.0 ^TSS 0^4517 0.077M 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 5.U020 0.9J4S8 0.00000 0.1S574 0.15574 0.00000 0.00000 OJII53 1^3551 0.15576 OJII53 0.00000 16.90032 OJXXMM 0.00000 0.00000 0.077U 0.00000 2J2492 1.16S22 0.00000 0.00000 0.23364 0.00000 OJXXMO OJJ364 0.00000 S-52«I 0.13576 OJ34S8 0.077SS O.OT7U OJ1IS3 OJ77J8 0.00000 OJ)TT« 123364 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 44.7S194 2.9S9SO 0,15576 O.OT78S 0.00000 0.00000 7.I65U- UJ3TM 1J69I6 0.15^76 0.00000 040000 040000 0.00000 040000 0^4517 100.00000 12013 RIOJA CABLE SYSTEM OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-97-355A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-97-355A1.txt
- the natural east-to-west drift of the satellites will decrease the separation between the two satellites increasing the potential for adjacent channel interference. We do not find merit in these concerns. The use of adjacent channels on opposite polarizations on satellites separated by 0.4 degrees is consistent with the Region 2 BSS Plans. Additionally, the east-west station keeping tolerance of +/- 0.1 proposed by Tempo is also consistent with the Region 2 BSS Plans.16 10. Echostar further asserts that Tempo's proposed operation of both odd and even channels at a single orbital location is not in accordance with Region 2 BSS Plans.17 The Region 2 BSS Plans permit the positioning of satellites using both odd and even channels anywhere within +/- 0.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-184137A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-184137A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MS MD WNTK927 088-53-01.0 W 0000062747 MISSISSIPPI POWER COMPANY BILOXI 12/16/1999 00952.36875 30-23-47.0 N MS MD WNTK927 088-53-01.0 W 0000062747 MISSISSIPPI POWER COMPANY BILOXI 12/16/1999 00952.80625 30-23-47.0 N MT MD WQH44 104-31-51.8 W 0000062759 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Culbertson 12/27/1999 02181.60000 48-12-00.1 N MT MD WQH44 104-31-51.8 W 0000062759 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Culbertson 12/27/1999 06226.89000 48-12-00.1 N MT MD WQH44 104-31-51.8 W 0000062759 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Culbertson 12/27/1999 06345.49000 48-12-00.1 N MT MD WQH44 104-31-51.8 W 0000062759 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Culbertson 12/27/1999 06585.00000 48-12-00.1 N MT MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-185275A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-185275A1.txt
- 01/10/2000 06034.15000 38-59-47.0 N KS MD WMK984 095-16-29.9 W 0000068078 MID KANSAS INC OTTAWA 01/10/2000 06063.80000 38-37-41.0 N KS MD WMK984 095-16-29.9 W 0000068078 MID KANSAS INC OTTAWA 01/10/2000 06123.10000 38-37-41.0 N KS MD WMK984 095-16-29.9 W 0000068078 MID KANSAS INC OTTAWA 01/10/2000 06286.19000 38-37-41.0 N CA MD WPOV284 114-31-28.8 W 0000068080 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BLYTHE 01/10/2000 06655.00000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WPOV284 114-31-28.8 W 0000068080 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BLYTHE 01/10/2000 11565.00000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WPOV284 114-31-28.8 W 0000068080 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BLYTHE 01/10/2000 11565.00000 33-45-00.1 N Page 9 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-202023A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-202023A1.txt
- KRS708 096-21-04.0 W 0000108961 ARLINGTON TELEPHONE COMPANY ARLINGTON 03/28/2000 00454.67500 41-27-08.9 N NE RM KRS708 096-21-04.0 W 0000108961 ARLINGTON TELEPHONE COMPANY ARLINGTON 03/28/2000 00454.70000 41-27-08.9 N Page 25 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD KNKR208 111-52-36.6 W 0000108659 Wireless Operating Company, Inc. Sells 04/13/2000 31-55-00.1 N HI MD KNKN203 155-54-29.4 W 0000109076 USCOC OF HAWAII 3, INC. KAUPULEHU 04/14/2000 19-42-57.2 N GA MD KNKQ270 083-09-05.3 W 0000109089 ALLTEL Communications, Inc. MILAN 04/14/2000 32-00-16.4 N CR - Rural Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CO RM KNKM260 103-19-39.7 W 0000108984 RYE TELEPHONE CO., INC.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-203279A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-203279A1.txt
- 42-29-40.9 N MI NE 083-17-57.0 W 0000158855 BACKLINK LLC Southfield 06/07/2000 19640.00000 42-29-40.9 N MI NE 083-17-57.0 W 0000158855 BACKLINK LLC Southfield 06/07/2000 19680.00000 42-29-40.9 N MI NE 083-16-53.2 W 0000158856 BACKLINK LLC Southfield 06/07/2000 18000.00000 42-28-21.6 N MI NE 083-17-47.4 W 0000158857 BACKLINK LLC Southfield 06/07/2000 17960.00000 42-29-59.4 N MI NE 083-18-05.9 W 0000158858 BACKLINK LLC Southfield 06/07/2000 18040.00000 42-30-00.1 N MI NE 083-18-00.7 W 0000158859 BACKLINK LLC Southfield 06/07/2000 18120.00000 42-29-31.6 N Page 22 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MI NE 083-16-06.6 W 0000158860 BACKLINK LLC Southfield 06/07/2000 17800.00000 42-28-58.0 N MI NE 083-16-10.2 W 0000158861 BACKLINK LLC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-203871A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-203871A1.txt
- no later than 10 days after the original objection is filed. Responses to the opposition may be filed no later than 5 days after the time for filing an opposition has expired. A Apppplliiccaanntt FFiillee N Nuum mbbeerr C Coooorrddiinnaatteess D Daattee R Reecc''dd Towers of Texas A0129894 27-45-56.4/98-4-55.0 6/26/00 Towers of Texas A0129906 28-19-17.5/97-16-16.1 6/26/00 Louisiana Unwired LLC A0130016 32-19-40/90-12-0.1 6/21/00 Louisiana Unwired LLC A0130019 32-28-14.5/93-43-58 6/21/00 -FCC-
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-203907A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-203907A1.txt
- Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TN AM 082-08-14.5 W 0000147763 MEDIA GENERAL CONVERGENCE, INC.Johnson City 06/22/2000 06962.50000 36-25-55.4 N FL MD WDD687 081-05-36.2 W 0000171570 POST NEWSWEEK STATIONS ORLANDO INC ORLANDO 06/20/2000 07075.00000 - 07125.00000 28-36-08.9 N NY NE 073-26-32.0 W 0000171282 HEARST ARGYLE STATIONS INC PLATTSBURGH 06/09/2000 06925.00000 - 06950.00000 44-43-00.1 N IL NE 090-10-52.0 W 0000171642 KMOV-TV Inc Alton 06/20/2000 07087.50000 38-53-31.0 N GA NE 083-31-19.6 W 0000174900 KB Prime Media LLC Quitman 06/23/2000 07025.00000 - 07050.00000 30-48-45.7 N GA NE 083-56-25.6 W 0000174908 KB Prime Media LLC Metcalf 06/23/2000 06975.00000 - 07000.00000 30-40-13.7 N GA NE 083-18-25.5 W 0000174914 KB Prime Media LLC Valdosta 06/23/2000 07100.00000 - 07125.00000 30-50-29.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-204064A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-204064A1.txt
- N TX AM WBM521 099-21-39.1 W 0000093560 PG&E TEXAS PIPELINE, L.P. D'HANIS 07/12/2000 02130.80000 29-20-41.8 N TX AM WBM521 099-21-39.1 W 0000093560 PG&E TEXAS PIPELINE, L.P. D'HANIS 07/12/2000 02149.20000 29-20-41.8 N TX AM WEG444 098-24-29.1 W 0000093819 PG&E TEXAS PIPELINE, L.P. SAN ANTONIO 07/12/2000 02192.80000 29-12-41.9 N CA AM WPJE279 117-39-13.2 W 0000097930 NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC. CORONA 07/14/2000 23025.00000 33-51-00.1 N CA AM WPJE279 117-39-13.2 W 0000097930 NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC. CORONA 07/14/2000 23125.00000 33-51-00.1 N CA AM WPJE279 117-39-13.2 W 0000097930 NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC. CORONA 07/14/2000 23125.00000 33-51-00.1 N WA AM WNET980 122-28-42.4 W 0000131519 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC TACOMA 07/12/2000 06855.00000 47-13-17.4 N WA AM WNET980 122-28-42.4 W 0000131519 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC TACOMA 07/12/2000 06865.00000 47-13-17.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-204615A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-204615A1.txt
- 33-27-33.1 N AZ NE 112-01-50.5 W 0000194693 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. PHOENIX 07/26/2000 11565.00000 33-30-35.1 N MA NE 071-48-25.5 W 0000194702 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Instructional Media Center Worcester 07/26/2000 23125.00000 42-16-30.1 N MA NE 071-48-39.5 W 0000194703 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Instructional Media Center Worcester 07/26/2000 21925.00000 42-16-38.1 N AZ NE 112-04-32.5 W 0000194704 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. PHOENIX 07/26/2000 11485.00000 33-27-00.1 N AZ NE 111-59-17.0 W 0000194718 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. PHOENIX 07/26/2000 10755.00000 33-30-33.0 N AZ NE 112-04-11.5 W 0000194726 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. PHOENIX 07/26/2000 11115.00000 33-27-33.1 N WA NE 118-21-59.0 W 0000194737 Touch America Walla Walla 07/26/2000 22575.00000 46-03-30.0 N Page 44 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-204800A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-204800A1.txt
- RM WNEF379 113-20-48.7 W 0000197331 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT SALOME 07/31/2000 06755.62500 33-48-42.1 N AZ RM WNEF379 113-20-48.7 W 0000197331 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT SALOME 07/31/2000 06755.62500 33-48-42.1 N AZ RM WNEF379 113-20-48.7 W 0000197331 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT SALOME 07/31/2000 06785.00000 33-48-42.1 N AZ RM WNEF381 113-38-05.7 W 0000197346 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 07/31/2000 06560.62500 33-36-00.1 N AZ RM WNEW721 111-14-44.3 W 0000197364 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT TUCSON 07/31/2000 01900.00000 32-18-06.2 N AZ RM WNEF372 111-40-48.4 W 0000197427 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT MESA 07/31/2000 02142.80000 33-30-06.1 N AZ RM WNEF375 111-24-52.4 W 0000197437 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 07/31/2000 01900.00000 32-52-09.2 N RO KNT46 0000197075 TOLEDO, CITY OF 07/31/2000 RO WBL81 0000197076 TOLEDO, CITY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205248A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205248A1.txt
- PONCE 08/15/2000 18030.00000 17-58-57.9 N PR NE 067-02-03.0 W 0000205534 NewComm Wireless Services, Inc. SAN GERMAN 08/15/2000 19395.00000 18-05-13.0 N AZ NE 112-04-11.5 W 0000205536 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. PHOENIX 08/15/2000 11075.00000 33-27-33.1 N AZ NE 112-01-50.5 W 0000205537 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. PHOENIX 08/15/2000 11565.00000 33-30-35.1 N AZ NE 112-04-32.5 W 0000205540 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. PHOENIX 08/15/2000 11485.00000 33-27-00.1 N AZ NE 111-59-17.0 W 0000205542 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. PHOENIX 08/15/2000 10755.00000 33-30-33.0 N AZ NE 112-04-11.5 W 0000205545 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. PHOENIX 08/15/2000 11115.00000 33-27-33.1 N AZ NE 112-01-37.5 W 0000205556 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. PHOENIX 08/15/2000 11365.00000 33-30-32.1 N CA NE 118-26-27.5 W 0000205557 BACKLINK LLC Los Angeles 08/15/2000 18000.00000 34-02-29.0 N CA NE 118-24-40.4 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205600A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205600A1.txt
- 08/28/2000 00932.28125 34-04-43.0 N OK NE 096-29-41.0 W 0000211214 Western Farmers Electric Cooperative Brown 08/28/2000 00941.28125 34-04-43.0 N OK NE 098-11-56.0 W 0000211232 Western Farmers Electric Cooperative CYRIL 08/28/2000 00932.29375 34-56-47.0 N OK NE 098-11-56.0 W 0000211232 Western Farmers Electric Cooperative CYRIL 08/28/2000 00941.29375 34-56-47.0 N IA NE P 092-40-23.5 W 0000211271 City of Charles City CHARLES CITY 08/21/2000 00956.26875 43-04-00.1 N IN NE P 086-09-18.7 W 0000211276 WESTFIELD UTILITIES WESTFIELD 08/21/2000 00956.41875 40-02-06.7 N KY NE P 087-26-51.7 W 0000211279 OAK GROVE UTILITIES OAK GROVE 08/21/2000 00956.30625 36-40-44.0 N CO NE P 104-54-46.8 W 0000211284 Town Of Palmer Lake PALMER LAKE 08/21/2000 00956.44375 39-07-03.4 N MN NE P 095-08-20.0 W 0000211285 City of Wadena WADENA 08/21/2000 00956.34375 46-26-19.7 N MI
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205762A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205762A1.txt
- 094-44-03.8 W 0000214732 NORTHEAST TEXAS CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY LUFKIN 09/06/2000 31-23-11.7 N TX RM KNKN428 094-40-39.8 W 0000214732 NORTHEAST TEXAS CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY REDFIELD 09/06/2000 31-44-18.6 N TX RM KNKN428 094-31-58.7 W 0000214732 NORTHEAST TEXAS CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY TATUM 09/06/2000 32-19-26.6 N TX RM KNKN428 094-53-11.8 W 0000214732 NORTHEAST TEXAS CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY Wells 09/06/2000 31-27-37.7 N TX RM KNKN472 097-49-00.1 W 0000214768 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS OF GAINESVILLE, TX, INC. Belcherville 09/06/2000 33-47-27.4 N Page 38 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX RM KNKN472 097-49-46.1 W 0000214768 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS OF GAINESVILLE, TX, INC. Bowie 09/06/2000 33-33-00.4 N TX RM KNKN472 097-05-04.0 W 0000214768 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS OF GAINESVILLE,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205915A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-205915A1.txt
- 33-09-13.1 N CA MD WLL321 117-15-22.1 W 0000217541 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC CARLSBAD 09/12/2000 10652.50000 33-09-13.1 N CA MD WLL321 117-15-22.1 W 0000217541 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC CARLSBAD 09/12/2000 11225.00000 33-09-13.1 N CA MD WLT317 117-23-22.1 W 0000217543 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC OCEANSIDE 09/12/2000 10567.50000 33-12-27.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0000217550 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 09/12/2000 06160.16000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0000217550 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 09/12/2000 10583.12500 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WPOS921 117-21-05.1 W 0000217554 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC CARLSBAD 09/12/2000 10621.25000 33-09-23.1 N CA MD WMW766 117-14-06.1 W 0000217559 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC CARLSBAD 09/12/2000 10556.25000 33-06-19.1 N CA MD WMW766 117-14-06.1 W 0000217559 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC CARLSBAD 09/12/2000 10587.50000 33-06-19.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-206274A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-206274A1.txt
- Vero Beach 09/27/2000 27-40-19.1 N FL RM KNKN990 080-48-20.2 W 0000226548 FLORIDA RSA NO. 2B (INDIAN RIVER) LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Vero Beach 09/27/2000 27-40-19.1 N FL RM KNKN990 080-48-20.2 W 0000226548 FLORIDA RSA NO. 2B (INDIAN RIVER) LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Vero Beach 09/27/2000 27-40-19.1 N FL RM KNKN990 080-22-40.2 W 0000226548 FLORIDA RSA NO. 2B (INDIAN RIVER) LIMITED PARTNERSHIP VERO BEACH 09/27/2000 27-38-00.1 N FL RM KNKN990 080-22-40.2 W 0000226548 FLORIDA RSA NO. 2B (INDIAN RIVER) LIMITED PARTNERSHIP VERO BEACH 09/27/2000 27-38-00.1 N FL RM KNKN990 080-22-40.2 W 0000226548 FLORIDA RSA NO. 2B (INDIAN RIVER) LIMITED PARTNERSHIP VERO BEACH 09/27/2000 27-38-00.1 N Page 50 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-206369A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-206369A1.txt
- MD WHQ491 122-37-58.9 W 0000233438 PACIFIC BELL CLEAR LAKE 10/04/2000 11405.00000 38-57-02.9 N CA MD WMW749 118-16-44.3 W 0000233909 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP GLENDALE 10/04/2000 19685.00000 34-09-27.0 N CA MD WMQ735 118-10-37.1 W 0000233912 PACIFIC BELL LA CANADA 10/04/2000 19115.00000 34-11-59.5 N CA MD WMQ734 118-06-18.5 W 0000233913 PACIFIC BELL MT WILSON 10/04/2000 18775.00000 34-14-48.3 N CA MD WDU320 118-04-00.1 W 0000233914 PACIFIC BELL MOUNT WILSON 10/04/2000 02113.80000 34-13-34.4 N CA MD WDU321 118-04-23.9 W 0000233915 PACIFIC BELL MOUNT WILSON 10/04/2000 02167.40000 34-16-40.3 N CA MD WDU321 118-04-23.9 W 0000233915 PACIFIC BELL MOUNT WILSON 10/04/2000 02174.60000 34-16-40.3 N CA MD WDU322 118-00-31.4 W 0000233916 PACIFIC BELL MOUNT WILSON 10/04/2000 02117.40000 34-18-58.7 N CA MD WLT837 117-00-17.3 W 0000233922 PACIFIC BELL
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-206771A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-206771A1.txt
- 118-08-18.2 W 0000240224 PAGING NETWORK OF AMERICA, INC.LONG BEACH 10/16/2000 00929.58750 33-48-42.0 N CA RM WPIQ467 118-11-30.3 W 0000240224 PAGING NETWORK OF AMERICA, INC.LOS ANGELES 10/16/2000 00929.58750 34-03-08.0 N CA RM WPIQ467 118-24-53.3 W 0000240224 PAGING NETWORK OF AMERICA, INC.LOS ANGELES 10/16/2000 00929.58750 34-03-24.0 N CA RM WPIQ467 118-22-33.3 W 0000240224 PAGING NETWORK OF AMERICA, INC.RANCHO PALOS VERDES 10/16/2000 00929.58750 33-46-00.1 N CA RM WPIQ467 118-18-18.3 W 0000240224 PAGING NETWORK OF AMERICA, INC.SAN PEDRO 10/16/2000 00929.58750 33-44-18.1 N CA RM WPIQ467 118-09-46.2 W 0000240224 PAGING NETWORK OF AMERICA, INC.SIGNAL HILL 10/16/2000 00929.58750 33-47-57.1 N CA RM WPIH625 120-24-12.6 W 0000240703 PAGING NETWORK OF SAN FRANCISCO INC COALINGA 09/05/2000 00929.58750 36-18-18.8 N CA RM WPIH625 120-45-52.7 W 0000240703 PAGING NETWORK OF SAN
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-206940A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-206940A1.txt
- N FL NE 081-37-09.5 W 0000245286 KATLINK LLC Jacksonville 10/24/2000 17880.00000 30-18-06.7 N FL NE 081-37-07.4 W 0000245287 KATLINK LLC Jacksonville 10/24/2000 17960.00000 30-18-09.6 N FL NE 081-37-06.2 W 0000245288 KATLINK LLC Jacksonville 10/24/2000 18040.00000 30-18-16.5 N FL NE 081-37-02.5 W 0000245289 KATLINK LLC Jacksonville 10/24/2000 18120.00000 30-17-53.7 N FL NE 080-07-57.0 W 0000245851 KATLINK LLC Miami Beach 10/25/2000 18040.00000 25-47-00.1 N NM NE 105-01-13.9 W 0000246085 Penasco Valley Telephone Cooperative IncRoswell 10/25/2000 05935.32000 33-21-11.3 N NM NE 105-13-46.9 W 0000246086 Penasco Valley Telephone Cooperative IncTinnie 10/25/2000 06187.36000 33-25-57.3 N WI NE 089-30-24.0 W 0000246146 USCOC of Wisconsin RSA #7, Inc. Bancroft 10/25/2000 06795.00000 44-19-53.3 N AZ NE 112-03-44.6 W 0000246153 CNG Communications, Inc. PHOENIX 10/25/2000 22725.00000 33-20-02.0 N AZ NE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-207245A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-207245A1.txt
- 10/26/2000 06063.80000 28-17-47.0 N FL MD WLK445 082-11-22.3 W 0000247410 ALLTEL WIRELESS HOLDINGS, LLC ZEPHYRHILLS 10/26/2000 06226.89000 28-17-47.0 N Page 27 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City FL MD WLK444 082-19-39.3 W 0000247422 ALLTEL WIRELESS HOLDINGS, LLC THONOTOSASSA 10/26/2000 05974.85000 28-05-00.1 N FL MD WLR577 082-19-16.3 W 0000247424 ALLTEL WIRELESS HOLDINGS, LLC SPRING LAKE 10/26/2000 06256.54000 28-29-41.0 N FL MD WLR577 082-19-16.3 W 0000247424 ALLTEL WIRELESS HOLDINGS, LLC SPRING LAKE 10/26/2000 06315.84000 28-29-41.0 N SC MD WPNN231 080-41-10.0 W 0000247739 USCOC OF SOUTH CAROLINA RSA #4, INC. CAMDEN 10/27/2000 02128.00000 34-12-40.0 N SC MD WPNN231 080-41-10.0 W 0000247739 USCOC OF SOUTH
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-207434A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-207434A1.txt
- 097-05-02.2 W 0000254297 DALLAS SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPCORINTH 11/07/2000 10616.25000 33-08-40.3 N TX MD WHO690 097-05-02.2 W 0000254297 DALLAS SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPCORINTH 11/07/2000 11485.00000 33-08-40.3 N OH MD WPOQ307 083-57-49.8 W 0000254299 SPRINGFIELD CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY ST PARIS 11/07/2000 06150.28000 40-08-22.2 N OH MD WPOQ307 083-57-49.8 W 0000254299 SPRINGFIELD CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY ST PARIS 11/07/2000 06780.00000 40-08-22.2 N TX MD WLC735 097-08-00.1 W 0000254310 DALLAS SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPDENTON 11/07/2000 02174.80000 33-14-10.4 N TX MD WLC735 097-08-00.1 W 0000254310 DALLAS SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPDENTON 11/07/2000 10995.00000 33-14-10.4 N Page 10 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WA MD KPR33 120-24-22.2 W 0000254329 AMERICAN TELEVISION
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-207700A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-207700A1.txt
- Company SPOKANE 11/14/2000 00950.50000 47-36-09.8 N WA MD WLF842 117-23-14.7 W 0000260905 Citadel Broadcasting Company SPOKANE 11/14/2000 00950.62500 47-36-09.8 N WA MD WLG295 117-23-14.7 W 0000263872 CITADEL BROADCASTING COMPANYSPOKANE 11/16/2000 00944.50000 47-36-09.8 N Page 1 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City LA NE 092-25-00.1 W 0000258855 Marx, Rose A Eunice 11/13/2000 00944.50000 30-29-40.7 N MS NE 089-01-47.1 W 0000259815 Dowdy & Dowdy Partnership GULFPORT 11/13/2000 00947.62500 30-26-04.7 N AZ NE 110-01-52.4 W 0000260370 KM Radio of St. Johns, L.L.C. Show Low 11/14/2000 00944.50000 34-15-51.1 N HI NE 157-50-23.1 W 0000262626 Kasa Moku Ka Pawa Broadcasting, Inc. Honolulu 11/15/2000 00951.00000 21-17-37.8 N HI NE 157-50-23.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208209A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208209A1.txt
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208420A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208420A1.txt
- MA MD WLK622 070-49-13.0 W 0000296483 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLCSCITUATE 12/15/2000 02168.40000 42-11-44.0 N MA MD WLK622 070-49-13.0 W 0000296483 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLCSCITUATE 12/15/2000 06590.00000 42-11-44.0 N MA MD WLK622 070-49-13.0 W 0000296483 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, LLCSCITUATE 12/15/2000 06630.00000 42-11-44.0 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0000296510 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY SAN JUAN 12/15/2000 10553.75000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0000296510 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY SAN JUAN 12/15/2000 10593.12500 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0000296510 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY SAN JUAN 12/15/2000 10633.10000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0000296510 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY SAN JUAN 12/15/2000 10735.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0000296510 SAN JUAN
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208607A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208607A1.txt
- Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH NE 081-24-21.1 W 0000297940 WTUZ Radio Inc New Philadelphia 12/18/2000 00946.00000 40-27-34.7 N IL NE 089-34-05.0 W 0000299002 COVENANT NETWORK RAYMOND 11/22/2000 00946.87500 39-19-38.0 N IL NE 089-34-05.0 W 0000299002 COVENANT NETWORK RAYMOND 11/22/2000 00947.12500 39-19-38.0 N OR NE 121-47-15.0 W 0000299098 KLAMATH BASIN BROADCASTING KLAMATH FALLS 11/30/2000 00951.00000 42-13-57.5 N LA NE 092-25-00.1 W 0000300696 Marx, Rose A Eunice 12/19/2000 00944.50000 30-29-40.7 N PA NE 080-04-46.2 W 506187 Grove City College Grove City 08/06/1999 00944.41250 41-09-20.2 N CD - Paging and Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA MD KGC412 077-16-51.0 W 0000297552 SCHUYLKILL MOBILE FONE, INC. ANTRIM 12/18/2000 00157.83000 41-40-09.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208701A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208701A1.txt
- 39950.00000 - 40000.00000 32-20-00.5 N GA RM WPJC939 R 083-09-59.5 W 0000310001 BIZTEL, INC. (C/O AT&T CORP) MACON 12/29/2000 39200.00000 - 39250.00000 32-30-00.5 N GA RM WPJC939 R 083-09-59.5 W 0000310001 BIZTEL, INC. (C/O AT&T CORP) MACON 12/29/2000 39900.00000 - 39950.00000 32-30-00.5 N IA RM WPJC641 R 090-00-00.4 W 0000310016 BIZTEL, INC. (C/O AT&T CORP) DAVENPORT 12/29/2000 38850.00000 - 38900.00000 41-00-00.1 N Page 15 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IA RM WPJC641 R 090-00-00.4 W 0000310016 BIZTEL, INC. (C/O AT&T CORP) DAVENPORT 12/29/2000 39550.00000 - 39600.00000 41-00-00.1 N IL RM WPJC674 R 088-30-00.2 W 0000310049 BIZTEL, INC. (C/O AT&T CORP)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208826A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208826A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-208826A1.txt
- and currently serves areas surrounding Boston, New York City, Washington, D.C, and San Francisco. In several areas for which it holds OVS certifications, or portions of these areas, RCN has converted its systems to franchised cable systems. The number of OVS subscribers has remained constant over the last year at approximately 60,000 subscribers. OVS subscribers now represent slightly less than 0.1 percent of all MVPD subscribers. Internet Video: Currently, 56 percent of the U.S. population has Internet access. Real-time and downloadable video accessible over the Internet continues to become more widely available and the amount of content also is increasing. Despite the evidence of increased interest in Internet video deployment and use, the medium is still not seen as a direct
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-209092A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-209092A1.txt
- 122-23-58.4 W 0000320488 BACKLINK LLC San Francisco 01/10/2001 22925.00000 37-39-33.9 N CA NE 122-23-58.4 W 0000320488 BACKLINK LLC San Francisco 01/10/2001 22975.00000 37-39-33.9 N CA NE 122-23-17.4 W 0000320489 BACKLINK LLC Burlingame 01/10/2001 19600.00000 37-35-37.4 N CA NE 122-25-07.7 W 0000320490 BACKLINK LLC San Francisco 01/10/2001 19400.00000 37-38-59.9 N CA NE 122-24-33.0 W 0000320491 BACKLINK LLC San Francisco 01/10/2001 19360.00000 37-39-00.1 N CA NE 122-23-32.9 W 0000320492 BACKLINK LLC South San Francisco 01/10/2001 19320.00000 37-39-13.3 N CA NE 122-23-27.4 W 0000320493 BACKLINK LLC South San Francisco 01/10/2001 19440.00000 37-39-10.3 N CA NE 122-22-58.9 W 0000320494 BACKLINK LLC South San Francisco 01/10/2001 19480.00000 37-40-03.0 N CA NE 122-22-57.1 W 0000320495 BACKLINK LLC South San Francisco 01/10/2001 19680.00000 37-39-56.3 N CA NE 122-23-13.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-209289A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-209289A1.txt
- SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY SAN JUAN 01/16/2001 10715.00000 18-23-54.6 N PR AM WPJA707 066-05-51.2 W 0000293380 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY SAN JUAN 01/16/2001 21325.00000 18-23-54.6 N PR AM WPJA707 066-05-51.2 W 0000293380 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY SAN JUAN 01/16/2001 21425.00000 18-23-54.6 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0000296510 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY SAN JUAN 01/17/2001 10553.75000 18-27-00.1 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0000296510 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY SAN JUAN 01/17/2001 10593.12500 18-27-00.1 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0000296510 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY SAN JUAN 01/17/2001 10633.10000 18-27-00.1 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0000296510 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY SAN JUAN 01/17/2001 10735.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0000296510 SAN JUAN
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-209552A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-209552A1.txt
- KENNEWICK 01/22/2001 39450.00000 - 39500.00000 45-41-52.4 N VA RM WPJE583 R 074-49-10.5 W 0000338613 AT&T Wireless PCS, LLC RICHMOND 01/23/2001 39250.00000 - 39300.00000 36-53-22.5 N VA RM WPJE583 R 074-49-10.5 W 0000338613 AT&T Wireless PCS, LLC RICHMOND 01/23/2001 39950.00000 - 40000.00000 36-53-22.5 N IL RM WPJA921 R 089-40-00.3 W 0000340361 BIZTEL, INC. (C/O AT&T CORP) BELLEVILLE 01/23/2001 39200.00000 - 39250.00000 38-15-00.1 N IL RM WPJA921 R 089-40-00.3 W 0000340361 BIZTEL, INC. (C/O AT&T CORP) BELLEVILLE 01/23/2001 39900.00000 - 39950.00000 38-15-00.1 N AL RM WPJB336 R 087-30-00.0 W 0000340463 BIZTEL, INC. (C/O AT&T CORP) MOBILE 01/23/2001 39200.00000 - 39250.00000 30-15-26.7 N AL RM WPJB336 R 087-30-00.0 W 0000340463 BIZTEL, INC. (C/O AT&T CORP) MOBILE 01/23/2001 39900.00000 - 39950.00000 30-15-26.7 N MN RM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-209814A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-209814A1.txt
- CORP RENO 01/29/2001 39700.00000 - 39750.00000 38-59-26.7 N VA RM WMW862 R 076-44-58.8 W 0000346766 WWI License Holding, Inc. NORFOLK 01/29/2001 39000.00000 - 39050.00000 36-37-28.5 N VA RM WMW862 R 076-44-58.8 W 0000346766 WWI License Holding, Inc. NORFOLK 01/29/2001 39700.00000 - 39750.00000 36-37-28.5 N IL RM WPJD865 R 088-30-00.2 W 0000346769 WINSTAR WIRELESS FIBER CORP ROCKFORD 01/29/2001 38900.00000 - 38950.00000 41-30-00.1 N IL RM WPJD865 R 088-30-00.2 W 0000346769 WINSTAR WIRELESS FIBER CORP ROCKFORD 01/29/2001 39600.00000 - 39650.00000 41-30-00.1 N MI RM WPJE793 R 083-37-29.8 W 0000346771 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. SAGINAW 01/29/2001 39150.00000 - 39200.00000 42-49-48.1 N MI RM WPJE793 R 083-37-29.8 W 0000346771 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. SAGINAW 01/29/2001 39850.00000 - 39900.00000 42-49-48.1 N GA RM WPJD874 R 080-44-59.3
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-210319A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-210319A1.txt
- 38-12-39.2 N WA NE 120-26-31.3 W 0000366077 Touch America Ellensburg 02/13/2001 22825.00000 46-53-13.6 N WA NE 120-22-43.2 W 0000366085 Touch America Ellensburg 02/13/2001 21625.00000 46-46-10.9 N GA NE 084-14-52.8 W 0000366369 BACKLINK LLC Atlanta 02/13/2001 19400.00000 33-51-07.9 N GA NE 084-14-52.8 W 0000366369 BACKLINK LLC Atlanta 02/13/2001 19560.00000 33-51-07.9 N GA NE 084-15-01.2 W 0000366370 BACKLINK LLC Atlanta 02/13/2001 18000.00000 33-51-00.1 N GA NE 084-15-01.1 W 0000366371 BACKLINK LLC Atlanta 02/13/2001 17840.00000 33-51-13.4 N NY NE 077-36-42.6 W 0000367269 Fuzion Wireless Communications, Inc. Rocheshter 02/14/2001 10915.00000 - 11405.00000 43-09-22.5 N NY NE 077-27-35.9 W 0000367532 Fuzion Wireless Communications, Inc. Fairport 02/14/2001 10915.00000 - 11405.00000 43-02-43.8 N TX NE 096-58-06.0 W 0000367541 Winstar Wireless Fiber Corp. Irving 02/14/2001 21775.00000 32-53-25.0 N TX
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211021A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211021A1.txt
- NE 110-18-14.4 W A062087 WAYNE MARKIS JOSEPH CITY 10/31/2000 00462.80000 34-56-22.1 N AZ NE 114-03-30.8 W A062087 WAYNE MARKIS QUARTZSITE 10/31/2000 00462.80000 33-40-12.1 N Page 40 IK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Conventional State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ NE 109-19-36.4 W A062087 WAYNE MARKIS SANDERS 10/31/2000 00462.80000 35-10-00.1 N AZ NE 109-06-32.3 W A062087 WAYNE MARKIS ST MICHAELS 10/31/2000 00462.80000 35-33-36.1 N AZ NE 112-08-15.6 W A062087 WAYNE MARKIS VALLE 10/31/2000 00462.80000 35-38-58.0 N WY NE 105-19-12.9 W A062526 CLAYTON D KILGORE DOUGLAS 11/14/2000 00462.85000 42-54-31.9 N WY NE 104-56-48.9 W A062526 CLAYTON D KILGORE GUERNSEY 11/14/2000 00462.85000 42-02-43.9 N NE NE 103-39-22.8 W A062526 CLAYTON D KILGORE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211420A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211420A1.txt
- W 0000403198 Western Farmers Electric Cooperative Hugo 03/21/2001 06848.75000 34-00-25.4 N IA NE P 093-38-11.9 W 0000403233 MidAmerican Energy Company Telecommunications Department DES MOINES 03/21/2001 00956.38125 41-36-54.7 N IA NE P 094-08-47.2 W 0000403236 MidAmerican Energy Company Telecommunications Department BADGER 03/21/2001 00956.28125 42-36-48.1 N TX NE 096-58-59.0 W 0000403322 WorldCom Broadband Solutions, Inc. Lewisville 03/21/2001 10715.00000 33-00-19.4 N OK NE 097-37-00.1 W 0000403421 WESTERN FARMERS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Lindsay 03/21/2001 06197.24000 34-50-44.3 N OK NE 097-37-00.1 W 0000403421 WESTERN FARMERS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Lindsay 03/21/2001 06345.49000 34-50-44.3 N Page 60 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City FL NE 085-43-35.7 W 0000403736 Bay County School Board Panama City
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211514A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-211514A1.txt
- days after the original objection is filed. Responses to the opposition may be filed no later than 5 days after the time for filing an opposition has expired. A Apppplliiccaanntt FFiillee N Nuum mbbeerr C Coooorrddiinnaatteess D Daattee R Reecc''dd GeoNet Towers, Inc. A0180145 30-22-8.2/88-6-53.5 3/21/01 American Tower through American Tower A0179744 31-51-37.2/83-54-57.5 3/22/01 Management, Inc. American Tower L.P. A0180896 36-10-0.1/89-45-2.0 3/30/01 American Tower L.P. A0180818 36-52-12.9/89-30-36.0 3/26/01 Pine Bluff Cellular, Inc. d/b as A0180834 34-12-28.7/91-59-23.6 3/26/01 Southwestern Bell Wireless, Inc. GeoNet Towers, Inc. A0180940 30-14-56.2/92-10-24.6 3/21/01 Crown Castle GT Company, LLC A0161668 41-7-39.0/81-53-51.0 3/27/01 -FCC-
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212278A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212278A1.txt
- L.L.C. Bloomfield 04/17/2001 19360.00000 42-33-35.2 N WA NE 122-51-31.6 W 0000430952 Sprint Spectrum L.P. Tarboo Lake 04/18/2001 10558.12500 47-55-17.3 N WA NE 122-55-37.0 W 0000430968 Sprint Spectrum L.P. PORT TOWNSEND 04/18/2001 10623.12500 48-00-57.0 N CA NE 114-37-41.0 W 0000431244 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. Needles 04/18/2001 10562.50000 34-49-16.0 N CO NE 104-52-08.9 W 0000431590 BACKLINK LLC Englewood 04/18/2001 22625.00000 39-35-00.1 N CO NE 104-51-43.9 W 0000431591 BACKLINK LLC Englewood 04/18/2001 22775.00000 39-32-20.3 N CO NE 104-52-02.1 W 0000431592 BACKLINK LLC Englewood 04/18/2001 22525.00000 39-33-56.3 N CO NE 104-51-44.5 W 0000431593 BACKLINK LLC Englewood 04/18/2001 22875.00000 39-34-04.7 N CO NE 104-53-06.0 W 0000431594 BACKLINK LLC Englewood 04/18/2001 22925.00000 39-34-17.8 N CO NE 104-52-56.7 W 0000431595 BACKLINK LLC Englewood 04/18/2001 22475.00000 39-34-14.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212302A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212302A1.txt
- W 0000410363 NEVADA BELL BATTLE MOUNTAIN 03/28/2001 06391.81800 40-06-07.0 N NY NE 073-43-34.6 W 0000410789 BACKLINK LLC White Plains 03/28/2001 22525.00000 41-01-20.3 N NY NE 073-43-34.6 W 0000410789 BACKLINK LLC White Plains 03/28/2001 22775.00000 41-01-20.3 N NY NE 073-43-34.6 W 0000410789 BACKLINK LLC White Plains 03/28/2001 22875.00000 41-01-20.3 N NY NE 073-43-35.0 W 0000410790 BACKLINK LLC White Plains 03/28/2001 21325.00000 41-01-00.1 N NY NE 073-43-31.6 W 0000410791 BACKLINK LLC White Plains 03/28/2001 21575.00000 41-01-22.7 N NY NE 073-43-27.8 W 0000410792 BACKLINK LLC White Plains 03/28/2001 22475.00000 41-01-17.1 N NY NE 073-43-27.8 W 0000410792 BACKLINK LLC White Plains 03/28/2001 22675.00000 41-01-17.1 N NY NE 073-43-27.8 W 0000410792 BACKLINK LLC White Plains 03/28/2001 22725.00000 41-01-17.1 N NY NE 073-43-16.0 W 0000410793 BACKLINK LLC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212477A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212477A1.txt
- License Company II, L.L.C. Woburn 04/23/2001 17920.00000 42-29-14.0 N MA MD WPQS438 071-06-56.2 W 0000435601 Teligent License Company II, L.L.C. Woburn 04/23/2001 17960.00000 42-29-14.0 N MA MD WPQS438 071-06-56.2 W 0000435601 Teligent License Company II, L.L.C. Woburn 04/23/2001 18040.00000 42-29-14.0 N MA MD WPQS438 071-06-56.2 W 0000435601 Teligent License Company II, L.L.C. Woburn 04/23/2001 18120.00000 42-29-14.0 N NY MD KTG27 078-33-00.1 W 0000435604 INTERMEDIA SERVICES LLC ECHO MT 04/23/2001 05960.00000 42-10-15.2 N NY MD KTG27 078-33-00.1 W 0000435604 INTERMEDIA SERVICES LLC ECHO MT 04/23/2001 05960.02500 42-10-15.2 N NY MD KTG27 078-33-00.1 W 0000435604 INTERMEDIA SERVICES LLC ECHO MT 04/23/2001 05989.67500 42-10-15.2 N NY MD KTG27 078-33-00.1 W 0000435604 INTERMEDIA SERVICES LLC ECHO MT 04/23/2001 05989.70000 42-10-15.2 N NY MD KTG27 078-33-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212664A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-212664A1.txt
- AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City UT NE 111-46-02.8 W 0000441372 THOMSON, WILLIAM JAY MOUNTAIN GREEN 04/10/2001 00122.80000 41-08-58.8 N SC NE 082-12-59.4 W 0000441433 Stevens Aviation Inc GREER 04/16/2001 00122.95000 34-54-00.4 N MI NE 083-24-29.8 W 0000441537 Oakland, County of WATERFORD 04/16/2001 00122.95000 42-40-00.1 N NM NE 106-36-25.1 W 0000448187 Aeronautical Radio Inc. ALBUQUERQUE 04/26/2001 00136.65000 35-02-30.2 N NC NE 080-56-36.3 W 0000448196 Aeronautical Radio Inc. CHARLOTTE 04/26/2001 00130.95000 35-12-52.5 N CO NE 104-42-36.9 W 0000448207 Aeronautical Radio Inc. COLORADO SPRINGS 04/26/2001 00130.67500 38-48-31.0 N GA NE 084-25-36.7 W 0000448218 Aeronautical Radio Inc. ATLANTA 04/26/2001 00136.97500 33-38-25.4 N AL NE 086-45-16.0 W 0000448236 Aeronautical
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- A 0000433654 Motient Communications Company 04/17/2001 00810.33750 FL NE 087-13-42.9 W 0000433654 Motient Communications Company PENSACOLA 04/17/2001 00855.33750 30-30-50.7 N NE A 0000433664 Motient Communications Company 04/17/2001 00810.33750 FL NE 087-16-49.9 W 0000433664 Motient Communications Company PENSACOLA 04/17/2001 00855.33750 30-30-07.7 N NE A 0000433677 Motient Communications Company 04/17/2001 00809.76250 IL NE 089-04-23.4 W 0000433677 Motient Communications Company ROCKFORD 04/17/2001 00854.76250 42-16-00.1 N GS - Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City FL MD WPKR332 081-32-06.3 W 0000439697 FLORIDA HOSPITAL CELEBRATION 04/26/2001 00929.03750 28-19-45.0 N FL MD WPKR332 081-17-04.2 W 0000439697 FLORIDA HOSPITAL ORANGE CITY 04/26/2001 00929.03750 28-54-57.0 N FL MD WPKR332 081-19-40.0 W 0000439697 FLORIDA HOSPITAL
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- 05/24/2001 06093.50000 42-19-44.0 N IL MD WAN64 089-37-10.4 W 0000471522 AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF ILLINOIS INC FREEPORT 05/24/2001 17760.00000 42-19-44.0 N FL MD WLM967 080-59-51.1 W 0000471605 ORLANDO SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPKENANSVILLE 05/24/2001 02124.80000 27-55-18.9 N FL MD WLM967 080-59-51.1 W 0000471605 ORLANDO SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPKENANSVILLE 05/24/2001 06685.62500 27-55-18.9 N FL MD WLM364 081-34-32.6 W 0000471620 ORLANDO SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPWINDERMERE 05/24/2001 02112.00000 28-28-00.1 N FL MD WLM364 081-34-32.6 W 0000471620 ORLANDO SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPWINDERMERE 05/24/2001 06226.89000 28-28-00.1 N FL MD WLM364 081-34-32.6 W 0000471620 ORLANDO SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPWINDERMERE 05/24/2001 06256.54000 28-28-00.1 N FL MD WLM365 081-23-01.6 W 0000471645 ORLANDO SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPORLANDO 05/24/2001 06123.10000 28-31-33.0 N FL MD WLM365 081-23-01.6 W 0000471645 ORLANDO SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPORLANDO 05/24/2001 06152.75000 28-31-33.0 N FL MD WLM365
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- RM WPHN331 081-50-02.0 W 0000485884 PAGING NETWORK OF AMERICA, INC.STRONGSVILLE 06/11/2001 00929.86250 41-16-35.0 N OH RM WPHN331 081-29-27.0 W 0000485884 PAGING NETWORK OF AMERICA, INC.WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS 06/11/2001 00929.86250 41-26-32.0 N MI RM WPHU285 083-46-33.8 W 0000485892 Paging Network of America, Inc. BRIGHTON 06/11/2001 00929.86250 42-31-48.1 N MI RM WPHU285 083-41-33.8 W 0000485892 Paging Network of America, Inc. BRIGHTON 06/11/2001 00929.86250 42-33-00.1 N MI RM WPHU285 085-38-58.0 W 0000485892 Paging Network of America, Inc. BYRON CENTER 06/11/2001 00929.86250 42-47-46.0 N MI RM WPHU285 083-09-04.7 W 0000485892 Paging Network of America, Inc. CLAWSON 06/11/2001 00929.86250 42-31-59.1 N MI RM WPHU285 082-54-09.0 W 0000485892 Paging Network of America, Inc. CLINTON TOWNSHIP 06/11/2001 00929.86250 42-32-39.0 N RO WPJI750 0000489713 WWC PAGING CORPORATION 06/13/2001 RO WPJI751
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- Verizon WirelessSTAMFORD 06/22/2001 10556.25000 41-03-11.3 N CT MD WLL938 073-32-00.4 W 0000499199 Cellco Partnership dba, Verizon WirelessSTAMFORD 06/22/2001 11685.00000 41-03-11.3 N CT MD WLL938 073-32-00.4 W 0000499199 Cellco Partnership dba, Verizon WirelessSTAMFORD 06/22/2001 11685.00000 41-03-11.3 N TX NE 097-19-46.3 W 0000493198 AT&T CORP FORT WORTH 06/18/2001 18040.00000 32-44-59.9 N TX NE 097-15-55.6 W 0000493199 AT&T CORP FORT WORTH 06/18/2001 19600.00000 32-45-00.1 N WI NE 089-01-00.4 W 0000494061 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATING COMPANY Randolph 06/18/2001 06585.00000 43-33-25.2 N LA NE 090-02-51.0 W 0000494064 TELELINK INC ABITA SPRINGS 06/18/2001 02124.80000 30-25-54.0 N LA NE 091-17-24.3 W 0000494365 DIXIE ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION INC. Elm Park 06/19/2001 02163.60000 30-51-20.3 N MD NE 077-04-39.2 W 0000494639 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon WirelessTaylorsville 06/19/2001 05974.85000 39-28-48.5 N Page
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- AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AR AM WDD630 092-23-50.5 W 0000419603 CLEAR CHANNEL BROADCASTING LICENSES INC LITTLE ROCK 06/28/2001 00951.00000 34-42-51.4 N PR AM 066-59-44.0 W 0000444771 CONCILIO MISION CRISTIANA FUENTE DE AGUA VIVA, INC. ISABELA 06/27/2001 00943.00000 18-23-25.0 N NM AM 108-12-00.1 W 0000448597 BBC Radio Silver City 06/26/2001 00944.50000 32-46-51.2 N Page 2 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL MD WMG422 088-18-39.8 W 0000503792 AAA ENTERTAINMENT LICENSING LLCChampaign 06/27/2001 00945.75000 40-07-00.4 N IL MD WLD300 088-18-39.8 W 0000503809 AAA ENTERTAINMENT LICENSING LLCChampaign 06/27/2001
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- Items and Telephone Services -20 -10 0 10 20 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Percent Change from Prior Year CPI - All Items CPI - Telephone Service 13 - 4 1978 1.4% 3.1% -0.7% 0.0% 1.3% 0.1% 1979 1.7 1.6 -0.8 -0.9 0.1 -0.7 1980 7.0 7.1 3.4 5.5 -0.6 2.3 1981 12.6 15.6 14.6 15.9 6.2 8.0 1982 10.8 9.0 2.7 3.9 4.2 1.7 1983 3.1 0.2 1.4 0.0 7.4 3.9 1984 17.2 10.4 -4.3 -5.1 3.6 3.8 1985 8.9 12.4 -3.7 -3.0 0.6 2.1 1986 7.1 8.9 -9.4 -10.0 0.3 -3.5 1987 3.3 2.6 -12.4 -11.8 -3.0 -3.0 1988 4.5 4.6
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- KPM687 0000561804 METRO NETWORKS COMMUNICATIONS INC 08/16/2001 RO KPM691 0000561813 METRO NETWORKS COMMUNICATIONS INC 08/16/2001 RO KPM695 0000561853 METRO NETWORKS COMMUNICATIONS INC 08/16/2001 TI - TV Intercity Relay State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM WGW985 116-26-02.2 W 0000447501 JOURNAL BROADCAST CORPORATIONDesert Hot Springs 08/15/2001 07025.00000 - 07050.00000 33-52-00.1 N NY AM WDD718 078-52-35.1 W 0000530983 Multimedia Entertainment, inc. BUFFALO 08/13/2001 12825.00000 42-52-48.2 N NY AM WDD718 078-52-35.1 W 0000530983 Multimedia Entertainment, inc. BUFFALO 08/13/2001 13025.00000 42-52-48.2 N IN MD WPOR955 087-26-06.0 W 0000557643 GILMORE BROADCASTING CORPORATION EVANSVILLE 08/13/2001 12712.50000 - 12737.50000 37-58-36.0 N TN MD WPJD541 089-46-38.3 W 0000563156 Clear Channel Broadcasting Licenses, Inc.Brunswick 08/17/2001 06937.50000 - 06950.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-215731A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-215731A1.txt
- 06375.14000 40-42-01.5 N TX MD WMI791 097-29-18.2 W 0000566728 GTE MOBILNET OF TEXAS RSA#16 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP GONZALES 08/21/2001 06155.83900 29-29-09.5 N TX MD WMI248 096-40-05.5 W 0000566731 GTE MOBILNET OF TEXAS RSA#16 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP EDNA 08/21/2001 06197.24000 28-57-53.2 N TX MD WMI248 096-40-05.5 W 0000566731 GTE MOBILNET OF TEXAS RSA#16 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP EDNA 08/21/2001 06256.54000 28-57-53.2 N OR MD WPJB313 121-14-00.1 W 0000566733 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES OF OREGON INC WARM SPRINGS 08/21/2001 06680.00000 44-50-23.4 N NV MD WLB220 119-56-50.8 W 0000566742 Corban Communications, Inc. Reno 08/21/2001 05945.20000 39-34-42.5 N NV MD WLB220 119-56-50.8 W 0000566742 Corban Communications, Inc. Reno 08/21/2001 05974.85000 39-34-42.5 N Page 19 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op.
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- VA RM KNKN948 077-46-17.0 W 0000590993 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon WirelessOILVILLE 09/13/2001 37-43-14.5 N VA RM KNKN948 078-07-14.4 W 0000590993 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon WirelessORANGE 09/13/2001 38-13-52.2 N VA RM KNKN948 077-31-09.2 W 0000590993 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon WirelessWoodford 09/13/2001 38-06-00.3 N CO RM KNKN453 106-57-35.2 W 0000591005 AT&T Wireless Services of Colorado, LLCAspen 09/13/2001 39-18-55.9 N CO RM KNKN453 106-49-00.1 W 0000591005 AT&T Wireless Services of Colorado, LLCASPEN 09/13/2001 39-11-22.0 N CO RM KNKN453 107-03-37.2 W 0000591005 AT&T Wireless Services of Colorado, LLCBASALT 09/13/2001 39-22-26.9 N Page 33 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CO RM KNKN453 106-01-46.1 W 0000591005 AT&T Wireless Services of Colorado, LLCBRECKENRIDGE
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- RM KNKQ306 088-50-42.2 W 0000593570 KENTUCKY RSA NO. 1 PARTNERSHIPFulton 09/17/2001 36-31-12.2 N TN RM KNKQ306 089-22-12.3 W 0000593570 KENTUCKY RSA NO. 1 PARTNERSHIPLASSITER CORNER 09/17/2001 36-20-59.2 N KY RM KNKQ306 088-57-24.2 W 0000593570 KENTUCKY RSA NO. 1 PARTNERSHIPLe Center 09/17/2001 37-03-51.2 N KY RM KNKQ306 088-38-50.2 W 0000593570 KENTUCKY RSA NO. 1 PARTNERSHIPMAYFIELD 09/17/2001 36-45-58.2 N KY RM KNKQ306 088-16-00.1 W 0000593570 KENTUCKY RSA NO. 1 PARTNERSHIPMurray 09/17/2001 36-38-26.2 N KY RM KNKQ306 088-36-06.2 W 0000593570 KENTUCKY RSA NO. 1 PARTNERSHIPPaducah 09/17/2001 37-05-07.2 N KY RM KNKQ306 088-42-35.2 W 0000593570 KENTUCKY RSA NO. 1 PARTNERSHIPPaducah 09/17/2001 37-05-47.2 N KY RM KNKQ306 088-38-47.2 W 0000593570 KENTUCKY RSA NO. 1 PARTNERSHIPPADUCAH 09/17/2001 37-01-54.2 N KY RM KNKQ306 088-31-45.2 W 0000593570 KENTUCKY RSA
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- 0000608845 VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC.PAHRUMP 09/28/2001 00943.17500 36-12-20.3 N NV NE 115-59-58.3 W 0000608845 VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC.PAHRUMP 09/28/2001 00957.95000 36-12-20.3 N NV NE 116-46-04.6 W 0000608846 VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC.BEATTY 09/28/2001 00953.55000 36-54-07.0 N NV NE 118-03-59.5 W 0000608847 VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC.DYER 09/28/2001 00955.55000 37-38-45.4 N NV NE 117-15-38.9 W 0000608848 VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC.GOLD POINT 09/28/2001 00953.95000 37-18-00.1 N NV NE 117-15-38.9 W 0000608848 VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC.GOLD POINT 09/28/2001 00954.75000 37-18-00.1 N NV NE 117-34-23.5 W 0000608849 VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC.LIDA 09/28/2001 00958.35000 37-27-43.5 N NV NE 117-34-23.5 W 0000608849 VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC.LIDA 09/28/2001 00959.15000 37-27-43.5 N PA NE 078-21-19.0 W 0000608950 WinBeam, Inc. ALTOONA 09/28/2001 19380.00000 40-29-19.0 N PA NE 078-24-26.6 W 0000608951 WinBeam, Inc.
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- 10/02/2001 00928.80625 32-54-16.5 N Page 33 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD WPTB620 097-28-52.0 W 0000611974 TXU Business Services Company Ft. Worth 10/02/2001 00952.80625 32-54-16.5 N CA MD WNEQ693 117-08-16.1 W 0000611985 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SAN DIEGO 10/02/2001 10643.12500 32-47-00.1 N GM MD WHK645 088-03-07.9 W 0000614286 MOBIL OIL TELCOM LTD OFFSHORE 10/04/2001 00932.51250 30-15-14.7 N VA NE 080-09-01.1 W 0000610442 Virginia Tech Foundation , Inc. Roanoke 10/01/2001 00957.15000 37-11-56.5 N TX NE 096-17-21.8 W 0000611756 Duke Energy Field Services LP El Campo 10/02/2001 00928.65625 29-16-51.8 N TX NE 096-17-21.8 W 0000611756 Duke Energy Field Services LP El Campo 10/02/2001
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- 116-49-43.4 W 0000641266 WWC License L.L.C. BATTLE MOUNTAIN 10/26/2001 06315.84000 40-42-47.7 N NV MD WMQ859 117-24-39.3 W 0000641267 WWC License L.L.C. BATTLE MOUNTAIN 10/26/2001 06004.50000 40-11-36.6 N NV MD WMQ859 117-24-39.3 W 0000641267 WWC License L.L.C. BATTLE MOUNTAIN 10/26/2001 06345.49000 40-11-36.6 N NV MD WMQ859 117-24-39.3 W 0000641267 WWC License L.L.C. BATTLE MOUNTAIN 10/26/2001 06404.79000 40-11-36.6 N PA MD WMS731 079-54-00.1 W 0000641470 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BULLION 10/26/2001 06256.54000 41-14-48.4 N PA MD WMS731 079-54-00.1 W 0000641470 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BULLION 10/26/2001 06805.00000 41-14-48.4 N MA MD WPST328 072-35-25.7 W 0000641486 AT&T CORP SPRINGFIELD 10/26/2001 19380.00000 42-06-11.4 N MA MD WPST330 072-35-25.1 W 0000641487 AT&T CORP SPRINGFIELD 10/26/2001 17820.00000 42-06-16.7 N OH MD WMK983 083-38-13.7 W 0000641523
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- 122-04-25.7 W 0000644002 Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC FELTON 10/30/2001 17965.00000 37-04-02.8 N CA MD WPOL852 121-24-20.3 W 0000644028 Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC HOLLISTER 10/30/2001 19137.50000 36-51-20.3 N CA MD WPOL852 121-24-20.3 W 0000644028 Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC HOLLISTER 10/30/2001 19385.00000 36-51-20.3 N CA MD WPQL486 122-04-46.0 W 0000644478 Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC FELTON 10/31/2001 19525.00000 37-03-57.4 N CA MD WPOL851 121-23-00.1 W 0000644480 Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC HOLLISTER 10/31/2001 17825.00000 36-57-07.3 N CA MD WPOL851 121-23-00.1 W 0000644480 Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC HOLLISTER 10/31/2001 18005.00000 36-57-07.3 N CA MD WPOL851 121-23-00.1 W 0000644480 Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC HOLLISTER 10/31/2001 18772.50000 36-57-07.3 N CA MD WPOL851 121-23-00.1 W 0000644480 Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC HOLLISTER 10/31/2001 18797.50000 36-57-07.3 N CA MD WPOL850 121-22-36.4
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- INC. WILKESBORO 11/19/2001 02118.40000 36-04-37.0 N NC MD WMQ216 081-07-23.0 W 0000662148 OHIO STATE CELLULAR PHONE COMPANY, INC. WILKESBORO 11/19/2001 02124.80000 36-04-37.0 N NC MD WMQ216 081-07-23.0 W 0000662148 OHIO STATE CELLULAR PHONE COMPANY, INC. WILKESBORO 11/19/2001 06610.00000 36-04-37.0 N NC MD WMQ216 081-07-23.0 W 0000662148 OHIO STATE CELLULAR PHONE COMPANY, INC. WILKESBORO 11/19/2001 06640.00000 36-04-37.0 N OR MD WPOM514 121-54-00.1 W 0000662247 United States Cellular Operating Company of Medford Chiloquin 11/19/2001 06165.72200 42-35-23.9 N OR MD WPOM514 121-54-00.1 W 0000662247 United States Cellular Operating Company of Medford Chiloquin 11/19/2001 06715.62500 42-35-23.9 N OR MD WPOM514 121-54-00.1 W 0000662247 United States Cellular Operating Company of Medford Chiloquin 11/19/2001 06725.62500 42-35-23.9 N HI MD WMI730 155-02-51.0 W 0000662292 Verizon Hawaii Inc. HILO
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- N LA NE 090-10-51.0 W 0000669956 Wave-Speed Networks, Inc. a/k/a Broadband IP METAIRIE 11/27/2001 17840.00000 29-59-51.0 N CA NE 118-15-12.0 W 0000671809 TV MICROWAVES CO Glendale 11/28/2001 06004.50000 34-08-56.0 N Page 17 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA NE 118-04-00.1 W 0000672024 TV MICROWAVES CO Mount Wilson 11/28/2001 06256.54000 34-13-36.0 N OR NE 122-43-48.0 W 0000672250 Edge Wireless Licenses, LLC Ashland 11/28/2001 11133.12500 42-04-52.1 N GA NE 084-09-58.5 W 0000672386 VERIZON WIRELESS (VAW) LLC CUMMING 11/28/2001 06417.14000 34-09-42.5 N GM NE 093-08-55.0 W 0000673598 Stratos Offshore Services Company Offshore 11/29/2001 02162.00000 29-35-34.0 N AZ NE 111-37-01.7 W 0000673601 Sprint Spectrum
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- PR NE 066-01-19.0 W 0000694832 Crown Castle International Corp. De Puerto Rico TRUJILLO ALTO 12/13/2001 06404.79000 18-22-13.1 N WI NE 087-58-00.4 W 0000695398 KENOSHA CELLULAR TELEPHONE, L.P.Kenosha 12/14/2001 06585.00000 42-35-23.3 N OH NE 081-29-50.4 W 0000696121 SprintCom, Inc. Bedfored Heights 12/14/2001 10553.12500 41-24-20.2 N OH NE 081-31-30.4 W 0000696152 SprintCom, Inc. Walton Hills Village 12/14/2001 10618.12500 41-21-47.2 N IL NE 088-22-00.1 W 0000696373 SprintCom, Inc. Dwight 12/14/2001 10563.12500 41-08-26.6 N RO WPNC679 0000688035 QUESTAR INFOCOMM INCORPORATED 12/11/2001 RO WLS557 0000694402 Qwest Communications Corporation 12/13/2001 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AR MD KNKQ344 091-29-12.0 W 0000688619 PINNACLE CELLULAR LIMITED PARTNERSHIP HARDY 12/11/2001 36-18-12.8 N KS MD KNKN561
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-218761A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-218761A1.txt
- Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD WZE927 111-48-43.5 W 0000702453 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. PARADISE VALLEY 12/18/2001 00851.73750 33-38-39.2 N AZ MD WZE927 111-48-43.5 W 0000702453 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. PARADISE VALLEY 12/18/2001 00851.73750 33-38-39.2 N AZ MD WZE927 112-33-31.6 W 0000702453 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. PHOENIX 12/18/2001 00851.73750 33-34-00.1 N AZ MD WZE927 112-33-31.6 W 0000702453 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. PHOENIX 12/18/2001 00851.73750 33-34-00.1 N AZ MD WZE927 112-12-16.6 W 0000702453 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. WILLIAMS 12/18/2001 00851.73750 35-12-03.0 N AZ MD WZE927 112-12-16.6 W 0000702453 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. WILLIAMS 12/18/2001 00851.73750 35-12-03.0 N MD WZU984 A 0000702454 NEXTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 12/18/2001 00806.00000 -
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-218852A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-218852A1.txt
- 097-15-40.2 W 0000713056 Entercom Wichita License, LLC WICHITA 12/27/2001 00943.00000 37-43-19.0 N KS MD KMV35 097-15-40.2 W 0000713056 Entercom Wichita License, LLC WICHITA 12/27/2001 00943.00000 37-43-19.0 N KS MD WMU482 097-15-40.2 W 0000713104 Entercom Wichita License, LLC WICHITA 12/27/2001 00949.00000 37-43-19.0 N KS MD WMU482 097-15-40.2 W 0000713104 Entercom Wichita License, LLC WICHITA 12/27/2001 00949.00000 37-43-19.0 N NC MD WLJ791 079-58-00.1 W 0000713866 Entercom Greensboro License, LLC Greensboro 12/27/2001 00946.50000 36-03-53.4 N NC MD WLO642 079-58-00.1 W 0000713889 Entercom Greensboro License, LLC GREENSBORO 12/27/2001 00946.00000 36-03-53.4 N NY MD KDI98 077-36-16.0 W 0000713931 Entercom Rochester License, LLC ROCHESTER 12/27/2001 00943.00000 43-09-20.2 N OH MD WLF993 081-40-00.0 W 0000715238 CARON BROADCASTING INC Seven Hills 12/28/2001 00950.87500 41-21-32.0 N OH MD WLF993 081-40-00.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-219015A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-219015A1.txt
- 01/04/2002 05945.20000 35-12-38.2 N TX NE 101-49-03.7 W 0000722844 THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAILWAY CO Amarillo 01/04/2002 06004.50000 35-12-38.2 N TX NE 101-49-03.7 W 0000722844 THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAILWAY CO Amarillo 01/04/2002 19505.00000 35-12-38.2 N TX NE 101-49-03.7 W 0000722844 THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAILWAY CO Amarillo 01/04/2002 19545.00000 35-12-38.2 N OR NE 123-13-00.1 W 0000722926 PacifiCorp Rouge River 01/04/2002 00943.93750 42-26-43.4 N AZ NE 111-50-04.4 W 0000723110 CHANDLER, CITY OF CHANDLER 01/04/2002 00928.48125 33-17-32.1 N AZ NE 111-50-04.4 W 0000723110 CHANDLER, CITY OF CHANDLER 01/04/2002 00952.48125 33-17-32.1 N OH NE 083-31-53.7 W 0000723154 STC License Company Toledo 01/04/2002 23475.00000 41-39-11.1 N OH NE 083-26-41.0 W 0000723394 STC License Company OREGON 01/04/2002 22275.00000 41-39-22.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-219288A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-219288A1.txt
- Coorrpp C Coom mm muunniiccaattiioonnss,, IInncc.. A A00116688880033 2299--3322--88..11//9900--1199--3300..88 22//1155//0011 American Tower, L.P. A0174127 39-21-51.6/75-49-51.5 3/08/01 American Tower, L.P. A0174136 38-47-53.1/76-1-28.8 3/08/01 Crown Communications, Inc. A0174400 30-29-07.0/87-04-58.8 3/09/01 Crown Communications, Inc. A0178002 39-25-29.7/80-16-22.7 3/19/01 Crown Communications, Inc A0178005 39-20-21.2/80-4-53.2 3/19/01 American Tower through American A0179744 31-51-37.2/83-54-47.5 3/30/01 Tower Management, Inc. American Tower L.P. A0180818 36-52-12.9/89-30-36.0 3/26/01 American Tower L.P. A0180896 36-10-0.1/89-45-2.0 3/27/01 American Tower L.P. A0183735 42-55-27.1/123-15-54.2 4/03/01 -FCC- 1 In the Matter of Friends of the Earth and Forest Conservation Council, DA 02-05, released January 4, 2002.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-219552A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-219552A1.txt
- 106-23-56.9 W 0000747962 NCH Marketing Services, Inc. El Paso 01/25/2002 23525.00000 31-48-56.4 N TX NE 106-23-56.9 W 0000747962 NCH Marketing Services, Inc. El Paso 01/25/2002 23575.00000 31-48-56.4 N IN RM WNTM906 087-03-06.1 W 0000741845 GRAND TRUNK WESTERN RAILROADVALPARAISO 01/22/2002 00928.48125 41-28-31.1 N IN RM WNTM906 087-03-06.1 W 0000741845 GRAND TRUNK WESTERN RAILROADVALPARAISO 01/22/2002 00952.48125 41-28-31.1 N IL RM WPNE444 P 087-44-00.1 W 0000742068 ALSIP, VILLAGE OF ALSIP 01/22/2002 00956.31875 41-38-00.1 N WA RM KFY50 122-56-59.4 W 0000747370 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Chehalis 01/25/2002 02189.60000 46-39-37.3 N WA RM KFY50 122-56-59.4 W 0000747370 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Chehalis 01/25/2002 06585.00000 46-39-37.3 N WA RM KFY50 122-56-59.4 W 0000747370 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-219743A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-219743A1.txt
- 00952.44375 39-32-07.1 N UT NE 112-08-37.7 W 0000752759 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4 INC SCIPIO 01/30/2002 06136.07200 39-12-08.2 N UT NE 112-08-37.7 W 0000752759 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4 INC SCIPIO 01/30/2002 06165.72200 39-12-08.2 N PA NE P 075-12-12.0 W 0000752760 Dublin Borough Dublin 01/30/2002 00952.84375 40-22-18.0 N NJ NE P 075-13-57.4 W 0000752822 Delmarva Power and Light Company Bridgeton 01/30/2002 00952.20625 39-37-00.1 N DE NE P 075-16-10.9 W 0000752860 Delmarva Power and Light Company Georgetown 01/30/2002 00956.43125 38-30-56.9 N DE NE P 075-13-36.1 W 0000752887 Delmarva Power and Light Company Milford 01/30/2002 00952.20625 39-02-26.9 N MD NE 077-08-55.5 W 0000752999 Metro Networks Communications, Inc. Rockville 01/30/2002 23175.00000 39-05-00.6 N LA NE 092-35-43.1 W 0000753391 RELIANT ENERGY FIELD SERVICES, INCDUBACH 01/30/2002 00932.29375 32-37-21.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220113A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220113A1.txt
- 02/11/2002 00131.95000 35-13-10.2 N OH MD KKL5 083-47-59.7 W 0000767053 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC WILMINGTON 02/11/2002 00128.85000 39-25-00.2 N OH MD KKL5 083-47-59.7 W 0000767053 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC WILMINGTON 02/11/2002 00130.92500 39-25-00.2 N OH MD KKL5 083-47-59.7 W 0000767053 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC WILMINGTON 02/11/2002 00131.97500 39-25-00.2 N FL NE 081-20-08.7 W 0000766754 St. Augustine-St. Johns County Airport Authority St. Augustine 02/11/2002 29-57-00.1 N FL NE 081-20-08.7 W 0000766754 St. Augustine-St. Johns County Airport Authority St. Augustine 02/11/2002 29-57-00.1 N Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City FL NE 081-20-08.7 W 0000766754 St. Augustine-St. Johns County Airport Authority St. Augustine 02/11/2002 29-57-00.1 N FL NE 081-20-08.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220784A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220784A1.txt
- P 076-02-24.7 W 0000751016 Delmarva Power and Light Company Cambridge 03/06/2002 00952.66875 38-42-30.6 N MD AM P 075-54-06.1 W 0000751031 Delmarva Power and Light Company Chestertown 03/06/2002 00956.29375 39-19-40.4 N NJ AM P 074-39-09.4 W 0000752736 Delmarva Power and Light Company Pleasantville 03/06/2002 00952.44375 39-32-07.1 N NJ AM P 075-13-57.4 W 0000752822 Delmarva Power and Light Company Bridgeton 03/06/2002 00952.20625 39-37-00.1 N DE AM P 075-16-10.9 W 0000752860 Delmarva Power and Light Company Georgetown 03/06/2002 00956.43125 38-30-56.9 N DE AM P 075-13-36.1 W 0000752887 Delmarva Power and Light Company Milford 03/06/2002 00952.20625 39-02-26.9 N Page 25 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NM AM 106-33-04.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220999A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-220999A1.txt
- N GA NE 081-22-39.5 W 0000803291 St. Simons Island Radio, Inc. St. Simons Island 03/11/2002 00950.00000 31-11-11.3 N WV NE 080-43-10.0 W 0000803828 Summit Media Broadcasting, LLC Sutton 03/11/2002 00948.00000 38-39-11.0 N WI NE 088-32-45.4 W 0000804052 BBK Broadcasting, Inc. Mayville 03/11/2002 00946.00000 43-29-50.0 N WV NE 080-42-41.7 W 0000806232 SUMMIT MEDIA BROADCASTING LLCSUTTON 10/29/2001 00946.00000 38-39-50.4 N VA NE 078-09-00.1 W 0000806298 CLEVELAND RADIO LICENSES, LLC WINCHESTER 03/13/2002 00949.00000 39-08-40.4 N HI NE 157-52-25.0 W 0000809260 Salem Media Of Hawaii, Inc Honolulu 03/14/2002 00946.50000 21-19-32.0 N NC NE 080-16-29.2 W 0000809521 Truth Broadcasting Corporation Winston-Salem 03/14/2002 00951.72500 36-09-04.5 N NC NE 080-16-29.2 W 0000809594 Truth Broadcasting Corporation Winston-Salem 03/14/2002 00945.50000 36-09-04.5 N NC NE 080-21-16.2 W 0000809608 Truth Broadcasting Corporation
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221156A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221156A1.txt
- WPUD238 119-45-46.5 W 0000814213 NEXTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. MC KITTRICK 03/18/2002 00855.68750 35-17-30.9 N CA MD WPUD238 119-45-46.5 W 0000814213 NEXTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. MC KITTRICK 03/18/2002 00855.86250 35-17-30.9 N CA MD WPUD238 119-45-46.5 W 0000814213 NEXTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. MC KITTRICK 03/18/2002 00855.86250 35-17-30.9 N CA MD WPUD238 120-02-27.5 W 0000814213 NEXTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. SANTA MARIA 03/18/2002 00855.36250 35-02--00.1 N CA MD WPUD238 120-02-27.5 W 0000814213 NEXTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. SANTA MARIA 03/18/2002 00855.36250 35-02--00.1 N CA MD WPUD238 120-02-27.5 W 0000814213 NEXTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. SANTA MARIA 03/18/2002 00855.66250 35-02--00.1 N CA MD WPUD238 120-02-27.5 W 0000814213 NEXTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. SANTA MARIA 03/18/2002 00855.66250 35-02--00.1 N Page 59 YX - SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked State Purpose Call
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221304A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221304A1.txt
- 33-11-58.4 N CO NE 104-58-51.9 W 0000823786 Poudre Valley Rural Electric AssociationFort Collins 03/26/2002 00932.26875 40-28-41.9 N CO NE 104-58-51.9 W 0000823786 Poudre Valley Rural Electric AssociationFort Collins 03/26/2002 00941.26875 40-28-41.9 N NJ NE P 074-39-09.4 W 0000823833 Atlantic City Electric Company Pleasantville 03/26/2002 00952.44375 39-32-07.1 N NJ NE P 075-13-57.4 W 0000823853 Atlantic City Electric Company Bridgeton 03/26/2002 00952.20625 39-39-00.1 N DE NE P 075-21-32.0 W 0000825489 Artesian Water Company Georgetown 03/27/2002 00956.39375 38-41-21.1 N TX NE 094-44-06.9 W 0000825544 The Northeast Texas Consortium (NETnet)LUFKIN 03/27/2002 06315.84000 31-17-20.7 N MN NE P 092-47-25.0 W 0000825673 Wanumingo, City of Wanamingo 03/27/2002 00956.26875 44-18-10.0 N MN NE P 092-47-25.0 W 0000825673 Wanumingo, City of Wanamingo 03/27/2002 00956.26875 44-18-10.0 N NE U 0000825694
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221477A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221477A1.txt
- LLC LEEVILLE 04/02/2002 06665.00000 29-09-24.8 N GM RM WCE411 090-01-28.3 W 0000832020 LOOP LLC OFFSHORE 04/02/2002 06825.00000 28-53-06.9 N NM RM KFP77 104-49-34.9 W 0000832029 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Yeso 04/02/2002 06585.00000 34-30-06.2 N NM RM KFP77 104-49-34.9 W 0000832029 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Yeso 04/02/2002 06645.00000 34-30-06.2 N OK RM WED947 097-29-00.1 W 0000832044 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Oklahoma City 04/02/2002 06605.00000 35-23-06.2 N Page 28 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OK RM KMM94 097-27-55.1 W 0000832153 The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co Moore 04/02/2002 02186.40000 35-22-42.2 N OK
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221659A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221659A1.txt
- Mexico 04/08/2002 00130.55000 28-15-32.9 N FL NE 080-10-14.5 W 0000839762 Aeronautical Radio Inc Fort Lauderdale 04/08/2002 00131.27500 26-11-50.2 N Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX NE 096-27-08.9 W 0000840437 Aeronautical Radio Inc Port O'Connor 04/08/2002 00129.10000 28-28-08.0 N WA RM KHB5 119-19-00.1 W 0000840641 AIR AMERICA FUEL & SERVICE INC MOSES LAKE 04/08/2002 00122.95000 47-12-28.5 N RO KPA2 0000841132 GEORGETOWN, CITY OF 03/25/2002 RO WZP8 0000842813 FLIGHT SHOP INC 03/26/2002 RO KQZ4 0000843234 GWINNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 03/28/2002 RO KAO8 0000843338 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 04/10/2002 RO KHC3 0000843340 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 04/10/2002 RO KTT6 0000843341 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 04/10/2002 RO KUR8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221823A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221823A1.txt
- 04/15/2002 00950.62500 30-16-53.0 N MN MD WGR754 094-21-00.0 W 0000849623 WYRQ INC LITTLE FALLS 03/15/2002 00951.37500 45-59-54.0 N MN MD WGR754 094-21-00.0 W 0000849623 WYRQ INC LITTLE FALLS 03/15/2002 00951.37500 45-59-54.0 N Page 5 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL MD WHB270 088-17-00.1 W 0000850999 ILLINOIS BIBLE INSTITUTE INC CHAMPAIGN 04/16/2002 00951.50000 40-06-47.1 N IL MD WHB270 088-17-00.1 W 0000850999 ILLINOIS BIBLE INSTITUTE INC CHAMPAIGN 04/16/2002 00951.50000 40-06-47.1 N CA MD WLE239 120-38-29.0 W 0000854803 WINSOME MEDIA LLC San Luis Obispo 04/18/2002 00946.50000 35-14-14.0 N CA MD WLE239 120-38-29.0 W 0000854803 WINSOME MEDIA LLC San Luis Obispo 04/18/2002 00946.50000 35-14-14.0 N TX MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221824A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-221824A1.txt
- W 0000856299 Excomm, LLC. Jeffery City 04/19/2002 42-34-05.8 N MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City ME MD WNEZ329 067-27-18.9 W 0000856161 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE SYSTEM MACHIAS 04/19/2002 22275.00000 44-42-46.2 N ME MD WNTJ212 068-35-23.1 W 0000856197 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE SYSTEM FORT KENT 04/19/2002 22075.00000 47-15-00.1 N ME MD WNET632 068-00-59.1 W 0000856408 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE SYSTEM PRESQUE ISLE 04/19/2002 23375.00000 46-40-20.1 N MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM 121-47-50.9 W 0000794674 Alameda County Water District Fremont 04/19/2002 00928.36250 37-30-17.8 N CA AM 121-47-50.9 W 0000794674 Alameda
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222214A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222214A1.txt
- PIPE LINE CO 06685.00000 PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE CO 00958.35000 PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE CO 06735.00000 PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE CO 06745.00000 PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE CO 06805.00000 PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE CO 06805.00000 PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE CO 06855.00000 PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE CO 06725.00000 PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE CO 06745.00000 PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE CO 06805.00000 Bridgeton NJ 39-37-00.1 N 075-I 3-57.4 w Wanamingo MN 44-l 8-l 0.0 N 092-47-25.0 w IDABEL OK 33-55-36.0 N 094-46-42.0 W Niles NY 42-47-52.2 N 076-26-08.8 W Niles NY 42-47-52.2 N 076-26-08.8 W Niles NY 42-47-l 3.0 N 076-26-08.8 W Niles NY 42-47-l 3.0 N 076-26-08.8 W OTISCO NY 42-51-l 3.0 N 076-10-44.0 W HOWELL Ml 42-33-l 0.1 N 083-52-28.8 W HOWELL Ml
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222214A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222214A1.txt
- LINE CO 06805.00000 Bridgeton NJ 39-37-00.1 N 075-I 3-57.4 w Wanamingo MN 44-l 8-l 0.0 N 092-47-25.0 w IDABEL OK 33-55-36.0 N 094-46-42.0 W Niles NY 42-47-52.2 N 076-26-08.8 W Niles NY 42-47-52.2 N 076-26-08.8 W Niles NY 42-47-l 3.0 N 076-26-08.8 W Niles NY 42-47-l 3.0 N 076-26-08.8 W OTISCO NY 42-51-l 3.0 N 076-10-44.0 W HOWELL Ml 42-33-l 0.1 N 083-52-28.8 W HOWELL Ml 42-33-l 0.1 N 083-52-28.8 W CLINTON Ml 42-05-22.1 N 083-54-52.7 W CLINTON Ml 42-05-22.1 N 083-54-52.7 W CLINTON Ml 42-05-22.1 N 083-54-52.7 W CLINTON Ml 42-05-22.1 N 083-54-52.7 W CLINTON Ml 42-05-22.1 N 083-54-52.7 W CLINTON Ml 42-05-22.1 N 083-54-52.7 W BLUFFTON IN 40-43-39.1 N 085-09-37.8 W BLUFFTON IN 40-43-39.1 N 085-09-37.8 W BLUFFTON IN
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222215A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222215A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IA AM WNEZ918 091-08-38.5 W 0000752683 Interstate Power and Light Company BURLINGTON 05/03/2002 00928.49375 40-48-16.1 N IA AM WNEZ918 091-08-38.5 W 0000752683 Interstate Power and Light Company BURLINGTON 05/03/2002 00952.49375 40-48-16.1 N NJ AM P 075-13-57.4 W 0000823853 Atlantic City Electric Company Bridgeton 05/02/2002 00952.20625 39-37-00.1 N OK AM WNEQ200 094-46-42.0 W 0000828010 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA IDABEL 05/03/2002 06063.80000 33-55-36.0 N TI - TV Intercity Relay State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WI AM WDD660 088-00-06.7 W 0000798224 Young Broadcasting of Green Bay, Inc. Ledgeview 05/02/2002 07087.50000 44-24-34.6 N WI AM WDD660 088-00-06.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222413A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222413A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222413A1.txt
- 04/12/2002 Licensee Name: LONG COMMUNICATIONS, LLC. Requested Facility: Ch No:40 N Latitude: 35-43-57; W Longitude: 81-19-52 ERP (Average): 6.39 kW; HAAT: 183 meters; Antenna: DA Facility ID: 60018 Call Sign: WACX-DT File No: BDSTA-20020328AAZ City: LEESBURG State: FL Grant Date: 04/12/2002 Licensee Name: ASSOCIATED CHRISTIAN TELEVISION SYSTEM, INC. Requested Facility: Ch No:40 N Latitude: 28-51-35; W Longitude: 81-46-27 ERP (Average): 0.1 kW; HAAT: 58 meters; Antenna: ND Facility ID: 34858 Call Sign: KTVB-DT File No: BDSTA-20020401AAT City: BOISE State: ID Grant Date: 04/05/2002 Licensee Name: KING BROADCASTING COMPANY Requested Facility: Ch No:26 N Latitude: 43-45-16; W Longitude: 116-5-56 ERP (Average): 85.5 kW; HAAT: 786.5 meters; Antenna: DA Facility ID: 74592 Call Sign: WWAZ-DT File No: BDSTA-20020402ABI City: MADISONVILLE State: KY Grant
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222720A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-222720A1.txt
- 0000887052 KAISER PERMANENTE HEALTH PLAN PASADENA 05/14/2002 06404.79000 34-09-03.0 N CA RM WPND280 118-11-48.2 W 0000887762 KAISER PERMANENTE HEALTH PLAN GLENDALE 05/14/2002 05974.85000 34-09-49.0 N CA RM WPND281 118-17-33.2 W 0000887771 KAISER PERMANENTE HEALTH PLAN LOS ANGELES 05/14/2002 06256.54000 34-05-56.0 N CA RM WPND282 118-25-50.2 W 0000887774 KAISER PERMANENTE HEALTH PLAN PANORAMA CITY 05/14/2002 06226.89000 34-13-16.0 N CA RM WPND283 117-32-00.1 W 0000887779 KAISER PERMANENTE HEALTH PLAN CORONA 05/14/2002 06404.79000 33-42-42.0 N CA RM WPND879 118-11-47.2 W 0000887784 KAISER PERMANENTE HEALTH PLAN GLENDALE 05/14/2002 06004.50000 34-09-48.0 N CA RM WPND879 118-11-47.2 W 0000887784 KAISER PERMANENTE HEALTH PLAN GLENDALE 05/14/2002 06152.75000 34-09-48.0 N RO WNTP340 0000884761 GENESEE, COUNTY OF 05/13/2002 RO WNTP341 0000884762 GENESEE, COUNTY OF 05/13/2002 RO WAA811 0000885875 LIVE OAK,
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- FL NE 080-05-40.6 W 0000893910 Infinity Radio Operations, Inc. West Palm Beach 05/20/2002 00947.75000 26-45-40.5 N ME NE 070-19-49.4 W 0000893941 Saga Communications of New England, Inc.South Portland 05/20/2002 00949.00000 43-38-31.1 N VA NE 078-50-52.2 W 0000893957 Easy Radio, Inc. Harrisonburg 05/20/2002 00946.62500 38-25-45.1 N VA NE 078-38-00.0 W 0000893958 Easy Radio, Inc. Newport 05/20/2002 00951.50000 38-35-59.0 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0000894278 Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls, Inc. Twin Falls 05/20/2002 00950.00000 42-34-41.7 N KS NE 094-36-57.0 W 0000895077 Entercom Kansas City License, LLC WESTWOOD 05/21/2002 00944.12500 39-02-17.0 N WA NE 117-35-32.0 W 0000895422 CSN International Airway Heights 05/21/2002 00947.50000 47-38-35.0 N TN NE 084-12-46.8 W 0000897715 EAST TN RADIO GROUP II LP CLEVELAND 10/29/2001 00946.00000 35-53-27.6 N FL NE
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- Commission filings", FCC 01-345, Order, (rel.November 29, 2001). Certain pleadings must be filed electronically (electronic mail or facsimile), by hand delivery, or by overnight delivery service other than U.S. Postal Service Express and Priority Mail. AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL RM WOA4 087-51-00.1 W 0000905106 KANKAKEE VALLEY AIRPORT AUTHORITYKANKAKEE 05/29/2002 00122.95000 41-04-00.1 N RO WXL9 0000901420 MARYLAND, STATE OF 05/28/2002 RO WHR9 0000901444 AUBURN & LEWISTON, CITIES OF 05/28/2002 RO WBP2 0000902613 CORNING, CITY OF 05/28/2002 RO KRJ4 0000903358 WASHINGTON, COUNTYOF 05/29/2002 RO KBX2 0000903427 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 05/29/2002 Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op.
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- 0000917317 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INCGLEN ALPINE 06/07/2002 06315.84000 35-43-21.5 N PA MD WMQ647 079-45-15.7 W 0000917348 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP EMLENTON 06/07/2002 02162.00000 41-10-51.9 N PA MD WMQ647 079-45-15.7 W 0000917348 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP EMLENTON 06/07/2002 05974.85000 41-10-51.9 N PA MD WMQ647 079-45-15.7 W 0000917348 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP EMLENTON 06/07/2002 10623.12500 41-10-51.9 N PA MD WMS731 079-54-00.1 W 0000917415 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP KENNERDELL 06/07/2002 02178.00000 41-14-48.5 N PA MD WMS731 079-54-00.1 W 0000917415 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP KENNERDELL 06/07/2002 06165.10000 41-14-48.5 N PA MD WMS731 079-54-00.1 W 0000917415 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP KENNERDELL 06/07/2002 06226.89000 41-14-48.5 N PA MD WMS731 079-54-00.1 W 0000917415 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP KENNERDELL 06/07/2002 06256.54000 41-14-48.5 N
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- Inc Trenton 06/11/2002 00131.82500 40-16-36.0 N AM WNZ5 0000897933 ADDISON AVIATION SERVICES INC 05/31/2002 GA MD WPTP211 084-25-36.9 W 0000919928 Aeronautical Radio Inc. Atlanta 06/11/2002 00130.97500 33-38-25.5 N AK MD WZK3 145-28-39.5 W 0000919968 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC CORDOVA 06/11/2002 00131.42500 60-29-30.6 N IL MD WQF9 088-19-00.3 W 0000923629 Village of Lake in the Hills LAKE IN THE HILLS 06/13/2002 00123.05000 42-12-00.1 N IN NE 085-47-50.9 W 0000918792 Wabash Board of Aviation Commission Wabash 06/10/2002 00122.80000 40-45-52.2 N Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WV NE 081-35-35.4 W 0000920028 Aeronautical Radio Inc Charleston 06/11/2002 00136.97500 38-22-23.3 N FL NE 080-05-44.1 W 0000920052 Aeronautical Radio
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- WLW688 067-04-27.5 W 0000883852 CCPR Services, Inc. Moca 06/28/2002 06093.45000 18-27-52.6 N NC AM 078-21-23.0 W 0000916553 NORTH CAROLINA RSA #9, INC. GARLAND 06/24/2002 06585.00000 34-47-15.0 N NC AM 078-21-23.0 W 0000916553 NORTH CAROLINA RSA #9, INC. GARLAND 06/24/2002 06605.00000 34-47-15.0 N NC AM 078-21-23.0 W 0000916553 NORTH CAROLINA RSA #9, INC. GARLAND 06/24/2002 06625.00000 34-47-15.0 N PA AM WMS731 079-54-00.1 W 0000917415 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP KENNERDELL 06/25/2002 02178.00000 41-14-48.5 N PA AM WMS731 079-54-00.1 W 0000917415 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP KENNERDELL 06/25/2002 06165.10000 41-14-48.5 N PA AM WMS731 079-54-00.1 W 0000917415 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP KENNERDELL 06/25/2002 06226.89000 41-14-48.5 N Page 5 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-224395A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-224395A1.txt
- SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY CAGUAS 07/12/2002 11485.00000 18-11-28.8 N PR AM WMR275 066-01-24.6 W 0000883829 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY CAGUAS 07/12/2002 11605.00000 18-11-28.8 N WA AM WMJ981 119-07-48.0 W 0000893984 EASTERN SUB-RSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MOSES LAKE 07/10/2002 02124.80000 47-07-01.0 N WA AM WMJ981 119-07-48.0 W 0000893984 EASTERN SUB-RSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MOSES LAKE 07/10/2002 10795.00000 47-07-01.0 N AZ AM 110-41-00.1 W 0000917458 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. WINSLOW 07/12/2002 06034.15000 35-01-14.5 N AZ AM 110-41-00.1 W 0000917458 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. WINSLOW 07/12/2002 06063.80000 35-01-14.5 N AZ AM 110-41-00.1 W 0000917458 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. WINSLOW 07/12/2002 06197.24000 35-01-14.5 N AZ AM 110-41-00.1 W 0000917458 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. WINSLOW 07/12/2002 06375.14000 35-01-14.5 N AZ AM 110-41-00.1 W 0000917458 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. WINSLOW 07/12/2002 17760.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-224861A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-224861A1.txt
- Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AL AM 085-50-11.0 W 0000849348 Woodard Broadcasting Company Inc. Oxford 07/22/2002 00945.00000 33-36-30.0 N AL AM 085-50-11.0 W 0000849348 Woodard Broadcasting Company Inc. Oxford 07/22/2002 00945.00000 33-36-30.0 N CO AM WLF201 106-49-09.0 W 0000858260 COOL RADIO LLC ASPEN 07/22/2002 00950.00000 39-11-32.0 N ID AM 114-24-00.1 W 0000894278 Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls, Inc. Twin Falls 07/25/2002 00950.00000 42-34-41.7 N ID AM 114-24-00.1 W 0000894278 Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls, Inc. Twin Falls 07/25/2002 00950.00000 42-34-41.7 N NM AM WGR723 106-37-27.0 W 0000894853 BOARD OF EDUCATION CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE ALBUQUERQUE 07/25/2002 00947.50000 35-04-29.1 N OR AM WPNI512 120-57-15.3 W 0000905650 Horizon Broadcasting Group LLC PRINEVILLE 07/24/2002
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-225135A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-225135A1.txt
- CITADEL BROADCASTING COMPANYLANSING 07/29/2002 00945.00000 42-40-20.7 N MI AM WLF421 084-30-11.6 W 0000862510 CITADEL BROADCASTING COMPANYLANSING 07/29/2002 00946.50000 42-40-50.6 N MI AM WLF421 084-30-11.6 W 0000862510 CITADEL BROADCASTING COMPANYLANSING 07/29/2002 00946.50000 42-40-50.6 N Page 5 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City ID AM 114-24-00.1 W 0000894278 Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls, Inc. Twin Falls 07/25/2002 00950.00000 42-34-41.7 N ID AM 114-24-00.1 W 0000894278 Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls, Inc. Twin Falls 07/25/2002 00950.00000 42-34-41.7 N NM AM WGR723 106-37-27.0 W 0000894853 BOARD OF EDUCATION CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE ALBUQUERQUE 07/25/2002 00947.50000 35-04-29.1 N OR AM WPNI512 120-57-15.3 W 0000905650 Horizon Broadcasting Group LLC PRINEVILLE 07/25/2002
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-225751A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-225751A1.txt
- Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MN AM P 092-44-48.0 W 0000912682 Wanamingo, City of Wanamingo 08/23/2002 00952.48125 44-12-36.0 N SC AM WPTG751 081-06-55.0 W 0000913456 South Carolina Electric & Gas Company GASTON 08/22/2002 00928.16875 33-48-49.0 N SC AM WPTG751 081-06-55.0 W 0000913456 South Carolina Electric & Gas Company GASTON 08/22/2002 00952.16875 33-48-49.0 N AZ AM WNES570 110-41-00.1 W 0000924317 NORTHLAND PIONEER COLLEGE WINSLOW 08/23/2002 06555.00000 35-01-14.5 N ND AM 096-47-18.3 W 0000935748 MERITCARE HOSPITAL FARGO 08/19/2002 00932.51250 46-53-03.9 N MA AM WPRT337 P 071-08-36.0 W 0000947643 Bay State Gas Company LAWRENCE 08/23/2002 00956.30625 42-42-24.0 N MA AM WPQT492 071-09-24.0 W 0000947821 Bay State Gas Company EASTON 08/23/2002 00952.81875 42-01-30.0 N OH AM WAV692 080-38-39.2 W 0000966326 FELHC,
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- 46-41-43.0 N WA MD WNUF798 123-46-22.0 W 0001009016 CRESCOMM SERVICES, INC. SOUTH BEND 08/26/2002 00158.46000 46-41-43.0 N WA MD WNUF798 123-46-22.0 W 0001009016 CRESCOMM SERVICES, INC. SOUTH BEND 08/26/2002 00462.85000 46-41-43.0 N CA NE 121-56-36.0 W 0001010383 May, Skipp S Shingletown 08/27/2002 00157.74000 40-29-48.0 N CA NE 121-56-36.0 W 0001010383 May, Skipp S Shingletown 08/27/2002 00462.85000 40-29-48.0 N NE A 110-41-00.1 W 0001010508 KOFILE, ANDREW 08/27/2002 00452.21250 35-01-14.5 N NE A 110-41-00.1 W 0001010508 KOFILE, ANDREW 08/27/2002 00457.21250 35-01-14.5 N Page 14 IK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Conventional State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ NE 110-41-00.1 W 0001010508 KOFILE, ANDREW WINSLOW 08/27/2002 00452.21250 35-01-14.5 N NE A 111-30-30.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226134A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226134A1.txt
- W 0001020511 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. IOWA CITY 09/06/2002 06585.00000 41-40-27.0 N IA MD WMK527 091-28-33.0 W 0001020511 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. IOWA CITY 09/06/2002 06625.00000 41-40-27.0 N IA MD WMK527 091-28-33.0 W 0001020511 USCOC OF GREATER IOWA, INC. IOWA CITY 09/06/2002 06665.00000 41-40-27.0 N NM MD WLA761 106-27-09.0 W 0001020512 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ALBUQUERQUE 09/06/2002 06034.15000 35-13-00.1 N NM MD WLA761 106-27-09.0 W 0001020512 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ALBUQUERQUE 09/06/2002 06063.80000 35-13-00.1 N NM MD WLA761 106-27-09.0 W 0001020512 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ALBUQUERQUE 09/06/2002 11225.00000 35-13-00.1 N NM MD WLA761 106-27-09.0 W 0001020512 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ALBUQUERQUE 09/06/2002 11285.00000 35-13-00.1 N IA MD WPQT877 091-30-01.4 W 0001020589 USCOC of Greater Iowa, Inc. Solon 09/06/2002 06745.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226361A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-226361A1.txt
- WLT295 087-33-00.0 W 0001025174 Westel-Milwaukee Company, LLC HENDERSON 09/11/2002 06375.14000 37-46-01.2 N MI MD WPVQ598 083-08-25.0 W 0001025462 AT&T CORP. TROY 09/11/2002 18040.00000 42-33-45.0 N NY MD WMW726 076-56-20.9 W 0001025543 New York Holdings, LLC MONTOUR FALLS 09/11/2002 06551.25000 42-19-54.6 N NY MD WMW726 076-56-20.9 W 0001025543 New York Holdings, LLC MONTOUR FALLS 09/11/2002 06635.62500 42-19-54.6 N NY MD WMW727 076-48-00.1 W 0001025549 New York Holdings, LLC MONTOUR FALLS 09/11/2002 06731.25000 42-18-06.9 N NY MD WMW727 076-48-00.1 W 0001025549 New York Holdings, LLC MONTOUR FALLS 09/11/2002 06795.62500 42-18-06.9 N NY MD WMW727 076-48-00.1 W 0001025549 New York Holdings, LLC MONTOUR FALLS 09/11/2002 06830.00000 42-18-06.9 N NM MD WML741 106-23-42.1 W 0001026273 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC LOS ALAMOS 09/12/2002 02173.50000 35-53-12.1 N
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- WMG810 097-25-31.1 W 0001031106 USCOC OF OKLAHOMA RSA #10, INC.WILSON 09/17/2002 02121.60000 34-12-02.3 N OK MD WMG810 097-25-31.1 W 0001031106 USCOC OF OKLAHOMA RSA #10, INC.WILSON 09/17/2002 06730.62500 34-12-02.3 N OK MD WMG810 097-25-31.1 W 0001031106 USCOC OF OKLAHOMA RSA #10, INC.WILSON 09/17/2002 06745.62500 34-12-02.3 N KY MD WMN429 086-52-27.9 W 0001031160 KENTUCKY RSA #3 CELLULAR GENERABEAVER DAM 09/17/2002 02112.00000 37-23-00.1 N KY MD WMN429 086-52-27.9 W 0001031160 KENTUCKY RSA #3 CELLULAR GENERABEAVER DAM 09/17/2002 02121.60000 37-23-00.1 N KY MD WMN429 086-52-27.9 W 0001031160 KENTUCKY RSA #3 CELLULAR GENERABEAVER DAM 09/17/2002 06785.00000 37-23-00.1 N KY MD WMK360 086-31-14.9 W 0001031188 KENTUCKY RSA #3 CELLULAR GENERABOWLING GREEN 09/17/2002 02112.00000 36-58-11.1 N KY MD WMK360 086-31-14.9 W 0001031188 KENTUCKY RSA #3 CELLULAR GENERABOWLING
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- can use this index as a determinant of lack of diversity. While Dominick and Pearce allowed us to evaluate concentration within the top three categories of programming, HHI goes one step further by taking into account all program types on the schedule. The following chart provides the Herfindahl indices for the years being studied. Figure 3 Herfindahl Index 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 196619671968196919701971197219731974 19891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002 Year Lower Data Points = Greater Diversity Herfindahl Index As with the Dominick index, the 1970s showed a marked decline in program diversity on the networks suggesting a strong concentration of programming into a few program types. The HHI follows the same pattern as the Dominick Pearce index. The pattern is consistent after the
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- 8 0.13 AOR 565 10.32 AOR 375 5.94 AOR/AC 5 0.09 AOR/AC 3 0.05 Black (B) 281 5.13 AOR/NR 200 3.17 B/AC 13 0.24 AOR/P 80 1.27 B/Gospel (G) 4 0.07 B 236 3.74 B/O 3 0.05 B/AC 107 1.69 B/Talk (T) 4 0.07 B/G 32 0.51 Big Band/Nostalgia (BB) 213 3.89 B/O 26 0.41 BB/EZ 7 0.13 B/T 6 0.1 BB/FS 5 0.09 BB 315 4.99 BB/O 1 0.02 BB/EZ 3 0.05 Country (C) 772 14.1 BB/REL 1 0.02 C/FS 20 0.37 BB/T 1 0.02 CHR 488 8.91 C 904 14.32 CHR/AC 15 0.27 C/FS 14 0.22 CHR/Spanish (SP) 3 0.05 CHR 410 6.49 CHR/Urban (U) 9 0.16 CHR/AC 51 0.81 Classical (CL) 67 1.22 CHR/NR 9 0.14 Classic AOR(CL
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- CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MONTEREY 09/30/2002 05974.85000 36-33-09.0 N CA MD WLR666 121-47-21.0 W 0001043158 GTE MOBILNET OF CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MONTEREY 09/30/2002 10577.50000 36-33-09.0 N CA MD WMT658 121-53-42.8 W 0001043196 GTE MOBILNET OF CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MONTEREY 09/30/2002 10642.50000 36-36-01.9 N CO MD WPUU208 107-36-34.7 W 0001043304 UNION TELEPHONE COMPANY INC. CRAIG 09/30/2002 19445.00000 40-33-58.4 N CA MD WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0001044077 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOS ALAMOS 10/01/2002 05935.32000 34-50-05.6 N CA MD WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0001044077 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOS ALAMOS 10/01/2002 06111.36400 34-50-05.6 N CA MD WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0001044077 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOS ALAMOS 10/01/2002 10647.50000 34-50-05.6 N CA MD WPNN576 119-48-47.9 W 0001044104 AT&T Wireless Services of
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- Ft. Wayne 10/17/2002 06226.89000 41-07-58.2 N Page 15 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IN NE 085-12-40.9 W 0001061019 SBA Broadband Services Ft. Wayne 10/17/2002 06345.49000 41-07-58.2 N IN NE 085-43-12.8 W 0001061020 SBA Broadband Services North Webster 10/17/2002 06256.54000 41-20-00.1 N IN NE 085-43-12.8 W 0001061020 SBA Broadband Services North Webster 10/17/2002 06375.14000 41-20-00.1 N IN NE 086-00-14.2 W 0001061021 SBA Broadband Services Nappanee 10/17/2002 06123.10000 41-26-02.3 N TX NE 098-24-07.1 W 0001061291 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. Elmendorf 10/17/2002 02112.00000 29-17-06.9 N TX NE 098-24-07.1 W 0001061291 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. Elmendorf 10/17/2002 02126.40000 29-17-06.9 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-227907A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-227907A1.txt
- RM WNEF416 097-43-41.3 W 0001063763 Lower Colorado River Authority Austin 10/21/2002 05974.85000 30-23-30.3 N TX RM WNEF416 097-43-41.3 W 0001063763 Lower Colorado River Authority Austin 10/21/2002 06004.50000 30-23-30.3 N TX RM WPNG220 096-25-43.9 W 0001066766 Lower Colorado River Authority BRENHAM 10/23/2002 06605.00000 30-09-58.8 N MO RM WPNJ297 P 090-26-00.4 W 0001068439 CONSOLIDATED PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY DIST C-1 BARNHART 10/21/2002 00956.44375 38-21-00.1 N HI RM WNET627 157-49-19.1 W 0001070504 KAPIOLANI COMMUNITY COLLEGE HONOLULU 10/25/2002 21925.00000 21-17-48.6 N HI RM WNET628 157-47-59.1 W 0001070719 KAPIOLANI COMMUNITY COLLEGE HONOLULU 10/25/2002 23025.00000 21-16-19.6 N HI RM WNET628 157-47-59.1 W 0001070719 KAPIOLANI COMMUNITY COLLEGE HONOLULU 10/25/2002 23125.00000 21-16-19.6 N RO WNES828 0001063653 AlarmNet, Inc. 10/21/2002 RO WNET218 0001063697 AlarmNet, Inc. 10/21/2002 RO WNET288 0001063710 AlarmNet, Inc.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228408A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228408A1.txt
- A 11/07/2002 00471.86250 AM A 415315 KAY JR, JAMES A 11/07/2002 00471.86250 AM A 415315 KAY JR, JAMES A 11/07/2002 00474.86250 AM A 415315 KAY JR, JAMES A 11/07/2002 00474.86250 AM A 415315 KAY JR, JAMES A 11/07/2002 00474.86250 AM A 415315 KAY JR, JAMES A 11/07/2002 00474.86250 CA AM 117-39-08.2 W 415315 KAY JR, JAMES A CORONA 11/07/2002 00471.86250 33-51-00.1 N CA AM 119-01-03.4 W 415315 KAY JR, JAMES A SANTA PAULA 11/07/2002 00471.86250 34-20-00.0 N AM A 415316 KAY JR, JAMES A 11/07/2002 00471.66250 AM A 415316 KAY JR, JAMES A 11/07/2002 00471.66250 AM O 415316 KAY JR, JAMES A 11/07/2002 00471.66250 AM A 415316 KAY JR, JAMES A 11/07/2002 00471.66250 AM A 415316 KAY JR, JAMES A 11/07/2002
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228552A1.pdf
- 155 155 155 155 2655-2690 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 2690-2700 10 2700-2900 200 2900-3100 200 COLUMN TOTALS 2778 1120.97 898.97 742.97 661.5 461.5 393 G NG G/NG T UL TOTAL % OF TOTAL 100.0% 40.4% 32.4% 26.7% 23.8% 16.6% 14.1% 621.6 965 965.4 70 156 2778 22.4% 34.7% 34.8% 2.5% 5.6% 100.0% Max BW 255 Min BW 0.1 ALL BAN DS (BAN DW IDT H IN MH z) 960-1215 EXC LUD E G, G/N G AND T B ANDS EXC LUD E PR IVAT E LAND MO BILE AN D GUA RD B ANDS EX CLUDE CO RE TV BA NDS EXC LUD E UN LIC EN SED BAN DS BAN DS PR OPOSED FOR INITIAL RE STRUCTURI
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228691A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228691A1.txt
- W 0001087537 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEMS, LLC NEEDLES 11/12/2002 19385.00000 34-28-42.1 N AZ NE 114-18-05.6 W 0001087549 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEMS, LLC Lake Havasu City 11/12/2002 17825.00000 34-27-49.7 N AZ NE 114-18-05.6 W 0001087549 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEMS, LLC Lake Havasu City 11/12/2002 17935.00000 34-27-49.7 N AZ NE 114-16-13.5 W 0001087588 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEMS, LLC LAKE HAVASU 11/12/2002 19495.00000 34-37-00.1 N CA NE 117-13-29.6 W 0001088714 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Perris 11/13/2002 19645.00000 33-50-30.2 N CA NE 117-02-57.0 W 0001089078 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Big Bear City 11/13/2002 05945.20000 34-11-49.0 N CA NE 117-02-57.0 W 0001089078 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Big Bear City 11/13/2002 05974.85000 34-11-49.0 N Page 11 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point
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- Operating Company of Medford BEND 11/19/2002 06835.00000 44-02-55.0 N OR MD WPOR647 121-17-25.0 W 0001095828 United States Cellular Operating Company of Medford BEND 11/19/2002 10622.50000 44-02-55.0 N TN MD WLM981 082-08-04.5 W 0001095835 UNITED TELEPHONE SOUTHEAST INC ELIZABETHTON 11/19/2002 02118.40000 36-26-05.4 N TN MD WLM981 082-08-04.5 W 0001095835 UNITED TELEPHONE SOUTHEAST INC ELIZABETHTON 11/19/2002 05945.20000 36-26-05.4 N OR MD WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0001095843 United States Cellular Operating Company of Medford CHEMULT 11/19/2002 02165.20000 43-18-17.5 N OR MD WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0001095843 United States Cellular Operating Company of Medford CHEMULT 11/19/2002 06745.00000 43-18-17.5 N OR MD WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0001095843 United States Cellular Operating Company of Medford CHEMULT 11/19/2002 10628.12500 43-18-17.5 N PR MD WPUU754 067-08-53.5 W 0001095877 TelecCorp Communications, Inc. AGUADA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228964A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-228964A1.txt
- on that compliance. The requested increase in total METs would permit operation of improved MT-2000 METs in addition to the currently authorized MT-1000 and MT-2000 METs, not to exceed a combined total of 100,000. Vistar also requests authority to operate with Canadian Satellite MSAT-1. SITE ID: 1 100,000 half-duplex METs in the United States, VARIOUS LOCATION: VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A2 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-1000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A1 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D 0.00 dBW BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A3 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-229150A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-229150A1.txt
- Young Broadcasting of San Francisco, Inc.San Francisco 11/26/2002 07112.50000 37-47-06.3 N CA MD WPSR408 121-00-11.0 W 0001101078 Univision Television Group, Inc. MODESTO 11/25/2002 07087.50000 37-38-30.0 N CA MD KYL51 118-17-19.3 W 0001102767 ABC HOLDING COMPANY INC Glendale 11/25/2002 13100.00000 - 13125.00000 34-09-26.0 N FL MD KIS77 080-11-35.0 W 0001105115 POST-NEWSWEEK STATIONS FLORIDA, INC. MIAMI 11/27/2002 07037.50000 25-48-48.0 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0001101691 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 12737.50000 42-34-41.7 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0001101691 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 12787.50000 42-34-41.7 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0001102521 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 13037.50000 42-34-41.7 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0001102521 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 13062.50000 42-34-41.7 N UT NE 112-00-42.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-229201A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-229201A1.txt
- Young Broadcasting of San Francisco, Inc.San Francisco 11/26/2002 07112.50000 37-47-06.3 N CA MD WPSR408 121-00-11.0 W 0001101078 Univision Television Group, Inc. MODESTO 11/25/2002 07087.50000 37-38-30.0 N CA MD KYL51 118-17-19.3 W 0001102767 ABC HOLDING COMPANY INC Glendale 11/25/2002 13100.00000 - 13125.00000 34-09-26.0 N FL MD KIS77 080-11-35.0 W 0001105115 POST-NEWSWEEK STATIONS FLORIDA, INC. MIAMI 11/27/2002 07037.50000 25-48-48.0 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0001101691 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 12737.50000 42-34-41.7 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0001101691 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 12787.50000 42-34-41.7 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0001102521 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 13037.50000 42-34-41.7 N ID NE 114-24-00.1 W 0001102521 Christian Broadcasting of Idaho Twin Falls 11/25/2002 13062.50000 42-34-41.7 N UT NE 112-00-42.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-229376A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-229376A1.txt
- 00946.50000 26-32-58.0 N CA MD WHS419 121-19-14.2 W 0001112449 Entravision Holdings, LLC STOCKTON 12/06/2002 00944.50000 38-00-45.2 N Page 4 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA MD WPNK669 075-45-45.0 W 0001112703 Entercom Wilkes-Barre Scranton, LLC PITTSTON 12/06/2002 00945.00000 41-18-21.0 N NC MD WLI860 079-58-00.1 W 0001113281 Entercom Greensboro License, LLC GREENSBORO 12/06/2002 00944.50000 36-03-53.4 N NC MD WLI860 079-58-00.1 W 0001113281 Entercom Greensboro License, LLC GREENSBORO 12/06/2002 00944.50000 36-03-53.4 N FL MD WLL232 082-18-14.0 W 0001113309 Entercom Gainesville License, LLC GAINESVILLE 12/06/2002 00950.87500 29-39-55.0 N FL MD WLL232 082-18-14.0 W 0001113309 Entercom Gainesville License, LLC GAINESVILLE 12/06/2002 00951.00000 29-39-55.0 N CO MD WGR736 105-10-32.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-229616A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-229616A1.txt
- MD WLE822 119-48-32.0 W 0001120346 AMERICOM LAS VEGAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP RENO 12/12/2002 00948.50000 39-31-38.0 N NV MD WLJ466 119-48-32.0 W 0001120364 AMERICOM, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTERSHIP RENO 12/12/2002 00944.50000 39-31-38.0 N NV MD WLF354 119-48-32.0 W 0001120430 AMERICOM LAS VEGAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP RENO 12/12/2002 00950.00000 39-31-38.0 N IL MD WLG931 088-50-45.2 W 0001120460 Marathon Media Group, L.L.C. OTTAWA 12/12/2002 00949.00000 41-21-00.1 N TN MD WPOR991 084-51-13.0 W 0001121243 J. L. Brewer Broadcasting of Cleveland, LLCCLEVELAND 12/13/2002 00945.12500 35-09-54.0 N TN MD WPOR991 084-51-13.0 W 0001121243 J. L. Brewer Broadcasting of Cleveland, LLCCLEVELAND 12/13/2002 00950.00000 35-09-54.0 N KY MD WLF707 085-47-09.0 W 0001121362 Mortenson Broadcasting Company Louisville 12/13/2002 00944.37500 38-14-58.0 N Page 6 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call
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- CARTERSVILLE 12/20/2002 00462.85000 34-13-10.0 N GA NE 084-20-27.6 W 0001130230 SATELLINK PAGING LLC JONESBORO 12/20/2002 00462.85000 33-33-45.8 N GA NE 084-08-20.0 W 0001130230 SATELLINK PAGING LLC MCDONOUGH 12/20/2002 00462.85000 33-25-56.0 N GA NE 084-54-12.7 W 0001130230 SATELLINK PAGING LLC VILLA RICA 12/20/2002 00462.85000 33-43-12.3 N LA NE 093-28-58.9 W 0001130232 SATELLINK PAGING LLC SPRINGHILL 12/20/2002 00462.92500 33-01-00.9 N LA NE 094-00-00.1 W 0001130232 SATELLINK PAGING LLC VIVIAN 12/20/2002 00462.92500 32-54-02.4 N LP - Broadcast Auxiliary Low Power State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NE O 0001130826 Entravision Holdings, LLC 12/20/2002 00174.00000 - 00216.00000 NE O 0001130826 Entravision Holdings, LLC 12/20/2002 00174.00000 - 00216.00000 NE O 0001130826 Entravision Holdings, LLC 12/20/2002
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230093A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230093A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM WPJD364 117-38-54.1 W 0001067378 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP UPLAND 01/02/2003 19675.00000 34-05-17.0 N OK AM 094-40-04.4 W 0001083349 ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Sallisaw 12/30/2002 06197.24000 35-36-49.6 N OK AM 094-40-04.4 W 0001083349 ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Sallisaw 12/30/2002 06286.19000 35-36-49.6 N OR AM WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0001095843 United States Cellular Operating Company of Medford CHEMULT 01/02/2003 02165.20000 43-18-17.5 N Page 3 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OR AM WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0001095843 United States Cellular Operating Company of Medford CHEMULT 01/02/2003 06735.00000 43-18-17.5 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230275A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230275A1.txt
- Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City UT MD WPJE826 111-53-09.7 W 0001148040 QUESTAR INFOCOMM INCORPORATEDSALT LAKE 01/08/2003 19025.00000 40-46-00.8 N AL MD WPSL322 086-51-30.6 W 0001148883 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless HAYDEN 01/09/2003 06226.89000 33-53-11.8 N AL MD WPSL322 086-51-30.6 W 0001148883 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless HAYDEN 01/09/2003 06256.54000 33-53-11.8 N PA MD WMS731 079-54-00.1 W 0001149053 PENNSYLVANIA RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP KENNERDELL 01/09/2003 06256.54000 41-14-48.5 N AL MD WPSI269 086-54-02.2 W 0001149134 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless LACON 01/09/2003 06305.96000 34-17-47.5 N AL MD WPSI269 086-54-02.2 W 0001149134 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless LACON 01/09/2003 06305.96000 34-17-47.5 N AL MD WPSI269 086-54-02.2 W 0001149134 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless LACON 01/09/2003 06355.37000 34-17-47.5 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230456A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230456A1.txt
- JAMES A 01/13/2003 00474.86250 AM A 415315 KAY JR, JAMES A 01/13/2003 00474.86250 AM A 415315 KAY JR, JAMES A 01/13/2003 00474.86250 Page 25 IK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Conventional State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM 117-39-08.2 W 415315 KAY JR, JAMES A CORONA 01/13/2003 00471.86250 33-51-00.1 N CA AM 119-01-03.4 W 415315 KAY JR, JAMES A SANTA PAULA 01/13/2003 00471.86250 34-20-00.0 N MD WNPV786 A 0001161740 SCHOLTEN, DALE 01/16/2003 00461.50000 MD WNPV786 A 0001161740 SCHOLTEN, DALE 01/16/2003 00461.50000 MD WNPV786 A 0001161740 SCHOLTEN, DALE 01/16/2003 00462.00000 MD WNPV786 A 0001161740 SCHOLTEN, DALE 01/16/2003 00463.65000 MD WNPV786 A 0001161740 SCHOLTEN, DALE 01/16/2003 00466.50000 MD WNPV786 A 0001161740
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230619A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230619A1.txt
- 00130.30000 26-28-03.0 N NY NE 078-43-55.8 W 0001167895 Aeronautical Radio Inc Buffalo 01/22/2003 00130.95000 42-56-25.9 N GA NE 084-25-37.0 W 0001167920 Aeronautical Radio Inc Atlanta 01/22/2003 00129.10000 33-38-25.6 N NY NE 073-46-44.1 W 0001167950 Aeronautical Radio Inc New York 01/22/2003 00130.80000 40-38-23.1 N NC NE 080-13-19.2 W 0001167973 Aeronautical Radio Inc Winston Salem 01/22/2003 00129.10000 36-08-01.4 N KY RM WWW6 085-57--00.1 W 0001169383 GLASGOW AIRPORT BOARD GLASGOW 01/23/2003 00122.80000 37-01-55.2 N KY RM WWW6 085-57--00.1 W 0001169383 GLASGOW AIRPORT BOARD GLASGOW 01/23/2003 00122.80000 37-01-55.2 N RO KZT4 0001164807 CRISP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 01/21/2003 RO WRQ5 0001164904 SALLISAW, CITY OF 01/21/2003 RO KZL7 0001164963 CLAYTON, COUNTY OF 01/21/2003 RO WSV6 0001165630 LONG BEACH CITATION SERVICE CENTER 01/21/2003 RO WOA5 0001166517 MICHIGAN, STATE OF
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230940A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230940A1.txt
- Electric Company BORREGO SPRINGS 01/29/2003 00928.71875 33-16-15.1 N CA MD WNTS330 116-20-53.0 W 0001177725 San Diego Gas & Electric Company BORREGO SPRINGS 01/29/2003 00952.51875 33-16-15.1 N CA MD WNTS330 116-20-53.0 W 0001177725 San Diego Gas & Electric Company BORREGO SPRINGS 01/29/2003 00952.71875 33-16-15.1 N CA MD WPVB482 117-08-16.1 W 0001177749 San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego 01/29/2003 00928.43750 32-47-00.1 N CA MD WPVB482 117-08-16.1 W 0001177749 San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego 01/29/2003 00952.43750 32-47-00.1 N CA MD WPQS918 117-11-27.0 W 0001177759 San Diego Gas & Electric Company FALLBROOK 01/29/2003 00928.44375 33-24-00.0 N CA MD WPQS918 117-11-27.0 W 0001177759 San Diego Gas & Electric Company FALLBROOK 01/29/2003 00952.44375 33-24-00.0 N CA MD WNTZ481 117-36-06.0 W 0001177767 San
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-231320A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-231320A1.txt
- TELEPHONE COMPANYYOUNTVILLE 02/10/2003 06655.00000 38-25-33.6 N CA MD WLU719 122-32-18.9 W 0001191413 Cagal Cellular Communications Corp. PETALUMA 02/10/2003 06695.00000 38-15-44.6 N NM MD WPJC203 107-04-09.3 W 0001192059 LAS CRUCES CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY d/b/a ALLTEL RINCON 02/10/2003 02178.00000 32-41-35.8 N NM MD WPJC203 107-04-09.3 W 0001192059 LAS CRUCES CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY d/b/a ALLTEL RINCON 02/10/2003 06795.00000 32-41-35.8 N NM MD WPJB561 106-34-00.1 W 0001192084 LAS CRUCES CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY d/b/a ALLTEL ORGAN 02/10/2003 06541.25000 32-25-39.3 N NM MD WPJB561 106-34-00.1 W 0001192084 LAS CRUCES CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY d/b/a ALLTEL ORGAN 02/10/2003 06635.00000 32-25-39.3 N Page 8 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-231527A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-231527A1.txt
- MANSFIELD 02/14/2003 00862.38750 40-42-58.2 N OH MD WNDN927 082-32-45.6 W 0001199515 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. MANSFIELD 02/14/2003 00862.38750 40-42-58.2 N MD WNDW494 O 0001199516 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. 02/14/2003 00806.00000 - 00821.00000 MD WNDW494 O 0001199516 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. 02/14/2003 00820.38750 MI MD WNDW494 X 0001199516 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. 02/14/2003 00820.38750 MI MD WNDW494 084-30--00.1 W 0001199516 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. DELHI 02/14/2003 00865.38750 42-40-33.1 N MI MD WNDW494 084-30--00.1 W 0001199516 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. DELHI 02/14/2003 00865.38750 42-40-33.1 N MD WNFL720 A 0001199517 NEXTEL OF NEW YORK, INC. 02/14/2003 00806.00000 - 00821.00000 MD WNFL720 A 0001199517 NEXTEL OF NEW YORK, INC. 02/14/2003 00819.76250 NY MD WNFL720 X 0001199517 NEXTEL OF NEW
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-232006A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-232006A1.txt
- 32 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD WNTK626 111-56-16.5 W 0001222908 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS FOR ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY TEMPE 03/06/2003 18120.00000 33-25-10.1 N AZ MD WNTK627 112-03-51.5 W 0001222971 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS FOR ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY PHOENIX 03/06/2003 19440.00000 33-20-00.1 N AZ MD WNTK627 112-03-51.5 W 0001222971 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS FOR ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY PHOENIX 03/06/2003 19680.00000 33-20-00.1 N AZ MD WNTK625 112-09-44.5 W 0001223027 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS FOR ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY GLENDALE 03/06/2003 17880.00000 33-36-26.1 N IN MD WPOQ535 086-52-40.0 W 0001223603 LAFAYETTE SCHOOL CORPORATION LAFAYETTE 03/06/2003 21825.00000 40-23-12.1 N IL NE 088-16-19.4 W 0001217130 PLAINFIELD SCHOOL
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-232868A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-232868A1.txt
- Lake Grove 03/25/2003 19410.00000 40-50-59.4 N CA MD WNTZ481 117-36-06.0 W 0001248272 San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Juan Capistrano 03/25/2003 00928.43125 33-30-10.0 N CA MD WNTZ481 117-36-06.0 W 0001248272 San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Juan Capistrano 03/25/2003 00952.43125 33-30-10.0 N CA MD WPVB482 117-08-16.1 W 0001248292 San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego 03/25/2003 00928.43750 32-47-00.1 N CA MD WPVB482 117-08-16.1 W 0001248292 San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego 03/25/2003 00952.43750 32-47-00.1 N NE MD WEG623 096-33-08.1 W 0001250289 NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT HOMER 03/26/2003 00955.55000 42-20-33.9 N NE MD WEG623 096-33-08.1 W 0001250289 NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT HOMER 03/26/2003 01975.00000 42-20-33.9 N NE MD WEG623 096-33-08.1 W 0001250289 NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT HOMER
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-233091A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-233091A1.txt
- JAMES BASTROP 04/01/2003 00157.74000 32-46-19.0 N LA NE 091-34-51.0 W 0001258541 HARRINGTON JR., JAMES DELHI 04/01/2003 00157.74000 32-26-35.0 N LA NE 092-40-52.0 W 0001258541 HARRINGTON JR., JAMES GRAMBLING 04/01/2003 00075.54000 32-32-21.0 N LA NE 092-40-52.0 W 0001258541 HARRINGTON JR., JAMES GRAMBLING 04/01/2003 00157.74000 32-32-21.0 N LA NE 092-42-25.2 W 0001258541 HARRINGTON JR., JAMES Jonesboro 04/01/2003 00157.74000 32-14-33.9 N LA NE 094-00-00.1 W 0001258541 HARRINGTON JR., JAMES Vivian 04/01/2003 00157.74000 32-54-02.4 N ND NE 097-03-52.3 W 0001258555 TELESPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS, INC.HILLSBORO 04/01/2003 00152.48000 47-26-11.9 N MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MO NE 094-35-00.8 W 0001254619 KMBC Hearst-Agyle Television, Inc. Kansas City 03/31/2003 21925.00000 - 23125.00000 39-05-59.0
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- RED LEVEL 04/14/2003 06063.80000 31-22-55.4 N AL MD WMN889 086-13-58.4 W 0001274566 ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. OPP 04/14/2003 06226.89000 31-18-54.9 N AL MD WMN889 086-13-58.4 W 0001274566 ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. OPP 04/14/2003 06315.84000 31-18-54.9 N AL MD WMN889 086-13-58.4 W 0001274566 ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. OPP 04/14/2003 06345.49000 31-18-54.9 N IN MD WLN521 086-25-02.0 W 0001275157 Cellco Partnership NORTH LIBERTY 04/15/2003 02178.00000 41-33-00.1 N IN MD WLN521 086-25-02.0 W 0001275157 Cellco Partnership NORTH LIBERTY 04/15/2003 06286.19000 41-33-00.1 N IN MD WLN521 086-25-02.0 W 0001275157 Cellco Partnership NORTH LIBERTY 04/15/2003 06375.14000 41-33-00.1 N IN MD WLN521 086-25-02.0 W 0001275157 Cellco Partnership NORTH LIBERTY 04/15/2003 06785.00000 41-33-00.1 N IN MD WLN520 086-26-56.0 W 0001275213 Cellco Partnership NEW CARLISLE 04/15/2003 06004.50000 41-42-29.1 N IN MD WLN520
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- 04/22/2003 06034.15000 33-25-12.9 N MT NE 114-18-24.1 W 0001284794 Cutthroat Communications KALISPELL 04/23/2003 21375.00000 48-12-03.0 N MT NE 114-19-06.4 W 0001284831 Cutthroat Communications Kalispell 04/23/2003 22575.00000 48-11-58.8 N CA NE 122-34-30.9 W 0001286142 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEMS, LLC HORNBROOK 04/24/2003 17775.00000 41-53-08.9 N CA NE 122-34-30.9 W 0001286142 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEMS, LLC HORNBROOK 04/24/2003 17815.00000 41-53-08.9 N CA NE 122-34-00.1 W 0001286162 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEMS, LLC HORNBROOK 04/24/2003 19375.00000 41-51-26.5 N Page 15 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA NE 122-33-26.7 W 0001286168 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEMS, LLC HORNBROOK 04/24/2003 19335.00000 41-55-47.6 N MA NE 071-03-19.1 W 0001286285
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- (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH AM 083-48-28.2 W 0000974517 Aeronautical Radio Inc Toledo 04/28/2003 00129.57500 41-35-12.5 N FL MD WKB7 080-09-09.2 W 0001289252 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC FT LAUDERDALE 04/28/2003 00136.52500 26-04-22.3 N CA MD WPST441 118-09-05.8 W 0001289291 Aeronautical Radio Inc. Long Beach 04/28/2003 00136.65000 33-49-03.7 N AZ MD KRZ3 112-14-02.6 W 0001294495 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC PHOENIX 05/01/2003 00129.17500 33-34-00.1 N TX MD WSH79 097-05-25.0 W 0001294512 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC ROCKPORT 05/01/2003 00129.85000 27-58-51.0 N CA NE 121-35-25.7 W 0001289432 Aeronautical Radio Inc. Sacramento 04/28/2003 00136.57500 38-41-43.5 N Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA NE 078-53-47.2 W 0001289464 Aeronautical Radio Inc.
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- Ebensburg 05/06/2003 00928.65625 40-30-13.2 N PA NE 078-47-44.0 W 0001300380 Southwest Central Rural Electric Ebensburg 05/06/2003 00952.65625 40-30-13.2 N IA NE 091-34-47.0 W 0001301452 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANYMASONVILLE 05/02/2003 00928.23125 42-28-52.0 N IA NE 091-34-47.0 W 0001301452 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANYMASONVILLE 05/02/2003 00952.23125 42-28-52.0 N GM NE 088-47-50.0 W 0001301814 Devon Energy Corporation Offshore 05/07/2003 00934.93750 29-36-23.7 N GM NE 088-57-00.1 W 0001301838 Devon Energy Corporation Offshore 05/07/2003 00943.93750 29-28-07.8 N NY NE 074-11-13.5 W 0001302879 Broadalbin-Perth Central School District Broadalbin 05/08/2003 06187.36000 43-03-13.8 N NY NE 074-11-13.5 W 0001302879 Broadalbin-Perth Central School District Broadalbin 05/08/2003 06197.24000 43-03-13.8 N NY NE 074-11-13.5 W 0001302879 Broadalbin-Perth Central School District Broadalbin 05/08/2003 06207.12000 43-03-13.8 N NY NE 074-11-13.5 W 0001302879 Broadalbin-Perth Central School
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- KY MD WPNN746 085-45-33.0 W 0001308784 NEW ALBANY BROADCASTING CO., INLOUISVILLE 05/12/2003 00946.50000 38-14-38.0 N KY MD WMF914 085-45-30.0 W 0001308813 BLUE CHIP BROADCASTING LICENSESLOUISVILLE 05/12/2003 00945.50000 38-15-02.0 N KY MD WLE309 085-45-30.0 W 0001308832 BLUE CHIP BROADCASTING LICENSESLOUISVILLE 05/12/2003 00945.00000 38-15-02.0 N WY MD WAW500 110-47-37.0 W 0001308992 CHAPARRAL BROADCASTING, INC. JACKSON 05/12/2003 00948.50000 43-28-43.0 N NC MD WGZ524 079-58-00.1 W 0001314549 ENTERCOM GREENSBORO LICENSE, LGREENSBORO 05/16/2003 00948.50000 36-03-53.4 N NC MD WGZ524 079-58-00.1 W 0001314549 ENTERCOM GREENSBORO LICENSE, LGREENSBORO 05/16/2003 00948.62500 36-03-53.4 N NE MD WPWH983 103-38-22.5 W 0001314822 PANHANDLE BROADCASTING, INC. Scottsbluff 05/16/2003 00945.00000 41-51-52.5 N ID NE 112-25-58.0 W 0001314725 BROKEN CHAINS INC. POCATELLO 05/16/2003 00951.37500 42-54-17.0 N ID NE 112-25-58.0 W 0001314725 BROKEN CHAINS INC. POCATELLO
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- dBW qpsk, digital data, video, voice 14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz 405KG7W Points of Communication: HUB - ALSAT - (ALSAT) Application for Modification 07/02/2002 - 07/02/2004 Date Effective: Class of Station: Mobile Earth Station Vistar Data Communications, Inc. E990316 SES-MOD-20021112-01973E Nature of Service:Mobile Satellite Service SITE ID: 1 30,000 half-duplex METs in the United States, VARIOUS LOCATION: VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A2 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-1000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A1 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D 0.00 dBW BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A3 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D
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- N IN MD WMN837 085-42-43.9 W 0001318827 INDIANA RSA 2 PARTNERSHIP Lake Wawasee 05/21/2003 06675.00000 41-22-24.1 N IN MD WPNC755 084-51-24.8 W 0001318835 INDIANA RSA 2 PARTNERSHIP Fremont 05/21/2003 02124.80000 41-41-15.1 N IN MD WPNC755 084-51-24.8 W 0001318835 INDIANA RSA 2 PARTNERSHIP Fremont 05/21/2003 06605.00000 41-41-15.1 N IN MD WHB497 085-50-06.9 W 0001318838 INDIANA RSA 2 PARTNERSHIP WARSAW 05/21/2003 05945.20000 41-11-00.1 N IN MD WHB497 085-50-06.9 W 0001318838 INDIANA RSA 2 PARTNERSHIP WARSAW 05/21/2003 06034.15000 41-11-00.1 N IN MD WHB497 085-50-06.9 W 0001318838 INDIANA RSA 2 PARTNERSHIP WARSAW 05/21/2003 06063.80000 41-11-00.1 N IN MD WHB497 085-50-06.9 W 0001318838 INDIANA RSA 2 PARTNERSHIP WARSAW 05/21/2003 06123.10000 41-11-00.1 N IN MD WPJA801 086-07-09.0 W 0001318930 Cellco Partnership dba Verizon WirelessBOURBON 05/21/2003 06286.19000 41-18-38.1
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- Las Vegas 06/10/2003 06585.00000 36-08-36.0 N Page 32 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NY NE 073-58-31.6 W 0001344277 State of New York, Division of State PoliceNew York 06/11/2003 18005.00000 40-45-05.7 N TX NE 101-55-07.7 W 0001344361 CANYON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTCANYON 06/11/2003 19540.00000 34-58-00.1 N MA NE 071-01-48.2 W 0001344787 MASSPORT AUTHORITY EAST BOSTON 06/11/2003 21875.00000 42-22-24.3 N MA NE 071-00-11.2 W 0001344997 MASSPORT AUTHORITY EAST BOSTON 06/11/2003 23525.00000 42-22-17.4 N MA NE 070-59-35.2 W 0001345001 MASSPORT AUTHORITY EAST BOSTON 06/11/2003 23375.00000 42-21-26.4 N MA NE 071-00-27.2 W 0001345006 MASSPORT AUTHORITY EAST BOSTON 06/11/2003 22325.00000 42-21-19.4 N MA NE 071-01-14.2 W 0001345008 MASSPORT AUTHORITY
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- GROUP, LLC MARSHFIELD 06/20/2003 00948.37500 - 00948.62500 44-41-04.8 N WI MD WLD302 090-09-44.4 W 0001356241 NEWRADIO GROUP, LLC MARSHFIELD 06/20/2003 00948.62500 44-41-04.8 N Page 4 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL MD WLG931 088-50-45.2 W 0001356260 NEWRADIO GROUP, LLC OTTAWA 06/20/2003 00949.00000 41-21-00.1 N WI MD WGV674 089-11-22.0 W 0001356358 NEWRADIO GROUP, LLC Summit Lake 06/20/2003 00948.50000 45-22-50.0 N CA MD WDD706 117-16-58.0 W 0001356509 ALL-PRO BROADCASTING, INC. SAN BERNARDINO 06/20/2003 00947.50000 34-04-04.0 N IA MD WDT938 096-23-06.0 W 0001356710 POWELL BROADCASTING COMPANY, ISioux City 06/20/2003 00948.00000 42-32-04.0 N GA NE 083-16-12.5 W 0001293671 MAGNUM BROADCASTING, INC. VALDOSTA 06/17/2003 00945.87500 - 00946.12500 30-47-15.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-236625A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-236625A1.txt
- actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective dates of the actions are the dates specified. Vistar Data Communications, Inc. E030120 SES-LIC-20030403-00695P Date Effective: 07/14/2003 Class of Station: Mobile Earth Station Grant of Authority 07/14/2003 - 07/14/2018 Application for Authority Nature of Service:Mobile Satellite Service SITE ID: 1 70,000 half-duplex METs in the United States, VARIOUS LOCATION: VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A1 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A2 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A3 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000
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- PARTNERSHIPLOS ANGELES 07/16/2003 00951.50000 34-09-12.0 N FL AM WPJF662 084-17-07.6 W 0001341822 CLEAR CHANNEL BROADCASTING LICTALLAHASSEE 07/16/2003 00946.00000 30-28-20.7 N WI AM WLD302 090-09-44.4 W 0001356241 NEWRADIO GROUP, LLC MARSHFIELD 07/15/2003 00948.37500 44-41-04.8 N WI AM WLD302 090-09-44.4 W 0001356241 NEWRADIO GROUP, LLC MARSHFIELD 07/15/2003 00948.62500 44-41-04.8 N IL AM WLG931 088-50-45.2 W 0001356260 NEWRADIO GROUP, LLC OTTAWA 07/15/2003 00949.00000 41-21-00.1 N WI AM WGV674 089-11-22.0 W 0001356358 NEWRADIO GROUP, LLC Summit Lake 07/15/2003 00948.50000 45-22-50.0 N MA AM WLP603 072-37-06.0 W 0001383064 SAGA COMMUNICATIONS OF NEW ENGGreenfield 07/17/2003 00945.37500 42-35-21.0 N MA AM WLP603 072-37-06.0 W 0001383064 SAGA COMMUNICATIONS OF NEW ENGGreenfield 07/17/2003 00945.62500 42-35-21.0 N MA MD WLP603 072-37-06.0 W 0001383064 SAGA COMMUNICATIONS OF NEW ENGGreenfield 07/15/2003 00945.37500 42-35-21.0
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- W 0001309693 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF MILLSTONE TOWN 07/24/2003 06805.00000 40-12-02.4 N NJ AM WNEL598 074-55-56.5 W 0001309912 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF BERLIN 07/24/2003 06775.00000 39-48-14.4 N NJ AM WNEL600 074-44-55.5 W 0001309930 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF MULLICAN 07/24/2003 06585.00000 39-36-06.4 N NJ AM WNEL600 074-44-55.5 W 0001309930 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF MULLICAN 07/24/2003 06615.00000 39-36-06.4 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001352862 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 07/23/2003 06745.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001352862 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 07/23/2003 06785.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001352862 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 07/23/2003 06805.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001352862 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 07/23/2003 06845.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001352862 TACOMA, CITY
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- State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NJ AM 074-10-07.2 W 0001167950 Aeronautical Radio Inc Newark 07/31/2003 00130.80000 40-41-32.9 N CO RM KSZ2 104-38-11.0 W 0001396346 GREELEY WELD COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY Greeley 07/28/2003 00122.80000 40-25-34.0 N CO RM KSZ2 104-38-01.9 W 0001396346 GREELEY WELD COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY GREELEY 07/28/2003 00122.80000 40-25--00.1 N RO KMZ6 0001396334 NEVADA, CITY OF 07/28/2003 RO WWV5 0001396832 D M AIRPORT DEVELOPERS INC 07/28/2003 RO WET5 0001399375 IBERIA PARISH AIRPORT AUTHORITY 07/29/2003 Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RO KBG2 0001400652 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 07/30/2003 RO KCH5 0001400653 AERONAUTICAL
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- River Authority Hempstead 08/15/2003 06620.62500 30-04-38.1 N TX NE 096-15-20.4 W 0001419348 Lower Colorado River Authority Bellville 08/15/2003 06560.62500 29-55-29.7 N WI NE 088-38-54.0 W 0001420089 DODGE, COUNTY OF JUNEAU 08/15/2003 00953.55000 43-22-42.0 N MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001352862 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 08/14/2003 06745.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001352862 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 08/14/2003 06785.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001352862 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 08/14/2003 06805.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001352862 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 08/14/2003 06845.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001352862 TACOMA, CITY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-238192A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-238192A1.pdf
- the Commission's Rules (``Rules''), by failing to register the antenna structure. We find Morris Communications apparently liable for forfeiture in the amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000). II. BACKGROUND On May 7, 2002, an agent of the FCC Enforcement Bureau's Atlanta Office (``Atlanta Office'') inspected the tower located at 33° 58' 12'' North Latitude and 79° 02' 03 West Longitude, 0.1 of a mile south of the intersection of Costie Allen Road and Cartrette Road, in Adrian, South Carolina. The agent noted that the structure was painted and had lighting however the tower was not registered with the Commission. On May 22, 2002, the agent held a telephone conversation with Trace Morris, Morris Communications, and verified that the antenna structure was
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-239008A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-239008A1.txt
- Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WY NE 106-27-52.1 W 0001444706 Aeronautical Radio Inc. Casper 09/09/2003 00136.97500 42-54-30.1 N VT NE 072-56-58.6 W 0001444729 Aeronautical Radio Inc. Rutland 09/09/2003 00128.92500 43-31-47.7 N CA NE 128-30-30.6 W 0001448497 Aviation Consultants Inc. San Luis Obispo 09/11/2003 00122.95000 34-14-12.6 N TN RM KML8 087-36-00.1 W 0001448091 LEWIS, COUNTY OF HOHENWALD 09/11/2003 00122.80000 35-33-00.3 N RO WHS7 0001443011 CHALET SUZANNE AVIATION INC 09/08/2003 RO WCV7 0001443138 OREGON, STATE OF 09/08/2003 RO KPA4 0001443147 OREGON, STATE OF 09/08/2003 RO KA98444 0001443342 CHEVRON USA INC 09/08/2003 RO KA98452 0001443343 CHEVRON USA INC 09/08/2003 RO KA98456 0001443344 CHEVRON USA INC 09/08/2003 RO KA98460 0001443345 CHEVRON USA INC 09/08/2003
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-239081A3.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-239081A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-239081A3.txt
- this Commission would be better advised to focus its attention on ways to promote minority participation in our media and to do it before the next wave of consolidation makes a complete mockery of that objective. Although they make up 13 percent of our population -- 38 million strong -- Latinos own only 1.8 percent of all radio stations and 0.1 percent of all television stations. Latinos are under-represented not only in boardrooms, but in newsrooms as well. And according to the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, those numbers continue to trend down. The record is clear on that and it is cause for alarm because additional consolidation can only reduce opportunities for Latinos and other minorities in this country. One
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-239131A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-239131A1.txt
- AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City HI NE 156-25-49.7 W 0001451531 Aeronautical Radio Inc. Kahului 09/15/2003 00130.80000 20-53-55.1 N WA NE 122-31-52.6 W 0001456892 Bellingham Aviation Services Bellingham 09/19/2003 00122.95000 48-47-38.4 N IL RM KXW3 089-06-00.4 W 0001452265 Emery Air Inc. ROCKFORD 09/16/2003 00122.95000 42-12-00.1 N ID RM KYJ4 111-49-02.9 W 0001452692 FRISBY, R CRAIG REXBURG 09/16/2003 00122.80000 43-48-59.7 N RO WMU7 0001450397 SUPERIOR AVIATION INC 09/15/2003 RO WAM2 0001450839 CLARKSVILLE, CITY OF 09/15/2003 RO WQD3 0001451868 LINDEN AIR SERVICES CORPORATION 09/11/2003 RO KAZ4 0001452826 RICK AVIATION INC 09/16/2003 RO KKX5 0001453625 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION 09/17/2003 RO WKE6 0001454180 FRESNO, CITY OF 09/17/2003 RO WHQ2
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- Department Whittier 09/23/2003 17765.00000 34-01-05.0 N CA NE 118-01-51.2 W 0001460678 El Monte Police Department El Monte 09/23/2003 19325.00000 34-04-14.0 N MD NE 076-57-09.0 W 0001461123 CHARLES, COUNTY OF La Plata 09/24/2003 06004.50000 38-24-39.0 N MD NE 076-57-09.0 W 0001461123 CHARLES, COUNTY OF La Plata 09/24/2003 06093.45000 38-24-39.0 N MI NE 083-37-47.1 W 0001462587 CITY OF BURTON BURTON 09/25/2003 00932.49375 42-58-00.1 N MI NE 083-37-47.1 W 0001462587 CITY OF BURTON BURTON 09/25/2003 00941.49375 42-58-00.1 N MI NE 083-36-57.8 W 0001462605 CITY OF BURTON BURNTON 09/25/2003 00932.44375 43-02-00.0 N MI NE 083-36-57.8 W 0001462605 CITY OF BURTON BURNTON 09/25/2003 00941.44375 43-02-00.0 N AL NE 087-31-58.8 W 0001464473 CITY OF TUSCALOOSA TUSCALOOSA 09/26/2003 00928.64375 33-14-38.0 N Page 28 MW - Microwave Public Safety
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- 34-14-05.1 N AL MD WPNN225 087-26-35.1 W 0001467646 ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. FRISCO CITY 09/30/2003 02115.20000 31-28-41.4 N AL MD WPNN225 087-26-35.1 W 0001467646 ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. FRISCO CITY 09/30/2003 06197.24000 31-28-41.4 N CA MD WMP212 116-58-14.1 W 0001467905 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC RAMONA 09/30/2003 10618.12500 33-00-32.2 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0001468079 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 09/30/2003 10568.12500 33-24-00.1 N FL MD WLM925 080-12-39.7 W 0001468122 Florida Cellular Service, LLC MIAMI 09/30/2003 05974.85000 25-50-57.2 N FL MD WLM925 080-12-39.7 W 0001468122 Florida Cellular Service, LLC MIAMI 09/30/2003 06063.80000 25-50-57.2 N Page 17 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City FL
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- NC MD WML588 079-36-50.0 W 0001475313 USCOC OF NORTH CAROLINA RSA #7,REIDSVILLE 10/07/2003 06063.80000 36-21-47.0 N NC MD WML588 079-36-50.0 W 0001475313 USCOC OF NORTH CAROLINA RSA #7,REIDSVILLE 10/07/2003 06590.00000 36-21-47.0 N ID MD WPVS856 116-30-34.0 W 0001475319 PACIFIC BELL WIRELESS NORTHWESTSANDPOINT 10/07/2003 17935.00000 48-13-44.6 N IN MD WHB497 085-50-06.9 W 0001475353 Indiana RSA 2 Limited Partnership WARSAW 10/07/2003 05945.20000 41-11-00.1 N IN MD WHB497 085-50-06.9 W 0001475353 Indiana RSA 2 Limited Partnership WARSAW 10/07/2003 06034.15000 41-11-00.1 N IN MD WHB497 085-50-06.9 W 0001475353 Indiana RSA 2 Limited Partnership WARSAW 10/07/2003 06034.15000 41-11-00.1 N IN MD WHB497 085-50-06.9 W 0001475353 Indiana RSA 2 Limited Partnership WARSAW 10/07/2003 06063.80000 41-11-00.1 N IN MD WHB497 085-50-06.9 W 0001475353 Indiana RSA 2 Limited Partnership
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- 0001481157 SUSQUEHANNA KANSAS CITY PARTNEMISSION 10/14/2003 00948.50000 39-01-24.0 N Page 4 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA MD WPNC379 078-31-01.0 W 0001481318 STU-COMM, INC. CHARLOTTESVILLE 10/14/2003 00946.50000 38-02-44.2 N KY MD WPON252 085-54-59.8 W 0001481331 HART COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS, INCHorse Cave 10/14/2003 00947.50000 37-10-00.1 N KY MD WPON253 085-51-47.1 W 0001481420 HART COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS, INCHorse Cave 10/14/2003 00949.87500 37-11-04.2 N NV MD WPNF699 119-48-31.7 W 0001482019 NM LICENSING, LLC Reno 10/14/2003 00945.00000 39-31-38.7 N MO MD WGV758 094-47-35.0 W 0001482174 EAGLE RADIO, INC ST JOSEPH 10/14/2003 00951.50000 39-46-46.0 N OR MD WLP545 123-21-51.0 W 0001482222 BROOKE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ROSEBURG 10/14/2003 00951.82500 43-12-23.0 N CA
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- MD KC62894 P 090-56-09.4 W 0001483323 LIBCO, INC. JONESBORO 10/15/2003 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 35-53-17.2 N Page 43 TP - TV Pickup State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MN MD KB96717 P 093-12-28.0 W 0001483335 HUBBARD BROADCASTING, INC. ST PAUL 10/15/2003 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 44-58-09.0 N MS MD KB97066 P 088-55-00.1 W 0001483462 LIBCO, INC. BILOXI 10/15/2003 01990.00000 - 02008.00000 30-24-00.7 N MS MD KB97066 P 088-55-00.1 W 0001483462 LIBCO, INC. BILOXI 10/15/2003 01990.00000 - 02008.00000 30-24-00.7 N MS MD KB97066 P 088-55-00.1 W 0001483462 LIBCO, INC. BILOXI 10/15/2003 02008.00000 - 02025.00000 30-24-00.7 N MS MD KB97066 P 088-55-00.1 W 0001483462 LIBCO, INC. BILOXI 10/15/2003 02025.00000 - 02042.00000 30-24-00.7 N MS
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- Packages Calling Party Pays (CPP), Mobile Party Pays (MPP) 25 35 35 50 40 0.6 0.2 0.15 0.2 0.4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Little Smart 1 (CPP) Little Smart 2 (CPP) Mobile A: China Mobile/Unicom local plan (MPP) Mobile B: China Mobile national plan (MPP) Mobile 3: Unicom national plan (MPP) Yuan pe r mo nth 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Yua n p er m inu te Monthly fee Usage fee per minute The growth of wireless local loop service in China and India is compelling because these markets have sufficient scale to foster technological innovations that meet the particular needs of developing economies. We are aware that other wireless local loop technologies, 16
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- waiver of Footnote NG104 of Section 2.106 of the Commission's rules limited operations in the 10.7- 11.7 GHz and 12.75-13.25 GHz frequency bands by FSS networks to international systems. In addition, Iridium seeks a waiver of Section 25.210(j) of the Commission's rules requiring FSS satellite to maintain a longitudinal stationkeeping tolerance of 0.05 degrees. Iridium proposes a stationkeeping tolerance of 0.1 degrees in accordance with ITU Radio Regulation 22.8. Iridium's services will continue to be offered on a non-common carrier basis. Page 2 of 2
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- N TX MD WPQR920 099-08-17.1 W 0001513432 TEXAS ELECTRONIC TRANSPORT COMKERRVILLE 11/12/2003 06315.84000 30-03-51.8 N TX MD WPQR920 099-08-17.1 W 0001513432 TEXAS ELECTRONIC TRANSPORT COMKERRVILLE 11/12/2003 06345.49000 30-03-51.8 N TX MD WPQR920 099-08-17.1 W 0001513432 TEXAS ELECTRONIC TRANSPORT COMKERRVILLE 11/12/2003 06375.14000 30-03-51.8 N TX MD WPQR920 099-08-17.1 W 0001513432 TEXAS ELECTRONIC TRANSPORT COMKERRVILLE 11/12/2003 06404.79000 30-03-51.8 N TX MD WPQR918 098-43-00.1 W 0001513436 TEXAS ELECTRONIC TRANSPORT COMSISTERDALE 11/12/2003 06197.24000 30-06-43.0 N TX MD WPQR918 098-43-00.1 W 0001513436 TEXAS ELECTRONIC TRANSPORT COMSISTERDALE 11/12/2003 06197.24000 30-06-43.0 N TX MD WPQR918 098-43-00.1 W 0001513436 TEXAS ELECTRONIC TRANSPORT COMSISTERDALE 11/12/2003 06226.89000 30-06-43.0 N TX MD WPQR918 098-43-00.1 W 0001513436 TEXAS ELECTRONIC TRANSPORT COMSISTERDALE 11/12/2003 06256.54000 30-06-43.0 N TX MD WPQR918 098-43-00.1 W 0001513436 TEXAS ELECTRONIC
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- ME MD KYZ86 070-07-57.2 W 0001517143 YANKEE MICROWAVE INC LIVERMORE FALLS 11/17/2003 05974.85000 44-29-00.2 N Page 6 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NH MD WMT705 071-51-26.2 W 0001517167 YANKEE MICROWAVE INC WARNER 11/17/2003 06034.15000 43-23-00.2 N OR MD WPJB313 121-14-00.1 W 0001517321 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES OF OREGON INC WARM SPRINGS 11/17/2003 06550.00000 44-50-23.4 N OR MD WPJB314 120-50-12.0 W 0001517330 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES OF OREGON INC SHANIKO 11/17/2003 06730.00000 45-01-28.0 N TX MD WLK448 094-48-19.7 W 0001517429 GTE MOBILNET OF SOUTH TEXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP GALVESTON 11/17/2003 06197.24000 29-17-55.8 N IN MD WHS941 086-11-05.0 W 0001517539 Westel-Indianapolis LLC INDIANAPOLIS 11/17/2003 02124.80000
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- County of El Centro 12/03/2003 06615.00000 32-44-54.8 N CA AM WPXT495 115-33-51.6 W 0001532520 San Diego, County of El Centro 12/03/2003 06635.00000 32-44-54.8 N CA AM WPXT495 115-33-51.6 W 0001532520 San Diego, County of El Centro 12/03/2003 06745.00000 32-44-54.8 N CA AM WPXT495 115-33-51.6 W 0001532520 San Diego, County of El Centro 12/03/2003 10603.12500 32-44-54.8 N IL MD WNEU745 R 087-38-00.1 W 0001531011 ILLINOIS STATE TOLL HIGHWAY AUTH 12/01/2003 06093.45000 41-34-00.1 N IL MD WNEU745 R 087-38-00.1 W 0001531011 ILLINOIS STATE TOLL HIGHWAY AUTH 12/01/2003 06345.49000 41-34-00.1 N IL MD WNEU745 R 087-38-00.1 W 0001531011 ILLINOIS STATE TOLL HIGHWAY AUTH 12/01/2003 06535.00000 41-34-00.1 N IL MD WNEU745 R 087-38-00.1 W 0001531011 ILLINOIS STATE TOLL HIGHWAY AUTH 12/01/2003 06575.00000 41-34-00.1 N HI
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- 118-50-36.9 W 0001518459 Umatilla County CSEPP Pendelton 12/11/2003 06545.00000 45-40-24.4 N OR AM 118-50-36.9 W 0001518459 Umatilla County CSEPP Pendelton 12/11/2003 06665.00000 45-40-24.4 N Page 28 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA AM 076-19-18.2 W 0001521466 VIRGINIA PORT AUTHORITY NORFOLK 12/11/2003 19440.00000 36-55-00.1 N MO AM WNEZ407 094-34-00.8 W 0001541052 KANSAS CITY AREA TRANSPORTATIONKANSAS CITY 12/11/2003 00942.57500 39-05-36.0 N MO AM WNEZ407 094-34-00.8 W 0001541052 KANSAS CITY AREA TRANSPORTATIONKANSAS CITY 12/11/2003 00954.90000 39-05-36.0 N MO AM WNEZ406 094-29-06.8 W 0001541096 KANSAS CITY AREA TRANSPORTATIONKANSAS CITY 12/11/2003 00933.57500 39-04-23.0 N MO AM WNEZ406 094-29-06.8 W 0001541096 KANSAS CITY AREA TRANSPORTATIONKANSAS CITY 12/11/2003 00958.50000 39-04-23.0
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- N CA MD KNDB919 114-49-49.9 W 0001550042 NEXTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. GLAMIS 12/17/2003 00860.45000 33-03-32.1 N CA MD KNDB919 116-56-10.1 W 0001550042 NEXTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. SAN DIEGO 12/17/2003 00860.45000 32-41-47.2 N CA MD KNDB919 116-56-10.1 W 0001550042 NEXTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. SAN DIEGO 12/17/2003 00860.45000 32-41-47.2 N CA MD WNHJ729 117-39-08.2 W 0001553332 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS INC CORONA 12/22/2003 00851.78750 33-51-00.1 N CA MD WNHJ729 118-03-59.2 W 0001553332 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS INC EL MONTE 12/22/2003 00851.78750 34-04-18.0 N CA MD WNHJ729 117-42-19.2 W 0001553332 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS INC GLENDORA 12/22/2003 00851.78750 34-11-17.0 N CA MD WNHJ729 117-18-54.2 W 0001553332 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS INC SAN BERNARDINO 12/22/2003 00851.78750 34-09-33.0 N CA MD WNHJ729 117-48-49.2 W 0001553332 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS INC SAN DIMAS 12/22/2003 00851.78750 34-04-18.0 N
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- 06625.00000 38-20-53.5 N CA AM WNTP295 122-38-05.9 W 0001523426 MARIN, COUNTY OF WOODACRE 12/30/2003 06795.00000 38-00-24.7 N CA AM WNTP295 122-38-05.9 W 0001523426 MARIN, COUNTY OF WOODACRE 12/30/2003 06795.62500 38-00-24.7 N AZ AM 110-17-53.6 W 0001546243 Cochise, County of Benson 12/30/2003 18005.00000 31-58-04.0 N AZ AM 110-05-36.5 W 0001546292 Cochise, County of Dragoon 12/30/2003 19565.00000 32-01-02.0 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001554589 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 12/29/2003 06745.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001554589 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 12/29/2003 10715.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001554589 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 12/29/2003 11185.00000 47-16-10.6 N Page 16 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant
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- HOSPITAL SYSTEM INC PAINESVILLE 01/05/2004 17760.00000 41-43-22.1 N Page 20 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH MD WNTW534 081-14-33.3 W 0001567647 LAKE HOSPITAL SYSTEM INC PAINESVILLE 01/05/2004 17880.00000 41-43-22.1 N OH MD WPJE574 081-18-08.3 W 0001567773 LAKE HOSPITAL SYSTEM INC MENTOR 01/05/2004 19320.00000 41-41-00.1 N OH MD WPJE574 081-18-08.3 W 0001567773 LAKE HOSPITAL SYSTEM INC MENTOR 01/05/2004 19440.00000 41-41-00.1 N TX MD WPXG735 101-57-49.4 W 0001567924 Exxon Communications Company MIDLAND 01/06/2004 00928.74375 31-48-31.6 N TX MD WPXG735 101-57-49.4 W 0001567924 Exxon Communications Company MIDLAND 01/06/2004 00952.74375 31-48-31.6 N AZ MD WPRW601 111-48-41.0 W 0001570310 Salt River Project Agricultural ImprovemenNorth Fountain Hills 01/07/2004 00928.38125 33-38-39.0
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- N WA AM WPUW202 122-03-00.4 W 0001489532 KING, COUNTY OF ISSAQUAH 01/16/2004 06715.00000 47-30-19.4 N WA AM WPUW202 122-03-00.4 W 0001489532 KING, COUNTY OF ISSAQUAH 01/16/2004 06840.00000 47-30-19.4 N LA AM WPNB268 092-30-00.6 W 0001542489 ALEXANDRIA, CITY OF Alexandria 01/13/2004 00928.78125 31-17-53.1 N LA AM WPNB268 092-30-00.6 W 0001542489 ALEXANDRIA, CITY OF Alexandria 01/13/2004 00952.78125 31-17-53.1 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001554589 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 01/14/2004 06745.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001554589 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 01/14/2004 10715.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001554589 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 01/14/2004 11185.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW69 122-31-00.1 W 0001554589 TACOMA, CITY OF TACOMA 01/14/2004 11185.00000 47-16-10.6 N WA AM KXW72 122-19-19.4 W 0001556218 TACOMA, CITY
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- a C/N+I = 9.1 dB is listed in the text. The PFD for Chicago, based on the eirp of 52.7 dBW and 24 MHz bandwidth, is calculated to be -123.59 dBW/m2/MHz. Ifthe interfkrence hm all Tweeners results in an adjacent satellite C/I = 25.66 dB, then the CNR, using the above parameters, is reduced fiom 9.17 to 9.07 dB, a 0.1 dB degradation (the allowance for rain in this link is 3.7 dB). This corresponds to a PFD limitation of -124.85 dBW/m2/MHz. Thus the Tweener eirp is reduced by 1.74 dB, covonding to an increase in the size of the subscriber earth station hm 45 to 52 centimeters. Ifthe interference hm all Tweeners results in an adjacent satellite C/I = 28.9
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243428A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243428A1.txt
- earth station, identity of the earth station and geographical coordinates of the antenna site: Cheyenne Earth Station Latitude: 41 "7'56" N Longitude: 104'44'9" W c) For associated earth station: 1) Class of StatiodNature of Service: TC, OT 2) Isotropic gain of the antenna in the direction of maximum radiation: 65 dBi 3) Beamwidth in degrees between the half power points: 0.1 " 4) Radiation pattern of the antenna: CO-pOlar : 29-2510g(0) for 1" < 0 = 7" +8 dBi for 7" < 0 = 9.2" 32-25108(0) dBi for 9.2" < 0 = 48" -10 dBi for 48' < 0 = 180" Cross-polar: 19-251og(0) for 1.8" < 8 = 7" -2 dBi for 7" < 8 = 180" 6) Equivalent diameter of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243429A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243429A1.txt
- associated earth station, identity of the earth station and geographical coordinates of the antenna site: Cheyenne Earth Station Latitude: 41'7'56'' N Longitude: 104'44'9" W c) For associated earth station: 1) Class of StatiodNature of Service: TC, OT 2) Isotropic gain of the antenna in the direction of maximum radiation: 65 dBi 3) Beamwidth in degrees between the half power points: 0.1 ' 4) Radiation pattern of the antenna: co-poiar : 29-25iog(e) for 1' < 8 4= 7' +8 dBi for 7' < 8 4= 9.2' 32-25108(8) dBi for 9.2' < 8 = 48' -10 dBi for 48" < 8 = 180' Cross-polar: 19-2510g(8) for 1.8' < 8 = 7' -2 dBi for 7" < 8 4= 180' 6) Equivalent diameter of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243430A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243430A1.txt
- associated earth station, identity of the earth station and geographical coordinates of the antenna site: Cheyenne Earth Station Latitude: 41'7'56" N Longitude: 104'44'9'' W c) For associated earth station: 1) Class of StatiodNature of Service: TC, OT 2) Isotropic gain of the antenna in the direction of maximum radiation: 65 dBi 3) Beamwidth in degrees between the half power points: 0.1 " 4) Radiation pattern of the antenna: co-poiar 29-25iog(e) for 1" < 8 = 7" +8 dBi for 7" < 8 = 9.2" 32-2510g(8) dBi for 9.2" < 8 = 48" -10 dBi for 48" < 8 = 180" Cross-polar: 19-2510g(8) for 1.8" < 8 = 7" -2 dBi for 7" < 8 = 180" 6) Equivalent diameter of the
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- 02/05/2004 00129.25000 37-21-42.7 N AZ NE 111-39-19.7 W 0001606847 Aeronautical Radio, Inc Chandler 02/05/2004 00129.25000 33-18-28.2 N OR NE 122-56-59.4 W 0001606860 Aeronautical Radio, Inc Hillsboro 02/05/2004 00129.80000 45-32-25.4 N MO NE 092-40-50.0 W 0001607012 City of Osage Beach Osage Beach 02/05/2004 00122.80000 38-06-38.0 N KS RM KFY2 100-44-01.6 W 0001603460 CITY OF GARDEN CITY KANSAS GARDEN CITY 01/20/2004 00122.95000 37-56-00.1 N Page 2 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City KS RM KFY2 100-44-01.6 W 0001603460 CITY OF GARDEN CITY KANSAS GARDEN CITY 01/20/2004 00123.00000 37-56-00.1 N RO KFG8 0001601761 CHAMBERLAIN, CITY OF 02/02/2004 RO WKB2 0001601765 CRAIG AIR CENTER INC 02/02/2004 RO KDM8 0001603571
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- highlight the differences in the operational constraints for new entrants with 4.5" and 6" separation. In order to fully examine these different spacing scenarios, New Skies has also considered the protection that would be afforded to new entrants by the existing DBS system at 119" W.L. The assumptions used in the analysis are described below: a) Total station-keeping accuracy of 0.1' The current practice of commercial satellite operators is to operate their satellites within a station-keeping box of +0.05". Assuming the worst-case scenario in which a new entrant's satellite drifts towards the edge of the station-keeping box of an incumbent's existing satellite (or vice versa), the total worst-case station- keeping accuracy is 0.1 '. b) Mis-pointing of 0.5' for the receiving
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243985A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243985A1.txt
- 0001612820 WWC Holding Co., Inc. MANKATO 02/10/2004 11245.00000 44-10-01.8 N WV MD WPNL456 078-57-19.0 W 0001613415 USCOC OF CUMBERLAND, INC. KEYSER 02/11/2004 06585.00000 39-24-58.0 N WV MD WMR418 079-07-24.0 W 0001613447 USCOC OF CUMBERLAND, INC. SULPHUR CITY 02/11/2004 02165.20000 39-20-44.0 N WV MD WMR418 079-07-24.0 W 0001613447 USCOC OF CUMBERLAND, INC. SULPHUR CITY 02/11/2004 06745.00000 39-20-44.0 N CA MD WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0001613543 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOS ALAMOS 02/11/2004 05935.32000 34-50-05.6 N CA MD WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0001613543 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOS ALAMOS 02/11/2004 06111.36400 34-50-05.6 N CA MD WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0001613543 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOS ALAMOS 02/11/2004 10647.50000 34-50-05.6 N CA MD WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0001613543 AT&T Wireless Services of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244534A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244534A1.txt
- as Exhibit A is a complete, corrected copy of the Technical Appendix. Specifically, Pegasus replaces paragraphs six and seven of section 4.2, page A-4 of the Technical Appendix as follows: If the interference from all Tweeners results in an adjacent satellite C/I = 25.66 dB, then the CNR, using the above parameters, is reduced from 9.17 to 9.07 dB, a 0.1 dB degradation (the allowance for rain in this link is 3.7 dB). This corresponds to a single Tweener PFD of -135.0 dBW/m2/MHz. Thus the Tweener eirp is reduced by 1 1.4 dB, corresponding to an increase in the size of the subscriber earth station from 45 to 167 centimeters. If the interference from all Tweeners results in an adjacent satellite
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244676A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244676A1.txt
- associated earth station, identity of the earth station and geographical coordinates of the antenna site: Cheyenne Earth Station Latitude: 41'7'56'' N Longitude: 104'44'9" W c) For associated earth station: 1) Class of StatiodNature of Service: TC, OT 2) Isotropic gain of the antenna in the direction of maximum radiation: 65 dBi 3) Beamwidth in degrees between the half power points: 0.1 ' 4) Radiation pattern of the antenna: co-poiar : 29-25iog(e) for 1' < 8 4= 7' +8 dBi for 7' < 8 4= 9.2' 32-25108(8) dBi for 9.2' < 8 = 48' -10 dBi for 48" < 8 = 180' Cross-polar: 19-2510g(8) for 1.8' < 8 = 7' -2 dBi for 7" < 8 4= 180' 6) Equivalent diameter of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244679A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244679A1.txt
- earth station, identity of the earth station and geographical coordinates of the antenna site: Cheyenne Earth Station Latitude: 41 "7'56" N Longitude: 104'44'9" W c) For associated earth station: 1) Class of StatiodNature of Service: TC, OT 2) Isotropic gain of the antenna in the direction of maximum radiation: 65 dBi 3) Beamwidth in degrees between the half power points: 0.1 " 4) Radiation pattern of the antenna: CO-pOlar : 29-2510g(0) for 1" < 0 = 7" +8 dBi for 7" < 0 = 9.2" 32-25108(0) dBi for 9.2" < 0 = 48" -10 dBi for 48' < 0 = 180" Cross-polar: 19-251og(0) for 1.8" < 8 = 7" -2 dBi for 7" < 8 = 180" 6) Equivalent diameter of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244722A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-244722A2.txt
- Millions of Cu stomers 41 million 51 million Source: Pace Coalition 2 High Speed Line Growth 1999 High Speed Line Growth 1999--2003 2003 Source: FCC's High Speed Services for Internet Access Report, 12/03 High Speed Lines (millions) Cable, 1.4 Cable, 13.7 ADSL, 0.4 ADSL, 7.7 Other Wireline, 0.6 Other Wireline, 1.2 Fiber, 0.3 Fiber, 0.6 Satellite/Fixed Wireless, 0.3 Satellite/Fixed Wireless, 0.1 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 21.0 24.0 1999 2003 23.5 million 3 DSL Price Drop DSL Price Drop 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Feb. 2002 Feb. 2004 Verizon SBC Doll ars Source: Wall Street Journal, Nov. 28, 2003 4 Voice & Broadband Competition Voice & Broadband Competition ILEC vs. CLEC Market Share of Residential and Small
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-245058A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-245058A1.txt
- W 0001649045 California Rural Service Area #1, Inc. Revendale 03/10/2004 06093.45000 41-09-18.8 N CA MD WPTP352 120-33-49.6 W 0001649045 California Rural Service Area #1, Inc. Revendale 03/10/2004 06680.62500 41-09-18.8 N CA MD WPTB971 120-32-54.0 W 0001649116 California Rural Service Area #1, Inc. ALTURAS 03/10/2004 06685.00000 41-29-00.0 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0001649374 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 03/10/2004 05945.20000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0001649374 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 03/10/2004 05974.85000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0001649374 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 03/10/2004 06123.10000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0001649374 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 03/10/2004 06160.16000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0001649374 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 03/10/2004 10556.25000 33-24-00.1
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- has filed an application for authority to launch and operate a replacement Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) space station at the 85° W.L. orbital location. The satellite will operate in the 2332.5-2345 MHz and 7025-7075 MHz frequency bands. XM Radio requests a waiver of section 25.210(j) of the Commission rules to permit an East-West station keeping tolerance of +/- 0.1°. XM Radio Inc. S2617 SAT-RPL-20040212-00019E Replacement Satellite Application (no new frequency) 02/12/2004 18:38:42:50000 Date Filed: XM Radio Inc. has filed an application for authority to launch and operate a replacement Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) space station at the 115° W.L. orbital location. The satellite will operate in the 2332.5-2345 MHz and 7025-7075 MHz frequency bands. In addition, XM
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- City AL MD WNTF275 085-48-56.0 W 0001662150 Alabama Power Company Chulafinee 03/18/2004 00952.49375 33-29-15.0 N AL MD WNTF275 085-48-56.0 W 0001662150 Alabama Power Company Chulafinee 03/18/2004 00952.78125 33-29-15.0 N AL MD WPUT996 086-48-02.9 W 0001662181 Alabama Power Company Hoover 03/18/2004 00932.29375 33-23-40.3 N AL MD WPUT996 086-48-02.9 W 0001662181 Alabama Power Company Hoover 03/18/2004 00941.29375 33-23-40.3 N NY MD WPOT478 073-59-00.1 W 0001663006 SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS NEW YORK 03/18/2004 21975.00000 40-44-14.0 N NY MD WPOU624 073-59-41.8 W 0001663011 SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS NEW YORK 03/18/2004 23175.00000 40-44-29.8 N LA NE 089-21-27.0 W 0001655218 DEVON ENERGY CORPORATION VENICE 03/15/2004 00953.15000 29-15-30.0 N LA NE 089-21-11.1 W 0001655223 DEVON ENERGY CORPORATION VENICE 03/15/2004 00956.75000 29-16-11.7 N TX NE P 097-23-19.1 W 0001655456
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- Inc. OXNARD 03/31/2004 06256.54000 34-12-11.0 N CA AM WLL874 119-08-01.9 W 0001599611 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. OXNARD 03/31/2004 06315.84000 34-12-11.0 N CA AM WLL874 119-08-01.9 W 0001599611 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. OXNARD 03/31/2004 06345.49000 34-12-11.0 N CA AM WLL874 119-08-01.9 W 0001599611 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. OXNARD 03/31/2004 10715.00000 34-12-11.0 N CA AM WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0001613543 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOS ALAMOS 03/31/2004 05935.32000 34-50-05.6 N CA AM WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0001613543 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOS ALAMOS 03/31/2004 05974.85000 34-50-05.6 N CA AM WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0001613543 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOS ALAMOS 03/31/2004 06004.50000 34-50-05.6 N CA AM WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0001613543 AT&T Wireless Services of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-246057A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-246057A1.txt
- N IL MD WPNC454 088-19-22.0 W 0001687578 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS RSA PARTNERSHBARNHILL 04/07/2004 02124.80000 38-15-24.0 N IL MD WPNC454 088-19-22.0 W 0001687578 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS RSA PARTNERSHBARNHILL 04/07/2004 06565.62500 38-15-24.0 N IL MD WPNC454 088-19-22.0 W 0001687578 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS RSA PARTNERSHBARNHILL 04/07/2004 06585.00000 38-15-24.0 N IL MD WPNC454 088-19-22.0 W 0001687578 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS RSA PARTNERSHBARNHILL 04/07/2004 06645.00000 38-15-24.0 N IL MD WPNC456 088-18-00.1 W 0001687593 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS RSA PARTNERSHNORRIS CITY 04/07/2004 02118.40000 38-00-06.1 N IL MD WPNC456 088-18-00.1 W 0001687593 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS RSA PARTNERSHNORRIS CITY 04/07/2004 06595.00000 38-00-06.1 N IL MD WPNC453 088-34-04.0 W 0001687614 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS RSA PARTNERSHMC LEANSBORO 04/07/2004 02168.40000 38-03-11.0 N IL MD WPNC453 088-34-04.0 W 0001687614 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS RSA PARTNERSHMC LEANSBORO 04/07/2004 06256.54000 38-03-11.0 N IL MD WPNC453 088-34-04.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-246534A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-246534A1.txt
- 42-36-40.1 N MI RM KNKO294 083-27-00.9 W 0001704627 AMERITECH MOBILE SERVICES, INC.ALPENA 04/21/2004 00931.33750 45-04-43.0 N MI RM KNKO294 083-40-59.7 W 0001704627 AMERITECH MOBILE SERVICES, INC.ANN ARBOR EAST 04/21/2004 00931.33750 42-17-45.1 N MI RM KNKO294 083-43-12.7 W 0001704627 AMERITECH MOBILE SERVICES, INC.ANN HARBOR 04/21/2004 00931.33750 42-17-04.1 N MI RM KNKO294 083-14-29.7 W 0001704627 AMERITECH MOBILE SERVICES, INC.AUBURN HILLS 04/21/2004 00931.33750 42-39-00.1 N MI RM KNKO294 083-14-30.7 W 0001704627 AMERITECH MOBILE SERVICES, INC.AUBURN HILLS 04/21/2004 00931.33750 42-39-01.1 N MI RM KNKO294 082-54-25.7 W 0001704627 AMERITECH MOBILE SERVICES, INC.BAD AXE 04/21/2004 00931.33750 43-48-15.0 N MI RM KNKO294 085-50-23.2 W 0001704627 AMERITECH MOBILE SERVICES, INC.BALDWIN 04/21/2004 00931.33750 43-58-50.0 N MI RM KNKO294 083-31-24.9 W 0001704627 AMERITECH MOBILE SERVICES, INC.BARTON CITY 04/21/2004 00931.33750 44-42-11.0 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-246891A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-246891A1.txt
- N CA MD WMS223 117-09-07.9 W 0001715883 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNESUN CITY 04/28/2004 06345.49000 33-39-34.7 N CA MD WMS223 117-09-07.9 W 0001715883 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNESUN CITY 04/28/2004 06421.25000 33-39-34.7 N CA MD WMS223 117-09-07.9 W 0001715883 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNESUN CITY 04/28/2004 10578.75000 33-39-34.7 N NH MD WPON731 071-26-19.7 W 0001716032 Cellco Partnership Manchester 04/28/2004 06197.24000 43-00-00.1 N NH MD WPON731 071-26-19.7 W 0001716032 Cellco Partnership Manchester 04/28/2004 06226.89000 43-00-00.1 N NH MD WPON731 071-26-19.7 W 0001716032 Cellco Partnership Manchester 04/28/2004 06256.54000 43-00-00.1 N NH MD WPON731 071-26-19.7 W 0001716032 Cellco Partnership Manchester 04/28/2004 06345.49000 43-00-00.1 N NH MD WPON731 071-26-19.7 W 0001716032 Cellco Partnership Manchester 04/28/2004 10715.00000 43-00-00.1 N NH MD WPON731 071-26-19.7 W 0001716032 Cellco
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- Inc. LINDEN 05/07/2004 10622.50000 38-01-58.7 N CA MD WMM933 121-15-06.8 W 0001727840 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LODI 05/07/2004 10622.50000 38-08-29.7 N CA MD WMM934 121-04-51.7 W 0001727852 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. FARMINGTON 05/07/2004 10557.50000 38-10-58.7 N CA MD WMT849 121-08-45.7 W 0001727863 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. GLENNWOOD 05/07/2004 10557.50000 37-58-42.7 N MA MD WLW636 070-53-00.1 W 0001728585 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ACUSHNET 05/07/2004 10551.25000 41-42-01.3 N Page 2 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City SD MD KNKN429 099-21-25.5 W 0001727529 WWC License L.L.C. Burke 05/06/2004 43-12-28.8 N SD MD KNKN429 098-54-00.6 W 0001727529 WWC License L.L.C. Fairfax 05/06/2004 43-02-16.7 N SD MD KNKN429
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- CA MD KNEM323 118-03-55.2 W 0001683817 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS LOS ANGELES 04/02/2004 00855.83750 34-13-32.0 N MD WPMM521 A 0001685828 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS 04/05/2004 00810.83750 CA MD WPMM521 118-22-58.3 W 0001685828 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS RANCHO PALOS 04/05/2004 00855.83750 33-47-03.1 N CA MD WNHA461 P 118-22-47.3 W 0001685832 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS 04/05/2004 00810.38750 33-58-22.0 N CA MD WNHA461 117-39-08.2 W 0001685832 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS CORONA 04/05/2004 00855.38750 33-51-00.1 N CA MD WNHA461 118-19-46.3 W 0001685832 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS HOLLYWOOD 04/05/2004 00855.83750 34-05-53.0 N CA MD WNHA461 118-29-10.3 W 0001685832 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS SANTA MONICA 04/05/2004 00855.38750 34-00-38.0 N CA MD WNHA461 118-25-54.0 W 0001685832 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS WESTWOOD 04/05/2004 00855.83750 34-03-14.0 N MD WNHA462 A 0001685833 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS 04/05/2004 00809.66250 MD WNHA462 A 0001685833 MOTIENT COMMUNICATIONS 04/05/2004 00810.38750 MD WNHA462 A
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248147A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248147A1.txt
- 36K0F3E 11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz 36M0F3F Points of Communication: 1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT) Page 22 of 37 AMTECH SYSTEMS CORPORATION E990316 SES-RWL-20040528-00740E Date Effective: 06/07/2004 Class of Station: Mobile Earth Station Grant of Authority 07/02/2004 - 07/02/2006 Renewal Nature of Service:Mobile Satellite Service SITE ID: 1 30,000 half-duplex METs in the United States, VARIOUS LOCATION: VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A2 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-1000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A1 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D 0.00 dBW BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A3 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248439A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248439A1.txt
- the FCC know that it has relocated the remote control point to Ottawa, Canada for its Mobile Earth Terminals authorized by this license. In addition, the manufacturer of the MT-2000 series antennas, Vistar Telecommunications, Inc., has been aquired by Transcore Link Logistics Corporation. SITE ID: 1 30,000 half-duplex METs in the United States, VARIOUS LOCATION: Transcore Link Logistics Coroporation A2 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-1000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Transcore Link Logistics Corporation A1 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D 0.00 dBW BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Transcore Link Logistics Corporation A3 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248658A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-248658A1.txt
- W 0001774852 BEDFORD, COUNTY OF BEDFORD 06/16/2004 11638.12500 40-00-49.0 N PA NE 078-10-13.7 W 0001774869 BEDFORD, COUNTY OF COALDALE 06/16/2004 00942.17500 40-07-42.1 N PA NE 078-30-25.6 W 0001774895 BEDFORD, COUNTY OF BEDFORD 06/16/2004 11148.12500 40-00-57.3 N TX NE 097-45-02.0 W 0001777448 AUSTIN, CITY OF CREEDMOOR 06/18/2004 06550.62500 30-03-20.0 N ME NE 069-40-34.9 W 0001777678 Lincoln, County of Wiscasset 06/18/2004 00928.13125 44-02-00.1 N ME NE 069-40-34.9 W 0001777678 Lincoln, County of Wiscasset 06/18/2004 00928.49375 44-02-00.1 N ME NE 069-40-34.9 W 0001777678 Lincoln, County of Wiscasset 06/18/2004 00952.13125 44-02-00.1 N ME NE 069-40-34.9 W 0001777678 Lincoln, County of Wiscasset 06/18/2004 00952.49375 44-02-00.1 N AZ NE 111-38-26.7 W 0001778696 Coconino, COunty of Sheriff's office Flagstaff 06/18/2004 10573.75000 35-11-15.1 N Page 36 MW - Microwave
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- Inc. LOMPOC 06/24/2004 10556.25000 34-44-18.9 N CA MD WMR357 120-26-43.5 W 0001783592 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOMPOC 06/24/2004 10583.12500 34-44-18.9 N CA MD WMR357 120-26-43.5 W 0001783592 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOMPOC 06/24/2004 11285.00000 34-44-18.9 N CA MD WMR357 120-26-43.5 W 0001783592 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOMPOC 06/24/2004 18605.00000 34-44-18.9 N CA MD WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0001783609 AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. LOS ALAMOS 06/24/2004 10795.00000 34-50-05.6 N CA MD WMJ365 117-48-03.2 W 0001783761 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SAN DIMAS 06/24/2004 10621.25000 34-09-15.0 N CA MD WMJ365 117-48-03.2 W 0001783761 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SAN DIMAS 06/24/2004 10633.75000 34-09-15.0 N CA MD WMJ365 117-48-03.2 W 0001783761 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SAN
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-249262A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-249262A1.txt
- 27.5 33.4 33.2 35.5 6.5 Philippines 23.2 37.0 42.9 42.3 50.2 33.4 50.8 38.9 57.3 73.3 104.3 22.8 Poland 25.0 28.7 34.0 31.5 27.1 27.3 27.8 24.9 24.2 13.3 20.0 -10.3 Russia 8.0 31.6 30.2 26.6 31.0 29.8 22.0 17.4 27.6 54.9 24.1 6.3 Saudi Arabia 30.0 29.8 28.2 24.1 27.2 31.8 36.9 32.0 24.0 35.7 30.3 n.m. Sierra Leone 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.6 1.2 1.1 1.9 8.0 Singapore 34.2 37.7 43.5 51.1 53.5 61.4 65.8 26.4 72.7 73.5 65.0 4.8 South Africa 18.8 20.8 24.3 26.7 29.3 31.1 36.5 38.9 39.0 28.1 36.7 0.1 Spain 53.1 45.4 51.8 46.1 61.5 85.3 76.0 85.1 112.0 108.3 144.4 12.0 Switzerland 66.1 66.1 73.0 77.3 91.9 98.0 102.1 81.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-249318A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-249318A1.txt
- KNHH493 A 0001715942 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. 06/30/2004 00815.86250 Page 19 GX - SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conventional State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AM KNHH493 A 0001715942 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. 06/30/2004 00815.88750 MI AM KNHH493 083-03-04.7 W 0001715942 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. DETROIT 06/30/2004 00860.86250 42-20-00.1 N MI AM KNHH493 083-03-04.7 W 0001715942 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. DETROIT 06/30/2004 00860.86250 42-20-00.1 N MI AM KNHH493 083-03-04.7 W 0001715942 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. DETROIT 06/30/2004 00860.88750 42-20-00.1 N MI AM KNHH493 083-03-04.7 W 0001715942 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. DETROIT 06/30/2004 00860.88750 42-20-00.1 N MD WNSS890 O 0001791549 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 1, INC. 06/29/2004 00806.00000
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- RO KNS4 0001800238 EL DORADO, COUNTY OF 07/08/2004 AI - Aural Intercity Relay State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City HI NE 157-50-22.1 W 0001796430 NEW WAVE BROADCASTING, L.P. Honolulu 07/06/2004 00951.75000 21-17-25.6 N HI NE 157-50-22.1 W 0001796436 NEW WAVE BROADCASTING, L.P. Honolulu 07/06/2004 00944.87500 21-17-25.6 N HI NE 157-50-00.1 W 0001796441 NEW WAVE BROADCASTING, L.P. Honolulu 07/06/2004 00947.50000 21-17-14.0 N HI NE 157-50-00.1 W 0001796444 NEW WAVE BROADCASTING, L.P. Honolulu 07/06/2004 00945.00000 21-17-14.0 N AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NY AM WQAN727 073-52-54.0 W 0001770257 DOT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Schenectady 07/08/2004 00947.50000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-249855A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-249855A1.txt
- N NM MD WMV711 104-31-47.8 W 0001805203 FAMILY LIFE BROADCASTING SYSTEMROSWELL 07/13/2004 00947.15000 33-23-26.3 N NM MD WMV711 104-31-47.8 W 0001805203 FAMILY LIFE BROADCASTING SYSTEMROSWELL 07/13/2004 00947.25000 33-23-26.3 N KY MD WPUW569 085-51-43.4 W 0001807866 SKYTOWER COMMUNICATIONS - 94.3, Elizabethtown 07/14/2004 00948.50000 37-41-44.7 N PA MD WPOT234 080-05-07.0 W 0001809631 NM LICENSING, LLC ERIE 07/16/2004 00950.50000 42-07-39.0 N IA NE 091-40-00.1 W 0001802393 SELLERS BROADCASTING, INC. Cedar Rapids 07/12/2004 00945.50000 42-02-01.0 N NY NE 074-28-32.6 W 0001805961 THE ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY Tupper Lake 07/13/2004 00944.25000 44-09-35.2 N NY NE 075-09-11.7 W 0001805962 THE ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY Canton 07/13/2004 00945.00000 44-35-45.2 N NY NE 074-07-42.6 W 0001805963 THE ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY Saranac Lake 07/13/2004 00949.00000 44-20-27.2 N NY NE 074-24-00.6 W 0001805964
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- 070-49-23.8 W 0001812678 Aeronautical Radio Inc Portsmouth 07/20/2004 00129.05000 43-04-40.6 N Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VT NE 073-09-48.5 W 0001815299 FBO AV Center BTV Burlington 07/21/2004 00122.95000 44-28-27.5 N TX NE 096-50-00.2 W 0001815821 FirstAIR Group Inc Addison 07/22/2004 00121.50000 32-58-00.1 N TX NE 096-50-00.2 W 0001815821 FirstAIR Group Inc Addison 07/22/2004 00122.95000 32-58-00.1 N NY NE 075-58-00.8 W 0001815892 FirstAIR Group Inc Johnson City 07/22/2004 00121.50000 42-12-00.5 N NY NE 075-58-00.8 W 0001815892 FirstAIR Group Inc Johnson City 07/22/2004 00122.95000 42-12-00.5 N OR NE 123-52-46.5 W 0001817433 Port of Astoria Warrenton 07/23/2004 00122.80000 46-09-30.4 N RO KHQ2 0001811645 PLAINS EXPLORATION
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- LINCOLN COUNTY AIRPO 09/03/2004 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX AM WQAZ338 100-26-43.3 W 0001783334 FOSTER COMMUNICATIONS CO., INC.San Angelo 08/30/2004 00948.00000 31-28-14.5 N TX AM WQAZ338 100-26-43.3 W 0001783334 FOSTER COMMUNICATIONS CO., INC.San Angelo 08/30/2004 00948.00000 31-28-14.5 N IA AM WQAZ344 091-40-00.1 W 0001802393 SELLERS BROADCASTING, INC. Cedar Rapids 08/30/2004 00945.50000 42-02-01.0 N MI AM WLF499 083-51-53.0 W 0001819462 THE LIVINGSTON RADIO COMPANY HOWELL 08/30/2004 00944.50000 42-34-53.0 N CA MD WPWB627 117-01-14.7 W 0001857054 CITICASTERS LICENSES, L.P. BARSTOW 08/30/2004 00946.50000 34-53-55.1 N AL MD WLF375 087-15-56.1 W 0001857904 JOY CHRISTIAN COMMUNICATIONS, INJASPER 08/31/2004 00944.37500 33-51-47.5 N AL MD WLF375 087-15-56.1 W 0001857904
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- 074-09-59.5 W 0001873189 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC NEWARK 09/16/2004 00131.20000 40-40-06.4 N OH MD WQAI204 081-26-32.8 W 0001873227 Aeronautical Radio Inc Akron 09/16/2004 00130.70000 40-54-58.7 N Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MI NE 083-15-59.8 W 0001874456 MAYFIELD TOWNSHIP DUPONT LAPEELAPEER 09/13/2004 00123.00000 43-04-00.1 N ID NE 117-00-55.4 W 0001874723 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION LEWISTON 09/17/2004 00122.87500 46-22-28.2 N CA RM WAL2 117-11-22.8 W 0001872417 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC SAN DIEGO 09/15/2004 00131.62500 32-34-08.0 N RO WLI7 0001868917 ALLIANCE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 09/13/2004 RO WJA7 0001869438 TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY AVIATION 09/09/2004 RO KLL7 0001870303 SIGNATURE FLIGHT SUPPORT 09/14/2004 RO KEU5 0001871138 WRIGHT AERO INC 09/14/2004 RO KBX9 0001871497
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- PARTNEVIDAL JUNCTION 09/22/2004 34-04-48.1 N CA RM KNKA209 114-46-44.9 W 0001879300 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEVIDAL JUNCTION 09/22/2004 34-04-48.1 N CA RM KNKA209 114-34-04.9 W 0001879300 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEVIDAL JUNCTION 09/22/2004 34-10-45.1 N Page 39 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA RM KNKA209 116-37-00.1 W 0001879300 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEWhitewater 09/22/2004 33-55-27.1 N CA RM KNKA209 116-20-00.1 W 0001879300 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEYERMO 09/22/2004 34-49-44.0 N CA RM KNKA209 116-22-18.0 W 0001879300 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEYERMO 09/22/2004 35-04-18.0 N CA RM KNKA209 116-03-41.0 W 0001879300 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEYERMO 09/22/2004 35-16-16.0 N CA RM KNKA209 115-48-08.0 W 0001879300 LOS ANGELES
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- Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TN MD KEJ3 090-01-02.3 W 0001887618 MEMPHIS, CITY OF Memphis 09/30/2004 00123.07500 35-14-58.5 N KS NE 095-46-19.9 W 0001885089 Cessna Aircraft Company Independence 09/28/2004 00122.70000 37-10-11.3 N SC NE 080-51-23.5 W 0001885441 LANCASTER COUNTY AIRPORT COMMLANCASTER 09/27/2004 00122.72500 34-43-06.1 N MI NE 083-15-59.8 W 0001886430 MAYFIELD TOWNSHIP DUPONT LAPEELAPEER 09/27/2004 00123.00000 43-04-00.1 N VA NE 077-27-20.9 W 0001889588 Aeronautical Radio Inc Chantilly 10/01/2004 00136.62500 38-56-40.3 N LA NE 092-32-54.8 W 0001889592 Aeronautical Radio Inc Alexandria 10/01/2004 00130.52500 31-19-38.5 N Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City GM NE 090-48-12.3 W 0001889597 Aeronautical Radio Inc Gulf
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- Subsidiary LLC Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC has filed an amendment to its pending application for a replacement mobile satelilte service satellite at 101° W.L. (See File No. SAT-LOA-19980702-00066). This amendment supplements the application with (i) a two-degree spacing analysis and (ii) additional information pertaining to MSV's request to operate the proposed satellite with an East-West station keeping tolerance of ±0.1°. S2115 SAT-STA-20040826-00162E Special Temporary Authority 08/26/2004 17:12:34:05000 Date Filed: Globalstar LLC Globalstar LLC has filed a request for special temporary authority to continue to maintain Flight Models 2 and 14 at an orbit of 1514 kilometers. S2415 SAT-STA-20040916-00180E Special Temporary Authority 09/16/2004 17:24:47:34300 Date Filed: Columbia Communications Corporation Columbia Communications Corp. has filed a requests for special temporary authority to
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- LLC ROCKY MOUNT 11/05/2004 00950.12500 35-54-44.0 N NC MD WPNH613 077-50-05.0 W 0001925733 FIRST MEDIA RADIO, LLC ROCKY MOUNT 11/05/2004 00946.50000 35-54-44.0 N MI NE 084-43-44.0 W 0001919909 GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH GAYLORD 11/01/2004 00950.25000 45-01-28.0 N WA NE 119-07-36.0 W 0001919997 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIPPASCO 11/01/2004 00951.85000 46-13-40.0 N PA NE 078-57-20.9 W 0001920072 FOREVER BROADCASTING, LLC JOHNSTOWN 11/01/2004 00946.50000 40-19-00.1 N CA NE 121-45-38.4 W 0001926084 OHANA DE WATSONVILLE Watsonville 11/05/2004 00948.00000 36-54-15.4 N CD - Paging and Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RO KNLM437 0001923543 COM-RENTS, INC. 11/03/2004 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date
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- W 0001955039 Sprint Spectrum, L.P. CHANDLER 12/01/2004 17865.00000 33-17-57.1 N AZ NE 111-45-36.1 W 0001955098 SPRINT SPECTRUM, L.P. MESA 12/01/2004 17845.00000 33-27-42.9 N AZ NE 111-50-13.7 W 0001955127 Sprint Spectrum, L.P. CHANDLER 12/01/2004 19425.00000 33-17-53.9 N MD NE 075-51-19.7 W 0001956676 CINGULAR PENNSYLVANIA, LLC CECILTON 12/01/2004 06745.62500 39-24-05.7 N DE NE 075-40-03.0 W 0001956872 CINGULAR PENNSYLANIA, LLC ODESSA 12/01/2004 06585.62500 39-28-00.1 N CA NE 117-14-07.1 W 0001956942 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Twin Peaks 12/01/2004 10658.12500 34-13-55.6 N MA NE 071-02-57.0 W 0001959395 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION SOUTH BOSTON 12/02/2004 19480.00000 42-20-49.0 N MA NE 071-02-57.0 W 0001959395 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION SOUTH BOSTON 12/02/2004 19680.00000 42-20-49.0 N MA NE 071-03-45.7 W 0001959396 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION BOSTON 12/02/2004 17840.00000 42-20-33.0 N MA NE 071-03-45.7 W 0001959396
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- Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH NE 081-29-36.0 W 0001968070 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION AKRON 12/10/2004 17760.00000 41-04-26.0 N OH NE 081-29-36.0 W 0001968070 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION AKRON 12/10/2004 17960.00000 41-04-26.0 N IL NE 089-41-48.0 W 0001969157 USCOC OF CENTRAL ILLINOIS, LLC PRINCEVILLE 12/13/2004 10622.50000 40-55-28.0 N NV NE 115-03-00.1 W 0001969520 COX COMMUNICATIONS PCS, L.P. LAS VEGAS 12/13/2004 17825.00000 36-05-05.7 N NV NE 115-17-45.5 W 0001969552 COX COMMUNICATIONS PCS, L.P. LAS VEGAS 12/13/2004 17855.00000 36-13-09.9 N NV NE 115-00-55.2 W 0001969670 COX COMMUNICATIONS, PCS L.P. HENDERSON 12/13/2004 19385.00000 36-01-00.8 N NV NE 115-16-37.9 W 0001969682 COX COMMUNICATIONS PCS, L.P. LAS VEGAS 12/13/2004 19415.00000 36-13-07.6 N PA NE 075-56-03.7 W
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- LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITYBASTROP 12/22/2004 06004.50000 30-08-58.0 N TX MD WBU939 097-16-14.0 W 0001980493 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITYBASTROP 12/22/2004 06620.00000 30-08-58.0 N TX MD WNTM633 097-24-36.9 W 0001980500 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITYROCKNE 12/22/2004 06256.54000 30-00-25.7 N TX MD WNTM633 097-24-36.9 W 0001980500 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITYROCKNE 12/22/2004 06780.00000 30-00-25.7 N OK NE 098-43-00.4 W 0001978144 ENOGEX INC. OAKWOOD 12/20/2004 00932.40625 35-57-00.1 N OK NE 098-43-00.4 W 0001978144 ENOGEX INC. OAKWOOD 12/20/2004 00941.40625 35-57-00.1 N IN NE 085-50-05.1 W 0001979407 FIRST STATE BANK GOSHEN 12/21/2004 23175.00000 41-35-16.9 N IN NE 085-42-40.4 W 0001979650 FIRST STATE BANK MIDDLEBURY 12/21/2004 19460.00000 41-40-04.8 N IN NE 085-42-40.4 W 0001979650 FIRST STATE BANK MIDDLEBURY 12/21/2004 23075.00000 41-40-04.8 N TX NE 093-58-33.6 W 0001979758 Chevron USA Inc.
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- Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NJ MD WPOM958 074-49-19.2 W 0002007309 Cellco Partnership HAMMONTON 01/14/2005 06345.49000 39-37-24.8 N NJ MD WPOM958 074-49-19.2 W 0002007309 Cellco Partnership HAMMONTON 01/14/2005 06404.79000 39-37-24.8 N NJ MD WPOM958 074-49-19.2 W 0002007309 Cellco Partnership HAMMONTON 01/14/2005 06855.00000 39-37-24.8 N NJ MD WPOM959 074-41-00.1 W 0002007349 Cellco Partnership Pleasantville 01/14/2005 06004.50000 39-26-18.4 N NJ MD WPOM959 074-41-00.1 W 0002007349 Cellco Partnership Pleasantville 01/14/2005 06034.15000 39-26-18.4 N NJ MD WPOM959 074-41-00.1 W 0002007349 Cellco Partnership Pleasantville 01/14/2005 06093.45000 39-26-18.4 N NJ MD WPOM959 074-41-00.1 W 0002007349 Cellco Partnership Pleasantville 01/14/2005 06123.10000 39-26-18.4 N NJ MD WPOM959 074-41-00.1 W 0002007349 Cellco Partnership Pleasantville 01/14/2005 06152.75000 39-26-18.4
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- 68.9 1.9 15.0 11.3 2.9 $288,424 41.8 0.0 37.8 18.7 1.6 $58,206 54.6 0.0 45.4 0.0 0.0 28,345,029 32.9 3.2 34.5 22.3 7.1 Denmark $16,572,844 49.3 2.8 28.1 15.5 4.3 $1,440,655 17.9 18.8 34.6 27.9 0.8 $1,633,327 1.1 98.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 116,207,159 24.2 11.5 37.0 21.5 5.8 Finland $10,939,759 52.1 2.1 23.5 18.8 3.5 $686,855 23.5 0.0 48.1 28.2 0.1 $337,999 0.5 99.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 94,720,074 49.2 3.1 24.8 18.6 4.4 France $170,742,277 60.8 3.6 15.6 16.9 3.1 $9,303,786 41.4 0.5 37.2 19.7 1.2 $17,047,721 12.6 85.9 1.4 0.0 0.0 1,040,128,443 35.1 6.5 32.4 17.8 8.2 Germany $465,210,832 62.0 0.9 13.7 22.3 1.1 $16,282,952 42.1 1.2 23.2 33.1 0.5 $23,855,267 0.0 59.6 0.0 0.0 40.4 2,366,402,721 30.5 3.3 23.2
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- Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership FONTANA 01/20/2005 11245.00000 34-09-10.0 N CA MD WMV953 117-27-51.1 W 0002014562 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership FONTANA 01/20/2005 10652.50000 34-06-02.0 N CA MD WLT475 118-08-42.3 W 0002014765 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership PALMDALE 01/20/2005 06286.19000 34-31-47.0 N CA MD WLT475 118-08-42.3 W 0002014765 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership PALMDALE 01/20/2005 19570.00000 34-31-47.0 N CA MD WPNN593 117-21-00.1 W 0002014769 Los AngelesSMSA Limited Partnership SAN BERNARDINO 01/20/2005 10568.12500 34-07-29.0 N IL MD WPOS318 091-00-57.0 W 0002015903 USCOC OF ILLINOIS RSA #4, LLC BARRY 01/21/2005 06660.00000 39-41-56.0 N IL MD WMR268 090-50-21.0 W 0002015930 USCOC OF ILLINOIS RSA #4, LLC NEW SALEM 01/21/2005 05945.20000 39-41-10.0 N Page 12 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose
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- N MA MD WMQ477 070-55-51.7 W 0002027220 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP EAST FREETOWN 01/28/2005 10617.50000 41-46-34.3 N MA MD WMQ477 070-55-51.7 W 0002027220 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP EAST FREETOWN 01/28/2005 10618.75000 41-46-34.3 N MA MD WMQ477 070-55-51.7 W 0002027220 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP EAST FREETOWN 01/28/2005 10621.25000 41-46-34.3 N MA MD WMQ477 070-55-51.7 W 0002027220 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP EAST FREETOWN 01/28/2005 10657.50000 41-46-34.3 N MA MD WLW636 070-53-00.1 W 0002027284 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ACUSHNET 01/28/2005 10552.50000 41-42-01.3 N MA MD WMW424 070-55-35.2 W 0002027509 Cellco Partnership EAST BRIDGEWAT 01/28/2005 10618.12500 41-59-28.4 N NC NE 079-08-01.1 W 0002021838 North Carolina RSA #9, Inc. FAIRMONT 01/25/2005 06165.10000 34-28-56.6 N IA NE 093-19-01.5 W 0002023126 SOUTHERN IOWA REGIONAL INTERNE Allerton 01/26/2005 19460.00000 40-42-21.1 N IA NE 093-19-01.5 W 0002023126 SOUTHERN IOWA REGIONAL
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- 076-06-13.8 W 0002032167 New York, State of; Department of TraSyracuse 02/02/2005 18000.00000 43-03-27.0 N NY NE 076-06-13.8 W 0002032167 New York, State of; Department of TraSyracuse 02/02/2005 19400.00000 43-03-27.0 N NY NE 076-06-13.8 W 0002032167 New York, State of; Department of TraSyracuse 02/02/2005 19640.00000 43-03-27.0 N NY NE 076-08-53.0 W 0002032168 New York, State of; Department of TraSyracuse 02/02/2005 19480.00000 43-03-00.1 N NY NE 076-08-53.0 W 0002032168 New York, State of; Department of TraSyracuse 02/02/2005 19520.00000 43-03-00.1 N NY NE 076-08-53.0 W 0002032168 New York, State of; Department of TraSyracuse 02/02/2005 19560.00000 43-03-00.1 N NY NE 076-13-09.2 W 0002032169 New York, State of; Department of TraSyracuse 02/02/2005 17920.00000 43-04-50.1 N NY NE 076-13-09.2 W 0002032169 New York, State of; Department of
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- CITY OF ASHEVILLE 02/16/2005 10572.50000 35-35-40.0 N Page 35 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NC NE 082-32-45.4 W 0002051207 ASHEVILLE, CITY OF ASHEVILLE 02/17/2005 06670.00000 35-35-00.2 N NC NE 082-32-45.4 W 0002051207 ASHEVILLE, CITY OF ASHEVILLE 02/17/2005 10637.50000 35-35-00.2 N CO NE 104-47-00.1 W 0002052400 AURORA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Aurora 02/18/2005 21825.00000 39-40-53.7 N CO NE 104-47-00.1 W 0002052400 AURORA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Aurora 02/18/2005 21875.00000 39-40-53.7 N CO NE 104-47-00.1 W 0002052400 AURORA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Aurora 02/18/2005 21925.00000 39-40-53.7 N CO NE 104-47-00.1 W 0002052400 AURORA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Aurora 02/18/2005 21975.00000 39-40-53.7 N MI NE 084-48-07.3 W 0002053016 CCE Central Dispatch Authority LEVERING 02/18/2005
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257272A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257272A1.txt
- 45-06-20.2 N SD MD WPVJ218 096-59-35.1 W 0002060582 WWC License L.L.C. SOUTH SHORE 02/25/2005 06004.50000 45-06-20.2 N SD MD WPVJ218 096-59-35.1 W 0002060582 WWC License L.L.C. SOUTH SHORE 02/25/2005 06034.15000 45-06-20.2 N SD MD WPVJ218 096-59-35.1 W 0002060582 WWC License L.L.C. SOUTH SHORE 02/25/2005 06745.00000 45-06-20.2 N NE MD WMR317 098-36-32.3 W 0002060842 WWC License L.L.C. Wood River 02/28/2005 02112.00000 40-48-00.1 N NE MD WMR317 098-36-32.3 W 0002060842 WWC License L.L.C. Wood River 02/28/2005 02118.40000 40-48-00.1 N NE MD WMR317 098-36-32.3 W 0002060842 WWC License L.L.C. Wood River 02/28/2005 02124.80000 40-48-00.1 N NE MD WMR317 098-36-32.3 W 0002060842 WWC License L.L.C. Wood River 02/28/2005 05945.20000 40-48-00.1 N NE MD WMR317 098-36-32.3 W 0002060842 WWC License L.L.C. Wood River 02/28/2005 06034.15000 40-48-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257544A1.pdf
- for Reconsideration filed 11/14/03 AMENDMENT TO PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION FILED 12/29/03 BY NEW HAVEN Petition for Reconsideration denied 3/16/2005 TV TRANSLATOR OR LPTV STATION APPLICATIONS FOR ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION GRANT RESCINDED K25FY 22645 FRIENDLY BROADCASTING COMPANY CA VAN NUYS , CA BPTTL-19810331NM CHAN-25 P CP FOR NEW LPTV, VAN NUYS, ETC., CA, CH-25, MINUS OFFSET, ERP 1.2 KW, TPO 0.1 KW, TL PICKETT TOWERS, 14801 SHERMAN WAY, VAN NUYS, CA (34-12-06 118-27-19), ANT. AND AL-8, HGHT. 45 M, RCAMSL 269 M, OMNIDIRECTIONAL. Page 16 of 20 Broadcast Applications 3/22/2005 PUBLIC NOTICEFederal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Recorded listing of releases and texts202 / 418-2222 202 / 418-0500 News media information REPORT NO.25946 CALL LETTERSAPPLICANT AND LOCATION
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257545A1.pdf
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257592A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-257592A1.txt
- WBU938 097-29-13.0 W 0002086300 Lower Colorado River Authority ELGIN 03/15/2005 06675.00000 30-15-02.0 N TX MD WNEQ338 097-45-02.0 W 0002086526 Lower Colorado River Authority CREEDMOOR 03/15/2005 06635.62500 30-03-20.0 N TX MD WOP56 098-15-56.0 W 0002087040 Enterprise Products Operating L.P. EDINBURGH 03/15/2005 06815.00000 26-18-13.2 N OR MD WNTT750 121-30-15.1 W 0002089209 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INBEND 03/17/2005 00955.15000 43-52-24.4 N OR MD WNEZ433 121-43-00.1 W 0002089210 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INCRESCENT 03/17/2005 02131.60000 43-18-19.8 N Page 30 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OR MD WNEZ433 121-43-00.1 W 0002089210 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INCRESCENT 03/17/2005 02147.60000 43-18-19.8 N OR MD WNEZ432 121-29-22.0 W 0002089315 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INLA PINE 03/17/2005
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- 00956.30625 41-22-18.1 N TX MD KYH56 095-48-51.8 W 0002095429 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ROSENBURG 03/22/2005 06665.00000 29-33-33.8 N TX MD KNK36 095-37-33.0 W 0002095469 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD SATSUMA 03/22/2005 06825.00000 29-54-24.0 N IL MD WNTW407 P 090-06-52.4 W 0002095512 ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY BISHOP HILL 03/22/2005 00956.30625 41-13-50.1 N IL MD WNTW408 P 090-37-37.4 W 0002095526 ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY ALEXIS 03/22/2005 00956.30625 41-04-00.1 N IL MD WNTW409 P 090-43-47.4 W 0002095603 ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY RARITAN 03/22/2005 00956.30625 40-41-31.1 N IL MD WNTW410 P 088-56-42.2 W 0002096122 ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY HUDSON 03/22/2005 00956.30625 40-36-21.1 N AK MD WGX765 148-44-13.0 W 0002096394 BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. PRUDHOE BAY 03/23/2005 19360.00000 70-18-23.0 N AK MD WPH36 148-45-30.0 W 0002096406 BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. PRUDHOE BAY 03/23/2005
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- that location by AMC-23, scheduled for launch late this year. SES Americom requests authority to (1) change the coverage area of Satcom SN-4 by repointing the satellite northward; (2) provide Ku-band service using Satcom SN-4 over water areas of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Region 1 on a non-interference basis; (3) increase the East/West stationkeeping tolerance of Satcom SN-4 to +/- 0.1 degrees; and (4) deorbit Satcom SN-4 once it has been replaced by AMC-23. Page 1 of 2 For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. S2415 SAT-MOD-20050325-00077E Modification 03/25/2005 17:41:38:14300 Date Filed: Columbia Communications Corporation Columbia Communications Corporation has filed an application for a modification of its license for the AMC-12 fixed-satellite space station
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258342A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258342A1.txt
- A 0002091051 MOTIENT LICENSE INC. 03/17/2005 00810.83750 IN NE 084-57-50.1 W 0002091051 MOTIENT LICENSE INC. Centerville 03/17/2005 00855.83750 39-50-18.2 N NE A 0002091052 MOTIENT LICENSE INC. 03/17/2005 00810.83750 PA NE 075-11-02.6 W 0002091052 MOTIENT LICENSE INC. STROUDSBURG 03/17/2005 00855.83750 40-56-14.3 N NE A 0002091053 MOTIENT LICENSE INC. 03/17/2005 00810.83750 IL NE 089-04-23.4 W 0002091053 MOTIENT LICENSE INC. ROCKFORD 03/17/2005 00855.83750 42-16-00.1 N NE A 0002091054 MOTIENT LICENSE INC. 03/17/2005 00810.83750 FL NE 082-09-19.3 W 0002091054 MOTIENT LICENSE INC. OCALA 03/17/2005 00855.83750 29-14-23.9 N NE A 0002091055 MOTIENT LICENSE INC. 03/17/2005 00810.83750 NE NE 096-39-29.1 W 0002091055 MOTIENT LICENSE INC. LINCOLN 03/17/2005 00855.83750 40-49-23.0 N NE A 0002091056 MOTIENT LICENSE INC. 03/17/2005 00810.83750 OR NE 123-06-57.3 W 0002091056 MOTIENT LICENSE INC. EUGENE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258528A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258528A1.txt
- Partnership DERRY 04/27/2005 40-18-27.3 N PA RM KNKA202 079-41-59.2 W 0002139127 Pittsburgh SMSA Limited Partnership FREEPORT 04/27/2005 40-39-57.2 N PA RM KNKA202 079-41-59.2 W 0002139127 Pittsburgh SMSA Limited Partnership FREEPORT 04/27/2005 40-39-57.2 N PA RM KNKA202 079-41-59.2 W 0002139127 Pittsburgh SMSA Limited Partnership FREEPORT 04/27/2005 40-39-57.2 N PA RM KNKA202 079-26-04.9 W 0002139127 Pittsburgh SMSA Limited Partnership MT. PLEASANT 04/27/2005 40-09-00.1 N PA RM KNKA202 079-26-04.9 W 0002139127 Pittsburgh SMSA Limited Partnership MT. PLEASANT 04/27/2005 40-09-00.1 N PA RM KNKA202 079-26-04.9 W 0002139127 Pittsburgh SMSA Limited Partnership MT. PLEASANT 04/27/2005 40-09-00.1 N PA RM KNKA202 080-17-10.2 W 0002139127 Pittsburgh SMSA Limited Partnership NEW BRIGHTON 04/27/2005 40-48-07.2 N PA RM KNKA202 080-17-10.2 W 0002139127 Pittsburgh SMSA Limited Partnership NEW BRIGHTON 04/27/2005 40-48-07.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258716A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258716A1.txt
- 0002159201 NORTHWEST PIPELINE CORPORATIONMOAB 05/12/2005 00952.23125 38-31-43.9 N ID MD WNTR430 112-21-40.9 W 0002159307 NORTHWEST PIPELINE CORPORATIONPOCATELLO 05/12/2005 00928.18125 42-50-49.6 N ID MD WNTR430 112-21-40.9 W 0002159307 NORTHWEST PIPELINE CORPORATIONPOCATELLO 05/12/2005 00952.18125 42-50-49.6 N Page 23 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AL NE 087-47-00.1 W 0002153343 ALABAMA POWER COMPANY OCTAGON 05/09/2005 00928.08125 32-13-25.4 N AL NE 087-47-00.1 W 0002153343 ALABAMA POWER COMPANY OCTAGON 05/09/2005 00952.08125 32-13-25.4 N AK NE 149-31-31.9 W 0002154371 CONOCOPHILLIPS COMMUNICATIONSKUPARUK 05/09/2005 18030.00000 70-15-50.2 N NC NE P 078-18-04.0 W 0002154780 TOWN OF LOUISBURG LOUISBURG 05/06/2005 00956.28125 36-05-57.0 N TX NE 099-29-27.2 W 0002154969 MIRRO OPERATING COMPANY LLC LAREDO 05/10/2005 22468.25000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258924A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-258924A1.txt
- 05/20/2005 06835.00000 34-08-37.4 N CA MD WMI225 122-07-06.9 W 0002168481 GTE MOBILNET OF CALIFORNIA LIMITEVACAVILLE 05/20/2005 06063.80000 38-24-54.7 N Page 19 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0002168483 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 05/20/2005 17965.00000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLL763 122-00-08.2 W 0002168513 GTE MOBILNET OF CALIFORNIA LIMITECONCORD 05/20/2005 06315.84000 38-01-47.6 N NY NE 073-57-06.4 W 0002161923 Nextel of New York, Inc Brooklyn 05/16/2005 19475.00000 40-38-17.8 N NY NE 073-57-06.4 W 0002161923 Nextel of New York, Inc Brooklyn 05/16/2005 19545.00000 40-38-17.8 N NY NE 073-53-56.3 W 0002161952 Nextel of New York, Inc Brooklyn 05/16/2005 17985.00000 40-38-33.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259477A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259477A1.txt
- W 0002205098 WOOLSTONE CORPORATION SANFORD 06/06/2005 00951.50000 35-28-50.5 N MN NE 094-04-43.5 W 0002207137 THREE EAGLES OF JOLIET, INC. MANKATO 06/17/2005 00944.50000 44-08-59.8 N Page 4 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ NE 111-55-13.5 W 0002207445 NPR PHOENIX, LLC Scottsdale 06/17/2005 00948.00000 33-30-00.1 N CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA AM WLT548 076-23-12.8 W 0002042908 Vanguard Cellular Pennsylvania, L.P. DONNERVILLE 06/15/2005 06286.19000 40-02-33.3 N PA AM WLT548 076-23-12.8 W 0002042908 Vanguard Cellular Pennsylvania, L.P. DONNERVILLE 06/15/2005 06345.49000 40-02-33.3 N PA AM WLT548
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259702A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-259702A1.txt
- 081-09-51.9 W 0002211073 EAST OHIO GAS COMPANY Mantua 06/21/2005 06093.45000 41-15-34.7 N OH MD WAY501 081-09-51.9 W 0002211073 EAST OHIO GAS COMPANY Mantua 06/21/2005 06715.00000 41-15-34.7 N OH MD WAY501 081-09-51.9 W 0002211073 EAST OHIO GAS COMPANY Mantua 06/21/2005 06735.00000 41-15-34.7 N ID MD WNTI818 114-24-55.1 W 0002211585 COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN IDAHO JEROME 06/21/2005 10553.75000 42-43-47.6 N AL MD WQCW366 087-47-00.1 W 0002213950 ALABAMA POWER COMPANY OCTAGON 06/23/2005 00928.08125 32-13-25.4 N AL MD WQCW366 087-47-00.1 W 0002213950 ALABAMA POWER COMPANY OCTAGON 06/23/2005 00952.08125 32-13-25.4 N CA MD KMV71 120-21-03.6 W 0002214286 Pacific Gas and Electric Company SONORA 06/23/2005 00953.55000 38-01-53.7 N CA MD KMV71 120-21-03.6 W 0002214286 Pacific Gas and Electric Company SONORA 06/23/2005 02130.80000 38-01-53.7 N Page 28 MG -
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- of Population Millions of Users Source: The Digital Economy Fact Book, Fifth Edition 2003 Federal Communications Commission 3 High Speed Line Growth 1999-2004 Source: FCC's High Speed Services for Internet Access Report, 6/04 High Speed Lines (millions) Cable, 1.4 Cable, 18.6 ADSL, 0.4 ADSL, 11.4 Other Wireline, 0.6 Other Wireline, 1.4 Fiber, 0.3 Fiber, 0.6 Satellite/Fixed Wireless, 0.4 Satellite/Fixed Wireless, 0.1 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 21.0 24.0 27.0 30.0 33.0 1999 2004 Federal Communications Commission 4 Source: FCC's High Speed Services for Internet Access Report, 6/04 32.5 million total broadband connections in U.S. as of 2004 11.4 million DSL connections 18.6 million cable modem connections 2.5 million other connections (e.g. fiber, wireless, or satellite) Cable vs. DSL broadband
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- 06362.79000 30-19-35.4 N TX AM WLR646 097-20-09.8 W 0002248729 CINGULAR WIRELESS OF TEXAS RSA #ELGIN 07/22/2005 06372.67000 30-19-35.4 N Page 11 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NM MD WLA761 106-27-09.0 W 0002243192 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ALBUQUERQUE 07/18/2005 06655.00000 35-13-00.1 N OR MD WPNN489 117-52-53.7 W 0002243194 RCC Minnesota, Inc BAKER 07/18/2005 02165.20000 44-45-57.9 N OR MD WPNN489 117-52-53.7 W 0002243194 RCC Minnesota, Inc BAKER 07/18/2005 06256.54000 44-45-57.9 N OR MD WPNN489 117-52-53.7 W 0002243194 RCC Minnesota, Inc BAKER 07/18/2005 06785.00000 44-45-57.9 N AZ MD WMR824 112-56-49.0 W 0002243636 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC SELIGMAN 07/18/2005 06715.00000 35-21-27.0 N AZ MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260366A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260366A1.txt
- 0002257027 Unicom, Inc. Quinhagak 07/28/2005 06034.15000 59-43-43.3 N AK NE 161-53-01.6 W 0002257174 United Utilities, Inc. Bethel 07/28/2005 06004.50000 60-46-53.8 N AK NE 161-53-01.6 W 0002257174 United Utilities, Inc. Bethel 07/28/2005 06063.80000 60-46-53.8 N AK NE 162-00-43.4 W 0002257249 United Utilities Eek 07/28/2005 06315.84000 60-12-57.4 N AK NE 162-00-43.4 W 0002257249 United Utilities Eek 07/28/2005 06585.00000 60-12-57.4 N AK NE 162-40-00.1 W 0002257254 United Utilities, Inc. Tuntutliak 07/28/2005 06745.00000 60-20-29.3 N AK NE 161-13-38.5 W 0002257259 United Utilities, Inc. Akiak 07/28/2005 06256.54000 60-54-41.0 N AZ NE 111-53-30.6 W 0002257555 VOICESTREAM PCS II LICENSE CORPOSCOTTSDALE 07/28/2005 18070.00000 33-37-55.1 N AZ NE 111-55-41.6 W 0002257556 VOICESTREAM PCS II LICENSE CORPOPHOENIX 07/28/2005 19630.00000 33-38-14.8 N WA NE 122-14-19.0 W 0002257557 VOICESTREAM PCS III LICENCE
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- 27.8 564 3.0 101 0.5 264 1.4 353 1.9 12,092 65.3 18,525 Oregon 6,376 45.0 188 1.3 74 0.5 331 2.3 176 1.2 7,008 49.5 14,153 Pennsylvania 23,081 42.1 295 0.5 938 1.7 955 1.7 310 0.6 29,230 53.3 54,809 Puerto Rico 3,617 57.5 15 0.2 24 0.4 275 4.4 68 1.1 2,292 36.4 6,292 Rhode Island 2,491 53.7 7 0.1 67 1.4 81 1.7 14 0.3 1,974 42.6 4,634 South Carolina 6,939 43.6 444 2.8 74 0.5 442 2.8 275 1.7 7,758 48.7 15,932 South Dakota 1,117 21.1 28 0.5 29 0.5 52 1.0 27 0.5 4,037 76.3 5,290 Tennessee 10,263 41.3 539 2.2 152 0.6 681 2.7 202 0.8 13,013 52.4 24,850 Texas 40,000 40.8 2,468 2.5 891 0.9
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260472A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260472A1.txt
- Appalachian Power Company dba AmericMarion 08/03/2005 06620.62500 36-54-06.4 N VA NE 081-32-34.4 W 0002263870 Appalachian Power Company dba AmericMarion 08/03/2005 06665.62500 36-54-06.4 N Page 16 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA NE 081-19-44.1 W 0002263907 Appalchian Power Company dba AmericaSugar Grove 08/03/2005 06825.62500 36-45-00.1 N NJ NE P 074-37-41.0 W 0002264058 PSEG Services Corp. Wrightstown 08/03/2005 00952.10625 40-04-04.8 N NJ NE P 074-37-41.0 W 0002264058 PSEG Services Corp. Wrightstown 08/03/2005 00952.10625 40-04-04.8 N TX NE 096-42-27.9 W 0002264078 Nera, Inc. Richardson 08/03/2005 23025.00000 32-57-15.4 N TX NE 096-39-36.8 W 0002264079 Nera, Inc. Richardson 08/03/2005 21825.00000 32-59-38.7 N PA NE 080-05-46.0 W 0002265427 CNG Transmission
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- LLC Kula 08/16/2005 17880.00000 20-39-27.0 N HI NE 156-21-39.3 W 0002279768 Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC Kula 08/16/2005 23125.00000 20-39-27.0 N HI NE 157-48-54.0 W 0002279769 Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC Honolulu 08/16/2005 19480.00000 21-19-58.4 N HI NE 157-48-54.0 W 0002279769 Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC Honolulu 08/16/2005 19520.00000 21-19-58.4 N HI NE 157-42-07.2 W 0002279770 Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC Honolulu 08/16/2005 17840.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI NE 157-42-07.2 W 0002279770 Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC Honolulu 08/16/2005 17920.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI NE 157-48-45.3 W 0002279771 Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC Honolulu 08/16/2005 19480.00000 21-20-09.8 N HI NE 156-14-40.9 W 0002279773 Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC Kula 08/16/2005 17880.00000 20-46-21.1 N HI NE 156-26-17.3 W 0002279774 Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC Kihei 08/16/2005 19400.00000 20-44-53.9 N Page 35 MG
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- SES-MOD-20050819-01117E Class of Station: Mobile Earth Station Application for Modification Amtech Systems Corporation Nature of Service:Mobile Satellite Service Amtech proposes to introduce a new antenna, the MT-3000 series, with identical RF and shut-down parameters to those of the currently licensed MT-2000 series antennas. SITE ID: 1 70,000 half-duplex METs in the United States, VARIOUS LOCATION: Transcore Link Logistics Corporation A4 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-3000 BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A1 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D VISTAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A2 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260793A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260793A1.txt
- TAMA RADIO LICENSES OF JACKSONVJacksonville 08/22/2005 00944.50000 30-19-32.0 N FL NE 081-22-26.4 W 0002290256 STAR OVER ORLANDO, INC. ORLANDO 08/25/2005 00948.50000 28-32-27.6 N Page 2 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ AM WQDH557 111-55-13.5 W 0002207445 NPR PHOENIX, LLC Scottsdale 08/25/2005 00948.00000 33-30-00.1 N VA AM 078-28-53.8 W 0002215570 CLEAR CHANNEL BROADCASTING LICCHARLOTTESVILLE 08/22/2005 00949.50000 38-04-03.2 N NY AM WBE796 075-59-42.6 W 0002285882 CLEAR CHANNEL BROADCASTING LICVESTAL 08/24/2005 00949.50000 42-06-06.4 N NY MD WBE796 075-59-42.6 W 0002285882 CLEAR CHANNEL BROADCASTING LICEndwell 08/22/2005 00949.50000 45-06-06.4 N NE MD WLG887 100-45-40.5 W 0002285886 TRI-STATE BROADCASTING ASSOCIATNORTH PLATTE 08/22/2005 00947.00000 41-07-55.9 N TX MD WHS602 098-32-04.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260984A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-260984A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City FL NE 080-08-12.8 W 0002302012 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 1, INC. Miami Beach 09/06/2005 10596.25000 25-47-34.9 N MI NE 085-35-11.0 W 0002302055 Michwave Technologies Grand Rapids 09/06/2005 21975.00000 42-58-59.0 N NV NE 115-37-58.0 W 0002302250 Southwestco Wireless LP INDIAN SPRINGS 09/06/2005 06645.00000 36-35-40.0 N NV NE 116-01-00.1 W 0002302260 WWC License L.L.C. Pahrump 09/06/2005 06034.15000 36-09-57.9 N NV NE 116-03-29.1 W 0002302261 WWC License L.L.C. Pahrump 09/06/2005 06197.24000 36-27-42.8 N NV NE 116-03-29.1 W 0002302261 WWC License L.L.C. Pahrump 09/06/2005 06286.19000 36-27-42.8 N NV NE 116-28-36.0 W 0002302268 WWC License L.L.C. Beatty 09/06/2005 05945.20000 36-34-46.7 N NV NE 116-28-36.0 W 0002302268 WWC License L.L.C. Beatty 09/06/2005 06152.75000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261024A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261024A2.txt
- 52.6 76.7 119.3 169.0 210.7 65.9 61.1 43.8 39.2 42.1 29.3 -55.6 Korea, Republic of 103.2 111.0 118.7 122.1 101.5 18.4 32.3 6.8 12.7 8.9 (1.2) -106.3 Mexico 720.0 818.9 871.7 875.0 703.3 648.9 652.3 755.7 471.2 421.9 360.2 -44.5 Morocco 7.5 9.8 11.0 5.5 3.4 1.4 17.1 6.4 7.8 17.8 12.1 n.m. Netherlands 8.0 10.8 22.3 22.8 16.5 11.3 (0.1) 7.8 11.8 12.6 16.2 42.7 Nigeria 18.8 9.5 8.5 41.7 68.5 100.3 70.9 31.3 18.1 18.1 15.4 -84.6 Pakistan 69.8 88.1 107.3 127.6 120.3 114.6 152.3 185.4 144.4 139.1 120.9 5.5 Peru 53.4 58.7 62.1 72.3 74.6 64.0 62.2 23.1 20.7 18.0 16.2 -74.7 Philippines 144.0 150.7 154.2 162.1 164.7 150.5 187.1 144.8 190.3 211.3 191.3 27.1 Poland 31.8 42.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261169A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261169A1.txt
- W 0002310152 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Tunkhannock 09/13/2005 06625.00000 41-32-10.5 N PA NE 075-53-55.1 W 0002310152 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Tunkhannock 09/13/2005 06718.75000 41-32-10.5 N PA NE 075-53-55.1 W 0002310152 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Tunkhannock 09/13/2005 06865.00000 41-32-10.5 N IL NE 087-57-06.9 W 0002317869 ILLINOIS, STATE OF ASHKUM 09/16/2005 10568.12500 40-53-02.9 N IL NE 087-58-14.1 W 0002317872 ILLINOIS, STATE OF ASHKUM 09/16/2005 10633.12500 40-53-00.1 N CA NE 118-08-41.3 W 0002318668 LONG BEACH, CITY OF LONG BEACH 09/16/2005 19560.00000 33-49-05.8 N Page 34 RP - Broadcast Auxiliary Remote Pickup State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NM NE 105-57-06.8 W 0002311043 SANTA FE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Santa Fe 09/13/2005 00450.90000 35-40-23.9 N TI - TV Intercity
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261488A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261488A1.txt
- E 0002307184 Government of Guam, Guam Police Dept.YONA 09/29/2005 06825.62500 13-25-58.6 N GU AM 144-42-45.4 E 0002307184 Government of Guam, Guam Police Dept.YONA 09/29/2005 06845.62500 13-25-58.6 N VA MD WQAA469 077-35-08.0 W 0002327403 COUNTY OF DINWIDDIE, VIRGINIA DINWIDDIE 09/26/2005 11178.12500 37-04-46.4 N VA MD WQAA459 077-34-47.3 W 0002327405 COUNTY OF DINWIDDIE, VIRGINIA DINWIDDIE 09/26/2005 11668.12500 37-05-11.1 N MD MD WQAN968 075-52-00.1 W 0002327409 State of Maryland, MIEMSS CECILTON 09/26/2005 06635.00000 39-24-09.5 N NM MD WNTT876 107-53-52.2 W 0002327438 SAN JUAN, COUNTY OF AZTEC 09/26/2005 06715.00000 36-48-40.0 N NM MD WNTT876 107-53-52.2 W 0002327438 SAN JUAN, COUNTY OF AZTEC 09/26/2005 06725.62500 36-48-40.0 N NM MD WNTT876 107-53-52.2 W 0002327438 SAN JUAN, COUNTY OF AZTEC 09/26/2005 06735.62500 36-48-40.0 N NM MD WNTT876 107-53-52.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261554A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261554A1.txt
- of the remote control point for mobile earth stations is taken based in part on the treatment of the mobile earth stations as "U.S. METs" under the agreement contained in the Appendix of Motient Services Inc., et.al., 16 FCC Rcd 20469 (Int'l. Bur. 2001). SITE ID: 1 30,000 half-duplex METs in the United States, VARIOUS LOCATION: Vistar Telecommunication Inc. A2 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-1000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Transcore Link Logistics Corporation A1 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D 0.00 dBW BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Points of Communication: 1 - AMSC-1 - (101.0 W.L.) 1 - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.) Page
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261822A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261822A1.txt
- MORRIS, DOUGLAS E MISSOULA 10/19/2005 00860.51250 46-49-46.7 N MD WPHZ856 A 0002352652 MORRIS, DOUGLAS E 10/19/2005 00809.00000 - 00824.00000 WA MD WPHZ856 118-10-31.8 W 0002352652 MORRIS, DOUGLAS E WALLA WALLA 10/19/2005 00860.63750 45-59-18.5 N MD WPIT861 A 0002352697 DOUGLAS E MORRIS PROFIT SHARING 10/19/2005 00809.00000 - 00824.00000 CA MD WPIT861 114-31-21.8 W 0002352697 DOUGLAS E MORRIS PROFIT SHARINGBLYTHE 10/19/2005 00860.58750 33-45-00.1 N MD WPHT284 A 0002352912 MYERS, NATALIE G 10/20/2005 00809.00000 - 00824.00000 NV MD WPHT284 118-50-03.5 W 0002352912 MYERS, NATALIE G HAWTHORNE 10/20/2005 00860.51250 38-47-02.7 N MD WPIS978 A 0002353085 BALIS, GREGORY K 10/20/2005 00806.00000 - 00821.00000 MT MD WPIS978 112-26-33.1 W 0002353085 BALIS, GREGORY K BUTTE 10/20/2005 00853.38750 46-00-26.7 N MD WPEM649 A 0002353328 SMITH, ALTON K 10/20/2005 00809.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261981A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-261981A1.txt
- 43-36-26.4 N NY NE 073-46-45.1 W 0002357204 Aeronautical Radio Inc New York 10/25/2005 00136.57500 40-38-24.1 N UT NE 111-58-40.1 W 0002357223 Aeronautical Radio Inc Salt Lake City 10/25/2005 00136.57500 40-47-13.2 N VA NE 077-02-17.1 W 0002357230 Aeronautical Radio Inc Arlington 10/25/2005 00136.85000 38-51-07.5 N CO NE 104-33-48.0 W 0002357838 Front Range Airport Authority Watkins 10/25/2005 00123.00000 39-47-10.0 N IN NE 087-34-00.1 W 0002358830 Deaconess Hospital Evansville 10/26/2005 00123.05000 37-59-00.2 N IN NE 087-26-40.0 W 0002358830 Deaconess Hospital Newburgh 10/26/2005 00123.05000 37-58-25.2 N RO WFP3 0002357725 TUCSON AIRPORT AUTHORITY 10/25/2005 RO KXE2 0002358438 SEVEN RESORTS INC 10/25/2005 RO WYM9 0002358491 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER ARIZONA I 10/21/2005 RO WSA9 0002359080 WISCONSIN AVIATION FOUR LAKES IN 10/26/2005 RO KA97189 0002359263 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 10/26/2005
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262084A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262084A1.txt
- 2.4 * Ohio 92.2 95.0 2.8 * Oklahoma 91.5 89.1 -2.4 Oregon 91.2 96.3 5.1 * Pennsylvania 95.1 96.7 1.6 * Rhode Island 93.3 95.7 2.4 South Carolina 81.8 94.8 13.0 * South Dakota 92.7 96.8 4.1 * Tennessee 87.6 93.8 6.2 * Texas 89.0 92.2 3.2 * Utah 90.3 96.8 6.5 * Vermont 92.7 95.6 2.9 Virginia 93.1 93.2 0.1 Washington 92.5 97.3 4.8 * West Virginia 88.1 93.3 5.2 * Wisconsin 94.8 95.1 0.3 Wyoming 89.7 96.2 6.5 * Total United States 91.4 94.0 2.6 * * Increase is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Decrease is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Differences may not appear to equal changes due to rounding. November 1983 July 2005
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262086A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262086A1.txt
- 152.4 152.4 DE District of Columbia 273.1 273.1 272.4 0.7 NA NA 0.7 0.7 DC Florida 3,421.9 3,421.9 3,421.9 FL Georgia 1,765.5 1,765.5 1,765.5 GA Hawaii 242.0 (0.4) 242.4 242.4 HI Idaho 213.8 213.8 213.8 ID Illinois 1,767.5 1,767.5 1,767.5 IL Indiana 963.9 963.9 963.9 IN Iowa 353.2 353.2 353.2 IA Kansas 339.0 339.0 339.0 KS Kentucky 754.4 754.4 754.3 0.1 NA NA 0.1 0.1 KY Louisiana 892.7 892.7 892.7 LA Maine 227.7 227.7 227.7 ME Maryland 1,088.2 1,088.2 1,087.8 0.5 NA NA 0.5 0.5 MD Massachusetts 1,143.8 1,143.8 1,143.8 MA Michigan 1,255.2 1,255.2 1,255.2 MI Minnesota 555.9 555.9 555.9 MN Mississippi 579.2 579.2 579.2 MS Missouri 831.1 831.1 831.1 MO Montana 125.0 125.0 125.0 MT Nebraska 245.5 245.5 245.5 NE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262330A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262330A1.txt
- 21.8 15.0 NA Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 282.8 243.7 365.7 NA 430.0 78.4 516.7 1,024.6 NA Outage Line-Minutes per 1,000 Access Lines 202.6 526.4 105.8 0.0 154.5 75.7 326.4 454.8 0.0 For Scheduled Downtime More than 2 Minutes Number of Occurrences or Events 5 28 1 0 2 0 3 1 0 Events per Hundred Switches 0.3 2.1 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.2 0.1 0 Events per Million Access Lines 0.24 2.09 0.06 0 0.14 0 0.19 0.05 0 Average Outage Duration in Minutes 8.1 5.5 66.0 NA 5.5 NA 28.5 2.3 NA Avg. Lines Affected per Event in Thousands 1.4 16.1 21.0 NA 19.3 NA 22.9 21.8 NA Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 11.4 66.5 1,388.1 NA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262590A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262590A1.txt
- NE 122-42-17.5 W 0002394764 Nextel License Holdings 4, Inc. Bremerton 11/30/2005 10563.12500 47-32-51.3 N TX NE 095-29-02.0 W 0002395214 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION HOUSTON 11/30/2005 11245.00000 29-59-34.2 N TX NE 095-29-02.0 W 0002395214 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION HOUSTON 11/30/2005 11285.00000 29-59-34.2 N TX NE 095-33-20.0 W 0002395216 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION HOUSTON 11/30/2005 19380.00000 29-56-01.0 N TX NE 096-31-35.5 W 0002396417 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION WYLIE 11/30/2005 17760.00000 32-58-00.1 N TX NE 096-35-56.4 W 0002396858 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION GARLAND 12/01/2005 19680.00000 32-57-39.6 N TX NE 096-35-26.1 W 0002396911 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION SACHSE 12/01/2005 18120.00000 32-58-53.1 N TX NE 097-08-22.9 W 0002396949 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION DENTON 12/01/2005 19460.00000 33-12-45.4 N SC NE 079-08-20.0 W 0002396981 TRITON PCS LICENSE COMPANY, LLCPAWLEY'S ISLAND 12/01/2005 06004.50000 33-26-36.0 N UT NE 113-38-07.7 W 0002398453 Conterra LLC St.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262865A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262865A1.txt
- 05-157 (Nov. 4, 2005) (OCTO Presentation); Letter from Ellen M. Kirk, Tropos Networks, to The Honorable Kevin J. Martin, Chairman, FCC, WT Docket No. 05-157 (Nov. 2, 2005) (Tropos Letter). 5 communications by public safety service providers,10 as follows: Frequency Band (MHz) Megahertz (* denotes approximation) 25-50 (VHF Low Band) 6.3* 150-174 (VHF High Band) 3.6* 220-222 (220 MHz band) 0.1* 450-470 (UHF band) 3.7* 764-776/794-806 (700 MHz band) 24 806-821/851-866 (800 MHz band) 3.5 821-824/866-869 (NPSPAC11 band) 6 4940-4990 (4.9 GHz band) 50 6. As part of the transition of analog television broadcasting to digital television (DTV), broadcasters currently assigned Channels 60-69 (sixty megahertz of spectrum referred to as the "Upper 700 MHz Band") will be relocated to assignments below
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.txt
- Millio ns o f Do llars Total Support 56 126 183 500 602 757 915 1,0281,0721,1321,1881,2631,6901,7182,2352,5922,9353,2593,4883,734 19861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005 3 - 13 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A11.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A11.txt
- 21.8 15.0 NA Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 282.8 243.7 365.7 NA 430.0 78.4 516.7 1,024.6 NA Outage Line-Minutes per 1,000 Access Lines 202.6 526.4 105.8 0.0 154.5 75.7 326.4 454.8 0.0 For Scheduled Downtime More Than 2 Minutes Number of Occurrences or Events 5 28 1 0 2 0 3 1 0 Events per Hundred Switches 0.3 2.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 Events per Million Access Lines 0.24 2.09 0.06 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.19 0.05 0.00 Average Outage Duration in Minutes 8.1 5.5 66.0 NA 5.5 NA 28.5 2.3 NA Avg. Lines Affected per Event in Thousands 1.4 16.1 21.0 NA 19.3 NA 22.9 21.8 NA Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 11.4 66.5 1,388.1 NA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A5.txt
- Millio ns o f Do llars Total Support 56 126 183 500 602 757 915 1,0281,0721,1321,1881,2631,6901,7182,2352,5922,9353,2593,4883,734 19861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005 3 - 13 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A9.txt
- have been a major contributing factor to reductions in long distance prices. 6 Although the changes took effect on July 1, some companies made subsequent adjustments to their tariffs, which did not take effect until August 11. 1954 - 2004 1994 - 2004 CPI All Items 4.0 % 2.5 % CPI All Services 4.9 3.2 CPI Telephone Services ** 1.7 -0.1 CPI Major Categories: - Food & Beverages * 2.6 - Housing * 2.7 - Apparel 2.1 -1.0 - Transportation 3.7 2.0 - Medical Care 5.9 3.9 - Recreation * 1.6 - Other Goods & Services * 4.4 CPI Public Transportation 5.0 2.0 CPI Utility Natural Gas Service 5.2 5.2 CPI Electricity 3.3 1.2 CPI Sewer & Water Maintenance 5.6 3.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263555A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263555A1.txt
- 088-17-56.0 W 0002456101 ILLINOIS BIBLE INSTITUTE, INC CHAMPAIGN 01/25/2006 00949.50000 40-13-27.0 N IA MD WPZR238 093-45-16.9 W 0002455670 NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE West Des Moines 01/23/2006 00945.75000 41-35-22.1 N IN MD WPXM370 087-19-33.0 W 0002455788 ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOTerre Haute 01/23/2006 00951.50000 39-28-57.0 N IA MD WPZQ533 093-45-16.9 W 0002455823 NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE West Des Moines 01/23/2006 00949.12500 41-35-22.1 N IL MD WHB270 088-17-00.1 W 0002455922 ILLINOIS BIBLE INSTITUTE, INC CHAMPAIGN 01/23/2006 00950.00000 40-06-47.1 N Page 4 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City ND MD WPNM401 096-49-48.9 W 0002456219 FARGO BAPTIST CHURCH FARGO 01/23/2006 00951.50000 46-52-48.7 N TX MD WLO459 099-44-03.0 W 0002456798 CANFIN ENTERPRISES, INC. ABILENE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263694A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263694A1.txt
- W 0002464675 Cellco Partnership Travelers Rest 01/30/2006 35-05-10.0 N HI RM KNKA250 157-50-52.1 W 0002464743 Cellco Partnership HONOLULU 01/30/2006 21-17-41.6 N HI RM KNKA250 157-50-52.1 W 0002464743 Cellco Partnership HONOLULU 01/30/2006 21-17-41.6 N HI RM KNKA250 157-50-52.1 W 0002464743 Cellco Partnership HONOLULU 01/30/2006 21-17-41.6 N HI RM KNKA250 157-45-24.9 W 0002464743 Cellco Partnership KANEOHE 01/30/2006 21-25-22.0 N MA RM KNKA251 070-53-00.1 W 0002464747 Cellco Partnership ACUSHNET 01/30/2006 41-42-01.4 N MA RM KNKA251 070-53-00.1 W 0002464747 Cellco Partnership ACUSHNET 01/30/2006 41-42-01.4 N MA RM KNKA251 070-53-00.1 W 0002464747 Cellco Partnership ACUSHNET 01/30/2006 41-42-01.4 N MA RM KNKA251 071-18-43.2 W 0002464747 Cellco Partnership ATTLEBORO 01/30/2006 41-55-47.4 N Page 18 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number
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- 0002468136 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC SAN DIEGO 01/31/2006 10875.00000 32-58-52.2 N CA MD WLM376 117-06-56.1 W 0002468136 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC SAN DIEGO 01/31/2006 19570.00000 32-58-52.2 N CA MD WMS726 117-03-08.1 W 0002468831 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ESCONDIDO 01/31/2006 10657.50000 33-04-25.2 N CA MD WMK884 117-05-41.1 W 0002468877 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ESCONDIDO 01/31/2006 11365.00000 33-06-05.1 N CA MD WMK654 117-03-00.1 W 0002468915 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC POWAY 01/31/2006 18010.00000 32-56-43.2 N NC MD WML291 076-17-28.0 W 0002469585 NORTH CAROLINA RSA #9, INC. ELIZABETH CITY 02/01/2006 06004.50000 36-18-29.0 N Page 3 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NC MD WML291 076-17-28.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263808A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-263808A1.txt
- 093-01-02.0 W 0002475047 USCOC OF GREATER MISSOURI, LLCTANEYVILLE 02/07/2006 05945.20000 36-45-51.0 N MO MD WPNB524 093-01-02.0 W 0002475047 USCOC OF GREATER MISSOURI, LLCTANEYVILLE 02/07/2006 06004.50000 36-45-51.0 N MO MD WPNB524 093-01-02.0 W 0002475047 USCOC OF GREATER MISSOURI, LLCTANEYVILLE 02/07/2006 06585.00000 36-45-51.0 N MO MD WPNB524 093-01-02.0 W 0002475047 USCOC OF GREATER MISSOURI, LLCTANEYVILLE 02/07/2006 06595.00000 36-45-51.0 N OR MD WMQ784 121-20-00.1 W 0002475176 United States Cellular Operating CompanyBEND 02/07/2006 02162.00000 44-04-38.4 N OR MD WMQ784 121-20-00.1 W 0002475176 United States Cellular Operating CompanyBEND 02/07/2006 06412.20000 44-04-38.4 N OR MD WMQ784 121-20-00.1 W 0002475176 United States Cellular Operating CompanyBEND 02/07/2006 06835.00000 44-04-38.4 N OR MD WMQ784 121-20-00.1 W 0002475176 United States Cellular Operating CompanyBEND 02/07/2006 10557.50000 44-04-38.4 N OR MD WMQ783 121-06-05.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264075A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264075A1.txt
- 01/31/2006 06345.49000 37-45-14.4 N WV MD WMJ208 081-11-23.3 W 0002468062 Highland Cellular, LLC BECKLEY 01/31/2006 06730.62500 37-45-14.4 N CA MD WMW222 117-14-39.1 W 0002491780 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEHIGHLAND 02/21/2006 10587.50000 34-06-59.0 N CA MD WLN445 119-11-45.3 W 0002491800 FRESNO MSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPPORTERVILLE 02/21/2006 10552.50000 36-03-14.8 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0002491834 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 02/21/2006 05945.20000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0002491834 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 02/21/2006 05974.85000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0002491834 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 02/21/2006 06123.10000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0002491834 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 02/21/2006 06160.16000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0002491834 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 02/21/2006 10557.50000 33-24-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264309A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264309A1.txt
- 7.1 $6,848 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 $249 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 3,425,443 2.6 2.2 82.0 4.0 9.2 Austria $20,472,549 47.0 2.7 18.6 20.8 10.9 $973,356 20.2 0.0 27.5 15.8 36.5 $350,037 0.0 95.5 3.3 0.0 1.2 146,250,849 26.7 3.6 23.5 25.5 20.7 Belgium $47,739,689 63.3 1.4 13.9 15.7 5.7 $2,965,744 51.7 3.6 21.9 6.6 16.2 $3,073,790 0.0 99.5 0.4 0.0 0.1 349,892,172 41.6 3.0 36.1 10.0 9.3 Cyprus $4,833,620 33.3 2.6 50.9 9.6 3.7 $316,051 22.1 0.0 58.5 9.1 10.3 $16,555 0.0 0.0 99.8 0.0 0.2 23,806,742 29.3 4.5 29.5 22.2 14.4 Denmark $17,763,532 53.8 2.7 19.7 17.8 6.0 $2,045,801 27.0 20.0 16.4 28.7 7.9 $3,340,277 0.0100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 201,144,066 33.8 5.6 31.8 20.8 8.0 Finland $9,961,569 55.3 1.3 17.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264331A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264331A1.txt
- SONNENALP RESORT 462.02500000 VAIL 39-38-26.0 N CO 106-22-38.0 W 1 1 02/03/2006 WQCD253 MO SONNENALP RESORT 461.15000000 -- -- 2 1 02/03/2006 WQCD253 MO SONNENALP RESORT 462.02500000 -- -- 2 1 02/03/2006 WQCD253 MO SONNENALP RESORT 466.15000000 -- -- 2 1 02/03/2006 WQCD253 MO SONNENALP RESORT 467.02500000 -- -- 2 1 02/03/2006 WQCD335 FB GULF COAST TRANSPORTATION INC 153.23000000 Tampa 27-57-0.1 N FL 82-28-37.3 W 1 1 02/03/2006 WQCD335 FB GULF COAST TRANSPORTATION INC 158.37000000 Tampa 27-57-0.1 N FL 82-28-37.3 W 1 1 02/03/2006 WQCD335 MO GULF COAST TRANSPORTATION INC 159.93000000 -- -- 2 1 02/03/2006 WQCD335 MO GULF COAST TRANSPORTATION INC 160.09500000 -- -- 2 1 02/03/2006 WQCD335 FB GULF COAST TRANSPORTATION INC 153.06500000 OLDSMAR 28-2-21.5 N FL 82-39-28.2 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264548A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264548A1.txt
- N OH MD WLL288 082-09-02.5 W 0002543328 New Par SHEFFIELD TWP 03/23/2006 02171.60000 41-26-03.1 N OH MD WLL288 082-09-02.5 W 0002543328 New Par SHEFFIELD TWP 03/23/2006 06034.15000 41-26-03.1 N OH MD WLL288 082-09-02.5 W 0002543328 New Par SHEFFIELD TWP 03/23/2006 06620.00000 41-26-03.1 N OH MD WLL288 082-09-02.5 W 0002543328 New Par SHEFFIELD TWP 03/23/2006 06640.00000 41-26-03.1 N CA MD WPNN593 117-21-00.1 W 0002543874 Los AngelesSMSA Limited Partnership SAN BERNARDINO 03/24/2006 10567.50000 34-07-29.0 N PR MD WQEJ371 066-04-00.0 W 0002543944 Islanet, Inc. San Juan 03/24/2006 21420.00000 18-26-42.0 N CA MD WLM874 118-00-53.2 W 0002543946 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership WHITTIER 03/24/2006 10552.50000 34-01-02.0 N CA MD WLM874 118-00-53.2 W 0002543946 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership WHITTIER 03/24/2006 10562.50000 34-01-02.0 N CA MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264878A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264878A1.txt
- 34-03-27.0 N CA MD WPSG898 117-55-58.2 W 0002560232 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership San Dimas 04/04/2006 10557.50000 34-07-59.0 N IN MD WMN686 085-52-44.9 W 0002560389 Centennial Michiana License Company LLWARSAW 04/05/2006 02165.20000 41-14-12.1 N IN MD WMN686 085-52-44.9 W 0002560389 Centennial Michiana License Company LLWARSAW 04/05/2006 02174.80000 41-14-12.1 N NH MD WPON731 071-26-19.7 W 0002560525 Cellco Partnership Manchester 04/05/2006 06197.24000 43-00-00.1 N NH MD WPON731 071-26-19.7 W 0002560525 Cellco Partnership Manchester 04/05/2006 06226.89000 43-00-00.1 N NH MD WPON731 071-26-19.7 W 0002560525 Cellco Partnership Manchester 04/05/2006 06256.54000 43-00-00.1 N Page 11 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NH MD WPON731 071-26-19.7 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264972A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264972A1.txt
- PA NE 080-17-11.6 W 0002572184 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION MCDONALD 04/13/2006 11325.00000 40-21-10.5 N PA NE 079-57-05.8 W 0002572186 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION Monogahela 04/13/2006 11245.00000 40-13-13.3 N PA NE 080-02-16.1 W 0002572188 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION FINLEYVILLE 04/13/2006 10755.00000 40-17-06.1 N PA NE 080-02-16.1 W 0002572188 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION FINLEYVILLE 04/13/2006 10915.00000 40-17-06.1 N PA NE 080-06-06.7 W 0002572190 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION UPPER SAINT CLA 04/13/2006 11365.00000 40-19-00.1 N PA NE 080-06-06.7 W 0002572190 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION UPPER SAINT CLA 04/13/2006 11405.00000 40-19-00.1 N PA NE 080-00-22.7 W 0002572192 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION PITTSBURGH 04/13/2006 10755.00000 40-24-48.9 N PA NE 080-02-40.2 W 0002572195 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION PITTSBURGH 04/13/2006 11245.00000 40-26-21.9 N PA NE 080-02-40.2 W 0002572195 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION PITTSBURGH 04/13/2006 11285.00000 40-26-21.9 N PA NE 080-02-40.2 W 0002572195 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION PITTSBURGH 04/13/2006
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264983A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-264983A1.txt
- MHz 230KG7W 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 307KG7W 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 1M85G7W Points of Communication: 1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT) E960305 SES-RWL-20060406-00579E Date Effective: 04/12/2006 Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations Grant of Authority 05/06/2006 - 05/06/2021 Renewal WEST VIRGINIA EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTING AUTHORITY Nature of Service:Domestic Fixed Satellite Service 39 ° 8 ' 38.00 " N LAT. SITE ID: 1 0.1 KM NW OF CAPON PINNACLE, CAPON SPRINGS, WV 78 ° 26 ' 9.00 " W LONG. LOCATION: Page 19 of 30 DH 1 3 meters ANTENNA ID: DH30FA3 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 200KF3E 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 30K0F1D 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 150KF3D 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 76K8G1D 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 76K8G7W 3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz 154KG7W 3700.0000 -
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265093A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265093A1.txt
- THE ANDERSONS 456.30000000 -- -- 7 1 Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. PW - Public Safety Pool, Conventional Public Safety & Critical Infrastructure Division 03/18/2006 KDJ434 MO RARITAN, BOROUGH OF 155.81250000 -- -- 3 1 03/23/2006 KLP506 FB2 CLAY COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES 151.34000000 BRAZIL 39-31-40.1 N IN 87-7-0.1 W 1 1 Page 5 Frequency Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. PW - Public Safety Pool, Conventional Public Safety & Critical Infrastructure Division 03/23/2006 KLP506 MO CLAY COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES 151.34000000 -- IN -- 2 1 03/23/2006 KLP506 MO CLAY COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES 159.06000000 --
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265170A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265170A1.txt
- 28.8 565 3.1 113 0.6 302 1.6 246 1.3 11,810 64.5 18,312 Oregon 6,526 46.7 66 0.5 89 0.6 348 2.5 179 1.3 6,775 48.5 13,983 Pennsylvania 23,884 43.3 254 0.5 990 1.8 1,137 2.1 312 0.6 28,568 51.8 55,145 Puerto Rico 3,235 62.0 20 0.4 12 0.2 200 3.8 65 1.2 1,687 32.3 5,218 Rhode Island 2,569 53.1 6 0.1 66 1.4 75 1.6 14 0.3 2,112 43.6 4,842 South Carolina 7,293 45.0 404 2.5 96 0.6 526 3.2 278 1.7 7,619 47.0 16,216 South Dakota 1,152 21.4 23 0.4 29 0.5 52 1.0 28 0.5 4,093 76.1 5,376 Tennessee 10,600 42.3 520 2.1 162 0.6 612 2.4 305 1.2 12,861 51.3 25,059 Texas 41,093 42.5 2,577 2.7 864 0.9
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265287A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265287A1.txt
- CHEROD 05/04/2006 00941.63750 37-34-54.0 N IL MD WNTP393 088-28-34.0 W 0002594643 SOUTHEASTERN ILLINOIS ELECTRIC CHEROD 05/04/2006 00943.17500 37-34-54.0 N IL MD WNTP393 088-28-34.0 W 0002594643 SOUTHEASTERN ILLINOIS ELECTRIC CHEROD 05/04/2006 00957.85000 37-34-54.0 N DE NE P 075-39-08.4 W 0002587236 Town of Clayton Clayton 05/01/2006 00956.28125 39-17-42.1 N NY NE 073-32-33.0 W 0002587321 LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY NORTH BELLMORE 05/01/2006 00928.11875 40-41-00.1 N NY NE 073-32-33.0 W 0002587321 LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY NORTH BELLMORE 05/01/2006 00952.11875 40-41-00.1 N NY NE 073-37-34.0 W 0002587358 LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY GLEN COVE 05/01/2006 00928.11875 40-53-02.0 N NY NE 073-37-34.0 W 0002587358 LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY GLEN COVE 05/01/2006 00952.11875 40-53-02.0 N WA NE 122-22-02.2 W 0002587813 Air Speed Internet, LLC Camas 05/01/2006 10935.00000 45-40-44.7 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265386A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265386A1.txt
- NE 097-44-13.0 W 0002598943 Devon Energy Corporation Bridgeport 05/08/2006 17840.00000 33-13-23.0 N Page 30 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX NE 097-48-01.0 W 0002598944 Devon Energy Corporation Bridgeport 05/08/2006 19400.00000 33-11-50.0 N IN NE 085-51-48.8 W 0002599391 GOSHEN GENERAL HOSPITAL GOSHEN 05/08/2006 22475.00000 41-36-00.1 N IN NE 085-49-49.3 W 0002599541 GOSHEN GENERAL HOSPITAL GOSHEN 05/08/2006 21275.00000 41-33-48.0 N KY NE 082-57-09.6 W 0002599544 Kentucky Power Co dba American ElectricHitchins 05/08/2006 06765.00000 38-15-47.3 N WV NE 082-21-41.5 W 0002599562 Appalachian Power Co dba American ElecHuntington 05/08/2006 06655.62500 38-25-35.3 N OH NE 082-56-28.1 W 0002599589 Ohio Power Co dba American Electric PowPortsmouth 05/08/2006 06286.19000 38-48-01.6 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265487A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265487A1.txt
- 0002572182 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION NORTH BRADDOC 05/19/2006 11365.00000 40-24-18.3 N PA AM 079-51-21.7 W 0002572182 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION NORTH BRADDOC 05/19/2006 17900.00000 40-24-18.3 N PA AM 079-51-21.7 W 0002572182 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION NORTH BRADDOC 05/19/2006 17980.00000 40-24-18.3 N PA AM 079-51-21.7 W 0002572182 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION NORTH BRADDOC 05/19/2006 21925.00000 40-24-18.3 N PA AM 080-06-06.7 W 0002572190 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION UPPER SAINT CLA 05/18/2006 11365.00000 40-19-00.1 N PA AM 080-06-06.7 W 0002572190 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION UPPER SAINT CLA 05/18/2006 11405.00000 40-19-00.1 N PA AM 080-06-06.7 W 0002572190 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION UPPER SAINT CLA 05/18/2006 18060.00000 40-19-00.1 N PA AM 079-39-11.2 W 0002572197 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION Leechburg 05/19/2006 11285.00000 40-36-59.8 N PA AM 079-39-11.2 W 0002572197 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION Leechburg 05/19/2006 11325.00000 40-36-59.8 N PA AM 079-37-56.1 W 0002572199 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265627A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265627A1.txt
- 0002621125 ATLANTIC COAST RADIO, LLC Portland 05/22/2006 00948.50000 43-41-22.3 N PA MD WLP625 077-53-43.0 W 0002621511 2510 LICENSES, LLC STATE COLLEGE 05/22/2006 00951.50000 40-48-43.2 N OH MD WLF868 082-59-51.1 W 0002621561 STOP 26 RIVERBEND LICENSES, LLC, DCOLUMBUS 05/22/2006 00951.00000 39-57-47.2 N IN MD WLL523 086-09-10.0 W 0002621611 RADIO ONE OF INDIANA, LLC INDIANAPOLIS 05/22/2006 00951.87500 39-46-32.0 N ID MD WMG278 114-24-00.1 W 0002621900 CALVARY CHAPEL OF TWIN FALLS TWIN FALLS 05/23/2006 00949.50000 42-34-41.7 N ID MD WMG278 114-24-00.1 W 0002621900 CALVARY CHAPEL OF TWIN FALLS TWIN FALLS 05/23/2006 00949.50000 42-34-41.7 N VA MD WQAC882 080-09-02.4 W 0002622078 MEL WHEELER, INC. Roanoke 05/23/2006 00944.50000 37-11-56.5 N VA MD WQAC882 080-09-02.4 W 0002622078 MEL WHEELER, INC. Roanoke 05/23/2006 00944.75000 37-11-56.5 N ID MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265794A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265794A1.txt
- 0002620656 GARY LEASING INC 05/26/2006 AK AM 149-50-10.6 W 0002632936 Pioneer Natural Resources Alaska, Inc. Kuparuk 06/01/2006 00122.80000 70-29-14.0 N AK NE 149-50-10.6 W 0002632936 Pioneer Natural Resources Alaska, Inc. Kuparuk 05/30/2006 00122.80000 70-29-14.0 N MI NE 082-59-10.2 W 0002633375 HURON COUNTY MEMORIAL AIRPORTBAD AXE 05/30/2006 00122.97500 43-47-10.8 N IA NE 094-47-15.9 W 0002634009 Carroll Airport Commission Carroll 05/31/2006 00122.80000 42-03-00.1 N AK NE 150-00-44.2 W 0002636366 Pioneer Natural Resources Alaska, Inc. Kuparuk 06/01/2006 00122.80000 70-24-48.8 N Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AK NE 150-14-50.6 W 0002636490 Pioneer Natural Resources Alaska, Inc. Kuparuk 06/01/2006 00122.80000 70-29-45.3 N MA NE 070-43-43.6 W 0002637558
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266008A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266008A1.txt
- San Benito 06/12/2006 00956.43125 26-10-00.0 N TX NE P 098-04-00.0 W 0002645914 ONEOK, Inc. Edinburgh 06/12/2006 00956.43125 26-22-42.0 N TX NE P 098-34-48.0 W 0002645948 ONEOK, Inc. Rio Grande City 06/12/2006 00956.43125 26-31-00.0 N CO NE 102-30-45.0 W 0002645973 Cheyenne Plains Gas Pipeline Company,Kirk 06/12/2006 06775.62500 40-00-06.0 N AK NE 146-21-04.0 W 0002645979 Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, AgentValdez 06/12/2006 19560.00000 61-05-00.1 N AK NE 146-21-04.0 W 0002646021 Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, AgentValdez 06/12/2006 18000.00000 61-07-47.0 N CA NE 121-48-36.0 W 0002646919 Pacific Gas and Electric Company BIRDS LANDING 06/12/2006 00957.70000 38-10-13.0 N CA NE P 118-26-19.3 W 0002647368 Southern California Gas Company Culver City 06/13/2006 00952.21875 34-02-06.7 N CA NE P 118-26-19.3 W 0002647368 Southern California Gas Company Culver City 06/13/2006
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266108A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266108A1.txt
- N CA MD WLL322 116-56-32.0 W 0002655811 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC SAN DIEGO 06/19/2006 18120.00000 32-49-43.1 N CA MD WMS728 117-01-36.1 W 0002655960 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC SAN DIEGO 06/19/2006 19445.00000 32-50-50.2 N NH MD WMJ780 071-26-23.7 W 0002656182 New Hampshire RSA 2 Partnership PEMBROKE 06/20/2006 06093.45000 43-13-09.3 N NH MD WPON731 071-26-19.7 W 0002656187 Cellco Partnership Manchester 06/20/2006 06345.49000 43-00-00.1 N CA MD WPYU222 118-05-50.5 W 0002656286 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Lancaster 06/20/2006 10567.50000 34-41-17.1 N CA MD WPRW969 118-06-38.2 W 0002656415 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership PICO RIVERA 06/20/2006 19410.00000 33-58-59.0 N CA MD WLL912 116-26-03.0 W 0002656458 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEDESERT HOT SPRI 06/20/2006 10642.50000 33-52-01.1 N CA MD WPJD234 116-24-10.0 W 0002656478 LOS ANGELES SMSA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266116A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266116A1.txt
- WPPF824 MO L.R.M. MATERIALS 153.00500000 -- -- 4 1 05/23/2006 WPSS910 FB2 City Place Retail LLC 463.42500000 WEST PALM B 26-42-31.7 N FL 80-3-24.5 W 2 1 05/23/2006 WPSS910 MO City Place Retail LLC 463.42500000 -- -- 3 1 05/23/2006 WPSS910 MO City Place Retail LLC 468.42500000 -- -- 3 1 05/24/2006 WPUB587 MO MISSION HILLS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 451.48750000 NORTHBROOK 42-8-0.1 N IL 87-52-40.2 W 2 1 05/25/2006 WPWL673 FB S & W Ready Mix Concrete Co Inc 159.64500000 SOUTHPORT 33-56-18.6 N NC 78-1-34.9 W 11 1 05/25/2006 WPWL673 FB S & W Ready Mix Concrete Co Inc 159.94500000 SOUTHPORT 33-56-18.6 N NC 78-1-34.9 W 11 1 05/25/2006 WPWL673 MO S & W Ready Mix Concrete Co Inc 159.64500000 -- --
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266128A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266128A1.txt
- Modification Amtech Systems LLC Nature of Service:Mobile Satellite Service This application seeks to modify the license term of satellite earth station E990316 to permit Amtech Systems LLC to operate its 30,000 half-duplex mobile earth terminals for an additional four years, until July 2, 2010. SITE ID: 1 30,000 half-duplex METs in the United States, VARIOUS LOCATION: Vistar Telecommunication Inc. A2 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-1000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Transcore Link Logistics Corporation A1 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D Page 19 of 24 0.00 dBW BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Points of Communication: 1 - AMC-1 - (101.0 W.L.) 1 - MSAT-1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266457A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266457A1.txt
- 42-23-26.9 N MN NE 094-47-05.9 W 0002683158 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYBUTTERFIELD 07/13/2006 00932.38125 43-57-33.8 N MN NE 094-47-05.9 W 0002683158 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYBUTTERFIELD 07/13/2006 00941.38125 43-57-33.8 N KY NE P 085-56-59.0 W 0002683614 HARDIN COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NORINEYVILLE 07/13/2006 00956.31875 37-44-51.0 N KY NE P 085-56-59.0 W 0002683614 HARDIN COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NORINEYVILLE 07/13/2006 00956.31875 37-44-51.0 N WY NE 107-44-00.1 W 0002683617 Colorado Interstate Gas Lost Cabin 07/14/2006 06620.62500 43-24-23.7 N MN NE P 092-32-57.0 W 0002683620 VIRGINIA PUBLIC UTILITIES MOUNTAIN IRON 07/14/2006 00956.40625 47-31-27.0 N MN NE P 092-32-57.0 W 0002683620 VIRGINIA PUBLIC UTILITIES MOUNTAIN IRON 07/14/2006 00956.40625 47-31-27.0 N WY NE 107-35-33.6 W 0002683624 Colorado Interstate Gas Lost Cabin 07/14/2006 06780.62500 43-16-52.6 N Page 34 MG - Microwave
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266596A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266596A1.txt
- Jun 1999 Dec 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Dec 1999 Dec 2000 Dec 2001 Dec 2002 Dec 2003 Dec 2004 Dec 2005 One or More Providers Four or More Providers Technology Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or More ADSL 17.9 40.7 18.5 9.3 5.9 3.9 2.2 1.0 0.4 0.1 0.1 SDSL 54.4 19.8 7.8 5.2 3.9 3.3 2.8 1.7 0.8 0.2 0.1 Cable Modem 42.9 48.1 8.4 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fiber 60.9 18.9 11.9 6.0 1.9 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Satellite 11.5 46.3 28.9 12.7 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fixed Wireless 80.8 15.6 2.9 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266710A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266710A1.txt
- Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IN MD WQFJ244 086-13-57.9 W 0002696247 Indiana Broadcasting, LLC Indianapolis 07/28/2006 22020.00000 39-47-06.8 N IN MD WQFJ244 086-13-57.9 W 0002696247 Indiana Broadcasting, LLC Indianapolis 07/28/2006 22035.00000 39-47-06.8 N AK NE 146-21-04.0 W 0002692781 Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, AgentValdez 07/25/2006 19400.00000 61-05-00.1 N AK NE 146-22-26.0 W 0002692854 Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, AgentVALDEZ 07/25/2006 17840.00000 61-05-17.0 N WA NE 119-10-14.0 W 0002692902 BIG BEN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE , INBASIN CITY 07/25/2006 00932.43125 46-43-16.0 N WA NE 119-10-14.0 W 0002692902 BIG BEN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE , INBASIN CITY 07/25/2006 00941.43125 46-43-16.0 N WA NE 122-20-41.6 W 0002693728 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS LLSEATTLE 07/26/2006 21875.00000 47-36-39.3 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266914A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266914A1.txt
- 08/11/2006 11525.00000 33-50-59.1 N CA AM WLM875 117-39-14.2 W 0002581334 Los AngelesSMSA Limited Partnership CORONA 08/11/2006 11605.00000 33-50-59.1 N Page 9 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0002620790 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 08/09/2006 10582.50000 33-24-00.1 N CA AM WPNJ776 117-09-14.1 W 0002620793 Cellco Partnership PALA 08/08/2006 10647.50000 33-19-54.1 N CO AM WLV349 107-54-09.9 W 0002633848 ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. DURANGO 08/08/2006 02118.40000 37-15-43.8 N CO AM WLV349 107-54-09.9 W 0002633848 ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. DURANGO 08/08/2006 17800.00000 37-15-43.8 N CO AM WLV349 107-54-09.9 W 0002633848 ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. DURANGO 08/08/2006 17920.00000 37-15-43.8 N CO AM WLV298 107-52-35.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266991A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266991A1.txt
- RADIO EAST INC. Sam Bruno 08/17/2006 00166.25000 37-41-20.4 N CA MD KKN755 122-26-11.8 W 0002717182 CBS RADIO EAST INC. Sam Bruno 08/17/2006 00170.15000 37-41-20.4 N CA MD KKN755 122-23-58.8 W 0002717182 CBS RADIO EAST INC. San Francisco 08/17/2006 00166.25000 37-47-53.7 N CA MD KKN755 122-23-58.8 W 0002717182 CBS RADIO EAST INC. San Francisco 08/17/2006 00170.15000 37-47-53.7 N CA MD KKN755 122-30--00.1 W 0002717182 CBS RADIO EAST INC. SAUSALITO 08/17/2006 00166.25000 37-50-56.7 N CA MD KKN755 122-30--00.1 W 0002717182 CBS RADIO EAST INC. SAUSALITO 08/17/2006 00170.15000 37-50-56.7 N CA MD KKN755 122-30--00.1 W 0002717182 CBS RADIO EAST INC. SAUSALITO 08/17/2006 00450.08750 37-50-56.7 N CA MD KKN755 122-30--00.1 W 0002717182 CBS RADIO EAST INC. SAUSALITO 08/17/2006 00450.61250 37-50-56.7 N MO NE P 093-15-03.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267135A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267135A1.txt
- LIFE MINISTRIES, INC. Augusta 08/25/2006 00945.50000 44-19-43.0 N AZ NE 110-58-26.9 W 0002727227 CC LICENSES, LLC TUCSON 08/25/2006 00948.37500 32-15-57.7 N CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0002620790 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 08/23/2006 17805.00000 33-24-00.1 N OR AM WPVM293 124-14-06.3 W 0002643421 Edge Wireless Licenses, LLC Brookings 08/25/2006 19435.00000 42-02-43.4 N CA AM WHC947 116-13-32.0 W 0002686506 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEINDIO 08/21/2006 06123.10000 33-48-06.0 N CA AM WHC947 116-13-32.0 W 0002686506 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEINDIO 08/22/2006 06123.10000 33-48-06.0 N Page 9 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267604A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267604A1.txt
- Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA NE 122-46-30.1 W 0002758440 Cal-One Cellular L.P. Ft Jones 09/21/2006 11138.12500 41-44-13.5 N CA NE 122-37-33.0 W 0002758481 Cal-One Cellular L.P. Yreka 09/21/2006 11628.12500 41-36-35.5 N CA NE 123-12-00.7 W 0002758590 Cal-One Cellular L.P. Hayfork 09/21/2006 06165.72200 40-29-34.1 N CA NE 122-44-00.1 W 0002758636 Cal-One Cellular L.P. Covington Mill 09/21/2006 06417.76200 40-53-40.5 N CA NE 123-57-10.0 W 0002758663 Cal-One Cellular L.P. Blue Lake 09/21/2006 06286.19000 40-54-09.0 N CA NE 124-04-11.0 W 0002758706 Cal-One Cellular L.P. MT MCKINLEYVILL 09/21/2006 05974.85000 40-57-39.0 N CA NE 124-04-11.0 W 0002758706 Cal-One Cellular L.P. MT MCKINLEYVILL 09/21/2006 06034.15000 40-57-39.0 N CA NE 124-12-07.2 W 0002760940 Cal-One Cellular
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267738A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267738A1.txt
- KNLW288 0002767597 ComSoft Corporation 09/28/2006 RO KNLW289 0002767681 Silke Communications Inc. 09/28/2006 RO KNLW290 0002767682 Silke Communications Inc. 09/28/2006 Page 4 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0002620790 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 09/25/2006 10582.50000 33-24-00.1 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0002620790 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 09/25/2006 17810.00000 33-24-00.1 N AK AM 131-34-52.0 W 0002715476 ALASCOM, INC. ANNETTE 09/25/2006 10558.12500 55-03-16.8 N FL AM 082-28-19.0 W 0002722707 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION Sarasota 09/29/2006 10755.00000 27-20-09.0 N FL AM 082-28-19.0 W 0002722707 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION Sarasota 09/29/2006 10915.00000 27-20-09.0 N FL AM 082-49-40.0 W 0002722820 FIBERTOWER CORPORATION Clear
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267826A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-267826A1.txt
- 06735.62500 40-43-35.0 N MT NE 106-23-31.9 W 0002773801 Gold Creek Cellular of Montana Limited PRosebud 10/04/2006 10557.50000 46-16-11.2 N FL NE 082-51-40.4 W 0002773820 T-Mobile License LLC Chiefland 10/04/2006 02469.75000 29-29-12.8 N FL NE 082-42-25.1 W 0002773826 T-Mobile License LLC Bronson 10/04/2006 02452.50000 29-22-58.6 N FL NE 081-40-26.6 W 0002773832 T-Mobile License LLC GROSS 10/04/2006 02452.50000 30-42-32.9 N GA NE 081-41-00.1 W 0002773834 T-Mobile License LLC KINGSLAND 10/04/2006 02469.75000 30-49-13.3 N MT NE 106-40-12.0 W 0002773836 Gold Creek Cellular of Montana Limited PFORSYTH 10/04/2006 10622.50000 46-15-47.0 N FL NE 081-39-33.1 W 0002773872 T-Mobile License LLC YULEE 10/04/2006 02477.25000 30-37-42.5 N FL NE 081-40-26.6 W 0002773877 T-Mobile License, LLC GROSS 10/04/2006 02460.00000 30-42-32.9 N FL NE 082-51-40.4 W 0002773880 T-Mobile License LLC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268047A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268047A1.txt
- N IN MD WBM636 087-16-28.1 W 0002788807 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEMERRILLVILLE 10/18/2006 06745.00000 41-27-47.1 N IN MD WBM636 087-16-28.1 W 0002788807 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEMERRILLVILLE 10/18/2006 06765.00000 41-27-47.1 N IN MD WBM636 087-16-28.1 W 0002788807 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEMERRILLVILLE 10/18/2006 06805.00000 41-27-47.1 N IN MD WNTF961 087-19-31.1 W 0002790527 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEMERRILLVILLE 10/19/2006 06645.00000 41-27-41.1 N IN MD WBA65 087-17-00.1 W 0002790531 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEHobart 10/19/2006 06815.00000 41-32-12.1 N IN MD WBA65 087-17-00.1 W 0002790531 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEHobart 10/19/2006 06865.00000 41-32-12.1 N IN MD WED429 087-23-56.1 W 0002790535 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICESAINT JOHN 10/19/2006 02137.20000 41-27-04.1 N IN MD WED429 087-23-56.1 W 0002790535 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICESAINT JOHN 10/19/2006 06605.00000 41-27-04.1 N IN MD WED429 087-23-56.1 W 0002790535
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268273A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268273A1.txt
- W 0002795771 VALLEY SHORE EMERGENCY COMMUChester 10/25/2006 00942.17500 41-24-14.0 N CO NE P 102-14-49.2 W 0002795807 CITY OF BURLINGTON BURLINGTON 10/25/2006 00956.40625 39-18-17.3 N CA NE 121-58-35.0 W 0002796266 Nextweb Inc Santa Clara 10/26/2006 21420.00000 37-24-18.0 N CA NE 121-59-21.0 W 0002796275 Nextweb Inc Sunnyvale 10/26/2006 22620.00000 37-23-12.0 N CO NE 105-11-33.2 W 0002796492 Aquila, Inc. CANON CITY 10/26/2006 06555.62500 38-27-00.1 N MA NE 071-01-41.0 W 0002798016 Partners HealthCare Boston 10/26/2006 19360.00000 42-20-38.6 N IA NE 090-11-05.5 W 0002798389 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYCLINTON 10/27/2006 00928.81875 41-50-12.1 N IA NE 090-11-05.5 W 0002798389 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYCLINTON 10/27/2006 00952.81875 41-50-12.1 N Page 23 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268367A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268367A1.txt
- WPVP931 077-50-27.0 W 0002801526 USCOC of North Carolina RSA #7, Inc. BRINKLEYVILLE 10/30/2006 06755.00000 36-09-47.0 N WV MD KQX32 078-20-47.0 W 0002801551 Atlantic Broadband (Penn), LLC RIDGE 10/30/2006 06152.75000 39-27-03.3 N CA MD WPWG284 114-34-33.3 W 0002801606 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCVidal 10/30/2006 06785.00000 34-11-21.5 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002802172 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) Rio Grande 10/30/2006 19455.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002802172 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) Rio Grande 10/30/2006 19625.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002802172 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) Rio Grande 10/30/2006 19645.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002802172 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) Rio Grande 10/30/2006 19665.00000 18-25-00.1 N LA MD WMQ949 091-30-31.9 W 0002802257 ACADIANA CELLULAR GENERAL PARTMARINGOUIN 10/30/2006
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268453A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268453A1.txt
- WPSL905 066-04-09.9 W 0002801643 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) HATO REY 11/06/2006 19425.00000 18-25-12.5 N PR AM WPSL905 066-04-09.9 W 0002801643 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) HATO REY 11/06/2006 19605.00000 18-25-12.5 N PR AM WPSL905 066-04-09.9 W 0002801643 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) HATO REY 11/06/2006 19645.00000 18-25-12.5 N PR AM WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002802172 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) Rio Grande 11/06/2006 19455.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR AM WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002802172 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) Rio Grande 11/06/2006 19625.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR AM WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002802172 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) Rio Grande 11/06/2006 19645.00000 18-25-00.1 N Page 2 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268576A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268576A1.txt
- Airport Victorville 11/14/2006 00118.35000 34-35-15.0 N CA NE 117-22-30.2 W 0002817948 Southern California Logistics Airport Victorville 11/14/2006 00121.50000 34-35-15.0 N CA NE 117-22-30.2 W 0002817948 Southern California Logistics Airport Victorville 11/14/2006 00124.50000 34-35-15.0 N CA NE 117-22-30.2 W 0002817948 Southern California Logistics Airport Victorville 11/14/2006 00243.00000 34-35-15.0 N MI RM KMJ9 083-58-59.8 W 0002817422 LIVINGSTON, COUNTY OF HOWELL 11/13/2006 00123.00000 42-38-00.1 N RO KSL7 0002815241 SEVEN BAR AVIATION INC 11/13/2006 RO WLC4 0002816653 MADERA, CITY OF 11/13/2006 RO WXY6 0002817304 COUNTY OF NEVADA NEVADA COUNT 11/14/2006 RO KCN5 0002819645 BRIDGEFORD FLYING SERVICE 11/15/2006 RO KCQ2 0002819652 COLLEGEDALE, CITY OF 11/15/2006 RO WWX3 0002821909 JOHNSTON COUNTY AIRPROT AUTHO 11/17/2006 Page 2 AI - Aural Intercity Relay State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268813A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-268813A1.txt
- N IN AM WBM636 087-16-28.1 W 0002788807 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEMERRILLVILLE 11/30/2006 06765.00000 41-27-47.1 N IN AM WBM636 087-16-28.1 W 0002788807 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEMERRILLVILLE 11/30/2006 06805.00000 41-27-47.1 N IN AM WBM636 087-16-28.1 W 0002788807 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEMERRILLVILLE 11/30/2006 10795.00000 41-27-47.1 N IN AM WBM636 087-16-28.1 W 0002788807 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEMERRILLVILLE 11/30/2006 10875.00000 41-27-47.1 N IN AM WBA65 087-17-00.1 W 0002790531 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEHobart 11/30/2006 06197.24000 41-32-12.1 N IN AM WBA65 087-17-00.1 W 0002790531 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEHobart 11/30/2006 06815.00000 41-32-12.1 N IN AM WBA65 087-17-00.1 W 0002790531 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEHobart 11/30/2006 06865.00000 41-32-12.1 N IN AM WBA65 087-17-00.1 W 0002790531 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICEHobart 11/30/2006 11215.00000 41-32-12.1 N IN AM WED429 087-23-56.1 W 0002790535 NORTHERN INDIANA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269066A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269066A1.txt
- RSA #1, INC. ISLAND FALLS 12/15/2006 05945.20000 46-01-33.2 N ME MD WMS772 068-15-02.1 W 0002850102 MAINE RSA #1, INC. ISLAND FALLS 12/15/2006 06152.75000 46-01-33.2 N ME MD WMS772 068-15-02.1 W 0002850102 MAINE RSA #1, INC. ISLAND FALLS 12/15/2006 06745.00000 46-01-33.2 N ME MD WMS772 068-15-02.1 W 0002850102 MAINE RSA #1, INC. ISLAND FALLS 12/15/2006 06755.00000 46-01-33.2 N CA MD WQFX739 122-44-00.1 W 0002850202 Cal-One Cellular L.P. Covington Mill 12/15/2006 06685.00000 40-53-40.5 N NV MD WPZB996 118-25-14.3 W 0002850256 Omnipoint NY MTA License, LLC LOVELOCK 12/15/2006 06397.38000 40-14-17.7 N NV MD WPZB220 118-13-47.1 W 0002850260 Omnipoint NY MTA License, LLC IMLAY 12/15/2006 06145.34000 40-42-57.3 N UT NE 112-35-51.2 W 0002844464 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCKANOSH 12/11/2006 06715.62500 38-40-14.6 N NY NE 074-01-51.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269191A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269191A1.txt
- Trillion Partners, Inc. Tucson 12/20/2006 21835.00000 32-08-11.4 N AZ NE 110-54-18.7 W 0002856497 Trillion Partners, Inc. Tucson 12/20/2006 21985.00000 32-08-11.4 N AZ NE 110-56-34.1 W 0002856498 Trillion Partners, Inc. Tucson 12/20/2006 23035.00000 32-03-56.5 N Page 42 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ NE 110-58-00.1 W 0002856499 Trillion Partners, Inc. Tucson 12/20/2006 17920.00000 32-07-32.8 N AZ NE 110-58-00.1 W 0002856499 Trillion Partners, Inc. Tucson 12/20/2006 21835.00000 32-07-32.8 N AZ NE 110-58-00.1 W 0002856499 Trillion Partners, Inc. Tucson 12/20/2006 21885.00000 32-07-32.8 N AZ NE 110-58-00.1 W 0002856499 Trillion Partners, Inc. Tucson 12/20/2006 21935.00000 32-07-32.8 N AZ NE 110-58-19.5 W 0002856500 Trillion Partners, Inc. Tucson 12/20/2006 23085.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- Interest income is shown as negative because it is subtracted from expenses to yield the total. 2 For the schools & libraries mechanism, periodic true-ups include applications of unused fund balance from prior periods. Table 1.10 1 - 35 Mechanism Percent of Total High-Cost Support $3,824 58.7% High-Cost Loop Support 1,219 18.7 Safety Net Additive Support 15 0.2 Safety-Valve 4 0.1 High-Cost Model Support 292 4.5 Long-Term Support 0 0.0 Interstate Common Line Support 1,178 18.1 Interstate Access Support 691 10.6 Local Switching Support 425 6.5 Low-Income Support 809 12.4 School and Libraries 1,862 28.6 Rural Health Care 26 0.4 All Universal Service Support $6,520 100.0% Distribution of Universal Service Payments: 2005 Chart 19.1 Notes: Figures may not add due to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A11.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A11.txt
- 17.7 NA 8.1 14.7 6.0 Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 219,618.1 125.5 171.9 NA 678.5 NA 247.6 334.9 486.9 Outage Line-Minutes per 1,000 Access Lines 324,525.7 362.3 64.3 0.0 936.9 0.0 224.0 104.9 1,048.1 For Scheduled Downtime More Than 2 Minutes Number of Occurrences or Events 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Events per Hundred Switches 0.1 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Events per Million Access Lines 0.10 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Average Outage Duration in Minutes 3.5 4.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Avg. Lines Affected per Event in Thousands 29.7 15.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 102.8 58.6
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A3.txt
- Interest income is shown as negative because it is subtracted from expenses to yield the total. 2 For the schools & libraries mechanism, periodic true-ups include applications of unused fund balance from prior periods. Table 1.10 1 - 35 Mechanism Percent of Total High-Cost Support $3,824 58.7% High-Cost Loop Support 1,219 18.7 Safety Net Additive Support 15 0.2 Safety-Valve 4 0.1 High-Cost Model Support 292 4.5 Long-Term Support 0 0.0 Interstate Common Line Support 1,178 18.1 Interstate Access Support 691 10.6 Local Switching Support 425 6.5 Low-Income Support 809 12.4 School and Libraries 1,862 28.6 Rural Health Care 26 0.4 All Universal Service Support $6,520 100.0% Distribution of Universal Service Payments: 2005 Chart 19.1 Notes: Figures may not add due to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- 4000 Millio ns o f Do llars Total Support 126 183 500 602 757 915 10281072113211881263169017182235259229353259346838243993 19871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006 3 - 13 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A9.txt
- 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Percen t Ch ang e fro m P rior Y ear CPI - All Items CPI - Telephone Service 7 - 7 1978 1.4% 3.1% -0.7% 0.0% 1.3% 0.1% 1979 1.7 1.6 -0.8 -0.9 0.1 -0.7 1980 7.0 7.1 3.4 5.5 -0.6 2.3 1981 12.6 15.6 14.6 15.9 6.2 8.0 1982 10.8 9.0 2.7 3.9 4.2 1.7 1983 3.1 0.2 1.4 0.0 7.4 3.9 1984 17.2 10.4 -4.3 -5.1 3.6 3.8 1985 8.9 12.4 -3.7 -3.0 0.6 2.1 1986 7.1 8.9 -9.4 -10.0 0.3 -3.5 1987 3.3 2.6 -12.4 -11.8 -3.0 -3.0 1988 4.5 4.6
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269297A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269297A1.txt
- PR MD WPTB627 066-51-04.7 W 0002863014 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) YAUCO 12/28/2006 17890.00000 18-02-22.0 N PR MD WPTB627 066-51-04.7 W 0002863014 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) YAUCO 12/28/2006 17905.00000 18-02-22.0 N CA MD WQDG921 117-26-28.0 W 0002863024 Nextel of California, Inc Camp Pendleton 12/28/2006 17905.00000 33-17-21.0 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002863164 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO GRANDE 12/28/2006 11667.50000 18-25-00.1 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002863164 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO GRANDE 12/28/2006 19385.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002863164 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO GRANDE 12/28/2006 19455.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002863164 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO GRANDE 12/28/2006 19625.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002863164 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269299A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269299A1.txt
- WV NE 081-36-38.7 W 0002861134 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TCharleston 12/26/2006 18080.00000 38-20-18.7 N WV NE 081-36-40.3 W 0002861137 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TCharleston 12/26/2006 19640.00000 38-20-13.2 N WI NE 092-37-32.5 W 0002863096 WISCONSIN DOT, STATE PATROL Dresser 12/28/2006 00942.77500 45-20-50.0 N WV NE 080-21-10.4 W 0002863256 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TMcWhorter 12/28/2006 06004.50000 39-08-00.1 N WV NE 080-21-10.4 W 0002863256 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TMcWhorter 12/28/2006 06093.45000 39-08-00.1 N WV NE 079-55-39.4 W 0002863257 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TElkins 12/28/2006 06345.49000 38-52-22.2 N WV NE 081-31-39.5 W 0002863876 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TMalden 12/29/2006 06315.84000 38-16-36.7 N WV NE 081-31-39.5 W 0002863876 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269600A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269600A1.txt
- no later than 5 days after the time for filing an opposition has expired. AApppplliiccaanntt FFiillee N Nuum mbbeerr C Coooorrddiinnaatteess D Daattee R Reecc''dd Unicom, Inc. A0534849 61-48-32.9/165-30-58.3 1/10/07 New Cingular Wireless Services, Inc. A0535296 33-50-01.0/084-15-21.0 1/16/07 New Cingular Wireless Services, Inc. A0535298 32-19-42.5/093-42-47.3 1/16/07 New Cingular Wireless Services, Inc. A0535310 32-02-04.8/102-04-32.2 1/16/07 New Cingular Wireless Services, Inc. A0535315 45-36-00.1/122-37-03.4 1/16/07 - FCC -
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269691A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269691A1.txt
- Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City LA AM KXX4 089-26-30.2 W 0002865877 SHELL COMMUNICATIONS INC Boothville 01/17/2007 00122.70000 29-21-20.8 N KS NE 095-46-21.8 W 0002880666 CITY OF INDEPENDECNE Independence 01/16/2007 00126.07500 37-09-34.1 N GM NE 092-35-23.8 W 0002881664 EVERGREEN HELICOPTERS INTERNATOFF SHORE 01/17/2007 00130.75000 28-56-48.2 N IL NE 088-22-50.3 W 0002883083 Galt Airport LLC Greenwood 01/18/2007 00122.80000 42-24-00.1 N RO KAA2 0002878737 BOYNE MOUNTAIN LODGE INC 01/16/2007 RO WGV4 0002879448 ANSON, COUNTY OF 01/16/2007 Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RO KQZ4 0002880948 GWINNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMM 01/17/2007 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270079A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270079A1.txt
- Authority 07/02/2006 - 07/02/2010 Application for Modification Amtech Systems LLC Nature of Service:Mobile Satellite Service This authorization is issued pursuant to and subject to the conditions and terms set forth in the Commission's Order released January 26, 2007 (DA 07-266) Page 1 of 9 SITE ID: 1 30,000 half-duplex METs in the United States, VARIOUS LOCATION: Vistar Telecommunication Inc. A2 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-1000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Transcore Link Logistics Corporation A1 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D 0.00 dBW BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Points of Communication: 1 - AMC-1 - (101.0 W.L.) 1 - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.) E8634
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270308A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270308A1.txt
- TX MD WAC277 095-27-27.8 W 0002894718 AMFM TEXAS LICENSES LIMITED PARTHOUSTON 01/29/2007 00944.11250 29-44-44.2 N WA MD WLH428 120-33-48.0 W 0002895345 CITICASTERS LICENSES, L.P. YAKIMA 01/30/2007 00948.50000 46-35-56.0 N OH MD WLO548 080-38-21.0 W 0002896436 CUMULUS LICENSING LLC Youngstown 01/30/2007 00949.00000 41-03-26.0 N OH MD WLO549 080-38-21.0 W 0002896460 CUMULUS LICENSING LLC Youngstown 01/30/2007 00946.50000 41-03-26.0 N AZ MD WPTE401 111-07-00.1 W 0002896619 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIPTUCSON 01/31/2007 00947.50000 32-14-55.7 N AZ MD WLD206 110-58-26.9 W 0002896639 CC LICENSES, LLC TUCSON 01/31/2007 00945.50000 32-15-57.7 N WA MD WCQ474 119-07-33.7 W 0002897197 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIPPASCO 01/31/2007 00949.00000 46-13-39.1 N TX MD WGI249 095-27-27.8 W 0002897392 AMFM TEXAS LICENSES LIMITED PARTHOUSTON 01/31/2007 00948.00000 29-44-44.2 N TX MD WAW485 095-27-27.8 W 0002897458 CAPSTAR
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.txt
- SprintBellSouth 3Qwest 4 SBC 5Verizon 6Other 7 1995 74.6% 13.0% 4.2% (7) % (7) % (7) % (7) % 8.2% 1996 69.9 14.1 5.0 (7) (7) (7) (7) 11.0 1997 67.2 13.2 5.7 (7) (7) (7) (7) 13.8 1998 62.6 15.1 5.7 (7) (7) (7) (7) 16.6 1999 62.5 16.0 6.2 (7) (7) (7) (7) 15.4 2000 51.1 18.0 6.6 0.1 1.6 1.0 4.6 17.0 2001 42.3 18.5 6.8 0.1 2.9 2.6 6.7 20.0 2002 36.7 15.8 7.6 0.2 2.5 3.8 9.3 24.1 2003 31.7 13.0 7.1 2.2 3.2 7.5 10.8 24.4 2004 23.5 9.9 6.9 4.4 5.7 13.2 12.9 23.5 2005 18.1 7.7 6.2 5.9 5.9 15.9 16.2 24.1 1995 8.9% 2.4% 4.6% (7) % (7) % (7) % (7)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270500A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270500A1.txt
- N LA AM WPJE872 089-01-49.4 W 0002824800 Stratos Offshore Services Company VENICE 02/05/2007 02165.20000 29-15-39.4 N LA AM WPJE872 089-01-49.4 W 0002824800 Stratos Offshore Services Company VENICE 02/05/2007 06286.19000 29-15-39.4 N LA AM WPJE872 089-01-49.4 W 0002824800 Stratos Offshore Services Company VENICE 02/05/2007 06345.49000 29-15-39.4 N PR AM WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002863164 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO GRANDE 02/06/2007 11627.50000 18-25-00.1 N PR AM WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002863164 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO GRANDE 02/06/2007 11667.50000 18-25-00.1 N PR AM WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0002863164 SprintCom, Inc. (Puerto Rico) RIO GRANDE 02/06/2007 19385.00000 18-25-00.1 N Page 6 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270666A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270666A1.txt
- 09/18/2006 00129.50000 58-25-28.8 N AK NE 135-42-21.6 W 0002754181 Alaska Aviation Radio, Inc. Gustavus 09/18/2006 00130.30000 58-25-28.8 N AK NE 135-42-21.6 W 0002754181 Alaska Aviation Radio, Inc. Gustavus 09/18/2006 00130.50000 58-25-28.8 N AR NE 094-25-08.8 W 0002915855 Baldor Electric Company Fort Smith 02/16/2007 00122.82500 35-19-09.3 N IL RM KKX8 088-22-50.3 W 0002909969 GALT FLYING SERVICE INC WONDER LAKE 02/08/2007 00122.80000 42-24-00.1 N RO KPH4 0002909167 CUSHING, CITY OF 02/12/2007 RO KBM3 0002909667 WEXFORD COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHOR 02/12/2007 RO KHB5 0002910827 AIR AMERICA FUEL & SERVICE INC 02/12/2007 RO WWM5 0002912270 GOULD, ROBERT A 02/13/2007 RO KKV4 0002915896 SAN JOSE, CITY OF 02/16/2007 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270855A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270855A1.txt
- 17.7 NA 8.1 14.7 6.0 Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 219,618.1 125.5 171.9 NA 678.5 NA 247.6 334.9 486.9 Outage Line-Minutes per 1,000 Access Lines 324,525.7 362.3 64.3 0.0 936.9 0.0 224.0 104.9 1,068.2 For Scheduled Downtime More than 2 Minutes Number of Occurrences or Events 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Events per Hundred Switches 0.1 0.6 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 Events per Million Access Lines 0.10 0.62 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 Average Outage Duration in Minutes 3.5 4.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Avg. Lines Affected per Event in Thousands 29.7 15.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 102.8 58.6
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270881A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270881A1.txt
- 087-30-49.1 W 0002923590 Cellco Partnership MADISONVILLE 02/23/2007 37-11-21.3 N KY MD KNKN871 087-29-17.0 W 0002923590 Cellco Partnership MADISONVILLE 02/23/2007 37-16-53.0 N KY MD KNKN871 087-29-17.0 W 0002923590 Cellco Partnership MADISONVILLE 02/23/2007 37-16-53.0 N KY MD KNKN871 088-04-34.3 W 0002923590 Cellco Partnership MARION 02/23/2007 37-19-00.3 N KY MD KNKN871 088-04-34.3 W 0002923590 Cellco Partnership MARION 02/23/2007 37-19-00.3 N KY MD KNKN871 088-16-00.1 W 0002923590 Cellco Partnership MURRAY 02/23/2007 36-38-26.2 N KY MD KNKN871 088-38-47.2 W 0002923590 Cellco Partnership Paducah 02/23/2007 37-01-54.2 N KY MD KNKN871 087-51-07.6 W 0002923590 Cellco Partnership PRINCETON 02/23/2007 36-57-17.4 N KY MD KNKN871 087-51-07.6 W 0002923590 Cellco Partnership PRINCETON 02/23/2007 36-57-17.4 N KY MD KNKN871 088-00-33.0 W 0002923590 Cellco Partnership STURGIS 02/23/2007 37-26-51.1 N KY MD KNKN871 088-00-33.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271175A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271175A1.txt
- (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City KY AM WLV881 087-25-38.1 W 0002903299 Verizon Wireless Tennessee PartnershipHOPKINSVILLE 03/02/2007 02118.40000 36-56-01.2 N KY AM WLV881 087-25-38.1 W 0002903299 Verizon Wireless Tennessee PartnershipHOPKINSVILLE 03/02/2007 06226.89000 36-56-01.2 N KY AM WLV881 087-25-38.1 W 0002903299 Verizon Wireless Tennessee PartnershipHOPKINSVILLE 03/02/2007 06345.49000 36-56-01.2 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0002904524 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 02/26/2007 10835.00000 33-24-00.1 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0002904524 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 02/26/2007 17965.00000 33-24-00.1 N TN AM WLN580 086-34-34.0 W 0002904599 Verizon Wireless Tennessee PartnershipHERMITAGE 03/02/2007 02128.00000 36-10-21.2 N TN AM WLN580 086-34-34.0 W 0002904599 Verizon Wireless Tennessee PartnershipHERMITAGE 03/02/2007 05945.20000 36-10-21.2 N TN AM WLN580 086-34-34.0 W 0002904599 Verizon Wireless Tennessee PartnershipHERMITAGE 03/02/2007 05945.20000 36-10-21.2 N TN AM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271649A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271649A1.txt
- 6226.89000000 GRAND CANYO 36-3-14.9 N AZ 112-8-16.6 W 6 1 02/15/2007 KPY57 FXO Qwest Corporation 6765.00000000 GRAND CANYO 36-3-14.9 N AZ 112-8-16.6 W 7 1 02/15/2007 KPY70 FXO Qwest Corporation 5945.20000000 WILLIAMS 35-12-1.0 N AZ 112-12-18.6 W6 1 02/15/2007 KPY70 FXO Qwest Corporation 5974.85000000 WILLIAMS 35-12-1.0 N AZ 112-12-18.6 W7 1 02/15/2007 WLT316 FXO Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC 17965.00000000 FALLBROOK 33-24-0.1 N CA 117-11-27.1 W9 1 02/09/2007 WQDE985 FXO Telink Networks SW, LLC 19560.00000000 Phoenix 33-35-42.0 N AZ 112-5-13.0 W 2 1 02/09/2007 WQDE985 FXO Telink Networks SW, LLC 19600.00000000 Phoenix 33-35-42.0 N AZ 112-5-13.0 W 3 1 02/09/2007 WQDE985 FXO Telink Networks SW, LLC 19320.00000000 Phoenix 33-35-42.0 N AZ 112-5-13.0 W 4 1 02/09/2007 WQDE985 FXO Telink Networks SW, LLC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271812A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271812A1.txt
- LLCFRESNO 03/19/2007 06675.00000 36-47-30.5 N MA AM 071-08-55.8 W 0002942662 Cellco Partnership Methuen 03/19/2007 10637.50000 42-44-55.3 N Page 10 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MA AM 071-08-55.8 W 0002942662 Cellco Partnership Methuen 03/19/2007 10657.50000 42-44-55.3 N OR AM WMQ784 121-20-00.1 W 0002951559 United States Cellular Operating CompanyBEND 03/20/2007 06412.20000 44-04-38.4 N OR AM WMQ784 121-20-00.1 W 0002951559 United States Cellular Operating CompanyBEND 03/20/2007 06835.00000 44-04-38.4 N OR AM WPOR647 121-17-25.0 W 0002951565 United States Cellular Operating CompanyBEND 03/20/2007 06755.00000 44-02-55.0 N OR AM WPOR647 121-17-25.0 W 0002951565 United States Cellular Operating CompanyBEND 03/20/2007 06835.00000 44-02-55.0 N TN MD WMK711 083-19-57.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271813A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-271813A1.txt
- filed electronically (electronic mail or facsimile), by hand delivery, or by overnight delivery service other than U.S. Postal Service Express and Priority Mail. MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WV AM 080-21-10.4 W 0002863256 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TMcWhorter 03/23/2007 06004.50000 39-08-00.1 N WV AM 080-21-10.4 W 0002863256 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TMcWhorter 03/23/2007 06093.45000 39-08-00.1 N WV AM 079-55-39.4 W 0002863257 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TElkins 03/23/2007 06345.49000 38-52-22.2 N WV AM 081-31-11.0 W 0002863880 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TKOPPERSTON 03/23/2007 06034.15000 37-47-09.8 N WV AM 081-31-11.0 W 0002863880 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272240A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272240A1.txt
- WPOQ427 097-14-23.4 W 0002973382 U S D 259 WICHITA 03/30/2007 19640.00000 37-40-31.0 N KS AM WPOR314 097-20-44.7 W 0002973790 U S D 259 WICHITA 03/30/2007 18040.00000 37-37-52.2 N KS AM WPOR314 097-20-44.7 W 0002973790 U S D 259 WICHITA 03/30/2007 18080.00000 37-37-52.2 N LA AM WIA465 093-40-09.3 W 0002975074 LOUISIANA GENERATING, L.L.C. MANSFIELD 04/03/2007 06815.00000 32-01-00.9 N OR MD WNEZ433 121-43-00.1 W 0002973656 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INCRESCENT 03/29/2007 02131.60000 43-18-19.8 N OR MD WNEZ433 121-43-00.1 W 0002973656 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INCRESCENT 03/29/2007 02147.60000 43-18-19.8 N OR MD WNEZ433 121-43-00.1 W 0002973656 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INCRESCENT 03/29/2007 06718.75000 43-18-19.8 N OR MD WNEZ432 121-29-22.0 W 0002973658 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INLAPINE 03/29/2007 00958.75000 43-40-00.0 N OR MD WNEZ432 121-29-22.0 W 0002973658 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272393A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272393A1.txt
- MI AM WLD572 085-40-10.0 W 0002901253 CC LICENSES, LLC GRAND RAPIDS 04/11/2007 00945.50000 42-51-52.2 N MI AM 085-05-42.0 W 0002928579 WCCW RADIO, INC. EAST JORDAN 04/13/2007 00946.50000 45-10-44.0 N MI AM 085-05-42.0 W 0002928579 WCCW RADIO, INC. EAST JORDAN 04/13/2007 00946.50000 45-10-44.0 N OK MD WHQ386 095-53-04.0 W 0002986930 CLEAR CHANNEL BROADCASTING LICTULSA 04/10/2007 00947.12500 36-07-30.7 N WI MD WPOS806 092-22-00.1 W 0002987121 RED ROCK RADIO CORP. Amery 04/10/2007 00947.62500 45-15-25.7 N WI MD WPOS806 092-22-00.1 W 0002987121 RED ROCK RADIO CORP. Amery 04/10/2007 00951.50000 45-15-25.7 N Page 2 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NM MD WMU297 106-46-38.5 W 0002988228 BRAVO MIC COMMUNICATIONS,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272545A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272545A2.txt
- by Carrier Receipts Percent Share by Carrier Receipts Percent Share by Carrier Total Percent Share by Carrier Revenues 1 2 3 4 Other from PTT 1 2 3 4 Other from PTT 1 2 3 4 Other Minutes 1 2 3 4 Other Andorra $139,095 4.5 0.632.845.2 16.9 $1,439 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 $158 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 3,077,980 1.9 0.1 6.381.8 9.9 Austria $13,524,029 3.5 0.022.425.1 49.0 $1,429,374 0.0 0.045.942.4 11.7 $5,165 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 74.2 127,956,207 5.8 0.028.626.4 39.2 Belgium $35,096,333 3.4 0.124.718.8 53.1 $2,518,706 12.6 0.0 7.214.1 66.1 $4,445,794 99.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 316,185,733 6.0 0.115.821.9 56.2 Cyprus $2,889,857 3.2 0.019.548.6 28.7 $182,618 0.0 0.029.625.4 45.0 $321 0.0 0.0 0.014.3 85.7 24,836,022 4.8 40.3 Denmark
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272549A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272549A1.txt
- Alto 04/17/2007 22420.00000 37-19-13.0 N CA AM WQAA289 122-08-33.0 W 0002654539 NextWeb, Inc. Palo Alto 04/17/2007 22470.00000 37-19-13.0 N CA AM WQAA289 122-08-33.0 W 0002654539 NextWeb, Inc. Palo Alto 04/17/2007 23125.00000 37-19-13.0 N FL AM WPXW847 081-51-18.3 W 0002929779 SUN BROADCASTING, INC. Ft. Myers 04/20/2007 05945.20000 26-39-04.2 N IN MD WQCX468 085-58-15.8 W 0002993236 First State Bank Elkhart 04/13/2007 10915.00000 41-41-00.1 N IN MD WQCX468 085-58-15.8 W 0002993236 First State Bank Elkhart 04/13/2007 17765.00000 41-41-00.1 N IN MD WQCX468 085-58-15.8 W 0002993236 First State Bank Elkhart 04/13/2007 19625.00000 41-41-00.1 N CA MD WQGL211 122-04-17.0 W 0002996185 Nextweb Inc Mountain View 04/17/2007 21270.00000 37-23-55.0 N KY MD WNTT753 084-36-51.7 W 0002996186 SOUTH KENTUCKY RURAL ELECTRIC SOMERSET 04/17/2007 06655.00000 37-06-16.2 N KY MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272772A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272772A1.txt
- W 0003008553 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. 04/24/2007 00806.00000 - 00821.00000 39-46-03.2 N IN MD WQGP912 086-00-11.9 W 0003008553 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. INDIANAPOLIS 04/24/2007 00851.03750 39-46-03.2 N IN MD WQGP912 086-00-11.9 W 0003008553 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. INDIANAPOLIS 04/24/2007 00851.03750 39-46-03.2 N MD WQGP913 A 0003008554 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP. 04/24/2007 00806.00000 - 00821.00000 IN MD WQGP913 087-28-00.1 W 0003008554 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP. PRAIRIETON 04/24/2007 00851.08750 39-20-13.1 N IN MD WQGP913 087-28-00.1 W 0003008554 NEXTEL WIP LICENSE CORP. PRAIRIETON 04/24/2007 00851.08750 39-20-13.1 N MD WQGP916 A 0003008555 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. 04/24/2007 00806.00000 - 00821.00000 IN MD WQGP916 086-30-49.0 W 0003008555 NEXTEL LICENSE HOLDINGS 4, INC. BLOOMINGTON 04/24/2007 00860.48750 39-09-39.2 N IN MD WQGP916 086-30-49.0 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272904A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272904A1.txt
- J92M93N93 J94M95N95 J96M97N97 J98M99N99 J00M01N01 J02M03N03 J04M05N05 J06 Month (March, July, November) Per cent with T elephone In Housing Unit Available Table 2 Telephone Penetration by State (Percentage of Households with Telephone Service) State Alabama 87.9% 88.7% 0.7% Alaska 83.8 96.1 12.3 * Arizona 88.8 93.5 4.7 * Arkansas 88.2 89.0 0.9 California 91.7 95.5 3.8 * Colorado 94.4 94.5 0.1 Connecticut 95.5 94.2 -1.3 Delaware 95.0 93.2 -1.9 District of Columbia 94.7 91.0 -3.7 Florida 85.5 92.0 6.4 * Georgia 88.9 89.7 0.8 Hawaii 94.6 94.6 0.0 Idaho 89.5 94.7 5.2 * Illinois 95.0 90.4 -4.6 Indiana 90.3 88.5 -1.8 Iowa 95.4 96.7 1.3 Kansas 94.9 94.5 -0.4 Kentucky 86.9 92.0 5.1 * Louisiana 88.9 94.9 6.0 * Maine 90.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272911A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272911A1.txt
- 0002925689 SCRIPPS HOWARD BROADCASTING CCINCINNATI 04/30/2007 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 39-06-07.2 N OH AM KB96332 P 084-30-34.7 W 0002925689 SCRIPPS HOWARD BROADCASTING CCINCINNATI 04/30/2007 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 39-06-07.2 N OH AM KB96332 P 084-30-34.7 W 0002925689 SCRIPPS HOWARD BROADCASTING CCINCINNATI 04/30/2007 02025.50000 - 02109.50000 39-06-07.2 N AZ AM KC26087 P 112-03-48.5 W 0002925711 SCRIPPS HOWARD BROADCASTING CPHOENIX 04/30/2007 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 33-20-00.1 N AZ AM KC26087 P 112-03-48.5 W 0002925711 SCRIPPS HOWARD BROADCASTING CPHOENIX 04/30/2007 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 33-20-00.1 N AZ AM KC26087 P 112-03-48.5 W 0002925711 SCRIPPS HOWARD BROADCASTING CPHOENIX 04/30/2007 02008.00000 - 02110.00000 33-20-00.1 N AZ AM KC26087 P 112-03-48.5 W 0002925711 SCRIPPS HOWARD BROADCASTING CPHOENIX 04/30/2007 02025.50000 - 02109.50000 33-20-00.1 N AZ AM KC26087 P 112-03-48.5 W 0002925711 SCRIPPS
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-273042A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-273042A1.txt
- 0003020297 BHP MINERALS LTD NEW MEXICO OPEFRUITLAND 05/07/2007 11585.00000 36-41-09.0 N NM MD WPJD937 108-28-09.2 W 0003020297 BHP MINERALS LTD NEW MEXICO OPEFRUITLAND 05/07/2007 23375.00000 36-41-09.0 N NM MD WPJD937 108-28-09.2 W 0003020297 BHP MINERALS LTD NEW MEXICO OPEFRUITLAND 05/07/2007 23575.00000 36-41-09.0 N DC MD WQBJ334 077-02-23.6 W 0003022154 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON 05/08/2007 23175.00000 38-54-29.4 N AZ MD WQGK742 110-58-00.1 W 0003022903 Trillion Partners, Inc. Tucson 05/09/2007 17905.00000 32-07-32.8 N CA MD WQFF272 117-06-57.3 W 0003022946 SkyRiver Communications San Diego 05/09/2007 11185.00000 32-58-51.6 N CA MD WQFF272 117-06-57.3 W 0003022946 SkyRiver Communications San Diego 05/09/2007 19320.00000 32-58-51.6 N CA MD WQFF272 117-06-57.3 W 0003022946 SkyRiver Communications San Diego 05/09/2007 19360.00000 32-58-51.6 N CA MD WQFF274 117-07-58.8 W 0003022954 SkyRiver Communications
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-273340A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-273340A1.txt
- 39-20-42.0 N DC NE 076-59-56.9 W 0003038709 FiberTower Network Services Corp. WASHINGTON 05/22/2007 10735.00000 38-55-21.9 N MD NE 076-10-19.9 W 0003038710 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Harford 05/22/2007 11345.00000 39-32-30.9 N MD NE 076-40-30.0 W 0003038711 FiberTower Network Services Corp. ARBUTUS 05/22/2007 21920.00000 39-15-19.0 N MD NE 076-36-32.7 W 0003038713 FiberTower Network Services Corp. BALTIMORE 05/22/2007 21875.00000 39-18-15.7 N MD NE 076-37-00.1 W 0003038714 FiberTower Network Services Corp. BALTIMORE 05/22/2007 21970.00000 39-17-44.1 N DC NE 076-58-48.5 W 0003038715 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Washington 05/22/2007 23025.00000 38-55-03.3 N MD NE 076-37-54.8 W 0003038716 FiberTower Network Services Corp. BALTIMORE 05/22/2007 21975.00000 39-18-57.9 N VA NE 077-19-00.9 W 0003038717 FiberTower Network Services Corp. RESTON 05/22/2007 11245.00000 38-56-48.9 N MD NE 076-19-12.9 W 0003038718 FiberTower Network
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274025A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274025A1.txt
- Carriers 2.6 1.4 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.8 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.1 (LECs) Other Than RBOCs Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) Local Resellers and Other Local Carriers Other Than RBOCs 0.8 1.3 2.6 2.2 2.7 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.4 5.0 7.2 Total: Fixed Local Service Providers 15.1 17.1 18.5 20.1 23.1 26.0 26.6 27.0 27.6 26.7 24.5 Payphone Providers 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wireless Service Providers 3.3 5.1 6.6 9.2 12.0 17.2 24.8 27.8 29.2 33.9 37.1 RBOC Toll Service Providers 1.7 1.7 2.0 2.3 3.0 3.4 5.0 6.8 16.2 28.1 26.5 Other Toll Service Providers 79.9 76.0 72.9 68.3 61.9 53.3 43.6 38.5 27.1 11.2 11.9 Total: Toll Service Providers 81.6 77.7 74.9
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274368A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274368A1.txt
- L.P. EUGENE 06/13/2007 00949.50000 44-04-17.8 N MO NE 093-13-19.3 W 0003065556 BOTT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Branson 06/11/2007 00947.00000 36-38-37.5 N CA NE 120-28-48.0 W 0003065718 BOTT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Merced 06/11/2007 00949.37500 37-18-06.5 N PA NE 079-59-11.1 W 0003065854 DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY PITTSBURGH 06/11/2007 00948.75000 40-26-11.2 N OR NE 117-43-54.0 W 0003067428 OREGON PUBLIC BROADCASTING La Grande 06/12/2007 00950.50000 45-18-33.0 N MS NE 089-09-00.1 W 0003067459 COMMUNITY BROADCASTING CO., INCWiggins 06/12/2007 00946.50000 30-52-18.6 N WA NE 117-22-41.7 W 0003067506 MUTUAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM, LLSpokane 06/12/2007 00949.25000 47-35-57.6 N OR NE 121-19-28.6 W 0003070892 GCC BEND, LLC Bend 06/14/2007 00948.50000 44-02-32.2 N CD - Paging and Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MO MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274386A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274386A1.txt
- Pending Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. PW - Public Safety Pool, Conventional Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau 05/17/2007 KD50378 MO ASHE CO RESCUE SQUAD INC 155.28000000 WEST JEFFER 36-23-36.5 N NC 81-27-37.4 W 2 1 05/15/2007 KRZ988 FB SAINT JOHN HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER 155.40000000 DETROIT 42-25-0.1 N MI 82-54-44.7 W 2 1 05/15/2007 KRZ988 MO SAINT JOHN HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER 155.40000000 -- -- 3 1 05/17/2007 WPJZ251 MO MAUI, COUNTY OF 158.94000000 -- -- 2 1 05/16/2007 WQEA224 FB WASHINGTON, STATE OF 153.90500000 LONG BEACH 46-22-8.4 N WA 124-3-15.4 W 2 1 05/17/2007 WQEY377 MO OTTAWA RIVER RESCUE SQUAD 155.40000000 -- -- 2 1 Call
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274572A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274572A1.txt
- 34-01-41.9 N GA NE 084-25-01.8 W 0003073402 FiberTower Network Services Corp. ATLANTA 06/15/2007 17935.00000 33-47-51.0 N GA NE 084-29-51.0 W 0003073403 FiberTower Network Services Corp. ATLANTA 06/15/2007 19435.00000 33-45-13.0 N GA NE 084-02-12.1 W 0003073404 FiberTower Network Services Corp. SUWANEE 06/15/2007 11215.00000 34-02-31.1 N GA NE 084-02-12.1 W 0003073404 FiberTower Network Services Corp. SUWANEE 06/15/2007 11325.00000 34-02-31.1 N GA NE 084-10-00.1 W 0003073617 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Duluth 06/18/2007 11325.00000 34-01-23.4 N GA NE 084-10-00.1 W 0003073617 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Duluth 06/18/2007 11365.00000 34-01-23.4 N TX NE 096-58-59.3 W 0003074221 AirBand Communications, Inc Lewisville 06/18/2007 10955.00000 33-00-20.1 N TX NE 096-49-51.1 W 0003074236 AirBand Communications, Inc. Addison 06/18/2007 11445.00000 32-58-21.8 N AK NE 165-30-58.3 W 0003074464 Unicom Inc. Scammon Bay
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274855A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-274855A1.txt
- Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City GA MD WLG784 083-31-41.1 W 0003086592 THREE TREES COMMUNICATIONS, INCTifton 06/26/2007 00944.87500 31-27-36.6 N GA MD WLG784 083-31-41.1 W 0003086592 THREE TREES COMMUNICATIONS, INCTifton 06/26/2007 00945.12500 31-27-36.6 N GA MD WLE589 083-31-41.1 W 0003086598 THREE TREES COMMUNICATIONS, INCTifton 06/26/2007 00947.00000 31-27-36.6 N AR MD WLE200 093-03-17.7 W 0003091665 CLARK COUNTY BROADCASTING, INC.Arkadelphia 06/27/2007 00950.00000 34-07-00.1 N OK MD WLJ515 098-23-54.2 W 0003092680 CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIPLawton 06/28/2007 00949.50000 34-36-12.7 N KS MD WPVK574 097-55-57.3 W 0003092690 EAGLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Hutchinson 06/28/2007 00949.00000 38-03-44.0 N KS MD WGV665 097-55-57.3 W 0003092710 EAGLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. HUTCHINSON 06/28/2007 00951.00000 38-03-44.0 N KS MD WGV665 097-55-57.3 W 0003092710 EAGLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. HUTCHINSON 06/28/2007 00951.62500 38-03-44.0 N ID MD WPUQ550
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275482A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275482A1.txt
- RADIO, INC. NORWALK 07/20/2007 00951.00000 41-07-35.3 N GA MD WLF830 084-58-29.6 W 0003117318 CC LICENSES, LLC COLUMBUS 07/20/2007 00949.50000 32-28-29.5 N GA MD WLF830 084-58-29.6 W 0003117318 CC LICENSES, LLC COLUMBUS 07/20/2007 00949.62500 32-28-29.5 N CT MD WLF268 073-23-13.4 W 0003117319 COX RADIO, INC. NORWALK 07/20/2007 00951.50000 41-07-35.3 N AR NE 093-03-17.7 W 0003115738 CLARK COUNTY BROADCASTING, INC.Arkadelphia 07/19/2007 00947.50000 34-07-00.1 N AR NE 093-03-17.7 W 0003115749 CLARK COUNTY BROADCASTING, INC.Arkadelphia 07/19/2007 00947.50000 34-07-00.1 N Page 9 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PR NE 066-19-57.0 W 0003116021 JOSE J. ARZUAGA COROZAL 07/19/2007 00950.80000 18-15-02.0 N PR NE 066-19-57.0 W 0003116025 JOSE J. ARZUAGA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275642A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275642A1.txt
- Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WI AM WLJ952 088-21-55.3 W 0003033940 WOODWARD COMMUNICATIONS, INC.APPLETON 07/23/2007 00947.50000 44-15-44.9 N WA AM WQHH788 117-22-41.7 W 0003067506 MUTUAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM, LLSpokane 07/27/2007 00949.25000 47-35-57.6 N AR MD WLE200 093-03-17.7 W 0003120127 CLARK COUNTY BROADCASTING, INC.Arkadelphia 07/24/2007 00950.00000 34-07-00.1 N CA MD WLO496 118-10-05.3 W 0003120687 CC LICENSES, LLC MOJAVE 07/25/2007 00950.50000 34-58-44.9 N WY MD WHM987 105-32-28.0 W 0003121469 LEGEND COMMUNICATIONS OF WYOMGillette 07/25/2007 00951.50000 44-14-47.1 N VA MD WLI516 076-52-30.0 W 0003121872 A.C.T.I.O.N., INCORPORATED Tappahannock 07/26/2007 00946.00000 37-54-01.2 N Page 2 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275668A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275668A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275668A1.txt
- having -1.1 dBi gain at 501 MHz. On-site measurements were performed to calibrate the relative gains of the two signal paths, including the effects of splitter imbalance and cable losses so that signal power measurements on the spectrum analyzer could be converted into equivalent power delivered to the antenna. A cable TV source was connected through a step attenuator with 0.1 dB steps at a location on the opposite side of the room (site 2) or at the other end of the house (site 1) from the interfering source. The step attenuator output was fed through a 50- or 100-foot long 75-ohm coaxial cable to the RF input of the TV under test. The step attenuator was used to adjust the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275804A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275804A1.txt
- WPJD256 097-12-37.0 W 0003129902 USCOC NEBRASKA/KANSAS, LLC Abilene 08/03/2007 06845.00000 38-57-46.0 N WY MD WPTG355 107-59-51.4 W 0003129927 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Torchlight 08/03/2007 06585.00000 44-24-46.8 N WY MD WPTG355 107-59-51.4 W 0003129927 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Torchlight 08/03/2007 06605.00000 44-24-46.8 N WY MD WPYT394 107-51-16.3 W 0003129928 WWC HOLDING CO., INC. Worland 08/03/2007 06765.00000 44-03-25.8 N OR MD WPJA602 121-24-00.1 W 0003129982 Hood River Cellular Telephone Company,WASCO 08/03/2007 05974.85000 45-05-13.6 N OR MD WPJA602 121-24-00.1 W 0003129982 Hood River Cellular Telephone Company,WASCO 08/03/2007 06034.15000 45-05-13.6 N OR MD WPJA602 121-24-00.1 W 0003129982 Hood River Cellular Telephone Company,WASCO 08/03/2007 06063.80000 45-05-13.6 N OR MD WPJA602 121-24-00.1 W 0003129982 Hood River Cellular Telephone Company,WASCO 08/03/2007 06123.10000 45-05-13.6 N AK MD WQGD266 132-24-18.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275985A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275985A1.txt
- Pool, Conventional Mobility Division 07/25/2007 WQBT653 MO BERWICK STEEL COMPANY 462.28750000 COLUMBUS 39-55-42.2 N OH 82-50-18.6 W 1 1 07/25/2007 WQBT653 MO BERWICK STEEL COMPANY 462.38750000 COLUMBUS 39-55-42.2 N OH 82-50-18.6 W 1 1 07/25/2007 WQBT653 MO BERWICK STEEL COMPANY 467.76250000 COLUMBUS 39-55-42.2 N OH 82-50-18.6 W 1 1 07/20/2007 WQFI214 MO MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY 159.49500000 MURRAY 36-36-0.2 N KY 88-21-0.1 W 1 1 07/20/2007 WQFI241 FXO Allen, William R 464.93750000 DALHART 36-2-56.3 N TX 102-31-18.4 W 1 1 07/25/2007 WQFI683 MO JOSHUA COWBOY MINISTRIES 464.90000000 -- TX -- 2 1 Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool Broadband Division 07/24/2007 WQEH209 FXO JDL TECHNOLOGIES,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276117A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276117A1.txt
- 35-17-40.2 N OH MD WNER840 081-27-50.0 W 0003139070 EAST OHIO GAS COMPANY CANTON 08/15/2007 00928.66250 40-51-49.8 N OH MD WNER840 081-27-50.0 W 0003139070 EAST OHIO GAS COMPANY CANTON 08/15/2007 00952.66250 40-51-49.8 N NM MD WQCT526 107-54-09.2 W 0003140385 EL PASO NATURAL GAS COMPANY BLANCO 08/16/2007 10647.50000 36-38-18.3 N MI MD WNTL230 083-15-59.7 W 0003140420 DETROIT EDISON COMPANY SOUTHFIELD 08/16/2007 00928.35625 42-29-00.1 N MI MD WNTL230 083-15-59.7 W 0003140420 DETROIT EDISON COMPANY SOUTHFIELD 08/16/2007 00928.49375 42-29-00.1 N MI MD WNTL230 083-15-59.7 W 0003140420 DETROIT EDISON COMPANY SOUTHFIELD 08/16/2007 00932.29375 42-29-00.1 N MI MD WNTL230 083-15-59.7 W 0003140420 DETROIT EDISON COMPANY SOUTHFIELD 08/16/2007 00941.29375 42-29-00.1 N MI MD WNTL230 083-15-59.7 W 0003140420 DETROIT EDISON COMPANY SOUTHFIELD 08/16/2007 00952.35625 42-29-00.1 N MI MD WNTL230
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276695A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276695A1.txt
- 30-17-16.5 N TX MD WQAW491 097-49-37.1 W 0003169250 FiberTower Network Services Corp. AUSTIN 09/11/2007 19405.00000 30-17-16.5 N TX MD WQAW491 097-49-37.1 W 0003169250 FiberTower Network Services Corp. AUSTIN 09/11/2007 19440.00000 30-17-16.5 N TX MD WQAW491 097-49-37.1 W 0003169250 FiberTower Network Services Corp. AUSTIN 09/11/2007 19495.00000 30-17-16.5 N IL MD WQFF994 087-39-04.2 W 0003169322 FiberTower Network Services Corp. CHICAGO, 09/11/2007 11285.00000 41-49-00.1 N IL MD WQFF994 087-39-04.2 W 0003169322 FiberTower Network Services Corp. CHICAGO, 09/11/2007 17980.00000 41-49-00.1 N IL MD WQFF994 087-39-04.2 W 0003169322 FiberTower Network Services Corp. CHICAGO, 09/11/2007 23175.00000 41-49-00.1 N IL MD WQFF979 087-42-17.0 W 0003169331 FiberTower Network Services Corp. CHICAGO 09/11/2007 19680.00000 41-47-10.0 N IL MD WQFF979 087-42-17.0 W 0003169331 FiberTower Network Services Corp. CHICAGO 09/11/2007 23075.00000 41-47-10.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276697A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-276697A1.txt
- CO MD WQCI246 105-05-53.0 W 0003167546 Thompson School District LOVELAND 09/10/2007 21925.00000 40-23-31.0 N CO MD WQCI246 105-05-53.0 W 0003167546 Thompson School District LOVELAND 09/10/2007 22175.00000 40-23-31.0 N CO MD WQCI246 105-05-53.0 W 0003167546 Thompson School District LOVELAND 09/10/2007 22225.00000 40-23-31.0 N MD MD WNTM696 078-18-01.0 W 0003168070 State of Maryland, MIEMSS HARVEY 09/10/2007 06805.00000 39-41-21.3 N MD MD WQAN968 075-52-00.1 W 0003168818 State of Maryland, MIEMSS CECILTON 09/11/2007 06855.00000 39-24-09.5 N NJ MD WQER733 074-37-39.7 W 0003169447 Egg Harbor Township, Board of EducationEgg Harbor Townsh 09/11/2007 23225.00000 39-23-44.3 N NJ MD WQER733 074-37-39.7 W 0003169447 Egg Harbor Township, Board of EducationEgg Harbor Townsh 09/11/2007 23425.00000 39-23-44.3 N TX MD WQHI419 096-49-46.7 W 0003169689 Plano, City of Plano 09/12/2007 11345.00000 33-05-09.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277200A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277200A1.txt
- MT WILSON 10/01/2007 11075.00000 34-13-37.0 N PA AM 077-03-08.6 W 0003139180 Cumberland Valley School District Mechanicsburg 10/02/2007 19495.00000 40-16-04.9 N PA AM 077-08-31.7 W 0003139241 Cumberland Valley School District Mechanicsburg 10/02/2007 19555.00000 40-15-20.5 N GM AM WQHQ332 093-26-28.0 W 0003140116 EPEC Communications Corporation Offshore 10/02/2007 00955.55000 29-23-15.0 N MI AM WNTL230 083-15-59.7 W 0003140420 DETROIT EDISON COMPANY SOUTHFIELD 10/02/2007 00928.35625 42-29-00.1 N MI AM WNTL230 083-15-59.7 W 0003140420 DETROIT EDISON COMPANY SOUTHFIELD 10/02/2007 00928.49375 42-29-00.1 N MI AM WNTL230 083-15-59.7 W 0003140420 DETROIT EDISON COMPANY SOUTHFIELD 10/02/2007 00932.29375 42-29-00.1 N MI AM WNTL230 083-15-59.7 W 0003140420 DETROIT EDISON COMPANY SOUTHFIELD 10/02/2007 00941.29375 42-29-00.1 N MI AM WNTL230 083-15-59.7 W 0003140420 DETROIT EDISON COMPANY SOUTHFIELD 10/02/2007 00952.35625 42-29-00.1 N MI AM WNTL230
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277209A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277209A1.txt
- NORTH AMERICA 456.61250000 38-10-6.3 N KY 84-48-44.8 W 1 1 09/06/2007 WPSS910 FB2 City Place Retail LLC 463.42500000 WEST PALM B 26-42-31.7 N FL 80-3-24.5 W 2 1 09/06/2007 WPSS910 MO City Place Retail LLC 463.42500000 -- -- 3 1 09/06/2007 WPSS910 MO City Place Retail LLC 468.42500000 -- -- 3 1 09/01/2007 WPTQ865 FB2 CARNAHAN GRAIN INC 151.57250000 EDWARDSPOR 38-49-0.1 N IN 87-14-57.0 W 1 1 09/01/2007 WPTQ865 MO CARNAHAN GRAIN INC 151.57250000 -- -- 2 1 09/01/2007 WPTQ865 MO CARNAHAN GRAIN INC 159.50250000 -- -- 2 1 09/05/2007 WPYX594 MO GERDAU AMERISTEEL US INC 462.21250000 BALDWIN 30-17-17.9 N FL 81-58-35.8 W 3 1 09/05/2007 WPYX594 MO GERDAU AMERISTEEL US INC 462.26250000 BALDWIN 30-17-17.9 N FL 81-58-35.8 W 3 1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277386A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277386A1.txt
- 10/11/2007 06345.49000 29-03-15.8 N TX NE 095-34-03.5 W 0003196812 GTE Mobilnet of South Texas Limited PartBrazoria 10/11/2007 06375.14000 29-03-15.8 N VA NE 077-37-56.4 W 0003196917 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Midlothian 10/11/2007 17790.00000 37-27-14.7 N VA NE 077-37-56.4 W 0003196917 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Midlothian 10/11/2007 17865.00000 37-27-14.7 N VA NE 077-40-50.1 W 0003196920 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Chesterfield 10/11/2007 19350.00000 37-28-00.1 N VA NE 077-35-33.7 W 0003196963 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. MIDLOTHIAN 10/11/2007 11035.00000 37-26-10.1 N VA NE 077-35-33.7 W 0003196963 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. MIDLOTHIAN 10/11/2007 11605.00000 37-26-10.1 N VA NE 077-35-33.7 W 0003196963 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. MIDLOTHIAN 10/11/2007 11605.00000 37-26-10.1 N VA NE 077-35-33.7 W 0003196963 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. MIDLOTHIAN 10/11/2007 19425.00000 37-26-10.1 N VA NE 077-35-33.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277387A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277387A1.txt
- MD WPNB402 073-11-02.4 W 0003197492 RCC Atlantic Licenses, LLC WINOOSKI 10/12/2007 05945.20000 44-30-30.1 N VT MD WPNB402 073-11-02.4 W 0003197492 RCC Atlantic Licenses, LLC WINOOSKI 10/12/2007 06063.80000 44-30-30.1 N TX MD WQCY250 097-49-52.2 W 0003197992 ALLTEL Newco, LLC BOWIE 10/12/2007 05945.20000 33-33-03.5 N TX MD WQCY250 097-49-52.2 W 0003197992 ALLTEL Newco, LLC BOWIE 10/12/2007 06034.15000 33-33-03.5 N TX MD WPNB378 097-49-00.1 W 0003197993 ALLTEL Newco LLC BELCHERVILLE 10/12/2007 06197.24000 33-47-27.4 N TX MD WPNB378 097-49-00.1 W 0003197993 ALLTEL Newco LLC BELCHERVILLE 10/12/2007 06286.19000 33-47-27.4 N TX MD WQED902 097-56-07.1 W 0003197994 ALLTEL Newco LLC RINGGOLD 10/12/2007 06034.15000 33-48-52.4 N CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NV MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277401A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277401A1.txt
- 468.33750000 -- -- 2 1 09/13/2007 WQDT527 MO SHOWPLACE WOOD PRODUCTS 462.22500000 BERESFORD 43-4-48.0 N SD 96-47-34.0 W 2 1 09/13/2007 WQDT527 MO SHOWPLACE WOOD PRODUCTS 462.30000000 BERESFORD 43-4-48.0 N SD 96-47-34.0 W 2 1 09/11/2007 WQFQ639 FXO LONSDALE, CITY OF 451.65000000 LONSDALE 44-28-39.7 N MN 93-25-22.6 W 1 1 09/11/2007 WQFQ660 FB Road & Rail Services 152.87000000 SAN ANTONIO 29-16-0.1 N TX 98-32-25.5 W 1 1 09/11/2007 WQFQ660 FB Road & Rail Services 159.94500000 SAN ANTONIO 29-16-0.1 N TX 98-32-25.5 W 1 1 09/11/2007 WQFQ660 FB Road & Rail Services 160.00500000 SAN ANTONIO 29-16-0.1 N TX 98-32-25.5 W 1 1 09/11/2007 WQFQ660 FB Road & Rail Services 160.41000000 SAN ANTONIO 29-16-0.1 N TX 98-32-25.5 W 1 1 09/11/2007 WQFQ660 MO
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277519A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277519A1.txt
- Charleston 10/17/2007 17845.00000 46-28-34.5 N WY NE 109-28-03.9 W 0003202516 Union Telephone Company Green River 10/18/2007 19350.00000 41-31-47.3 N WY NE 109-51-45.7 W 0003202535 Union Telephone Company Pinedale 10/18/2007 19310.00000 42-52-01.5 N UT NE 112-24-25.5 W 0003202826 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Promontory City 10/18/2007 10577.50000 41-38-14.1 N IL NE 089-47-02.5 W 0003203480 Illinois RSA 1 Limited Partnership Neponset 10/18/2007 06004.50000 41-18-00.1 N IL NE 089-47-02.5 W 0003203480 Illinois RSA 1 Limited Partnership Neponset 10/18/2007 10875.00000 41-18-00.1 N IL NE 089-15-23.6 W 0003203495 Illinois RSA 1 Limited Partnership La Moille 10/18/2007 06226.89000 41-30-15.3 N IL NE 089-15-23.6 W 0003203495 Illinois RSA 1 Limited Partnership La Moille 10/18/2007 06345.49000 41-30-15.3 N IL NE 090-19-06.0 W 0003203512 Illinois RSA 1 Limited Partnership Elizabeth 10/18/2007
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277520A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277520A1.txt
- 41-14-01.7 N WY MD WQEW974 105-26-28.6 W 0003204220 LARIMER COUNTY LARAMIE 10/19/2007 06625.62500 41-14-01.7 N WY MD WQEW974 105-26-28.6 W 0003204220 LARIMER COUNTY LARAMIE 10/19/2007 06630.62500 41-14-01.7 N MT MD WQGU309 113-53-13.2 W 0003204277 State of Montana - PSSB MISSOULA 10/19/2007 06152.75000 46-45-27.4 N NJ MD WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003204796 County of Cape May, MIS Department Cape May 10/19/2007 10715.00000 39-05-00.1 N NJ MD WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003204796 County of Cape May, MIS Department Cape May 10/19/2007 10795.00000 39-05-00.1 N NJ MD WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003204796 County of Cape May, MIS Department Cape May 10/19/2007 19380.00000 39-05-00.1 N NJ MD WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003204796 County of Cape May, MIS Department Cape May 10/19/2007 19380.00000 39-05-00.1 N NJ MD WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277722A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277722A1.txt
- County of Cape May, MIS Department Cape May 10/22/2007 11215.00000 39-12-02.6 N NJ MD WQEY872 074-45-19.6 W 0003205786 County of Cape May, MIS Department Cape May 10/22/2007 11285.00000 39-12-02.6 N PA MD WPNB762 075-39-41.6 W 0003206089 LACKAWANNA, COUNTY OF SCRANTON 10/22/2007 10755.00000 41-24-25.2 N NJ MD WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003206614 County of Cape May, MIS Department Cape May 10/23/2007 10715.00000 39-05-00.1 N NJ MD WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003206614 County of Cape May, MIS Department Cape May 10/23/2007 10795.00000 39-05-00.1 N NJ MD WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003206614 County of Cape May, MIS Department Cape May 10/23/2007 19380.00000 39-05-00.1 N NJ MD WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003206614 County of Cape May, MIS Department Cape May 10/23/2007 19460.00000 39-05-00.1 N PA MD WQBH210 076-48-26.2 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277784A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277784A1.txt
- 100% Dec 1999 Dec 2000 Dec 2001 Dec 2002 Dec 2003 Dec 2004 Dec 2005 Dec 2006 One or More Providers Four or More Providers Technology Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten or More ADSL 16.2 38.8 20.5 11.5 7.0 3.6 1.5 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 SDSL 56.9 21.8 7.4 4.9 3.8 2.7 1.7 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 Cable Modem 34.8 55.6 8.9 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fiber 44.7 28.5 14.1 8.7 3.3 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Satellite 9.1 34.8 35.2 20.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fixed Wireless 75.7 19.2 4.2 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mobile Wireless 12.8 33.4 38.4 13.4 1.9 0.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277959A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-277959A1.txt
- were accepted for filing. AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM 117-09-05.0 W 0003203580 Mountains By The Sea Inc DBA Lake ArroLake Arrowhead 10/29/2007 00123.07500 34-18-15.0 N MD AM 075-49-58.8 W 0003206103 City Of Crisfield Crisfield 10/29/2007 00122.80000 39-01-00.4 N MI RM KET6 086-07-00.1 W 0003214447 TULIP CITY AIR SERVICE INC HOLLAND 10/30/2007 00123.05000 42-45-00.1 N TX RM WAI5 098-02-26.0 W 0003221026 NEW BRAUNFELS, CITY OF NEW BRAUNFELS 11/02/2007 00122.95000 29-42-35.8 N RO KKI4 0003214509 ConocoPhillips Communications Inc. 10/30/2007 RO WPK2 0003215989 NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF 10/31/2007 Page 1 AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278130A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278130A1.txt
- Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ AM 111-39-19.7 W 0003207410 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Mesa 11/05/2007 00129.82500 33-18-28.2 N WA NE 119-07-08.5 W 0003221743 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION PASCO 11/05/2007 00122.87500 46-15-52.9 N TN NE 083-36-15.0 W 0003223260 Tailwater Properties, Inc. Blaine 11/06/2007 00122.72500 36-08-33.0 N MI NE 084-11-00.0 W 0003223373 West Branch Air Services, LLC West Branch 11/06/2007 00122.72500 44-15-00.1 N FL NE 081-34-54.3 W 0003223379 Goldcrest Holdings dba Bentley AviationApopka 11/06/2007 00123.05000 28-42-26.0 N MN NE 093-16-18.8 W 0003225987 Mora, City of Mora 11/08/2007 00122.80000 45-53-09.9 N RO KFR9 0003222132 Chevron USA Inc. 11/05/2007 RO WPK9 0003222135 Chevron USA Inc. 11/05/2007 Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278132A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278132A1.txt
- N CA MD WNTF562 118-50-10.3 W 0003225734 Ventura, County of THOUSAND OAKS 11/07/2007 10915.00000 34-14-53.0 N MO MD WQHA445 092-04-53.6 W 0003227146 Missouri State Highway Patrol BRINKTOWN 11/09/2007 06382.55000 38-08-17.1 N MO MD WQHA445 092-04-53.6 W 0003227146 Missouri State Highway Patrol BRINKTOWN 11/09/2007 06417.14000 38-08-17.1 N IL MD WNEX245 087-51-26.1 W 0003227624 Orland Fire Protection District ORLAND PARK 11/09/2007 23025.00000 41-37-00.1 N IL MD WNEX245 087-51-26.1 W 0003227624 Orland Fire Protection District ORLAND PARK 11/09/2007 23075.00000 41-37-00.1 N Page 7 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL MD WNEX245 087-51-26.1 W 0003227624 Orland Fire Protection District ORLAND PARK 11/09/2007 23125.00000 41-37-00.1 N IL MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278143A1.pdf
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278290A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278290A1.txt
- of 1934, as amended, that were accepted for filing. AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA AM WCS4 075-52-46.6 W 0003207251 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc Coatesville 11/15/2007 00128.95000 39-58-43.8 N MI AM 084-11-00.0 W 0003223373 West Branch Air Services, LLC West Branch 11/14/2007 00136.75000 44-15-00.1 N AZ MD WQHS478 112-25-10.5 W 0003231799 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Prescott 11/15/2007 00129.40000 34-39-16.1 N GM MD WJN4 090-32-46.2 W 0003231805 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc OFFSHORE 11/15/2007 00130.57500 28-11-28.9 N GA NE 084-25-40.7 W 0003231817 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Atlanta 11/15/2007 00130.87500 33-38-12.4 N GA NE 084-25-40.7 W 0003231817 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Atlanta 11/15/2007 00136.57500 33-38-12.4 N GA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278316A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278316A1.txt
- ## Ant. PW - Public Safety Pool, Conventional Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau 10/17/2007 WQFV717 MO BRIDGEPORT, CITY OF 155.62500000 -- -- 2 1 10/17/2007 WQFV717 MO BRIDGEPORT, CITY OF 155.62500000 -- -- 2 1 10/18/2007 WZM796 MO ARANSAS COUNTY MEDICAL SERVICES INC 159.01500000 -- TX -- 1 1 10/18/2007 WZM796 FB2 ARANSAS COUNTY MEDICAL SERVICES INC 155.40000000 ROCKPORT 28-2-0.1 N TX 97-3-44.0 W 3 1 10/18/2007 WZU238 FB SPENCERPORT FIRE DISTRICT 154.20500000 PARMA CORN 43-13-7.2 N NY 77-47-35.0 W 1 1 10/18/2007 WZU238 FB SPENCERPORT FIRE DISTRICT 155.98500000 PARMA CORN 43-13-7.2 N NY 77-47-35.0 W 1 1 10/18/2007 WZU238 FB SPENCERPORT FIRE DISTRICT 154.20500000 ODGEN 43-20-55.2 N NY 77-51-49.0 W 2 1 10/18/2007 WZU238 FB SPENCERPORT FIRE DISTRICT 155.25750000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278415A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278415A1.txt
- 36-41-25.9 N Page 1 CB - BETRS State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RO KNLQ262 0003236021 ALENCO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 11/20/2007 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OR AM WPOM514 121-54-00.1 W 0003226157 United States Cellular Operating CompanyChiloquin 11/20/2007 06715.62500 42-35-23.9 N OR AM WPOM514 121-54-00.1 W 0003226157 United States Cellular Operating CompanyChiloquin 11/20/2007 06725.62500 42-35-23.9 N CA MD WMS744 118-15-16.3 W 0003234331 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECOMPTON 11/19/2007 10626.25000 33-54-16.1 N MA MD WLS550 070-59-16.2 W 0003235137 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP PEABODY 11/19/2007 06197.24000 42-31-30.3 N MA MD WLS550 070-59-16.2 W 0003235137
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278419A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278419A1.txt
- 00955.55000 41-33-27.3 N CA MD KMH69 116-45-56.2 W 0003236697 SAN DIEGO, CITY OF JAMUL 11/20/2007 06725.00000 32-42-03.6 N CA MD KMH69 116-45-56.2 W 0003236697 SAN DIEGO, CITY OF JAMUL 11/20/2007 06765.00000 32-42-03.6 N CA MD KMH69 116-45-56.2 W 0003236697 SAN DIEGO, CITY OF JAMUL 11/20/2007 11505.00000 32-42-03.6 N PA MD WPOP237 076-09-44.5 W 0003236962 SCHUYLKILL, COUNTY OF Pottsville 11/20/2007 06615.62500 40-40-00.1 N Page 3 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA MD WPOP237 076-09-44.5 W 0003236962 SCHUYLKILL, COUNTY OF Pottsville 11/20/2007 06620.62500 40-40-00.1 N PA MD WPOP237 076-09-44.5 W 0003236962 SCHUYLKILL, COUNTY OF Pottsville 11/20/2007 06625.62500 40-40-00.1 N PA MD WPOP237 076-09-44.5 W 0003236962
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278441A1.pdf
- 0.11 meters ANTENNA ID: DMR-800L MODULATION: CONTINUOUS-PHASE 32-ARY FSK, 20Hz tone spacing, symobol rate:4 symbols/sec or Continous-phas 32-ary FSK, 32Hz tone spacing, symbol rate: 16 sysmbols/sec 1525.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 2K50F1D 9.00 dBW MODULATION: 2 LEVEL FSK, 256HZ TONE SPACING, SYMBOL RATES OF 4, 16, 32, 64, OR 128 SYMBOLS/SEC 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 2K50F1D SKYWAVE MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 4 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: DMR-800S MODULATION: CONTINUOUS-PHASE 32-ARY FSK, 20Hz tone spacing, symobol rate:4 symbols/sec or Continous-phas 32-ary FSK, 32Hz tone spacing, symbol rate: 16 sysmbols/sec 1525.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 2K50F1D 9.00 dBW MODULATION: 2 LEVEL FSK, 256HZ TONE SPACING, SYMBOL RATES OF 4, 16, 32, 64, OR 128 SYMBOLS/SEC 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 2K50F1D SKYWAVE MOBILE COMMUNICATION, INC. 5 0.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278673A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278673A1.txt
- ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNESANTA ANA 11/28/2007 10955.00000 33-42-56.1 N CA MD WLT432 117-54-34.2 W 0003242580 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNESANTA ANA 11/28/2007 11115.00000 33-42-56.1 N CA MD WLT484 117-56-23.2 W 0003242604 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECOSTA MESA 11/28/2007 11245.00000 33-38-22.1 N CA MD WLT484 117-56-23.2 W 0003242604 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECOSTA MESA 11/28/2007 11365.00000 33-38-22.1 N WY MD WLS737 108-51-00.1 W 0003242610 WWC Holding Co., Inc. CODY 11/28/2007 06745.00000 44-35-06.5 N WY MD WLS737 108-51-00.1 W 0003242610 WWC Holding Co., Inc. CODY 11/28/2007 11325.00000 44-35-06.5 N WY MD WLS735 109-03-41.5 W 0003242612 WWC Holding Co., Inc. CODY 11/28/2007 10642.50000 44-31-34.8 N WY MD WLS735 109-03-41.5 W 0003242612 WWC Holding Co., Inc. CODY 11/28/2007 10875.00000 44-31-34.8 N WY MD WQDW774 104-12-32.9
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-278704A1.pdf
- B Question E55 from 139 WL to 142 WL, and makes corresponding changes to the elevation and azimuth angles. Additionally, this application provides an updated reference to Schedule S information for the Inmarat 3F4 satellite that has previously been filed with the FCC. SITE ID: 1 70,000 half-duplex METs in the United States, VARIOUS LOCATION: Transcore Link Logistics Corporation A4 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-3000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Transcore Link Logistics Corporation A3 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Points of Communication: 1 - AMSC 1 - (101 W.L.) Page 1 of 15 1 - INMARSAT 3F4
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- GAINESVILLE 12/07/2007 10875.00000 38-47-16.5 N MD NE 076-53-28.0 W 0003253325 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Morningside 12/07/2007 23025.00000 38-50-35.9 N DC NE 077-03-15.8 W 0003253327 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Washington 12/07/2007 21975.00000 38-55-31.1 N MD NE 077-00-30.0 W 0003253328 FiberTower Network Services Corp. TAKOMA PARK 12/07/2007 21825.00000 38-58-58.0 N VA NE 077-17-33.7 W 0003253329 FiberTower Network Services Corp. WOODBRIDGE 12/07/2007 21820.00000 38-37-00.1 N MD NE 077-08-59.9 W 0003253330 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Bethesda 12/07/2007 11285.00000 39-00-55.4 N MD NE 077-08-59.9 W 0003253330 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Bethesda 12/07/2007 11505.00000 39-00-55.4 N MD NE 077-08-59.9 W 0003253330 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Bethesda 12/07/2007 21875.00000 39-00-55.4 N MD NE 076-59-41.1 W 0003253332 FiberTower Network Services Corp. FORT WASHINGTO 12/07/2007 10815.00000 38-44-37.1 N MD NE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279015A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279015A1.txt
- 12/14/2007 17765.00000 37-25-15.8 N CA NE 122-08-31.9 W 0003259547 WiLine Networks Inc. Palo Alto 12/14/2007 19475.00000 37-25-15.8 N CO NE 107-54-12.9 W 0003259601 Sprint Spectrum L.P. Durango 12/14/2007 06120.63000 37-06-57.5 N CA NE 122-06-44.9 W 0003259604 WiLine Networks Inc. Mountain View 12/14/2007 17915.00000 37-24-05.8 N CO NE 107-51-06.3 W 0003259625 Sprint Spectrum L.P. DURANGO 12/14/2007 06372.67000 37-13-19.2 N CO NE 107-06-00.1 W 0003259647 Sprint Spectrum L.P. Pagosa Springs 12/14/2007 06387.49000 37-11-35.0 N CO NE 107-00-00.9 W 0003259680 Sprint Spectrum L.P. Pagosa Springs 12/14/2007 06135.45000 37-15-43.2 N CO NE 105-06-45.7 W 0003259694 Sprint Spectrum L.P. Florence 12/14/2007 06130.51000 38-24-15.2 N CO NE 105-17-00.1 W 0003259709 Sprint Spectrum L.P. Canon City 12/14/2007 06382.55000 38-27-15.0 N VA NE 076-15-48.9 W 0003259795 Telecom Transport Management,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279026A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279026A1.txt
- OF 151.32500000 FAIRMONT 39-30-12.3 N WV 80-14-52.3 W 2 2 11/15/2007 WPYV376 FB2 WEST VIRGINIA, STATE OF 159.24000000 NEW MARTINS 39-36-28.3 N WV 80-51-20.4 W 9 1 11/15/2007 WPYV376 MO WEST VIRGINIA, STATE OF 151.32500000 -- -- 12 1 11/15/2007 WPYV376 MO WEST VIRGINIA, STATE OF 159.24000000 -- -- 12 1 11/15/2007 WPYV376 FB2 WEST VIRGINIA, STATE OF 159.35250000 MCWHARTER 39-8-0.1 N WV 80-21-10.4 W 13 1 Page 2 Frequency Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. PW - Public Safety Pool, Conventional Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau 11/15/2007 WPYV376 MO WEST VIRGINIA, STATE OF 151.23500000 -- -- 14 1 11/15/2007 WPYV376 MO WEST VIRGINIA, STATE OF
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279160A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279160A1.txt
- WMR385 066-04-26.4 W 0003267100 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COSAN JUAN 12/21/2007 10775.00000 18-26-40.9 N PR MD WMR385 066-04-26.4 W 0003267100 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COSAN JUAN 12/21/2007 10815.00000 18-26-40.9 N PR MD WMR385 066-04-26.4 W 0003267100 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COSAN JUAN 12/21/2007 21725.00000 18-26-40.9 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003267229 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COSAN JUAN 12/21/2007 10553.75000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003267229 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COSAN JUAN 12/21/2007 10593.12500 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003267229 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COSAN JUAN 12/21/2007 10735.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003267229 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COSAN JUAN 12/21/2007 10975.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003267229 SAN JUAN CELLULAR TELEPHONE COSAN
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- from expenses to yield the total. 2 For the schools and libraries mechanism, periodic true-ups include applications of unused fund balance from prior periods. Table 1.10 1 - 35 Mechanism Percent of Total High-Cost Support $4,096 61.8% High-Cost Loop Support 1,309 19.8 Safety Net Additive Support 29 0.4 Safety-Valve 1 0.0 High-Cost Model Support 358 5.4 Long Term Support 4 0.1 Interstate Common Line Support 1,266 19.1 Interstate Access Support 681 10.3 Local Switching Support 448 6.8 Low-Income Support 820 12.4 School and Libraries 1,669 25.2 Rural Health Care 41 0.6 All Universal Service Support $6,626 100.0% Distribution of Universal Service Payments: 2006 Chart 1.1 Notes: Figures may not add due to rounding. The figures used in this table are for
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A11.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A11.txt
- 1.7 9.4 10.8 1.7 Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 73.4 87.7 215.0 40.9 550.8 81.8 779.8 165.6 309.9 Outage Line-Minutes per 1,000 Access Lines 34.7 38.1 87.3 10.1 616.6 128.6 361.1 83.9 1,668.7 For Scheduled Downtime More Than 2 Minutes Number of Occurrences or Events 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 Events per Hundred Switches 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Events per Million Access Lines 0.00 0.05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.08 Average Outage Duration in Minutes NA 5.0 2.2 NA NA 4.3 NA NA 3.4 Avg. Lines Affected per Event in Thousands NA 5.7 83.7 NA NA 8.5 NA NA 7.2 Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands NA 28.4 184.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A3.txt
- from expenses to yield the total. 2 For the schools and libraries mechanism, periodic true-ups include applications of unused fund balance from prior periods. Table 1.10 1 - 35 Mechanism Percent of Total High-Cost Support $4,096 61.8% High-Cost Loop Support 1,309 19.8 Safety Net Additive Support 29 0.4 Safety-Valve 1 0.0 High-Cost Model Support 358 5.4 Long Term Support 4 0.1 Interstate Common Line Support 1,266 19.1 Interstate Access Support 681 10.3 Local Switching Support 448 6.8 Low-Income Support 820 12.4 School and Libraries 1,669 25.2 Rural Health Care 41 0.6 All Universal Service Support $6,626 100.0% Distribution of Universal Service Payments: 2006 Chart 1.1 Notes: Figures may not add due to rounding. The figures used in this table are for
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A5.txt
- 3500 4000 4500 5000 Millions of Dollars Total Support 56 126 183 500 602 757 915102810721132118812631690171822352592293532653468379640964291 1986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007 3 - 14 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A8.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A8.txt
- 3.4 * California 92.5 95.6 3.2 * Colorado 93.2 94.7 1.5 * Connecticut 95.5 95.2 -0.3 Delaware 94.3 93.5 -0.8 District of Columbia 94.9 91.2 -3.7 # Florida 88.7 92.7 4.0 * Georgia 86.2 90.5 4.3 * Hawaii 93.5 95.5 2.0 * Idaho 90.7 95.5 4.8 * Illinois 94.2 90.8 -3.4 # Indiana 91.6 89.3 -2.3 # Iowa 96.2 96.1 -0.1 Kansas 94.3 94.3 0.0 Kentucky 88.1 91.3 3.1 * Louisiana 89.7 93.9 4.2 * Maine 93.4 96.3 2.9 * Maryland 95.7 95.4 -0.3 Massachusetts 95.9 95.3 -0.6 Michigan 92.8 94.2 1.3 * Minnesota 95.8 97.6 1.8 * Mississippi 82.4 90.5 8.1 * Missouri 91.5 94.9 3.4 * Montana 91.0 93.3 2.3 * Nebraska 95.7 93.5 -2.2 # Nevada 90.4 93.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A9.txt
- 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Percen t Ch ang e fro m P rior Y ear CPI - All Items CPI - Telephone Service 7 - 7 1978 1.4% 3.1% -0.7% 0.0% 1.3% 0.1% 1979 1.7 1.6 -0.8 -0.9 0.1 -0.7 1980 7.0 7.1 3.4 5.5 -0.6 2.3 1981 12.6 15.6 14.6 15.9 6.2 8.0 1982 10.8 9.0 2.7 3.9 4.2 1.7 1983 3.1 0.2 1.4 0.0 7.4 3.9 1984 17.2 10.4 -4.3 -5.1 3.6 3.8 1985 8.9 12.4 -3.7 -3.0 0.6 2.1 1986 7.1 8.9 -9.4 -10.0 0.3 -3.5 1987 3.3 2.6 -12.4 -11.8 -3.0 -3.0 1988 4.5 4.6
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279336A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279336A1.txt
- 075-46-58.0 W 0003275615 State of Maryland, MIEMSS Federalsburg 01/03/2008 06197.24000 38-41-44.0 N MD MD WPWZ480 075-46-58.0 W 0003275615 State of Maryland, MIEMSS Federalsburg 01/03/2008 06286.19000 38-41-44.0 N MD MD WPUH593 075-50-52.4 W 0003275621 State of Maryland, MIEMSS Vienna 01/03/2008 06034.15000 38-29-55.7 N MD MD WPQX856 076-31-59.0 W 0003275668 State of Maryland, MIEMSS ANNAPOLIS 01/03/2008 06775.00000 38-59-10.0 N MD MD WQAN968 075-52-00.1 W 0003275678 State of Maryland, MIEMSS CECILTON 01/03/2008 06855.00000 39-24-09.5 N MD MD WQHP650 075-50-44.5 W 0003275685 State of Maryland, MIEMSS Massey 01/03/2008 06605.00000 39-19-11.6 N MD MD WQHP650 075-50-44.5 W 0003275685 State of Maryland, MIEMSS Massey 01/03/2008 06695.00000 39-19-11.6 N Page 5 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number
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- Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City KY NE 085-47-57.4 W 0003282633 LOUISVILLE METRO GOVERNMENT Louisville 01/10/2008 06286.19000 38-11-13.3 N KY NE 085-47-57.4 W 0003282633 LOUISVILLE METRO GOVERNMENT Louisville 01/10/2008 06345.49000 38-11-13.3 N IN NE 085-39-09.3 W 0003282634 LOUISVILLE METRO GOVERNMENT UTICA 01/10/2008 06286.19000 38-20-35.4 N IN NE 085-39-09.3 W 0003282634 LOUISVILLE METRO GOVERNMENT UTICA 01/10/2008 06345.49000 38-20-35.4 N KY NE 085-33-00.1 W 0003282635 LOUISVILLE METRO GOVERNMENT Prospect 01/10/2008 06034.15000 38-19-28.2 N KY NE 085-33-00.1 W 0003282635 LOUISVILLE METRO GOVERNMENT Prospect 01/10/2008 06123.10000 38-19-28.2 N KY NE 085-39-27.9 W 0003282636 LOUISVILLE METRO GOVERNMENT Louisville 01/10/2008 05945.20000 38-10-58.3 N KY NE 085-39-27.9 W 0003282636 LOUISVILLE METRO GOVERNMENT Louisville 01/10/2008 06034.15000 38-10-58.3 N KY NE 085-46-10.2 W 0003282637 LOUISVILLE METRO GOVERNMENT FAIRDALE 01/10/2008 06197.24000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279648A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279648A1.txt
- MD WQCF683 124-00-09.2 W 0003286857 Cal-One Cellular L.P. Arcata 01/14/2008 10572.50000 40-49-31.4 N CA MD WPNC759 124-08-52.2 W 0003286894 Cal-One Cellular L.P. EUREKA 01/14/2008 10637.50000 40-48-21.5 N CA MD WLS684 124-12-07.2 W 0003287072 Cal-One Cellular L.P. FIELDS LANDING 01/14/2008 10632.50000 40-42-51.4 N CA MD WLS684 124-12-07.2 W 0003287072 Cal-One Cellular L.P. FIELDS LANDING 01/14/2008 10647.50000 40-42-51.4 N CA MD WQFX739 122-44-00.1 W 0003287260 Cal-One Cellular L.P. Covington Mill 01/14/2008 06585.00000 40-53-40.5 N NV MD WQCM375 115-13-38.3 W 0003287359 Southwestco Wireless LP Las Vegas 01/14/2008 10572.50000 36-07-33.7 N NV MD WQCM375 115-13-38.3 W 0003287359 Southwestco Wireless LP Las Vegas 01/14/2008 10573.12500 36-07-33.7 N NV MD WQCM374 115-12-46.0 W 0003287376 Southwestco Wireless LP Las Vegas 01/14/2008 10637.50000 36-00-25.3 N NV MD WQCM374 115-12-46.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279661A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279661A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279661A1.txt
- 0282-EX-PL-2007 New experimental to operate on 3616 MHz and 3618 MHz for testing satellite components in an anechoic chamber. Fixed: El Segundo (Los Angeles), CA WE2XLB RAYTHEON COMPANY 0492-EX-PL-2007 New experimental to operate in 9200-9300 MHz for testing a ground tracking Doppler radar. Fixed: McKinney (Collin), TX WD2XZE RAYTHEON ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS 0240-EX-PL-2006 New experimental to operate in various bands between 0.1-60 GHz for laboratory testing of various antennas under U.S. Navy contract. Fixed: El Segundo (Los Angeles), CA WE2XKJ ANYWARE NETWORK SOLUTIONS 0177-EX-PL-2007 New experimental to operate in 5.40-5.725 GHz for testing a radio system to evaluate the RF propagation characteristics and quantify actual reliability of the NLOS radios. Fixed: Loveland (Larimer), CO WE2XLJ THINKOM SOLUTIONS INC. 0347-EX-PL-2007 New experimental to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279929A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279929A1.txt
- 3,497 48.4 7,224 New York 41,260 52.8 1,258 1.6 1,295 1.7 1,838 2.4 483 0.6 31,982 40.9 78,116 North Carolina 17,110 44.8 943 2.5 188 0.5 925 2.4 478 1.3 18,534 48.5 38,178 North Dakota 1,076 19.5 35 0.6 11 0.2 38 0.7 44 0.8 4,309 78.2 5,513 Northern Marianas Is 61 25.4 0 0.0 7 3.1 5 2.0 0 0.1 165 69.4 238 Ohio 21,334 42.2 810 1.6 218 0.4 929 1.8 536 1.1 26,731 52.9 50,558 Oklahoma 5,813 31.4 543 2.9 58 0.3 298 1.6 227 1.2 11,600 62.6 18,539 Oregon 7,145 46.9 57 0.4 134 0.9 350 2.3 186 1.2 7,358 48.3 15,230 Pennsylvania 25,903 44.8 279 0.5 995 1.7 1,175 2.0 297 0.5 29,228 50.5 57,878 Puerto
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279931A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279931A1.txt
- 6.9 1.7 9.4 10.8 1.7 Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 73.4 87.7 215.0 40.9 550.8 81.8 779.8 165.6 309.9 Outage Line-Minutes per 1,000 Access Lines 34.7 38.1 87.3 10.1 616.6128.6 361.1 83.9 1668.7 For Scheduled Downtime More than 2 Minutes Number of Occurrences or Events 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 Events per Hundred Switches 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Events per Million Access Lines 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 Average Outage Duration in Minutes NA 5.0 2.2 NA NA 4.3 NA NA 3.4 Avg. Lines Affected per Event in Thousands NA 5.7 83.7 NA NA 8.5 NA NA 7.2 Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands NA 28.4 184.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280031A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280031A1.txt
- METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INAlden 01/29/2008 11325.00000 42-56-19.7 N NY NE 078-20-18.8 W 0003305698 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INATTICA 01/29/2008 06197.24000 42-51-41.9 N NY NE 078-44-43.9 W 0003305699 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INOrchard Park 01/29/2008 10915.00000 42-47-48.5 N NY NE 078-50-03.7 W 0003305700 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INBlasdell 01/29/2008 11405.00000 42-47-12.5 N NY NE 078-34-21.4 W 0003305701 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INEast Aurora 01/29/2008 06093.45000 42-48-00.1 N NY NE 078-40-56.0 W 0003305702 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INLANCASTER 01/29/2008 06345.49000 42-54-41.0 N NY NE 078-40-56.0 W 0003305702 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INLANCASTER 01/29/2008 11225.00000 42-54-41.0 N NY NE 078-47-28.2 W 0003305703 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INLOCKPORT 01/29/2008 11215.00000 43-12-53.1 N NY NE 078-41-34.0 W 0003305704 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INLANCASTER 01/29/2008 10735.00000 42-56-28.0 N OH NE 084-14-46.0 W 0003305705 METROPOLITAN AREA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280033A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280033A1.txt
- CHARLESTON 01/30/2008 06226.89000 33-59-15.0 N MS MD WQIC493 090-02-52.0 W 0003308669 Cellular South Licenses, Inc. CHARLESTON 01/30/2008 06286.19000 33-59-15.0 N Page 11 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0003308749 SprintCom, Inc. RIO GRANDE 01/30/2008 19385.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR MD WQFC886 065-51-12.7 W 0003308753 SprintCom, Inc. LOAIZA 01/30/2008 17815.00000 18-25-39.0 N PR MD WQFC886 065-51-12.7 W 0003308753 SprintCom, Inc. LOAIZA 01/30/2008 17825.00000 18-25-39.0 N NY MD WLU851 076-21-30.4 W 0003309265 Syracuse SMSA Limited Partnership VAN BUREN 01/31/2008 10552.50000 43-06-19.1 N NY MD WLU851 076-21-30.4 W 0003309265 Syracuse SMSA Limited Partnership VAN BUREN 01/31/2008 10558.75000 43-06-19.1 N NY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280187A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280187A1.txt
- 02/01/2008 10621.25000 34-07-38.0 N AZ MD WPOV283 114-16-11.0 W 0003311694 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEPARKER 02/01/2008 19127.50000 34-07-38.0 N CA MD WPNL390 114-34-04.9 W 0003311695 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEVIDAL 02/01/2008 06407.26000 34-10-45.1 N CA MD WPNL390 114-34-04.9 W 0003311695 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEVIDAL 02/01/2008 06615.00000 34-10-45.1 N NH MD WPON731 071-26-19.7 W 0003312430 Cellco Partnership Manchester 02/04/2008 06286.19000 43-00-00.1 N CA MD WLV374 118-34-39.3 W 0003312906 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECHATSWORTH 02/04/2008 06412.20000 34-19-30.0 N CA MD WLR644 121-57-20.9 W 0003313113 GTE MOBILNET OF CALIFORNIA LIMITESANTA CLARA 02/04/2008 10568.12500 37-22-41.3 N PR MD WPSY879 065-50-17.5 W 0003313220 SprintCom, Inc. Las Piedras 02/04/2008 06315.84000 18-11-28.0 N PR MD WPSY879 065-50-17.5 W 0003313220 SprintCom, Inc. Las Piedras 02/04/2008 11075.00000 18-11-28.0 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280465A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280465A1.txt
- 45-03-14.0 N MN NE 093-15-14.0 W 0003331743 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Bloomington 02/20/2008 22010.00000 44-51-41.0 N Page 13 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MN NE 093-14-36.0 W 0003331761 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Richfield 02/20/2008 22080.00000 44-51-06.0 N MN NE 093-17-00.1 W 0003331768 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Bloomington 02/20/2008 22160.00000 44-50-35.5 N MN NE 093-20-51.7 W 0003331779 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Edina 02/20/2008 22480.00000 44-51-46.8 N MN NE 093-23-38.8 W 0003331798 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Minneapolis 02/20/2008 21360.00000 44-56-08.9 N MN NE 093-25-08.4 W 0003331821 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Hopkins 02/20/2008 19410.00000 44-56-02.0 N MN NE 093-25-08.4 W 0003331821 Telecom Transport
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280613A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280613A1.txt
- N FL MD WQGB465 081-40-26.6 W 0003335899 T-Mobile License LLC GROSS 02/25/2008 10563.12500 30-42-32.9 N FL MD WQGB465 081-40-26.6 W 0003335899 T-Mobile License LLC GROSS 02/25/2008 10568.12500 30-42-32.9 N FL MD WQFQ212 081-39-33.1 W 0003335902 T-Mobile License LLC Yulee 02/25/2008 10617.50000 30-37-42.5 N FL MD WQFQ212 081-39-33.1 W 0003335902 T-Mobile License LLC Yulee 02/25/2008 10633.12500 30-37-42.5 N GA MD WQGB466 081-41-00.1 W 0003335905 T-Mobile License LLC KINGSLAND 02/25/2008 10628.12500 30-49-13.3 N MD MD WQFC374 076-51-29.9 W 0003336039 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Columbia 02/25/2008 11265.00000 39-12-53.7 N MD MD WQFC374 076-51-29.9 W 0003336039 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Columbia 02/25/2008 11305.00000 39-12-53.7 N MD MD WQFC374 076-51-29.9 W 0003336039 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Columbia 02/25/2008 11345.00000 39-12-53.7 N MD MD WQFC374 076-51-29.9 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280745A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280745A1.txt
- N WA MD WMS352 123-47-49.1 W 0003343359 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ABERDEEN 03/03/2008 10602.50000 46-56-44.0 N TX MD WPNJ791 096-09-40.8 W 0003343541 Dallas MTA, LP FAIRFIELD 03/03/2008 06600.62500 31-41-00.6 N CA MD WPOS402 118-00-00.2 W 0003343640 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEHUNTINGTON BEA 03/03/2008 10652.50000 33-39-30.0 N CA MD WPOS403 117-55-31.2 W 0003343668 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECOSTA MESA 03/03/2008 17960.00000 33-38-00.1 N CA MD WMJ849 117-58-25.2 W 0003344095 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECITY OF INDUSTRY 03/04/2008 10647.50000 34-01-12.0 N CA MD WMJ849 117-58-25.2 W 0003344095 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECITY OF INDUSTRY 03/04/2008 10765.00000 34-01-12.0 N CA MD WMJ849 117-58-25.2 W 0003344095 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECITY OF INDUSTRY 03/04/2008 10835.00000 34-01-12.0 N Page 8 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281096A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281096A1.txt
- FALLS CHURCH 03/21/2008 23120.00000 38-50-31.1 N VA NE 077-04-28.2 W 0003368387 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Arlington 03/21/2008 23020.00000 38-53-27.3 N DC NE 076-58-58.9 W 0003368388 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Washington 03/21/2008 23020.00000 38-55-31.3 N VA NE 077-05-19.0 W 0003368389 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Arlington 03/21/2008 21820.00000 38-53-50.0 N MD NE 076-51-58.6 W 0003368390 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Hyattsville 03/21/2008 23170.00000 38-57-00.1 N MD NE 076-52-08.6 W 0003368391 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Hyattsville 03/21/2008 21970.00000 38-57-32.4 N MD NE 076-52-08.6 W 0003368391 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Hyattsville 03/21/2008 21975.00000 38-57-32.4 N NE RM WPNL506 103-39-34.7 W 0003363438 BORDERCOMM PARTNERS LP GERING 03/17/2008 06226.89000 41-49-12.8 N NE RM WPNL506 103-39-34.7 W 0003363438 BORDERCOMM PARTNERS LP GERING 03/17/2008 06286.19000 41-49-12.8 N NE RM WPNL506
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281178A1.pdf
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281237A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281237A1.txt
- MEDIA, INC. Bemidji 03/27/2008 00950.50000 42-27-37.0 N MN NE 094-49-34.0 W 0003375893 BEMIDJI RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BROABemidji 03/27/2008 00946.50000 47-28-02.0 N FL NE 081-23-24.0 W 0003376592 STAR OVER ORLANDO, INC. Altamonte Springs 03/27/2008 00948.50000 28-41-01.0 N CD - Paging and Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA RM KMD992 117-19-00.1 W 0003377819 PAGING SYSTEMS, INC. CRESTLINE 03/28/2008 00454.35000 34-14-12.0 N Page 10 CD - Paging and Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA RM KMD992 118-14-01.2 W 0003377819 PAGING SYSTEMS, INC. LA CRESCENTA 03/28/2008 00454.35000 34-16-09.0 N CA RM KMD992 118-04-00.2 W 0003377819 PAGING SYSTEMS, INC. LOS ANGELES
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281238A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281238A1.txt
- 38-13-54.2 N KY MD KC26359 P 085-43-54.8 W 0003371389 WAVE LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC LOUISVILLE 03/25/2008 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 38-13-54.2 N KY MD KC26359 P 085-43-54.8 W 0003371389 WAVE LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC LOUISVILLE 03/25/2008 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 38-13-54.2 N KY MD KC26359 P 085-43-54.8 W 0003371389 WAVE LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC LOUISVILLE 03/25/2008 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 38-13-54.2 N MS MD KB97066 P 088-55-00.1 W 0003371406 WLOX LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC BILOXI 03/25/2008 01990.00000 - 02008.00000 30-24-00.7 N MS MD KB97066 P 088-55-00.1 W 0003371406 WLOX LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC BILOXI 03/25/2008 01990.00000 - 02008.00000 30-24-00.7 N MS MD KB97066 P 088-55-00.1 W 0003371406 WLOX LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC BILOXI 03/25/2008 02008.00000 - 02025.00000 30-24-00.7 N MS MD KB97066 P 088-55-00.1 W 0003371406 WLOX LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281262A1.pdf
- D+ service/ MODULATION: CONTINUOUS-PHASE 32-ARY FSK, 20Hz tone spacing, symobol rate:4 symbols/sec or Continous-phas 32-ary FSK, 32Hz tone spacing, symbol rate: 16 sysmbols/sec 1525.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 2K50F1D 9.00 dBW INMARSAT D+ service/ MODULATION: 2 LEVEL FSK, 256HZ TONE SPACING, SYMBOL RATES OF 4, 16, 32, 64, OR 128 SYMBOLS/SEC 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 2K50F1D SKYWAVE MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 4 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: DMR-800S INMARSAT D+ service/ MODULATION: CONTINUOUS-PHASE 32-ARY FSK, 20Hz tone spacing, symobol rate:4 symbols/sec or Continous-phas 32-ary FSK, 32Hz tone spacing, symbol rate: 16 sysmbols/sec 1525.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 2K50F1D 9.00 dBW INMARSAT D+ service/ MODULATION: 2 LEVEL FSK, 256HZ TONE SPACING, SYMBOL RATES OF 4, 16, 32, 64, OR 128 SYMBOLS/SEC 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 2K50F1D
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281382A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281382A1.txt
- GA AM 084-32-28.8 W 0003376994 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC MABLETON 04/03/2008 21875.00000 33-48-47.0 N GA AM 084-32-28.8 W 0003376994 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC MABLETON 04/03/2008 21975.00000 33-48-47.0 N NY AM 074-00-42.3 W 0003382038 CNG Transmission Corp. New Scotland 04/03/2008 00928.23125 42-37-39.0 N NY AM 074-00-42.3 W 0003382038 CNG Transmission Corp. New Scotland 04/03/2008 00952.23125 42-37-39.0 N GA AM 084-10-00.1 W 0003383237 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 04/04/2008 11225.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA AM 084-10-00.1 W 0003383237 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 04/04/2008 19525.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA AM 084-10-00.1 W 0003383237 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 04/04/2008 19625.00000 34-01-23.5 N MI MD WQHK920 085-38-57.3 W 0003377767 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II GRAND RAPIDS 03/28/2008 11305.00000 42-53-48.7 N MI MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281566A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281566A1.txt
- W 0003389481 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INConcord 04/08/2008 11245.00000 35-18-14.3 N NC NE 080-44-59.3 W 0003389484 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INCHARLOTTE 04/08/2008 06226.89000 35-11-10.5 N NC NE 080-44-59.3 W 0003389484 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INCHARLOTTE 04/08/2008 11285.00000 35-11-10.5 N NC NE 080-25-53.8 W 0003389486 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INSTANFIELD 04/08/2008 11605.00000 35-19-12.3 N NC NE 080-54-27.8 W 0003389488 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INCHARLOTTE 04/08/2008 11035.00000 35-17-00.1 N NC NE 080-50-01.4 W 0003389491 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INCHARLOTTE 04/08/2008 11525.00000 35-16-18.8 N NC NE 080-30-09.1 W 0003389494 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INMIDLAND 04/08/2008 05945.20000 35-15-08.5 N NC NE 080-43-31.8 W 0003389497 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INMATTHEWS 04/08/2008 06197.24000 35-07-15.5 N NC NE 080-43-31.8 W 0003389497 METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS, INMATTHEWS 04/08/2008 06256.54000 35-07-15.5 N NC NE 080-43-31.8 W 0003389497 METROPOLITAN AREA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281567A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281567A1.txt
- 081-31-30.4 W 0003382409 FELHC, INC. WALTON HILLS 04/08/2008 00952.18125 41-21-46.2 N GA AM 084-11-50.7 W 0003383240 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Stone Mountain 04/08/2008 23020.00000 33-45-36.4 N OR MD WNEZ434 120-49-45.9 W 0003389890 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INSUMMER LAKE 04/08/2008 02188.00000 42-59-00.5 N OR MD WNEZ434 120-49-45.9 W 0003389890 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INSUMMER LAKE 04/08/2008 06543.75000 42-59-00.5 N OR MD WNEZ433 121-43-00.1 W 0003389892 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INCRESCENT 04/08/2008 06713.75000 43-18-19.8 N OR MD WNEZ433 121-43-00.1 W 0003389892 MIDSTATE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INCRESCENT 04/08/2008 06718.75000 43-18-19.8 N TX MD WPNB221 095-27-12.8 W 0003390279 RAYBURN COUNTRY ELECTRIC COOPPARIS 04/09/2008 00959.15000 33-40-02.3 N TX MD WPNB227 096-25-45.9 W 0003390280 RAYBURN COUNTRY ELECTRIC COOPCHERRY MOUND 04/09/2008 00934.17500 33-42-27.3 N TX MD WPNB227 096-25-45.9 W 0003390280 RAYBURN
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281713A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281713A1.txt
- 084-23-01.7 W 0003376990 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Atlanta 04/15/2008 21825.00000 33-48-28.8 N GA AM 084-23-01.7 W 0003376990 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Atlanta 04/15/2008 21925.00000 33-48-28.8 N GA AM 084-23-01.7 W 0003376990 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Atlanta 04/15/2008 21975.00000 33-48-28.8 N GA AM 084-23-01.7 W 0003376990 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Atlanta 04/15/2008 22075.00000 33-48-28.8 N GA AM 084-10-00.1 W 0003383237 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 04/15/2008 11225.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA AM 084-10-00.1 W 0003383237 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 04/15/2008 19525.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA AM 084-10-00.1 W 0003383237 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 04/15/2008 19625.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA AM 084-10-00.1 W 0003383237 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 04/15/2008 21820.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA AM 084-12-32.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281714A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281714A1.txt
- (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WY MD KA74766 P 105-00-24.9 W 0003400706 SAGAMOREHILL BROADCASTING OF WCHEYENNE 04/17/2008 06425.00000 - 06525.00000 41-06-00.9 N WY MD KA74766 P 105-00-24.9 W 0003400706 SAGAMOREHILL BROADCASTING OF WCHEYENNE 04/17/2008 06875.00000 - 07125.00000 41-06-00.9 N WY MD KA74766 P 105-00-24.9 W 0003400706 SAGAMOREHILL BROADCASTING OF WCHEYENNE 04/17/2008 12700.00000 - 13250.00000 41-06-00.9 N AZ MD KA88896 P 110-57-00.1 W 0003400713 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS/UNIV OTUCSON 04/17/2008 01990.00000 - 02008.00000 32-13-57.8 N AZ MD KA88896 P 110-57-00.1 W 0003400713 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS/UNIV OTUCSON 04/17/2008 01990.00000 - 02008.00000 32-13-57.8 N AZ MD KA88896 P 110-57-00.1 W 0003400713 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS/UNIV OTUCSON 04/17/2008 02008.00000 - 02110.00000 32-13-57.8 N AZ MD KA88896 P 110-57-00.1 W 0003400713 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS/UNIV
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281981A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281981A1.txt
- WLR276 118-26-26.2 W 0003418180 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNELOS ANGELES 04/29/2008 19640.00000 34-04-28.0 N CA MD WLR276 118-26-26.2 W 0003418180 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNELOS ANGELES 04/29/2008 19645.00000 34-04-28.0 N CA MD WLR276 118-26-26.2 W 0003418180 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNELOS ANGELES 04/29/2008 19680.00000 34-04-28.0 N CA MD WPXA688 117-58-15.7 W 0003418201 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEHUNTINGTON BEA 04/29/2008 18120.00000 33-41-00.1 N CA MD WPXA688 117-58-15.7 W 0003418201 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEHUNTINGTON BEA 04/29/2008 18125.00000 33-41-00.1 N CA MD WLT484 117-56-23.2 W 0003418207 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECOSTA MESA 04/29/2008 10552.50000 33-38-22.1 N CA MD WLT484 117-56-23.2 W 0003418207 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECOSTA MESA 04/29/2008 10573.12500 33-38-22.1 N CA MD WLT484 117-56-23.2 W 0003418207 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNECOSTA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282043A1.pdf
- this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. S2397 SAT-MOD-20080428-00091 E Modification 04/28/2008 14:59:54:67000 Date Filed: Intelsat North America LLC On March 28, 2008, Intelsat North America LLC filed a modification application seeking a waiver of Section 25.210(j) of the Commission's rules to permit Intelsat to operate its Intelsat 704 satellite with an East/West station-keeping tolerance of +/- 0.1° until the satellite's end of life, which which is expected to be February 2009. Intelsat 704 operates at 66.0 E.L. Page 1 of 1
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- 37-56-34.7 N CA MD WNES360 121-53-27.8 W 0003426518 CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT NORTONVILLE 05/05/2008 00953.95000 37-56-34.7 N IL MD WNTL682 087-53-29.1 W 0003426668 ORLAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTORLAND PARK 05/05/2008 19525.00000 41-34-08.1 N IL MD WNEV284 087-50-53.1 W 0003426758 ORLAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTORLAND HILLS 05/05/2008 21825.00000 41-35-11.1 N IL MD WNEX245 087-51-26.1 W 0003426823 ORLAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTORLAND PARK 05/05/2008 17965.00000 41-37-00.1 N IL MD WNEX245 087-51-26.1 W 0003426823 ORLAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTORLAND PARK 05/05/2008 23025.00000 41-37-00.1 N CA MD KMJ53 118-10-11.2 W 0003427314 Los Angeles, County of LOS ANGELES 05/05/2008 06585.00000 34-03-12.0 N CA MD KMJ53 118-10-11.2 W 0003427314 Los Angeles, County of LOS ANGELES 05/05/2008 06635.00000 34-03-12.0 N CA MD KMJ53 118-10-11.2 W 0003427314 Los Angeles, County of LOS ANGELES
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282134A1.pdf
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282303A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282303A1.txt
- 1 1 04/17/2008 WNRU658 FXO SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT 169.43750000 WILLISTON 29-26-15.9 N FL 82-27-25.4 W 1 1 04/17/2008 WNRU658 FXO SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT 169.50000000 WILLISTON 29-26-15.9 N FL 82-27-25.4 W 1 1 04/17/2008 WNRU658 FXO SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT 169.52500000 WILLISTON 29-26-15.9 N FL 82-27-25.4 W 1 1 04/17/2008 WNRU658 FXO SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT 169.42500000 COTTON PLAN 29-11-0.1 N FL 82-19-7.4 W 2 1 04/17/2008 WNRU658 FXO SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT 169.43750000 COTTON PLAN 29-11-0.1 N FL 82-19-7.4 W 2 1 04/17/2008 WNRU658 FXO SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT 169.50000000 COTTON PLAN 29-11-0.1 N FL 82-19-7.4 W 2 1 04/17/2008 WNRU658 FXO SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT 169.52500000 COTTON PLAN 29-11-0.1 N FL 82-19-7.4 W 2 1 04/17/2008 WNRU658 FXO
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282626A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282626A1.txt
- Limited PConroe 05/30/2008 06345.49000 30-13-00.6 N TX NE 095-16-50.0 W 0003457211 GTE Mobilnet of Texas RSA #17 Limited PConroe 05/30/2008 06375.14000 30-13-00.6 N TX NE 095-26-07.9 W 0003457814 Nextlink Wireless Inc. HOUSTON 05/30/2008 18060.00000 29-43-59.2 N TX NE 095-26-07.0 W 0003457815 Nextlink Wireless Inc. HOUSTON 05/30/2008 17820.00000 29-43-59.3 N TX NE 095-25-06.4 W 0003457816 Nextlink Wireless Inc. HOUSTON 05/30/2008 19620.00000 29-44-00.1 N TX NE 095-12-23.1 W 0003457817 GTE Mobilnet of Texas RSA #17 Limited PHumble 05/30/2008 06226.89000 30-00-18.0 N TX NE 095-12-23.1 W 0003457817 GTE Mobilnet of Texas RSA #17 Limited PHumble 05/30/2008 06315.84000 30-00-18.0 N TX NE 095-26-00.8 W 0003457819 GTE Mobilnet of Texas RSA #17 Limited PCONROE 05/30/2008 05945.20000 30-09-23.8 N TX NE 095-26-00.8 W 0003457819 GTE Mobilnet of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282813A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282813A1.txt
- 666.3 666.3 666.3 CT Delaware 149.9 149.9 149.9 DE District of Columbia 266.3 266.3 266.3 0.0 NA NA 0.0 0.0 DC Florida 3,336.6 3,336.7 3,336.7 FL Georgia 1,676.6 1,676.6 1,676.6 GA Idaho 205.2 205.2 205.2 ID Illinois 1,683.1 1,683.1 1,683.1 IL Indiana 933.9 933.9 933.9 IN Iowa 346.9 346.9 346.9 IA Kansas 319.7 319.7 319.7 KS Kentucky 719.9 719.9 719.7 0.1 NA NA 0.1 0.1 KY Louisiana 792.1 792.1 792.1 LA Maine 217.8 217.8 217.8 ME Maryland 1,039.7 1,039.7 1,039.7 0.0 NA NA 0.0 0.0 MD Massachusetts 1,093.0 1,093.0 1,093.0 MA Michigan 1,212.4 1,212.4 1,212.4 MI Minnesota 508.0 508.0 508.0 MN Mississippi 533.4 533.4 533.4 MS Missouri 885.7 885.7 885.7 MO Montana 117.0 117.0 117.0 MT Nebraska 215.5 215.5 215.5 NE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282830A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282830A1.txt
- APPLE VALLEY 06/03/2008 10572.50000 34-24-42.4 N CA MD WQBK743 117-11-13.1 W 0003461730 Omnipoint NY MTA License, LLC APPLE VALLEY 06/03/2008 10597.50000 34-24-42.4 N CA MD WQBK743 117-11-13.1 W 0003461730 Omnipoint NY MTA License, LLC APPLE VALLEY 06/03/2008 19435.00000 34-24-42.4 N CA MD WQBK743 117-11-13.1 W 0003461730 Omnipoint NY MTA License, LLC APPLE VALLEY 06/03/2008 19495.00000 34-24-42.4 N CA MD WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0003461805 Santa Barbara Cellular Systems, Ltd. SANTA MARIA 06/03/2008 05935.32000 34-50-05.6 N Page 10 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0003461805 Santa Barbara Cellular Systems, Ltd. SANTA MARIA 06/03/2008 05974.85000 34-50-05.6 N CA MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283016A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283016A1.txt
- LLC Guntersville 06/09/2008 02467.00000 - 02483.50000 34-20-06.0 N ME MD KB96720 P 068-49-28.1 W 0003470862 BANGOR COMMUNICATIONS, LLC. BANGOR 06/13/2008 02059.00000 - 02076.00000 44-47-23.2 N TS - TV Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WPQN979 116-26-02.2 W 0003469252 JOURNAL BROADCAST CORPORATIONPalm Desert 06/11/2008 19270.00000 33-52-00.1 N ID MD WPVA638 112-15-02.0 W 0003469267 ONEIDA SCHOOL DISTRICT #351 Malad City 06/11/2008 00668.00000 - 00674.00000 42-10-30.0 N CA NE 116-23-35.0 W 0003469257 JOURNAL BROADCAST CORPORATIONPalm Desert 06/11/2008 06925.00000 - 06950.00000 33-04-03.0 N TT - TV Translator Relay State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City ID NE 114-00-18.7 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283041A1.pdf
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283198A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283198A1.txt
- 0003472914 Centennial Puerto Rico License Corp. SAN JUAN 06/16/2008 19350.00000 18-27-53.0 N Page 12 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PR MD WQCU317 066-06-15.0 W 0003473004 Centennial Puerto Rico License Corp. SAN JUAN 06/16/2008 17790.00000 18-28-05.0 N NM MD KTF35 107-10-00.1 W 0003473206 Qwest Corporation CORREO 06/16/2008 06286.19000 35-00-48.1 N NM MD KTF35 107-10-00.1 W 0003473206 Qwest Corporation CORREO 06/16/2008 06315.84000 35-00-48.1 N NM MD KTF35 107-10-00.1 W 0003473206 Qwest Corporation CORREO 06/16/2008 06345.49000 35-00-48.1 N NM MD KTF33 108-14-27.2 W 0003473221 Qwest Corporation THOREAU 06/16/2008 06345.49000 35-28-01.0 N NM MD KTF33 108-14-27.2 W 0003473221 Qwest Corporation THOREAU 06/16/2008 06375.14000 35-28-01.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283397A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283397A1.txt
- Inc. Lancaster 06/24/2008 19370.00000 40-04-00.5 N PA NE 076-13-19.9 W 0003484998 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Smoketown 06/24/2008 11245.00000 40-01-53.0 N PA NE 076-13-19.9 W 0003484998 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Smoketown 06/24/2008 17970.00000 40-01-53.0 N PA NE 076-18-30.1 W 0003485001 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Lancaster 06/24/2008 23210.00000 40-01-04.5 N PA NE 076-20-14.3 W 0003485003 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Lancaster 06/24/2008 19390.00000 40-01-00.1 N PA NE 076-15-12.2 W 0003485007 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Lancaster 06/24/2008 19530.00000 40-02-01.0 N PA NE 077-11-24.9 W 0003485076 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCTHOMPSONTOWN 06/24/2008 06063.80000 40-34-48.4 N CA NE 117-39-35.0 W 0003485307 Royal Street BTA 262, LLC Mission Viejo 06/25/2008 18030.00000 33-37-32.0 N Page 18 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign
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- 112-04-21.9 W 0003461638 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCPHOENIX 06/26/2008 23030.00000 33-29-16.1 N AZ AM WQBV561 112-04-21.9 W 0003461638 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCPHOENIX 06/26/2008 23080.00000 33-29-16.1 N CA AM 121-41-58.5 W 0003461664 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC EAST CONTRA CO 06/26/2008 17835.00000 37-56-01.8 N CA AM 121-41-58.5 W 0003461664 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC EAST CONTRA CO 06/26/2008 17865.00000 37-56-01.8 N CA AM WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0003461805 Santa Barbara Cellular Systems, Ltd. SANTA MARIA 06/25/2008 05935.32000 34-50-05.6 N CA AM WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0003461805 Santa Barbara Cellular Systems, Ltd. SANTA MARIA 06/25/2008 05974.85000 34-50-05.6 N CA AM WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0003461805 Santa Barbara Cellular Systems, Ltd. SANTA MARIA 06/25/2008 06004.50000 34-50-05.6 N CA AM WPNB581 120-23-00.1 W 0003461805 Santa Barbara Cellular Systems, Ltd. SANTA MARIA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283460A1.pdf
- edges of the 17.3-17.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) and the 24.75-25.15 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands. See related File Nos. SAT-LOA-19970605-00051, SAT-AMD-20051118-00224, and SAT-AMD-20080321-00080. S2243 SAT-AMD-20080114-00016 E Amendment 01/14/2008 16:37:09:31300 Date Filed: DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (DIRECTV) requests authority to construct, launch, and operate a 17/24 GHz Broadcasting-Satellite Service (BSS) space station at the 110.9° W.L. orbital location, which is offset -0.1 degree from the 111º W.L. orbital location specified in Appendix F to the 17/24 GHz Report and Order, FCC No. 07-76 (rel. May 4, 2007), at reduced power and without full interference protection. (See FCC 07-76 and 07-174 for a complete explanation of the rules and policies regarding the spacing framework and interference protections adopted by the Commission). DIRECTV seeks
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283608A1.pdf
- correct description of the applications associated with Call Sign: S2660, (File Nos. SAT-AMD-20080701-00135, SAT-AMD-20080617-00125, SAT-AMD-20080114-00012, SAT-AMD-20051118-00240, SAT-LOA-20050210-00029) that were accepted for filing on Report No. SAT-00535, rel. July 3, 2008. Intelsat North America LLC (Intelsat) requests authority to construct, launch, and operate a 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite Service (BSS) space station at the 99.1° W.L. orbital location, which is offset 0.1° from the 99° W.L. orbital location specified in Appendix F to the 17/24 GHz Report and Order, FCC 07-76 (rel. May 4, 2007), at a reduced power and without full interference protection. (See FCC 07-76 and 07-174 for a complete explanation of the rules and policies regarding the spacing framework and interference protections adopted by the Commission). Intelsat seeks to
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283719A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283719A1.txt
- 38-55-25.6 N VA NE 077-10-54.0 W 0003499965 FiberTower Network Services Corp. SPRINGFIELD 07/10/2008 11215.00000 38-46-52.0 N MD NE 076-53-04.2 W 0003499966 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Laurel 07/10/2008 11155.00000 39-05-55.1 N MD NE 076-51-41.2 W 0003499971 FiberTower Network Services Corp. FORESTVILLE 07/10/2008 21920.00000 38-50-58.0 N MD NE 076-53-38.6 W 0003499972 FiberTower Network Services Corp. CLINTON 07/10/2008 10835.00000 38-46-50.5 N MD NE 076-34-00.1 W 0003499973 FiberTower Network Services Corp. ANNAPOLIS 07/10/2008 23020.00000 38-58-11.3 N MN NE 093-01-23.3 W 0003500055 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. INVER GROVE HEI 07/10/2008 22480.00000 44-50-18.5 N MN NE 093-02-25.9 W 0003500070 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Inver Grove Height 07/10/2008 21280.00000 44-51-24.1 N MN NE 093-02-25.9 W 0003500070 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Inver Grove Height 07/10/2008 21330.00000 44-51-24.1 N MN
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283917A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-283917A1.txt
- Inc. LANCASTER 07/16/2008 22060.00000 40-02-17.4 N PA NE 076-20-04.6 W 0003505436 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Lancaster 07/16/2008 19325.00000 40-04-00.5 N PA NE 076-20-04.6 W 0003505436 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Lancaster 07/16/2008 19370.00000 40-04-00.5 N PA NE 076-18-30.1 W 0003505437 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Lyndon 07/16/2008 23210.00000 40-01-04.5 N PA NE 076-20-14.3 W 0003505438 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. LANCASTER 07/16/2008 19390.00000 40-01-00.1 N PR NE 067-08-04.4 W 0003505508 PUERTO RICO TELEPHONE COMPANYCABO ROJO 07/16/2008 17845.00000 17-59-32.5 N PR NE 067-07-09.8 W 0003505511 PUERTO RICO TELEPHONE COMPANYCABO ROJO 07/16/2008 19405.00000 18-01-47.9 N PA NE 076-13-19.9 W 0003505590 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Smoketown 07/16/2008 11245.00000 40-01-53.0 N OK NE 097-35-14.0 W 0003505661 Cellular Network Partnership, A Limited PaHUNTER 07/16/2008 05945.20000 36-32-30.0 N OK NE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284158A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284158A1.txt
- T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC ALPINE MEADOWS 07/22/2008 17825.00000 39-08-52.6 N CA NE 118-31-46.7 W 0003511818 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC SANTA CLARITA 07/22/2008 19455.00000 34-28-03.7 N WA NE 120-04-48.0 W 0003511820 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC Gingko 07/22/2008 17825.00000 46-56-37.6 N WA NE 120-00-03.7 W 0003511822 T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC George 07/22/2008 19385.00000 46-56-34.5 N IL NE 088-01-40.2 W 0003511828 FIBERTOWER NETWORK SERVICES COLEMONT 07/22/2008 17900.00000 41-39-00.1 N CA NE 109-00-07.8 W 0003511880 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCBAKERSFIELD 07/22/2008 11225.00000 35-15-56.5 N NY NE 073-25-53.2 W 0003512024 RCC Atlantic Licenses, LLC Keesville 07/22/2008 06555.62500 44-24-19.2 N CA NE 120-26-28.7 W 0003513837 California RSA No. 4 Limited PartnershipMERCED 07/23/2008 06595.00000 37-25-34.5 N MS NE 090-19-30.6 W 0003514391 Verizon Wireless Personal CommunicationJackson 07/23/2008 05945.20000 32-16-23.3 N MS NE 090-19-30.6
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284321A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284321A2.txt
- 0.0 0.0100.0 $546 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 22,510,318 0.7 9.7 0.021.6 68.0 Luxembourg $2,323,606 0.037.1 0.418.3 44.2 $136,943 0.029.4 0.024.4 46.1 $273,701 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 24,653,403 0.021.5 0.434.5 43.6 Malta $942,668 1.8 6.6 1.324.9 65.4 $84,613 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.2 94.8 $2,829 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 5,334,174 0.7 5.6 2.944.6 46.3 Netherlands $50,465,900 0.019.5 0.4 9.8 70.4 $6,645,802 0.0 0.1 0.064.5 35.4 $4,624,161 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 99.9 580,189,179 0.013.7 0.339.9 46.2 Norway $13,490,830 0.025.0 0.318.1 56.6 $836,925 0.023.9 0.019.3 56.9 $2,538,915 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 164,594,720 0.019.5 0.630.2 49.8 Portugal $16,390,237 0.015.4 1.424.4 58.7 $1,499,178 0.010.9 0.024.9 64.2 $692,194 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 99.5 275,602,651 0.018.1 2.422.4 57.1 Spain $55,695,353 0.128.2 0.712.2 58.9 $4,208,125 0.014.1 0.020.9 65.0 $24,494,336 0.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284342A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284342A1.txt
- 07/30/2008 02174.80000 33-10-05.9 N Page 14 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD WMR914 095-07-50.8 W 0003525278 TEXAS RSA 7B2 LIMITED PARTNERSHIMOUNT VERNON 07/30/2008 06675.00000 33-10-05.9 N IN MD WLN521 086-25-02.0 W 0003525428 Cellco Partnership NORTH LIBERTY 07/30/2008 06197.24000 41-33-00.1 N IN MD WLN521 086-25-02.0 W 0003525428 Cellco Partnership NORTH LIBERTY 07/30/2008 06286.19000 41-33-00.1 N IN MD WLN521 086-25-02.0 W 0003525428 Cellco Partnership NORTH LIBERTY 07/30/2008 06345.49000 41-33-00.1 N IN MD WLN520 086-26-56.0 W 0003525652 Cellco Partnership NEW CARLISLE 07/30/2008 06034.15000 41-42-29.1 N IN MD WLN520 086-26-56.0 W 0003525652 Cellco Partnership NEW CARLISLE 07/30/2008 06093.45000 41-42-29.1 N WI MD WPTH701
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284656A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284656A1.txt
- 24 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AK MD KNKR275 161-45-52.7 W 0003543023 Unicom, Inc. NAPASKIAK 08/11/2008 60-42-25.6 N AK MD KNKR275 162-27-35.4 W 0003543023 Unicom, Inc. NUNAPITCHUK 08/11/2008 60-53-44.0 N AK MD KNKR275 160-57-32.0 W 0003543023 Unicom, Inc. Tuluksak 08/11/2008 61-05-55.3 N AK MD KNKR275 162-40-00.1 W 0003543023 Unicom, Inc. Tuntutliak 08/11/2008 60-20-29.3 N CT MD KNKN833 073-02-23.3 W 0003543110 Cellco Partnership Colebrook 08/12/2008 41-59-31.5 N CT MD KNKN833 073-24-30.9 W 0003543110 Cellco Partnership New Milford 08/12/2008 41-35-27.1 N CR - Rural Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RO KNKL977 0003541535 Penasco Valley Telephone
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284856A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284856A1.txt
- 093-12-12.3 W 0003550394 Branson Airport LLC Branson 08/18/2008 00128.15000 36-31-47.6 N Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MO NE 093-11-58.0 W 0003550394 Branson Airport LLC Branson 08/18/2008 00124.62500 36-32-21.0 N KS RM WKK3 098-07-01.2 W 0003550057 KINGMAN, CITY OF KINGMAN 08/18/2008 00122.80000 37-40-00.1 N FL RM WWN7 087-14-06.9 W 0003550342 BAPTIST HOSPITAL INC PENSACOLA 08/18/2008 00122.82500 30-25-58.7 N RO WXD5 0003549744 NAPPANEE, CITY OF 08/18/2008 RO KNB7 0003549870 PIPESTONE, CITY OF 08/18/2008 RO KKD4 0003551375 CLINTON, COUNTY OF 08/19/2008 RO KTT2 0003552204 UNRUH, RON 08/20/2008 RO WGJ2 0003556250 COOLIDGE, CITY OF 08/21/2008 RO WBC2 0003557093 SUSANVILLE, CITY OF 08/21/2008 RO WCY8 0003557829 BATESVILLE,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284926A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284926A1.txt
- 3,369 46.2 7,293 New York 43,326 56.9 615 0.8 1,283 1.7 2,101 2.8 563 0.7 28,193 37.1 76,082 North Carolina 17,811 48.0 1,087 2.9 162 0.4 1,078 2.9 459 1.2 16,521 44.5 37,116 North Dakota 1,105 19.8 43 0.8 10 0.2 50 0.9 40 0.7 4,331 77.6 5,579 Northern Marianas Is 65 25.2 1 0.4 18 6.9 13 4.9 0 0.1 161 62.5 258 Ohio 22,162 44.0 1,136 2.3 165 0.3 1,003 2.0 577 1.1 25,341 50.3 50,384 Oklahoma 6,024 33.1 556 3.1 60 0.3 412 2.3 212 1.2 10,910 60.0 18,173 Oregon 7,407 51.1 122 0.8 137 0.9 362 2.5 197 1.4 6,265 43.2 14,490 Pennsylvania 26,785 47.5 244 0.4 970 1.7 1,263 2.2 377 0.7 26,752 47.4 56,391 Puerto
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284929A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284929A1.txt
- 1.4 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.8 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.1 2.9 (LECs) Other Than RBOCs Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) Local Resellers and Other Local Carriers Other Than RBOCs 0.8 1.3 2.6 2.2 2.7 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.4 5.0 6.5 6.7 Total: Fixed Local Service Providers15.1 17.1 18.5 20.1 23.1 26.0 26.6 27.0 27.6 26.7 23.6 22.8 Payphone Providers 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wireless Service Providers 3.3 5.1 6.6 9.2 12.0 17.2 24.8 27.8 29.2 33.9 38.4 40.7 RBOC Toll Service Providers 1.7 1.7 2.0 2.3 3.0 3.4 5.0 6.8 16.2 28.1 26.1 24.6 Other Toll Service Providers 79.9 76.0 72.9 68.3 61.9 53.3 43.6 38.5 27.1 11.2 11.9 11.9 Total: Toll Service
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284932A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284932A1.txt
- 4Qwest 5 SBC 6 Verizon 7Other 8 1995 74.6% 13.0% 4.2% (8) % (8) % (8) % (8) % 8.2% 1996 69.9 14.1 5.0 (8) (8) (8) (8) 11.0 1997 67.2 13.2 5.7 (8) (8) (8) (8) 13.8 1998 62.6 15.1 5.7 (8) (8) (8) (8) 16.6 1999 62.5 16.0 6.2 (8) (8) (8) (8) 15.4 2000 51.1 18.0 6.6 0.1 1.6 1.0 4.6 17.0 2001 42.3 18.5 6.8 0.1 2.9 2.6 6.7 20.0 2002 36.7 15.8 7.6 0.2 2.5 3.8 9.3 24.1 2003 31.7 13.0 7.1 2.2 3.2 7.5 10.8 24.4 2004 23.5 9.9 6.9 4.4 5.7 13.2 12.9 23.5 2005 18.1 7.7 6.2 5.9 5.9 15.9 16.2 24.1 2006 29.3 -- 3.8 6.6 6.1 -- 25.2 29.0 2007 28.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285103A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285103A1.txt
- COMMUNICATIONS HCHAPEL HILL 08/25/2008 06950.00000 - 06975.00000 35-52-16.0 N NC NE 078-31-39.0 W 0003560045 MEDIA GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS HClayton 08/25/2008 07012.50000 35-40-29.0 N Page 42 TP - TV Pickup State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NY MD KC26391 P 073-19-58.4 W 0003561351 HEARST-ARGYLE STATIONS, INC. PLATTSBURGH 08/26/2008 01990.00000 - 02008.00000 44-35-00.1 N NY MD KC26391 P 073-19-58.4 W 0003561351 HEARST-ARGYLE STATIONS, INC. PLATTSBURGH 08/26/2008 02008.00000 - 02110.00000 44-35-00.1 N NY MD KC26391 P 073-19-58.4 W 0003561351 HEARST-ARGYLE STATIONS, INC. PLATTSBURGH 08/26/2008 02025.00000 - 02025.50000 44-35-00.1 N NY MD KC26391 P 073-19-58.4 W 0003561351 HEARST-ARGYLE STATIONS, INC. PLATTSBURGH 08/26/2008 02025.50000 - 02109.50000 44-35-00.1 N NY MD KC26391 P 073-19-58.4 W 0003561351 HEARST-ARGYLE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285239A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285239A1.txt
- 10955.00000 18-25-46.2 N PR MD WMV895 066-09-07.4 W 0003567694 CCPR Services, Inc. CATANO 09/03/2008 11157.50000 18-25-46.2 N PR MD WPNC697 066-11-08.3 W 0003567699 CCPR Services, Inc. TOA BAJA 09/03/2008 10623.12500 18-27-36.4 N PR MD WPNC697 066-11-08.3 W 0003567699 CCPR Services, Inc. TOA BAJA 09/03/2008 11647.50000 18-27-36.4 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003567712 CCPR Services, Inc. SAN JUAN 09/03/2008 06640.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003567712 CCPR Services, Inc. SAN JUAN 09/03/2008 10735.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003567712 CCPR Services, Inc. SAN JUAN 09/03/2008 10975.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003567712 CCPR Services, Inc. SAN JUAN 09/03/2008 11075.00000 18-27-00.1 N Page 7 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call
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- Inc Lebanon 09/12/2008 00129.25000 43-37-34.0 N NY NE 073-48-07.1 W 0003579318 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Albany 09/12/2008 00129.25000 42-44-56.8 N Page 1 AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NY NE 074-50-44.0 W 0003579330 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Massena 09/12/2008 00129.25000 44-55-09.0 N MT NE 109-28-00.1 W 0003579334 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Lewiston 09/12/2008 00128.92500 47-02-57.3 N MT NE 104-11-33.2 W 0003579336 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Sidney 09/12/2008 00128.92500 47-42-24.7 N WY NE 106-27-51.9 W 0003579337 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Casper 09/12/2008 00129.80000 42-54-28.8 N NE NE 100-41-01.2 W 0003579339 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc North Platte 09/12/2008 00131.22500 41-07-34.4 N IL NE 088-28-32.4 W 0003579340 Aviation
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285415A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285415A1.txt
- -- -- 3 1 08/08/2008 WPQW695 MO Conservation Commission of the State of Missouri 159.24000000 -- -- 3 1 08/08/2008 WPQW695 MO Conservation Commission of the State of Missouri 159.27000000 -- -- 3 1 08/08/2008 WPQW695 MO Conservation Commission of the State of Missouri 159.43500000 -- -- 3 1 08/13/2008 WQCP217 FB2 EDGARTOWN PARK DEPARTMENT 151.07000000 EDGARTOWN 41-23-5.4 N MA 70-32-0.1 W 2 1 08/10/2008 WQHJ207 FB2 NAVAJO NATION 453.15000000 FARMINGTON 36-39-28.6 N NM 108-13-20.6 W 1 1 08/10/2008 WQHJ207 FB2 NAVAJO NATION 453.36250000 FARMINGTON 36-39-28.6 N NM 108-13-20.6 W 1 1 08/10/2008 WQHJ207 FB2 NAVAJO NATION 453.48750000 FARMINGTON 36-39-28.6 N NM 108-13-20.6 W 1 1 08/10/2008 WQHJ207 FB2 NAVAJO NATION 453.62500000 FARMINGTON 36-39-28.6 N NM 108-13-20.6 W 1 1 08/10/2008
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285570A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285570A1.txt
- OR MD WQFU438 123-06-26.7 W 0003586895 OREGON, STATE OF LONDON 09/19/2008 06063.80000 43-31-19.6 N MN MD WPTF206 095-00-36.0 W 0003587151 Minnesota State of WILLMAR 09/19/2008 10755.00000 45-09-01.8 N MN MD WPWL742 093-54-31.7 W 0003587264 Minnesota, State of Enfield 09/19/2008 06715.62500 45-20-54.3 N NJ NE 074-49-29.3 W 0003581352 County of Cape May - MIS Department Cape May Court Hou 09/15/2008 19620.00000 39-05-00.1 N NJ NE 074-51-17.7 W 0003581356 County of Cape May - MIS Department Rio Grande 09/15/2008 18060.00000 38-59-56.2 N NJ NE 074-18-30.5 W 0003581691 Borough of Sayreville Sayreville 09/15/2008 19345.00000 40-28-48.4 N Page 5 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NJ NE 074-18-30.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285756A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285756A1.txt
- WYOMING - DEPARTMENT OJEFFREY CITY 09/24/2008 06805.00000 42-24-04.8 N WY MD WQAA455 104-53-34.1 W 0003591579 STATE OF WYOMING - DEPARTMENT OCHEYENNE 09/24/2008 06256.54000 41-39-04.7 N WY MD WQAA455 104-53-34.1 W 0003591579 STATE OF WYOMING - DEPARTMENT OCHEYENNE 09/24/2008 06286.19000 41-39-04.7 N WY MD WQAA455 104-53-34.1 W 0003591579 STATE OF WYOMING - DEPARTMENT OCHEYENNE 09/24/2008 06375.14000 41-39-04.7 N AZ MD WNES570 110-41-00.1 W 0003593465 Northland Pioneer College WINSLOW 09/26/2008 06226.89000 35-01-14.5 N AZ MD WNES570 110-41-00.1 W 0003593465 Northland Pioneer College WINSLOW 09/26/2008 06555.00000 35-01-14.5 N Page 2 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD WNES569 110-19-24.4 W 0003593470 Northland Pioneer College SNOW FLAKE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285915A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-285915A1.txt
- W 0003599261 TRILLION PARTNERS, INC. Grants 10/03/2008 19525.00000 35-11-10.7 N NM NE 107-57-31.2 W 0003599262 TRILLION PARTNERS, INC. BLUEWATER 10/03/2008 19625.00000 35-16-49.8 N NM NE 107-57-31.2 W 0003599262 TRILLION PARTNERS, INC. BLUEWATER 10/03/2008 21825.00000 35-16-49.8 N NM NE 107-31-00.8 W 0003599263 TRILLION PARTNERS, INC. Cubero 10/03/2008 17865.00000 35-05-05.3 N NM NE 107-50-44.1 W 0003599264 TRILLION PARTNERS, INC. Grants 10/03/2008 21925.00000 35-09-00.1 N NM NE 107-53-02.3 W 0003599265 TRILLION PARTNERS, INC. San Rafael 10/03/2008 23125.00000 35-06-51.6 N NM NE 107-49-35.6 W 0003599266 TRILLION PARTNERS, INC. Grants 10/03/2008 17915.00000 35-09-15.1 N NM NE 107-49-35.6 W 0003599266 TRILLION PARTNERS, INC. Grants 10/03/2008 21925.00000 35-09-15.1 N NM NE 107-58-48.9 W 0003599267 TRILLION PARTNERS, INC. Bluewater 10/03/2008 23025.00000 35-15-18.6 N NM NE 107-50-55.0 W 0003599268 TRILLION
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- N GA NE 084-17-29.6 W 0003606976 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II ATLANTA 10/09/2008 23075.00000 33-55-02.0 N GA NE 084-17-29.6 W 0003606976 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II ATLANTA 10/09/2008 23125.00000 33-55-02.0 N GA NE 084-17-29.6 W 0003606976 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II ATLANTA 10/09/2008 23175.00000 33-55-02.0 N KS NE P 097-14-52.4 W 0003607057 CITY OF DERBY DERBY 10/09/2008 00956.35625 37-32-54.0 N PA NE P 079-58-00.1 W 0003607068 BOROUGH OF ASPINWALL ST CLAIR 10/09/2008 00956.33125 40-25-30.3 N Page 31 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NV NE 115-07-48.3 W 0003607076 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Las Vegas 10/09/2008 23025.00000 36-01-17.2 N NV NE 115-07-48.3 W 0003607076 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Las
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286039A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286039A1.txt
- Name Latitude City CO MD KQP60 107-46-59.2 W 0003602595 State of Colorado DURANGO 10/07/2008 10578.12500 37-21-50.0 N CA MD WPNN949 118-09-47.2 W 0003602672 LONG BEACH TRANSIT SIGNAL HILL 10/07/2008 11245.00000 33-47-58.1 N CA MD WPNN949 118-09-47.2 W 0003602672 LONG BEACH TRANSIT SIGNAL HILL 10/07/2008 11325.00000 33-47-58.1 N CA MD WPNN950 118-10-05.2 W 0003602819 LONG BEACH TRANSIT LONG BEACH 10/07/2008 10755.00000 33-47-00.1 N CA MD WPNN951 118-10-02.2 W 0003602939 LONG BEACH TRANSIT LONG BEACH 10/07/2008 10835.00000 33-52-43.1 N NJ MD WPXT991 074-15-37.0 W 0003605111 COUNTY OF OCEAN - Division of WirelesBARNEGAT 10/08/2008 23225.00000 39-45-38.0 N MO MD WQHV871 090-41-14.5 W 0003606028 MISSOURI, STATE OF Weldon Spring 10/08/2008 11627.50000 38-42-44.5 N MO MD WQHV879 090-42-41.0 W 0003606030 MISSOURI, STATE OF Weldon Spring 10/08/2008
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286554A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286554A1.txt
- 076-32-48.8 W 0003626230 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Annapolis 10/27/2008 11115.00000 38-58-46.6 N MD MD WQIY706 076-32-48.8 W 0003626230 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Annapolis 10/27/2008 21820.00000 38-58-46.6 N MD MD WQIY706 076-32-48.8 W 0003626230 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Annapolis 10/27/2008 21875.00000 38-58-46.6 N MD MD WQIY706 076-32-48.8 W 0003626230 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Annapolis 10/27/2008 21975.00000 38-58-46.6 N MD MD WQJG357 076-34-00.1 W 0003626231 FiberTower Network Services Corp. ANNAPOLIS 10/27/2008 23020.00000 38-58-11.3 N DC MD WQEP927 077-02-36.6 W 0003626233 FiberTower Network Services Corp. WASHINGTON DC 10/27/2008 23020.00000 38-55-21.4 N DC MD WQEP927 077-02-36.6 W 0003626233 FiberTower Network Services Corp. WASHINGTON DC 10/27/2008 23025.00000 38-55-21.4 N DC MD WQEP927 077-02-36.6 W 0003626233 FiberTower Network Services Corp. WASHINGTON DC 10/27/2008 23075.00000 38-55-21.4 N DC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286830A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286830A1.txt
- State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MI AM KC4919 P 083-09-38.7 W 0003543770 WJBK LICENSE, INC. Troy 11/10/2008 02091.50000 42-33-36.1 N MI AM KC4919 P 083-09-38.7 W 0003543770 WJBK LICENSE, INC. Troy 11/10/2008 02103.50000 42-33-36.1 N NY AM KC26391 P 073-19-58.4 W 0003561351 HEARST-ARGYLE STATIONS, INC. PLATTSBURGH 11/14/2008 01999.00000 44-35-00.1 N NY AM KC26391 P 073-19-58.4 W 0003561351 HEARST-ARGYLE STATIONS, INC. PLATTSBURGH 11/14/2008 02016.50000 44-35-00.1 N NY AM KC26391 P 073-19-58.4 W 0003561351 HEARST-ARGYLE STATIONS, INC. PLATTSBURGH 11/14/2008 02025.01250 44-35-00.1 N NY AM KC26391 P 073-19-58.4 W 0003561351 HEARST-ARGYLE STATIONS, INC. PLATTSBURGH 11/14/2008 02025.03750 44-35-00.1 N NY AM KC26391 P 073-19-58.4 W 0003561351 HEARST-ARGYLE STATIONS, INC. PLATTSBURGH 11/14/2008 02025.06250 44-35-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286836A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286836A1.txt
- 075-11-43.0 W 0003648157 MONROE COUNTY CONTROL CENTERStroudsburg 11/13/2008 10875.00000 40-59-13.0 N Page 5 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WA NE 122-13-21.1 W 0003648568 WASHINGTON, STATE OF Bellingham 11/13/2008 06034.15000 48-54-33.6 N WA NE 122-11-36.1 W 0003648572 WASHINGTON, STATE OF Marysville 11/13/2008 06256.54000 48-06-00.1 N WA NE 122-11-36.1 W 0003648572 WASHINGTON, STATE OF Marysville 11/13/2008 10835.00000 48-06-00.1 N WA NE 122-31-33.5 W 0003648573 WASHINGTON, STATE OF Bellingham 11/13/2008 06226.89000 48-47-12.2 N WA NE 122-31-33.5 W 0003648573 WASHINGTON, STATE OF Bellingham 11/13/2008 06286.19000 48-47-12.2 N CA NE 122-34-41.9 W 0003649287 SONOMA, COUNTY OF Petaluma 11/14/2008 06063.80000 38-20-54.1 N CT RM WNTT978 072-27-58.3 W 0003645680 VERNON,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286957A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286957A1.txt
- 11/21/2008 22480.00000 44-57-18.0 N MN NE 093-22-23.5 W 0003657260 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Golden Valley 11/21/2008 22780.00000 45-00-13.7 N Page 12 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MN NE 093-11-21.5 W 0003657312 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul 11/21/2008 10715.00000 44-58-00.1 N MN NE 093-11-21.5 W 0003657312 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul 11/21/2008 17905.00000 44-58-00.1 N MN NE 093-11-21.5 W 0003657312 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul 11/21/2008 18050.00000 44-58-00.1 N MN NE 093-11-21.5 W 0003657312 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul 11/21/2008 21475.00000 44-58-00.1 N MN NE 093-11-21.5 W 0003657312 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul 11/21/2008 21480.00000 44-58-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286958A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-286958A1.txt
- MD KNKA650 100-43-41.2 W 0003653114 WWC TEXAS RSA LIMITED PARTNERSWater Valley 11/18/2008 31-40-44.2 N WY MD KNKN312 110-25-58.0 W 0003653218 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Canyon Junction 11/18/2008 44-47-52.0 N WY MD KNKN312 109-30-13.4 W 0003653218 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Cody 11/18/2008 44-14-46.5 N WY MD KNKN312 109-09-30.0 W 0003653218 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Cody 11/18/2008 44-29-46.0 N WY MD KNKN312 108-51-00.1 W 0003653218 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Cody 11/18/2008 44-35-06.5 N WY MD KNKN312 108-15-38.4 W 0003653218 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Lovell 11/18/2008 44-47-38.9 N WY MD KNKN312 110-42-26.8 W 0003653218 WWC Holding Co., Inc. MAMMOTH 11/18/2008 44-56-00.0 N WY MD KNKN312 108-49-27.6 W 0003653218 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Meeteetse 11/18/2008 44-08-34.1 N WY MD KNKN312 107-21-06.0 W 0003653218 WWC Holding
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287093A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287093A1.txt
- ROSA BEAC 11/24/2008 30-21-22.8 N FL MD KNKQ296 084-56-20.0 W 0003657530 Alltel Communications, LLC SNEADS 11/24/2008 30-40-41.0 N FL MD KNKQ296 086-18-29.2 W 0003657530 Alltel Communications, LLC WALTON 11/24/2008 30-22-39.4 N FL MD KNKQ296 085-38-02.3 W 0003657530 Alltel Communications, LLC Wausau 11/24/2008 30-32-51.5 N MN MD KNKN482 094-04-43.6 W 0003657533 Midwest Wireless Communications, L.L.CArlington 11/24/2008 44-36-19.4 N MN MD KNKN482 093-46-00.1 W 0003657533 Midwest Wireless Communications, L.L.CBELLE PLAIN 11/24/2008 44-36-16.0 N MN MD KNKN482 094-23-42.0 W 0003657533 Midwest Wireless Communications, L.L.CBROWNTON 11/24/2008 44-44-43.0 N MN MD KNKN482 095-22-16.6 W 0003657533 Midwest Wireless Communications, L.L.CClara City 11/24/2008 44-57-27.4 N MN MD KNKN482 095-14-57.7 W 0003657533 Midwest Wireless Communications, L.L.CClara City 11/24/2008 44-58-18.5 N MN MD KNKN482 094-19-23.0 W 0003657533 Midwest Wireless Communications,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287094A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287094A1.txt
- N MO AM KNKN694 094-06-02.8 W 0003650629 MISSOURI RSA NO. 4 PARTNERSHIP d/SANTA ROSA 11/25/2008 39-58-04.0 N MO AM KNKN694 093-04-18.7 W 0003650629 MISSOURI RSA NO. 4 PARTNERSHIP d/Shelby 11/25/2008 39-51-07.1 N MO AM KNKN694 093-42-21.8 W 0003650629 MISSOURI RSA NO. 4 PARTNERSHIP d/Trenton 11/25/2008 40-05-06.0 N MO AM KNKN694 093-38-39.8 W 0003650629 MISSOURI RSA NO. 4 PARTNERSHIP d/UTICA 11/25/2008 39-45-00.1 N MO AM KNKN694 093-28-30.4 W 0003650629 MISSOURI RSA NO. 4 PARTNERSHIP d/Wakenda 11/25/2008 39-13-00.4 N AL AM KNKN797 087-31-12.8 W 0003650630 Alltel Communications, LLC Atmore 11/25/2008 31-01-16.9 N AL AM KNKN797 087-31-12.9 W 0003650630 Alltel Communications, LLC ATMORE 11/25/2008 31-01-16.7 N AL AM KNKN797 087-28-15.7 W 0003650630 Alltel Communications, LLC ATMORE 11/25/2008 31-06-23.8 N AL AM KNKN797 087-14-38.0 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287238A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287238A1.txt
- CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANMONTEBELLO 12/04/2008 17900.00000 34-01-46.0 N CA AM WNEN864 118-06-41.2 W 0003631259 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANMONTEBELLO 12/04/2008 18000.00000 34-01-46.0 N CA AM WNEN864 118-06-41.2 W 0003631259 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANMONTEBELLO 12/04/2008 18650.00000 34-01-46.0 N CA AM WNEN864 118-06-41.2 W 0003631259 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANMONTEBELLO 12/04/2008 19620.00000 34-01-46.0 N VA AM 077-28-32.9 W 0003660758 LOUDOUN WIRELESS LLC LEESBURG 12/03/2008 11525.00000 39-05-00.1 N VA AM 077-28-32.9 W 0003660758 LOUDOUN WIRELESS LLC LEESBURG 12/02/2008 11525.00000 39-05-00.1 N VA AM 077-34-30.2 W 0003660769 LOUDOUN WIRELESS LLC WATERFORD 12/02/2008 11035.00000 39-11-16.9 N MT MD WPNM228 P 114-37-35.4 W 0003663330 NorthWestern Corporation NIARADA 12/01/2008 00956.28125 47-46-51.7 N WY MD WPNJ263 P 110-51-51.7 W 0003663540 NorthWestern Corporation OLD FAITHFUL 12/01/2008 00956.28125 44-20-17.7 N MT MD WPNJ264 P
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287239A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287239A1.txt
- MD KNKQ449 104-27-04.0 W 0003667641 WWC Holding Co., Inc. LUSK 12/05/2008 42-46-26.0 N WY MD KNKQ449 105-53-19.3 W 0003667641 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Medicine Bow 12/05/2008 42-07-18.4 N WY MD KNKQ449 105-54-48.7 W 0003667641 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Rock River 12/05/2008 41-42-24.1 N WY MD KNKQ449 104-10-00.8 W 0003667641 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Torrington 12/05/2008 42-03-12.9 N WY MD KNKQ449 104-52-00.1 W 0003667641 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Wheatland 12/05/2008 41-52-15.2 N WY MD KNKQ449 104-56-50.9 W 0003667641 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Wheatland 12/05/2008 42-04-27.9 N WY MD KNKQ449 105-26-33.9 W 0003667641 WWC Holding Co., Inc. Wheatland 12/05/2008 42-16-05.8 N OR MD KNKN332 117-47-02.0 W 0003667887 RCC Minnesota, Inc Baker City 12/05/2008 44-35-57.0 N OR MD KNKN332 117-23-20.5 W 0003667887 RCC Minnesota,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287532A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287532A1.txt
- 10552.50000 35-49-15.4 N NC MD WMG765 082-33-07.5 W 0003681781 NORTH CAROLINA RSA #4, INC. MARS HILL 12/18/2008 10562.50000 35-49-15.4 N Page 16 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ MD WMI722 112-03-48.5 W 0003681815 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PHOENIX 12/18/2008 11305.00000 33-20-00.1 N AZ MD WMI722 112-03-48.5 W 0003681815 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PHOENIX 12/18/2008 11385.00000 33-20-00.1 N AZ MD WMI722 112-03-48.5 W 0003681815 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PHOENIX 12/18/2008 11545.00000 33-20-00.1 N AZ MD WMI722 112-03-48.5 W 0003681815 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PHOENIX 12/18/2008 11625.00000 33-20-00.1 N AZ MD WMI722 112-03-48.5 W 0003681815 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PHOENIX 12/18/2008 19560.00000 33-20-00.1 N AZ MD WMI722
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A1.pdf
- periodic true-ups include applications of unused fund balance from prior periods. Table 1.10 1 - 35 Mechanism Percent of Total Percent of Total High-Cost Support $4,096 61.8% $4,287 61.6% High-Cost Loop Support 1,309 19.8 1,402 20.2 Safety Net Additive Support 29 0.4 38 0.6 Safety-Valve 1 0.0 3 0.0 High-Cost Model Support 358 5.4 346 5.0 Long Term Support 4 0.1 0 0.0 Interstate Common Line Support 1,266 19.1 1,392 20.0 Interstate Access Support 681 10.3 645 9.3 Local Switching Support 448 6.8 460 6.6 Low-Income Support 820 12.4 823 11.8 School and Libraries 1,669 25.2 1,808 26.0 Rural Health Care 41 0.6 37 0.5 All Universal Service Support $6,626 100.0% $6,955 100.0% Disbursements Distribution of Universal Service Payments: 2007 Chart
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A11.pdf
- (hours) 5.5 3.1 5.0 4.5 3.6 3.5 4.5 3.7 3.8 LOCAL SERVICES PROVIDED TO RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS CUSTOMERS Percent Installation Commitments Met 98.4 96.8 99.2 99.2 99.7 99.6 98.9 98.1 97.9 Residence 98.4 98.2 99.3 99.2 99.7 99.6 99.0 98.3 98.1 Business 98.3 87.7 99.1 98.8 99.5 98.9 98.1 96.9 95.4 Average Installation Interval (days) 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.3 0.1 1.4 1.5 0.9 Residence 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.1 1.5 1.4 0.8 Business 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.6 3.1 0.5 1.4 2.0 2.2 Average Out of Service Repair Interval (hours) 21.7 18.0 30.9 30.3 21.6 16.3 25.1 39.3 22.4 Residence 22.3 19.8 32.1 31.2 22.2 17.0 26.4 44.3 24.0 Business 18.5 10.6 23.8 25.3 17.7 13.8 20.6 15.4 13.1 Initial
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A3.pdf
- periodic true-ups include applications of unused fund balance from prior periods. Table 1.10 1 - 35 Mechanism Percent of Total Percent of Total High-Cost Support $4,096 61.8% $4,287 61.6% High-Cost Loop Support 1,309 19.8 1,402 20.2 Safety Net Additive Support 29 0.4 38 0.6 Safety-Valve 1 0.0 3 0.0 High-Cost Model Support 358 5.4 346 5.0 Long Term Support 4 0.1 0 0.0 Interstate Common Line Support 1,266 19.1 1,392 20.0 Interstate Access Support 681 10.3 645 9.3 Local Switching Support 448 6.8 460 6.6 Low-Income Support 820 12.4 823 11.8 School and Libraries 1,669 25.2 1,808 26.0 Rural Health Care 41 0.6 37 0.5 All Universal Service Support $6,626 100.0% $6,955 100.0% Disbursements Distribution of Universal Service Payments: 2007 Chart
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A5.pdf
- 4000 4500 5000 Millions of D ollar s Total 56 126 183 500 602 757 9151028107211321188126316901718223525922935326534683796411042874428 19861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008 3 - 14 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A8.pdf
- 86.5 96.5 10.0 * Arizona 86.9 92.9 6.0 * Arkansas 86.6 92.0 5.4 * California 92.5 96.5 4.1 * Colorado 93.2 96.8 3.6 * Connecticut 95.5 96.6 1.1 Delaware 94.3 94.9 0.6 District of Columbia 94.9 91.6 -3.3 Florida 88.7 93.6 4.9 * Georgia 86.2 92.6 6.4 * Hawaii 93.5 96.0 2.5 Idaho 90.7 96.4 5.7 * Illinois 94.2 94.1 -0.1 Indiana 91.6 90.4 -1.2 Iowa 96.2 97.0 0.8 Kansas 94.3 96.2 1.8 Kentucky 88.1 94.4 6.2 * Louisiana 89.7 94.9 5.2 * Maine 93.4 96.6 3.2 * Maryland 95.7 95.5 -0.1 Massachusetts 95.9 96.3 0.5 Michigan 92.8 95.0 2.2 Minnesota 95.8 97.9 2.0 Mississippi 82.4 90.5 8.1 * Missouri 91.5 96.1 4.6 * Montana 91.0 95.4 4.4 * Nebraska 95.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A9.pdf
- Report and Order, 15 Rcd. 12962 (CALLS Order). 7 Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-104, 110 Stat. 56 (1996) (1996 Act). The 1996 Act amended the Communications Act of 1934. 47 U.S.C. §§ 151 et seq. 1957 - 2007 1997 - 2007 CPI All Items 4.1 % 2.7% CPI All Services 5.0 3.3 CPI Telephone Services ** 1.2 -0.1 CPI Major Categories: - Food & Beverages * 2.7 - Housing * 3.0 - Apparel 2.2 -1.1 - Transportation 3.3 2.9 - Medical Care 5.1 4.2 - Recreation * 1.1 - Other Goods & Services * 3.9 CPI Public Transportation 4.5 2.4 CPI Utility Natural Gas Service 4.2 6.4 CPI Electricity 3.0 3.2 CPI Sewer & Water Maintenance 4.8 4.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287836A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287836A1.txt
- LLC 452.51250000 WALNUT CREE 37-48-3.4 N CA 122-16-2.5 W 3 1 12/10/2008 WQIA566 MO EBOP LLC 457.51250000 WALNUT CREE 37-48-3.4 N CA 122-16-2.5 W 3 1 Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool Broadband Division 12/06/2008 WAZ537 FXO Norfolk Southern Railway Company 6715.00000000 SPRINGFIELD 39-48-0.1 N IL 89-38-45.3 W 3 1 12/06/2008 WAZ537 FXO Norfolk Southern Railway Company 6815.00000000 SPRINGFIELD 39-48-0.1 N IL 89-38-45.3 W 4 1 12/06/2008 WQGZ903 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LLC 19575.00000000 Beaverton 45-30-23.0 N OR 122-50-32.0 W1 1 12/06/2008 WQGZ903 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II LLC 19575.00000000 Beaverton 45-30-23.0 N OR 122-50-32.0 W2 1 12/06/2008 WQGZ903 FXO CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288234A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288234A1.txt
- W 0003716242 AT&T CORP. ROSLYN 01/26/2009 19430.00000 40-46-50.9 N NY NE 073-36-58.8 W 0003716243 AT&T CORP. BALDWIN 01/26/2009 11225.00000 40-38-19.0 N NY NE 073-38-17.0 W 0003716244 AT&T CORP. MINEOLA 01/26/2009 23360.00000 40-44-59.0 N NY NE 073-37-16.9 W 0003716245 AT&T CORP. HEMPSTEAD 01/26/2009 23030.00000 40-42-39.2 N NY NE 073-32-36.9 W 0003716246 AT&T CORP. NORTH BELLMORE 01/26/2009 19370.00000 40-41-29.3 N PA NE 075-13-00.1 W 0003716251 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 01/26/2009 21830.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA NE 075-13-00.1 W 0003716251 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 01/26/2009 21880.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA NE 075-13-00.1 W 0003716251 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 01/26/2009 22010.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA NE 075-13-00.1 W 0003716251 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 01/26/2009 22060.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA NE 075-12-40.6 W 0003716252 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 01/26/2009 23210.00000 40-02-14.5 N PA NE 075-12-49.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288352A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288352A1.txt
- MD WQJV641 111-52-49.9 W 0003725357 Intermountain Health Care SALT LAKE CITY 02/03/2009 19460.00000 40-46-41.2 N UT MD WQJV641 111-52-49.9 W 0003725357 Intermountain Health Care SALT LAKE CITY 02/03/2009 19540.00000 40-46-41.2 N UT MD WQJV641 111-52-49.9 W 0003725357 Intermountain Health Care SALT LAKE CITY 02/03/2009 19620.00000 40-46-41.2 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0003728784 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 02/05/2009 17840.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0003728784 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 02/05/2009 17965.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0003728784 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 02/05/2009 18065.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0003728784 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 02/05/2009 18115.00000 21-16-00.1 N CA MD WPNL893 116-27-04.0 W 0003728937 PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTCATHEDRAL CITY 02/05/2009 21875.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288533A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288533A1.txt
- VA MD WPOS885 080-09-45.0 W 0003735095 USCOC OF VIRGINIA RSA #3, INC. SALEM 02/10/2009 10995.00000 37-18-30.0 N CA MD WQFY920 122-18-28.0 W 0003735096 Wiline Networks Inc San Mateo 02/10/2009 22475.00000 37-32-51.0 N CA MD WQIK475 121-58-26.3 W 0003735144 WiLine Networks Inc. Santa Clara 02/10/2009 17815.00000 37-23-17.4 N CA MD WPOV284 114-31-28.8 W 0003735146 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEBLYTHE 02/10/2009 06150.28000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WPOV284 114-31-28.8 W 0003735146 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEBLYTHE 02/10/2009 06655.00000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WPOV284 114-31-28.8 W 0003735146 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEBLYTHE 02/10/2009 11565.00000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WQIF742 122-20-54.0 W 0003735179 WiLine Networks Inc. Burlingame 02/10/2009 22525.00000 37-34-43.0 N CA MD WQGJ840 122-21-48.0 W 0003735199 Wiline Networks Inc Burlingame 02/10/2009 19525.00000 37-35-18.0 N CA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288534A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288534A1.txt
- W 0003739034 Black Mountain Broadband, LLC SCOTTSDALE 02/13/2009 23375.00000 33-36-47.0 N AZ MD WQIB261 111-54-48.0 W 0003739034 Black Mountain Broadband, LLC SCOTTSDALE 02/13/2009 23475.00000 33-36-47.0 N TX MD WQCH404 100-27-54.7 W 0003739320 Texas State Bank, San Angelo San Angelo 02/13/2009 19460.00000 31-27-10.9 N NY MD WQIR897 073-51-32.3 W 0003739414 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologQueens 02/13/2009 21825.00000 40-42-53.8 N NY MD WQIV317 073-49-00.1 W 0003739419 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologQueens 02/13/2009 23125.00000 40-42-38.9 N NY MD WQIV317 073-49-00.1 W 0003739419 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologQueens 02/13/2009 23175.00000 40-42-38.9 N NY MD WQIV317 073-49-00.1 W 0003739419 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologQueens 02/13/2009 23225.00000 40-42-38.9 N NY MD WQJC391 073-54-31.7 W 0003739423 Northrop Grumman Information TechnologQueens 02/13/2009 23025.00000 40-44-48.3 N NY MD WQJC391 073-54-31.7 W 0003739423 Northrop Grumman
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288535A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288535A1.txt
- DEPT. OHonolulu 02/09/2009 11115.00000 21-21-15.9 N WA NE 118-43-52.9 W 0003733069 Washington, State of; DOT Touchet 02/09/2009 11325.00000 46-03-31.8 N WA NE 118-15-42.0 W 0003733071 Washington, State of; DOT WALLA WALLA 02/09/2009 10835.00000 46-05-25.0 N CA NE 122-10-38.2 W 0003733184 ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF OAKLAND 02/09/2009 10657.50000 37-48-14.3 N AZ NE 112-24-30.4 W 0003733216 Central Yavapai Fire District PRESCOTT 02/09/2009 19375.00000 34-39-00.1 N AZ NE 112-32-18.7 W 0003733234 Central Yavapai Fire District WILLIAMSON VALL 02/09/2009 19435.00000 34-41-23.9 N AZ NE 112-18-58.7 W 0003733252 Central Yavapai Fire District Prescott Valley 02/09/2009 19405.00000 34-35-27.7 N AZ NE 112-27-58.0 W 0003733264 Central Yavapai Fire District Prescott 02/09/2009 19345.00000 34-32-56.0 N Page 13 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288791A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288791A1.txt
- 093-01-56.2 W 0003697707 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. WHITE BEAR LAKE 02/17/2009 19530.00000 45-05-32.9 N MN AM 093-01-56.2 W 0003697707 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. WHITE BEAR LAKE 02/17/2009 23360.00000 45-05-32.9 N Page 3 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA AM 075-13-00.1 W 0003716251 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 02/17/2009 10805.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA AM 075-13-00.1 W 0003716251 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 02/17/2009 17890.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA AM 075-13-00.1 W 0003716251 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 02/17/2009 17930.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA AM 075-13-00.1 W 0003716251 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 02/17/2009 17970.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA AM 075-13-00.1 W 0003716251 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 02/17/2009 18010.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA AM 075-13-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288793A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288793A1.txt
- Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL MD KC26142 P 087-54-46.1 W 0003745288 WICD LICENSEE, LLC CHAMPAIGN 02/20/2009 02059.00000 - 02076.00000 40-04-10.1 N IL MD KC26142 P 087-54-46.1 W 0003745288 WICD LICENSEE, LLC CHAMPAIGN 02/20/2009 02076.00000 - 02093.00000 40-04-10.1 N IL MD KB55668 P 089-39-00.3 W 0003745296 WICS LICENSEE, LLC SPRINGFIELD 02/20/2009 01990.00000 - 02110.00000 39-48-00.1 N IL MD KB55668 P 089-39-00.3 W 0003745296 WICS LICENSEE, LLC SPRINGFIELD 02/20/2009 02025.50000 - 02109.50000 39-48-00.1 N YK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Trunked State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MD WPLT734 A 0003743304 Fisher Wireless Services, Inc. 02/18/2009 00456.95000 MD WPLT734 A 0003743304 Fisher Wireless Services, Inc.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288977A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288977A1.txt
- 00467.07500 MD WPLZ830 A 0003754160 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC 02/26/2009 00469.42500 Page 44 YK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Trunked State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MD WPLZ830 A 0003754160 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC 02/26/2009 00469.47500 CA MD WPLZ830 114-31-28.8 W 0003754160 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 02/26/2009 00461.05000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WPLZ830 114-31-28.8 W 0003754160 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 02/26/2009 00461.10000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WPLZ830 114-31-28.8 W 0003754160 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 02/26/2009 00461.20000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WPLZ830 114-31-28.8 W 0003754160 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 02/26/2009 00461.75000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WPLZ830 114-31-28.8 W 0003754160 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 02/26/2009 00461.80000 33-45-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288980A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288980A1.txt
- N PA RM WPOS688 079-58-12.1 W 0003745860 Allegheny County GLENSHAW 02/23/2009 06698.75000 40-31-28.2 N PA RM WPOS689 079-52-07.1 W 0003745862 Allegheny County O'HERA 02/23/2009 11646.25000 40-30-13.2 N PA RM WPOS690 079-55-13.1 W 0003745864 Allegheny County WEST DEER TWP 02/23/2009 06813.75000 40-39-55.2 N PA RM WPOS690 079-55-13.1 W 0003745864 Allegheny County WEST DEER TWP 02/23/2009 11138.75000 40-39-55.2 N PA RM WPOS691 079-56-00.1 W 0003745866 Allegheny County GIBSONIA 02/23/2009 11628.75000 40-34-59.2 N PA RM WPOS691 079-56-00.1 W 0003745866 Allegheny County GIBSONIA 02/23/2009 11683.75000 40-34-59.2 N CA RM WNTU760 120-57-19.7 W 0003751307 EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICIONE 02/24/2009 00928.26875 38-14-11.7 N Page 4 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289167A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289167A1.txt
- Avg. (excluding BellSouth) Qwest 19 ARMIS 43-05 Report 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 AT&T Ameritech 2.1 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.7 AT&T BellSouth 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.4 AT&T Pacific 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.3 AT&T Southwestern 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 1.1 1.0 AT&T SNET 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.8 Qwest 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 Verizon GTE 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.8 Verizon North (Combined with Verizon South) Verizon South 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.3 1.4 Embarq (formerly Sprint) 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.6 Weighted BOC/Embarq Composite* 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 * Weighted composite is calculated using access line counts. Chart 5A Average Residential Installation Interval in Days (Using Company Provided
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289173A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289173A1.txt
- the numbering resources are treated as CLEC resources. 14 Table 4 Telephone Number Utilization by State as of June 30, 2008 Assigned Intermediate Reserved Aging Administrative Available1 Total State/jurisdiction 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s % 000s Alabama 9,348 42.8 584 2.7 128 0.6 601 2.8 333 1.5 10,840 49.6 21,835 Alaska 1,472 26.4 6 0.1 185 3.3 87 1.6 30 0.5 3,806 68.1 5,585 American Samoa 20 67.9 0 0.0 1 2.8 1 3.3 0 1.6 7 24.5 30 Arizona 13,075 63.0 98 0.5 186 0.9 707 3.4 211 1.0 6,483 31.2 20,760 Arkansas 4,981 34.7 486 3.4 68 0.5 302 2.1 168 1.2 8,333 58.1 14,338 California 81,155 52.4 2,019 1.3 896 0.6 4,532
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289324A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289324A1.txt
- 114-49-38.8 W 0003765587 American Messaging Services, LLC GLAMIS 03/10/2009 00931.06250 33-03-11.1 N CA RM KLF644 115-29-55.9 W 0003765587 American Messaging Services, LLC HOLTVILLE 03/10/2009 00931.73750 32-48-10.1 N CA RM KLF644 116-56-13.1 W 0003765587 American Messaging Services, LLC JAMUL 03/10/2009 00931.06250 32-41-48.2 N CA RM KLF644 116-56-13.1 W 0003765587 American Messaging Services, LLC JAMUL 03/10/2009 00931.73750 32-41-48.2 N CA RM KLF644 117-15-00.1 W 0003765587 American Messaging Services, LLC LA JOLLA 03/10/2009 00152.24000 32-50-21.1 N CA RM KLF644 117-15-00.1 W 0003765587 American Messaging Services, LLC LA JOLLA 03/10/2009 00158.70000 32-50-21.1 N CA RM KLF644 117-15-00.1 W 0003765587 American Messaging Services, LLC LA JOLLA 03/10/2009 00931.06250 32-50-21.1 N CA RM KLF644 117-15-00.1 W 0003765587 American Messaging Services, LLC LA JOLLA 03/10/2009 00931.73750 32-50-21.1 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289464A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289464A1.txt
- SMSA Limited Partnership A0521489 28-14-30.0/080-40-56.1 10-26/06 New Cingular Wireless Services, Inc. A0521536 28-56-46.4/081-55-57.8 10/26/06 New Cingular Wireless Services, Inc. A0521874 28-43-01.8/081-46-55.1 10/30/06 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC A0522508 30-06-47.4/083-34-42.0 11/06/06 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC A0522510 30-08-32.4/083-54-57.6 11/06/06 New Cingular Wireless Service Inc. A0534584 27-33-28.5/080-41-46.7 1/09/07 New Cingular Wireless Services, Inc. A0535298 32-19-42.5/093-42-47.3 1/16/07 New Cingular Wireless Services, Inc. A0535315 45-36-00.1/122-37-03.4 1/16/07 N Neew w C Ciinngguullaarr W Wiirreelleessss SSeerrvviicceess,, IInncc.. A A00553366117700 3322--0099--3311..00//111100--5544--3355..00 11//2266//0077 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC A0541708 41-18-57.2/075-50-19.7 2/19/07 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC A0541862 39-28-42.8/121-56-20.8 2/20/07 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC A0542195 40-10-10.7/076-49-37.0 2/22/07 -2- A Apppplliiccaanntt FFiillee N Nuum mbbeerr C Coooorrddiinnaatteess D Daattee R Reecc''dd New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC A0552986 41-34-03.9/087-22-38.1 6/27/07 New
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289555A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289555A1.txt
- 149-45-55.1 W 0003779797 ConocoPhillips Communications Inc. KUPARUK FIELD 03/19/2009 17755.00000 70-17-10.9 N AK MD WHH651 149-45-55.1 W 0003779797 ConocoPhillips Communications Inc. KUPARUK FIELD 03/19/2009 17965.00000 70-17-10.9 N AK MD WHH662 149-55-53.1 W 0003779818 ConocoPhillips Communications Inc. KUPARUK FIELD 03/19/2009 17815.00000 70-15-31.9 N AK MD WHH662 149-55-53.1 W 0003779818 ConocoPhillips Communications Inc. KUPARUK FIELD 03/19/2009 17995.00000 70-15-31.9 N AK MD WHC861 150-01-00.1 W 0003779853 ConocoPhillips Communications Inc. KUPARUK FIELD 03/19/2009 19375.00000 70-14-31.8 N AK MD WHH656 149-55-59.2 W 0003779870 ConocoPhillips Communications Inc. KUPARUK FIELD 03/19/2009 17755.00000 70-19-11.9 N Page 20 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AK MD WHH656 149-55-59.2 W 0003779870 ConocoPhillips Communications Inc. KUPARUK
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289556A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289556A1.txt
- Messaging Services, LLC YUBA CITY 03/19/2009 00931.73750 39-12-20.6 N FL RM KNKK954 080-33-12.1 W 0003779100 American Messaging Services, LLC BELLE GLADE 03/19/2009 00931.83750 26-41-51.2 N FL RM KNKK954 080-04-15.1 W 0003779100 American Messaging Services, LLC BOCA RATON 03/19/2009 00931.83750 26-20-45.2 N FL RM KNKK954 080-05-31.0 W 0003779100 American Messaging Services, LLC DELRAY BEACH 03/19/2009 00931.83750 26-26-01.0 N FL RM KNKK954 080-09-00.1 W 0003779100 American Messaging Services, LLC FT. LAUDERDALE 03/19/2009 00931.83750 26-07-17.3 N FL RM KNKK954 080-14-31.1 W 0003779100 American Messaging Services, LLC GREEN ACRES 03/19/2009 00931.83750 26-34-38.2 N FL RM KNKK954 080-17-29.1 W 0003779100 American Messaging Services, LLC HIALEAH 03/19/2009 00931.83750 25-50-53.3 N FL RM KNKK954 080-28-16.2 W 0003779100 American Messaging Services, LLC HOMESTEAD 03/19/2009 00931.83750 25-28-27.3 N FL RM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289731A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289731A1.txt
- VA NE 076-17-16.2 W 0003789255 COMMONWEALTH BROADCASTING, L.Norfolk 03/27/2009 00949.50000 36-50-35.7 N CD - Paging and Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH RM KNKG783 081-32-26.4 W 0003782606 Bell Industries, Inc. AKRON 03/23/2009 00931.93750 41-05-45.2 N NM RM KNKG783 106-46-58.1 W 0003782606 Bell Industries, Inc. ALBUQUERQUE 03/23/2009 00931.93750 35-04-00.1 N LA RM KNKG783 092-27-34.4 W 0003782606 Bell Industries, Inc. ALEXANDRIA 03/23/2009 00931.93750 31-14-11.6 N Page 8 CD - Paging and Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH RM KNKG783 082-15-09.5 W 0003782606 Bell Industries, Inc. AMHERST 03/23/2009 00931.93750 41-24-01.1 N AK RM KNKG783 149-54-21.9 W 0003782606 Bell
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290060A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290060A1.txt
- 122-41-28.1 W 0003797134 UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THPAULSBO 04/06/2009 10715.00000 47-43-45.7 N WA MD WHO385 122-41-28.1 W 0003797134 UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THPAULSBO 04/06/2009 10795.00000 47-43-45.7 N WA MD WHO385 122-41-28.1 W 0003797134 UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THPAULSBO 04/06/2009 10955.00000 47-43-45.7 N WA MD WHS990 122-52-34.7 W 0003797139 UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THQUILCENE 04/06/2009 11215.00000 47-49-20.6 N PA MD WQKC783 075-13-00.1 W 0003797373 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 04/06/2009 10845.00000 40-00-26.3 N Page 5 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA MD WQKC783 075-13-00.1 W 0003797373 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 04/06/2009 11545.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA MD WQKC783 075-13-00.1 W 0003797373 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 04/06/2009
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290424A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290424A1.txt
- Verizon Wireless Personal CommunicationBRENTWOOD 04/24/2009 11525.00000 25-56-34.9 N FL AM WQHU908 080-11-35.1 W 0003773825 Towerstream Corp Miami 04/20/2009 17865.00000 25-49-39.2 N FL AM WQHU908 080-11-35.1 W 0003773825 Towerstream Corp Miami 04/20/2009 17960.00000 25-49-39.2 N GU AM 144-39-48.9 E 0003785357 PTI PACIFICA, INC. Santa Rita 04/23/2009 06345.49000 13-27-41.3 N GU AM WQJL402 144-48-24.8 E 0003786933 PTI PACIFICA INC Harmon 04/23/2009 06093.45000 13-30-00.1 N GU AM WQJL402 144-48-24.8 E 0003786933 PTI PACIFICA INC Harmon 04/23/2009 10975.00000 13-30-00.1 N GU AM WQJL402 144-48-24.8 E 0003786933 PTI PACIFICA INC Harmon 04/23/2009 11095.00000 13-30-00.1 N GU AM WQJL402 144-48-24.8 E 0003786933 PTI PACIFICA INC Harmon 04/23/2009 11135.00000 13-30-00.1 N GU AM WQJL402 144-48-24.8 E 0003786933 PTI PACIFICA INC Harmon 04/23/2009 11175.00000 13-30-00.1 N WY AM 108-44-15.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290425A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290425A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ AM KOK44 112-04-00.5 W 0003766013 ARIZONA, STATE OF PHOENIX 04/23/2009 06655.62500 33-19-57.1 N AZ AM KOK44 112-04-00.5 W 0003766013 ARIZONA, STATE OF PHOENIX 04/20/2009 06655.62500 33-19-57.1 N NJ AM WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003815829 County of Cape May - MIS Department Cape May 04/23/2009 11015.00000 39-05-00.1 N NJ AM WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003815829 County of Cape May - MIS Department Cape May 04/23/2009 11095.00000 39-05-00.1 N NJ AM WQEY871 074-49-29.3 W 0003815829 County of Cape May - MIS Department Cape May 04/23/2009 19325.00000 39-05-00.1 N WI MD WNTK825 089-06-58.0 W 0003810938 COLUMBIA, COUNTY OF CAMBRIA 04/17/2009 00942.57500 43-31-35.0 N WI MD WNTK823 089-32-54.4 W 0003810939 COLUMBIA,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290575A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290575A1.txt
- LLC BEAUMONT 04/27/2009 17845.00000 33-55-48.2 N TN NE 084-05-39.9 W 0003820093 UNITED STATES CELLULAR TELEPHONPowell 04/27/2009 10577.50000 36-02-43.8 N CA NE 117-38-03.9 W 0003820285 Royal Street BTA 262, LLC UPLAND 04/27/2009 19490.00000 34-05-24.5 N CA NE 117-38-37.4 W 0003820290 Royal Street BTA 262, LLC Upland 04/27/2009 17930.00000 34-08-09.7 N WV NE 080-46-48.6 W 0003820423 HARDY CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPPeterstown 04/27/2009 06585.00000 37-24-00.1 N CA NE 117-20-44.8 W 0003820430 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCOLTON 04/27/2009 10745.00000 34-04-12.5 N CA NE 117-13-13.7 W 0003820441 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCOLTON 04/27/2009 11235.00000 33-59-22.6 N VI NE 064-51-22.6 W 0003820467 Centennial Puerto Rico License Corp. Frederiks Haab 04/27/2009 19630.00000 17-43-10.6 N IL NE 087-45-41.1 W 0003820739 BUSINESS ONLY BROADBAND, LLC CHICAGO 04/27/2009 23325.00000 41-52-07.0 N IL
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290669A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290669A1.txt
- 29-54-20.8 N IL MD WNEX737 087-52-46.1 W 0003826107 ORLAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTORLAND PARK 05/04/2009 23175.00000 41-35-34.1 N IL MD WPND263 087-48-52.1 W 0003826109 ORLAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTORLAND PARK 05/04/2009 22075.00000 41-36-58.1 N IL MD WNTL682 087-53-29.7 W 0003826117 ORLAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTORLAND PARK 05/04/2009 19525.00000 41-34-07.6 N IL MD WNEX245 087-51-26.1 W 0003826120 ORLAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTORLAND PARK 05/04/2009 17965.00000 41-37-00.1 N IL MD WNEX245 087-51-26.1 W 0003826120 ORLAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTORLAND PARK 05/04/2009 21475.00000 41-37-00.1 N IL MD WNEX245 087-51-26.1 W 0003826120 ORLAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTORLAND PARK 05/04/2009 21975.00000 41-37-00.1 N IL MD WNEX245 087-51-26.1 W 0003826120 ORLAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTORLAND PARK 05/04/2009 23025.00000 41-37-00.1 N IL MD WNEX245 087-51-26.1 W 0003826120 ORLAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTORLAND PARK 05/04/2009 23175.00000 41-37-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290674A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290674A1.txt
- Mile Inc. dba Sting CommunicationsEbensburg 05/07/2009 06197.24000 40-29-13.0 N PA AM WQFD632 078-44-15.0 W 0003796213 Last Mile Inc. dba Sting CommunicationsEbensburg 05/07/2009 06635.00000 40-29-13.0 N PA AM WQFD632 078-44-15.0 W 0003796213 Last Mile Inc. dba Sting CommunicationsEbensburg 05/07/2009 11325.00000 40-29-13.0 N PA AM WQFD632 078-44-15.0 W 0003796213 Last Mile Inc. dba Sting CommunicationsEbensburg 05/07/2009 21835.00000 40-29-13.0 N PA AM WQKC783 075-13-00.1 W 0003797373 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 05/05/2009 10845.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA AM WQKC783 075-13-00.1 W 0003797373 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 05/05/2009 11095.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA AM WQKC783 075-13-00.1 W 0003797373 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 05/05/2009 11545.00000 40-00-26.3 N PA AM WQKC783 075-13-00.1 W 0003797373 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 05/05/2009 17870.00000 40-00-26.3 N NJ AM 074-57-46.4 W 0003823708 TELECOM TRANSPORT MANAGEMENTMT LAUREL 05/07/2009 18115.00000 39-56-01.6
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290859A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290859A1.txt
- N IL MD WLV551 088-58-11.3 W 0003840353 ILLINOIS RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPCRESTON 05/15/2009 06226.89000 41-56-29.1 N IL MD WLV551 088-58-11.3 W 0003840353 ILLINOIS RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPCRESTON 05/15/2009 06345.49000 41-56-29.1 N IL MD WLV551 088-58-11.3 W 0003840353 ILLINOIS RSA 1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPCRESTON 05/15/2009 06375.14000 41-56-29.1 N IL MD WPOS385 090-21-42.5 W 0003840356 GTE Wireless of the Midwest IncorporatedALPHA 05/15/2009 06123.10000 41-11-00.1 N IL MD WPOS385 090-21-42.5 W 0003840356 GTE Wireless of the Midwest IncorporatedALPHA 05/15/2009 06630.62500 41-11-00.1 N IL MD WLN859 090-10-47.4 W 0003840360 GTE WIRELESS OF THE MIDWEST INCGENESEO 05/15/2009 06256.54000 41-22-56.1 N IL MD WLN859 090-10-47.4 W 0003840360 GTE WIRELESS OF THE MIDWEST INCGENESEO 05/15/2009 06315.84000 41-22-56.1 N IL MD WLN859 090-10-47.4 W 0003840360 GTE WIRELESS OF THE MIDWEST
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290860A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290860A1.txt
- MN MD WQJU713 093-16-26.7 W 0003839608 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Fridley 05/14/2009 21510.00000 45-06-45.8 N MN MD WQJU713 093-16-26.7 W 0003839608 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Fridley 05/14/2009 21560.00000 45-06-45.8 N MN MD WQJE340 093-10-01.6 W 0003840226 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St Paul 05/15/2009 19465.00000 44-56-58.9 N MN MD WQJV625 093-11-21.5 W 0003840236 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul 05/15/2009 17905.00000 44-58-00.1 N NY MD WQIH623 075-03-33.9 W 0003840336 St. Lawrence Seaway RSA Potsdam 05/15/2009 06625.00000 44-38-18.6 N NY MD WQIH623 075-03-33.9 W 0003840336 St. Lawrence Seaway RSA Potsdam 05/15/2009 10835.00000 44-38-18.6 N NY MD WQIH623 075-03-33.9 W 0003840336 St. Lawrence Seaway RSA Potsdam 05/15/2009 10875.00000 44-38-18.6 N WY NE 104-31-00.6 W 0003832781 Alltel New License Sub LLC Sundance 05/11/2009 06715.62500 44-20-19.6
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290959A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290959A1.txt
- 33-35-59.5 N CA MD WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/18/2009 00865.75000 33-35-59.5 N CA MD WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/18/2009 00865.80000 33-35-59.5 N CA MD WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/18/2009 00865.85000 33-35-59.5 N CA MD WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/18/2009 00856.72500 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/18/2009 00856.77500 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/18/2009 00856.80000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/18/2009 00856.85000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/18/2009 00856.90000 33-45-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290960A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-290960A1.txt
- BYRON CENTER 05/21/2009 00461.37500 42-47-46.1 N MI RM KRC350 085-38-58.1 W 0003847144 T & W ELECTRONICS INC BYRON CENTER 05/21/2009 00461.87500 42-47-46.1 N MI RM KRC350 085-38-58.1 W 0003847144 T & W ELECTRONICS INC BYRON CENTER 05/21/2009 00462.07500 42-47-46.1 N MI RM KRC350 085-38-58.1 W 0003847144 T & W ELECTRONICS INC BYRON CENTER 05/21/2009 00464.30000 42-47-46.1 N MI RM KRC350 085-39-00.1 W 0003847144 T & W ELECTRONICS INC BYRON CENTER 05/21/2009 00461.12500 42-47-48.1 N MI RM KRC350 085-39-00.1 W 0003847144 T & W ELECTRONICS INC BYRON CENTER 05/21/2009 00461.32500 42-47-48.1 N MI RM KRC350 085-39-00.1 W 0003847144 T & W ELECTRONICS INC BYRON CENTER 05/21/2009 00461.75000 42-47-48.1 N MI RM KRC350 085-39-00.1 W 0003847144 T & W ELECTRONICS INC BYRON CENTER
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291144A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291144A1.txt
- 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/27/2009 00865.75000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/27/2009 00865.80000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/27/2009 00865.85000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/27/2009 00856.72500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/27/2009 00856.77500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/27/2009 00856.80000 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/27/2009 00856.85000 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 05/27/2009 00856.90000 33-45-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291222A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291222A1.txt
- not statistically significant.6 This report includes figures showing subscribership percentages by state, by the head of the household's age and race, by household size, by income, and, for adult individuals, by labor force status. The November 2008 data show that 95.7% of adult individuals in the civilian non- institutionalized population (CNP) have a telephone in their household. This increase of 0.1 % from the 95.6% of November 2007 is not statistically significant. This report contains twelve tables and eight charts presenting penetration statistics for various geographic and demographic characteristics. The charts and the first two tables present summaries of the information. Tables 3 through 7 present more detailed information. In these tables, only the annual averages are included for the years
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291314A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291314A1.txt
- N Page 30 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City GA MD WQIS321 084-02-00.3 W 0003858463 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Lawrenceville 06/03/2009 18015.00000 33-56-22.2 N GA MD WQIS321 084-02-00.3 W 0003858463 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Lawrenceville 06/03/2009 18115.00000 33-56-22.2 N GA MD WQIS314 084-10-00.1 W 0003858528 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 06/03/2009 11225.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA MD WQIS314 084-10-00.1 W 0003858528 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 06/03/2009 11385.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA MD WQIS314 084-10-00.1 W 0003858528 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 06/03/2009 11465.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA MD WQIS314 084-10-00.1 W 0003858528 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 06/03/2009 11545.00000 34-01-23.5 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291315A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291315A1.txt
- MD WQIR311 084-07-20.3 W 0003857554 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Lithonia 06/03/2009 11175.00000 33-44-31.9 N GA MD WQIR311 084-07-20.3 W 0003857554 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Lithonia 06/03/2009 17840.00000 33-44-31.9 N GA MD WQIR311 084-07-20.3 W 0003857554 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Lithonia 06/03/2009 21870.00000 33-44-31.9 N GA MD WQIX532 084-27-16.9 W 0003857555 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Marietta 06/03/2009 11015.00000 34-04-00.1 N GA MD WQIX532 084-27-16.9 W 0003857555 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Marietta 06/03/2009 17815.00000 34-04-00.1 N GA MD WQIX532 084-27-16.9 W 0003857555 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Marietta 06/03/2009 17915.00000 34-04-00.1 N GA MD WQIX532 084-27-16.9 W 0003857555 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II Marietta 06/03/2009 23125.00000 34-04-00.1 N Page 29 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op.
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- in the United States (by Country of Origin) in the United States Billed Percent share by carrier Receipts Percent share by carrier Receipts Percent share by carrier Total Percent share by carrier Revenues 1 2 3 4 Other from PTT 1 2 3 4 Other from PTT 1 2 3 4 Other Minutes 1 2 3 4 Other Andorra $91,518 0.1 28.4 0.1 12.6 58.8 $1,017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 $437 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 681,968 0.2 20.7 0.1 27.8 51.2 Austria $9,712,751 0.0 23.8 1.4 20.4 54.4 $1,686,769 0.0 43.7 0.0 41.4 14.9 $23,734 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 166,862,335 0.0 17.2 1.4 43.3 38.1 Belgium $18,263,612 0.0 32.1 1.9 12.3 53.8 $2,364,691 0.0 13.5 0.0 43.9 42.5 $3,063,024 0.0 0.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291431A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291431A1.txt
- 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/11/2009 00865.75000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/11/2009 00865.80000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/11/2009 00865.85000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/11/2009 00856.72500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/11/2009 00856.77500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/11/2009 00856.80000 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/11/2009 00856.85000 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/11/2009 00856.90000 33-45-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291432A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291432A1.txt
- 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/08/2009 00865.75000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/08/2009 00865.80000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/08/2009 00865.85000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/08/2009 00856.72500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/08/2009 00856.77500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/08/2009 00856.80000 33-45-00.1 N Page 50 YX - SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291433A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291433A1.txt
- KS MD WQEC779 095-35-40.9 W 0003862021 KANSAS STATE OF, KANSAS DEPARTMVilas 06/08/2009 06605.00000 37-42-08.2 N KS MD WQEC779 095-35-40.9 W 0003862021 KANSAS STATE OF, KANSAS DEPARTMVilas 06/08/2009 06648.75000 37-42-08.2 N KS MD WQEC779 095-35-40.9 W 0003862021 KANSAS STATE OF, KANSAS DEPARTMVilas 06/08/2009 06665.00000 37-42-08.2 N WV MD WQGT236 080-21-10.4 W 0003863656 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TMcWhorter 06/09/2009 06004.50000 39-08-00.1 N WV MD WQGT236 080-21-10.4 W 0003863656 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TMcWhorter 06/09/2009 06093.45000 39-08-00.1 N Page 2 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WV MD WQGT236 080-21-10.4 W 0003863656 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TMcWhorter 06/09/2009 06825.00000 39-08-00.1 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291566A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291566A1.txt
- 0003871716 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISAN ANTONIO 06/15/2009 17965.00000 29-29-14.0 N TX NE 098-23-57.0 W 0003871716 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISAN ANTONIO 06/15/2009 18065.00000 29-29-14.0 N Page 36 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX NE 098-20-59.8 W 0003871717 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISAN ANTONIO 06/15/2009 10775.00000 29-30-00.1 N TX NE 098-20-59.8 W 0003871717 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISAN ANTONIO 06/15/2009 10855.00000 29-30-00.1 N TX NE 098-20-59.8 W 0003871717 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISAN ANTONIO 06/15/2009 17815.00000 29-30-00.1 N TX NE 098-20-59.8 W 0003871717 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISAN ANTONIO 06/15/2009 17915.00000 29-30-00.1 N TX NE 098-20-59.8 W 0003871717 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISAN ANTONIO 06/15/2009 17965.00000 29-30-00.1 N TX NE 098-20-59.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291810A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291810A1.txt
- (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City LA NE 093-49-32.2 W 0003877472 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc Shreveport 06/22/2009 00129.85000 32-26-47.8 N CA NE 117-08-22.5 W 0003877474 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc San Diego 06/22/2009 00129.45000 32-48-56.6 N LA NE 092-04-37.1 W 0003877521 Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc CARENCRO 06/22/2009 00131.62500 30-19-57.8 N CA NE 118-20-03.3 W 0003883457 Rolling Hills Aviation, Inc Torrance 06/25/2009 00122.95000 33-48-00.1 N NY RM KEA5 073-05-44.6 W 0003878267 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc Bohemia 06/22/2009 00002.88840 40-46-48.3 N NY RM KEA5 073-05-44.6 W 0003878267 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc Bohemia 06/22/2009 00002.90040 40-46-48.3 N NY RM KEA5 073-05-44.6 W 0003878267 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc Bohemia 06/22/2009 00002.96340 40-46-48.3 N NY RM KEA5 073-05-44.6 W 0003878267 Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc Bohemia 06/22/2009 00002.97240 40-46-48.3
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- 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/29/2009 00865.75000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/29/2009 00865.80000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/29/2009 00865.85000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/29/2009 00856.72500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/29/2009 00856.77500 33-45-00.1 N Page 50 YX - SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 06/29/2009 00856.80000 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291999A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291999A1.txt
- 0003895196 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDolton 07/09/2009 19375.00000 41-37-23.8 N IL NE 087-35-44.7 W 0003895196 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDolton 07/09/2009 19475.00000 41-37-23.8 N IL NE 087-35-44.7 W 0003895196 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDolton 07/09/2009 19575.00000 41-37-23.8 N IL NE 087-35-44.7 W 0003895196 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDolton 07/09/2009 19675.00000 41-37-23.8 N IL NE 087-50-19.8 W 0003895197 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPALOS PARK 07/09/2009 19575.00000 41-40-00.1 N IL NE 087-50-19.8 W 0003895197 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPALOS PARK 07/09/2009 19675.00000 41-40-00.1 N IL NE 087-50-19.8 W 0003895197 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPALOS PARK 07/09/2009 21875.00000 41-40-00.1 N IL NE 087-50-19.8 W 0003895197 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPALOS PARK 07/09/2009 21975.00000 41-40-00.1 N IL NE 087-39-45.3 W 0003895198 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICHICAGO 07/09/2009 18015.00000 41-43-52.9 N IL NE 087-39-45.3 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292131A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292131A1.txt
- Latitude City CA MD WNKS360 114-36-08.0 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 07/15/2009 00865.50000 33-35-59.5 N CA MD WNKS360 114-36-08.0 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 07/15/2009 00865.55000 33-35-59.5 N CA MD WNKS360 114-36-08.0 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 07/15/2009 00865.60000 33-35-59.5 N CA MD WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 07/15/2009 00856.35000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 07/15/2009 00856.40000 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 07/15/2009 00856.52500 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 07/15/2009 00856.57500 33-45-00.1 N CA MD WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 07/15/2009 00857.27500 33-45-00.1
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- Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City WV AM 080-31-39.8 W 0003914506 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TWeston 07/29/2009 05974.85000 38-57-41.0 N WV AM 080-31-39.8 W 0003914506 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TWeston 07/29/2009 06315.84000 38-57-41.0 N WV AM WQGT236 080-21-10.4 W 0003914508 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TMcWhorter 07/29/2009 06004.50000 39-08-00.1 N WV AM WQGT236 080-21-10.4 W 0003914508 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TMcWhorter 07/29/2009 06063.80000 39-08-00.1 N WV AM WQGT236 080-21-10.4 W 0003914508 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TMcWhorter 07/29/2009 06093.45000 39-08-00.1 N WV AM WQGT236 080-21-10.4 W 0003914508 State of West Virginia, DHHR/BPH State TMcWhorter 07/29/2009 06825.00000 39-08-00.1 N NJ AM WQIH643 074-03-51.6 W 0003917409 City of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292736A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292736A1.txt
- MD WQHY639 093-19-41.9 W 0003919878 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Burnsville 08/03/2009 10755.00000 44-44-38.0 N MN MD WQHY676 093-22-39.0 W 0003919896 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Prior Lake 08/03/2009 11245.00000 44-40-50.0 N MN MD WQJE340 093-10-01.6 W 0003919911 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St Paul 08/03/2009 19675.00000 44-56-58.9 N MN MD WQJV625 093-11-21.5 W 0003919928 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul 08/03/2009 10835.00000 44-58-00.1 N MN MD WQJV625 093-11-21.5 W 0003919928 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul 08/03/2009 18115.00000 44-58-00.1 N MN MD WQJV387 093-11-17.5 W 0003919938 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. ST. PAUL 08/03/2009 11325.00000 44-54-49.7 N MN MD WQJV622 093-07-57.7 W 0003919943 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Roseville 08/03/2009 22430.00000 44-59-56.0 N MN MD WQJV414 093-13-28.0 W 0003919954 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Minneapolis 08/03/2009
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292737A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292737A1.txt
- HOLDINGS IIIDoylestown 08/04/2009 18015.00000 40-17-01.7 N PA NE 075-08-04.1 W 0003921462 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDoylestown 08/04/2009 18065.00000 40-17-01.7 N PA NE 075-08-04.1 W 0003921462 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDoylestown 08/04/2009 18115.00000 40-17-01.7 N PA NE 075-08-50.3 W 0003921463 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPhiladelphia 08/04/2009 22375.00000 39-56-57.1 N PA NE 075-08-50.3 W 0003921463 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPhiladelphia 08/04/2009 23025.00000 39-56-57.1 N PA NE 075-13-00.1 W 0003921464 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChalfont 08/04/2009 11265.00000 40-15-41.4 N PA NE 075-13-00.1 W 0003921464 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChalfont 08/04/2009 11345.00000 40-15-41.4 N PA NE 075-13-00.1 W 0003921464 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChalfont 08/04/2009 11505.00000 40-15-41.4 N PA NE 075-13-00.1 W 0003921464 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChalfont 08/04/2009 11585.00000 40-15-41.4 N PA NE 075-13-00.1 W 0003921464 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIChalfont 08/04/2009 17965.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292824A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292824A1.txt
- W 0003932430 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Yucca Valley 08/13/2009 06004.50000 34-09-11.6 N CA MD WQJE853 116-23-22.4 W 0003932430 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Yucca Valley 08/13/2009 10578.12500 34-09-11.6 N CA MD WQJE853 116-23-22.4 W 0003932430 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership Yucca Valley 08/13/2009 10587.50000 34-09-11.6 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003932448 CCPR Services, Inc. SAN JUAN 08/13/2009 06640.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003932448 CCPR Services, Inc. SAN JUAN 08/13/2009 10735.00000 18-27-00.1 N Page 9 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003932448 CCPR Services, Inc. SAN JUAN 08/13/2009 10975.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292828A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292828A1.txt
- COUNTY OF Eudora 08/14/2009 06226.89000 38-53-10.7 N KS NE 095-02-12.2 W 0003933022 JOHNSON, COUNTY OF Eudora 08/14/2009 06256.54000 38-53-10.7 N Page 6 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City KS NE 094-48-21.0 W 0003933023 JOHNSON, COUNTY OF OLATHE 08/14/2009 05974.85000 38-54-49.0 N KS NE 094-47-00.1 W 0003933024 JOHNSON, COUNTY OF Shawnee 08/14/2009 06063.80000 39-01-30.1 N KS NE 094-47-00.1 W 0003933024 JOHNSON, COUNTY OF Shawnee 08/14/2009 10835.00000 39-01-30.1 N MO NE 094-34-55.8 W 0003933025 JOHNSON, COUNTY OF KANSAS CITY 08/14/2009 11245.00000 38-59-25.0 N MO NE 094-34-55.8 W 0003933025 JOHNSON, COUNTY OF KANSAS CITY 08/14/2009 11285.00000 38-59-25.0 N MO NE 094-34-55.8 W 0003933025 JOHNSON, COUNTY OF KANSAS
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- WPXY466 114-12-42.9 W 0003938067 WWC LICENSE L.L.C. Parker 08/18/2009 06404.79000 34-07-27.1 N AZ MD WPXY466 114-12-42.9 W 0003938067 WWC LICENSE L.L.C. Parker 08/18/2009 06412.82000 34-07-27.1 N MN MD WQJS632 093-28-23.8 W 0003939553 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Ramsey 08/19/2009 11125.00000 45-14-13.9 N MN MD WQJS630 093-32-55.6 W 0003939560 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Elk River 08/19/2009 11615.00000 45-17-17.8 N MN MD WQJK942 093-22-00.1 W 0003939594 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Brooklyn Park 08/19/2009 18070.00000 45-08-07.4 N Page 6 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MN MD WQJK942 093-22-00.1 W 0003939594 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Brooklyn Park 08/19/2009 18090.00000 45-08-07.4 N MN MD WQJV415 093-19-10.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293006A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293006A1.txt
- HOLDINGS IIIMillersville 08/19/2009 23075.00000 39-06-41.0 N MD NE 076-35-06.0 W 0003940240 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMillersville 08/19/2009 23175.00000 39-06-41.0 N MD NE 076-35-06.0 W 0003940240 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMillersville 08/19/2009 23325.00000 39-06-41.0 N MD NE 076-35-06.0 W 0003940240 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMillersville 08/19/2009 23425.00000 39-06-41.0 N MD NE 076-42-08.7 W 0003940241 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICrofton 08/19/2009 23075.00000 38-59-25.2 N MD NE 076-49-00.1 W 0003940242 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIEllicott City 08/19/2009 11095.00000 39-15-57.3 N MD NE 076-30-38.9 W 0003940243 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAnnapolis 08/19/2009 18115.00000 38-59-47.8 N MD NE 076-48-03.9 W 0003940244 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRandallstown 08/19/2009 19325.00000 39-22-05.2 N MD NE 076-48-03.9 W 0003940244 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRandallstown 08/19/2009 23025.00000 39-22-05.2 N MD NE 076-48-16.7 W 0003940245 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBaltimore 08/19/2009
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293212A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293212A1.txt
- Applicant Name Latitude City MD MD WQFX386 076-51-39.6 W 0003949310 airBand Communications, Inc. Columbia 08/27/2009 22275.00000 39-12-44.2 N MD MD WQKD836 076-48-37.8 W 0003949312 airBand Communications, Inc. Jonestown, MD 08/27/2009 10775.00000 39-13-35.4 N MD MD WQKD836 076-48-37.8 W 0003949312 airBand Communications, Inc. Jonestown, MD 08/27/2009 17865.00000 39-13-35.4 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0003949449 SprintCom, Inc. RIO GRANDE 08/27/2009 11667.50000 18-25-00.1 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0003949449 SprintCom, Inc. RIO GRANDE 08/27/2009 19385.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0003949449 SprintCom, Inc. RIO GRANDE 08/27/2009 19625.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR MD WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0003949449 SprintCom, Inc. RIO GRANDE 08/27/2009 19645.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR MD WPTB839 065-49-32.1 W 0003949460 SprintCom, Inc. RIO GRANDE 08/27/2009 18085.00000 18-22-28.8 N CA MD WQGK482
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- 0.7 1,196 2.9 303 0.7 17,351 42.3 40,978 New Mexico 3,703 49.2 91 1.2 47 0.6 196 2.6 94 1.2 3,404 45.2 7,534 New York 44,837 56.9 528 0.7 648 0.8 2,483 3.2 626 0.8 29,673 37.7 78,794 North Carolina 18,299 48.8 1,332 3.5 181 0.5 1,377 3.7 567 1.5 15,766 42.0 37,522 North Dakota 1,172 19.3 35 0.6 9 0.1 57 0.9 44 0.7 4,746 78.3 6,063 Northern Marianas Is 41 15.0 1 0.4 27 9.8 23 8.5 0 0.0 179 66.3 270 Ohio 23,041 45.0 1,359 2.7 170 0.3 1,171 2.3 545 1.1 24,957 48.7 51,243 Oklahoma 6,463 33.7 623 3.2 57 0.3 408 2.1 208 1.1 11,408 59.5 19,167 Oregon 7,679 50.4 137 0.9 144 0.9 392 2.6
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293346A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293346A1.txt
- Bluffs 09/03/2009 06286.19000 41-17-05.0 N IA NE 095-51-52.0 W 0003955915 Douglas County Communications DepartmCouncil Bluffs 09/03/2009 11325.00000 41-17-05.0 N IA NE 095-51-52.0 W 0003955915 Douglas County Communications DepartmCouncil Bluffs 09/03/2009 11365.00000 41-17-05.0 N Page 10 MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IA NE 091-43-00.1 W 0003956467 JOHNSON COUNTY, IA JECC Kalona 09/03/2009 06004.50000 41-34-54.4 N IA NE 091-43-00.1 W 0003956467 JOHNSON COUNTY, IA JECC Kalona 09/03/2009 10835.00000 41-34-54.4 N IA NE 091-44-58.5 W 0003956468 JOHNSON COUNTY, IA JECC Swisher 09/03/2009 06226.89000 41-49-09.3 N IA NE 091-44-58.5 W 0003956468 JOHNSON COUNTY, IA JECC Swisher 09/03/2009 06256.54000 41-49-09.3 N IA NE 091-36-08.5 W 0003956469 JOHNSON COUNTY,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293347A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293347A1.txt
- 144-50-02.3 E 0003956466 PTI Pacifica Inc. Barrigada Heights 09/03/2009 11665.00000 13-29-21.0 N Page 51 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL NE 087-49-46.5 W 0003956484 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYGLENVIEW 09/03/2009 00934.96250 42-06-11.9 N GU NE 144-48-24.8 E 0003956561 PTI Pacifica Inc. HARMON 09/03/2009 06093.45000 13-30-00.1 N GU NE 144-48-24.8 E 0003956561 PTI Pacifica Inc. HARMON 09/03/2009 10975.00000 13-30-00.1 N GU NE 144-48-24.8 E 0003956561 PTI Pacifica Inc. HARMON 09/03/2009 11095.00000 13-30-00.1 N GU NE 144-48-24.8 E 0003956561 PTI Pacifica Inc. HARMON 09/03/2009 11135.00000 13-30-00.1 N GU NE 144-48-24.8 E 0003956561 PTI Pacifica Inc. HARMON 09/03/2009 11175.00000 13-30-00.1 N IL NE 088-14-10.0 W 0003956803 MPX,, Inc
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293451A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293451A1.txt
- Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AZ AM WPQY287 110-55-23.3 W 0003948984 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Nogales 09/09/2009 10632.50000 31-23-44.4 N AZ AM WPQY287 110-55-23.3 W 0003948984 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC Nogales 09/09/2009 10795.00000 31-23-44.4 N PR AM WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0003949449 SprintCom, Inc. RIO GRANDE 09/08/2009 11667.50000 18-25-00.1 N PR AM WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0003949449 SprintCom, Inc. RIO GRANDE 09/08/2009 19385.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR AM WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0003949449 SprintCom, Inc. RIO GRANDE 09/08/2009 19625.00000 18-25-00.1 N PR AM WPTB836 065-49-43.0 W 0003949449 SprintCom, Inc. RIO GRANDE 09/08/2009 19645.00000 18-25-00.1 N CA AM WQGE203 120-42-28.6 W 0003953146 Nextel of California, Inc. Cambria 09/08/2009 19622.50000 35-23-40.2 N CA AM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293594A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293594A1.txt
- BAYAMON 09/17/2009 11147.50000 18-21-08.7 N PR AM WMK955 066-10-36.3 W 0003932274 CCPR Services, Inc. BAYAMON 09/17/2009 11155.00000 18-21-08.7 N PR AM WMK955 066-10-36.3 W 0003932274 CCPR Services, Inc. BAYAMON 09/17/2009 11162.50000 18-21-08.7 N PR AM WMK955 066-10-36.3 W 0003932274 CCPR Services, Inc. BAYAMON 09/17/2009 11192.50000 18-21-08.7 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003932448 CCPR Services, Inc. SAN JUAN 09/17/2009 06640.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003932448 CCPR Services, Inc. SAN JUAN 09/17/2009 10735.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003932448 CCPR Services, Inc. SAN JUAN 09/17/2009 10975.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003932448 CCPR Services, Inc. SAN JUAN 09/17/2009 11075.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0003932448 CCPR Services, Inc. SAN JUAN 09/17/2009 11215.00000 18-27-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293742A1.pdf
- type Example applications Actualdownload speed demands (Mbps)* Content type 0.5-5+ (Speed impacts down/up time and render) · Advanced web browsing, iTunes · Social Networking, P2P, etc · Medical Records download/ sharing · Large download (or upload) usage 0.3-0.5 · Aleks(Online interactive education) · Pogo online games · Basic interaction 1-5 · Streamed classroom lectures · Hulu · SD streamed video 0.1-0.3 (Speed impacts down/up time and render) · Basic email, E-book download · Web-browsing, job search, government website access · Basic download (or upload) usage 2-5+ · Real-time interactive experiences & gaming · 2-way advanced video interaction 5-10+ · Video teleconference and TeleLearning · HD Telemedicine (diagnostic imaging) · Enhanced video teleconferencing 0.6-1.0 · Lower definition telemedicine · Video-conference + VOIP
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293752A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293752A1.txt
- SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAUSTIN 09/22/2009 22025.00000 30-11-26.4 N TX NE 097-54-58.8 W 0003971811 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISAN MARCOS 09/22/2009 10775.00000 29-53-01.8 N TX NE 097-54-58.8 W 0003971811 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISAN MARCOS 09/22/2009 10935.00000 29-53-01.8 N TX NE 097-54-58.8 W 0003971811 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISAN MARCOS 09/22/2009 19425.00000 29-53-01.8 N TX NE 097-44-23.9 W 0003971812 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAUSTIN 09/22/2009 22025.00000 30-13-00.1 N TX NE 097-51-34.1 W 0003971813 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 09/22/2009 11225.00000 30-14-02.7 N TX NE 097-51-34.1 W 0003971813 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 09/22/2009 11305.00000 30-14-02.7 N TX NE 097-51-34.1 W 0003971813 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 09/22/2009 21875.00000 30-14-02.7 N TX NE 097-51-34.1 W 0003971813 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 09/22/2009 21975.00000 30-14-02.7 N TX NE 097-38-34.1 W 0003971814 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293866A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293866A1.txt
- Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL NE 088-05-05.5 W 0003981316 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILake Zurich 09/29/2009 23175.00000 42-11-40.0 N IL NE 088-05-05.5 W 0003981316 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILake Zurich 09/29/2009 23225.00000 42-11-40.0 N IL NE 087-59-13.6 W 0003981317 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILong Grove 09/29/2009 21875.00000 42-10-32.2 N IN NE 087-31-02.1 W 0003981318 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHammond 09/29/2009 19575.00000 41-37-00.1 N IN NE 087-31-02.1 W 0003981318 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHammond 09/29/2009 19675.00000 41-37-00.1 N IN NE 087-31-02.1 W 0003981318 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHammond 09/29/2009 21825.00000 41-37-00.1 N IN NE 087-31-02.1 W 0003981318 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHammond 09/29/2009 21925.00000 41-37-00.1 N IN NE 087-31-02.1 W 0003981318 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHammond 09/29/2009 21975.00000 41-37-00.1 N IN NE 087-31-02.1 W 0003981318 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294110A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294110A1.txt
- WHITE MOUNTAIN RIDGE RUNNERS 09/17/2009 Location Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Licensee Name Location Date # City Latitude State Longitude Frequency Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave Broadband Division 09/11/2009 WPTB836 FXO SprintCom, Inc. 19385.00000000 RIO GRANDE 18-25-0.1 N PR 65-49-43.0 W 7 1 09/11/2009 WQIL601 FXO Telecom Transport Management, Inc. 22080.00000000 Brooklyn Park 45-6-15.1 N MN 93-23-55.0 W 1 1 09/11/2009 WQIL602 FXO Telecom Transport Management, Inc. 18115.00000000 Brooklyn Park 45-4-57.9 N MN 93-22-43.6 W 2 1 09/12/2009 WQIL760 FXO Telecom Transport Management, Inc. 22660.00000000 Edina 44-52-0.0 N MN 93-23-43.5 W 3 1 09/12/2009 WQIL760 FXO Telecom
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294276A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294276A1.txt
- MN MD WQJE340 093-10-01.6 W 0004000555 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St Paul 10/19/2009 22780.00000 44-56-58.9 N UT MD WPXV777 111-52-02.2 W 0004000556 Cellular, Inc. Financial Corporation Salina 10/19/2009 06286.19000 38-56-26.3 N UT MD WMS348 111-46-17.0 W 0004000567 Cellular, Inc. Financial Corporation MANTI 10/19/2009 06034.15000 39-19-19.0 N MN MD WQJV625 093-11-21.5 W 0004000578 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul 10/19/2009 18055.00000 44-58-00.1 N CA MD WQKJ767 121-05-10.7 W 0004000638 GTE Mobilnet of California Limited PartneSANTA NELLA 10/19/2009 06197.24000 37-01-08.5 N CA MD WQKJ767 121-05-10.7 W 0004000638 GTE Mobilnet of California Limited PartneSANTA NELLA 10/19/2009 06256.54000 37-01-08.5 N CA MD WQKJ767 121-05-10.7 W 0004000638 GTE Mobilnet of California Limited PartneSANTA NELLA 10/19/2009 06315.84000 37-01-08.5 N MN MD WQJV605 093-14-51.7 W 0004000651 Telecom Transport
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294277A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294277A1.txt
- IIIAUSTIN 10/22/2009 21975.00000 30-19-29.0 N Page 5 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NM MD WNTP354 107-39-59.2 W 0004004539 Amoco Production Company BLOOMFIELD 10/22/2009 00928.21875 36-48-24.0 N NM MD WNTP354 107-39-59.2 W 0004004539 Amoco Production Company BLOOMFIELD 10/22/2009 00952.21875 36-48-24.0 N PA MD WQKX846 075-03-00.1 W 0004004646 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISOUTHHAMPTON 10/22/2009 11265.00000 40-10-07.6 N CA MD WQKK592 121-28-17.2 W 0004004801 DigitalPath, Inc. PULGA 10/22/2009 06226.89000 39-49-44.8 N CA MD WQKK592 121-28-17.2 W 0004004801 DigitalPath, Inc. PULGA 10/22/2009 06256.54000 39-49-44.8 N OK MD WPJD426 098-36-13.0 W 0004005002 Oneok Inc. FAIRVIEW 10/22/2009 00928.80625 36-13-04.0 N OK MD WPJD426 098-36-13.0 W 0004005002 Oneok Inc. FAIRVIEW 10/22/2009 00952.80625
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294278A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294278A1.txt
- Tarrant 10/21/2009 19475.00000 32-56-18.9 N TX NE 097-04-22.0 W 0004004172 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFlower Mound 10/21/2009 22025.00000 33-04-20.0 N TX NE 097-06-24.9 W 0004004173 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBedford 10/21/2009 21875.00000 32-51-47.7 N TX NE 097-06-24.9 W 0004004173 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBedford 10/21/2009 22075.00000 32-51-47.7 N TX NE 096-48-40.1 W 0004004174 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDallas 10/21/2009 22075.00000 32-55-56.4 N TX NE 096-40-00.1 W 0004004175 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarland 10/21/2009 17865.00000 32-52-37.9 N TX NE 096-40-00.1 W 0004004175 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarland 10/21/2009 18015.00000 32-52-37.9 N TX NE 096-40-00.1 W 0004004175 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarland 10/21/2009 18115.00000 32-52-37.9 N TX NE 096-40-00.1 W 0004004175 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarland 10/21/2009 21825.00000 32-52-37.9 N TX NE 096-40-00.1 W 0004004175 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarland 10/21/2009 21925.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294279A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294279A1.txt
- W 0004006320 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMcLean 10/23/2009 23475.00000 38-55-02.7 N VA NE 077-12-54.1 W 0004006320 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMcLean 10/23/2009 23525.00000 38-55-02.7 N VA NE 077-12-54.1 W 0004006320 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMcLean 10/23/2009 23575.00000 38-55-02.7 N TX NE 097-44-38.1 W 0004006321 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 10/23/2009 19425.00000 30-18-18.7 N TX NE 097-47-31.9 W 0004006322 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 10/23/2009 19375.00000 30-12-00.1 N TX NE 097-47-31.9 W 0004006322 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 10/23/2009 19475.00000 30-12-00.1 N TX NE 097-47-31.9 W 0004006322 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 10/23/2009 19525.00000 30-12-00.1 N TX NE 097-47-31.9 W 0004006322 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 10/23/2009 19625.00000 30-12-00.1 N TX NE 097-43-06.6 W 0004006323 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIAustin 10/23/2009 17815.00000 30-14-19.0 N TX NE 097-44-02.6 W 0004006325 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294282A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294282A1.txt
- SUPERVISMarion 10/20/2009 11245.00000 36-54-06.8 N VA NE 081-31-12.9 W 0004002246 SMYTH COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISMarion 10/20/2009 10755.00000 36-49-58.8 N VA NE 081-43-59.0 W 0004002247 SMYTH COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISSaltville 10/20/2009 05974.85000 36-56-47.0 N VA NE 081-36-19.5 W 0004002248 SMYTH COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISMarion 10/20/2009 06034.15000 36-38-19.4 N VA NE 081-19-44.1 W 0004002623 SMYTH COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISSugar Grove 10/20/2009 06004.50000 36-45-00.1 N CO NE 105-54-06.1 W 0004002679 State of Colorado ALAMOSA 10/20/2009 11325.00000 37-28-21.4 N MI NE 085-35-27.2 W 0004003999 TRAVERSE CITY LIGHT AND POWER TRAVERSE CITY 10/21/2009 11605.00000 44-44-47.8 N MI NE 085-41-28.2 W 0004004000 TRAVERSE CITY LIGHT AND POWER TRAVERSE CITY 10/21/2009 11565.00000 44-46-42.4 N CO NE 104-36-34.6 W 0004006680 ELBERT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT CElizabeth 10/23/2009 10895.00000 39-22-00.3 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294459A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294459A1.txt
- HOLDINGS IIIGaithersburg 10/23/2009 19625.00000 39-08-58.9 N MD NE 077-12-47.9 W 0004007020 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGaithersburg 10/23/2009 23075.00000 39-08-58.9 N MD NE 077-12-47.9 W 0004007020 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGaithersburg 10/23/2009 23125.00000 39-08-58.9 N MD NE 077-12-47.9 W 0004007020 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGaithersburg 10/23/2009 23225.00000 39-08-58.9 N MD NE 077-12-47.9 W 0004007020 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGaithersburg 10/23/2009 23275.00000 39-08-58.9 N VA NE 077-13-00.1 W 0004007021 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMcLean 10/23/2009 21875.00000 38-55-27.1 N VA NE 077-13-00.1 W 0004007021 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMcLean 10/23/2009 22025.00000 38-55-27.1 N Page 42 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City VA NE 077-13-00.1 W 0004007021 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMcLean 10/23/2009 22225.00000 38-55-27.1 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294461A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294461A1.txt
- NE 096-54-22.2 W 0004013513 NE Colorado Wireless Technology, Inc. Wisner 10/30/2009 05974.85000 41-59-41.0 N WA NE 121-23-16.7 W 0004013736 OREGON RSA #2, INC. White Pass 10/30/2009 06645.00000 46-37-26.9 N CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TN MD KNKN742 086-00-45.8 W 0004012762 Verizon Wireless Tennessee PartnershipCowan 10/29/2009 35-10-00.1 N KS MD KNKN514 099-34-11.5 W 0004013529 RCC Minnesota, Inc Palco 10/30/2009 39-15-11.9 N KS MD KNKN518 101-30-47.4 W 0004013765 RCC Minnesota, Inc Kendall 10/30/2009 37-56-42.5 N KS MD KNKN518 101-01-36.5 W 0004013765 RCC Minnesota, Inc Satanta 10/30/2009 37-25-50.4 N KS MD KNKN465 098-35-10.7 W 0004013986 RCC Minnesota, Inc Ellinwood 10/30/2009 38-21-47.1 N KS MD KNKN465 098-46-52.9 W 0004013986 RCC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294598A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294598A1.txt
- INCKENTON 11/03/2009 11285.00000 40-38-50.0 N OH NE 083-54-10.3 W 0004016883 MID OHIO ENERGY COOPERATIVE INCHarrod 11/03/2009 10795.00000 40-40-34.0 N DC NE 077-03-14.4 W 0004017148 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWashington 11/03/2009 22125.00000 38-54-17.6 N DC NE 077-03-14.4 W 0004017148 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWashington 11/03/2009 22275.00000 38-54-17.6 N DC NE 077-00-50.8 W 0004017150 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWashington 11/03/2009 23425.00000 38-53-12.1 N DC NE 077-01-00.1 W 0004017153 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWashington, 11/03/2009 22775.00000 38-53-56.4 N DC NE 077-03-35.6 W 0004017155 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWashington 11/03/2009 21875.00000 38-54-42.3 N DC NE 077-04-58.6 W 0004017158 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWashington 11/03/2009 23375.00000 38-55-47.5 N DC NE 077-02-12.8 W 0004017160 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWashington 11/03/2009 21525.00000 38-54-23.4 N DC NE 077-05-07.1 W 0004017163 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWashington 11/03/2009 23375.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294599A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294599A1.txt
- N GA MD WPOM911 082-34-52.5 W 0004022378 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Manor 11/05/2009 06004.50000 31-06-03.0 N CA MD WLV366 118-04-42.0 W 0004022588 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEPASADENA 11/05/2009 19375.00000 34-08-54.2 N CA MD WMR963 117-53-51.2 W 0004022603 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEANAHEIM 11/05/2009 10835.00000 33-50-18.0 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004022728 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 11/05/2009 06093.45000 33-24-00.1 N Page 6 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004022728 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 11/05/2009 10755.00000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WMJ497 118-23-47.2 W 0004022748 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEHERMOSA BEACH 11/05/2009 11115.00000 33-52-36.0 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294833A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294833A1.txt
- 0004006535 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHyattsville 11/18/2009 19375.00000 38-58-07.4 N MD AM 076-57-12.3 W 0004006535 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHyattsville 11/18/2009 19475.00000 38-58-07.4 N MD AM 076-57-12.3 W 0004006535 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHyattsville 11/18/2009 23025.00000 38-58-07.4 N MD AM 076-57-12.3 W 0004006535 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHyattsville 11/18/2009 23175.00000 38-58-07.4 N MD AM 076-58-30.0 W 0004006558 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISilver Spring 11/18/2009 17815.00000 39-01-00.1 N MD AM 076-58-30.0 W 0004006558 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISilver Spring 11/18/2009 17915.00000 39-01-00.1 N MD AM 076-58-30.0 W 0004006558 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISilver Spring 11/18/2009 18015.00000 39-01-00.1 N MD AM 076-58-30.0 W 0004006558 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISilver Spring 11/18/2009 18115.00000 39-01-00.1 N MD AM 076-58-30.0 W 0004006558 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISilver Spring 11/18/2009 21825.00000 39-01-00.1 N MD AM 076-58-30.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294834A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-294834A1.txt
- Communications of New Mexico, FARMINGTON 11/20/2009 06404.79000 36-48-54.5 N NM MD WHC932 107-53-30.5 W 0004039862 ALLTEL Communications of New Mexico, FARMINGTON 11/20/2009 06755.00000 36-48-54.5 N NM MD WHC932 107-53-30.5 W 0004039862 ALLTEL Communications of New Mexico, FARMINGTON 11/20/2009 06765.00000 36-48-54.5 N NM MD WHC932 107-53-30.5 W 0004039862 ALLTEL Communications of New Mexico, FARMINGTON 11/20/2009 19465.00000 36-48-54.5 N NM MD KTF35 107-10-00.1 W 0004040075 Qwest Corporation CORREO 11/20/2009 06256.54000 35-00-48.1 N NM MD KTF35 107-10-00.1 W 0004040075 Qwest Corporation CORREO 11/20/2009 06404.79000 35-00-48.1 N NM MD KTF32 107-46-57.2 W 0004040174 Qwest Corporation MCCARTYS 11/20/2009 06004.50000 35-04-04.1 N NM MD KTF32 107-46-57.2 W 0004040174 Qwest Corporation MCCARTYS 11/20/2009 06034.15000 35-04-04.1 N AR MD WPXV569 093-53-23.9 W 0004040396 ALLTEL Communications of Southwest ArFOUKE 11/20/2009
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295089A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295089A1.txt
- Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PR MD WMR272 065-40-21.3 W 0004052267 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. FAJARDO 12/02/2009 11155.00000 18-20-00.7 N PR MD WMR272 065-40-21.3 W 0004052267 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. FAJARDO 12/02/2009 21225.00000 18-20-00.7 N PR MD WMR272 065-40-21.3 W 0004052267 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. FAJARDO 12/02/2009 21775.00000 18-20-00.7 N PA MD WQKC783 075-13-00.1 W 0004052609 AT&T CORP. PHILADELPHIA 12/03/2009 11115.00000 40-00-26.3 N NJ MD WQKN871 075-01-17.7 W 0004052610 AT&T CORP. PALMYRA 12/03/2009 11285.00000 40-00-11.0 N NJ MD WQKN871 075-01-17.7 W 0004052610 AT&T CORP. PALMYRA 12/03/2009 11605.00000 40-00-11.0 N NM MD WQIY550 108-12-04.6 W 0004053803 Sacred Wind Communications, Inc. Farmington 12/04/2009 11445.00000 36-39-15.1 N NM MD WQIY550 108-12-04.6 W 0004053803 Sacred Wind Communications, Inc.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295090A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295090A1.txt
- Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX NE 096-53-40.9 W 0004052942 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDALLAS 12/03/2009 23075.00000 32-42-20.1 N TX NE 096-52-15.5 W 0004052943 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDallas 12/03/2009 23225.00000 32-41-57.3 N TX NE 097-23-07.5 W 0004052944 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFort Worth 12/03/2009 21925.00000 32-43-49.8 N TX NE 097-25-00.1 W 0004052945 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFort Worth 12/03/2009 10775.00000 32-43-27.1 N TX NE 097-25-00.1 W 0004052945 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFort Worth 12/03/2009 19525.00000 32-43-27.1 N TX NE 097-25-00.1 W 0004052945 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFort Worth 12/03/2009 19625.00000 32-43-27.1 N TX NE 097-25-00.1 W 0004052945 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFort Worth 12/03/2009 19675.00000 32-43-27.1 N TX NE 097-25-00.1 W 0004052945 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295091A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295091A1.txt
- LITCHFIELD PARK 12/03/2009 22857.50000 33-34-31.1 N AZ MD WNEP700 112-16-38.1 W 0004054105 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPEORIA 12/04/2009 05974.85000 33-50-48.2 N AZ MD WNEP700 112-16-38.1 W 0004054105 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPEORIA 12/04/2009 06404.79000 33-50-48.2 N AZ MD WNEP700 112-16-38.1 W 0004054105 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPEORIA 12/04/2009 06615.62500 33-50-48.2 N AZ MD WNEF381 113-38-05.7 W 0004054106 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVSALOME 12/04/2009 06560.62500 33-36-00.1 N AZ MD WNEF381 113-38-05.7 W 0004054106 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVSALOME 12/04/2009 06655.00000 33-36-00.1 N AZ MD WNEF378 112-04-06.2 W 0004054107 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPHOENIX 12/04/2009 06595.00000 33-42-00.5 N AZ MD WNEF378 112-04-06.2 W 0004054107 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPHOENIX 12/04/2009 06805.00000 33-42-00.5 N AZ MD WNEF378 112-04-06.2 W 0004054107 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVPHOENIX 12/04/2009 06815.00000 33-42-00.5 N AZ MD WNEF378
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295251A1.txt
- LLC ALMA 12/08/2009 05945.20000 31-32-28.0 N GA MD WMT278 082-22-19.0 W 0004056514 Alltel Communications, LLC ALMA 12/08/2009 06004.50000 31-32-28.0 N GA MD WMG874 082-00-32.0 W 0004056515 Alltel Communications, LLC NAHUNTA 12/08/2009 05945.20000 31-11-54.0 N GA MD WMG874 082-00-32.0 W 0004056515 Alltel Communications, LLC NAHUNTA 12/08/2009 06093.45000 31-11-54.0 N GA MD WMQ508 082-21-50.6 W 0004056516 Alltel Communications, LLC BAXLEY 12/08/2009 06197.24000 31-47-00.1 N GA MD WMQ508 082-21-50.6 W 0004056516 Alltel Communications, LLC BAXLEY 12/08/2009 06226.89000 31-47-00.1 N GA MD WMS480 084-59-11.8 W 0004056517 Alltel Communications, LLC COLUMBUS 12/08/2009 11075.00000 32-28-19.5 N Page 10 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City AL MD WPUF986
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295253A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295253A1.txt
- Territories T Citywide O Other - Narrative U Continental US NE RMNew Renewal/Modification RORenewal Only NTCertification of Construction EXRequest for Extension of Time MW - Microwave Public Safety Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MT NE 114-20-52.5 W 0004062115 FLATHEAD COUNTY WHITEFISH 12/11/2009 06372.67000 48-30-21.9 N MT NE 114-21-00.1 W 0004062116 FLATHEAD COUNTY KALISPELL 12/11/2009 06120.63000 48-14-08.9 N UT NE 110-37-14.5 W 0004062130 Emery County Sheriff's Office Woodside 12/11/2009 06004.50000 39-10-16.9 N UT NE 110-10-06.4 W 0004062168 Emery County Sheriff's Office GREEN RIVER 12/11/2009 06256.54000 38-59-05.4 N RO WNEZ289 0004058343 SOUTH CAROLINA PUBLIC SERVICE AU 12/09/2009 RO WNTC240 0004058345 SOUTH CAROLINA PUBLIC SERVICE AU 12/09/2009 RO WBB771 0004058728 Texas,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295335A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295335A1.txt
- 11485.00000 33-57-42.1 N Page 2 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM WPNH805 117-16-49.1 W 0004021494 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNEMORENO VALLEY 12/15/2009 11645.00000 33-57-42.1 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004022728 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 12/16/2009 06093.45000 33-24-00.1 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004022728 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 12/16/2009 06404.79000 33-24-00.1 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004022728 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 12/16/2009 10755.00000 33-24-00.1 N AZ AM WQHP330 111-55-07.0 W 0004024922 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SCOTTSDALE 12/15/2009 17765.00000 33-36-37.0 N AZ AM WQHP330 111-55-07.0 W 0004024922 CNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SCOTTSDALE 12/15/2009 21825.00000 33-36-37.0 N AZ
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295338A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295338A1.txt
- AM WPJA711 082-47-44.5 W 0004022367 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC HOMERVILLE 12/18/2009 06093.45000 31-01-56.3 N GA AM WPJA711 082-47-44.5 W 0004022367 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC HOMERVILLE 12/18/2009 06197.24000 31-01-56.3 N GA AM WPJA711 082-47-44.5 W 0004022367 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC HOMERVILLE 12/18/2009 06286.19000 31-01-56.3 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004022728 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 12/18/2009 06093.45000 33-24-00.1 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004022728 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 12/18/2009 06152.75000 33-24-00.1 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004022728 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 12/18/2009 10755.00000 33-24-00.1 N WA AM WPOM641 120-20-05.0 W 0004030498 YAKIMA MSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPMOXEE 12/17/2009 06197.24000 46-31-19.0 N WA AM WPOM641 120-20-05.0 W 0004030498 YAKIMA MSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPMOXEE 12/17/2009 06286.19000 46-31-19.0 N WA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295377A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295377A1.txt
- AT&T Avg. (excluding BellSouth) Qwest 19 ARMIS 43-05 Report 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 AT&T Ameritech 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.7 AT&T BellSouth 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.2 AT&T Pacific 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.1 AT&T Southwestern 1.9 2.0 2.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 AT&T SNET 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.8 0.7 Qwest 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 ** Verizon GTE 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.0 Verizon North (Combined with Verizon South) Verizon South 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.9 Embarq (formerly Sprint) 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.5 Weighted BOC/Embarq Composite* 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 * Weighted composite is calculated using access line counts. **Qwest reports an average value of less than 0.1 Chart
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295405A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295405A1.txt
- 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNKS360 114-36-08.0 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 12/21/2009 00865.50000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNKS360 114-36-08.0 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 12/21/2009 00865.55000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNKS360 114-36-08.0 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 12/21/2009 00865.60000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 12/21/2009 00856.35000 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 12/21/2009 00856.40000 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 12/21/2009 00856.52500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 12/21/2009 00856.57500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 12/21/2009 00857.27500 33-45-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295406A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295406A1.txt
- Latitude City CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 12/21/2009 00865.75000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 12/21/2009 00865.80000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 12/21/2009 00865.85000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 12/21/2009 00856.72500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 12/21/2009 00856.77500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 12/21/2009 00856.80000 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 12/21/2009 00856.85000 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 12/21/2009 00856.90000 33-45-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A1.txt
- 5) Total telecommunications and IVoIP service provided to 39,54210,457 * 49,998 8,487 2,601 2 11,091 end users (from Table 6) Total telecommunications and IVoIP service revenues 48,769 25,901 * 74,670 11,745 7,464 5 19,214 418 Enhanced services, inside wiring maintenance, billing and collection, customer premises equipment, published directory, dark fiber, Internet access, cable TV program transmission, and non-telecommunications service revenues 0.1bundled with circuit switched local exchange service - - - - - - - - - 1,078 - - - - - - - - - 905 0.2bundled with interconnected VoIP local exchange service - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - 12 0.3other - - - - - -
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A11.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A11.txt
- (hours) 6.0 3.5 5.8 5.0 4.1 3.7 4.0 3.7 3.8 LOCAL SERVICES PROVIDED TO RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS CUSTOMERS Percent Installation Commitments Met 98.4 97.3 99.5 99.1 99.7 99.7 99.0 98.3 98.0 Residence 98.5 98.5 99.6 99.0 99.7 99.8 99.1 98.4 98.2 Business 98.3 89.5 99.3 99.0 99.5 99.1 98.2 97.4 95.8 Average Installation Interval (days) 1.8 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.3 0.1 2.5 1.8 1.1 Residence 1.8 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.0 2.6 1.7 1.0 Business 1.7 1.3 1.8 1.5 3.4 0.4 1.6 2.1 2.0 Average Out of Service Repair Interval (hours) 25.5 23.6 31.7 29.5 33.9 17.5 27.3 46.2 29.0 Residence 26.4 25.7 32.9 31.0 34.9 18.2 29.4 52.2 31.5 Business 21.3 14.5 24.8 23.8 28.3 14.8 20.4 18.9 15.7 Initial
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A3.txt
- 5) Total telecommunications and IVoIP service provided to 39,54210,457 * 49,998 8,487 2,601 2 11,091 end users (from Table 6) Total telecommunications and IVoIP service revenues 48,769 25,901 * 74,670 11,745 7,464 5 19,214 418 Enhanced services, inside wiring maintenance, billing and collection, customer premises equipment, published directory, dark fiber, Internet access, cable TV program transmission, and non-telecommunications service revenues 0.1bundled with circuit switched local exchange service - - - - - - - - - 1,078 - - - - - - - - - 905 0.2bundled with interconnected VoIP local exchange service - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - 12 0.3other - - - - - -
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A5.txt
- 5000 Millio ns o f Do llar s Total 56 126 183 500 602 757 91510281072113211881263169017182235259229353265346837964110428944784457 198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009 3 - 14 YearCompaniesHigh-Cost Loop Support Safety Net Additive Support Safety Valve Support High-Cost Model Support Long- Term Support Interstate Common Line Support Interstate Access Support Local Switching Support Total Support ILECs 864.2 - - - 472.9 - - 380.3 1,717.4 1999 CETCs 0.1 - - - 0.4 - - 0.0 0.5 Total 864.3 - - - 473.3 - - 380.3 1,718.0 ILECs 873.8 - - 218.7 477.3 - 278.8 384.7 2,233.3 2000 CETCs 0.4 - - 0.0 1.1 - 0.0 0.0 1.5 Total 874.1 - - 218.7 478.4 - 278.8 384.7 2,234.8 ILECs 921.5 - - 205.4 484.2 - 575.7 387.9 2,574.7 2001
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A8.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A8.txt
- 86.5 96.4 9.8 * Arizona 86.9 94.6 7.6 * Arkansas 86.6 92.9 6.3 * California 92.5 96.5 4.0 * Colorado 93.2 98.0 4.8 * Connecticut 95.5 97.1 1.6 Delaware 94.3 94.7 0.5 District of Columbia 94.9 92.0 -2.9 Florida 88.7 93.0 4.3 * Georgia 86.2 92.9 6.7 * Hawaii 93.5 96.5 2.9 Idaho 90.7 96.0 5.3 * Illinois 94.2 94.1 -0.1 Indiana 91.6 92.1 0.5 Iowa 96.2 97.4 1.2 Kansas 94.3 96.4 2.0 Kentucky 88.1 94.1 5.9 * Louisiana 89.7 95.7 6.0 * Maine 93.4 97.8 4.4 * Maryland 95.7 94.7 -1.0 Massachusetts 95.9 96.4 0.6 Michigan 92.8 96.0 3.1 * Minnesota 95.8 98.2 2.3 Mississippi 82.4 92.7 10.3 * Missouri 91.5 96.8 5.3 * Montana 91.0 94.5 3.5 * Nebraska
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A9.txt
- and Order, 15 Rcd. 12962 (CALLS Order). 5 Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-104, 110 Stat. 56 (1996) (1996 Act). The 1996 Act amended the Communications Act of 1934. 47 U.S.C. §§ 151 et seq. 1958 - 2008 1998 - 2008 CPI All Items 4.0 % 2.5 % CPI All Services 5.0 3.3 CPI Telephone Services 1 1.7 0.1 CPI Major Categories: - Food & Beverages * 3.0 - Housing * 3.0 - Apparel 1.9 -1.1 - Transportation 3.5 1.6 - Medical Care 5.9 4.1 - Recreation * 1.2 - Other Goods & Services * 3.4 CPI Public Transportation 4.9 2.3 CPI Utility (Piped) Gas Service 5.5 7.3 CPI Electricity 3.8 4.4 CPI Water & Sewerage Maintenance 5.6 4.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295616A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295616A1.txt
- 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNKS360 114-36-08.0 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 01/04/2010 00865.50000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNKS360 114-36-08.0 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 01/04/2010 00865.55000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNKS360 114-36-08.0 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 01/04/2010 00865.60000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 01/04/2010 00856.35000 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 01/04/2010 00856.40000 33-45-00.1 N Page 57 YX - SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM WNKS360 114-31-21.8 W 0003901198 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC BLYTHE 01/04/2010 00856.52500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNKS360 114-31-21.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295618A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295618A1.txt
- Latitude City CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 01/06/2010 00865.75000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 01/06/2010 00865.80000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-36-08.0 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 01/06/2010 00865.85000 33-35-59.5 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 01/06/2010 00856.72500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 01/06/2010 00856.77500 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 01/06/2010 00856.80000 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 01/06/2010 00856.85000 33-45-00.1 N CA AM WNYZ775 114-31-21.8 W 0003842301 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES INC Blythe 01/06/2010 00856.90000 33-45-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295778A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295778A1.txt
- City MD WPPG410 A 0004090291 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC 01/12/2010 00461.87500 MD WPPG410 A 0004090291 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC 01/12/2010 00464.75000 MD WPPG410 A 0004090291 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC 01/12/2010 00466.87500 MD WPPG410 A 0004090291 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC 01/12/2010 00469.75000 KY MD WPPG410 X 0004090291 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC 01/12/2010 00466.87500 KY MD WPPG410 X 0004090291 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC 01/12/2010 00469.75000 KY MD WPPG410 088-17-00.1 W 0004090291 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC MURRAY 01/12/2010 00461.87500 36-35-34.2 N KY MD WPPG410 088-17-00.1 W 0004090291 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC MURRAY 01/12/2010 00464.75000 36-35-34.2 N RO WNAY967 0004090565 CAGLE COMMUNICATIONS INC 01/12/2010 RO WPGW740 0004090573 CAGLE COMMUNICATIONS INC 01/12/2010 RO WPGH346 0004090623 Braly Communications 1 LTD dba A & B C 01/12/2010 MC - Coastal Group State Purpose Call Sign Longitude
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295779A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295779A1.txt
- 35-12-20.1 N TX MD WQJG375 101-50-20.8 W 0004091566 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II AMARILLO 01/13/2010 21925.00000 35-12-20.1 N TX MD WQJG375 101-50-20.8 W 0004091566 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II AMARILLO 01/13/2010 21975.00000 35-12-20.1 N TX MD WQJG375 101-50-20.8 W 0004091566 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS II AMARILLO 01/13/2010 22075.00000 35-12-20.1 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0004091666 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 01/13/2010 17815.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0004091666 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 01/13/2010 17915.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0004091666 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 01/13/2010 17965.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0004091666 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 01/13/2010 18065.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0004091666 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 01/13/2010 18115.00000 21-16-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296239A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296239A1.txt
- 9.0 48.4 19.8 3.4 18.9 0.6 0.0 100.0 100.0 Cable Modem 1.0 1.5 2.5 0.8 2.8 3.9 13.5 53.7 22.7 0.2 97.5 100.0 FTTP 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.5 1.2 2.0 25.0 1.2 69.5 0.6 99.8 100.0 Satellite 56.1 32.2 88.3 * * * * 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.7 100.0 Fixed Wireless 15.3 4.9 20.2 20.8 21.7 25.3 8.5 1.7 1.8 0.1 79.8 100.0 Mobile Wireless 29.8 11.6 41.3 18.5 32.1 7.3 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.7 100.0 Power Line and Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 * * * * 0.0 * 0.0 100.0 100.0 Total 7.7 5.8 13.5 6.1 13.8 12.6 15.4 25.6 12.8 0.1 86.5 100.0 # = Rounds to Zero. * = Data withheld to maintain firm confidentiality. Note: Figures
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296461A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296461A1.txt
- TEXAS INC DBA NEXTEL C 02/16/2010 RO WPHB463 0004126345 Nextel WIP Expansion Two Corp. 02/16/2010 IK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Conventional State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RM WPCI689 A 0004126569 VANTEK COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 02/16/2010 00464.30000 RM WPCI689 A 0004126569 VANTEK COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 02/16/2010 00469.30000 IA RM WPCI689 096-26-00.1 W 0004126569 VANTEK COMMUNICATIONS, INC. LARCHWOOD 02/16/2010 00464.30000 43-27-13.9 N RO WNDM773 0004126391 R & D COMMUNICATIONS INC 02/16/2010 Page 14 IK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Conventional State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RO WNED231 0004126449 MOBILE TELEPHONE & PAGING INC 02/16/2010 RO WNRD507 0004127443 ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION SYSTE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296480A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296480A1.txt
- Kansas 5,500 32.2 491 2.9 113 0.7 272 1.6 178 1.0 10,535 61.7 17,088 Kentucky 8,275 37.9 556 2.5 134 0.6 422 1.9 288 1.3 12,169 55.7 21,844 Louisiana 9,118 42.5 617 2.9 92 0.4 683 3.2 373 1.7 10,591 49.3 21,474 Maine 2,632 41.6 21 0.3 135 2.1 90 1.4 124 2.0 3,331 52.6 6,332 Maryland 14,958 57.4 27 0.1 183 0.7 824 3.2 171 0.7 9,879 37.9 26,042 Massachusetts 20,333 53.4 30 0.1 518 1.4 1,033 2.7 285 0.7 15,904 41.7 38,102 Michigan 20,856 40.2 441 0.9 194 0.4 1,068 2.1 456 0.9 28,859 55.6 51,874 Minnesota 12,048 42.6 156 0.6 231 0.8 519 1.8 461 1.6 14,834 52.5 28,249 Mississippi 5,063 31.1 288 1.8 84 0.5 368 2.3
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296634A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296634A1.txt
- 065-59-29.2 W 0004056433 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. CAROLINA 02/22/2010 11645.00000 18-25-27.7 N PR AM WMR802 065-59-29.2 W 0004056433 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. CAROLINA 02/22/2010 11687.50000 18-25-27.7 N PR AM WMR802 065-59-29.2 W 0004056433 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. CAROLINA 02/22/2010 11697.50000 18-25-27.7 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0004133108 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. SAN JUAN 02/22/2010 06640.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0004133108 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. SAN JUAN 02/22/2010 10735.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0004133108 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. SAN JUAN 02/22/2010 10915.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0004133108 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. SAN JUAN 02/22/2010 10975.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR MD WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0004133108 AT&T Mobility
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296637A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296637A1.txt
- W 0004133720 SCTF NET NEW BLOOMFIELD 02/23/2010 11405.00000 40-25-12.9 N PA NE 077-38-34.5 W 0004133721 SCTF NET Chambersburg 02/23/2010 06034.15000 39-59-29.5 N PA NE 077-38-34.5 W 0004133721 SCTF NET Chambersburg 02/23/2010 06123.10000 39-59-29.5 N PA NE 076-27-42.4 W 0004133723 SCTF NET Iroville 02/23/2010 05945.20000 40-03-31.6 N PA NE 076-27-42.4 W 0004133723 SCTF NET Iroville 02/23/2010 06093.45000 40-03-31.6 N PA NE 077-19-00.1 W 0004133724 SCTF NET BIGLERVILLE 02/23/2010 06034.15000 39-57-44.0 N PA NE 077-19-00.1 W 0004133724 SCTF NET BIGLERVILLE 02/23/2010 06093.45000 39-57-44.0 N PA NE 077-31-56.1 W 0004133725 SCTF NET SHIPPENSBURG 02/23/2010 06004.50000 40-13-17.2 N PA NE 077-31-56.1 W 0004133725 SCTF NET SHIPPENSBURG 02/23/2010 06093.45000 40-13-17.2 N PA NE 077-28-31.0 W 0004133727 SCTF NET SCOTLAND 02/23/2010 06345.49000 39-57-40.0 N PA NE 077-28-31.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296750A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296750A1.txt
- SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICanoga Park 03/02/2010 10855.00000 34-13-28.8 N CA NE 118-37-39.9 W 0004142004 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICanoga Park 03/02/2010 10935.00000 34-13-28.8 N CA NE 118-10-00.0 W 0004142005 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPasadena 03/02/2010 19425.00000 34-10-55.4 N CA NE 118-16-33.0 W 0004142006 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIVENTURA 03/02/2010 17965.00000 34-12-52.0 N CA NE 118-11-51.8 W 0004142007 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILong Beach 03/02/2010 23075.00000 33-46-00.1 N CA NE 118-11-51.8 W 0004142007 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILong Beach 03/02/2010 23275.00000 33-46-00.1 N CA NE 118-07-26.6 W 0004142008 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILong Beach 03/02/2010 21975.00000 33-49-07.1 N CA NE 118-05-02.5 W 0004142009 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILong Beach 03/02/2010 23025.00000 33-49-33.3 N CA NE 118-19-32.3 W 0004142010 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIITorrance 03/02/2010 23175.00000 33-52-15.2 N CA NE 118-03-06.5 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296751A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296751A1.txt
- 03/02/2010 00157.66500 MD WPPD351 A 0004142784 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS. LLC 03/02/2010 00158.34000 KY MD WPPD351 X 0004142784 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS. LLC 03/02/2010 00157.66500 KY MD WPPD351 X 0004142784 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS. LLC 03/02/2010 00158.34000 Page 8 IK - Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Conventional State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City KY MD WPPD351 088-17-00.1 W 0004142784 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS. LLC MURRAY 03/02/2010 00150.86000 36-35-34.2 N KY MD WPPD351 088-17-00.1 W 0004142784 JENNINGS COMMUNICATIONS. LLC MURRAY 03/02/2010 00152.36000 36-35-34.2 N MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NC AM WQKZ755 078-35-50.5 W 0004033160 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRALEIGH 03/02/2010 11225.00000 35-54-58.0 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296752A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296752A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD WQLE434 096-40-07.8 W 0004144490 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDALLAS 03/03/2010 23075.00000 32-51-55.1 N TX MD WQLE434 096-40-07.8 W 0004144490 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDALLAS 03/03/2010 23125.00000 32-51-55.1 N TX MD WQLE434 096-40-07.8 W 0004144490 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIDALLAS 03/03/2010 23175.00000 32-51-55.1 N TX MD WQLE433 096-40-00.1 W 0004144494 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarland 03/03/2010 17865.00000 32-52-37.9 N TX MD WQLE433 096-40-00.1 W 0004144494 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarland 03/03/2010 18015.00000 32-52-37.9 N TX MD WQLE433 096-40-00.1 W 0004144494 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarland 03/03/2010 18115.00000 32-52-37.9 N TX MD WQLE433 096-40-00.1 W 0004144494 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGarland 03/03/2010 21825.00000 32-52-37.9 N TX MD WQLE433 096-40-00.1 W 0004144494 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296753A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296753A1.txt
- 03/05/2010 19490.00000 18-15-32.8 N PR AM WPON578 066-02-18.6 W 0004124975 PR Wireless, Inc. Caguas 03/05/2010 19570.00000 18-15-32.8 N PR AM WPON578 066-02-18.6 W 0004124975 PR Wireless, Inc. Caguas 03/05/2010 19695.00000 18-15-32.8 N CA AM 121-56-06.7 W 0004127693 WiLine Networks Inc. Campbell 03/04/2010 21335.00000 37-17-16.3 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0004133108 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. SAN JUAN 03/05/2010 06640.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0004133108 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. SAN JUAN 03/05/2010 10735.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0004133108 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. SAN JUAN 03/05/2010 10915.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0004133108 AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico Inc. SAN JUAN 03/05/2010 10975.00000 18-27-00.1 N PR AM WMR886 066-03-55.4 W 0004133108 AT&T Mobility
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296906A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296906A1.txt
- IIIHouston 03/09/2010 21875.00000 29-52-45.5 N Page 34 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX MD WQLK437 095-28-57.0 W 0004154806 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHouston 03/09/2010 21925.00000 29-52-45.5 N TX MD WQLK437 095-28-57.0 W 0004154806 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHouston 03/09/2010 21975.00000 29-52-45.5 N GA MD WQIS314 084-10-00.1 W 0004155167 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 03/09/2010 11225.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA MD WQIS314 084-10-00.1 W 0004155167 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 03/09/2010 11385.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA MD WQIS314 084-10-00.1 W 0004155167 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 03/09/2010 11465.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA MD WQIS314 084-10-00.1 W 0004155167 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 03/09/2010 11505.00000 34-01-23.5 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297036A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297036A1.txt
- the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that were accepted for filing. AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City LA NE 091-30-28.2 W 0004167659 Concordia Parish Airport Vidalia 03/15/2010 00122.80000 31-33-59.5 N MO NE 092-09-00.7 W 0004175016 Jefferson City Flying Service Jefferson City 03/16/2010 00122.95000 38-35-00.1 N AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City NJ NE 074-46-48.0 W 0004174961 WRNJ RADIO, INC. Mt. Olive Township 03/16/2010 00948.25000 40-51-15.0 N CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297038A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297038A1.txt
- CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISandy 03/16/2010 21825.00000 40-34-46.3 N UT NE 111-51-19.8 W 0004174616 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISandy 03/16/2010 21875.00000 40-34-46.3 N UT NE 111-51-19.8 W 0004174616 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISandy 03/16/2010 21975.00000 40-34-46.3 N UT NE 111-51-19.8 W 0004174616 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISandy 03/16/2010 22025.00000 40-34-46.3 N UT NE 111-51-34.9 W 0004174619 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISalt Lake City 03/16/2010 23175.00000 40-44-00.1 N UT NE 111-51-58.8 W 0004174621 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMidvale 03/16/2010 23225.00000 40-37-08.4 N UT NE 111-48-34.1 W 0004174625 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISalt Lake City 03/16/2010 23125.00000 40-41-51.0 N UT NE 111-43-27.0 W 0004174628 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPleasant Grove 03/16/2010 21925.00000 40-21-37.9 N UT NE 111-53-32.0 W 0004174631 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISandy 03/16/2010 23275.00000 40-34-09.0 N UT NE 111-52-25.9 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297204A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297204A1.txt
- Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City GA MD KWA657 084-22-11.0 W 0004186339 ELLIJAY TELEPHONE COMPANY BLUE RIDGE 03/25/2010 00152.72000 34-54-22.0 N CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004022728 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 03/23/2010 06093.45000 33-24-00.1 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004022728 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 03/23/2010 06152.75000 33-24-00.1 N Page 3 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004022728 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 03/23/2010 10755.00000 33-24-00.1 N PR
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297269A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297269A2.txt
- United States (by Country of Origin) in the United States Billed Percent share by carrier Receipts Percent share by carrier Receipts Percent share by carrier Tota l Percent share by carrier Revenues 1 2 3 4 Other from PTT 1 2 3 4 Other from PTT 1 2 3 4 Other Minutes 1 2 3 4 Other Andorra $95,526 0.0 0.1 0.2 12.3 87.4 $977 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 $60 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 688,664 0.0 0.1 1.6 19.6 78.8 Austria $16,329,911 0.0 0.0 1.1 31.8 67.2 $1,825,474 0.0 0.0 0.0 39.9 60.1 $840,463 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100.0 205,911,383 0.0 0.0 3.7 38.4 57.9 Belgium $21,202,971 0.0 0.1 1.1 10.2 88.6 $2,150,480 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.4 67.6 $19,473,691 0.0 0.0 0.0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297270A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297270A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297270A1.txt
- the total circuits used; International Private Line Services accounted for 41.4 percent of total circuits; and approximately 49.9 percent of total circuits were used for services other than traditional private line services (including data services). By transmission type: Undersea cables accounted for 82.8 percent of the overall active transmission capacity; terrestrial links accounted for 17.1 percent; and satellite accounted for 0.1 percent. The top 30 destinations among all international routes accounted for 97 percent of the total activated circuits. The percentage of idle circuits (as compared to the total circuit capacity, active and idle) slightly increased from 41.8 percent in 2007 to 43.0 percent in 2008. . The report also is available for reference in the FCC Reference Information Center, Courtyard
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297270A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297270A2.txt
- by service type ((IMTS, Private Lines, and Other International Services) for each region, from 2005 to 2008. These tables include information organized by service type for 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 data. Table 2 shows that undersea cable circuits accounted for 82.8 percent of the overall active transmission capacity in 2008. Table 3 shows that international satellite circuits accounted for 0.1 percent of overall transmission capacity.12 Table 4 shows that terrestrial links accounted for 17.1 percent of active circuit capacity in 2008. Table 5 shows that, for 2008, IMTS circuits accounted for 8.7 percent of the total active capacity. The combined growth rate for Private Line and "Other" (data) services was 26 percent in 2008. Table 6 shows the top 30
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297472A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297472A1.txt
- SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISaint Paul 04/07/2010 23025.00000 44-56-40.7 N MN NE 093-05-33.0 W 0004201337 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISaint Paul 04/07/2010 23175.00000 44-56-40.7 N MN NE 093-18-43.5 W 0004201338 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBurnsville 04/07/2010 23025.00000 44-45-30.9 N MN NE 093-16-35.5 W 0004201339 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMinneapolis 04/07/2010 21975.00000 44-58-38.6 N MN NE 093-13-57.9 W 0004201340 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIApple Valley 04/07/2010 23075.00000 44-45-00.1 N Page 26 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MN NE 093-18-54.9 W 0004201341 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICoon Rapids 04/07/2010 23175.00000 45-12-01.5 N MN NE 093-15-33.2 W 0004201342 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBurnsville 04/07/2010 19575.00000 44-47-22.1 N MN NE 093-15-33.2 W 0004201342 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297624A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297624A1.txt
- W 0004214514 Franklin Group Inc. dba Delos Internet Houston 04/15/2010 21225.00000 29-44-57.4 N TX MD WQIK955 095-21-44.0 W 0004214521 Franklin Group Inc. dba Delos Internet Houston 04/15/2010 21875.00000 29-45-21.0 N TX MD WQIK955 095-21-44.0 W 0004214521 Franklin Group Inc. dba Delos Internet Houston 04/15/2010 22425.00000 29-45-21.0 N PA NE 080-06-06.7 W 0004209039 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIUPPER SAINT CLA 04/13/2010 17765.00000 40-19-00.1 N PA NE 080-06-06.7 W 0004209039 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIUPPER SAINT CLA 04/13/2010 17965.00000 40-19-00.1 N PA NE 080-06-06.7 W 0004209039 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIUPPER SAINT CLA 04/13/2010 18015.00000 40-19-00.1 N PA NE 080-06-06.7 W 0004209039 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIUPPER SAINT CLA 04/13/2010 18065.00000 40-19-00.1 N PA NE 080-06-06.7 W 0004209039 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIUPPER SAINT CLA 04/13/2010 18115.00000 40-19-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297625A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297625A1.txt
- Minden 04/16/2010 06745.62500 40-28-55.0 N NE MD WQHL231 098-51-30.3 W 0004215159 USCOC NEBRASKA/KANSAS, LLC Minden 04/16/2010 06755.00000 40-28-55.0 N NE MD WQHL231 098-51-30.3 W 0004215159 USCOC NEBRASKA/KANSAS, LLC Minden 04/16/2010 06775.00000 40-28-55.0 N NE MD WQHL231 098-51-30.3 W 0004215159 USCOC NEBRASKA/KANSAS, LLC Minden 04/16/2010 06785.00000 40-28-55.0 N NE MD WMR317 098-36-32.3 W 0004215167 USCOC NEBRASKA/KANSAS, LLC Wood River 04/16/2010 05945.20000 40-48-00.1 N NE MD WMR317 098-36-32.3 W 0004215167 USCOC NEBRASKA/KANSAS, LLC Wood River 04/16/2010 06063.80000 40-48-00.1 N NE MD WMR317 098-36-32.3 W 0004215167 USCOC NEBRASKA/KANSAS, LLC Wood River 04/16/2010 06715.62500 40-48-00.1 N NE MD WMR317 098-36-32.3 W 0004215167 USCOC NEBRASKA/KANSAS, LLC Wood River 04/16/2010 06765.00000 40-48-00.1 N FL MD WQFD371 081-52-44.0 W 0004215346 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Lakeland-Winter Hav 04/16/2010 11245.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297765A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297765A1.txt
- request to modify its license to increase the number of mobile earth terminals from 70,000 to 100,000. Other than this change, Amtech Systems LLC will operate its mobile earth terminals in a manner consistent with the technical parameters described in the current authorization. SITE ID: 1 100,000 half-duplex METs in the United States, VARIOUS LOCATION: Transcore Link Logistics Corporation A4 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-3000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Transcore Link Logistics Corporation A3 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Points of Communication: 1 - AMSC 1 - (103 W.L.) Page 19 of 21 1 - INMARSAT 3F4
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- W 0004215837 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBeverly 04/19/2010 19475.00000 42-33-48.1 N MA NE 070-54-29.5 W 0004215837 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBeverly 04/19/2010 22075.00000 42-33-48.1 N MA NE 071-09-02.5 W 0004215838 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWoburn 04/19/2010 10975.00000 42-29-01.2 N MA NE 071-09-02.5 W 0004215838 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWoburn 04/19/2010 11055.00000 42-29-01.2 N MA NE 070-54-29.5 W 0004215839 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISalem 04/19/2010 19375.00000 42-31-00.1 N Page 28 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MA NE 070-54-29.5 W 0004215839 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISalem 04/19/2010 19475.00000 42-31-00.1 N MA NE 070-54-29.5 W 0004215839 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISalem 04/19/2010 19575.00000 42-31-00.1 N MA NE 070-54-29.5 W 0004215839 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISalem
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297769A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297769A1.txt
- 04/19/2010 11055.00000 41-48-05.5 N RI NE 071-31-27.4 W 0004217046 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWest Warwick 04/19/2010 21825.00000 41-42-49.1 N RI NE 071-31-27.4 W 0004217046 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWest Warwick 04/19/2010 21925.00000 41-42-49.1 N RI NE 071-15-32.3 W 0004217047 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBristol 04/19/2010 19375.00000 41-39-06.1 N RI NE 071-15-32.3 W 0004217047 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBristol 04/19/2010 19425.00000 41-39-06.1 N MA NE 071-13-00.1 W 0004217139 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBurlington 04/19/2010 10735.00000 42-28-28.6 N MA NE 071-13-00.1 W 0004217139 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBurlington 04/19/2010 10935.00000 42-28-28.6 N MA NE 071-13-00.1 W 0004217139 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBurlington 04/19/2010 11015.00000 42-28-28.6 N MA NE 071-13-00.1 W 0004217139 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBurlington 04/19/2010 21875.00000 42-28-28.6 N MA NE 071-13-00.1 W 0004217139 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIBurlington 04/19/2010 21925.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297774A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297774A1.txt
- of TransportationFitzhugh 04/23/2010 05945.20000 34-41-05.1 N OK NE 096-45-37.6 W 0004223367 Oklahoma Department of TransportationFitzhugh 04/23/2010 06063.80000 34-41-05.1 N OK NE 097-39-32.0 W 0004223368 Oklahoma Department of TransportationNEWCASTLE 04/23/2010 05945.20000 35-14-46.0 N OK NE 097-39-32.0 W 0004223368 Oklahoma Department of TransportationNEWCASTLE 04/23/2010 05974.85000 35-14-46.0 N OK NE 097-39-32.0 W 0004223368 Oklahoma Department of TransportationNEWCASTLE 04/23/2010 06093.45000 35-14-46.0 N OK NE 097-58-00.1 W 0004223370 Oklahoma Department of TransportationDuncan 04/23/2010 06256.54000 34-28-52.9 N OK NE 097-59-34.0 W 0004223371 Oklahoma Department of TransportationDuncan 04/23/2010 06004.50000 34-33-59.4 N OK NE 097-59-34.0 W 0004223371 Oklahoma Department of TransportationDuncan 04/23/2010 06093.45000 34-33-59.4 N AZ NE 112-14-17.5 W 0004223431 Phoenix, City of Peoria 04/23/2010 10895.00000 33-34-27.9 N RO WPQN743 0004216571 NH DEPT OF SAFETY/STATE POLICE 04/19/2010 RO WPQN744
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297889A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-297889A1.txt
- WQIA681 095-31-00.2 W 0004230184 GTE Mobilnet of South Texas Limited PartHouston 04/30/2010 06226.89000 29-56-26.1 N TX MD WQIA681 095-31-00.2 W 0004230184 GTE Mobilnet of South Texas Limited PartHouston 04/30/2010 06256.54000 29-56-26.1 N VA MD WQHW394 077-37-56.4 W 0004230580 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Midlothian 04/30/2010 17790.00000 37-27-14.7 N VA MD WQHW395 077-40-50.1 W 0004230595 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Chesterfield 04/30/2010 19350.00000 37-28-00.1 N VA MD WQHR566 077-39-33.8 W 0004230601 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. RICHMOND 04/30/2010 18070.00000 37-30-38.2 N VA MD WQHF417 077-36-31.2 W 0004230603 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Richmond 04/30/2010 19460.00000 37-31-11.8 N VA MD WQHF417 077-36-31.2 W 0004230603 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Richmond 04/30/2010 19630.00000 37-31-11.8 N VA MD WQHJ501 077-34-11.3 W 0004230614 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Bon Air 04/30/2010 17900.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298239A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298239A1.txt
- AM WNEQ331 097-16-20.5 W 0004148316 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITYCUERO 05/10/2010 06740.62500 29-06-26.1 N NM AM WPQR805 106-23-15.5 W 0004155761 New Mexico Gas Company Inc. LOS ALAMOS 05/11/2010 00932.35625 35-53-09.7 N NM AM WPQR805 106-23-15.5 W 0004155761 New Mexico Gas Company Inc. LOS ALAMOS 05/11/2010 00941.35625 35-53-09.7 N UT AM 111-51-34.9 W 0004174619 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISalt Lake City 05/12/2010 23175.00000 40-44-00.1 N Page 27 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City UT AM 111-51-34.9 W 0004174619 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISalt Lake City 05/12/2010 23375.00000 40-44-00.1 N UT AM 111-51-58.8 W 0004174621 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMidvale 05/12/2010 23225.00000 40-37-08.4 N UT AM 111-51-58.8 W 0004174621 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298240A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298240A1.txt
- 116-19-02.7 W 0004215339 San Diego Gas & Electric Company JACUMBA 05/14/2010 11385.00000 32-38-49.3 N CA AM 116-19-02.7 W 0004215339 San Diego Gas & Electric Company JACUMBA 05/14/2010 11555.00000 32-38-49.3 N CA AM 116-19-02.7 W 0004215339 San Diego Gas & Electric Company JACUMBA 05/14/2010 11585.00000 32-38-49.3 N CA AM 116-06-07.2 W 0004215340 San Diego Gas & Electric Company JACUMBA 05/14/2010 06345.49000 32-38-00.1 N CA AM 116-06-07.2 W 0004215340 San Diego Gas & Electric Company JACUMBA 05/14/2010 10895.00000 32-38-00.1 N CA AM 116-06-07.2 W 0004215340 San Diego Gas & Electric Company JACUMBA 05/14/2010 10975.00000 32-38-00.1 N CA AM 116-25-11.9 W 0004215342 San Diego Gas & Electric Company PINE VALLEY 05/14/2010 06345.49000 32-53-32.2 N CA AM 116-25-11.9 W 0004215342 San Diego Gas & Electric
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298385A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298385A1.txt
- WQIL602 FXO Telecom Transport Management, Inc. 17815.00000000 Brooklyn Park 45-4-57.9 N MN 93-22-43.6 W 5 1 04/21/2010 WQIQ360 FXO Telecom Transport Management, Inc. 21560.00000000 Minneapolis 44-56-8.9 N MN 93-23-38.8 W 2 1 04/21/2010 WQJC631 FXO NEXTLINK WIRELESS INC. 19460.00000000 HOUSTON 29-44-56.0 N TX 95-27-30.0 W 4 1 04/17/2010 WQJK942 FXO Telecom Transport Management, Inc. 18070.00000000 Brooklyn Park 45-8-7.4 N MN 93-22-0.1 W 1 1 Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. IG - Industrial/Business Pool, Conventional Mobility Division 04/22/2010 WPIN913 FB2 SPECTRUM HEALTH 451.95000000 GRAND RAPID 42-58-9.1 N MI 85-39-55.1 W 1 1 04/22/2010 WPIN913 MO SPECTRUM HEALTH 451.95000000 -- -- 2 1 04/22/2010 WPIN913 MO SPECTRUM HEALTH 456.95000000 --
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298388A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298388A1.txt
- W 0004248464 Open Range Communications Plymouth 05/14/2010 11245.00000 41-14-32.2 N IL NE 088-49-40.7 W 0004248471 Open Range Communications Streator 05/14/2010 06375.14000 41-08-43.9 N IL NE 088-49-40.7 W 0004248471 Open Range Communications Streator 05/14/2010 21830.00000 41-08-43.9 N OH NE 083-48-24.5 W 0004248475 Open Range Communications WILMINGTON 05/14/2010 06286.19000 39-27-09.0 N CO NE 104-54-04.5 W 0004248477 Open Range Communications Longmont 05/14/2010 21875.00000 40-20-00.1 N PA NE 075-54-49.0 W 0004248478 Open Range Communications Wilkes-Barre 05/14/2010 10755.00000 41-12-46.1 N IL NE 089-04-27.9 W 0004248479 Open Range Communications Oglesby 05/14/2010 06063.80000 41-15-25.8 N IL NE 089-04-27.9 W 0004248479 Open Range Communications Oglesby 05/14/2010 06123.10000 41-15-25.8 N VA NE 077-07-24.7 W 0004248597 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIALEXANDRIA 05/14/2010 21975.00000 38-49-54.6 N MD NE 077-01-43.0 W 0004248600 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298547A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298547A1.txt
- 33-07-40.8 N CA NE 117-08-49.5 W 0004263751 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 05/28/2010 10775.00000 32-57-43.5 N CA NE 117-08-49.5 W 0004263751 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 05/28/2010 10855.00000 32-57-43.5 N CA NE 117-08-49.5 W 0004263751 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 05/28/2010 23125.00000 32-57-43.5 N CA NE 117-08-49.5 W 0004263751 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 05/28/2010 23225.00000 32-57-43.5 N CA NE 117-11-00.1 W 0004263754 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 05/28/2010 11225.00000 32-49-11.1 N CA NE 117-11-00.1 W 0004263754 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 05/28/2010 11305.00000 32-49-11.1 N CA NE 117-11-00.1 W 0004263754 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 05/28/2010 17965.00000 32-49-11.1 N CA NE 117-11-00.1 W 0004263754 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 05/28/2010 18065.00000 32-49-11.1 N CA NE 117-01-09.2 W 0004263758 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298677A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298677A1.txt
- CO MD KNKN554 105-56-50.7 W 0004266282 WWC HOLDING CO., INC. La Jara 06/01/2010 37-14-46.5 N TX MD KNKN369 097-50-49.2 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPBOWIE 06/01/2010 33-31-41.0 N TX MD KNKN369 098-22-51.8 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPBryson 06/01/2010 33-10-41.5 N TX MD KNKN369 097-18-08.7 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPEra 06/01/2010 33-30-01.3 N TX MD KNKN369 097-34-00.1 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPFORESTBURG 06/01/2010 33-32-20.1 N TX MD KNKN369 098-28-51.7 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPGRAFORD 06/01/2010 32-51-49.9 N TX MD KNKN369 098-22-51.1 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPGRAFORD 06/01/2010 32-54-56.0 N TX MD KNKN369 098-11-03.6 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPJacksboro 06/01/2010 33-11-31.6 N OK MD KNKN369 097-07-49.1 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298679A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298679A1.txt
- GROVE 06/03/2010 21825.00000 33-45-54.9 N CA NE 117-56-09.6 W 0004269514 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGARDEN GROVE 06/03/2010 21875.00000 33-45-54.9 N CA NE 117-56-09.6 W 0004269514 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGARDEN GROVE 06/03/2010 21925.00000 33-45-54.9 N CA NE 117-56-09.6 W 0004269514 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIGARDEN GROVE 06/03/2010 22025.00000 33-45-54.9 N CA NE 118-05-35.6 W 0004269516 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISanta Fe Springs 06/03/2010 23275.00000 33-57-00.1 N CA NE 117-58-02.9 W 0004269517 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFullerton 06/03/2010 23075.00000 33-53-15.3 N CA NE 118-03-45.6 W 0004269518 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHuntington Beach 06/03/2010 19375.00000 33-42-45.0 N CA NE 118-03-45.6 W 0004269518 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIHuntington Beach 06/03/2010 23125.00000 33-42-45.0 N CA NE 117-54-01.3 W 0004269519 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFullerton 06/03/2010 21825.00000 33-51-25.7 N Page 49 MG - Microwave
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- 083-48-53.7 W 0004275088 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC MOULTRIE 06/08/2010 06725.62500 31-09-12.6 N Page 13 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City GA MD WMR768 083-48-53.7 W 0004275088 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC MOULTRIE 06/08/2010 06855.00000 31-09-12.6 N NV MD WQDX506 116-01-00.1 W 0004275227 WWC License L.L.C. Pahrump 06/08/2010 11405.00000 36-09-57.9 N NV MD WQDX506 116-01-00.1 W 0004275227 WWC License L.L.C. Pahrump 06/08/2010 11565.00000 36-09-57.9 N CA MD WPXK251 117-06-38.6 W 0004275305 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ESCONDIDO 06/08/2010 10582.50000 33-07-36.9 N CA MD WPXK251 117-06-38.6 W 0004275305 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ESCONDIDO 06/08/2010 11075.00000 33-07-36.9 N NE MD WMV894 099-24-23.4 W 0004275902
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298839A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298839A1.txt
- Angeles SMSA Limited Partnerhsip CITY OF INDUSTRY 06/10/2010 10835.00000 34-01-12.0 N CA MD WMJ849 117-58-25.2 W 0004276806 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnerhsip CITY OF INDUSTRY 06/10/2010 10875.00000 34-01-12.0 N CA MD WMJ849 117-58-25.2 W 0004276806 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnerhsip CITY OF INDUSTRY 06/10/2010 11115.00000 34-01-12.0 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004276807 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 06/10/2010 05945.20000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004276807 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 06/10/2010 05974.85000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004276807 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 06/10/2010 06093.45000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004276807 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 06/10/2010 06123.10000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004276807 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 06/10/2010 06152.75000 33-24-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298840A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298840A1.txt
- 05945.20000 29-57-15.6 N LA NE 089-57-06.8 W 0004278124 Verizon Wireless Personal Comm., LP Chalmette 06/11/2010 05974.85000 29-57-15.6 N LA NE 089-55-40.9 W 0004278128 Verizon Wireless Personal CommunicationMERAUX 06/11/2010 06197.24000 29-56-18.7 N LA NE 089-55-40.9 W 0004278128 Verizon Wireless Personal CommunicationMERAUX 06/11/2010 06345.49000 29-56-18.7 N PR NE 066-00-52.1 W 0004278253 T-MOBILE PUERTO RICO LLC Carolina 06/11/2010 11405.00000 18-26-33.4 N NE NE 100-55-00.1 W 0004278514 USCOC NEBRASKA/KANSAS, LLC CULBERTSON 06/11/2010 06745.00000 40-13-14.1 N NE NE 100-55-00.1 W 0004278514 USCOC NEBRASKA/KANSAS, LLC CULBERTSON 06/11/2010 06815.00000 40-13-14.1 N PR NE 066-35-52.5 W 0004278565 T-MOBILE PUERTO RICO LLC Ponce 06/11/2010 19320.00000 18-00-45.9 N PR NE 066-35-52.5 W 0004278565 T-MOBILE PUERTO RICO LLC Ponce 06/11/2010 19440.00000 18-00-45.9 N PR NE 066-36-20.0 W 0004278575 T-MOBILE PUERTO RICO LLC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298932A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298932A1.txt
- 076-52-10.0 W 0004279563 SCTF NET Harrisburg 06/14/2010 10955.00000 40-20-44.0 N PA NE 076-38-44.9 W 0004279564 SCTF NET GRANTVILLE 06/14/2010 05945.20000 40-25-19.0 N PA NE 076-38-44.9 W 0004279564 SCTF NET GRANTVILLE 06/14/2010 06825.00000 40-25-19.0 N PA NE 076-50-39.9 W 0004279565 SCTF NET Steelton 06/14/2010 06063.80000 40-15-00.3 N PA NE 076-50-39.9 W 0004279565 SCTF NET Steelton 06/14/2010 11445.00000 40-15-00.3 N PA NE 077-19-00.1 W 0004279566 SCTF NET Biglerville 06/14/2010 06034.15000 39-57-44.0 N PA NE 077-19-00.1 W 0004279566 SCTF NET Biglerville 06/14/2010 06093.45000 39-57-44.0 N PA NE 077-45-12.9 W 0004279568 SCTF NET Upper Strasburg 06/14/2010 06286.19000 40-02-42.0 N PA NE 077-45-12.9 W 0004279568 SCTF NET Upper Strasburg 06/14/2010 06345.49000 40-02-42.0 N PA NE 077-38-34.5 W 0004279569 SCTF NET Chambersburg 06/14/2010 06034.15000 39-59-29.5 N PA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298933A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298933A1.txt
- Biscoe 06/14/2010 06034.15000 34-50-43.1 N HI MD WQKX408 157-48-37.0 W 0004279560 CLEARWIRE HAWAII PARTNERS SPECKaneohe 06/14/2010 10935.00000 21-24-48.8 N HI MD WQKX408 157-48-37.0 W 0004279560 CLEARWIRE HAWAII PARTNERS SPECKaneohe 06/14/2010 19425.00000 21-24-48.8 N HI MD WQKX408 157-48-37.0 W 0004279560 CLEARWIRE HAWAII PARTNERS SPECKaneohe 06/14/2010 23075.00000 21-24-48.8 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0004279736 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 06/14/2010 17815.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0004279736 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 06/14/2010 17915.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0004279736 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 06/14/2010 17965.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0004279736 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 06/14/2010 18015.00000 21-16-00.1 N HI MD WQDT864 157-42-07.2 W 0004279736 Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLCHonolulu 06/14/2010 18065.00000 21-16-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-298934A1.txt
- Computer Services, Inc. Lake in the Hills 06/17/2010 11545.00000 42-11-33.7 N IL MD WPXX438 088-23-45.5 W 0004285908 DLS Computer Services, Inc. Lake in the Hills 06/17/2010 17800.00000 42-11-33.7 N Page 18 CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA MD WMK654 117-03-00.1 W 0004286064 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC POWAY 06/17/2010 11565.00000 32-56-43.2 N CA MD WMK654 117-03-00.1 W 0004286064 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC POWAY 06/17/2010 18010.00000 32-56-43.2 N CA MD WPOU568 117-11-15.1 W 0004286065 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership HESPERIA 06/17/2010 10587.50000 34-24-42.0 N CA MD WPOU568 117-11-15.1 W 0004286065 Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership HESPERIA 06/17/2010 11405.00000 34-24-42.0 N CA MD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299296A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299296A1.txt
- PA MD KNKN562 078-14-08.2 W 0004298380 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Morrisdale 06/25/2010 40-58-58.5 N PA MD KNKN562 079-05-59.0 W 0004298380 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC New Florence 06/25/2010 40-26-39.0 N PA MD KNKN562 078-34-01.0 W 0004298380 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Penfield 06/25/2010 41-11-37.4 N PA MD KNKN562 079-03-14.5 W 0004298380 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC PENN RUN 06/25/2010 40-36-00.1 N PA MD KNKN562 078-57-30.1 W 0004298380 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC PUNXSUTAWNEY 06/25/2010 40-55-23.2 N PA MD KNKN562 078-53-56.1 W 0004298380 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC REYNOLDSVILLE 06/25/2010 41-07-19.2 N PA MD KNKN562 079-16-19.0 W 0004298380 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Shelocta 06/25/2010 40-38-44.0 N PA MD KNKN562 079-04-11.5 W 0004298380 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Sprankle Mills 06/25/2010
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299622A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299622A1.txt
- (116.8 W.L.) Remote6 - TELSTAR 11N - (37.55 W.L.) Page 9 of 52 E030120 SES-MOD-20100414-00444 E Date Effective: 07/02/2010 Class of Station: Mobile Earth Station Grant of Authority 07/14/2003 - 07/14/2018 Application for Modification Amtech Systems LLC Nature of Service: Mobile Satellite Service SITE ID: 1 100,000 half-duplex METs in the United States, VARIOUS LOCATION: Transcore Link Logistics Corporation A4 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-3000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Transcore Link Logistics Corporation A3 0.1 meters ANTENNA ID: MT-2000 5.00 dBW OQPSK/DATA 1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz 20K0G1D BPSK/DATA 1530.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz 5K00G1D Points of Communication: 1 - AMSC 1 - (103 W.L.) 1 - INMARSAT 3F4 - (142 W.L.) 1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299965A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299965A1.txt
- Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IN MD KNKA806 085-38-42.0 W 0004320105 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCANDERSON 07/12/2010 40-07-05.8 N IN MD KNKA806 085-43-15.7 W 0004320105 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCEdgewood 07/12/2010 40-07-22.8 N IN MD KNKA806 085-47-39.9 W 0004320105 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCElwood 07/12/2010 40-15-00.0 N IN MD KNKA806 085-47-34.9 W 0004320105 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCElwood 07/12/2010 40-15-00.1 N IN MD KNKA806 085-51-43.3 W 0004320105 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCLapel 07/12/2010 40-01-54.5 N IN MD KNKA806 085-38-47.9 W 0004320105 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCMARKLEVILLE 07/12/2010 40-00-25.2 N IN MD KNKA806 085-38-47.9 W 0004320105 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCMARKLEVILLE 07/12/2010 40-00-27.9 N IN MD KNKA806 085-47-31.1 W 0004320105 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCPendelton 07/12/2010 40-01-06.1 N IN MD KNKA806
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299967A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-299967A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CO MD WQCH340 103-02-42.9 W 0004324606 Peach Acquisitions LLC Flagler 07/15/2010 06655.00000 39-18-54.6 N WY MD WQHP801 105-47-10.8 W 0004324640 Peach Acquisitions LLC Clearmont 07/15/2010 06745.00000 44-43-04.0 N WY MD WQHP971 105-24-35.0 W 0004324659 Peach Acquisitions LLC BUFORD 07/15/2010 06635.00000 41-09-23.0 N WY MD WLS737 108-51-00.1 W 0004324663 Peach Acquisitions LLC CODY 07/15/2010 06785.00000 44-35-06.5 N WY MD WLS737 108-51-00.1 W 0004324663 Peach Acquisitions LLC CODY 07/15/2010 11685.00000 44-35-06.5 N CO MD WMT527 106-07-55.0 W 0004324665 Peach Acquisitions LLC SAGUACHE 07/15/2010 06645.00000 38-09-48.0 N CO MD WPUP634 103-42-01.8 W 0004324673 Peach Acquisitions LLC Limon 07/15/2010 06286.19000 39-15-59.9 N UT MD WLR200 109-31-48.5 W 0004324686 Peach Acquisitions
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300057A1.pdf
- of this multiplication. [For example, except for purposes of paragraph (i) of this note, if A owns 10% of company X, which owns 60% of company Y, which owns 25% of "Licensee," then X's interest in "Licensee" would be 25% (the same as Y's interest because X's interest in Y exceeds 50%), and A's interest in "Licensee" would be 2.5% (0.1 x 0.25). Under the 5% attribution benchmark, X's interest in "Licensee" would be cognizable, while A's interest would not be cognizable. For purposes of paragraph i. of this note, X's interest in "Licensee" would be 15% (0.6 x 0.25) and A's interest in "Licensee" would be 1.5% (0.1 x 0.6 x 0.25). Neither interest would be attributed under paragraph i.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300379A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300379A1.txt
- State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MO MD KNKN553 094-51-37.8 W 0004328544 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Maryville 07/19/2010 40-10-25.8 N MO MD KNKN553 094-53-01.9 W 0004328544 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC MARYVILLE 07/19/2010 40-19-60.0 N MO MD KNKN553 094-53-06.4 W 0004328544 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC MARYVILLE 07/19/2010 40-22-00.1 N MO MD KNKN553 095-11-41.2 W 0004328544 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC MOUND CITY 07/19/2010 40-04-10.7 N MO MD KNKN553 095-11-41.9 W 0004328544 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC MOUND CITY 07/19/2010 40-04-14.0 N MO MD KNKN553 095-31-52.7 W 0004328544 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Rockport 07/19/2010 40-24-27.1 N MO MD KNKN553 095-38-04.2 W 0004328544 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Rockport
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300381A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300381A1.txt
- TX MD KNKN457 099-23-23.7 W 0004333337 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Santa Anna 07/23/2010 31-35-32.4 N TX MD KNKN457 099-19-26.2 W 0004333337 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Santa Anna 07/23/2010 31-44-48.5 N TX MD KNKN457 098-10-10.5 W 0004333337 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Stephenville 07/23/2010 32-24-04.9 N TX MD KNKN457 099-41-04.3 W 0004333337 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC TALPA 07/23/2010 31-47-00.1 N TX MD KNKN457 097-55-56.9 W 0004333337 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Tolar 07/23/2010 32-21-43.1 N TX MD KNKN457 097-28-40.9 W 0004333337 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC VALLEY MILLS 07/23/2010 31-39-21.2 N TX MD KNKN457 099-55-49.5 W 0004333337 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Winters 07/23/2010 31-57-05.9 N ID MD WPOL948 114-05-25.3 W 0004333546 Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. CHALLIS 07/23/2010 44-33-08.6
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300385A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300385A1.txt
- 071-47-57.7 W 0004333747 FiberTower Network Services Corp. WORCESTER 07/23/2010 18060.00000 42-15-45.2 N MA MD WQFP980 071-47-57.7 W 0004333747 FiberTower Network Services Corp. WORCESTER 07/23/2010 21820.00000 42-15-45.2 N MA MD WQFP980 071-47-57.7 W 0004333747 FiberTower Network Services Corp. WORCESTER 07/23/2010 21920.00000 42-15-45.2 N MA MD WQFP980 071-47-57.7 W 0004333747 FiberTower Network Services Corp. WORCESTER 07/23/2010 21970.00000 42-15-45.2 N MA MD WQFG735 071-51-00.1 W 0004333748 FiberTower Network Services Corp. Worcester 07/23/2010 19325.00000 42-15-10.0 N PR MD WPQN619 067-00-52.7 W 0004333854 PR Wireless, Inc. BARRIO MORA 07/23/2010 17745.00000 18-28-45.7 N NY MD WQDD968 073-52-39.0 W 0004333931 FIBERTOWER NETWORK SERVICES COBronx 07/23/2010 10715.00000 40-52-48.2 N NY MD WQDD968 073-52-39.0 W 0004333931 FIBERTOWER NETWORK SERVICES COBronx 07/23/2010 10755.00000 40-52-48.2 N NY MD WQDD968 073-52-39.0 W 0004333931
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300661A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300661A1.txt
- THE PLAZA ON BRICKELL MASTER ASSOCIATIO 463.80000000 MIAMI 25-45-53.7 N FL 80-11-27.3 W 1 2 06/30/2010 WQIM507 MO THE PLAZA ON BRICKELL MASTER ASSOCIATIO 463.80000000 -- -- 2 1 06/30/2010 WQIM507 MO THE PLAZA ON BRICKELL MASTER ASSOCIATIO 468.80000000 -- -- 2 1 06/25/2010 WXX241 FB2 YMCA OF THE ROCKIES DBA ESTES PARK CEN 463.21250000 ESTES PARK 40-20-28.8 N CO 105-34-0.1 W 1 1 06/25/2010 WXX241 MO YMCA OF THE ROCKIES DBA ESTES PARK CEN 463.21250000 -- CO -- 6 1 06/25/2010 WXX241 MO YMCA OF THE ROCKIES DBA ESTES PARK CEN 468.21250000 -- CO -- 6 1 Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. TP - TV Pickup Broadband
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300668A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300668A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City PA MD KNKA531 078-22-53.6 W 0004335358 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCAltoona 07/26/2010 40-31-25.3 N PA MD KNKA531 078-28-06.5 W 0004335358 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCAltoona 07/26/2010 40-32-43.7 N PA MD KNKA531 078-26-24.1 W 0004335358 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCALTOONA 07/26/2010 40-34-08.6 N PA MD KNKA531 078-10-00.1 W 0004335358 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCBald Eagle 07/26/2010 40-42-55.9 N PA MD KNKA531 078-24-59.9 W 0004335358 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCEast Freedom 07/26/2010 40-20-45.0 N PA MD KNKA531 078-22-37.0 W 0004335358 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCEast Sharpsburg 07/26/2010 40-19-12.3 N PA MD KNKA531 078-21-08.0 W 0004335358 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCHOLIDAYSBURG 07/26/2010 40-29-15.3 N PA MD KNKA531 078-25-02.0 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300669A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300669A1.txt
- AR MD KNKN717 090-24-43.1 W 0004335313 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCMarked Tree 07/26/2010 35-30-17.3 N AR MD KNKN717 090-24-35.5 W 0004335313 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCMARMADUKE 07/26/2010 36-15-14.5 N AR MD KNKN717 089-58-04.7 W 0004335313 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCOSCEOLA 07/26/2010 35-41-19.4 N AR MD KNKN717 090-37-58.1 W 0004335313 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCParagould 07/26/2010 36-04-06.4 N AR MD KNKN717 090-31-00.1 W 0004335313 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCPARAGOULD 07/26/2010 36-01-53.8 N AR MD KNKN717 090-11-39.6 W 0004335313 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCPiggott 07/26/2010 36-23-56.9 N FL MD KNKN555 081-47-12.3 W 0004335335 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCBONITA SPRINGS 07/26/2010 26-19-01.3 N FL MD KNKN555 081-21-52.3 W 0004335335 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCarnestown 07/26/2010 25-54-33.4 N FL MD KNKN555 080-58-48.2 W 0004335335 NEW
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300671A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300671A1.txt
- 085-17-06.1 W 0004339646 Southwestco Wireless LP TALLAPOOSA 07/30/2010 06605.00000 33-40-09.1 N OR MD WMR335 118-50-41.0 W 0004339661 OREGON RSA #2, INC. PENDLETON 07/30/2010 06226.89000 45-41-08.0 N OR MD WMR335 118-50-41.0 W 0004339661 OREGON RSA #2, INC. PENDLETON 07/30/2010 06695.00000 45-41-08.0 N OR MD WQCB521 118-50-32.1 W 0004339668 OREGON RSA #2, INC. Pilot Rock 07/30/2010 06855.00000 45-28-50.2 N OR MD WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0004339749 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINCHEMULT 07/30/2010 02165.20000 43-18-17.5 N OR MD WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0004339749 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINCHEMULT 07/30/2010 06735.00000 43-18-17.5 N OR MD WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0004339749 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINCHEMULT 07/30/2010 06745.00000 43-18-17.5 N OR MD WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0004339749 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINCHEMULT 07/30/2010 11215.00000 43-18-17.5 N OR MD WPNE730 121-51-50.0 W 0004339755 UNITED STATES
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300717A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300717A1.txt
- Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. S2616 SAT-MOD-20100722-00165 E Modification 07/22/2010 14:11:10:21600 Date Filed: XM Radio Inc. XM Radio, Inc. seeks to modify the authorization for its XM-4 space station to relocate the space station from its currently assigned orbital location of 115.0° W.L. to the 115.25° W.L. orbital location and to operate it there with a +/-0.1 degree east-west stationkeeping tolerance. XM Radio requests waivers of Sections 25.210(j) and 25.283(c) of the Commission's rules. Page 1 of 1
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- LouisiaBENTON 08/02/2010 06595.00000 32-42-22.3 N WY AM 110-28-05.6 W 0004339165 Questar InfoComm, Inc. Kemmerer 08/02/2010 10593.12500 41-45-51.8 N WY AM 110-28-05.6 W 0004339165 Questar InfoComm, Inc. Kemmerer 08/02/2010 10658.12500 41-45-51.8 N WY AM 110-32-12.9 W 0004339171 Questar InfoComm, Inc. Diamondville 08/02/2010 10593.12500 41-46-52.5 N WY AM 110-32-12.9 W 0004339171 Questar InfoComm, Inc. Diamondville 08/02/2010 10658.12500 41-46-52.5 N OR AM WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0004339749 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINCHEMULT 08/02/2010 02165.20000 43-18-17.5 N OR AM WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0004339749 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINCHEMULT 08/02/2010 06735.00000 43-18-17.5 N OR AM WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0004339749 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINCHEMULT 08/02/2010 06745.00000 43-18-17.5 N OR AM WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0004339749 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINCHEMULT 08/02/2010 11215.00000 43-18-17.5 N OR MD WQKJ788 124-22-47.5 W 0004340674 Cellco Partnership
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300956A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300956A1.txt
- 07/12/2010 WQJV408 FXO Telecom Transport Management, Inc. 22780.00000000 Brooklyn Park 45-5-42.7 N MN 93-19-8.7 W 1 1 07/12/2010 WQJV414 FXO Telecom Transport Management, Inc. 21580.00000000 Minneapolis 44-52-4.5 N MN 93-13-28.0 W 2 1 07/12/2010 WQJV415 FXO Telecom Transport Management, Inc. 23330.00000000 Brooklyn Park 45-8-31.9 N MN 93-19-10.2 W 1 1 07/13/2010 WQJV625 FXO Telecom Transport Management, Inc. 22110.00000000 St. Paul 44-58-0.1 N MN 93-11-21.5 W 4 1 07/13/2010 WQJV625 FXO Telecom Transport Management, Inc. 21480.00000000 St. Paul 44-58-0.1 N MN 93-11-21.5 W 5 1 07/13/2010 WQJV639 FXO Telecom Transport Management, Inc. 22460.00000000 Minneapolis 44-59-31.7 N MN 93-12-28.5 W 6 1 Page 3 Frequency Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300961A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-300961A1.txt
- Range Communications Marysville 08/10/2010 11285.00000 39-07-02.6 N MI NE 083-14-18.3 W 0004349432 Internet 123 Inc. Southfield 08/10/2010 11345.00000 42-28-14.6 N MI NE 083-44-33.2 W 0004349433 Internet 123 Inc. Ann Arbor 08/10/2010 11265.00000 42-16-40.3 N MI NE 083-44-33.2 W 0004349433 Internet 123 Inc. Ann Arbor 08/10/2010 19475.00000 42-16-40.3 N MI NE 083-53-01.4 W 0004349434 Internet 123 Inc. Ann Arbor 08/10/2010 10775.00000 42-18-00.1 N MI NE 083-02-23.5 W 0004349435 Internet 123 Inc. Detroit 08/10/2010 10855.00000 42-19-44.7 N MI NE 083-44-46.3 W 0004349437 Internet 123 Inc. Ann Arbor 08/10/2010 17915.00000 42-16-52.4 N MD NE 077-00-20.1 W 0004349641 BALTIMORE GAS AND ELECTRIC CO ASHTON 08/10/2010 10556.25000 39-09-46.0 N CO NE 108-13-38.9 W 0004350235 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANYGRAND JUNCTION 08/11/2010 00957.15000 39-05-21.1 N NY RM WNEJ841
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301113A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301113A1.txt
- Wireless PCS, LLC PONTE VEDRA BEA 08/17/2010 30-11-03.9 N FL MD KNKA287 081-23-21.2 W 0004356560 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC PONTE VERDA 08/17/2010 30-08-39.3 N FL MD KNKA287 081-16-32.0 W 0004356560 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC SAINT AUGUSTINE 08/17/2010 29-39-46.0 N FL MD KNKA287 081-17-33.6 W 0004356560 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC SAINT AUGUSTINE 08/17/2010 29-51-54.1 N FL MD KNKA287 081-18-00.1 W 0004356560 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ST AUGUSTINE 08/17/2010 29-39-31.8 N FL MD KNKA287 081-15-50.5 W 0004356560 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ST AUGUSTINE 08/17/2010 29-48-58.2 N FL MD KNKA287 081-22-54.0 W 0004356560 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ST AUGUSTINE 08/17/2010 29-54-15.0 N FL MD KNKA287 081-17-10.4 W 0004356560 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC St. Augustine 08/17/2010 29-44-30.6 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301114A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301114A1.txt
- TX MD KNKA367 095-28-20.0 W 0004359561 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Lake Jackson 08/19/2010 29-02-02.0 N TX MD KNKA367 095-19-11.6 W 0004359561 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Lake Jackson 08/19/2010 29-04-01.6 N TX MD KNKA367 095-14-29.1 W 0004359561 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Liverpool 08/19/2010 29-14-27.9 N TX MD KNKA367 095-46-29.7 W 0004359561 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC MAGNOLIA 08/19/2010 30-13-00.1 N TX MD KNKA367 095-19-20.7 W 0004359561 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC MANVEL 08/19/2010 29-27-27.7 N TX MD KNKA367 095-48-23.5 W 0004359561 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Montgomery 08/19/2010 30-26-57.5 N TX MD KNKA367 095-05-07.7 W 0004359561 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NASSAU BAY 08/19/2010 29-33-07.8 N TX MD KNKA367 095-49-53.7 W 0004359561 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC NEEDVILLE 08/19/2010
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301116A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301116A1.txt
- Page 43 RP - Broadcast Auxiliary Remote Pickup State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM KKN755 122-23-58.8 W 0004156037 CBS RADIO EAST INC. San Francisco 08/19/2010 00161.70000 37-47-53.7 N CA AM KKN755 122-23-58.8 W 0004156037 CBS RADIO EAST INC. San Francisco 08/19/2010 00161.76000 37-47-53.7 N CA AM KKN755 122-30--00.1 W 0004156037 CBS RADIO EAST INC. SAUSALITO 08/19/2010 00161.70000 37-50-56.7 N CA AM KKN755 122-30--00.1 W 0004156037 CBS RADIO EAST INC. SAUSALITO 08/19/2010 00161.76000 37-50-56.7 N CA AM KOS414 122-03-43.9 W 0004174562 CBS RADIO EAST INC. Alamo 08/19/2010 00161.70000 38-48-56.7 N CA AM KOS414 122-03-43.9 W 0004174562 CBS RADIO EAST INC. Alamo 08/19/2010 00161.76000 38-48-56.7 N CA AM KOS414 122-31-48.9
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301228A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301228A1.txt
- of applications, subject to the pre-grant notice and petition procedure of Section 309 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that were accepted for filing. AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IA NE 091-07-32.5 W 0004367299 Southeast Iowa Regional Airport AuthorityBurlington 08/26/2010 00123.00000 40-47-00.1 N AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CO AM 106-58-55.0 W 0004304967 CRESTED BUTTE MOUNTAIN EDUCATICrested Butte 08/25/2010 00949.00000 38-52-14.0 N CA NE 122-14-40.6 W 0004362596 OZCAT ENTERTAINMENT Vallejo 08/23/2010 00951.75000 38-06-04.9 N CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave State
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301229A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301229A1.txt
- 0004362213 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICORAL GABLES 08/23/2010 17915.00000 25-42-22.6 N FL NE 080-17-24.5 W 0004362215 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMiami 08/23/2010 10935.00000 25-41-18.7 N FL NE 080-18-11.9 W 0004362217 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMiami 08/23/2010 10815.00000 25-41-43.8 N FL NE 080-18-11.9 W 0004362217 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMiami 08/23/2010 19425.00000 25-41-43.8 N FL NE 080-17-48.9 W 0004362424 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMiami 08/24/2010 21375.00000 25-44-00.1 N FL NE 080-16-22.2 W 0004362426 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIICORAL GABLES 08/24/2010 22675.00000 25-44-04.9 N FL NE 080-15-28.1 W 0004362427 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMIAMI 08/24/2010 21225.00000 25-43-58.1 N FL NE 080-15-28.1 W 0004362427 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMIAMI 08/24/2010 21325.00000 25-43-58.1 N FL NE 080-25-50.1 W 0004362428 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMiami 08/24/2010 17815.00000 25-43-48.9 N FL NE 080-25-50.1 W 0004362428 CLEARWIRE
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301230A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301230A1.txt
- Wireless PCS, LLC DAFTER 08/26/2010 46-21-40.0 N Page 4 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MI MD KNKN858 083-54-31.0 W 0004367487 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC DE TOUR VILLAGE 08/26/2010 45-59-56.0 N MI MD KNKN858 083-41-25.0 W 0004367487 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Drummond Island 08/26/2010 46-01-00.1 N MI MD KNKN858 085-02-05.3 W 0004367487 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Eckerman 08/26/2010 46-20-41.1 N MI MD KNKN858 085-11-13.7 W 0004367487 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC EPOUFETTE 08/26/2010 46-04-01.6 N MI MD KNKN858 087-03-14.5 W 0004367487 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ESCANABA 08/26/2010 45-44-42.9 N MI MD KNKN858 087-05-18.5 W 0004367487 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ESCANABA 08/26/2010 45-44-51.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301232A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301232A1.txt
- Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Jonesboro 08/27/2010 19675.00000 33-33-42.1 N GA MD WQIR308 084-23-39.2 W 0004368565 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Atlanta 08/27/2010 17840.00000 33-44-14.1 N GA MD WQIR308 084-23-39.2 W 0004368565 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Atlanta 08/27/2010 21820.00000 33-44-14.1 N GA MD WQIR308 084-23-39.2 W 0004368565 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Atlanta 08/27/2010 21925.00000 33-44-14.1 N GA MD WQIS314 084-10-00.1 W 0004368566 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 08/27/2010 11225.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA MD WQIS314 084-10-00.1 W 0004368566 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 08/27/2010 11385.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA MD WQIS314 084-10-00.1 W 0004368566 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 08/27/2010 11425.00000 34-01-23.5 N GA MD WQIS314 084-10-00.1 W 0004368566 Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC Duluth 08/27/2010 11465.00000 34-01-23.5 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301294A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301294A1.txt
- 2,172 224 * 0 * 22,719 35,399 Power Line and Other 0 0 0 * * * * 0 * * 5 5 Total 10,562 6,885 17,447 9,329 21,808 13,707 14,926 23,110 12,835 187 95,902 113,349 Percentages aDSL 3.7 6.2 9.9 7.0 21.1 28.9 29.3 3.2 0.6 0.0 90.1 100.0 sDSL 0.0 0.0 0.0 44.7 34.3 16.8 3.7 * * 0.1 100.0 100.0 Other Wireline 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.1 12.8 54.5 9.5 3.6 2.5 3.1 100.0 100.0 Cable Modem 0.4 1.6 2.0 0.4 3.4 4.7 12.2 53.2 * * 98.0 100.0 FTTP 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.7 1.2 2.5 15.2 1.2 77.9 1.1 99.8 100.0 Satellite 47.8 39.1 86.9 * * * * 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.1 100.0 Fixed Wireless 9.6 4.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301338A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301338A1.txt
- 06404.79000 33-34-35.1 N AZ RM WNEF373 112-34-42.6 W 0004373575 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVLITCHFIELD PARK 09/01/2010 06625.00000 33-34-35.1 N AZ RM WNEF373 112-34-42.6 W 0004373575 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVLITCHFIELD PARK 09/01/2010 06645.00000 33-34-35.1 N AZ RM WNEF373 112-34-42.6 W 0004373575 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVLITCHFIELD PARK 09/01/2010 06655.00000 33-34-35.1 N AZ RM WNEF381 113-38-05.7 W 0004373583 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVSALOME 09/01/2010 06560.62500 33-36-00.1 N AZ RM WNEF381 113-38-05.7 W 0004373583 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVSALOME 09/01/2010 06655.00000 33-36-00.1 N AZ RM WNEF379 113-20-48.7 W 0004373596 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVSALOME 09/01/2010 06740.62500 33-48-42.1 N AZ RM WNEF379 113-20-48.7 W 0004373596 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVSALOME 09/01/2010 06755.62500 33-48-42.1 N AZ RM WNEF379 113-20-48.7 W 0004373596 CENTRAL ARIZONA WATER CONSERVSALOME 09/01/2010 06785.00000 33-48-42.1 N AZ RM WNEF379
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301341A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301341A1.txt
- N CA MD WMQ861 117-21-59.0 W 0004374691 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC SAN DIEGO 09/02/2010 18125.00000 33-13-32.0 N CA MD WPNF224 117-09-07.1 W 0004374747 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ESCONDIDO 09/02/2010 10622.50000 33-15-48.1 N CA MD WPNF224 117-09-07.1 W 0004374747 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC ESCONDIDO 09/02/2010 11525.00000 33-15-48.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004374748 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 09/02/2010 05945.20000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004374748 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 09/02/2010 05974.85000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004374748 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 09/02/2010 06093.45000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004374748 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 09/02/2010 06123.10000 33-24-00.1 N CA MD WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004374748 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 09/02/2010 06152.75000 33-24-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301456A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301456A1.txt
- WIRELESS PCS, LLCEncinitas 09/09/2010 33-02-17.2 N CA AM KNKA341 117-15-32.1 W 0004322983 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCEncinitas 09/09/2010 33-02-41.2 N CA AM KNKA341 117-17-33.1 W 0004322983 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCENCINITAS 09/09/2010 33-02-25.2 N CA AM KNKA341 117-16-02.2 W 0004322983 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCENCINITAS 09/09/2010 33-02-43.3 N CA AM KNKA341 117-11-27.1 W 0004322983 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCFALLBROOK 09/09/2010 33-24-00.1 N CA AM KNKA341 117-08-46.3 W 0004322983 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCFALLBROOK 09/09/2010 33-25-35.1 N Page 15 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City CA AM KNKA341 116-56-11.1 W 0004322983 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCJamul 09/09/2010 32-41-46.2 N CA AM KNKA341 116-50-29.6 W 0004322983 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301457A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301457A1.txt
- 117-06-58.0 W 0004379723 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 09/08/2010 19375.00000 32-58-53.0 N CA MD WQMH294 117-06-58.0 W 0004379723 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 09/08/2010 21825.00000 32-58-53.0 N CA MD WQMH294 117-06-58.0 W 0004379723 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 09/08/2010 21925.00000 32-58-53.0 N CA MD WQMH294 117-06-58.0 W 0004379723 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 09/08/2010 22025.00000 32-58-53.0 N CA MD WQMG362 117-11-00.1 W 0004379730 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 09/08/2010 11225.00000 32-49-11.1 N CA MD WQMG362 117-11-00.1 W 0004379730 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 09/08/2010 11305.00000 32-49-11.1 N CA MD WQMG362 117-11-00.1 W 0004379730 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 09/08/2010 17815.00000 32-49-11.1 N CA MD WQMG362 117-11-00.1 W 0004379730 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIISan Diego 09/08/2010 17915.00000 32-49-11.1 N Page 17 MG -
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- 789.5 789.5 789.5 CO Connecticut 628.8 628.8 628.8 CT Delaware 141.4 141.4 141.4 DE District of Columbia 244.9 244.9 244.9 DC Florida 3,310.3 3,309.6 3,309.6 FL Georgia 1,619.7 1,619.7 1,619.7 GA Idaho 202.9 202.8 202.8 ID Illinois 1,675.9 1,675.8 1,675.8 IL Indiana 899.0 898.3 898.3 IN Iowa 352.0 352.0 352.0 IA Kansas 306.4 306.4 306.4 KS Kentucky 657.9 657.9 657.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 KY Louisiana 772.4 772.4 772.4 LA Maine 207.2 207.2 207.2 ME Maryland 995.7 995.7 995.7 MD Massachusetts 1,044.1 1,044.1 1,044.1 MA Michigan 1,189.5 1,189.4 1,189.4 MI Minnesota 474.7 474.7 474.7 MN Mississippi 516.1 516.1 516.1 MS Missouri 842.0 842.0 842.0 MO Montana 109.5 109.5 109.5 MT Nebraska 195.8 195.8 195.8 NE Nevada 342.6 342.6 342.6 NV New Hampshire
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301621A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301621A1.txt
- MD KNKA323 120-44-58.8 W 0004391280 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCBLUE CANYON 09/16/2010 39-14-49.6 N CA MD KNKA323 122-36-58.5 W 0004391280 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCalistoga 09/16/2010 38-39-20.9 N CA MD KNKA323 120-32-07.7 W 0004391280 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCCISCO GROVE 09/16/2010 39-20-20.6 N CA MD KNKA323 120-57-23.8 W 0004391280 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCColfax 09/16/2010 39-06-17.6 N CA MD KNKA323 120-54-00.1 W 0004391280 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCColfax 09/16/2010 39-09-01.3 N CA MD KNKA323 121-43-52.9 W 0004391280 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCDAVIS 09/16/2010 38-32-47.7 N CA MD KNKA323 121-50-32.1 W 0004391280 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCDIXON 09/16/2010 38-25-32.6 N CA MD KNKA323 122-07-18.6 W 0004391280 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCDunningan 09/16/2010 38-47-19.8 N CA MD KNKA323 120-24-24.5 W 0004391280 NEW CINGULAR
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301622A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301622A1.txt
- 09/14/2010 06063.80000 35-26-26.0 N TN MD WMM442 084-39-30.0 W 0004388892 Verizon Wireless Tennessee PartnershipATHENS 09/14/2010 06093.45000 35-26-26.0 N TN MD WMM442 084-39-30.0 W 0004388892 Verizon Wireless Tennessee PartnershipATHENS 09/14/2010 06123.10000 35-26-26.0 N TN MD WMM442 084-39-30.0 W 0004388892 Verizon Wireless Tennessee PartnershipATHENS 09/14/2010 06152.75000 35-26-26.0 N FL MD WPSG978 082-18-19.2 W 0004388950 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC GAINSVILLE 09/14/2010 06226.89000 29-49-00.1 N FL MD WPSG978 082-18-19.2 W 0004388950 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC GAINSVILLE 09/14/2010 06745.00000 29-49-00.1 N FL MD WPSG978 082-18-19.2 W 0004388950 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC GAINSVILLE 09/14/2010 06765.00000 29-49-00.1 N FL MD WPSG978 082-18-19.2 W 0004388950 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC GAINSVILLE 09/14/2010 06790.00000 29-49-00.1 N IL MD WQGY935 087-38-32.6 W 0004388957 Towerstream Corp. Chicago 09/14/2010 19325.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301765A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301765A1.txt
- LLC KNOXVILLE 09/21/2010 10755.00000 35-58-50.1 N TN NE 084-05-09.7 W 0004394749 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC POWELL 09/21/2010 10755.00000 36-01-40.5 N TN NE 084-05-09.7 W 0004394749 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC POWELL 09/21/2010 10955.00000 36-01-40.5 N TN NE 084-05-09.7 W 0004394749 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC POWELL 09/21/2010 10995.00000 36-01-40.5 N GA NE 085-13-57.7 W 0004394750 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC ROSSVILLE 09/21/2010 11365.00000 34-58-00.1 N GA NE 085-11-18.9 W 0004394751 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC RINGGOLD 09/21/2010 10875.00000 34-58-00.1 N TN NE 085-08-58.1 W 0004394752 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Hixson 09/21/2010 11285.00000 35-12-49.3 N TN NE 084-33-15.5 W 0004394753 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC HARRIMAN 09/21/2010 06197.24000 35-57-05.8 N TN NE 084-33-15.5 W 0004394753 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC HARRIMAN 09/21/2010 06226.89000 35-57-05.8 N TN NE 084-33-15.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301766A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301766A1.txt
- 33-47-30.9 N AR MD KNKA385 092-35-35.3 W 0004396730 ALLTEL CELLULAR ASSOCIATES OF ARAlexander 09/22/2010 34-42-13.9 N CA MD KNKN223 116-52-10.2 W 0004397367 Commnet of Nevada, LLC Death Valley 09/22/2010 36-27-26.6 N MI MD KNKN711 083-30-39.9 W 0004400919 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC AKRON 09/24/2010 43-33-54.3 N MI MD KNKN711 083-02-29.8 W 0004400919 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC BAD AXE 09/24/2010 43-47-00.1 N MI MD KNKN711 083-21-59.2 W 0004400919 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Caro 09/24/2010 43-24-26.5 N MI MD KNKN711 083-21-55.5 W 0004400919 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC CARO 09/24/2010 43-24-29.0 N MI MD KNKN711 083-23-46.8 W 0004400919 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC CARO 09/24/2010 43-30-45.1 N Page 5 CL - Cellular State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301768A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301768A1.txt
- 41-24-29.2 N OH NE 081-34-11.4 W 0004397642 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMaple Heights 09/23/2010 17915.00000 41-24-29.2 N OH NE 081-34-11.4 W 0004397642 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMaple Heights 09/23/2010 23025.00000 41-24-29.2 N OH NE 081-34-11.4 W 0004397642 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMaple Heights 09/23/2010 23075.00000 41-24-29.2 N OH NE 081-34-11.4 W 0004397642 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIMaple Heights 09/23/2010 23225.00000 41-24-29.2 N OH NE 081-43-00.1 W 0004397643 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPARMA 09/23/2010 11265.00000 41-23-30.1 N Page 30 MG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City OH NE 081-43-00.1 W 0004397643 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPARMA 09/23/2010 11345.00000 41-23-30.1 N OH NE 081-43-00.1 W 0004397643 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIPARMA 09/23/2010 19525.00000 41-23-30.1 N
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301769A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301769A1.txt
- 0004399838 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWesterville 09/24/2010 23225.00000 40-07-46.6 N OH NE 082-53-02.8 W 0004399838 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWesterville 09/24/2010 23375.00000 40-07-46.6 N OH NE 082-53-02.8 W 0004399838 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIWesterville 09/24/2010 23525.00000 40-07-46.6 N OH NE 083-03-49.0 W 0004399839 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIColumbus 09/24/2010 23125.00000 39-57-52.6 N OH NE 082-57-22.3 W 0004399840 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILewis Center 09/24/2010 10735.00000 40-09-00.1 N OH NE 082-57-22.3 W 0004399840 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILewis Center 09/24/2010 10815.00000 40-09-00.1 N OH NE 082-57-22.3 W 0004399840 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILewis Center 09/24/2010 10855.00000 40-09-00.1 N OH NE 082-57-22.3 W 0004399840 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILewis Center 09/24/2010 10895.00000 40-09-00.1 N OH NE 082-57-22.3 W 0004399840 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILewis Center 09/24/2010 10975.00000 40-09-00.1 N Page 7 MG
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- 9.0 48.4 19.8 3.4 18.9 0.6 0.0 100.0 100.0 Cable Modem 1.0 1.5 2.5 0.8 2.8 3.9 13.5 53.7 22.7 0.2 97.5 100.0 FTTP 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.5 1.2 2.0 25.0 1.2 69.5 0.6 99.8 100.0 Satellite 56.1 32.2 88.3 * * * * 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.7 100.0 Fixed Wireless 15.3 4.9 20.2 20.8 21.7 25.3 8.5 1.7 1.8 0.1 79.8 100.0 Mobile Wireless 29.8 11.6 41.3 18.5 32.1 7.3 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.7 100.0 Power Line and Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 * * * * 0.0 * 0.0 100.0 100.0 Total 7.7 5.8 13.5 6.1 13.8 12.6 15.4 25.6 12.8 0.1 86.5 100.0 # = Rounds to Zero. * = Data withheld to maintain firm confidentiality. Source: Industry
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301910A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301910A1.txt
- to the pre-grant notice and petition procedure of Section 309 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that were accepted for filing. AF - Aeronautical and Fixed State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City IL NE 090-31-00.5 W 0004405527 Elliott Aviation of the Quad Cities Inc Moline 09/29/2010 00122.95000 41-27-00.1 N AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City MI MD WPNG794 083-40-57.1 W 0004404241 AM MEDIA SERVICES Ann Arbor 09/28/2010 00944.87500 42-19-01.2 N MI MD WPNG794 083-40-57.1 W 0004404241 AM MEDIA SERVICES Ann Arbor 09/28/2010 00945.12500 42-19-01.2 N MI MD WPNG794 083-40-57.1 W 0004404241
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302004A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302004A1.txt
- 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555. S2119 SAT-MOD-20101001-00205 E Modification 10/01/2010 16:01:13:56000 Date Filed: XM Radio Inc. XM Radio Inc. seeks to modify the authorization for its Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) XM-2 space station to relocate the space station from its currently assigned orbital location of 85.217° W.L to the 115.25° W.L. orbital location and to operate it there with a +/-0.1 degree east-west station-keeping tolerance. XM Radio requests waivers of Sections 25.210(j), 25.283(c), and 25.114(d)(3) of the Commission's rules. SAT-STA-20100923-00201 E Special Temporary Authority 09/23/2010 13:45:07:07000 Date Filed: Sirius XM Radio Inc. Sirius XM Radio Inc. requests special temporary authority for a period of 180 days to continue to operate two Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) terrestrial repeaters at levels
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302101A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302101A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX AM KNKN369 097-50-49.2 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPBOWIE 10/07/2010 33-31-41.0 N TX AM KNKN369 098-22-51.8 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPBryson 10/07/2010 33-10-41.5 N TX AM KNKN369 097-18-08.7 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPEra 10/07/2010 33-30-01.3 N TX AM KNKN369 097-34-00.1 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPFORESTBURG 10/07/2010 33-32-20.1 N TX AM KNKN369 098-28-51.7 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPGRAFORD 10/07/2010 32-51-49.9 N TX AM KNKN369 098-22-51.1 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPGRAFORD 10/07/2010 32-54-56.0 N TX AM KNKN369 098-11-03.6 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA 6 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPJacksboro 10/07/2010 33-11-31.6 N OK AM KNKN369 097-07-49.1 W 0004266512 TEXAS RSA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302103A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302103A1.txt
- WQJV387 093-11-17.5 W 0004413222 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. ST. PAUL 10/06/2010 11325.00000 44-54-49.7 N MN MD WQJV387 093-11-17.5 W 0004413222 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. ST. PAUL 10/06/2010 23380.00000 44-54-49.7 N MN MD WQJV387 093-11-17.5 W 0004413222 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. ST. PAUL 10/06/2010 23480.00000 44-54-49.7 N MN MD WQJV625 093-11-21.5 W 0004413226 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul 10/06/2010 10795.00000 44-58-00.1 N MN MD WQJV625 093-11-21.5 W 0004413226 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul 10/06/2010 10835.00000 44-58-00.1 N MN MD WQJV625 093-11-21.5 W 0004413226 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul 10/06/2010 17785.00000 44-58-00.1 N MN MD WQJS777 093-13-16.0 W 0004413228 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Minneapolis 10/06/2010 22180.00000 44-54-43.6 N MN MD WQJV383 093-11-22.9 W 0004413230 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. St. Paul
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302270A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302270A1.txt
- Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TN MD KNKN946 086-36-03.4 W 0004422184 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCShelbyville 10/14/2010 35-40-45.4 N TN MD KNKN946 086-25-33.9 W 0004422184 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCSHELBYVILLE 10/14/2010 35-37-12.8 N TN MD KNKN946 086-19-05.4 W 0004422184 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCWARTRACE 10/14/2010 35-31-42.7 N TN MD KNKN946 086-06-00.1 W 0004422184 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCWINCHESTER 10/14/2010 35-12-56.3 N CR - Rural Radiotelephone State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City RO WPQX543 0004417602 Summit Telephone & Telegraph Company 10/12/2010 CT - Local Television Transmission State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302272A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302272A1.txt
- AZ MD KNKA303 112-33-35.6 W 0004423512 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesBuckeye 10/15/2010 33-34-09.1 N AZ MD KNKA303 111-55-48.6 W 0004423512 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesCAVE CREEK 10/15/2010 33-49-43.8 N AZ MD KNKA303 112-09-54.5 W 0004423512 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesLaveen 10/15/2010 33-21-38.2 N AZ MD KNKA303 111-39-04.5 W 0004423512 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesMesa 10/15/2010 33-28-00.3 N AZ MD KNKA303 112-10-00.1 W 0004423512 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesPhoenix 10/15/2010 33-25-29.2 N AZ MD KNKA303 111-46-09.6 W 0004423512 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesScottsdale 10/15/2010 33-46-12.2 N AZ MD KNKA303 111-45-41.5 W 0004423512 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesSCOTTSDALE 10/15/2010 33-35-17.4 N AZ MD KNKA303 113-06-31.6 W 0004423512 ALLTEL Communications of the SouthwesTonopah 10/15/2010 33-31-51.1 N AZ MD KNKA303 112-44-06.6 W 0004423512 ALLTEL Communications
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- W 0004424751 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Bluffdale 10/18/2010 11035.00000 40-27-11.5 N TX MD WPJE641 101-27-31.2 W 0004424755 WWC TEXAS RSA LIMITED PARTNERSBIG SPRING 10/18/2010 06093.45000 32-13-17.6 N UT MD WPTD411 111-53-35.3 W 0004424767 Provo Cellular Telephone Company RIVERTON 10/18/2010 11525.00000 40-27-50.2 N OR MD WPNE730 121-51-50.0 W 0004424821 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINMOWICH 10/18/2010 10715.00000 43-28-13.4 N OR MD WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0004424832 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINCHEMULT 10/18/2010 02165.20000 43-18-17.5 N OR MD WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0004424832 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINCHEMULT 10/18/2010 06735.00000 43-18-17.5 N OR MD WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0004424832 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINCHEMULT 10/18/2010 06745.00000 43-18-17.5 N OR MD WMS719 121-43-00.1 W 0004424832 UNITED STATES CELLULAR OPERATINCHEMULT 10/18/2010 11215.00000 43-18-17.5 N CO MD WQEV322 105-05-59.0 W 0004424884 FiberTower Network
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- Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City UT MD WPYU936 112-24-35.9 W 0004429050 Beehive Telephone Company, Inc. Stockton 10/22/2010 17960.00000 40-27-35.3 N VA MD WQMF273 076-19-25.7 W 0004429074 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Portsmouth 10/21/2010 19530.00000 36-47-38.2 N MN MD WQIQ363 093-16-48.8 W 0004429076 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. BLOOMINGTON 10/21/2010 23335.00000 44-51-29.9 N MN MD WQIQ369 093-17-00.1 W 0004429078 Telecom Transport Management, Inc. Bloomington 10/21/2010 22135.00000 44-50-35.5 N CA MD WMQ372 118-28-56.3 W 0004429396 LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNESAUGAS 10/22/2010 19675.00000 34-23-24.0 N CA NE 118-22-31.5 W 0004428033 Bel Air Internet San Fernando Valley 10/20/2010 23175.00000 34-09-59.3 N CA NE 117-41-04.1 W 0004428257 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Ridgecrest 10/21/2010 10795.00000 35-32-25.9 N VA NE 077-29-23.1 W
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302705A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302705A1.txt
- MD WQLY717 095-48-32.4 W 0004437768 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIRosenberg 11/01/2010 23175.00000 29-33-36.7 N KS MD WQCS500 P 097-56-14.0 W 0004438126 Oneok Inc. Hutchinson 11/01/2010 00956.44375 38-03-18.0 N PA MD WGY667 078-26-25.0 W 0004438145 PEOPLES NATURAL GAS COMPANY ALTOONA 11/01/2010 06655.00000 40-34-11.0 N PA MD WGY667 078-26-25.0 W 0004438145 PEOPLES NATURAL GAS COMPANY ALTOONA 11/01/2010 06665.00000 40-34-11.0 N PA MD WGY666 078-56-00.1 W 0004438146 PEOPLES NATURAL GAS COMPANY JOHNSTOWN 11/01/2010 02131.60000 40-25-03.3 N PA MD WGY666 078-56-00.1 W 0004438146 PEOPLES NATURAL GAS COMPANY JOHNSTOWN 11/01/2010 02138.00000 40-25-03.3 N PA MD WGY666 078-56-00.1 W 0004438146 PEOPLES NATURAL GAS COMPANY JOHNSTOWN 11/01/2010 06815.00000 40-25-03.3 N PA MD WGY666 078-56-00.1 W 0004438146 PEOPLES NATURAL GAS COMPANY JOHNSTOWN 11/01/2010 06825.00000 40-25-03.3 N PA MD WGY670 078-23-15.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302706A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302706A1.txt
- 0004442616 WMC LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC 11/04/2010 00494.00000 - 00608.00000 35-08-07.3 N TN MD BLP01080 P 089-59-45.3 W 0004442616 WMC LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC 11/04/2010 00614.00000 - 00806.00000 35-08-07.3 N TN MD BLP01080 P 089-59-45.3 W 0004442616 WMC LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC 11/04/2010 00614.00000 - 00698.00000 35-08-07.3 N MI NE P 083-18-40.7 W 0004444176 DETROIT TELEVISION STATION WKBD Southfield 11/05/2010 00054.00000 - 00072.00000 42-29-00.1 N MI NE P 083-18-40.7 W 0004444176 DETROIT TELEVISION STATION WKBD Southfield 11/05/2010 00174.00000 - 00216.00000 42-29-00.1 N MI NE P 083-18-40.7 W 0004444176 DETROIT TELEVISION STATION WKBD Southfield 11/05/2010 00470.00000 - 00488.00000 42-29-00.1 N MI NE P 083-18-40.7 W 0004444176 DETROIT TELEVISION STATION WKBD Southfield 11/05/2010 00494.00000 42-29-00.1 N MI NE P 083-18-40.7 W 0004444176 DETROIT TELEVISION STATION WKBD
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302719A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302719A1.txt
- CL - Cellular Mobility Division KNKN420 Cellular, Inc. Financial Corporation 11 10/01/2010 Ridgeway 38-10-54.0 N 107-46-34.8 W CO Frequency Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. CF - Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave Broadband Division 10/01/2010 WQKC783 FXO AT&T CORP. 17930.00000000 PHILADELPHIA 40-0-26.3 N PA 75-13-0.1 W 6 1 Page 2 Frequency Termination Pending Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State Longitude Loc./ Path ## Ant. IG - Industrial/Business Pool, Conventional Mobility Division 10/06/2010 WNUH329 MO DAVIS MEDICAL CENTER 467.21250000 35-49-28.5 N NC 80-49-39.3 W 1 1 Call Sign Termination Date Stn Class Licensee Name Lower/Upper Frequency City Latitude State
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302816A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302816A1.txt
- 097-26-22.8 W 0004444641 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFT. WORTH 11/08/2010 17915.00000 32-43-35.5 N TX MD WQLL434 097-26-22.8 W 0004444641 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFT. WORTH 11/08/2010 22125.00000 32-43-35.5 N TX MD WQLL434 097-26-22.8 W 0004444641 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFT. WORTH 11/08/2010 22225.00000 32-43-35.5 N TX MD WQLL434 097-26-22.8 W 0004444641 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFT. WORTH 11/08/2010 23125.00000 32-43-35.5 N TX MD WQLL930 097-25-00.1 W 0004444642 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFort Worth 11/08/2010 10775.00000 32-43-27.1 N TX MD WQLL930 097-25-00.1 W 0004444642 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFort Worth 11/08/2010 19525.00000 32-43-27.1 N TX MD WQLL930 097-25-00.1 W 0004444642 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFort Worth 11/08/2010 19625.00000 32-43-27.1 N TX MD WQLL930 097-25-00.1 W 0004444642 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIIFort Worth 11/08/2010 23075.00000 32-43-27.1 N TX MD WQLL930 097-25-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302977A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302977A1.txt
- State Purpose Call Sign Longitude Area Op. Receipt Date File Number Frequency (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City TX AM WQIT949 106-19-11.9 W 0004352752 BORDERCOMM PARTNERS LP EL PASO 11/16/2010 17875.00000 31-43-41.3 N TX AM WQIT949 106-19-11.9 W 0004352752 BORDERCOMM PARTNERS LP EL PASO 11/16/2010 23120.00000 31-43-41.3 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004374748 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 11/17/2010 05945.20000 33-24-00.1 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004374748 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 11/17/2010 05974.85000 33-24-00.1 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004374748 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 11/17/2010 06093.45000 33-24-00.1 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004374748 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 11/17/2010 06123.10000 33-24-00.1 N CA AM WLT316 117-11-27.1 W 0004374748 Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC FALLBROOK 11/17/2010 06152.75000 33-24-00.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302978A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-302978A1.txt
- W 0004501309 New York Communications CO., Inc. Millbrook 11/18/2010 05945.20000 41-45-00.3 N NY NE 073-37-42.6 W 0004501309 New York Communications CO., Inc. Millbrook 11/18/2010 05974.85000 41-45-00.3 N NY NE 073-37-42.6 W 0004501309 New York Communications CO., Inc. Millbrook 11/18/2010 11325.00000 41-45-00.3 N NY NE 074-34-52.0 W 0004501324 New York Communications CO., Inc. Mt Hope 11/18/2010 23085.00000 41-25-35.3 N SC NE 081-37-00.1 W 0004501462 Open Range Communications Union 11/18/2010 11245.00000 34-42-58.0 N SC NE 081-41-04.5 W 0004501463 Open Range Communications Buffalo 11/18/2010 05945.20000 34-43-31.9 N SC NE 081-41-04.5 W 0004501463 Open Range Communications Buffalo 11/18/2010 06004.50000 34-43-31.9 N SC NE 081-41-04.5 W 0004501463 Open Range Communications Buffalo 11/18/2010 06034.15000 34-43-31.9 N SC NE 081-41-04.5 W 0004501463 Open Range Communications Buffalo 11/18/2010 06063.80000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303391A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303391A1.txt
- IIILas Vegas 11/30/2010 17815.00000 36-18-31.3 N NV AM 115-16-22.8 W 0004423051 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILas Vegas 11/30/2010 17915.00000 36-18-31.3 N NV AM 115-16-22.8 W 0004423051 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILas Vegas 11/30/2010 18015.00000 36-18-31.3 N NV AM 115-16-22.8 W 0004423051 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILas Vegas 11/30/2010 18115.00000 36-18-31.3 N NV AM 115-13-52.8 W 0004423060 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILas Vegas 11/30/2010 19575.00000 36-18-00.1 N NV AM 115-13-52.8 W 0004423060 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIILas Vegas 11/30/2010 19675.00000 36-18-00.1 N NV AM WQLM988 115-08-14.6 W 0004438845 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINorth Las Vegas 11/30/2010 17965.00000 36-15-12.3 N NV AM WQLM988 115-08-14.6 W 0004438845 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINorth Las Vegas 11/30/2010 18065.00000 36-15-12.3 N NV AM WQLM988 115-08-14.6 W 0004438845 CLEARWIRE SPECTRUM HOLDINGS IIINorth Las Vegas 11/30/2010
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- LLC ABINGDON 11/30/2010 10835.00000 36-43-14.9 N VA NE 081-50-34.1 W 0004512544 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Meadowview 11/30/2010 11245.00000 36-45-40.3 N VA NE 081-50-34.1 W 0004512544 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Meadowview 11/30/2010 11285.00000 36-45-40.3 N VA NE 081-50-34.1 W 0004512544 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Meadowview 11/30/2010 11325.00000 36-45-40.3 N TN NE 086-00-45.8 W 0004512709 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Cowan 11/30/2010 10795.00000 35-10-00.1 N TN NE 086-10-05.0 W 0004512710 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Winchester 11/30/2010 10755.00000 35-11-45.8 N CO NE 104-33-26.7 W 0004514122 Pueblo Cellular, Inc PUEBLO 11/30/2010 10775.00000 38-21-27.9 N CO NE 104-33-26.7 W 0004514122 Pueblo Cellular, Inc PUEBLO 11/30/2010 10855.00000 38-21-27.9 N CO NE 104-33-26.7 W 0004514122 Pueblo Cellular, Inc PUEBLO 11/30/2010 10975.00000 38-21-27.9 N CO NE 104-33-26.7 W 0004514122 Pueblo
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303393A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303393A1.txt
- (MHz) Applicant Name Latitude City GA NE 084-31-00.6 W 0004517212 TOWER CLOUD, INC. Union City 12/01/2010 11465.00000 33-35-08.6 N GA NE 084-14-49.0 W 0004517213 TOWER CLOUD, INC. ATLANTA 12/01/2010 10935.00000 33-49-03.0 N GA NE 084-14-49.0 W 0004517213 TOWER CLOUD, INC. ATLANTA 12/01/2010 10975.00000 33-49-03.0 N AL NE 086-18-31.3 W 0004517215 TOWER CLOUD, INC. Montgomery 12/01/2010 11425.00000 32-16-52.7 N AL NE 086-12-00.1 W 0004517216 TOWER CLOUD, INC. Wetumpka 12/01/2010 10775.00000 32-28-41.7 N AL NE 086-09-07.7 W 0004517217 TOWER CLOUD, INC. MONTGOMERY 12/01/2010 11225.00000 32-24-33.8 N AL NE 086-09-07.7 W 0004517217 TOWER CLOUD, INC. MONTGOMERY 12/01/2010 11265.00000 32-24-33.8 N AL NE 086-22-27.3 W 0004517218 TOWER CLOUD, INC. MILLBROOK 12/01/2010 11265.00000 32-31-20.3 N AL NE 086-24-06.0 W 0004517220 TOWER CLOUD, INC. PRATTVILLE 12/01/2010 10775.00000
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303405A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303405A1.txt
- Less than 768 kbps 40,778 6,080 7,108 53,967 At least 768 kbps & Less than 1.5 mbps 14,489 7,017 18,876 40,382 At least 1.5 mbps 144 1,139 12,754 14,037 Total 55,411 14,236 38,738 108,386 Percentages Less than 768 kbps 37.6 5.6 6.6 49.8 At least 768 kbps & Less than 1.5 mbps 13.4 6.5 17.4 37.3 At least 1.5 mbps 0.1 1.1 11.8 13.0 Total 51.1 13.1 35.7 100.0 Note: Figures may not sum to totals due to rounding. Source: FCC Form 477, Parts I and VI. U.S. Federal Communications Commission Internet Access Services: Status as of December 31, 2009 18 5 Chart 4 Distribution of Residential Fixed Connections over 200 kbps in at Least One Direction as of December 31,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303634A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303634A1.txt
- 12/07/2010 11167.50000 18-24-55.4 N GA NE 084-06-10.0 W 0004526006 TOWER CLOUD, INC. Stone Mountain 12/08/2010 11305.00000 33-47-15.0 N GA NE 082-13-13.1 W 0004526007 TOWER CLOUD, INC. Evans 12/08/2010 11265.00000 33-33-58.6 N PR NE 066-03-21.0 W 0004526008 PR Wireless, Inc. Caguas 12/08/2010 17815.00000 18-13-48.0 N AL NE 086-21-30.7 W 0004526010 TOWER CLOUD, INC. HOPE HULL 12/08/2010 10935.00000 32-15-29.2 N TN NE 086-06-00.1 W 0004526255 Verizon Wireless Tennessee PartnershipWINCHESTER 12/08/2010 06063.80000 35-12-56.3 N VA NE 078-55-33.3 W 0004526731 ALLTEL Communications of Virginia No. 1BROOKNEAL 12/08/2010 05945.20000 37-02-18.6 N VA NE 078-55-33.3 W 0004526731 ALLTEL Communications of Virginia No. 1BROOKNEAL 12/08/2010 05974.85000 37-02-18.6 N VA NE 078-55-33.3 W 0004526731 ALLTEL Communications of Virginia No. 1BROOKNEAL 12/08/2010 06004.50000 37-02-18.6 N VA NE 079-05-24.1 W 0004526732
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303712A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303712A1.txt
- by service type (IMTS, Private Lines, and Other International Services) for each region, from 2006 to 2009. These tables include information organized by service type for 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 data. Table 2 shows that undersea cable circuits accounted for 81.4 percent of the overall active transmission capacity in 2009. Table 3 shows that international satellite circuits accounted for 0.1 percent of overall active transmission capacity.11 Table 4 shows that terrestrial links accounted for 18.5 percent of active circuit capacity in 2009. Table 5 shows that, for 2009, IMTS circuits accounted for 6.5 percent of the total active capacity. The combined growth rate for Private Line and "Other" (data) services was 50.8 percent in 2009. Table 6 shows the top
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303728A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303728A1.txt
- N NC NE 080-37-25.8 W 0004535345 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC MONROE 12/15/2010 10715.00000 35-00-03.2 N NC NE 080-36-37.1 W 0004535346 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC WEST CONCORD 12/15/2010 10875.00000 35-21-02.9 N NC NE 080-39-04.0 W 0004535347 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC CONCORD 12/15/2010 11115.00000 35-24-29.0 N NC NE 080-40-01.2 W 0004535348 Conterra Ultra Broadband LLC Waxhaw 12/15/2010 11215.00000 34-58-48.0 N AL NE 086-12-00.1 W 0004535524 TOWER CLOUD, INC. Wetumpka 12/15/2010 10775.00000 32-28-41.7 N AL NE 086-09-07.7 W 0004535525 TOWER CLOUD, INC. MONTGOMERY 12/15/2010 11225.00000 32-24-33.8 N AL NE 086-09-07.7 W 0004535525 TOWER CLOUD, INC. MONTGOMERY 12/15/2010 11265.00000 32-24-33.8 N AL NE 086-22-27